##VIDEO ID:INUmyCZidXk## can all take your seats I'm going to call the meeting to order the time is now 7:37 we'll call the meeting of the Board of Education of Mia to order um adequate notice of tonight's meeting has been provided in accordance with the open public meetings act by the following methods distribution of notice to the record posting of the agenda on the school district website and through parents Square everyone please stand for the plge of Allegiance could all please stand for a short moment of silence uh for for um excuse me Jan Ron po who uh we unfortunately lost own this summer thank you so while we're we're going we'll take the uh the roll call in a second I just want to update the Board of Education and the community that we've been in contact with JN and's family um his mother is returning his mother and father returning to America on Thursday and I reached out to them early this morning uh requested we're going to go pay our respects to them um Mrs ramman po has been very clear about that she wants to establish something in John's memory um it probably one there'll probably be two components will be a physical item a bench perhaps is what they discussion is and then possibly a scholarship in his name um I've passed along to the family the the deepest condolence of the Board of Education we have been in contact with them regularly and I will update the board in the community along the way thank you come here with a roll call please Miss Troy pres Dr Meer present Mr Park pres Miss Rau pres Miss zepa Miss SEO Miss Thompson Miss Wilds vice president Melman and president Lee presid we have a quorum thank you just for the record uh Miss wals did contact me earlier to indicate she had um the family wordss and also president is our superintendent of schools Dr gadens as well as our assistant superintendent of schools Dr caramanos as well as our board attorney Mr leera and we have two student reps present danan Kim and Renee Kim thank you uh that brings us to our first public comment portion on agenda related items anyone from the public wishing to speak on any agenda related matters can step up the podium provide your name and address and you'll have two minutes to speak the public wishing to speak okay seeing none we will move on to item 1.5 public presentations which I believe we do have some sure this evening Mr Thomas evich is going to swear in two of our three Board of Education student representatives and then the student who's absent we will take care of that our next meeting mras when you're ready we can do the swearing in for do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and El to the same and the governments established in the United States and this state under the of the people so help me God I Rene do solemnly swear that I possess the qualifications prescribed by law for the office of student representatives of a board of education and that I will faithfully and partially and justly perform all duties of that office according to the best of my ability so help me God thank [Applause] [Music] you Renee welcome back for another year and danan congratulations and welcome to the board and appreciate all the service that uh you're going to be putting forth for us okay so that brings us to item 2.1 board member comments um any board member comments regarding agenda related items see none uh 2.2 student representative comments any comments from our student members things this to item 3.1 approval of consent agenda items those are all the items Mark with aspects on our agenda can I have a motion and a second uh Maria in a second Joe and that's roll call Miss Choy yes Dr Meer yes abstaining from approval of the minute for the August 13th meeting is that both minutes the close session as well Mr par yes Al Miss Rau yes with the exception of same uh minutes both uh closed and regular that was not in attendance and um as always anything that's specifically related only to ACS missa miss the SEO Miss Thompson vice president Melman and president Le yes motion carries and all consent agenda items thank you uh that brings us to item 5.1 Dr thank you Mr Lee welcome back everybody I have a few items to report here as I move through first thing I'd like to do is we mentioned this at the meeting in the past was that uh we accepted a piano donation at Leonia Middle School uh from the family Trudy Sakowski uh Trudy was a a holocaust Survivor and I had asked her family to please send me um a piece of writing that sort of talks about the the the uh enormity of her life and her experience and I wanted to to memorialize that donation by reading this into the public record so that we all know about it it's good to remember it uh this was sent by her family uh to us so Robert Sakowski was born and raised in Vienna Austria he and his sister Nelly were among the 10,000 Jewish children who were granted safe Haven in Britain in 1938 shortly after critel Notch but before the Nazis halted immigration this Kinder transport saved the lives of young children many of whom were never reunited with their parents fortunately an uncle sponsored Robert's parents while Robert and Nelly were fostered in HOV England they had the Good Fortune to reunite with their parents in New York in 1939 trud Sakowski was born and raised in a small Austrian Village in 1938 at the age of 11 she and her mother were forced to leave their home and move to a ghetto in Vienna while her father was imprisoned 1942 at the age of 15 she was deported to thein where her mother died of tyus and Trudy's arms she then went on to be transported to kurts back math house and gr gr Rosen aitz where her father was murdered and Bergen bson where she was liberated by the British in 1945 she was subsequently sent by the Red Cross to recover from typhus and mam Sweden in Sweden Trudy learned a trade