##VIDEO ID:mSbNbh5hEtg## e e e e e e e e e e call the city of lebur commission meeting to order it's the Carver Heights Montclair C the time is 5:00 September the 12th 2024 everybody will stand for the ification and the pledge oh Heavenly Father please look over all of us tonight help us make good decisions for the city of lebur in your name we pray amen amen pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all the first item on the agenda is approval of the minutes from the August 13th 20124 meeting make a motion to approve the those minutes second any discussion roll call commissioner Peterson yes commissioner Barry yes commissioner Alderman yes commissioner reesman yes chairperson Pro Tim conell yes that's a me will someone introduce 3a1 I'll introduce n be read by title only resolution of the Carver Heights Montclair area community redevelopment agency of leeburg Florida approving the amended fiscal year 2023 24 budget appropriating certain funds to specific Redevelopment projects and providing an effective date for approval second discussion pretty much the everything in this content if you put up that quick real quick um hit it click this is working there you go all right pretty much everything in the car height CRA budget is as we discussed um there's about a 30% increase in the funds because the Tiff has grown so the budget's just a little bit under $1 million um it breaks down into a bunch of uh primary areas is the the about the 89,000 for personnel uh 55 is for operations 96 for the debt payment which is on the resource center which is paid back to the electric fund uh we add increased the home um Improvement Grant this year to 600,000 which should get I can't remember what the number of houses we talked about that there I think it was 2 24 y um the resource center operations and then some Reserve money so we decided through the process to leave about the $491,000 sitting in the account to go towards uh projects in the future any questions roll call commissioner Barry yes commissioner Alderman yes commissioner Ean yes commissioner Peterson yes chairperson protim conell yes someone introduce 3 A2 I'll introduce 3 A2 to be read by title only resolution of the Carver Heights Montclair area community redevelopment agency of lebg Florida approving the fiscal year 2024-25 budget appropriating certain funds to specific Redevelopment projects and providing an effective date Mo for approval second discussion this I'm good with everything on it I don't have any questions EXC Robert do you have any questions I'm good roll call commissioner Alderman yes commissioner rean yes commissioner Peterson yes commissioner Barry yes no Conor chairperson protim conell yes all right we'll go to roll call next commissioner Peterson nothing tonight commissioner Barry nothing tonight commissioner Alderman nothing tonight commissioner rean nothing this evening chairperson Pro Tim canel nothing motion to adjourn second e e e e e e e e e e call this Mee in order it's the greater leberg CRA Thursday September the 12th 510 we've already had the invocation and the pledge we'll move right to 2A approval of the minutes from the August 13th 2024 meeting make a motion to approve those minutes second discussion roll call Commission Mary yes commissioner Silo yes commissioner reesman yes commissioner Peterson yes chairperson protim conel yes next we'll go to 3 A1 will somebody introduce it roduce 3a1 to be read by title only resolution of the greater leberg community redevelopment agency of lesburg Florida approving the amended fiscal year 2023-24 budget appropriating certain funds to specific Redevelopment projects and providing an effective date move for approval discussion I just had one question so special events is in our budget is that what I read when I looked at it yes okay that's my only question any other discussion roll call commissioner Soo yes commissioner rean yes commissioner Peterson yes commissioner Barry yes chairperson protim yes will someone introduce 382 I'll introduce 3 A2 to be read by title only resolution of the greater lebur community redevelopment agency of leasburg Florida approving the fiscal year 2024-25 budget appropriating certain funds to specific Redevelopment projects and providing an effective date for approval second discussion so I'll get you the the quick uh budget update on the Carver High downtown CRA greater lebur CRA um and it's pretty much as we left it at the at the last special meeting um so the CRA has about uh almost 1.1 million in Revenue that's an increase of about 18% so actually all three of our cras as we've discussed have been you know growing reasonably nicely um the major expenses is is really kind of twofold um John you brought you brought it up so I'll jump around a little bit the number one expenses obviously pursuant to the decree um we spend half the increment to the payment to the lurg CDC which is just a couple of dollars underneath half a million dollars and then the remainder of the funds really go to the new special events division um so joh FYI to um bike fest is then in the budget in the general bu okay so bike fest has got a separate allocation there so special events is just exactly that all the special events Fourth of July Christmas that that's that mag yeah y all that um and Maggie salary and and Miguel um then the remainder of the funds uh about 