##VIDEO ID:8zOLXz4sY9Q## all right let's uh go ahead and call the meeting to order then it's 6:00 now let's stand for the Pledge of Allegiance the pledge of to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all so there's just six of us now and um uh Pat is absent tonight so um changes to the agenda so it looks like we've got what are we got monetary donation from wheelers and uh hiring of Melinda Winkles okay so anything else any other changes okay if there are none is there a motion to approve those two changes to the agenda I'll move in approve the changes to the agenda I'll second that thank you all those in favor say I I I opposed motion Carri okay now we need to approve the agenda I'll make a motion toir the agenda thank you Dave thank you all those in favor say I I I opposed motion carried all right any type of public input tonight nothing okay all right uh recognition and good things happening so we want to welcome back our students and our staff staff will be back next Monday right y so it's it's starting soon um and we want to wish the best of luck to our student athletes and artists this year so very good reports student representative got in just in time just in time for your spot how about that do you guys know who this young lady is better introducer to the do you want to kind of introduce yourself in your how about a kind of a rundown of your resume because you have a very impressive resume already you want to do that sure awesome I'm Casey McKenzie I'm going to be a senior play volleyball I'm on the EMS fighter fighter uh I'm currently a CNA at Spring Valley living um I am an FFA officer student council officer made it on here buy girl she is yeah that's good that's pretty much it yeah I watched her plate today I went into practice a little bit just to watch cuz it's so much fun she's awesome great outside hitter great outside hitter wow yes so very impressive so welcome are you excited for the school year I am actually your senior year it's going to go by that fast any words of advice for her for her senior year from the school board take it all in never get it back you got to be a big girl that's true don't procrastinate and don't procrastinate in your senior project there you go there you go very good get right on that awesome well as you can see she is an athlete so she'll try and make as many meetings as possible but we do know your team trumps all of us um so make sure you you fulfill your obligation to them first before us okay awesome thanks for coming very good thank you um principal report um I don't have anything written down for you guys this week or this month because it's just really not that exciting um since last board meeting really consisted of um planning and sending out emails to the teachers the Bell schedules the master schedules the handbooks um um anything I think I sent out seven or eight different emails to the teachers which they love to make fun of me for because they all school starting when they get all those from um but that is everything they need to know from teacher expectations to all those different things so really the last few weeks is me just sending out everything that has either been updated change over to the new school year um all those different things so they have so when they come back next week they have everything in their hands when we talk about things so really that's what I've been doing the last few weeks is updating and really making sure we're ready for the start of the school year um couple of things that will be coming up that I will give you information as I get it um you might have heard of the react um coming out we are going to get training that won't happen till October so I don't have any more information for you other than training is in October at that point I will get the information of what that consists of of what um there's going to be some instructional pieces some curriculum pieces and things like that to it but right now I I think the MD is a little overwhelmed with this as well um so cuz we couldn't get training till October and we were supposed to start in July so it's little behind on that so I'll keep you posted on the react uh Larry Thompson I could not change his schedule to or could not make it to a board meeting so I'll let you know what day he's here so if anybody wants to come you know meet up with him or say hi or schedule the board meeting for that whatever you want is he coming uh the 12th of Monday because we need to Res I would like to reschedule September anyway CU we have a volleyball G oh okay I think it's November 12th is Mond I could double check that what that seems like it was like just the week before actually we have to move our board meeting anyway because it's certifying the election results as close as we can to election day we so 12th is a Tuesday Tuesday so and election day is the fth there go let's do let me make sure he hasn't made his if you guys want me to check to make sure he hasn't made his flight stuff plans because usually he leaves here at 3:00 so if you want me to check yeah I think so he's pretty cool guys if he you want me to pull the trigger if he can make the change yes we have to certify within a week don't we mhm so if I can I can so by the 12th yeah so the 12th we have to that's the last day yeah does that make us scared at all or no no okay no okay so if he can change it I will tell him to book it and then I'll let you to is that a Tuesday 12th 12 I want to say want to say 12 cuz I think you're right we were like a week off yeah I I remember last meeting talking about it and thinking well it's just a Tuesday before why don't we just so I if I can if you can extend that in the evening I'll tell him to book it and then I'll let you have know so we can get that changed great um um working on for leadership training I was talking to