##VIDEO ID:s_q98NDhEMM## e e e e e e e e e e call the city commission meeting to order tonight is Monday August the 26th the time is uh 5:30 if you would uh please rise for the invocation and pledge Heavenly Father we ask that you watch over this group tonight and that you help us make good decisions for the city of lebur we do this in your name amen pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all all right so we'll move on to item two uh proclamations oh wait it says None but we have one whereas it is great pleasure that the city that lesburg City commission pauses to recognize city clerk Andy pervis for her efficiency and Effectiveness in providing services to our city government and whereas as an essential member of our staff throughout her career Andy pervis has Pro proven herself more than capable of carrying out her professional responsibilities and whereas Andy pvis is a member in good standing of the International Institute of Municipal clerks the Florida Association of city clerks and the Lake County mun Municipal clerks Association where she currently serves as secretary and whereas in light of the speed and drastic nature of change these days lifelong learning is necessary for local government to keep Pace with the growing demands and needs of the citizens we serve and whereas Andy pervis was awarded the designation of certified municipal clerk from the iimc in 2014 and whereas the city of Leesburg takes immense pride in her recent educational accomplishment of earning the prestigious designation of Master municipal clerk from the I IMC now therefore I James a bur Jr mayor of the city of lesburg do hereby recognize city clerk J Andy pervis for her dedication and commitment to the city of lesburg and its residents and encourage all citizens to join us in extending wholehearted congratulations on her completion of the demanding curriculum required to attain the master municipal clerk designation let's get a [Applause] pi let's go right up front let's can everybody come out there she does this for all of us right here the agenda surpr you get us [Applause] all can't to go home all [Music] right we'll move on to item three presentations we have none item four is public comments this section is reserved for members of the public uh let me just read it off of it to bring up uh matters of concern or opportunities for praise issues brought up will not be discussed in detail at this meeting issues will either be referred to the proper staff or will be scheduled for consideration at a future city commission meeting comments are limited to three minutes and would you please give your name and address if if you come to the mic Fria Marshall 2106 angel fish salute I would just like to thank the city of leeburg the commission and um Miss Tracy with the first annual fly in I thought it was very good and the people that I talked to in the community really enjoyed the S and also to commissioner R reesman um I watched you Saturday and the information and how you um got involved with the youth out there and sharing some information I thought it was very good and I really like to thank you for that mayor can I tag te tag on that real quick because I know Miss Tracy will probably leave after her agenda um I want to give her Kudos publicly she took this idea and ran with it and she did a phenomenal job uh it would have not would not have been the success it was without her we had had uh I think we total 350 plus CARS 800 plus people and we had 50 to 60 airplanes come in it was a hustling morning and uh her and even Jack from avcon came in and I just want to publicly thank her she did a great job and I can look forward to doing it again so great thank you thank you any other public comment all right moving on to the consent agenda oh wait we do have public com uh James hobgood um was that 110 South dist Street I want to say thank you to uh public works as well as uh Parkson wreck we had our first annual revive night of worship Thursday night down here on the lawn front the city hall um about 350 people or so uh was a great night and I know that it was kind of a feat there was some some things that giant LED wall and some stuff we had to get up there in public works had to put some guys down there so I just want to publicly say thank you to those um involved in that Travis and Tim Patton and and those guys that that did a great job of facilitating helping us make that a successful event um I'm also here uh to ask you guys what my next course of and for you guys whether that's a sit down or or something to talk about the homeless problem we have in downtown um I've been in business for five months now I've had three what I would consider major um run-ins or issues with homeless folks downtown uh one of which culminated this Friday uh with somebody walking into our establishment taking one of our service purses and running out the door um I'm not the only one in downtown that that as a business owner that has there um I I'm I'm not coming pointing the finger I'm not coming saying it's somebody's fault I'm just simply asking what if does the city have a plan um of what is the issue handling there if if it's a a conversation I to have with the police chief I can do that um but I'm going to bring that and come on public record asking the commission to start a conversation about what can we do to kind of ensure the safety of our business owners um and our citizens we continually have folks coming to us saying hey we don't feel safe going downtown older folks senior population about 60% of our population of our Cong of our our folks that come in our restaurant our seniors they don't feel safe coming down because we have them sitting at our front door at 6:30 7:30 in the morning there's one that sleeps outside of my front door uh right around the corner we have one