##VIDEO ID:rnksPVsF_8I## sponsorship to AB just inbody walks to okay year realiz the e think I saw that Chief just got did she get chared she just get sure than for [Music] get you're say e uh could I get a motion to approve make a motion to approve the minutes a second second any uh any corrections or anything no no corrections to roll call commission Peterson yes commissioner Barry yes commissioner Connor yes commissioner aldin yes commissioner conell yes commissioner Eastman yes chair person Bri yes okay so we'll move on to fiscal year 25 uh budget discussion you want to te it up for us I'll tee it up for you so uh this meeting uh with Carver height CRA uh board as well as the one to follow at 6:30 with the downtown CRA little bit of a new Wrinkle in our budget process um so trying to be more inclusive with the other members of the CRA uh as we move through the budget adoption process um the commission the members of the city commission uh reviewed some of these issues um back in July during our budget workshops and at that time we we said let's uh have the extra meeting to bring in the commission the other Commissioners for the CRA so with that we put together pretty much what we discussed um and I'll and I'll jump to the highlights and and really kind of I think where the body is at is trying to come up with the plans for the unallocated funds it's culmination of unspent monies from previous years and anticip ped new Revenue um from fiscal projected for fiscal year 25 I'll be a little redundant for the members of the city commission uh for the new members of the CRA again these are the the incremental revenues that come into the city so when the CRA is created um you you get the taxable year then the the increment the value above that that base year is the money that is allocated towards the CRA then the the County shares its share of the increment so the County revenue and the city tax revenue becomes the budget for the CRA that money then goes into the CRA budget and you have to spend it in the targeted District on the targeted plan um so the first chart shows kind of where you're at with um with respect to your reserve monies so unspent monies so we're projecting that for fiscal year 25 so technically all things being equal if everything is projected by the end of 25 which would be September 30th 2025 you'll have about one little under 1.1 million to spend so that if I can Delight this it's the green number bottom of the screen um so with that it's um let's see is this is it working uh oh it would help if I turn it on yeah hey hit the page for me Brandon um so those are your tax revenues um the the CRA is up about 225 Grand hit the page again for me Brandy um and these are the expenses um most of these that that are fixed you so fixed being you need to spend your money there unless you make a significant change in in programming you can do that it's you know it's not bad but this is kind of where we're at so the Personnel Services is the Housing and Redevelopment manager position the operating expenses um various stuff around the CRA the resource center operations uh 66 um The Debt Service so the debt Services uh uh about a million dollar note that we got from the electric fund to build the resource center that expires in 10 years or so is about a 100 Grand there so those those four first expenses are really kind of your fixed expenses barring any significant one so theoretically the only one you really can't change is you got to pay the debt but then if the city commission would wa that you probably could do that as well um but so those are your fixed expenses at the end of the day where you end up you've got the reserve monies and the the the the the the the 979 is about where you're at so where we were at is is that one work David hit it Brandy technical difficulties we we we adapted that's your chart on your debt expenses so that $100,000 that you're paying expires in 2033 I think the CRA itself retires in 45 something like that um so the next chart this is the important one Brandy if you hit it again um this is kind of where we were at as far as planning so the biggest change this year to the CRA was obviously the implementation of the home Grant where we significantly increased the the um the grants for those homes we got 12 on board we issued the 25,000 the average then we mixed it with lcaa money and um those projects are going pretty well one more change for you um and so this is this is actually the significant slide so kind of where we left off in the workshops was talking about increasing the home Grant twofold so instead of allocating about 300,000 to that we doubled down on that which we would estimate would get four 24 homes versus the 12 that we we we did this year um so in two years that would be the you know the 36 new uh remodels um and and then there was a lot of discussion on the privacy wall um so really where I would turn it back to the board to discuss is that million dollars and how you would want to spend it okay so um if we were to double down with the uh with on the home grant program that puts at 600 is that what what the number is uh if yes so if you if you double down on the home program you're left with the 491 is you know and we have already at least 19 was that the number that you told me something you know that are waiting right now so I mean 19 applications are in for approval now yeah they're from last year so we I can't remember that exact number it's TW we got say we got 30 in we approved 12 the residual is that 19 I I don't know if it's 19 but we've got in the hopper you know reasonable number think I don't think it was that many because some of them didn't qualify for other reasons and then there was also others that weren't in the block so 12 more okay okay all right I don't know I was that was my question but I thought there was others that were on the not in the CRA block that was the bo of them yes yes there I don't remember the number that were not inside the Carver height CRA block but so that could be the N that could be that could that could be the Delta there's seven that came in that didn't qualify because they weren't in the CR the carboh height CRA but but the pro my my point is the program seems to be effective there seem to be and I would anticipate should we offer that program again that there will be more interest now that people have seen the results that's what I'm guessing so I am I want to I want to strike while the Iron's hot and try to get uh get some improvement in the community through that um with regard to the privacy wall I still have reservations on that and my reservations are mainly uh in the physical Optics of us Walling off a neighborhood from a new I know it's for safety reasons and we have a lot of reasons but I just don't think it looks good that we're putting up a big wall between cver Heights and our brand new Susan Street facility that we're gonna be building and uh for that reason I think there's potentially some other reasons that we might want to retain some of that money doesn't we're not positive exactly what kind of balance we're supposed to be carrying or what what's the individually I have conversations with y'all and I kind of share you guys give me perspectives of kind of where you're at and so if I'm you I give you that answer and but I think typically we then we share that publicly so I said to the mayor the mayor's obviously been a big advocate of Susan Street Park and the recreational improvements there we tentatively have Susan Street budgeted through this process at 7.5 million with a bunch of different funding sources the biggest one uh that we