Jen today I'm working on with our Leadership Academy is bringing in a professional um leadership I call it trainer Guru yeah Guru kind of where he does comes into schools and works like seven pillars of leadership and stuff so I'm working on some things to start expanding our Leadership Academy so just a lot of things out there no not a lot of information for you just a lot of things going on so when those things happen I'll bring I'll bring the details to you guys and explain more of that but just like for me it's just been a lot of planning and scheduling and making sure they ready to go so any questions I don't have a question except for that I just want to talk a little bit about we what we said on the phone as far as huddle so we I was just doing I was just going over the bills and seeing you know that we're doing cuddle this year HL and what it cost the school and I was talking with Aaron about whether our constituents have to pay to watch that and my understanding if I have this correct is that we we pay for it but we can charge people if we want to we Coupe some of the money as a school district am I correct about that okay and so but what I what I as a school board member just want to say is I would like to see our school you pay for that huddle and give our constituents the opportunity to see things without having to pay a fee what does it go it's a it's a total of um 8,000 for L football um volleyball basketball both B boys and girls basketball and then a school a school component so like you can concerts you can do concerts and things like that the other thing you can do with that is you we can use it for stats yeah well that as well but we can like as a business I can advertise on there that's where you're going to draw money in from it where we can keep it free for everybody cuz that NFA ch is it's pain in the butt I mean I use it for madd's games and stuff I can't get to but it's a it's a big expect it is when you're and like I just think like we're always trying to figure out ways we can reach out to the community and this feels like a way you know you have a lot of grandparents who can't make it to the away games or you know to the so away no no it won't be away you're right it will be most of them they haveo our district have already yes so um if they have it it's free have it it's free so anyway I just was just wanting to express my opinion that that would be a worthwhile thing and not to ask people to pay for it but I love the idea of the advertising yeah they can you'll see those sidebars or little underne they actually stop like for commercial breaks and and run I think Grand metal runs I there's the one I've probably seen the most I think they've run yeah so what have the people been having to pay for that service I've never paid to log in huddle the only school I we would have had to pay for was um Filmore Central yeah Y and it was not like by a night it was per game so people from here that have been using it haven't been paying we haven't had we don't have $69 actually I got an email today and I can see the gym right now from my phone but they've been getting on W live no you have to pay yeah it kind of depends on what other teams had too but most i' would say the majority of our conference has gone to huddle y okay where they games so somehow they're sometimes the schools put it on they use n nfhs so there's like two I can think of two School that don't in our conference they just got it I thought they might did it was and L does kingsin use YouTube kingsin was using YouTube and Houston doesn't do their football outside Houston doesn't do outside but for the most part everybody JY I think jy's most yeah Houston has it in their gym I know I watched it on there last year yeah I think I watched basketball on last but then getting that out having that on you know it'd be nice to have that on the page now that we have huddle you know maybe say the girls are playing in Houston and they don't have huddle so you got to you could watch it here you know keeping that information out there to let people know cuz there well I watched on H last week well that's cuz that school had you know just keep just even just getting it out there that we have it is is going to be really valuable because it's just a way of saying you know we're connecting with the community you know it it's a good thing um one other thing um on the msba there on the 26 there's a webinar for the read act for compensation I just seen that on the website for us to go it yeah yeah we could have okay yeah it'll be interesting like I said we they're a little behind yeah because I I request a training for July we to October call this hand out way back in February remember this hand since February we've been waiting yeah waiting and actually I had to reach out to them because they didn't send they didn't I said you guys going to be sending us something like oh yeah and then I magically got something after I ass So eventually but give suppos but yeah like I said I still think they're trying to figure out what they're going to do because they're going to tell us what to use so we got to buy new stuff from their vendors that they have deals with okay so they're going to figure out how to give us money Jen I'm ass so we don't have to pay for it I'm hoping that's what we're hoping I that's how they're going to make money is prob their whole but so but I'll keep you guys again when you don't ask teachers to be involved in decision making that they have to implement look what happens look what happens so yeah so I'll have much more once next month when school gets going for off the running but just're ready we fil oh we filled all we do have a long-term sub in our elementary special ed while we're we're um Bor renting borrowing whatever you want uh call it Kathy pillar from smack Kathy Piller is a