##VIDEO ID:e8kycNtqDcA## thank you this evening we just thank you for this opportunity to be here I just pray everything is done here tonight will be guided and directed by you I pray wisdom and guidance for these men and women who leave this school district God I pray that you will just Spirit be poured out in this place father we just love you for all the many blessings all the things you're doing in our lives Jesus all right this is a good Night Champion we were hoping to have the high school here as well with Coler and and scheduling is tough because I know everybody's not here because of ball game always ball game tonight for beer till graduation but I'm glad that y'all were come out and the toer bulldog Lady Bulldog hand handle cerence Champions now I can tell you this board can can attested this I think uh one of those times that we recognized they went on to be the state champion when they got to high school so we're we're expecting the same and volleyball is a big deal right nowy we we very blessed we just expect some really good things I'm G ask coach Julie I know she's want to go watch some young play ball coach Julie come on I appreciate her and I appreciate her commitments to work with y'all different parts of the Season before the season after the season she has done a phenomenal job I don't think [Music] lost last year you didn't so one set years okay one game Sorry look I'm going let her talk a little bit about the season give some wins losses what the record but talk about that [Music] we always like to honor champ and y' are champions I hear y students I record so we got some good stud athletes in our school I'm so glad that our athletes are some of the best students that have and that's the number one reason you come to school is to work hard at the school volleyball added added bonus and y'all do vote y s the vot I'm so proud for y'all so we' like to get a picture of the board so if y'all would stand in front of the board we'll get a quick picture and I'm G let y'all get out for y'all need to go further that is not not motion appr I'm Sor chur anybody want so F thank you [Music] thank Mr chair um Mas and I had a great time last week uh he spent a little longer than I did there day early at the fsba fads confence last week they do a couple of joint conferences each year one's in uh December the other one's in the summertime and it's a little shorter but we got spend some time together Mee Ser some good motivational speakers and got to eat eat a little bit together so that was good um he did participate with me at ssdc which is small school district uh Council Consortium meting last week I've asked him to serve as School Board member on that committee um that's the Chris Doan Le committee so if there's no objections I've got that on an agenda item he said he would be willing to serve on that committee well as I mentioned earlier we'll we recognize the lchs volleyball team scheduling is just so difficult there's so many games going on so there those who who can come but it will be like that February as well so January actually a better than February uh just some dates coming up we semester early release Friday December 20th uh football field house football Fieldhouse update um feel free to go over there anytime the installation has been sprayed they' start started the uh the AC work Parker Services is doing that they've got the concession stand rolling doors that have been installed and the electrical rough in is started in two weeks once they get the high work done we we have paid uh I confirm we okay paid Florida to move that Transformer that saved us probably 15 $20,000 then a move it cost about $3,400 uh to run it from the other side going was going to cost probably 25 so a huge savings and they work with us on that so I'm very but we we paid them waai for them to come do that and then U they can go ahead and do some R in whether that's run or not U some field house um talk to a few of y'all today everything's finished there except the bleacher Mr joner is not going to be able to do that structure um so we're looking at a plan C now talk with Kevin like I said talk with a few of y'all um there is is an going to meet with that bleacher coming again see there's a a rais bleacher similar to what we have the football field where you go up come up see if they could make us a design there that that would definitely be cheaper KY Rogers and I met yesterday one one idea is to to build some platforms up to get higher above you know back and then put some leakers up there with the existing Lees we have we just got to figure out got to stay in budget that's that's the thing we got a little over 100 left and we got to make sure um we'd like to do some field work too we'd love to put a French strain in the back of that field or in on the back where the back stop is so there's some other things we'd like to do we got some money left over but it's just the the main part is done is just trying to figure out what we're going to do there with what with what money we have left over um we all we're almost complete with a third volleyball court beach volleyball court all the items were donated Anderson colum I think brought some stuff Co Pepper's been doing some work with the Fross eyeses uh pole meal down there got us some hes so we'll have be able to have threee matches going on simultaneously at these things that that will move those uh those those matches a lot quicker and we'll have that there's usually I think five so you'll do three and two um right what we've had to do is go two two and one so we'll be able to do kind of back to back now uh feel free to go out there it's just do west of the ones that were already there uh District teacher of the year employ of the Year lunch is Wednesday December the 18th that be here in the boardroom at 12:00 love for yall to be a part of that uh our district office Christmas we decided this year to do a breakfast for our party so that's going to be Friday December the 20th a couple days later uh love to have you for that we have a good time for that doing some secret assignment type stuff about 8 a 8 correct yes sorry I put time um I'm meeting with the Liber County Health Department some of you know we have a little issu we use some of those left over doll to get the health department talk to you