e e Mr Chase briefly went over last Commission meeting and text my gov before we take a look at those I just want to give you an overview of C click fix I believe Mr rean brought that up last month and it's been kicked around the chambers over the past year so next slide oh do I nice technology so C clicks fixed the main purpose of that is it's an Avenue to have citizens report Public Works type issues or code enforcement type issues and then they can see the actions that our staff is taking in real time it's not technically a notification system it's a CRM system it does have notification capabilities however it would require that a citizen download the application onto their phone and set up those notification alerts to be allowed to pass through to the actual device so if you're really wanting to get your citizens informed on emergencies there's some setup that they would have to do on that side of the house for that to work the two that we currently have Tex power and tex MV Tex power is one of our notification system and it's specifically for electric utility usage currently this system allows citizens to text in power outages which then triggers an automatic status response through the duration of the outage you as a citizen Tex in the keyword power the system recognizes your phone number knows where you live and then through the duration of the event it's going to text you back the status of that outage all the way till the lights are coming back on the system also has Geo targeting and I know you guys have talked about this a little bit in Brad brought it up last last meeting geot targeting for those that you don't know is just a map we Circle the perimeter on the map any customers within that location that we have phone numbers for we can send those out we can do that manually with text power but that's going to take an export import from one database to another it takes some setup it's not ideal during an event when our infrastructure gets up to date that stuff is going to happen automatically as soon as our responder system recognizes an outage it's going to pull those phone numbers for us and blast those text out text mgv on the other hand that's where we put all our other notifications and that's where we're handling those General alerts at this time so Tex mikov has four Avenues of communication for our citizens auto reply and response that's based on keywords if you text in the citizen as a citizen bill or hours you're going to get an autor response based on those keywords with relevant what we hope is relevant information back to your keyword report and routing those are those code enforcement and Public Works issues we were talking about this is a workflow that we've set up if you type in a keyword of pothole you're going to be prompted with a thanks for reporting tell us where the address is give us a brief description and then we're going to route that that text message to the appropriate Department we also have group push notifications and when you guys were talking last week about we did notify people this is probably what you were talking about the reason some didn't get it and some did is this is an optin subscription group we have two Avenues to notify people we have Geo targeting which forces you to get a text message and we have optin right now opt-in is all we're utilizing so op in we've got three groups we've got General alerts which is where we send our boil water notice we've got events and we have Aquatics those events and Aquatics use it quite frequently if you want those General alerts you opt in to that subscription and as soon as we send out a notification to that General group you get it we sent out 90 boil water notices because that's how many people we had in the group by the end of the event we had 99 we see a lot of that when we have um excuse me hurricanes a lot of people will opt into the general alert group and then they'll opt out after the event because they don't want notices all the time so that's the difference with um the Geo targeting and the opin it's a choice and it's a choice that staff really doesn't make it's a choice that we need to be directed on if you want to force notifications we can absolutely do that we can do that today day um but the the question is do you want to do that and how frequently do you want to do that and what do you want to do it with so just to give you an example these are some of the recent text my goves that we've gotten this is keyword aquatic hours and you can see what the system automatically sends back it sends back hours price and one of our main goals in it is to keep consistent branding and messaging so we're always driving them back to the website almost every reply that we send out automatically includes a tag back to the website this was just recently for our fireworks we had uh Spangled spectacular somebody text in fireworks we sent it out and I'll tell you during the event we had rain delays we had people subscribing to our events those people got alerts about those delays because they were subscribed to an events subscription and then this is probably one of our top keywords bill we get a lot of inquiries about billing how do I pay my bill how can I set up my service and of course we give them a little blip about what they need to do and then we drive them back to the website because we know that data on the website is consistent example of a workflow here's somebody who wanted to report a pothole this first line back citizen says hello that second line is what everybody gets the first time they opt in or they first time they even hit the the subscription we say hello we give you a little Direction a little way of how to use a system if you just want general information just some keywords if you want a report some Public Work items or if you want alerts we send all that out immediately and then it goes through its workflow all the way through and you can see at the bottom we sent this message right over to public works as soon as it was done for them to handle this is from the boil water notice as I said you can see we sent this out to 90 people this was at the direction of the Public Works director who called up it and said I need to get a notice out it is never going to send out a notice automatically we want to be really careful with our general alerts because we don't they should be for emergency purposes we don't want to inundate people by the end of the event we had 99 people because nine people had signed up during the event again we see this during Hurricane Season and then that uh that was just the geom map which we already went over these are the top 10 for July one word response these are going to be those automatic keywords Bill pool power consistent every month those are the top three pieces of information people are looking for and you can see down at the bottom Star Spangled spectacular and pipe burst snuck in there because it was July and those were the things that were going on so these these kind of Technologies are not infallible they take some massaging obviously we don't have Star Spangled spect spacular up and available every month so somebody's going in we've got a staff member that checks these programs every morning looks at keywords try to recognize un unrecognized text that is coming in and trying to adjust it we can't ever perceive how people are going to ask for information but for the most part people are utilizing this now we haven't um we haven't ran any campaigns to publish and let people know this this is on the website today it's been on the website for a while it's on the very top Banner text myg uh we did a Facebook blast a very minor one when we first rolled this out about 18 to 24 months ago and upcoming we'll be putting this in the Billings and it'll be in the newsletter that also goes out on the bills okay if you folks have any questions I'll be happy to answer them so when you say text the the recipient must have a cell phone type capability and is the app that they have to download to have is that a free app or is there a cost associated with that to them so C click fix of the three up here is the only app driven product that you see and that's the one that's not truly a notification system um the app for that is free and you can utilize it without providing any information but if you want to get that message box that notification box you do have to to sign up so you you would email instead and you would sign up through the email for text my gov or text my gov you don't have to do anything you go on your phone you dial a number and you text Hello to that phone number that's it now the target the Geo targeting that data would come directly from our customer service database we would mine all of those phone numbers and addresses so that we could do geo targeting if that's something you guys are interested again right now we're not doing that because that's a force push to the citizen without any optin so we're two years we've been we've had been using this type of Technology quietly and I'll tell you why so quietly because again nothing is infallible these kind of products they do take staff on the back end watching monitoring so that we can try to teach the software and know what our citizens are asking for to respond appropriately it's very frustrating if