100 Grand on debt that we do for the Main Street project um that when did that retire Brandy 27 so it's around about it's got about four more fiscal years actually um and then um we put a little money aside reserve and there was about 300 that was still 350 if you will sitting uh that's unallocated and I'm get other cuz my microphone is now on um but um the the the the the board felt like U we wanted to keep some of that in reserve uh for future projects uh potentially going back to the Market Street Concepts or the the imminent parking street parking project and then commissioner the 1.2 million we'll talk about is in the DST monies uh for the parking in Downtown improvements just confirming it's going to actually save us a little little money because if we move special events into the gas department we won't have to build a new facility for special events correct right uh yeah one of the one of the things we yeah a little bit we were a little bit worried about storage so with special events going to gas we think we we might have to bang out a garage door um but that's about it so moving moving the special events did did save a couple of coin there okay and we're not going to fund the facade Grant this this round is that what I read yeah that is correct and we don't did we have a did we have a remaining allocation I don't think we did I think we spent we spent all that the last or do Home Improvements or do Home Improvements the the other the the big the million dollar Grant the 250 that was General there's one left there's one no that was that was split over a couple of different funds it was electric General and Wastewater just we 250 left there three have been three have been issued right I know the buildings and not all yeah I'm trying to think yeah I think three have been issued two have been spent one is Palace has never spent the palace was pidb Mr calero he's a beacon um he was he was paid in full um Dr Khan at the bank next to hags he's allocated you already approve that and so then there's 250 that's unspoken for okay thank you for that clarification any other discussion roll call commissioner reesman yes commissioner Peterson yes commissioner Barry yes commission Soo yes chairperson protim conel yes good item four roll call commissioner Barry um nothing tonight commissioner Soo I have nothing commissioner rean nothing tonight commission Peterson nothing tonight chairperson protim conell nothing motion to adjourn second e e e e e e e call the meeting to order for the highway 44127 CRA it's Thursday September the 12th 520 we've already had the invocation and pledge we'll go to item two approval of the minutes motion to approve discussion roll call Commission reesman yes commissioner Peterson yes commissioner Barry yes chairperson protim conell yes item 3a1 someone could introduce it s by title only resolution of the US Highway 44127 community redevelopment agency of leeburg Florida approving the amended fiscal year 2023-24 budget appropriating certain funds to specific Redevelopment projects and providing effective date move for approval second discussion sir roll call commissioner Peterson yes commissioner Barry yes commissioner reesman yes chairperson protim conell yes somebody introduce 382 I'll introduce and ask be read by title only resolution of the US Highway 44127 community redevelopment agency of leeburg Florida approving the fiscal year 2024-25 budget appropriating certain funds to specific Redevelopment projects and providing an effective date approval second discussion an so again um no major changes uh from our discussions uh about 24% increase in growth about a $3 million budget in um the downtown CRA the number one issue in the downtown CRA is to pay the the debt on the 2010 issue which is about 890 grand um and then we added a few new things um the South lebur advertising program for this year uh operating expenses which were standard and to shift 2 million over to capital projects to help uh with the Susan Street project and that left about 150 Grand in reserves and there's about 4.6 million uh that's available in the downtown CRA the the 44127 c um and uh we we continue to let that sit for debt coverage and I believe it was about n million left on that note and I know we talked about it the rate on it it was okay any other discussion roll call commissioner Barry yes commission Ean yes commission Peterson yes chairperson Pro Tim conell yes and we'll go to item four roll call commissioner rean nothing tonight commission Peterson nothing tonight commission Barry nothing tonight chairperson Pro Tim conell no motion to adjourn second adjourn e e e e e e e e e e e e e e order the city of leeburg commission Thursday September the 12th 2024 time 530 we've already had the invocation in pledge will go to public comments so this is this is your time to express your concern about the tax proposal did you did you want to address the commission you need cut the microphone I don't think it's work I hope you can understand me I down here from Marland and Hopey that the T will be more un affordable here but to my surprise that our property including Le birth did Tas that I was not Weare of when we bought the house and now I saw the column keep and want to know well what happened next year year after you know I don't know if we can stay in our house that way if it's your homestead it's