##VIDEO ID:tPmsU2TSMCE## the e [Music] pray Heaven father thank you God for thank you God that we GA and take care of school business we thank you God for all the work and on getting ready for tomorrow father we pray Lord that it all come together thank you Lord for the grace Fellowship as houses Lord even today God thank you to parents kids participation father we pray you keep our school safe father help us in this year to have great wisdom and discern bless all our teachers our staff our bus drivers our custodians all our support people Lord all the people up here at the district office God we pray Lord for your great wisdom discernment and handle situations how to find Solutions when we need them Father but make sure Lord we're taking care and doing our job Lord of educating our kids thank you for that that great job that you've been trusted us to do so Lord bless our time and our fellowship together tonight Lord be with those that are departing from us father to retire we pray you be with them and their families let them in the next season of their lives in Jesus name [Music] always a a Bittersweet thing when somebody retires and gets on that next phase of life and uh we're uh the bitter Parts on our part we they leave a big hole I sh share Mell they y you leave a big hole in their hearts and and and in the institution of your school what you're doing especially the three that we're going to honor tonight they have been doing it for a long time and have made a tremendous positive impact in the lives of children and the lives of other teachers that theyve mentored through the years uh and and and all starts with a bus stri picking those kids up into Susan's case so sometimes the first first smile they're going to see from somebody from school system that bus that picks them up so we have an incredible responsibility to be kind to them even from the very start of the day but I'm gonna I'm G to ask we're g we've got three retirees tonight we're gonna start with Su I'm G ask Kevin as her directs come up here come on up here I'm G ask K said a few words St Miss and then get a picture with him getting Mur these are very small tokens of our appreciation yes really congratul on retirement that's I'm there but uh we was able to steal her that's a bad word County which was a blessing for Li County and um she had done anything we asked she drove Z she drove buses whatever bus rout we wanted her to drive so she was a big asset to the county and you know we really miss her and again I just thank you coming to Le County app everything and tou my it's be good I'm really enjoying it this next we come up here Mr Rob this this near to me because we're getting out in our age grou which means we're getting over Sherry flowers congratulations many than years I'm tell a quick story but this is about the OG of third grade she was uh I asked her this year to come in and kind of Mentor a new third grade teacher and I said and when I was speaking to him I said hey you know sher's an OG of third grade and she was at the end of the table she was shaking her head um she was just playing along and after the meeting and everyone left next morning she comes to my office she like she's did you ask yes she go I am she is going be dear she sent me a text first day back for Teacher saying you know she she already misses it um I tell you what she is everything I've after she's done she's G be2 seems like you know every year she's um always well she's always on time don't ask her to par your car anywhere because it will never be inside the line but she is one of kind she is you know I say teach rock star whole thing she is definitely I will say yes Laur super anyway I every single minute not so good times um but I've love that the Queens are all here I promise you after your one year ofs retirement [Music] months our last but not least is Miss Shell Stafford I'm G ask come up here shelle's been our culinary instructor for a long time come on oh no 30 [Music] years so so we actually Mr Ricky came over today and talk about safety with our staff and stuff and we [Music] mention couple years ago I shared a that every kid ATT [Music] so so I thoroughly enjoy best years of my life part of me when I was in fourth grade I had [Music] ship but miss sh was my Champion uh always look out and I'll never forget this I told the and he me to the room that night and said I'll give you something for the treat right she gives me more money I've ever seen in my life [Music] thing she she has watched out for me since I know that I am so grateful so Greatful you have no idea I'm not good with words but I wouldn't how am as as see [Music] it um that same part she just had since I've been in my school is not here in that school she is not a champion that would would f for give anything she could we've been in school for a couple days same she she is a bent part has been uh you [Music] above and but I am so great a lot of schools [Music] I started out get a job for a little while at he the one that got Hospital [Music] cried did not years of my life I was trained by the best some of my students this transfer right on over to lch enjy your kids here Tau at the high school um just great years great memories and I hope I left something [Music] fin e e e e e e e e here started back l gentl and I working on that work this we I said oh my goodness I have been