you've ever used these systems to text in a keyword that in your mind makes total sense but get a we don't recognize what you're trying to tell us back over and over and over again so they they do take a good six months to a year to flush out and that's with any type of product like this that's fine so but you said it went out to 90 for the boil water notice yeah yeah that's how many people we had subscribed to the general alerts at that time and then we again we see this during Hurricane Season you'll see that General alerts like people go on the website and they're looking for information and all of a sudden they see oh I can sign up for General alerts that number during Hurricane Season shoots up to a couple hundred and then it'll fall off again people don't want people don't want any more technology on their phones right they don't they want to know why why you didn't get it right cor so just like a high summary I asked Sonia to come and provide the presentation today cuz she's obviously more detail Centric than I when it comes to it stuff but the the the presentation is kind of driven from a response from um commissioner canel and the uh the the boiled water notice and so kind of lesson learned here is I think we have to push out some of the existing technology better uh internally to our departments to use as well as inviting the public in to use and so we can do that now with text my gov we can the difference and so and and actually kind of a lesson learned from this whole thing is we will we'll Endeavor to do that we we'll get with lakefront and do some different pamphlets and Sonia T touched on that in her presentation so we will do that moving forward and I think the cost on Tex my go was like eight grand a year something like that is what it what it runs the the the C click fix is more of an application um that K commissioner reesman talked to me about after the Mee meeting saying hey Eustace and T's uses this and so that so that would be your phone app um each is a little I think you get the the message done with text myg but then kind of the Cadillac version would be to marry text myg and C click fix I think C click fix it was was like 145 C click fix about to 17 it's it's based pricing is based on demographics how how many citizens you have um and they do have an additional notification portion um I get weary about pushing out too many points of contact because then your message gets skewed across the different platforms and you really want a consistent messages but there they are available and then the only thing open up to whatever questions you have because we're actually just looking for direction and it would be a let's just push out text my go for now um which is that will be in the works and or be and or be um do we do we want invest in C click fix the only hiccup in there and I don't want to get too much into the Leed Sonia can probably explain it better than I but there's a just a little bit of a disconnect between teex power and tex mygov because we try to integrate the tech power into the ivr system and all the skada stuff at the electric department so there's there's a little bit of a separation between electric and then the rest of the city water sewer electric because of the system systems that electric uses are a little bit different than public works the Glorious thing about we would need we would need the three well you need you need Tex my Tex power is in play now we have that now I don't have the pricing off the top of my head but the Glorious thing about Tex power is that it will be integrated with our responder system and our responder system basically knows there's an outage when a Transformer goes down and then it just intu ly says we'll have a probability of this many houses go down when we have that infrastructure in place in a few years the responder system is automatically going to know who those customers are have the phone numbers and send that to text power to go out we could do that now manually but it would be really difficult during an event but that was the goal of text my power is to have that responder system automatically know who's out and send them a text message so that's on the horizon I have a question text power only lets customers knows when the outage is out you can't text to text power to say I have an outage is that correct that's exactly how it's initiated you as the citizen text into text power right now so that you get that kickoff workflow and stay up to date during the status right now the citizen initiates that oh okay that uh communication back and forth future that won't be necessary because responder will know and it will tell text power send this person an email or a text message you say infrastructure in a few years what are we talking like MoneyWise MoneyWise or MoneyWise kind just okay yeah and it's a big figure it's a big figure we got some work to do so you need dire you're looking for direction from us as to which of these Avenues well do you guys want to spend the money and do the C click fix is so you know at that number and with our systems you know is definitely a customer response system you it's not a crazy number you know something and that's something that's going to get integrated into it'll go into it and then it is pretty much an allocated fund anyway so all the other departments pay a share of it so it's a small cost across the city um but in my conversation with Sonia just it felt like um the this the the easy cheap fix is to do better with the technology we have okay so I think we so we're going to do that then the question became do we want to add on and do the c c click fix small number but so I wanted your input and I wanted to provide this information to you all so you see that we're trying to tackle some of the questions that have come up so C click fixes bread and butter and what makes that a standout product again is not on its notification side if your goal is notifications that's really not the product C click fix has a really great app whereas you as a citizen can be out jogging and see a pothole and stop bring up your it's going to geolocate you it's going to put the address in for you you're going to take a picture and you're going to hit submit from that moment forward there's a little dot on the map that's your report and you can see all of the communication from staff on their efforts to fix that problem through the duration and it archives and everything so if you go on to eustus or tar app you'll see all these little dots on a map and those are all things that citizens have reported they love it it's not a notification system okay just opens the communication for the public to our staff to let them correct I agree with that but it's really a public works kind of application I would agree it it's just my opinion that uh going back to the notification process itself if we've been working on this for couple years now and we only got out 90 I mean to me that seems like a total failure and I agree with you I think a lot of that is marketing awareness we need it it it truly is and that's a challenge with any of these products if people don't know they're there they're not going to use them correct that's why I don't want to know if I'm not sure I want to spend more money on trying to fix something that we haven't tried to fix yet uh would be what adding SE Ian was it could it be notified in the utility bills the state where going on and what we have so that people arew that's where that's where we're headed to to push out the information so we're so immediate if you guys don't want to go see click fix we'll be putting out notifications we'll probably do we'll get it out in the newsletter you know a bulletin to the your utility bill we'll do a diddy with Lakefront to get it on Lakefront TV and then we'll also do the website so those are those are typically our three big Avenues to get the information out and then internally which just we'll have some Department conversation talks making sure uh specifically with Public Works is is utilizing this for boiled water notices and the price of C click fix is an app for an individual to purchase to you it's free for the resident for us to get the software up and running so you poed in is about 145 a year okay I never heard the pricing of each one that's what I was asking okay sorry text my go it's about 8500 C click fix is about between 145 and 17 in your opinion do you think text my gov is easier for people to use with the keywords not maybe all being in there or do you think C click fix would be a better option where you don't have to use those keywords um that's a good question I think C click fix honestly is a it depends C click fix has some great landscape when you open up the app for General announcements to drive people back to the website they're very button driven um which people like on the other hand text myg has the ability to have as many keywords as you want so we can capture more inquiries and responses through that kind of application I think it was just a a lack of communication on our part as the city cuz I've had this text my gu for two years and I have yet to receive an alert on any you didn't know you had to op I I'm opted in on all of them I'm sorry you didn't get the boil water notice no I did not cuz I looked for your phone number