##VIDEO ID:0Ysdw-kNrNo## I would like to everyone rise for the Pledge of Allegiance okay roll call Miss Choice Mr gr Mr Mista Miss Molina yeah Mr Park Mr zepa miss the SEO Miss Thompson Miss Melman and miss here we have a quorum I would like to uh introduce the newly elected board member Mr Grow welcome and our new uh and our two reelected board members Miss Choy and Miss Thompson welcome back with that being said we'll we'll go to the the front of the um cafeteria we'll do the oath which you got um all three of you have in front of you we'll present it and then we'll take 5 10 minutes and you can take pictures with your family for those that have family present for for for what and then um Dr G do you want to take five 10 minutes break now or do you want to do it during so we'll take a a brief a three minute break for a family photo with the Thompson family to to memorialize this moment we also take with Mr Park and his son memorialize this moment because he's here and then we'll we'll reconvene in a second so a quick little photo time for the Thompson and park families e on okay we'll try we'll try just for him oh yeah yeah that's better yeah that's better oo all right welcome everyone back uh before we get on to the next agenda item which is 1.5 election of the board president I just wanted to um for the record um State the announcement of the compliance with the Sunshine Law and reading of the notice uh tonight's adequate notice of tonight's meeting has been provided in accordance with the with the open public meetings act by the following methods distribution of the notice to the record as well as posting of the agenda on the school district website and through parents Square as well as um in attendance is our superintendent of schools Dr gadens our assistant superintendent of schools Dr caramanos we also have pres tonight the board attorney Mr lafera as well as our two student refs Renee Kim and danan Kim welcome so the next item is the election of the board president uh be before we start um since we have a new elected board member um just to kind of go over the process um everyone can all board members um are allowed to to nominate a member um to serve as the board president after all nominations have been made nominations will be closed and then we'll go around to do a roll call vote of who uh you you select to vote for board president for next year with that being said uh I did receive a nomination from Miss Melman as well as Miss Troy via the email today to nominate Mr Lee for board president so I will go around if there's any other nominations for board president with that being said uh nominations are closed now we'll go around to do the Roll Call Vote or miss the Le Miss Choy Mr gr Dr Meer Miss Molina Mr Park Mr SEO Mr Johson Miss nelman and Mr yes president now congratulations President Lee for another term serving on the board president thank you and now I'll turn over the meeting to the board president thank you all thank you all for your vot of confidence uh for another year it's been great serving and working with with you all um so that brings us to item number 1.6 election of a board vice president so we'll go through the same process we'll take nominations for um for vice president um we do have Miss Melman presid that just uh there was a nomination for Miss Melman from uh Miss Choy to um she nominated Miss Melman for vice president and that was also email today thank you um so do we do the vote first or do we ask for other nominations okay um if anyone else has any other nominations um floor is open to accept nominations for the position of Vice President okay seeing none can we have roll call for the nomination for Miss M vice president Miss Troy Mr gr yes Dr Meer yes Miss Molina yeah Mr Park Mr Sega Miss Thompson um Miss Melman and president Le yes we have vice president miss Melman you all right so that brings us to item 1.7 public comments regarding agenda items only anyone from the public wishing to speak please St up to the podium provide your name and address yes we always have one Arthur in the audience okay seeing no members from the public we'll move on to board member comments any board member comments I actually do have some comments I'll make try to make it brief um but I do want to after you know completion of 2024 and moving into 2025 um I do want to thank all all our our board members that are here today and and fellow board members that completed their terms previously um for all the hard work that you put in you know I think I said it any my emails typically unrecognized um and really misunderstood the amount of work that we put in uh to help the school district function as well as it does I mean it's not only our work obviously um I also thank the student reps that are here tonight and and um to Chan who can't be here uh a lot of our a lot of my thanks also go to the board office Dr Gat Dr caramanos um Mr Mr Thomas Sage Mr Samuel um all the staff at the board office who helped make this evening happen um and all the business of the school district happen and obviously all the supervisors administrators in schools the maintenance staff and absolutely uh the teachers um our students might change from year to year but our teachers are typically very consistent um they are you know they are the backbone of the school district and they help us to survive and be as successful as we are um I also want to thank all the students that we have Arthur um and and the