##VIDEO ID:X3Fvi3EGJnU## um sorry I'm getting better at this I promise I I did actually try yeah y y um so um adequate notice of tonight's meeting has been provided in accordance with the open public meetings act by the following methods through distribution of notice to the record uh posting of the agenda on the school district website and through parents Square um can everyone please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance Mr leira can we have roll call please yes okay um Miss Choy here Miss Wilds Dr Miser here Mr Park here Mr zepa here Mr seigal here Miss Thompson here miss Molina here miss Melman here and Mr Lee here okay we have a quorum uh also president of the superintendent Dr Gaton assistant superintendent Dr caramanos and our student reps okay thank you and so that brings us to item one 1 Point uh 1.4 public comments regarding agenda items only anyone from the public wishing to speak please step up to the podium provide your name Arthur and address that's on Arthur's at15 RealD I have a bunch of things uh go quickly and then uh some of them are going to be directed at Eric who's not here so I'll leave some papers and he can reply um by email um thank you for anyone who voted me I was not running a campaign I got eight votes and lost again so that's now the fourth time but anyhow um um this is regarding the a lot of it's regarding the agenda the first thing I'm going to go quickly on it the first thing is on the agenda under personel 141 through 148 there was no hot link on there so I could pull them up and see what they were so I still have no idea what the uh the motion to approve Personnel 14.1 through 14.8 I I'd like somebody to get back um or I'll leave this papers for uh um somebody to get back uh because I go through there's 58 pages in that in that in this in this agenda just so you all know I don't know who really goes through it but there's in a detailed amount there's 58 Pages it's a lot of stuff to go through so I when you hot link it you want to pull it up and get the information there was no hot link for that the addendum the collective negotiations agreement also there was no hot link for that so I have no idea what the addendum was so it should be public information um uh under LMS extra pay it has nothing to do with the people it says $112,000 um for extra pay I don't know what extra pay is I'm not saying they're not entitled to it I just don't know what it is so I'd like to know what extra pay is and what justifies uh $122,000 on the bills it shows payroll vendor and a lot of money now I don't know if that means they're we're paying them these amounts or if that's the amount that they're paying on our behalf I don't understand it so like an explanation as to what payroll vendor is if that's the amount we're paying the vendor then maybe we should look into doing payroll ourself because it's a lot of money but I'd like an explanation um that's not one under the facilities report it doesn't list all of the facilities there's one facility missing so and there's obviously a cost to running that so I'd like to know what that cost of that is also and that facility is a facility that handles special services for the special need people so that is not on here and it should be at least the cost of operating it um there's a reduction in cost which is great I just like to know what it is regarding the um the unisex bathroom that you're just building it was budgeted at 735 it came in at 69,000 that's terrific I'd like to know where the savings came from and how we came to that was it just in contingency or was there an actual uh Savings in the construction cost um under School Bus leasing uh we leasing buses to Fort Lee for $125 per per bus yet we're paying 20 um 2188 when we have to bus a kid one kid uh per per DM rate of 2188 not to exceed the amount of 36,000 blah blah blah the question is not the total amount the question is why are we paying somebody $21 uh uh to to bus a kid and we're only getting $125 uh when we lease our buses to to Fort Lake um uh Board District goals I think at one of the meetings I was here you started talking about it one of the goals I think was to support the Strategic plan which was great but I never saw them but on here it so as your on a consent item I believe is you're going to um the board and District goals but again no hot link so I don't know what you decided so I can't I have no idea what they are you're going to talk about it maybe later on but I I don't know whether what they are and I'd like to know what they are in advance um this is just a personal feeling I'm not sure whether how to attack it we pay $411,000 a year to the county to send 36 Leonia kids to bermies that's great and I have no problem with sending kids to Bergen Academy I have a problem with me paying part of the tuition and the taxpayers paying part of the tuition to pay for them to go here and then to pay for them to go over there I think this should be tuition based and I think the school board board and then we should pursue with the county um saying we'll continue to let them qualify let them go over there and make a tuition based just like I sent my kids to Holy Angels and I had to pay tuition to go to send them to Holy Angels and I still had to pay my taxes to run the school system so I object as a taxpayer uh making that payment just a personal personal comment and I think the last thing is uh there Garmin training watches for the cross country team I don't object to that the question is are they personal do we buy them for the each track for or will they be used for other Runners and