doing it for 17 years and I still have 12 more years to go it's not a happy moment so um I was looking at it the P the packet return to Toller with 11 pages long some of them were front and back on that packet I had to enter my son's name 12 different times 11 pages 12 different times his information and his demographic information I had to enter M and husband's name and contact information six different timeses the school the grade and the teacher six different timeses the doctor's information and siblings information two different times that's a lot I started thinking you know that all the time and effort that goes into preparing these packets printing them out putting them together the teachers do such a great job of making these wonderful little packets and I know they have set a job I chase down all the information and then when yall to get it you know having to go through the files and find it all so I know all very important information you need that stuff to provide a safe environment to get our kids great education but I would argue that in it current manual format it functionality is very limited I I hope and pray that nobody ever needs to read the information on my sons packet because my handwriting deteriorates quickly and if you need to read something towards the end I probably couldn't read it to you now and it's been you know 48 hours since I Ved so um I started thinking you know there's so many reason so many resources that we have now available to us why are we still doing this in manual process in 2024 have any of you ever heard a smart sheet it's a program I was introduced to it a few years ago and I use it every day now I use it to securely collect data and manage products within state government it has cut administrative process processing time down by a fraction of the cost um it's an automated system that collects the data you can pill it out with all of your forms parents enter information one time they would get an email they would enter each data field one time it would populate the forums it could send automatic updates parents who have not turned their in they can send automatic updates to parents who need to update their stuff throughout the school year my husband changed his phone number mid year throughout the school year and nobody could get a hold of the rest of the year so it's a great tool um for as little as 19 a month the school could get a smart sheet license and do this I would be happy to help the school build that out and training staff would to use it since I have discovered it is revolutionized the way I do my work it is cut down administrative process time so much easier it has great dashboards built out that you could see say you needed to check on a secure a child situation really quickly some of that information that's on that Forum the administrators could have a Das right there all that information at the tip of their fingers they wouldn't have to go looking for a file seeing if they can read it um it's just a great resource and y'all would like to Institute that I I really hope you would consider it on behalf of all the teachers who already have so much to do all of us parents that have really tired hands and all the administrators that might need to read that information one day it's just such a great resource and I'd be happy to share it with y'all if y'all are interested in it but I just wanted to get that out there there are resources that can help make that process so much more efficient and [Music] effective right who time if you come see me we'll discuss that love do I know we have something like sign and something something Sumer we have focus and we've got that portal and I know some of that stuff get on that okay sounds good I've had I've had par say that would just be such and my wife all right um very quickly school starts tomorrow do big day tomorrow be count uh very excited to start uh very excited to start new year uh we've had some really good but house had a good one this afternoon at the high school uh Hosford was incredible toer was incredible um we had a lady from Chipola who was set up in the lunch room I didn't know if y'all got to see her she told me she saysi go to all these schools and she says no other school district has open houses like y'all do she couldn't believe and I said well it's a it's a community event hadn't always been that way uh but it is it has been PR for the last 15 20 years and I'm excited that people want to come out be involved in their kids education see what's going on ask questions that's what we want to do so I'm very excited about that um if you get calls tomorrow I sent out a fair Square today U and put it on social media about just be patient with us that first day last year last couple years I think I worked toer last year I think Jesse might have been out and I just remember I think everybody drove their kid to school col school that day um and and it's been like that a host as well uh that happens the first day second day not so much Friday not so much Monday it it's in a routine so to get calls I remember as a board member I get calls you got to do something about that traffic back up and they're right they're right it was for that day but after day one I promise you it just it almost Cuts in half um and and so we do allow parents to take their kids that first day and that was announced