specific I'm opted in in lebur alerts all of the events and I didn't get one alert so that's I yeah that's you weren't one of the 90s huh so I will tell you this conversation was driven um by Mr Min because after I watched the commission meeting from the earlier this month I went back to the office and pulled about five people into my GE mapping and just sent them a text message without telling him I was doing it um without alerting him and I forced that message out and that was an immediate um response so I I'll be curious to talk to you later to see why you're not getting those would we could we do a forced one for one time and then if people want to opt out they can opt out that way that way it's a everyone gets it and you you can op if you want and that's a easy way to let everyone know that's a good idea I I personally like to see click fix option for the public works side of it I think the the feasibility of it of someone like you said walking seeing a pothole or something that needs to be addressed it takes a picture it geoloc it I can give you some statistics on that product as well we've um taries and eustus do use it both have had them since about 2019 uh I believe tares has about 900 reports submitted by citizens since 2019 eustus since 29 has about 300 um technology is a really hard cell for people at at this point were so inundated with applications and having to sign up and remember different passwords that that's where those campaigns come in that's why we need to campaign more with Tex myg or any P any one that you're utilizing to let people know that they have options to use it so what direction Jay you got any you got the ball rolling on this man yeah I would just I would just say whatever's whatever's easiest to use and I mean I I do think we need to do something to get a notification out I mean I I didn't I I didn't I didn't realize if we even had any of these things um so I don't think your aage citizen realizes it right I think maybe starting with the U bills would be would be a good option but maybe maybe maybe try to get the information out and see if we can get a little better penetration before we start that's adding more Sports directive we definitely have some some ideas like I said we we weren't really pushing it because we want to massage it first and make sure that what we were responding to was appropriate but with your go-ahead we will we will definitely start a campaign okay any other questions thank you Sonia you're welcome all right you you figure you know where you're going on that I do there you go thank you okay so let's go to uh public comments item four this section is res is reserved for members of the public to bring up matters of concern or opportunities for praise issues brought up will not be discussed in detail at this meeting issues will either be referred to the proper staff or or will be scheduled for consideration at a future city Commission meeting comments are limited to 3 minutes and would you please give your name and your address when you come up are there any public comments please come [Music] in good afternoon my name is Stephanie Jones I'm from over on Fourth street is it on yes ma'am Stephanie's place with a Twist um I bought in some packages because I had originally sent out a certified letter to um mayor jimmyb and also to um the planner uh event Miss Lyon I have those packages with me and I wanted to share them with you all in regards to the effect that was at my business that I occurred during bik week so if I can pass these out I would appreciate it therefore you all can actually see how I felt or what I experienced if it's okay yes [Music] man got your name yeah thank you give it D watch can you take Mike he's not here tonight thank you when you open it up I have a letter there um like you said I don't go too many details so if I'm going too far into details just let me know but um I'll feel more comfortable if I just read the letter instead and this is a complaint um to special event manager and mayor Jimmy Barry District 5 I'm writing a business bus excuse me I'm writing as a business woman of 38 years and and operating of Stephanie's place with the twist Salon store and boutique also cosmetologist downtown lebur Florida 34748 since 2017 formerly known as Stephanie's beauty salon established 1986 218 Mike Street lebg Florida here by date May 8th 2024 have an obligation to my business Stephanie plac with the twist located at 117 South 4th Street lebg Florida downtown to complaint um to the party's address which I already said I complaint it to the governor to the mayor and also to um the event direct leader I'm asking for a certain amount of money from the city of Leesburg from Florida because of popup wall which you you all have pictures you'll see my the pop-up wall and all the different things that I was affected by excuse me a wall with businesses in front of the business during Bike Week the city issued the permit to set up in front of of my established business blocking my business during bike fest a three-day event that affected my establishment in loss of Salon S Salon clients customers and bike fest exposure merchandise sale restroom use and opportunity for businesses to grow and make revenue revenue on for my salon which I just added in there store and boutique and make more and excuse I'm nervous store and boutique make homemade sweet potato sweet sweet potato treats I do these type of things and I'm nervous I'm just like kind of like fing over what I'm saying this is my first time ever doing something like this here I don't normally complain about anything I'm just a person that just come in and do what I have to do to help anybody in the city um I anticipate expecting to make money at the bike fest all all buiness was included included downtown to par participate in bike fest my business was uh was blocked by a popup wall with businesses in front of my of the dates were April 26 to the 28th um rather than just keep going into this him the majority of the businesss here they all got to do their part but if you look at mine um I they had no access to get nowhere to get into my business at all from one end of magnia to Main Street and there are businesses on that same same um Street as mine that was able to actually um participate and I feel like if I was invited along with everybody else to bike fest um to make money I should have in the past I my businesses had been blocked but once I complained or either said something to you know um the different events uh planners it wasn't blocked anymore I didn't show you any of those pictures but you all have a let me U be a part of bike fest and um my business was not blocked but for some reason it was blocked um the street the business across the streets also got to participate my business was the onlyest business that did not participate and I'm always involved in doing things in this in City not just with my business but helping the community helping the homeless uh I do quite a bit you may never hear about me but I am very well known in the city for helping out yes ma'am yes sir I did receive your letter and uh we the city manager and I did Converse about it um and I'm very sorry that you feel the city slided you uh by blocking off your business um this was the first year that our new entertainment division was running the event uh I certainly hope that at future events more notice is uh is given and made so that uh that doesn't happen again uh I'm personally am very sorry that that's how it worked out but you know Bikefest is a huge generator for the business community in general for the city of leeburg and some sacrifices have to be made I mean the electricity has to run somewhere the you know the thing things have to be set up to entice that many people to come in and spend money and I'm sorry that it affected you but you know Pine Street affected a whole lot of businesses when we re redid that and we couldn't offer them compensation uh because we're improving the environment you know just with this we you know I'm sorry that it happened to you but we can't we can't not out of disrespect I'm not concerned about Pine Street or no other Street I'm just concerned about my business and what took effect over there not being rude or disrespectful oh they're fine again like I said they came and they left you all gave them a permit to come and block my business I was also invited as a business owner to be a part of bike fest I have no problem with the decision that you make but I should be confiscated because my business is open every day they came for one day sure enough they made money I didn't make any money I'm faithful in this UN committ in this un community in this city I've been here I haven't just opened up a beus lawn or a business I've been here since 1986 in this area working understand understand and the uh email that I receed from Mr I don't want to mess up your name minor um which I don't know what was going on with him but he was just being you know just derogatory telling me about you know what I wasn't going to get and things like that and like I told him you know when I went in to see him I would prefer just to um you know talk to the board because um he was letting me know why don't you just sue us I have no intentions on suing the city I rather come and try