about that and kind of happened really abruptly right before the U school year started and I appreciate Mandy because she was able to to find allocate some dollars pay for that so I told him I want to meet well in advance to look at what we're going to look at for the 25 school year so we're going to meet this week on Thursday to discuss the 2526 budget for the health our health contract uh tomorrow I'll be at the BAC board of directors meeting uh as as a reminder that the uh Pac superintendent serve as board members on that Pac board we have five new superintendents I listed those some of these names ring a bell with you uh Jefferson County Jack P used to be superintendent Leon County coach basketball in high school Richards when I played played against him Washton County's Thomas register I coached against used be the Vernon basketball coach play Jason um Hunter Nolan former uh sne he's now the Jackson County Superintendent Reggie Wentworth don't know him but he's in t County Madison County Ken pickles she was a superintendent Miss Shirley Joseph and resigned in 2019 and M Joseph was appointed but she ran for the seat Run for the position one so she's returning to that Ro those are the new superintendant for Pac and then last our Christmas break time December 23rd to January 2nd staff return on Friday Janu 3rd and St on the 6 we'll do some PD work on the third so hope you all have a a merried Christmas we've got a great first semester forward to January get roll we are doing I mention this we started we're doing pm2 now and already getting some figures I was down toer today and some of their scores early scores were looking really really good so excited about see where our kids are got any any questions [Music] a motion to approve e to the agenda have a motion second second Mr ke any discussion all in favor say I Item B a motion to approve addition correction to minutes item 7 B and cons item 8 B have a motion sing okay second second Mr MO discussion all fav say iOS car mov on it six a motion to approve agenda for December 10th 2024 motion second any discussion allos motion carries moving on item seven and a motion to approve November 19 2024 organizational Med minut second discussion car a motion to approve November 19 2024 Mee minutes Moe discussion fa motion Carri item a motion to approve November 19th 2024 second session minut have a motion motion discussion say car may need a motion to approve December 2024 financial report and transactions have a motion motion second second Mr any discussion car next Item B a motion to approve December 24 firstent table with addition motion a second any discussion fa car number n a motion to approve drop request January 1st 2025 final retirement termination date M December 31st 2033 have a motion second all favor say iOS motion Carri next Item B a motion to Childhood s any discussion all fav say I oppos motion carries next item c a motion to approve title A educational homeless children and youth project award notification motion second any discussion all in favor say I oppose Mo Carri next item 10 a motion to approve scho M keep small scho District motion second discussion tell a little bit what what exactly is he going to be doing with Mason what just representing so in this in the small District uh small school district Consortium we have legislative platforms and so what what we do is they meet twice a year and they'll talk about what they want and they've already done ones for coming up so what we'll do is establish what small District legislative platforms and I give you some examples of that school start times you know rent wants to make no school start 4830 and it's crazy fall all over the state so that it's a lot lobbying effort uh there's all manner of things that they'll talk about they'll have some ongoing term limits those are some of the things um and Chris has been a champion I told I told Mason he's been a champion for term limits but you know it went to 12 and then the next session went to 8 and now they're trying to do that there's a there's an equivocal kind of group that meets with County commission for small County he leads that as well and they're coming out they want make everybody be like legis firms different legisl so get together talk eat talk about that and then they go that and then they have an organized effort for lobbying when the session comes and so that's that's the main thing it's it's it's a meting [Music] we've always had a board member on that it's Jason don't me we've always I totally BL we've always had to designate somebody but but honestly there's there's a small executive committee so the chairman of the of the executive committee now is and and I'm and I'm there's three superintendants on be darl and U goodness there's one more I can't I know got his picture in my mind but he's on there as well so we will be meeting and so then we bring that back to our representatives and stuff like than moving on the motion prove to allow to glory to use a district handicap bus for the evening of December 22nd 2024 motion yeah and this was an emergency yeah so this is a bus we're not using it's just that just say that we had to make sure it cranked and everything was run they got it everything they're just going to drive it he's got CDL and they're not they're just between AIR block down they've got a little Progressive there they'll pick I think two people up at the one of the three Gs and then they'll go right around here with some lights and go to progressive dinner they won't they'll be right here within yeah thank y'all I knew I [Music] figured discussion [Music] approve out of state transport County High School resing students to attend competition in chattan Tennessee December 12os motion carries next item eight a motion to approve travel expend for Hof principal 7 daysis in the amount of $442 to 10 Chancellor Leadership Academy midye institution or January 14th 15 2025 ke second sary discussion I think Tim g match it he's match that just to say M Davis did last week the first what three and this will be the second one so she's already third of the way there excited defin approve this I believe 20 years ago it policy it item a motion to approve second reading policy special update September 2024 JS have a motion motion ke second second Mr single any discussion