e e e e e e e e e your like to call the meeting of leeburg Planning and Zoning commission to order it's May 23rd it's 4:30 uh please stand for the invocation and pledge or the pledge of flag and the invocation invocation play sorry dear Lord we ask that you be with us to today as we take on the business of the city of Leesburg we pray that the decisions we make today will be pleasing in your sight pray this in my most holy name amen amen I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you very much than everybody's had the opportunity to uh review the minutes are there any additions Corrections or deletions if not I'll accept the motion or is that a roll call I can't remember okay was not so I don't have to right okay Mr chairman I'll move that we approve the minutes as submitted do I have a second second all in favor say I I all opposed thank you very much uh before we get started I'd like to ask you to silence your cell phones I appreciate that we had couple go off last week or last time okay um who's doing the swearing you want to do the swearing in anybody that's going to speak today for or against please stand to be sworn in you have to be sworn in to speak if you don't get up and get sworn in you're not speaking hang on a second a bunch of folks just walked in in the back um I'm asking for whoever's speaking toight for or against please raise your hand to be sworn in you cannot speak unless you're sworn in thank you I promise to tell the truth the truth and nothing but the truth thank you very much remember I warned you we're not going to do it twice okay uh you want to uh do the thank you Mr chairman like to welcome everyone to the May 23 2024 Planning Commission meeting of the city of lburg my name is Dan niller planning his Zing director of the city staff pres to includes deputy director candy Harper senior planners Christine Rock and Diane Y and planners Max man Allen and Melissa Attorney Jennifer cot is also present uh today there is an agenda and speakers registry available on the table out by the exit door if you'd like to speak on occasion we ask you to please sign the speaker registry and turn it into Christine who a SE here to my left excuse me under the rules of participation the meeting is conducted under the following process the chairman will announce each case the staff will be exhibits including Maps photos and text into the record and present this information on the screen staff will then read a recommendation into the record and the applicant will have an opportunity to speak about this request the chairman will allow time for public comment and the applicant will have an opportunity for reot on your and have an opportunity rebuttle the chairman will close the case to the public the commission will discuss the case a vote will be taken and the commission will move on to the next case the Planning Commission is a citizen board which is appointed by the city commission and they have two major responsibilities the first is to make final decisions on cases such as es andal use perits pardon just for a second the technical difficulty technical difficulties than again the first is to make final decisions on cases such as conditional use permits and variances the second is to make recommendations on cases which will be heard by the city commission we have a very heavy agenda today we have 14 cases there is one conditional use permit that's a final decision from the Planning Commission the remaining items will be recommendations from this Planning Commission to the city commission those remaining items on those recommendations will be scheduled for two hearings with the city commission and each of those cases will have a final decision at that second of those two hearings would ask you to please note the tenative dates for the city commission hearings which are listed in and bold on the agendas and please be advised that those dates are subject to be changed so please do check with uh pnz staff over at our office across the street you can call us um regarding the final hearing dates and finally on behalf of the planning staff and the City of leeburg Planning Commission we would like to thank you for your participation in today's public hearing process uh Mr chairman at this time we are ready for your announcement of the first case thank you very much under new business public hearing case number cpta 23 8 8 588 sunyside Estates comprehensive plan future land use element text Amendment and do you want to do both of them at the same time actually I was going to explain in my process and talk about all three okay if that's all right Mr chairman that's great um Mr chairman you all familiar with the Sunnyside Landing zoning case which actually began around the Year 2005 we're here at 2024 so we're pushing 20 years on that one um it was finally completed in April of this year based on the legal proceedings and findings of the special magistrate and including the original Sunnyside task force report of 2004 and I believe you were on that that task force at that time staff is proposing three three amendments those these are the next three cases the first three cases that you'll be looking at today these requirements will apply only to lands within the Sunnyside area that lie within the corporate limits of the city of leeburg and if there's any additional property which is voluntarily annexed into the city in the future the first of these three cases is a comp plan text amend uh case number 235 588 comp plan text Amendment for Sunnyside estates this first item that's a text amend Amendment to the comprehensive plan future land use element of the city's Conference of plan it will establish the Sunnyside Estates objective and policies within the future land use element of the comp plan this is the language that will help staff use staff will use this language to guide the overall development in the Sunnyside area candy Harper deputy director of the planning department will be presenting the maps including the St Sunnyside task force the study area the four density bands that are being proposed and proposed density Ms should should I introduce the other two or that way we can kind of cross over read them you can read them into the record and then we can do the roll call individual for the yeah i' that's what it prefer um I also want to introduce case number two two it's public hearing case number amdt 23590 sunyside of state's ordinance Amendment and our case number three is public hearing case number lscp 23589 sunyside State's comprehensive plan map Amendment there go thank you Mr Miller um Mr chairman commissioners um this has been a long time coming um the special magistrate recently said um in his recommendations that if we wanted to we should go ahead and and adopt everything from the 2004 study so we study the 2004 study and we believe that the language and the comprehensive plan um with which is a text Amendment to the comp plan the Large Scale map Amendment which is an Amendment to the Future land use map of the comprehensive plan and the amendment to the code keep going Amendment to the code for the zoning ordinance so those three documents should Implement everything that the um task force wanted us to implement at the time so what what I did was I handed the study to our uh mapping section and they followed the outline of the original study to Encompass the whole Sunnyside area so that's what we're calling proposed Sunnyside Estates next m' one of the things that the um Task Force study wanted was for bands of density so in that broad outline of Sunnys side Estates area you'll see the corridor along 441 that's the most dense band and then the next band is a little less dense and you go all the way down to the lake where it's very much less dense next map please so on this map what you see in the bright yellow out out line and it's gray where you can see gray or if you can see inside the bright yellow lines those are the city of leeburg corporate properties boundaries within the Sunny Side of States area so the Amendments we're talking about tonight will only apply to those areas if anyone else wants to voluntarily come into the city they will come in under these amendments under these density bands next and we did put them in a chart this this again came out of our GIS Department who goes into the background data and finds the mathematics and puts it out there for us to read so I trust their numbers um next slide um that is all I have at the moment unless you want to keep rolling through to the amendment let's go back one slide by that let's hold right there and pick it up from here I've got a question on this uh the numbers um I'm I'm assuming that's units and not acreage right uh no sir these are these are acres we talked about acres in each band okay cu I thought that was only 700 and something acres in that this is talking about the whole band okay all the land so it breaks it down into Lake County city of leeburg developed and and vacant so it takes in the whole band and the whole area but for instance um for very low density you have in leeburg 51. 98 Acres very small area if you remember the map yeah total area is [Music] I just want to make sure it's evident to everybody what what was going on okay we can hand this out to whoever wants to go through it and figure those numbers out [Music] um for instance a very low density is up to one dwelling unit per three gross Acres the next one up from the lake is one dwelling per one one gross acre and then medium density is up to three dwelling units per gross acre and keep in mind we are saying gross Acres Y and then up next to the corridor the Sunnyside Estates Corridor is up to eight dwelling units per gross acre so that's where the comprehensive plan language comes to play If you're looking at the map and you want to know what you can do this is what you can do okay Mr chairman um this request will establish the Sunnys side estate's future land use category in the comp plan text within that category there will be six there will be one objective and six policies so it will establish residential densities compatible with the Sunnyside estate's area of the city so if you turn to page 30 one you'll get that page that's right up there yeah just just to familiarize you with this the objective reads that the city of lesburg shall Implement and enforce policies and programs designed to preserve and reinforce the positive qualities of the established Sunnyside estate's Community its lifestyle and the charm presently enjoyed in the community and thereby ensure that these qualities are available to Future residents now that's kind of a fluffy statement um a lot of comp PL start off that way with those kind of statements then you get into the policies policy one immediately below that which we don't have them numbered yet states that the purpose of this future land use category shall be to number one protect existing development from increased levels of density two limit new development to density levels as expressed in the Sunnyside Task Force study report of June 28 2004 and the 2045 city of leberg comprehensive plan and three allow for new development consistent with the established Sunnyside Estates development patterns so those are the types of things that are going to go into the comp plan in addition if you drop down to the last policy annexations into the corporate limits of the city of leeburg shall be voluntary connection to utilities as required property shall Annex shall be zoned into a plan district and densities permitted on these properties annexed shall be as stated in the density bands so those density bands as Candi was describing a moment ago you'll take the Sunnyside U Estates future land use which only can cover areas that are in the city limits and then you have the four density bands the very low which would be SE Sunny Side Estates very low that's one unit per 3 acres then the low will be one unit per acre okay and then the medium will be three units an acre and the quarter that's moving north to south the corridor will be 8 units per acre and that's by the time you get all the way out to 441 and that's as what we saw on the maps so on that recommendation to read that into the record for case number cpta 23- 588 Planning and Zoning division is recommending approval of this request for the following reasons ones the proposed amendment to the city's conferen plan is to establish sunyside State's objective and policies in the future land use element to the proposed sunyside State's future land use objective and policies implement the 2004 Sunnyside Task Force study report recommendation um and then finally the action requested is vote to approve the proposed sunyside State's text Amendment to the city's conference plan future land use element and forward to the city commission for consideration so that's the first of the three actions that are being requested today and um staff is recommending approval on this request Mr chairman okay is there are there any questions um the staff on that is there anybody in the audience that's going to speak on this matter okay CU I didn't want to what's considered a I'm sorry what is considered a unit he mentioned about unit home like a house home one one home one house one it could be a unit is is one residential unit as in could be an apartment a duplex a Triplex a single family home any of those qualify as a unit that's 38 I'm sorry sir 38 um on the the very very low band density band one unit per 3 acres that would be restricted to single family homes anyway there's different bands with different density you know one band has eight units per acre then another band below that's three units per acre then below that's one per one and then there's one for 3 acres so it depends on what band it's in the further south it goes the less dense um good explanation the reason I asked about who was going to speak um it's it's how we wanted to present this and and and I mean like right now we can vote on it and go to the next one but if a bunch of people are going to speak right yes sir then I I'd rather open you know show them all tell them all and then then vote on them that way we don't we don't get people coming back and forth three times so let's go on to number the second one sure thank you sir is trying to make it efficient okay thank you sir now that helps okay so on the next to go to bed item is amendment 23- 590 Sun sunyside States ordinance Amendment um this item is an amendment to chapter 25 zoning code remember that first one was an amendment to the comp plan this is an amendment to the actual law zoning code laws under the current code Sunny Side of state's future land use is not defined it doesn't exist this amendment creat in places the sunyside estate's future land use that consists of the four density bands I'm kind of repeating myself here but that's what we're doing putting it in the comp plan and in the zoning Hut right so you end up with the very low density which lies adjacent to Lake Harrison then moving forward moving northward you have the Sunnyside States low density medium density and then Corridor density and the corridor is the one out here at the top and that's where your highest densities would be allowed next to the largest Transportation Network so in summary this request will establish the sunyside of state's future land use designation in the city's Land Development regulations which is chapter 25 of the city's zoning code and they would only apply again to properties located in the city limits of leeburg and uh any property that would be annexed voluntarily in the future so under that one the the recommendation is under case number number amdt 23590 uh the Planning and Zoning division is recommending approval of the request for these reasons the proposed request to amend the Land Development regulations as shown in exhibit a is consistent with the appropriate legally mandated Planning and Development practices in Florida including the establishment of Land Development regulations two the proposed request will establish the sunyside estate's future land use designation to manage future development in sunyside area within the corporate limits of the city of leeburg and finally the action requested is vote to approve the proposed amendment to the city's Land Development regulations as shown in exhibit a and forward to the city commission for consideration if you flip over and to page 41 of your presentation one more page thank you uh one more page side there we go if you look right up here this is this these are the future land use designations that will be in the city's zoning code right here and then the Sunny Side Estates the underling are the new ones so you have the Sunnys side Estates category and then the one two 3 four density bands and then it moves on to all these that are already in our in our Cod so the first case was into the comp plan this one is into the zoning regulations and then one more land um large scale comp plan number 23589 Sunnyside future land use map