to work out things with the city again I don't care how low it may have Lo what I may have you know lost I still feel like I am I should be compensated for something for my business and I don't know whether this was direct or indirect as to how it was set up but again it was wrong for my business to be not the onlyest business that made money yeah the the only thing I would add to Mrs Jones's statement there was um I don't think my response to Mrs Jones was derogatory any fashion it was very professional it was very succinct the members of the commission were included in on it so you saw my very succinct direct response which was an apology that had happened and no we will not Rumer her for any losses but I deserve it um and so in our conversation that we had um provided some other options for her um and that I think uh my Approach was direct candidate and professional the only word I would quibble with is uh derogatory or some type of sliding which it was not unfortunately um I had to deliver tough news and I respect Mr Jones's opinion any other questions guys she's referring to the vendor tents the the the vendors were located in front of her business so the tent that you see in the pictures that Mr Jones showed that's a vendor who said it's Fourth Street I believe right fourth that whole Road Fourth Street I I believe it's the west side of street and on the side where Mago is if you notice those that business had got the chance to make money the B business of cross the street artists also they made money but my side was the side that they literally shut down I mean you can't even notice that it's any any businesses back there unless you just you know like just fumbling back there just to be just you know trying to get out of the crowd so it don't even like my business even exist and it's been there downtown I've always had a business downtown I just moved on Fourth Street but um like the last seven years but I've always had a business um downtown even when they was actually um reming behind the library here when they did the uh right here where you all are I was there I was down on Mike Street I've been quite a bit of places and have always been um faithful to this C City and working in this you know down you know downtown so this is not just something I just brought up to you know just now or complain about it but this is what has happened to me and I was affected by it and no notification was given to any of the businesses they let us know that um you know certain streets was going to be closed off and they did tell us but they also told us that we had to write and they they like I said they did close they really didn't close it off they kind of like just put that tent up in front of my business and um people were still able to go you know up and down that as you can notice the pictures and see I I think you know the the sidewalk was open no sir it was not open you can see it that's you can see it on my side those pictures they tell you can open up I did a lot of work look inside those pictures I did a lot of work please look inside the the I think our definitions of circumstances are different the they were notified street through um Magnolia sidewalk renumeration of lost business is a very difficult conversation renumeration of businesses losing Revenue during a city event is a very difficult or city project is a very difficult conversation for the city there's there's obviously on occasion times where we disrupt private business business but obviously the overwhelming position from the city is that special events or projects are done to increase business long term that's our argument we did notify businesses we followed a plan perhaps next year that plan needs to be adjusted the sidewalk was open there were vendor tents in front of the business making it harder potentially for people to go go to that business as a result of all the things that I just said I very succinctly and candidly told Miss Jones that I denied her request as a city manager I then informed Miss Jones of other avenues she may want to take because she obviously disagrees with that denial ex her next immediate option was to come to you all as a sounding board for my denial apologize the purpose of me coming to you all because I actually U decided to go in to meet Mr Manner and in meeting him in the end of our conversation he says to me because I don't know if he was offended but that was not taken off of the uh computer but I actually really did get in touch with um Governor I may say his name wrong disanti I really got in touch with him and he gave me options which you all receive that letter as well yes and when you received the letter you also received the letter and at the very end you let me know smirking what I could do and I was like no no I'm not trying to sue just tell me you know what what I can do and you was like well you can sue you can you can sue us or you know I'm like I'm not going to do that and I was like what else can I do and then you told me about the meeting which is today and I said that I will come to this meeting you gave me another option and I was you know was getting like start talking but I didn't want to just keep on talking and say the wrong things so I want to keep at peace with you and me when I left out of there but you did let me know today there would be a meeting and so therefore that's why I'm here today because like I told him you know I rather hear more than one person speak to me rather than just him talking to me because when I first got the email I was surprised rather than who I had sent it to because they let me know Miss Lyndon that she was out of town and that she would respond to me basically that Monday and before I could even get a response from her he literally had already responded to that email so I never even got a chance to even talk to her anymore and that's what really landed me here okay any any other comments or questions for no okay all right thank you so what is the PIN what what is the um say so the end of it uh I think the city manager gave you options you can oh so you prefer I just just just thought trying to sue the city you know just being doing something like that I would prer that everybody at bik Fest make all the money that they could possibly make no you couldn't have because you didn't let me make businesses that suffer my business was the one suffer indirectly directly really was that is that not I'm going to keep talking put me out or whatever but I'm going to tell you yall was wrong for that was the onlyest business and I'm going to just go ahead and say it not being racist it was a black business and it was the ownest business that was actually blocked yes again I apologize that that's I'm going to say your business was blocked I apologize for that I'm not accepting any apology because I know that you all don't really mean it and I appreciate you listening at me but you all are wrong for blocking my business and I really do not like the answer that Mr Miner gave me because I think he was rude and very disrespectful but I will leave out and again like I said I'm going to continue to do business here in this city and I'm not one of those ones that go around you know just ignoring people in their businesses and making them feel bad because I lost money even if you didn't give me what I asked for you should have gave me back my money that I lost and I know you see that on there as well I should have got something any other public comment you got a comment I was had a question was um Miss Lyon was a was Magie able to talk at all or she never second email out all of a sudden he just shot that back to me because she said I would talk to you that Monday I haven't heard from her yet and she they'll tell you I've never been rude anything I think you were referred directly to the city manager and he answered the question no I didn't it's I mean that's what happened it addressed to just what it was addressed to okay but the city manager answered your question again I don't I'm not a person that likes to argue I'm in good spirit that's not arguable he wrote you and said we won't I'm going to go because I don't go low I go high appreciate it thank you very much are there any other public comments yes ma'am okay hello I'm I'm Mr Mario Perez um I'm from 2308 hwood Avenue and on when did you take that picture 5:30 2024 um there was um there was um a tree branch that fell one of the poles so it had to get replaced but the pole um uh and they charging me for to um fix it but the poll um been there since 1988 the the first um tap they do and then the last one was in 2016 and I was just wondering if there's any way I can you guys can help me with that if you if you my to get in touch with my office in the morning okay ask for me okay and if there's some type of claim we need to file we'll get it filed okay okay yeah because what happened was that the it's a cable line uh post that was in front of the house on the left of the house when you're facing out to the street and that cable line post had been slanted for years so they went to cut down the trees they were trying to get those trees off of those wires cuz the the trees were actually growing on the wires and I'm Stephanie I'm I'm Stephanie here his mother-in-law my daughter couldn't be here cuz she just got