veteran yeah um so she will and she'll fit nicely down Elementary and she will also be able to help our new special ed teacher um so all of our teaching positions are technically filled um and then tonight after approval of our part-time custodian that all of our pairs of custodians then should be full so we should be full starting this year of school year with all our positions so okay is there any action that we need to take concerning p i just just a discussion yeah yeah if money would come up agenda if money would come up through our conference or something I'd let you guys know okay yep for sure very good all right thanks Aaron Jen your turn all right um kind of piggybacking off what Deb is talking about the importance of connecting with Community um you all may recall that Aaron Deb Angie and I went to the Eda meeting on June 17th and had a really nice meeting there and it was really fun talking to our our local City officials and kind of their desires of the city and their needs and wants and of course we had a chance to talk about ours as well um while Allison whan the uh Eda consultant that the city is paying to help with came over today and talked with Arin um we're working on some kind of give back to the community efforts and we want to run some things through whether it's student council or the leadership academy or whatever it is but continue to partner with them and um make sure our community says yeah we are working in in Tandem and in combination and not against each other so that was really nice to have her come to the building um so Aaron's on that trying to recruit some quality students to help us out a little bit so we'll see what happens with that um speaking again of some Community stuff you may recall I sent out a email here a while back about the Filmore County Hazard mitigation um kind of effort and event they are going to host um I would say within the next week or to they were hoping by the end of August to get an email out to those that were invited um in in positions such as mine where emergency stuff kind of runs through me um to kind of get us all together on the same page and really go through Standard Security and safety items once that comes to me I will consistently address all of you whether it's at a public meeting or of course through email um what goes on I don't know yet I haven't got the invite but I will be there um whatever is so but it's Phil through Phil more uh let's see here couple other things some more Community things so Kate Roar Our Community Education director emailed Aaron and I last week and with this massive list and I know Deb you can attest to this too but this massive list of what we're looking at in terms of programming for fall and winter through our Community Education Program she is going to present next month to all of you on what we're doing and how we continue to try continue to grow that program and she has done a fantastic job I'm not going to go through the list I'm just going to show it to you so visually you can see all the great things we're going to do if you log on to our website and click into our Community Education website you'll be able to see all these things happening but I just wanted to put a big shout out that that's coming this fall a lot of good things and she will present to you like she did last year and what I'm showing you tonight so I won't steal her subject too much too much anyway uh let's see huge thank you I cannot thank um these folks enough but our custodians our clerical staff our Aaron um all of you who show up for meetings during the summer our Cardinal kids and Cardinal care people our pars who are helping us work Chris Hansen who is doing stuff with food service but also custodial work Transportation items all our folks who come in here and I'm sure I've missed somebody and I apologize but it's a lot of work in the summer it's like you start from scratch um and you have to rebuild up again and I just really want to thank them all for everything they do for for Aaron and I and Aaron does so much for me when I'm not on site in the summer um but a huge thank you to all those folks um really want to drive that home to everybody everybody works so hard so thank you um let's see all in terms of communication too um we will be posting on Facebook here in the next couple weeks all the Avenues we use as a school distri district for communication that was one of the things we talked about in strategic planning when Aaron and I presented that night that these are the things we do and some of our people in that strategic planning meeting didn't know that and we had done it for a couple years so now every year we want to make sure we get out um a posting that shows these are the Avenues that we use for communication but also the Avenues that we use for um interventions with our students so academic interventions um so we're going to post that out you guys will see that here in the next couple weeks too but we'll make sure those Communications continue throughout the year um Aon and I will continue to host the Q&A sessions however we kind of want to manipulate it a little bit and focus more on staff instead of us um we feel like we're focused at board meetings and so we'd like to kind of every month really Spotlight a staff member and they can share all the great things they're doing in their classroom in the hallway coaching whatever it may be um so we're going to try to push Axel that way a little bit we'll see if that happens uh let's see couple things oh School District calendar that's up and running of course and every February and March we come to you with the new calendars keep in mind too when we do that we always disclaim if something were to come about that we have to change the calendar we would surely communicate that out to excuse me to parents but I do like to tell