##VIDEO ID:DWoQTKObMO0## [Music] [Music] [Music] all right uh we will now conduct our public hearing it's at 6:00 on December 10th 2024 uh Mr County Administrator thank you Mr chairman Commissioners item number 23 is your first and only public hearing to consider an ordinance amending official zoning map to change the zoning classification from the manufactured and single family detached or R5 and light industrial zoning districts to the medium density or mr1 zoning district for 9.04 Acres located at uh2 and 116 Horsemen Association Road the item requested the board conduct the public hearing the proposed ordinance would allow for residential development Redevelopment of the subject uh Parcels the Planning Commission found this proposed ordinance to be consistent with the comp plan and staff is recommending uh approval as option one we have no speakers on this item all right Commissioners uh would anybody like to make a motion Mr chair I move option one we've got a motion for staff recommendation seconded by commissioner O'Keefe motion is made by commissioner Cummings is there any discussion seeing none uh all those in favor signify by saying I I I I all opposed uh show it passes 6 to zero commissioner Maddox out of Chambers excuse me uh Mr County Administrator next item thank you Mr chairman Commissioners uh this item item number 24 uh requests the board to conduct the first and only public hearing to consider adopting the proposed resolution to UniFi utilize the uniform method of Levy collection and enforcement of the non-ad assessments for the purposes of collecting the full amount of charges related to Sewer Service imposed on two parcels located on Woodville Highway and Lewis uh Boulevard within the Belair anawood Wastewater retrofit project area the two Parcels were inadvertently excluded from the initial non-ad lorum assessment approved by the board in uh 2023 consistent with uh the December 11th 2018 approved interlocal agreement uh the assessment will cover a portion of the city's cost for operating maintaining uh operating and maintaining the sewer system and other costs incurred to ensure the sewer system has is to serve when customers choose to connect we're recommending option one we have no speakers on this item happy to answer any questions you might have all right Commissioners uh Mr chair move option one all right we've got a motion from commissioner Miner for staff recommendation option one uh is there a second I have second Mr chair second from commissioner Cummings uh we are in discussion commissioner caban thank you Mr chair um I understand I might be the uh minority um on on this uh this a public hearing agenda item in the next one but I intend to vote no I will be voting no the reason for that I I do not believe that we should be the ones collecting collecting the fines um if I believe the city of Tallahassee should be the ones collecting the fines I also um you know this these are deals that were cut prior to me being on the board but I do not um like the fact that the city can charge 50% SE charge on 50 up to 50% SE charge on sewer fees I saw just what happened earlier this year um I believe it was Claren Lakes um uh where they they had a a massive increase in in one year and there's no um there's no limits to how much it can increase year over uh there's no limits to you know us holding it back saying it can't increase more than 5% per year 10% per year and so um I'm going to be voting no on this so thank you Mr chair all right any further discussion commissioner Proctor thank you Mr chair uh I'm going to stand with commissioner Gan on this and I continue to uh Echo disappointment in the whole gerrymander uh um matter of delivering Central sewer services in that area and continue to be frustrated uh with the uh slow pace of the city providing Central sewer in areas that are very um compacted with people and as um agenda item number nine uh was about our applying for State money to help assist uh septic the SE uh grants applicants with grants support we're doing that we pulling our weight but the city is dragging their feet with respect to serving serving all the people inside of Capital Circle and there's no reason why the inside of Capital Circle uh should be uh uh in race is a factor okay uh economics is a factor and uh the city an All-American City uh is Way South in Dixie when it comes to providing sewer uniform across this region it's really bad that the people who live closest to the Sewer treatment plant uh can't get the services and um very disappointed um I could go on but I'll pull up there and I'll be standing with commissioner command thank you commissioner Proctor any other commentary all right seeing none all those in favor signify by saying I I I all opposed I all right passes 5-2 were you no I'm it's 52 Mr chair previous item can you show me in the majority yes sir so on uh item 24 we five2 commissioner caban commissioner Proctor uh um no votes and then please have the record show that commissioner Maddox was in the affirmative on item 23 thank you Commissioners Mr County Administrator on item 25 thank you Mr chairman Commissioners uh this item requests the board to conduct the first and only public hearing to consider adopting a resolution to utilize uniform method of Levy collection and enforcement on non adval assessments for the purposes of collecting the full amount of all charges related to sewer Services imposed on certain real property located in the North Northeast Lake mson sewer system project area again Commissioners this uh the construction of this uh project um will be completed early next year and will be turned over to the city for operation as we've done with all these neighborhood conversions uh this enables us consistent with a lot of board priorities uh to convert an additional 220 existing septic tanks in this area uh again this is consistent with the previously um referenced interlocal agreements uh and we expect that that this uniform method of collection will be utilized for 70 Parcels in the project area that currently do not have metered accounts obviously that number will be smaller uh if if additional people um are are ultimately served uh by sewer again Florida Statutes requires us to adopt this resolution at a public hearing prior to January 1st in order to impose the nador special assessment and with that we're recommending option one and we have no speakers on this item thank you Mr administrator we have any uh motions Mo recommendation second Mr chair all right we've got a motion from commissioner madx second from commissioner Cummings commissioner Proctor Mr chairman are we imposing a levy prior to people actually receiving the services commissioner uh prra I think that's a Readiness to serve charge I'm not sure Anna I'm sorry commiss no sir the uh the people will not be assessed until after they have started receiving service so they pay for service that they have already received okay have the people been informed of this uh methodology of U of um securing their funds um I well they're notified through the public notice for the public hearing um um and then those who choose to participate are notified in that but the 70 people that we're um having this for were they notify um I mean you all talk to them or you sent them a sheet of paper or something they will be notified yeah in advance of of being um charged they'll be notified prior to the public hearings that will be held in July next year I feel like the people should have been told um something uh prior to are imposing attacks and um I have unreadiness procedural unreadiness uh because again Lake mson consider the history of the area um consider Lake mson itself being a Dumping Ground of sewer raw from the city if there's anybody who ought to have a waiver and not have to pay a dime if it should be late Monson excuse me it's cold in this building uh got your nose running um Lake mson have endured uh have been the citizens around the area have been Frontline shock absorbers uh last summer uh I think it was last summer summer before last the county posted a uh do not let your dog get in the water sign uh commissioner Mato and I went down there and uh it was stunning uh that there was the public advisory from our government telling people not to fish don't don't let the water touch you don't let your animals and we had citizens come here who had uh um had acquired some kind of um allergic reaction to uh maybe the air or whatever was going on but there's been a lot of issues and I frankly think that um uh if there is any area that ought to have been receive a waiver uh for just over the years and years of impact of dealing around with through Lake mson I would be curious to know the uh the health department has done a study to review the people that die from cancer uh around um a mile radius or half a mile radius or a fourth of a mile radius around Lake mson um I I don't know uh uh a lot about how you set something like that up but study ought to be done and if you see the casualty uh rates and look at uh the Leon County Health departments um issuance of death certificates relative to the number of people done died the last 30 15 5 years I bet you uh commissioner miners was next paycheck I bet all of it in fact that um you don't mind me betting all of it theight before Christmas went all through the house okay I would bet this paycheck that in terms of death uh occurrences due to cancer uh that lake mson is likely among the top one two three areas where cancer is a leading cause for death um I strongly feel that way uh We've not done a health review uh we are where the city is aware of how many illions of gallons of sewer uh have been exposed um people come here uh we commissioner Cummings and I uh I can't remember was this past spring or last year went down to that church uh Crossway church was it Cross Way Church it was way cross the way it was cross the way church we went down there and uh they gave a great presentation they have tried to offer sign to us that we've deemed our own staff's uh uh comments to be superior and almost of uh block and put our hand up commissioner caban is led the charge to say we don't want to hear from them for a year until we've gathered more science from the county uh whomever that third party is we want to hear from not even science let alone rhetoric so so I'm um at that point of displeasure and feel that something inequitable has been occurring in that area for a long time and um um I'm not an Undertaker of stuff like that but I believe that if the Undertaker examine what them people died from we all would be alarmed so I'll be opposing this measure thank you thank you commissioner proter commissioner caban thank you I have a question for um the County administrator or the uh the County Attorney um for our utility providers down um in unincorporated Leon County um talcon electric we have city of Tallahassee we have Duke Energy is that correct yes primarily um you talk about in this part of town primarily um the city of Tallahassee and Talquin Electric and when they when a when a a customer or a constituent in unincorporated Leon County signs up for utilities they are build and paid directly through um the utility provider yes why why for this for like when I'm having a hard time just grasping and understanding is why on this are we are we responsible for the billing and collecting the revenue from taxpayers and then you know basically being a pass through entity for the city sure why is that different name Electric uity Mr chairman yes uh Commissioners yeah so for for those customers who connect to the utility all of their charges are charged by the City utility in this case Only If For those people who choose not to connect um and I should note uh we wave every fee and charge imaginable under these programs the only thing we can't wave are the ongoing usage charges so everything else we pay for through this grant the dis disposal of the septic tank the connection fees $10 to 12,000 per on this so every all of that is covered but if you choose again not to connect to the system then there's a Readiness to serve charge that the city cannot collect um because that they they don't have a mechanism to do so because they don't have an account associated with that that that that customer so what they do in this case and what what is is common what is customary to do in cases like this is that the entity who desires for those septic tanks to go in in this case the the county uh we agree um if they agree to take over the system that we agree to charge the Readiness to serve fee on uh those uh on on those uh um residences that are not connected what the Readiness to serve fee allows the city to do is to continue to maintain operational capacity of those folks to connect when indeed they they do decide if and when indeed they do decide to connect and um and again if I missed anything Madam County attorney you can feel free to jump in as well so no I appreciate so what is the mechanism that PR what is the mechanism that prevents the city Tallahasse from charging them directly instead of the county is it we've contractually agreed and bound ourselves to do that so our contract we would be breaching our contract not to do that and practically they have no enforcement mechanism if someone doesn't pay because they don't provide services that's the Practical reason so could we amend the contract Mr chair sure we cannot unilaterally amend the contract the city would have to agree and we haven't made any efforts to try to amend or or say hey we don't like this this this method of us being a pass through um and and here here's my Commissioners here's my my reasoning for this right is um when you get a bill when when taxpayers get a bill and they see a fee being charged on it where it goes up they assume that with the county not the city of Tallahasse especially if they don't live in city limits um and espec you know so for me my frustration is we have a contract that we signed with them and we have no mechanism to change it whatsoever we we could have reached out to try to change it I I think mad um Mr chairman sorry I'm going to be doing that yeah I know I do this m chairman the um yeah essentially what it is is what the county attorney said it it's it's I think the city has expressed and again it's and it's common for this reason is that they they would not have an enforcement mechanism to collect uh those charges in which case the enforcement mechanism is that it is collected on the the tax bill otherwise people could simply choose not to pay it and then the city couldn't get the city couldn't get the the money right but they chose not to pay is what I'm getting at then the city can't collect correct and at the same time the whole point of the W is to serve charge and the reason these people are required to pay that particular charge is the City utility is holding that capacity and maintaining that line so that when that property owner decides that they want or are required to if their septic tank for example goes bad and the health department will not issue them a new septic permit even if they don't want to connect they're going to have to and that's what that Readiness to serve charge is is for the next month or year or 10 years years while they're holding that capacity maintaining that system making that service available they're incurring that cost so they defay that cost even though that customer is deciding not to connect at that time but the service is available to them at any time okay thank you madam chair thank you Mr chair yes sorry all right um so we have a motion by commissioner m MX second by commissioner Cummings on item number 25 uh any further discussion point of inquiry uh is it not a policy that you you you get um uh before you're forced to sign on that you get one more two more uh cleanouts is that accurate a close to Accurate in the ballpark knit a fence first base what thank you you um you when your system is failing you would need to get a clean out the more clean outs you get I don't think the health department lets you have a certain number of cleanouts um at some point you'd be cleaning it out all the time and so you would be essentially forced to get a permit at that time because you wouldn't continue to clean it out on a monthly or weekly basis but if you go apply for a permit they don't say you can clean it out two more times before you have to change it okay but I hear the last part relative to commissioner Van's question when the trigger that youve got to sign on that occurs after a final or last two cleanouts is that accurate I mean there's a notice that you got to sign up you must sign up but then once you're noticed that notice allows you to get an additional uh cleaning is that it's it's really based on the Property Owners decision some people say I've had to clean it out two times in 6 months it's time to get a new system some people say I'm going to clean it out once a month and then get a new system so it's really kind of up to them on when they go get that permit I mean the Department of Health could come and put them in violation at which time they would be required to but okay thank you all right we've got a motion in a second all those in favor signify by saying I I I all those opposed no all right commissioner Proctor you in affirmative or negative um negative okay so passes 5-2 uh commissioner Proctor and commissioner caban um what's the terminology for that in the in descent thank you thank you all right so uh that concludes our public hearing um we are we're going to go to Citizen you want to do citizens to be heard on non- agenda items okay thank you Mr chairman we have one CI to be heard delri Hollinger good evening Commissioners theatri Hollinger 750 wal street I'm the co-executive director of the Florida Civil Rights Museum also here's Jacqueline Perkins co-executive director on Thursday January the 16th the Florida Civil Rights Museum will host our black thae Affair and Wall of Distinction ceremony that'll be held uh 7:00 p.m. at tallah State College um the county is a um table sponsor for that event uh we look forward to seeing those of you who are able to attend and participate on January the 24th which is on a Friday the Civil Rights Museum will participate in a ceremony at 9:00 a.m. where we will Mark the grave of Miss e Lillian Spencer who was um a tahan um born in here in 1905 lived her entire life on Eugene Street um here in Tallahassee and won a national tennis championship in 1937 on the segregated tennis circuit uh she would become the principal of bond Junior High School as it was called at that time from 1941 to 1951 and I discovered uh that she was in the unmarked grave so um Community um the the community um and myself Miss Perkins um all chipped in to purchase a monument for her Graven Oakland Cemetery so that'll take place January 24th 9:00 a.m. the same day uh we will have our first installment on the Florida civil rights and education Heritage Trail corner of eugenus Street and family way where we will dedicate a historical marker to miss e Lillian Spencer at the site of her former home um so we look forward to uh seeing all of you there and then following that we will dedicate portraits of the former principls of bond school um so we look for it 16th 24th um more information is forthcoming thank you thank you Mr Hollinger Mr County ministrator any further business okay commissioner Proctor we are back to your commission discussion time ask Mr will to come forward thank you very much Mr will Cox a few weeks ago you indicated to this board uh that on the naming of wanish way that this board and policies did not allow uh for roads to be broken up and that the name AIA Gibson of which Florida University's request was the name Al Thea Gibson way from Orange Avenue down to uh family Way North which it would have bypass uh uh college terrrace which includes uh Howard Avenue uh famc Hampton uh as well as Gore Avenue FAMU DRS the plant Tuk Center uh Gaither gy Lawson JY all the way down the street uh past brag I specifically ask that we leave wanish way alone its name you remember what you told our board that that was not doable not possible uh that's yes in our policy and procedures manual for addressing we are not capable of addressing readdressing or renaming a portion of a street but rather we look to the entire street so we're not leaving a segment of that street unram so that there's a continuation of that naming across the entire length of the street I feel like you have totally lied to us last week uh you've seen it presented to us all evening is circulated the renaming of Pasco Street to Anita Davis is it Place aper and I attended it other Commissioners attended it and south of Orange Avenue which runs parallel to wanish there is Adam Street running North and South there's wanish Way North and South and there is Pasco running north and south from brag going forward what makes the policy that you said could not that you had to name the whole street one thing but now you have aita Davis name which I'm not against at all I was not against keeping wanish way as w way but you said that the policy mandated us had to have one name now I hope this picture shows up so you can see exactly what I'm talking about and I need you to explain that to me sir what happened and why on the same sideway parallel streets the name changes in passco is north of uh and then it turns into T Pain and then south of orange it turns into Anita Davis we've got wanish way that turns into uh Railroad Avenue that turns into mome that turns into Old bage Road why didn't you name uh uh the tennis star alus Gibson's name if you got to run it run the whole damn name all the way up to Old bit Road and rename it somebody has lied to this Mr Pro can we let him answer the question please yeah I assume we're referring to a street a city street renaming am I correct there okay that's why I wasn't familiar with that one so that's not actually a street