e e e e e e e e like to call the Planning and Zoning commission meeting of city of lebur to order it's uh Thursday March 21st 2024 4:30 please stand for the pledge of the flag and invocation or invocation in pledge flag dear Lord we ask you to be with us today we ask for your blessings that we business we take care of with the city of Leesburg are pleasing in your sight we pray this now most holy name amen amen amen PL algi to the flag of the United States of America to the for it stands one nation under God indivisible and justice for all thank you very much all right everybody's had an opportunity to uh review the minutes um there any additions Corrections or deletions if not I'll accept the motion Mr CH I'd like to make a motion to approve the minutes from February 22nd 2024 I'll second that motion any discussion uh roll calliss Kell yesion commissioner Kaplan I'm sorry minutes approval of minutes vote I'm sorry the the vote right now is on approval of the minutes from last meeting yes sers yes commission yes okay thank you very much uh uh Dan you want to do your Spiel thank you Mr chairman I'd like to welcome everyone to the March 21 2024 Planning Commission meeting of the city of leeburg my name is Dan Miller Planning and Zoning director for the city staff present today includes executive assistant Sabrina Mitchell to my left deputy director candy Harper senior planners Christine Rock and Diane yekel and planners Max Van Allen and Melissa Mets City attorney Grant Watson is also present today is meeting uh the agenda and the speaker's registry is available on the table by the exit door over here if you wish to speak on a case we ask you would please sign the speaker's registry and turn it into Sabrina seated here to my left under the rules of participation the meeting is conducted under the following process the chairman will announce the case and staff will read exhibits including Maps photos and text into the record and present this information on the two screens staff will then read a recommendation into the record and give some background and the applicant will have the opportunity to speak about the request the chairman will allow time for public comment the applicant will have an opportunity for rebuttal the chairman will close the case to the public the commission will discuss the case a vote will be taken and then the commission will move on to the next case Planning Commission is a citizen board which is appointed by the city commission they're charged with two major responsibilities the first is to make final decisions on cases such as variances and condition addition uses and the second is to make recommendations for issues to be heard by the city commission there are eight cases on today's agenda of those eight items one will be postponed two are final Decisions by the Planning Commission those are variances and four are recommendations of this board to this commission to the city commission those four items will then be scheduled for two hearings at the city Commission on their agenda and each of those cases will have a final decision by the city commission at that time so I would ask you you to note that the tentative dates for the city commission hearings are listed in bold on the agenda and please be advised that these dates are subject to be changed so check with the planning and zoning office regarding final hearing dates please finally on behalf of the planning staff and the City Planning Commission of the city of leeburg like to thank you for your participation in today's public hearing Mr chairman thank you all yours if you plan on uh speaking today you have to be sworn in so uh please stand if you plan to speak whether it's your case or your an interested party or non-interested party do you swear or firm the testimony you about to give is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do thank you very much all right under new business uh case number one is public hearing case sscp 2427 South Winds phase three thank you Mr chairman by background this is a request for a smallscale comprehensive plan map Amendment from low density residential and Industrial to lowdensity residential so the industrial portion is going to low density residential the general location of the property is east of Flatwoods Road and West of South Street total area of the property is showing as approximately 4.72 Acres The Proposal would allow the appropriate future land use to allow for one-story apartment style living and town homes on the property Melissa Mets planner with the staff will be making the presentation including Maps photo exhibits with the zoning future and surrounding land use Wetlands flood zone maps and CRA Maps Mr yeah go ahead Mr chairman I think you're thinking the same thing as me um I wasn't sure because number two is a conditional use permit it's not really a u a rezoning um but we might as well show them both at the same time I think if you've got some overlapping facts and everything you could discuss them at the same time just make sure we do separate motions on them okay if you okay number two public hearing case number cup 2428 South Winds phase three uh thank you Mr City attorney Mr chairman for that clarification uh this next case the first case was was for a small scale comp plan this next case is for a conditional use permit by way of background this is a request for a conditional use permit on the South Winds Cove subdivision on South Street to allow for the development of one-story Apartments the property lies in the low density and Industrial future land use by the time we get to this case it should be I hope in low density and the R3 high density residential zoning District because the property is in the low density future land use a conditional use permit is required by the city's comprehensive plan to allow for these apartments hence the reason for the request the general location of property again east of Flatwoods Road and West of South Street total area of property 4.72 acres and again this was The Proposal is basically wrapped up by saying they want to do one-story Villa Apartment dwellings on the property uh Melissa matters planner will represent the maps and photo exhibits at this time thank you Melissa good evening as you can see on the locator map this is a zoomed out to show the where the subject property is in the greater area of lebg um this is this shows the subject property um zoomed in um East of Flatwoods and um west of South Street the future land the current future land use shows that it is both loow density residential and Industrial the proposed future land use is low density residential the current zoning is R3 high density residential this map shows the proposed cup area and the surrounding land use uses are light manufacturing commercial warehousing and vacant residential to the north vacant indust vacant institutional place of worship and Commercial to the South multif family residential Nursery improved pasture and vacant residential to the East and to the West light manufacturing a service shop and Commercial the subject property is not in a community redevelopment area the subject property has some flood zone AE in the north and Northeast the subject property has some Wetlands that show as wet Prairie drained and the subject property is in commission District [Music] 2 the photos show that the first the top one is looking East along South Winds Cove way and then the bottom shows looking North along South Street the top shows looking across South Street and the bottom is looking South along South Street and that is all I have Mr Miller thank you Melissa with that we move to the departmental review summary the project was sent out to All City departments plus the Lake County government and School Board under the city's Department responses there were no substantive comments from the city departments um Lake County Public Works noted that they wanted Flatwoods road to be used only as an emergency access so the which I believe the site is set up to go out towards sou South Street anyway but Lake County did want to bring that and the school board stated would that the project would be subject to school concurrency review what that means if seats are not available then a mitigation agreement between the school board and the applicant is required in the form of what's called a proportionate share mitigation agreement um under public responses SE of leeburg did notice the property correctly it was legally advertised and sent out to the surrounding Property Owners with the posting um sign the the sign posting the advertisement and surrounding property owner letters we received one approval we did receive one uh disapproval from Mr Rick pack I believe Mr pack owns property on Flatwoods Road his concern was traffic on Flatwoods and um as noted previously it sounds to me like and I don't know if Mr pack is here or not tonight but um the the issue is being taken care of by Lake County by them saying that they don't want they only want emergency Act access if this project is approved and we do have Representatives here to answer any questions you may have I would like to go ahead Mr chairman if it if it's all right and read the recommendations into the record um under the smallscale comp plan for South Winds code phase three small scale comp plan Amendment from low density residential and Industrial to low density residential for sscp 2427 the Planning and Zoning divisions recommending approval for the following reasons one the project meets the requirements of chapter 163 3187 Florida statutes for small scale comp plan amendments two the proposed small scale comp plan