##VIDEO ID:GRD3HFA3oFI## ahead and call the me order um with everyone stand for the uh Pledge of Allegiance Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all it's okay so all six of us are here tonight so that's awesome um we have a few changes to the agenda uh add to the consent agenda so we we need to add uh ler oer FFA gift for the pool uh L Community Foundation um uh for operation success program for 500 bucks approval of the recommendation to hire Izzy Nagel as lifeguard and approval of special school board meetings that was held last November 14 any other changes to the agenda if not would someone like to make a motion approving those changes I make a motion to approve the agenda changes thank you Deb is there a second second thanks Dave all those in favor say I I opposed motion carried now we need to just approve the agenda I no approve the agenda thanks Kyle for a second second thanks all those in favor say I I opposed motion Carri is there any public input tonight Mo on okay we have some recognition and some good things happening November 11th was Veterans Day we would like to thank all those who have served and those as family member of military personnel uh the school district understands a sacrifice and is very appreciative congratulations to the ler rol strander ly pachelli football team and their coaches on their section championship and their performance at the state tournament as well um and also Welcome to our new school board members Dan Evans Nicole Wallace Jessica yoke and Dave lenning and thank you to those who served at in this at uh this school district Pat armorer and Deb Ren all right moving on reports apparently this is the night for the audit go ahead I'm kayy L from schaer we perform the a this year met with Jen and Sharon earlier to go with financial statements and she did pass out those hard copies if you want to take a look at those and greater detail tonight we'll just go over the Powerpoint here in a more summarized version let me know if you have questions when I'm going can I just jump in for those sitting here too these are always posted on our website too so our public is well aware of our our audit just uh we'll just start on the first page with the audit summary the audit opinion we're issuing an unmodified opinion which is a clean opinion means we didn't have any issues with the audit and we feel that the financial statements are fairely stated in accordance with gap Minnesota legal compliance which has various areas like bids throughout the year the collateral held at the banks and the letters that we send all the board members to disclose to us if they have any conflicts we had no exceptions with this testing two comments for the internal control letters typical findings in all of our districts one the preparation of financial statements just means that you rely on SM shaper to help assist in comparing those and segregation of Duties just related to the size of the district's um staff in the office Student Activity compliance no exceptions noted with that testing and then we also have an audit committee letter as well nothing to no fa uh the next slide average daily membership or adms this is what drives your District's funding so for several years there you're um maintaining there at about 265 we had a little bit of a drop in 2022 able to build some of that back up in 2023 and then in 2024 we just came down 2 ADM so we're at 251 in fiscal 2024 so with that pretty consistent with last year we'd expected to see similar State Aids on the next slide there for the revenues however uh we received increased special ed funding as well as a pretty large increase in compensatory Revenue had some new AIDS this year gave to the schools for Library as well as student support AIDS and then food service was ran as a state program so that's showing up as a state revenue this year with the free meals instead of previously it was in more um other the other category for sales so you can see that the state AIDS there in the yellow um increased pretty significantly from the prior year because of that inreased L this year the property tax is up in the dark blue and then the light blue there you can see um the federal AIDS were down we spent our Sesser funds last year and we had our summer preschool Grant was also Co related to end it um other there in the grade maintain pretty consistently and that's if it doesn't fall into the other three categories that's your donations your community service programs um investment income Student Activities things like that so total revenu is at $5.7 million up about 400,000 in the prior year you can see the next slide your revenues in a pigra format so you can see it's pretty consistent with the percentages there from year to year your most significant coming in from the state property tax levy history on the next slide there 2024 the second uh column from the right or just 1.2 million so we did bring that Levy up some this year and next year in 2025 it's going to come down a little bit to one um slightly there the next slide is all of your expenditures so across the bottom is all the different categories and then the light tan there is the current year so Administration up a little bit related to salaries and benefits the board Services down a little bit um related to Sal salaries your regular instruction that decrease is