2924 we start let's pray heavenly father thank you God for the opportunity to be here tonight we pray God as we take care of school business Lord here at the end of the month coming in the school year father that you would just make up for the things that we need uh father we uh just thank you God for a wonderful school year last year we're excited about this year father we've got some some challenges uh Lord that need to be fixed and dealt with father just coming into the year as it always is but Lord we trust you to guide us and direct our paths so father we pray right now you that we would conduct ourselves in a way that's pleasing to you Lord help us Lord to have like minds and hearts and everything we do tonight in Jesus name I pray Amen to of the United States of America the stands one nation God a motion to approve july9 any discussion all fa motion car next item three need a motion to open the hearing on the P budget have a motion MO FL second second second FL any discussion all no it B Public public comment on the budget five minutes anybody want to comment remove it c a motion to approve setting require local effort Mage rate is 31580 have a motion Mo second second secary any discussion favor say I anyos motion Carri next item D need a motion to approve setting the ten discretionary operating mil rate at 0.748 and a motion second second any discussion all say I oppos motion carries next item need a motion to approve setting deted discretionary local Capital Improvement milage rate at 1.500 motion s second second second any discussion say I motion to approve resolution 24-1 includes all mil rates motion discussion car next item g a motion to approve to adopt the budget for 24 25 school year motion motion second Mr Jason any discussion all favor say I oppos motion carries next item H need a motion to approve resolution 24-02 T bu have a motion motion Jason second Mo any discussion all fav say I anyos motion carries next item I a motion to approve setting the final budget hearing for Wednesday September 18 2024 at 5:1 PM Eastern motion second second Mr any discussion all fa say I any oppos motion carries next item a motion [Music] to mov right along moving right along Liber County School Board special meeting Monday July the 29th 24 come to item two any public comments item three need a motion to approve addition correction to consent item 5 A and B have a motion Mo discussion fav next Item B need a motion to add emergency item seven a b c and d motion moot Mo second second any discussion all favor say I any oppos motion carries next item four need a motion to approve agenda for July 29 2024 second any discussion th motion carries next item five consent item item eight motion to approve person consent for July 29th 2024 with additions and Corrections have a motion single T second second discussion all in favor say I any oppose next Item B need a motion to approve 21st CC Personnel consent table for 2024 25 school year addition to correction motion motion Mr Mo second second second Mr FL any discussion fav say I any oppos motion Carri next item six action items item eight make a motion approve student progession plan for 2024 25 school year motion J second second second s discussion all favor say iOS motion Carri next Item B a motion to approve M he4 25 school year Mo second second J any discussion all favor say I any oppos motion car next item C need a motion to approve postive Behavior Support agreement for 24 25 school year have a motion Mo second any discussion all favor say I motion Carri next Item B a motion to approve District compreh evidence based reading plan for 2425 school have a motion any discussion say in a motion to approve high school campus course and instruct request for chipo College du enroll B 24 and spring of 25 single second M any discussion it seven M item eight in a motion to approve Florida Department of Education Title Five Part B sub part two Rule and low income school program project award notification pram period of 71st 24 through 63 to 25 motion discussion car next Item B need a motion to approve Liberty 21st century Community Learning Center School the summer program parent handbook 2425 School bid a motion moot second second sary discussing on favos motion carries next item C need a motion to approve Co logistic storage and Scotland transp transport delivery fee schedules for receipt handman storage and transport from July 1st 24 through June the 3 of 25 have a motion MO discussion yeah are we saying we're going to need more storage this year same they put that in place if if you don't ready to take they have to hold it yeah kind of a delayed thing we'll be fine yeah we just to have that in place made a motion to approve draft resolution firming participation small school district C for the 24 25 year motion second second any discussion all fav any car it can I we got paper here tonight and and I got a few things I want to share and then um do that so Ju Just very quickly no want don't thank Katie for getting the budget out that is a a Monumental task um you know it's just it is what it is it's a booger there's no easy way to do it it just has to just you had plow ground and do it and I appreciate her uh getting that out getting all the advertisements it was in the county record you get County record it was in there kind of took place of the journal so I appreciate her and her staff getting that out meeting all the deadlines um today we had new teacher orientation for our fora teachers and some of those that came in in the middle of the year we had we had had them come as well some of them just kind of had to hit the ground run and you gave them a key and a computer and it was time to go