##VIDEO ID:G2K5ugr7P9M## of Education to order um adequate notice of tonight's meeting has been provided in accordance with the open public meetings act by the following methods distribution of notice to the record posting of the agenda on the school district website and through parents Square everyone please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance Mr Thomas can we the roll call please Miss Troy yeah Dr Misa Miss Molina here missar here missa Miss SEO Miss Thompson Miss Wilds vice president Melman and president Lee here we have a Corum thank you and I did receive prior notice from Dr Meer and Mr SEL as well as our student representative Miss Kim in terms of their absence tonight and also I would like to acknowledge our superintendent of schools Dr gadens is also president president as well as our assistant superintendent of schools Dr caramanos as well as our two student reps chenung and danan Kim and our board attorney is also pres sorry for cutting you off um so I did receive communication from Dr Meer Mr SEL in terms of their absence as well as Miss Kim I'm our student representative I believe Mr ZKA may be on his way still sorry just a second please um we're going to switch things up a little bit with the agenda it actually indicates currently that board members will comment first however typically we go with public comments regarding agenda items only anyone from the public wishing to speak about any items on the agenda um please come to the podium state your name and address and you'll have two minutes to speak Marthur uh the presentations are scheduled to come after all the comments but but just a reminder the comments are really they're only for items that are on the agenda Arthur's at125 reles I only have a couple of things because I've been had a very busy week uh the agenda the school uh bus emergency evacuation drill report when I looked at that I thought first it was just a form that you were qualifying but I down I saw there was partially filled out but it really doesn't tell you anything so I think it's in the the form is really weak and since you're having an emergency evacuation drill it really should be detailed such as not from 8:30 to 230 there probably a specific time they had it how long it took to evacuation there aren't problem it went well and how it went well so I think that that should be re want to look at that you're actually going to the trouble of having the report there should be information in it uh that documents how well or any problems that may have gone uh under board goals and District goals I think they're weak I think you need to review those I know you're going to prove them tonight but I think that they're not they're not really strong you really need to tackle things with with achievable goals goals and and and I know I know some of the things just we want to get things done like maintain a um the uh the balanced budget well every year Eric does that for the most part you're really not going to have an unbalanced budget so these are some of our our gimmies uh and I don't think they're very challenging but I think you should review them just my opinion and uh also I think that you ought to review and I will get into more detail at a few at a f a later meeting about getting I'm sorry it's not on the current agenda about I'll bring up in the second half it was on a on purchasing thank you thank you any other members from the public wishing to speak okay seeing none we will move on to the board member comments so just to real quickly regarding the bus evacuation drills we uh we have to find the balance between reporting that we've done the drill which is our due diligence for the state but then also we have to be thoughtful about listing the times and the places in which we have them from a security perspective that's that's why we're we hold off on that and just to add to Dr Gad that form is um established by the state so that's the state form that they require us to fill out and get board approval yeah and just for the record Mr zepo has joined us 7:35 any other board comments on agenda related items okay seeing none we will move on to the public presentations Dr Goods good it's good to see everybody how are you happy holidays we see some familiar faces and some new faces here we're delighted to have you here so we have a we have a a group of uh of plaques and recognitions to make tonight and I'd like to begin by recognizing Sue Dietrich of ACS who is identified as the 2024 New Jersey exemplary educator program she was nominated by Dr Martinez and I will read aloud some of what we have here we'll applaud we'll take a picture we have an award behind me we have some cake and we have some stuff there to do so I want to thank Sue Sue is a dedicated and hardworking member of ACS um when Dr Martinez was asked to identify a staff member who should be recognized for this she said Miss Dietrich in about a second and a half very obvious the goal of this program is to identify Educators who are valued by their school and community and have exhibited strong Knowledge and Skills an inspiring presence and a Clear Vision for Quality teaching and learning after rigorous selection process through gri has been chosen as a 2024 New Jersey Exemplar educator only 160 Educators in the entire State 160 in the entire State have risen to this standard now this was confidential until we received this letter it's no longer confidential now we're delighted to tell the public and I will close off by saying that the recipient has demonstrated exceptional teaching learning abilities and a