will they go have a lifespan Beyond one year or is this going to be an annual thing where we're going to wind up um buying the uh the watches if I'm over time I'll finish in the second half um I think the we spent $35,000 moving the weight room I'm not I wonder know if that went out the bid if not why not that's an awful lot of money to move weights um and um SM boards we spent almost $40,000 and I can tell it may have been 58,000 I'm not sure about the says grades one to8 but it doesn't specify smartboards directly above that but it may have been smartboards also uh I think smartboards are a great idea it's just an awful lot of money to to suspend on that and maybe we if they if it went out to bid great if not then why not and I think that is oh architectural services for the month of October $999,000 if we if we have that kind of and I know some of it's covered by reimbursements insurance but maybe it's something to think about maybe we need a a district architect that we can hire and keep on staff and have them here at the meetings and they can take notes and something to think about so but the October Bill the October bill was $99,000 it's an awful lot of money and last thing is on the Strategic plan and why I met at the at the at the Strategic meetings I'm not sure some of you went some of you didn't uh and I brought up that I think it should really should be Beyond more than five years and I'm going to give you a really good example why it should be we should be thinking longer than 5 years um 10 12 14 years ago when Bernie was a superintendent I'm not sure if anyone was on were you were you on when Bernie was here you weren't on here well we ran a campaign they had a leaking roof in the gym and the roof needed to be replaced but they put together in this monstrous package which I'm sure was a resume booster to get out of Leoni and show look what I did it was $22 million okay a $22 million capital budget what got my attention was the replacement value in on the agenda for the high school was $19 million now when we're thinking long we're going to spend $22 million replacing some equipment that maybe we need maybe we don't need but you can replace the whole freaking school for $19 million which is three million less so those are things you need to take into consideration on a long range plan you need to and that's a 10-year thing that's not a five-year thing you got to plan it and think about it well it's aging it's crumbling maybe we should just replace the whole freaking School so just something to think about financially rather than dumping money into boat to keep it floating that is all thank you for being patient and letting me go beyond thank you Arthur anyone else from the public wishing to speak okay seeing none arur good to see you always always democracy and action arth there um a few things a lot of the questions that you brought up tonight are better suited in Mr thomasevich domain so I'm going to give a lot of those over to him um we'll get him a copy of the recording we'll make it a point to review with you he'll probably give you a phone call later this week to review these items with you because give those to me when you leave I'll make sure that he gets those um so I'll speak to what I can speak to tonight and I will uh I will turn to to Eric and let him speak to those when he has a to give you a phone call uh a few things here uh we did have a a line item for district and board goals we decided to hold off on those predicated upon tonight's presentation tonight's presentation um the conversation that was held at the last meeting about Board District goals which we then wrote following that meeting for presentation tonight ran somewhat contrary to what's going to the board's going to discuss tonight and the board self- evaluation um and so I believe that the the committee never really had a chance to talk about it anymore so we decided to that will not be approved tonight that will be pulled out that won't that will be tabled most likely that will be a December meeting item so there's nothing near there's nothing that you missed um I would really like to have a chance to look with you at the agenda that you're seeing because you talked about hot links when you look online the items that you're you couldn't see are listed in the public viewing of the documents I think you and I might want to have a conversation look at it together because those items were there I looked while you were speaking many of the items that you ref is being not available I was able to see I don't know if it's a setting on my end but I definitely want to talk to you about that um and we can work that out for you in regards to bermies and the cost that is set by the county I I recognize as a taxpayer you were voicing your concern you did this in a previous meeting to you've mentioned it I don't hesitate to remind the county of my displeasure of the fact that we pay taxes in multiple ways and then on top of that we have to pay a per puple cost for the kids that go the cies which are wonderful programs um but the opinion that you Shar are shared by many taxpayers so but that is something in which our hands are tied and we have to follow what the what the county lies out for us um we will definitely were pleased to see about the the Savings in the unisex bathroom at the high school we're glad at that uh Eric will explain the school bus leasing um in regards to the the Garmin watches the Garmin watches that we have those are multiple use watches think is any other piece of equipment that we have it's a it's a watch not unlike the one that I have