amendment is compatible with adjacent properties having future land use designations of low density residential and Industrial three the proposed conditional use permit is compatible as conditioned with the current surrounding zoning districts of R3 which is high density residential Spud which is small plan unit development PUD which is plan unit development and M1 Industrial the proposed for the proposed future land use designation for the site is consistent with the city's growth management plan future land use element goal one objective 1.6 and the action requested is to approve staff's recommendation to change the future land use of the subject property from City of leeburg low density residential and Industrial to low density residential and forward this recommendation to the city commission for their consideration under the next case South Winds Reserve excuse me South Winds code phase 3 conditional use permit to allow for apartments and existing town home use the case number cup 24-28 Planning and Zoning division is recommending approval of this case for the following reasons one the request meets the criteria set forth in section 25-41 conditional uses and section 25-284 District use regulations of the city of leeburg code of ordinances for the granting of a conditional use permit to allow for the development of apartments in addition to the existing town home use two a conditional use permit is required for the proposed use under chapter 25-284 use Table Three subject to the conditions listed below the proposed conditional use does not appear to create a detrimental impact on the surrounding properties four the the request does not create a negative impact or an inconsistency with the city of leeburg comprehensive plan with the following conditions that would be number one the conditional use permit is granted to the permit to allow for the develop of the apartments and town homes in this specific location under the conditions of chapter 2541 and section 25284 District use regulations of the city of lebur Land Development code two it's the permit would be subject to All City of lebur code requirements including zoning and building code regulations as amended three the granting of this conditional use permit will not exempt the applicant from other applicable regulations of the city of leeburg and other governmental agencies as well as assessment of the impact fees necessary for the completion of the project for violation of the conditions herein may result in this permit becoming null and void and five the conditional use permit must be properly executed by the applicant filed with the pnz division that should read Department uh within 90 days from the date of approval or will become null and void and they'll have to reapply um finally the action requested is to approve the conditional use permit for the subject property to to allow for apartments in addition to the existing town home uses and as I noted earlier Mr chairman we do have Representatives here to answer any questions you may have for the project thank you thank you sir are there any questions from uh staff okay does the applicant wish to add anything or make comments no Chad Morehead mad Morehead and Stokes 431 Easter ratio no we agree with the staff recommendation we're here to answer any questions thank you any questions of uh the applicant thank you all right and there's no one here to speak correct I mean no one from the audience okay all right well we'll close to uh the public and for discussion and render decision is there a motion on the sure Mr chair I'd like to make a motion to approve public hearing case number SSP 2427 all right have a motion is there a second second thank you any discussion all right uh roll call commissioner Kath yes commissioner Sanders yes commissioner fir yes commissioner o yes commissioner Sen yes commissioner s only yes all right on public hearing case number cup2 2428 South Winds phase three conditional use permit uh do we have uh a motion for that yes sir Mr chair I'd like to make a motion to approve public hearing case number cup 24-28 thank you is there a second second seconds were made any discussion on the motion all right roll call commissioner Sanders yes commissioner bar yes commissioner Kelly yes commissioner yes commissioner s yes commissioner s yes all right look for the next case here a lot of pages all right new business number three public hearing case govern PUD 2430 denim Village plan unit development thank you Mr chairman this is a request for a revision to an existing plan unit development as previously approved under ordinance 16-30 property is generally located west of County Road 33 north of Florida Turnpike and south of County Road 48 as will be shown on the map shortly uh back back in 2016 there was an ordinance approved on this property um staff worked with a developer who proposed using some very special design layouts lot sizes they want to do something unique they want to do something different very modern so uh including everything from 35 to 60 foot wide Lots motor courts which are basically in in the planning term cluster around a Common parking area and houses built around that it was very interesting ing uh there was an allowance in that PUD at that time for 1,999 Lots it used a lot of unique features a lot of unique design it was an interesting concept at the time but it did not catch on over the years as You' seen eight what is it eight years have gone by or so there's been no development interest that was shown that was willing to use those PUD standards and take the risk building to those designed standards under the ordinance being considered today the Builder DR Horton is proposing to reduce the total number of units in this existing proposal from 19999 to 1500 so a reduction of 499 units and incorporate some commercial areas along Highway 33 staff is rep recommending approval on this request as will be seen in a moment as the current zoning allows for a much higher density and whereas the proposal today reduces the number by 25% provides for various residential units to include single family detached town homes and apartments and some live work units so with that being said I would like to ask Miss Diane yuckle senior planner to present the maps and photo exhibits including the aerial zoning future land use surrounding land use Wetlands flood zones and CRA Maps thank you Mr Miller so our first slide we have a broader view of the subject property uh shown as west of 27 West of 33 and north of the Florida Turnpike and south of CR 48 and we have a closer aerial now showing that the subject property is west of 33 north of Florida Turnpike and south of County Road 48 and for the zoning uh to the North and South we have City PUD planned unit development and City P public to the east we have City PUD and to the West we also have City PUD and Lake County zoning we have to the North and South Lake County a agriculture to the east we have Lake County hm heavy industrial and to the West we have Lake County a agriculture the proposed zoning is the Pud planned unit development and for Lake County future land use we have to the North Lake County Urban medium density to the South we have Lake County Rural and to the East Lake County industrial and for City future land use we have to the north city neighborhood mixed use City institutional City industry and Technology Commerce Park and to the South we have City neighborhood mixed use and uh City estate residential and to the east we have City neighborhood mixed used and estate and to the West we have City SP mixed use the surrounding land use to the north we have vacant industrial manufactured home subdivision single family light manufacturing and to the South we have a pasture single family and vacant residential to the east we have light manufacturing manufactured home subdivision Timber ber Warehouse vacant property industrial Timber and Copland and to the West we have utility and [Music] pasture uh for the CRA you'll see that um the 27441 CRA is to the east of the property and to the um wetlands and flood zone there is some wetlands and flood zones um in the southern portion of the property it is in City commission District 3 and for the photos we have the top photo is a closeup of the sign on property from County Road 33 and the bottom is uh looking North along County Road 33 and on the top we have looking east across County Road 33 and then we have looking South along County Road 33 and then we have looking West into the property from County Road 33 and then a closeup of the sign on the property from County Road 48 and we have looking Northwest across County Road 48 and looking Southeast into the property from County Road 48 and we have looking Southwest along County Road 48 and then looking Northeast along County Road 48 and that is all I have Mr Miller thank you thank you Diane moving to the departmental review summary the project was sent out to All City departments Plus Lake County government and the school board there were no substantive comments come coming back from the city departments Lake County Public Works had no comments I assume that would have been from the reduction in the number of units um would be the only reason they wouldn't say anything School Board stated the project would be subject to school concurrency review so if the seats are not available and it changes not every year goes up and down for schools if the seats are not available at the time a phase of this project if it's approved all the way through City commission the seats are not available then uh there would have to be a proportion to share mitigation agreement