time is now 7:32 I'll call the meeting to order adquate notice of tonight's meeting has been provided in importance of the open public meetings act by the following methods distribution of notice to the record posting of agenda on the school district website parare s pleas rise roll call please miss Joy here Dr mea here Mr par here miss rockow missa here Mr SEO Miss Thompson Miss Wilds vice president Melman and president Le pres we have a quorum and also in attendance is our superintendent of schools Dr gadens as well as our assistant superintendent of schools Dr caramanos as well as our board attorney Mr laa as well as we have our three student reps Hannah Choy Emily gelbard and Renee Kim also in attendance please note for the record I did receive notification from Miss Ral she will be attending but we'll be coming just a few minutes late that brings us to uh agenda item D public comments regarding agenda related items anyone from the public wishing to speak please step up to the podium provide your name and address you'll have a two-minute time of it which is uh which I was pleased to see also um I have um a question regarding policy which is not on this but it was when Isaac was chairing it and I think Sid is chairing it now uh was the first item goes back few quite a few months where there was a been a re-review a h part of it had to do with hi and I said I would follow up on it and I'm not going to bug you but I'm going to bug you so I'd like to have somebody follow up on that and represent it for a you um also I object to under um Finance the uh and where move down to where it says and further resolve that LE Board of Education establishes the bid threshold $44,000 from the current bid threshold of $32,000 that's a 40% increase I know everything has gone up however I'd like to draw your attention to the Nicha problem that they're having in New York they were had that high level and they're now going the other way and it has nothing to do with Eric I I like Eric I think he's done a great job um but what's the safety net to make sure that who else is going to certify these when you're raising the levels like that that basically means of course that you don't have to if a proposal comes in is 15% under the $44,000 number that it doesn't have to go out the bid and I like things to go out the bid as best we can even though it's a lot more work I know that but you with the taxpayers uh to do that um um also I noticed under bills not sure if I'm running out a time under United Rentals we had a mixer for the the house the Board of Education building what I know if that concrete was for or the rent was for and also we rent a lift uh we rent a a lift probably a vertical lift to service the lights in the gym uh I don't know how many times we do that we have to rent them to do that the Gym's there and the lights are high and every time they need a bul they probably have to rent one why don't we just buy one you know that's what I did I how many to go back over the years and find how many 7800 we've done we probably could Avo it a use one or something just to that's a suggestion that's all I have for now uh thank you very much thank you anyone else from the public wishing to speak about any agenda related items yes please yes okay there'll be a second public speaking period for for any school district related that's not on agenda anyone else from the public seeing none U the next item on the agenda is the public presentations however those are being postponed till the March so that brings us to Board of Education member and student representative comments provide responses to some of arth comments e for correct I agree about Tim Ryan as track I agree with that very much wonderful staff memb so thank you for pointing that out and then the the mixer for the board offic so that mixer was for um if you take a look at the new entrance we uh Mr Woods's uh staff they basically um Chang the layout of the door um to the back of the parking lot so there was some conrete that was needed for that area back entrance correct for the landing and all that um as far as the lift for the lights um I could talk to Mr woods but typically based on cost and also storage capacity um to my knowledge you know the reason why we would rent it is you know I don't know how often we would use some something like that and also if we have you know space to store it um but I could touch base with Mr Woods to see if it is something you know that would be beneficial IAL to the district rather than renting it on it you know consistent you know based on per project thank you um any other board member comments or student representative comments none we will move on to agenda item G approval consent agenda items can I have a motion in a second THS a second second um any items for discussion I I just need to recuse myself on one uh agenda item item [Music] l t um the last row Hing Church okay any any other matters for discussion actually also we like to this is item ke the last line some church okay for the same item clarification why they well Miss Troy accusing herself is that that I mean I don't think that requires anything separate but Isaac you're asking for actual I know that like earlier some um the with it and okay so we're going to amend the motion to and and specifically this is for item T just for the Sunday service yes okay so the motion as amended um is to approve uh the consent agenda items with exception of item t for the Sunday service yes we would vote on that separately we can call that for discussion is that a okay so we have a motion in a second um to approve the consent agenda items with exception of item T regarding the Sunday Services roll call please Miss Troy without it correct sorry yes Dr Meer Miss toar yes Miss rockow yes Mr zepa yes Mr SEO Miss Thompson vice president Melman and president Le yes motion carries on consent agenda items with the exception to finance um item LT Mr did you have question specifically about that uh well basically what was like I don't know last lastly was so we we had we had at the last meeting we had discussed the uh Church using the uh the school for Sunday