the students use them for the course of their training they're very very powerful devices um and then they're turned into the co coach and they become like a a volleyball net or a football or a piece of equipment they get turned in and so students certainly are not being gifted Garmin watches courtesy of the district uh very powerful devices um everything else I'm looking at it here we will Circle back with you and with Eric here um I'm GNA okay and so and we'll let Mr Thomas every speak those other items too he'll walk through all those with you okay so thanks for being here any other questions come up please let us know thanks okay so that brings us to item 1.5 Public public present presentations um we do have a presentation for the self- evaluation results for the school board think Dr Meer is that that's you how do we drive uh there's the laptop that works can you hear me right so these are the results of our self assessment of the board's performance and so how did we do this we um used the the New Jersey school boards Association makes available a survey that boards can can utilize to assess the performance and it the survey covers these broad areas so planning policy student achievement Finance board operations board performance board superintendent Relations Board staff Relations Board and community relations so those nine areas are covered in the survey uh we sent this the survey was made available to the board members uh superintendent assistance superintendent and board secretary we got um seven responses back on the survey and so the responses are um shown in the histogram so the way to sort of Orient yourself and read this histogram is for example um student achievement and the the color coding matches of course so student achievement which is the the blue third Blue Bar there seven people so all all the respondents on the survey rated student achievement as vital okay um versus Board and Community was very important four people rated that very important and then three people red that as well right so that when you add the bars across particular color should add up to seven uh so this so the beginning of the survey is really surveying what does the board think is important okay and then what we'll do as we move through the survey is we'll drill down on each of these areas and board members opine and what we think our performances in those particular areas so you of course you know the board doesn't think any of these are somewhat important they're either vital or very important all of these areas some minor differences I guess six people thought board superintendent relations were very important but not vital uh so this is the board's opinion on on how we're doing from a planning perspective so now when we drill down on these there's specific questions to the area uh which you can see here and we'll put this on our website so that you know the public can uh can view the results can you see am I in the way we're good uh and so now how can we Cate how can we rate these commendable good adequate unsatisfactory and not observed uh so this is kind of interesting right so uh a lot of people think we're you know the respondents think we're doing adequately with um in this area it's not it's not all commendable and good right so there's opport Unity for improvement from a planning perspective terms of um and four people didn't observe broad Community input established a direction wide Mission and multi-year plan for education I think one of the reasons we're seeing this is as not being committal or good is is because we're in the process right now of developing our long-term strategic plan so I think when we do this next year we should see a lot of improvement in this particular area I take questions on this too by the way if anybody wants to number one go back broad Community right yeah broad Community input I mean we're in the process of collecting that right now right but I think like how I read that is like when I look out to the audience right now I don't see broad Community input that's how I not the strategic planning we we reach out for that right but I I when I answer that first yes that's how you interpreted it that's how I interpret right Marthur represents the K he makes up but yeah I would love to see you know 20 30 oh so then there's ALS so that's about the board right this is like how the resp respondents think about the board um then there's also a section about how do we think we're doing as individuals for each of these areas I'm not going to go through all the all of these they they'll be available on the website for the interested time we'll we'll skip about the board members that's really about how do you think you're doing personally right as a board right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah um so policy again um one person thought were commendable across these um actually it's not necessarily the same person though it could be one person that thinks we commendable on operates as a policy-making body and then somebody else could think we're commendable on number two there not necessarily the same person um but it gains some opportunity for improvement right um getting rated is adequate several of these mostly good but just got to point that there about the board members student achievement um definitely some opportunity that the board members think there's some opportunity for us to improve here in terms of how we're U addressing student achievement I think maybe um Kim this is what you're saying about some of this came as a bit of a surprise right requires yes that's the one that's most