nameing that came through our office uh as you'll probably recall after these streets is side by side understood commissioner yes after the wanish way street renaming proposal the city took over renaming they adopted an ordinance prior to that they did not have their own ordinance for renaming of streets after wanes way came came through here um they adopted their own Street renaming ordinance which gave them the power to rename streets within the city of Tallahassee so the Pasco Street renaming you're referring to uh and again I'm not familiar with that one because again it did not come through our shop the city did that unilaterally on their own um I can't speak to the rules and policies that they may have followed on that one in particular I can only speak to the rules and policies that we follow if we're renaming any streets as the county Commissioners I'm I'm the city has uh sent uh out uh representations uh and said it was so very important that from brag drive all the way down the family way you you had to have one and they and they seized and take and took uh powers from us from our board which had had naming Authority sees that preempted what we would do fam you didn't ask for all that name to go all the way down the Brad and the city show no no we're going to be then here we come a few weeks later the same folk that uh stopped and prohibited us go to the next street over run parallel with warish and name somebody's name a county commissioner no doubt but a former mayor's name of the city they would not keep stupid but then a county Comm commissioner's name they would rename so you got to a uh County Commissioner's name Pascal Street and T pay I'm I'm beyond confused I'm muus about this and I like if possible to understand what is the current status of the city's policies cuz it it's just all out in the open a hypocrisy and I'm asking staff for what is to stand still rule Mr chair may I may I ask a one point question Mr chair yes thank you um so we have our the policy that that post that we don't make name portions of a road that is a county policy correct correct okay so the city created their own policy and that policy allows for such to happen we don't know but we're we're assuming based off what's happened that their policy allows for such to happen correct Okay so our our policies don't they're not congruent each each other they don't match we don't know we we can't say for sure but some kind of way they can name portions of roles hypothetically if I wanted to name Calhoun Street our B at South Monroe from Orange to tra William C proor that is right there right there see that there brag Drive Anita Davis Place stre rename if I want to name it in and in in commissioner proor honor right right we couldn't do it unless it was the whole road now let's say let's say that we did do the whole Road and we passed it now my my where my confusion comes in is if we pass it then it then it could be renamed but what if the city you know it's a lot of it's a lot of of moving balls there and and and I'm just I'm not really concerned as much about the the balance of power there they can name RS that we can name and all that kind of stuff as much as I am to make sure that we're all on the same page and so maybe maybe the answer here is not for us to think about to have this real long conversation about you know what was named and how it was named maybe now that the city has a policy the question I have is can our policies get on the same page so whereas when we make decisions we can we can be in the same lanes and thinking the same things or or Mr administrator if your m is chair is it better we just stay in the lane that we're in and do cuz this is going to get messy cuz now the city is starting to name different roles in different ways and what they've done three since the Gibson role the Gibson T pay and now Nita Davis and I can see more coming and what I'm not willing to do is have us continue to come up here and and have conversation about stuff that's going on there because we're not congruent so the question I have is is do we want do we want to have a conversation around how we create a policy that matches where where there's consideration by both or we just going to let this go cuz I'm I'm not I I get what you're saying commissioner PR but but but the question is not well well you said we couldn't the city the city created their own policy so what about they could do what they want to do and by them doing that we were ordered to stand down we were ordered that the name wanish is not going to remain we're going to force this name fam you didn't ask for it to be forced south of orange but the city dictated to us took our Authority our voice away and rammed that name down our our throat Mr Pro we got some folks that want to speak on this I think it get that commit M uh M Welch this is in my district it's on my goddamn Street I live on now I've lived on Pasco and I've lived on wage this is personal now I need to say we were told that emergency veh Vehicles we had to change the name for the purposes of emergency vehicles have got to be able to get and for the purposes of emergency vehicles hell what about um these three different names on that street for emergency vehicles they they exempt from that stre so I don't want nobody to give me no BS I don't want BS and emergency vehicles either got to go down the street and find the same street and it applies to wanish and it applies to a Gibson as well as one street over what is where's the emergency vehicle part that you guys came up and bullshitted us with I am proor I'd like to hear from the County Administrator and I would appreciate it respectfully if you could we've not been respected when we have receed understand you're frustrating Comm we have not been respected in this instance Sir Mr Proctor we got to maintain order please and I'd appreciate it if you're Lang anguage was more respectful I know that that's important to you it's important to all of us there are people watching this could we please not use that kind of language at the dis I'd appreciate it I think it's important maybe to hear from the County Administrator to get his perspective on the issue um certainly our staff I I I think I understand the issue fairly well but understand it's personal to you and and we can only rely on what we hear from staff sir thank you commissioner Proctor commission or Mr count administrator sure very just very quickly I think I think the board's well aware of this the all the information that you received from your staff when this was in our jurisdiction is consistent with board policy um and that's exactly what uh what uh what bar uh presented to us at the time and and as has been noted these policies are are based on public safety and the the people who sit on that committee represent all the public safety agencies and again that's the policy that the board has has with respect to the city's policy here's the important part it's the city's policy right Comm uh Mr County Administrator I mean it would be seem to me that my understanding is the city can do whatever they want on their roads correct so I mean we can we can make a we can adopt a policy that mirrors the city's policy but that don't mean nothing we wouldn't have the ability to impact what they do on their roads they have taken that Authority amongst themselves now after the wanish way thing so I know you're frustrated commissioner Proctor short of going over there and asking nicely that they give us back the authority to impact how they name streets or how you know give us the input we want I don't see if there's much we can do commissioner command you recognized thank you I think it's an important point to make this is uh no shade not trying to get in in in any you know city or county you know argument but I'm elected to represent the county the city can do whatever they want on City roads because we as a county allow them to do whatever they want on City roads the city of Tallahassee is a municipality in Leon County and we are the county our Charter does not allow us to preempt the city which is why we allow them to dictate within City Limits so I just want to be clear of of what what where we are right now and why the city policy doesn't allow us to do anything in city limits the city because of our Charter changed the policy so that we have no influence over renaming a city roads amongst other things right that's the the principle Madam Madam attorney am I wrong you are correct thanks with the exception of environmental standards which we set a base for but other than that yes the city within the according to our Charter can adopt an orance to preempts ours yes other counties in Florida have the ability to pre m preempt municipalities now I'm not saying that's what we should do but that's the the fundamental issue of what is on the table right now that our Charter is laid out that we defer to the city in city limits not every County does that but that is the the that is the principle of the foundation of this conversation so just wanted to point that out y Mr chair thank you thank you commissioner command um commissioner yeah I'm sorry I'm sorry commissioner Cummings I'm sorry I saw you right there that's okay thank thank you commissioner Welch and and I I appreciate the the comments of about the street namings and certainly understand commissioner proce uh concern and sentimentalism and sentiment however um at at this juncture would it be helpful if we at least had a copy of the city's policy um maybe Madam uh counter attorney I I'll ask her I think that will be helpful I mean we we're talking now abstractly uh there might be uh some flexibility you know in the city City's policy uh but right now I think pretty much what's done is done we we dedicated Anita Davis place we were there commissioner Proctor was there we we dedicated Tay Lane I was there read a proclamation um you know from the county uh and it's my understanding that after the county voted for staff to bring back a recommendation uh about wanish way in the midst of us getting a recommendation the city took it from us and and went on and decided to rename that whole end of the corter all the way to brag brag drive so I think if they've got an established policy on Street naming I think it would benefit us to see what their policy is compared to ours if we got a policy that says for health safety uh health and safety reasons we don't want to bifurcate the names on the same cter because emergency vehicles might get confused or what have you I I think it's worth looking at at some point we might want to mirror what they have they might want to mirror what we have or we might not want to do anything but I think we'd be well informed if we if we had a copy of of their policy U Mr chair thank you madam uh um thank you commissioner Cummings commissioner Maddox I'd love to hear your ideas here so as I'm listening to the conversations it um I mean I I get it you know things happen that we wish we were a part of but how often do we complain about preemption that happens from the state of Florida technically Leon County is a county in the state of Florida and anytime the State of Florida feels like we're not doing something to the level that they like for us to do it they can go up and they can create laws that preempt us and take control from us we all uh commissioner Miner is very familiar with this believe in home rule um but just me personally I think it's it's hypocritical for us not to consider the same when we talk about the city the city of Tallahassee is in Leon County if we want a big boy and say okay we want to take those responsibilities from you and do it on our own we can do that but there's there's County Roads there City roads there's state roads state roads the city and the county can't do anything with correct if we wanted to rename a state road we couldn't do that could we um the city roads the city has chosen to want to create policy whereby they can name their own roads and I would imagine that if it's a city road now that we came up here and this kind of what I was trying to figure out earlier and we wanted to rename a city road uh we could but then the city could say given the fact they got their own policy that they didn't want that um but I bet you the city wouldn't be interested in renaming the county road so as I'm looking at it I know it's frustrating but we're not City commissioners we're County Commissioners I have I have no I have no inclinations to want to go over there and tell them people how to do their business and I don't want them to come over here and try and tell us how to do ours so if they want to create a policy that that governs how they name the roles within the city limits that are City RADS so it they have that prerogative and personally I believe we should respect it we should not create something that then then says well you're the city within the county so we're going to tell you that you can't rename any roles no there's electorate that votes for City commissioners and those City commissioners are in charge or they they put those folks there to make policy for the city that benefits the city the county voted on us to put policies to benefit the county when it comes to these roles y'all I'm not willing I don't even want to have to ation I don't want to have a conversation on preemption when it comes to the city on anything besides the things that we've talked about now just could there be some stuff that make sense yeah it could be some stuff that make sense but we're talking about renaming roles I'm not trying to pre the city from being able to rename the roles within the city they want to rename cuz when they rename them they're going to have to answer to the electorate as to what the renaming that they did so I get where I get where we are I understand what we're saying here but I if if we if we say we believe in home rule and we don't want the state handing down legislation that preempts us from doing the things that we want to do now how how can we be hypocritical and do the same thing to the city on something as simple as name as naming a role because we don't agree with the way they did it now we can change now only thing I'm willing to consider if we want to change our policies to mirror the city whereby we can bifurcate and name portions of roads and we think that's a good idea but then let's do it but preemption on the city on name Road naming I don't think that's the place I'm trying go thank you Mr chair thank you commissioner Maddox commissioner Proctor we're in commissioner time discussion time so do you have anything else yes sir um thank you very much apologize for language that you don't approve of Mr chairman um Florida ANM University asked for Road name change for the road that ran uh adjacent to its campus no nothing more the city policy was shifted to say that the entire stretch of road had to have one name that's what we were told so subsequent to that right next to the road which uh we were told it had to have the same name and that's why they had to force Alia Gibson's name uh upon wanish way to brag yet one street over to prove to us that they could do whatever they want them Pasco which runs parallel to wanish the city turns it to the north side of Pasco to Tay and the south end of it to Anita Davis and it's completely contrary to what we as a commission were told and that we had no voice or say into it and you know I I guess the Emergency Services go to Pascal Street to Tay Street to needle Davis Street I guess because they certainly go to athia Gibson way to Railroad to um mome to Old bambridge Road and you know with GPS now how could you get lost uh I was asking for an understanding uh what is the differential of Anita Davis Pasco T pay and what we were told uh kitties uh forget y'all we run this the show uh that's how we were treated we were disrespected I want to give a shout out to judge Augustus Akens uh commissioner cummin you were just all front and center you were showing that out there and um I I saw these photos and I had um I was traveling and I told judge Ain uh that I would not be at at the ceremony and um I've admired him his family for a long time and for hopefully many years to come uh the front of our new building uh the Augustus Ain uh Justice Center here at Leon County uh is quite memorable and uh so uh well earned uh as supported and brought to this commission by um the chief judge at that time also want to give a shout out to coach Willie Simmons uh former family uh head football coach uh who now is taking the role of head football coach at the uh Florida International University I had to look up the colors uh the latry I know you already know you you got an eligibility you coach Summer's looking for a good linebacker you well I think Rickards huh blue and gold that was your school Miss oo had blue and gold I looked up the colors and I got to get some blue and gold and uh that's exactly where uh and I thought that Coach Simmons made a powerful very powerful statement in that uh he says that our Athletics is going to catch up with our academics and that was a powerful beautiful statement I want the Simmons family to know there is so much love in district one so much regard and respect for Coach Simmons and we sure missed him on Mississippi Valley and we missed him for prayview and we missed him on that Jackson State game and uh but we're going to be with him down where is FIU located uh Mr Miami in Miami okay 305 all right Commissioners um Cemetery I'm continuing to be asked about Cemetery space in the Southside and Vince I don't know if we've asked before but if staff could I identify and I'm not sure how how many acres you got to have to but you know we got the national forest uh down there whole lot of miles uh but we do need uh a cemetery as well on our Christmas list if we could get a report on that Commissioners um uh commissioner kaban touched a little bit uh on uh a sidewalks in the Woodville area uh for our for our um Retreat I wanted to uh ask your support uh by way of a motion that at our Retreat we would talk about the growth of the South County I think we got something coming up soon but Woodville specifically and how do we um facilitate the expansion of commercial and uh residential growth in this last frontier and uh $63 million um staff reported in one of the items tonight for um septic um work Services 63 million we're putting the pipes in the ground so that Woodville is one day going to stand up and be somebody and that kind of investment in the ground deserves uh our discussion of what is going to happen on top of the ground and I make the motion if we could um place it on our agenda for the retreat uh a contemplation of woodville's future residential and Commercial so move all right we got a motion is there a second second second from commissioner command all those in favor signify by saying I I All oppos Passes unanimously commissioner Proctor thank you you I want to apologize to um um to um County Administrator long um back um on agenda item number nine I went back and reread the thing and um Vince you were absolutely right uh that in a more careful reading of uh what we were doing we've actually completed 78 uh homes uh and you see that sentence under the statement of issues the last one and I read it uh wrong uh and what the extension of the agreement will provide the additional time necessary to upgrade the final two as you said septic systems resulting in the conversion of more more than 80 septic systems through this project and that right there is great but what I don't think we need vents we don't need until uh uh March 31st 2026 and the reason I say that is that this extension I wouldn't want for this extension in any way to Signal uh Leon County's incompetence are our inability to get the job done and give us a black eye so that new money is coming down uh we want for them to believe that uh we're inep okay so my apologies and misreading you got it on the sheet of paper words all over it but I misread the sheet of paper and perceived that there were 80 uh outstanding and so I raised a question to uh uh way she had raave your hand that she is yeah so I raised a question what's so hard about giving away free money you know but in fact we have given away money the 78 folk delit you know L of folk and we only have two so let's expedite it and be done and be ready to reup for next cycle I apologize Mr administrator and just didn't want to leave anybody with with the wrong impression that term is being extended not for the construction we'll have the we'll have those done quick it's more there's a reporting period that follows that that's all that is okay but we'll be done by 2026 in March we'll be done quick good good good all right then um Commissioners um I don't know y'all thought about this but I've been thinking about this for a number of years and I saw today in the news uh that uh Japan um uh what's a couple big cities in Japan um Tokyo Tokyo okay I'll take that uh I don't know that that much about Japan but uh that Japan is uh taking up the 4-day work week um in Japan and that was uh big time news today and I really wanted us to contemplate the 4-day work week uh for Leon County I know we've kicked this can down the road a little bit uh but since co uh occurred uh is something that we could really formalize and normalize as a uh as a um standard um mode of operating for Leon County I be interested in that to talk about it and all in the bone at the uh commissioner's retreat in January I make that motion if we could place that on the agenda uh for the pros and cons of uh for 4 day work week for Leon County I believe the County Administrator would like to comment no and and of course we we could it be a it' be a quick item we um we we we do the uh the four-day Work Week currently uh through Staffing in just about every department where we have the number of staff to do it but when it comes to going to a broad policy of say 4 day work weeks