Amendment this is an amendment to the Future land use map that will establish the Sunnyside Estates future land use designation on the city's future land use map this again will be consistent with the Sunnyside Task Force study report and the findings and recommendations of the special magistrate so all we're doing here is revising the future land use map to apply to Sunnyside estate future land use category that we spoke about in the previous cases so you have the the text in the comp plan the text in the zoning code and now we have the map and uh candy Harper who's our deputy director I think has a couple of more maps to go through so so what we're doing is repeating these Maps so you can go back one day so you can see it's the same set area and then you have the the density bands that's all the same and then you go to the next map and you have the proposed future land use so if you compare this map to the city map you'll see that this is what we're changing so they back to the band real quick sure just so I can explain that what I said earlier that top one the top band that's 8 units per acre you know it's up to the highway so it's allows for more density the next one is the uh three per acre and it's getting further south and that one's one per acre and then finally the one at the bottom are is uh 3 acres one for three acres so that's what I was talking about earli I just want to make sure it was clear to everybody thank you sorry to interrupt that's okay all an opportunity well done sir um so you'll see here what what future land use designations we want to change on the land that's currently in the city and it's all going to Sunny Side estate's future land use designation and that will tie you back to the text in the comprehensive plan and it will tie you back to the zoning code next map please these are the current um future land use designations on those lands those properties that are already established will not be affected and then you'll see where you can only see the underlying aerial is uh city of leeburg on this map and the colors that you see are Lake County future land use designations they will not change we don't have jurisdiction there and here are the densities again so inside the bright yellow lines you can see what density bands that's the lowest one we have then it moves up from there and you can follow and see what kind of density you can expect going forward in those lands that are currently in the city and for anyone who wishes to voluntarily Annex into the City and there's the same chart again repetition that brings us to the staff summary and I believe that's all I have Mr Miller thank you Candy so so um moving to the recommendation for case number lscp 23589 Planning and Zoning divisions recommending approval for the of the request for the following reasons one the project meets the requirements of chapter 163 3184 Florida statutes for large scale comp plan amendments to the proposed request to establish the sunyside estate's future land use map designation is consistent with the June 2004 Sunnyside Task Force study report three the proposed request to establish residential densities is compatible with the Sunnyside Estates area of the city four the proposed future land 's designation for the site is consistent with the city's growth management plan future land use element goal one objective 1.6 therefore the action requested is vote to approve the large scale comp plan map Amendment from low density residential high density residential and estate residential to Sunnyside Estates and forward that recommendation to the city commission for their consideration I want to clarify that this is not a changing of the zoning it's a changing of the future land use we can't go in and change the zoning unless we get an application in we can change the future land use this is what has been requested by the um city of leeburg and the residents of Sunnyside so um that are not in the city of lebur so this has been a long time coming and and um staff is recommending approval on all three cases Mr chairman thank you thank you very much are there any questions um of the staff everybody understands it's cool all right we'll close to the public and uh render decisions um on public hearing case number CP 23588 is there a motion number you it I'll make yeah go ahead and read it just in case I'll make a motion to approve uh public hearing Cas CPA 23- 5888 Sun side of States thank you is there a second I'll second the motion any discussion on motion if not we'll do roll call commissioner Bowers yes commissioner um commissioner Senate yes commissioner Carter yes commissioner aan yes commissioner K yes thank you all right uh public hearing case number amdt 23590 is there a motion you're doing a good job thank you I uh would like to make a motion to approve public hearing case amdt d23 d590 sunnday side of States ordinance Amendment okay there been a motion is there a second I'll second the motion Mr chairman is there any [Music] discussion roll call chairman Senate yes um commissioner Carter yes commissioner a yes commissioner Kaplan yes commissioner B yes thank you public hearing case number lscp 23589 is there a motion while I'm at it you're on a roll a motion to approve uh public hearing case lscp d23 d589 Sunny Side States comp hensive plan map Amendment thank you is there a second I'll second Mr chairman any discussion roll call commissioner Carter yes commissioner aan yes commissioner Kaplan yes commissioner Bowers yes chairman Senate yes thank you all right we down to okay public uh public hearing case number PUD 23484 uh residential plan unit [Music] development thank you Mr chairman um this property the subject property consists of 37.7 Acres generally located north of County Road 48 and west of County Road of of US Highway 27 I've got e written here but it's West in my notes it's behind the public shopping center this is the bright leaf residential project the request is to amend the current zoning which we'll show you on the exhibits and there is no request to change the future land use overall on this proposal the partitioner is bright leaf properties they are requesting a PUD zoning to allow the future development of a proposed residential Community consisting of a Max maximum of 253 attached single family residential units on the 37.7 Acres M Max Van Allen planner in the office will present the maps and photo exhibits including the aerial zoning future and surrounding land use Wetlands flood zone maps and CRA Maps thank you Mr Miller give me one moment to set up on the extended locator map on the screen the subject property is located between County Road 33 to the Northwest County Road 48 48 directly south of the subject property and [Music] us27 the closer aerial to the property shows the subject property is located directly north of County Road 48 and west of us27 the existing zoning on the property is split with PUD planned unit development to the north and C3 commercial to the South surrounding Zoning for the city of leeburg includes C3 to the east and south CIP to the South M1 to the South surrounding Lake County zoning includes RM to the north a to the east our proposed Zoning for the total parcel is PUD planned unit development the current future land use is split with low density to the north and General commercial to the South there's no change in the future land use uh requested at this time surrounding City future land use includes General commercial to the east and south and Industrial to the South surrounding Lake County future land use includes Urban low density to the North Regional commercial to the west and urban medium density to the Southwest surrounding land uses include residential to the North and South Landscape Nursery to the Northwest pasture improved hay acreage to the West vacant to the South and Commercial and medical to the east the property does lie within the US Navy impact overlay and the property partially lies within the 27441 crra there is some flood zone present in the northwest of the property but there are no Wetlands present the property lies within commission District District 3 signs were posted on the site May 10th 2024 the top image is a close up of the sign on the property from County Road 48 and the bottom is looking North from County Road 48 can you somebody's beeping out there I just want off okay thank you thank you the top image is looking East along County Road 48 the bottom image is looking South across County Road 48 finally looking West along County Road 48 that's all I have thank you very much with that we move on to the department review summary project was sent out to All City departments Plus Lake County government and Lake County School Board under the city Department responses there were no substantive comments coming back from the city departments for clarity when that when I make that statement what we're saying is that this denotes that the Departments water Wastewater police fire gas Library Etc are all indicating that they have capacity to handle this proposal um on the school board came back and this is a residential project it will be subject to school concurrency requirements in its review of the project School Board did note that they anticipated they have their their formulas that they use for um how many students will be gener ated out of different types of development they estimate approximately across all grades it would be about 79 students um now in the case of the like this and like all of the developments that get approved the school board at its discretion can require what is known as a proportionate share mitigation agreement this is a form of mitigation in which the developer agrees to make a pay pay to the school board that is necessary in order to provide the student stations to serve the project this usually results in a significant payment from the developer directly to the school board um in the case of the ones that I've seen recently they've ranged from a few hundred, to several million dollars depending on the size of the development and the number of students it generates um under Lake County Public Works we did not receive any new comments from them but we are certain that the developer will be required to improve County Road 48 along the length of their Frontage by widening and or adding turn lanes and sidewalks Etc as uh required by Lake County that's the that's their standard response under public responses per the Florida Statutes and City L code of ordinance code of ordinance notice requirements project was legally advertised posted and letters sent out to the surrounding Property Owners we did receive two letters of disapproval which did State their concerns in summary regarding traffic noise infrastructure roads serious accidents at 27 and 48 intersection those letters are in your packet um those comments are in your packet under the public comments on the current zoning on this property it is a split zoning and as you all know I do not like split zonings because they complicate land land transactions and everything else um the property as it sits right now on the North side the north roughly 20 acres is zon PUD under ordinance 05130 um and then its Zone C3 Highway commercial on the south the existing PUD on the property allows 116 units on that 20 acres to the North and then to the South there we go thank you Diane to the South you have the the red there that's the highway commercial it's a little bit far off of 27 to get a lot of commercial action but it it that's what the zoning is right now the request that the applicant has brought forth would replace the existing townhouse and Commercial zoning with a PUD zoning that tan color up the top is the Pud zoning it would replace that with the Pud zoning and allow tow houses only now when we say tow houses we're talking about single family attached units they're together on on lots and they're sold uh the simple title so you own a lot and a home um the new PUD if it's approved by the city commission would replace the existing tow houses in commercial with townhouse only then add some significant improvements to the buffer requirements Recreation open space fencing and dark skylighting none of those items were um addressed or much even known about and contemplated back in 2005 I think it's 2005 yes um so to describe the proposed PUD there are 253 single family attached units single family attached meaning townhouse no other uses are permitted in the development about 50% of those townhouse Lots will be front loaded so you go into the garage in the front roughly about 50% will be rear loaded so you will have a rear loaded garage um those rear loaded sites would be fronting open space generally speaking uh we required that to get some diversity in the design um there are design and Architectural standards which require the builders to choose at least five facade items such as Stone a accent shutters banding bay windows and other features again dark sky lighting is required for the property that's the concept of keeping all of the light that's generated on the property on the property um there are significant amounts of open space and buffer on this plan and Diane would you be able to flip to the site plan in there please there's a 25t buffer tract along the eastern and western boundaries that is required along the northern property line which is adjacent to um some single family residential as well they're required to have a 40ft buffer there and then also on the Northern buffer a 6ft privacy fence um we will allow if the buffer is currently very thick with trees then we can leave that and just have the fence go through um if it's not they'll have to come back and replant per the requirements of the plan unit development the site access shown on the site plan there is required to be one Boulevard style access point on County Road 48 and an emergency access point on County Road 48 as well that that emergencies will be on the southwest corner of the site um do you have that corter Max real quick is that um North and South is that properly set yes sir okay cuz the ones we have here is turns okay thank I want get my bearings right County Road 48 is along the bottom of the screen here there's the buffers along here and the 40ft buffer along here you can see it's written in there there is a very large amount of open space on this one now the requirement is 35% but they they've really done well on this design with the park and an amenity there um as far as this access point that has to be what we call a Boulevard access point which means wider Lanes going in and out and a landscape area usually about 10 ft wide in the middle okay for for decorative purposes um there's also a stout requirement over here to the West for potential development down the road which we don't know what could potentially come there there's also PD protection in the zoning document itself protection for the wetlands and flood zones I don't believe there were any Wetlands on this property but the wording is still there the flood zones are minimal but they're protected um there's prohibitions which are standard in our puds that you can't use St Augustine grass because it's a water hog you have to use Bea Bermuda or zoa something like that um everything here must be on City water and waste water everything in the city has to be on it but um we wanted point that out there will be no Wells or septic tanks on the property there is there are recreational requirements that include a total area of 1.16 acres and there'll be a trail around a pond now we're not saying it has to be exactly here but somewhere in there there there will be a trail uh a walking trail for people to use internal Recreation um and then there are some different recreational uses required and um an amenity Center at the head of the trail they do have to construct the recreation area by the completion of the first 150 units and as in all of our PUD documents there can be no construction if there is no capacity in the water Wastewater lines Etc um staff has indicate uh our city staff has indicated that there is at this time if they wait too long it will it's likely to be gone um first each new PUD now has a reverter clause in it some of that's based on the Sunnyside information that came through over the last 20 years or so but uh we used to do 10year Sundown Provisions in our pud mean you had to take action to substantially commence within 10 years nowadays it's been dropped to four years and there's an automatic reverter which means if no substantial commencement takes place within that four-year time period it's going to automatically revert to re1 zoning which is one unit per acre so there's some incentive for the developer to get moving on this they understand that and they do understand yes um in the recommendations for case number PUD 23484 this is for the small scale comp plan Planning and Zoning division is recommending approval of this request for the following reasons one the proposed request for the Pud zoning is compatible