anoun to take them down to their class so a lot of them will drive and that does cause a back then um Rob Rob has a really good system that goes one group goes down by the gym so that was probably the biggest backup before for the last couple years has just been really efficient first day gets a little little back up but it but after after about two days it it's flowing H goes back aways back from H Street which is that back where Gary black Liv uh and it'll be like that for a couple days and then boom it's it's over so if you get call tell them you know aware of it you'll let me know because I know that people people do call you and so just let them know that we just be patient with us we'll get we'll get figured out um number three we're down in enrollment so far this year I'd love to give you some numbers but it's changing by the hour um I talk to Daryl Jun over in Daryl Taylor today they're down um we we've got a lot of kids doing home school and so just want to know our budget Katie makes our budget based on the last survey of the Year back in the spring and that's how we planned uh our primary source of funding is is at people in the seat kids in the seat so we I'll give yall some hard numbers sometimes birthday of school you have people will actually show up birthday at school to enroll in school so once I get some firm numbers I'll I'll get those on to you probably through an email update but I can tell you we're down we're really down so that's that's very concerning for me um number four very thankful to Walt Summers I put on there he's from the County High School class of 87 that was a wonderful class um and and the Liberty Correctional Institution U was able to talk with wall B brought some Crews down here for about three straight days uh you know our biggest thing now over the last few years Rick days we just got fences everywhere and those things require a lot of care a lot of weed eat that's what they mainly did with weed e uh and then we got poing in behind that so I can tell you it's it's been a a blessing to have them come down also thank the sheriff chief arold for allow of the Liber County inmates they came and help Kevin Bus Barn watching buses cleaning buses um it's just good to have those Partnerships that was also a huge blessing uh and talking with Walt we're going to Contin if you remember back back in the day I was on board earlier you know that they come during ball break spring break holidays whenever they could do that and then they they something happened and they wouldn't let M make Cruz go out for a little period but they're they're back so U I've already talked with them so we'll I give them a list of dates when the students are not here and hopefully they come do some of that even in the fall and they even spring so um most of our Liber County Law Enforcement folks were at all the schools today with Ricky and uh just going over some some safety things talking about uh just situations scenarios safety issues safety concerns I appreciate Ricky he he is always looking for ways to make sure that we are as tight as we can be when it comes to our security we just have a really good relationship with our Sheriff's Office they do a phenomenal job and we had just a good Pro with them I got walk around with them a little bit down at toer today and appreciate their their commitment to be here Mr Chad just please share my thanks with the sheriff uh Chief AR weall y we love y'all and y'all do us a phenomenal job we just can't can't do it without you appreciate the partnership um closing up here I met with Sam Bass he was here yesterday uh talk to him about the softball lockers they are activ worked on I wanted to take a picture I wanted something to be able to show y'all he can't take where he's working take the cell phone so we're gonna try to get some photos kind of get some status on that they are working on they are are getting finished so U just wanted to let you know that Kevin's I've been talking I talk with with Kyle B pepper yesterday Kyle Rogers U still waiting on a quote from the bleacher company after we talked today they kind of give him a little Frontline quote and it was like oh my God if it's that and secure it uh may be a lot cheaper than we thought I put it so we don't know we make sure we talking apples and apples when what we're asking them to FL us on uh he's going through the state B contract system and that takes a little longer because they use a vendor so anyway we're meeting with Paul Pepper even said I know we just met a few a week so two weeks ago we're meeting with Kyle he comes in talks to Kevin he comes in talks to me to make sure that we've got progress contining with electrical and softball field out so we are not not dropping the ball on that um just some things coming up volleyball kicks off from at high school they'll be at on high this weekend for a little Saturday tournament they will play Baker that was the state champion this year then for mentioned that P rally while ago uh be a good rematch of the state semi-final game play press you at two and then the high school football team has a kind of a jamy kickoff modified JV vary schedule it's not even a regular season game they be doing different uh different format rather and that'll be at 8:00 our time in B and lastly I want to thank Jason and Michelle single ter for hosting our school board