That's rated uh four four people rated that is adequate but not um not obviously not good or commendable I mean obvious nothing is getting rating unsatisfactory on any of these right we're doing a decent job across the board but um some opportunity to do better here and then uh yeah uh Finance tends to get rated stronger hopefully you agree with that Arthur so exercising oversight and and providing policy and guidelines and parameters uh one person actually WR we do have one unsatisfactory here though right reviews understands and evaluates all Financial reports to ensure that all educ educational dollars are used in an efficient and effective manner um we have to discuss this of course as a as a group too I mean you got to be careful you don't get too far down into the weeds you could spend uh an awful lot of time on that um but maybe some opportunity for us to get a little bit further down into the uh into the details I think that's the one that's either it's either and no that's yeah it does which is a little bit weird there maybe as a mistake there in tabulating the data and I did the tabulation so you can blame me if which is why I'm giving this presentation as well uh operations here we actually rate fairly highly fairly strong this I guess isn't too too much of a surprise I mean you know we have as a this is board operations right I mean we have a we have uh I think pretty robust board operations we rate ourselves pretty good on our performance as well this is self assessment we it's not the public although they do keep uh electing us so but a lot of interestingly right a lot of commenda bles on our on our performance uh superintendent Relations Board of AD superintendent relations uh commendable and good one adequate on regular Dialogue on progress toward District goals and objectives student achievement and feedback on performance I think that kind of ties into the um that student achievement one as well where there's opportunity for uh for improvement uh it's about me I keep pointing it there and I got to point it over here staff relations U pretty good pretty solid on staff relations not quite as good as with the superintendent but I think we don't have as much um interaction with the staff as well so this isn't really surprising and then the Community oh and I messed up the uh horizontal there it's the same categories commendable good adequate uh opportunity I think the board members think there's opportunity for improvement from the Board of Ed Community interactions as well we don't typically get a huge turnout here so it's hard to know how we're going to address that but but at least there's an opportunity there uh and then we actually asked for you know any sort of specific challenges this maybe gets a little bit toward what you were speaking to Sid although there's there's an opportunity to go through and pull out some sort of key themes from the from the actual questions but you'll see some themes come up in just in in the um sort of ad hoc what what do the board members think are are challenges particularly with regard to student achievement uh so you can read them um there's no surprises here cell phone use I think that's a a pretty common uh topic of discussion with a lot of boards and school districts uh you'll see a a few items around gifted and talented programs at a couple of people brought that up uh yeah two and six these are taken verbatim by the way I didn't summarize them um supporting students at LHS that aren't in an academy program an opportunity to develop some enhancements for them took a Verbatim yeah item four is also around that theme right I think that's more around ACS I think that's where the more the opportunity is I I kind of like number eight there as well personally um not everybody's going to necessarily go up to college yeah yeah yeah exactly that's a good way to look at it and this is around sort of what areas from a board and govern board governance perspective what opportunities are there for us for improvement so gain just you know specific comments looks like we could use some more training on board Docs I know I could personally it's always a challenge to log in uh yeah there's some comment on you know polic setting policy that's that one's I think a little bit tricky because you get into um issues of Quorum these are more I think for us rather than kind of public con um I mean it's interesting for them but these comments I think are more useful for the board specifically uh yeah so that's it any comments questions thoughts good thank you thank you thank you very much and I guess we'll put this we'll make this available on the uh on our website I went through that pretty fast okay put a counter on we need unique clicks unique clicks um non-board member or regular attendee clicks as well would be helpful um no thank you for that presentation that's um good information I do um Echo what Sid had mentioned that it'd be good to try to extract some kind of um action items out of it but um but thank you very much it's good and useful information so that brings us to item 2.1 board member comments on agenda related items any comments from our board members okay seeing none uh that brings us to our student representative comments on any agenda related items okay thank you agenda these are comments for just on the agenda items so that's why we score ourselves High yes absolutely you saw before yes okay that brings us to item 3.1 um approval of consent agenda items which are all marked on the agenda with an answer but we're pulling the goals right yes so as you'll note on the agenda item 