with the current surrounding zoning districts including Lake County rmrp R7 a Agriculture and city of leeburg CIP and C3 Highway commercial two there is no change proposed to the existing future land use designations of City low density residential and City General commercial which are as conditioned compatible with the proposed zoning and the current future land use designations which include Lake County Urban medium Regional commercial and city of leeburg General commercial and Industrial the site is located near existing City Utilities at County Road 48 and 27 including upcoming utility improvements which is a lift station that's been being worked on by wind Dixie right now uh number four the proposed request does not appear to create a detriment two surrounding properties based on the location and proximity to compatible development and the action requested is vote to approve the proposed resoning from PUD plan unit development and C3 Highway commercial to PUD plan unit development and forward this recommendation to the city commission for consideration uh Mr chairman Mr Shawn Meyers and some other members of his team from bright leaf properties are here to represent the case and answer any questions you may have they also have a brief presentation if you're so inclined to see it um Planning and Zoning staff is recommending approval thank you sir before we go to the applicant is there uh questions of of Staff before we go forward yeah do we know approximately how many cars will be on the road in the morning and the evening what kind of traffic is going to be generated each project has to do a traffic study and based on that traffic study they have to do improvements to the roads I don't know the exact number off top of my head but there has been a traffic study done it is being reviewed by Lake County and the um metropol planning organization and the city's um has a thirdparty reviewer um that does traffic study reviews if a if a development trips a level of service in other words if this road is level of service let's say C it goes ABC D like that if this is level of service C and it trips it down to a d they're going to have to make major improvements to the roadway um per law um normally Lake County because it's Lake County roads in working with us and reviews this comes back and says they're going to be widening additional rideway turn lanes and that kind of thing and if I remember correctly that is exactly what they did say in this case but there's no guarantee that they will widen the road if if Lake County says they will rid in it they will rid in it or there will be no there's one more car is going to create a more of a traffic J and I I know this personally MH and it's it's really problematic because I can I'm not sure what the numbers would be but I could I picture 50 or 60 cars morning 50 60 cars in the evening easily which is really overload well but remember that half of it's commercial which which would be worse well no I'm talking about the people going to work this is not a senior project at least at my knowledge it's for I understand that kids what I'm saying is half of it is Zone commercial if it's developed commercial there's going to be a lot more traffic well yeah I understand but it's it's our job to to to see how this going to impact everything right and to approve so I'm asking these questions pleas please this is not open to discussion out there thank you yeah okay um before we go further would you turn the air down a little bit I see a few people Fanning and then um Mr chairman Mr I'll take care of yall Mr Andrew maau is also here okay please uh state your name and uh your address sure thank you commission uh my name is Andrew Macau and I'm with GI consultants uh our address is 618 East South Street Orlando Florida I'm here with uh the developer uh Shawn Meyers from Bright Leaf uh we do have a presentation but I did want to address your question about traffic uh before we actually get into the presentation so there is a An approved traffic study for the project and without getting into the specific numbers the all of the metric so the the daily the am Peak and the PM Peak from this project represents a decrease in what is currently entitled on the project and the driver of that is the commercial uh on the on the what's currently approved generates a lot more traffic than the town homes do and what is uh what we are proposing is really not that great of an increase in town homes that were already approved on the site on the upper half of the site so uh in all three of those categories it is an overall reduction obviously there's nothing built there today so you know that it's you said one more car you know there's nothing built there today but there could be there there could have been something uh proposed and built there as is does that okay so if you could put our presentation up [Music] please um this is probably the last time you'll see me wearing a sport coat until the fall so thank you for turning the AC up a little bit so again thank you for uh uh for hearing our our uh proposed project today uh you'll hear this referred to as either the cr-48 Town Home Project or the onstad property various at various times um it's been known as as both both things uh throughout uh the process and can you advance so uh we have representatives of the development team here again I'm Andrew Macau from G Consultants the planner and the consultant and the applicant on this project I'm gonna let uh Shawn Meyers introduce himself and his firm good afternoon my name is Shawn Myers I'm with BR Lea properties I also have Devon James who's a associate with BR Lea properties and R via who's with a Home Building Company that we operate great Leaf homes and then we have one of the property owners here uh David onad is with us today you spelled his name wrong yeah I did notice that when that came up missing H I'm an editor apologize for that David um but we're pleased to be here today to present this project uh we're excited about the city of lesburg and uh and what's going on in Central Florida and we always look to uh you know we've enjoyed working with your staff uh to come up with this plan we went through multiple revisions and feedback from uh Dan and candy and Max so I want to thank them for all the input they put in into shaping the plan oh yeah sure um so uh this is just an overview what we are we won't go through all of this but uh one of the things I'm really passionate about is housing uh you know when I got out of college I want to do something had an impact and and housing seems to uh you know people live there raise their families there uh spend their life a lot of their life in their homes that was something that was uh very engaging to me um and I've been doing this uh real estate over 30 years and 25 years in development so it's it's uh interesting to see how things change and to provide housing as the region continues to grow um there's a couple recent projects in the last few years we've we've done uh one in Eustace Florida 23 cottage style homes hammock Oaks was uh on the east side of the villages uh kind of directly across from where the lake shore lannings would be that's a mixed use project and then Liberty uh orange was 170 uh single family homes in Orange City um I have been working in Lake County for quite a long time A lot of times doing projects in the County in South Lake County and then this is my first one that I've taken through in leeburg although we have built houses here uh and so in starting to build homes in this area three or four years ago I learned more about the area and also doing the the one of the villages and kind of got to know the historic down town coming here and then learning about the future growth that was happening so we think it's a really exciting city has a long history and it's exciting to see how it's going to continue to develop going forward so Dan did a great job uh reviewing a lot of the highle stuff so I'll skip through a lot of this um if you can just kind of scroll through uh we did talk about the uh the zoning and land use in the context so you can go forward a couple more slides I appreciate that okay so I do want to talk about the site plan in a little more detail this is probably a little bit easier to see a little uh little larger than the than the official version from the Pud uh but I do want to go through some of the aspects here so as Dan said we are proposing essentially two different town home types a frontload product and a rearload product which I'm going to show in detail uh as as for right now we are proposing two different phases uh roughly splitting the half the the site in half uh as Dan said the major amenity as well as the retention and the flood plane and and most of the parks that are part of the project are going to be part of that first phase uh the Central Park amenity uh represents uh an amazing opportunity uh both just for recreation but also preserving some of the amazing trees on site um if you uh if you look at the the Arial uh you can tell that this site is blessed with a lot of enormous trees and so we are very careful about preserving uh some of the best and largest of those trees in this plan um either in the park spaces uh in the drive retention areas or even uh we have carved out a few key locations in the buffers and the surrounding Islands uh that actually specifically are for saving some of those uh gigantic trees uh we are proposing one connection to the east I don't believe Dan mentioned that one it's actually here uh to the uh that connects directly to the commercial area so we actually will have ultimately we'll have four different connections uh to the surrounding properties uh including the one on CR 48 uh as as Dan said I do want to reiterate that we are attempting to be good neighbors by keeping the as many of those big trees that we can along the the northern boundary of the site and providing for uh an extended 40 foot buffer next please I got a quick before you change yes sir um sorry for all the questions but no that's why we're all here both phases say phase one so which one is the real phase one I'm sorry the one to the South should be phase one and the one to the north should be phase two yeah all right thank [Music] you so uh the uh project is expected to be a for rent type product but that we will be uh platting each town home lot individually just to provide that flexibility in the future if uh this were to transition to a a ownership type of a of a project in the future [Music] next uh kind of focusing in on some of the the key points uh again this these are about the accesses we've got two future accesses uh to the adjacent property to the West which uh Dan you can correct me if I'm wrong they do not have a proposal yet into the city so that's so we are we're proposing these Loc based on some generally accepted metrics of Separation distance and also U you know trying to save again some of those big trees uh go go not done yet one more uh so this is the as Dan said this is a boulevard style entrance so it's got two uh divided entryway and and exit there at the front we also are having a stabilized emergency access um here that will not obviously not be open for regular traffic but is an additional way into the project now you can go so the uh front loaded Town Home Products are focused towards the interior of the site and as much as we possibly could we wanted to front those directly on an open space so you can see that uh most of the time these units are fronting directly onto an open space and when they are not fronting on an open space we actually set them back farther from the street so that there is a little bit more uh Green Space uh in the fronts of those units and since they are front loed that means there's an alley behind them uh with garages off of those alleys for Access uh there are about 116 units in this current plan uh that are this type of rearload town home unit and each unit will have uh will have two uh parking spaces off the street and wherever there is a uh a a town home building facing a street that street has on street parking so uh that is a condition that we feel works really well for this type of product next there's an elevation uh proposed for this type of rearload product uh as I said before if there is a condition where they are fronting an open space we have a little bit shorter of a front setback uh because they are fronting on that open space if they are fronting on a street we add an additional 5T for some more landscaping and some more open space uh to to set those back a little bit farther next for the front low Town Homes those are around the perimeter uh and there are 137 of these units uh in this plan in addition to the lots for the town homes there is an additional buffer behind those lots so you have a a buffer then a setback then the unit or the building uh so it's not just a it's not just a straight setback from from those lots uh and the driveways in front of those units are deep enough to uh Park cars so you have in addition to uh the garage space you also have that that space for a driveway next and this is what the front loaded products are proposed to look like uh these have a 20ft uh uh front set back for those uh parked cars and that that's going to be behind the the level of the sidewalk so there won't be any cars uh parking hopefully over the sidewalk and there'll be uh clear access in front um the uh again I do want to mention that the the 20ft rear setback back is going to be in addition to the buffer next just highlighting some of the different Open Spaces in yellow you see the uh the different buffers with a larger buffer on the North uh the large Central open space with the the signature park down here on the south end with all of the the huge trees the middle is going to be a retention Park and the reason we're calling a attention Park is cuz we expect it hasn't been engineered yet but we expect this will be a dry pond so it could be utilized as uh Recreation for the residents uh when uh there's not a storm condition and then this North part up here is flood plane Andor flood plane compensation uh so uh you know we've kind of shown it as this open area but where we don't have to disturb trees in this area we won't be disturbing the trees uh and this whole this entire park is ringed with Trails uh so that um not just the units that are fronting on the park can actually access the the open space uh there's another space for what we have labeled as a Tot Lot here in talking uh with staff they don't like the idea necessarily of a Tot Lot close to the close to the road that's fine it was it's kind of a placeholder but it is a pretty flexible area and that could be a dog park or some other kind of of uh of a space and there are other locations where you could fit a a top lot in in those spaces there's also a linear Park that several of the the front loaded or the rear loaded town homes are also fronting on uh just to give some extra open space and connectivity uh to the the Open Spaces uh let's see anything that I missed um as you can see we are really trying to pay attention to where we can save the Big Trees they're really seen as a amenity to this site particularly because it's not normal that you see a site with this many you know Grand Oaks next this is just some typical uh images of some of the amenities that we're planning for showing that it you know maybe this is a Tot Lot or maybe this is a dog park uh but a lot of the amenities are going to highlight the natural features of the site with trails and um other kinds of more active type passive uses uh and that should be the last slide so we're here uh to answer any questions you have thank you that was very comprehensive because he answered a lot of questions a lot of our we usually ask so thank you um any uh questions of the applicant I'm sure he probably said at the buffer the front buffer on 48 that one should be a 25 foot uh buffer and that will give us if if in the future if there's any kind of additional right of way that the uh County requires that should accommodate all that and we are showing here on this concept a uh a right-hand turn into the project you can just barely see it there uh but that that shows the what we expect at this point without having to without having actually gone to the county uh for uh their design criteria U that's what we would expect okay any other questions yeah the the road that has the label 16 on it what I guess I don't understand the point of it which uh there's a road on the back side of the units there that right units yeah yeah so the the red numbers those are actually from the graphic as part of the PD but those are counting the on street parking spaces what's what's the necess necessity for the road the necessity for the road is so that this road can um come along the front of these units so if you didn't have this road then you wouldn't have the ability to connect with this alley so um you you would have a lot of a lot of space