fa say I any oppos motion carries it any a motion approve second reading policy special update Ugg Ed September 2024 have motion second ke any discussion say I oppos carries moving on to item 12 board members concern Mr ke I'd just like to say thank you to everybody put up me questions so far especially Mr Joe no I appreciate everybody uh Administration Kyle board members thank you all for everything appreciate a great be here Merry Christmas to Y all all of you Merry Christmas to the kids I hope all the kids have a good break Feel Love feel special feel care for feel feel the magic of Christmas so again thanks for all you do happy happy to be here happy to help anything you need from thank you um the other day I'm G bring this up call um I sent call I was approached about naming the um Athletic Complex after Roberts so basically Liberty County High School Roberts Athletic Complex I know there's been some discussion about naming um the individual field houses Tommy Dugger I know there may be others too concession stand um I'm not sure at this point what happens and needs to happen does it need to come in back in front of the board for the board to vote on it um Kyle you had mentioned you needed to check into a few things and I and and just to be very transparent um the Roberts family you know Chuck George did not come to me for this okay but the Roberts family has has just recently again donated um we're getting and I didn't even know about it I'll be honest with you I live on Miss shop I went out there um and there's another B each and it's being donated you know and Road um and know just the numerous calls and being married to a guy 27 years and getting those calls to say I don't care what it takes get it to hos I don't care what it takes get it to Bristol to um so I will go ahead and and bring this up in front of the board and then we can have some discussion on it later on or whatever but I do think that that I would like to propose this to the board for consideration what's that field is it to have a design bulog field the track has been really the track's the only thing that's been officially Nam we've called it bulld Bui but that's not I mean that's could it be Robert's complex I think what that what said comp School Robert athletic complex which is kind of encompassing the whole the whole property and then he still name yeah what I I kind of what I'm kind of thinking of and I'll bring this up is when like my father donated the property for the park in samatra and I went in front of the board and asked it to be named after my dad he donated gave the property to the county um so what we did was it's it's still you know still on by the county nothing changes we basically the building we took a PL put a picture yeah put a picture of daddy up there kind of gave some background on his donation to the county um and that's kind of what I'm think about the field houses I don't or concession stand whatever um but I think I think it's something we need to do in honor of the people that have and there are a lot of other people that's donated you know I'm not I'm not discrediting anybody but um I just think we need to we need think about it we talk about it bring uh the football Fieldhouse loving the we're moving on you know it's great um is there a punch list and are we going to make the 2025 final great question I asked that um as far as a punch list there will be towards the end but I mean they know what they've got to do now they he is telling me yes okay and and honestly and I know if y'all been over there the structures there yeah I mean it's it's really getting getting the AC you know getting Electrical Plumbing and then you know the fixtures and stuff but everything you know in water it's and then put a ceiling up there it's it's it's a lot of all hard this is just you got to get out mash it out [Music] I know okay and so to be transparent he's told me the bank already has been really they needed to get that thing done so he said I'm moveing a d tomorrow over there you know they P they're probably punching out there now it's very close I think they're supposed to be actually tomorrow is their last day I believe in this building yeah they're do like this is what they told me today they're do the drive through and then then they I fully expect everybody and they're there now so yeah I went out there and talk make I make sure that was approve they getting the last time line update we had been given was like June July I thought that hopefully well that and Merry Christmas Merry Christmas to the staff Merry Christmas to everybody um we've had a great year this is I guess this is our last meeting hopefully unless we have an emergency so happy New Year to everybody and have a very merry Christmas thank everybody for the job they do appreciate youate Happy New Year seen the boys play basketball they greef yes oh my goon I want to kind of P you back off to Jody on the Roberts complex still it's we've discussed it before I've had people ask me about it U the since the football field is called bball field that's probably just for the sake of it not being Nam anything else that is true that's true I don't think it hurt hurt anybody's feelings too bad if we designated it you know to a person a name it just something for y'all to think about I just thought about it when Jody brought it up Jerry Johnson which is I've heard his name more than anybody any football coach that that I've heard in Liberty County now Richard Kennedy was my coach Boo's coach you play football well so he he's a he's a legend to to me as far as I'm concerned in Liberty County but he wasn't he's not from Liberty County his family's not from Liberty County he didn't play football in Liberty County so that's things to think about in the future if we want start designating names for fields and buildings maybe maybe be thinking about that where we don't have to get caught off guard yeah you know so don't wasn't there um there was a lot of papers and and names to remember things like that that's associated with football buildout project seems like it's a pretty good time but really consider smaller and larger larger scale picture or something like that it seems reasonable to handle at this period of time because I'm sure that that Jeff Kyle other Kyle call there's going to be a lot to