shifted po if you guys approved the budget I'm just going to say now all the numbers I'm throwing out are conditional based on your votes okay so or is a 7.5 million so we're shifting a bunch of money over there I think from ARP money uh from the Marine end did some CAC Mouse there but the big the big piece which I think was in the neighborhood of two million bucks I believe was from the 44127 CRA so when we did that we identified that Susan Street is on the boundary of Carver CRA as well as the 441 CRA so I would suggest I suggested the the I said you would probably be an advocate of double down on the home Grant and then Advocate keeping the 490 in the bucket for potential spillovers to go towards Susan Street so that would be a concept for this body to consider well my thoughts would be I don't necessarily want to see 490 something thousand going into a privacy wall but that is what the estimated prices are however we have to do something to contain the area because I don't it's again it's a privacy wall but it's also an issue that we're going to have to deal with when the games and things are going on far as I I think we're going to realize that is we're going to need it more so for saving the fields when no one is there dirt bikes three-wheelers um going to and from I still feel that it's needed I still think that is a necessity for containing carbohyd with the blight I just wish we could come up with better pricing and better funding I still stand where I stand I understand everybody's um concerns but I don't look at it as drawing a line because when you think about it it's in our it's the Susan Street project is in the heart of um district one we're going to have to we're not receiving a benefit from it from a CRA standpoint because we're using the 44127 so we won't get we meaning the CRA carboh Heights Mar Clair won't get the tax benefit but we have to provide something for the children and the residents to we want them to participate for sure but how many of the kids in the area do soccer on a soccer team so that would be my next thing is can we start having some training football yeah it's football as well I mean we're talking about all that's what I'm saying Alli Sports so my goal is my thoughts is let's create a some form of training for young kids some the football we have the pop warner let's get some soccer training going somebody's teaching and letting them be able to learn how to play soccer benefits all the way around if we could just lower the pricing so I still stand of the need but can we find some other way to get some fun in in to be part of the project for some type of protection or divider to stop the blight in and out of Harbor Heights and the crime as well your issue is the crime going through people's residentials corre residential establishments did would an individual Grant to those homeowners for fencing or that Community work fencing is around the homes fencing is not from the in one area from the Susan Street to Carver Heights if there's could be a grant put in for the church that mount s right next to it on McCormick that would be a help in fact he's been in here asking but it's still going through the side of it that's the church 9008 I think that would be 9006 if I'm not mistaken mccor I have to look at map sorry yeah that's okay but I mean something has to be done it's it's and I mean we've all we're repeating ourselves and I don't want to beat the dead course but you know that it's an issue it's a concern I don't necessarily want to use all of the funding for this but can we get more estimates can we put half the wall up next half up another time we've done three-sided fences before so for the park how much is this small that's what I'm saying $491,000 a million it was closer more than that yeah that's what I'm saying a million dollars I'm not looking to well I mean you know I mean I don't know the city's in the business of building barriers to keep people from trespassing on the on individuals private properties I mean you you probably could make that argument all the way around town that people trespass but City's not build a bu barrier wall to stop somebody from going on somebody else's private property the barrier is more so the wall is for two-part to sound control for game time and for the protection I mean it protection from who it's a lot of crime in carboh Heights I know but it it I mean that's the way to is it worse today than it was last year we didn't have a wall last year Wall we never had a wall there it's been it's really it's really bad it has been I mean I you know the police department issue I mean the police department gets more involved in it I mean if we've got that kind of crime down there I mean didn't we just hire a full-time officer just to work Carver Heights no we didn't do that we did not we did not no we didn't we talked about it that's what that's the wish no but we did H we did hire budget 12 more police officers so there will be more presence in car Heights yes I mean so I I don't think the city's in the business of Walling off private property just to keep people trespassing on it they just they don't think that's the business we want to get in So when you say private property isn't this the same property of Susan Street when you say private property what do you meaning private property right here you said at the one meeting about people walking through people's yards but not the Walling of a private I'm not looking for fence I'm not requesting or asking for fencing private property for someone's yards I'm trying to contain the Susan Street area to I'm just trying to divert people I'm trying to divert people to stay on the trails to walk versus cutting through private property okay so you said to keep people off private property but the wall would be on the Susan Street property with the whole the the fields and everything so you want to keep people out of Susan Street no I want to keep prop people what's the wall doing protecting people that are in Susan Street and protecting people that are in Cara Heights as well as a sound barrier for The Noise Okay Susan Street you saw the you saw the display yesterday right now there's a there's nothing I think a chain link fence that's been well whatever was there is gone now so you can ride a three-wheeler you can ride a dirt bike you can't drive a car yet but that's coming and you have foot traffic to and from shopping cart buggies um I mean I'm just repeating you you just have to see it and I've expressed this before so I mean I'm just yeah you want to keep people from coming to stre on the stre going neighborhood I want to keep P I want to keep I want to keep people on the path walkways the path the trails that we invested all this money to use versus walking through somebody's private property if they're on the trail and they want to come to Susan Street they go on the trail and go to Susan Street W would be on the other side but okay well question how do you get how do you get to the neighborhood on the other side you go down the trail the wall okay so if you just walk around the wall what's what's what's what's this accomplishing when you walk around the wall you will remain on the trail versus coming through private property yeah so right now let me ask walk through versus walking down the trail and coming around so when I look at my little phone and I look at you know I'm I'm looking right now at uh where the fields are at Susan Street and comparing where where the houses are on McCormick because McCormick is as close to it as any road correct so if you look at that same if you take that and then I swipe over and I go to Sleepy