7.5 are board and District goals uh based on the message you heard before from Dr Gaton and uh based on the commentary from Arthur we are pulling that from the consent agenda so that is um we're looking I'm looking for a motion in a second to approve consent to agenda items with exception of item 7.5 which is is being pulled motion motion Dr Miser second um Joe you got that okay um can I have roll call please oh sorry um does anyone have any items that they'd like to pull for discussion okay seeing none uh roll call please okay uh figure out how to do this Miss Choy yes Dr Meer yes Miss Molina yes but abstaining on anything ACS Mr Park yes Mr sepco yes Mr Seagal yes Miss Thompson yes Miss Wilds yes vice president milman and president Lee Yes okay motions carry okay thank you that brings us to our administrative reports Dr G thank you Mr Lee thank you Dr M for that presentation I have to give the board a compliment i' I've worked with multiple boards almost 15 years now and this is the first time I've been in a presentation that a board I discuss it self- evaluation with the public so I think the board is be complimented for that level of introspection and thought so thank you for that uh various items that I want to go over tonight I want to thank you uh thank you to congratulations to also Mr Eric grow from the community for winning the open Board of Ed seat throw a right in candidate I also want to give special thanks Miss noran Wilds who is leaving after this term for the board she has been well served and we appreciate it we will have a special notice of that at our December meeting so you have to come okay you have to come to December meeting um we uh we had a very very good September and October in our schools a strong start strong student body uh the energy that we finished up in June is returning for this school year we want to thank our families for their continued support at home we hear that time and time again um how our families they emphasize the importance of school they make sure the homework they get the children to school on time we're very grateful for that October next to March are two of the longest months of the school year where there's almost no interruptions in those two months um and November and December have a lot of busyness busy with the teachers convention last week we have two weeks to Thanksgiving holiday and then all the various holidays and the concerts and that and we encourage everyone including our student reps who do a great job keep the focus on your academics and tell your your friends about that to our families at home please pay close attention on that I do want to call it some individual accomplishments our students once again excelled at the Bergen County Honor Choir tryouts Mr Dunn sent the following update LHS had 27 students who were selected for Bergen County Choir our previous best was 24 32 Bergen County Schools participated with 400 total attendees 200 were accepted with 208 were accepted with 27 coming from Leonia the next closest was the town of premise with 17 LHS makes up over 10% of the total participants so congratulations to our students and we are glad to give them recognition here and what they're doing out in the world uh I want to thank our to our fall student athletes for their hard work and effort they give us so much to be proud of and grateful for the willingness to work hard to set a strong example and represent Leonia so well congratulations to LHS 10th grader do Dominique Cameron for being named the NJ female athlete of the week um once again another wonderful accomplishment and thank you to Mr Prada and all the work that he does with our athletic department and all of our coaches and especially our athletes who work so hard I also want to thank you the business office and the buildings and grounds department for working diligently to replace the high school gym floor ahead of schedule it open about two weeks early it came in there we took every very quickly we are grateful for that want to uh point out that strategic planning session number three the final one is in this room uh on on this uh 7 o'clock this coming Thursday um all are invited and attendance and either of the first two sessions is not a requirement as of this afternoon afternoon 35 Staff and community members have signed up for Thursday night we want to thank our the school boards for facilitating our work we want to end on a closing note we want to thank all of our veterans for their active military service yesterday uh the 11th was Veterans Day and we want to wish all of our families a Happy Thanksgiving thank you for you continued support one last thing on the agenda it says 11:12 for the district stud planning it is actually 11:14 I'll make that change now online it is the 14th thank you and have a good night thank you Dr gon okay um normally we will be moving on to Mr Thomas Sage's report but in his absence we will move on to item six which is committee reports and we'll start with our student Representatives hello uh starting this uh this week the students got their psad scores back and uh also uh because of the Fall Sports ending the winter sports registrations have opened up so that includes basketball wrestling bowling and swimming and uh AC tonight is Academy openhouse and as well this week is Spirit we spirit week which includes P PJ day which was Monday twin Tuesday uh tomorrow will be rhyme without reason uh Thursday will be throwback Thursday and Jersey Friday and also on Friday it will be homecoming with the theme Tangled from 7 700 p.m. to 10: p.m. with pre-sale at being $15 and ATO