for eight years and um always happy to do ethics especially in front of board attorneys that's all always fun for me um would you be a little lunch thank you very much so I know that we do have a packed agenda tonight so I'm just going to dive right in there um the presentation is really meant to be a board member some um really sort of uh current information about the latest advisories and and commissioner decisions on ethics issues that affect board members um but there starts with a little bit of background and uh of course it all begins with the school ethics act which was passed in 1992 and it said that it was essential for administrators and local Boards of Education members to hold respect and confidence of the people they were serving it also went on to say that administrators and board members need to avoid conduct and violation of the public trust or that might give a justifiable impression that public trust is being violated and we'll talk about that concept of justifiable oppression as we move forward the Act established the school ethics commission which is the body that oversees uh individual board member ethics violations and also issues advisories we'll talk about that later as well um it also helped Define prohibited acts which are formerly uh commonly known as conflicts of interest um it established the mandatory training requirements for board members we'll talk about that as well um the code of ethics came about in 2001 N9 years later and was actually based upon a code of ethics that njsba members adopted for themselves in the mid 70s and then finally the need for the disclosure statements um personal relative and relative and financial disclosure statements are required by school officials on an annual basis and we'll talk about those as well so uh the question comes up uh especially when it comes to the term School officials what constitutes a school official um and what parts of the ACT are applicable to each of those um uh members of the school officials group so we start with um the prohibited Acts or conflicts of interest and disclosure statements those apply to all school officials so that would be board members or Charter School trustees it would also be njsba staff and officers so I in fact have to fill one out every year myself and then finally um Board of Education members of course or excuse me administrators of course um and then when it comes to the code of ethics and mandatory training requirements those are Provisions that apply only to Board of Education members and charge School trustees as we mentioned um the school ethics commission is the body that enforces the ACT it's a nine-member body that is appointed by the governor for a period of three years each maximum of five from any one political party it's always five non-school officials two school board members and two School administrators it's important to note that this body isn't always fully staffed and that is important when it comes to the next slide we look at the types of output that the SEC has they work in two major areas the first is advisory opinions these are requested by a school official and they are to determine whether proposed conduct might be in violation of the code or the act and you see the yellow note at the bottom of the of the left side of the slide it says those can be made public but you need six votes from the SEC and that is irrespective of whether or not there are actually six members on the SEC so excuse me at times in the past we have been down to five seated members and therefore none of those advisory opinions could be made public and then once they got up um to staff and they were able to make things public of course they made them public and mass and we were scrambling to figure out ways to stay compliant with all of those um advisories so uh important that that stay staffed the next um sort of area of work that the SEC U uh takes part in is the ethics complaints uh in contrast to advisory opinions which can only be requested by school official anyone can file an Ethics complaint against a school official that would be board member against board member or a member of the public against board member or an administrator against a board member all of those um things can and do happen and just to give you a sense of the volume that the SEC deals with on an annual basis there's typically 85 ethics complaints filed and 35 advisory opinions requested we talked talked about the mandatory training requirement a little bit earlier and um this is where a significant change has happened in the last year uh not surprisingly um the mandatory training uh segments are known as governance 1 two 3 and four governance one two and three happened in the first three years of service of a board member governance one um just in the last year has been required within the first 90 days of a board member service that's a big change prior years it was a full year you had to do that training governance one is of course important because it gives you all of the basic skills and knowledge you need touches upon all major things that a board member has to deal with such as qac HIV CSA evaluation open public meetings and the code of ethics within the the second year of service a board member has to take governance to which uh the major subjects are finance and labor so that would be negotiations type issues by the end of year three uh there's a student achievement segment that has to happen and then every sub the first year of every subsequent term a board member has to take governance four which is essentially a legal update njsba is the only provider of this training and uh there are multiple options for you to take this training we of course recommend the inperson it gives you a much better experience you can have um small group discussion you can examine issues in depth uh it's just a much more beneficial um environment in which to take it there's also a live virtual option which we developed actually during the pandemic to help board members meet this obligation it should be noted that that is given in uh usually three night segments and if you miss any of those nights you will not get credit for that so you do have to be um diligent in keeping up with the schedule for live virtual and the last piece is self-paced online it is um sort of uh the bare minimum if you will for meeting your obligation under the acts disclosure statements um these personal relative and financial disclosure statements are basically a way that um you declare whether or not you have a conflict within your District in terms of someone being related to you working in the district as well and uh whether or not you have a financial involvement with the district new school officials need to do this within 30 days of employment or taking office returning school officials have an April 30 deadline to fill out your disclosure statements and you will get a number of reminders if you have not done that both from us and from your ba when we talk about penalties if there has been a finding um of a violation of the ACT there's a series of penalties that can be assessed depending on the the nature of the violation um starting with the least serious you have a reprimand this is something that the SEC would recommend to the commissioner and the commissioner would impose a reprimand is basically a written rebuke by the commissioner and it pretty much ends there the next one up in terms of sever is a censure a censure is once again a formal written um note of disapproval by the commissioner but is also publicized by the adoption of a public resolution the next two in severity um are pretty self-explanatory the first is a suspension and that means that a board member will be barred from any involvement in board activity for a designated period of time typically somewhere between 30 and 180 days and then the last one of course is removal and that would be immediate termination for board membership or employment if that person were an administrator so uh the next series of slides in the interest of time I'm going to assume that you all read the code of ethics at your reorganization meeting which is what boards typically do I just want to point out through the um 10 tenets of this of the uh code that underneath it on these slides are the standards which is the actual language that the SEC is going to examine to see if there's been a violation of any of these um standards so for tenants so um you can see exactly what it is that the SEC is looking for in any particular situation so zooming through those there's a a set of cases that we are looking at um this year with our ethics presentation that relate to tenant e which um cautions board members not to take any private action that may compromise the board and you can see on these slides that the uh each of them has a citation and that c on the citation means it's been a commissioner's decision so it's gone through and there has been either a finding of um no violation or some kind of a penalty recommended so in c98 D21 a member copied and pasted information from a board email and sent the non-public contents so executive session material to Township officials it um of course reveal board's communication and the potential had the potential to compromise the board and the information was considered confidential as the board had not yet voted on its contents there was a recommended penalty of a reprimand in that case in C 59-20 a board member sent email from a district account to a political body with the intent and misre presented a rally that was being taken uh being held at the district the content did suggest there were political motivations around that and they only invited one side of the people on that issue um and of course the problem there is that using board email to engage in political activity can get the impression that those statements were made on behalf of the board and of course that is a violation as well there was a reprimand issued in that case c2020 a member on their own began to contact vendors and districts for prices and issues uh relating to moving from MacBooks to Chromebooks as a platform for the district so of course a board member can express this agreement at a board meeting but they cannot go out and start to conduct some kind of private investigation Andor negotiations to um get pricing and of course that um was a rather serious penalty was issued a censor for that c88 D21 uh in this case uh board member use board email to Express Personal views on mass mandates and encouraged action sent it to the state legislature and members of the public once again using board em to State a position out that may not be the position of the board in addition to trying to take action against something that's been mandated already by the state is a big problem for board member so once again again there was a reprimand c86 D21 in this case there were two incidents basically um once again using board email uh sent a uh an email to the board and an administrative assistant accusing the superintendent of changing the graduation date due to a personal conflict this same member um was told by the principal that A Chorus wouldn't be performing at a particular event so texted the chorus teacher find out why of course um going through or passing over the superintendent and trying to get an explanation from a staff member is absolutely not a board member's perview and also um certainly put the employee in a un comfortable situation and uh the SEC said was tanem out to conducting an investigation without referring the incid to the superintendent the superintendent of course is the person in charge of all Personnel functions within the district and board members are not permitted to go around that person as you can see here there um there were a number of violations against the code and censures were issued for both incidents by the way those parenthetical letters correspond to the tenant of the code that was violated uh c25 D21 uh a board member met with members to justify actions for a walk-on motion to change a holiday name within the district this independent action undermined the board's decision- making because of course it's up to the board to publicly discuss and explain the rationale for his actions it also undermined the administration's Authority and put an unnecessary strain on the board superintendent relationship a reprimand issued there and Co 4-20 the day after the board president lost the election he directed the board counsel to conduct research on another board member and who campaigned against and took private action and used a position to secure privilege for himself once again uh a number of violations of PF and censure issued in that case we talked about uh prohibited Acts or conflicts of interest um this uh slide basically talks about the fact that board members who have some kind of a um conflict whether it be within a family member or some kind of a business consideration where they may secure some kind of unwarranted privilege or benefit um or some realize some kind of financial gain um they are not permitted to have any discussion or any voting on issues of that nature as always recommended board members have a question about whether a conflict exists with their own personal situation that they consult the board counsel about that situation um there was some discussion about what the difference would be between an exstension and a recusal due to conflict um board members do have to make sure that if they have a conflict they should recuse themselves and not just abstain from the vote um recusing excuse me abstaining doesn't really acknowledge the fact that that conflict exists so if you do have a conflict make sure you absent yourself from that discussion uh relationship definitions this is important in deciding whether there would be a conflict for a board member or a school official um we talk about um the New Jersey Code we talk about um immediate family members is basically defined as a spouse a civil union or domestic partner or dependent child residing in the same household for a relative there's really quite an exhaustive list as you can see here and those are whether related to the individual or the individual spouse by Blood