Hollow and look at how close those homes are to the fields it they are right right there not right on top it is I did the same so how much complaints do we get from those homes about noise uh according to who I asked there were complaints um off of I mean I'd like to know what what we Feld in complaints before we use that as a a justification that's all you know I understand but it's a totally different Dynamics now let's be real far as the traffic that we're talking the foot traffic that we're um the blight that is coming through for us Sleepy Hollow and Susan Street so let's be clear on that but the wall the sound is my concern you're right in the back of neighborhood back of homes you have the Birchwood you have Pamela you have heel you have McCormick and keep coming you have beer you have Tuskegee and then on this end you got Chester it it come it's going to be a issue and if it wasn't part of the design and thought of what we all have decided I just think it should be 10:30 at night elderly people listening to crowds Roar which I'm all in favor of the park being established but we have to be considerate of the people that live there and the sad part about it that I must share most of the people don't even know about Susan Street on McCormick I've already walked and asked and asking them to please come to the meetings and we see so that's a whole another issue but then when you scream and yell it's going to be the fields are in the people are here and one gentleman asked me why this neighborhood why are we putting it here but it's like it's yeah well me it they I'm just saying that most of the people aren't even aware of the project seriously well I mean but Susan Street's been there for probably 50 plus years exactly and I you know I mean again I mean it's one of those I mean I mean somebody buys or moves in to somewhere they should be aware of their surroundings of where they're moving to so they moved to that area knowing there was a recreational complex there these homes have been here since 1956 58 and up Susan Street project is new and it's going to be no the original Susan Street's been for original Susan Street has been their Rec recreational tennis um baseball sof baseball fields and and football fields exactly and soccer fields and what times did they did they end well they baseball plays at night what times did they end the majority of the games I don't Jay we're arguing where I live we're talking the back of my home 9 o00 that's all I'm saying I'm not disputing the fact that it won't be noise this is not the main concern my main concern is the blight and the traffic that comes through and the crime and I can keep going on and on but I'm not so but are you are I guess I'm confused explain it to me is the the the blight and the crime come going to come from the new complex no it's the traffic that comes from the complex to the that is the go-to area for going to work walking through for homeless for people going to work that's the new cut through path versus staying on the path for staying on the trails so instead of walking up to um McCormick and going up to Center to come through by the Dairy Queen if you can follow me they come through behind Big Lots and around the teen center and cut through to the end of the CAC of McCormick and come through that wooded area and then come through between 908 in the church but is hasn't wouldn't that be going on now too or it's going on now that's the concern the FL now so so it really has nothing to do with the renovation of Susan Street no not at all okay not at all not at all clear okay my request was when the Susan Street was being when we're talking of design and what the chain link fence that was there my think this is not going to work what else could we do and then that's when the Wall came so it's a concern and I guess I'm screaming and begging from the constituents and unfortunately they're not here but it's a it's a problem I mean I would I would hate to see the C already spent of money on a wall I don't want to see that either that's what I don't see it as a million but that's what was quoted but there's other I'm asking is there could be other forms of walls and other pricing because that was just one that was given have we dug any further and Accord my understanding is that's what the state represented that was the state amount that's million dollars the million dollars on the wall that was you said that was from the state um do you mind if show our convers let me show our conversation so there's no side so the million doll estimate on the security wall is a do spec so and there's kind of we gave you two options and kind of spitballing it as far as an estimate goes the higher end was the type of wall you see going on the turnpike or the highways along residential areas where we have a 10 foot high kind of slab concrete slab wall and that that wall has some sound insulation properties as well as barrier the other is just a would be a concrete block wall that would in with with stucco so you'd look you'd have more just of a fence um it would provide some um sound proofing but not everything um one of the the conversation between commissioner reesman he asked me as maybe a potential compromise is maybe what we want to do is use um put up that type of wall on what would be the west side of the Susan Street uh recreational facility so I think we have specked out that the perimeter fencing around that as part of the Susan Street project is chain is a coded chain link fence so in English you chain link fence with the plastic on it so it's a little more attractive than just playing chain link uh so maybe what we want to do is so is if you can Envision that side where the existing baseball fields and parking lot down the woods kind of up Birchwood and kind of screen that western side and then connect chain link into that wall I can't Vision but okay I don't that might help with some of the sound issues that you're talking about um and and also provide maybe some more security uh and and not use the park so much as a cut through so so let me ask this why don't with that fencing we add um like um they have certain type of plants that also help with sound barrier so if you're going to do Susan Street and lock that in these plants will grow enough we won't put bamboo Bamboo just go wild but it would block some of that if you're going to throw the little strips in those chain link fences like the um k type plants that they use that because that would help also with some of that sound coming through I mean we going to have to compromise on I I'm definitely opening for com compromising and I we don't need to beat this dead horse but we have to do something that's all I'm stating something and I'm open to any suggestion but um what's going on now it's only getting worse it's only getting worse and then at the last meeting I thought that our all other issue is if we put up that wall and then someone start writing graffiti on it then we have to the blight again yeah you got blight again that we have to constantly take care of so I'm thinking if you're going to drop that fence on Susan's side I think a plat rotation would be nice it'll be nice presentable as well and they're thick enough where people just can't walk through cuz you got the fence then you then you have the plant arranged too on our side I mean if that's a route we want to go I was fairly vocal in budget about this I don't need to get long-winded um I I support the the grant program you know at the 600 I'm fine with that I I will not support a wall we'll be on national news it'll be a graffiti problem uh I don't like anything about it