services um we had people present the last meeting we had seen the video they had spoken um wanting us not to have a rental for them um we then met with the representatives in the church uh myself I was there with Dr caramanos Mr thomasevich Mr we were president met for roughly an hour or so I would say they talked about the situation that was surrounding them and using the church um the next day they had they put an application to use the facilities I saw no reason to say no to that not about say yes but must I say no because there was no compelling reason to say no to their use of the facility I placed it on the agenda for approval I'm just going to say I was somewhere last night they have it rever push to turn off which you which you may want to consider um so the uh you do have to take it apart and do stuff under um in any event uh yeah I mean there's limitations on you know who we can say no to once you've created you know like this limited um public form um and so it can't be based upon the content uh but it's based upon um what our parameters are but we also have a separate layer because it's religious Services there has to be um it has to be temporary or nature and it also has to be uh such that it's reimbursing 100% of all of the board's expenses because if you don't do that then it's seen as like endorsement of religion so those are the there's a lot of layers to it um but ultimately approving this was fine um on a temporary basis and there may come a point in time in which it comes to an end because seemingly like permanent not temporary but for right now it's fine that this decision is yeah we did review this in the policy committee and uh the actions were consistent policy as it stands and presid just to uh add to that I mean as of right now um the church has been up to date with their payments for January and February okay thank you and just to clarify this is just for the Sundays within the month of March um so if they do submit again for another month this we come up for approval again any other questions or comments okay can I have a motion in a second on item t for the Sunday Services Thompson second Z sorry it's been a long day um okay can we have a roll call please Miss Troy upand Dr Miser yes Mr par Miss rof yes Miss zepa Miss Sega Miss Thompson vice president Melman and president Leake yes motion carries on finance item LT um 6 to 631 okay thank you um so that brings us to item I administrative reports good even good to see everybody hope everyone did a good job Diggy today I want to uh begin my report by um apologizing to my student repure stealing a day of school for them today I know that they were desperately unhappy to have a snow day today the first one that they've had in ages um and so I just uh we're with you with the girls um it was a it was Delight like there was a we had a meeting earlier with Mr Woods our director buildings and grounds and he said for the first time in three years you saw students sleding at the high school it was very idealic day today uh there's a hot rumor that the next time we have a snow day uh that Leo the Lion is going to make him appearance that was we have him on a sled somebody had said that to me earlier today um a lot of great things going on in District and we're delighted to have the meeting tonight thank you to the board members for coming out on a snowy night members of the public thank you for coming out on a on a on a on a a cold busy night and making it here a lot of nice things I want to uh focus on well yesterday we had a chance to host Congressman gimer he stopped he he walked through the halls of ACS he was down in the kindergarten in the first grade class we made Valentine's Day uh hearts for the veterans which he went right from here to the veteran Filman pamment and it was very nice to have the congressman here um I want to call out uh Miss Gonzalez and Miss song our teachers for hosting him and all of ACS for putting shiny as brand new Penny it was a very very nice visit and he really enjoyed his time here we had a chance to talk about the work that we do here in Leonia and it was great to have him here um we also took part of we had World weed alloud day uh last week and that was a day in which ACS students are ready to auor from all around the world we had the chance to kick off the event um from the board office the board office gathered around the zoom and we read and and Dr caranas and Mr Thomas evich they read to the children of ACS and those children um well you were the ones that read they were saying that to us we here the other day so thank them for taking part in that um I Le discovered that LMS has pizza sales on Wednesdays for those of you who want to buy pizza LMS has Pizza on Wednesdays I had a chance to visit there and make some Middle School sports we appreciate all those students for being involved uh this past Friday night I had the opportunity to attend the Korean cultural festival and it was a uh held at the Little Theater in the high school um a wonderful event want to thank Dr Martinez and this song again for their hosting of the event it was wonderful with the uh bringing the entire Community together it was my honor to be invited to be a part of it uh the snow day today uh does not mean that the uh the lacka the cookie sale is still happening at the high school high school activities are going on there so we taken care of that our spring play is getting uh up and running I don't know if to say what it is yet you know it yet don't know right okay it's a secret right it's a secret okay okay um it's not cats just so we all know I okay we look forward to that I want to thank our buildings and grounds staff for getting us uh clear today all of our facilities are ready for school tomorrow we appreciate that um and the last thing I want to point out is thank you to the board for approving the summer camp emergency use of the high school that was very very nice the uh last uh summer I came on board July 1 and we had um the Wildfire we had the heat advisory we had no structure really that would kind of built around having the summer camp from the rec department used the high school