marriage your adoption so that's quite an exhaustive list and uh it does pay for board members to periodically take an assessment of whether or not they might have a conflict based on relationships they have in District or uh potentially in in labor unions depending on the issue uh this is actually just a sample of a rather exhaustive list that the uh that the SEC uh did to enumerate all of the different relationships that might POS a conflict so um if you want to read the whole list you can click on that link hiring and Personnel boards cannot hire the relative of a board member nor can they hire the relative of a superintendent of course though board members can run for a seat or candidates can run for a seat in a district in which a relative already works and also the board can hire a superintendent into a district where Authority works but if that is the case they can't exercise director authority over that relative if they're administrator they must designate someone else to be their supervisor and evaluator if it's a board member a board member can't take part in any employment matters concerning the superintendent or anyone in the chain of command between that relative and the board member or excuse me relative of the superintendent so um and then lastly of course if they were looking to replace the superintendent um the board member could not take part in any aspect of that hiring process when it comes to collective bargaining negotiations uh this chart is really pretty pretty helpful um looking at the chart column one describes the relationship to a board member column two described or designates that that person is uh in a Statewide Public teachers union and then the next two columns are participate negotiations yes or no who vot to ratify the contract yes or no so starting with Row one if you're a board member and your spouse dependent child child who's not a dependent or relative works in the district you certainly can't participate in negotiations or vote on a contract if yourself your spouse or dependent child works out a district in a Statewide Public teachers union you may not participate in negotiations but once all negotiations issues are settled salary guides Etc you may be briefed on and then vote on the contract last row if your child who's not dependent or a relative works out of District in a Statewide Public teachers union you may now participate in negotiations as of this advisory in 2017 and you may also vote to ratify the contract you'll notice the asterisk there on the yeses says absence another conflict and normally that is something to do with heighten involvement on the part of that relative that would mean that they are a building rep they are on the negotiations team or they're an officer in their loc ask a point of clarification on that slide sure Statewide Public teachers union y That's New Jersey Statewide Public teachers union correct somebody's out of state a relative that was out of state in in a union that would not be relevant here right that's correct uh this is a basically um kind of explaining that an immediate family member having heighten Union involvement that could be an issue in in collective bargaining there's another advisory that came out in 2018 that said endorsement of a candidate by the local or Statewide Union does not create a per se future future conflict um prior to this it was pretty much assumed that for a period of time you would be absent from negotiations I think it was usually a year if I'm correct um and um in this case they also attach the conditions of uh a financial contribution having been given and that it is intended to influence the member which I don't know how that's determin but I guess the SEC took that burden on okay some advisory opinions um related to conflicts a1023 a board member's child worked in a district after Care supervisor was a teacher who reports to the principal uh the question was was there a conflict there and the advice was yes Rees for many and all matters related to superintendent and the supervisory chain of command a223 spouse was a councilman in the buau could that um particular board member vote to hire an SRO officer and the advice from the SEC was that there would be a perceived uh personal or financial involvement that could violate public public confidence so again it's that justifiable impression that the public confidence wasn't being upheld so that person was advised to accuse from any and all matters related to the barel c-22 wife works in the district mistakenly voted to renew the csa's contract in a block of 48 items now we already discussed that if your relative worked in the district you couldn't have any involvement in superintendent contract um what's interesting about this one is that that that person took the time to abstain from a different item in that 48 um 48 item block uh but didn't obain from this one so once again potential for conflict uh a reprimand issued there um and that was a commissioner's case not an advisory uh in a-23 question was can a board member continue to work for Food Service vendor as a lunch lady in the district uh the SEC voted um excuse me recommended that that person get reassigned within their employer uh reason being that this particular person was in the district for an extended amount of time each day which would subject that person to supervision from Administration and therefore that would be a violation excuse me a conflict um 8-23 um town going into a contract with a firm to upgrade tennis courts shared with school district on school grounds can the board members firm be a subcontractor they said yes in this case which I really uh was quite surprised that um they did attach conditions to that of course though so that um they didn't want any preferential treatment given to that board members um firm they wanted for someone else to actually perform work rather than the board member and and uh certainly the board member could have no authority over staff and needed to keep the superintendent advised along the way c81 D20 a board member who is also the burough CFO voted to approve a shared service agreement with the burrow for maintenance type issues um the SEC or excuse me the commissioner said within this that the person had a direct or indirect Financial involvement that could be perceived to compare objectivity a reprimand was recommended there um there's a question about committee assignments when a relative Works in District so in this case uh a5- 23 a board president had a child who worked in the district the SEC said that because of that relationship the board president could not chair uh could not appoint chairs could not appoint members or serve on any committee that might impact that person's appointment and um for a second board member in this um area a board member B spouses a 10-month employee in the technology department and once again it was said that that board member could not have any involvement on any committees that would remotely touch upon that spouse's appointment executive session there was a couple of cases here that resulted in censures um c87 D21 one in this case a member attended an executive session discussion on candidates to philad board seat this um board member's husband had applied so um it was judged that she shouldn't have been involved in that in c9- 120 the board president attended multiple discussions on a matter involving an immediate family member um other board members were unaware of the identity of course um and in both cases the council was concern Ed first um there's a number of reasons of course why you know it was inappropriate for those Bo to attend those sessions um uh not the least of which is it gives them an advantage and creates the just of violent impression that uh the public trust would being violated this is fairly new this advice of council defense uh just over the last couple of months um we always of course refer board members to a board counsel um and in the past uh that even if they were advised in a certain direction and took that direction SEC could still have found them to have violated the act and impos a penalty um lately though this has been um sort of dialed back a little bit and uh they laid out conditions where advice of council defense might help a board member in these cases and these four conditions that were um suggested were that the approval or advice was received prior to action being taken that the individual who offered the advice uh possess Authority or responsibility with regard to ethical issues that the individual seeking the advice or approval made full disclosure of the circumstances involved and lastly that the individual complied with the advice that was received including any restrictions it might contain if all all those factors were met advice of council could come into play however it would probably just help them avoid a penalty they would still could still be found to have been violation of the code of the ACT volunteering um board members um are not prohibited from volunteering in schools they're also not prohibited from volunteering with other organizations that don't fall underneath the uh districts umbrella so you can read into that your ptas your booster clubs Etc um however if you are involved with those outside uh organizations and issues come before the board that might uh affect those organizations it's um probably a good idea for board members to recuse themselves from those discussions when it comes to actually being in the schools to do volunteer activity um the the phrase is typically um advised by the SEC is that they can be involved in one-time non-executive volunteer activities and you can uh infer from that things like reading on Dr Seuss day or chaping a class trip something where you're not going to be there on a consistent basis where you're not going to be giving direction to staff or taking direction from staff um and won't have you in the building so much that people would mistake you for an employee right um if you are going to volunteer advise your superintendent to be in the building go in do your volunteer activity then leave it's not a opportunity to check up on things um and then also of course you know be cognizant of all your obligations under the ACT you're state official you don't you're not um just a member of the public when you're doing that okay I think that the most important thing on this slide um is the bottom piece here advisory opinion A1 12-22 um a board member asked if they would violate the ethics act if they voted affirmatively to refuse to implement New Jersey student learning standards of course this has been a hot issue for the last couple of years around Comprehensive Health and PE um what the SEC said was that if it was shown that the school official acted contrary to the laws rules and regulations and if you go back to tenant a of the code of ethics it says you're you know you're obligated to enforce the laws rules and regulations of the State Board of Education that you could be in violation of the code social media um so generally speaking you don't give up your first amendment rights when you become a board member but you do have additional obligations over members of the public so you have to mind the subjects that you talk about if you're going to be on social media if you want to show pictures of your cat your breakfast cereal knock yourself out right but when you start to talk about things related or could be tied to your board service then you can um easily get yourself off track and in trouble um what the what the SEC recommends is if you're going to be speaking in public and this is a longstanding rule and if you were sending a letter to the editor in years past we commenting on social media the SEC suggests you use a disclaimer they're also suggesting it be bold in italics uh and and that it it basically says that you're making those comments in Your Capacity a private citizen um they're not representive of the board's opinions or any of the individual members on the board and represent your own opinions solely now some questions about this disclaimer um that are you know very reasonable questions for board members to ask so if I use a disclaimers it automatically protect me no it doesn't um it does help clarify how you're speaking but it it doesn't um it's not a you know a bulletproof vest if you will for the things that you say within that statement what could cause me to be in violation with a disclaimer it's basically the content if you have a disclaimer but you go ahead and say a whole bunch of things that might fly in the face of that disclaimer you could still be in trouble um if I don't use a disclaimer does that mean I'm automatically in violation of the ACT no once again the content is really the key thing and lastly um must I use the exact disclaimer no but you really need to hit all the key points of the disclaimer um so uh ao2 d22 basically says if as a private citizen um would they violate the ACT if they answered operational questions and basically um you're not a private citizen when you're speaking on matters of the board you're perceived to be speaking uh for the board or you could be so um basically no you shouldn't be answering oper questions you're not in charge of the operational part of the district that's your superintendent's job um so this is um particularly appropriate for our sort of times if you will um especially when there's been a lot of turnover on Boards of Education um many people of course use social media in order to build a case for their election to the board um the SEC is saying it's no longer appropriate to use your your campaign page um once you become a seated board member okay uh It also says any social this goes back to 2014 any social media account that inherently indicates your position as a board member shouldn't be used either um It also says the mere liking or sharing of a social media post wouldn't cause a reasonable member would not cause a reasonable member the public to proceive your speaking in your official capacity or pursuant to your official duties as a member of the board once again I think the content is really going to dictate whether or not that could be a problem for you um use of divisive language um