that would at a certain point require you to close to the public one day of the you know one day of the week um so again currently where we can we do it through through Staffing and we have a very broad use we have a policy of very broad use of the 4day work week currently except in those places where we only run two or three people deep and and can't do it but if you went to a broad 4-day work week you may be in a position of making the the policy decision which of course the board could do of of only having County operations open four days a week so again I just throw that out there in case that again influences your decision of whether or not you want the policy or not but again and just for you to know that we currently have a policy in place that offers 4day work week to most public works for example has a 4-day work week in place already but we're able to keep operations going because of the number of people that we have in some places we only go again two or three people deep and if those places are open to the public that would you know require your to uh show please yes yes yeah 10 hour 4 10 hour days yes yeah but which is not uncommon with a lot of 4day work weeks I I just didn't want jaay to get ahead of Leon County you know that we get ahead of us um when is the um Public Work you mentioned where public works when is the the lunch in we've got an email that's gone out or that or that's going out on the the Public Works Christmas anybody it's the 19th of December 19th you said 19th noon all right and then finally Commissioners um so we're we're we're not going to address the 4-day work week uh um at our Retreat is that I me it's up to the board uh if you'd like to make a motion commissioner Proctor that some kind of analysis come back I'll defer to commissioner keyth first um just to be clear I I am interested in this um as a a whole thing for our Workforce it it does create could create issue for our County government is the only one doing it but you're talking about four lowering the number of work hours too you're talking about 4 8 hour days instead of 5 8 hour days no four 10 hour days four 10 hour days no never mind not lower in the work hours all right commissioner Proctor would you like to make a motion for an analysis um um y'all want to look at this say that okay very good moving right along it's called intuition all right my final um comment tonight um friends uh is that um I like a a a resolution Proclamation resolution for Karen Woodall and for Barbara devain okay thank you um I'm not sure which we have a motion in a second yeah go ahead U I believe that both um Mrs Dain who now is 82 um and Miss Woodall um I won't give her age but uh Miss Woodall has indicated 46 years of uh lobbying in this community and I imagine Miss devaine has been equally as Vigilant over that stretch of time and I feel that their services uh seemingly always for for positive causes uh warrants our recognition all right I have a motion from commissioner Proctor second from commissioner Maddox uh all those in favor signify by say I I I oppos passes unanimously and the last thing Commissioners is that Gatson County uh I believe Gatson county is going to celebrate their 200th anniversary next year in 2025 and uh I like the request uh a letter uh from our board signed by our our chairman uh honoring congratulating uh Gaston County for their 200th uh B Centennial anniversary uh in 2025 all right we got a motion by commissioner Proctor second by commissioner Miner all those in favor signify by saying I I uh I'll oppose passes unanimously chairman I'm I'm going pull up because rashan is looking at me in that tone of voice that you need to shut up so Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night commission Maddox um Mr chair thank you for coming back to me I I I I I would like to take this opportunity to ask for a proclamation for someone who is been mentored by some of the best uh Anita Davis there Perkins out there uh almes born and and has uh grown to be as I like to think think of it as our youngest resident historian is carrying on the man for those folks uh deay Tre Hollinger I met him when he was just a kid he ran up on me at the the um North Florida Democratic party um picnic or something would happen out there and and um how old were you like nine 10 or something and he had boy he he interrogated me I was running for election why you want to run what you want to do and I was like okay little males you play football or something um but from then on I knew he was destined for big things and we've seen him bring to us some extraordinary things um the park that's renamed out on uh Tennessee Street nah Davis Park you brought that to us um um some some names on family way I mean he's he's done some things that I think are honorable he's also been our naac NAACP president and just recently I believe he's preached his first sermon uh the Reverend the lolog so um I would like to honor that young man for what he's done for our community what he continue to do as a historian as an a as a citizen of Leon County second all right we got a motion from commissioner Maddox second from commissioner Cummings all those in favor signify by saying I I I all opposed pass is unanimously and if I might add I want to tell him uh cuz I know he was real close with uh commission DAV Anita Davis uh and probably one of his biggest Mentor she'd be very proud of you and what you have done very very proud think he was he would almost say that she she was like a mother to him uh you you've done her proud you continue to do so proud of you Son thank you all right thank you commissioner Maddox um I've got a couple things um in closing I received a letter from the talsi mountain bike Association asking us to sign a letter of support uh as they seek a grant from the I think it's the United States for well they're working with the United States forestry service they're looking for a grant from the federal government to do some trail improvements on the mson uh the mson Hills trail which is evidently the most popular one so before I signed a letter of a letter of support it doesn't require anything of us it's simply a letter of support for them to receive a grant to do some trail maintenance uh they would okay thank you um so we have a motion and a second motion is commissioner caban second is is commissioner Maddox that cool all those in favor signify by saying I thank you all oppose passes unanimously so letter for Timba um I'd like to I'd like to ask for a motion uh from someone to for a proclamation recognizing Arbor Day in January next month next month all right motion uh by commissioner Miner seconded by commissioner O'Keefe all those in favor I all right opposed passes unanimously I'd like to also ask someone to make a for a proclamation recognizing January's human trafficking awareness month okay moved by commissioner Maddox seconded by commissioner Cummings all those in favor signify by saying I I all opposed passes unanimously thank you all so much lastly um just want to say thank you to our amazing staff for another calendar year of Excellence the uh in particular the uh Parade float the other night was magnificent we had fakes snow foam snow it was a Vibe it was awesome um you know everybody had a great time our staff does a great job putting that together for for all of the Commissioners and our families and our friends and all of their friends and families and it's just a great time and so wanted to thank them for that um also wanted to uh thank the Public Works staff for letting me come out there and have lunch with you for your Thanksgiving lunch I will regrettably not be able to make the Christmas lunch but I'm hoping my vice chair maybe be there and and represent for me but um always a great time hanging out with our Public Works folks and I appreciate them letting us come and crash their lunch so that was exciting and uh lastly merry Merry Christmas to everyone uh you know today is two weeks from Christmas Eve if you can believe that so we won't see each other again till January 27th looking forward to a great 2025 uh going to kick it off with a great retreat in late January so thank you all so much if there's anything El if not anything else we are adjourned --------- ##VIDEO ID:lRB7icForp0## [Music] [Music] [Music] can't find my gav you guys but no worries uh we're going to call this meeting to order of the Leon County Commission on whatever day it is uh December 10th 2024 um Mr County Administrator do you want to kick us off or do we do I start with the proclamations and everything how do you announce it go ahead you do oh we got an invocation yes um okay we're going to start with an invocation by Reverend uh Dr Kim Buchanan the pastor at United Church in Tallahassee uh commissioner O'Keefe would you like to say a few words I would thank you Mr chair uh it is my honor to introduce um Reverend Dr Kim Buchanan of the church that my wife and I attend United Church in Tallahassee um so that y'all can get a little bit of what we get every [Applause] Sunday yeah y'all just pray for him every sun he has to listen to me every Sunday anyway it is good it is good to be with you today let's join our hearts together in prayer Holy One you love all creation you you who take Delight in every single person we thank you we thank you for the divers of the natural world we thank you for the beautiful diversity of the Human family help us to love our world and the Human family just as much as you do we thank you Holy One for our Leon County Community city folks rural folks people who come to us for Seasons like students and legislators our Parks our tree canopy our Lakes thank you for the privilege of living in leyon County we thank you especially today for the people on the deis these people who represent us and work hard to make our community a stronger more beautiful more livable place we thank you that our commissioners even when it's hard work together always seeking the common good we thank you for the ways in which they see and act on behalf of all our leyon County Citizens and we'd be remiss if we didn't also thank all the Chiefs of Staff and other staff who support the people on the deis we know they work hard thank you for them and for their vital work it is out of our deep gratitude for our County and for those who work on behalf of it that we make our requests today Holy One we pray for open minds open ears and Open Hearts we pray for active imaginations that possibilities for Solutions might emerge where only problems have been seen before we pray that everyone in the room today Commissioners and public alike will actively seek the common good for our leyon County Community with profound thanks for the joy of living in Leon County we pray amen please stand for the pledge of [Music] allegiance to the flag flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation God indivisible with liberty and justice for all all right uh commissioner Miner uh you are recognized to present a proclamation good afternoon Mr chairman commissioners it's great to be here with you today um I have with me uh John ESO and Tina lipford uh of Ricardo's restaurant and uh it's a great honor for me to be with you today to join in celebrating their 25th anniversary of Ricardo's Restaurant um you know I'm going to read the proclamation which talks about their story but uh it's funny when when I called John up a couple weeks ago to talk about the proclamation you know we're talking about the restaurant and uh uh it it brought back a lot of of memories for me in in my history as as a young teenager my first job working for with adults was at a locally owned family-owned uh restaurant uh and um it was incredible because it was it's it's one of the jobs I look upon most fondly because within that restaurant you had a culture that that really was like family you had the extend they had the family that owned the restaurant but then you had all the employees there the the cooks the the dishwashers uh the waiters The Waitresses uh all working together very hard during rush hour on a Friday and Saturday night and uh I look very fondly back on those memories and as I was talking with John about Ricardo uh you could tell that that type of environment was also at Ricardo's and uh just wanted to to really kind of celebrate this incredible family-owned business in Tallahassee in District 3 in Midtown and I want to go ahead and read the proclamation for you today whereas in 1999 m Tina lipford having no restaurant experience other than waiting tables at a truck stop as a teenager took a chance and purchasing Ricardo's Italian restaurant on Capital Circle Northeast in leyon County Tina was a devoted Lucille Ball fan and having moved to Tallahassee from Jamestown New York which is Lucille Ball's Hometown Tina considered the name of the restaurant to be a sign and whereas Tina built the business up with hard work getting to know the customers personally and being known for providing not only excellent food but also outstanding service service she would regularly walk babies around the restaurant so their parents could eat she would dress up as a seal ball for the restaurant's yearly anniversary celebration and chase after patrons all the way out all the way out to Capitol Circle to say thank you and goodbye and whereas in 2006 Tina's daughter Alicia and her husband John ESO relocated from Tampa to Tallahassee temporarily with the intention of helping to run the restaurant for a year and whereas after a few years in Tallahassee alici and John decided to make Tallahassee their permanent home and over time purchased Ricardos from Tina and whereas Ricardo has been an outstanding has an outstanding and dedicated staff two of whom have worked at the restaurant since before Tina purchased it in 1999 and whereas over the years Ricardos has made changes including moving its location to beton place in Midtown but at least one thing remains unchanged it's secret bread recipe every day the staff at Ricardo's mix need measure and bake over 200 lb of dough and whereas Ricardos is considered a leyon county treasure whose family style operation has made a lasting impression upon thousands of residents and visitors alike now therefore being proclaimed by the board of County Commissioner of Leon Le of Commissioners of Leon County Florida that today we recognize Ricardo's restaurant and recognition of the restaurant's 25th anniversary in Leon County dated this 10th day of December 2024 and signed by the uh Board of County commissioner chairman and Commissioners and our County Administrator thank [Applause] you I'm not a man of many words but I will say that uh when I got the phone call from Mr Miner I had to listen to the message twice because I wasn't sure if it was for me or not um but after all these years too awful nice being recognized uh it's amazing how many people come through the restaurant and we have absolutely terrific relationships with and the people have worked for us two 20 plus year um pretty remarkable that we're still here after a lot of uncertainty in our country I will say though that I love Tallahassee I love being here I love that my kids are being born and raised here um and I cann't chose a better partner as my wife to kind of go through this ride along with me so she may not be here but she certainly gets a ton of credit as well she helps me immensely on the back end of uh running the restaurant the day-to-day stuff I run but um I wish she was here because she deserves a lot of credit as well so thank you guys very much appreciate it I just want to thank the community we've been through a lot of tough times with with the economy and Co and we have patrons that have one became a notary to Mary John and Alicia 14 years ago and we've been to baby showers and we're still in contact with many and my Lucille Ball collection 95% of it was from customers going all over um and bringing me so thank you Tassie thank you and we look forward to another 25 years I won't be here to see them all but I'm glad many will thank you and and M lifford we are so grateful that you saw that Ricardo sign and took that as a sign because not only has it been great for your family but it's also been great for Leon County and people who live here you've made a difference not only have you served incredible uh dinners but you've also made a lot of people happy in this town and you're you're you're connecting us in a way that um food brings people together right and uh and and when it's great food and with the types of things you do in the restaurant holding people's babies as they're eating I can relate to that um it was means a lot thank you for everything you all do thank you thank you [Applause] guys thank you thank you man thank you guys thank you commissioner Miner Commissioners real briefly I'd like to recognize some uh special guests that are with us that are not on the agenda uh we've got uh youth leadership Tallahassee class somebody help me out Lily 21 youth leadership Tallahasse class 21 uh is with us here in the chambers would you guys mind standing up and uh let's give him a round of applause if you guys aren't aware these are current High School juniors in Leon County who are going through the youth leadership Tallahassee program uh which kind of mirrors the leadership Tallahasse program that I know a lot of us have experienced and I feel like I got to give a shout out to Schoolboard member darl Jones who I believe leadership Tallahassee class created youth leadership Tallahassee some 21 years ago so uh School Board member Jones you you you guys' experience is uh a manifestation of his leadership Tallahassee class's idea so thank you for being here um next up I'm going to pass the gavel real quick to my vice chair while I present a proclamation all right thank you Mr chair I am joined at the podium um by uh the captains of the Montford Mustangs District Champion football team along with uh the principal at Montford Middle School Tony McQuade and the head football coach Keith catell um uh I'll read the proclamation and I'll say some nice words about these guys because they have done an outstanding job whereas the Montford Middle School Mustangs representing William J Montford theii Middle School in Tallahassee Florida have upheld a proud tradition of athletic excellence and sportsmanship excuse me since the school's establishment in 2008 whereas under the exceptional leadership of head coach Keith catell the Mustangs demonstrated extraordinary teamwork dedication and skill throughout the 2024 football season season achieving a remarkable 7-1 record and whereas the Mustang showcased resilience and determination culminating in a triumphant victory over the division 2A District Championship on October 8th 2024 by defeating raw middle school with a score of 24-2 thereby earning the prestigious title of District Champions and whereas the coaching staff led by head coach Keith cotell provided outstanding leadership and guidance fostering a spirit of unity discipline and Excellence among the players and whereas the Montford Middle School community including students parents faculty and supporters rallied together to create an atmosphere of encouragement and pride throughout the season and whereas the 2024 Championship marks another milestone in the story history of the Mustangs adding to their legacy of multiple District titles including championships in 2011 15 16 17 18 and 24 and whereas the achievements of the Montford Mustangs highlight the importance of Youth Sports and building character leadership and lifelong values within our community now therefore be it Proclaim Proclaim named by the board of County commissioners of Leon County Florida that we recognize the 2024 Montford Middle School football team for their District Championship dated this 10th day of December 2024 let's give them a round of applause now um I was showing the the captains around the chambers and stuff before we came in here and uh we were looking at the plaque outside with all the County Commissioners names on it and one of them pointed out to me that in fact William J mord's name is on the plaque and so I told them you know that like not often do we go on from this di to do great things but uh uh Senator and namesake of your school uh uh and former County Commissioner Montford certainly did um Montford Middle School is a a fantastic facility in North East Tallahassee and they have done a really great job not just in the classroom but in developing our young athletes uh coach catell right here uh came on as coach a couple years ago and athletic director now and has really turned that program around uh coach catrell and principal McQuade former athletes at FSU at a very high level I hate that uh commissioner Maddox is not here because I believe him and Coach cotol share a very fancy ring from the 1999 FSU National Championship Squad so um we are very proud of these guys and everything they represent and we've got uh the the captains up here right now they have really built a great culture at Montford football not just uh on the field but in the classroom so uh coach cell principal mcade if you guys would like to to speak I'll you leave that right there we'll take a photo after uh chairman and Commissioners first um I want to just thank you for having us for for being here to recognize these young men and the and the team that they represent uh as the school principal I'm proud of all of my students but but anytime we get to recognize my students or or our school for doing something great uh it's extra special this group um back here I couldn't be more proud of the accomplishments not only on the field but off the field uh this football team 50 young men uh have a combined GPA a team GPA of over 3.5 uh they are lead yes they are leaders in the classroom they are leaders on our campus and they are leaders in our community um so to be up here recognizing them is an honor and um they're led by a fantastic coach coach Keith cell Mr chair