##VIDEO ID:uLH_HRMo-UM## the commission could vote on them separately if that's okay Mr chairman yes thank you sir um the overall proposal this is public hearing case Spud 24284 Cronin Dewey Robbins smallscale comp plan and PUD spud2 24285 cron and Dy Robbins plan unit development under the overall proposal this is an annexation smallscale comp plan and resoning on 9.9 plus or minus Acres on the north side of duy Robbins Road and East of us27 to allow for future development of 48 attached single family units along with a commercial component of a maximum of 15,000 square ft the property is generally located as seen on the aerial on the north side of Dewey Robbins Road and East of us27 as you are aware we do not see the annexations the those goes directly to City commission so we're dealing with the small scale comp plan and the rezoning on the small scale comp plan the request is to change the future land use designation from Lake County Rural to city of lesburg estate residential and on the second case through zoning the request is to amend the current zoning from Lake County a agriculture to City of leeburg Spud small plan unit development I have Max Van Allen planner to be presenting the maps and photo exhibits including the aerial zoning future land use surrounding land use Wetlands flood zones and CRA Maps thank you Mr Miller the first image is the extended aerial showing the subject property east of us27 and north of Dewey Robbins Road the aerial image shows the subject property closer directly north of Dewey Robbins Road City of leeburg surrounding future land use includes neighborhood mixed use to the north and estate residential to the east and south the lake count County future land use includes rural on the subject property and to the east and west and then rural transition to the West the proposed future land use is low density residential the city of leeburg surrounding zoning is PUD to the north east and south the Lake County existing zoning on the subject property is a Agriculture and is surrounded by a to the West and East and there is also RP and cfd in the surrounding area the proposed zoning is Spud small planned unit development there is flood zone in the north portion of the property as shown here and wetlands also present in this area the the subject property is surrounded by commission District 3 surrounding land uses include non-agricultural acreage residential and pasture improved hay the city boundary and isda map shows that the property is not within City boundaries at this time due to the annexation um and the property is within our lebur isba the signs were posted as per legal requirement the top image is a closeup of the sign on the property from Dewey Robbins Road the bottom image is looking North into the property from Dewey Robbins Road the top image is looking East along Dewey Robbins Road the bottom image is looking South across Dewey Robbins Road and the top image is looking West along dwey Robins Road that's all I have thank you Max with that we'll move on to the departmental review summary the project was sent out to all the city departments including Lake County government and Lake County School Board under the city departmental responses the electric Department stated it's outside of the city's service area otherwise there were no substantive comments from the Departments and again when no comments are provided they're indicating that department each department has the capacity to Ser to serve a proposed development uh School Board notes that the project will be subject to school concurrency review and may be subject to a mitigation agreement to provide adequate stations within the school system in other words the applicant does have to provide adequate stations or adequate School stations for the kids must exist within the system prior to it moving forward that comes um a little later in the development process Lake County Public Works Department responded with the following comments um the the requirement for adding turn Lanes on Dewey Robbins Road at the development access point additional RightWay along Dewey Robbins Road would be needed left and right turn Lanes would be required at the access points on Dey Robbins Road and a sidewalk along Dey Robbins Road Frontage would be required under the public responses per the Florida Statutes and city of leeburg code of ordinance notices requirements the project was legally advertised posted in letter sent to the surrounding property owners staff did receive a number of responses who Express great concern about the potential for retail uses in this area that as you're aware is surrounded by single family homes um naturally these are legitimate concerns so in response to those comments for the record staff would indicate that the Planning Commission does have options in regard to this case which I'd like to bring up later in this presentation under the Pud requirements the current proposal consists of 48 attached single family residential units plus 15,000 square ft of commercial uses there are no other uses permitted other than the commercial and the residential within this proposal for the town homes the lot width sizes would be 20 fet the front setbacks would be 25 ft the town home sizes would be 1,000 square ft minimum um for the home itself those are standard sizes and uses that we've done previously there's a minimum of two off street parking spaces for each unit two floors would be the maximum height there's also an allowance I want to correct something I just said there's also no allowance for single family units if they chose single family units within here they would have to follow the R1 single family residential zoning standards which would be 50 foot lot withth minimums in this case under design and Architectural standards there architectural standards are required 35% of the property must be in open space um dark sky lighting is required and we've talked about dark sky before but basically it's making sure that the lights don't come down on adjacent properties trees are required in each yard there's a 25-ft landscape buffer a fence along the east and west sides of the property which can be a 4ft decorative fence or a 6-ft privacy fence as seen in exhibit IIT F which is in the Pud um which has acceptable fence samples included as photo attachments uh sidewalks required throughout uh St Augustine grass is prohibited has to be ber Baha or Bermuda or something similar that doesn't use as much water there's access requirements along Dewey Robbins Road which we talked about from Lake County's comments will require Excel D Cel turn Lanes um the main access point would be a Boulevard into the development with a landscape median and then the signage would be a decorative entry feature which we generally put in any kind of subdivision and is allowed by code um there is a separate playground area planned for this of 9600 Square fet that's not much but there's 48 units at 200 square fet per unit so hopefully I got the math right on that and then finally there's a phasing or eration clause which says if the the development is not substantially commenced within uh 4 years 48 months there's an automatic reversion to the re1 zoning standards which is one acre per unit that we've talked about before um all the development must be on City Water and Wastewater so there are no Wells or septics on in the system I'd like to go ahead and read both recommendations and then briefly go over the Pud if I I may Mr chairman yes sir under case sscp 24284 amending the comp plan from Lake County Rural to City of lebur low density to allow for Town Home and Commercial uses planning zoning department is recommending approval of the Quest for the following reasons one the project meets the requirements of chapter 163 3187 Florida statutes for small scale comprehensive plan amendments two the proposed request is compatible with the adjacent future land use designations of city of leeburg neighborhood mixed use State residential Lake County rural and rural transition as conditioned in the Pud uh the request is three the request is compatible with the proposed zoning of city of leeburg Spud and the surrounding zoning districts and four the proposed request is compatible with the city's comprehensive plan future land use element go one objective 1.6 the action requested on the smallscale comp plan Amendment from Lake County Rural to City of leeburg low density is to approve and forward this recommendation to the city commission for their consideration under the Pud recommendation for resoning from this Spud 24- 285 rezoning from Lake County a to City agriculture to City Spud small plan unit development planning zoning department is recommending approval of the request for the following reasons the proposed request for Spud zoning is compatible with the current zoning surrounding zoning districts and previously zoned development including city of lesburg PUD Lake County a and RP as conditioned in the Pud the proposed request for the future land use designation of low density residential is compatible with the surrounding zoning of Spud three the site is located near existing City utilities on us27 and upcoming utility improvements along Dey robins and four proposed request does not create a death to surrounding properties based on the utility improvements proximity to Future development the action requested will be to vote to approve the proposed resoning from Lake County a agriculture to City Spud and forward this recommendation to the city commission for their consideration briefly going under over the Pud in this case similar to what we did before what is permitted in this zoning document under the residential side would be townhouse units and single family detached um they could do a mix but the maximum number of tow houses would be 48 and the maximum number of detached single family would be based on the residential lot sizes of 50 which we probably cut that in about half under the permitted commercial uses and this is uh the concern that was expressed To Us by the surrounding Property Owners we have medical Veterinary retail multi and single story Self Storage daycare or elderly daycare office space or professional offices such as insurance boat and RV services personal services assisted living and flex space so there's a number of uses that are placed within this moving on we've already talked about the Pud as a whole um standard PUD conditions that you've seen many times with the landscaping