families that support us the families that support their students uh both here and in Edgewater um and also to the general public um we thank you for all the trust that's put into us as board members um to help guide the school district you know to to the success that it does that it experiences today um looking ahead to 2025 a couple of the big things that we're looking forward to are the completion of the Strategic plan um and then any of the changes that will come with our new principal at ACS maggiea so we're very happy to have her here and looking forward to to the impact that she'll have with us um and then finally um last year was our first full year with Dr Gates um I have to say that I think the last year was was I couldn't have asked for a smoother first year um in terms of um by way of trans transitions probably as smooth as it could have possibly been so I really do thank you and I thank that the team that you have around you for all the work and adapting uh to help welcome you and and adapt to your management style and Leadership um it's been a welcome uh change for the school district so I really really appreciate it um and with all that I am looking forward to even more in 2025 uh working with all all the board members and our student reps and uh looking forward to to great things for this year coming EV thank you any other board comments seeing um we do not have any public presentations tonight that brings us to our student representative comments any comments from our student reps okay and that brings us to approval of consent agenda items items item 3.1 can I have a motion in a second Dr Meer in a second Thompson um okay any items to be pulled for discussion okay see none can we Ru call please miss Choy Mr Grow Dr me Miss Molina yeah Miss T Park Miss SEO Miss Thompson vice president Melman and president Lee Yes motion carries on consent items thank you uh that brings us to administrative reports Dr G evening everyone want to welcome Mr Grow to the to the board welcome back Miss Thompson Miss Troy are returning board members we are we are very fortunate to have you here in Leonia I will forego as we do during the reorg meeting I will forgo my official report we will meet in two weeks on the 21st and I'll speak more about 24 25 and where we're going for the the uh rest of the school year but I will forego all of that um also tonight we do not need to go into an executive session I have nothing to share at that point so we will continue on with the agenda once we get to personnel okay brings us to the next item Mr tomich yeah I'll also make it um short um just an update budget calendar um it has been released by the state there has been no changes to what was um provided to the full board so as expected March 11th board meeting will be the tenative budget and May 6th board meeting will be the public hearing um there's two adress additional items uh Financial disclosure statement are now available to be completed so for all board members and key employees it's required to be completed by April 30th emails will be sent out by the end of this week with instructions on on how to complete them all newly elected board members Mr gr uh you have uh 30 days from taking office so we'll we'll send you out an email going over what you need to complete for that um the next item the last item is the mandated board board member training um that will be scheduled over the next few weeks for all board members as far as what's you know what's required for this year um and with that being said for the new new board member Mr Grow uh there's a time frame 90 days in general all previous uh board members it's till the end of the year um and with that being said I just wanted to thank all board members for completing their required training for 2024 so everyone was compliant thank you okay thank you very much okay that brings us to new business um item 10 yeah so so new yes so new there's two new business okay we have got two items under new business uh we will be voting on item 10.3 can I have a motion in a second motion Mr seel second Mr Park um any items for discussion okay seeing on can we a roll call please Miss Troy yeah Mr Grow Dr Meer Miss Molina yeah Miss par Miss SEO Miss Thompson vice president Melman yes and president Lee yes motion carries on new business thank you okay we that brings us to public comment session number two regarding non-agenda items anyone from the public wishing to speak on any non-agenda items please step to the podium provide your name and address might have to make it mandatory tonight okay seeing seeing none uh that bring brings us to oh sorry uh that brings us to board comments any board comments on non-agenda items you from the board thank you any other board comments okay seeing none that brings us to personnel and can we have a motion and a second on items 14 point can we we can combine um can I have a motion and a second on items 14.1 and 14.2 motion M Thompson in a second Dr eer um any we can't discuss because it was our Personnel um roll call please miss Choy Mr de gr Dr Meer yeah Miss Molina yeah Mr Park Mr SEO Miss Thompson vice president Melman and president Lee Yes motion carries on personel 14.1 and 14.2 thank you and Arthur I hate to do this I know you wanted a show but I'm going to take a motion for adjournment motion motion Dr Miser in a second please Mr SEL all in favor any oppose or extensions okay meeting is Jour 7:22 p.m. aord a oh that's Co oh my God right