thank you for recognizing our boys Commissioners um thank you for your support School Board member Jones thank you as well um of what this this Proclamation tells these boys and the boys who have who will come behind them um the value of what education extends beyond the classroom um if commissioner Maddox was here he would tell you that we coach not because we want to win football games but because of the men who influenced us and we Le we go into education and and we do what we do because of the people who influenced us and the responsibility we have to give it to the next Generation Um the men behind me uh are people that you would let date your daughters and as a father of twin girls I say that seriously the the quality of their character um the way they handle themselves in the Heat of the Moment the way they handle themselves when no one's looking uh when teachers are and and athletic administrators are emailing me from other schools saying that they're the ones staying behind to to pick up and clean up gyms and are separating problems on campuses and and doing the right thing uh that matters far more than scores ever will because no one remembers the scores from six weeks ago but they remember how these boys uh behave and um the value of of Athletics uh teaches the life lessons that will put these boys to productive members of society and they're certainly very proud to uh defend their Turf of northeast Tallahassee in our our wonderful Leon County thank you for recognizing them [Applause] Mr Vice chairman you got the g i yes Mr something um Mr Sims would could appreciate this um I was trying to think about who on on our team in high school had a three-point five and I know I couldn't have made this team at at mford the the bars very congratulations to you all and that's an outstanding uh grade point average for the entire team uh and it exceeds what you've done on the field but what you're doing in the classroom is uh even more extraordinary so congratulations on your great academic success um complemented by Athletics great um commissioner Proctor weren't you the starting quarterback at FAMU high back in the day have a 3.5 but look at how far you've made it oh Lord have mercy all right thank commiss Cummings uh uh thank you um Mr Vice chair uh to the principal uh and the coach and the players I met the players in the hall um in Chambers and just very impressed very respectable young men and we're so proud of you guys Your Excellence on the field and academically as well you certainly otomize the phrase student athletes so we are proud of you uh proud of your championship and congratulations you make us look good and we're very proud thank you so much out here do next on next on the agenda we have uh a a presentation by Florida City County management association recognition of Leon County's government 25th anniversary in the professional management matters program Mark Ryan a fact to follow good afternoon chair members of the County Commission County Administrator Long County staff and residents of Leon County my name is Mark Ryan and I'm a retired City Manager for more than 40 years I managed three cities in Bard County and Florida's East Central Florida and I now reside here in Lyon County I've been appointed a senior advisor by the Florida City County management association and the international City County management association that provides guidance and assistance to local governments throughout the State of Florida and there are eight of us in the state of Florida on behalf of the Florida City County management association I'm privileged to present to the Leon County Board of County Commissioners a certificate celebrating the 25th anniversary of the council commission manager form of government as recognized by the international City management association on behalf of the officers board of directors memberships of the fccma we offer our sincere congratulations on this outstanding Milestone the Council commission manager form of government was created to help separate Administration from direct political influence and establish merit-based policies within local government it's modeled after Corporation where the framework of Voters or the stockholders select a council or the board of directors who in turn appoint a manager administrator a professional executive to advise the commission and implement the actions of through ordinances and policies in Florida nearly 70% of the 411 cities towns and Villages operate under the council commission manager former government and of all of the 67 counties all but two operate under this form of government leyon county is very fortunate to have administrative Vince long leading the County Administrator long has a wealth of institutional knowledge of the community and is working hard with you the County Commissioners in implementing the policies and objectives that you adopt these are very professional staff that work with you to accomplish the goals and objectives the numerous programs capital projects and services that are provided through this team is outstanding and is recognized throughout the State of Florida you've achieved so much with so much more to achieve in the future you're going to be talking about your resiliency from hurricanes and tornadoes that's through a professional staff to help guide you through those and those issues we commend you for having a professional management team to lead you and lead your county my County as we move forward into this next decade with that we'd like to present a certificate recognizing commission chairman and administrator long please congratulations thank you I got to ask Mark he said you were a city manager yes well I mean do they have like uh like a secret Club where administrative government managers meet and they have like a picture of Vince long on the wall like a like a Vince is very recognized M Mr chair uh he as you may know he is a recipient of the international City mans Association distinguished service award we're very proud of him and his leadership in our association we often refer to him as being the greatest County Manager man in the universe in the universe in the universe yes I mean if there if there's an Intergalactic city manager association County Manager here that's right commissioner Proctor loves that thank you Mark thank you so much thank you Mr Ryan next on the agenda we have a presentation of a $150,000 donation from the friends of the leyon County Public Library Mr VI Sherman I'll go down and accept that that's a Christmas present you know bonus we are so excited to be here today to present this check to the Leon County Public Library my name is Lisa Harvey and I am the outgoing president of friends of the library and with me today is Morgan Evers who is the incoming president-elect she has a few words good afternoon everybody um I would just like to say that um in my role currently as Treasurer I thought it was pretty cool last year to bring youall $100,000 um but the library really is so much more than books um you talked earlier about the restaurant being so much more than a restaurant with food libraries truly bring people in this community together outside of books um in the last few years we've done the library of things um we've done just so many different moving Parts in addition to you know the already established library system that exists um and it wouldn't be without um miss wonderful um director Pamela um she leads y'all's way and we're so excited this year to be able to give $150,000 um it came to our attention that there are some Renovations happening at the library and some really cool things like a podcast room and um if if you've not come out to the library in a long time please do um Pamela and her crew are doing amazing things and it's just an honor um to be able to serve um in the way Friends of the library so thank you good I will be very brief but um it is with great pleasure you know to serve with this wonderful group of people um our friends of the library do so much for this County and you know to have such a lovely offer we're going to do a lot with this as well so thank you Lisa and Morgan and Friends of the library who are watching um we're having a big meeting tomorrow so you can always come out and be a friend thank you thank you Mr chairman Mr chairman yes commission Miner thank you my uh my my uh button here is not working but uh I just wanted to thank the friends of the library for for doing this uh in fact this is worth a standing Novation let's do a standing ovation for this Miss Evers Miss Harvey thank you very much for everything that you and and everybody at at at friends does for for the libraries but also for the community it it's uh you all said it very well I mean you know the the libraries help us form the cohesion within our community here uh whether it's at the main branch or or the satellites I mean um they're incredibly important to the fabric of of Leon County and I can't uh I can't thank you enough uh Miss Harvey I also want to tell everybody that in addition to the outgoing president of uh friends of the library she's also an outstanding Ginger house gingerbread house judge uh so miss Evers welcome thank you looking forward to your term and Miss Monroe thank you for everything that you and your library staff do at at all the branches um this is one of the uh incredible benefits that citizens have in leyon county is our library system I just want to thank all of you for making it that way thank you very much Mr chairman appreciate it thank you commissioner Miner um all right thank you all so much did anybody else want to okay uh I think next up on the agenda we've got a presentation by the Leon County Commission on the status of women and girls um Stephanie shate you have the mic hi hello are we good want to wait okay we're good um hello good afternoon um thank you um chairman Welch and um Commissioners and County staff for having us today for our annual um report I am going to introduce and turn it over and we're going to tag team a little bit but this is our vice chair of the commission and um she is a wonderful human being it's Dr Jasmine Bryant um so not other than just being an awesome Vice chair and our health and development committee chair for the past three years two years three three years she's an awesome mom friend and um leader and professor and researcher at FAMU so I'm going to turn it over um to Dr Bryant but um thank you for having us and we're excited to be here with you today awesome good afternoon everyone it's a pleasure to present our annual report to you all um before I begin I would like to ask if any Commissioners are present from the cswg please stand uh and be acknowledged thank you all so much so thank you all so um last year um we had Adella um gimi which now i' like to make sure we everyone knows Dr Adela gimi she got her doctorate this past year while serving as chair for the first time of the commission um was unable to be here today but this was uh just a glimpse of the leadership last year of these amazing women women that helped um have an amazing and wonderful year um Dr Adel aadmi and Dr um Jasmine Bryant were the main leadership and then these other Six Women of our six standing committees and some have returned some rolled off some moved some had babies um and so we are thankful we just wanted to take a moment to recognize these wonderful women and um we'll just give a little bit of a highlights of last year and tell you what we're headed to for this year so the best and the funest thing probably we did last year was our Summit so I'll let Jazz tell you all about that yes so we had our empowerment Summit um which focused on not only women but also girls as well and we're really excited to report some of those things to you all Dr Lisa hlan served as our keynote speaker from rocks and she has a wealth of expert expertise and research as it relates to issues impacting women and girls across the country so we were able to hear some of that Dynamic research we had five tracks advocacy resilience empowerment and um Youth and then we had a track on women can run uh we had 20 plus breakout sessions over 220 attendees and thank you all who were able to attend and support our women and girls Summit we truly um appreciate your attendance uh one of the key things we want to highlight is that with this Summit we provided free child care which is a reoccurring practice of the cswg we understand that our community especially women want to be involved in these types of activities however childcare is an issue and we'll talk about that a little bit further um and then we also secured some in kind donations and cash to assist with having this Summit and the success of it um a few additional highlights from 23 to 24 um the county you all thank you all so much um expanded the parental leave policy uh so we want to say thank you so much for um your attention to that and prioritizing that um effort and so we thank you for that in addition we increase our Community Committee membership by 81% and you may be saying what are Community Committee members those are the folks who are boots on the ground at a variety of direct service organizations that are keeping us a breast of the the priority areas that their um populations are experiencing or clients that they're are experiencing we also increased partnership with a few organizations across the city um to better understand what services are being provided what potential gaps may be there and how those agencies can partner and again prioritize that free child care we hosted um Community Connection um events for women and girls serving organizations one of the things we consistently hear from those organizations is that they may not know what or other organizations are also providing services or what services other organs are providing so to kind of fill those gaps we uh serve as a conduit for that we also hosted a youth Round Table in conjunction with the Tallahasse Police Department's youth Advisory Board and that was really important to hear from the youth and what they feel um are some of the pressing issues that they're experiencing here in our area and then we also partnered with 13 specific women and girls serving organizations to co-host candid questionnaire forums and while a lot of that planning took place in 2023 2024 those forums actually took place in our new commission year in October and so that was a a really Hands-On deck effort and um we're really excited about the outcomes of that and thank you so much commissioner Cummings and commissioner Welch for participating and hearing uh the concerns and questions from constituents we appreciate you all attending and participating so as we head into this new year we have we know a lot happens over for multiple years and things don't just happen overnight and um the goal with the continued leadership which I'm excited about both um Dr gimi and Dr Bryant have decided to stay on another year um as chair and vice chair and um we really do have a great working relationship to be able to bounce ideas they tell me how I can support them I love supporting them and just looking at how we can continue to make really great policy recommendations to y'all that are data and that's where we're really excited about something that we're in the final stretches of in the next about probably 2 months um 2 and a half months so I'm going to kick it back over to my wonderful Vice chair here awesome so this is the leadership for 2024 2025 for our six um standing committees and so we are excited I think we have one of our chairs here with us commissioner Martin so thank you so much for political Equity chair and all of your hard work with those forums as well so what's on the horizon so we gave you all a little preview of what we did last year because a lot of that work informed the current year including the summit and the information we received from attendees so we are in the process of overhauling and relaunching our cswg website because it matters um and so that is one of the key things that uh we have been focused on is having a better online presence just to match the presence that we have in community um we are also launching the well-being of women and girls digital dashboard and we are excited uh to hopefully have that early 2025 and that will essentially provide us a glimpse of how women and girls are doing in our local area across those six dimensions that our commit our commission focuses on um some additional areas are continued free child care um expanding parental leave policy with the city and so we are hoping to have similar outcomes as we did with our County Commissioners um existing and building upon Partnerships with nonprofits as well as local businesses with examining their parental leave policies we're also excited uh that we're digging into um a diaper changing accommodations we found that other cities have some of those um ordinances and things that they provide and so we're looking into that thanks to director shoe mate who came across that and flagged that diaper changing is important it is it we all know that if you're parents and um having accessible opportunities so yeah so we're excited to um to do some research on that this year additionally we're continuing our efforts um with the lgbtq plus initiatives and working with the city specifically um with the mayor's Council um lgbtq plus advisory Council we're also working to increase our community awareness sometimes people do or do not quite understand what the cswg does and who we are and so that is a critical priority area for us and then lastly continuing to coordinate those connections between direct service organizations nonprofits and local businesses uh to do the work to advance women and girls in our community and we have about six different committees and this um kind of sums up the general work that we do on a day-to-day basis we have a program assistant part-time and myself as the staff so one and a half staff with um our regular ongoing work here and um everything's publicly noticed so anytime y'all want to come visit us at a commission meeting we would love to have you we know we've seen a couple of you at our full commission meetings but if you really we would love to have you um if you ever want to come so the December one's coming up next Friday just just open invite open invite um so this year kind of as we head in we have our six different committees and we're going to go through just a little bit about what each of them are focused on as they we head into the new year um The Economic Security committee which is chaired by k meyer um they're really looking deeper into affordable and accessible housing and looking at our what our local community is already doing and how we can continue to uplift it and partner with them and one of the big things that's come out of roundtables is the continued economic empowerment but also continued financial literacy and awareness of of opportunities for women and girls around economics and fin finances so those are two main points for that committee the education committee which is chaired by Jillian Gregory um The Chronic absenteeism issue um in our community is one that was brought to light by another commissioner Dr Ana Williams and they're really looking at that and partnering with the school board on a absentee awareness campaign because we know we don't direct policy towards the school board that's State driven but how can we create a in our community and with an awareness campaign and roundtables um also the there's some really innovative ideas about opportunities to women in our community that are untraditional um viewed as untraditional um and underrepresented Fields um with a really great idea from our chair Gregory and working with high schools about trade cert certification completion upon graduation so not only there's a pilot program she's trying to model and work with but graduating with their AA their high school diploma and then a certificate of completion which we know sets people up for success and already having a job and being able to continue their education employment and earnings committee which is chaired by Caroline prior um is really dug their heels into high quality affordable and accessible child care and potentially a 24-hour child care facility here in our community and what that could look like and what that does for our members of the community um we had a round table last week with Kids Inc parents and it was amazing to hear from them about what a 24-hour child care facility would do so we're excited about that work awesome as it relates to health and development committee a few of the priority areas include um comprehensive Public Health messaging um additionally um an initiative looking at involving local businesses to advance the well-being of women and girls and families in our community known as businesses for um a better Tallahassee initiative we're also working on period poverty awareness and accessibility um across our um County Mental Health and women and girls as well as perinatal Health um a lot of these priority areas for HTC came about through our Community Committee members who were seeing issues with pregnant moms and mental health and a variety of other issues and so um those areas are part of our priorities for 2425 with political Equity committee um a few of the areas of priority increasing Civic engagement particular among women and girls awareness and restoration of voting rights uh for formally incarcerated women women and girls increase regular meetings with City and County Commissioners to encourage our commissioners to engage with you all uh to have a better partnership and and understand you all's priorities and how we can uh service you all even the more and then increase regular recognition of women and girls um within the city and the county and the work that they're doing lastly our violence and Safety Committee a few of the areas of priority um increase