and the 25t buck ERS um the access points and everything else the concern that staff wanted to ask you about there are two ways to look at this the applicant has requested retail along with the town homes medical Veterinary Self Storage personal services salons and assisted living retail is a bit of a different animal than these others Assisted Living Self Service um medical Veterinary those are more supportive of neighborhoods right um staff can work with however it it if if it gets approved staff can work with it in any way okay um the consideration here is that in the future there are hundreds of units eventually going out in this area and when I say hundreds I'm being very conservative um there are puds existing that exceed a th000 units out there just for the shortterm um conversation on this you can look at the retail as a supporting use to those if the retail is limited you know if you need to go pick up bread milk juice whatever keeps cars off the road that's one way to look at it staff can work with that the other way to look at it there's there's a couple more ways to look at it you know um you can literally eliminate the retail entirely I wouldn't recommend um eliminating the other uses like the Boat RV storage because those are clearly supportive um and then you could take the retail out entirely which is exactly like it sounds staff would think that Assisted Living Flex space Boat RV storage medical Veterinary should stay in I will support that I can staff can support the retail if the commission chooses but we got some significant push back which we understand because this is a bit of a different animal there are thousands of units out there um planned you know the economy has to keep going and so forth for any of that to come to come to fruition um but we wanted to get the commission's recommendation on specifically just the retail we can stand by everything else on this um because there was significant push back and I want to honor that request but I also need to respectfully honor the request of the uh applicant because it is a tough decision so with that Mr chairman uh Mr Michael Rank and Miss Heather erer of LPG and Mount Dora are here to represent the case answer any questions you have uh staff is recommending approval for the cas is subject to your guidance on the retail issue thank you Mr Miller are there any questions for the staff from the Commissioners the almost forgot the existing puds I know you this map is uh relative to what's currently going on but the ones that are existing where are they in relative to this project next door across the street they're they're all over out there um is it hover that's building immediately to the east which would be to the right on this map and um there's Bar Key which is 1700 units a bit to the south and east um so if if we flip back to maybe an aerial or something Melissa please fuse yeah a future land use any of those would uh let's try and um maybe a zoning or future land use and see if there's one yeah it may be in the zoning there we go so to the north you have um the Whispering Hills to the east I believe it's Handover development I'm sorry I can't remember the specific change the name to the South we've got some more Handover and uh bar Kee so there's a number of ways to look at it um if you have some supporting services for the neighborhoods that's a good thing the question is how far to take that um and we did receive some passionate requests from The Neighbors about they don't want the retail they didn't mention anything else just the retail so the applicant did request the retail which is absolutely their right the neighbors don't want that in looking at it from a staff standpoint because the request can meet the requirements of the city's comp plan and the city's zoning code we need some advice on what are you thinking from an overall picture um most all of the uses in there should be fine we we I don't I think a convenience store might be Overkill you know anything that causes a lot of light that's going to be Overkill um and we don't really have a problem with low-level retail at all and we've discussed this with the applicant when they came in um but what is happening in the last couple of days last day or so we've gotten some pretty intense questioning from the neighbor and so we want to honor that request and then honor the applicants who have brought this forward honor the request that they have and um have a discussion with the commission about it and then the applicant and the neighbors could also speak any more questions from the Commissioners I'd like to hear from if not is the applicant here today good afternoon commission members of the staff and audience for the record Mike Ranken president and owner of LPG land Planning Group before I start I do want to congratulate this young lady sitting next to me for passing her aicp exam you've got an incredible source of talent right here and congratulations ma absolutely I'm going to yield the majority of my time to Heather uh my senior planner but I I did want to comment on the retail and as Dan mentions we've had discussions on this and I get it I you know been down this road many of years but I can tell you somebody who's gone to the international Council shopping center for the last 28 years where they cut their deals Nationwide uh retail only goes where retail demands you're you're not going to see a retail opportunity there until the rooftops drive that so just you know the market will take care of that in my opinion and the quality of retail will go there and as Mr Miller mentioned you can see how the area is uh developing in my opinion this is one of the more quicker means of providing additional services for somebody that would live in that area but I I want to remind you that retail is driven by rooftops you're not going to see the first venue on this development in my opinion would be a retail project it would be rooftop development that would maybe drive appropriate retail there and I I'll leave it at that and I'll yield to Heather thank you you're welcome [Music] I'm going to reiterate um the wonderful things that Mike said about uh Max Max was part of my study group and she was my first uh Victory so hooray for Max she's awesome um I'm Heather erer with uh LPG and all I have to say here is that I I Echo what Mike is saying the the likelihood that we're going to see uh significant amount of retail in this area immediately is very unlikely there because of the fact that there are there are rooftops there I think more likely you're going to see one of the other supporting uses daycare or something like that that would start as a commercial use here because there's a need in the area for daycares in this entire this entire Southern portion of the city um not to mention the other cities that that border this that are also deficient in dayare um daycare availability but more than likely we're going to see the town homes or the rooftops develop um first in in this project um with that I'm here to answer any questions that you might have um but Dan thank you you did a fabulous job as always with uh presenting our case I appreciate that but we can I can answer any questions that you have I don't have anything now okay I can come back thank you ma'am just let me know thank you don't leave did there anyone in the audience sign up to speak Miss Miss Joy [Music] Graham hello I'm Joyce Graham we live right next door to the Cronin um our property is right in the middle between haj's Reserve which they're building now and excuse me one minute did you state your address 6545 Dewey Robbins Road we're right next door thank you um I don't feel Town Homes is good for this area there's so much development going on right now that Dewey Robbins isn't going to be able to handle this much traffic it's already bottlenecking on Highway 27 coming into leeburg um also retails I feel like all retail commercial everything should be out on the highway I mean that seems to be more a better use for commercial and Retail is on the highway and there's a lot of places on the highway that it can be put there's going to be commercial along where the turnpike is all the way up to Dewey Robbins are already putting a Publix or whatever there's going to be grocery stores and restaurants there to serve the area um so I'm I'm really in opposition of this we've lived out there since 1989 we had intended to live there the rest of our lives um but it looks like it's just changing for the worst so I just beg you not to do this at least exclude the retail and the commercial and change it to single family homes thank you thank you Miss Joy Mr Matt state your name and address please full name is James Matthew Rail and I live at um hang on a sec I got to remember where I live9 yeah 6429 Dewey Robbins Road but I also represent the other property that I own which is 6255 and where I am on that map is directly to the left of where you guys are planning on doing this I own the all the Waterfront to the left of you that those two lots right there and I did own up to last week the front 10 acres and I sold that to a gentleman that's not going to be too happy what's going on here so excuse me so I'm getting kind of emotional you know I uh originally came for Tampa I got out of Tampa to move up here to get away from all this kind of crazy stuff so I just ask everybody what would you do if this was yours you follow what I'm saying I came out here I have cows I got 14 HED cows I live up here and I got a nice place that uh you see that burn that kind of goes off to the right that's my 100 yard shooting range that I got um I enjoy coming out here because I can do everything I want you know I'm away from people it's not really a lake behind us half the time it's dry it's more of like a retention Pond that gets filled up whenever we got storms and hurricanes but um I do represent quite a few people here and to turn around and build that kind of infrastructure next to us and it's actually between me and the and Randy and the person that's talked they're on the other side that's not right and if you it feels your house and you and your neighbor was sitting next to it and you want to come through and build this kind of stuff in between the two CU we're not planing on going anywhere I just PID my property off you follow what I'm saying I'm not going anywhere I plan on dying and being buried in the backyard so but to sit there and have all my cows and everything up against all tow