so we you know like to spend time with them to go over some things kind of how we do things our uh Vision but also just a lot of logistics um Ricky's part of that all of our District staff kind of helped oversee that it was a really good good morning and then this afternoon at 1:30 we we that's why we had the tables set up different we had an admin training here with our principles and assistant principles kind of go over the new year and things that we You' got some new mandates Ricky Ricky's up to his ears and mandates uh things that you school safety you know I said before it's the number one number one concern with doe you know before you have a good classroom where you learn you better have a safe classroom and so we're all about that and I appreciate all the there's there's some new things that we'll we'll have probably some private meetings to discuss safety plans um that that we'll need to run by you um sooner than later on some some agreements so we'll have that like I say sooner than later but we'll have another meeting before school starts um teachers boying last Jeff kind of calls it te uh this time of year's teacher Hunger Games uh it has really been like we had a resignation this morning and um so we it's we we went from having one opening and then last week we've got about three or four now that's not good if I have to ask man she start pulling Fingers um yeah uh not all of those are classroom positions but we're working through those we talked about some of that um we've reached out to some folks and and we're just you we'll get it done it's just a matter of getting things advertised people are looking and it's human nature for people to look and you know when they see something that's better for them and always as they as they leave I say you always have a home in Liberty County I try to let them know that there's no hard feelings on our part is it is it a frustration for us it is and it is for them too because they they they're are usually torn you know but maybe there's somewhere that's a better fit for them a better opportunity for them and we all want to be a big cheerleader for that but sometimes you get them back and uh and that's happened even this year getting some former teachers back so we've had a couple takes and leaves of absence and that also is like a teacher it is a teacher AB for the year absence for the year um I i' rather do a a Year's leap of absence with the hope of coming back rather than just say I'm not coming back you know I'm just going to quit so we we've been kind of successful that kind of keeps that will grie s to speak to try to get those back all challenges all things that we deal with and U I think we'll we'll be okay we just got to we're working hard to fill those and it's literally making phone calls to people who you know who you know U me and Eric Tim spent most of the afternoon making phone calls to some folks and stuff but anyway uh Guardian program all nine of our Guardians came back I think I might have sent y'all that in an email so we got we got two more this year so 11 excited about that just another layer of help in our schools to keep Kids Safe um prek is uh moving in their room feel free to come up here anytime and kind of look in there they're uh they were really busy last week painting and putting contact paper on some cabinets and stuff getting moved uh We've also moved pre the sodian up here which is is Valerie D so Valerie be up here uh Drome is very happy and uh it it helps him out a lot because I know this time of year he's usually on the more most of the time and but but we've needed him on the inside so we've got we've got some cleanup we got to do and I address that with all the administrators today and they usually do that those last minute cleanups usually right before school starts but right now getting those classrooms ready or priority but I we talked about fence lines and different things today and you know that I want them to try to uh the things that are easily seen we want to make sure those things are are taken care of and they'll they'll do that uh lastly uh I I was not here at the last meeting I know I know there's some concerns we talked about it when I was here about finishing up so Kyle and Kevin and Charlie and I met last week we had a a big meeting about the status of softball status of football um you know we we're working real hard to make sure we stay within budget we we have to and I've told them it's 985 we we want to stay under that U there's some still some outstanding things left over from softball so I've asked him to come in and he can answer your questions probably a little better than I can he get a lot more specific I can tell you just and he'll tell you here in a minute just just the just running electricity that football Hill housee is outrageous I know J had thought texted back for it's amazing just how how much that is but you got to have that to get started so if there's if there's you know some something that we look say well we can do this a little cheaper it can't be electricity you got to have electricity out there so U I want y'all to know that I'm committed to finishing I I know I know James that's a that's a big deal for you and your 10e school board member and I my my intention is not to leave it outstanding but to keep pushing and and I think Kyle Kyle knows my heart Kevin's heart in making sure this hits we we see this through we want to see it through and I I absolutely want that that softball thing we're still working on that I'm let kind of give you an update on both where we're at what what our time frames are so we'll start with softball the only big thing we got left is um lockers so Sam Bass yall remember