stack Pro trainining and certification which is a training and uh certification focused on human trafficking awareness so encouraging businesses elected officials and women and girls serving organizations uh to in to partake in that training also increasing bystander um intervention training along with increasing collaboration with tpd's youth advisory Council and obviously continued research as it relates to gun violence and the intersectionality um with women and girls in our community um so as you can tell there's a lot on the docket and there always will be because part of that is our amazing Commissioners constantly doing research talking to the amazing organizations and nonprofits exist in our community that are seeing what women and girls are facing on a day-to-day basis and are always bringing that forward and we are always welcome to if there's something specific you're seeing in your District or a passion point that anything we just said is resonating with you we would really like to have further conversations about how we can partner partner together and develop some really comprehensive and great policies to improve the lives of women and girls in our community yeah so thank you all and if there are any questions we're happy to entertain them at this time thank you thank you all so much uh we appreciate you coming and letting us know everything you got going on over there uh we do have quite a few Commissioners in the queue that would like to speak uh commissioner Miner you are up first thank you Mr chair uh director shate Dr Briant thank you for providing the update I really appreciate it um you know at at at home I have uh I live with three ladies incredible women uh well one woman and two girls one of which was a former chair of the csw WG so uh we often talk about the status of women and girls in our house and uh the work that you do is important it's necessary and it's needed and I just wanted to thank you very much for all the work that you do you and the and the other Commissioners uh we're very grateful to uh have uh the talent that you have within the commission working so hard thank you very much Mr chair thank you commissioner Miner uh commissioner Cummings thank you uh Mr chair um Miss suit shoe made and Dr Bryant thank you for that overview of your report and we're certainly proud of all the work that you all do that's deliberately directed to uh women and girls I read your report which is actually on our agenda on the consent agenda today item 13 but is a beautiful reporting it shows all the hard work that you all have done in 2024 and then we see the projections for 2025 it's just amazing so thank you all uh your board of directors and your staff for all that you do that um enhances and uplifts um our women and girls in the community so keep up the good work thank you thank you commissioner Cummings commissioner Proctor you uh professors I appreciate your report today uh your invitation was if there are comments that we would make reflective of what we have seen and um I'll take you up on that um the majority of our community are women uh our D has one uh our city commission is underrepresented our school board is not reflective of the presence of women in this community um I'm speculating but I Ponder what is it about uh leadership that women are reticent to acceed to to pursue and to step into uh that vacuum women are targeted have been targeted and November the 5th signals something very strong which for me is anti-woman in particular in leadership if I ask you what is the goal what is the type of woman a girl this organization is seeking to develop someone says a woman is from Tallahasse a young girl one of these high school students is from Tallahassee and that signals is she doxal is she acquiescent or does she have Moxy and is a Karen Wood like that lady sitting on the front seat who's been a a public policy advocate for that's okay I want three decades and um who is the next car in Wood all for our community uh chassis oin Carolyn Cummings uh their Footprints weigh heavily in the ground Leon County and what is with intentionality do you do to um invoke or provoke uh girls the step to have kickass ability and Leadership we're both girl moms so I we I love that question um one I think the biggest thing is all women and girls in our community is the type of woman and girl that we're raising and that we're supporting your question about um the under representation actually the women can run program that we um had at the summit directly addresses that and a fun fact if we want to use fun in quotations it actually takes a woman on average about seven times to be asked to run for office or to even consider to run for office to do something seven times so um that research is crazy is how do we get that number instead of seven times it's you know Jazz wakes up one day and says I'm going to run for office or any of our commissioners or any of those young women with wildt um and I think part of it is the research the awareness and the continued effort um but to just to speak to that one message and your one question the women can run program is a direct program that the commission promotes that we try to expand every year try to bring back to get more women and young women involved in the political process because it's not just about sitting on the Dias but also working in campaigns is the focus of that program too yeah and I would just add um a few of the things that we have talked about for women who may be interested is if they're have if they have a family sometimes that's a barrier to actually run in for office if they're the person that's usually um working but also raising children and so that is why when we're having the women can run track we're providing that child care so that they can still come and get this information upake these resources and any way that we can support them in doing that is essentially one of our priority areas and so we do appreciate that question yeah are you all um focus on a particular strata of women is like $40,000 per year income and less are you looking with women uh $150,000 I like women who make money like attorney o um what are the parameters in terms of your focus with these six areas which are a cited agenda item 13 yeah so across all six of those priority areas it's not broken out based on just income right we understand that women across all income are experiencing a variety of issues whether it's Health whether it's social issues violence and safety and so we're not just focused on one income priority when we had the summit we were intentional about having it during certain hours of the day so that if working moms wanted to attend there was availability to do so um when we're looking at um who we are you know promoting and wanting to engage we're promoting and trying to engage any woman any girl interested um because we know all of the experiences really can make an impact if they decide to enter and run and make a difference in our community in that way so we're really open and prioritizing all women um especially is what we did with the summit my final comment Mr chairman if you allow um observationally the uh infant mortality piece uh I I didn't really see anything when I went through on that point uh but in Leon County our um black infant mortality uh the last time I heard the number I think it was 15 14 15 really high and um infant mortality uh is not limited to education level in income levels social status it's across the board uh is y'all's organization looking at that area and uh conjunctively with u data uh generated on 32304 uh women in the 32304 uh ZIP code are um facing particular uh uh challenges and I I I just leave that as a final ask a question you have the best person to answer it she's chair of our health and development committee so she can yes commissioner Proctor that is a priority area for us in fact one of our Community Committee members Miss Maisha Mitchell has been working really closely to help us understand the contributing factors to the disparities we see in 32304 in addition to that our HDC has been meeting with our Leon County Health Department to better understand these statistics what are some of those contributing factors that they're seeing and in what ways can policy be recommended for our local area to enhance those numbers and so that is a shared priority for us and it was an area we focused on in 2324 and we'll move forward with 2425 which is also why we're focusing on perinatal mental health and the shortage of perinatal counselors here to provide those services to our moms so that is indeed a priority area for us very good commend your work thank you for answering thank you for your questions thank you commissioner Proctor commissioner o'keef thank you Mr chair uh thank you so much for all the work you do um and uh I just wanted to highlight and thank you um both building out into the community and bringing things to our attention to improve things from bringing the parental leap policy stuff to my attention to the board and then the Family Resource Center at Cross Creek in my district has been incredible um and I feels like we were just at the Grand Opening and then I was back visiting uh recently and it's already going for expansion and there are people there constantly it's just been um it has been beyond what uh we could usually expect from a new resource center and I just really appreciate it and I know that the people in the Cross Creek area do thank you commissioner o'keef thank you ladies very much appreciate you so much uh next up we've got a presentation um on the Career Source Capital Region annual report Jim McShane you can step to the podium [Music] great thank you thank you Commissioners and chair happy to be here um I have a quick report this is going to be something pretty quick so you're going to see it go fast it's like flash cards uh but before I do flash cards on number 18 today you are going to approve the interlocal agreement and I appreciate that because you're the last County out of our four that will approve it we've got the other Three Counties already done Jefferson is is up and running we have our First Comm commissioner coming on board so I appreciate the help that I got from commissioner Maddox and from uh Keith Ben so we had a our um basically Talent Innovation Summit we ran it every year for six years and uh this year this next year we're not going to due to Staffing and funding reductions the board is also starting each board meeting with a uh a a mission moment that was our board chair's request and so we have uh either a a person like this who came in front of the board at the last meeting or we have a career Seeker who also came in front of the board and they tell their story which is a good thing outside right now we currently have uh a business and Employee Solutions group uh they go call on all our businesses and and try and give them the services that they're looking for and uh and so we're happy that we keep moving along with that next is our special projects and grants if you haven't met Renee I can't believe that because she's everywhere uh she is outstanding lady absolutely pleased that we are able to continue she's under a special Grant didn't look like this last year we're going to get it but they did finally say yes before we had to say goodbye to her so thankfully she's on on the on for another year next one is our apprenticeship Grant so we've got grants uh a grant uh trying to have more apprenticeships in our area and at this point we have six or seven apprenticeships that are sitting in front of the Department of Education that have gone nowhere and we don't know why and uh and so I've got Commissioners working on that right now here uh and I do appreciate that help um next professional development so we do workshops for our businesses uh they're free for the first two and then after that they have to pay a minimal fee uh and we do get a lot of businesses that will take us up on that um hiring recruiting fair so we're reducing that at this point we're having a jobs every Friday type of thing that we're moving around to the counties uh they just took too much staff time and we just don't have the money to do that our career Seeker Solutions we continue to help and serve every person that comes to see us that's looking for a job helping them either get a scholarship which we still do but on this one this is where our Solutions are this is the data for you at this point so we've done 37,000 Solutions we've had 2500 career Seekers registered in employe Florida last in the year I came here in 2013 we had 40,000 people coming through our three centers we now have somewhere between 6 and 8,000 so it's definitely gone down after covid uh career Seekers seek receiving Solutions and uh and we've uh also here are the top programs that you see uh CDL is still number one although I'm really starting to uh dissuade the staff from doing it it's very easy to put somebody in a truck driving school but we have to follow them for a year and generally a lot of them do not stay with it for a year they realize how hard that job is and they don't really want to stay with it so we're looking at other things and the and Fire fighter we just did uh a couple of firefighters this year so happy that we're doing that and then our top two schools is Lively and Tallahassee should be changed State College so we're we're really good with them leap is our a learn earn and Advance program that we do with our youth program uh we have about 50 youth in this program on a general basis uh we also provide you work experience when we have the youth there we work with businesses to be able to put them in a job we pay for up to 480 hours for them to be in that job so that they can learn and earn and at the and hopefully at the end they get employed there but even if they don't we obviously will help them get employment somewhere else our summer youth program we're proud of working with the county here this is I think third or fourth year I'm not sure uh with uh Paula de Johnson and I just uh I'm proud that we're continuing this on and were able to help out Gatson for the first time actually their commission spent enough money for $1,400 a person for 200 youth to put them through a summer program of six weeks and then we had 11 youth that we had money for that we matched uh to do hope Florida is uh Casey uh Dean's big thing that she's doing it's really welfare to work trying to get people that are on welfare coming off of welfare to come us and get a job so uh we we are working hard to get that program running as good as we can uh by the Numbers One-Stop operations uh so we have three centers we're in the library over in Jefferson County right now it's not not quite working out the way it should so we're working on we'll be working with the school system to see if we can find a place for our person to be at uh we are working with our libraries so thank you uh and uh we are in all seven libraries here and we appreciate thatou that we have with the library system uh Connections in our communities we do a lot of Outreach we have over 60 partners that refer people to us we're in the Carney Center at this point uh and I don't know commissioner Maddox are we in your Center yet no okay but we're coming right okay all right and uh and so we're in various places and I'm still on the uh be uh the Big Bend cooc board so um I'm still looking at homelessness we still try and get people like that to come in and get them a job we work with veterans we have a special grant for that too this is our assets what we have to start we have to spend our money first and then get reimbursed by the Department of Commerce Florida commerce uh which is reimbursed by the Department of Labor uh we spend about $5 million each year it used to be 10 long ago uh so every year we get cut this year we got a 9% cut people want to know why are we getting cut because our unemployment unemployment rate is very low and when that's very low then that money goes to places where it's higher so that's one of the issues that we hope someday they change that because we still have a lot of people coming to see us that need additional help and additional assistance so here's our financial highlight this is where I spend our money the we owe adult and youth program is the biggest program we have there's a law right now up in Congress that we're not happy with at this point that could cause major disruption in our system we'll just have to see it could pass before the end of this year if it doesn't pass then I think it's going to going to start again next year and they'll have to start over again but so our functional Express you know we spend a lot of money on on a place our offices here in Blairstone cost me 300,000 a year uh that's a huge chunk of money and as we get smaller we moved out of Innovation Park this year because we needed to put them in a space and save some additional dollars so I'm doing what I can and leading to make sure that we make it through uh what we're doing and keep serving people this is the board uh a sample of the board meeting our board members there um and we had the gentleman that's standing over uh to my left on here yeah it's to your left too um he is the chairman of the National Association of work for sports he flew down here just to be able to give Beth chetti an award because she was on his board since 2017 and just came off this year and then finally you've got a list of our board of directors which you all have a copy of this and Nick is our our elected official on our Consortium board board re act meant that we ended up adding Jefferson County to our our set our area and uh we're doing fine I presented similarly to that County just two three weeks ago uh and we're working to get a a second person on our board from that County and with that I'll take any questions thank you Mr mcshain commissioner Proctor you're in the queue michine uh ask you a question uh sure if the United States Department of Education is modified as projected how would that impact Career Source uh the Department of Education probably won't impact us it's really Department of Labor where most of our money comes from uh but at this point that law if it goes through it's going to require that I pay 50% of my money uh towards uh uh scholarships right now we only have demand for about 32% of our money for scholarships and that addition between the 32% and 50% is what pays for my business solutions team so if I have to spend that I will not have a business solutions team at the end and then they're also doing raising the requirement or giving the governor an extra 10 10% of our set aside so right now he gets 15% he'll get 25% if that law goes through that means he's taken off the top of the whole system another 10% so so that's going to be a 10% reduction in our in our income across the board so there's a lot of lot of turmoil right now and so I can't I can't predict at this point what's going to happen uh we're waiting for that law to either be passed or not passed uh and they got to the end of December and you know they can do it at midnight or day an hour before midnight if they want so the undermining of poor people and uh that's correct I understand that yeah and the ladders with which they climb up out of poverty uh those ladders are being saw off uh are projected to be saw off let me say and ask critically from 40,000 uh traffic figure in 201 13 when you first came to a traffic figure of 68,000 uh what explains that part of it is part of it commissioner part of it is the demographics of what's happening right now if you've read the demographic drought by L cast you'll see that we have less people being born that right now the Next Generation coming up will be the alphas and the and the Zoomers everybody knows about those are smaller groups than the Millennials who are having them and so this is getting less and less people into our system we need immigration uh folks from immigration getting approved to get into these jobs that we cannot fill there's not enough children in our system to be able to fill the future needs of our businesses I appreciate you saying that in my notes I have immigration but you you didn't mention it and I I didn't either but um to that extent uh uh hostile policies uh toward those who have that designation immigrant uh seems to me to also play a role in undermining the labor pool yes of uh of our area and and is your board or writing any um white papers or position statements uh with respect the public policy making in terms of our labor force here in North Florida so yes our association the Florida Workforce Development Association is very engaged we have a lobbyist here in uh our area that works with our legislature uh we do not have a lobbyist in in uh in Washington DC but the National Association the US Conference of Mayors and na all of them have somebody working in our benefit for our benefit at the national level so we support them we give them letters of support we write our congressmen and our Senators that's about all we can do thank you uh Mr chairman thank you for allowing me to U ask Mr michine who's given uh Yan's service of last decade and I respect the work the efforts uh you all have uh laid for for our community but I would uh like to curtail comments now to Commissioners to say I I think that uh Mr mcshain has a very candidly um shared with us tidbits of which and why we ought uh include as a part of our legislative um uh Vision uh these things that will impact our labor force and I think that understanding those legislative um uh mockers um which will undermine uh is a reason that we shouldn't ought not be silent uh to the efforts that he cited and in any way that we can um I mean Mr M you know crunch down and simplify the wording and I would I'm asking if you would share with us uh some of those U elements that we can adopt include in our national uh comments as well as State uh as well because when you