go through to determine all the donations that have been given and name recognition it seems reasonable to do [Music] it this was by three individuals that started something and things happen they way I know there was some agreement between a lot of people I know I know several people that donated deep down to this to that that's only they should be on it should be and I know something that everybody GP across the county out of County and Roberts and Roberts and prison system I mean there there's so many people that were involved in this it is going to be tremendously hard to just be this part of this part of that part maybe better to do a whole then pluging session it's going to be a tough task so the board this is the board's done this before um I think I think you were on the board my Nam tra and so that was that was in of course was Mr Robert's father law the only one who one state championships ever in Liberty County U at that time and of course Jenifer got one 2013 but there was fact back I think it was 70 71 72 or might been 69 771 three back three three be of track state championships and Mr Myer shter was the coach was coach of the year for class A back then some sometimes classification it was equivalent our 1A or rural I think called rural class it kind of return that but um the board unanimously you know we talked about that we kind of bed that talk about having some of the former track guys of all those classes come back did a recognition and and so that's what the board did we we voted it reoun us um I thought it was a great thing U and so as as board remember I I kind of took that on I called all found the list of all the and we had very few show up for the recognition of a football game of course I'm you know I'm in the ba box and I'm announc them um and there was there was a little Kickback off some of that and I thought was not fair but it was you know just some people that said had some I was you know of course I was if it was in' 69 I was developed in I this 70 I was born um but in some of those situations there was some people saying well you know he had help you know and he did have help he did have we also recognized Jimmy Watson that night we recognized Mr Johnson that night as as a sist you know they were kind of a Brotherhood you know they all kind of a lot of things and he did that but the head coach was Mr his name and so I I get that I know James has brought up about the football field name from Mr J and so U I think all those are great and worthy conversations I think I think what what J initially brought up you got complex and then you got some individual sites you got a baseball field you know uh you got this that and the other and and I think we need to be real real slow and deliberate in doing that I I agree I I'm I I agree with her that there's got to be some kind of really big thing I met with him yesterday and I mean it's just like do this do that call him been on phone with Jim today and work on track him you know about he's like well if you can get this then I'll do it it's it's this so I think that's fair to to talk let's talk about and try to see what what we want to do but I think whatever we do that I'd ask this we need to be anoun it needs to be everybody we don't need to divide the board or 41 or something like that somebody I think it needs to be Ved talked about discussed prayed over and and then make a decision from there we have a workshop we work yeah work absolutely absolutely what I was what I was talking about wasn't was a recommendation right if that happens it's going kind of be in the air start discussing naming this after this one is just something just just kind of giving yall heads up to be thinking about stuff if it comes up I'm not recommending understand I love ball field I love the way it sounds but I I also love what she's talking about with rock recognizing people and and they weren't great coaches or whatever they they made this happen right they made it possible what's kind of organic happen out there now you got comp you really got that roadt makes almost it links everything together links football field links the softball and the baseball and the high school going back to the gym so I mean it really links it really makes it look like that if I had my brother I wish we had some nice parking lot out there you know where all that dirt stuff is maybe that's something down the road we can look at but let's do that I'll we'll Workshop that we'll talk um and let's talk individually you know and then we'll have time to talk corporately and during that Workshop we'll make a decision we'll talk about it won't take any action through the workshop just bet that and then we'll come back together and then y recommend to me thank you thank you everybody have a Merry Christmas safe and happy New Year calling today he he was about pay I called K November that we it's not they're not waiting on us matter waiting they y yeah see is there anybody else that's eligible to build that or we just got to be under the contract with no we don't we don't have to I think just the size scop peer did a bit on what that that structure would look to be I mean [Music] you know I think so we got figure out what's that was Plan B plan a was but we're kind of going back to the bleach to see if there's something one of things said you can build some platforms up that LE where they get H that's a that's a little bit of a complaint everything's kind can't see out and stuff like that just going back up but doesn't stop the and and there's some honestly there's a little bit kick back from the high school they like that openness between the the back stop and concession stand where they put chairs and congregate there you know so there's there's a little you got to figure it out got to figure it out but but as far as it still being used [Music] they can build bleachers and that may be cheaper than platform it look a lot football do the ramp up to it on top and we may could go back later and put some more above the concession think about you at you look down you ever been I know youve been you know things s around they build up and then just tear back right I just check than that Merry Christmas you bring me all the pres you want thank you for what you do and I hope everybody has the same comment 14 second thank you