being $20 also on uh November 20th there cookie Wars will be hosted by The Culinary Academy thank you just want to add to that that tomorrow's theme was the uh Dr cam not have been dragged into taking part tomorrow morning through at the door you have to guess what our theme is tomorrow morning for your spirit day um and I do want to point out that for the cookie Wars all board members did receive invitations so I just want to emphasize that invitations will be forward well I'll make sure you get them so have no fear okay have no fear invitations are if not already they will be for have no fear Mr Le you too will get your own invitation thank you for your hard work sounds like lots of really fun stuff coming up thank you very much okay our next committee the Board of Ed practices and principles Kim we did um we held an asynchronous meeting um due to scheduling conflicts um but um the bulk of what we were preparing for was the board self- evaluation ation survey that Steve presented um so thank you uh Stephen um for putting in all the work to do that um and for compiling all the results um we're going to take one more final look at the board and District goals um before we approve them and um we do have um new board member training documents in our shared drive so we'll be accessing those as we welcome our new uh board member thank you very much um okay 6.3 buildings and grounds Jo we haven't met we're going to schedule meeting soon I know Eric sent some stuff Dan I don't know if I should read all this because I don't know too much of the background of where we're at with yeah it just sounds like a lot of punch list work and stuff going on right now okay so that's it um we'll we'll meet soon and have a recap after that thank you okay that brings us to item 6.4 education yeah uh our committee met earlier today and talked about a few different topics including a virtual book club for faculty with three books that are uh very relevant uh to teaching uh we talked about uh calibrating assessments with the Edgewater School District so that you know we can understand uh the needs and um of kind of our incoming students into uh the Middle School from from Edgewater and make sure they're able to integrate as as well as possible uh we talked about doing A needs assessment for English language arts focused mostly on grammar instruction and language acquisition and uh finally uh we spoke about a world languages survey that's going to go out to students in grades 6 to 10 as we think about uh potentially adding another language to our our High School uh language offerings in the future thank you and that brings us to 6.5 finance and planning which is myself um so we actually we have not met recently um but obviously we've been busy with on a monthly basis with this strategic planning meetings uh that are open to the public um and we will be meeting actually with um uh the beginning of the budgeting season coming up um so please enjoy the time off you have right now because we're going to be very busy coming up once that starts and uh hopefully Eric will recover quickly and be very healthy as he comes back to prepare for that um and that finally leaves us with policy which I don't think we've had any new policy issued recently no we haven't met recently and uh you know but of course board members are always encouraged if they are questions about our current policies or future ideas of revisions to come bring to our attention so we can uh you know review them at the at the broader committee okay thank you so that brings us to new business okay so you can do them all as one okay so we have three items for new business um items 10.1 10 which is a field trip request 10.2 Care Plus Burgen for substance abuse testing services and 10.3 tolling agreement um 10.4 is the um cumulative of those three items can I have a motion and a second on item 10.4 motion s Second Marine um and does anyone have any items would anyone like to pull any for discussion okay seeing none uh can we roll call please do this I there we go all right Miss Choy yes Dr Mis yes Miss Molina yes but abstaining on anything ACS Mr Park yes Mr zepka yes Mr Seagal yes Miss Thompson yes Miss Wilds yes vice president Melman and president Lee Yes okay motion is carry thank you okay that brings us to item 11.1 public comment regarding non-agenda items anyone from the public wishing to speak please step up the podium provide your name and address okay um sorry thre me for a curve there um we'll move see n we'll move on to sorry you missed your chance uh move on to item 12.1 board comments um on non-agenda items any board members yeah I just wanted to uh thank the board and the district for uh recognizing devali the first time as a school holiday on November 1st and uh just continuing that tradition uh the LHS South Asian Club is hosting a devali event next Friday um at LMS at uh I believe at 5:30 to 8:00 and there'll be some food there there'll be some cultural events there encourage all of you to come in it's again next Friday the LHS hosting it at LMS in the cafeteria on the 22nd but but I'll will extend my thanks again and appreciation thank you very much okay and um I just wanted to also share quickly um so a few of the board members and our administrators were able to attend the SBA workshop last month um great event I'm actually going to send a recap um I was inspired by one of our fellow Edgewater board members who actually is a new board member for them that wrote um basically a summary of their experience in the various seminars they attended um My Hope Is that you'll read it it will Intrigue