so the SEC talked in uh commissioner decision 19-22 about um inappropriate language um not being something that they could assess penalties against but they caution board members against using language to what they call dagate from the mission of the board right so so they're they're reminding you that you should behave with a certain level of the Quorum as a board member and and they also took the time to remind you in c102 d22 that you will be subject to your community's judgment at the voting mve should you choose to act in a manner that is contrary to the mission of the board uh couple quick points um talked about a list of conflicts do recommend reviewing it regularly um everybody has you know relatives that you know enter the teaching profession at some point or another they graduate in December and May and take a job and all of a sudden they're a building rep and you might have an issue so do uh do talk about that on a regular basis um your board attorney once again should be the best resource for you to judge whether you have issues ethically or or conflicts Etc and Schoolboard notes um which you should all receive either in print or in digital form does have uh advisory opinions when they're released by the SEC that can help you stay compliant with all this and that's it thank you so much for for the presentation just want to make mention that not only does mat do these presentations but he is an ongoing resource and S support to Bergen County Matt thank you for coming on this evening thank you for presentation thank you for being there for us thank you everyone in school board thank you very much okay good night brings us to our next presentation from our director of Technology information Mr Pablo changes good evening everyone so I just really wanted to go over give everyone an overview of Technology within our district um where we are now where we come from and a few things that we've done to get to where we are so first I really just wanted to start out to talk about technology briefly and just you know it's always important to kind of focus on why we have technology you know in our district so with the support of the information technology Services Department our students and staff will learn engage interact and grow through the use of technology that is integrated into the ccal and and that's key for us is we our goal is to really support but also make sure that technology is integrated into you know our school gr so I wanted to first start with our classrooms and just let everyone know what exactly do our students have in each one of their classrooms um that's available to them to support education so we'll go over the hardware first uh students in prek through grade one have one one iPads students in grade two through grade 12 have one toone Chromebooks that's for all students uh teachers have a standard laptop or desktop in each one of their classrooms that is Windows based each one of our power Professionals in the district have a standard Chromebook and all schools have at least one computer lab when it comes to software um we have access to what is called class link class link um hous is our rosters and our instructional software platforms that's really just how our students get um to our software we have a total of 100 applications that our students have access to that's um applications that are directly and indirectly support learning for our students all schools have one to one wiress access points per academic classroom so um I'll get into access points a little bit later but basically access points are what gives each one of our classrooms and our students access to the even um and Internet Protocol um basically every classroom has a phone in it that is it's called IP based meaning it connects to the internet I'd like to just go over the infrastructure the performance and security of our entire District but my focus will be on our Network backbone um our Network backbone is basically what makes everything work when it comes to um our databases our wireless internet um our fiber what makes everything work and I want to give you a good idea of what the physical devices are that make that work so I want to just go back a little bit prior to me um The District in 2021 uh Le only received a network upgrade um uh that consisted of the following Hardware it it's a network upgrade but it's also a data center uh upgrade that we went through so I won't talk too much about each one of the devices but I think it's important that you all know you know what runs our our district so 2021 we purchased two District level firewalls the firewalls are devices that monitor the traffic that goes back and forth from the internet from our students and back out um the goal is to make sure that inappropriate things don't get in and that inappropriate things don't get out monitors it consistent 247 also um with that purchase we purchased six ms425 uh 16 Port switches um really what this device is is it sits on the outside closest to what we call fiber closest to the internet on the outside and it helps bring that connect that fiber optic to the internet and so we also purchased 55 ms250 they're 48 Port switches in a nutshell this device really just connects our access points our servers other devices like that to our local internal Network these are spread throughout all of our schols there's an additional two ms250 24 Port switches it really does the same thing but this sits a little bit closer to the fiber the closer you are to the fiber the faster you are the further you are from the fiber is slower less dependent you are and then two ms350 48 P switches same thing there's nothing much to say about that um they do pretty much the same thing now here are the access points that we were talking about a little bit earlier we have 2117 access points that are distributed throughout the entire District um these access points give access to the internet and access to our database and access to our intet um that's within our our district we basically have onetoone access when it comes to our access points in our academic areas in our classrooms okay and then we have finally we purchased six Cisco hyperflex servers um there's a lot that goes on in the district when it comes to technology and um you might think well we only have six servers uh well these servers do a lot I'm going to kind of split them in half to kind of briefly explain what's going on with our servers uh three of the servers are just dedicated to our databases to our software to door access when you swipe a card through basically everything um within those three slim servers that are in our in the racks that we call them they we have three physical servers but installed on those three servers we have 37 servers that are running virtually on those machines that run everything in our district um and that's a big deal does a big job now the other three um servers we uh they were designed initially to be what's called vdi servers virtual desktop environment and they had what we have done is we've set them up and got them ready to give an environment a virtual viral environment for each one of our students and staff uh virtual environment means basically if you can think of getting on your laptop at home or getting on any type of computer well we can give that same experience but remotely anywhere to our students that Mak okay so that's what the other three servers are dedicated to doing and that's up and running consistently dist so that's that's our backp that's what runs at and then I'll dig in a little bit deeper here to explain um what our Data Network looks like okay so all schools have a network that are that are all our schools are network via single mode fiber um to give you a better idea what that means is if you can think of a loop um each one of our schools is connected with a fiber optic cable single mode fiber strands of glass really um and light is shot on these cables and it makes and it you know transmits data throughout it's very fast and so that's the backbone of our Data Network um all of our buildings communicate with each other using 10 GB fiber Uplink really what that means is in each building there's another cable that connects to the single mode fiber that allows us to go up to 10 gigabits worth of speed we're not at that speed but that will allow us to go up to that speed if we so choose each one of the devices that I talked to you about that the students have that our teachers have that we use they have what's called a network adapter every single one of our devices has has an adapter installed that is what's called 10 by1 100 by 1,000 megabits per second that's just you know you don't have to really worry about that the the easy way to explain that is the 10 is slower we can go slower we can go in Middle speed which is 100 or we could go up to gigabit speeds we're not there yet but we have the capability to go gigabit speeds if we choose to um every space occupied by staff has at least four data drops what that really means is every teaching space in our district and then some has four cat six category six cables that are in the classroom so if we need to expand or put in extra devices or connect another Smartboard or something like that we have the capability to do that without running extra um LS um and each of our labs are equipped with a wired wired or Wireless computers in every single one of our labs and I'd like to just step into technology security and protection for the no our district so we have a secured internet connection uh we spoke a little bit about the Enterprise level firewalls that we have in the district um that's part of our security um we have services that are monitored 24 hours a day uh 30 365 days a year um that monitor the traffic that goes through the firewall um in our district and if anything you know funding happens you know we will be alerted to that in addition to that the same softare does uh intrusion detection and it reduces our exposure to um bad fa on the internet uh we have additional services to provide comprehensive Suite of unified threat management features basically what that means is we're basically continuously scanning our not just our firewalls but we're scanning our PCS and the Chromebooks just to make sure that nothing is getting out nothing is getting in um our district servers that I spoke about um they're backed up on premise what that means is that are backed up here they're backed up here all of our data is backed up here on on school property in addition to that all of our user data is pushed off premise and backed up by Google in the cloud um our servers are protected by What's called the UPS uninterrupted power supply so in the event that power goes down in the district our servers will stay up for a certain amount of time um before they shut down we do have anir software installed in each one of our desktops and laptops and on our servers um all of our emails hosted by Google in the cloud we've been enabled a few different things anti-spam and another security comp components uh that include data loss prevention for confidential information of student information staff information and with uh the assistance of Gmail we have a lot of filtering that is set up to block spam messages it doesn't 100% stop spam messages it just helps to block them um and we have security compliance measures in place as well that will archive and preserve our email for a certain retention periods and I'll go into that a little bit more in our next slides so um within our email we have things called fishing protections that help protect our students and staff from anyone who's trying to um get into their machines and it gives us warnings and lets us know hey you shouldn't click on this you shouldn't you know click on that or send this out um we have proactive alerts for specific attachments so when attachments are received or sent out it will warn you uh to be careful if it notices something that isn't safe um we also have safe browsing set up for all students and staff basically um if you go to an inappropriate site it will either lock you out right or if there's something that is strange it will tell you not to click on those links and we have antimalware um and it just protects District email um from inappropriate software next I just like to tell you a little bit about our telephone our intercom and our um cameras so our classrooms are equipped with a digital telephone we spoke about that in IP Base phone every single one um but also we have those those telephones have access to what's called an Alo speaker so if I was to go into a classroom and I needed to make an emergency announcement I could make an announcement from any class to everyone in the entire um that entire school if I needed to make an emergency lock down from any phone in the district I could do that from the IP based phone okay um if I needed to just push a button in the classroom and automatically Ally notify the police and can do that just from one of the IP based phones without dialing an entire number um we have what's called 911 inform form and that is connected it's basically what I just explained but it is connected to our phones you can make an emergency call um with the you know just touching a button what happens is if there's something happening for example in room 2011 and the phone um the call is made from 2011 it would show local police department a map of where the incident is happening specifically in that room and the law enforcement be able to respond directly uh to that room and there's a host of other features that are install but mainly that's you know what it does and in addition our FS connect directly to 911 services like I said um there's no pushing of buttons you just have to you know push one and you can go right in um we have a camera system in throughout our entire district and in every school each school is equipped with an NVR um it's just a network video camera it controls U all of our cameras it backs up and provides the appropriate staff with viewing capabilities to those cameras um the NBR really is just a brain um that manages all the cameras that are in the disc so briefly about our camera cover and Anna and ACS here Andy Scott we have total