um destiny and Sean from the camp came they visited uh at the board office we walked through the high school and with the opportunity to talk about the usage for the high school over the course of the summer as need be as an emergency refuge in the case of either know heat wildfires things like that we appreciate that um I'm sure that Mr Thomas evich will we talk a bit about this in his report but we are full-blown in budgeting season right now and I want to thank all of our administrators and all of our supervisors for all their hard work in getting our preliminary budgets ready we're doing that work now at the board office we're looking very good for next year building our programs expanding what the district does um a lot of solid good growth is on the way and so we're very grateful for his work that we have uh in all of those areas so thank you for that um and that is all for me so thank you very much thank you U Mr P thank thank you president Lee um I have quite a bit of items um since last board meeting to give the board and the public and update uh the first item is our 2223 annual audit so I'm happy to report that the audit is has been completed by our Auditors and they will be presenting it to the full board at next board meeting on March 12th and to the public um and I'm happy to report that there are no findings on that audit we had an exit conference with myself and Dr gadens um relating to the audit um and it was it was a great conference great exit conference um to elaborate on that when you know you know I I I don't want to truly take the credit um for you know for the progress of the district um I like to use the analogy you know quarterback in the NFL when the team wins the quarterback takes the full credit when the team loses they take the full blame um but it is truly a reflection of not just me but all staff in Leonia uh from our teachers to all our administrators um as well as to their assistant um you know in in their central office um same thing uh the staff in the business office as well as in the complete Board of V building um I would like to personally thank our current superintendent of schools Dr gainans for his support during the second half of the last year even though he didn't technically come on until July 1st you know he was always you know willing to be available when myself or Dr uh caramanos reached out with any questions we had um or a situation that came about um in addition I would like to doc thank our assistant superintendent of schools Dr caramanos during last year as the order it is a reflection of last year 2223 uh she was our Acting Superintendent for half the year as well as you know serving as the assistant superintendent and uh she truly assisted myself um in making you know the procedures processes um you know followed and and provided guidance along the way um last but not least I would like to thank the full board um for you know always supporting myself and this Administration with you know items that we you know presented to you guys during committees and to the full board board um you know one of the items was what you know the changes that we did for approving of the bills which allowed me to you know flexibility with you know um paying bills prior to you know board meeting to get that on Pace as far as you know bills are being done more timely um pertaining to the audit um with the you know zero findings the last piece relating to the audit is the year and surplus so I'm happy to announce that we'll we will be providing tax relief in the form of $550,000 to the taxpayers for the 2425 budget so that's going to go back to offset taxes in addition the district was allow was um able to increase the capital reserve and maintenance Reserve um through through transfers of uh Surplus in the form of um in the amount of 9 about 900 a little over 9 00,000 into capital reserve and about 780,000 into maintenance Reserve which that was discussed fully with the finance committee as far as you know the projection and the goals of the of the district and strategically you know why we're putting it into those reserves uh to elaborate on the capital reserve uh we started last school year with with a balance of roughly about 2 a little over 2.1 million and we ended a balance of about 2.9 Million when all is sent and done with other other categories you know factoring into that capital reserve balance um currently however you know for this school year we did budget about 1.7 million to withdraw out a capital reserve which um The Hope was to try to get Rod grant funding which the rod grants uh the state approved only one project so there is further discussion as far as what projects uh we can do uh we might want to hold on until we do the Strategic plan of the district to kind of elaborate you know where those funds are best used um in addition we did you know withdraw an additional about 28,000 by board resolution so you'll you know so the 2.9 is great but it is well below our capacity based on our Lan range facility plan and also as you see to fund some of these projects I mean the withdrawals you know they come maintenance Reserve we started the the year uh July 1st at 22 850,000 and we ended the the last school year with 1.3 million maintenance Reserve currently we're using about 275,000 in this year's budget and an additional 22,000 through board resolution to add to some of the maintenance uh issues that you know came about through emergencies uh next item is the RFP for the district's Food Service management company um to put together the the new RFP to to put out for a new Food Service Company uh this is typically a requirement that the state requires us to do once every five years so this is not you know the district's not necessarily looking to change our food service management company but this is just something that you know we're consistently looking to item is our 2425 budget which which Dr gon's elaborated on we're moving along and we're on schedu to submit the tenative budget to the full board March 12th so we're on case the state hasn't released the schedule yet so if anything changes and we can move it you know to