##VIDEO ID:jfvKXyBhY0I## well looks like it's about six o'clock let's call the meeting to order uh shall we I think everybody's here right yeah awesome uh shall we stand for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge of alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands one nation God with liy and justice for all all right so you all have an agenda with a lot of yellow on it so there's uh quite a few additions to the agenda and uh I'm not going to go through and read each one you guys all uh can see that um there's one other that we I think talked about here 10 f we add all call it game admission I have it all Lo students into activities at no cost is what I okay okay all right is there anything else any other changes to the agenda okay if not uh could we get a motion to approve those changes go ahead sorry I'll make motion to um to make the the amendments to the agenda okay thanks Dave second thanks Angie all those in favor say I I opposed motion carried all right now we need an approval an agend a motion to approve the the agenda it's easy for me to say right I'll make the motion to approve the agenda thanks Pat second thanks Kyle all those in favor say I I opposed motion carried is is there any type of public input at all okay moving on recognition and good things happening like to thank uh thank you to the staff students and community members for making the first few weeks of uh School such a great success you are all appreciated thank you to the Leroy Lions Club for the breakfast served over the fall in service thank you to Kurt Bill uh for donating a six by9 carpet remnant Remnant to the first grade classroom thank you very much and thank you to all the donors that have contributed in various ways these past months is there anything else that anybody can think of that we um recognize September is actually School Board recognition month so excellent job to all our Schoolboard members oh need to do our own horn there we go it was nobody else will do it for us right it was on the website so okay nice perfect thank you all right moving on to reports so it doesn't look like we have a student representative here tonight she is in Rochester from what I understand okay I talk to her today but we do have a staff report from Kate Roar ice but I'll get some on this one when I'm done yep I have um so uh I have been almost two years in this world will be two years wow so we've got I'm starting to finally get in the flow of things right um averaging still around that 7 to 10 hours a week um the max of 10 per week has been a two for the rooll so that's about what I've been doing some months are more some months are less um August is a really busy month for me trying to get the fall schedule out so that's usually on the higher end but most of the time around that seven to eight hours probably um so just talking through each of our programs so our ECFE program um we hired a ECFE coordinator and parent educator this last year Liz Lan um we still have our student educator posted I believe is that accurate okay uh no appli um so Annie hungerholt has been wonderfully filling that role until she has decided to give it up or we can hire someone can I just ask a quick question is there what are the do you have to be like a a licensed teacher for that technically yes um so Liz did get a v a variance for the the tier 2 variance so it's not necessarily required but um I think variances are pretty easy to obtain so um yes that is how it's posted but it does say or obtain a variance so um events uh we have breakfast with Santa every year it's always the second Saturday in December um we have Touch a Truck usually in the spring art in the park we tried this summer and because of the rain we just had to cancel it and we hope to reschedule it sometime this fall yet uh we do look for volunteers for all of these events they take a ton of work during the setup and just running the events so if anybody wants to volunteer or wants to volunteer someone to volunteer um weekly classes so uh since Liz was just hired late last fall um she started classes in January so we hadn't had them for at least a year and a half two and a half years so we lost a lot of our kiddos and so they didn't get a lot of kids coming at um last half of the year last year she is starting them again next week so we're hopeful that we can get more kids in I actually ran into somebody going into the pool for Bonita's uh you know kid or parents swim lessons and so I was like they said they were new to town and I'm like two little kids like so um hopefully they'll be coming to this class as well but but we're still trying to promote that uh and get people here we did move them to Wednesdays last year to try something different Wednesdays are a busy night for Community Ed so kids are already in the school parents are already here dropping off there's no games or anything that parents have to go to so we did try to do Wednesdays from 5:00 to 6:30 um so that will start again next Wednesday so hopefully more to come on out preschool our summer Kinder camp program uh was able to go through this year again we had nine kids they made two field trips um as part of their Smith Grant they received $5,000 to cover the cost of the program and their field trips um this year we have um so I did some comparison numbers just because I had them from last year and I thought well that's kind of fun so we do have um just seven 34 preschool and then we have 17 in our 45 and then 11 of those uh 17 are also in our preschool plus program which is 5 days a week um didn't really had here the VPS info maybe you know more about that I don't even know what VPS stands for but we are getting preschool um for those those attending five days a week that um are able to go so that's exciting that's a new program this year uh I believe we've been trying for many years to get that so it's it's exciting so it does not count towards those kids that do not go 5 days a week though so those kids are still eligible for our scholarships um so we do have have uh the pathway scholarship which we've had for several years now we again obtained $155,000 for that and this year uh United Way in years past we've been getting $600 last year we got 1,200 now this year we just uh we told we're getting 2,000 so that's exciting so $177,000 in scholarships to give away to these kiddos which also helps cover it covers the cost of preschool but it also helps cover the cost of our Cardinal Care Program when they're in that on Fridays and then our Cardinal kids program the before and after school can help with some of those things so that's kind of exciting um I also last year took over the F the finances for preschool so Tanya wanted to step away and just deal with the kids directly she didn't want to have to pest her parents