go from 40,000 people engaged uh 10 years ago to 6 to 8,000 now that's critical that is like 34 well I don't do public math but anyway that's that's a lot of you know Nick that's a lot Nick a lot so we we we got a problem I mean this is this is U the canary in the mind and that's what makes it so critical in having um right people and coupled with any major modification of the United States Department of Education is just lights out and not sure where we're going thank you very much Mr chairman thank you Mr M commissioner o'keef thank you Mr chair um I just had a quick question obviously we have major challenges as you discussed um and as commissioner Proctor discussed are there any other community issues that aren't necessarily under your programs but you see prevent us from succeeding in our Workforce goals yes the three top three basically at this point always has been Child Care number one uh number two is transportation and number three now is housing those are the three three things that are very much an OP problem thank you thank you Mr McShane appreciate it thank you all right uh we are on citizens to be heard on non- agendered items Mr County Administrator thank you Mr chairman Commissioners we have two cards in under this section on the agenda uh the first one Stanley Mr Stanley Sims uh to be followed by Karen Woodall but miss Woodall we we've got item number 15 pulled so I can I can call on M W all at that time so with that Mr Stanley Sims I'm Stanley Sims and I'm deliciously proud residents of 1320 Avendale way I'm here for two reasons today one I wanted to get on camera and let everybody know I ain't dead I missed a couple of meetings and everybody kept asking me are you all right where you being so I'm fine y'all just every now and then you have to take some rest you know and so uh I decided to start investing a little time into me and um but I I I do appreciate all the calls and the concerns I I I I want to come up and and um Mr uh long I I I I talk about your staff in their face and behind their back um cuz I know I'm extra I'm not a threat but I'm extra uh when I say extra when I want an answer I'm going to get an answer I'm not going to break any laws but I'm going to make sure I get an answer that is suffice and there's an issue in our community that I believe that it's not getting the appropriate attention and that is pedestrian safety now initially initially when I brought this issue before you all I was really concerned in just some pedestrian certain areas but in my studying and awareness of this issue we're now having several accidents on appalache Parkway accidents that are resulting in death or injuries that requires hospitalization there is a lot of development that is going on that is causing us well I don't say I I think that really need to cause us to take a greater look at our sidewalks is our side sidewalks compartible to y'all please forgive me and take what I say in love let's look at that development right there at the corner of Tennessee Street and um mome that big development going up is that sidewalk appropriate is that enough room for that busy traffic there or have we set up another scenario where P pedestrian or not safe and Mr Mr long I just want to tell I appreciate your staff cuz when I talk to them they know I'm just extra I'm not a threat thank you buddy thank you Mr Sims um are we going to hold off on Miss Woodall or sure that cool with you okay all right Mr County Administrator I believe we're on consent I think we've had a handful of items pulled so uh I would entertain conin a motion on the non pulled items all right we've got a motion from Vice chair caban second from commissioner Cummings on the items not pulled from consent um anybody want to Mr commissioner Keef thank you Mr chair real quick um I just wanted to give on number 14 affordable housing committee recommendations um I want to give credit to staff and rethink Energy Florida for working together for another win-win Improvement one of the improvements in this item this year is for um homes going through our um uh some of our rehab programs we're going to require a more efficient and environmentally friendly AC unit that one curbs uh climate impact and because of uh utility bill savings for the client overall cost is um going down so just want to give them a shout out for another win-win solution thank you commissioner ch um all right so we've got uh commissioner Proctor thank you Mr chairman this is item 14 we're on item 14 do you well um we're we were going to vote on the non-poled items but uh if you want to discuss item 14 the County Administrator can introduce it is that what you're asking me sure M CH yeah U Mr chairman I I think um uh commissioner aefe was speaking to the item that he pulled on item item number 14 uh again so if well not item 15 has been pulled I don't know the other three items that have been pulled commissioner or Mr County Administrator on my agenda well let me we're trying to vote on the non- pulled items which would include 14 I think 14 has been pulled by commissioner Proctor okay so can we hold off on that okay so we're going to vote on the items that have not been pulled uh we've got a motion from commissioner caban a second from commissioner Cummings all those in favor signify by saying I I I and all opposed it passes unanimously now we can move to the items that have been pulled Mr County Administrator can you let me know which ones those are thank you Mr chairman Commissioners item number 9 14 and 15 have been pulled uh items number 9 and 14 by commissioner Proctor number 15 uh by commissioner o'keef uh I'll start with number nine Commissioners number nine is an amendment to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection spring grant for the advancement of uh or the Advan septic system pilot project this item simply Commissioners is extending uh seeks to extend uh the grant term with an existing grant that we have you know we don't like giving money back to the state this simply allows us to do two more septic to sewer conversions uh happy to answer any questions you might have on that that's item number nine commissioner Proctor you recognized thank you Mr chairman uh wanted to ask staff um and I'm certain commissioner gavan uh probably is equally as uh eager to to know uh given that we're extending the date to disperse this money to uh undergird support for 80 additional homeowners uh what is the plan uh that we will not uh miss the deadline by um April of um 2026 uh is got to be at least somebody in wood who's looking for Grant support uh for the conversion of septic to sewer and I'm pondering what is so what is the plan of communicating uh is we going doodo uh why did we miss the mark what is it about giving money away that we can't we can't do and this kind of money uh it it it it boggles my mind to appreciate what have we failed to do to get rid of this money that we're needing to extend by another year and something uh to do septic toour um I'm not sure if this is regrettable yet but please help me to know what will we do and will we meet the target to give away money to 80 people um or I mean what what what failures do we have we need more staff what do we need to do to get these people uh engaged with monies that otherwise we would forfeit and send back to the state commissioner Proctor um just so we can be in order can we get a somebody get a motion in a second as we go into discussion on the item um chairman I'm I'm not ready to I mean and I saw the memo that went out that indicated that before we could discuss uh we uh would have to make a motion first um I think that was what 1.0 351.5 some some some policy number uh I I I think the posture what I'm trying to ask is generic is not in to favor the motion or to disfavor it and I think we ought to be able to get before we the trigger and um load the barrel on a motion going one way or the other uh are we not privy to get U generic information first before making a motion but if you're the chairman and I respect whatever you tell Mr just trying to keep us consistent so um that's the way we've done it I think for a purose the discussion I make a motion for staff recommendation and I second thank you and my inquiry has already been made perfect thank you Mr chairman before I hand it off to Anna Let me just clarify just a couple of things no this has been a very successful program so let me be very clear about that we've got 77 or 78 systems already completed our when we did our cost projections we just determined that we did we were able to do those conversions for less money and we've got some additional dollars remaining so we're just simply asking the state so as not to give any dollars back and do all the tanks that we can do we've uh are requesting the extension of the term to do two additional tanks that's all that's all this does again very successful program I've already completed 78 of them we had additional dollars and we're seeking the states uh okay to extend that term to do two additional set tanks again CU we are not leaving any money on the table so with that I I think and I might have said what you were going to say but yeah you summed it up really well we do have two like you said two additional systems they are currently in permitting um and the contractor is ready to go on them and as soon as we get permits and very good I'm supporting this item any other discussion all right seeing none uh we have a motion by uh commissioner Maddox and a second by commissioner O'Keefe all those in favor signify by saying I I I all opposed passes unanimously Mr County Administrator thank you Mr chairman Commissioners item number 14 is the 2024 annual affordable housing advisory committee's report and recommendations this comes to you this time every year Commissioners uh with uh recommendations uh for any TW tweaking or positioning of our affordable housing programs to uh identify uh better opportunities for us to uh access uh dollars State dollars and federal dollars again this comes to you this time every year we're happy to answer any questions on this galani marks is in the queue here and and and ready to roll should you have any questions on it all right Commissioners I entertain a motion make a motion move staff recommendation okay we've got a motion from commissioner O'Keefe and uh second from commissioner Miner we're in discussion commissioner Proctor thank you very much uh Commissioners like I've said uh when the motion has been made in particular to support staff's recommendation it places us as commissioners facing an uphill argument against the staff so when we are quick to pull trigger to support staff's recommendation it it it places uh the presentation in a defensive or at least an uphill because I've got a motion over my head that perhaps I may or may not uh be supportive of that's the point I'm trying to make um I wanted to um indicate here that under what about committee recommendations under A3 uh under attachment 1 7 page 7 of 10 um the directive office of Human Service and Community Partnerships and staff are the designated Liaisons with the affordable housing program and assist with the resolution of difficult permitting issues um Jelani what's up man commissioner all right all right um I'm not sure that this involves you but I appreciate you standing there uh my point here is that I've identified something which as a process is not being afforded to the lers uh who in Woodville area have spent a lot of money they've had questions with respect to uh their investment in permitting we have a St st's recommendation unless this is already policy that calls for and I know it may sound like lemons and and uh the green one uh what's that thing the green ones called uh what's the green lemons called lime uh we might have lemons in line but we have here the director of the office of Human Service and Community Partnership and staff who are designated uh to assist with the resolution of difficult permitting issues and the Latins don't have that they don't have that assistance they don't have a committee they don't have that due process and in reading this uh element of recommendations we need that across the board for the Latinas and staff has placed this uh this is a scaffolding that someone vulnerable and who don't have this process we need it and I'd like to uh point out and maybe call for um since we have an agenda recommendation uh under my time uh the effort to bring back a policy uh that gives that affords people with permitting issues to come back and have a process just like this it don't exist for of them it's not been extended so that was the ask um in seeing this already formated that when I bring it up tonight uh under my time this is what I will be talking about thank you very much Mr chairman thank you commissioner Proctor um any other discussion seeing none uh we've got a motion from commissioner O'Keefe second from commissioner Miner all those in favor signify by saying I I I I'll oppose passes unanimously Mr County Administrator thank you Mr chairman Commissioners item number 15 is a status report on transitional housing in leyon County Commissioners you may recall this was requested by the board uh to provide this status report to you transitional housing Commissioners is a very specific category of housing on the Continuum uh which identifies those uh people and families uh that are experiencing homelessness again the item before you uh provides an overview of the programmatic uh uh opportunities that are available uh in our community as well with some as well as the responsible entities uh involved we do have one speaker card Karen W [Music] all thank you um Karen Woodall I reside at 579 East call street thank you for commissioner Proctor for your nice comments earlier um mainly I'm just old um I did I didn't say that no I said I did um I want to appreciate and thank um staff Abby and shington also um in human services for meeting with me about this issue um a couple of things I want to quickly mention while I agree with and recognize the uh need for additional housing that we already have of the the programs that are already in existence we need additional beds and all I want to point out that there are some gaps whenever you have categorical eligibility you have gaps so there are people left out like if you're a young person over 18 there's nothing uh other than Carney Center if you haven't been in prison if you're not a veteran if you're not pregnant if you're not a victim of domestic violence you're just out there you have eviction notices so there's as we go forward I know it's going to be more conversations about this we need to I hope we will include something for those folks and to that end I shared with you a memo I had shared with before and exciting project in Atlanta called The Melody project I went there last week and it was really cool I'm really glad I went I was very impressed um the people living there like it it's right downtown Atlanta the city of Atlanta has committed $5 million to their rapid rehousing program so the melody project is not considered transitional housing it's rapid rehousing there's some semantics with funding in the federal government for me I don't care what we call it um it's just figuring out some out of the-box thinking um and I was joking with them this is kind of in the Box because they're using transitional um I mean what do you call those things um now I forgot the name the FEMA trailers yeah thanks well they're not FEMA trailers they're um they're the containers yeah and actually I thought they were more stable than trailers because they're on the ground they're secured on the ground and with this community being Atlanta gave downtown property right by the MARTA system um and it's where the people the residents lived they lived on the street right there so they have connections and it's um it's pretty impressive and I know that there's going to be some looking further into it with the um COC coming up the folks up there so they'd be very happy to work with you but I just want to highlight it because I think it's a model that we're not doing doing we're doing great things we need to add to them but there's some other things we could do that are Innovative so I wanted to take this opportunity to share that with you thank you thank you Miss Woodall we uh we received your email and appreciate all the information and um and we'll certainly you know look to staff to guide us on that um commissioner o'keef I've got you in the queue followed by commissioner pro thank you Mr chair um I move that we accept staff report second you all right we've got a motion from commissioner o'keef a second from commissioner madx we're in discussion commissioner o'keef thank you thank you um I have a couple questions for staff uh on this on some thoughts um the category of transitional housing is really what the report we got on got was there are uh if I understand right there 500 transitional housing beds in Leon County can any currently can anyone who qualifies find a spot today each program has their own category of what um who can uh qualify for their programs but they are constantly revolving with opportunities for people to um enter if they meet the qualifications of those programs gotcha are there for any of those uh are there open spots currently or are they all usually filled up with a weit list there are there are several with weight list and that's why the CLC currently is working um with these U providers to to secure additional dollars right now this the COC is applying as part right now as part of their noo that's coming up for additional beds into our community for transitional housing um with the priority being those um areas for youth especially those youth that are um aging out of foster or um foster homes and um other um targeted populations here in our community excellent um and then uh finally for questions do we know an estimate of how many transitional unit beds or spots leyon County would need to address the current needs uh for transition transitional housing um not off the top of my head but that is but again the priority that's been um provided as part of cooc that works very closely with our transitional housing um providers have been in the area of those who are um uh not only those who are youth that are um transitioning out of um out of foster homes but also for domestic um violence victims um and also those individuals that we work closely with when we're addressing the issue of returning citizens or citizens who are um leaving our criminal justice system as we mentioned the item Commissioners that's part of the reason also that the board dedicated $100,000 as part of the um rental housing assistance program that was recommended by the pscc that is I'm mentioned aend item to address a um transitional housing for that population awesome thank you for that um so uh this is a good report it's helpful to know where we stand on transitional housing um and uh and so um um we've learned um that uh the example project in Atlanta um which is incredible uh is rapid rehousing is what they call it and and when uh what triggered this what initiated this request was it was generally following um citizen Karen Wood all bring it to our attention um and I believe she told us it took four months from start to finish um which is incredible um and so um I really appreciate that and now that we know she has that I believe you have a meeting with the Continuum of Care folks um and I'm excited to hear what can happen um for us to do something like this here it's one of these things where I hope we can see more independent initiative from our teams and our uh organizations that do a lot of incredible things but that we don't have to wait for a citizen to bring an example of another Community doing a great project um and I'm I'm hoping that when we see these come back we see a lot of yes this is how we can do it and a lot less well we can't because um so I'm very excited to hear um hopefully uh some quick ideas and some quick updates come back from that thank you thank you commissioner O'Keefe commissioner Proctor thank you s in not def defending our staff but I can defend our staff um I think commissioner madx should also be able to defend our staff we've looked at what uh M Woodall has suggested L is doing uh those box cars and um our staff um indicated and gave us a report um this new thing and um they were giving those cars away or dispersing them and then a cost uh was attached uh to those uh cars and some some multiple months ago um County Administrator uh gave us a report um I can't remember if it was I guess it was a workshop or whatever but we have peruse um given contemplation and uh once communities begin to identify those those those cars as um a new form of housing um costs begin to you know spiral upward um it's something perhaps we should could look at in particular with affordable housing uh initiative uh our affordable housing initiative um is is somewhat of a policy recommendation in all all of those things but not specifically what kind of house where would it Go the Zoning for the special you know and all of that but it's well worth our um you know revisiting and if Atlanta is willing to and see one of the thoughts about it is that the devaluation of uh of a railroad car it ain't sexy and the devaluation of downtown and if Atlanta is willing to allow its downtown to be devalued if you want to look at it like that uh with that kind of housing then uh and it is not taking value down but if you look at it not from the way uh um property appraiser Keen akiyami would look at it so this takes the value down with these kinds of structures but what value is added is the holistic of lifting of humanity that is walking the street and in the cold so in another perspective to have those cars whether they were downtown or next door to the governor's house when you protecting people and taking them from sleeping on the ground to me that adds value