that could not be accessed by a unit so there'll be that there'll be access to those rear those are rear loaded units access to the front of the unit correct so that is that is an alley there this is a road with on street parking okay thank you any other questions all right thank you all right thank you uh nobody's signed up to speak on this is there anybody in the audience that wishes to speak for or against us okay you have to come forward [Music] I actually took his form back but I do have a question okay you need to state your name and your address please um Dora wreck 27737 West Pelican a drive okay pleas so I have this area and I guess I'm going to need one of those guys okay go go ahead and ask your question and then okay if in case there's somebody else has a question then they can answer all the questions at the same time so I'm trying to specifically find our home MH in reference to all this so is that okay um yeah sir is anybody else going to speak can you go back a few slides there should be a a map that shows a little bit farther out right there okay so you can see I've highlighted Pelican Isle yes right right there okay all right so I see the street okay you want a point well I have Tremors okay it'll be all over that could be fun okay [Music] yes see I have this so this is coming in okay so if you come in and go all the way down to the stop [Music] sign they need to get close to the microphone technically this I want to know [Music] on no thank you well tell you what I will take one because I'm going to be out here [Music] thanks so they're going to show me on their plat with the houses okay in reference to where my house is okay can we go back [Music] yeah the slide would yeah thank you so basically you're going be on their West northwest [Music] corner I want to make sure I understand problem so she would be speaking about this yes this property right here okay and your planning on leaving all those trees and then there's going to be an additional 40t buffer now when you say a 40ft buffer is that a fence is that fence on the property line and then 40 ft of in this case probably Disturbed trees okay and then you have the property line for the lot and you have the rear set back 20 ft so it be got remember time and that's going to be a town those are all Town hopes yes those are Town hes okay and there's actually the 40ft buff comes around corner we need to move along here so thank you so much okay yeah I forgot to turn the timer on so sorry I was a little more I was lenient with you okay if if you're done if if you're done thank you okay we're going to close to the public uh for uh discussion and render decision any discussion if not I'll accept the motion Mr chairman on PUD [Music] 23484 County Road brightly residential plan unit development I recommend approval thank you is there a second you read the I'm sorry I said he did read the recommendations right for it yes okay I missed it I second the motion thank you all right it's been a motion made and second any discussion on the motion roll call commissioner a yes commissioner K yes commissioner bow yes commissioner chairman Senate yes commission Carter yes all right thank you very much thank [Music] you okay we have two cases coming up that are on the same so I'll read them both I'll introduce them both uh public hearing case number sscp 2473 uh please don't talk thank you uh Thomas Monclair industrial Flex oh wait a minute yeah sorry small scale comprehensive plan Amendment and we also have public hearing case number Spud 2474 Thomas Monclair industrial Flex small plan unit development please step outside if you're going to talk thank you thanks thank you Mr chairman uh under the background these next two cases as you stated are related and we will present them together the totality of this action is that there are three separate cases there's an annexation a small scale comp plan and a rezoning as this body is aware annexations are policy decisions that go straight to the city commission So today we're dealing with the small scale comp plan and the proposed resoning overall this request is to create an industrial Flex space devel vment consisting of a total of 2.33 plus or minus Acres generally located west of Thomas Avenue and Southwest of Mont Clair Road on the first case which is the small scale comprehensive plan the request is to change the future land use designation from City of bburg low density and Lake County Urban high density to City of bburg industrial on the second case the resoning case the request is to amend the current zoning from City of leeburg R1 low density residential and Lake County R6 Urban residential to City Spud small plan unit development Miss Max Van Allen planner with the office will be presenting the exhibits at this time including the photos aerial zoning future land land use surrounding land use Wetlands flood zone maps and c maps thank you Mr Miller the first image is the extended locator the subject property is in Orange hatching up towards the north of this image uh and it's directly west of Thomas Avenue Southwest of Montclair Road and then west of Carver drive and north of West Main Street generally see up close on the aerial directly Southwest thank you of Montclair Road and direct directly west of Thomas Avenue the existing future land use it consists of three Parcels for this proposal so the very top parcel is already within City Limits and has a designation of low density residential surrounding City future land use includes low density residential to the North and South General commercial to the south and east industrial to the South south and east and a state density residential to the southeast Lake County future land use uh in the area is urban high density to the north south and west and that also includes the bottom two Parcels of this proposal the proposed future land use for all three Parcels is industrial the existing City Zoning on a portion of the subject property is R1 low density residential and is surrounded by low density residential to the Northeast South and Southeast R2 medium density residential to the South C1 neighborhood commercial to the south and east M1 industrial to the South and CIP commercial industrial plan to the Northeast the remainder of the subject property is currently zoned Lake County R6 Urban residential district and is surrounded by Lake County R6 to the Northwest and South and CP planned commercial District to the South there uh the proposed zoning is Spud we'll go to surrounding land uses this is includes residential to the north west east and south vacant to the north west and south commercial to the south and east and Industrial to the South the subject property is partially within the Carver Heights CRA there is minimal flood zone present in the west corner of the subject property and there are no Wetlands present a portion of the subject property is currently in commissioned District 2 signs were posted on April 5th this project was postponed to today's date certain on April 18th meeting so the top image is going to be a closeup of the sign on the property the bottom image is going to be looking North along Montclair Road the top image is looking North Along Thomas Avenue from the signed posting location and looking east across both Montclair and Thomas then we have the top image looking South Along Thomas Avenue and looking West into the property from the corner of Montclair Road and Thomas Avenue that's all I have thank you thank you Max moving on to the departmental review summary project was sent out to All City departments Plus Lake County government and Lake County School Board under the city Department respond say there were no substantive comments from any of the city departments under the school board they noted as this is a light industrial project it will not be subject to school concurrency requirements in other words it produces no students Lake County Public Works noted they will require permitting through the county in compliance with all access and access management standards including road right of way donations and sidewalks which will be required under public responses per the Florida Statutes and city of leeburg code of ordinances project was legally advertised posted in letters sent out to the surrounding Property Owners staff did receive inquiries from persons living nearby on Virginia Drive uh regarding the definition of flex space concern for their Wells their trees gardens plus noise dust and particulates those requests are in your packet in recognition of that um I wanted to if I may Mr chairman talk about that for a minute the staff does appreciate that question as those are legitimate concerns so we wanted to address it um immediately by defining Flex space so everybody knows what that term means and then noting the water and sewer requirements um first of all Flex space is basically an office warehouse use very similar to what you see across from the bowling alley um in the bburg Commerce Park I think we have a representative from that area Lou Lou stepped out okay Lou Lou is on another case but he's very familiar so it's it's similar what you see across from the bowling alley all uses are conducted inside the buildings the word industrial is frightening and we want to recognize that because you're any anytime you hear that it it causes concern um all uses have to be constucted inside the buildings so there shouldn't there should no reason for there to be an impact on the gardens trees or dust as a person who loves to Garden myself I could hear what they were saying um in addition the development as we stated earlier all development in city of leeburg has to be on City Water and Wastewater so there can be no Wells on this property they just simply have to tap into the lines that are there um that should alleviate any concern about the wells because they're not going to be sucking from the same area it's coming from um this the wells where the city has its Wells which are actually miles away from here um but I did want to recognize that the the folks who are on Virginia who brought up that concern um and thank them for noting that so that gave us an opportunity to say that um moving on under the Spud requirements uh the proposal consists of industrial Flex space development consisting of 19884 Ft of buildings uh indoor light manufacturing like Building Trades and contractors warehousing printing indoor storage those kind of things there's no no other uses permitted it's all for that type of use uh again dark sky lighting we did add substantial setbacks on this property 50 feet on the front 50 feet on the rear with a 10-ft planted landscape buffer and a solid opaque fence required adjacent to any property that is Zone residential doesn't matter if it's in the city or the county if it's Zone residential there has to be a fence there that fence can be anywhere from 6 to 8 ft tall um obviously we have to get the 35% open space two floors is the maximum height there's a minimum minimum of two access points and some some architectural standards to require screening of any mechanical units that may be or or roof equipment AC units that may be on the roof have to screen those there is a minor area small area of wetlands on the property that will be protected um in the Pud um there is again two access points have to meet all Lake County standards um the developer will be required to improve the area of roadways per Lake County requirements um the the standards that they go for if you need if they need right away you have to give it out of your property it doesn't have to come out of your neighbors um turn Lanes anything like that they Lake County will have the developer pay for it um again prohibitions on the St Augustine that we've talked about all development on City Water and Wastewater and of course no construction unless there's sufficient capacity everyone is at this point told us that there is sufficient capacity um in Moving On to the recommendations um for case number small scale comp plan SSP 2473 the planning and zoning department recommends approval of the request for the following reasons one the project meets the requirements of chapter 163 3.3 excuse me chapter 163 3187 Florida statutes for small scale comprehensive plan amendments to the proposed future land use designation of an industrial is compatible with the adjacent future land use designations of Lake County Urban high city of leeburg low density General commercial industrial and estate residential um the proposed request is compatible with the proposed zoning of Spud for indoor industrial Flex space and then the proposed future land use designation for the site is consistent with the city's growth management plan future land use element goal one objective 1.6 and the action requested on this small scale is to approve the small scale comp plan Amendment from Lake County Urban High to and city of leeburg low density residential to City industrial and forward this recommendation to the city commission for their consideration under the recommendation for the Spud zoning small plan unit development zoning that was just described under case number Spud 2474 planning and zoning department is recommending approval of this request for the following reasons the proposed request for the Spud zoning is compatible with the current zoning surrounding zoning districts including Lake County plan commercial Urban residential and city of leeburg neighborhood commercial industrial and low density residential two the proposed request for the future landage designation of industrial is compatible with the proposed zoning of Spud which is small plan unit development and the propo three the proposed request does not appear to create a detriment to surrounding property as condition based on location proximity to compatible development M and indoor industrial Flex uses um the action requested is vote to approve the proposed resoning from Lake County R six Urban residential and city of leeburg R1 low density residential to Spud small plan unit development and forward this recommendation to the city commission for their consideration um Mr chairman Mr Chris Zipperer of the senator Architecture Firm in leeburg is here I believe Mr Zipperer will be representing this case if you have any further questions okay before we do that um is there any question any uh questions of the staff um I've got one um is um there's no outside storage correct allow I do not recall any we can add that if it's not in there if that's the choice of the commission well we'll go ahead and listen to you and then we'll we'll address that please state your name and your address yes sir uh Chris zipper address 336 39 Lake Myrtle Boulevard leeburg Florida I'm representing the owner and Senator Inc the site plan we have here is uh conceptual and uh we've had conversations with Lake County Seth Lynch and um we believe that we are in compliance there will be no outdoor storage we have parking and everything will be handled inside with a small office and uh Warehouse area can I ask you a real quick question yes sir not to interrupt it uh would you mind if we add that to the that there's no outside storage that way the city can enforce it right what would be um what would be considered outside stor well I've seen some of these places like this that are supposed to be I call not as obnoxious as you know big industrial things but have uh like cars parked out in the back that are being worked on maybe if one of them is turned into a garage um you know equipment out there you know things like that yeah are are you familiar with the site the yeah I know yeah I know okay cuz the cabinet shop to the South uh they have uh trucks and cars all parked along the side right um yeah Vehicles okay I'm just I'm trying to avoid you know um somebody decides to do a lumber yard there and stores all their Lumber and their PVC pipes and all that out in the right in parking spaces basically you know yeah I got you the along the uh um Thomas Road there are numerous uh businesses the pallet business that has a a great number of pallets you can see from Thomas and then U the hydraulic place has equipment there and and most of those are M1 which is yeah heavy industrial heavy industrial yeah okay uh I would anticipate that we would just have uh light storage outside uh we can put it in the uh agreement that there would be no uh Parts uh pipes Lumber those kinds of things no uh trailers with equipment or whatever like something like that okay but as far as cars I don't know yeah yeah I'm just I don't want to see junk cars out there and things like that what about screening right right now as it sits with the amount of residential that's nearby there would be a significant requirement for fencing on this property right and I think that would take care of a lot of it as it sits right now indoor storage is permitted and basically anything that is not specifically permitted under Section 3A is prohibited so uh Max pointed this out to me just a moment ago so technically