to pay their bills so that's my job now um so we're still working through that I manage all the scholarships for the program as well um caral care and Head Start um they received a new coordinator last year Melissa Monroe uh still teaching with be for Ericson and then Stacy handles all of the Cardinal care billing aspects of it so they're a little bit separate there uh our numbers are down this year we only have seven in Head Start and five in Cardinal care compared to last year we still have one full-time teacher one full-time perah and one part-time perah I believe uh we did get a new contract this year with headart which was kind of exciting we worked several months on that um so that went into effect July 1st there was a lot of back back and forth uh the school is now receiving a facility fee along with scholarship stiens for our head start and rolly so in years past Head Start kids would get a pathway Grant through Head Start Leroy never saw any of that money so when they on Fridays Fridays is not a head start day it's considered a cardinal care day so we were allowing Head Start kids to come for free essentially to keep them in the district keep them here wanting to be part of our program now this year we will be getting a $1,000 stien per Head Start kid to help cover those expenses along with the preschool expenses they were also getting preschool for free so the school is now no longer losing all of that money we're hopefully be CL come um yeah so that's exciting uh for that and then the facility fee I believe is $1,200 so $100 per month essentially is what they're going to pay and that will help upkeep um the ground so they've got their own Head Start playground that's required to be weeded the room has to be cleaned um daily on a head start day uh and just some other routine maintenance things so those would all be taken care of now uh Cardinal kids our sack program um our numbers are starting to dwindle a little bit we noticed it this summer for the first time uh we only had 21 kids signed up which averaged 8 to 10 per day so was not a lot of kids but I think what we're discovering is a lot of our kiddos have older siblings that are now staying home with them I think everyone's maybe feeling a little crunch on the economy and like that's that's one savings that they can do if they're older siblings and watch them or there's a lot of people working from home I myself work from home and my kids were home a lot too so I think that just makes a big difference but um enrollment wise we are down a little bit um from last year to this year uh but our staff has currently remained the same they're not all full-time but um Stace does a nice job of making sure we're staffed appropriately so activities um so our fall activities you can kind of see the numbers here and compar we're trying several new things this fall um so a couple of different dance classes expanding on the one we did all of last year for our four girls and then um adding a cookie class a cookie decorating class and then our ghost hunting class which super excited about we have nobodying so unfortunately scary scary up unfortunately if we don't get 10 participants for all three of those last classes there um we'll have to cancel so I don't like to have to cancel things but these instructors won't come for Less so hoping we can continue getting people I sent out another email today reminding people the deadlines are coming um but we'll see so um a couple of new things uh that are outside of our activities so to speak um is the Color Fun Run so I don't know if you guys know what a Color Run is usually they are considered a fundraiser so the Leroy Commercial Club tried to do one this summer with Summerfest and it just I don't think they had enough time in advance to tell people about it to advertise about it their registration system wasn't quite working when it first got out there and so they only ended up with one family of two registering so they ended up canceling it they still have all the materials so I said hey let me help let me run it through our community ed program let me help you advertise getting in with those kids and getting a fly in front of their face really helps uh we are up to just 11 right now I know there's several Ames that have like yeah we're going to do it they just haven't registered yet so it is going to go um which is exciting uh that will be during the inaugural Fall Fest this year that the commercial Club is doing um so a Color Run is basically there's a route that you can run or walk um where there's certain stations that people then throw color at you and it essentially colors your shirt and kids think get some so it's just a fun risor um also part of that same Fall Fest event is our trunk Retreat event this is in collaboration with the lerra commercial Club but Community Ed and Liz my ECF director she and I are kind of partnering on the whole planning or of that event so um we currently have some donations that we've received that will help cover the costs that we're spending so we are going to have a DJ uh Ben Ron is going to come DJ for us in the tennis court so it'll be kind little dance party um we're going to get one of those big lights you know one of those boom lights to help light up the park because it's going to get pretty dark um so for safety reasons probably need that um and then just uh we're going to commedia is going to do a little photo booth too where everybody can come through and take pictures with their costumes and such so uh the donations will help cover uh those costs for us uh we do have uh a good list of trunks um so I don't know if anybody's been to a trun or treat but it's essentially trick-or-treating all in one location so everybody comes with their trunk and they decorate their trunk they hand out candy um and kids just kind of come through and say so it's just going to be kind of a fun event get kids out into the park um the community the commercial Club is actually um doing a full day worth of events that day in the park so they're going to have lots of fun kids activities they're going to have a vendor show for adults they're going to have the Color Run they're also going to have um essentially a little parade on utvs and golf carts so should be a fun day come CBR this so we're also going to have the Grove eats food truck there so be food in the park too uh 2024 2025 planning just some upcoming things we've got obviously girls and boys basketball we'll be doing our after school bowling again for our elementary kiddos but this year it was recommended we do an after school bowling for our Middle School age kids so our sixth to nth graders so hopefully we'll be adding that and then uh puzzle Club was another one that was recommended for that kind of middle school age we have a hard time with