of 63 cameras internal and external in the middle school we have a total of 78 cameras internal and external and Le only the high school we have a total of 95 cameras internal and external cameras all controlled by the NVR and all backed up by the NBR and accessible internally and externally from within or without our district outside of our district um so what we've what have we accomplished so far I I won't read all of these um to to you I just wanted to highlight a few different areas that I think are important and um I believe this is available to anyone who wants to dig in a little bit deeper um we've done a lot in the time that we we've been here uh one of the things I wanted to point out is there's something called a security scorecard um when we uh started looking at security um security scorecard is basically a report card for how safe your your school is the internet and the it uh at one point we had a 6 3 and up we're up to an 88 right now um and we believe that we'll get you know in the 90s some things out our control for example using Google Google isn't as hardened as we want Google to be so that'll take some time to make those changes um one of the other things I wanted to highlight is our sta the IT staff we have software now that trains us on new technologies that comes out so we're always on top of Technology with IND the um and that is implemented you know for all of our staff but also we work that into um their observations and make sure that you know they're taking the the training um just move on here and that's pretty much it um we've done a lot it's all listed here um I just wanted to point out a few different things that we are doing so last but not least I just wanted to focus on um it uh information Technologies goals and uh objectives and our strategies here so goal one we really want to maintain a technology refresh plan that provides equable Equitable sustainable and uh relevant technology resources for all students and staff and you know the way we're going to do that is ensure a suitable districtwide technology refresh plan is in place enhance and upgrade technology in all schools um annually and revamp our computer labs to provide a digitally Rich environment for students and staff to share and create we want to install Wireless screen mirroring and digital displays in all schools we really want to focus on replacing 662 Legacy Chromebook devices old devices with new uh student Chromebooks uh we want to complete class Smartboard installations across the district we started a push uh PRI getting here and we're very close to um getting them in every uh location we want to implement and maintain sustainable digital device platform to address the instructional needs of our students um and what I mean by digital device platform is currently we have Chromebooks and I think we should look into T you know look into the data to see if it's important for us to stick with Chromebooks or should we be looking at you know something else maybe laptops that's all that that that means just always being on top of technology and what's best for our students um goal two Innovation Tech solution Innovative Tech Solutions our goal there would be to improve productivity of all staff by providing cost effective and Innovative Technology Solutions so some of our strategies are you know provide seamless access to um applications through class link single sign off and Genesis sis database basically make it easy for staff and students to to log on to these uh these databases um we'd like to support an instructional technology Coach position so um we understand the importance of te you know technology in our schools but we also think it's super important that all of our teachers feel comfortable with the technology that they're using so we'd like to create um a position that um put a technology coach in each one of the schools to help us out there we'd like to revamp our computer labs districtwide to Foster the use of digital technology for students and staff um help them with the collaboration and enhance meaningful exploration and creation and we only have four you know we put together four goals so we're on goal three now and what we'd like to do is provide a safe secure consistent and seamless connectivity experience to all users and support of the district's educational goals so some of the strategies here is we'd like to provide enhanced wireless access for all staff and students um and one of the ways that we do that is increase our internet capacity to 10 gbits um right now we're on you know one gigabit Implement single sign on for staff to provide a seamless access experience to District resources it's pretty much what I mentioned before we want to make it easier for staff um to really sign on to use databases that that we have here and we'd like to complete a remote vdi infrastructure expansion to all staff and students currently we have that it's implemented but it's just for students we'd like to push that out for staff as well and we' like to push it out so it is not just being used on campus but also being used off campus oh sorry to interrupt what's BDI I'm sorry virtual desktop environment and last uh communication system so our goal is to implement and sustain a modernized Communication System infrastructure for all schools so some of our strategies here are to really Implement a centralized staff and student ID badge application for safety security Transportation food service and attendance now we're almost there we've done a lot of work with this badges are all put together we just want to make sure that we um you know kind of wrap up that program and make sure that it's running smoothly we want to install telephone systems in all remaining schools with voice over Internet Protocol so like I said all academic areas have telephone systems there's some nonacademic areas that we'd like to get phones in as well we'd like to upgrade our public address in intercom uh infrastructure and what that means is I mentioned we have algo speech uh speakers around the district um we would like to um you know upgrade them as time goes on but also make sure that we have full cover throughout the the district when it comes to sound and the sound's working great um we'd like to install digital Marquee outdoor signs at all schools for communication purposes and we like to install campus-wide physical SEC physical security systems what I mean by that is we have that in place but I really like to as time goes on and Technology gets older we'd like to focus on our cameras and our door access systems to make sure that they're up um to date um we want to make sure that they're compliant with um all legislative requirements and that they integrate with the existing crisis communication systems that we're currently using or that come out in the future we want to make sure that everything's integrated and working appropriately and with that um you know my presentation [Music] done thank you so much Mr Samuel that was very compehensive um I have a few questions but those are all simple ones so hopefully um uh so at one point it was um probably early phase of of the first implementation of our Network upgrade uh I remember we were still struggling with the very weak connectivity in particularly in this building in hug spots uh could they still up being in a trouble to you or that's all resoled through the work that we've been doing so far so so I would say I I'll step back maybe about a year ago um we took in inventory um and Survey actually of all of our staff members and that was one of the things that we put on there is about the connectivity and it's going really high so I don't hear of many errors or any issues when it comes to connectivity when it comes to wirel like Wi-Fi no issues there um we do get you know some complaints about cell phone signals we do get but when it comes to the wireless we have access points everywhere that's great great um and uh the network upgrade that was such a huge project that we undertook and was broken into three phases if not if I'm not mistaken yes are we through All Phases or are we talking about just completed for space where are we in terms of that master plan so we're and the only reason I pause is we're absolutely completed we're done through all of those phases but I pause because um vdi was the last phase um FDI when it came on wasn't completed it is completed now and we just have to push it out to everyone so yes we we're definitely there but I'd like to see all the students and staff working on those BDI virtual desktops but it is closed out um and since now we we just completed our op right and um AI integrated softwares and educational tool was kind of emerging topic uh during the School Board Association conference from uh if you know um would that impact Us in terms of like our existing infrastructure is that going to require us to like be upgraded again or is it too far away so it's not within the horizon or do you have any opinion of that or when ites comes to ai ai um the AI that is available to us um there's when people say AI there's a lot of different versions of of AI um the version of AI that most people know of is what's really popular now when it comes to you know writing papers Ander and things like that um we have the ability to do that now because of web access so we have access to that now um I would say that interestingly enough um when I mentioned that we are our network is secured um consistently 365 um days out of the year we have a version of AI that watches the data that streams in a network so we're actually using AI ourselves within it Department to keep us safe so won't we have everything we need to move forward if we if we needed to great um the telephone incom um it's it's great that it has these all embedded emergency features um guessing our staff and students like they're train about these features so when go for a bit something happens we actually you know get to use those emergency um capabilities yes so I can speak to our telephone systems our um our administrators and our staff are all trained on that um the students aren't necessarily trained just because it's it's kind of like saying hey you can have to do is pull this fire alarm you know so it's Specific Instructions that we we taught the staff but not necessarily um the students this now this next part is really kind of not in my Lane but I will say that there's consistent drills that are done that do support the students when it comes to what they should know and how to you know react and what to do in certain you know situations but technology wise that's a you know a staff right and the camera system the backup how long does it last so we have a 30-day retention period 30 days right so after 30 days it will start to override itself yeah just few few more quick on that camera just going crazy okay quickly quickly secret scool car 8 sounds very impressive especially what it was before how does it compare to other books so it's pretty neat so the security card will show us how we're doing as compared to other organizations so we're just above so most not most I would say other organizations that are doing what they should do are ated pretty much between the 82 and an 84 and so you know we're doing pretty good but we could we could definitely do better we'd like to do awesome yeah and as a Smartboard I'm like a little bit um thinking back that we're still installing it is I I remember there was a big issue with the back order it wasn't the issue is that the issue why we're so no I would say that every every Smartboard That was supposed to be ordered was ordered I guess that there's just a few locations that were left out and I think on purpose that were left out and so um now the principles have you know I've spoken to principles and they've said to me okay well in this computer lab well would be nice to have that there so I think that few there's few I mean really minor there only a few locations that still probably use oh great last question Mar signage right so how does that compare to the digital signage we have this is more I'm sure it's um different ones right it is different so um currently what we have is what's called a dot matrix kind of pixelated view of it like dot so the new signs are more interactive they can put images on them better looking images um and here's the the most important part for me um from the IT department our current signs when you want to change them you have to go to them with a laptop you have to literally get close to them IDE yeah so the newer boards you could just change them from you know within you can just inside the school just make a change and it goes out you have to actually be a part of the the signs Network to actually change it so and that's older technology at this yeah thank you so much oh you're welcome a question yes yeah thanks so much for this presentation very comprehensive just you mentioned the computer labs a few times can you give us an idea of what our current resources are in the computer labs and what your plan resources are for those yes definitely so right now I would say that we have enough computers in every lab to house a large classroom so that might be around 30 computers in a lab um they're in most labs are getting a little bit older but they're not outdated but they're getting a little bit older one of the reasons I really want to focus on the computer labs is for a few reasons technology and budgetary kind of reasons so right now if you purchase a computer for a computer lab you'll have that computer for a good five years before you have to replace it and it starts to get slow and starts to you know get run down so with the BDI environment that I was you know mentioning to the virtual desktop environment what students could do is they could access the power of our servers and all of our software with just their Chromebooks and and it's a device that they already have so they can actually go to the computer lab with their Chromebook and do what they have to do and not rely on just the machine that's there that's getting older um they can just use the power of the Chromebook and the virtual desktop um environment so I think that's one of the areas I'd like to go so