the outdoor storage is prohibited now I want to point out that in the place across from uh the lebur Commerce Park across from Bolan alley I believe the gentleman's still there that did the uh German Autos or something like that and this is the kind of place somebody like that could go but with the fencing there and and I don't think I I don't see it as a problem okay I don't see it as a problem I was watching out for the excessive storage outdoor if there were a complaint we would pull up this document and because it doesn't specifically allow outdoor storage that could be used as the reason to tell them to clean it up okay I can add this as well the way the conceptual site plan is designed the alleyway in the back is what they access through the uh to the rear warehouse and the front would be uh for the office staff whoever um if they did have some sort of little showroom or something like a cabinet shop they would be parked along the a perimeter on to the north and to the Northeast yeah so like I said I'm not worried about parking I'm I'm worried about stuff I'm thinking on the I'm thinking that there's not much place to store anything because you have to have that connection along the well it sounds like it's covered anyway yeah it's it's a it's a m point point okay okay sorry to interrupt you you're fine I is that it pretty much it yeah I mean it's we were going to the little piece of property that goes off to the back is not wide enough for a street there's no way to exit uh the land flows to the to the West so we were going to flow everything back there uh towards the West End and for our water retention area uh so that that would be uh where we so there's no access to the neighborhood to the to the West okay are you going to use that little strip for water retention is that what you're saying no it's just going to be there just leave natural okay yeah it's not wide enough to use for water retention it's not wide enough for a road so I was just going to let it end and then we made a loop right there at the end of the building for uh uh trash and garbage trucks and fire truck how wide is that if I may ask the connection there I I don't recall right off but it's it meets the 35 ft radius for a fire truck and if it needs to be a little bit wider no I'm talking about the uh that strip oh um I don't know it's the reason I asked is is I was thinking if you're not going to use it maybe you can de it to the two Property Owners next to them that that would be up to the owner but yes right I'm just that's just I think it's like 15 ft or something 12T just throwing out ideas yeah sorry I like it I do this a lot so I got you thanks is any questions of the applicant yeah representative so the the the green area in the back indicate I'm assuming a retention Bond yes sir is it what's the protection from the public to the retention Pond is there going to be a fence or something delineating the two areas within the Retention Ponds under the city lebur code of ordinances you have a 4 to1 maximum slope so that you have to be I I I shouldn't say this you have to be trying to fall down but but it's a um it's it's a low slope yeah and uh if it if you have to do one with a higher slope than that then there is a fence and railing requirement that would kick in thank you any other questions all right we'll uh open it to the public um there's two people that turned in the form the two herods um are you both here um do you still want to speak or did he answer your question set a question for okay come on up and give us your name and address please my name is is Dudley harod yeah don't forget the timer yeah I forget I forget it every time Dudley herry I live at 2418 Virginia Drive um that that little block right on the back end is part of my property there right there where that little piece sticks out there and so where the retention Pond is because I had intentions of possibly putting a well in that little and I didn't know if the retention Pond would actually that's where the reason why I was asking about the wells is the retention Pond and then doing that going to because I know a retention Pond cannot be within 75t of a well I believe if I remember correctly I believe that's a sep that's septic that's right that's right septic yeah okay so I just didn't know if that was going to affect anything like that with the well not that I'm aware of okay y That's was cool cuz I have cuz I do the gardening yeah I'm the other I'm the second Herod my name's Renee Herod I live at 2418 Virginia drive thank you and I'd like to thank you all for your suggestion and U that wasn't set up guys I just want to make sure the mosquito Pond is that going to be a a dry Pond the retention Pond you guys going I call mosquito Pond the retention pond in the back is that at this point this is just conceptual okay the fact if it's wet or dry will not be determined until we do borings okay to find the water de all right that was my next question because my concern was not for you having Wells there and sucking up all the water my concern was there's like five families all around that little road there that are on Wells and just the fiber optic cable going in in lebur in Lake County Disturbed my well it's just now settled down so how much actual digging construction is going to do damage you know how much is that going to upset the water table basically that's my question is there going to be any kind of study like that done is that common or no yeah they'll do the borings and that'll that'll decide that will I be able to find out like or um it's not an issue or I does this work well maybe you can exchange numbers and you can keep her posted okay please thank you okay thank you sure that worked out well okay was there anybody else that was going to speak for or against all right we'll close the public and uh render a decision any discussion okay is there a motion to uh and there we've got two cases here so one of them is public hearing case sscp 2473 and that's the one we're going to vote on now um is there a motion motion regarding uh sscp 2473 Thomas mclear and du Flex small scale small scale comprehensive plan amendment I uh suggest we approve all right is there a second I second all right any discussion on the motion if not roll call commissioner Kaplan yes commissioner bow yes chairman Senate yes commissioner Carter yes commissioner a yes thank you okay um the second case on this property is public hearing case number Spud 2474 um is there a motion on the floor there's a motion on the floor I vote to to uh approve Spud 2474 Thomas mclair industrial Flex small plan unit development thank you is there a second a second thank you any discussion on the motion roll call commissioner B yes chairman Senate yes commissioner Carter yes commissioner a yes commissioner C yes thank [Music] you Flex spacing um case number seven it's public hearing case SSP 2487 Post Street residential small scale comprehensive plan Amendment um the second case on the same property is is public hearing case number PUD PUD thought time was up PUD 2488 Post Street uh residential plan unit development thank you thank you Mr chairman um under background this this subject property consists of 4912 plus or minus Acres generally located on the north side of Post Street and south of County Road 473 and east of Radio Road the overall the overall request is again for an annexation a small scale comp plan map Amendment and rezoning and as you're aware as annexations go directly to the city commission we'll be dealing with the small scale comp plan and rezoning request today uh the request under the comp plan Amendment consists of amending the future land use map from Lake County Urban low density to City of leeburg estate those are essentially interchanged ible in terms of density uh the zoning the zoning case request is to go from Lake County R six Urban residential and cfd Community facilities District to City of lebur plan unit development um overall the petitioner bright leaf properties is requesting these proposals for the future construction of a residential development consisting of a maximum of 135 single family residential units on the 49.1 two acres to give a a to return a gross density of 2.75 units per acre Miss Diane yekel senior planner will present the maps and photo exhibits including the aerial zoning future and surrounding land use Wetlands flood zone maps and CRA Maps thank you Mr Miller we'll see on the locator map that it is north of Post Street and Southwest of County Road 473 and also on the aerial north of Po Street Street Southwest of County Road 473 the future land use shows that uh City estate residential is to the southwest and Lake County future land use shows that it is currently um has a Lake County future land use of urban low density and to the north Southeast and West is also Lake County Urban low density the proposed osed future land use is City estate residential the zoning map shows that City planned unit development is to the southwest and for Lake County zoning currently has a Lake County zoning of R6 which is urban residential district and cfd which is community fac facility district and then to the north Southeast and west is Lake County R6 Urban residential district to the north is also RP residential professional and to the east is also R1 rural residential and to the South is also agriculture for the surrounding land use we have a vacant residential to the north vacant and single family residential to the east single family and past to the South and then we do have a residential to the West uh the flood zone shows that there is some flood zone on the Eastern portion of the property as well as Wetlands on the Eastern portion of the property the subject property is next to commission District number five and that is all I have at this time Mr Miller thank you Dian thank you sorry Mr didn't mean to interrupt you no I just said thank you um with that we' go on to the departmental review summary project again sent out to All City departments including the Lake County government and Lake County School Board under City responses there were no substantiative comments coming from the Departments again noting that the Department's Water waste water police fire gas Etc uh are stating that they have capacity at this time to handle the proposal under the school board uh this is a residential project and it will be subject to school concurrency requirements uh we did not get the letters giving us the number of students I would expect based on the size that we're probably looking at half of what the there was 79 in the other case i' I'd probably say half that for this one um Lake County will end up sending that letter once in a while it doesn't get here before the the meeting um again if there are any capacity issues at this location because these capacity issues are different depending on where you where what school district uh school you're assigned to I should say um so this is most likely to generate a proportionate share mitigation agreement where they have to pay as we stated earlier to provide the to to provide the student stations um Lake County Public Works did note per permitting is required because of the Lake County roadways through the public works department uh they will require turn Lanes on Post Street at the project entrance they will require additional rideway they will require a sidewalk be added uh they're noting on County Road 473 that they would require a left turn lane going northbound and they are still evaluating based on the traffic studies some additional potential improvements improvements to Radio Road under public responses uh for the statutes and City lebur code of ordinances the project was advertised posted in letter sent out to the surrounding Property Owners we did receive one contact for a disapproval uh which is noted in uh which stated the concerns regarding traffic and density under the Pud description this proposal is set up for 135 single family detached units uh at 2.7 units per acre no other uses are permitted within the development of the 135 Lots we have on this current site plan we have 66 showing up as 50ft Lots 60 as being 60t lots and six being 70t Lots there are design and Architectural standards which require the builders to choose at least the five facade items such as stone accents shutters banding bay windows and other features and again dark skylighting for the property significant open space and buffer requirements there is requirement for a 25-ft buffer tra along the north south and Western boundaries a split rail or solid PVC fence along the north south and Western boundaries as well um if the existing vegetation is significant within the buffers then replanting will not be required we like to see those natural buffers and provide an opportunity to save as many trees as possible the site access is shown on the site plan um and is require we're requiring two access points one will be the boulevard type access point on PO road which again you have the landscape island in the middle and slightly wider lanes and the second would be simply another full access on post there'll be two access points one is the nicer Boulevard the other one probably be a little further to the east we don't know um and there must be a decorative entry feature such as concrete brick stuck wall or something like that for the signage there is protection for the significant amount of wetlands and flood zone on this property as you can see on the Eastern side on the map same old prohibition on St Augustine grass uh behav zoa are permitted um again everything has to be on City water and waste water so there's no well or septics on the property they will have to be uh 62 acre dedicated to recreational uses in a trail around the dry retention flood comp area within a small amenity Center at the head of the trail again as in all PUD documents there's no uh construction unless there's sufficient capacity and we have been advised at this time there is um I did mention the roadway improvements for po Road along the length of their Frontage and donating RightWay and turn lanes per Lake County um in moving on to the recommendations for the small scale comp plan to a state residential under case sscp 24-87 planning and zoning department is recommending approval of the request for the following reasons one the project meets the requirements of chapter 163318 7 Florida statutes for smallscale comprehensive plan amendment number two the proposed smallscale comprehensive plan amendment is compatible with the adjacent future land use designations of Lake County Urban low density and city of lebur is State residential three the proposed zoning classification of PUD is compatible as conditioned with the current future current surrounding zoning districts of Lake County R1 R6 um RP residential professional and city of bburg PUD for the proposed future land use designation for the site is consistent with the city's growth management plan future land use settlement goal one objective 1.6 the action requested is to vote to approve staff's recommendation to change the future land use of the subject property from Lake County Urban low density to City estate residential and forward this recommendation to the city commission for consideration under the rezoning case for case number PUD 24-8 Joyce cwell trust for bright leaf properties planning zoning department is recommending approval of this request for the following reasons one the proposed zoning classification of PUD plan unit development is compatible as conditioned with the current surrounding zoning districts of Lake County R1 R6 RP and city of leeburg PUD to the proposed small scale comprehensive plan amendment is compatible with the adjacent future land use designations of Lake County Urban low density and city of leeburg is State residential and three the proposed request does not appear to create a detriment to surrounding properties based on the location in proximity to Future compatible development that should read to existing and future Mr chairman compatible development the action requested is vote to approve staff's recommendation to rezone the subject property from Lake County Community facility district and urban residential district to City of leeburg PUD and forward to the city commission for their consideration I believe Mr Shawn Meer is still here to represent this case and is Andrew with you on this one as well Sten Steven I'm sorry are there any questions of Staff before we have the applicants come up okay thank you re reintroduce and address my name is Steven spado I'm a planner with level up consultant Consulting uh 3101 Maguire Boulevard and Orlando um you've met sh sham and and de James and also uh the property owner is here as well uh we prepared a presentation um Dan and Diane did a comprehensive substantial you know presentation already I'd be happy to go through it or just highlight some of the site features if you'd like you can highlight okay also uh our team is here uh Transportation