that age group um so hopefully we can get some interest there um another suggestion was an iPhone photography class for teens and tween so I'm trying to convince Axel dumble to teach that have some interest but have H and then crafting with christe so uh she is going to be doing a craft uh this fall as well the deadline for that is Monday again that's another one where I'm pretty short on numbers so I don't know if that will happen but she has agreed to hopefully do a a holiday porch pot uh class as well and then we'll do another crafting on Chrispy in the spring too along with soccer after school bowling after school swim and then obviously summer rep at the bottom there is our community at advisory Council so if you have any ideas for who we could reach out to or anyone that would be interested for those roles that say TBD we're always looking to grow and then we have one meeting left for this year we meet quarterly uh the first Monday of the month our next uh meeting is November 6 awesome any questions thanks for doing a great job abely awesome impressive yeah thank you all right thanks everyone thank you Ain your turn Okay um kind of left our PLC goals this is kind of our ongoing things we work on um our data diving um the curriculum one thing I forgot to add for curriculum I did purchase a mini art curriculum this summer for grades k through eight um since we don't have a actual art program when I did buy supplies and lessons for them so they can integrated into their um teaching so I did get that all with e8th grade so I'm excited to see how teachers utilize that and get some art in their classes for some of these kiddos so um continue with rcd a Marzano and then the newest thing will be focusing obviously all year long to be the read act um read kind of jumping down our first training isn't until October 21st it's that Monday after mea so once we get that first training I will know more what the read act um our expectations are right now all I had to do was register the teachers um and then we'll find out what our year is going to look like um after the 21st so I'll have that's probably after or maybe I'll have information for that Tuesday if that's the school board meeting but I'll keep you guys posted on the read app um homecoming week is next week um Larry Thompson did I know we talked about this I don't know if Jen had on her agenda to change but he did agree he can make it that Monday so if we want to change if so if we can change that board meeting to Monday November 11th he will stay throughout the day and present to the school board that evening on rcd um CNA update um I'm just guessing we're going to have issues with the mail building moving into next year for our CNA program um they did shut the water on us without letting us know and panic for a little bit until a few phone calls and emails later and the Mayo not knowing I knew Nick Sweeney down at the city they just go turn the water back on um so they did agree for us to let us use the uh uh mail building um for this year they we know that's for sale they don't have the lady I talked to said right now they don't have any interest but they're trying to find interest so they're seem to be actively um getting it I think there's I think they kind of want to shut it down and winterize it and just kind of Clos her up is kind of what my impression I got um so I'll keep you posted if that happens in the spring because then we'll need to be looking for a new location for our our CNA program so but we are up and uh this year we actually had a waiting list um and actually to talk about some extra financials with with that too so it's kind of a good it's a very good program and people are utilizing it so that's good um other than that just really September was getting the swing of things getting schedules all set getting the teachers kills all set up so once October rolls around that's kind of when we get into we start our plcs I start my monthly meetings um we start diving more into our information so um off and running seems to be going pretty well so like I said that's kind of what we got plan so any questions does it sound like there's any ER thank you very much uh Jen superintendent report all right well I have quite a bit to share tonight but so bear with me a little bit here um first thing I really want to um hit home with is you know we we really talk heavily with our staff about this too but you guys are cced on various emails um but it's our school safety you know and so we send that out regularly to remind our staff of prioritizing safety even prioritizing that more than learning and teaching in our environment here so just expect a lot of emails you know throughout the summer uh or I'm sorry throughout the school year but we do we prioritize our school safety whether it's in the classroom in the hallway or in our on our grounds um we also just so you know in terms of state law we do hold safety fire or safety drill school safety drills uh whether they're fire or and I believe correct me if I'm wrong Aon but there's five lockdowns five fire and one tornado drill 551 and so um we'll be doing that throughout the year we also and unfortunately it's kind of nowadays we have to talk about we talk about cyber security too and all of you were involved in that email I sent out as well but those are friendly reminders we sent out and we can't stress it enough if there are community members that feel something is unsafe on our grounds or um want to talk to us about safety we are here to listen and and we surely want to make it a great place for everybody so please pass the word on that um sprinkler system each year uh we have that checked and sure enough we passed with flying colors um if you ever want to see reports like that let me know we do have them sayfe safely secured in our office um but please let me know and I can track it down for you uh menata inspection I have to send out a huge congratulations and great job to John Stockdale he passed his mot inspection or our Fleet did with 100% accuracy so cheers to John that is a hard thing to do and John does a great job every year maybe with one ding here or there uh but this year was a big deal um considering we have you know an aging Fleet he's kept it maintained and and he met all the standards so congratulations to him uh another congratulations to our our two students who are in the play that we combine efforts with with Southland um so last Friday uh they performed and I'm just hearing Rants and Raves about how great it was maybe W can talk about that a little bit later too uh I hate to do this but every September October and November I will remind everybody including our community about weather and make sure everybody is on our weather system Communications and all they need to do is reach out to our office