I I do like your idea of of a plant barrier um I've actually become more of a fan of natural barriers versus fences on on the subdivisions um so I think that's a great idea you know because it will reduce sound but uh the wall I'm not going to I don't even need to say anymore I will not support a wall uh excuse me so I rode down that path you know just to take a look just to right so I see on the complex side I see where they have opened that fence up so I guess with enough determination sure will they'll they'll open it up so we joked in budget they would just get a ladder and throw it up yeah so I do see I do like the plan idea but instead of just on the Susan on the complex side I think you should do it on both sides because that way cuz I if you go down to on the U the Middle School side and then there's a retention fence around the pond I can see right down the side of that fence there's a pathway there and then there's like maybe two or three other Pathways you know to cut around the pond or the retention or the other the r retention pond that's open so I like the idea of maybe starting from maybe a little bit further down where the school starts with with the plants as far down as possible and same thing on the other side however then there's the potential of the wooded area it probably won't travel through it right now because it's wet and swampy looking but when it dries up someone will eventually find a pathway through there so we got to figure out how far do you want to take that plant those plants down the trail but I think that would be a better idea CU I I kind of I do think the Optics of the wall will kind of just be a little you know I I don't want people feel like they're being separated but but I do think we do need something to deter traffic because like I said I look and they just they basically just opened that fence up and I don't know what they use but I'm sure they had some good tools so so if you actually measure if you look on a map and measure the edge of the fields we're talking about and measure to McCormick Street how far that distance is and then you go out to Sleepy Hollow and you measure that distance from those fields the same same amount of diff you're talking about three roads down not not those houses that are right there on the fields you're I mean I just and I know there's a concern and I get the concern but is there an issue with at Sleepy Hollow with noise and if there's not then you know I don't think there's going to be an issue of no noise at this this location you know unless the rec department or some I don't know how who knows about noise complaints I mean who would handle that kind of stuff out well well well I said this in budget meeting I mean I hear comments you know that people don't want the noise I mean we I don't want to spend all this money I we can move it somewhere else or just you know tone it down and you know the whole Susan Street idea but I mean $75 million now have I'm worried about neighbors complaining about lights and sound I'm I'm just I don't know the more the more we talk about the more I'm struggling with it well my concern is most of the neighbors are elderly and we're talking from what is the street that the freezer plant turns on that street right Chester there not Chester all the way up from there all the way down to the end of the culdesac they're Elderly with maybe two households of young kids so I mean just look on look I hear what you're saying and I look and see what find out if there's comp if there's complaints we have lots of complaints from Sleepy Hollow then you you know that the houses at Sleepy Hollow are right there on the fields I mean they are right there behind it and I just don't know if I mean we it's like a concern but is it a reality you know is it a does it happen do we get those complaints and I don't know I'll throw out well I think the main main thing is just to deter foot traffic right now I think you really want to just deter the foot traffic and I I I think the plants you know the tall thick plants that they need to be sticky then let them be sticky and just deter foot traffic all the way down through that I'm opening for whatever I don't want to just be clear I do not want to spend a million dollars in a wall that's for sure that was never it's to it's too many other things that are desperately needed in our community that would hold on to that money and demand much much much more so I'm not stating that at all that was never my beat but I do know that there has to be something done to stop the foot [Music] traffic without going sideways too much um would it make sense to improve the the Susan Street as is for the for the Carver Heist community and build this complex somewhere else no okay I'm just saying I mean on the edge of town where it's away from residential I just an idea yeah we'll take some public comment good evening good evening Dr Jasper um I was I just want to make a quick comment because I live in the community and I know there's been comments about the noise but uh we haven't addressed the issue that we're currently having with the noise with the Els club with the Caro Heights grocery store and also at Barry Park uh we haven't addressed those issues when we talk about noise this community has been saturated with noise for years and then we talk about the foot traffic people walking to and from Palm Plaza it's been there for years and I agree with you mayor uh bur about the Optics of the wall I just don't think that's befitting for our community and I'm excited about Susan Street this is the opportunity so I don't think that's a real issue the noise issue because we haven't even combed the issues that we're having currently so I don't think that's a real issue and I live in that community and no one ever asked me about the noise issue regarding Susan Street so I don't see that it's going to be an issue moving forward I'm excited about it I'm excited about the opportunities for our community for the Youth that's coming forth so they can participate in these activities and have access to these activities as well so that's just my comment on that thank you no comment from me on that one um moving forward I agree with the fact that um I don't want to even consider moving Susan Street project we're way at we're at the beginning of the beginning so that's not even an option um I hear and I understand everyone's concern and I hope you hear and understand mine because I'm living it but I am on board with moving forward with the suggestion of The Greening grass I mean of some kind of boundary and moving trying to use that money to be more productive within district one I that is a plus and a major concern of moving using that money to be a focus on what we really need to be focusing on I know how some of you guys like studies but would it be beneficial to hire a company to look into this and bring solutions back to us it it doesn't take not rock yeah I me say it's not rocket it's Ste one to could tell you what's going on so I'm okay I hear everyone's concerned I'm other the place POS is we're going to spend $600,000 in community improving homes we don't have to spend the other money I mean we don't have it today anyway we'll have it by fiscal year end so we have more time to talk about that I do like the landscape idea I don't want to run it forever I mean I think it needs to be you probably be a positive behind the shopping center I saw those conceptuals last night you know of course they have this beautiful conceptual of the back of a shopping center and we know it doesn't look that good looking like you know so I mean a landscape buffer