everybody that at a public meeting in August that we do have the option to change the calendar if we have to we don't like to but we surely will and we'll communicate that if we have to excuse me um and we did finally ask the staff and I'll continue to do that and again you're going to see Kate Roar next month um to come and present to all of you about the good things happening in in in their classrooms um Trevor carrier our ad Anda students he comes and presents to you guys um we'll have Kate come in so we'll have other people come in too to talk to you about all the good things they're doing as well um what else a lot of emails will be coming your way here in the next couple weeks because it is the start of school um but it's just kind of loop you in and kind of set the standard of what the year is going to look like you're all invited to opening day if you so choose to come next Monday um we have a couple door prizes I bought them today um for those who read my emails and breast stuff like that breast free breakfast there you go you're all invited so so you're welcome to come and um shake some hands and kiss babies if you so choose um but otherwise that's it for me tonight so thank you okay any questions for Jen okay thank you Jen moving on to the consent agenda um we got the July uh board meeting minutes are there any questions on those Corrections or additions anybody has good okay uh Treasures reports any questions on any of those okay uh fundraisers it looks like we have a basket raffle for the Washington DC trip 50/50 fundraiser for the Washington DC trip uh tailgate suppers pancake breakfast break breakfast and tailgating Washington DC trip past puffing sales Washington DC trip soup lunching and cookie walk for the Washington DC trip tip night at Pizza Ranch and sweets for the DC trip uh after school activities uh looks like some things need to be determined there for the DC trip um Frozen Pies and gourmet candy all these good tasting things the trip um so yeah I guess that's that's it for the fundraisers any questions on any of that um donations we received a couple donations this month um 125 bucks from uh Cassie Sebert uh raised from the Grove eats food truck and uh a radio receiver from Kathy Stern in memory of Dean so we appreciate those very very much um Personnel add oh yeah sorry I just go right by the highlighted one $100 monetary donation from wheeler electric for the Lo athletic department so we appreciate that very much as well um Personnel uh uh Administration recommends the hiring of Barb pay as a school patrol adviser um uh recommend the hiring of of the following pool aerobics instructors Diane whan Shirley Miller Alice schroer um they would be under the non-affiliated handbook and the recommend of the hiring of Melinda Winkles for a custodian so um I guess that's it any questions on any of that Melinda in addition she's our half she's Bel me yeah she would change Denny's she would replace perfect okay okay any other questions if not is there a motion to approve the consent agenda I make a motion to approve the consent agenda thank you Deb is there a second second thanks Kyle any other discussion questions if not all those in favor say I I opposed motion carried all right moving on to the policies um we have the second reading of policy 420 421 422 423 424 and 425 have there been any changes since the first reading are any of those okay uh no questions nothing to add anybody has okay is there a motion to approve the second reading of those uh policies I'll make a motion for the second reading of uh policies 420 421 422 423 424 and 425 thank you Dave is there a second second thanks Angie all those in favor say I I I opposed motion carried all right now the first reading of policies 503 506 507 522 and 806 anything we need to know on those policies from the policy committee I don't think there was there no I they were allate y stand y okay all right anybody got any questions on any of those any comments one comment just please be reminded with the crisis management policy you guys also approve our Lo local policy that's very very specific to our district and so you had I believe the first reading in June 2 reading was in July um so you kind of oop sorry simultaneously are approving these okay any other questions comments okay if not is there a motion to approve the first reading of those uh policies I just mentioned and mo we approve for first know 503 506 507 522 and 806 okay Kyle is there a second I'll second thanks Dave all those in favor say I I opposed that motion carried all right so we need to approve uh Smith schaer as Auditors for this school year they've been doing our auditing for a number of years any questions about that any comments okay if not is there a motion to approve Smith scha or is our Auditors this year so move thank you uh SAR second second thanks de all those in favor say I I uh those opposed motion carried all right all right so we need to approve the resolution for calling for the general election for the school board any anything you need to mention on that uh Jen no just um you already approved that we have four open seats so we did that was that also July I it all runs it was June or July it all runs together um now you are saying yes we promise we will have that general election on November 5th that's what this is okay pretty straightforward is there a motion to approve that resolution I so move thank you Deb was there a second second thanks Kyle uh this will be a roll call so Deb yes Dave yes Kyle yes yes okay motion carried all right now we've been asked to approve um the request from the Minnesota clay target leag to recognize Brent dolman as the head coach of the local trap team do you have anything you'd like to say to Mr dolman really do got uh like 24 kids I think potentially under offer for this year we're