mainly related to salaries and benefits this year last year was also a little bit uh there was a DC trip FFA convention and purchased a scoreboard that we didn't have in the current year vocational state of about the same salaries in the or special L down some related to salaries Community edol the same instructional support down last year we had the purchase of the iPads that were also offset with um offsetting revenues pupil support this year um that increase we purchased some um Furniture but we used Revenue coming in $ for for that purchase as well as the Food Service um expenses were up but the revenues were also up there sites and buildings uh this year we finished the LED project and started the gym floor as well as a stage curtain and then fiscal others your bond payments there liability insurance general fund activities revenues there in the light blue um increased about 400,000 again the Ley increase as well as those um increases in your state aids for compensatory special and those new AIDS um and then the expenses were down mainly related to your salaries and benefits so general fund operated a surplus of about $341,000 this year the next slide you you can see uh the general fund balance increasing um total fund balance at $1.5 million in your general fund restricted fund balance up about 110,000 that's your various things that you have to spend your money that's restricted for staff development operating Capital um safe schools ltfm things like that and then you're unassigned um in the light blue increase about 189,000 so um total fund balance at 32% of your current general fund expenditures your policy is to keep that within the 25% range so you have 3 months of um of expenses so keep planning to uh and working on maintaining that 3mon um your reserves is that good right there yeah is that that's what is that see 32% was 3.8 months worth or fun B fun Bal I know but so we're at three three we got our three months for yeah so over 25 if if you hit 25% that's your three months so 32% so did bring that up from the from the prior year that was that was good the next slide your food service Revenue um you can see food service is um typically always just the goal is to break even but they've changed the program so many times in the last several years it's kind of been all over the board this year they switched it again to the state program so the Food Service operated a slight surplus of about $4,000 so um revenues were up it's so expenses we also bought an oven this year for some of that so you can see the next um slide your food service fund balance a healthy Reserve there of $107,000 available community service fund activities um revenues were down slightly um most of that's related to the um summer preschool program that was federally funded to that that program Ended as that Grant ended and then the salaries or or the expenses remained um pretty flat so you can see on the next slide um community service operated a deficit of 27,000 this year kind of on a downward Trend in the community service funds the total fund balance at 110,000 um just pointing out that our general Community Ed that holds classes for the public is pretty well balanced and sustaining as well as youth football some of the other activities there the community had that's negative um and ECFE has the the largest uh Surplus there your debt service funds in the next slid your Revenue coming in um from your Levy funds as well as in state AIDS and you use that to make your bond um principal and interest payment so the next slide your fund balance is at about1 18,000 that's available for your future debt payments and you have one Bond outstanding and that's going to be paid off in 2027 scholarship F balance on the next slide at about $500,000 this is money available to award student SCH ships and we paid about paid out about $68,000 in the current year for scholarships um the next couple slides here comparison slide so this one is the districts uh and School administration support services so just pointing out so in the orange that's um your District in the blue is districts of comparable sizes anywhere from 0 to$ 4.99 and then the state average there in the yellow the comparisons are um 2023 numbers because they're the most current information they have available to us and also so it looks like 251 where you're at is kind of in the middle of the range but really it's at the bottom of the range because a lot of schools that you're not going to have a school that's operating at you know zero so um just keeping that in mind um when you're looking at those comparisons because especially on this side with district and administration regardless of how many students you have you still need a certain amount of administration and support to be able to operate a district so you could have several more adms and still not need to have additional um positions hired for that so when you're comparing that to somebody that 500 students there's a lot bigger range for them to spread those costs across so with the decrease of 28ms um this was at400 so above both the districts of comparable size in the state average just but isn't isn't isn't surprising regular instruction on the next slide again we brought that down with our expenses coming down most of it was salary related just pointing out that it's not truly as big of a drop because