houses which is what they're calling for right and see we went through the meetings when we had it over at the other location right and I went through all those and they had this whole subdivision they're going to map out this is before everything around us was own city of lesburg and they sat there and they lied to us and said oh no they're going to have their own infrastructure they're going to bring in their own they're goingon to have their own Wells and their own septic and now you guys brought City water and sewage all the way up down Dewey Robbins Road you've torn up all of our driveways it is just not right I mean it's it's one thing to build single family homes around us now the neighbors that are over there we known the neighbors right and they're wanting to get out and I understand they're trying to get the most money for their property as they possibly can I understand that they came to us said we're going to rezone it City didn't they and we said that's no problem but we had no clue you guys were going to they're going to try to rezone a commercial and put retail I mean you know in front of it and then build slap tons of um tow houses I mean you saw it if you guys put that map back there why would you like that man I I have a be the most prettiest view in the entire world it's God's country out there it's all Hills there's nothing flat about Dewey Robins Road and it's been destroyed I mean I I can't I just Bay you guys put yourselves in our shoes please thank you Mr Matt 3 minutes up thank you thank you Miss laori Brown hi Lori Brown 6217 Dy Robins Road we're on the west side of the Rails we also none of us plan to ever move we all enjoy our view and you guys are going to take it away please please please don't do this um just think of what Matt just asked you guys to do if that was you guys living there would you want someone to come and put those units in there no we we all live out there for a reason um we I I enjoy his cattle um it's country it's where your little kids get to go and run around or play on their on their little ATV things it's the country area it's not City it's not zoy Robbins is not meant to become a city road and yes all of our driveways are still torn up because none of what you guys said at the other meetings last summer have come true um everything on our road is destroyed right now so please I just I beg you please do not do this please thank you Miss Rees have you been swor in ma' hello my name is yandi Reyes and I live in 6343 Dewey Robbins Road it's um it's that house on the left yeah no the other one yep right there um so I would like to add to what um Joyce and Lori and Matt has already said um so I here represent my family and as you can see I have two small children and it's already hard enough to get in and out every morning morning because the traffic has gone very bad so if you guys do go through with this I can just imagine how bad the traffic is going to be trying to get my kids in and out every single day um so yes on behalf of everyone I we do beg that you guys do not go through with this uh we're okay with single family homes with townhouse and all those developments it's just too much too much going on okay thank you thank you Mr Elizabeth Brer it's Elizabeth I'm not oh okay I'm sorry thank you with the African like to come back any rebuts um we are in the process of actually having our traffic study evaluated by the city staff um the additional traffic that's proposed for this project is consistent with with the smaller type development that it is because it's a very small piece of property in relation to the other larger projects that are surrounding it it is consistent with your comprehensive plan your staff has found it consistent with your Land Development code um so we respectively request um you recommend approval of this project and move it forward to City commission and I can answer any questions that you have I have a question for ma'am if if uh this body chose to recommend single family versus town houses would you still move forward with the project we would go to City commission with the with that recommendation from this body that would not change our our our plan at this time okay would you because I'm personally leaning toward single family versus tow houses over there and I definitely have a problem with retail in the area I could see where uh down the road as you mentioned once the development grows and the people are around I can see maybe some retail but at this time I I would personally have a problem with that any other questions I just I have one Dan um but thank thank you um I I heard uh several people mentioned about their driveways and um it it was made clear that once we pick up the zoning that there is no Wells we that's correct once okay I just want to make sure that that that was made clear that there infrastructure does go in with all those devel infastructure always goes in with anything built within the city that is correct with okay um also in regards to their driveways being torn up is there anything that that the city can do in regards to that we don't we can contact Public Works the public works department who would then contact the developer who is paying for the infrastructure and tell them to get a yeah we you can't dig up somebody's yard and then just leave it like you want to you have to restore that so I mean I think that's only right but I just wanted to make sure that it was clear that once the city um incorporates any type of zoning that any there's infrastructure there there there goes the wells and the septic and all that stuff that all starts that rotates back into city that is correct okay thank you one more question for staff the public hearing portion of the case now closed for discussion by the commission and we will render a decision discussion discussion I don't think this is appropriate for this particular piece of property between two larger land Parcels uh I don't even recommend single family homes uh tow houses definitely no in my opinion retail no commercial no I realize the entire area is going to be developed into a major development this area here is one of the last remaining areas up there that's not being purchased and developed so my my my thought is I'm against the whole process I agree with Mr O Kelly on on this one um I really think it's just too much out there that's going on and no I mean you won't get my vote on it go ahead Sir Mr s this project seems to me like the TV show Yellowstone where you take a beautiful piece of property with beautiful views large properties and put in ruin it with town homes and clusters [Music] so where does it end it it just doesn't fit in this area that's all yeah I I realize that Dev development is going on all around this but this is a little spot of large estate homes um and I well I've already express my opinion on it yeah yeah I I concur we don't have to Hazard Le stick something in there just cuz we have to and I think it's up to the the planners when they see that that they help help us help them with putting in things that are concurrent to what's going on around you that is going to beautify not just give more bang for your buck that's that's that's done with so I mean I would like to request that we make a motion not to approve this so I mean yeah you're going to do that I just like yeah we can go if if if there if there's no further discussion I entertain a motion my motion would be not to approve and um I don't know if we have to do those separately or together separately separately okay but it would be for the first one we can start with the the H I'm sorry l call commissioner kapan no sorry motion yes excuse the motion is to to disapprove uh yes wake up yeah he's Den so yes motion to dis commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Marshall yes commissioner Sanders yes commissioner Carter yes commissioner bar wonderfully yes commissioner sem onlyi yes okay then we go to uh I entertain a motion yes I would like to make a motion for us not to approve the retail associated with this PUD as well I need to read the Pud number I don't know what the number case number SPD 24 oh 285 yes okay so I make a motion that to not approve Spud 24- 285 the whole thing commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Marshall yes commissioner Sanders yes commissioner Carter yes commissioner barant yes commissioner Sone yes commissioner Katherine yes uh Mr chairman yes so this just to explain to the folks who are here this was a recommendation by the the Planning Commission to deny the case the request it will go from here to the city commission the city commission has the final say so in that meeting those meetings there will be two meetings on that and they are currently scheduled for Monday December 16 and Monday January 27 so if if you would like to call my office right across the street and uh just to check that those dates hold because around the holiday times dates move forward and backwards a little bit and I want to be sure that everybody who is either for or against the case has the opportunity to speak um so first reading December 16 the city commission will just read it the second meeting is where they make their final decision and that is planned for January 27 thank you Mr chairman you're welcome thank you Mr Miller okay public hearing case number LSP 24345 civil spring large scale comprehensive plan Amendment Mr Miller thank you Mr chairman um we have on these next two cases there's a large scale comp plan lscp 24345 and PUD 24346 which is the Silver Springs plan unit development last month at the Planning Commission meeting these two cases were also on the agenda and they were postponed specifically to December 19 and we kept them on the agenda to make you aware that they are coming back December uh 19 my question and I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to talk to you earlier Jennifer um to the city attorney is because it was voted last month to go to December 19 do we have to vote again to move it to December 19 no you've already moved it to a date certain so you're fine thank you so our it was on the agenda just so you'll know that it is coming back right and so if there's nothing on that motion okay okay thank you Mr chairman that takes care of those two yes sir move right along okay public hearing case number V r242 324 Noble Marine sign Vari thank you M Miller please thank you Mr chairman under the background for this case Pro subject property generally