Sam work at the high school he works at ACI and work shop now and he is finishing up our lockers we got probably about two weeks left on the lockers they're hit or miss on the days they can work they're hit or miss them when they can take them outside and spray lacer on them so they're in the works he give you a material list Monday was on vacation last week or some more materials that he needs so we're getting those to him today and tomorrow get that taken care of and he's going to get the lockers actually he's got an Avenue to get them delivered down here I was planning on picking them up doesn't really matter we got some old Lockers in there we're going to put back in we're going get rid of those put back where they belong and then put new Lockers in there we've also got a little a little desk and a hanging Rack in some storage shelves in the back room for J as well something we worked on to the side of her she just needed something print off some gang papers I don't know what they did something that she needs just be able to sit down we got Miss ly helped get internet out there so we got a lot of that stuff done the lockers are the next big the final kind of piece of the puzzle we were tying in water we did a little electrical line out there it's a big deal happens it's just going to the lights the electrian come back he finish all that up so softball a lot closer we had to make some changes we had to change out the uh the Vault behind the the tent bathroom we had to get a deeper one that took a little bit of time had to change out the Transformer that was in the old little building because it didn't have enough capacity for the power we introduced with so there's just some KS in the in the process of building and like Mr P said our our goal here it starts at with Chuck at top our company we don't want to halfway do anything so we get into doing these things we going do what it takes to get it done and get it done right as he said there's a there's a lot of volatility in our business right now and probably in whatever y'all do as well whether it's elal or whether it's just trying to find people that want to go to work I mean it's a huge undertaken anymore um we glad we built that school we did I'll tell you that not taking away from what we got left to do um the focus is obviously is we have a ceiling of money we got to we got to finish this thing under that amount of money and part of that is making some difficult decisions on finishes on are we going to do this in this room well you know we got a set of drawings now they're dated they're 10 years old and we're doing our best to work off that set of drawings we have contact with that architect he can help us and is willing to help us just for the record um I'm working with him on the cred Union right now and you're on football football yes I'm sorry SP off on football just to finish up softball the last thing that I'm aware of is is lockers we got a couple of Lights to put in on in the socket electrician's got a day left out there but the lockers is the next bigach and and Kevin's working on the bleachers I think my Avenue with leachers is probably not um suitable for what we need to do just because of the people that I have to get involved it's it's a pretty big task with the amount of money we have left I think we're better off going to a soul source which is what Kevin's after right now I know we talked about in our meet Monday Tuesday whatever was talk that Kevin's luckily has another Avenue now if we need to revisit that with some local help then we certainly can did he did he go ahead and get the drawings for Dra are being done are C I talk to him this morning I had to go out and pull some measurement on the set of bleachers and stuff that we had out there so he can finish up a little bit of stuff while he's up there but the company that the soul Source company that was going to build everything out of aluminum and come set it and all that there's they needed some measurements and he was going to get that he'll have that quot he said probably by the end of the week and then the other company mve he said that we were moving forward getting Kev kev's discussion with with that company was can you just give me at least the ballpark if you tell me the $400,000 we don't need to go no further you know what I'm saying and that's been the the hard harder thing they know we're on the budget and I think they're trying to make it make it fit in the budget but that would be you know they come in there and they do the they do the whole setup compared to uh CRA doing a drawing that has the foundational thing that holds the support then put bleachers on top of right that's that's where what kind of you looking so if he finishes the Lockers in two weeks I mean he needs to get them out of the shop he do have any storage so as soon as they're done I go pick them up I'm 10 minutes from be to put them in my trailer take two loads and bring them down here and put them right on the wall they're straight be put in mounted and let's finish it up that's the point make some adjustments to in the field make better exactly the way so electricity everything there's nothing left on my end besides you want to talk football yeah so football we got got with again last week he got a 50 kba cabinet at the back of the lunchroom it's actually at the back of the waight um which is not where we originally thought we were going bring it from it actually helps us out it cross the new P so that feed can be put in we the Calvin we talk to Shane Magus public know Shane or not but he's our engineer basically when he gets done with it I can start buing without that point but we put that cabinet in when we put