instead of purchasing every year a you know a $22,000 um machine um times whatever the number is for each one of the lastes the suits can have what they're already given which is the Chromebook and they can all of that power so that's one of the views I have for you know the um the computer than you we just just to clarify if we did go that route where the students use those laptops we probably should have something a little bit better I know you mentioned like looking into other things than Chromebooks would you agree if if that's what we're going to use in the labs they're bringing their own um I do agree to uh to a point but let me just explain what that you're saying a $2,000 device in a Chromebook is how much so a Chromebook you can get it for anywhere from $250 so just it it sounds great a $250 replacing a $2,000 but you probably might need a little bit more I agree and the one thing that you would need a little bit more of is the the the screen itself so they can take advantage of the viewing capabilities whereas the basic Chromebooks at this point don't have that great screen but everything on the back end that you're talking about like everything that they would access they so let me give a quick example with a Chromebook they are all accessing Google and the internet and that's pretty much the limit with the BDI environment there is no limit to the software that they can run if they're using a Chromebook solely for a Chromebook I can't give them access to Microsoft Access to doy the very powerful programs that are used like in fouryear colleges but with the BDI environment I can give them access and practice to all of that but you're you're right they should have a better screen and that software would be on our service right correct correct we have the servers that we need to yes we do thank you you're welcome um I just wanted to say thank you for um doing the presentation but also um I've seen a lot of technology updates over the years but I just really want to commend you for doing a good job at taking it and breaking it down into like what it means on a practical day-to-day basis um because I I have so appreciate you're welcome thank you I will point out that we we had him pull items out too we could have got lot we could talked about here cred to Pablo and his department for all the work that they've done and you know it's it's clear you can feel the energy with with the work that we've done so thank you Pablo very much it's amazing to think where we were just before Co and where we are now a lot of De bounts but um I've heard a lot of great things from the administrative offices about Mr Mr Samuel's work really appreciate it looking forward to seeing where we're headed within the future so thank you so this brings us to agenda item F which is the Board of Education members and student representative comments um we start with responses to the comments made during um the public comment speaking period so Mr Z Arthur several questions Mr had some comments as well about agenda item Finance it lq yeah thank you president Le I just want you know through you I just needed some followup questions for um once I get there I'll ask you relating to Mesto waral you commented about the GU the description how it's stated estimated and what was it for um that Fender is our special legal counsel for the sexual abuse claims that we have outstanding um the description is is outlining the purpose of the P not necessar necessarily the reason for the payment payment is based on those Ines actual end up the dollars whether estimates for correct it I got it thanks correct um followup question relating to page two on bills and claims uh relating to inspection I believe you're referring to jjb Electric is that correct on page page two the yes jjd electric correct so that was our inspection um for the solar panel is that all three buildings that's the is that it that's what he he um performed because there was some as as we get the readings throughout you know monthly um he notices some you know productivity issues so we recommended that we you know we we do a thorough uh inspection to see what needs to be replaced um based on those you know based on the solar panel um those inspections I go forward to you you know tomorrow I don't need it I thought it was a campus infra electrical infrastructure uh infrared testing of panel I that's what I thought it was I know what it was for okay I don't need it okay um but we'll bring it to the finance committee I mean some of the the cost range from anywhere from 67,000 to 18,000 depending on the score um but you know the solar panel uh life there is I believe based on what he told us at least five years of you know use um especially with you know the ASX that we're able to sell for another two and a half years I was I was more concerned with the risks associated with an electrical system I used to do I I used to manage large campuses and I used to do that stuff I contracted you know and as I was wondering if there was a report on that I wanted to see what the condition of your Transformers or your discreation system and all that other stuff so I don't need to see that thank you you're welcome uh relating to the state sources you referenced 31 of 39 I believe that's the board secretary report corre commenting budget estimate Federal um that in the that's um just globally that is uh related to our capital projects it's broken out as far as Rod Grant um so it's split up into how the funding sources are based on but that is relating to our local share that we're contributing capital reserve uh for the rod Grant it could also be a local share for the FEMA mitigation projects it's it's FEMA money um so it's broken out by those categories um some of those aren't realized yet like I'll give you an example the broad Grant isn't realized yet we're in the process of finalizing the grant agreement so we got approved by the state to do the roof at ACS uh however we were waiting to receive the grant agreement from the state to sign off on it once once they sign off on it there will be a resolution to the full board accepting the grant agreement uh which allows us to move forward with to bit to to move forward with that project um but globally uh you'll notice uh relating to state federal uh grants uh some grants are able to be realized because you know we're expecting to get the full grant money um based on you know state aid other grants we can't realize until we actually uh spend the money so some grants you'll see that there's a grant award which we budget but as we spending the money the portion that we spend we're realizing and we threw it up at the end of the year whatever we don't spend is not realized I was just concerned we're 5 months into the year I don't there's nothing showing on you know far spending but okay I get but that one is capital so that's yeah uh relating to uh capital projects uh plan versus spent in my report today I'll outline some of the where we are with some of those projects uh where we're going uh so I'll provide that to you a little bit later uh as far as the inent uh the dness for a debt relating to our uh lease leases or bonds what's coming off there is one Bond maturing uh that's that actually matured this year um as well as we do have a schedule that I prepare for the budget um if you want I could provide that to you email y than uh relating to extraordinary Aid that was something that was brought up I think you had a comment previously and Mr La commented on you know what districts could do for you know special cost Rising um extraordinary 8 is is a state resource that we're able to submit um additional expenses relating to special ed uh whether it's you know in District out of District that we could if it's over a certain dollar amount the state will actually allow us uh to submit it um based on a calculation they'll provide a a percentage of that additional cost back to the distri I remember thank you y um and that has not been realized because the grant award has hasn't been completed yet that's done usually in the spring um uh I just had a question page 13 14 15 uh you reference cleaning and maintenance I wasn't sure the account numberb are change is obviously cleaning and using I said was 261 262 263 and 270 you know so the reason why I thought you meant location if it was on the um the bills list that is uh based on the state all all districts have to uh pretty much conform to some type of Chartered accounts most districts if not all followed as charart of accounts established by the state so those are in categories that are identified by the state so 261 is our meance 262 is custodial so it's separated by what the purpose of that um expenditures for uh 263 uh would be grounds so they um we require to you know itemize all our expenditures okay let's just do same explanation for all the different ones with different accounts I was just which is similar in the chart of accounts like it it'll say you know purchase services for custodial purchase services for required maintenance you and and the 261 has to in line with our maintenance Reserve thank you um I believe that was it from the bo or from our student Representatives I'm going to address Mr Lee's comments so regarding uh agenda item Finance lq um so Mr Lee I do appreciate you coming out to speak tonight um it is something that um the public does not do often enough in terms of either support or concerns about any the board agenda items um it is on the agenda tonight um it'll come up during the next portion of the agenda I believe I've heard from some board members that they'd like to pull it for discussion typically what happens is under consent agenda everything gets approved at once um when a board member wants to discuss an item then it will get pulled and voted on separately so there will be discussion and a vote handled separately for that one um but I do appreciate you sharing your comments all the board members did receive your email in my response to you they were copied on that but um I do appreciate you coming out and taking that opportunity to speak to to us we have many people here with you supportting as well so thank you and any other comments from our Bo student Representatives see none um we will move on to the approval of consent agenda items um can I have a motion and a second and do we have is that with lq or without lq just about to get there okay sorry so we have a motion in a second do we have any items that any anyone within the consent agenda that anyone would like to discuss school calendar okay any other items that anyone would like to pull for discussion uh not for um voting for discussion but I want to recuse myself from voting for item lq so that's Finance item L which for all of them if I can be more specific it okay and I will make I'd like to pull item discussion F item other discuss I just have a question I just missed when I the agenda earlier um this a curiosity question under education e the f request I curious with the Edgewater St bus stops is is it from sure if you look into the group under career day attendees we're having specific question kids participating as part of the career oh thank you so much I didn't okay got got it thank you okay so we are we have items education k d and fin Finance item lq being pulled for discussion um with those adjustments um motion and second Miss Troy yes Dr Mis yes M Rock yes Mr de yes Mr SEO yes Miss WS yes vice president mman yes and president Le yes motion carries on consent agenda items with the exclusion of Education KD and finance lq so we have on for discussion that education K oh yeah um I mostly wanted to P to give anyone a chance to for discussion because hadn't been you know we hadn't discussed it in quite some time um and I had a one question about um three emergency days um if like where those were coming from and I think if I'm reading the calendar correctly um if I'm reading the calendar correctly um June 25th is like the official last day of school and now previous years it was a tenative last day um so I want a clarification on that we was um was whether to choose a hard stop day right we had discussed it and then kind of left it at that my contract is 182 days of instruction in Le so the way the calendars built in the past is the district builds 185 days factoring the idea you may have three possible snow days over the course of the year and so they add three days on to the end of the year and then they remove they back they work backwards now to get to 182 so the so the 25th would be the ultimate last day of school if we had to utilize those three inclement weather days those three emergency days so the last state school could be the 25th it could be it but it cannot be too but if you don't make it the 25th then you begin to run out of time because you have to get to 182 so it's 182 Plus three you max out at June 25th if you want to have a hard stop for the last day of school you can make that hard stop be the 25th and then just agree to have those other three inclement days those three days if they're not used dispersed through the course of the year uh extending Memorial Day Weekend putting a day here a day there that's how districts do that most districts most districts have 180 days so use that as an example they go to they have uh uh snow days built in when they get past snow season for the most part they then give those days back inside that maybe3 day window so if you want to have a hard stop to the last day of school you could agree that June 25th is the last day of school and just have it have it be have graduation on the 24th 25th is the last day of the students I think that's how things have worked in Le only in the past you've done it that way so you could do that or you could stay 182 and then just work backwards does that Mak that make sense that help and so that's so the decision the board has and what's interesting is is that this calendar is not contingent upon that decision like you want to have the 185 days built in because you want to have the three inclement weather emergency days built into your schedule you don't want to go without that because if you go below 182 you're in violation of the contract you go below 180 in violation State W so