located south of US 441 and west of North Boulevard East of North Third Street west of North pal Meadow Street as seen on the aerial on the screen this is the Nobles Marine property which is the uh aquatic The Boat Sales and Service which has been there for many years uh this is a this case is a request for a variance from the code of ordinances to allow an increase in the height of the sign that is currently located along North Boulevard from the currently permitted 12 feet to the request to a request of 20 ft bearing in mind that the current sign is 30 or 35 ft tall it's it's very tall and and Miss Nobles is here miss Sharon nobl is here and we were discussing it and I went blank as to the number of feet but it's a very tall sign so they're requesting uh some relief from that Miss Candy Harper deputy director will present the maps and photo exhibits including the aerial zoning future land use surrounding land use wetlands flood zone maps and CRA Maps thank you Mr Miller candy Harper for the record um the um picture in front of you is an extended aial to give you a feeling of where it's located which is west of North Third and south of West North Boulevard and this area will aerial will give you a clear indication of what is on the site and where where it's located and the future land use is um General commercial well Highway commercial uh the zoning is Highway commercial General commercial so those are consistant and the proposed variance is that little purple area up there um so it's right up next to 441 and the surrounding land uses are Financial medical retail vacant commercial and office to the north Retail Auto Repair and Commercial to the east office multifam residential medical Assisted Living commercial telecommunications in city of leeburg to the South medical financial and vacant commercial and Telecommunications to the west and you will see that there is not a flooding or Wetlands on the site anticipated um it is in the greater leberg CRA and it lies in commission district one commission District Four lies to the North and the sign was was posted um this is a closeup the the picture on the top is a closeup of the sign um on West North Boulevard which is also known as us441 that is the sign H that is the sign you yes sir okay thank you where no that's no that's not it I don't think that's the sign no that's that's the sign where we posted the property that's just saying I'm talk about the sign in the picture oh he talking that huge sign down there yeah okay so on the south uh looking across West North Boulevard from the subject property so you're looking North across West Boulevard at the big billboard and then the picture on the top is looking East along West North Boulevard picture on the bottom is looking South uh into the subject property from West North Boulevard um the picture on the top is looking West along West North Boulevard and the picture on the bottom is giving another shot of the sign that we posted on the site and it is looking North along North pal Meadow Street and this picture on the top is looking east across North pal Meadow Street and the picture on the bottom is looking South along North pal Meadow Street the picture on the north is looking West into the subject property from North Palm Meadow Street and the picture on the bottom is looking North into the subject property from Rosefield Avenue Avenue a picture on the top is looking East along Rosefield Avenue and the picture on the bottom is looking south from the subject property across Rosefield Avenue and the picture on the top is looking West along Rosefield Avenue the picture on the bottom is looking North along North Third Street and there is another sign there where we posted the property in the top photograph which is looking East into the subject property on uh North thir Street and the picture on the bottom is looking South along North Third Street and finally this picture is looking west from the subject property across North Third Street that's all I have Mr Miller Mr chairman I apologize I thought we had a photo of their exact sign that's out there I thought we had one in the packet my mistake um I think that's it right there is there is there one in there that we haven't come up on there's there's one in there that includes the the 20 foot sign but the existing sign and I do again I apologize is twice that size it's very large and it's very old is it in there right here thank you thank you thank you Mr O Kelly I'm sorry I missed it right there I was looking down when candy went over that sorry about that candy um okay I feel better so moving to the departmental review summary the project was sent out to all the city departments and Lake County government uh there were no substantive comments from the city the project is not subject to uh School Board review as it's commercial and Lake County Public Works did not have any comments um under Florida statute and city of leeburg code of ordinances the project was advertised posted in letter sent out to property surrounding owners there were no public comments received back to the department in regard to this project so overall let me quickly go over the recommendation um under the criteria for variance you can go through the six specific criteria you can go through the common sense method what we call the common sense method uh we use the six criteria just to make it a little more clear um beginning with are there special conditions and circumstances are peculiar to the land and the property does have in IR regular shape bordered on four sides by public RightWay which makes expansion future expansion impossible are there special conditions and circumstances not as a result of the applicant um the request is for the 20 foot tall sign in the C3 because of the shape and parcel AB the ab buding rights away on four sides and the northern side I believe that's the north side was used by by the Florida Department of Transportation to take away some sign area and there is a security fence there none of those except for the security fence none of those were result of the app actions of the applicant uh there's no special privilege granted to the applicant because of this it does not pose a safety hazard or a distance Hazard for traffic uh would the literal interpretation of the zoning ordinance deprive the applicant of Rights common to other property owners in similar zoning districts the answer to that is quite possible simply because of in a case of large um a large product boats bulldozers cars whatever um sometimes there is a need for security fencing and um you would lose lose some space based on the security fencing moving so we felt like the sign height coming over the fence would be a fair allowance um and is this the minimum variance allowable um staff felt like this the request was appropriate and uh making reasonable use of the land Building and structures and then finally is the request in harmony with the general intent and purpose of the zoning ordinance and it would not be injurious to any other properties in the area and the proposed sign does we cannot figure any way that it would interfere with the general intent and purpose of the code of ordinances or the city of leeburg comprehensive plan and then one comment that was not not written in there that I was going to make on this particular issue is um we're finishing up with the city's overall comprehensive plan it's going to be we hope adopted Monday Monday night as once the comp plan's over we redo the Land Development regulations and you'll be seeing those within the Land Development regulations staff believes that the sign ordinance does need some amendments so essentially what Miss Nobles is requesting Ms Nobles is requesting would be covered I believe under the new sign regulations we haven't finished writing them yet but I wouldn't recommend approval if it wasn't comfortable with that so under finding and conclusions for the recommendation for case number V 24324 we are recommending approval of the request on the specific wording in the code of ordinances it does not the request does not create a negative impact to surrounding Property Owners does not create a sight distance H Hazard for traffic and will allow for economic growth of an ongoing business uh staff is recommending approval of the variance for the subject property to allow for the construction of a 20- foot tall sign as requested by the applicant and thank you Melissa U there is a copy of the sign uh it be very similar to this electronic message center the standard Nobles Marine with the rope and the anchor that they've used for years they're uh so with that Mr chairman staff is recommending approval thank you Mr Miller any question for the staff Mr s the picture that I believe we were talking about in that area uh looking East along West North Boulevard it looked like it was damaged by the storm is that being taken down and this is being replaced with it yes sir okay and the physical height of that is 20 feet of this one it'd be 20 and the old one is more than doubled to 20 right but that's coming down it's damaged anyway okay thank you it was it was it's been deteriorating Sharon for quite some time yeah Milton and so um um and they with within the um request for this variance uh they're also applying for one of the facade signning landscape grants so it has to meet specific criteria and it has to look good Diane's a manager of Diane yekel is a manager of our sign grant program and um she will make sure that it is a nice looking sign and 99 out of 100 look exactly like what they bring in when it comes to that okay thank you sir yes sir if uh no more questions from the commissioner is the applicant present would you like to come up stay your name and address please Sharon nobl 437 North petow Street leeburg thank you what you like to say um yeah so we are proposing the 20 foot sign because if we went with a uh regular 12T sign I feel like that would cause a burden on us because we would need to move our fence line on 441 about 10 foot in losing our display of boats there which is our only Highwood Highway Frontage there so that would be a burden for us uh to have to lose the the boat display and move the fence in to allow for a shorter sign so I felt with this type of sign you can see the little six foot man that's the size of our fence we could still have the sign on the other side of the fence protected and still have the height so people can see the the name of the business okay