that service in when we build the school just for the field so it's dedicated for that field do have anything going to it doesn't have anything coming out of it it's fed with power but there's no second they leing so we got a clean Avenue bring out of that and straight into the back of that building conduit sted out for so for three panels I don't think we need with two we're going to go with two 200 amps they're easier to get so we don't end up with a N9 month lead time on electric panel I know y probably don't those very much but they're outrageous these just issues I'm running into still things that we can work through um but electrical is has been the big is everything electrical wise is is Vol lucky enough Brian Moore I don't know if yall famar with Brian Moore he did all theack in this building um he was able to keep his number the same after a year and a half which is pretty incredible um Brian actually just moved in right out here cross that L great guy but he really went back for us and helped us keep that number to where it was two years ago when look so um we're looking at ways that we can you know mitigate cost but at the same time we're not sacrificing anything Quality Function fit function you know we're making this work and now there's another aspect of it we got some classrooms we got a potentially use this build for something more than than football season so we just want to make sure when we push this thing forward that it's and it's go like how I said this is this in motion I want y to understand that it is in motion we are going to have to get a build building for this just like we did on Fieldhouse um which means we got to update a couple drawings FL public sell you power without a build perm I thought we I thought we were you got have per power so Gary with Gary our new build official great guy good friend of mine I've already walked him through the building he he is on board with the efforts that we're trying to do he knows that the building is 10 years old he knows that there are some things that proberbly put in that building that aren't up snuff with code anymore and he's okay with that he's not going to make St down start over um so again we're we're in that situation where liability safe we got folks in there we got to build this same make sure it's right and there's some things that have changed from two years ago much less 10 years ago so it just got to be very carefully not that we're not doing that but again that's another reason we're trying to reach out to as many people as we can get the best num we need to find somebody who wants to shareing this project somebody that's not just you know full to the brm of work and just throw numbers out I mean there's a lot that going on these things we're trying to V these guys and girls to make sure that whoever we put out there is going to represent for us and finish the thing I know there's a lot of everything there's a lot of emotions there's a lot of money there's a lot of time I've lived here for 20 years and for 10 of it I've seen that thing there and I know when I started building the school help building the school I told I told Kevin a bunch of time but I'd love to see that whole blog just as full as it could be up to date and and Chuck Roberts wants that too and that's what you see going on over there now there's a lot more at play than than what we're talking about right here so as a whole Cole Pepper Roberts and Roberts Liberty can schools I mean we got a great relationship and we're gonna make this thing happen we're gonna make it happen sooner than later now I know I don't have to tell you this but we're not going to have that Fieldhouse this football Seas what we will have is an active job site down there and I don't know I can't imagine that would help out with some folks who have been coming up here football games nothing's been going on so um we fix to put some feet on the ground and get some stuff going on um we've done a little bit of stuff up there which is great it helps the budget out we redid All the plywood we put all wall panels on the building's dry we got doors the doors that aren't up are in the building ready to be put up we got Cory up here a lot working on that working on door hardware and keying so that it matches the system we already got um this already got us internet we got a bridge over there to it we got to get power to it we got two in water line already at the building that we didn't know about so they did that for us way back in the day I there's there is some some carrots in the rough that are find um but him working off of drawings we're working with sub not we don't have all the drawings there P to it there's just a lot of different can we I know and I'm sorry here's my woman um big thing with me is timelines you know because you said this thing's been over 10 years you know if we could if we could just set a tentative 2025 is our goal you know 2025 football season is our goal it is and and I think that if we all stay consistent with that message you know that that it'll calm the public a little bit because again we're going in this football season and we're still over there at the old field you know not field house but the concession stand as well I I mean I would I was about to ask you do you think we could have concession stance you know partial but um you know I just think if we could just say hey public 2025 that's our parking day seen our football season I don't see any reason we would be still working on that thing this time next year absolutely no reason some something will have gone wrong if we're still out but I I think we need to be very transparent that it is not going to be done by this I mean we need