positive impact on students colleagues and the school Community congratulations to sue Dietrich very nice so you come on up now we take the awkward photo we take pictures things are good 26 he's 26 still 26 so we're not done yet Sue is just wonderful and lovely and you have to have coffee and cake and bring some cookies home um the second item we have here we want to recognize board member noren Courtney wild congratulations Doren [Applause] and as we receive from the general assembly the we want to recognize we want to recognize Ms wild upon her retirement from a distinguished 12-year tenure of service Leonia School District during which she has earned the respect of her colleagues promoted excellence in achievement and among their students and shaped the development of thousands of children Miss wild has been a dedicated and hardworking member of the board uh an inveterate supporter of our schools our teachers of of the board itself um we have an opportunity for board comments later on so I'm sure the board will want to share some comments at that time but we are delighted for Norine for the work that she's done for us so we have a plaque and an awkward photo for her so let's take a picture Miss Wild [Applause] and um it does not list a third recipient on the board agenda tonight because if I did this person would not have come to the meeting we want to recognize Dr Maria Martinez for her 16 years of distinguished service to the public schools Leonia upon her retirement Maria we love you we are proud of you time for your photo come on up Maria [Applause] very [Applause] congratulations and then what we do is we celebrate and we have food and we have coffee and cake behind us so we'll take a 5 to 10 minute break everybody come on forward have a cup of coffee say hello celebrate the moment we'll reconvening about say 10 or 15 minutes or so so come on up [Music] folks she didn't cry she smile Santa okay she look like she's trying to [Laughter] SK he was such a nice guy it's like oh my God AR official's she holding a rubber chicken yeah it good I think so you know I have e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e what e e e e e e e e e e e e e for and okay Norine thank you for allowing us to celebrate with you today um thank you for the public joining us in that in that uh short celebration as well we will get back to business and we are at item two student representative comments uh that's regarding any any agenda related items no comments okay um so we'll move on to item number three approval of consent of consent agenda items can I have a motion and a second please okay Mr Park a second M Wilds okay any items to be pulled for discussion okay seeing none come we have roll call please miss Choy Miss Molina yes but abstaining from anything is yes Miss depar yes Miss Z zepa yes Miss Thompson Miss Wild vice president Melman and president Le yes motion carries on consent agenda item okay thank you U that brings up us to item 5.1 uh administrative reports Dr G thank you Mr Lee once again want to congratulate everyone this evening for their respective plaqu and thank Miss Wilds for her um her service on the board she's been nothing but welcoming to Mason superintendent school so thank you you will be missed very very fortunate to have you on the board um I'm required by the state to report the result of our J qac process is board may remember we had a qac process last year went through the district passed all required areas receive no are of improvement and or corrective action plan recommendation I want to thank Dr caramanos mrich for their hardworking helping to prepare that all of the administrative assistants all the staff members that did that instruction and program we scored at 86% those numbers are determined by the NJ dooe based upon test scores no one really gets a 100 there just as the board knows we were 100% for all curriculum updates fiscal management was 96% passing we had a dispute over submitted document timeline Ono on the record are saying we submitted it on time we showed the state that they just didn't correct it in time for their final results governance 100% operations 95% once again we submitted the document state didn't recognize it and Personnel 100% so uh qac is trienal it's every three years um it's basically the the state comes in and spends a good amount of time in the district going through all of our operations all of our practices and we did very very well so I want to thank everybody involved in that process um it's safe to say that it's the most high stakes event that we have right it's it's the qack cohorts that they they they Tremble When the state comes up and we did very well so thank you um few other things I want to have here um I want to thank uh thank congratulate ACS LMS and LHS for their winter concerts uh we had ACS last week we have LMS on Thursday night and LHS on the 19th we're grateful for the hard work of our music staff and the diligent preparation by our students lovely wonderful concerts um we want to congratulations to all the students who took part in our school play a murder is announced Dr caramanos and I along with several board members had a chance to catch it this past Saturday night it was a lot of fun um it's also taking place this upcoming weekend so please if you're home and you want to do something come down and see the limelighters they did a great job it was nice was we went on Saturday night and we got a two for one we got the chance to go to the tree lighting in town so we were very very happy to go show our support for our colleagues in the