and we will help set them up with either text M messages emails whatever it may be um we also promote that we do put all our weather activity um online in FA on Facebook but also in the media so they'll they'll know about all that as well quick shout out on Tuesday October 15th from 1: to 7: there is a blood drive at the Leroy strander Community Center at the community center and so we're looking at some possible kids helping um you know volunteer their time there too so if you see them thank them for for that uh also barain is doing a great job congratulations and shout out to her she has taken on our safety patrol role this year and she has been so great at communicating and recruiting students and staff to help um if you ever have time it is kind of a fun job I know Deb helps a lot with that um but it's really fun to see those kids in the morning in the afternoons um you're kind of the first and last person they see and so um if you ever have interest please get a hold of bar pain but great job to her uh we did of course get our um our rooftop fall hazard assessment this year as well I know I'm bouncing all over here and I apologize um but that came back very well we do have to clean up a couple leaves and stuff and that's pretty common in the fall so just know if somebody's up there we are doing that but here's a report on that if you ever want to see it again come find me I have them um as Kate mentioned the community is doing fall Fest I was asked to be part of the what did they call it pie in the face contest but unfortunately it's during a weekend I'm I think I'm way far away for a football game so I was pretty lucky but I did indicate we have quite a few board members and administrators that would love to be part of it um so I think you all be getting a contact email about that week or something pretty sure I'm at that same football game are you okay so yes I think you might be yes so anyway but yeah it's supposed to be a really really fun time and I so appreciate the offer um but I'm going to hand it off to all you time Jen make it that fit in your schedule oh I'm sure I could yeah right um couple more things Aaron mentioned the react he's done a great job of really pushing mde we've talked to you about the redact many many times and our frustrations with not only getting developed in the new legislation um but also is there fiscal management with this is there policy that comes with this even our policy committee has talked about it numerous times just handed out to you the Powerpoint I was going to give to you last year well here it is um I kind of shortened it a little bit um you guys can share it for now I'm sure more will be coming but kudos to Aaron he I don't know how many emails you have sent out to mde and they kept getting a little bit more salty each email that he sent so maybe that was good maybe that was good got some stuff done uh let's see couple other things so one of our teachers is interested in creating a robotics Club I just handed off to Kate thinking that might be a partnership but if you are hearing about that start recruiting some of our kids but it is really exploding Across the Nation uh we received a great PowerPoint um from this teacher and he's extremely interested um in starting this so we're doing everything we can to recruit it and get get it into the hands of the kids and hopefully Kate can maybe help with comedian stuff too and her marketing skills so uh finally you did all see this this was also posted on Facebook but we really want to remind our communities of all the great things that we do here with our kids um no doubt we still have places where we need to work on things and we have weaknesses but we also have a lot of strengths and we feel that our Communications all the Student Activities all the student successes that we have to get students successful academically and behaviorally we have implemented here so take a peek at that it's on our on our website but also on Facebook that's probably our biggest media spot to have it but if you want a copy I have some too uh two more things um the pool manager position which you will be approving tonight um the resignation we have of course advertised as my emails to all of you have have stated um in various media Outlets but also locally in terms of our website internally and our Facebook page um I'm going to up that posting again just so you're aware on Friday that this opportunity could potentially we don't know at this point but potentially be um combined with maybe another opportunity in our school also I did talk to the former director of the pool the school district did pay for her licensing years and years and years ago and so I'm going to also post that um on the website so if a person does go get this done done and apply they have to first apply and get the job for us to reimburse them um we're going to put that in the posting too so just so you know the posting will be out again and we're going to spend some more money on marketing in the newspapers too but we're doing the best we can finally and I open this up to everybody some concerns about the highway project out in front of the school um as many of you are aware and many of you attended um the city meetings and I really really appreciate the city to invite us into all those they've done a fantastic job of communicating that um but Aaron and I probably were at three or four I know Angie were at one I believe Deb you were and probably you guys were too um but we had talked about the really the significant importance of having a cutout in front of our school um we assumed a cutout meant literally you cut the sidewalk out and so people can drive into it almost Park out of the street so then they could drop drop off kids currently if you look in front of our school it is a straight line there is no true in my definition or Webster's def definition cut out um so uh Mr hungerholt and I have been very very busy I'd say since Friday he saw this happen Friday since last Friday probably five or six Communications to the state department to tell us what is going on here are did we not understand um what is a cutout then in there definition just help us understand what's going on or can we clean this up before it gets too far um so just wanted to open up to you if you guys have seen concerns as well if we need to back off a little bit and let things happen the way it happens open it up to all of you we we would love some Direction they cut down the trees for it yeah we said that and that's one of one they cut down the trees but also this is just one little thing and again we don't work for the highway department so we're just new and green with this don't get me wrong so I apologize if I'm offending anybody there's also it seemingly seems I'll say it twice um that there isn't