civil uh you can answer questions in those disciplines as well you can just go ahead and and forward I'll I'll let you know [Music] where yeah one one yeah right there so just wanted to highlight a little bit of the of the site uh site plan it's a relatively straightforward design again as as Dan mentioned it's single family uh detached uh 50 60 and 70t wide Lots um the larger Lots they're the orer darker orange color uh ring the property the 50ft lots are interior uh buffers are provided uh along the perimeter of the property and the goal is to retain uh existing vegetation where possible and there also where where the we don't have the the vegetation necessary to meet the buffer requirements we we'll plant plant uh and supplement what is there uh currently um two access points here on the east side and then our Boulevard entrance is uh along the western side of the property here there is significant open space uh primarily associated with this with this feature here and you can see we have wet wet ponds that border that and then this this dotted line is a trail that we're proposing that connects to the primary Recreation Area and then also we have this feature in the center of the property uh that is open open space but we're also going to connect that trail through there so if you you know live on this side of the community you can walk directly to the the park space and then around around the lake um that's really I think uh it we do if you could extend uh one more um these are just example elevations will comply with the conditions of approval related to architectural controls and then um the project is consistent with the plan as as evidenced by uh your staff uh it's compatible with adjacent development and uh we appreciate uh your support and and here to answer any questions thank you thank you there any questions uh from the commission yes these going to be this is this a rental Community or is this a own this should be aale for sale Myers any other questions thank you thank you app all right we had one person sign up to speak uh Randy B [Music] please state your name and your address please hi Randy bidder uh 10155 Post Street um I'll just read my statement um seems like the motion to approve has already been made but I'll read it anyhow U hi my name is Randy made yet not the motion sir I'm sorry the recommendation uh my wife Dei and I live on the 7 acre property that touches the western side of the proposed development we're both lifelong lebur residents who attended leberg High School my wife's a teacher and I work for the local phone company 5 years ago we bought wooded property to build our house immediately touched in the western boundary we integrated a house with the Florida natural landscape you can't see it from Post Street it's only evident when you're within 100 ft of it on the property we are situated between two church-owned Parcels originally each parcel is currently l zone cfd and across Post Street from our residence is a cow pasture the most disturbing sounds we hear amens and Hallelujah on Sundays and a few mooing cows across the street in order to build our house we spent one and a half years to correct legal recording errors on the subject property with Lake County to ensure that the 10ac parcel to our East would remain zoned as Lake County cfd and not be zoned as R six it seems that our effort time and expense is about to be undone by the land speculation company simply by annexing with the city of leeburg and overriding the County zoning Authority so in the brief time that I have I want to draw picture of our local environment and hope that we may gain some support to protect us from development on our property we see Florida Wildlife on a regular basis pictures some regular visits from bears turkeys Hogs bod cats even more notably The Sounds you hear are nothing like subdivision you can actually go outside and hear no sounds relative to people I walk the property numerous times during the day hearing nothing but cicas birds and in the evenings only crickets and whipper Wheels with a proposed development things are going to change instead of watching Wildlife during my daily walks I'll be looking into the back doors of 15 houses spaced evenly down 900 ft of my property line I'll be hearing the sounds of 135 Houses full of people 70 135 barking dogs and the coming and going of 270 cars that will occur all day and randomly at night not to mention backyard arguments and fireworks if I all allowed to make suggestions I'd first ask to deny the rezoning at the 10 acres cfd that would leave 4 Acres of remaining land that could be developed with just the stroke of a pen it could be redesigned if that's not acceptable I'd ask for a visual barrier to be constructed something like a 12T high fence or a non-traversable barrier of clumping bamboo while the subject's design plan shows a 25- ft undisturbed buffer that is in reality no buffer at all much of the 25- Ft proposed buffer line between the properties this currently Florida Uplands environment consisting not of trees nor leafy shrubs but low thin native plant life typically waste high or lower we all know that no barriers will stop the sounds of a new neighborhood but at least maybe we could block The View so that I could still walk my property and fool myself into believing that I'm still surrounded by Florida Woodland rather than being stuck in an isolated island of trees void of native Wildlife thank you for your consideration thank [Music] you okay was there anybody else that was going to speak for again against okay um applicant is there anything you want to address from that thank you again Stephen spado appreciate the comments one note there there in addition to the 25 foot buper and we will supplement that where there isn't sufficient vegetation we also are providing a fence as well so there will be a fence along that uh Western property line Thank you thank you can I ask what kind what kind of fence cuz he mentioned you know yeah it prob a six foot uh PVC type fence is proposed okay yeah and then again I with with single family detach so it's not just the 25 ft buffer plus the Landscaping plus the fence you also have the rear setback associated with those lots as well so the actual distance from the back of the home so the property line is actually greater than just the so where you see the Orange Line there that's the rear of the lot so there is additional building setback as well just a thank you thanks appreciate it just a side note I like the idea of the bamboo I was thinking about that yesterday too I was going to put that at my house at one time it works in fact our own house we had I'm aware of some varieties I don't know the names of them but they get 30 40 plus yeah really tall and do a good job that something you want to add not necessarily on this one but it's something why not can you say a bamboo built fence or bamboo we talks it's like a blind talking about bamboo plantsing Bamboo running clumping bamboo yeah they get very high I I mean and they don't blow down hurt any like PC right yeah they're very strong it's a tough position to be in I would want the bamboo myself but AR that fence will be I'm sorry that's aren't we are it's us who are requiring that PVC fence correct we are but we could change that to the bamboo add it or add it so in addition to so they could put the fence up and then directly behind that the bamboo could go that could be made part of your recommendation I would like I would like to do that I think we should consider that okay we'll address that while close to the public thank you I just sure the the fence itself will be maintained by the HOA so if there is an event causes it to be you know knocked down or damaged there is that an entity that's responsible for repairing and replacing that so it's not the individual owners but right an HOA okay thank you all right we'll close to the public and uh uh render decision is there any discussion before we yeah make the motion I think that we need to clarify the bamboo because some of it is very invasive some of it is not so I think that we would want to add the non-invasive bamboo yeah that'd be motion so whoever makes a motion if it's to approve it keep is the developer aware of what we're saying I see asking question so do you understand what we're talking about sort of um I guess for instead of the plantings that are included uh Dan in in in the buffer detail we would supplement that with a non-invasive bamboo that would not sort of typically spread and CA because typically bamb bamboo you know is is uh invasive and does spread and does create issues with foundations or maintenance and so I think we Sean yeah can I'm not familiar with that particular species of bamboo I have seen it spread but if we want to identify the species and then we have I think an element in there that shows if we don't have natural vegetation we would supplement that and can add the in the ill number I have some on my property okay transplant it okay let's let's keep control of this here s okay thank you I mean since we're not experts in that maybe that can be worked out with staff afterwards but the con you know we'll make the motion clear of of the concept okay now I'd also just make it clear where in the landscape buffer you would want this if it's just along this gentleman's property or the entire landscape offer just something to think about thank you the Western staff is looking at the western boundary next to Mr bidder's property okay okay well we're closing this back up again and is there any more discussion on that actually have um so there's a typical 25t landscape buffer drawing detail that you guys have yes sir that's in the PD that's correct could that be redrawn to show the bamboo and then be used as such in documents we could um for clarity we we probably need to do something for Clarity on that uh we can add that draw something and add it in um that you have it documented we need something for the future what I'm worried about is being sure that we get a species that well we'll let y'all work that part out right okay I've been I've been investigating but I don't know the names of any of them CU I I like it too so all right um back to uh rendering decision is there a motion when we uh enter the motion do we need to mention the well first you have to make a motion on the comprehensive plan so that won't have any Landscaping well that's true with it sorry that's that's my fault um in fact Let me let me number seven I'm going to I'm going to read it out introduce it again um is there a motion on public hearing case number sscp 2478 the comprehensive plan Amendment 87 78 or 87 what' I say 78 no 87 sorry I have my dyslexic moment I'd like to make a motion to approve I'm entertaining sorry it's okay public hear in case sscp 24-87 the Post Street residential with the bamboo onest no not on this that's correct sorry I passed by moment okay is there a second I'll second that motion Mr chairman thank you very much is there any discussion on the motion roll call chairman Senate uh yes commissioner Carter yes commissioner aan yes commissioner Kaplan yes commissioner power Sox yes I think somebody spiked my water okay public hearing case number PUD 2488 Post Street residential plan unit development uh is there a motion I make a motion to um approve PUD d2488 Post Street residential with the amendment for the bamboo clumping the the nonivasive western western on the western boundary thank you you're welcome I'll second that motion thank you any discussion uh to include a redesign of the typical drawing used in the documents thank you well he said I think everybody's ready for dinner yes okay um roll call commissioner Carter did we get sorry sorry sorry did you make a second on that motion did I get a second on that motion I just made a additional motion all right thank you yes commissioner aan yes commissioner Kaplan yes commissioner Bowersox yes chairman Senate yes okay I'm done entertaining for a while um I'll back Mr chairman yes sir if I may I need a break for just about okay uh let's take 10-minute break thank you for us old guys e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e I'm going to call this back to work do not to be confused was ordering pizza oh shoot I zered out my it's back all right uh case number nine you're in trouble um um public hearing case number sscp 24163 um it's asked to postpone it to is there June 20th June 20th thank you Mr Mr chairman if I may um in review of these next two cases uh and working with the applicant which was Habitat for Humanity staff has advised that the applicant should resubmit their site plan that they originally started with um basically the problem was that what they had started with would not match under the zoning that they were going to request so we're working on it with habitat and it'll be Tak taken care of and we will get back to you next month and that's for these next two cases um one being postponed and one to be uh withdrawn okay if we may thank you sir sure so do we have a motion to postpone to June 20th yeah Mr chairman on sscp 24163 I move for for a postponement to June 20th 20th it said I thought it thank you okay that's for the reading y uh is there a second that's a second any discussion I just want to know am I allowed to we can talk about what your role is and whether or not you should um abstain from voting when it is brought forth I think she's asking if she can vote on this oh on the postponement yeah there's no problem on that okay all right uh roll call commissioner aan yes Commission Klan yes commissioner bow yes chairman Senate yes commissioner Carter yes thank you thank you for bringing that uh public hearing case number RZ 24102 Penn Street habitat resoning they are withdrawing this case so there's no action to be done motion all right so public hearing case number Spud 24120 Webster Street office PDO planed development overlay there anything else with that all right thank you Mr chairman thank you uh this is a request for a plan development overlay for an office in the existing R2 medium density residential zoning District on 0.75 plus or minus Acres the property is generally located east of North 13th Street and south of Webster Street as legally described whoops I'm reading the wrong one sorry in an R the property is in an R2 medium density residential zoning district and is undeveloped at this time however everything else I said was still correct um the request for you today is the applicant is asking for approval of a plan development overlay in an R2 medium density zoning District to add office and similar uses to the underlying zoning to give you a quick uh rundown a plan development overlay leaves the existing zoning in place and all of the entitlements with that it simply adds on to that under conditions and that generally occurs and specifically this is a real good example of it because this is a situation where this is a perfect use of a PDO um and Miss Melissa matters planner with the office uh is going to present the maps and photo exhibits today including the aerial zoning future land use surrounding land use Wetlands flood zones and CRA Maps thank you thank you Mr Miller the this map shows an extended aerial zoomed out so you can see that it is located east of thank you east of North 13th Street and south of Webster Street and the next one just shows a zoomed in one how big the property is on that corner of Webster in North 13th the current zoning is R2 medium density with a surrounding of R1 low density C2 and a commercial and Spud to the South sorry the current future land use is low density residential um which is surrounding to the north east and south with the West General commercial the proposed plan development overlay is shown here that it just overlays on the current zoning and the surrounding land use shows single and multif family residential to the north and east and vacant residential to the east warehousing vacant residential and Commercial and institutional to the South and warehousing to the east sorry to the West um the community redevelopment area for this is the 27/44 1 CRA there are no flood zones on this property and there are no Wetlands on this property the commission district is one and the top of the the top photo shows it's looking North from the property across register the bottom one is looking East from property from the property along Webster Street and it's the top was looking south from Pro from the property from Webster Street looking West from property along the along Webster Street on the bottom this is the closeup of the Zone rezoning sign on North 13th the bottom shows looking North along North 13th Street the top show is looking East onto the property along North 13th Street and the bottom is looking south from property along North 13th Street I think that is is that all there not looking west across North 13th Street and I believe that is all I have Mr Miller thank you Melissa um moving on to theart a real quick question and I think