along that if they want the other side I you can you make it look like that on what we saw for the entrance that would be great but we can always massage this later I mean I think it sounds like we're in agreement on the 600,000 it sounds that way so I would suggest just for sake of brevity unless y'all want to talk some more um we'll move forward with the draft budget with the 600 going to the home Grant we'll move the 491 down to the bottom and and and keep it there for future considerations we'll swing back around with our consultant on the Susan Street to to to get a vegetative buffer in on that west side and just see where that cost goes I honestly I don't have any idea what that's going to cost my my my kneejerk is probably around 50 Grand to get to that length make sure it's thick something you know maybe not that much but you knowon not yeah you know so we we'll throw that in there and we can get yeah we're going to need to argate it so I'm Pro so my number's probably not that far off probably closer to 100 yeah so but I would say you know we can throw that into the design spec and it'll be an and bid it as an alternative and see what the number comes in at and and and we might want to do that on both sides too um and but remember on the on the west side is Carver height C on the east side is 441 well you just gave me a lead into one of my comments um I mean I'm not afraid to use this toward Susan Street uh and I think if we're going to hit the is it Greater leberg or the 441 uh if we're going to hit the 441 CRA for money i' I'd sure like to hit Carver Heights equally I think they need to be yeah and you know the only thing I would say on that is the line well it's split down the middle it it's split down the middle I'm not trying to get mathematical I'm just saying I think the there but there there there is a mathematical approach to it because the where do those improvements actually lie what C district and the Lion Share of that budget is going to go into the turf field The Stadium Field and that's in 44127 CRA so I don't think you know I like that concept of 50 between the Casas but the Lion Share of expenses is going to be within the 44127 CRA but I I but I think what we should throw we'll throw some more Concepts in there for vegetative buffering for be ification and screening out the back of the store and as a deterrent there too so I don't I don't you know that's not a crazy issue and um we can do it as a change order see where the budget is as the the numbers come in and may I add or suggest one thing that maybe the other two Commissioners might want to add something as well I think you know if you all were had other suggestions for anything else within the budget or are you all okay what what was being presented yeah well I will when um you go into that Vegeta when you ask them about the vegetation um ask about the the clua the clua yes because you don't need much water for that CLA 3 gallon bucket is is 9.99 yeah I was going hold on a second uh my wife happens to loveia it's an excellent looking plant it's kind of a Japanese derivative it's drought tolerant it likes lots of sunshine it makes an awesome buffer um after the meeting I'll show you my is your wife watching the meeting I'm G to tell her that came it grows tall I'm person I don't know what that is picture picture I actually person CLA whatever thank you is there a do you need uh do you need a motion do you need a motion from the group to adopt this uh $600,000 I don't think so um everybody's in agree I mean everybody seems to agreement we'll get in the budget and then approve it formally at in September okay they'll have yeah and we do that we you know when we do the budget so when we do the budget adoption process um the commission adopts the the the budget being all the general the general fund and Enterprise fund uh we do that by resolution twice and then I we we do a quick meeting by resolution with the CRA boards I think prior that it's the Thursday SE yeah so you guys being on September 12th to formally adopt it okay all right so let's move on to uh a roll call this is the opportunity if you've got anything to bring up I was say do you have anything else to nothing tonight mrry nothing else tonight for me con Al uh yes this may not be quite related to this no but that's what but um the property that's uh the address 1111 Beacher Street I just my idea for that spot would be like a community multi-purpose Center you know um to serve the community in various ways far as uh you know if it's education meetings or if they want to hold something there I know you have the the CDC but you know I think this will you know something local in that community and you got that out there would really serve that area well I mean something not necessarily shortterm you know something be thought out and maybe done in a very economical way since that was a public facility at one time I think it would be u a good replacement okay that's is that the swimming pool yes gotcha and just a community multi-purpose Center something you know okay something to think about okay thank you commission canel commissioner rean nothing this evening chairperson bur nothing tonight motion to adjourn got a second second we're adjourned thank you guys so we're going to do uh yeah we got to wait for e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e here [Music] [Music] hav e [Music] call to order the greater lesburg CRA uh meeting it's Tuesday August the 13th the time is 6:31 uh me meetings called together order we already have an invocation from tonight and a pledge so at this point we'd like to ask did everyone have an opportunity to review the minutes were there any revisions that needed to be made on the minutes could I get a motion to pass the minutes make a motion to approve the minutes for May 28th second roll call commissioner Barry yes commissioner Ponder yes here commissioner canel yes commissioner reesman yes commissioner Peterson yes sorry chairperson B yes okay you want to tee up the budget so uh to tee up this budget pretty much everything I said in the carver height CRA applies to to this C our commissioner P I don't know were you here for the commiss the Carver height CRA meeting okay so you you got all that so okay so um so same type of same type of deal here uh the the C is sitting on about 30,000 in cash and we anticipate as we proposed it to y'all about 40,000 on unallocated funds um the increment Revenue looks something like this um about a million dollars about a 7% increase um the and then this is kind of the this is your performance chart on things you have to do so uh we decided last year a thing we have to do is special events so we are funding special events at the tune of about $445,000 insurance cost and other little stuff um the operating suspens is about half million is the payment to the CDC um and then Debt Service that debt service is on the the Main Street project so those are all things that we have to do again same type of thing I mean you could change those other than the debt um and this debt that was a bank note so you don't control that but that you know those would be cataclysmic changes and uh the debt as well as the CDC expense you have to do those things um so with that being said um we have about $340,000 to spend one of the things that we decided and we made a priority for the downtown this year was we put 1 point about 1.24 million into I I'm calling this Downtown parking and Associated projects we funded that with DST Revenue okay so the purpose that we discussed and that is to go back through um and analyze our non-conforming issues on the side streets