the decision really is isn't really the school end on the 25th decision is what do you want to do with those extra days if you have them so that's pretty much where the board is and I think the the board's one question is um is sack available like the the camp summer camp when can they be available like if we ended the 25th versus like the 24th or the 23rd is there a big gap I think that's what we were following up with so they've always been pretty clear that they begin regardless of when school ends they begin the following way that's always did so it wouldn't be a whole week it would be like half we or wherever yeah I would assume that if we if they knew we were finishing on the 25th that they would be prepped for a 30th start no I don't know what they doing once again I don't want to go outside my my my my Lane here because I know that you have July built end July 4th and all that I don't know when they start I would assume based on their past behavior that that the first day for sack would be the 30th now that being said and I don't know the answer to this question if they know that the 25th is the locked in last day of school then that would be then maybe they would be on the 26th but I do want to caution the board that if we want to have 182 days of school and if there are no snow days that the board has to understand that those days will be given back sometime else it could be an extension of the moral Day weekend it could be another whatever it could be but that's where we 182 is the number that is in the contract so you'd have to you'd have to have days off built in in there so I just want to be very clear about that those three days could be the 22nd 23rd 24th of June right or the 2 24th and 25th of June very good that's what we do now that's what we do now yeah decide but this is not like we we will be able to tell what is the case as soon as snow season's over right it's not like we would wait until all the way till end of May or June and say we're backing out whether we're building it into memoral Day weekend or anything yeah yeah yeah School schools that schools that adjust the calendar usually do it at their April meeting by April you can pretty much be on that and they kind of socialize what it's going to be remember those days aren't necessarily for we use the term our Pur the ter emergency days right because there emergencies out there right and so it's not just snow days I I but bu about when you get to April when some schools do is that some schools will give back two of those days and they'll keep a third sort of in the bolpen in case a boiler breaks or something because remember you have to go to a school 180 days what's interesting in our in our calendar is because we're 182 you actually have a f day cushion get to 180 so if we had some sort of a crisis something happened the the board could speak with the Lea and you could agree to only 181 days construction or even 180 so we have a lot more cushion built in there than most districts we have five extra days built in there to get to the state requirement I think the issue Dr Meer is is that it could be 23 24 25 but the board had discussed having a a hard deadline set now for the purpose of Camp preparation and things like that I think that's pretty much what the conversation that been kind of circling around previously but it could certainly be those three days yes for those of us that like to speak um can I have a motion in a second for Education item oh sorry is there any more discussion um on the school calendar I just yes um I we didn't um give June 19 off um I don't want to slow this down but I just have to put it out there because it's you know a national holiday now and what was the decision making of that sure we had discussed the idea of Friday June 20 being the recognition of June and the the reason we stepped away from that was that we had a the Hard dates that in there at Dali on November 1st we want to recognize Dali so if you notice November 1st is an addition with Dali and predicated upon when we would be in school depending on when we had what days we would possibly the weather we wouldn't guarantee we'd be in school on the 20th so as a result we decided to to move away from that date understand though that our schools do recognize juneth through school activities it's not like we recognition of it we just felt that that that date bumping up up against the end of the year with graduation all that's going on in theory it could be a half day it could be a full day we decided to recognize dwall which fits on November 1st the day after Halloween this year and we will be in school on 20th any other comments from the board on education item see can I have a motion in a second pleas motion Miss Troy yes Dr me yes Miss Raa yes Mr ZKA yes misso yes Miss Wilds yes vice president Melman yes president Le yes motion carries on education item K thank you so we'll have discussion now on finance item um I pull up the discussion um all the board members received my response to Mr Lee this this item was subject just for the record there's no relationship with myself we do share the same last um and I wanted to bring um although all the board members should have seen receive my response BL copied um I wanted to share some information about um as soon as the information was brought to life actually I'll back up um at the last at our last board meeting we had approved a um a similar request for the month of January for use of the Ser of the facilities by the setan church um at that time we had done all of our due diligence to confirm you know the that all documents have been completed appropriately and we appr the recommendation was made to the Board of Education which we approved um the services have been held by the S one church at school district over the last it's three weeks now without any incident um however uh on Friday night we received an email um we shared some concerning information about members of that church with that said um the request was that we pull and and not approve that that agenda item however it puts us in a little bit of a weird situation because we have um we have now an agreement that is month to month based on review with the board attorney the school district really can't get into any long-term relationships for use of the facility um especially if the entity that we're working with does not have plans for you know where they're going to actually end up and so with that under that advice that's why we're in this month for Monon situation the agenda item that's on for tonight is for the next uh for all the Sundays in the month of February um the request to pull item and not approve it even if we pull it for consideration for at our next hearing would put us in a bit of an of a tough situation where the entity that we've approved for the last month would now on extremely short notice be out of a place to hold their services um I think I just wanted to share that in my that any any of the actions that the board takes regardless of the entity and who they are are um it's not an endorsement or support of actions um or beliefs of any entity entity that's renting or relasing facilities from the school district we are simply looking at at it as it's a business relationship where if the application and the applicant if there's no issues with the information that they've provided and it's finan financially beneficial for the district it's a good thing for the district and that's what we're looking at here um so I just wanted to make sure that in deliberation and discussion on this um that kind of keeping all that in mind so um the information that was shared and provided to the board there's definitely some concerning information provided there um it seems like it's personal nature there's clearly documentation that proves various things happened or I don't know if I can say proves it but clearly points to the fact that these things have occurred um some things which I don't think are are are really uh I wouldn't support or condone myself um but this is um between a private party and another private party um and just wanted to make sure that everyone's aware of that as you go through and deliberate whether or not to vote on this if anyone else has any questions or comments about it this is the time to speak about it um so please do so now a couple of questions um so there's no misrepresentation in information that they provided the application that's right I guess my second question is are there any safety concerns given the information I think rather than looking at the safety concerns really what it comes down to is what is our policy saying require be grounds to deny the request um I don't I don't believe myself that there are safety concerns um Sunday is you know the lowest use day of the week but looking at our policies and looking at the application documents the merits of the application will be provided to us um the information that was provided actually that we the board received I don't know that there's any legal way for us to obtain that information on our own but without it being provided by the public there's no way we will get sued all the time um and there are you know charges brought against people all the time I don't know that there's any conviction that that's that is out there but in my mind um it is one person in the organization we we actually don't have verification that that person is part of the organization because there were two people named we know one is is clearly their name isli um and stop me from duling too much information well I'm G to give you some information about this okay so um so you have you have a policy and regulation use of facility 7510 right um generally speaking your applications can just be approved by the business administrator without even going to the board um there is something in there about um if it's going to be Sundays Saturdays and holidays that would require custodial coverage and the board approves those so that falls into this um your policy says that they're made available for the facilities are made available for the community so long as it doesn't interfere with the educational and co-curricular programs of the district right that's pretty much the limitation that your policy sets forth as to when you're going to um potentially deny an application there is priority use it's spelled out in the policies and the regulations there's different classes of U applicants and if there is a a conflict between two applicants the your your tiebreaker for lack of a better word is first come first serve right um that's that's the way that that works um your betting process as set forth in your policy regulations is pretty much limited to that they have the appropriate Insurance verification that they have give you the appropriate Insurance um and checking the calendar right and obviously to make sure that they're able to make payment but but that's pretty much it um when it comes to so there's insurance so to the extent that there's any potential concerns or things like that um I mean you know property damage or people getting injured uh just like any organization we have you know we have Rec Sports that are here all the time um kids get injured in Rec Sports we all know that I've been there for that um so that's why we require that to have insurance this way we're not the ones that are uh and they have to identify us as well so when it comes to religious organizations there's a little bit of a additional piece there um there's a case from 76 or 78 uh it was resic versus I can't remember and um what that New Jersey Supreme Court case said was that when it comes to religious organizations you can't this is a public school cannot endorse a religion right um so there is a provision though that says that um you can make the school available for uh religious use so long as we're not um essentially giving the the Rel organization any kind of a benefit right so they would have to reimburse the board 100% of all costs expended that's why you see that uh this particular church is paying $3,200 for custodial coverage it's $100 an hour for eight hours a day for four days and they're also paying um $5,400 for use that's based upon your fee schedule $800 per day for the gym $90 a day for classrooms it's five class class rooms so um that's 1350 a weekend times 4 gets you to the 5400 so that's that's fine that's permitted and required um it's if it's used for religious Services um then that use essentially has to be temporary in nature right in Resnik there was a church I can't remember candidly if they had a problem with their church or they were just building a new church they didn't have the old one anymore but they needed to use they needed to find some place to host their services and one of the those places was the board event uh in that particular case so they were able to do that it was temporary nature it can't be like a permanent thing and so that's why it's being done you know on a month-to-month basis um but that's those are basically the issues that that you have um and um you know absent some showing that it doesn't that it would interfere with the educational co-curricular programs I mean what I would caution the board about is making a decision based upon individuals that may be associated with it we don't know the individuals that are associated with every single use of facilities application that we do um and there's a potential First Amendment issue that comes up right whether we'd be denying it based upon First Amendment issues so um absence some showing that there's a violation of the policy as it's currently written right then I would I would advise to approve it um having said that that policy could change I mean if that policy does change we have to look at it from a legal standpoint to see whether or not those changes to the policy are appropriate but you know as of right now there's nothing specific that would give rise to denying the application without say just a followup question not specific to this particular month but U like you could see approving this month to month for quite some period of time right at which point like when does that really become yeah permanent long term I agree that that's something that