take care of school business God we thank you Lord for all the wonderful things that have gone on in our school this year and God we pray right now that you would bless our time our fellowship together Lord we thank for those that are gathered here tonight parents players coaches God we thank you Lord for the successful season they had in wrestling this year father pray that would continue pray God that you bless all the other business and getting ready for the new school year and summer God pray that you give us great wisdom and discernment handle that with integrity and character we love you and thank you Jesus name amen United States of America number two recognition all right so I'll try not to stay behind this too long because when a pastor gets by FL he get a little long but I want tonight we want to honor something that's very special uh to uh Liberty County uh We've started the wrestling program and this year uh High School this year first year was a host and and uh we we started that program and uh y'all can see the the Panthers in the room and so uh we're we're excited about a couple things is the success early on I don't know if any of y'all caught the news last night about Scout hor but he's suit of the week I think for channel 7 or 13 I can't can't think and of course he's a he's played assigned to play college football and uh and so in the in the talking about playing football or him being St guess what the show back half the footage with him wrestling and getting all fired up head butting Jason and it Coach Brown rather but it it was kind of neat to watch but uh I'm excited about our our our wrestling program the direction so here's what I I want to start off if if we can with Hoster I'm gonna ask coach akan to come up here and introduce his players and talk about the season a little bit and then we'll we'll transition in come up here too so I I helped organize it and set it up but Brock was coaching everybody I don't know anything about said that my kids have enjoyed doing it that's all I know about so but uh so we'll start off with eighth graders we had Tre ging Cas fuler um TR gin come up Cas fogner CJ Williams and then we had Chesney um am but she she she couldn't make it tonight so those are our eighth graders so they're going to be moving up to high school so get ready you got some on good ones coming up next year Coach Brown we we're up here um and then also we got um our underclassman Madden gerer she was in sixth grade this year and then also um shabar Williams he was the other sixth grade we had and then our statistician we had this year he's in fifth grade this year but he'll be on the team next year so Kay d great group of kids um we're really proud to have them they they worked hard this year as um Brock and everybody else canest to um I don't know really what what else to say about them except that these one of the big things we talked about we had an award ceremony earlier in the year and uh one of the things that almost every single one of them up here is that they were all almost all of them were dual athletes they play basketball most of them played baseball as well so they were coming after basketball practice then coming after baseball practice and for them every single one of them except for one I think Cas was the only one that's ever wrestled before those kids I mean they got a lot of wins they got a lot of pins they they busted their Buss this year um they were going um to they they wrestled with the high school After High School um they just they really worked hard and so I was just unbelievably proud of my first year ever involved in wrestling I wish they had it when I was in high school because I could have got on board with that um so um just a lot of say one bro I mean agreed and and not just not just athletes they definitely are but um student def as well um I've heard I think you heard as well story from you actually your teachers had come up to Cur and said you're doing better in school even some of them even uh uh tried to work harder so they could stay on the team so uh I'm proud of them many late night staying with them in the resting room teaching them new things I know I know it was late uh but for for for the focus and the time that they were there the folus they put forward was was very appreciative I appreciate it and I could just see that you all really wanted to learn something new um and make something of it so uh yeah I really recognize them for the hard work they put into it and things that they learned this year real quick to say add to that they they they did all get off pla I should have brought one with me now that's my fault we they all got plaqu for the inaugural season with a picture of the whole entire team and um the school has one so if you if you do go by Hosford Slide by the Troy room and take a look at it it's just something that I told them hey you know look guys you're the you're the first of this hopefully we'll have a lot more years and their kids can go through hosit school and see that trophy of and be like hey look you know that's my mom that's my dad they wrestled here for the first team and so just something I thought would be good for the trophy T to have to show on the extended program that we got the program