out of the hospital but um so what happened was when they took the the that one limb down it wasn't a limb it was actually a um a branch it hit the wire and that was so weak it leaned the post over so we had to get emergency services to come come out and replace that post when they replaced the post they told us that post had never been inspected since 2016 and it's supposed to be inspected every two years so um we received this in the mail for $3,800 to replace that post that it was outfall okay come see me in the morning and or if you have issue with that just contact my office and I'll go over it with you in more detail okay perfect thank you so much and um the number for you do you have a specific phone number that you can yeah yeah Melissa in the back will give it to you all right thank you so much any other public comment all right we'll move on now to the item five the consent agenda routine items are placed on the consent agenda to expedite the meeting if the commissioner staff wish to discuss any item the procedure is as follows one pull the item or items from the agenda two vote on remaining items with one roll call vote three discuss each pulled item and vote by roll call are there any items anyone would like to call I'll make a motion to approve the consent agenda there second on that second Jay's got the second roll call commission canell yes commissioner rean yes Commission Mary um yes mayor bur yes all right here we go okay we'll move on to item six the public hearings and non- routine items uh we'll begin with 6A which is second reading of ordinances uh someone please introduce 6 A1 I'll introduce 6 A1 to be read by title only and Order of the city of leeburg Florida amending the boundary lines of the village community development District Number 14 pursuant to chapter 190 Florida Statutes and providing an effective date for approval second are there any questions regarding this item for Mr Miller is there any public comment on this item than we disc a roll call commission rean yes commissioner Barry yes commissioner canell yes mayor bur yes would someone please introduce 6 A2 three and four I'll introduce 682 3 and four to be read by title only 682 an ordinance of the city of leeburg Florida annexing certain real property consisting of approximately 1.93 plus minus Acres being generally located Southwest of mon Clair Road and West of Thomas Avenue lying in section 21 Township 19 South Range 24 East Lake County Florida provided that such property so Annex shall be liable for its proportionate share of the existing and future indebtedness of said City providing that such Annex property shall be subject to all laws and ordinances of said city as if all such territory had been a part of the city of leeburg at the time of Passage and approval of said laws and ordinances providing that such Annex territory shall be placed in City commission District Two Two excuse me and providing an effective date 6 A3 an ordinance amending the future land use map of the comprehensive plan of the city of leeburg changing the future land use map designation of certain property containing 2.33 plus minus Acres from Lake County Urban high density and city of lebur low density residential to City of lebur industrial for property located Southwest of Mont cleair Road and West of Thomas Avenue lying in section 21 Township 19 South Range 24 East Lake County Florida and providing an effective date 6 A4 an ordinance of the city of lebur Florida changing the zoning on approximately 2.33 plus minus Acres from Lake County R six Urban residential to City lebur R1 low density residential to City lebur SP small plan unit development to allow for 19,886 plus minus square fet of indoor industrial Flex space for property Journey located Southwest of Montclair Road and West of Thomas Avenue ly in section 21 Township 19 South Range 24 East Lake County Florida and providing an effective date for approval all right if we could get Mr Miller up actually Dan if you'll hang on just a second um anybody's going to speak I'm uh Grant would you please swear yes sir yes sir thank you Mr Mayor if anybody here is planning to speak on any of the second reading items or the non routine items if you would please stand raise your right hand so you can be sworn in do you swear or affirm that all testimony you'll give tonight will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do all right thank you Mr Mayor thank you appreciate that Grant thank you Mr Mayor Dan Miller Planning and Zoning um this project is called the Thomas Montclair industrial Flex project um the overall proposal is to create an industrial Flex space development consisting of approximately 2.3 plus or minus acres is generally located west of Thomas and Southwest of Mont cair Road property consist of three separate Parcels the action requested is one to Annex 1.9 3 acres and that consists of the two properties lying in the east west Direction on the South Side fronting on Thomas these two properties here then we have a small scale comp plan which would take all three properties and take that from City of leeburg low density and Lake County Urban high density to City of lesburg industrial and then finally the third case would be a resoning from City of leeburg R1 which is low density residential and Lake County R six Urban residential to City of leeburg small plan unit development under the conditions of the small plan unit development zoning this is industrial Flex space development consisting of just under 20,000 Square ft of buildings that would be indoor light manufacturing Building Trades and contractors something similar to what you see down at across from the bowling alley on Main Street at the leeburg industrial area down there uh we' have warehousing printing indoor storage uh dark skylight setbacks are substantial 50 ft on the front and 50 ft on the rear there'd be a 10-ft landscape buffer planted with a solid opaque fence required adjacent to any property Zone residential and then uh 35% open space two floors would be the maximum height uh two access points will be required there are architectural standards required in the Pud screening of the mechanical units those types of things as well and there is a minor area of wetlands on the back side on the west side of the property that would be protected under this PUD um and then all the usual other PUD requirements in terms of the types of grass that can be used the the uh we prefer the zoa the Bermuda the PA things like that everything has to be on City Water and Wastewater um so there's no Wells or septic um Mr Chris zipper of the senator Architecture Firm is here if you have any further questions okay any questions for Dan um I have questions please Mr Mill when you will you expl explain again the surrounding zoning designations that was on one of the detail sheets yes ma'am can we back this up to the zoning or it may just need to go forward I think and and then yeah here is this part is in Lake County the the colors are in the city and the aerial is in the county so it would be the annexation of these two properties and that's an R1 which is a low density residential here and then you have some industrial type uses down here and up along here um and then on the next slide you'll have the County zoning I believe if we could go to that one please we go to the next slide Anna sorry okay here would be the Lake County zoning that's where you have the r believe that's R six and this is some commercial zoning here so it from the standpoint of the uses that are currently there it matches in this area quite well now now this back over here on Woodland Drive that's residential and along Montclair and so which is why we we required the 50ft buffer the big buffer back here the protection of the wetlands and the fence and limited it to two stories so everything has to within the Pud conditions everything has to be inside we didn't want outside noise dust vibration those kind of things so we took into account the concerns and talked to some residents in here at at the Planning Commission as well and I do not know if any of them are here would like to speak tonight and that would be the residents on the Virginia drive or some yes ma'am there's Woodland and then I believe Virginia is back down low a little bit lower there we go all right and then one more question please will that go into the Cara Heights Monclair CRA or it's not included let us look in that I do not remember off the top of my head um the top this parcel on the north is already in the CRA uh the other two are not they could potentially be added yeah and that I'm you commissioner you asked me and I and I didn't get that answer Grant so we Annex this parcel it wasn't speced out in the original CRA boundary description I'm going to say it doesn't go in the CRA unless we go back and modify the boundaries CRA boundaries that's right so the answer is no it it would not go into the CRA and the new growth from it would be a general fund Revenue we would have to go back and modify the Carver Heights CRA boundary and adopt that parcel and so you know that you know being a homer County it's it's it's something that we could do um but I wouldn't recommend doing we would need to take a comprehensive look I think to see what we have around that area brought in to to