um discussing with Jen and Sharon if we would have found the replacements for some of the teach that we didn't hire we would have done so we had some PA turnover so Less hours there but we were able to um um bring cost down and again last year we had increased expenses with those eser funds and the programs when those programs ended then our expenses came down but those had offsetting revenues That You Don't See on this chart You're just showing the expenses so um less Revenue but also less expenses so um but regular instruction um over both the comparison and state this is where you want to be spending your money though means you're spending it on the students regular instruction on the next slide there your general fund costs that's um overall just your general fund 19,000 brought that down some um from the prior year our expenses were down salary related last year we had a little bit more Capital as well so um dropped your expenses being fiscally responsible um you know and you have to have a certain amount of expenses too just to operate your district and keep and keep things Ming so um and then to summarize in the last slide there general fund revenues exceeded your expenditures you operated a surplus of 341,000 ended the year with 1.5 million so fund balance is sitting good you have you have good um some reserves there so you're at 32% of uh fund balance as of current expenditures so 3.8 months worth of um in your fund balance and Food Service fund operated a small surplus of $44,000 ended with 107,000 community service operated a deficit of 27,000 ended with 110,000 and then your debt service fund has $118,000 left in their fund as well does anybody have any questions questions looks really good you thank you thank you thank you okay he we have a student representative report tonight been for a while your turn well football's finally over finally we didn't want it to be but and basketball St for both boys and girls nothing conferences are coming up yeah teacher conferences all is good everybody's getting straight A's all right thank you um no staff report tonight looks like uh Kristen Stevens is going to be here in December yeah due to the audit we we asked her to move her to December sounds good um principal's report Erin all right um some of the things you see on here I just leave on there cuz it's like I said it's a really be our Focus um especially with PLC goals with our um rcd marzal now with the Rea um data diving with the MCAS and exls um just actually met today with our we have a math PLC because we're working on um increasing math scores and being more effective in the math so I'm working with the Math teachers third grade through high school um so we're working on that extra so that's great um redak training we already had one the 21st the thir 13th and now we have some more trainings coming up Jun Janu J Jane uh January 15th and February 5th um so nothing too exciting at this point they're doing some modules and some trainings and learning about it so I'll probably report on that or have maybe them come and talk about it later when we finished with what it actually entailed but right now they're working individually on just modules that the state have sent out um Larry Thompson was here with our rcd on month last Monday went around classrooms um unfortunately we couldn't have a board meeting that night but he did sta school and met with the staff um did a lot of review and then he stayed even longer with the new teachers the first and second year teachers because they haven't went through the full training and kind of give them a little bit of a crash course on on what we've been doing and and how to do things like that so um it's always great to have Larry here so that it was a good day um continue on with our evaluations observations we hadit our first um the teachers needed to have a girl school in by November 8th um and then we work on checkpoints throughout the year um I still do all my evils um on the observation cycle um and things such as that so those are all listed Leadership Academy I've talked about that now that uh football is done and I'm going to be looking at trying to get Todd duault down here um to do some leadership training with our Leadership Academy um so I'm kind of excited about getting in down here work with those students um Thursday and this upcoming Thursday and next Monday our parent teacher conferences 4 to 7 um no school on Wednesday um because that's the comp day teachers get for it says staff development not the calendar if anybody ever that seems to confuse some people but because we do the two nights of conferences that's the day the teachers get off so there's nobody here on um that Wednesday um end of the quarter was last THS so we are finished up with one quarter already uh this year so time FES having fun so any questions is Larry Thompson going to be back around he usually comes once a year um I think it' be cool if we could have him at a board meeting yeah we I think he would zoom in we could zoom um I definitely could get them Mar November and October that's kind of the time he comes every year I mean we could some up next year for but we could probably zoom in maybe sometime winter yeah so we can I'll put that down CU I when I talk to him I stay in regular contact any other questions that's all I have thanks Aon you Jen how about