handicapped accessibility there either which is a bit bothersome to us that's what it seems like at this moment in time now not to say it's not it could be there we're just not seeing it right now um so there's a variety of things that I'm pretty concerned about I know Aaron is very concerned about um and so we again like I said we'd love discussion right now with all of you during my discussion point is it possible to to get a meeting with the project manager we're trying hence my phone calls his emails my email I would assume he or she whatever is is here there they passed me on I talked to two people and I've emailed three and the last one they emailed they passed me on to the design engineer now um about this cut in so everybody seems to have no idea um they're trying to explain that we do get two extra feet on our side of the road compared to the other side of the road so that's all I could get out of so you got your two main Lanes this is what explained to me on Friday got your two main Lanes The Other Side Road is like 10 ft like where you park or whatever and then our side they gave us an extra 2 feet so our side is actually 12 ft M so that was their definition of oh yeah there the only way it's visible is just that they don't put the center line during the down the center of the road it's more toward more so they showed me there but I said we've been talking about this for two to three years and every plan that I saw had it was a very extensive cut in like very proun and no one seems to have that plan they're like oh you must have talked to this person you must to talk to the or you must it's just gets kicked down the road and then my last email was I added the handicap piece cuz there's no there's no it's all solid curve if you see the driveway's all been cut in but there's no handicap accessible piece anywhere in the front of our building that's ridiculous so that should have been my opinion they're not coming back to Chisel out no no so and but I the last email I got was to the they pushed me off to the the design engineer and I have not her back they are coming back I mean they should be coming back right I mean that's the only way we could notice that it was wrong in our eyes is after they poured the curb poured yes right yes correct yes cuz we went the day they were pouring the curbs we saw and that's when he called me yeah and then we started making phone calls plans is what it looks like so but even if they don't have the cut in they don't even have it dipped down so that people can come up onto it right right no no he that's ridiculous and they're giving us an 8 foot cement Boulevard sidewalk I don't know why we need an 8 foot like Dave said why did you take out our trees then we don't need a 8 foot wide sidewalk so where it's C cuz they left this tree mhm is in line with the other ones M those all those trees could have stayed so the rest of that will be 8 ft of cement will be the sidewalk why but no way for people get up on there no I mean and there's really not a place to pull technically pull off any different than what we were used to in the state of the front of the building before they did this we did have the handicap so they they need to match that yeah that's what we thought right away think front of school that's like a mandatory piece you would think I mean I'm not I guess I'm not so they're well aware from our we're going to if you don't mind maybe that's my question if you don't mind we're going to keep pursuing you may get nasty grams I mean about us but we don't care at this any dealing with the state state it's in I mean well it's too bad we didn't know that this was what they were going to do they before they actually right like I said we didn't see until because it was already so wide we were like oh good it's working like we when it was all gravel at that point it was fine last week it was fine until Friday when the curb went in then it was like wait a minute something's not right so yeah I looked at it over the weekend and saw that doesn't look like I thought it was supposed to look yeah because they talked about having to move the sidewalk and everything to put that that's right that's why those trees well then we had numerous discussions about delivery trucks being able to pull off for for the kitchen because they did put that cut out they put that driveway where the where that sidewalk goes up to the kitchen yep they did put that there the approach for the driveway yeah yeah yep so but that was one of the big conversation and they didn't even in the same conversation yeah same conversation consult so they did part of it but not the other part but I don't know why we need an 8ot Boulevard and a 2T extra I mean we only got 2et extra I think overall the street is narrower than it was isn't it I I don't know it'll be I don't know how wide the normal Lane is for a car how wi is the normal Lane I don't know I would assume that'd be 10 feet yeah it's probably right yeah he said or no you got four lanes out there we want it does not seem like a four-lane highway to me I've been in La no so that's like I said my last email was to the design person and I back sounds like a daily uh cu the guys out front contact with those people the guys it's been daily since Friday until you get to the including Saturdays and Sundays we're trying well yeah I'm sure the the the laborers they get told a 100 different things throughout the day well they pulled up the plan and they're following the plans that they have now well we saw plans earlier on that showed a full cutout thank you did you just saw him tonight yes you've SE now y okay need some sort of we here I think I think uh if I'm mistaken Kyle I think Nick Sweeny had the same conversation or concerned with them about it too and they told him the same thing so cuz he was we were talking about the same thing and he talked to him the same day and they're like no that's how it's supposed to be so they told the city the same maybe we'll be taking a trip to the state highway department in person to to we get I'd be willing to do that some answers M nobody will respond to you now so the first two were good but they passed me off so I'm sure there's things that can be done to to apply a little leverage yeah well that's too bad not surprising there's always right something something with the project so okay but yes we'll continue to Loop you in on that um you know we may even send an email off see seeing all of you and then indicating all the dates of all our phone numbers and emails that have already been sent so then they're aware this isn't just a one email that we've sent you sent you and phone called you you know all these times with no response or not the correct response you know we also want the correct response so but we will keep you posted on