to to make it worth our while I if we if we keep on bringing every little singular piece I think we're going to agitate the county and probably rightfully so I'm just asking so over that corter where the residential side that's lying right against the CRA that diamond shape that's not none of that is included and that couldn't be added so it's not a benefit to the CRA far as tax purposes for this thing okay it would it would to the the new tax revenue generated from that development would go completely into the general fund okay and this was selected to go to this area based on the industrial that's already there yes ma'am okay thank you any other questions any questions for the petitioner is there any public comment on this item okay get uh we've got both all three on the floor so we'll vote on it it two first roll call commissioner Barry yes commissioner conel yes commission rean yes mayor B yes now could we please vote on item three commission call yeah sorry commissioner conel yes commissioner reesman yes commissioner Barry yes mayor bur yes and we'll move down to item four and the roll call not it commissioner reesman yes commission Barry yes commissioner conel yes mayor bur yes all right someone please introduce 6 A5 I'll introduce 6 A5 to be read by title only excuse me an ordinance of the city of lebur Florida changing the zoning of approximately 37.7 plus minus Acres from PUD planned unit development and C3 Highway commercial to PUD planned unit development for property Journey located north of County Road 48 and west of US Highway 27 as legally described in section 14 Township 20 South Range 24 East Lake County Florida and providing an effective date for approval second just so we can talk about it thank you uh Mr Miller would you please thanks sir this uh is the CR 48 bright leaf residential project PUD consists of approximately 37.7 plus or minus Acres generally located north side of County Road 48 and east of us27 uh directly behind the Public's shopping center the request would be to amend the current zoning uh there is no change requested for the future land use overall there would be requesting a PUD Zoning for the entire property which would allow future construction of a proposed osed residential development consisting of a maximum of 250 I believe it's 253 attached single family residential units might say attached single family we're talking about tow houses uh which would be platted and individually sold um current currently the property is zoned PUD on the North side and C3 Highway commercial on the South Side the existing PUD on the North side allows 16 16 townhouse units on the 20 acre portion on the North the existing C3 zoning on the south side of this property would allow all the standard commercial uses in a C3 zoning so what the applicant is asked to do is simply take the entire parcel and move it into town homes that therefore removing the C3 zoning on the south um under the Pud description you got 253 single family attached units no other use is permitted within the development about 50% of those 253 would be front loaded townhouse Lots meaning Garage in the front and the remaining half would be rear loaded uh that that helps with diversity of design and they are design and Architectural standards which requires the builders to choose at least five facade items such as stone accents shutters banding bay windows and other features again we require dark sky lighting significant open space of the 35% minimum plus 25t buffer tra along the eastern and um Western boundaries a 40 foot a little bit larger along the northern parcel 40ft buffer space and a 6 foot privacy fence along the northern boundary um there would be two access points on the property um a Boulevard access on County Road 48 and then an emergency access on the southwest corner of the property over here and then another Point connecting into the shopping center where the bank is to the southeast there uh each primary Port each primary access point would have a decorative entry feature such as concrete bricks stucco wall something like that and then they do have to stub out to the West in case there is potential for future development back to the West development must be on City Water and Wastewater any wetlands and flood zones are protected of course the standard prohibition on St Augustine grass a minimum of 1.16 Acres would be dedicated to recreational uses and then trails are being offered around the dry retention and flood compensation areas and an amenity Center at the head of the trail and the recreation component of this would have to be constructed at the time when 150 units are complete um in discussion with the applicants they did have a couple of minor changes that they're requesting I wanted to go over with if I could uh Mr Mayor uh there were a couple of areas where it says Louisiana I believe it says Louisiana Acres on the plan is supposed to say Louisiana Avenue there's a couple of small um things like that phase one is in there twice when it should say phase one and phase two and there's a we need a correction in the numbering in the Pud I think the auto correct caught that in the Microsoft Word and then the only thing that's of any substantial change that they're requesting is a cap on the types of units in section 4d1 and staff is okay with amending that as long as the total number of units Remains the Same right so um that's really it um Mr um Mr Andrew maccau and Mr Shawn Meyers are here to speak to this development as well questions for Dan just what you say d 253 units that's correct and is this age restricted uh no does not does not at this time need to be age restricted they do have the option if they choose to Mr Miller did you say we cannot control that yes ma'am excuse me did you say one car or two car garages I didn't hear um I you know I forgot I've got so many of these going I believe it's um [Music] I know it's a minimum of one and I cannot remember I'll have to if you give me a minute I'll find that while we're talking and there were some in the front and then some would be in the back of yes ma'am some front loaded some rear loaded and the point was to try to vary that up a little bit so that there'd be a little less traffic while Dan's looking for that uh did we have questions for the petitioner you want to I I don't have any questions I have things I want to speak about but not directly to the petitioner well if you wanna you want to go ahead and sure Dan's looking for as I've spoke many times here we're talking about another 253 units back on to a two Road and there's only two ways to get off that road 50% will go west well West is going to take you to the intersection of 33 48 470 it's a four lane intersection with no turn Lanes in it um it's it's absolutely horrible now plus you know I asked stand about age restriction I just wanted to make a point if it's not age restricted it's more more kids in our schools our high schools at 90% capacity based on Lake County School Board latest concurrency report how many more units are we going to bring in here our roads are not satisfactory we've you've got 30,000 plus lots already in the city that can be developed I I don't know we need to keep bringing more Lots in here until our infrastructure and school systems catch up it's just the traffic is is a nightmare down there at that intersection and we're going to add another 253 units to the intersection it it's it's absurd Dan do you do you recall the original PUD on this how many units it was 116 on 20 acres how many 116 on 20 acres so and then it still would be a commercial application up front yes sir so cars coming and going either way I mean either way I mean they already have that there's a difference Jimmy between 253 houses and and some commercial and 116 units now the 253 units is going to draw more traffic I will assure you will draw more traffic to that road in that intersection and we don't we just don't need to keep adding all these Lots down here with the present Road and school systems we have it's it's an already approved it's approved for 116 okay but not 2 with a commercial application of with a commercial application would represent about equal amount of we we need commercial development down there we don't need any more houses well that could be an argument but the car argument is it no there is an argument well what your argument is is the the land owner now should not be able to do what they want to do with the problem they can do what is presently Zone we shouldn't contribute to the problem it's not going to change the traffic problem either way yes it will I mean well it depends on what the commercial is the amount of cars coming and going if it's a gym right there that has the houses the houses are going to bring more people there daily basis cuz they live there okay the commercial May draw people out that already live there to go there but those those houses are already there [Music] so we do we have an answer for that one yet Dan uh the the Pud requires two spaces per unit but it doesn't specify on a garage one in and one in the driveway is what that's going to beim so it's a onear garage it's my guess okay so do we have any other questions for Dan okay questions for the petitioner no questions Alison you you okay okay nothing nothing for the petitioner