that sits on the Park Bench across the street the entire day um so I'm just I'm I'm coming as a as a concerned business owner and asking the commission um is there a plan of action um for us moving forward or starting a conversation about how do we you know a healthy you know understand that there's two different sides of these types of things but just ask him to start that conversation okay thank you we hear you thank you good evening I'm Elliot with Blue Island sportsware 7112 West Main Street I'm also a on the board of directors with the chamber and uh also chair the downtown entertainment for the DBA um I know we have a long-term plan with the parking situation and the minute that word comes out everybody's eyes rolls everybody don't tired of hearing it I hear it every day by customers that are coming in and not having it I'm here to discuss the Orange Avenue parking lot um I'm the type of guy that I'm going to come to you okay Elliot we that is on the agenda for later on tonight I thought you said open things well it's it's for anything that's not on the agenda just you know but we we'll give you ample time to speak to that then that's later on okay any other public comments all right we'll move on to item five which is the consent agenda routine items are placed on the consent agenda uh to expedite the meeting if the commissioner staff wish to discuss any item the procedure is as follows one pull the item or items from the consent agenda two uh vote on remaining items with one roll call vote and three discuss each pulled item and vote by roll call are there any items anyone would like to pull seeing none can I make a motion to approve the consent agenda second roll call Mr conill yes commissioner Ean yes commission Peterson yes commissioner Barry yes mayor bu yes okay we'll move on to item 5B which is purchasing items we have none we'll move to 5c it's resolutions someone please introduce uh five consent oh this is on consent excuse me I'm sorry I'm sorry yeah that's five yeah sorry about that guys uh item six here we are public hearings and non- routine items uh begin with a second reading of ordinances we have nine B is first reading of ordinances and we have none uh so we'll move to 6C non-routine items uh and that's a presentation on the US Highway 44127 CRA there we go and if you can kick up the PowerPoint and I and uh if you give the first slide so um as we talked about during the budget workshops we've Revisited a couple of different um divisions of of the budget as we have moved through the process uh uh for ratification of the budget which come in two phases next month so you all being the CRA board we scheduled it during your regular meeting to save some time but um yall just just to revisit this you can take some action or what really it's not an action item you know but whatever you would direct well we we back into the budget so you may want to direct some action or no action or or what have you so with that if you go so as we've talked a lot about the CRA um the CR this cra specifically sits on a lot of cash because that had kind of been the plan for the last 10 years you know remember the recap of that is the bottom fell out of the budget the day that we signed the bond back in 2010 on this so we stashed cash away we recalibrated the CRA which I think was one of our greatest one of our Great accomplishments to get to recalibrate that Baseline that CRA not generates cash um so it's sitting on the 4.5 million bucks which we kind of always had stashed away to cover the the bond next slide so this the CRA now brings in pretty solid Revenue it's one of the strongest growing cras we have believe it or not and you bring in about three million a year um and you know so we we stash that cash um we have a couple of miscellaneous projects that we do but next slide we talked about some different you know different operating expenses um as we went through so first one was just some operating expenses is it's miscellaneous stuff uh we did put the South leeburg advertisement program in there uh to try to Market South leeburg the debt payment is the big one and then we talked about transfer of two million bucks this year to help with the the Susan Street project and that left about if you transfer about it's a little bit less than that next slide that so this explains the debt you've got about a couple of million bucks in there to consider next line so that that's where we end so that's where we left the project and just wanted to revisit that and see where you guys wanted to go you can leave that be um you can modify it a little bit the only the only probably new news which is probably new for all of you this evening is um the county is teetering a little bit that and in fact I only got word on this today one of the big shifts we did was um putting money in that 441 one into Susan Street sitting on the County's desk is an approved $1 million Grant from the TDC fund um tomorrow was scheduled for our $2 million modified TDC grant that it appears that the countyy is going to kick the can down on that one because they have not finished their CIP funding um so is that 2 million that we had programmed in there in some aay answer in some question it probably so and we'll know more October so um if you would lose funding from the county TDC for the grant this is this is this is where I'll be coming to you all to fill in the budget Gap um I'm going to I'm going to recommend to you that we continue to March forward um one of the other New pieces of information too that came in early this week very late last week was a federal government gave us a new rule on the American Recovery project which is money needs to be allocated by 12312 24 so end of this year and needs to be spent by 12 3125 end of next year the definition of allocated is is starting to tighten