to me so I'm willing to look at it your recommendation this what are and thank you thank you for bringing it to uh our attention I thank you thank you commissioner Proctor commissioner Maddox thank you I'll be I'll be quick commissioner part you're right I think uh had asked for it to come back and staff did bring it back for our consideration is that correct Vince yes I believe one of the biggest issues tied to it shington I think your I think some somebody in your office at the time looked at it uh was the was um safety issue if I'm not mistaken I think related to the weather and hurricanes and things like that the nature we may have here um I don't I think it may be worth us giving another look at it but I think at the time we had the conversation it was a pretty resounding understanding that it's not a direction that we would want to go in uh given the cost per unit and also the the the um the risk that it took associated with with the weather uh that we have here that that they may not experience as much up in Atlanta and other areas so um if we're going to bring it back um I do think we have to take into consideration the conversation we had last time but also think about how do we address the things that we we talked about in our previous conversation I do appreciate the persistence and consistence that you bring to us in considering the idea uh but but I do want those things addressed if we're going to have this conversation again that we would be able to talk about those things that we s that we saw as an issue that led us to not um moving forward with the idea in the past thank you Mr chair thank you commissioner Maddox uh any further discussion we see Mr chair on point what the motion on the floor is just yes sir and we've got commissioner O'Keefe and you were the second Mr chair in order for us to to consider what we're talking about here it would have to be added on as an amendment correct because that recommendation didn't bring back contemplation of no no Mr chairman what the item does is it clarifies that we'll be working with the C going forward and to identify exploration of this and and a lot of other Alternatives make sure we bring that back to you thanks sir all right uh we've got a motion oh I'm sorry commissioner Cummings I didn't see you I'm sorry oh yeah thank you U Mr chair no I just wanted to um thank uh Karen Woodall for coming tonight uh doing her presentation and I believe we received something uh by email about um the initiative in Atlanta but uh that had been raised before and I believe by commissioner uh Maddox and we we've addressed but I I know we are all concerned um about reducing homelessness and looking at um transitional housing but I think we are also we've got to weigh um the health safety welfare of those needing transitional housing and protecting them with whatever we as a County government um provides for them and I agree with commissioner Maddox when we discussed it before that was a that was a concern that perhaps we would be placing some of those individuals in In Harm's Way um with the structure um of the of that temporary housing so I think it's worth looking at again if if we want to but I would certainly uh want to promote something that would be would not be number one a safety Habs considering the storms we have here the Hurricanes you know that occur the tornadoes uh that occur number one um and while we want to reduce um those those incidents uh that that could occur I think being responsible for the Public's funding we we want to make sure I believe that we use the funding in a manner that's going to provide more safety uh for those transitional uh citizens so I'll be will you know I'm willing to consider it again but consider it and in cons consider staff recommendations as well but I think we need to look at something that would be in the line of more safe housing for our individuals rather than just having something to say here's a place you can go we've got that responsibility I believe to the citizens um of Leon County and I think that's consistent with the sentiment expressed by commissioner uh Proctor as well so I I would certainly support it coming back at some point but I just think we got to be deliberate when we look at it and just make sure we're not just um putting a Band-Aid on the problem and create a bigger problem so thank you Mr chair thank you commissioner Cummings um that's something we can re we can visit in our commissioner time if you guys want to ask staff for some some uh analysis on that um okay uh seeing no more discussion we've got a motion from commissioner o'keef second from commissioner Maddox uh on P staff recommendation on item 15 all those in favor signify by saying I I I all opposed it passes unanimously um I believe that moves us on to General business Mr County Administrator I would like to say Commissioners I would like us to have a 530 hard stop recess so that gives us about 45 minutes to work through some of the general business if that's that's okay with you guys um and uh we'll see how close we can get M you thank you Mr chairman Commissioners item number 19 uh provides the board with an after action report on the County's preparation response recovery efforts related to Hurricane Helen which of course made landfall back in September um Commissioners this action uh after Action Report serves uh as a summary of actions taken to date uh by Lyon County in response to the hurricane and provides findings and recommendations uh from the emergency activation Commissioners you all know that um it's obviously very U uh obvious and public what we do at the county in in our coordination of emergencies uh like this in the in the preparation of the response and the recovery but as you also know Commissioners we put an awful lot of attention to extract every possible lesson learned from each uh emergency and so Helen was no exception we've done so we've got an item which I know is very comprehensive before you tonight so we won't go through it all uh did want to point out uh that the roughly $1.3 million incurred by the county from Helen uh we do anticipate 100% uh Federal reimbursement there again we've got options one through three before you I've got Matt Cavell and Kevin here uh to provide a presentation uh for you however Commissioners we can also uh just we're we also here just to accept uh any questions that uh you may have for us as well so with that Mr chairman we're recommending options one two and three and we're happy to take any questions you might have we have no speakers on this item thank you Mr County Administrator um do we have a motion commissioner command I'll move staff recommendations options 1 two and three all right we got a motion and a second by commissioner Cummings we're in discussion or well I guess we can play this um do you guys have a presentation only if uh requested by the board we're ready for it but we're happy to answer any questions if anybody would like a presentation let me know if we're okay we can go right into discussion comments uh commissioner caban you are in the queue I honestly have no comments um I read I read the report very thorough um I think we've heard several times this year um the the actions and um and efforts by our Leon County team and for that I am thankful thank you commissioner command commissioner thank you Mr chair um I don't think it could be said enough uh what an amazing job our team does um for Emergency Management in what feels like year after year of increasing rare uh storm and disaster events um and I want to give you a a big a big thank you for doing these detailed reviews and after action reports that allow you to only not only build um on what you do but to really continue to be leaders in the field so thank thank you um and at every opportunity I think we just continue to say thank you for that perfectly said commissioner O'Keefe commissioner Cummings uh thank you uh Mr chair uh this is a a great detailed uh report it gives us all the statistics it also uh looks forward in in uh to changes that the organization has projected to make to make it a a better uh more smooth operation but uh being involved uh with with the last hurricanes last year I certainly uh appreciate more uh and applaud all the communication the coordination um common radio stations uh including the National Weather Service uh that Mr Peters and our County Administrator all those Emergency Management individuals uh coordinate uh I was able to sitting on some of those during the last hurricane uh at the emergency center on some of those calls I mean it's it's amazing even with the National Weather Service online with those calls to make sure our citizens are informed make sure we're informed about the status of the weather so I can um say nothing but accolades of Mr County Administrator Mr Peters and all those uh and the coordination with Leon County Schools the Red Cross I mean it's just such a a major operation but it's all designed to keep us informed and to uh protect our citizen but I I just have a couple of questions Mr um uh Mr chair in in reading the report and and um the pro projected ch changes to make the operations um uh better I noticed that uh and I looked at uh all the costs that were incurred and and all the debris that was removed um but but my question uh relates to uh the power outages and I know we don't own the the power company Talquin or the city of Tallahassee electrical service but a lot of the the loss related to loss of electricity some uh some individuals for days and you know weeks um that resulted in the spoilage of food uh having to go to hotels to live be this place from the homes now I know that there is Federal grant funds to assist uh states and cities municipalities with transitioning from overhead electrical lines to under underground bearing the electrical lines so um my question Mr County Administrator maybe to staff um do we know if the city has a major plan or if there have been um applications for Grants uh to transition a certain percentage of the overall electrical of the overhead electrical lines to uh to bury those lines and well I'll if I can get answer to that question then I'll do my followup question sure um Mr chairman and again I'll just hit it at the very high level uh again I can I can tell you that the city does do a very good job with respect to evaluating their system in terms of of continuity uh which is their most important thing so what you see a lot of times with new development is they are doing underground a lot of times with your older development they are keeping it underground again with as they evaluate again the the resiliencies of their own systems including the fact that over on top of the ground the overhead wires are in many cases uh easier to repair than than the undergrounds they're making those determinations however I know they look very closely at it I couldn't speak to it beyond that oh thank you um Mr County Administrator and then my my other question is since there are Grant programs with would um is there an opportunity perhaps for uh the county to um maybe partner with the city I'm not sure if since we're not a utility if we would be uh eligible to even apply uh for those grants and I say that because you know we love our trees and so we're not going to remove our trees but trees on the power lines um I I think contributed to to a lot of the issues you know that that we have during the storms uh and the hurricanes and so in those trees are in the county in our in our uh uh jurisdiction as as as well as as the cities um but I guess my my question overall is is there I know Miss County Administrator cannot speak for the city but uh is it possible to we start discussions uh with the city maybe partnership with the city if we could apply for Grants and perhaps turn those funds over to the city to uh in in especially in areas in the city that's dense you know very heavily populated to reduce some of the devastation with the trees on power lines and and what have you uh and curtail some of the power outages and and losses that we incur during these during the uh during the storms and hurricanes Mr chairman we do a an awful lot of of vulnerability assessment countywide with the city which is very good because kind of irrespective of jurisdiction we look at our community vulnerabilities and do identify uh grant opportunities and that sort of thing that said for the utility grant funding the eligible recipients uh are and applicants are the utilities that's what I thought okay thank you thank you for that response Mr County Administrator thank you Mr chair thank you commissioner Cummings um any other discussion I just wanted to add you know these reports are are great and and Kevin and Matt and you guys and all your your staff really do a remarkable job and the after action reports while beneficial to us we probably have a little more knowledge about what goes on than the average person and um these are great for the general public to look and really see what goes into uh preparation and response in regards to the numerous storms we now face there's an article in the tal Democrat this morning I think about this report uh so there's a lot of great information in here and it really is a testament to the work that we do here at the county running that Operation Center and you know responding to these storms so thank you um seeing no other the discussion we have a motion from commissioner caban and seconded by commissioner comings for staff recommendations all those in favor signify by saying I I I I all opposed none it's passes six uh you you're in favor I yes ma'am uh so all oppose there's no no oppose and commissioner madx is out of chamber so 60 did he just come back in commissioner Max you good I agre so we have a show commissioner Maddox in favor of Staff recommendations unanimous uh Mr County Administrator next item thank you Mr chairman Commissioners this item item number 20 uh seeks the board's approval to award three-year grant funding uh agreements to five of the tourism Legacy Grant events for fiscal years 25 through 27 Springtime Tallahassee Le Moine uh chain of parks Art Festival Market Days ASG Capital Cup and the Florida state Invitational uh Tottenham so uh we've got uh again the item before you uh has a fiscal impact adequate funds of course are are budgeted and participated in this case um all of these programs have gone through uh the the uh the the program evaluations as established uh by the board and again we're recommending uh the the award of the agreements before you uh I know that car's here I do not have any uh speaker cards on this item but we are happy to answer any questions you might have Mr chair move option one second okay thank you we've got a motion from commissioner Miner and a second from commissioner o'keef we're in discussion Mr chair yes sir commiss Maddox thank you um Carrie how you doing uh so we just recently had a phenomenal event uh held at Cascade Park um with arly with T Paint the very next day there was supposed to be an event uh at Civic Center that featured mun long and Jeezy I was excited about that by the way um you know I was wondering one of the things that we we that we I think we could do here I'm not sure it's something that that that's in your camp but it's something I would like for us to brainstorm around how do we do it you know we're not a huge market for big shows and I'm wondering how do we get there you know the the shows that that that may go to a larger market let's say like in Atlanta or you know at Charlotte or or somewhere like that we we kind of get those shows but we don't really get as many of those shows and so if you can talk to me a little bit about um and I and I know it's probably because those markets are bigger and the facilities are bigger how do we how do we move to a place where maybe when FSU finishes their Stadium or maybe a a um a uh renovation of the Civic Center Acoustics or something like that how you know how far are we from and what what do we need to be able to attract those types of shows on a on a on a more regular basis Miss post thank you um good evening um thank you commissioner it's really venue based is really what it boils down to is having the venue whether it's an outdoor venue or or just more of a seated like a stadium I think really what you're looking at for the larger shows do would be a perfect example once they do finish the renovations to allow us to go after these bigger Stadium or Arena shows because that's really what it boils down to as far as the other like major artists it's difficult from a price point because we just don't have the seats right to be able to pay the artist fees and and not have a ticket that's you know $500 so it really is the venue I think can get us closer to what you're looking for and that's that's what I was going to ask do do does our um citizenry have the discretionary income to to really afford those types of shows to get enough of our folks there that make it worth um show those types of shows are those artists coming here from a local market perspective you're absolutely right we're limited here and as you know tallas Leon countyy is kind of an island right you know because we don't have a lot of other major cities to draw from to come here but that's the good thing about for us is we Market the shows out of Market to get them to come here but to your point we would have a larger market to afford more the higher ticket shows if we literally had more communities around us so if you had to assess if you had to assess our um ability to attract Talent would you say that we're if you had to I don't I mean I don't know how they classify themselves but you had major mid major smaller acts would you say we're kind of more in that on a constant basis me and able to attract that that mid major that's that's trying to ascend themselves to that next level or can we can we get those major acts in town that draw a lot of people well I'd say we have a sweet spot for sure of like the type of artist because again the artist wants to come to for the for the venue and and obviously the ticket sales that support it but I I'd say we're probably midrange um in that I would argue that t pay was a major oh definely you know I mean so we're bringing in our Earth Wind and Fire but to your point the arena shows the big arena shows are absolutely driven by venue so we have a little bit of time on that and it's not just just recording artist I'm talking about comedy shows the orators and and of the likes you know so um that's something I you know it could be a 5 year 10 year thing that we're looking at but it's something I really am interested in us really um trying to to figure out how do we get there because I think you know Leon County is a great place to raise kids you know it's if if you're it's a great great place to have a profession great place to live um but I think especially for that I would say 35 to let's say 55 range that that are really looking for those I say young professionals or mid you know mid middleaged professionals that are looking for those experiences that they might get in an Atlanta or or Savannah uh or even a Jacksonville um if we could if we could get more of those here I think it would make it would make us even more attractive for those folks not only to live here and raise their children here but to also have a good time here and I and I do let me say this Mr chair and I I'll I'll give the mic back over I appreciate the efforts that we are making because we do have the Earth wining fires the Charlie Wilson the T payes which is huge for us um boys and men I think came so we do make the efforts it's just you know I would like to see it more often you know there are there are markets where every month you got somebody big coming in town with us you know it could be every few months you know once twice a year you know that the major major action coming in that that we have and I just like to see it more regular and I know it's going to take some effort it's going to take some time but I want to commit to that if we can thank you Mr chair thank you commissioner Maddox thank you commissioner Maddox uh I think what you're trying to say is you want to get Taylor Swift to come to no I was trying to get out trying to get Outcast here for years now not performing anymore I you you know what I'm saying I was excited uh Miss post about Allison Krauss um which is basically the greatest Bluegrass singer in America today coming uh in April so that's I'll be at that one for sure um any other discussion Commissioners or comments uh Madam immediate past chair coming thank you Mr chair uh I just want to well of course I'm in support of Staff recommendation but since we um we were talking about tourism dollars and and I guess attractions coming uh to the city of Tallahassee I think I tourism people do a great job uh this doesn't Chronicle all the millions that have uh I think it's probably over a billion over the last five years right in tourism dollars that have come in to Leon County we're on track to reach our our $5 billion doll goal we're actually pacing very very well yes and a lot of it is very event driven events are great motivators for travel absolutely absolutely so I just want to commend uh Mr post uh for the great job that she does and also for all the events uh that she scheduled doing our B Centennial this last year I mean we just had a great time with all the events and um under her leadership uh in conjunction with the city as well and we had our culminating event um last last month which was which was just a great weekend so I just appreciate her leadership and I'm asking if the commission would join me in and and giving her a round of applause for all the hard work she did thank total team effort doing our by Centennial maybe you get a little bit more rest in 2025 than you did in 2024 now we're ramping up for world's cross country but thank you for that thought thank you that's all I thank