we got starting here that Jason and and Brock started off here at the high school we can just build on to that and and start feeding the high school with with a lot of young wrest all right so I'm gonna date myself a little bit um I was both coach and Coach Brown got when they were in high schol so I did the best I could with what I had uh I've known Jason since he was born U but I remember when he moved off and he came back from South I think South Carolina all all over I remember he he came in the guidance office which was here he went to school here and I remember him saying y'all got wrestling don't you we don't have it and I remember the look on his face um and and he's had that look on his face uh uh until he had some boys and started uh coaching them up getting them involved in wrestling which is something he he loves but this year we had some state qualifiers and anytime you go to state in any event uh I know many of y'all in the room played ball get to to a state level uh to get through a district level a regional level and then to a state level that's a big deal that is a big deal um and so we wanted to recognize our state qualifiers so Coach Brown come on up here I want you to tell us about their matches how they did future of Liberty County High School Rec Mr BR coach Brock um yeah that's we had uh how many guys we have come out off the 14 team this year I think started with four the first year the second year I think we had seven guys and this year 14 16 at one point um not everybody Toler gets a little tough I can get a little tough but um just super proud of these guys every guy we had every kid I think on the team but one made it to Regional which is um is pretty big our regional is 34 teams I think 32 or 34 anyway it's it's very hard today competition to make it through to four is the only thing um that gets through once you're there it's only 16 state in your weight um ours is a little different or our 1A is z to 15 kids not Z to 4500 like most other sports so we've beene against most 6A 7A School Other Sports volleyball baseball football so it's it's a lot more a lot larger talent pool they use pull from but um we got tough kids this year we had three qualifi for State Hunter Brown our senior our longone senior on the team this year um he also ended up placing eight um and signing our first college scholarship signing basically the hos of Georgia I think it had a dollar store about it but beautiful campus great school um super proud of him hopefully next year we'll sign a lot more um ke mellis qualified um was three points from from placing uh did very well his first year State uh still has another year so that's great uh Jay Brown also He's our placed fifth again this year so he's our two-time Placer at state a three time qualifier so um this goty put in a lot lot of hard work TR me I got to go practicing they don't stop um they're just they're tough kids they battle through sickness injuries everything to make it there it's uh but yeah um next year I hope we have got middle schoolers coming up in high school we're only losing one senior so we should have 20 keep going aw we had some kids leave to go to baseball gam that's why they were taking off I thinky one of everybody if you sorry we have some parents outside waiting for kids get [Music] do stud that three all right one [Music] two good see know let's move on item number three public comments I don't think we had any moving on to item number four superintendent report thank you Mr chair very quickly um we've been meeting with principles this week regarding the 2425 school year uh it is on top of us believe it or not I know y'all know that been doing this for a while uh we're looking at present enrollment projected enrollment class staff Staffing job vacancies we do have some vacancies uh we'll we'll continue these conversations on and off until until school start um do I think some people who signed an intent to return will definitely come back history says some will find jobs of Elsewhere and so we have to be prepared to fill those we're already advertising some vacancies uh the vacancies that we have now that we know about um we'll just continue to kind of kind of keep working that we Chipola has some activities uh Some Mo interview type things we go up and spend some time with them for for their teachers that are getting ready for a job placement so we've been very uh I hate to use word lucky believe luck we've been very blessed to to capitalize on that sending some administrators up there for those events uh softball complex update I went out there the latest I don't Kevin's been out there since about 3 I went there I guess about three electricians plumbers there on satday uh trimming out everything putting fixtures on they were working on the concession stand when I happen to be out there hope to have some maybe water light later today not sure at least maybe some lights uh there's a home game tonight at 7:00 uh and I put on there with DJ KP that's me I didn't know any other name but Donnie Red's not there to call the game tonight so I'll be spending the tunes tonight at the bot um repairs have been made to areas of toer gym I know some of yall got some emails about that Kevin and I talked about that today