and to to improve those areas improving the non-conforming uh parking spots on the side streets so that would be Main Street and then the numbered streets um that's actually going to reduce on street parking so how do we make that up we we look at where for lack of better words the old partnership building is um and we use that area to improve parking uh Blake from G spoke with us about that back in December identifying that the the rule of thumb for people to park is 500 feet and if you can find centered locations within 500 feet then you have that and we identifi that that area is a good spot where we think we can improve parking I want to digress a little bit throw something new at you um one of the other things that we discussed in the budget process was the relocation of the gas department and then potentially knocking down those facilities um this links into this concept because in that $1.2 million downtown and other Associated projects part of that concept is to knock down the partnership building and then we were talking about relocating the events division into the Tropic as we've had had side conversations putting together leases with Center for the Arts melon patch and the events uh that those conversations were actually more difficult than I thought um just because of space needs and just practicality and it turns out that the I I say this tongue and cheek but the hardest folks to deal with were our own divin of department and Travis has been in my office more than once um so as we started talking about relocating the gas department to Griffin their interpretation of the facilities that aren't good for the gas department would work perfect for them um the reason that they would work perfect is they're a they're a group of two or three people they have some storage facilities uh all basically all that equipment that's in the partnership building we were looking to go elsewhere or build another facility we were actually I well actually I was I'm the cheap one I was actually talking about putting that stuff in the public works facility which is the old Metro steel building um they did not like that concept because they felt like it was too far away from hauling stuff in and out so long story short the events division has fallen in love with if we move the gas department out let's move them there that then makes it a better fit at the Tropic for arts and melon patch so we will come back to you with these Concepts so as we move forward in the budget process with getting gas up to Griffin Road the concept now would be to hopefully bring in events over to that I think the only thing that you're giving up there is the potential sale of that facility um I haven't had an offer yet on those so um I think those things Gas building is on the tra to to be I think that's a great idea I mean I you know works for them only comment I would make to all that is if we do move them there I know you've got that well I I guess it'll stay there the big gas line where that concrete slab is I guess I just like to tie in continue the parking into there help improve parking yes you know somehow tie that together yes and it's not a gas line it's a water water okay but that okay it's not going anywhere then okay that water Line's not going anywhere oh no that's a big one from that tank yeah that's like the main arterial artery coming out of the so I was looking like the north half you know just tying it into the life stream parking lot that's all master plan but that and we would only lose the one side of the street the other side of the gas is acquire as currently using we we could still do something else with sell if need be right sell it if need be but I I think uh Mr Strickland has some ideas for storage there as well I oh I'm sorry go ahead excuse me go finish I'm sorry there's two facilities there east side of it's Fifth Street right East Sixth Street I mixed up my numbers east side and west side of that street um I think those are to be determined but I I think that's a happy solution for for all the parties and so where we would start to isolate that more is probably the next month or so um actually this evening we just got uh some of the pieces on all this is falling into place so I'll just be super brief um the resolutions and ordinances that you need to make decisions for for rental agreements and cl streets and all that we'll be coming to you probably in the next month so as those come to you we'll say formally yes we're doing that plan so how big is not how big is the side of the gas building where the events group would want to go in how many offices I'm trying to picture that the gas department is 2025 people I think we've got a budgeted for 29 with a few openings something like that so they're jammed in there so you take a facility that that's that's that's has 29 people jammed in there and now it's three people with storage it becomes usable for for them where it's not usable for gas and in the conversation I beat up on Travis the only thing that they would need to do because I'm like well Andy can't use that building with you know that was so and I was kind of frustrated a little bit because I pitch to you guys that place is a dump and it needs to go away and then I get ra is come in and say well we can use this why am I going to back up from being a dump long story short the storage capacities that they need for the partnership aren't as sensitive to the issues that Andy is having so basically the only thing they would need to do is cut a garage and put a garage door in to where Andy has her files so I think it's a workable plan so it'll be files for city clerk's business and then the the yes yeah yeah so up at Griffin Road at Griffin Road up at Griffin Road we need to build uh an uh airtight air sensitive AC air controlled was the word over she needs a new larger air control facility which we'll put up in Griffin we need to modify the old um kns of Columbus building for gas probably some expansion to for them and and then some stuff for El so that so that's that relocation up there down here becomes clearing it up maybe putting some lipstick on it and then formalizing it for events when that's done then we can go back to the partnership building get that knockdown and look to plan the parking lot and other parking improvements it's kind of step one and that's where that $1.2 million is coming from and we're using the DST money to get that's a big first step to get that done that's the proposal now on the table with that now you go to and I I just felt like it even though that's not CRA money it's a downtown Improvement project where we're grabbing and an important project I think to everybody so now you need to talk about the three the 340 Grand so my suggestion and and so that's back to really back to this number that the three the 34 Grand uh I know commissioner reesman has talked and he talked about putting some money into uh the FSL program for downtown um my suggestion really is probably going to you know try to keep a lot of that unspent because you have some other projects that are coming up um we don't know where I think the $1.2 million is a good number for the first swag at the at the at the parking improvements should you approve that budget the first step will bring to bring Blake back from GI get him to do a more thorough review and start designing some Concepts on the parking then using that money to pay Blake as as a consultant fee from GI and then have some capital projects then once that parking stuff is done you all have talked about other projects now we're going to leak into 26 27 and and they stay Central to downtown