you all right couple things first of all Welcome to our new board member she's sitting on the tonight so thank you and and Pat and Deb thank you it's been a pleasure serving with you both you've done tremendous work here and I know I speak for everybody thank you and we mean that sincerely thank you you'll be missed you'll be missed I think I've said that before but we mean it um so thank you to that and and welcome uh a couple things uh the building and grounds committee committee and Safety Committee will be meeting in December before the board meeting and we're going to do a walkthrough of all the things that we've done already this year here um such as you know put in the stage curtain again huge thank you for that donation but that is now installed we're going to take a a look again at the elementary gym floor um we're going to take a peek at um the Cardinal kids Cardinal care area and the tile and the new bathroom there and a couple other things that we've done we're also really talking about um our water here in the building and the water pressure and things like that so all that will be coming probably the night of the board meeting in December but you're all welcome to join us for a walk through too you're always welcome will you let us know when you're going to have that that meeting will be the night of the board meeting but starting at 4:30 we usually start so just meet here we're going to walk around look around about 4:30 yep it's nothing official just want to show off a little bit what we're doing and what we need to do also so um let's see here don't forget that if you're not signed up for our emergency communication system I just put out an email today on that be sure to do that cuz we want to make sure we have all our constituents as well as our staff and and all of you board members well aware of the weather happenings in the world uh let's see here don't forget in December we're going to talk to you about a calendar change um we did have the musical and possible snow stuff we don't know and then of course State football we got to talk about all that uh Mr hungerholt did bring it to the site team and brought back some information too so we'll have all that ready for you in December uh also at the December meeting we're going to host Our Truth and Taxation meeting that starts at 6:01 then we adjourn and immediately start with our regular meeting um but just be prepared for a little bit longer night there uh don't forget too we have multiple um Partners in education throughout the school year and what I mean by that it's really talking about having contracts with local postsecondary institutions whether it's um in Austin at rctc it's our local ALC Winona State manada wherever it may be we try to reach out to make sure we have other opportunities for kids in terms of college experiences or college credits and at a lower cost for us when you have those contracts so you kind of saw that in the audit too we're negotiating our contracts a little bit harder with them to put more money into the classroom um that's why we do those things so if you would ever like a listing of who we partner with with let me know or let Aon know too we have the list it's a lot um also with winter coming on we we preach this a lot but if you feel there is a family in need of warm coats or food or Necessities pleas your out we have plenty of resources here that we would love to help them with um and it remains completely Anonymous um but please let us know we want to be there to help them um I am so impressed with our student services team daily they are are reminding us that they're constantly going on field trips um and supporting our teaching staff and doing that so October 29th they went to rctc for grades 10 and 11 um to construct tomorrow it was called November 20th The hormell Institute s Discovery tour and then December 6th they're going to the Mayo Civic Theater for the Rochester dance companies The Nutcracker so it's just it's unbelievable that this SK size of school district because of our resour ources the flexibility of our teaching staff that we're able to do these pretty cool things for our kids and families so huge shout out to them also kids in if you hear of families that are in need of dental care we are providing a dental clinic on January 14th and we will post all this information out there um but if they you know feel uncomfortable reaching out please contact our nurse and she can do the reaching out for you too but it is January 14th look for for that post to too um finally huge thank you oh two things one I feel the audit was amazing I hope you all did too we have a great fund balance right now so we can do those things that we've been wanting to do and continue to do and like she said keep putting money into those classrooms for our teachers um so we're at about a 32% and like she said if we hover around that 24% that's good um so we're at an excellent point right now but a huge thank you to Sharon and Janet and The Business office of course Angie for being the clerk cuz we had to reach out to her a couple times for things and then of course um you know our auditing staff they they do a tremendous job and helped us out a lot so a huge thank you to them finally a welcome to Kendall Olson she is our new student representative on the school board I have yet to meet with her