some of the the the minor things were were already prepared through work orders Kevin's waiting quote for painting which would be a summertime you know activity and then waiting on meet a guy I guess in the next week or day or two for bleach refurbishment and those things are now 20 years old so they 24 years old so they they definitely need some work but we'll have everything clean and ready for um for kindergarten graduation uh we have met with Co pepper regarding the football field house we're waiting quotes for electrical which would be the first first item of business is getting electrical run there and as soon as we get that hopefully we can start to resume work there um just some thanks for your calendar Hoster School family breakfast is this Friday at 7:30 that gets through when school starts around 8:05 have some time Friday morning that is a wonderful time to to meet with parents and see them uh and eat breakfast with us uh ethics training is Thursday couple days away at Civic Center I appreciate U Miss Scher down there she's hey Miss um she's she putting this on appreciate that and I think Do's cooking so that makes it worth it just to be able to eat his cooking so anyway that'll be on Thursday hope to see y'all there sign to day at the high school on Friday 2m uh multiple I think about n i nine signings today or for Friday rather so they put out a parent Square got it on Facebook so we're we're expecting a big turn out for that uh so far right now and I'll address this one number 12 I supposed to have a BAC meet tomorrow in Jefferson County uh but let me switch to 12 there is a thread of some Implement weather coming in so uh I've been in touch with the EOC office that we have found a little text Loop and so they're going to have some meetings tomorrow afternoon uh some School District Oak West up here have already adjusted their school schedule so uh tonight before I go to bed I'll start looking at what some of these other I'm in a Tex Loop superintendent so um that's what there is some adjustments and it may may need to be some adjustments for us I'm just not sure which that we're going to get the worst of it so we'll just this time of year still got winter time hanging on and the the gulf Warmness you know that makes for bad weather um Friday April the 26 no school for students professional development for staff that's on Friday uh number 10 I don't want I don't want to be presumptuous okay I want to be confident but the softball Regional final be 7 pm. on Tuesday May 14th we don't know where that'll be at we don't even know this will be playing for but I'm very confident that that might be a home game for us if we're if we're still in it I hope we are that is also a Schoolboard meeting tonight so as we get closer to that time uh I would ask y'all if y'all could consider maybe an alternate time if we have to go travel somewhere I know we probably most of us all of going to go there but closer time I'll let you know I'm going to let you know that the Monday before that Tuesday is kindergarten graduation Hoster and then the Thursday is graduation at toer so it might we might get do it the same day we might just need to adjust the time so if y'all just kind of if y'all will work with us there Mr chair just be a little flexible uh I I hope that's a home game and we can maybe move it up 4:30 or 5 maybe and we'll all be there um AC work is almost complete here at the district office uh I want to thank Kevin for uh organizing them here and going through a lot of stuff um the only thing really left I talk the guy today he's got to put thermostats in in this this area everything else is covered it's got thermostats uh I saw Melanie shaking today chill bumps all over arms um but they can control that she did comment that uh M's was 75 in her room she was thinking great with that so anyway we've got individual controls I think that's going that I know for a fact we're going to save all kind of money cuz that Chiller was just was like leaving a freezer or refrigerator open um so anyway they've got to fix this you can tell they they're running stuff and and and a lot of the building they're going have to fix just kind of put things back together but we do have and we actually have air in here now we just don't have the thermostat in controler but it is cool cool air so once we get that we'll be able to drop it on down when we need to not in year we'll D it up to save money um and then number 12 was the weather so anyway that's what I got appreciate yall and hope you and your families are doing well next number five a motion to add emergency item 10 A and B have a motion motion Mr any discussion all favor say I any oppos motion carries next Item B a motion to approve addition to corre to consider it 8 C motion second second second secary any discussion all in favor say I any motion carries next item six and a motion to approve agenda for April 9th 2024 motion Mo second second a discussion all fa say I any oppos motion Carri next item seven a motion to approve Mar 12 2024 Med minutes motion same second second Mr Mo any discussion all fa say iOS car next item eight need a motion to approve the following March 20 24 financial report and transaction principal report financial statement bills