town and it was a very very nice evening um our student athletes are on the on the cusp of beginning their winter campaign so thank you to our leonal Lions out there in their respective Sports want once again thank uh Su detri education thank Miss Wallace for her 11 years of 12 years of service not 11 it was my mistake there Dr Martinez for her 16 years of service and on behalf of the school district I want to wish a happy holidays and a Happy New Year to all thank you very much thank you that brings us to item 5.2 Mr Thomas evich thank you president Lee um I have three items just to discuss uh asssa so the state requires the district to submit an asssa uh which is basically all the data of student enrollment resident enrollment which affects our state aid for next year's budget which was due December 6 so we filed that so just some things to kind of point out which the administration is monitoring onr numbers decrease about 88 students so those are students that are residents that are attending Leonia as well as any students that we're receiving from other leas as well as our resident number decreased about 60 students so um pretty much the resident is is the true um impact on on school state aid so that's something just to monitor you know to consider as we're preparing the budget uh how State Aid's going to come Out Come uh end of February the next item is the uh budget so pretty much the 2526 uh Department budget meetings are underway so all administrative teams we we sitting down with each department reviewing their budget needs and um wants and recommendations and then we'll further you know make those decisions and see how it in lines with the vision of of Dr gadens and Dr caramanos as well as within the budget constraints and then we'll bring it back to the finance and planning committee uh hopefully at the end of January beginning of February uh the last piece is the audit is pretty much in the process of being wrapped up by our independent Auditors and we have a meeting set up for this Thursday to kind of go over the recap as well as finaly the Surplus number which will bring to the finance and planning meeting as far as the overall impact any recommendations and the review that's it thank you that brings us to item six on agenda committee reports uh starting with our student Representatives hello good evening everyone and congratulations Miss um first of all uh the winter sports season started for the boys and girls basketball team swimming wrestling and the bowling team the Beer Club BL laders are hosting a production of a murderers announced and everyone's welcome to support and watch the show on December 13th at 7 p.m. and December 14th at 7 p.m. in the little theater and the Leonia high school student council is having a second annual Holiday Market at leonan high school this Saturday at December 14 12 to 4 p.m. and everyone is also welcome and there will also be a winner Sports pep rally on December 20th I'll take from this I'll take over so Leonia high school has implemented a new policy requiring students to use MinGa passes to access bathrooms this change was introduced to address issues of vandalism vaping and large Gatherings of students in the bathroom who are not using the facilities as intended on article and petition were were published by members of the student body highlighting con concerns related to these issues these actions reflect ongoing discussions and varied opinions within the with the student Community lastly since we are getting close to the winter break and the last meeting before the new year we help all students parents and faculty members are having a safe and far window break thank you thank you okay that brings us to our next committee the Board of Ed practices and principles yep we met on uh December 4th and we spent the majority of our meeting discussing the goal setting so we updated it based on the feedback from the board self- evaluation survey um if you see tonight um we approved the board and District goals and we spent a lot of time discussing um one of the goals that was um around gifted and talented in the district um so we kind of link that to the work being done with the strategic planning and then um as usual we went over all of our responsibilities um and roles for January thank you buildings and grounds true um yes we have yet to meet um we scheduled our next meeting is Wednesday December 18th thank you and education area thank you uh so the education committee met uh immediately proceeding this meeting we talked about a few different issues I guess first I'll I'll build on what himim was saying uh so the uh to focus on that GI and balance of goal B some the feedback we heard from families as part of the strategic planning uh the district will be contracting with an independent consultant who will do a a news assessment across the school district across all of our buildings uh as well as uh you know help us understand what the best practices are in uh districts that do this really well and understand any shortcomings uh that other districts have faced in implementing A Gifted and baled program so we're really excited that that aligns with the Strategic plan um and of course that's a a multi-year plan also you know we we spoke last time about uh the district thinking about what language to potentially add in the high school so the world languages survey has been deployed and we're eagerly awaiting the the results of that um and that'll be one one data point among among many in kind of consider consideration for the administrators about how to move forward with