up so they want to see contractual stuff you know whether we get somebody to come in and show us the contract I don't know the biggest pieces of of money left that we have to spend from the AR p is the two million bucks um is that what we put in there Brandy was 2 million from the ARP for Susan Street and the million for the marina uh so I yelled at cliff and Travis you know we really need to expedite um getting those projects to budget or procurement so that you can have a a signed contract by the end of the year I feel pretty confident we're going to do that and then as long as we have that signed contract by the end of the year I also pretty feel pretty confident that by um the end of next year we'll have the money spent now whether this is a blue red thing and depending on who wins you know the the White House you know could dictate another change in policy so it's anybody's guess so those two things are kind of just out there floating a little bit that maybe puts a little bit of cloud on funding commissioner reesman had talked about um some sign Grant increases that we haven't got in there yet so that's kind of just a prep you for any company conversation you want to have this evening on where to go with the 44127 CRA um I have a question please um city manager um Menor with the American Recovery money that was given out to the two cdc's does that affect those two has all that money been allocated and spent or that's been allocated and spent okay now whether like um and those are 750,000 each I believe leberg CD has actually probably spent all that um West leeburg CDC has a lot of that still in reserve for their one apartment complex or duplex concept that they're talking about from I think from the definition of federal government a contract showing it's spent we have that okay just curious other questions you think it's wise to hold off on the sign grants until we have confirmation from the county I think so so so I'll hold off on requesting that okay everybody okay with that did you hear the comment one quick question the two million for Susan street are we moving the funds or just budgeting just budgeting okay okay thank you any other questions so do you need a consent no I I I kind of got your consent now so what will happen is the the budget as it was in this in this format and as we talked about budget Workshop format will pretty much look like that for you in September so holding two million in reserve okay good deal all right would somebody please introduce 6 C2 I'll introduce 6 C2 be R by title only resolution of the city Commission of the city of leasburg Florida authorizing the conversion of Orange Street Parking into three-hour parking only and providing an effective date for approval second discussion I'm fine with this I just want to make sure that we continue to keep up enforcement um I know people are in other parking areas downtown are abusing abusing again so if we get a little laxed I think people will Retreat go back to the old ways so I think we need to keep up enforcement so this is this is a positive for downtown so I fully support it uh one comment I have just for everybody's information uh Morrison United Methodist the church at the corner of ninth and and Maine has come to the downtown business Community uh to let them know that uh employees of downtown businesses are more than welcome to park at no cost in their parking lot and that would be the one that uh you enter off of Lee Street and there's two rows of parking kind of behind what used to be Macklin's office and is now the uh preschool or m not McCracken no this is what lake prep yes the school uh so they have direct parking that they own but the road where it comes into to Lee Street there's parking and that wraps around and comes back to main so uh you know they they have been very nice about know saying parked a there's no charge and that uh that will certainly free up more spaces for uh you know customers to park downtown if you can get the the employees to uh and the owners to to utilize that so I'm all in favor of keeping orange a uh a place you know where people come and go rather than all day parking so we did have Elliot did you have any public comment you wanted to make I told you you could thank you for considering the parking on orange a there I did go to Pastor Dave and we're looking like 70 plus parking places we just got to get us I park there I'll walk just enforcing the parking and just change the culture we need people to come downtown for us to thrive and continue it's just not me but we hear it every day from customers and other business owners so 70 plus parking is quite a substantial thing so shout out to Pastor Dave for letting us do that and I have labeled them and there's a blue sticker on every parking that is there so that people will know because we left a part of that you can also park at the DEA and blind there as well so which is right that's even Clos and the parking there 24 spaces there there's only 16 at Orange so the people that are parking there all day which are all employees um that's we all need a few more steps so thank you very much you're welcome any other public comment roll call commissioner reesman yes commiss Peterson yes commissioner Barry yes commission conel yes yes mayor B yes move on to uh item seven the informational reports anybody have questions regarding anything okay City attorney item uh briefly uh at the last meeting we had the issue as far as the amendment to the contract to extend closing and extend the governmental approval period for the Blue Rock deal they just wanted to let everybody know they did sign that Amendment um as amended by the commission here so that's signed up delivered uh so it looks like everything's moving forward according to that contract but that's all I've got and uh hope everybody