you and pique your interest and maybe you know get you to go in a future year um I I actually stopped counting but over four days there are several hundred seminars that are provided so I mean I I can't I cannot overstate how how much of a benefit it is and it has been to my experience as a board member um I mean we're here as a board of education you know for the education for our students and you know our education ourselves should also be continuing it's a great opportunity uh to learn more to collaborate with other school board members um there are anything and everything you want to know about school districts and school boards there is a seminar that they're holding um on top of that the vendors that work with our districts as well as other vendors that we don't work with um they're all exhibiting there as well so it's a great opportunity to see and meet you know see the faces of the people that are providing services to our students and and our faculty um and if you aren't happy with you know something you've seen being you know served or provided in our school district then that's an opportunity for you to check out potentially other vendors obviously that information flows through you know the superintendent's office um but it's a great opportunity for you to see firsthand there's other lots of other presentations going on there's state level um state level presentations that are being given um so you know what's going on with this with the the um the Department of Education with the state there's also county level meetings as well so lots of opportunities to to do that and plus you know you can spend some time with fellow board members and our administrators outside of the board setting so it's just a great great environment I really encourage you to go um I'll be I actually was working on my report earlier I'll hopefully have it done by the end of this week and send it out to all of you um and and by all means if you have any questions please feel free to ask and and look to your SCH for next year and try to reserve some time if you can I don't know if they published it usually it's the second or third week of October okay any other board member comments yeah I do um is it on can you hear me oh okay um I was at the the academy openhouse at LHS just before this meeting uh I was was only able to attend the uh the general presentation in one session uh cuz I had to be here by 7:30 um and we happened to we chose them Academy session uh I was it it was not my first time I was there last year but this year I uh felt that it we are um growing every year in terms of um the the way we prepared and even as a Comm commity was very well attended a lot of students and families attended and Stam Academy um we couldn't really hold all all the the interested students in in that one single room but all all the students uh very um serious serious about attending that session very interested uh and the presentation by Advocate uh teacher I was so amazed number of AP that we're offering today I knew we we were growing the list but it was maybe I I was just catching up with how we were doing but I was very pleasantly surprised uh just the whole atmosphere that excitement and expectation and um the the looking for challenges and I I was very very um excited about the whole whole thing um and it was well-run um and I could see a lot of work was put together um by the school administrators and even um some of the students showed up in the laboratory gowns and um the the whole thing was just attractive enough like more than attractive to the eighth graders just you know kind of trying to get the glimpse of what what's waiting ahead of them so I was just happy to share that excitement um to bet it was short cut short and I just wanted to share while we were certainly on the right track right direction and also saw some of uh the self assessment some of potential goals that we identified for student achievements especially the point about what about the students who who don't know like exactly what they're interested in the other 50% um so we are questioning ourselves the right questions and this is really good good for me and good for all of us just share that thank you so much and I'm sorry you had to come here and miss the rest of open house okay any other board comments okay seeing no do do we Okay okay so we uh next item is 13.1 which is a closed session so those people on YouTube and our our guests here in attendance tonight um we do appreciate you coming and our student Representatives um but we'll need about 30 minutes um we'll be in close session for approximately 30 minutes after which time we will come back and then take a vote on personnel and move into adjournment um so for those of you online if you do want to wait it could be approximately 30 minutes um before we come back thank you oh can I have a uh sorry a motion and a second motion motion uh Dr Meer second Isaac all in favor I any opposed or exensions okay motion I can I have a motion on item 14.9 which is authorization for personnel items 14.1 through 14.8 motion Dr Mis second Mr zepka um can we have roll call please miss Joy yes Dr Meer yes Miss Molina yes abstaining on ACS Mr Parker yes Mr zaka yes Mr seal yes Miss Thompson yes M Wilds yes vice president Melman yes and president Lee Yes motion passes okay thank you can I have a motion for adjournment motion s second Isaac all in favor I any opposed or exensions okay we are adjourned at 9:15 p.m. I want to S around I'm voting against I want to stick around here longer you're saying sarcastically yes oh okay definitely no one