a later date in March I'll let everyone you know aware of that uh the next on the new committee so just to elaborate on some of the the larger capital projects that are you know being handled um the two projects in ACS which is the the roof replacement and also the exterior doors those are moving along uh through the Architects um and they're on Pace to go out to bid sometime late February early March is is indication so there's no significant delays with that M the mitigation which is through FEMA that is also being handled through through our architect um he's finishing up the reden Rings and that should be going out to bid late March uh the next piece is uh we got a few I mean various at the L LHS uh one is the mitigation uh also Rel TOA as well as exterior in interior door Replacements through our insurance uh as well as electrical secondary through our insurance uh Ada unisex bathroom conversion and a media center uh project so those all those projects are are in the hands of our our district architect and they're going they should be going out to bid within the end of this month to next month uh all these projects are scheduled to start you know for the summer and and hopefully they'll be completed prior to this start school uh the last piece is the status of our seven EV buses so we've been constantly you know trying to get an update on the arrival of these seven buses that we you know execute have an executed Grant agreement with the New Jersey d uh right now as we speak the vendor um we're constantly reaching out to the vendor myself and and Mr Woods on trying to get you know quarterly updates on when these buses are coming so as as everyone's aware the uh the buses were secured in 22 through a purchase order through you know Cooperative purchasing uh through the you know the execution of the grant agreement but as of currently uh we received information from the vendor that we secure the buses through that the buses are are are not available it's just there a being the vendor uh myself and Mr Woods to kind of go over what our options are one of the options that there's a way and and Mr Z you know brought it up through my to myself through an email possibly you know maybe we can look into you know canceling the grant agreement um there has been some services that were performed relating to the grant agreement relating to the charges but hopefully I should have more information to the finance committee um after my third thing that's it thank you very much all right that brings us to our committee reports starting with our student Representatives report I think you were supposed to report on Sports don't worry Arthur we have we have girls sports updates for you I know you asked about that last time specifically so we have a whole bunch here so on January 24th the leomi Lions bowling team defeated Parker Ridge Emerson in a Z sweet on the 25th of January the swim team celebrated their seniors at their meet against Linhurst on the 30th of January the Freshman boys basketball team defeated bot's team in a 50550 war Victory they were losing by 12 with a minute left but they were able to make a great comeback who won the game on February 7th the boys swim team defeated Roxbury in the quarterfinals of the state sectionals Matthew Chang broke multiple multiple school and State records the girls basketball team won the league championship on February 8th this was the first since [Applause] 1996 due to her accomplishments with the high school's bowling team Rachel Kang will be competing in the state tournament we will keep you all updated with her status the boys basketball team had their senior night on February 7th it was renamed to Nick Knight as senior Nick Batista was C celebrated and then most recently the girl swim team won their state semi-finals meet against Wayne Hills advancing them to the state finals against Morris null this Thursday thank you and then for some social updates crepe day was celebrated at the high school on February 2nd so students were able to customize their own crepes with different toppings like Ella um strawberries bananas wh cream Etc they were very delicious and then for some upcoming things we have the senior card party and that will be on March 15th it is a senior class fundraiser so it's an opportunity for us to gain points as well so if anyone wants to buy tickets or donate items please let us know we can let Hannah and I know I'm sure most of you guys are aware of the card party as well I want to thank our student representatives for what they did here I think they're still looking at their computers but I do want to point out that our very own Emily gilbart who's sitting there who being recognized by the Bergen County Schoolboard Association as Le only is representative of The Unsung G award for all that she has done for the county congratulations Emily and we we will be there um I think I know that a lot of us far Carano myself Mr calender I know that Miss wild is going to be there on March 5th she'll be honored at Henry J in high school and we're all going to be the support her I do want to thank board of education for shifting a committee meeting that night so we could attend so thank you that Emily congratulations thank you I also want to say a big thank you to everyone here especially Dr caramanos I know my emails I'm not a great at commun communicating over email but I really want to say thank you to you it was really kind thing to do for me and I really appreciate you for everything that you've done and especially what you wrote about me I don't think everyone anyone has ever said that about me and I was just really touched about your words and thank you very much thank you just so for the Public's for The public's information our student Reps don't always just only rep um report on school sports uh it's just been something that lately we've been asking them to add add to their the repertoire so thank you for that to our committee sorry really long that brings us to our uh Board of bed practices and principles committee report we had our first meeting on January 3 first um this is a new committee for the board um so we talked