to share that message off school and let everybody know so they're not sitting there people are saying yeah here they go again dragging their feet you know it's not it's money it's money and it's it's I understand it's hard to get people to work well yeah you know kind of got going out there a little bit and and then we and I I don't want to do that if I put a guy over there tomorrow I don't want him to leave here we go I think what you're going he this Bo is once we get started let's get it done we'll have probably put some Pence up during the allseason and keep folks out you know you now we're going to lock it up it be locked up but I have things outside the building that need to be we might fence off a little in the back or something that doesn't going to mess anybody up but you know we need to be able to leave materials there not necessarily inside the building where we're in the way but we're going to basically what we' talked about you know I don't know if anybody looked at the drawings there's there's a lot of different things on there that AR going to look exactly like it is it shows Hardy Board I think it's a great idea that y'all did know Hardy Board just the main thing there's just little intricacies like that that we can make better decisions Kevin's been really helping out with that because those guys you know after after we leave it's Kevin Tyler Drome whoever else that's it and so using AC's that they can work on us bullets they can work on trying to do things same with s try to keep this same so we can maintain it keep going house and we'll put as much heat on as we can put and give you what you what you know we can produce which I hope is good I mean we tried hard to build some nice facilities um in Liberty C espe this is home for a lot of us so I I care very much about this project happening I know I haven't been around this much but this football is just as important to me as softball as the high school was it's 3K is my little baby girl to start there so it all it all is important to me personally but as a as a business Roberts and chck Roberts it's it's top of the line I tell you go back on the softball we have some sort of ribbon cutting if we're g be absolutely we talked about that today you know at what at what stage do we want to do that you know he and I talked and of gors this up y'all I would love for it to be everything done everything everything done bleachers James you want to add anything on that you want it cutting everything done I I agree with that I think it all needs to be done I'd rather I'd rather to me it's a little embarrassing to say okay we're having ribbon cutting but everything you know we ain't got fleach yet but they're coming i' say get it done I know we wanted to shoot for them the summer it didn't happen but I think if you been out there right now not not be a good time for RI cutting anyway because they redid All the drainage and everything over there so it's dir oft hopefully sometime before January abely have we got the check so it's not re it's not and reimbursement is it so they say I hear the question it's not us paying then doe reimburse is or they gonna just we we'll put requisition then yeah you have to you have to ask for it right you're right but we'll get the L okay we'll get look okay I don't know exactly if they if they do it they give it to you as you need it softball re have to subm do I got feeling that that 95 end up being same yeah it should be it should be yeah you need we need a draw $49.99 if if y'all haven't uh if you hav't been out there lately just U it's dry enough you can kind of drive that road the road system that Mr Chuck put in there is it's going to be phenomenal it's going to have out so much y'all remember over the last five six years it's getting loads of dirt loads of dirt somebody to spread it and then all of a sudden first rain comes and it washes it all it's it's really going to be nice be some direction too cor it's like just like so give just what we talk about price on just give perspective so right now we're what we had a year and a half ago we were figuring on about um $220,000 to get power to it and pull electrical through the bill now we've able to we were able to to stick with that pretty close um the original underground number was a little higher we were able to beat that up a little bit and it kind of balances out but um it will be it'll either be a coold pepper we have a elal division out of Panama City and truck would like for us to utilize that if we can so um he's looking he's given me a number and we got some questions and if we answer those questions in a certain way that number actually improves a little bit so those are those are Kevin questions functionality questions and and probably questions um so we're just trying to figure out make sure we got a functional building but maybe not as as high in as the high school per se so we got something that we can work on that does what it needs to do but we don't need to spend money in places that we don't nobody's see got firearm in there you know this is not just again there's things plans that have to be upgraded updated just a little bit I remember the power 8000 it's less that onback I take them on both on the first one but HB got a great guy and he's also got a plum fish and I I've worked with him he did softball Kevin loves him I think everybody's good with Brian and FSM um PL division com in we for that so got source for at least PL H H lot of mainten involved a lot ofs and the engineer Works in his office the guy that Drew the GRS works with so that that helps a little bit make we got right all the upgrades here high school and it's amazing all that stuff's on your cell