when she continued to practice in the US Trudy and Robert married and raised a family living the American dream they raised two children were blessed with forr children all of whose hands have touched the keys of this beautiful instrument a Cornerstone of the home they proudly made in New Jersey they also be very happy to know that their legacy lives on in the music made here so I just want to reinforce to the to the to the board and to the community the fact that how proud We Are that we're now the the proud owners of that piano that lived in that family for so many years um I I am very good friends with with the the husband of one of those daughters and he said uh we're we're on we're on the verge of throwing this piano out and I was like well tell me a bit about it and I was like I think we're going to find a home for it um and I also want to point out that the the moving a piano it's like it's like it's like moving plutonium it's the hardest thing to do in the world um and we a lot of people I know that a lot of us were involved Mr Woods was deeply involved in that and and then our piano that was here was in turn then donated to another school district so so therefore the Legacy lives on so I just wanted to begin the meeting in September by memorializing and and making mention of that um the second item I want to point out is that we were the proud recipient of about $3,000 worth of donations from a local business in tenly uh that ACS parent Tina rudol helped to orchestrate uh there was a a business that worked with children they were they were liquidating their supplies uh items were on their way out and um Mr uh Brier and Dr Martinez to go ride the teny with some teachers went through it and got $3,000 worth of items which were then donated to ACS so thank you to Tina Rudolph uh graduation rates for the class of 2024 I want to point out for I read these numbers I'm required to BU code that every single student graduated last year I just want to that's the I want to I want to cut to the chase yes very nice um but the exactly exactly but the state likes for us to to walk through this it appears there are school districts that don't have similar graduation rates and as a result they tend to not share this with the public so we're all required to do this so in the prior school year 205 students graduated the number of graduates who met the graduation assessment requirements by NJ GPA 182 Ela 146 math eight passed a an Ela passed a Subs student competency test 45 did that in math one went through the portfolio pills process in U Ela two in math ultimate requirements for their IEPs eight with the ELA seven in math the number of of students who were deny graduation six Ela five math and those students was and how many of those students were denied solely due to fail Med the graduation assessments was zero so zero was Ela math I want to point that out um so we have that so that is that point there I shared that with the with the board and then the other thing I'd like for me to share is the the school safety uh data report so we're required uh to share um at this meeting the monthly incident numbers that were uh recorded once again school districts don't always record those numbers and share them accurately so as a result here I do want to share that over the course of the from uh of the school year last year we had 14 total students in the high school that were in violation student sa safety data systems 31 at the middle school zero at ACS for a total of 45 incidents um many of those incidents had to do with a repeat situations from other um very often the same children are repeat customers is a good way of saying it and we dealt with those appropriately that number at the middle school of 31 had to do with really two or three situations in which the same students were involved in the same sort of behavior so that feels an artificially High number but that is not I don't want to mislead the public into thinking that the middle school had all these incidents compared to the high school there were a variety of incidents with some challenging cases that we addressed along the way other items I want to report on would be the that we are fully ready to open we excited that the children come back on Thursday we're very very happy we have two of our seniors here the uh the senior Sunrise is right around the corner uh what time was that shifted to 5:45 so uh at veteran field and Edge of the senior classes getting together on Thursday morning at 5:45 a.m. I hope oh happened this morning I apologize but then how was the senior Sun this morning okay it was not the first day of school it was tonight very nice and how was the turnout very nice excellent thank you for poting that out that was this morning so congratulations well done on that so we're fully open there our staff came back today we had staff convocation another day of Staff PD development tomorrow our sports are fully underway I want to welcome back our faculty and staff for another year and I want to make it a point that I want to thank um somewhat of the unsung heroes of the district are our 12-month employees who use the July and August and make very good use of that time so we have a nice smooth opening these days um very very busy during the summer a lot of projects being done things like that and so we are grateful for their hard work and we are fully ready to open and I cannot wait to have the kids come back on Thursday so thank you very much it's even more impressive that you're here after being so early this morning than you thank you president so what are all the projects going on I would like to give the public and the board an update on the capital projects as well as Insurance Recovery update LMS mitigation uh majority of the project is complete with the exception of the shriping for the the