you commissioner Cummings I was going to give you a shout out commissioner proor for repping us on the TDC anyway but I see you're in the queue you are recognized yeah I was going to ask uh Miss post good evening uh if you would share for the good of the uh order uh our final closeout activities for the Celebration by Centennial and just that it might be posited with in our hearing thank you very much commission appreciate that opportunity um as you know we are still you know ambitious from the beginning and we are festive till the end we're going all the way to New Year's Eve um Miss Big B because of course on December 29th is Leon County's 200th anniversary so again we're going to stretch it all the way out to New Year's there are several events that are taking place this month um again through Goodwood movie showings I mean all kinds of we had our Bicentennial floa in the Winterfest parade we were way in the back you guys were way up front we were way in the back you all weren't behind the horses though no we were not we were not behind the horses um but again we will culminate um the end of the year will be over 200 events this entire year but again New Year's Eve is really the big kickoff if I may um have the opportunity to invite any of you all all of you if you would like to come and speak at the New Year's Eve event that's really the big blowout for the bicentennial thank very good thank you very much thank you Mr chairman thank you commissioner Proctor thank you Miss post uh we appreciate all you do and and you are the queen of the anniversaries so you know stick around for another 100 years um uh so we have a motion by commissioner Miner and a second from commissioner O'Keefe for staff recommendations uh seeing no further discussion all those in favor signify by saying I I I all opposed passes unanimously we are on to item 21 Mr County Administrator thank you chairman Commissioners uh this item item 21 seeks your appointment of Commissioners to authorities boards committees Endor councils uh we have uh we're seeking your appointment of Commissioners to the affordable housing advisory committee the appach regional planning Council the Canopy Roads committee the CSC and the lcda with that Mr chairman I'll hand it back to you to facilitate the votes thank you Mr administrator we're going to uh if you guys are okay with we'll take these one by one uh the first one up is um affordable housing advisory committee I I would I think that what we should do is sort of ask the current sitting members if they what their preference is um that would be my suggestion unless someone has a better idea uh so commissioner Maddox you're first up on affordable housing advisory committee is that something you want to remain on or okay um okay so we have can we miss Madam County attorney can we take can we move these one by one okay so we have a motion on uh commissioner Maddox staying on affordable housing advisory council do we have a second I move second for commissioner Miner okay uh so we uh motion from commissioner Comm command second from commissioner Miner any discussion yes discussion commissioner O'Keefe thank you Mr chair um and this um really is general for all but it's the first opportunity to on the appointments and is um uh I know that um all of our commissioners who serve on these commissions or committees do an excellent job representing Us in the community just as they do on this de um and while having long serving members on the different uh uh boards gives individual expertise I want to put out there that as we think about the the other appointments um putting rotating may have two benefits one of perhaps bringing a different perspective to a board and two allowing Commissioners to have a more broad experience of getting in to each Community issue over their term just wanted to pitch that uh this uh but and fully support reappointing commissioner Maddox um as he's done a great job this is more General okay uh thank you commissioner O'Keefe I think that I I totally appreciate your your points there I just think that from an order perspective uh I would suggest that if there is a commissioner who feels strongly that they would like to replace another commissioner just offer that to the board and then uh you know the sitting commissioner can sort of make the decision about whether to capitulate um and and let someone else try that or not so uh first right of refusal so to speak so uh we've got a motion and a second for commissioner madx to maintain that one uh all those in favor signify by saying I I I all opposed showing it passes unanimously now we're on appalache Regional planning Council currently that is commissioner Miner commissioner Miner what's your pleasure uh Mr chair I'd like to serve another term so move a second second Okay so we've got a motion from commissioner Maddox and a second from commissioner Cummings to reappoint commissioner Miner to the appalache regional planning council is there any discussion seeing none all those in favor signify by saying I all opposed showing none it passes unanimously we are now on to the Canopy Roads citizens committee currently commissioner O'Keefe that is your seat uh what do you feel about that um I'd like to open it up to anybody I I like serving it's an important issue but um I don't need to be the only tree person uh on the commission so anyone interested uh it's a great service to do okay is there are there any Commissioners that have a a passion for Canopy Road citizens committee at this point in time seeing none commissioner O'Keefe it feels like you are the default uh member of the CRC committee are you okay with that uh yes how you can say no I I can say no but uh I'll move appointment commissioner o'keef to the Canopy Road citizens commission thank you commissioner means is there a second second second commissioner command uh commissioner o'keef uh appointment to reappointment to Canopy Road citizens advisory committee any discussion seeing none all those in favor signify by saying I I I I'll oppose no none showing it passes unanimously we are now on to the Children's Services Council of Leon County that's a four-year term currently uh being filled by commissioner Cummings um I will entertain motions I move commissioner Cummings be reappointed to the Children's Services Council okay so we have a motion from commissioner Proctor and a second from commissioner Miner to reappoint commissioner Cummings to the Children's Services Council you're happy with that thank you commissioner Cummings I think you've done a great job representing us over there uh all those in favor signify by saying I I I I'll oppose showing none passes unanimously and the last one is the Leon County research and development Authority commissioner Miner is the current appointee this is another four-year term I know you were fulfilling a term commissioner Miner would you like to be reappointed Mr cheriff it's the will of the board I would like to serve other ter okay all right outstanding we've got a motion from commissioner caban second from commissioner Maddox for to reappoint commissioner Miner to the LCR da for a four-year term all those in favor signify by saying I I I all opposed show it passes unanimously I believe that satisfies the item commission uh M Mr County Administrator Madam County Administrator Mr County Administrator next item thank you Mr chairman Commissioners item number 22 seeks the board's full appointments for uh appointments of citizens this time for the audit advisory committee the Canopy Road citizen committee and The Joint City County bicing bicycling work group Commissioners we have no speakers on this item and Mr chair I'll hand it back to you to facilitate the votes thank you Mr County Administrator we'll start with same way option one uh we've got uh two citizens applying for staff recommendation well I guess we'll take take a motion I so move to appoint Jeffrey KES Valerie peacock to the audit committee okay we got a motion is there a second second okay motion from commissioner o'keef second from commissioner Proctor on staff recommendation for option one any discussion seeing none all those in favor signify by saying I I all opposed show it passes unanimously we are on uh option number two under staff recommendation uh two citizens to the Canopy Road citizens committee I'll entertain a motion Mr chair I move staff recommendation option two okay we've got a motion uh from commissioner second from commissioner Miner four staff recommendation option two any discussion all those in favor signify by saying I I all opposed show it passes unanimously we are on option three chairman I move uh reappoint to the Joint cycle committee Justin po Eric Draper and Robert firin we have okay we have a motion from commissioner O'Keefe and a second from commissioner Cummings for staff recommendation option three is there any discussion seeing none all those in favor signify by saying I I all opposed show it passes unanimously and we are on option four lastly uh app point one citizens to the bicycling work group any motions uh M Mr chair I move staff recommendation option four I second we have a motion from commissioner Cummings and a second from commissioner O'Keefe for staff recommendation option four uh all those in favor say well is there any discussion seeing none all those in favor signify by saying I I I and we have no opposition show it passes unanimously uh and that is the completion of our general business I believe we've got uh I'll ask the board what's your pleasure we've got 45 minutes until our um until our public hearings do you want to recess now take a little break or do you want to maybe hear from the County Administrator County attorney before we have our public hearing and then go into commissioner discussion I think there may be some some conversations and commissioner discussion so I don't think we move on that's my my opinion you want to go okay items for discussion can we um can we go ahead to count items from County Administrator and items from County attorney thank you Mr chair um just want to give a shout out to the attorneys and staff in the county attorney's office uh they do Yan's work day in and day out uh they do a fantastic job they make me look good uh and they really are fantastic professionals to work with uh also just want to thank um Vince and the rest of uh County staff for great working relationships thank the board for its leadership and wish everyone a wonderful holiday thank you madam County attorney uh Mr County Administrator wow we we didn't even coordinate uh Mr chairman I just I seldom do this because we've got so much really exceptional work going on all the time with County staff but I did tonight just wanted uh you know have a a special recognition given the courthouse uh dedication and all that went into that uh to Matt and Kiana Gilly Kiana emphasis added and our facility staff and all that went into that to say it was a su success um is really an understatement and so many of our stakeholders um in the Judiciary just couldn't have been happier about it we couldn't have been more honored to be a part of it so with that I just wanted to give really Matt and and Kiana especially who was our Point person um and our facility staff of course just a you know extra kudos for that work also Commissioners happy holidays thank you thank you Mr County Administrator um we've got 15 minutes y'all if there are uh commissioner discussion items that we can get through quickly uh we can maybe get through some of us then break at 5:30 and come back and do the rest after our public hearing so uh commissioner Maddox Mr chair happy holidays you're doing a great job running this meeting thank you commiss Maddox I appreciate it I've been checking out your bling all night man I'm wondering what that is looks like it looks like something important you know what I'm saying and then I know yeah I I knew he would probably he was wearing his tonight um and commissioner Cummings I've been looking at your wre earings all night too and they're magnificent uh uh thank you Mr chair I just want to Echo uh the County Administrator in uh give accul to staff for that outstanding dedication of the courthouse to uh judge Augustus aens I've heard from a lot of the judges as well and they just um really enjoyed it it just went very very SM mov so ke and Matt County Administrator and all of you guys it was it was just a beautiful occasion for any of us that there weren't able to attend uh and I also just I want to St uh thank the uh members of Public Works that invited us to their Thanksgiving luncheon it it was really nice really enjoyed it and looking forward to the Christmas luncheon as well uh but this is our last meeting of the year and I certainly want to um wish all the Commissioners and staff and those here A Merry Christmas and certainly a happy and prosperous new year thank you great meeting thank you commissioner Cummings commissioner Keef you want to go now or wait quick ones perfect um I'd like to request a proclamation recognized in January 19th to 25th as certified registered nurse an anesthetic week uh it's a request made by the Florida Association of nurse anesthesiology there are 60,000 practicing nurse anesthetic who provide this service to patients in us and armed services um and I'd like to recognize that second all right we've got a motion for commissioner o second from commissioner Miner for uh Proclamation for uh CER for nurse anist week uh all those in favor signify by saying I I I I'll oppose passes unanimously awesome thank you also I want to invite everybody to the longest table Memorial and fundraiser at the Kerney Center um this is going to be Saturday December 21st from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. at the Kerney center it's going to have a free community dinner where they're going to recognize all their our UNH housee neighbors who died over the past year it's a very uh touching event um I also am excited uh and want to invite everybody to the St Mark's trail head opening on Thursday December 12th at 10:00 a.m. and finally I would like to request that Alison cross play when you say nothing at all cuz that's my wedding song and I'm was a little offended cuz you say it best when you say nothing at all that's really what my wife said um so happy merry Christmas everybody thank you commissioner Keef this is going to maybe freak you out but that was also my first Dance at My Wedding the same song wow yeah yeah I thought the same thing like wow maybe I should stop talking um well you know hearing that song repeatedly causes you to lose your hair just wanted to say that sorry where that came from I'll quick you're right I'm I'm going too um I'm right behind you guys um quick update on the fa legislative conference that we had last week um the uh fa membership uh by unanimous vote um approved the proposal to ask the State of Florida to join the southern rail commission so that was that is now a legislative priority for 2025 for the Florida Association of counties I want to thank everybody here for your support on that that uh it makes a difference uh the next major step for us in this is to um uh work with a House member and and a state senate member to get a joint resolution proposed in both Chambers hopefully work through the legislative session to get that resolution adopted and then signed by the governor that's basically all required to have the State of Florida initiate the process for joining the southern rail commission then what once that happens the SRC would vote to approve and then each of the three legislators of the existing States Alabama Louisiana and Mississippi would then approve then so it's a multi-step process but the first step is is is well underway so I just want to thank everybody for their help on that um next thing I just I this is the last County Commission meeting we have for 2024 just wanted to uh wish everybody a happy 200th for Leon County and Tallahassee it's been quite a year and as Miss post uh and commissioner Proctor recognized I mean it's been a incredible year of events a lot of hard work but uh it Leon County in Tass you're worth celebrating so thanks to to miss post and your team and everybody in the county and City for uh for organizing those events um next I I wanted to uh you know in the fall and I were at a meeting with some other County staff and some citizens from a group that had met with us a few days ago and we heard yet again how amazing our County staff is to work with and uh I'm not going to mention the the people that said it to us but uh we hear this all the time how incredible uh how how incredibly talented our staff are how dedicated they are how much they care about this community and show it and we say that here a lot on on the Das but I just want to say it one more time as we close 2024 out I we can't be too grateful for everything that that everybody in Leon County does you all are the best and uh every single day I'm I'm proud to be working with every single one of you so thank you for everything you do it means a lot we see it all the time around around uh the community how much people appreciate the work that you do I just want to pass that on um finally just wanted to uh wish everybody happy holidays Merry Christmas uh Happy New Year and we'll see you all at the new year event that this post is organizing thank you Mr chair thank you commissioner Miner we're going to hop back to the vice chair if that's okay with you commissioner Proctor um commissioner command thank you Mr chair um I do have some business to discuss um but before that um I I was in in the back using the restroom did anyone give an early uh birthday shout out to commissioner Maddox yet yet well tomorrow's your birthday right yeah happy early birthday commissioner thank you appreciate um next over the weekend I spent some time in in Bradfordville and uh commissioner uh I'm sorry uh Mr chair Welch's uh district and uh I do want to give you some kudos to some of the the infrastructure work um the sidewalks the lights um the the the work that's being done up there is great um however uh not to get commissioner Proctor going but um commissioner command you going to be able to get this done by 5:30 I am okay so I think that when you look at Bradfordville and you look at North Leon County you look at Woodville I think there's some clear um infr infrastructure discrepancies as far as like you know what the standard is and as far as our timelines and and where we are going as a board and so um ultimately I want to get to place where we have some sidewalk projects better lighting and Road improvements in Woodville but to start I I would like to uh make a motion to direct staff to do a traffic and and and safety study on Woodville highway from county line to Capital Circle Southwest and Oakridge Road from Taff Road to Crawfordville highway with a specification of vehicle and pedestrian safety second all right um a motion for traffic and safety study on Woodville highway from county line to Capital Circle Southwest and Oakridge Road from Taff Road to Crawfordville highway with a specification of vehicle and pedestrian safety where's Taff Road Taff Road is the the far um it goes north to south on the east side of um if you take oakd Road East yeah okay all right we've got a motion and uh from commissioner command for a traffic study in a second from commissioner Proctor uh any discussion uh commissioner o'keef thank you Mr chair um this is absolutely a critical issue um my my only objection here is uh we have an item coming back for uh pedestrian safety initiatives that we can bring new initiatives too and that was based on uh two fatalities on Highway 27 in Capital Circle in the period of 3 weeks and so um I think uh I would absolutely support this I'd ask that it'd be amended to include Highway 27 uh from Capital Circle uh out east for four miles what uh commissioner caban how do you feel about that uh I have no problem including the motion my much my for point of order is just maybe just you also do a motion if it's okay with the chair just to to do bate those commissioner what say if if you don't mind me making a motion yeah out of yeah that's fine we can come back to you go with that yes sir go ahead cool so we've got a we have a motion uh from commissioner caban who was the second commissioner Proctor um all those in favor signify by saying I I I all opposed passes unanimously commissioner command that's that's it yep Merry Christmas everyone happy holiday is hope you have a great break and I'm looking forward to seeing you all um at The Retreat I believe is our next meeting in January right January 27th I think is our Retreat yep and then the 28th is our meeting where's do we have a location for that is at the Bradfordville Country Store venue Bradley's not Brad Bradley's Bradley's Bradley's Country Store they've got a new cell tower out there it's great you guys um commissioner Keef will come back to you for your motion is that is that okay with you after or now we'll knock it out right now uh Mr chair I move that we do a have staff do a traffic and safety study for vehicle and pedestrians from the intersection of Capital Circle and Highway 27 Eastward for 5 miles second okay so we have a uh we have a motion from commissioner o'keef a second from Vice chair command do you guys need any more clarification on that no just we're keeping track of the segments because some of these segments may or may not be County Roads and so in which cases we would just coordinate to our extent with fdot and whoever else we certainly we'll do we'll keep you posted along the way is that enough information we've got we've got what we all right we have a motion in a second uh any discussion all those in favor signify by saying I I I I all opposed show it passes unanimously um okay commissioner Pro you okay if we wait till after sure um after our recess so we are going to recess until uh 6 p.m. for our public hearings [Music]