phone they can cut it on and off and control it yeah [Music] he's great great guy Li me Li already here okay good good he's got two kids I think one of them maybe they're both AOL two children so we're we're moving forward I think the next step is is bringing that power across there we thought it was going to come across the road show work it's coming on around um we've got to bring power from across the fence and we got to take Sewer back across the fence over there which we don't need sewer right a second but the next thing you're going to see is power being brought over to the build have a meter can on the back of the building so they meter that that power and that's the reason that we got to get we need to get a build permit but Florida public it it's Rule now they won't Gary M can't put a sticker on there and you can't get power Miss softball that's the reason the lights got turned on they did you know we had the meter and all we did was unplug it you still have to have go process so not the end of the world I don't think Miss Robins gonna charge you anything that's not the way she usually works she didn't on the high school it's just a formality to cover all of ours because I think that's pretty important St AG we have a leg us anything but until you don't have it cost you a lot so I don't I don't anticipate being there obviously next year I might you know we got a lot of work going on in Li County I'm going introduce y'all a couple of fellas not I'm I'm still involved I'm not going nowhere but my my daily is in Grand is that's what my job is but I got a guy here a superintendent who started with us a 1980 his name Bobby Walker and he's a great guy and he still came back with us and he's gonna be the superintendent of jail he's been helping me keep an eye on this B here he's going help me keep an eye on this this St at school too y y like he's a great guy just good people somebody you see him somewhere he on so need him he's in there probably 3 or four days a week but again we'll have more than just me I know that that sometimes seems like I'm the only one it's not I got preconstruction team in the office that's working on upgrading this estimate trying to find us every Avenue we can get to make this dollar shet Chuck's on it my boss is on it I mean there's it's a lot more people than just me working on this so yall ever get tired of seeing me I can I can certainly fill in somebody else there's there's a lot of people anxious to give this aside y'all that are ready to finish this thing up and be done like done Sam does have the locker drawings from when this thing was first started so he's going to send to him yet email him today get those in front of Kevin and M Petty and get him in front of the coach and make sure that's the design we want and go that route that saves us a bunch of money just go buy the material the LA free so and then anything else we might need in there get get save us a little money one more thing I know we're finishing up Grant con has been doing some whole worker training in here they did it this morning they don't do it tonight at 6 I told we should be through by 6 he'll do some more tomorrow morning and tomorrow evening so yall see some fol walking in thank anybody else got question M James I know we had talked much you got I KN I get you I know yall have my number but y'all call me now I'm not I'm kind of I wouldn't say family I know I'm not live there my whole life but i' like yall take me in I mean I'm I'm all right I'll talk to you about anything y want to talk about and and I want to get it done just like Y and I think that that we get the end of the day if we got a little Hill to climb I think M Chuck helped climb that Hill too so he's got he's got some more plans that are in the works out here that had started yet so um y just figure out where you going to put Miss D's name up we will find that spot I figur that Ro have a Robert's name on somewhere whatever I will say whatever we can do would be good I mean that's you know Chuck he's not that kind of guy but um he he told me the other day he he told Kevin the same thing he wants that block to be the best round and we're close that we got a lot lot of really good things going on out there we going we about um putting the roof on that old concession stand getting that thing brought up a little bit one time we talked about maybe having about their umir referees in football have them somewhere to go now there's offices in the football Fieldhouse that are dedicated for referee own shower own bathroom it's nice it's going to be nice with and it's going to match what you see in the high school what you see in softball colors floring it's it's going to be going to resemble a lot well I think my husband said it best R day he said he said look at this and he just smiled and he's like we want be so proud I mean our I'm telling you that you go around and look at some of these other schools too we got some we got some we got nice facility I mean even at to I mean toer we got some work to do down there it's aging I get it os's aging but overall we we are very very blessed in Liberty County and I and I just I appreciate everybody the teamwork across the board has been phenomenal since I've been I think we're just so forunate just look at how far com I'm the end I'm give I just um something's been way on my heart I really really really want us to to pray hard for our kids for our families Liberty County you know this week and I've probably been watching too Box new um the burning of our flag you know I I can go a little bit but this just going a little too far though and I am so thankful that we live in Liberty County and we've got the citizens that we have