Mr chairman Sharon just said what I was trying to say for minutes so need to work on that so I have a question Sharon I thought you sh you're name was Sharon Nobles Moore legally it's Sharon Nobles Moore but work I still go by Nobles because it just makes sense it's more no I've been a Nobles all my life right okay thank you thank you no Mr chair if you don't mind i' like to make a motion on this [Music] there is there any audience want like to speak okay if not that Port the portion of the hearing Ann now close and we're discussion among the commissioner r a decision Mr chairman on public hearing case variance 24324 Nobles Marine signed variant I recommend approval I second roll call please commissioner Carter yes commissioner fire yes commissioner s yes commissioner kathin yes commissioner o Kelly yes commissioner Marshall yes commissioner Sanders yes thank you ma'am okay we moving right along here public hearing case number V 24353 inch charge electric variant thank you Mr chairman um on background the subject property is generally located on the North side of East North Boulevard and east of Northeast Street and south of east line Street um you may recall Planning Commission did approve this exact same variance previously for in charge electric a couple of years ago um and it is a request for variance from the code of ordinances to allow reduction in the setback along us441 which would allow the applicant to construct a 1500t building the owner of the property was not able to begin in construction within the 18 months that a variance action is normally allowed um there was cost of construction issues going on at that time U metal copper everything else was going up in price and um so this is amount what amount what this variance amounts to is the same thing you've done before and um it's essentially more or less an extension so that it can get the work started now um City's current setbacks on this C3 zoning District is 30 ft and the request is for 20 U Miss Candy Harper deputy director will present the maps and photo exhibits at this time thank you Mr Miller uh candy Harper for the record um this is again an extended aerial um showing you where the property is located it is south of east line Street it is east of North East Street and it is north of East North Boulevard and this area will give you a little better look at what's actually on the site maybe a little clearer view of the streets there um the zoning on the property is uh C3 Highway commercial the future land use on the property is General commercial the proposed variances um across the face of the entire property as you can see in bright pink the surrounding land uses [Music] are residential and church to the north vacant institutional to the east residential office and vacant institutional to the South and a service shop to the West uh there are no flood zones present or wetlands and the property lies in the 27441 community redevelopment area in Greater leberg CRA lies to the South it does lie within commission district one and and the picture on the top is a closeup of our um signed posting the notice the property is undergoing some public scrutiny as a closeup of the sign of the subject property as seen from US 441 East North Boulevard and then the bottom picture is a little bit wider view so that you can see the sign in relationship to the building you're looking North from US 441 East North Boulevard into the subject property a picture on the north is looking East along us441 the picture on the south or on the bottom is looking South across us441 from the subject property and the picture on the top is looking West along US 441 picture on the bottom is is looking North across east line street from the subject property and the picture on the top will show you our posting sign again and it's looking East along east line Street the picture on the bottom is looking South across east line Street and the picture on the top is looking West along east line Street the picture on the bottom is looking North along Northeast Street and the picture on the top is looking East into the subject property from Northeast Street and the pro and the picture on the bottom is looking west across North East Street from the subject property that's all I have Mr Miller thank you Miss Harper with that we move on to the departmental review summary the project was sent out to all the city departments as it's commercial it did not need to go to the Lake County uh School Board uh Department responses there were no substantive responses from the city departments and again it's not subject to school concurrency um Lake County Public Works had no comments on the request uh per Florida under public responses per Florida statute in city of lebur code of ordinance notices the project was legally advertised posted and letter sent out we did not receive any comments written comments regarding the project I did have a brief chance to meet right before the meeting with a couple of gentlemen who may like to speak on the project um and moving on Mr chairman to the recommendation again this is a by the book uh variance you've passed one before but going through it's the same one that was done previously uh under the variance criteria for case number V 24353 for special conditions and circumstances the property is more or less uh triangular or um and as bordered on three sides by a public RightWay special conditions and circumstances are not a result from the actions of the applicant um they're the shape of the parcel and the abing RightWay on three sides gives us uh the circumstances the granting of any special privileges uh we're not really seen here because the warehouse structure would be 37 ft north of the public rideway uh would not excuse me 20 fet North of the public rideway would not pose a public safety distance sight Hazard for the traffic and would be for further north of the rideway than some existing buildings that are there liter interpretation of this ordinance would potentially deprive the applicant U of the opportunity to expand the business on the same site and the requested variance is the minimum which and uh uh to make possible reasonable use of the land the requests would allow for appropriate and needed business expansion development of the site and then finally in the is the grant of the variance in harmony with the general intent and purpose of the zoning ordinance uh the proposed business expansion or the building construction on this site does not appear in any way to interfere with the general intent and purpose of the city's comp plan or zoning ordinance um the findings and conclusion is that the request is not create a negative impact to surrounding Property Owners does not create a sight distance Hazard for traffic will allow economic growth for an ongoing business therefore staff recommends approval of the variance for the subject property to allow reduced building setbacks as requested by the applicant uh Mr chairman staff is recommending approval and Mr James brush is here to answer any questions you may have any questions commission for staff if the applicant president you can come forward state your name and address please James brush 910 Hawk Landing Fruitland Park uh business address is 1,000 Northeast Boulevard you like to stay in things I just want to say thank you for your time and I hope everything goes through and we can move forward sir thank you sir yes sir appreciate it I have two people from the public is that correct Mr Anthony Washington here would you like to speak come up sir absolutely come on and state your name and address please good evening good evening I'm here uh along with my uh standing crowd in the back supporting uh this issue here uh my name is Anthony Washington my wife is here with me Bridget Washington um we're native Floridians we're both retired she's a 42-year educator I'm a retired law enforcement investigator and we decided to retire here in leeburg address please I'm sorry oh okay I'm sorry uh we decided to retire here oh I'm sorry I apologize uh currently uh we live out out of state in Georgia but we have a home in several Lots here the address is 101 North Boulevard we're 20000 ft uh we across the uh the highway over over uh from the uh AFF mention business we um we're planning on moving here within the next two months we're also planning on bringing my mother-in-law who is 88 years old who grew up in this community along with her parents and family members she's going to stay with us so we uh in in the uh opposition of this particular Warehouse all the businesses within that little area have been converted houses to have a warehouse built at that location now I don't I don't know if I did not hear it correctly but there's a school within 7550 ft uh of this particular business we're speaking of out of my front door when we sit in front of the trees we can have an open area that we can look across and enjoy looking at these young kids play the Aesthetics is what I'm concerned about I'm concerned about the property values when businesses come in it's just a matter of time before taxes are increase and usually when these businesses come in they do not ass simulate with the community they come in they check in and they check out and I have had the opportunity of attending one Planning Commission and I was somewhat surprised and taken a back by the questions that are posed to these businesses for the most part these business owners do not live in the area they do not live within the city so they have no vested interest in being concerned about what happens that place is going to be congested I don't see questions asked according to how many uh Vehicles going to be there and anytime you think of a warehouse you think of traffic because the supplies got to come in and leave how how many employees do they uh hire within the community how do they ass simulate within the community when I was a kid businesses were there in my within my community you can go to the park and look on the Jersey of those baseball teams you will see the business name that does not take place these days the purpose is to come in and what make money they're not concerned about the Aesthetics of how it looks they're not concerned about my property values and I should be able to enjoy along with my 88 year old mother-in-law a nice comfortable Community that's vibrant we should not be turning those residents and two warehouses thank you thank you Mr Wason Mr aans Smith how you doing I'm Alvin