has a great rest of the week thank you city manager I'll I have two items on the agenda but I'll just follow up a little bit with on Grant uh because I did have opportunity to talk to Tetro as well I can't remember Joe's last name from Blue Rock um but any I I you know I think anxious to move forward on that um I think at at the end of the day the deal is going to come down to two major issues hopefully they can get them resolved uh the first one is the alignment with college on college with their entry and the and the campus driveway entry to their big parking lot just north of 441 so that's a really important issue for them if you recall the county wanted them not to be aligned because they were worried about queuing which would kick the commons driveway more to the north that's a problem for them because if as they go more to the north and they have to shift their big building to the South and when they move the building to the South they have height issues so hopefully that gets squared away um they're optimistic it is that was one of the other issues in the due diligence as they need to provide some traffic data to get the county to kind of change their preliminary recommendation on that the other issue that they have is a um a requirement for additional storm water um this their storm water issue is is St John's is asking them for a little bit more storm water because they don't want and like absolutely zero run off to go into Silver Lake so that's that's pushing their issue a little bit more than what they thought so they're actually back now talking to Tracy and I about easements and different things they can do to push kind of double in their storm water over into the rpz so that'll that issue is going to come back before the airport board that issue is going to come back before St John's and and they're talking about different easements or do they all sorts of different stuff on that so those are the two big issues there hopefully we can figure out how that works and and and get that deal closed with that let me go into the two issues I had and you know get done in five minutes here right um so isue number one here was the um the power cost adjustment and typically uh since a couple years ago even though this is Administrative matter I just want to bring it to your attention give the explanation why didn't have opportunity uh to put this before uh the electric Advisory Board because it's scheduling issues and the need to get this implemented pretty much as quickly as possible within reason um so long story short this graph pretty much again is kind kind of what we try to do we try to keep $3 million in uh a reserve account for the power cost uh adjustment so um the green line represents our balances from the start of the fiscal year um and as we cross the black line to 3 million that's that's not uncommon as long as we see that we hang out around 3 million bucks what's alarming about this graph is at the current power cost adjustment rate of one penny a kilowatt and generally we talk about when we talk about the power cost adjustment we talk in, kilowatt so it's 10 bucks um if we keep that power cost adjustment at that number what we see is um through the end of the fiscal year we we drop we drop off the fall kind of is a good month but then we we go wacky again in the winter months when our demand is high so by you know first quarter of 24 we're going to see that that number go negative and then as the trend goes we get back through the hot mod so obviously that number keeps dropping off that's a trend we can't do um if and I'll go back to when we increased the power cost to S cents you know we increased that late and dramatically because we were sitting on a substantial amount of cash and the and the electric fund back then long story short here is the electric fund really can't sustain any type of decrease in a negative value um so when the power cost three million bucks goes away that means we go into the electric fund General reserve and they just they really just don't have the cash to sustain using that cash to pay the power bill um so we come up with so what's the amount that we need to write the ship and that number is two cents two cents a kilowatt so instead of a power cost of 10 bucks it's 20 bucks that's represented by the yellow line unfortunately what we see with that number is is if if we apply the the two cents in October we stabilize the account but then as our Peak starts going wacky and you know life happens this number starts to drop down to about zero and out years so that's really not enough of an account to keep that balance because remember the cycle it's kind of the spring and fall months we have good months winter and summer months we have bad months so what we see in this kind of 18-month projection is an inability to maintain $3 million in our savings account um so what I'm recommended to you this evening or is that uh effect of October one we increased to the two cents and tentatively in April which is halfway through the fiscal year we increase to 2.5 cents so what does this look like to our rate our rate right now for 1,000 kilowatts is 11794 $17.94 for the first thousand the base bill of that right now is $107 so that's where you see the 10 bucks so this would make our rate uh for the th1 12794 um on the website not in these packets is our is our chart that compares our um comp competitive or you know our competitive advantage or disadvantage with other Regional utilities um and essentially at 12794 we're still a very competitive utility specifically in the region um we're still significantly cheaper than Duke which hangs out about 160 um we're still about hand inand with SEO um and mount dor is really actually Statewide the the most competitive rate right now and they're hanging at about 115 um so although