cookout what a what a wonderful time that was uh enjoyed every bit of it we had a good time of eatting a good prayer time for our schools and I appreciate that um I mentioned in my Monday message I want to thank I mentioned Renee and Deanna and Lyn I mean when you do those breakfast things last week that is a lot a lot of work and they did just a phenomenal job we got people in we got them out they were back in the classrooms uh M's had a big professional development schedule and I just appreciate all the work gets in there because somebody's got somebody's got to decorate somebody's got set somebody got to get the Powerpoints up so I just appreciate our staff there I thought breakfast was very efficient we've been there when it's lasted long um but it was very efficient I just appreciate all of our staff I want to thank everybody at the district office they have uh worked tirelessly uh chesy has worked incredible to get uh her staff ready get these rooms ready for pre you had had a chance to see those please come out you are welcome any where tomorrow that you want to show up um so our district administrators be spread out I'm going to work up here helping with the traffic flow we we think we've got a traffic pattern we're going to try it if it works and um then I came up with it if it doesn't work chest came we think we think we've got something nailed down but we're excited the kid drop off for prey right here where I usually park my trucks I lost my parking spot forever um but the kids will be dropped off there the buses the kids that ride the bus for free gate will be behind or be near the gym that gate there and then they'll come in the lunch for breaks so we're we're excited got prob kids going to be up here ches had a good little open house with them yesterday had them here in the boardroom and so it was we had a good time your calendars and this is not on the thing you have calendars there those are all PR got picked up yesterday um and then also those those coaches passes you remember fhsa used to do those we used to get them they they don't do them anymore it cost them nothing but Pac started that this is the second year they're doing that it looks a lot if you look on the back um it looks like a if they should say coaching pass but other schools any school in our Consortium will accept that as complimentary admission to the to the games and I know I know y'all pay a lot here but when you it's really good when you go out you can use that way gang in our Consortium if you're outside those counties that are listed there uh it was probably anyway most of the teams we play in our district in our region on the on those cards so I hope you enjoy those that hope you come see us [Music] watch approve [Music] a motion approve indeed [Music] motion on the number D motion to leave after item 9 A and B a motion to approve 9 [Music] discuss discuss [Music] motion [Music] next Item B a motion to delete it a and have a motion discussion need a motion to approve again August 13 2024 have a motion secondary discussion all fav say I carries next item seven motion to approve July 11 2024 minut [Music] motion any discussion all fav say I car next Item B a motion approve July 29 24 attending budget hearing meeting have a motion second discussion fav say iOS Mo car next item c a motion to approve July 29th 2024 special meeting have motion second discussion all favor item in a motion to approve the following July 2024 fin rep motion discussion motion carries that's Item B and a motion to approve August 2024 personent table with addition to correction have a motion secondary discussion all favor say I car next item C need a motion to approve update personal list for 2024 25 [Music] School FL discussion fa car next item D in a motion to approve August 2024 with addition corre discussion sayos motion carries me and a motion to approve August 2024 that have a motion second secretary discussion car next item action item item a has been deleted next B has been deleted move right on C a motion to approve memorandum understanding for living the county school and Community Wellness C and support service 24 2 school year motion [Music] discussion need a motion to approve School Improvement plans 24 25 school [Music] year motion to approve update student Progressive discussion say Carri next a motion to approve work agreement consolation service and the student who are death appear between Li County School Board and for 24 25 school year have a motion second discussion on [Music] resource agreement County Sheriff Office school resource program Public School System Li County 2425 school have a [Music] motion got say next it a motion approve C standard [Music] motion any discussion I just want to let everybody know everybody jumping up down about percentages went up and it just we got a small gr just out work for people that's way MERS in this group got myself we had the smallest increase with anybody around us and they're sharing some claim out now so you kind of know if they're making I mean M [Music] County School Board contribution employee heal inser B $139 2425 School discussion yeah how much last 3639 and we and we we going to have to do that because of Affordable Care Act to make sure that on that value plan that it covers enough it's affordable according to the ATA where they don't go to Marketplace and Bill do