is there any public would the petitioner like to say anything about this uh you know we'll give you your shot too if I appreciate it Andrew maccau with G consultants in Orlando I'm the planner and applicant on behalf of bright leaf uh Shawn Meyers is here as well we do have a presentation if you would like us to go through the aspects of the community that we're proposing uh specifically to answer your questions commissioner about the traffic I'm not a traffic engineer but we did submit a traffic letter with the application and what the letter stated was because there was the the both the town home and the commercial portion that combined actually was greater than the traffic would that would be generated by the the town home only um it wasn't a huge difference they they were pretty similar um and I can get you those numbers well I mean no no disrespect but I've not seen a traffic study yet that hasn't said sure they can this that brok can handle another 10,000 cars a day I mean I I don't hold a lot away for these these traffic studies I really don't but like I said no disrespect to you or your traffic engineer okay uh would you guys like to see the presentation I I don't I don't need to see Alice would like to sure go ahead I would like all right so again my name is Andrew mcau with gii consultants and and uh first up we've got a brief introduction from the uh the developer if you want to introduce yourself hello mayor Commissioners my name is Shawn Myers uh 1133 Louisiana Avenue swe 101 in Winter Park appreciate the opportunity to come here and briefly introduce this project we've enjoyed working with Dan and candy and Max on it and I think they were very thoughtful and guiding our design and working with the property owners also on delivering uh some housing that we thought would add to to the community of lesburg uh we've been doing residential development for about 25 years uh primarily in Central Florida our recent projects we did one in Eustace which was 213 units one in uh hammock Oaks and Lady Lake and one in Orange City we're really attracted to leeburg uh you have a lot of attributes I think makes it attractive place for housing I understand the challenges you're going to have with schools and Roads and we do you know have to contribute to the schools and get a capacity letter before we can do any kind of housing to make that fit and the same thing with Transportation but um that's definitely always a concern with that but appreciate the opportunity to be here and hopefully answered questions and show you show you about our project so to jump forward to get straight into the uh the interesting part with the actual site plan so the site plan is proposing two phases uh the first phase being the southern half and the second phase being the top half this is what Dan was referring to with the phasing that's actually should say Phase 2 but uh as he said there's a Central Park uh with amenities flood plane compensation and retention there are two different types of units that you see and they're delineated by the two different kind of shades of brown these internal blocks here are a rear load a rear loaded product and around the perimeter is a front loaded product and that goes into uh the request that we're specifically making with regard to a change to the ordinance that I'll discuss at the end uh these are expected to be rental units but the project is going to be individually platted so that it can be um fee simple also so the points of access we have not only the main entrance and the connection to the the public uh we also have uh two planned connections to the adjacent property and also an emergency stabilized entrance uh again those are the uh these are the rear loaded product the town homes that uh have garages in the back so the the uh rear loaded product we did confirm is a onecar uh it's a two-car garage uh because there's no driveway in the front uh the front-loaded product is a onecar garage with a driveway in the front that is deep enough for uh parking a car uh this is uh depiction of what the rear loaded Town Homes would look like and then that's a depiction of what the front loaded Town Homes would look like open space as Dan said we have a a a wider 40ft buffer uh to the neighborhood to the north with a standard buffer around the other edges uh planned Park spaces uh areas where the frontload of town homes are actually fronting onto a park space and just some examples of what the amenities might look like so uh this is my last slide and it's really discussing the or highlighting the requests that we're making about the specific ordinance language uh there is the maximum 253 Town Homes total uh and we're requesting that the limits per type be removed because we have several things that are kind of controlling we have the the total number of units we also have the standard that all of the periphery units must be front-loaded Town Homes because that's going to help buffer U there's not going to be any garages in the back um against the the adjacent Property Owners so um if if for some reason the the uh if there's a reason why we can't achieve the uh or the 116 rear uh rear loaded lot in the center that means we can't make it up by adding additional units around the outside um so we're we're kind of hmed in on on too many sides uh with the way that it reads now so we are requesting that um the language that limits both types to a a cap uh be removed and that's uh that's the end of the presentation happy to take any other questions any questions for the no question is there any public comment on this no public comment I think we could do a I just one more thing I mean I've said pretty much what I want to say tonight but the last thing I do want to mention is that you know I mean how many times over the years have we had projects where the citizens get up there just basically beg you please don't do this no more Lots no more traffic on these roads we should listen to the public I me we're elected officials who are elected by we should do what they want and and the the general public doesn't want any more of this they want to slow this stuff down some they're they're tired of the road systems being congested our school systems are are pushing Max I think we need to listen to the public I mean that's who we should answer to Is the public and we should do what the general public wants that's all I have maror good yeah I just wanted to jump in and and make a couple of comments on the Quasi judicial process again um for rezoning cases those really fall within the Quasi judicial realm and so the way that works out procedurally is if the applicant submits their application and their application meets the requirements of the code then the burden has been met by them and the burden then shifts to opposition to demonstrate how the plan does not meet the requirements of the code and so when we're thinking about I guess um input from the public about General concerns they might have about things that is a little more appropriate for consideration when we're looking at annexation and when we're looking at Future land use comp plan changes when we're looking at resoning it's a little more narrowly focused in terms of that particular property and has moved outside of the sort of legislative type decision making so you know in order to demonstrate that the application does not meet the requirements of the code there would need to be competent substantial evidence that has been furnished to demonstrate that the code requirements have not been met now that could come by way of um factual testimony from from members of the public um if there's issues about opinion um you know whether certain technical standards might have been met then it's a little more difficult to take the Public's input on that issue unless they have some particular knowledge or training or experience in that area um in order to give sort of an informed credible opinion on that um and so the you it's not to say that the Public's input is not valuable on the rezoning issue because it is it's just sort of a different standard of of how you have to take that information is the information credible is it reliable is it something that we could competently base a decision on or is it is it not that and so that's really what what you just need to focus on again for the rezoning cases more so than anything because those fall within that trickier or tighter standard I guess in terms of needing the competent substantial evidence so if it exists if it's been demonstrated that perhaps the application does not meet code requirements based on competent substantial evidence and you then a denial would be completely appropriate um but if there's not competent substantial evidence to refute the the applicant's um I guess initial um satisfaction of the burden then it's a lot more difficult and so I just wanted to kind of go over those points and and make sure everybody was clear on that um so again rezonings are a little a little tighter standard than the um annexation and comp plan amendments thank you grant any other comments excuse me we'll have a roll up commissioner Barry yes commissioner conel no commissioner rean yes mayor bur yes someone would please introduce item six A6 I'll introduce I'll introduce 6 A6 to be by title only excuse