this is bad news competitively we're still a very competitive utility um and if I had to pin pinpoint one reason for it it's it's transmission costs there's there's a there was a chart in your packet I talked about this briefly in the report and basically what we see is about a 20% increase in transmission cost that 20 20% increase translates into about 2 to 3 million million bucks so right there you can you know so when we're hanging out around 3 million bucks and then we get hit with another two to three million increase that's that's where you see it so I would pinpoint transmission costs which go through Duke and FPL which just increased so pretty much when we went down to one cent their transmission cost increased and two months later we're seeing its effect um you also note if you've been reading the news you see other uh Duke just filed for another in increase uh at the Public Service Commission that actually got approved Public Service Commission bragged about it a little bit because it wasn't as much as they want but it was still an increase so unfortunately we still see some crazy stuff going on in the electric industry and unfortunately um barring this increase uh you know the the the fund can't really sustain it so we're going to have to increase that power cost adjustment what we'll do in the interim is it's it's scheduled for October 1 so we'll get notice out to the public um we'll get press release out we'll put it I'll do another update on the uh leberg rate watch section of our website and we'll notify customers through those two methods that that the rate had to go up that's my report on the power cost adjustment depending any questions you have any questions for Al just one question Al I think I know the answer but this these uh you referred to the transmission lines that's impacting all Municipal providers correct I mean I mean we're all bu I'm refer to ones like else you buy from fmpa pretty much every Municipal electric utility uses Duke Andor FPL for their trans okay I want to be sure I was clear and I want the audience to understand that thank you did we lower rates too quickly that put us in this situation you know I'm gonna say no and why would I say no um because on on the Long Hall you you're you know maybe we could have kicked that can down the road and maybe not needed a rate increase eventually you would have but what we did was in the hot summer months by lowering the rate we gave our customers a break and we gave them money back yeah so I you know anytime we can return money to your rars I think you need to do that um now we do we do want to have this um we don't we don't want to see a bouncing yo-yo power cost adjustment but it's a pretty fine line on you know how much money do you keep versus how much money do you give back to your customer customers and and our strategy has been give it back to our customers as soon as we can um hence this is why uh you know the two- tiered approach here is you know we don't want to jack it up I me we could jack it up to two and a half or three cents now and you're going to be sitting on a hoard of money um but you know that that's too much so we're trying to do it incrementally and do it at a rate that we can sustain for a you know six six month period which I think is reasonable the increas is April or March two and a half the the two cents will be October one so on your October Bill and October strategic uh because a it gives us enough time to notify customers and B October is when your AC start getting turned off so hopefully you know you you see your kilowatt consumption going down even though the rat's going up which equals about the same Net bill to you and then inversely in the springtime um you know there could be a number of factors in the next six months that we can kick the can down the road a little bit come April based on our projections today we're not seeing it um you know and obviously yeah if we see some indicators that allow us to push off rate increase number two you know I'll be back to you saying yay we can we can push that off um and that'll be you know you for example if we have a great winter where it's super mild and it's consistent and we don't peek out you know that's going to help us push down those projected losses you know Andy or Anna put that other chart up looking at so you know that's the power cost adjustment chart I know it's crazy um but that's the that's the Matrix and how we come up with this every month and so up in the top I know you can't read these numbers but these are our fixed energy costs or you know the ones that change and so you know again our the city's bill is kind of like a demand customer bill it's it it you know it's it's uh it's based on demand so if we if the whole Community Peaks out high at our 125 118 megawatts then we see really high bills even with high consumption for us but if we see that Peak demand stay you know 98 to 100 or 105 or so then that's kind of nice consistent usage and and then the utility makes a little bit of money and then those are the factors that go into our ability to keep the power cost down or or delay so there's there's a good there's January February December I didn't do that in order you know kind of if we get that cold snap in December January and and February those those are those are pretty indicative months so we do it on History if it's mild we can probably kick the April can down the road if it's cold again then no we probably can't other comments questions all right so you're going to bring that back to us in I'll bring that back to you in in April and Report you know accordingly on how it's going if it if it if it's good or bad you'll hear from me if it's as we projected on the charts you'll hear from me towards April when we would need to increase it okay uh the second item look I I I bring