and again it's just a form of mitigation where the developer agre agrees to a payment necessary to provide the students stations and it is significant and I don't know the exact numbers but it's it's pretty pretty significant numbers um we did receive some public responses the the um case was advertised per state of Florida and city of leeburg notice requirements including the posting letters and um and advertising we received two responses one came in the form of a letter from Emilia and Robert gravit um which is in your packet uh their list of concerns included air pollution global warming and I'm summarizing here so I don't want them to um air pollution global warming cutting down the trees Wildlife destruction of habitat schools entrances on 33 and 48 drilling new wells sewers and hospitals and then another one came from Mr Jack Rainer uh his concerns were for a green belt along County Road 33 as there is industrial uh uh zoning in the area that operates on a 247 basis he had no objection if a green belt was provided and it is within the within the Pud um conditions if I may briefly go over the Pud conditions Mr chairman would the new request drops from 19,999 to 1500 units on 506 Acres would allow detached single family town homes and multif family units um in the m in the majority of the area and then along the highway some commercial uh C3 Highway commercial type uses would be permitted all other uses would be prohibited um accessory uses would be RV and Boat Storage um pools clubhouses things of that nature that you standard we'll see the lot sizes are 50 60 and 70 um and the there are 340 Town Homes total 240 multif family units which would be one apartment complex and then 49 live work units adding all those up equals 1,500 the live work units generally are in the form of you have an office or retail on the first floor and you live upstairs kind of like used to be downtown here I guess back in the day um so we have 50 60 and 70 foot Lots um two car garages on all the detached single family all the structures have uh architectural design standards where they have to pick from the list of five architectural features um that that's in the Pud there are landscape buffers that are required around the entire project meaning a master landscape plan would have to be submitted uh 25 ft all the way around the property there is a requirement for two two trees in each yard one in the front one in the back um a split rail fence shall be installed along the length of County Road 33 and 48 fronting the property um there is a requirement along the turnpike there's an option that we put in here one you can do a six- foot wall uh solid wall or the other would be a 5 foot burm with a six foot fence at the apex of the burn either way uh we did add based on City commission request in previous zonings at a condition that uh the city will not be liable for design funding construction for any future noise reducing efforts any any construction requirements um the buffers are distinct from the Lots the platted lots and their requirement they are required to be maintained by the HOA um on the site access requirements what there's showing on their site plan and staff agrees with is four Boulevard style access points on County Road 33 and one on these are minimums one on County Road 48 um as you know the boulevard requirement is a wider Lane going each Direction and then an 8 to 10 foot landscape island in the middle um transportation improvements will be worked out with Lake County there'll have to be sidewalks on both sides of all the roads we have some special signage um conditions in here for Monument signs not exceeding 8 ft in height and 60 square feet on County Road 33 and 48 and the school board will necessitate a a a separate agreement under utilities there are currently um efforts being worked on to move utility South along 33 I I don't know the details but uh this they would be responsible for installing natural gas in 80% of all the single family detached homes uh wetlands are protected building structures have to be a minimum of 50 ft from any Wetland jurisdiction boundary irrigation and water usage is reviewed by um allowing Bea zoa and Bermuda grass but not St Augustine because it uses is a lot of water uh there's a requirement for 300,000 ft of recreation which works out to be right at 6.9 Acres 6.88 they have to include swimming pool children's playgrounds walking trails dog parks those kind of things and there's a requirement for walking trails as seen on the site plan uh there's dark sky lighting standards that are required in here so that the light doesn't bleed off on the neighbors and beyond that is pretty the remaining portions of the Pud are the standard um language so if I may Mr chairman go ahead and read the recommendation into the record for the request of the project of denim Village for resoning the Pud in case number PUD 24-30 the Planning and Zoning recom planning and zoning department is recommending approval of this request for the following reasons one the proposed zoning classification of PUD plan unit development is compatible as condition with the current surrounding zoning districts of Lake County a agriculture Lake County heavy industrial and City public and PUD there is no proposed change to the existing future land use designation of city of leeburg neighborhood mixed use which is also compatible with the current surrounding zoning and future land use designations the proposed request does not appear to create a detriment to surrounding properties based on location and proximity to Future compatible development and the conditions that are shown in the site in the uh PUD the action request is vote to approve the staff's recommendation to reone the subject property from City PUD to City PUD and forward this recommendation to the city commission for their consideration uh Mr chairman we have Miss totiana Ross forward planner for Dr Horton and some other folks from Dr Horton here to answer any questions that you may have staff is recommending approval okay um is there any questions are there any questions from staff yes how is traffic going be the traffic has to go every uh development that comes through the city of leeburg has to go through a traffic study each segment of roadway in every city in Florida is assigned a level of service abcdf okay a city decides which level of service on on each type of roadway they want to have I don't know the answer right off the top of my head on the level of service but say it's a c if the addition of a development does not take that level of service from a CA to ad then it is deemed to have the capacity to move forward so far we haven't had the degradation of those roadways by the studies now as you and I all as we all know that's you're talking there's a big difference which is a physical thing what about the cars themselves the uh villages sit on 48 now you're going to have this traic on 4 that is correct and I don't know if you've ever been in the traffic on towards 27 all the time make a turn or even go through 48 and this is personal to me and I went through this last meeting and I've staying on the boat it I would have a difficult time unless I had more assurances that there's going to be an improvement traffic such as the villages did up on 466 where they double the Lanes on the a road War access two lanes just don't seem to make it to me they don't and that the roadways are the Lake County responsibility and I believe that when the houses start being being built in leeburg that's when the money will start coming in but roadways are a Lake County function not city of lebur and that makes it awfully tough and part of the problem is that I don't know of anywhere in America where you can go besides the villages and developments like the villages in Texas and Arizona that's it the only place you can go to have the roads built out before the first house is there the roads are built within the subdivision but those Roads connecting them always clog up I'm not in favor of this I'm just telling you the facts sir but um in order to get expanded roadways there has to be a demand an increase in demand and it's you never you can't win with it you literally can't win and I I understand your point and respect what you're you're saying because um it is extremely difficult I have to go through that intersection all the time at 33 and 27 uh excuse me 33 and 48 and 48 and 27 and all the others around here we're out about all the time um is there a traffic study showing the change from the current situation to the a traffic study a traffic study will give you the number of trips and a and and to be honest traffic planning and Engineering is to me a dark science okay it's a whole different world from you know anything else but it's it will if it degrades the level of service it will show that part of the problem that we have all of us in Florida is that the state legislature has said that you cannot we can't disapprove on our end U as far as staff a plan if it fails just for traffic that doesn't make any sense but that's the law and that makes it very difficult but that is what the legislature has done but my question was was is there a difference in the traffic flow with the with the current zoning and okay under the current under the current zoning this is this makes it even tougher because under the current zoning as we sit right now there's 19999 units right under this proposal there's 1500 that's right at 25% 24.9 or something so this is actually a reduction in what would be there otherwise and that's partly why we want to see it happen because it's reducing that this particular