me an ordinance of the city of leeburg Florida establishing the Grace Key grobes Community Development District pursu to chapter 190 Florida Statutes providing for authority and power of the district providing for the Board of Supervisors of the district providing for the District budget providing for functions of the district providing for miscellaneous provisions and providing an effective date move for approval second discussion anybody have questions is this an item Grant do we need public comment Ian this would not I think if you want to invite public comment would be okay for this item just to cover that yes sir public comment on this District I would just say I'm Kyle mcge from please come up I didn't realize no just Kyle McGee from qch Rock LP on behalf of petitioner here and you know happy to answer any questions if there are any okay no I mean you guys don't have questions on this this issue and any other public comment roll call commissioner Cel yes commission reesman yes commissioner Barry yes mayor bur yes thank you very much someone please introduce 6 A7 and 8 I 67 6 A7 an ordinance amending the future land use map of the comprehensive plan of the city of leasburg changing the future land use map designation of certain property containing 2.4 plus minus Acres from General commercial to low density residential for property generally located north of Hill Street and East of Penn Street lying in section 22 Township 19 South Range 24 East Lake County Florida and providing an effective date 68 6 A8 an ordinance of the City leeburg Florida changing the zoning on approximately 2.4 plusus Acres from C3 Highway commercial to City of lesburg Spud small plan unit development to allow for eight single family residences on a property generally located north of Hill Street and East of Penn Street lying in section 22 Township 19 South Range 24 East Lake County Florida and providing an effective date move for approval second all right Dan would you please come up thank you Mr Mayor this is the Penn Street habitat project the overall proposal is to create a small new neighborhood constructed by Habitat for Humanity it will consist of eight units on approximately 2.4 Acres generally located north of Hill Street on the east side of Penn Street I think if I remember correctly that's the old Burger King and that is um the Italian uh Greek restaurant um Takis maybe and so there's there's Penn Street there um first case small scale uh small scale comp plan future land use designation going from General commercial to low density the second case would be the rezoning and that would take the zoning from C3 Highway commercial to small plan unit development uh it's an infill project um eight detached single family units no other uses lot sizes range from 5700 to 7500 all with 60ft widths um setbacks are the standard 257 and half 18 it's a landscape buffer and solid opaque fence required adjacent to property Zone commercial which would indicate a fence along here um dark sky lighting 35% open space two floors maximum height two trees in each yard um and this standard PUD small PUD Miss Danielle stad um who is the executive director or president I forget for Habitat I think Daniel may may not be here tonight but is she here sorry oh there you are sorry Daniel um so she is here as well if there's any further questions just Eight houses okay any questions for Dan yes I have one Mr Miller just want to clarify again the homes will be the back of the homes will be facing pen Street actually there's going to be a street coming down here so they'll front on there I think there's one or two houses that will front on on the back of okay right the houses will front on Penn Street and the internal Street okay and they you won't be seeing backyards okay and will they they will be comparable to the um home that's downtown behind the old gas station yes ma'am it's exactly one I was thinking of is the one on 12th Street just want to clarify that was they're comparable to the one on 12 Street we verified that at the last meeting yes thanks that's any other questions for Dan uh do you have any questions for Danielle on this project is there any public comment on this project uh just for The public's information this is uh also uh along with being an infill this is one of our favorite things because habitat is working with lesburg high school those are the students that are going to be building and learning to become contractors by having the experience to build these homes so uh you you know it's the perfect collaboration with the the city and the count you know the county and with private Enterprise uh supplying supplies so it's a good deal so uh let's have a roll call commissioner reesman yes commissioner Barry yes commissioner conell yes mayor B yes all right so that was on number seven seven yes sir now can we get a roll call on item eight commissioner Barry yes commissioner canel yes commissioner Ean yes mayor bu yes someone please introduce 6a9 I'll introduce 6a9 to be read by title only an ordinance of the city of leberg Florida enacting article 7 school zone speed enforcement chapter 21 of the city's code of ordinances providing for purpose intent and definitions establishing a school zone speed enforcement program and authorizing the use of speed detection system within the city providing for program implementation requirements and designation of school zones providing for enforcement and administrative procedures providing for severability providing for conflicts providing for codification and providing an effective date thank you move for approval second all right little discussion anybody got comments on this uh I think uh because this does the public will uh also let the public uh any public comment on this okay roll call commissioner canel yes commissioner rean yes commissioner Barry yes mayor bur yes let's move on to 6 uh B1 excuse me I'll introduce 6 B1 to be read by title only an ordinance of the city of lebur Florida consenting to the inclusion of the city of lebur Florida within the countywide municipal service taxing unit for the provision of ambulance and Emergency Medical Services as adopted by the board of County commissioners of Lake County Florida providing for the city to be included within said MST for a specific term of years providing for conflicts and providing an effective date uh this will lay over until AUST 12 August the 12th um Al if you would just uh give us just a quick uh that's the housekeeping ordinance that is required by Statute for the county to set the mstu municipal service taxing unit for the ambulance district there you go all right so we'll have a second reading on that again August the 12th here at the chamber or the Fred Morrison room uh someone please uh let's see we're on to with 6 C1 I'll enter to 61 to be read by title only resolution of the city Commission of city of lebur Florida designating the city code enforcement board as the local hearing officer pursuant to chapter 2023-24 laws of Florida appointing existing staff to serve as the clerk to the city's local hearing officer pursuant to chapter 20 23-17 4 laws of Florida authorizing the approval of a photo enforcement Services agreement between the city of leeburg and alement Inc and providing an effective date for approval second okay once again we'll have a second reading on this Andy resolution discussion go ahead nothing from nobody all right roll call commissioner rean yes commissioner Barry yes Comm M canel yes mayor bur yes moving on to item seven the informational reports uh everybody got a copy of the financial reports from 2024 any questions on those okay any City attorney items no reports this evening Mr Mayor thank you city manager items no items roll call commissioner Barry um I'd like to just say a kudos to the Hope Coalition for for the contributions for the back to school bash on Saturday great success second time around and we're able to prepare our lebg students for a thriving school year I think it was over 900 plus backpacks oh we had a thousand and then Amazon brought um 100 and then some other ones were donated as well great great turnout and I would like to thank everyone who participated and I also would like to add please for um Friday August 9th um the street live Art Street Street Live art walk on August 9th on 4th street from 5 to 9 there will be DJs um artist walk with our very own Richard Calvin executive director as the featured artist and there will be 25 vendors showcasing on Fourth Street open mik at 8:00 pm and we encourage all to come and participate at the restaurants downtown and have dinner as well as some entertainment uh but um artist with a purpose thank you the 9th August 9th commissioner canel nothing tonight commissioner rean I'll tag on to what commissioner Barry said the Hope Coalition did a phenomenal uh put on a phenomenal event the the lines were wrapped around the building around the sidewalks so many families and kids that everyone came together to help and I appreciate the city stepping up we were able to make a small contribution as well um but from businesses to different um organizations from all the principles it was just a really good collaboration and looking forward to doing it next year okay mayor bu uh nothing tonight motion to adjourn motion to adjourn second