and I mean you looked around at our children that our kids are behave and you know we're we're blessed we're definitely blessed I really really want everybody this year and and going forward to keep our kids and our teachers staff all of us in prayer because it's rough right now these kids are being you know they turn on the TV and they're being told they can say anything they want to say they can go anywhere they want to do they can take guns they do whatever you know I was raised a little different I think pretty much everybody on this board and everybody sitting over there and in the sapping and the school system was raised that you know we had a we knew how far we could push our voices and I'm not I'm not about I'm not saying that free speech is against myos but this is going a little too far when we burn our flag and just keep keep our kids in in staff you know prayers and that's all I got to say Thank you Mr chair thank you everybody for the hard work we' been doing few dayso I want to thank all the administration I know the summertime crazy people think everybody's taking it easy during summer man I always thought that thank thank for everything yall do year round especially right here come almost done this public about you I just want to thank K I know yall trying to me up question answer our questions I know it's it's it's hard to get help now I understand I understand all that but being patient with us I appreciate y'all doing that we I can assure you we we just want to see stuff done else do sir and I think everybody but I just let you know I appreciate you thank everything you doing I appreciate Mr yes sir and what he what he does so he en to help what we do honestly this all corner I hope people around don't know allows looking forward to a good school year uh may we got over teach my teacher about to break okay she got a check my dog yeah I'm good one last thing last year we did our fish fry and prayer meeting um Jason and I talked a little bit about it uh is that something y'all still want to do I hope I hope you do uh it's a total time we don't talk School business other than just getting together and eating breaking bread together maybe breaking some mullet together some fish or something but then just having a little prayer time for our our school year um I I can tell you that uh this coming up Sunday uh Sunday afternoon we got Sunday in the Park which is sponsored by the host to loia churches it'll be down at the hos Rec Park uh we give away school supplies that's a really big thing we've been doing it for about eight years now so if you'd like to come Sunday I think it's 6:30 I I'll I'll send out y'all I'll send out an update U this week we'd love to have you down there some of y'all come in the past it's really a neat event we have them playables food U you know have a little devotion time and prayer time and then give school supplies out uh the following Meek which is the 11th um the same same group of churches gets together and goes to hos school and has prayer uh for the school year and we pray for to we pray for the high school but this something we've been doing for probably over 20 years and so if you want to be a part of that um so here's these are two dates that I looked at Jason are you I'm putting you on the spot flexible during the week so next Monday next Tuesday so next Monday the staff returns and then the the staff breakfast which will be obviously and I'll send this as part of the update is next Tuesday at 8 o' at cic Center I didn't know if you want to do one of those even open house okay open houses begin on Thursday the eth and then there's one on the 12th which is the next Monday and T Monday and Tuesday so we don't have any open houses except for Thursday of next week so so next Monday next Monday or Tuesday is open depending what y'all schedules are I would hope that we can all make it you know anybody know that you can't make one of those dates okay how about this how about I do yall how about just do this how about I send y'all an email in the morning and let y'all know these dates and then that'll give you time so it' be the fifth fifth or the six and give y those give y time to look at it and I'm one of and and Jason if you'll let us know what to bring if we need you know we can bring bages or whatever but it would be just Schoolboard members um our District staff spouses we'll get we'll get you a total number so that's okay and you you okay with h at your house again okay that's okay glad okay yeah don't mess up Sam's house he might stay somewhere else deal I didn't think about that you sure he can eat with us he will hey one one last thing sorry y'all probably know this and this is public knowledge is Rob wheatley's got prostate cancer our Toller principal so w pray for him he's got some other challenges he's looking at as well um so he's get some medical Direction on that I'm sure exactly what that that is but just y y lift up Rob he's going to have to start some treatments and U that's going to be a little challenge for covering we we'll make it happen we're gonna pray for his complete recovery from that so let's remember him and y'all know laa lost her mother so y'all keep keep the decent family month of June was tough on on the Smith family and and all that group we just pray for pray for God's peace in their life as well we love Miss Laura and hey I shared at an email she got a big audit at zero Finance that's a big deal with ESC so very proud of Laura and her leadership in our ESC Department that's a Hu for an auditor to say no finding that's big that's a big deal that's their job is to find something yeah so I'm very proud of FL that endeavor I'm done through now sorry it