we pay 501 on individual plans too or that's forever plan we go so if you got a family plan get 501 you got single get [Music] approve AUST 2024 final termination dat later July 31st 20 32 more any discussion car motion approve update of 2425 School col back graduation dates 28 30 have a motion second discussion yeah it keeps it out of the softball and baseball okay it be the week actually to be the week of Memorial Day so Memorial Day be Monday well it actually be the last school not they're not going to change we got we gotta be proactive we [Music] not motion approve P notification foram period 1st 24th 25 MO motion to approve County contract Service enh for County school board for students enr 21st century program September 24 July 2025 [Music] motion any discussion [Music] servor rehab Corporation County School Board 2425 school year have a motion discuss say I G appr agreement service rehab [Music] Corporation motion student acation Peri de 1st 24 25 have a motion discussion a motion stat for Li School District H instruction Personnel doing the 2425 school year as needed per statute [Music] 10 discuss [Music] um open houses were great I didn't get but I did get to make it to and I know it was short had call what that was short long last [Music] year that get better next year little it did I mean my was there I think just the decorations I mean you guys know um like I said open Hospital J told her I don't know if it was just me or somebody seemed like Les last year it was that but um so I just wanted our students St here doing a great job making sure and and these doors are locked and you know the importance of that I think it's finally we're getting there I think we need F everybody has a great year student staff good luck chy with your new move and I look forward to hearing and seeing how good this thank you Mr like I welcome back [Music] okay how are that last emergency item I needed that got two and they are they will get C certific they just don't have them today one has a bachelor business administration I think from University of Miami so those are certifiable things um we've been very good at getting those certifications kind of push through uh lady the definely chancellor now Sunny CH and so she's a personal friend of ours her daugh playball Co with Ed so she we talk a lot and she's been able to run some a lot quicker for us we really appreciated that just didn't [Music] have willing to last one today so that's a huge blessing I I want to say something about my my directors every one of us have literally it's almost like cutting bills and the principles too you just calling people um I'm glad I didn't know about FRS six months that's that's a huge blessing um because you do have a lot some people that get through and say you know I'd like to keep working a bit I'm too young maybe to draw Social Security still will work so that's that's a huge blessing and um but I'm telling you it's been we have been very creative hey can you work happen and we started that last year you let's get think outside the box a little bit can you give me two periods can you do one it's just been incredible work I can tell you the these guys up here work so hard I mean we're calling people we're recruiting um we we called outside counties um there was one one uh lady I tried recruit Cola and and her sister and one of them was at B rather T night and she just said y'all y'all got it going on over here you know W col just did a huge big Rays uh this year so we just couldn't you know couldn't match it but you know we we were able to get a walk teacher last year Miss Lisa Wilson and it was actually she lives in Smith Creek it was actually closer for her to drive the hostage than it was to get across W with all the traffic stuff get hero so uh but we got it done got it done I'm very proud proud these things work hopefully we can keep who we got the entire year last year was in colge with some going part virtual some taking other positions other places we had some real ripple effect people leaving work with we're good thank [Music] you you know I have things a grandmother so um that's really important we can find some money or I kept looking at ly and he was doing her thing but I mean this isig a couple years ago and it totally revolutionized the way I I saved so much time my one my previous jobs I was able to cut eight recruiting administrative staff and move them to actual recruiters so we didn't put jobs needed them recruiting we didn't need them pushing paper we were able to automate all of those manual administrative processes and move those folks to recruiting positions so they're actually out giving people okay thank you back ground I see our people cut grab during the year they do great job you got seven or eight guys out working on C all that Mak World different do we got it back do that I just ask [Music] everybody Frid m [Music] bus driv and all that everybody long time appreciate all you guys the next5 minutes [Music] give I really like the way you included all teachers Som somebody stole picture got one and then [Music] de the we have this whoever created this job I I tell you what I believe everybody we about these [Music] [Music] take this year now yeah I appreciate all the hard work everybody done getting ready for my last birthday of a school years Bo I appreciate everything that's it [Music] you