development goes back to at least 2016 and I can't remember what was on there before 2016 but there was some other zoning in the city there as well uh so and and this this is um it's just a simple fact if this passes then the neighbors have less development and less traffic than if it doesn't and that's the reason I asked that yes sir that's and I thank you for asking that been approved for because it's already years ago eight years ago was approved for the 1900 so if it goes through for the 1500 that's 499 less fewer homes whether whatever unit fewer fewer units whe whatever form single family uh townhouse Department live work unit that's almost 500 less than what it would be okay so it's a very tough decision and and okay any other questions I have one more question of of of course you know the fact that it has been approved for more MH and they reduce it and of course traffic is an issue Steward I agree with you uh it's always after the fact that they want to fix the road always uh and if we turn it down for traffic do they have a legal recourse to uh jump back at you well I think that you know to Dan's point there are some legal constraints as far as the traffic situation concerned I think here the indications are that traffic would be reduced here so I think it would you know again I I respect everybody body's position and and certainly um opinions and and vote how they want to vote but I think that as Mr Miller was explaining that that this likely would be an improvement compared to what they could build as far as yeah exactly now I don't know how the commercial might impact that if there was not so there may be some impacts from the commercial but I think um without any anything concrete showing you know definitively that this road is going to fail because of that it certainly um puts the city in a difficult Place particularly staff does okay anything else okay uh applicant like to come forward yes please state your name and your address uh my name is Tatiana Ross my address is sorry I'm with Dr Horton um live right in Orlando Florida 7100 Altus way thank you you're welcome um okay so I am with Dr Horton like I said we are the applicant we are looking to develop um denim Village Dan did a wonderful job going over everything already um I just want to point out a few small things um so like Dan said this is a reduction from what was approved in 2016 um there were some really specific architectural standards um that our product doesn't meet because originally a different Builder was planning on going in there turned out not to work out for them so we are willing to now reduce the amount of units to be able to build the product that we want to bring to lesburg um for people to be able to purchase um so that's my my big thing really we're we're trying to you know reduce the units here it's a almost 500 unit reduction so it is a pretty big reduction um so we want to bring our homes here and we want people to buy them obviously um but we want to do it the way that works for everyone we have had many discussions with staff we've had multiple meetings with them about this we're happy to work with staff and everybody else and just make this work for everyone so that everybody can benefit um but if there are no other questions for me that's it I just wanted to give a little background thank you any questions of the applicant thank you thank you Mr chairman I did um have discussion with a couple of folks right before the meeting who and and they may want to speak as well they want to get on the record that they do have easement back to their property they they're on the north side of this property and they um have easement they wanted to be sure to be on the record and I wanted to help them with that um and then I did immediately after that speak with uh Tatiana and and the group from Dr Horton so we're going to make sure I want to put this on the record we're going to make sure that those easements are honored legally they have to be I'm not trying to okay but but they do have to be honored staff is aware and we will make sure that they are so thank you sir thank you very much okay I have four people that have signed to speak um you don't have to speak if you want to speak that's fine you'll be limited to three minutes um I ask you not to repeat what the previous person that talked about CU you know once we hear it we've heard it um I'd like to call it Danny Watson do you still want to speak yes sir okay come forward don't figure out is please state get your name and your address please uh my name is Danny Watson and my address is 27147 South Quarters Road okah Florida uh I'm here on behalf of the the zoning property there uh last year I was here but I didn't see you guys I think I saw talked to the County Commissioners uh y'all had approved the to build I think 200 homes right that 33 I mean 48 in South Quarter road and it it was approved and I hear yall was talking about the traffic and all y'all mention was lesburg y' didn't say nothing about okah the traffic that go through lebur have to come through okah the traffic that go through okah had to come through lebur and out there we just got a terrible mess out there now so if y'all bring all of those homes there I know 500 homes reduced but what about the other peop coming through Le bir and okah the other thousand 2,000 coming through that way uh we have a lot of senior citizens out there in that area and they complaining about the traffic and you know I know I know we can't stay stop you know um what you call them progress progress growth growth growth yes but you know it's it's just it's just terrible and and and you know I don't know how far lebur going to go to the kind of something the kind of line I don't know you know how much the kind of going to give you all to uh to reone but we just a little old spot there we was a big city okah was a pretty large city one time and now everybody trying to get a a part of the pie and which we just a little fly and y'all size 36 in shoe slipping on our head you know I I know I don't can't change things but I'm just a voice in my opinion you know because it's something definitely need to happen most especially to the traffic you know it's it's just terrible out there and another I got one more minute when I when I first moved there in 1975 I very seldom he a sirine but now by every 5 or 10 minutes we hear the sires you know around which D wck or something somewhere we didn't used to have to have that but you know they say a thousand people move to come to Florida today but only two go back so that's 9,000 I mean 998 people still staying here in Florida but that's all I got to say thank you [Music] right [Music] okay okay George Waters George Waters 3810 West over circle leberg inside the plantation I have a I was hoping to see a conceptual plan so I could see where the exits would be to 33 my house backs up to um Manor Oaks and Manor Oaks right now is quite crowded we have 800 to 1,000 trips a day in and out our West Gate based on a survey of a couple of years ago and I'm hoping that the roads that are coming out of the new development will somehow line up with where the roads are now DR Horton is developing Cedar Creek I believe which is uh immediately across the street and backs up to my property and I'm also hoping that they'll put a traffic light and would suggest that that be a requirement a traffic light or more uh right where our exit is because that's that's a mess now and without a traffic light for cars going in each direction it'll be a bigger problem uh question about water did the okay come from St John's Water Management District for the increase in water it if I may Mr chairman um it comes from the city based on the amount of water that the city has available the city gets its consumptive use permit through St John's and if the city has the capacity to serve it then the city can do so um they do have to meet all St John's requirements as far as the installation of the water system and the Wastewater system okay cuz we're getting pounded to reduce our water usage and they're adding all these other houses I want to move as quickly as I can do we have an idea of the price of the home homes and the apartments um I would let the DR Horton Representatives answer that because it it can go up and down depending on the market we let them do that I'll let her answer then when when I'm finished um so the traffic count the alignment of the roads coming out of the new area so that they line up with uh roads on the east side of highway 33 do we have any idea when the construction will begin it is in each PUD they're given a window of years to move forward um we don't know because it's just zoning um so we would have to again go back to the Horton folks to see if they're ready to move forward or not now will we have a chance uh either at a city council commission meeting or here to see the final plot map the plans as they sit are up here on the screen right now um but that's conceptual that is conceptual the and it it gets approved as conceptual the final plans are reviewed at an administrative level um so they are not subject to public input they have to be substantially consistent with what's being shown now the issue there is that sometimes you get into the property and you'll have soil or drainage issues that um and when you do the soil borings and things like that so they have to shift a few buildings around doesn't always happen but it does from time to time so um they have to be substantially consistent with what you see here and it has to meet all of the conditions of the Pud zoning which I went over when I was but it will not be