rolling we got quite a few six graders and things are going well we started practice last Sunday we'll continue on through fall league starts uh second week of September we start keep scor so um Gary's retiring H Gary's just just kind of feading into the background a little bit he's just he's still going to do a lot of the behind the scenes stuff with all the grants and you know fantastic fundraising and stuff he does to keep that uh and very very affordable activity for our kids I mean you we're at $40 a season per child and you look at any other District around them not even close so at a zero uh out a zero oh for sure I think it's 900 or 1,000 in Cresco rville per season per child so we're very very fortunate for all he does so he's just kind of stepping out of the leadership role and back into behind the SC stuff is where he kind of chose to be so sounds good so even though Brent's not an employee of the school district we're just recognizing that he is the head coach that that uh club or whatever you want to call it yeah quite tget league has to have that so we affiliated with the school district we have to any questions anybody has for me okay would someone like to make that motion I will make motion recognize as a coach and Tra team sounds good thanks C second thanks Angie all those in favor say I I motion Carri all right very good good luck thank Youk you thank you um all right it looks like we need to talk about uh the fact that we don't have a board treasur at this point in time she just resigned last month so Jen tell us what we need to do well you can nominate somebody you can make it very simple um if you so choose you can just nominate somebody a couple times you have to do it a couple times um and then we'll take that person somebody like that job would it yeah may ask that de you've done it before right yeah are you willing to do it again yeah that'd be great I nominate that okay and now you ask again though is there another nomination there any other nominations I'll nominate Deb are there any other Nom a second any other nominations for Treasure all right would someone like to make a motion to cast a unanimous ballot for Deb as treasure I'll take a motion I'll make a motion that Deb said no treasure okay so second second than all those in favor say I I all right Mo she carry thank you Deb great good thanks have all the training under just go right that was easy that was easy she's our gal okay um all right we need to talk about and approve the purchase of an enclosed trailer okay so this is kind of messy but if you run it through Schoolboard policy it isn't that's why it's in front of you normally would not have to do this right I can just pull the trigger and say hey I'm going to purchase a trailer FYI right cuz it's under my threshold but because we were so graciously approached um by our local community that is willing to donate money but they have to wait till their next meeting to give us the money we have to do it this way we have to front the money for them as well cuz that's their new policy and it actually goes in line with our school district finan policy to do it this way so we're going to upfront the money to say hey we'll buy the trailer they will then essentially reimburse us but we trust them that it's going to happen it's not a big de but now it's formal and they need to see this formality in their new so the whole purchase price is being yes the whole thing the whole thing so yes we're so gracious so yeah and we can use this trailer just so you know yes for the football team it's awesome it's going to be great but it can also hold all those bikes that our preschool teacher was granted um we can use it what for one act plays when we do our one act playover in Grand Meadow or South wherever it may be yeah yeah it's going to be great so we've needed one for years folks and where's it coming from pardon me where's it coming from har y oh y they gave us a heck of a deal yes they did they're good to our they're very good to our school district in our community and the lcf I'm sorry no that's okay the lcf is the Leroy Community Foundation okay so what also helps if we upfront the money then licensing is easier and all that for a school district as well I mean that's not in policy but we know it's easier when we do probably for titling and all that all of that yes yes so it just works good for both and then I'll email um Kevin and Kate tomorrow and let them know if you so choose to pass this okay well it seems like a no-brainer if it's all being I guess right kind of is it's just a backwards way but it is a nobra okay um would someone like to make the motion to go ahead and approve the purchase of that enclosed trailer which is all going to be donated purchase price so thanks Angie I do I have to abstain since I'm on the L Foundation or it's not a personal thing yeah no okay I'm want it too yeah I need your votes because that's what I thought I I just want to be sure though I just be fine yeah okay so Angie's made the motion to approve that is there a second I'll second thanks Dave all those in favor say I I opposed motion carried awesome very awesome thanks guys all right uh moving on to some committee reports um I have one so we just uh met tonight our building and grounds committee and uh we talked about a number of things uh first of which uh is the lawn and the weeds around the place and so uh uh Jen and Aaron are going to work hard to make them get that straightened up okay um there's sidewalk out here in front of the pool that needs to be poured um media was it Mediacom media media that uh put in uh new stuff dug in new stuff there and uh so what they're going to do is is contact them and see if they'll pay for replacing That Sidewalk otherwise that needs to get done it should get done before school starts as well um then um we just