about a number of new items um we created a timeline for our CSA evaluation um which we always do as a board but this will be more streamlined hopefully um we're also going to look into a board self- evaluation um and also a way to kind of Orient and educate our new board members in a more formal process and we are also looking into our board bylaws our next meeting is um February and of February thank you um buildings and grounds Mr we our meeting C thank you Eric so we talked about our Cadence we're probably going to meet monthly for the next six months and also try to some tours of the buildings are going so that's the next six months our main issue that um I want to say issue topic that Eric bring up with the Planters um we want to bring the Planters back um we're working with the town of where they have to be place it seems like they can't be placed right on the curve where they originally were placed that causes a little problems some of the sidewalk is not wide away from the curve so um what we left it at is we probably could put half of the Planters back the other half we're not sure if it Wass and also kind oft us up L that's it we don't have the next thank you Miss Thompson education thank you we met last week and we talked about actually a number of of topics we had Mr calendar present the high school of uh program of studies and uh noted some exciting changes and and partnership with I think it was Ropo uh to for students to expose students who might be interested in becoming teachers in particular that was something I thought was very interesting it could be very helpful to our students we talked about our selection process for books and other materials and and what that will look like going forward uh we spoke about the use of AI and um GPT and other predictive software and I think that will be part of the professional development day uh in March and the district will have a committee focused on that uh and we also had an update on the uh math task force from from Dr faranas which it sounds like that task force has been doing great work so thank you for that that's thank you that that bring us to finance and planning is myself and like the uh buildings and grounds Mr Thomas everage covered about 95% be discussed um one there is one item that he didn't mention um that's regarding expansion of access to school meals this is not um well access to school meals is not something new for the district but um um Governor Mur Murphy recently passed legislation that that expands um who can qualify for it um this is a program that's underutilized Iz by families in the district that do qualify um you know we have based on certain data we know that there are families that would qualify that for what one reason or another don't submit for it whether they don't know um or whatever the reason might be but um it opens up the host of opportunities not not limited to just meals including breakfast and lunch but there are other um options that can help with with costs and fees um so that's a program that we would love to see uh promoted more and for 100% par because there is money that that is basically not being taken advantage of that could be um and it's not money that comes out of our tax budgets um for the school district um so it's something that you know absolutely would love to see uh more use of other than that Mr Thomas evich did an excellent job covering the rest of the discussion topics mostly was surrounding budgets and surplus discussion um and EV buses that brings us to Mr s policy thank you so we had our our policy meeting a couple weeks ago we covered a number of different topics and policies one of which was briefly addressed here which was regarding the appropriate use of District facilities that was one topic the second one this there was the first reading of uh was our updated s Le policy this to reflect legislation that was passed last year and so we were updating that to be in accordance of of of the law there we have a few other policies we're looking for for our next meeting which is on February 28th uh but re further input from from the from the Board of Ed as well as um other members so we'll continue to see how we're in accordance with policies and make updates as needed as they come up okay thank you okay so that brings us to agenda item n for new business okay so for new business um can I have a motion and a second please Thompson Motion in a second Mr Z and this is a roll call well because due to the nature of the um the items under new business the only item that could possibly be pulled for discussion is item CES anyone have a desire to to pull that for discussion okay see none can we have roll call please Miss Troy yes drista M par yes Miss Rocka yes Mr zepa Mr SEO Miss Thompson vice president Melman and president Lee Yes motion carries un thank you okay so that takes us to our second public comment speaking period on any agenda on any items pertaining to the school district um they don't have to be on the agenda anyone from the public wishing to speak please stop to the podium provide your name and address and you'll have two minutes to speak all right so I'm G to have at least one child and I'll get right to it I'd like to ask the consider character I I want to emphasize Nots allow know thank you anyone else want the public wishing to speak please please step to the podium provide your name and address you have two minutes to speak Mar 125 reles I support that gentleman's uh request as long as had that position even though a lot of Leon don't parents come down to your screen they don't want guns in the air but uh my experience in conversations withd particularly Maria perz is that when she goes down there to show and tells with the kids of guardan cops there's no problem with that that's my personal opinion I support that position um I have a question oh for Joe you may want to consider ballards like they have in New York Chrome or stainless steel bards they're narrow they get you the same protection you're looking for they're not as pretty as planters with plants although the plants was have there for a long time without plants but you could