represented to the city commission or this commission well before if actually it still got two hearings to go after no I yes but I mean the final final the final final plan would not because that's an administrative process but this this PUD and this concept plan still have two more hearings to go beyond that I just want to make sure everybody understands that I know that I can see that you do that's time thanks thank you and we'll invite uh DR Horton folks not yet not yet let me finish um we'll invite them back up after everybody spoke that way they don't have to C back forth back and forth back and forth all right uh uh Kaitlyn Kaitlyn yeah do you wish to speak yes please okay sorry about that it's okay it's not my ma name my ma name was so much shter Miss Smith hi my name is Caitlyn gardi I live at 26645 County Road 33 um the L-shaped property north of the property that's on the screen right now um my biggest concern was the easement there because we're the only property that uses that easement so during time of building are they going to try to use that easement for their construction companies or anything else to come in and out of the easement is um currently the cattle people that lease the farm use that easement so sometimes there's a little bit of like a head-on collision almost where you can't get in and out so that was kind of my biggest concern may I ask Mr chairman a question sure is the easement on your property or on this property it's on mine because if it's on your property you because I'm I'm thinking it must be on the other property for there to be an easement to allow you to cross onto your property the only way onto the property is on the eement so that easement gets preserved I cannot we can put you together with the Horton folks and um try to work something out because that can't be the the only entrance they will need for the life of this development and they may not need it at all I hope so because that's the only way in and out of the property and there's literally just a car length you can't even like it's not a two car L and generally there are construction and entrances which are have the rock out there to keep the dirt from coming out and those have to be maintained so um we'll if you'll stay after the meeting we'll get you with the DR Horton vks so we can get that defin try I have to drive back tock well maybe right after the case okay you could do it then cuz that would be much appreciated I was very concerned about all of the people coming in and out and we have livestock and horses and I don't want anyone to get Hur call tomorrow and I'll make sure you connect you have to drive back y yes sir thank you thank you okay thanks all right Mark Fido it's Tibido Tibido excuse me public school education my name is Mark Tibido my address is 3020 County Road 48 the only property on 48 that this affects thank you for what you said about the uh traffic because right now it takes me more than 15 minutes to get from my H my driveway just to where Publix is across the street for the gym I have to cut through the business park to be able to get through instead of the light at uh what is it 4 48 and 33 um and to address a couple other things uh I didn't buy my property until um July of 2020 so I was unaware of this uh proposal uh I only had three days to make the decision on actually one day to make the decision to purchase my property which I had searched for for a long time um we there was already an oral contract on the property I me to make a cash offer my proper he paid for in full okay through my Family Trust every day I get to see cows I like seeing cows I don't like seeing people I spent six years par rescue in the Air Force the most dangerous job the United States military cows give me peace and Tranquility I don't want you to take that away from me I know there's nothing I can do to stop this but I will become the biggest pain in your ass you've ever met please watch your language oh excuse me I'm sorry I didn't know there was virgin ears very rude yeah I'm not real happy about this at all I'm trying to contain my anger sir please do this was a dream property for me I like the peace and Tranquility of the property uh I have another business in Claremont that I'll be selling next month and I'll be spending all my time at my business on the property if there's ways to appeal things I'm going to do it if there's ways to oppose things I'm going to do it I'm going to become the biggest pain you've ever met because I'm not happy about this I know there's nothing I can probably do in the end but I will be opposing everything thank you I think that was a threat yeah some people that way all right that's all for the uh the U public um would the Tatiana or whatever sorry Tatiana Ross again um okay so couple points I want to address that were asked one of them was price um as we all know the housing market does change a lot so I can't make any promises to price what we are underwriting ing um right now for this is around um an average sales price of $350,000 for a single family $325,000 for a town home I can't speak to the price of the apartments um because DR Horton is not developing the depart the apartments but they will be market price uh market rate we are conducting a traffic study I want to make that uh very clear to everyone I I understand the concern with traffic um we're conducting a traffic study it will be reviewed um by the county and the city any recommendations that come from that traffic study um are things that we will have to do in order to move forward with our development um so we will see what comes from that and we will do whatever um comes from that study um I also heard somebody mention um construction start again one of those things that is a little bit hard to predict but we are thinking around two years is when we will be able to start development um um just because we have to go through our entitlements here and then our um construction plans and and all that process working on the utilities and everything so it'll be a little bit but we are slowly tripping away and trying to get there um I just want everyone to know that I appreciate everyone's comments and concerns and like I said um that traffic study will tell us what we need to do as far as traffic goes and we are very aware that there may be improvements that we have to make and we'll take that into consideration once once we get those recommendations thank you that was all the questions I think I think there was there was something about Road alignment between with other neighboring DR Horton communities yeah you do you know anything about the engineering with with the road alignment right here that's what Mr uh Mr Dawn was looking for yeah it looks like it lines up with that whatever that road Mr Mr Waters sorry middle right right here okay and as to follow up with that if I may um we're always in favor of these lights and we we're being asked for lights all the time again it comes down to U the county and fdot but we will push as a staff we will always push for the lights um that's a good certainly a good idea and would be a very big help okay uh were we going to try to address we're the U the construction road we just going to let them talk after them yeah I think it's probably best to let them talk I mean there's probably an underlying easement agreement that probably governs the rights and remedies and responsibilities so probably best for everybody to just kind of get together talk about that definitely get with that party and um would and figure that out with them and make try to make everybody happy thank you very much yes sir thank [Music] you we'll close to the uh public comments and uh discussion make a decision is there a motion on the yes I have a [Music] question this traffic study which seems to be everybody's main concern which is my concern also uh especially for the people who live in that area after the study says that you need more roads Etc who puts them in the sorry go ahead the developers required under the Pud conditions to implement all of the requirements that come out of the traffic study that come out of Lake County Public Works for example if they say we need a turn lane and a stop light turn lane going north to turn right turn lane going left and then the turn lane right and left here plus the stoplight they have to do all of that um the the lake County will likely want them to uh improve the road all along the border here and all along the border here that is up to Lake County but uh I have rarely seen them pass an opportunity to get a road widened by a developer I don't know if I've ever seen them pass that opportunity so um that but it is a responsibility of the developer so to be clear the developer widens their the road pays for it yes pay for it when you put in the development that is correct okay thank you and would the developer be required to put in the stoplight system too yes they pay for that as well I want I want to clarify to make sure the previous or the existing PUD is not a conditional use permit meaning that it may have expired or is it still valid that they have that density I believe it it I believe that it expired so if that's the case this is not approved for the 1900 or so units that we talked about is that correct look that up for you just to be sure that didn't have an exporation in it okay I think we and I talked about that well I just wanted to make sure that we did know that someone could build the previous large number that you cor correct uh Miss Ross is correct that Pew didn't that pewy did not have an expiration in it um and the reason was to try to get someone to