limited to a 3% increase per year once you're homesteaded yes yes I got no winning situations no winning situation is this her Homestead just be sure she files for homestead exemption she'll be then capped at 3% annual increases I did when when did they move when did you move in so part part of the trick in that too is there's a there's a year before your your your homestead kicks in so it what happens it would on when you file you can still catch the market increase in that year to True up kind of nobody reads this small print of the law I do not um makes sense it so you you've got a full rate so probably the biggest difference she was seeing in her trim notice is the market adjustment so moving forward now that she's homesteaded then you'll start to see those 3% any other public comment she should app no she she she's applied I'm I'm doing she's already applied okay and if she has any specific questions on that she should contact the Appraiser's office and they can explain the homestead law in a little bit more detail but the um I I saw her tax bill um yeah so the the the the increase that she's seeing in those two columns represents you you didn't get the capture of the 3% because of that year period before the homestead kicks in so she got a true market increase on her home value I can look at that note like after the meeting and look real quick that's that's my thinking so so the number that you see in the blue column the number that you see in the blue column will probably be your taxes for 24 but that number should not go up more than 3% moving forward every year correct baring barring a tax increase and remember there's a bunch of other jurisdictions on that bill not just the city of leeburg any any other comment okay we'll move on to a presentation by the city manager I assume you all want me to be brief yes so there is a presentation I won't go through all the the the detail of the presentation and I'll just really capsulate the the high points which I think are the the budget the the strengths of the budget this year um on the tax nut that we're just speaking about from the public comment section there we are keeping the same millage rate which is a tax increase which which Brandy will announce here shortly as part of the budget hearing process um I think they're really probably three primary things that we did this year uh the first thing we saw was we saw the incredible growth from the Villages um which really increased our our revenues kind of as anticipated you saw a jump from about two about a 50% increase almost from about two billion in taxable value to three billion in taxable value and that that yielded this year to about uh three a little over three million in new tax revenue so where we spent those funds were uh increasing the police force increasing the fire force and shifting down the Reliance on Enterprise money from the electric fund so it it we lowering the transfer was a significant accomplishment um I I think those are the Marquee accomplishments um in the general fund and then we continue our services and we have the the the bike fest stuff in there as well um in the special revenues we have the $1.2 million for the parking improvements and downtown stuff our Enterprise funds also remain consistent um they will receive the cola increases as we've discussed from years past um the the last thing I would really just leave you off with that we discussed a little bit but may have been overlooked so I'll remind you at moving forward um we did have a little bit of concern with where electric rates were um we're trying to keep our base rate down as low as possible so that base rate per thousand is still $17 and I think it's $107 94 per thousand that rate does not change and does not get a cola um we did increase the power cost adjustment but that again that's not a one for one increase um and as we as we described if you go to rate watch.com or the the city website and pull up the the the rate watch stuff there's a pretty detailed explanation on how uh the power cost works and how that's affected and hopefully this fall you'll actually see lower bill um based on usage but the power cost did go up um but with that the base bill is something we do have to watch on one of the things um that I think is a bit of good news so this gives me some optimism moving into the fiscal year is it has been working extremely hard with uh with GE and with itron so we're very hopeful that uh by the end of this FIS school year uh we will be able to exit the GE contract a little bit early there will be an exit um penalty um GE is negotiating with us now on what that will be uh they believe uh that that the exit penalty is really not a penalty but the time associated with changing their softwares and working through all the the hiccups and giddy ups and smoothing out of the system to transfer from GE softwares and and management into itron management so so more on that but if that if that goes through we'll see a significant reduction in our in our metering cost um hopefully somewhere um on the around a million dollars a year so that that's uh that would provide some rate relief too and I think that's something we need to look at too before we we talk about increasing base rates but that is a discussion that we're going to need to watch uh during the fiscal year so every effort is being made to