and we do not have any budg amends have a motion second second any discussion all say I any no Carri next Item B ation 202 discussion say I motion Carri it c a motion to approve 24 addition correction have a motion same second thank thank m j any discussion all fa say iOS motion Carri thank need a motion to approve updated Personnel L have a motion Mo second Mr M any discussion all favor to say I any oppos motion Carri next item nine action item a motion to approve FD project award notification computer science teacher bonus for program period of 7 1st 2023 to the 63 2024 have discussion carries next Item B me a motion to approve Finance director travel expenditures and the amount of 786 to attend the 2024 FFA November conference June the 16th to the 20th St Petersburg Florida to have a motion Mr Mo second second SLE any discussion favor say I any oppos motion Carri next item C need a motion to approve superintendent trib expend and expenditure and the amount of $572 190 to attend the commissioner Summit in Miami fler May the 30th through the 3st have a motion second any discussion all fav say I motion Carri next Item B need a motion to approve Tri expend and the amount of $1,836 the F Personnel to attend the 2024 FL school safety Summit and Orlando Florida June the 10th through the 12th Ricky sson Safety and Security specialist Lord de director special education Jennifer K keep mental health coordinator have a motion any discussion all favor say iOS must carried next item C the moting to approve Office of Education facility inventory School House houses fish certification any discussion all favor say I and oppos motion car next I left a motion to approve aalach Forest Youth Camp instructional C for 2024 25 school year I have a motion motion FL second second second miss any discussion all fa say I anyos motion Carri next item G in a motion to approve the four day summer work schedule for 12 month employees beginning the 5th 31st 24th to the 8th 2nd 24 7:30 to 5 with 30 minute lunch motion any discussion I say I any car item a motion to approve summer personel recommendation have a motion Mo have a second second Mr Mo any discussion all favor say iOS motion carries next item I a motion to approve the following summer lunch room staff Sandy Davis Jessica AG SE substituted wct Shirley Clark Marilyn Smith and Clark subtit hosit s hour a day four days a week June the 10th to the 25th 2024 pay rate motion motion M FL second any discussion all in favor say I any opposed motion Carri next item J need a motion to approve to create advertise to summer program teaching positions for y ESC extended school year one position at hord K and location may change due to the number of students participating of each site one position prek Ral site position to be paid from Grant 39-12 11 g-2 C1 at hourly rate of pay 4.5 hours per day 8 8 through 1230 N9 days in June and 9 in July day3y 3 KY will be June the 6 planning days and June the 10 13 and 17 and 20th instructional days which include 30 minute planning time each day and July the 8th 11th 15 18 instruction days which includes 30 minutes planning time each day and July the 12th planning day isy days for students are Jun the 10th 13th 17th 20th and July 18th 11th and 15 18 for 8 a motion any discussion all favor any oppose notion Carri next it K need a motion to uh create advertising two summer frog PA professional position for esy ESC extended school year one position at h k location may change due to the number of students partip PID from each side one position at 3K wrist side position to be paid for rent 390 that's 121 G that's 2c1 at hourly rate of pay 4.5 hours per day 745 1215 8 days in June and 8 days in July dates will be June the 10th 13th 17th 20 Jun uh July 8th 11 and 15th 18 have a motion motion motion more second any discussion all say I any motion car next to create ad to intervention teaching position to be paid Grant 39 112 g21 have a motion sing second second any discussion say I anyos motion Carri next item in need a motion to approve to create advertising two summer intervention teaching position to be paid from Grant 390-9364 motion MO second Mr any discussion all fav say I any oppos motion Carri next item 10 item eight we need a motion to approve recommendation buddy Lewis at summer driver education teacher beginning 6 3rd 24 through the 7th 195 have a motion second single any discussion all favor say I any oppose motion car next Item B need a motion to approve strong connection grant program F doe project award notification for program period 1st the 1st 24th through the 9th 30th to 26 I have a motion single any discussion fav say I any motion Carri item 11 for Poli it I don't think we had any moving right on item 12 board member Mr uh on the driver's we get a B work on that the brown will not work look down the brown van won't work the white van I ain't been able to find it yet com back up here see but right now we V so the other band that in the most set sideways under the hood so it didn't have the dog box that um the um I meant Brown has dogx the white man there we could run that cable and pedal across there but the brown can't do that found out that so check the if not see what wow and been three times it's you know entps didn't