made aware of uh bathroom problems down in the in the elementary boys bathroom where the water been off since since uh April and those haven't been working um there is a plumber coming in is that tomorrow it's this week I want to say I might have been wrong with tomorrow I think it's Thursday I want to say Thursday this week anyway um in regards to the uh Cardinal kids bathroom but they're going to prioritize getting that fixed and then there's uh toilets in the pool both pool bathrooms that are have been uh not working for quite a while so we're going to prioritize that stuff and then and then we can go to work on the new thing okay um mold was found in the in the music room but that's been taken care of now I think we probably haven't been made aware of that [Music] um didn't they think it was from the plant that's you're talking Cardinal kids Cardinal care yeah okay that's lot there yeah and then uh going to start researching uh a new sizable project for next year next summer which would be taking care of the water problems around here um with the water softer maybe some other filtration things so we're going to start researching that and see you know what we're going to need there pipes are all corroded and all those kind of things so that's that's a big issue as well so we're going to see about trying tackle that next year anything else that I forgot about Jim we didn't have a real great turnout for our committee meeting but so yeah um this made your come responsible for the the sidewalk to check that that's what I been communicating to them so it's not a big area it's not a huge cost anyway right if it's going to become a problem getting media comment we should just then we just do it um with regards to the opening of the school year and what type of information has been sent to parents as to where to drop their kids off where will the buses be where should the families come you know H has there been communication to our families as to how to do it and where right right no one is scheduled for next week a pretty significant communication um and that'll be on our website Facebook yep yep because we also want to get some feedback from the teachers too those that are you know supervising out there and what's best fit for them um but it's a pretty significant one basically saying you can't drive down Highway 56 at all don't even come through the front door it's not even worth it with all the construction out there you know things like that some very obvious things but also some specifics that they need to know and then like throughout the day obviously they can't come in that monitor door and so what is the policy and where should they come and how should they enter the building you know what I'm saying that we have to really address that because it's going to take some time before that's done and so like you know like let's say some body forgot their lunch or whatever where what doors should they come in what's the security how should they yeah it we prob around like summer using pool do because they have cameras on them right and they're so pregant to that we'll get all that communicated yeah okay has there been any communication with the contractors out there like an ETA and when they'll be done the last multiple dates yeah at first we heard it'll be done by September and then we heard December and so I don't know okay's a problem the last the last email that uh they sent out said something about theing would be done with this end to the point that the East End is by the end of August there's no way that's going I thought I heard October well I talking with Nick from the city just yesterday he was met with the engineers and whatnot and they all they have left to do here is put in the the uh storm sewer and then they're packing it and and putting putting black top on they thought two weeks they wanted to be doing it at the end of this week but it it's not going to happen I don't think because there's not as much it's still 8T scho yeah open up this whole end in two to 3 weeks which would be great but that be amazing it just doesn't look like they're going to be close to that B so but uh so yeah anyway I think that's it for building and grounds um for now anything else anybody's got um one from the msba um Deb had a great idea of there's a there's a course on there for Schoolboard handbook um and with very High turnover in board members this year it might be a good um learning opportunity for for new people coming on to go through what what's all what all entails of being on a school board um Angie has it up very nice when do they start that phase one phase two I that's usually right after thee yeah this is a little this is a little more vocal than that hold that up once what I what I would like to suggest is if we as a board had like a little work session an hour or something read through this real quick there's lots of places where you can personalize it to your school and then um you know a couple of us or all of us could meet with once the election is done but before that first meeting and before they really get into the bigger trainings if we could just meet with them and say our school board usually does this we usually do this you know um if you get a phone call when you're on the school board how are you supposed to handle that how do you do social media um it's it's really laid out it's really laid out so you can personalize it to your school so we can we can make it bigger or smaller I mean I would make it a little smaller personally um but I just remember coming on as a new board member and the very first meeting you sit in on is the restructuring and it's like what committee do you want to be on you're like what are the committee what's a committee what what commit do what does the and you know like not that they're going to learn everything and I still