would have to be reviewed I mean and there's not I would say there's not a hard and fast r i mean in Resnik not to say that this is like that they said this is okay but in resnic I think it was three or four years um but that was a decision from 1978 whatever it is we don't know that if a similar case would be decided the same exact way to um so the emphasis is on the temporary nature and um and you know right now we don't know how temporary that is intended to be uh but something something that is several months I I don't see that being an issue something that would be an application saying we'd like to use your facilities for the next four years I think that's going to be a problem that doesn't sound too temporary maybe but it depends I mean also I think there could be factors if they say we're building a church and you know here we are and um it was supposed to be open in November now they told us we're going to have to wait until March okay that's you know a legitimate extension but you know that that those are all the factors and it becomes very fact sensitive uh so as of right now it appears that month to month is okay but you know there could be a point in time in which it's not okay so we'll have to look at that so I just have one question so if everything's fine with the application are we obligated to rent this out to any organization so basically since you you kind of have what I would characterize as um like a limited open public forum in a sense right I mean I mean it's not really a public form in the sense that we have um public comment or what have you but you you're making the facilities available to the public for their use what we really can't do is restrict it based upon content right unless that content was something that was um you know like obscenity or you know pornography or something like you know something that is pretty obvious that is not compatible with the use of a school but other than that um you know you run the risk of a potential problem if you rent it out to one group and then deny it a similarly situated group or you know so forth and so on right um so that's the potential issue that you have thank you haven't done that I can please correct me as we talk about this these are these are schools but they're also they public buildings correct and the public has access to the buildings and providing the public members of the public meet certain criteria they have the right to apply for access to the building like there schools and the board operates the schools but in reality these are sole taxpayer funded institutions that they have access to there are upper limits to what we would say yes or no to for example like the the rough rule that that we use is it can can't disrupt the orderly operation of the district right we would not be obligated to rent it out to a a film studio that wanted to film a slashing movie inside the school right we can say that that runs contrary to who we are as a district um but other than that though these are public building public institutions with the public has access and right to and the one thing I would say is like although I don't know of any school districts that do this theoretically you could say the buildings are never available for public use other than the schools right I mean I don't we represent probably 60 school districts I don't know any districts that do that but in theory you could do that but that's I mean typically most residents expect that there's some level of usage whether it's boy scouts or whatever it may be I mean that's pretty common rec department so forth and so on so big so and you're saying that along the lines of it's either reject all or reject none broadly speaking yes I mean there could yeah there could be individual circumstances where you could say well we're not accepting this but we'll accept other things I gu sorry I guess that's my question are there other school districts that have maybe policies that are a little bit more restricted in terms of I don't even know how to phrase it I just feel like in some sense right we have like a code of conduct for like our school community so like I'd have to take a look and I'm not saying this case applies I'm just saying like I would feel uncomfortable if someone applied and maybe they weren't doing something as explicit as pornography but still whatever like a hateful organiz yeah whatever hateful organization was have just using it for a meeting like it just feels it feels doesn't feel right so like it concerns me that we have to like say yes to everybody in some yeah I mean I'm not saying not for just this Cas like for future the fact that it is like yeah I think we can take a look at that and see what the appropriate restrictions might be yeah um as we review that policy and I'll think about I mean my guess is if you look at I mean there's a couple of different I mean some districts have their own policies that they correct themselves but for the most part they either get policies from New Jersey Schoolboard Association or stra Esme which is another company a lot of districts use stra S it's probably 60 to 70% is my guess um what I would also guess is that if you look at the differ all these District's policies that you stress as May probably very little variation in what's in there there are some variations you know they have like different classes of um people to whom you allow to use the facilities but other than that you know they they all read generally the same but we can certainly take a look and see whether or not there's like what the limits of the restrictions could be right if the board wants to have more you know control over that um you know within the legal uh within the legally permissible uh uses just just one followup can we put in the policy like a term limit we talked about like it can't be more than three months or six months uh I think you could I think that I mean it's because that would be like neutral it would be neutral not only on its face but also on its application yeah right I mean there are some I mean right we've seen some um organizations that might put something in a policy that's facially neutral but it has a discriminatory impact right so we would have to be careful about that but if we did something that was facially neutral and and the impact was very neutral as well yeah that would be fine that's something to to review as to whether or not we want to do that then that would apply to all correct yeah yeah other associations that school I just don't want something to go on indefinite or four years and maybe have like three months and then like you could reapply in two months or something not like it band you life when was the last time we reviewed that policy let me check I can tell you because I just had it open um it looks like the regulation was last reviewed February of 2020 are you did oh me the policy looks like we haven't reviewed it since June of 15 right but the reg regulations were uh 2020 anyone else comments and one of my primary or a couple of my primary concerns with this is really that um we've gone through appropriate process for what we need to do to approve the use of of the facilities um this new information it is new information we just received it on Friday night we had discussions over the weekend and a meeting on Monday with Vic and some administrators and again the agenda item before us tonight is is only for the use of the facilities for the month of February um so what I'm hearing tonight is that maybe we need to review of our policies um comparison to uh potentially also comparison to other District's policies to see how stringent or what types of other criteria are included I would um those are definitely things that I would support in terms of of the relation to this specific item on the agenda for tonight for us to take a look at and consider for for future meetings um and again with information being so new we just received it on Friday night that this will give us an opportunity um if this this work to be approved um to look at over the next until the next meeting the details of what's in that information so um yes and just a point of clarification too and sponsor please correct me on this we do not have a March application in front of a ship point that out they've approved February they've applied for that but there's nothing pass so we so March very well may they may have found public accommodation they may not be reapplying I don't know the answer of that question but right now we are not there's nothing at our level in which a March application is being considered thank you for that clarification I guess um and and based I don't know the parties and so forth Just privy to the same information that you shared with us I'm just concerned about the time frame um and then if we have made some kind of a commitment already granted we still have to approve it but I am concern concerned about the time frame and uh would I'm leaning towards thinking that if we could uh approve February that would kind of bias the time to do any other uh research we feel we'd like to and I'd also like to remind the public that um even if we do make a change to our policy we need one meeting to approve it and a second meeting um for a second reading that's how policies are approved so we we would still need uh February and March um even if we acted quickly thanks okay that's an excellent point change our policies so does anyone else have any other comments on this matter okay seeing none can I have a motion and a second for finance mlq motion Mr motion second Wells can we have R so just to confirm M Troy you're staining on refusing by yes Dr M yes M raow yes Mr Z I'm also gain I I think I need more time to Mr SEO yes Miss W yes vice president M um no for line item five yes so just to um confirm Mr Lea that carries right yeah five one majority of those present perfect motion carries thank you just so for the members of the public that are here the motion for the agenda item for set on church was approved um however there in the discussion we will be reviewing policy it um and revie the application process M for thank you that brings us to administrative reports thank you Mr Le Board of educational members of the public those at home hello I've uh several items just to update the community with as we move to into January this coming Friday is the rescheduled ACS Global Feast it's being hosted over at LMS we want to appreciate a global Feast organ or organizing committee Chang from last Friday this Friday do to the weather so thank you for that on the ACs note I had the chance to their campfires which Miss Al's character education weekly assemblies had a chance to stop in last week Middle School sports kicked off this week I believe we had I a girls basketball game follow boy boys boys basketall um and then we have the wrestling me over today um so those of you paying attention we are over just about halfway through the school year we're on that the cost of the 100th day of school around February we get there and right around Valentine's Day but we're almost we're just about halfway through the school year if uh our high school represent could confirm this Friday I believe is the end of the second marking period I believe I believe I'm getting blank STS Maybe I'm Wrong okay we're already over oh oh rer D this Friday thank you we ended last Friday grer D this Friday um we had a great if you look at our District web page L there's a great photo there of our gym uh with our brand new wrestling light being used thank you Leon Sports boosters for the wrestling light we are grateful for that our Ski Club had a successful experience um new Ski Club new club what students went had a great time um there was no snow anywhere except Mountain Creek so good job Mountain Creek um this was the just to point out for those of you who struggle with the winter that yesterday the set after 5:00 for the first time yesterday 5:01 p.m. it does not set before 5:00 until November so forget you Seasonal effective disorder um congratulations to our high schoolers for their midterm very successful midterm week um we've had a variety of budget meetings in District getting ready for next year um Mr H Mr holak who's one of our music educators at LMS crunched some numbers we had had concert seas in LMS um he figured out that 33% of middle school students are involved in the music program in one way or the other one out of every three children is involved very very high number good to see there um I want to thank Mr Samuel Mr Le of their presentations tonight um I want to mention that we received word today from Congressman go heimer's office congressman goheer is going to be paying a visit to the district he's coming on February 12th in the morning he's going to be involved in making some Valentine State cards with some of our students here which are then delivered to the veterans in prous congratulations to our students here and welcome to Congressman gimer um and on a more technical note we have been discussing um and I know that Jordan zegler who is our bur is on is here tonight the uh the reinstitution of the Planters outside ACS we move those planters for the Redevelopment project we want to get those Planters back in Jordan has been great speaking with me in regards to when they can go back how will they be mored to the ground where will they go I want to thank the borrow because the borrow engineer has been involved we're taking a look at the policy that was written what's interesting for the board to know in this and this makes Mr here BR up a little bit is that we have an interesting Bend diagram where we have District purchased items being used on borrow owned property so there's that little intersection of our world and their world and what does that look like and so we're working on the the um resolutions that are necessary things like that but we do want to get those Planters back there uh we know it's a very strong safety measure we have out there we're working through the process to get them back we also don't want to damage the new concrete that was put out there through sidewalk so we're working on that um and that is all from me so thanks everybody and have a great night Mr thas thank you