about that she knows about it but I have to meet with her and this young lady to kind of go through transition stuff um otherwise that's it for me tonight so far thank you any questions for Jen thank you all right moving on to our consent agenda um we need to approve the October uh regular uh meeting minutes any questions or Corrections or additions to those okay uh Treasures reports any questions on anything you got on that okay uh looks like fundraisers the ELO student count ccil um is going to have a fundraiser we sell t-shirts uh candy cane sales Haunted Trails uh Valentine sales and dances uh donations L Community Foundation for Cardinal Pride program for $500 um Li Community Foundation for the high school stage curtain for $19,000 the LFA is an addition for $500 for the pool the L right Community Foundation for operation success program for $500 uh Personnel items we need to approve accept the resignation of Emily Brum as a school nurse effecting December 2nd approve the recommendation to hire Mia Stevens as a lifeguard starting immediately and approve the accommodation to hire TI Shelty as lifeguard starting immediately and then in addition we need to approve the recommendation to hire easy neg as a lifeguard and then approval of the special school board meeting minutes from November 14th any questions or anything on the consent agenda if not is there a motion to approve those items on the consent agenda make a motion to approve the consent agenda thank you Dave is there a second second than any questions anything before weot hearing none all those in favor say I I I those opposed motion Carri okay uh discussion item so um we need to approve the audit we just heard tonight are there any questions or comments on that before we go to approve the audit okay is there a motion to approve the audit as presented tonight thank you Ang all those uh sorry is there a second a second thank you all those in favor say I I opposed motion carry all right policy review we' had a couple of months off from policy all right so uh we need to approve the second reading of the following policies uh 501 School weapons 502 search of student lockers desks Etc 5 4 student dress and appearance 505 distribution of non-school sponsored materials 508 extended school year for certain students uh with IEP uh 509 enrollment of non-resident students there any changes that we should be aware of or any comments on those policies okay otherwise would there be a motion to approve the second reading of those policies that we just stated I'll make motion to approve the second reading of policy 501 502 504 505 508 and 509 okay thank you Pat is there a second I'll second that thanks Deb any questions comments all those in favor say I I opposed motion carry all right first reading of the following policies uh 510 school activities 511 student fundraising 512 School sponsored student Publications and activities 5113 student promotion retention and program design 514 bullying prohibition policy 515 protection and privacy of pupil records uh 516 student medication and teleah health 56.5 over dose medication and 5117 student recruiting what we need to know about those policies anything we went through them all they all looked good as is no changes needed okay is there a motion to approve the first reading of those State policies make motion to um to approve the first readings of 510 511 5 52 513 514 515 516 56.5 okay thank you Dave is there a second second thanks Angie all those in favor say I I I opposed motion car okay all right uh now discussion and a resolution to approve the workman's comp insurance that we uh tabled yes so um we talked to North risk who we currently have and asked him if they would maintain their costs and they said yes and they said well that's easy because you're lower than the last one so I told them I would come forward with them then to this board okay and the reason why it's a resolution is because the insurance company needs a resolution we don't as a district the insurance comp does and I'll fill up paperwork with all that okay anybody have any questions about that we got that in our board information pretty straightforward I think okay would someone like to make a motion to uh approve a resolution approving motion to approve the resolution to approve workers comp insurance through nor risk Partners okay thank you Angie is there a second second thanks Kyle any questions or discussion hearing none um Pat yes yes yes Kyle yes yes yes okay motion Carri okay are there any school board committee reports um I just wanted to say that we had our community educ ation meeting and they're keeping super busy and the next big event is the breakfast with Santa um and anybody who would be interested in helping volunteer she's she's looking for volunteers for some of the different booths and activities what's the date on and the date is the 14th right yeah it's the Saturday the 14th um 8 to 10:30 for photos and then it goes on till 11:00 um for the rest of the activi so it's 8 to 11: but you have to be in line for photos by 10:30 um yeah and they are looking at lots of activities for the winter and but they're open to any suggestions if somebody has an idea of something that um they'd like to bring forward and especially students if you have something that you would like to see the community ed offering um please contact