Smith my address is 26019 metal Brees and lesburg winong but I'm referencing 1010 uh North US 441 it's the landmark that y'all noticed that sit just North that they said was vacant and it's a office it's not a vacant office it's actually a masonic lodge that's been in this community for many many many many years um it sits right there you'll see it it used to be white we actually just had it converted and paint it to Gray and we're steadily doing upgrades on that um it's it's the concern of the warehouse right there seeing that we do a lot of different things in there like the gentleman stated it is a school that sits at the church that's directly across the street that little kids do play at and it's quite often every day with traffic um you will see them there as we sit over there when we're doing meetings or giveaways as such we did today where we gave away approximately 31 different dinners for turkey dinners for those in need uh complete dinners that they didn't have to pay for that they can cook for their families for Thanksgiving we do bike giveaways toy giveaways different events that we host at that particular location in that space that will bring not just the eyesore but it'll bring unwanted traffic unnecessary traffic in that area I don't know if you can bring up the other picture that shows really close I'll show you how close it is but if you look right there and you'll see it you'll see the church was just established right to the right of us on that picture if you go down line that church is established as well it's another church that they just established right there that they just actually began and I believe um they've been in there for now six months about six months and they have picked up their involvement in the area as well um we do have a lot of members and uh and friends and family in the actual neighborhood speaking of 30 I don't know if y'all ever drove off of that street but when you look I think it's called Uh when you come off a line and you get ready to turn on to the main road I don't know if you've ever tried to turn out of that particular area when the cars are coming down that Hill you're going to say that going 20 fet off the road is not going to obstruct view I beg to differ I turn out of there now and it's obstructed view because those cars do come down there pretty hastily um how many accidents have been avoided it's been a few most of us who come out of the neighborhood know either go there or go up top and try to come out but it's still going to interfere in that particular area um it's just not good for that Community as it states there are a lot of offices space homes turned into offices and businesses it needs to stay that way that Community is actually starting to Vive grow and get a little bit Builder a little bit more and um different people are moving in and they're starting to love that environment thank you sir thank you would you like to come back yes please [Music] thank I want to say thank you for the gentleman who uh spoke and thank you for your service um the my office space that is currently there has always been a commercial business um it's been doctor's offices and then we decided to come in four or five years ago we were approved for a variance um two years ago as Mr Miller um said and at the time um from my understanding we have always been able to build there but I wanted to get just a few more feet and that was the whole point of for the variance um so we could stay where we're at um the business beside us is a lawn mower shop and then as the gentleman said uh on the Sonic Lodge a church and then um the church behind us um as far as the concerns with the traffic um I do agree that it is difficult coming onto the highway um with the location however the building is going to be set back um far enough where it's not going to obstruct the cars that are going the um the building um will not it's it's going to be in line with my current building right there so it's not going to change um it's not going to make it worse um or better and then as far as the one concern where the gentleman said that it's going to bring in more traffic that's simply not the case um all the warehouse is going to do is allow us to stock items that we stock now in our building um we're not going to have semi trucks or anything like that we have um a normal delivery from besco or City Electric they they come around on Eline Street and they either park at our garage or they Park in our our parking lot um to give um to do deliveries so it's not going to impact um traffic in that area so the warehouse is going to be pretty much in your front door where you are now can I know the bu yes so right where the hand is Warehouse will be in this area here okay um it does not in Dr person's that is the pastor of the church his biggest concern was was it going to block his sign because he has a monument sign right here and we're 20 feet give or take maybe 22 feet from here going that way um so and I and I don't know um you know for the Masonic Lodge a lot of times I'll drive on the weekends and it's never been a problem I don't care um but you know they'll Park in in this grass area um and sometimes Dr person if they have a funeral then um we spoke he's like he goes um do you mind if we park in in your area which I don't have no problem with that either but there will still be some parking over here and um over here if they want so it's never been an issue yes sir thank you sir you're welcome thank you yes sir okay the public here portion of the cage is now closed the discussion will be for the commissions to render decision commission any discussion no I I have something um do we have any renderings of um the facade of no in a variance you don't have to have renderings but to answer your question specifically there are architectural standards along 441 any any of the major arteries any of major roadways so he would have to apply and Mr brush and I talked about this but he would have to apply the architectural standards to the front of his building okay so it would have to it would have to be pleasing to the community so I think that's the con meet the code and I hope the community would like the code we've been using it for a while right yes I know but you know I think sometimes we tend as a city sometimes we just throw stuff up and we used to yes and so I think that's where there there's the concern you know will they be lovely bushes um is it going to improve the look of the community well there was there are thank you for bringing that up because there would be landscape requirements and okay can you briefly tell yes ma'am around the 60% of the building and correct me Diane if I'm wrong but I believe it's 60% of the building will have to be landscaped with a 5 foot uh wide landscape I um around the front and sides of the building now obviously if there's a rollup door or a walk-in door you know you're not going to have that that would be on the front it wouldn't be on the back it would be on the 441 side right um and and it would wrap around the sides but it doesn't per the 60% it's not going to go all the way down the sides or on the back right um but those those requirements are have been in place since before the original variants that Mr brush requested so in the concerns about the covering up the sign it would definitely not do that we took that into account the first day walked in looked at the Google Maps and everything because we're aware that the lodge has a a sign out there it was a the church I think it's a church sign and um so yeah the sign belongs to the church okay because I think that was the main concern um I I wanted to also make it clear that the the actual subject property is commercial so that that what it is um and it actually since he's had that property I pass it off and it does there's an improvement from the empty building that was there before I think it was a doctor's office or it was a doctor's office so it even looked it does look better than the doctor's office and then the fact that they he has security fencing on his property as well would the um Warehouse be and I should have asked him and I apologize uh would that be any security fencing around the warehouse area that would just be freestanding legally anyone can put fencing and I'm not trying to be a lawyer here when I say the word legally so forgive me I'll be careful it is it's okay under our code whether you're residential or commercial to do fences residential has one type of fence commercial has another okay height under certain height commercial can go up to 8 ft residential can go up to six okay that would be up to the property owners whoever it is commercial residential to install you know permit and install the type of fence they wanted oh I'm sorry so uh yes there the possibility is to put a fence around if they desire to um they don't have to it's not a requirement okay thank you Mr I just have one question the height of the warehouse is it going to be one story two stor within the C3 zoning there is a maximum height of three stories however Mr brush I believe wants one one floor one floor okay so it's not going to Tower over to over no sir okay that's it thank you any more question for the well I would entertain a motion [Music] um sorry I don't have a case number my computer um case number v 24- 353k um for case number V 24353 I recommend approval roll call please commissioner bar yes yes commissioner seone yes commissioner K yes commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Marshall yes commissioner Sanders yes commissioner Carter yes thank you public hearing case number SSP 24334 s side view resident and Mr Miller would it be okay to to add the next one to it as well yes sir case number r Z 24335 cide VI residen reson thank you Mr chairman yes sir under overall proposal this is an annexation small scale comp plan and rezoning on 2.82 plus or minus Acres on the east side of Sleepy Hollow Road and south of Park Hill Avenue which will allow for a future development of eight single family units property is generally located as seen on the aerial on the east side of Sleepy Hollow and south of Park Hill it's a heavily single family family area in Sunnyside the first case is a smallscale comp plan the request will be changing the future land use designation from Lake County Urban to City of leeburg Sunnyside Estates medium density which is one of our new ones that you just saw a few months ago and the city commission approved finally