you say the newer F150s could be used we got to have what I thought we were talking about one time buy a new van where so we talked about buying the new one and taking the old either leave it at the hospital bring it back and turn it into a I got s work old that here the [Music] white we James what you're remembering is we did put it in a in a grant request and thought felt good about it and then U did they tell us anyway they turned down towards and said not we put in for another and they turn that one this Tony and Joe come to me their handic the old handicap van they was using for service truck now they don't have aicle so got really need some we did order bu you tell I have not told we did order a bus it should be here in October I just want to tell you appreciate what y' done about raising the money and let that solved a lot of problems for Liberty in District for drivers I mean that y'all that help tremendously I mean it really made a difference get train get their license but Mr stool Mr Willis Mr Davis myself um coach coach coach D that and it's made other people so that that was a big blessing you know got we got get some sure I'll let Mr P soon I get hold of the white I let him know if not try to convert car know the three people at the time you know with one dver at least one or two how hard is a you got well so all it is Mr secretary is a um you a bracket that goes uh in front of the pedal on the car it attaches to the pedal and then it's a cable that runs over there to a pedal on the passenger side just a br P right yes just a brake pedal and so that pedal is in activ sobody R whatever so it's easy to disconnect pretty much but then you got hold in the floor you [Music] i' car count office it was there when I come by you know to got this time of year we got so many activities so it's it's legit gone it's just but definitely just as we find out what we can do okay all right just one other thing I I want to thank our district office staff for uh being attentive and responding quickly whenever we call up a question any kind of issu to help parents they do that I just want let them all all know I appreciate it I'm MERS that's it we have any Ty of opening for the softball I show showe it a little bit I would love it to be totally finished where everybody yes definitely do a a ribbon cutting celebration something like yeah much yeah I think I think it's important because this has been a long time they're real close now the part that's going is the lockers and getting that they're making those now and and and a bleacher thing so yeah there they're still thing it looks so good inside they had I was putting all the figures in the the hold up on the bleachers were the guy that was drawing up the architect or structal engineer that was drawing them up he left getbody else but they are working on it me and Mr Mark met multiple times last week that's coer and figuring out everything they own it this going to be the last process you know electrici told me they should be able to use really awesome that's what they told me today back by find out that their go all the wires full when I say I'm saying power might not be a sink there I order a new sink that come reverse that's supposed to supposed to be here today they should [Music] be I think everybody do such a good job for summertime I would also like to thank everybody not sing like anybody out I want to thank Kevin for getting this air conditioner system L I know do worth He a lot lot to do with lining it all up appreciate it but I I appreciate what everybody does and I want to reiterate what Mr py said about Friday's signing day I think that's a real big deal we got nine student athlet signing to go to college and I'd like to see the ped out from the community that's make everybody okay that Bea one parents they may have some more stuff brought in all I know is so no pancake I don't think so I I don't think so but I don't know that for sure I'll find out if there's any any extra on [Music] let talk to theame could you I'm sorry could you or Mr FL give us an update on him I talked to him but he's his brother and here boss one of y'all give us an update on him go ahead he uh he's going to go ball game he I the night he got hurt I said that's going to hurt him more yeah missing the ball game than his foot anyway he so so you know he split his ankle broke it and then he broke the small bone right below his knee so when they went in there they screwed his ankle back together to pull it back but when they done that thank God it pulled that bone back in place and they didn't have to end up doing anything with that bone just let it heal yeah so um he's got he's got to wear a cast for 10 weeks minimum and then he can maybe start therapy and I talked to Saturday maybe I think it was Saturday and he said he was long as he had it propped up trouble any weight at all definitely been in pain supposed to go back Thursday or Friday stitches [Applause] out very weed I still send him work orders just like see just G you a little something do look at engaged we called him from The Bu and told him he's asked about coming and just B to death and CRA he might come [Music] around got process appreciate that 13 closing comments 14 motion toour all right seven