that uh and then the last thing I wanted to share is the district is working to understand the different resources and supports available across the district and in all the different buildings to inform our multi prepared systems of support did I get that AC a minut mcsf uh and so I think that'll be really helpful as you know potential provide our our teachers and other staff members uh a source of information when they're thinking well I have a challenge with a particular topic you know instead of having to really kind of wrap their brains they'll have a resource available to understand what what already exists in in the district that's it wonderful thank you very much next up is finance and planning which is myself um as you heard from Mr Thomas sevich a lot of the budgeting uh for the 2526 school year is coming up and most of the meetings that we will be holding will start in January um and will'll be pretty intense running through the submission of the budgets in May to the county so we have not met recently but we will be meeting frequently coming up soon um that leaves the policy committee uh Mr sigal is not here so Dr G give a brief report thank you Mr leis so on behalf of the policy committee I want to report that we met earlier this week um the we are waiting for a policy update from Shia Esme Shia Esme is the private firm that we work with what they do is they take a look at state regulations state code and they make any recommendations to policy that we have to have we're waiting for the most recent update um but we did discuss in the policy meeting we we discussed um the the current policy that the district has in place in regards to the collection of unpaid lunch money um and the the district is going to speak to Mr leira who is our board counsel he's here this evening and we want to see what uh what options we have in regards to um collecting those funds which are rather outstanding those policy update thank you okay moving along on the agenda that brings us to item 11 which is the second public comment period U this is a comment period for non-agenda related items anyone from the public wishing to speak anyone from the public wishing to speak please step up to the podium provide your name and address and you'll have two minutes to speak 25 relies I wasn't going to of course waste your time with a second uh comment but the gifted and talting comments really eat at me every kid in some way is gifted and talented in the wrong way and by using that term in the academic sense and I understand kids are all different some excel in some areas and exell in other areas you got to find another term that puts those kids on pedestals the detriment is not inclusive use the word GI down you want to be an inclusive school system you need to find a way of making everybody feel special and included in their own way I understand that there are differences academic differences some kids Excel and they need to be somehow no you know chosen to do whatever they do or placed into accelerated courses but I just hate that term and I really think you to work on it thank you anyone else from the public wishing to speak okay see we'll move on to board comments on non-agenda items so gifted and talented is actually a term used um required by the state of New Jersey um it is a term it is a statute that we are required to have a gifted and talented program within our schools um one of the things that we've talked about in education and that we're going to work on with the committee is really defining the difference between enriching and excelling and gifted and talented because there is actually a specific term that the state uses so we want to make sure we're going to spend that time educating ourselves and the the staff and the students and the public on the different between those terms so we can make sure that we're all we have a we have a vision of what we're talking about so before we head into board comments I do want to comment on a on an issue of a a recent conversation in the community um those of you I know the board members saw it today members of the high school Community saw it that Mr caler sent out an update to the uh LHS parents Square um page um updating them in regards to the uh the bathrooms and the steps that we've taken um you know as as we all know a common problem in high schools across Bergen County and across New Jersey and across the country is the uh is the is the intersection of two things one is that the prevailance of vaping which takes place by not only teenagers by adults um you know we take a very proactive approach to that we have the hidden and plain site program last year we have updates for our curriculum um we wish that our students were were were choosing not to vape and that's a conversation they have to have with themselves when they look in the mirror with their parents and those decisions um combined with the um the St status of our bathrooms as long as high schools have existed there's been poor behavior and that takes place inside bathrooms blessedly blessedly our we feel that our issues are no different and are actually less than other high schools um I had the chance today to share with the board a listing of there were roughly eight or nine high schools in Bergen County that are having the same issue there are issues across the state with this um and so we are continuing to look for solutions to address this and we will we will keep doing that I appreciate that Mr calendar has taken a a proactive approach towards messaging the community today clarifying any misunderstandings that were out