approved in uh September the second case would be the rezoning and that would amend the current zoning from Lake County R1 rural residential to City of leeburg R1 low density residential this one is so small that we didn't feel like a PUD was necessary to to put it simply uh candy Harper deputy director will present the maps and photo exhibits including the aerial zoning future and surrounding land use wetness flood zone maps and CRA Maps thank you Mr Miller candy Harper for the record so we have an extended aial um on the screen so that you can get your bearings it is north of sunyside drive and east of Sleepy Hollow which means that it is also south of 441 and this area will show you a little bit more about what's on the site right now which is a few trees and the zoning around the property uh Spud to the South and um r1a to the West in the the city of leeburg and Lake County zoning has Lake County R1 to the north and Rural residential there's some R3 surrounding it as well the proposed zoning is low density residential which is R1 and the uh future land use future land use shows the nearby future land use is Sunnys side of States uh Lake County future land use is currently Urban low density and the proposed future land use is Sunny Side Estates uh medium surrounding land uses are to the north residential single and and multifam to the east single family residential to the South single family residential Agriculture and vacant residential and to the West single family residential and there are no flood zones or Wetlands on the site and the community redevelopment area is to the north of this property lying along um us441 so it is not it's not shown on the map and so the property is not in a CRA and it does lie in commission District 5 so the picture on the top of the screen is a closeup of the sign posting the subject property from Sleepy Hollow Road the picture on the bottom is looking North along Sleepy Hollow Road from the subject property picture on the top is looking east across Sleepy Hollow Road onto the subject property the picture on the bottom is looking South along Sleepy Hollow Road from the subject property and the picture on the screen now is looking west across Sleepy Hollow Road from the subject property that's all I have Mr M thank you Miss Harper with that we move on to the departmental review summary project sent out to All City departments Plus Lake County government School Board there were no substantive comments from the city departments the school board noted that it the project will be subject to school concurrency review and as stated earlier um they will be subject to either a mitigation agreement to provide adequate stations or adequate stations will have to be available meaning capacity for the students will have to be there um and they are will work with the school board on that directly under Lake County Public Works they responded with the following comments the proposed access location will need to be flipped to allow better spacing from the existing intersection for the Park Hill subdivision an additional rideway and Sleepy Hollow along Sleepy Hollow may be required um and then a sidewalk along Sleepy Hollow would be required as the project was designed um and because this is a straight zoning we don't have to have a we're not required to bring in a a site plan or um facades or anything like that we've had discussions with the applicant and he's fine and understands what this city is looking for the uh wanted to note that under Lake County's comment because as it sits right now Lake county is saying the road comes on the north side of this property and they want it to flip to the South Side so that it provides a long longer distance from the roadway to the north that's a actually a good comment and no no issues with that he just flipped the design and because it's eight units in a row it's all it is um under excuse me uh the public responses were sent out per the code of ordinance in the state statutes it was legally advertised posted letter sent out to shuning Property Owners uh we did not receive any written responses um because it's a standard zoning to R1 and not a PUD it comes under the standard zoning requirements for R1 which include that their only single family detached residences are permitted front set back is 30 feet the rear is 18 there are two off street parking spaces for each unit minimum the the the houses also have to have garages uh two floors is the maximum height he's allowed to have a 5- foot entry um signage as you come into the subdivision and although it's not required um the applicant has agreed to put in a small kids playground on all the way in the back um and beyond that let's see it will all be on City Water and Wastewater uh as you all know no um Wells are septic are permitted in the city so with that Mr chairman if I may read the recommendations go right is Sir for the small scale comp plan case Sundays side view residences case number sscp 24334 planning and zoning department is recommending approval of the request for the following reasons one the project meets the requirements of chapter 163 3187 Florida statutes for small scale comprensive plan amendments to the proposed request for a smallscale comprehens comprehensive plan amendment to semem which is Sunnyside estate's medium density is compatible with the adjacent future land use designations of Lake County Urban low and city of leeburg Sunnys side of States uh three the proposed request for a rezoning is compatible with the current surrounding zoning districts of Lake County R1 r 3 R4 and city of leeburg r1a and Spud for the proposed land use designation for the site is consistent with the city's growth management plan future land use element goal one objective 1.6 and goal one objective 1.2 policy 1.24 and with the sunyside Land Development regulations approved by the city of leeburg under ordinance 24 uh 17 special magistrates recommendation as well as with the ordinances approved under uh ordinance numbers 2456 2457 and 2458 the action requested is vote to approve the staff recommendation to change the future land use of the subject property from Lake County Urban low density to the city of leeburg sem Sunnys sides Estates medium density and forward this recommendation to the city commission for their Rec uh for their review and then on the rezoning request for Sunnyside view residences under case number RZ 24335 planning and zoning department is recommending approval of the request for the following reasons one the proposed request for the city of for a city of leeburg R1 low density residential zoning is compatible with the current surrounding zoning districts of City Spud r1a and Lake County R1 R3 and R4 the proposed future land to the proposed future land use designation of city of leeburg semem Sunnys side of State States medium is comp compatible with the existing surrounding future land use designations of leeburg Sunnyside Estates and Lake County low density and Rural transition three the proposed request will allow residential development for the property that is consistent with the ongoing development patterns within this area of the city of leeburg for the proposed request does not appear to create a detriment to surrounding properties based on the location and proximity to compatible development and is therefore consistent with the residential use compatibility requirement in the city of lebur comens a plan future land use element b.1 Point parentheses B low density residential and growth management plan future land use element goal one objective 1.6 and goal one objective 1.2 policy 1.2.4 and with the Sunnyside Land Development regulations approved by the city of leeburg under ordinance 2417 special mag magistrate recommendations and with the sunay side Estates uh ordinances approved under ordinances number 24 56 2457 and 2458 the action requested is vote to approve the proposed resoning from Lake County R1 rural residential to City of leeburg R1 low density residential to allow for a small single family development and forward this recommendation to the city commission for their consideration thank you Mr chairman thank you Mr Miller any question for staff if none would the appan like to come forward to present case with the public here another portion of the case is now closed for discussion and the commissioner oh I'm sorry I apologize I apologize I'm so Sor state your name in uh hi my name is Elizabeth Bron I live at 7537 sloww drive my property um backs up to this proposed change in property when I purchased my land I'm at the one to the right of where the pointer is right there that's mine right there we were told that that piece of property was going to stay as a one single piece of par property they recently cleared it last year with all the trees where we had all sorts of snakes and everything come out of there but regardless we were instructed that it was going to be a single resident home that was going to be built there as a dream home hence we get this further brought into us since we've gotten the notice our neighbor for Three Doors Down immediately put their house on the market to sell sold at a lower price than what's recommended for our neighborhood to quote unquote get out before this happens um I myself am asking for totally opposed to it I don't see how you're going to put eight single family homes in that piece of property where the lights are not going to come directly on my property where they're not going to continuously be cutting through my property and neighbor's property to get into our neighborhood they're traffic is already there on sleepy hollower with others our the house to the left the property to the left there is an elderly couple as well um obviously they're not here but I'm voting for it to be no as far as you know what it's bringing and how it's going to impact our property values as well due to the size of our pieces of land and the size of our houses yes ma'am thank you mayor thank you and now we're close to public hearing portion of the case and discuss among the the commissioner to render a decision no I had a question for the applicant okay [Music] great what side I'm sorry state name and okay uh my name is Alexander Trine and 9849 clear Cloud alley Winter Garden so Sun side view it's uh it's a very small development uh question here's a question for yes um what um what lot size are you going in are the we are square footage of your home okay we are doing uh bigger Lots