president so I just have two uh three items to discuss the first one um Mr Lee from New Jersey school boards Association kind of touched based on it the financial disclosure statements went out this week the all the port members and administrators so you should have received an email those are due April 30th with the exception of Dr Meers um that's 90 days which is he indicated is a new new change uh the next item our independent Auditors have been uh the past couple of weeks uh uh working on the fieldwork for the 2223 audit um per discussion with the audit manager uh they're at the tail end of the audit field work um roughly estimated completion date is around you know roughly two weeks out before we get a report exit conference and present it to the board for accepting it uh relating to the Capal projects update which Arthur you know kind of asked about so I just would like to go over certain projects and the status from speaking to the architect uh Leonia high school has numerous projects that are pending uh the first one is the FEA mitigation project uh Team of mitigation relating to the retaining wall um as well as cernon uh grading and exterior door replacement uh right now it's at uh it's in the steps of the topography survey which just got completed uh currently they're working on the architect is working on the design for the bid um which he's predicting that he should be able to provide to the district and send it out for advertising sometime in February mid to late February uh once we see where the costs are then we'll present it to the board for award avend the next item is exterior interior door replacement at the high school that's uh through Ida what got damag relating to our insurance claim the drawings are complete the plans are being sent to the insurance carrier because as as a result of insurance they want to kind of sign off on what what's in the plans what they're um going to reimburse the district for so that's that's pending their approval and then the next step is going out to bid uh the next item is is electrical secondary replacement at the high school that's also um going through insurance that was based on an Ida related to Ida the drawings are also complete and that's also um being sent to the insurance car to sign off on moving forward with going up to bid the uh the next pce at the high school is the media center approval which kind of trickled from the prior year uh we're at the step where the lrfp has been updated um including you know the reconfiguration of the old media center and the New Media Center area the state has requested some additional information to be sent over so we're in the process of providing that additional information mainly relating to the demographic study uh the drawings and educational specs have been revised and included in the new in the New Media Center layout and that will be also sent over to the state for approval uh the last item for the high school is the conversion of uh staff toilet um making an ada8 compliant based on our current needs uh projected for next year the drawings are underway and that's uh planning to go out to bid sometime in late February early March relating to the middle school we have one um Penning project currently that's the FEMA mitigation project that's for removal of the canopy grading a new canopy by um the playground area outside the the cafeteria um that's also the topography survey has been completed and that's also in the design um the architect is working on the design and that's going out to bid late February relating to anasty Scott there's two projects that are pending the exterior door replacement that was part of uh one that's one of the projects that the district is fully funding that was one of the projects that we submitted to for Rod Grant we did not get approved so we're moving forward based on um that's a priority as far as security uh that's at the drawings are complete and that's going out to bit shortly um advertising for a bit uh the last piece is the the last item is the roof replacement that's a rod Grant that related to of to your question as far as um state federal you know that's that's the state pie for the grant we're waiting for um to get the the ex executed Grant agreement completed the state just sent that over I want to say last Friday so we just need to fill that out that information out once the State Signs off on it then we could move forward with the bid awarding the contract and and starting the work and that's it thank you Mr okay that brings us to agenda item J committee reports and then start starting with our student Representatives this weekend our team at B the Bergen of Champions some of our R Irish Kim Rebecca Jung Ma and Vincent Kim broke multiple school records and County record at this meet alone um during the time from this meeting to last meeting we had the Holiday Market which was big success a lot of um our districts and lelan Edge Water small businesses came and supported and we saw a very good turnout and it was just a nice day overall just from feedback from both students and parents I I've heard at least a lot of great feedback and positive feedback from females for the feminine products that was um placed in the bathrooms for obviously that's free and um accessible to all females so that's really great and also the new film I would call it on the doors of the high school has also been a really great security measure to have and I can a bit more protected every morning I know it's something really small but I really like that I appreciate that and I do have a question on page six of the agenda we have District goals and the Board of Education goals are there specific goals for both ACS LMS and LHS as well as these goals just just yes so these um our goals that we have are on our professional development plans those goals they they align they're similar and we kind of the scope of these District goals but they're specific so we have a district PDP we call it professional development plan and then we have a school PDP so each school has their own PDP and they match the district goals um but really uh specific to that building so and those are um they were approved back in August so they public documents um but car that's thinking just to follow up for Dr G we unfortunately lost our mock trial round for today Dar I'm actually the mock trial coach with Mr so um I couldn't be there because I'm here but we have another round coming on um Thursday so let's keep roaring lines thank you um and then moving on to our committee reports I know it's very early in the year I don't suspect that any of the Committees have run through the process for practice um so our first committee is the board ofed pratice principles Char by miss m yep we are starting this committee a new committee um and we're meeting um next week on January 31st next committee is buildings and grounds ched by Mr um yes so we haven't met yet but we're going to pick dates in the near future next committee is education uh it's chaired by Miss Thompson but she is not here tonight I believe they have okay so education committe is meeting next Friday and the next committee is finance and planning I'm a chair of that committee we are working on setting up the meeting that will be either Tuesdays or Thursdays and the week before the board of bed meeting and two times in March and May so for those committee members thank you very much in advance for all of your work the next committee and certainly not the least is our policy committee Mr s yeah we haven't met yet but uh we have worked on a meeting Cadence in terms of meeting we'll definitely be meeting um in advance of the next board meeting uh I've also had the opportunity to meet with Dr G and share some of the better understanding of the roles policies uh process so that we be able a seamless transition and of course based on today's discussion we have some agenda items that are the building thank you very much thank you to our student for reports so that brings us to item n new business motion any items for discussion other than item a see none repblic M tro yes Dr Mista yes Miss ra yes Mr zepa yes Mr SE yes Miss WS yes Miss vice president Melman yes president L yes motion carries on pres thank you okay that brings us to agenda public comment uh this this portion of the meeting is for public comment on any uh non-agenda items pertaining to the Leonia Public School District anyone from the public wishing to speak please St forward state your name and your address and you'll have two minutes to discuss your comments or questions you Arthur these uh briefly uh personally I can't hear everybody even though there microphones there so um in particular got a soft voice I it didn't Pi up a lot and actually Steve when I was in front of you it didn't pick up and I'm an old man hard of hearing it didn't seem like it was Amplified everybody else seemed to pick up pretty well so I just wanted to mention that um also I'm not sure if it's appropriate or not but when you have a presentation like you did on the tech in particular you ask for coming from the board I'm not sure if it's appropriate to ask the public because I have a lot of questions n b ty question questions I want to answer and then one of yours but uh if it's appropriate you might want to offer public comment after the board if it's not appropriate then that's okay too um and I think that is it except I'd like to hear if there's any sports for the um School Representatives that we gave Pi off any of the girl Sports I I'm particularly interested in if there were any wins hard losses or anything like that thank you um Arthur that um excellent suggestion 100% my fault for not offering to the public I don't think there's any hard and set fast rules in terms of opportunity for the public to comment but if you can um put your comments to either email or if you don't mind calling Dr gon's would absolutely love to answer those questions for you I apolog okay and we'll make sure to do that moving forward I can share the girls um LMS basketball team they won their first game against Harrison against who Harrison Oh I thought you said Emerson no Harrison on that note the girls parts of basketball team did defeat Emerson they actually did it twice they did it once here and they did it also as part of the W Holiday Tournament he ended up winning but nobody's keeping talking about I tell you a pet people because 30 years ago or 25 years ago I know I was attending board meetings the board always used to make uh not the board the schools would make public announ I'm sorry for interjecting Public Announcement at the school about the boys sports how they did and I'd always ask my daughters how you know how would how did they announce it and they said they didn't Daddy they didn't Daddy they never they never announced the girl Sports how they did so I raised two daughters I don't have any boys so I I am always interested in how the the girl side mention about the girl swim tap right jump um so I'm I'm not a swimmer I know is a swimmer but we just want to preface that we like to bring a lot of good news to the board of education and if we don't talk about the girls basketball team you probably don't want to talk about the girls basketball team so let's talk about the girls swimming team and they did great so that's what we bring to you guys we only had good swim teams for years especially the girls but the swim teams have PR good and and our bowling team our bowling team is very well as well they're very good and then they just beat was it I don't really know exctly what school was but I know they have aame or me whatever you call me against makot so that was either today or tomorrow but we'll keep you updated I'm I'm getting all the emails now so I'm reading all of your all of your and I'm I'm sharing your Agony with all the ice and snow and the delays I know you really like that stuff but I am getting all that stuff and every time I read it I think thank you offer I appreciate that I do want to point out that for the for the bowling team which has a meet on a match on Tuesday it's at Parkway Lanes in Elward Park I believe par it is um not only that but also thearch has shown that so feel for to support the bowling team Arthur just as I uh forgot to give the public a a chance to comment I I skipped right past opening the rest of the public comment period we went to board comment so I want to make sure if there's anyone else from the public that wishes to speak please come up to the podium now um provide any comment School District related information help if I turned it on uh Jordan zler 2011 chy Street uh I just want to introduce myself I'm one of the newest coun members on your board of education liaison uh since it is already 10:00 I'm going to be quiet now and go back to my seat but I just want to introduce myself and looking forward to working with all of you if you need to reach out to me Dr G has my contact information thank you someone show up board education um is there anyone else from the public that would like to speak on any school school related items okay see none that bring us to the official board comment section any members from the board or from our student representative have any other comments pertaining to school district see none um do we have okay okay so this next portion of the meeting is item Q on the agenda it's a closed session so although um we will be coming back from Clos session to vote on item R and then to go into adment at this time of the meeting ask the public to leave the meeting and for those that are watching on YouTube partipate 15 20 minute pause in the broadcast time back on and oh yeah that was like straight comedy right in there no maybe that's like from die right remember that John Johnson special Johnson no Rel Rel um time is now 10 10:20 we are we are back in public session um can I have a motion and a second for agenda item R Open Session approval personel items and a second second Dr this is m yes Dr mea yes Miss Rock yes M yes M SE yes Miss Wilds yes vice president n yes and president L yes motion carries on personel items thank you can I have a motion for a ger Mr second favor any oppos or extensions very much we are thank you get started