basketball court uh the gate for the fencing hopefully those two items uh were estimated to both have them completed within the next two weeks uh the strip into the basketball hoop should should be by the end of the week uh in addition the gutters are to be completed within the next two weeks ACS roof the roof project as you walk into ATS tonight is pretty much complete we with the exception of the gutters that should be completed by the end of the week ACS exterior door replacement there's no updat since last board meeting we're still estimated to get the doors in and installed uh hopefully by the middle of October L LHS mitigation majority of the projects complete with the exception of the external entry door on the south side of the building that is estimated to arrive installed end of September beginning of October uh Paving retaining wool railing uh planting Ada parking spots underground drainage that's all complete LHS core area there's no change we're working with the burough to finalize the permits and based on that uh we're working with uh Mr woods and uh uh Mr calender we're working to kind of adhere to a schedule to not interfere with construction as far as what's the best time to get the vendor into work on that area LHS 88 bathroom that's completed LHS interior and exterior door replacement doors have been ordered estimated to arrive end of September with installation roughly taken about 3 to four weeks so no no change on that LHS electrical no change that's being pushed to next summer LHS cafeteria renovations no change with that uh hopefully hopefully everything should be completed end of September beginning of October LHS New Media Center and LHS new wait room no current change with that we're at the step where we're finalizing with the architect relating to the design uh paperwork has been submitted to the doe based on last board meeting and our next meeting with the architect to finalize the plans and and finalize the bid specs is next Tuesday as far as Insurance Recovery update ACS flooring is currently being replaced at various locations in this building uh hopefully the estimated uh completion date is tomorrow uh additional flooring especially relating to the main office that will take place uh during one of the breaks uh minimal Furniture is needed to be uh worked out with with Mr Woods he soliciting uh quotes to get insurance approval um as well as ceilings in the in both student bathrooms in the 300 Wing is is expected to be completed by the end of the day tomorrow LMS uh the flooring uh section of the flooring in the cafeteria has been completed LHS various flooring is in in progress of throughout the first level is in the process of being completed uh the gym is estimated to be completed by the middle of November uh all the other areas all the touch-ups uh relating to the flooring in different sections have been completed uh with the exception of the two coaches locker room that is estimated to be completed by the end of next week tur field has been completed uh the hot water heaters have been completed uh for the replacement the boilers for the replacement is estimated to be completed by the end of October the current boilers are working but it was recommended by Insurance the level of of water that those boilers be replaced but there is no current safety issue the the building is able to be occupied and those boilers are able to be run until the new boilers are installed Furniture we're in the process of being sourced out by Mr Woods uh relating to estimates and submitting to insurance for approval and the bulk of of the flooding uh the area that got damaged by the flood is related to the science wing and that's under administrative review for further potential changes uh pertaining to that that school layout of those that science area and that's it thank you very much it's a very extensive list and I want to thank you um Mr woods and his staff um Dr gon also for all the I mean it's hard enough just dealing with the improvements that are necessary for the school district but then you add on top of that you know a second major flood um especially within the high school but also within LMS and ACS um certainly doesn't make the job any easier I know I think most of the board members have seen it maybe some of the students but the water in the high school was was I think almost as much as we got during Ida um there's definitely been some people in town that have also experienced significant amounts of flooding from those same events um we were we were also unfortunate to to receive that as well but I really appreciate all that happening it is unfortunate though I mean the improvements that are happening around the high school in particular but also at LMS a lot of that's for the mid and this is for the benefit of the public but it's it's to stop flooding from happening again to avoid what happened with this recent storm unfortunately that storm happened a month too early if it had been a month later then the flooding within the high school would have been drastically reduced um so it's just just took that much time from Ida till now to get that project underway with the budgeting and every all the appropriate steps that are necessary with the doe um but again I appreciate everything that's happening um a lot of these items also on this list have been on our lists for quite a long time so I'm very happy to see that a lot of these things are necessary either code issues or safety issues that are finally being resolved I'm looking forward to having that list completed um as we move forward to the next few years so thank you that brings us to our next item uh student Representatives on any non-agenda hi so basically we wanted to remind students to catch up on summer work because we're sure everyone is procrastinating their books and