I know the answer but um I have standing because I have a property that's within 2 ft of that does that affect me at all as far as making a decision no that that wouldn't okay as long as you can objectively look at this and can make a decision yes okay I just didn't didn't want any confusion thank you so looking at the departmental review Ser summary the project again sent out to All City departments including Lake County government School Board there were no substantiative comments received from the city departments uh School Board noted that it's an office use so it's not subject to school requirements and Lake County Public Works had no comments in regard to this um there were no and in accordance with the state and state statute and city of Le code of ordinances project was legally advertised and sent out to surrounding Property Owners there were no comments received uh regarding the project I'd like to read a bit of the background in looking at the recommendation and complete the recommendation statement um basically for case number Spud 24120 the request is to add a plan development overlay in an R2 zoning District you've seen these before we did a few on um Pine Street I think Pine and Mike we did a couple over there and those worked out real well uh but it's adding a PDO to an R2 medium density zoning district and in a low density future land use district and then along with that we will need a waiver from section 25282 A1 which is the 5 acre minimum on pdos and I'm going to be asking to change that 5 acre minimum under the new Land Development regulations that we're developing for the city in the future um as provided in chapter 25280 the R2 medium density zoning District would not normally permit office uses in this particular location and in this particular circumstance an office use is compatible with the surrounding uses and does not pose or create a new detriment to the surrounding properties the activity that would be created through the construction of an office would allow an economic benefit in the area in this neighborhood it's almost like a transitional area right in here and potentially create some new employment opportunities so the Planning and Zoning division is recommending approval of this request for the following reasons the pro number one the proposed request on the subject property for the addition of a plan development overlay with a request for a waiver from section 25282 A1 is compatible with the existing zoning District of R2 medium density residential and surrounding zoning districts including r R1 R2 C2 and Spud there is no change proposed to the Future land use designation of loaden [Music] residential and number three the addition of the proposed PDO plan development overlay with the waiver from section 25282 will allow for an office consistent with surrounding land uses and with the surrounding properties while maintaining the existing zoning and future land use designations the for the proposed request does not appear to create a detriment to surrounding properties based on the location and proximity to compatible development and is therefore consistent with the residential use compatibility requirement of the city of leeburg comprehensive plan future land use element b1i General commercial and finally the action is request is vote to approve the addition of a plan development overlay on an R2 medium density residential zoning district with the request for a waiver from section 25282 A1 and forward this recommendation to the city commission for their consideration um within that PDO very simple we've added permitted uses which would be maintaining the R2 medium density daycare Home Health Care office office being General Office Professional office medical Veterinary uses things like that a single family residence would still be fine there and um beyond that that's about it it's going to be a standard everything else would come under the standard R2 requirements um if you look at the aerial or the zoning map you can see how this area you've got industrial you've got the trail got um commercial got residential got the the uh old uh was it Wonderbread mhm uh store over there and then residential right nearby so it really is in a transitional place and uh the applicant would be able to do something here uh to benefit the city thank you sir thank you any questions of Staff uh is that applicant I believe we were supposed to get um Miss Meredith Kirsty but we do have Mr Bill P yeah but he's not near as good looking that's right was Bill P 600 Cascade Avenue lebur Florida and I sore in Army too so okay what's the question anything you want to add or no Dan's told it all I can't even remember all this that's I wasn't going to make you walk up here um anybody have a question to the applicant go sit down we didn't get anybody to sign to speak for or against is there anybody in the audience who wants to speak for or against all right we will close to the public and render a decision any discussion before we make someone makes a motion if not fire away Mr chairman public hearing case Spud 24120 Webster Street office PDO plan development overlay I recommend approval I second the motion any discussion on the motion roll call commissioner B socks yes chairman Senate yes commissioner Carter yes yes commissioner aan yes commissioner Kap yes sorry I was just looking down all right thank you very much uh Happy overlaying oh there he is you moved your seats on me all right um case number 12 public hearing case cup 24121 yellow. pickle ball cup conditional use permit thank you Mr chairman this is U subject property generally located west of Park Center Street and North of West Main Street and it consists of units 104 to 108 in the lebur Commerce Center I forget which building number that is but it's the ones as you go into the Commerce Center the building to the left uh this is the same Commerce Center we were comparing with the flex industrial uses that we were comparing to in one of the earlier cases this is the newer development yes sir uh the request before you today is is for approval of a conditional use permit in the M1 zoning District District which is industrial to allow for a recreational activity uh pickle ball pickle ball courts they would be indoor pickle ball courts uh Melissa met planner will present the maps in photos including the aerial zoning future surrounding land use Wetlands flood zones and CRA Maps thank you Mr Miller as you can see on the zoomed out uh areal it is east of County Road 468 and north of West Main Street the more zoomed in shows you how close it is to 44 and Es 48 and the current zoning is M hold on that's not it yep there it is sorry sticky covered it sorry it is M1 industrial and to the West South it is C3 Highway commercial and the future land use shows it as an industrial General conversion to the west and south the proposed cup shows the overlay on that the next one surrounding land uses are Warehouse to the north lebur common Park to the East Apartments and bowling alley to the South and vacant commercial to the West there it shows that the subject property does have flood zone AE on it and there are no Wetlands currently and the commission district is two and as you can see the top one shows a closeup the sign looking onto subject property the bottom shows looking across Park Center Drive the next top one is looking North along Park Center Drive the bottom is looking South along Park Center Drive the top is the closeup of sign two looking into the subject property the bottom is looking across West Main Street the top is looking East along West Main Street and the bottom is looking West along West Main Street and that is what I have Mr Miller thank you Melissa um moving to the departmental review summary project again sent out to All City departments Plus Lake County government and Lake County School Board um there were no comments from the city departments it's a recreational request so it doesn't generate any students so we received no comments from the school board board and no comments from Lake County Public Works everything is there the infrastructure the uh parking spaces we worked all that out um under the recommendation for yellow dot pickle ball under conditional use permit 24-21 planning and zoning department is recommending approval of the request for these reasons number one the request meets the criteria set forth in section 25 141 conditional uses and section 25284 District use regulations of the city of lesburg code of ordinances for the granting of a conditional use permit to allow for the development of the indoor pickle ball facility within an existing building two a conditional use permit is required for the proposed use under chapter 25 284 the use Table Three subject to the conditions below the proposed conditional use does not create a detrimental impact and the number four the request do not create a negative impact or inconsistency within the city's comprehensive plan there are some conditions uh number one conditional use permit granted to allow for the development of an indoor pickle ball facility in units 104 through 108 um going back to the aerial map if you would Max that's yeah any of those is fine the 104 to 108 are can you point those out there's a concept plan in there but those are toward the left side of the building right up thank you right about in there Max and um the remainder of those conditions are standard PUD commissions uh conditions cup conditions excuse me and the action request is vote to approve the conditional use permit for the subject property to allow for the development of an indoor pickle ball facility in units 104 through 108 um Mr chairman Mr Andrew berer I believe is here and Mr Lou forges is is also here and pickle ball is one of if not the fastest growing sport around so with that staff is recommending approval okay thank you very much any questions to staff what's pickle ball it's a uh tiny tennis a a smaller version okay sorry bigger bigger ping pong true uh does applicant want have anything to add or you're good with the presentation you have any questions thanks uh is there anybody to speak for or against in the audience okay thank you we'll close to the public and uh render a decision a motion from over there some place don't I'm give it a shot uh make a motion to approve public hearing case uh cup 24-1 2 one yellow dot pickle ball cup conditional use permit second good job good job yet any discussion on the motion roll call chairman Senate yes commissioner ready for it yes commissioner a yes commissioner Kaplan yes commissioner bow Sox yes right happy pickle ball y'all will be very successful yes I saw that and I went man that's a good idea okay uh case number 13 and 14 I'm going to introduce both of them they'll be U presented at the same time uh public hearing case number sscp 24157 Northshore Caris uh Cod small scale comprehensive plan and case number 14 public hearing case number PUD 2418 Northshore car Cove plan unit development thank you Mr chairman the subject property consists of plus or minus 40.6 Acres generally located on the north side of Northshore Drive and west of Beverly Point Road the request is for again an annexation small scale comp plan I've got a large scale small scale comp plan and rezoning of the property as you will see in the exhibits the commission may remember this casee from some time back in the past as it was at that point a proposal for 13 lots to contain 26 duplex units okay at the Planning Commission there was a significant amount of public opposition and concern and the Planning Commission recommended that the proposal be revised to A reduced number of single family lots in a comparison of lot sizes and so forth and that's what the result of is that what you are seeing today so the applicant has revised from requesting a total of 26 duplex units to eight single family detached units so they made a significant change here overall The Proposal um the petitioner G Summit Engineering is requesting a PUD to allow the construction of proposed residential development with a maximum of the eight units on these 40 acres the property is currently under Lake County jurisdiction and zoned C1 neighborhood commercial being C1 at this location is a bit of a problem as it's way too far off the road I think to Merit commercial use uh Melissa Mets planner will present the maps and photo exhibits aerial zoning future land use surrounding land use Wetlands flood zone and CRA Maps thank you Mr Miller excuse me Dan you saying that I I guess I misheard you you're saying that the property is not conducive to commercial because it's set it's so far back what I actually meant yes thank you for that opportunity when you look at the property here outlined in blue it's pretty it's pretty good distance off of Citrus Boulevard okay that's what I'm that's what I'm intended to say his opinion that it wasn't really suited for commercial right and and as it sits in Lake count under Lake County jurisdiction right now it is under a neighborhood commercial zoning and it's when you go out into that area I I don't see that as a professional planner I do not see that as a commercial parcel I imagine it will set up that way years ago it was probably probably want to do some kind of a years ago yeah some kind of Marina or right Recreation or something yeah thank you go ahead we're done Chad thank you Commissioners this extended aerial shows that the subject property is east of Citrus Boulevard and north of Northshore Drive the next one just as a zoomed in version to show you how close it is to the water this no wor the city of lebur zoning on this map shows it is uh to the north is uh PUD and uh C3 Highway commercial uh to the east it's r1a single family residential and to the South is R1 low density and public and R2 medium density and to the West is C3 Highway commercial lake County zoning shows it as C1 neighborhood commercial the proposed zoning shows it as a PD plan unit development and the City of lebur future land use shows the immediate city of Le lebur future land uses are estate residential to the east to the South as institutional and low density residential and conservation to the north and west the Lake County future land use is Lake County Urban media density and the surrounding land uses are vacant residential in state of Florida to the north residential to the east place of worship School Board of Lake County and res res residential and vacant residential to the South and wetlands to the West the nearest community redevelopment area is the 27441 C you can see on the property that the flood zone AE covers the majority of it and there are extensive Wetlands including shrub swamp hardwood swamp and both water and excavated water the commission district is located between districts four and five and the top photo shows a close-up of a sign on the property from Northshore Drive the bottom shows looking North onto the property from Northshore Drive the top on the next page shows looking Southeast from the property along Northshore Drive the bottom is looking south from the property across Northshore Drive and the last photo shows looking Northwest from the property along Northshore Drive and that is all I have Mr Miller thank you thank you Melissa moving on to the departmental review summary project again sent out to All City departments Lake County government Lake County School [Music] Board there were no substantiative comments from the city departments uh School Board returned to staff a no impact letter and what they're staying by the no impact letter is that the proposal will not generate enough students to require further action by the school board such as a um mitigation agreement they're you know they're just not concerned about it um lunder Lake County Public Works there was no comments response and again under public responses it was legally the project was legally advertised posted and letters sent out to the surrounding Property Owners we did receive one disapproval and one no comment for the proposed request um the Pud description now this is uh again in the past I think they were proposing 20 six duplex units and now it's an eight units so we got 40 acres with a request for an Spud zoning of eight single family detached units of the 40 acres the majority of that lies in wetlands and flood zones and and is going to be placed in the conservation future land use category um only the far southern area of the property directly fronting Northshore Drive is proposed for development of the eight house houses uh no other uses would be permitted the minimum lot size would go would be 10,000 square ft the minimum lot width is 90 ft and the minimum depth 115 they are design and Architectural standards like we have in all the other neighborhoods requiring the to choose the five facade items stone accents shutters bending bay windows or choice of features in that dark sky lighting for any Lighting on the property um the the recreational requirements include a Tot Lot with a playground