there um and I want the board to know and the public to know those who are here and those who are watching at home that they could certainly reach out to me I'm more than happy to have conversations with members of the public about this topic um it is not something that is new to us it is not new to any school district in in Bergen County or the state and I'm more than happy to talk about the proactive and positive approach that we taking so I just wanted to say that for the purpose of members of the public here tonight those who may be watching at home and for the board um is there anything any other clarifications that I could offer on that topic to the board not but um I know been building the ground something I was bring up is like doing S ID the VAP detectors and so forth Just TR to see what other Alternatives or safeguarding or bathrooms just the conditions of the bathroom I know they quoted running out of toilet paper which I don't want to say comical but I I as a board I know if toilet paper we're all going to prove bu toil so when you hear things like that I know it's these arey lines and stuff I just these are things out Bring up build what huh yeah you can com and then last thing nor um thank you for the service um you know I I idolize you and what You' done for the town um no it's really special and and you set the bar high for all of us so based upon his reaction your husband also idolizes you he had a big smile when that was said out loud um you know you know it's question of as as schools as schools address this well first things first I just want to point out that my myself and dranos we spent more time inspecting bathrooms than our doctorates want us to but we but we do we make it a point to regular check them and um so on the top of you know Vape detectors and no and that technolog is interesting the the the people who love it the most are those that sell it I think that's a fair point to make out that there is a there's a fair amount of marketing there the issue with Vape detectors is and the district did look at it several years ago I did some research today we were talking about it this was prior to my arrival that the the the the cost related to The Vape detectors compared to their success compared to the resources used to have them it's disproportional um and we struggle to find school districts that that have them used effectively used effectively that's one thing the other issue you run into a vape detectors is that if you if you think about it and a very small percentage of our population is making those decisions you're now spending a lot of the resource and time of the school administrators focused on a small sub cross-section of students who should be making better decisions conversations with them and their parents but we are we look for solutions that are out there um many school districts that broaden Vape detectors have since abandoned them that's definitely not it's an easy thing to say easy thing to talk about they're marketed very well but the solution really isn't there and I'm more than happy to be wrong about that and if there's a school district that's using it effectively I'll talk to them but we're not really seeing that out there for that um I also want to point out too is that the very often there's a disconnect between the actual experience that people are having in schools and the way that they talk about that experience um and as I said earlier I said it rather tongue and cheek but I'll say it again is that we make it a point to that our custodians and our administrators that we regularly make it a point that when the bathrooms are empty to inspect and make sure that they're okay and they're just their high school bathrooms but those but I I think it's important to point out that that this is not a topic that we are not paying attention to I think that's the biggest thing to say here that we recognize it and we and we focus on it we pay attention to it um we I what I would really hope would happen would be my my encouragement is that we will continue to do our school side things that we're doing between the the the the check-in procedures that we're having the MinGa app that we're using the regular visits to the bathroom all of those things and then what we we politely request we politely ask that that when your child leaves for school in the morning parents should talk to their children about what they're leaving the house with and what they're doing those decisions that they're making those two things and I think that Mr calendar hit the nail on the head today that we have 800 plus students arrive every day to to Leonia high school and of the 800 plus students they overwhelmingly make the school a better place overwhelmingly do the right thing and I really who I feel bad for in this entire situation I feel bad for the students because adults who don't work with kids sometimes are don't hesitate to criticize the way kids are today we kind of think that kids today are pretty awesome and we don't want this to to paint a brush with them like that that's the big thing that we're thinking about so thank you for bringing that up sorry Dr just Gathering some thoughts um no I appreciate the that comment and um this is definitely not an issue that that's taken lightly by the board but as Dr gon mentioned um this is an issue that and I I shared some comments with a member from the public that emailed me directly about this um I've been out of school or out of high school for about 30 years now and um in my day in high school um we worried about kids smoking cigarettes which has