this up because uh I received an email as well as the mayor from your chairman the W Advisory Board um Mr Croft um and and Travis has been in my ear a little bit on this topic um so before we kind of put the the fiscal year 25 budget to bed uh next month do we want to consider a pickle ball concept um it's obviously a a fad that's been in the region uh the County's built pickle ball courts um at PE park for example uh other communities are putting them up with um they're they're in the Villages everywhere and it's a constant topic uh with the rec board to the extent that we got the letter from the chairman that said will you guys consider building pickleball courts um if you consider building pickle ball courts uh these are the things that I would tell you um there's one concept which I will say maybe you want to think about this but then I'll say if you do it you probably don't want to do it this way but you know Spirit of full disclosure in the spirit of full disclosure we we you know we talk about the options so one option is um take the tennis courts that are on um Palmetto there's four of them the ratio is One tennis court for two pickle ball courts which is probably why everybody's playing right so you you can convert the Palmetto tennis courts into pickle ball Courts for about a 100 Grand that is a real super easy solution if you want pickle ball the other side of that equation though is while there's not a lot of tennis being played at at those courts uh the folks who play if they're gone you will hear from them and they're the high school and the and the and the the USA and First Academy and and those are shaping up to be our last tennis courts in town so before you get rid of those tennis courts okay that's an option it's a less expensive option I don't think it's the better option the other option is is if you build pickle ball courts we still do have property where the old Public Works we had an old Public Work shed kind of just north of um Lakefront TV's home um which I think it's second in paletto kind of in that block where we can get six eight pickle ball courts constructed on our existing properties um that ballpark estimate is about a half a million dollars for new pickle ball courts how would you fund this I would say even instead of putting it in the fiscal year 25 budget you fund it this year but there's ramifications to that so we're sitting and we talked about this um with Main Street and and bringing over some DST Monies to do Main Street Sif and over downtown CRA Monies to do parking and then we're kind of sitting on about 1.5 million or so of DST monies that remain unspent and we're kind of keeping that in our pocket for downtown expenses we talked about that uh a little bit so if you would want to build pickle ball courts that's where I would go grab that money um do it from this fiscal year that contract and all you would need to do is kind of consensus today yay we want pickle ball courts or if you want time to think about it we can talk about it next week but that's where I would take that allocation so instead of sitting on 1. fiveish million dollars of unallocated DST that we're targeting for downtown I would pinch that half a million off from that DST money and start building the pickle ball courts or continue on the road and and push the pickle ball courts into another year and you're talking about it this evening which is I really what I think the hope of the recreation board committee was is that yall you all talk about it you all know it's it's another want doesn't mean you have to do it but it is a it's another one just a question about the property itself uh where the old shed was where we're if we were going to build brand new ones is there some limitations with what that property can be used for I mean is there problems with diesel fuel contamination or you know do we do we know is that a I mean you are there things you can't do there but a surface pickle ball is fine that's probably something that there probably something in our survey that we we would need to consider you know the only reason I bring it up is is you know we have talked for years about that paletto Second Street Corridor to Venetian Gardens uh and how to tie Main Street and and get better traffic in that area and uh you know I'm I don't play pickle ball I don't know if anybody here plays pickle ball I know one of my kids five nights a week is driving to Pear Park to play pickle ball I know that it is a big deal and I think uh I think building them is close to the uh facilities that serve beverages after you play pickle ball would be a very good for our downtown area and I'm all for and there's public restrooms there at the lakefront TV correct yeah uh F first of all u i I had people bending my ear on on pickle ball I had it on my wish list coming into budget um but we with going through the budget process I did not want to risk uh sacrificing the parking downtown and you know that just continues to get pushed you know back over the years so that's why I kept quiet on pickle ball um so if I understood you right I do not want to jeopardize the parking downtown that we've been talking about for years well ever since we had the uh Master downtown Master Redevelopment plan and uh so I just hate to see that money go elsewhere um so I don't want to lose that I'd I'd rather get the parking down and push the pickle ball back a year if we had to um you mentioned the tennis courts um what about the shuffle board courts I mean are they getting used I think I think the shuffle board court is probably the same phenomena that you have with the tennis courts even though there's not a huge contingent that uses them in the winter months you do have a pretty good contingent so if you opted to get rid of shuffle board for pickle ball you probably have an equal