equipments and they we've because it's so small we said a small Tot Lot would work just fine there uh they're going to meet the 35% open space with no problem um sorry I can't even say that with a straight face 98% yeah um the site access is along of course Northshore Drive um we noted that the protection for the wetlands and flood zones is by placing it in the conservation future land use again the same Pro prohibitions on St Augustine grass they all have to be on City water and waste waterer no Wells or septic systems and no construction unless there's sufficient capacity under the recommendations for the small scale comp plan case number sscp 24157 planning and zoning department is recommending approval of this request because the project number one meets the requirements of chapter 163 3187 Florida statutes for smallscale comprehensive plan amendments two the proposed request for a small scale comp plant amendment to conservation and estate residential is compatible with the adjacent future land use designations of city of leeburg conservation and estate residential and three the proposed request for a plan unit development zoning is compatible with the current surrounding zoning District of city of leeburg PUD r1a which is single family residential R1 which is low density residential R2 which is medium density residential R3 high density residential and public and C3 which is General commercial for the proposed future land use designation for the site is consistent with the city's growth management plan future land use settlement goal one objective 1.6 and the action requested is to approve staff's recommendation to change future land use of the subject property from Lake County Urban medium density to the city of leeburg conservation and state residential and forward this recommendation to the city commission for their consideration um under the rezoning case which is case number PUD 24-58 planning and zoning department is recommending approval of this request for the following reasons number one the proposed request for a plan unit development zoning is compatible with the current surrounding zoning districts which are listed the proposed request for the future land use designation of conservation and estate is compatible with the proposed zoning District of PUD three the proposed request does not appear to create a detriment to surrounding properties based on location of proximity to compatible development including existing single family development the action requested is vote to approve the proposed resoning from Lake County C1 neighborhood commercial to City of leeburg PUD plan unit development and forward this recommendation to the city commission for consideration I did want to make one minor change to the Pud which was a an error on our part which uh Mr Jeff Summit who is here representing the project uh noted to me just prior to the meeting under Section n1f was it four okay 4 one in four excuse me 4N one the side setback should be 7.5 ft instead of 10 um these are 90ft wide Lots so setbacks are not a big concern here uh in that case and I'd like to thank um Mr Summit for pointing that out it was just a typo on our part um beyond that uh Mr Jeff Summit from GL Summit Engineering Mr Jason Lee of H2O development are both here to represent the case and answer any questions that you may have staff is recommending approval of both cases Mr chairman I do have one question is there a uh is there going to be an HOA to take care of all the excess [Music] property well it doesn't really have to be it's wild as it is now nothing will change about the excess property um if they want to set one up that is not a problem because if they sell all those lots then who's going to own all the swamp land that's a question that you should ask them okay sir as I was asking you I was thinking good that's a very good question okay come on all right state your name and your address please my turn on The Price is wrong tonight is all right Chef Summit with Summit Engineering 3 667 Simon in place Lake Mary Florida uh start off real quick yes there will be because that is exactly the reason we need an HOA is to accommodate the the areas we're going to put in open space tracks that will be dedicated to the HOA and to set up the maintenance so that we can have a budget so that those do get mowed maintained in in perpetuity with property so yes go just real quickly I just like to reiterate you know we have been here before on this project we first came in here this was a much denser project than what's before you tonight uh we worked with Dan his staff to try to come up with something you know the goal that this this commission gave us when we came first time was to go back look at the existing Lots around us do a compatability study come back with a proposal that was more consistent with the surrounding area so we've done that took us a little bit of time and I think what we've brought back is a is a project that is much more compatible with the existing uses the existing area like Dan said we're saving so much Conservation Area so much open space uh you know I think we I think we hit all the buttons you guys gave us last summer around so with that if you have any questions be happy to answer any I'm sorry that's okay I was just going to ask if anybody had questions um Guess m because I know this is we're talking about the future but what is the average home price going to be o that's a loaded question um well if if you ask the landowner as much as he can get out of them how's that yes I'm sure I'm sure I mean as far given these are 90 foot lots and OB obviously we had to cut density I mean I don't know we don't have an exact product we don't necessarily know if we're going to build it or if we're going to sell it but given the fact that we've got Big Lots and we lost density obviously we're going to have to go with a little bit bigger product because numbers are still numbers and math is still math so you know it's definitely going to be a much bigger product than we had the first time around thank you but I really don't want to give you an answer as far as a cost because I'm on the record and this is supposed to be testimony and I don't want to say something I'm going to regret I was I was just you know my shot going out try to see good try good try good try I have a question sir sir that Canal is it going to catch how many of those lots there's a no actually yeah if it's kind of hard to see on the plan but if you look right behind the Lots what we have is we actually have a retention Pond the back that's that's between the canal and L going to be able to tie in no they and and the Lots do not have Frontage on the canal or the water so if you're if you're worried about docks or boat ramps or any of that stuff it's not going to be allowable because there will be the open space track the wet on the Wetland buffer and then the retention Pond between the actual lot boundaries in the water I've traed back in there a few times yeah oh you came out alive that's a good thing with with the plots going all the way left and all the way right where's the easement that allows you to the back to take care of the property so it's actually going to be on lot one on the uh the Far West Side there so yeah if you see if you see right there we actually have it called out I know it's kind of hard to read and I apologize for that but yes we've got that easement is kind of it's kind of tight in there the 20 foot access easement that we need to get to track os2 so that we can maintain it perpetuity don't buy that one it will be on lot one but it's just going to be okay but that is your access point yeah and that obviously when we plat that's how that easement will get created it will get created VI the plat any other questions thank you thank you uh I guess David Thompson wants to speak he he filled out two of these forms so he really wants to speak he want six minutes so state your name and your address please David Thompson uh 1419 Beverly Point Road uh on this map that's there I I I can speak for myself for sure and others in the neighborhood we have never been opposed to in this first section are talking about it is the Wetland section that we're opposed to and we have a great concern for all of us have purchased homes in that area that are very expensive at this time that we bought and were told that it was wetlands and would not be built on alongside the canal on what would be the north side there is a peninsula that varies from about 60 feet wide down to maybe 30 feet that is dry and right now have a very big problem with transients and people camping in there and trashing we need to have that taken care of there's a concern also for us with the uh property being located where it is by the school right now in the afternoons and the mornings the pickup drop off the people take up the entire Lane Shore uh if we coming in we have to drive on people's yards to get in there there's no way for anybody to get in and adding more residents to drive in and out of that area plus they thought we thought redevelop the 27441 that we would slow the traffic down but no it still makes the left hand turn on the NorthShore they travel down and turn by by two places by the school go over uh to uh the next Road and down to Lee Street and we get people going through there at 40 45 miles per hour and we don't have any police officers down there do anything to stop it and that's a big concern about having more houses more traffic but we've the area the people in the area aren't really concerned about having the house we like the new proposal but personally I can tell you I'm very much concerned about that bay area over there we have all we have Gators we have otter we have kind of fish that you can think of in Florida in there if that were these people were at some point in time come in here and want to develop that that we would lose a real conservation habitat cons to Le prevent that development on the road time thank you thank you uh to address that uh I believe uh mentioned that they're going to make that a conservation area so that'll automatically disallow any development exactly what what would that entail everything every north of those houses will be conservation so the area not be able to be built on as far as the trespassing suggests that the the current owner or the homeowners association files a no trespassing with the police then what you do police and they have the to kick them off I had to do all my property and I I had to say same issues I think when they put the housing in it will yeah it'll slow it down Dan another question too um that that part of the road is that is that lburg or count County right there by the school right by the school north of that roadway is Lake County it's the area in blue is the Lake County and and the green that's that is actually an enclave of Lake County within lesburg I believe it was owned by Mr Beverly grard for many years and because it is a wetland area um it's would be extremely difficult extremely expensive to even consider any element when it goes into a conservation future land use that makes it even more difficult I think W you anyway flood zone Z you can build on that is correct yeah but with the conservation thing it's a the majority of this property is wetlands and flood zones the the only part you can use is what they're using and they've done a really good Mr Summit has done a really good job and Mr Lee to put together and to listen to what the neighbors said listen to what this commission said and come back with something that's representative of what was requested okay just one more thing I'm sorry CU I still got to find out anybody else is speaking the the as far as the road on the roadway and um the school is is going to be redone I mean I heard there's improvements for the school beverage hor is getting improvements also on that road um How could a citizen go about um requesting speed bumps CU he cor about the traffic going they may want to um go through a a process of requesting speed bumps on that right there on Northshore I'd rather police do itps because I travel up down day yeah that's that's the point said people going through there you got some well I would like to see the county or the city and I don't know if you ever noticed it but on Griffin Road right when you turn right on the Le Street they have a sign that says 441 this way so it's almost like encouraging people to drive that way to cut through but if they had if you not not speed bu speed tabl speed tables is what I'm saying cuz you know if you're going home you don't care if you have to do 25 cuz you're just going up a few blocks but if you're going through and you know you got those speed they have that over by the school the middle school has speed tables so I mean cuz that road is not if it's County you got wait for wi that road and and basically to answer your questions if it's the the need for more in that area then yeah you go directly to the police department for ta speed tables um which I think are actually more effective than the bumps because they're not very high but they're longer right they're wider right and um that would come I would recommend that if someone wanted to pursue that they would go through their elected representative who whichever District they live in in and um go at it that way and then they would work with the city manager in the public works department I say this cuz you know I traveled up Le Street for 60 years um I think they ought to put more four-way all the what the price was because that would bring more value to the neighborhood bring it back where it used to be yeah yeah you're right on your prices cuz I've been looking lately I live on boil street so um was there anybody else that want to speak okay we'll close to the close to the uh public and I would like to who uh who's the land owner I would like to suggest that you go ahead and get a no trespassing on that now and that way now they can sign no but I mean go to the city go to the police station put sign up doesn't mean anything if you go to the police station and sign a trust me I do this all the time and go and sign a no trespassing then they have the power to get rid of them right but the problem is the one that we're addressing right here right now it is Lake County so Lake you got to call the sheriff well it I mean things like that might change here in the next couple any more discussion if not I'll entertain a motion on public carrying case number sscp 24157 can I make a recommendation for something real quick sorry well you make a motion to put it in is is okay so recommendation would be the sidewalks that you're shown on here to be poured 6 in thick since people are going to drive on them to get around other parked cars and the in the in the road we we can't get into the city standard details in the building code but they will have to be poured to City specs or County specs depending on whether they fall in the city's property private property or on the county right away so they do have to be made to the specs so they're going to turn into gravel pretty quick yeah we we don't want that the school is going to the school is going is going to be renovated in in couple years so it's not going hopefully they'll address it okay no that's a good idea uh is there a motion yes so is this number 13 mhm yes yes I would like to make a motion to approve public hearing case number sscp d24 d157 Northshore cars Cove small scale comp plan thank you could could we may I respectfully request that the motion for us to be able to change the side setback from 10 ft to 7.5 with the motion that's not for the complain I'm sorry never mind I'm tired too you're sorry I'll second the motion thank you any discussion roll call commissioner Carter yes commissioner a yes commissioner Klan yes commissioner B yes chairman sen yes I'm telling you at least we're entertaining up here no we're we're hungry I've ate all my kid yeah I guess it's a it's a sugar problem public hearing case number P 2418 Northshore Caris uh Cove plan unit development um is there a motion there there is uh I would like to make a motion for public hearing case PUD d24 d158 Northshore cars Cove plan unit development with the setback um 7. instead of 10 seven from 7 to 10 7.5 7.5 to 10 and the other way around please oh 10 I got to go welcome welcome to the club from 10 to 7.5 from 10 to 7.5 and add a chef salad to it pretty good is there a is there a second I'll second that any discussion roll call commissioner a yesion yes Mr yes chairman sen yes Mr Carter yes all right cool thank you very much thank you what um are they going to make that um car line are they going to bring it on the property I hope so I I tell you the Lake County School Board are terrible when it comes to car lines they design them so horribly you know they high school's terrible and this one they t they knock down all those trees that I planted those pine trees oh you got yeah we're all those pine trees that were were cut down I