utilize the design standards that the applicant had brought in and after eight years we figure that's a long enough time and Horton came along so to your point most PS will have that expiration Mr O Kelly um this one didn't that but but because they couldn't put their product on these Lots is the reason we came back and said okay you dropped some Lots right we can make it work for you okay all right um is there a motion on the floor yes sir Mr chair I'd like to make a motion to approve public hearing cage planning unit development 24-30 okay is there a second no second no second okay dies of a lack of a second which is a denial huh which would be a denial uh I don't know it's a denial there was no approval there was no formal denial if there was a motion you know a negative motion then it could be denied but there is no such motion on i' like to make a motion to deny the request I'll second that motion okay any discussion on the motion all right roll call commissioner bar yes Comm I agree with the motion okay commissioner Kelly yes commissioner sen no commissioner Sanders no Commission commissioner SE only yes commissioner C yes all right thank you very much um Mr chairman just if I may this still does go to commission it's a recommendation of denial two correct four you recommendation for denial 2 to four but it will go to the city commission uh for their final decision at plus two hearings thank you I totally forgot that I don't think there people in the back they'll have to have and all five Commissioners will have to be in case you didn't hear it in the back it still goes before the commission though we voted it down so you have you still have another opportunity to go against it thank you or for it thank you all right uh business new business number four public hearing case number cup 2441 155 florale Avenue mother-in-law Suite they've asked for a postponement um and I'm assuming we should vote to postpone uh we can do that that's fine and I think if we would announce the date time and location for the postponed meeting just to avoid advertisement issues gotcha and they will come back it's postponed to April 18th 2024 you don't need a motion uh yes I do I move that we approve agree to postpone cup [Music] 3441 I second that motion any discussion or roll calls whatever you said sound like Foster Brooks sorry chok I never changed it's all right buddy uh roll call commissioner bar yes commissioner yes commissioner sen yes commissioner Sanders yes commissioner Su only yes commissioner C yes all right new business number five public hearing case number V 2434 Banning Ranch telecommunications Tower various thank you Mr chairman the subject property is generally located west of County Road 33 and north of Ashwood Street what is known as the Banning Ranch property on South County Road 33 you may recall the commission this Planning Commission and the city commission have approved rezoning cases on this property in the past uh this is a case for a request for a variance from the code of ordinances to allow a reduction in the setback for a monopole telecommunications Tower we all think of the Telecommunications towers as the old metal triangles all stacked up together the the technology has changed over the years this is a monopo uh and basically the city's current Telecom codes allow for a maximum fee height of 300 ft from ground level in this case the request is for I believe it's 145 ft um and the current code calls for a 100% fall radius for fall zone meaning that the tower has to be able to fall the the length of the height in other words fall out the length of the height so if there's a hurricane tornado whatever any any unforeseen event that it's could be further out yeah but this is a case staff in its review this is a case where the codes have not kept up with the technology of the towers and we will get more into that at this point I like to asked M maxman Allen to um present the maps and photo exhibits including the aerial zoning future land use surrounding land use if I may just real quick because you just made the comment um because I you know I tend to be against variances from what I've learned in the past but um is it your intention to change the um the ordinance on the towers because of the new in in the future yes but this this is honestly this is what brought it to our attention and our Telecom ordinance the part of our ordinance in chapter 25 that cover covers telecommunications does need to be updated okay so it is Our intention to change the ordinance in the future okay in this particular case it's technology that's made this variance okay pal Mr chairman you still have time I don't care I don't need it yet no it's on 13 minutes do we need it no I just turn it off thank you I got you I got you come you got it little OCD over there okay go ahead please more like that thank you the locator map shows the subject property as directly west of County Road 33 and Southwest of Florida's Turnpike the aerial map shows the subject parcel in question as the entrance to the Banning ran um overall development is just this one parcel we're talking about today the current zoning on the property is PUD surrounded by City PUD to the east and west and re1 to the east the subject property is surrounded by Lake County a agriculture to the North and South the existing future future land use designation is neighborhood mixed use and the property is surrounded by neighborhood mixed use to the West and East the surrounding Lake County future land use is rural to the North and South the proposed action on this parcel is a variance and does not change the underlying zoning or future land use surrounding land uses include residential to the north and south and pasture improveed to the West and East there is some flood zone present on the western half of the property and there are also some Wetlands present on the western portion as well the subject property is in commission District 3 signs were posted on March 5th 2024 the top image is a closeup of the sign on the property from County Road 33 the bottom image is looking North along County Road 33 the top image is looking east across County Road 33 and the bottom image is looking South along County Road 33 and finally looking West into the property from County Road 33 thank you thank you thank you Max we'll move on to the departmental review summary this project was sent out to all the city departments and Lake County government the department responses uh they gave us no substantiative comments from from the city departments the project is not subject to review by the school board so it's not subject to school concurrency obviously um Lake County Public Works did have a comment they they stated that they wanted no direct access to be allowed along County Road 33 staff is working with them um to allow temporary access along County Road 33 for the project if it's built before the Banning Ranch subdivision is built and the reason we say that is that we want to along with Lake County eliminate as many curb Cuts so to speak or access points along these highspeed roadways as possible however for building if if the tower comes first they're going to need something to get there so we're going to work with Lake County on that we want to make you aware of that so in the end the end product will be you go into Banning Ranch and you turn right and go to the tower um and but but if the tower comes before Banning Ranch then you're going to just need to go right into a construction entrance to get to the Tower so but the end product will be one entrance at Banning Ranch so it's just a matter of timing and we're working with Lake County and the applicant on that uh we received no um we legally advertise posted letters and um signs for the project um was sent out to Property Owners we received no comments back from that um I'd like to go ahead and read the recommendation Mr chairman and this is for variance 2434 for the Banning Ranch telecommunications Tower variants the background here will explain a little bit extra the current code section 25804 requires telecommunication Tower setbacks to be 100% of the tower height in order to keep the proposed location for the 14 45t monopole telecommu cow within the commercial area of the previously approved PUD zoning the applicant is requesting that the front setback be reduced to 111 ft based on telecommunication Tower technology not accounted for under the current codes of the city of leeburg the monopole tower will be constructed in a bend over style in accordance with current industry standards therefore reducing the fall zone of the Tower from what should be 145 ft to 60 ft um the tower will also have a camouflage requirement with the intent to disguise the Tower with false foilage due to reduced front setback in proximity to previously approved residential zoning in the area so the Planning and Zoning division is recommending approval of this request for the following reasons one this proposed request is to allow reduction of the required setback from 100% of the tower height which is 145t to 111 ft based on the engineered bend over pole design two the proposed request will allow for a disguised telecommunications Tower to increase the Telecommunications service area within South leeburg three the variance this variance to the current PUD zoning does not create a negative impact for detriment to surrounding properties the city of leeburg code of ordinances or the adopted comp plan and the action requested is vote to approve staff recommendation to allow a variance of section 2584 telecommunications Tower setbacks to allow the 145 ft monopole telecommunications