argument from a a different could there be some give and take like when you were talking my first reaction was could we just convert two tennis courts to four pickle ball courts right now keep two courts have four pickle ball and maybe you even take some of the space from shuffle board but but keep I I don't I don't even know how many shuffleboard courts we have I've been there I didn't I look I think split too many so I mean could we encroach on those I'm trying to find a way to keep the numbers down and get when it's used I think splitting the baby is is you know obviously I love to split the baby you see me do it all the time well it's affordable this case I wouldn't split the baby uh because of of the the groups that use those when they're used they're they're used so you need those Four Courts if you're going to have high school so your recommendation is if you're going to do it build them to the north okay and if we have the money I'd love it but I just do not want to jeopardize parking parking's been kicked to the curb four years at least four years now three or four years in a row it got pushed back push back so you've got the 1.6 uh 1.6 is in the budget to be approved in September for parking with some spillover monies that's sitting in DST at 1.5 okay so if you take half a million or so to put towards pickle ball you'll still have a million to come back and supplement parking if you wish and I already told you I'm afraid the 1.5 1.6 won't get it but I'll Stand that's my comment I the parking has been important to me it's been important to downtown it's just continually it's been pushed back pushed back and I just want to get that's my number one priority this year in budget let get that done I kept my mouth shut on pickle ball I fully support pickle ball but I want to get the parking done even if it's at the expense of pushing it back a year that that's my opinion I'll agree with commissioner Peterson I want to get the parking done and then we can move forward with a pickle ball I think pickle ball is needed but we've been pushing parking off for a long time and how many pickle ball courts can we build north of the building we I think we get six to eight okay that's great okay I'd like to add a comment as well um I know your priority my priority still sits as um Home Improvements for the the area as well however pickle ball courts are definitely a major need and people do go and play and Paar Park is a good little distance I think this would add value to the downtown area as well as the venician center for activity and I'd also like to consider if we can add some at the teen center over in the um carb Heights here if that's a option as [Music] well okay just one last comment going off of uh mayor bur's comment on you know I remember years ago talking about connecting a Vian Center to downtown I mean if we're are building Pickle bar courts to the north new ones I don't think we have to designed it now but could we at least be thinking about how that's going to I heard one years ago there was this dream of a walkway or like a bike path type route from more of a walk route well walk or bike from downtown to Venetian Center I don't I just throw that that was an idea because basically these courts would be right along the trail to begin with uh you know so so dub tailing off of that you know you could go down a Canal Street you know right from the trail to uh to get to the Venetian Gardens right now riding a bicycle from there years ago the lesburg partnership it was a very you know grandiose plan but there was talk of a walkway bike path there's even talk of a um trying to get across going across Dixie over you know above and all that and that that was a long time ago but uh I I was just going off your idea of creating a walkway and trying to get people to come downtown after they play how many um how many parking spaces you talking about that downtown for 1.6 million I don't know that number um the parking the additional parking areas would be a negative in moving non-conforming along Main Street and the side streets and I think that number was 18 to 20 so if you took away all the non-conforming spaces you'd lose 20 um my hope would be to get those back in the for lack of better area the partnership Magnolia area right so the concept to knock down that building I don't know that building's we want to go 5,000 square feet we talked about that earlier today um so that picks up I don't know how many that picks up then we have a grass area um be the south east corner or southwest corner um kind of around the water tower maybe we can you know get in a partnership with Liv stream and so hopefully we pick up a good number of centered parking spots um and and design that properly so even though we lose non-conformity we gain overall so I until we put the pencil to paper on that I don't know what the number is going to be so is it a possibility that the parking might be more than the 1.6 I mean yes okay that's why we hold okay and where would that money come from the DST monies that you just didn't spend on the pickle ball Oh I thought that 500 would come out of 1.6 if you spent it on the pickle ball right that would leave you 1.5 so there' still be money there for for parking if we overflow so if you spent the 500,000 on the pickle ball what's that leave for the Downtown parking about a million okay above the 1.6 that's budgeted 1.6 budgeted and 1.5 in reserve right now so we take the 05 for pickle ball then we only have a million left for parking basically correct so and if it goes over the anticipated 1.6 with the additional DST holding how do we handle that you take it out of that one mil still stay out of the one okay yeah all right yeah and just one other comment about uh the Tennis Court Avenue you know currently we probably have considered eight courts