keep our electric rates as low as possible for our customers um and as well as I can't underscore lowering the transfer uh lowering the transfer kept about a million and a half2 million in the electric fund and that is a significant move move so when y'all get beat up about our electric rates please remind our customers what we're doing on the electric side of the house to keep their rate down and and really the electric side of the house has more impact on our customers than what you're doing with the mill rate um the other note I would also say in there is the building fund uh the building fund we have reduced our rates significantly remember our from our previous uh level we're down 50% of where we were charging uh building fees um a couple of years ago because we were trying to use that Surplus up and give back and and and and give back to the contractors and Builders through our lowering of building fees we're getting to the point now to where I think fiscal year 25 we won't have to increase building fees but that's really going to be based on on load and and my guess is is if we stay at the the pace we are now about 300 300 units a year really it's about 30 units a month um we may need to nip and Tuck that in in the third quarter is um but we'll we'll watch that and we'll report accordingly so those are really the two big issues where uh we were moving into electric rates and building rates where we moved into the fiscal year knowing we might have to make an adjustment on the Fly those are really all the major things to talk about uh throughout the budget um the the goals being what we said the ones I miss missed were getting the um the the the parking study and that survey stuff going and getting some of the other major projects like Susan Street and the marina finished up that's it okay we'll move to threea public hearing public hearing on the proposed millage and the proposed budget for f fcal year 2425 all right here we go um name of taxing Authority the city of leeburg Florida the current year roll back rate is 32327 the proposed millage rate of 3.47 52 is 7.5% higher than the current year rollback rate the millage rate to be levied 34752 Mills per 1000 on July 8th the commission approved the tentative millage rate of 34752 Ms per 1,000 this is the same rate as the prior fiscal year whereas the proposed budget was developed using 3.4 752 Mills per 1,000 therefore the tentative millage rate of 34752 Ms per 1000 represents a 7.4 50% increase from the current year roll back rate which is attributable to additional expenses and is a tax increase under Trimm guidelines three3 request comments from the public on the mil comments on the we'll move to 3 A4 3a4 to by title only resolution of the city Commission of the city of leeburg Florida tentatively adopting 34752 Mills as the fiscal year 2024-25 millage rate for the city of lebur Florida representing the current year proposed aggregate millage rate of 3475 5 2 which is 7.50% more than the current year rolled back rate and providing an effective date for approval second comments I have one thing I was talking to Al about this today and it's um instead of peac mealing some things that we do with the high school I wanted to see how the commission would feel about adding the LHS Boosters club I know we sponsor some games peac mailing if they would if you guys would be open to adding them as part of Civic funding in the amount of 5,000 with that do I need to make a motion no if everybody's okay I'm agree okay thank you any other comments roll call commission reesman yes commissioner Peterson yes commissioner Barry yes mayor protim conell yes 3 A5 which is request comments on the tenative budget any public comments on the proposed budget okay 386 where I guess do I need somebody to introduce that iuce 386 to be read by title only resolution of the city Commission of the city of lebur Florida tentatively adopting the fiscal year 2024-25 budget for the city of leasburg Florida and providing an effective date Mo for approval second discussion roll call commissioner Peterson yes commissioner Barry yes commissioner rean yes mayor protim conell yes 387 that's BR the tentatively adopted millage rate to be levied is 34752 Ms per 1000 the date to finally adopt the millage rate in the fiscal year 20242 budget is scheduled for Monday September 23rd 2024 at 5:30 p.m. in the city commission Chambers at City Hall you're on his computer he sees it he sees it okay yeah three B which is announcement to this is a public hearing on the Fire Protection Services introduce 38b to by title only resolution of the city Commission of the city of lebur Florida relating to the provision of Fire Protection Services facilities and programs in the city of lebur Florida Florida imposing fire protection assessments against assessed property located within the city for the fiscal year beginning October 1 2024 approving the rate of assessment approving the assessment role and providing for an effective date for approval second open this up to public comment any comment public commission comments roll call commissioner Barry yes commissioner rean yes commissioner Peterson yes mayor protim conell yes for roll call commissioner reesman nothing this evening commissioner Peterson nothing tonight commissioner Barry I have nothing tonight mayor protim conell no motion to adjourn second