think that we should really encourage them to take tra phase one phase two that was really helpful don't you think yeah but this is like a more it's a more mentoring more personalized more like locally we meet on Tuesdays usually you know this is this is who you contact if you need to it even has a place in here where you can just put some names and numbers and you know like just a more um local so I don't I don't know how the board feels but I think it'd be worth it for us to sit down as a group pound through this someone who has good media skills can fill it in as we go not I but someone else could do that with us you know just cuz there's places where you just take this document and you just fill in your stuff and then it becomes a your than so I don't know how you all feel about that but thanks for bringing that update yes that's a good idea all yeah so maybe uh you know in November right after the yeah okay well we can maybe decide that at that nov meeting yeah get closer speaking of the November meeting sent it to me so yeah um oh we'll get to that later I put that note down here too the other thing I just wanted to mention I don't think it's directly my Comm committee but um the arts for the Arts um the Newsies is the musical that's being done in Southland and it is September um 13 14 15 which is a Friday Saturday Sunday the Sunday one is a matina at 2 and then it's also the 21st so it's being presented in souland and um two students from we are are participating this year and I think we are going as 3 through 12 on the 12th I believe the day before I think Thursday maybe something like that but yeah they're having posted that to the teacher so that's cool so I just think it's fun that they're being able to to participate you know that's right yeah okay anybody have anything else other Comm things okay um I do have a question D but I don't know if this is out of order or not but um so right now we have six board members instead of seven right and we don't need to uh fill that uh because the election was so close Okay but we all know that there's only three that have fil for election so I think something that we need to think about as a board is what are we going to do about that when the time comes um we can change to a Sixers board and we'd be done that way can we do that when we have four open though that that would be my question cuz we thought and I'm not saying that we can't go to six but if we said we are like have four open I don't know like we can just dial it back and say oh we only got three we're good with that yeah I have no idea we just got a um we just got a bullet from msba with a two paragraph thing that says if you didn't get enough people here's what you can do okay um it just came today and I thought I made a copy of it but I don't have it here it says that it's um wrin and they do not have to accept and then if there um they meaning the person the person yep so the right in so you take the highest right in so say Dylan has written in and he says I don't want to do that we don't we can't force him to do that so then it says he would move on to appoint a person to serve on the board until a special election can be held in 2025 so then we're back to paying those election costs again because we it' be at our I mean we can't help it if it is but so do we do we have to accept a write in or can we say before the election that we're going to appoint someone before that how does that work I think the it is a right in because it's a true election okay and then it is that's how that that's how that reads that you you have to but I'm guessing since this was sent we're not the only ones in this right right right everybody loves this job right okay um yeah so we have the guidelines for I just wanted to bring it up for something that be aware of and think about you know do we actually have a written policy that we're a seven member board and would we really want to change that because I don't know I'm just saying I mean that's that is an option we could do that it's in statute you can change it um it's just something thr out there yeah that's all yeah I'm not even saying that that's a good idea yeah you're just saying yeah okay anyway just something for us to think about cuz we got a couple of months and we have an election so okay um moving on look like to the calendar is uh starting on the 26th through the 28th is the staff development SE member 2's Labor Day September 3rd is the first day of school for the middle school and high school September 5th is the elementaries first day of school October 17th through 18th is uh mea um October 21st is another staff development so there's no school um November 8th is Staff Development and no school we just talked about the election that's November 5th um and and because of uh we need to canvas those votes maybe we should change the date on November meeting uh to the 12th that's all I was going to double check on it will I'll have something at your September board meeting okay can we change September's meeting the volleyball game that night you can do it without me but we don't even have that what day is that the 17 okay any suggestions from anybody um on that would Monday be better would Thursday be better Monday would be good for you guys would it no no Monday would have JB do Wednesday Wednesday's good yeah I mean Wednesday pretty much everybody I think that' be the 18th okay no 18th all right would somebody like to make the motion making that change uh September meeting to oh the 18th at okay sanie is there a second second thank you all those in favor say I OPP motion carry okay anything else that anyone can think of that we should talk about tonight okay not is there a motion to adjourn make a motion to thank you Dave is there a second second thank step all those in favor say I closed meetings adjourned 652