because we have four on paleta and I don't I don't even Travis are there still courts in the Susan Street complex that I mean they're there right they're there now the answer is no the answer is no so you know I don't think I don't think resurfacing the existing four that we have to move to pickle ball even though pickle Ball's very popular right now but that then takes your tennis courts to nothing and I don't I don't think that's fair either so I you know I'm still in favor of the location being that Corridor uh but I understand the parking issue also so so One tennis court makes two pickle ball basically correctly yeah [Music] okay that's all I got for you I got you take that with you sir okay all right uh we'll have a roll call you decided to sit tight right not for a year for a year so General call yes ma'am commissioner canel nothing commissioner reesman I wanted to follow up where we were at with um code enforcement doing some changes to the code or improving the code for our corridors and then also inviting everyone out I want to I didn't say this earlier but I want to thank commissioner Barry for coming out her and um School Board representative Molly Cunningham came out on Saturday for our flying it was a huge success and then also on 9:21 we have our leberg Blue Foundation 5K so even if you don't come walk or run it come out and so show support for our leberg Police Department in that foundation and that'll be it for me commission Peterson nothing tonight commission Barry um yes I have um a few things first I want to give kudos to Cliff and his team public works for always coming through and providing assistance to the constituents um I got great response for their um action that took place last week and I want to say thank you and to your team also I probably I just have a question on this so that's why I didn't pull it is it on 5c3 is it possible to have a recommendation that we can establish a contractual agreement with katr if nothing or no business comes in there after a year could they be responsible for like knocking the buildings down demolishing the buildings so that it won't measure up to be blight on our you know for future I mean can it just sit there and sit there forever if no one comes or the the answer is yes okay yes it can sit there forever if no one comes and you're and the city or Municipal Corporation is not going to have any authority to order a demolition or removal of a facility unless it's found to be in obled condition such that it's not remedied and the what basically the law is such that they have every opportunity to remedy and modify the codes as they go along so Katy and their closing of the facility is a concern I can assure the commission that we're doing our best uh to get it marketed through our relationship with lead um and also Lake County Economic Development uh um I the facility has been closed essentially since July 31st I think is when they stopped taking gas service um and it it hasn't you know at the end of the day we we're going to have to depend on katr to to take care of their property and hopefully they're looking to Market it as well or they're having plans to to refurbish it and get back in there when their business model um says so I I do think if we're speaking frankly and directly we do have to have the public you know Embrace that that facility in all likelihood probably won't be used for citrus uh Citrus has moved south of of of Highway 60 these days um that we haven't pick fruit in Lake County since I don't you know way before my arrival um and and so the fact that katr used that facility uh as part of the manufacturing process Trucking everything up from P County were probably lucky to keep it open as long as they did um I can tell you just as a side note uh when we did have some issues with our billing and those type of things with katr and we had some pay mounts on the gas side and the electric side where we had to pay um for some billing eras as part of the settlement agreement we tried to we tried to stipulate to them that they would remain open and and they were very non-committal to that um so that was six seven years ago we were worried about it so unfortunately at the end of the day um that's Kat's property and katrol is going to have to follow the the codes and the rules of the of the community and and all indication is that they will okay are they going to list it for sale or are they just mothballing it for now I don't know okay is one one year reasonable though to consider I mean time to market for some somebody else another industry to come through if if that facility is refurbished and somebody is in there in within the next year then that will be a coup yeah I think you need to brace the community needs to brace themselves that that facility will be empty for some time I just want to ensure that code enforcement stays on it because a lot of their overflow lots are grass is over there's a lot of property that needs to be addressed yeah so code enforcement needs to get on that property sure that it doesn't deteriorate more than it already is I would think they're motivated to sell it that's what I would hope I'd like to also add that um on August Thursday August 29th um District 1 ISE offering a hurricane preparedness and Hazard tips to the constituents at from 6:00 to 8:00 pm and the presenters will be Lake County Emergency Management Megan millanes and the fire department deputy chief Ryan and Captain Amanda Stevenson will will be out as well we'll be doing a voter registration and it's at the door of Hope Ministries on 1111 Pamela Street in leeburg and we're partnering with the CDC East and the CDC West and I'm asking for all to come um even if you're not in district one please come and help support bring a friend mayor B nothing tonight motion to adjourn second second