their assignments especially the high schoolers so we want to add a gentle reminder um we want to say that we will still will be having a first day of school pep rally even though the gym is under construction it will be outside student council has been working their butts off trying to plan everything so I hope everyone is getting ready and is excited um we're excited to announce girls tennis girls volleball boys and girls soccer and boys and girls cross country are starting in the coming weeks um soccer game has tomorrow soccer game is tomorrow and I'm pretty sure other volleyballs and other other games are ready get ready to start day school thank you very much so we are in uh section six of the agenda items that's our committee reports um unless I'm mistaken I don't think any of our committees have met much deserve break over the summer um but we will be starting to to get back into our normal routine and I ask our committee members all to start scheduling doing your regular meetings uh for the school year uh yeah yeah so a few of the board members had the opportunity kind of piggybacking on the prior comment about the damage to the high school uh a few of the board members did get to attend the high school to see the progress of the work um it is pretty impressive to see how much work was done between the storm and now already um getting the schools into shape um before you know within a matter of ESS had about a month right um so it's other than really the the gym floors which just unfortunately take quite a long time not as long as during Ida um as was indicated there were the supply chain issues that were existent during Ida are not existent now so we're able to get those products much quicker so that's why we're expecting October or November to have the the gym back open um but yeah a lot of improvements uh very quickly so again kudos to those Main just this you uh can I have a motion and a second for items 10.1 through 10.6 under new business and a second second Steve um any items for discussion seeing none can we a roll call please Miss Troy yes Dr Miser yes Mr Park yes Miss rakow yes Mr zppa Miss SEO Miss Thompson vice president Melman and president Le yes motion carries on new business thank you that brings us to our second public comment section regarding any non-agenda related items um anyone from the public wishing to speak please dou up to the podium provide your name and address and you'll have two minutes to speak Jordan Ziggler 2011 Christy Street your are board of edle aison from the burough Council I hope you all had a nice summer it's nice to be back I wanted to touch upon the flooding issues um this is a priority for the burough as well as for you guys um I'm hoping to meet with Dr gon the next week or 10 days to discuss flooding on our side we're dealing with it in two specific places but we're also trying to focus on what's going on specifically at the high school because we feel like you're getting water from two different directions at least since we've what I've what we have identified with the engineer from Grand Avenue and then from the overc as well up on Willow Tree Road both of those areas we hope to work with you and the railroad company CSX as well as the state of New Jersey in order to hopefully alleviate some of the water coming down we know you have taken steps to mitigate it but we would like to avoid the problem completely thank you thank you very much appreciated so I just want to underscore and underline what Jordan had to share I do want to thank the the burrow and and Jordan and the committee for being so involved in that being fully Rec recognizing how we're literally Stuck in the Middle there and taking that strong action so thank you Jordan for doing that and we'll we'll be meeting definitely within next by middle of next week definitely thank you um anyone else from the public okay seeing none that brings us to it item 11.2 that's our Clos session okay so everyone from the public and watching online on YouTube we thank you for attending uh we will be going into Clos session for about uh for about 30 minutes after which time we will be coming back into public session um to vote on Personnel items um all right just actually sorry a little mix up on the agenda we're going to do item 12.1 board comments first on any non-agenda items if anyone from the board has any comments I just had one question so with with the gym repair going on at LHS like where does gym take place and if it's outside what happens if it rains yes what they do is they with it they what they will do is they'll shift to to non-physical activity classes the purpose of PE to make use of classroom space around the building things like that hopefully we'll have good weather I mean you hate to Hate to bank on that that's what they primarily do they just work around the gym and they work with other areas of the building yeah any other comments from the board okay so now we'll go into close session um so anyone watching on YouTube and our members of the public thank you for attending and our student board members um we'll be in close session for approximately 30 minutes after which time we'll come back and we will simply be voting on Personnel so if you do want to stick around and and wait um you won't be missing much when it come back thank you and presid Le just a motion and second yes can I have a motion to go into closed Maria in a second Isaac all in favor any opposed or exensions any motion carries vice president Melman yes and president Le yes motion carries on Personnel thank you you can I have a motion for adjournment Maria in a second Isaac all in favor I I any oppose or exension we are adjourned 837 oh yeah thinkle when I am logged in to my you know the account then just able to when I click the link I'm able to see it so try [Music] SCH