that so otherwise thank you that's it for me thank you any other questions for Jen on any any of that okay thanks Jen all right moving on to the consent agenda um we had the meeting minutes from last month um are there any Corrections or additions to those looks good okay uh Treasures reports any questions on any of that okay uh fundraisers it looks like um cheer leading wants to sell pom poms next week uh one act play is selling tickets for the haunted house and SOA senior that sounds like fun um so there's some fundraisers uh donations uh looks like uh Ed and Nick bunny donated some sand for the playground we appreciate that very much and um the Community Foundation uh donated $12,500 toward that trailer that we talked about last month so that was awesome very nice by the way it is so nice yes and it's being used no it's actually being used so thank you over in Alden um Personnel uh need to accept the resignation of Lindsay mils as the uh pool manager um we need to accept the resignation of Cassandra fhab as par professional um approve the activities Department uh recommendation to hire Aaron as a JV boys basketball coach um approve the activities Department recommendation to hire Ryan Evans as Varsity head girls basketball coach uh approve the activity Department recommendation to hire Lindsay mils as Junior High boys basketball coach approve the activities Department recommendation to hire Amanda Cisco as Junior High girls basketball coach um we need to approve the activities Department recommendation to hire volunteer volleyball coach Kristen Stevens ex is it hire and volunteer hire or is she's volunteer uh oh volunteer I apologize probably a yeah so so to accept take accept accept a volunteer y very good were you an English teacher I'm not but it just jumped out at me um all right then we need to accept the resignation of Anie Olsen as junior varsity volleyball coach um approve the activities Department recommendation to hire amand Cisco as head JV volleyball coach um accept the resignation of Eileen VOA as par professional and approve uh recommendation to hire Justin Stevens as head boys basketball coach all right that's kind of a mouthful all that so is there any questions on any of the uh the consent agenda okay hearing none could I get a motion to approve the consent agenda and then probably add into that motion just a a thank you for those donations and that we appreciate those donations I'll make a motion to approve the consent agenda and also thank you to Ed and Nick bunny for the sand donation and the Community Foundation for the trailer purchase thanks K is there a second no second thank you Dave um any discussion on any of that all right all those in favor say I I I opposed abstain with one abstain uh motion carried okay um policy review so um we need to approve the first reading of policy 501 502 5 504 505 508 and 509 anything that uh anyone from the policy committee would like to say about any of those policies no we we double checked all the red lines and they're all updated so okay they're good sounds good someone like to make a motion to approve the first reading of those previously stated policies I'll make a motion to approve the first reading of policy 50 1 502 504 505 508 and 509 okay thank you Pat is there a second second thanks Angie any any discussion any questions all those in favor say I I I opposed motion carried all right uh second reading of the policies uh 503 506 507 522 and 806 six were there any changes that needed to be made since the first reading uh there's no change but um in policy 503 on student attendance um it's it says in here that um if you look at the attendance procedures it says look see the elementary and middle school handbooks to to um it isn't repeated in here as to what it's uh okay attendance procedures it says excuse ABS see elementary and middle school student handbooks and all we put down is that each year when those handbooks are re you know how we do them in June July August somewhere in there that we always look to make sure that it's encompassing all the things that we want it to Encompass from this no no real changes just that we're always going to double always going to double check our handbook referencing the handbook yep exactly okay any other questions or comments all right is there a motion to approve the second reading of those policies make a motion to approve second reading of 503 506 507 522 and 806 okay thank you Kyle is there a second I'll I'll second okay thanks Dave um any any questions or discussion before we vote all those in favor say I I I opposed motion carried all right um need to approve the truth and Taxation date of December 17th at 6:01 p.m. a formality that we go through every year would someone like to make a motion to do that I move to approve the truth and tax ation date to be December 17th at 6:01 p.m. thank you Deb is there a second second thanks Angie any questions before we vote all those in favor say I I I opposed motion carried all right um all right the levy which uh Jen just handed out uh this evening cuz she literally just got it like what 15 minutes before the meeting da was in in my office Andrew was too saying Hell little so it is fresh but I want you to make some notes on it okay the biggest note I want you to take away from any Levy discussion is that these are all in front of you are estimates until September 30th mde has rights to change these numbers so that's why tonight on your agenda we say approve it at the max whatever the max is that's what we want and you guys have done that for years long before I was here so that's nothing new um but just know at the end of September every year September 30th counties and the state need to have our Levy report in okay so um eventually I'm going to be tracking Angie down before the end of September to get her signature on this Max Levy whatever it is um so but a couple things I want you to know if you look uh if you go to if it's down in front of you the right hand side of your page is at 229,900 see that number where is it yes last column last column maximum Levy limitation it says two other page the other side maybe that'll be helpful y the right side thank you yep first page uh 229,000 487 I just want you to realize that number we already know for sure will be replaced with $279,600 that that's because it's a lease adjustment okay and that's a good thing what that means is that's going to add to the total Levy amount which you see in the First Column okay on that first page it's going to actually bump it up 2.95% to 1, 28,1 3164 um again it might go up a little bit more maybe down a little bit but not in terms of this lease Levy so that's one thing we did indicate um on the big 700 page Levy we get that is indicated there now on this run though 15 minutes before it wasn't