getting back to to um Market thank you the Market Street Concepts the pocket park Concepts Market lighting Concepts which you've talked about um centralized dumpsters to to make it a little neater and cleaner and easier for the business that's kind of phas two of your next Improvement programs um I'd like to ask one question is anything could be shaved or anything could come back from that million to the parking that could be used for anything possible for the 340 and still have something could we anything be shaved or used out of the million for the parking any cut backs that could be utilized I would not I no okay I mean you would need to negotiate that with your that parking we'll we'll blow through the million 240 I guarante you'll blow through the million 2 pretty darn here we go again the million 240 for the parking but not the million for the wall so I'm just saying any ability in your eyes soe I'm just saying I and you're looking at me commissioner no I'm not looking at anyone I'm really you know that's why we're here is I'm here stringing all the the seven different Keys together I'll comment on that I'm not trying to be argumentative um in in the uh in the downtown Master Redevelopment plan parking I've said I'm like a broken record parking was the number one issue for the downtown businesses and it's time to spend money downtown I've been very vocal about getting this parking I could not be happier about what we're doing parking um so um enough said um we will spend more than billion 240 um you will yeah somehow um but I will find the difference I mean Brian who just bought the Chevy building so there's new development coming down and your packet that uh Deputy city manager sent out uh Tom Frost just unloaded I think up close to 300,000 for those three Parcels where God's Cafe was so there's stuff coming and we're going to need more parking downtown for the development that's coming I mean I worked downtown before I'm you know I live a mile away I'm Pro downtown up down there I don't complain about parking but everybody does you know it's it's been a constant complaint I'm still hearing it today um I'm just glad we're finally dealing with it uh and I'm thrilled to tie the gas plant in the former gas plant in some form or fashion uh with the events group and and it matches up with our parking may not pick up a lot but every little bit helps um so now you're saying nothing under the 340 how much has to be remained how much needs to be left in the pot that's a question for you to tell me that's where you need to collectively I mean that's kind of the purpose of the meeting you know is to so commissioner rean you wanted to do the signage I wanted to do still some of the homes that we have some people I just want to know how are we going to address the individuals who have applications in in for Home Improvement that we accepted with the understanding that come September they will be on the list how many how many people I have no see I don't know the listing of numbers and stuff but there are some I don't know how many but that's happen with every grant program we have more applicants than we have money typically um I think she's saying something a little that are I I want to I might be it might be eight I'm not sure and I'm guessing that's from that meeting that we had when they were told this is not about a application was received and saying not this time but the next time so now we're at the next time I'm fine giving uh holding on the FSL Grant until we finish the parking then I'll re-evaluate that maybe next budget season is it fair enough to say can we evaluate and find out exactly how many and we not guess and wonder how many are who's out there I mean why won't we have a report to know of the numbers that are waiting where we've been estimating about 19 20 158 why don't we know look can I I'm going to be direct commissioner Barry and this is this is not me I'm speaking on behalf of what I think the consensus of this body is okay the home Grant was developed and we increased the home grant to get more money into individual home projects we did that I think this year we were were successful of that I think specifically commissioner Barry you were successful at getting this B not this body but the CRA body to get that done and that was a significant change in programming but I think the com now take your CRA hat off from Carver Heights and put your city commission CRA hat on and at this body put on your downtown CRA I think where this body the majority that spoke believes that CDC funding is our dollars towards that Improvement okay I was just ready to go there commissioner Peterson spoke on that very clearly and I and so I know commissioner Barry that you have a desire to want to spread the improved home Grant to all the pockets of the city the general fund the CR the downtown CRA and the 441 CRA which probably less because there's not as much housing there so at least the three other areas I I the push back you're getting is I don't think you have that consensus from the body oh definitely but my question again is what I just asked when can we get the true numbers of how many applicants are there I will I can we should that information had we had Brandy what was your number you just text me it was 21 we had 21 applicants that came in we funded 12 there were nine that's what the the question is yeah but so of that nine on the weight list some are going to be cover Heights and some are not going to be car Heights that's what I'm trying to see I will get you that number and and then just to be clear where I'm coming from my focus is on downtown leeburg as well because I think overall that is what we need to expand and grow so that we can get more Revenue in and people coming so I know the importance of it but I just don't understand how we can accept something and then tell somebody no and then not give them an explanation except first come first serve CU that really wasn't we were look I'm I'm G to I'm going to push back a little bit okay because I think our staff was professional we we got out information about the home Grant we can't control who you know that we we put it Citywide and so everybody you know filled it out and when we got applications in we were professional about how it was funded and who got the money okay and we told the folks in the car Heights area it's first come first serve that's in the Grant application we prioritize what we thought based on the inspection reports were the worst houses first from the application pools that we got and then when we got houses that were outside of where the project was funded we professionally informed those folks you aren't eligible for this because the money isn't there in your neighborhood for these reasons and then as far as the waiting list goes that's those are the nine we don't know the numbers off the top of our head which were ones that were outside cover Heights and which ones were the one that are in Carver Heights I will get that to you I'll get that information to you tomorrow okay and I'm trying I'm trying to help commissioner Barry but we I touched on this in budget you know half the money here goes to the CDC and I mean I don't know how that spent I guess thought you requested we had a to have a meeting with the CDC you she did and and so I I need you I need to you task me with getting with the CDC for them to give you kind of a state of the CDC at a upcoming meeting allocation of expens so I will so I will get that meeting start that would be a great way to fund some of the things you want to do some of that money but that money is a they can use any way they want but