Tower with a 111 ft front setback within the existing PUD zoning and of course that's dependent on using the bend over I I hate to say bend over technology but but the the engineering yeah um so we didn't we we only knew as a staff you can have a monopole you can have you can have coverage you can have all kinds of things but when they brought in the engineered um signed off on plans that showed this part will break first and it will it will work then you know we we felt like from a common sense standpoint it was fair to push the variant forward U it is staff's intention in the future to change the code to allow this okay thank you any questions to staff all right uh does is the applicant here is there anything you want to add to it my name is Jennifer Frost from Anthem Inc our address is 5944 Luther Lanes 725 Dallas Texas 75225 um thank you staff for all of your hard work and working with us they've summarized everything beautifully if you have any questions I'm happy to answer them but we agree with all of their conditions and thank you any questions to the applicant yeah um at what point or what WI speed will this tire Tower bend over or break I don't have that exact number in front of me and I do apologize for that we are required to design to the Florida building code including all the wind speeds in certain classes so as far as the bend over pull design um think of it like a Bendy straw the bottom 85 F feet of the tower is going to be overdesigned so in the unlikely event of a failure the top 60 ft is going to fall over this is going to be so overdesigned that further failure is very unlikely I understand that the bottom half will be there but I'm just wondering what what does it take for it to really fold in half depending on where you are in lesburg the the Florida building code and I'm not an expert on this but um is either 130 or 140 M hour sustained winds so it has to be built to withstand 130 or 40 and it just depends on exactly where you are in leeburg most of it I think is 130 yeah but that's the bottom half Dan M and the top half at what point does it it would still have to meet that same standard so uh I don't know i' have to turn that over to the building official the entire Tower will be designed to meet that minimum requirement anything else thank you thank you all right we'll close to the public and render decision make a motion okay Mr chairman if you'd like I'll make a motion I would like I'd like to move to approve V 2434 I second that motion all right we got a motion and a second any discussion all right R call commission s yes commissioner K yes commissioner barx yes commissioner o Kelly yes commissioner sen yes commissioner Sanders yes thank you very much all right new business number six public hearing case number V 2451 HT AO side variance variance thank you Mr chairman uh for variance 24- 51 H teao HTO is what they call themselves new business in leeburg they're requesting a variance um from section 25- 424 prin FES 8 the menu board subject property generally located east of North 14th Street and North of citizens Boulevard this is the old I think it was The Vitamin Store and the Long John Silver and that's as far back as I go too nothing that but across from the Social Security office everybody's nodding their head so you know where the Social Security office is right I got a bad neck was um but it's a variance from the code of ordinances to allow an increase in the size of the menu board this is again a situation where staff believes that the codes have not really kept up with the times for example Co has increased the use of drive-throughs I don't want to say exponentially but significantly on um in the restaurant business so it's caused us as a part of that to rethink some things that we want to do in the future with our codes with that in mind um Miss Max Van Allen will be presenting the maps and photo exhibits including the zoning future land use um surrounding land use quick question yes sir what is the current code 32 ft they went 38 okay thank you the locator map shows the property is generally located west of West North Boulevard US 441 and east of North 14th Street us27 the aerial shows the property is at the corner of North 14th Street us27 and citizens Boulevard the existing zoning is C2 Community commercial surrounded by C2 to the Northeast and South and C3 to the West the existing future land use designation is General commercial and the property is surrounded by General commercial future land use to the north east south and west the proposed action is a variance on the subject property surrounding land uses include office Bank restaurant vacant commercial and shopping center the subject property is located within the 27441 CR the subject property does not have any flood zones nor does it have any Wetlands present on the property the subject property is within commission district one signs were posted on March 5th 2024 the top image is showing a closeup of the sign on the property from North 14th Street the bottom image is looking North along North 14th Street top image is looking East into the property from North 14th Street and the bottom image is looking South along North 14th Street the top image is looking west across North 14th Street the bottom image is a closeup of the sign on the property from citizens Boulevard the top image is looking North from citizens Boulevard along North North 14th Street and the bottom image is looking East from citizens Boulevard the top image is looking south from citizens Boulevard and finally looking West from citizens Boulevard on the bottom thank you thank you thank you Max moving on to the departmental review summary the the department the project was sent out to all the city city and county departments um Department responses we received no substantive comments from the city departments this project is not subject to School Board review Lake County Public Works had no comments um the per Florida statute and city of leeburg code of ordinances the project was legally advertised posted and letters sent out to surrounding Property Owners we did not receive any comments um under the recommendation if I may for variance 2451 HTO sign variants the current code section 25424 parentheses 8 parentheses F parentheses 8 allows menu board signs no more than 32 squ ft of copy area and internal illumination conditioners is requesting a variance to allow 38.2 ft externally illuminated menu sign for increased visibility legibility and applicant brand consistency as lighting technology has improved to direct light towards the menu and Market needs have changed for drive-thru restaurants since this code section was written the variance will ensure the applicant maintains quality commercial development consistent with their Nationwide standards Planning and Zoning is recommending approval of this request for the following reasons the proposed request is to allow an increase of the required maximum menu board sign copy area from 32 32 squ ft 38.2 ft a difference of 6.2 Square ft the propos to the proposed request will allow for an externally illuminated sign with lighting directed toward the menu board to maintain the applicant's commercial design standards three the variance to the current C2 Comm Community Comm commercial zoning does not create a negative impact or detriment to surrounding properties the city of lebur code of ordinances or the adopted comprehensive plan the action requested therefore is to vote to approve the staff's recommendation to allow a variance from section 25424 f8 to allow for a 38.2 square foot externally eliminated menu sign staff's recommending approval Mr chairman I believe Mr Chilton from LED signs is here if you have any questions okay any questions to staff I got a question again um how high is the sign going to be is it going to block any additional traffic going that's a main main intersection there good question from the way it's located it won't block any traffic at all uh let's see if you can see on page thank you Diane if we can point it out here the menu board sign is up here there right up there so as the cars pull around it's not going to see the direction going this way M so it's not going to block anything cuz no one's even going the other direction it's right in here okay that's a monument sign uh it does not necessarily have to be a monument uh it could be a pole tip signs had to be Monument now those would be the signs on the property boundaries here M it's basically signs divide into very few categories you have your um signs like Monument or pole on the out property then you have Wall signs on the building and then you'll have the menu type boards and your directional signs okay aside from the goodye blimp that's about it but but the way but that is a perceptive question I appreciate variance there because because OV one the way it's placed safety has been taken into account by the applicant so that was good okay thank [Music] you any others thank you do applicate have anything to add no everything's good thank you for your time okay thank you thanks all right well we'll close to the public and render a decision Mr chair I'd like to make a motion to approve public hearing case v24 d51 thank you I'll second all right any discussion roll call please commissionerate uh yes commissioner Sanders yes commissioner s yes commissioner Catherine yes yes commissioner bar yes commission [Music] yes thank you very much so I don't have to go all the way back to the the agenda is there a uh a sister uh case yes sir the next two cases we have a compant Amendment and a PUD zoning okay thank you if I may I didn't want to zip all