been replaced Now by bapes um back then we worried about um kids smoking marijuana joints and now it's THC devices um and the vandalism well that that vandalism hasn't changed um but there obviously issues that have been around for a very long time but it doesn't mean that we're that they're being ignored um I do appreciate the efforts for from our administrators and from our principles in our school districts um there was an outcry from the public asking for responses from the board um from our superintendent from our principles um the purpose of these announcements and this discussion tonight and part of this meeting is to provide some of that information however if you are not getting the answers that you're seeking please do not hesitate you can email or call myself you can email or call Dr gon you can email or call call Mr calendar um and we will be more than happy to hold meetings to and discuss the efforts that are being taken uh to try to address this issue but one of the most important things while the school district well while the board plays the role setting policies that our superintendent um looks to enforce within the school district and our schools do play a role in the behaviors of our students the most important part is the home factor and the the fam's role and also helping to support good behavior um because we can only do so much we can clean the bathrooms every day um we can provide safe facilities for use but how they are used and the behavior that that takes place in those spaces that is not completely under the control of the school district that that is that Bost the behavior of our students which again as Dr Gat mentioned the vast majority of our students are great great students so it's just a handful of students that are acting out causing issues for many but uh I just wanted to share that information and again if anyone has any questions or further comments do not hesitate to contact any other comments from the board yes get the microne um I just first want to say thank you I did not at all expect a plaque in the cake and the awkward photo op but um I really appreciate it guys brought me to tears a little bit um I do also just want to say to all my fellow board members that are here and past and in Edgewater Beyond um it's really been such a great experience working with of you I've learned so much um from everyone right and I feel really good about this current board I feel like it's a really strong board with a lot of good background so um thank you uh to Dr gton Dr caramanos and Mr tomasovich who I I don't think I've ever called you that um so hopefully I said it right um I want to thank you as well I feel um I I wish I had more years to work with all of you because it's it's only been a a short portion of my time on the board but I feel uh very privileged that we have such a strong Administration the three of you um it almost I almost wish Brad and I had more kids to Cent through the system well kind of maybe maybe maybe not but you get my point and also everyone in the building so thank you uh really um actually student reps know you guys too um when I started on the board we didn't have student reps it's we've just brought them back a few years ago and it's been a great addition so I'm glad you brought them back and keep great work [Music] um no so Vic reminded me during the reception that uh 12 years is like somewhere north of 250 meetings back in the day which Vic was there back in the day too we had a lot of meetings that went very to very late hour so VI used to sit next to me so thank you for your sense of humor when it was like midnight um oh and I also I I'm like Arthur I have to acknowledge Arthur probably the only person who's here every other Tuesday that's been here longer than me so Arthur I don't know maybe I'll be in the joining you in the audience yeah so um thank you again I really really appreciate it it's been great yeah I do I do still walk by your house so you can update me even if I'm not seriously thank you everyone thank thank you Marine you'll be missed at the board meetings we'll see you around time um any other board comments okay see do we have um okay all right so we are now at item uh 13 executive session um we do have some items to discuss which will require approximately approximately 20 to 30 minutes uh for those of you watching on YouTube we appreciate you for being on um if you do want to watch the end of the meeting which will essentially be a vote on Personnel items that should be in about 20 minutes from now for the members of the public that are joining us here in person thank you for attending and for our student Representatives but we'll have to ask you to leave at this point so that we can discuss Personnel can I have a motion to go into closed Isaac and a second Maria all in favor any opposed or abstentions okay motion carries we inclosed at 8:28 oh yeah when they changed the name yeah you're good you're done don't worry what are they gonna do okay um can I have a motion and a second on Personnel items Kim and a second Maria and will call Miss Troy yes Miss Molina yes but obain Mr par yes Mr zepa Miss Thompson Miss wild vice president Melman and president Lee Yes motion carries on personel thank you and finally I will take a motion for adjournment for Miss Wild's last meeting on the board of education motion Miss Wilds in a second second as much as we would like this to continue Mr ZKA thank you for the second um can I have all in favor I any opposed or extensions okay seeing none motion carries D thank you so much thank you [Applause] you y