reuse those elsewhere you want you might consider BS uh regarding the church it's as a taxpayer my opinion is strictly as a business transaction ,000 a month it ain't a bad deal as long as they don't want to Nest their signs up and make it their home make it their own you may want to address that in resolution that from a business transaction standpoint you'll continue to accommodate them but on a temporary basis until we find a per home just my opinion they also want to just check what the state would have had to find outs we might boun bounce our noses off on it um uh the H the shoveling was done well where it was done but I can tell you the very front of this building walking up the flag ball wasn't done at all and I came tramping through it and also where you have the guard over there uh on the corner which is where a lot of parents come and walk their kids up and students cross over there and they walk down Broad Avenue that wasn't shoveled the archway up to the flag call area so I say suggest that if Kevin if you're listening tomorrow morning first thing you may want to get get out there and shovel that and salt it before the the kids show up uh and finally uh on Eric I like Eric I think Eric is doing a great job um he you I email a lot on Sundays and Saturdays he's always working always answering his stuff that's true I got I got the emails and and and he works very very hard I comment before was just on a matter of of protection and financial integrity and making sure that U all the spending is is properly monitored and finally I know if if Steve wanted his title on his name tag you referred him as doctor he has a title there are two other doctors that have their title I'm not a big title guy as you know I call himone by the first name and I prefer to be called by first name so unless he's objected to it R dok you thank you very much okay so that brings us to a second um sorry anyone else from the public wishing to speak okay seeing none that brings us to our second board comment period any board members with any comments or student representativ whatever would be placed there or anything else that's the town you have to that we don't we we have to bring it to the town's attention we can't keep talking go yeah keep sharing these ideas um yeah um that's not our call um but I agree that is an option so so you now um about two years ago right Kim when we were we went through we exhausted all the options and baller was the top of the list and it didn't really work out back then and uh the Planters were the only like last resort that we could make it happen cuz it was around the time when we had a two very unfortunate accidents one at the intersection um and the other one is you know just colliding was it truck or sedan just you know crashing right into the the corner of our recess area which just you know knock knocked that corner wall down totally so everybody was alarmed and we we did have a long list of things things that we were hoping to do and Planters are the last thing so I'm kind of glad you brought that up because not necessarily especially the public who might be uh watching this meeting right now know why Planters why are there even there um but it's really the Safety and Security measure that we could make happen back then responding to those unfortunate events that happened then so thank you for your comment just want to add as as point out that councilman zler in the audience and he's been an excellent partner with us in navigating it I know that he's looked at a lot of video find out when it was taken in the resolution whether there wasn't a resolution things like that um on our last correspondence there'll be feedback going to him from my office tomorrow based upon tonight's meeting as well as building and grounds meeting that we had last night that will uh continue to talk to the about Planters and how we're going to do that I I I will share this before the meeting tonight I made a point to walk up and down the street between the retaining wall and and the uh and the street itself and it looks like there's easily enough room for the planter to go with the expectation of being 24 in off the curve because of the back in now it gets more challenging on this half of the planter can definitely come back um and I see that happen kind of forth withth it's a matter of us getting our our Communications together so I do want to thank councel Migo for his quick work on this thank you for that Jord we appreciate it I also wanted to um thank was it Mr was it Ed ederman pild sorry excuse me um wanted to thank you for your comment as well um that's you know that's what we have our public comment pered so I appreciate that we'll take it under advis um any other board members just wanted to give a shout out to uh Mr Penn and uh Mr cender and Dr gon for improving and then operating the new Ski Club in the high school I would say it's been a great success goes a long way to really U building school spirit so thank you I I think there were some prior attempts to establish that that not met with success so we're very happy that uh that that's been established now uh we had 44 students ATT 10 the last teacher yeah very very nice yes 44 very nice a mountain creek can make a donation whenever they want so thank you for that okay any other board members reps okay seeing none that brings us to the our close session um we do have a matter to review tonight which will last approximately 30 minutes um so for th those who been in attendance in person we thank you for coming out tonight um if you'd like to wait um we will go back into open after that period um if not um but in the meantime we'll need you to wait outside of the room um for those online on um watching on YouTube the close session will be approximately 30 minutes and we'll come back Open Session approval Personnel items can I have a motion please s second Mr Park uh this is roll m m Troy yes Dr yes Mr par yes Miss Rocka yes missa yes Mr SEO Miss Thompson vice president Melman yes and president Lee Yes motion Carri on personal motion for Mr upo second no all in favor I any opposer extensions okay 949 wow thank you