the way through again if I may present those together i' would be much appreciate out okay uh new business number seven and8 uh public hearing case number sscp 2436 Silver Lake Commons small scale comprehensive plan Amendment and you want me I guess I got to do it anyway I'll go ahead and introduce the other one too I need to get a copy of the agenda just sit on the side I'm almost there now thank you public hearing case number PUD 3 uh 2437 Sil Commons plan unit development thank you Mr chairman um as stated these there are two cases we're discussing as one and then the vote will come later under first case be a comp plan second be the zoning uh subject property is generally located north of US Highway 441 and west of college drive to cross from Cracker Barrel if you think think of it that way okay um it's next to the lesburg international airport and consists of approximately 10.08 plus or minus Acres about 10 acres property's currently owned by the city of leeburg city has no plans to utilize it it's being sold for future development the request is to change the future land use from institutional to General commercial in the zoning from public to plan unit development um The Proposal would split the land EV eventually this land will be split into two parcels and which staff is currently working on and Miss Christine Rock will be presenting the maps and photos exhibits at this time including the aerial zoning future land use surrounding land use Wetlands flood zone maps and CRA Maps good afternoon good afterno the locator map shows that the property is generally located north of US Highway 441 and south of Silver Lake um the arrow shows a more zoomed in perspective so we are north of 441 and west of College Drive the current future the current future land use is institutional and it is surrounded on to the north south in West with institutional as well and to the southeast is um General commercial the proposed future land use is General commercial it is currently zoned public and it is Al surrounded by public zoning to the north east and south and it is to the southeast is commercial and to the West is planned unit development the propose zoning is also plan unit development so the property is surrounded by the North North to some vacant property to the east is Lake Sumpter State College to the South is restaurant Commercial and the lesburg airport and to the West is commercial uses it is also located within the 27441 CR and this map shows that it is does lie within the airport Zone overlay which has specific restrictions for um Heights of the buildings there is no flood Zone on the property although there is some to the east there is no wet there are no Wetlands on the property it is within commission District number [Music] five we posted two signs on the property on both frontages so this first picture is looking into the property from US Highway 441 and the bottom one is looking East along US Highway 441 these pictures are looking West along US Highway 441 and across US Highway 441 the second sign was posted along College Drive so this is um looking directly into the property from College Drive and looking North this is looking across College Drive and South Long College Drive that is all I have thank you Christine with that we go to the departmental review summary the project was sent out the request was sent out to all of the city and uh to the city of leeburg departments and Lake County Public Works for their comments they were were no substantiative comments from the city um and Lake County Public Works did have some comments they advised the location of the entryway access point on College Drive would impact the approvable design whether it would be right in right out or some other requirements that they might have and they stated they'd need to look at the final site plan proposal in the future which is fine they're going to see that um and that additional right away would be required for sidewalks U the project was sent out legally advertised sent out to the surrounding property owners and posted and we received no comments regarding that the the project so the request under case number sscp 2436 for Silver Lake Commons Planning and Zoning division is recommending approval of the request for the following reasons one the project meets the requirements of chapter 163 3187 Florida statutes for small scale Conference of plan amendments two the proposed small scale comp plan amendment is compatible with the adjacent properties having futured land use designations of General commercial low density residential and public three the proposed zoning classification of PUD is compatible as condition with the current surrounding zoning districts of C3 Highway commercial Spud small plan unit development and P public and for the proposed future land use designation for the site is consistent with the city's growth management plan future land use settlement goal one objective 1.6 the action requested is to vote to approve staff's recommendation to change future land use of the subject property from institutional to General commercial and forward this recommendation to the city commission for their consideration under the Pud zoning from public to PUD under case number PUD 24-37 for Silver Lake Commons the Planning and Zoning divisions recommending approval of the request for the following reasons one the proposed zoning classification of PUD plan unit development is compatible as conditioned with the current surrounding zoning districts of C3 Highway commercial Spud small plan unit development and P public two the proposed small scale comprehensive plan amendment is compatible with the adjacent properties having future land use designations of General commercial low density residential and public three the proposed future land use designation for the site is consistent with the city's growth management plan future land use element goal one objective 1.6 and finally the action requested is vote to approve staff's recommendation to reone the subject property from P public to PUD which is plan unit development and forward this PUD to the city commission for their consideration um as this property is located adjacent to the airport yes we've been careful with the uses General retail they they are requesting a gas station uh restaurants Pharmacy uses professional Offices Medical Offices Urgent Care Pet Care coffee shops daycare there's a number of things that can go in there um then we can and we can control that development by controlling it as the C3 um Highway commercial zoning District like all the other in there the key here is that the proper is located in the construction and height restriction zone for the leberg International Airport what that means is they have to get the the applicants have to get with fa FAA the Federal Aviation Administration and talk to them about any development they want to have so what we've done is said okay you're right next to C3 you got C3 all around you you can do the C3 uses um however you are going to have talk to FAA and there's U our Airport Manager um Tracy Dean Tracy Dean has is well aware of the project and is working with them so uh We've simply gone in and put in a a basic PUD requiring a minimum of one access point architectural standards um landscape buffer requirements the standard for a commercial PUD that we would do nothing in particular but we wanted to bring to your attention that this will come to the attention of the FAA and they do have specifics that they go through in terms of height distance flight zones everything else so that is taken care of yeah and to jump in on what Dan's saying as well residential would also be prohibited on this property uh not only from a City Zoning standpoint but from an FAA standpoint so there's going to be a covenant that's recorded on that property that would prohibit residential development as well thank you that it uh yes sir is Mr Joe Schuman uh questions to staff before we get started no sir oh you answered mine because FAA I knew was going to get involved in somehow and and Mr chairman Mr Joe Schuman is here sorry I forgot to introduce him just a moment ago sorry to disappoint you I'm not Joe Schuman but I McGregor love uh 215 North theola drive from the louns law firm here uh on behalf of the applicant uh but you did a great job uh we concur with staff's recommendation I'm here to answer your questions we also have Mitch Collins who's the project engineer who has uh uh been working through the Civil plans if you have more detailed questions thank you any questions of the applicant for representative thank you all right we'll close to the public and brender on uh public uh on the case number SSP 2436 uh do we have a motion I got it got Mr chair I'd like to make a motion to approve public hearing case SSP 24-36 thank you is there a second I'll second whatever okay arm wrestle take a pick Kelly yes commissioner Senate yes commissioner Sanders yes commissioner s only yes yes commissioner K yes commissioner bar yes thank you on uh public hearing case number PUD 2437 Silver Lake Commons plan unit development do we have a motion yes sir Mr chair I'd like to make a motion to approve public hearing case PUD 24-37 thank you you work I'll second it you got it no he got it I beat you to second third I think T got it commissioner bar yes commissioner Kaplan yes commissioner Simeon yes commissioner Sanders yes commissioner sen yes commissioner yes thank you very much thank you any uh any other business to come before us no sir okay we just about got into Pizza Time didn't we just about all right motion to adjourn so move all right give him that second