that's no that's that's coming right from here that's a split that's 50% of this money goes to them but that is a okay my understanding that's a that's from the lawsuit that's ferally mandated to go to whatever but what they do with it is the question that's what I'm saying yeah the Mandate just says they get half the money how they spend it is that's what the question govern I don't and I I don't know how they're spending it um I guess what I was trying to say was maybe you can lean on them to do with with 500 plus thousand dollars maybe they could 500 yeah they could fund some of the things you want to do and I don't know we'll find out how they spend their money so really barring any significant change the way that this is proposed then we'll come back to you in September and you approve the budget so we're going to just let the 340 sit unless yall unless y'all come up with a different plan commission do you have any suggestions of I mean I don't know did did commissioner so have any suggestions or I mean i s him some information about it he back from him because he's on the cruise yes that's true he did tell me that I know that when we I know that when we had the meeting at the church um regarding the shootings that were happening something that came up from several of the people in my community was the speeding um that's happening in down Baker Street and um the chief at that time he talked about a possible speed study to see if there was something needed like to put um speed bumps or signage or something like that but I hadn't heard anything when I watched the videos of anything coming back up about it so I don't know if that's something that could be looked at to see if that's even needed because um some of the the people in the community were asking could we get speed bumps and he was explaining that you know there's some things that have to happen before we could have um you know speed bumps put in he talked about speed um like a speed study being done so I know that that's something that's concerning we do have a lot of children in our neighborhood we have buses that stop throughout our community and we have cars that are just constantly zooming zooming zooming and then something that I've just observed on my own is um when I take my children to um John's park down the street from me um there's families who are walking their dogs in the neighborhood now and we're getting you know poop and stuff like that so I'm wondering if there's signage or maybe even the little um boxes that could be put up with the bags for them to collect the um you know the droppings from the the pets to just keep it nice because I know that we're doing some things to improve it but just pushing my stroller I just don't want to take that back into the car the house and I imagine if I'm experiencing that there are other people who are probably dealing with that too and it's new that's not something we've seen you know my my kids are young so at first it wasn't a thing but now it's a thing so is the Baker Street problem that you perceive like from East over to Dixie kind of the cut off to try to bypass the light I imagine that's what's happening I'll follow up with Chief okay yes it wasn't the current chief though it was the um the prior Chief who spoke um when we were at the church and he was um just explaining to all of us that that you know you don't just get speed bumps or the little things put in there's some things that have to happen and so I was you know out checking the mail and they asked me Sam no one's ever said anything so I'm here you know speaking up for for the people G from the speed bump thing yeah can kind of come back and bite you too a little bit yeah I'll I'll follow up the chief on that and get with you and my neighbor he did Express that he was saying you know Sam you know we do have the concern but then it's going to be our our tires getting eaten up because we're the locals and it's probably not even us who are coming through speeding here so I mean it's a little layered right so we got to figure out how to address it but it's a thing you know when we when we're out and we see the kids coming up and down the street on their little golf cart coming to visit family members and stuff cars zoom and past them right so we're just figuring out how to make it a little safer for us and and maybe keep me from pushing through the dog poop at the park that's just park I mean receptacles that could be put on maybe some signage even just cuz I know that if I'm experiencing it I know that other families who are patronizing the park are seeing that and is that John El Johnson Park yes I just want to make sure that I that right on Mills that's um what I have right now if you all are good I'm good everybody good oh I do I did want to bring up um I know that it was briefly mentioned about the um the shot detection I remember they were saying that is super expensive um I didn't know if we did any further looking into seeing if maybe there's some other companies that may have some type of like shot detection where the police could be notified directly if something like that happens I know that I was reading um online that there's a program like where um it can detect the shots and notify prior to even like 911 being called so the police could respond even faster um I don't know if we have much discussion I remember when I was watching one of the videos I believe commissioner Barry had brought that up and I was really interested in so I tried to dig a little bit more did did we ever talk more about that the former Chief was here in the meeting as Deputy city manager and I remember he his comment was we get we get immediate phone calls so I mean I it's just thought was a waste of money he said it yeah we'll follow up with you on that it was expensive but he gets a phone call immediately same thing yeah I think internally we think that's an effective oh really so we'll follow up with you on that call they're calling immediately okay yeah I would appreciate that because I know that from my research it was saying that it triangulates to really give the exact location of where the sound came from and um just you know immediate notification so I mean it would be interesting to see if in the cities that you know the the technology is being used if it's made a difference okay that that was one of the requests for the neighborhood watch for the Baker Street meeting and um Chief I you were there you were called the conversation of the neighborhood watching the shooting thing and that was what um Deputy city manager gave out at our last meeting with a study um research study and it was the pricing was the issue and then he said it wasn't that effective effective yeah like yes what commission said and then I think go ahead and no we'll just get you we'll get you more information and following up thinking about that what you brought up from the neighborhood watch you saying that triggered my memory from that meeting is that something that's traditionally funded from us or how does general fund from General funds so that's not something that we need to discuss or is that something that we do need to I mean I think it's good you bring it up here but typically those public safety items we kick back into the general fund right okay which benefits to CRA okay so you know New Year learning to navigate okay right okay okay all right any other suggestions let's move on to a roll call commissioner Barry um nothing else for me commissioner Ponder nothing else commissioner canel no commissioner rean commission Peterson uh nothing tonight chairperson bur nothing tonight Mo toour second