Kate roar or Liz Logan and they'll try to get that on the schedule so was a good meeting good anything else anybody has committee reports okay thank you um looking forward to our calendar here uh November 27th through 29th is Thanksgiving break wait do we have to do D oh we're doing this more marked that off already yeah you're like done no um I put this on here to be transparent with our community yes we don't legally have to um but we want to of course communicate as much as we can to our community so that's here tonight what's the story behind not legally having to because because we had a special meeting Thursday and did it okay but nobody was here well yeah but I was here for that but why is that it's because it's smaller deal or whatever I thought we had to file a special go ahead you're good at it so that was you explain it to me but have to that was the initial thought okay so we came out that if you did not file a piece of paper to the district before the open filing period it was thought that your writing vote did not count after a little more digging and the county auditor someone in the county level that the school district is exempt from that those are more like Federal elections not make making it down to the local level so we could make a resolution and do that in the future but it's not a rule for us or a statute that we have to follow so we were able to just use the right in bols like we initially thought okay and is that term for four years or one year or what four or four years Andie said it not you're about to retire something I almost got a couple of heart attacks already today getting old all right so I guess we need a resolution approving myself as the uh Right End candidate uh to be appointed to the to the board to fill that vacant spot yes some and Angie and I tonight will send that off to Scott the auditor of mar he knows we're meeting we've already voted last Thursday to accept those uh right in votes so it's kind of a double deal but I'll make a motion to approve Dave as the right in candidate four School Board seat okay thank you Kyle is there a second I'll second thanks Dave so this has to be a roll call vote that y yes y abstain yes thank you um now I guess we can go on move on to the calendar unless I forgotten something else uh November 27th through 29th is things giving Break um December 17th is the next board meeting and that would be at 6:01 not 6:00 um December 20th is early release for school uh December 23rd through 24th or December 23rd to January 1st gr and uh January 6th the next uh school board meeting that will be for reorganizing our board is there anything else that we I bring I was just wondering if some or all of us would like to meet I found a a nice um bit of information from Minnesota Schoolboard Association to help put together a handbook for our our new board members and you can it's set up in a way that you can barely personalize it like there's a page on like going to visit all the buildings well that's really not necessary since we're all one building but there are certain things things that would be really valuable that they that they could have before they start like explaining what are the Committees explain you know like because you come to that organizational meeting you're brand new and it's like what committee do you want to be on and you're like I do not know you know so whatever you get Railroad on I was just wondering if any or all of us might want to meet kind of personalize that and then get that to our new members um okay okay do we want to just like a committee that would do that sure we can do that yeah um you're you're still you're still really aware of like what it was coming on brand new so um yeah that would have been helpful right I mean I kind of feel like it would have been helpful so I can help you okay um do we want to do you want to pick a date what times do you usually back to town I can I can make anything work I've got enough PTO okay okay do you want to send us our a message with a couple of possible dates and then we'll just get together we'll just come here I've got the I've got the format and we can just is it electronic where we can like do it as we go I I mean you could I could not but you could but it is electronic and you can fill it in as you go in super day between the two of you guys one of you can um but if we meet here then we can just run some copies and um I think it would be really helpful I would have liked to have had something like that sounds good good idea okay sounds like a committee too all right so there we go all right another committee and do you look at your schedule and send us a couple possible dayses okay okay thanks anything else that we should bring up tonight before we adourn uh I guess make along those lines maybe make sure that the new members are invited to tour the building with us oh yes you'll be getting an email from me this week as I mentioned in my first email with tons of great information and yes you're invited to every any committee you want to right now for sure you're not officially pushing you on you might not want to be yeah yeah just be careful filter it I'll protect you for these guys don't worry I'll protect you sounds good all right would there be a motion to adjourn so thank you y is there a second second next dat all those in favor say I motion Carri