there yet it will be it will be so I didn't want to run the 700 Pages for you so I'm just telling you I'm just telling you so yeah so that's good news good news we did not drop in our Levy keep in mind the levy is about your people in your community right so they are they're coming here or they're staying here you know or property values are are maintaining roughly the same and that's what this is for but like I said and I really can't stress this enough this will change by September 30th hopefully it'll maintain um and or just move the needle slightly um but we always know by September 30th something will come up something will if it's really significant where it's like we got to have a conversation I will immediately let you know but if it's minor percentage points I don't even worry about it because I know things will change by the next year anyway um but just so you know it already has by the time I ran the report so then in December we'll approve the actual numbers actual numbers will be in December that's right that's right exactly right yes so tonight we just need you to certify it at Max so then we are covered does this have to be uh a resolution or I believe it's just a roll call yep and then yep all right so what we need to do is have a motion to uh approve the levy at the maximum tonight I'll make a motion to approve the levy at the maximum thank you Dave is there a second I'll second it thanks Pat Uh roll call Deb yes Dave yes Kyle yes yes Pat yes C your name for a second yes yes and Angie yes that's a sign of right Dave yeah I know all right motion carried thank you all right all right so um okay so this would be uh November meeting changing that to November 11th instead of the 12th correct uh actually no it's a week ahead can we ooh wait a minute uh no election day we can't can the canvasing of the election so the election is on the fifth fth yep Y and it has to be done within seven seven days seven to 10 days so if our meeting is on the 11th that works which also puts what's his name right which is why we were looking at the 11th rather than the 12th Larry was already going to be here correct right okay so is everybody okay with the 11th at 6 p.m. so that'd be a Monday correct yep y think so okay would somebody like to make a motion to approve uh November meeting to be November 11th at 6: p.m. I'll make the motion to have it on November 11th at 6 p.m. okay thank you Pat is there a second a second thanks all those in favor I opposed motion Carri all right um before we go to committee reports Let's uh let's talk about the game admission policy that Kyle wanted to bring up if you want to fill us in on what you're talking about there um so with this co-op with Lyle and pelli they have in their policy that all students are free admission to any home games which know Leroy is the home site for their football um our students are just if you're in a fall sport you're you're free which pretty much wipes out the entire Elementary which where I've been hearing you know that these kids have to pay and the in wild kids were having to pay I think we want those we want our our kids supporting our um activities so I I think we go ahead and fall activities are free for all students that would be for all activities I I all sports I don't think we can say only fall and not carry it into winter I I don't think so no I don't think so either I'd say just make it for the whole and if issues come up we talk about it again y That's not a big deal I like it I would support you guys in that and you know that could be things that are holding these these families back from bringing you know it it adds up fast when we got to go to away games and bringing three or four kids with you you know I know another thing we do that we could look at changing is all seniors are free which my wife takes tickets for has for quite a few years and she said these away the away seniors are also so they very they like that happy about it because it does it's not like that anywhere else it's just you know the home seniors are free and and everybody else has to space so if if Donald L want to may make up some of that loss that would be a a way I mean there still could be a discount for those away seniors but um MH y you know this is this is not a big issue but I I just want to mention it there will be a number of families who have already paid to have their kids go to all the games right so yeah not that I I'm not opposed to it I think it's a good idea but you know that's a good point you know do we refund that if they want to refund how do we know they attended and all that well we don't I mean I know a number of families who just pay every year for their families to go to all the sports you know it might not be an issue but some people might be like I just paid for my family to go $ 60 $120 or whatever and and now it's all free so you know I don't know if we want to offer to give it back to them or doesn't matter whether they win or not if they've you know the parent would still have to cover their C right I mean you know what I'm saying so when you buy that family pass it it's but sometimes you buy it just for the student right I don't know if it's I don't know if it's going to be a big deal but I can see that some people would be like I paid for my kids to have a season's pass yeah the family the adults would still have to pay do we know who those people are that bought it pass well yeah yeah they do Nicky would yeah they do because they have they have a list of them so that the kids can come in free they and when I saw the list on Friday the first football it was not big yeah so so I I think yeah at this point refund them there you could just contact the family and say hey do you want to do you want us to refund you or do you want to just put it to the put it toward next year or put it towards whatever Department whatever well still the adult the the adult family members getting it you know they paid for their portion of the Y you know right I just know there's some families where they just paid for the kids go okay and then the parents just paid when they could come but they paid for their kids to go the whole year yeah especially in your high school you know you have 500 basketball games you know a lot of high school kids want to go to the basketball games the parents don't go to all them so we just get a separate student yeah I don't know how many it is but I know there are some Trevor thought he put five maybe five so it's it's small because the list was about this big with a list of names so it's not many be a big issue but if it becomes that then I think we should refund their money yeah I I think that's appropriate if somebody I think it's appropriate to contact those families and just say we're going to go to a new policy do you want to refund