than what the zoning proposed the zoning recommendations is 7,000 we are going for 9500 minimum so it's almost a quarter lot quarter acre lot so and only one story houses uh from uh what she said about the lights coming on her house I don't think it will happen because we have the houses on the east side of the the property and we have the common areas on the back side of of the property where it backs her property so we are also exceeding the recommendations for the playground areas for the the Gathering areas uh Open Spaces it's only one story houses and we are going for Less density of what we have on the neighborhood and everything exceeding the The Sunny Side orance that is already appr any more questions for the applican S I don't have a question but I'm looking at the properties just north of the subject property and there are eight Lots so if there are eight Lots above and he's proposing eight Lots in the subject property I think it conforms to the neighborhood my opinion yeah I agree I had the same comment no no more question question for the applicant thank you sir now we'll close it down to the public and any discussion for the Comm among the commission um Dan you said with the flipping I know I could ask him but you said with the flipping of the of what's proposed that means that the common area would back up to the houses instead of it to the street is what he was saying right the current plan has the road coming in right here and what Lake County was saying was bring it down because that would give you a better distance from Park Hill okay which is a standard comment that Lake County will make the recreation area took up really all of this back here and the requirement I was 200 1,600 square fet it's very small it's like the size of a small house and um he was putting in more than what was required so it'd actually be playground down back here okay so so their backyard is going to back up into basically playground playground okay that's awesome okay thank you if there's no more discussion among the commission I entertain a motion make a motion to approve two recommendations two recomend there's two separate we're going to do one first all right one and uh RZ 24 no no no just the first one just the first one yes sir3 I make a motion second roll call please commissioner Sone yes commissioner tman yes commissioner o Kell yes commissioner Marshall yes commissioner Sanders yes commissioner car yes commissioner yes now I entertain a motion for the resoning I'll make a motion for the resoning case number oh sorry I don't usually make motions uh the resoning 24 335 for sunny view residences I make a motion to approve I'll second it okay commissioner Kaplan yes commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Marshall yes commissioner Sanders yes commissioner Carter commissioner bar yes commissioner s yes thank you announcement and discussion items the downtown mix youth expansion we're carrying it over from our last meeting which was 1024 20 24 and uh Mr Miller would you like to thank you Mr chairman um last month we met and talked about the potential for the change in the uh downtown mixed use future land use District staff had been working on this to try to uh create something that increases economic opportunities and things of that nature and we talked about the live work Play Type feel that we're hoping and these and again these things take a long time but that's what we're trying to get into the community it was brought up during that meeting that the Pine Street area might be a good candidate for that so and and I want to particularly thank uh commissioner Marshall for bringing that up um because as a planner you're looking for when you're doing boundaries on any kind of District you're looking for a major road depending on where you are in the country a road a body of water Um mountains highways anything that gives you something to um break off a district so we just put it at Canal Street just like downtown mixed use currently exists and has for many many years um and when it was brought up we candy and I and staff discussed this and thought it was a great idea we took it to the city manager and I think he had told candy do it before she finished saying hey can we let's talk about expanding the district so we got great support from him and I believe that um Miss Harper also met with all everyone in individually and there was full support so it's really really good news um basically um I wanted to give Candi the opportunity to talk about any changes to discuss the map whatever she needed to say uh staff is fully in support thank you Mr Miller um there's really not much to say except thank you for every everyone who is able to take time out of your day and come talk to staff that's always very helpful we do the best we can but we don't have seven individual Minds in the office with us and that's what we need so what you see in front of you is what's existing and the downtown mixed use future land use area right now and because of this I started going through old Aerials and the original downtown leeburg map from 1912 I believe and I start pulling out Aerials that came forward every 5 or 10 years and it does show that the area has grown over time and the street names have changed and this is just another um example of a city growing and what this will do we hope of course we can only throw the seeds out there we can't guarantee they're going to grow but what we want this to do is provide opportunity for businesses and opportunity for different types of housing units and more of them and if you look at this very close you will see that the hospital is very near the boundary and RAC is very near the boundary and if you'll go to the um 15minute mile map that shows where you can get to in 15 minutes um you will see that the inner circle is half a mile and the Outer Circle is a mile so you can see from the center of that geography um how far you can walk in about 15 minutes that's really good so that will show you if we allow more and different housing types in that area people will be traveling more and more on foot and the other way to look at it is that the um Magnolia Trail lies to the South and the leberg Wildwood Trail lies to the north so you could make a circle around the entire city um and there's lots of parks there there's the par the pocket parks that Beacon College put in which are still open to the public um and there's also Veterans Memorial Park within this site um so we hope that people will take a look at this and begin to think about about their properties differently there is vacant land out there um that can be developed and this will give them I hope greater latitude to make different decisions about what they might want to do with their properties if you want to flip through the maps Melissa yeah um this just show you where it's located in terms of the uh community redevelopment area historic area commission districts there are two of them involved and the current zoning so um the peak part you see there is the central business district zoning right now what we're talking about today is not a zoning change on any of the property this is all future land use so it's looking forward um and allowing for opportunities there so should this be approved D um it'll be 131 Acres 131.5 Acres of um downtown mixed use future land use very good yes in in a question for staff no but I'd like to make a statement and that is uh staff thank you y all have gone overboard on this and thinking depth and candy thank you uh we got you from Sumter County and I'm glad well I just need to say Thank you Mr barx but commissioner Marshall started it well that's fine his question started it and Mar he starts a lot of things and thank you but uh hats off to you Candy personally well thank you thank you Mr chairman candy did an awesome job and the rest of the staff did on this and have them to thank because I was out of town for a large part of it yeah I I just I wanted to to to back that statement and I also wanted to uh let staff know that um you guys are appreciated and I can say that your follow through so far this year has been you get you guys get a a I won't say A+ cuz I don't want you to slack so but your follow through has been has been good this year so I I appreciate I'll go ahead and give him an A+ you're going to give an A+ I ain't going yes thanks for doing that commissioner Marshall that was I know that we appreciate that was good thank you commissioner so now we still need to entertain a motion on I think it's just a it's just a discussion it was right we did we did um last month correct Sabrina okay there was an approval last month but an agreement to bring it back with some discussion about the expanded area what we were most happy with was the positive of reception from every single member of this commission plus the city manager plus everyone we talk to and everybody on the staff so made our job really easier and we appreciate that and everyone coming in to talk to candy and and work it out so was great Al actually agreed with us absolutely okay good this is great there another business board announcement one last announcement uh Mr chairman is as Mike and Heather mentioned ear in the meeting our own Max Van Allen um took the ASP test American Institute of certified planners if you've if you've ever taken it you'll only want to take it once and um it's it's very tough and it covers a wide range of subjects on in regard to planning and um they it's changed every year so you never know what they're going to concentrate on it's scary isn't it and it it it can it can put a kink in your neck trying to figure it out and um I think she was the first one to finish didn't she say well she's a good test taker but she did well and we are she started just she started just before 8 and she finished about 9:06 that morning which is humanly impossible how you do that she has blew through that test and she's only what two years into working for the city and she had a little experience before that and of course her master's degree I personally have never seen anything like it so so we are very proud of her we are proud of all of our staff congratulations and the hard work that everybody here puts in and we did see Christine and the baby where'd she go I thought she was back then Max was but she had to leave early so as soon as her cases were done she was excused but we're very proud of her okay good job okay so with that means thank you sir all right