or are you good y yep just be polite you know put it out give them the opportunity and I'm going to be me I think it's a great way to encourage our students to be at the games yeah I like it yeah but then think maybe there needs to be a little like let's make sure that they're not just jacking around the whole game MH you know cuz there's a few that it is a event for the school district not a babysitting Arena yeah yeah yes yeah there's just some things you just can't uh plan for right m is there an age limit to what a student can come to an event it's unattended is it I want to say it's fifth grade sixth grade without a I think it's fifth grade fifth grade and under has to have a like an adult supervisor right somewhere it does so we might just have to be strict on that for a little while till it settles in you know what I mean like you said it's not a babysitting Arena so we might just have to be strict at like where's your parent you know if they're under Fifth Fifth Grade or under yeah I think just initially yeah good idea okay I like it well good idea Kyle would you like to make a motion to uh make that a policy I will make a motion that all all Lo [Music] students have free admission to all L activities home games oh yeah yeah didn't we stuff that in on the consent agenda no it was we put it as 10 yeah okay gotcha yeah okay all home all home activities okay I'll second that okay thanks Angie any other discussion all those in favor say I I opposed motion carried all right thank you um moving on to uh committee reports anybody got uh committee reports of us are on on the Minnesota School Board Association website there's a lot of good information on there this month um the 2025 leadership conference is coming up the 16th and 19 16th through the 19th of January um there's opportunities to uh to submit uh submissions on on the form online um there's a lot of a lot of good um Schoolboard building new Schoolboard member building activities on there and um there's some good articles on the election election coming up and again it is School Board recognition so there's some nice Testaments from Schoolboard members from around the state on there so it's okay thanks Dave thanks Dave anybody else I'd like to report from the maer county collabor we had a one of our executive meetings on yesterday and um they we decided to continue using the funding for the maer county collaborative to continue using the funding the same as it has been done in the previous years there has been a discussion about dividing up the money in different ways but if we start dividing up the money we no longer can afford to fund the family facilitators and so we've as a group and through lots of discussion decided to continue for a year a full year funding the family facilitators they're used to be four the funding keeps dwindling as it does everywhere in education and so they only we can only have two facilitators so therefore it means we get less I mean we get less Services because there's only two people instead of four but an important thing that they do for us out schools is they come to all of our preschool screenings and that is a really important time where they meet they it's the first Contact for a lot of families and so they can really tell them what other services might be available just helps to catch it's just an excellent opportunity for families to have that first exposure and so we really don't want to lose that from our family facilitators what we're going to attempt to do there's an odd way that the money comes in to this and it's by schools are contacted by you have these contact people and then they're contacted and there and the schools let's say the person is our social worker she gets a phone call saying what you doing right now and she'll be like I'm working with whatever that's that counts you know and so like it's it's by these random moments that's how the money comes in so what we're as a group are going to try to do is in each School District we're going to look at is there a couple more people on our school district who could be a a random moments person um and so we're looking at there's a criteria and everything but then maybe that more phone calls can come more times that they've caught a random moment throughout our entire um area collaborative area of maer County then maybe more money will come in then maybe we can start dividing it up in some other ways does that make sense so it's going to be a 16mon study to see if we can increase our revenue is basically what it is and but during that same time we are not messing with the formula as it is now and keeping the two family facilitators so that is what I have for you thank any anything else anybody else got any committee reports we have scholarship tailgate supper on the Friday night of homecoming from 5 to 7 okay lions are having tailgate this Friday yeah that'll all be in the Cardinal Courtyard it'll be in the Cardinal Courtyard weather providing looks like a beautiful day I know it's supposed to be beautiful Yeahs and I can't find my copy of who's on the meet committee but who's on the committee for um meeting with the teachers meet and confer are you and you y and me yeah okay we should set up something for October how yeah yeah to meet with them cuz now school's underway and that would be a good thing um so should I contact how how do we go shall I contact someone and then say give us a couple of dates and then we'll see what we can do yeah I think so yeah Chrissy's is Chrissy's out out out yeah so I who would be next is they did not name a president yes okay all right all right well we'll kind of look into that if you want to send it to me yeah then I can send it out just saying this committee from the school board Y open to having a meet and confer sometime in October what are some dates that would work for you just send that to me and I will send it out well I'll walk around and say who is my named president I've asked both but I think this is a good time of the year they're kind of settled in and you know October's a good time for them to have it do a meet and confer perfect okay perfect anything else any other committee reports at all okay all right well looks like uh District calendar update looks like um October 8th is policy committee meeting October 17th through the 18th is Mea break October 21st staff development there's no school um November 5th is election day be sure you vote uh November 7th is the end of the first quarter November 8th staff development no school and uh the next or the November meeting will be the 11th not the 12th for the change so anything else that we need to talk about tonight anybody's got if not is there a motion to adjourn so move thanks Angie is there a second second thanks Kyle all those in favor say I I opposed motion carried