##VIDEO ID:wJ8RKRThVFA## C School Board record meeting Tuesday oer I thank you today the opportunity of having these men and women gathered together to do business of the LI County School Board pray that you would just clear their thoughts and just give them discernment in each and every order of business that they have to attend to tonight Lord we especially thank you and pray that you would just bless Mr flowers as he starts his retirement father we ask that you would be with all those who have had to evacuate and that if it Be Your Will that this St will just do minimal damage to our state we love you Lord we give all praise and honor to you amen thank you Mr Hayes like welcome everybody out tonight this is a special night it's a bitter sweet night uh we love recognizing folks but also we we Bible says everything SE our board members talk about excited his retirement um first of all we want to recognize some really smart kids I mean some really Smart Ones um and I'm GNA ask get this order Mr Rene's got this in order for me uh we take state test or our kids take state test and uh where I guess we're glad we don't take state test but they take state test every year in in the spring and um it's amazing how tough those have come they're always T and of course we're trying to gauge State's trying to gauge you know learning learning games how we done need Improvement and there's so many things from that data that comes from that is you know the people are doing their job something they can do better something school leadership can do better put people right we comp we do all that but then all a sudden every now then you have a kid that just makes a perfect score that means um out of all the questions they got everyone right that's that's an quite the accomplishment and this happens in Liberty County every now and then there's no saying that old hog will find AC down then but but guess what we we for kids in count and so this is becoming more of a common thing here and I'm very proud I think that has a lot to to say for parents our community with these kids do do this exceptionally well with their academics so our first one and I'm going to ask his principal come up say a few words is is Caston G um Caston took the US History exam and the top score would have been a 475 you know what you mean 475 right that means you answer every question correctly let's give him a hand that's this is a rare and extraordinary achievement which is a result of all the hard work that you put forth in the classroom know your family your parents teachers are delighted with your accomplishment it makes us U also know that that Li County School Board I can speak on their behalf we're extremely proud fre that's why we ask you to to uh recognize your efforts and uh we're honored to have you in our school district and so we uh look forward to seeing what the future holds for you as a student and see where that takes you wish you the best I'm GNA ask you come on up here and U now with that before Mr Eric says something um you also get a letter from the commissioner of education so he he's got you a certificated here we've got you a letter uh and a certificate from the district and we also got something framed here You' be able to put on your wall at home or on special place of remembrance but cast we're proud of BR congratulations welome I said we're very proud of said I ask you come School meting get recognized for as Mr Petty said this is we got a lot of kids in our school you only one of this so so speaks of his intelligence and speak made me think of US history I think wow wish our C about our history history where we came from here right we we are very proud of you're an example to to me the STA and it's because of you we we thank [Music] phenate thank you okay he's not leaving all right our other out of all the other kids in the district we had another student uh from Hosford school that scored a perfect on a scale score fourth grade fast mathematics math 273 out of 273 every question correct uh that's an incredible are you smelling I want to try to take some credit this I was your daddy's basketball coach he and I'm trying to think some kind of discipline that I helped him Mr Kevin said it is he got from your mom that abundantly clear but I know your mom and dad are proud of your family proud of you your school proud of you and your principal and you got a teacher back there where's M right behind sorry sorry um we are proud come on Miss we're excited for you KNX that's an incredible achievement to do that two kids in the whole District perfect scores so let's give him a hand this does not surprise me what glad show up did everything he days not he doesn't like a lot of attention but this has not surprised me at all every time walked into his class he's always one he's very studious he takes time in his work wants everything to be done just right um I was able to go into van classroom a couple times last year and he was one of the students that she usted to help other students get their math work done and so you be very proud of your receiv from commiss of Education Diaz and so wonderful thing for you to put on the wall B up for spot in your house okay another person want Miss Heather Hudson she's our new board attorney and this is her first meeting and so she was coming to the November meeting she's also board attorney for B County so she said hey got over quick I'm on the way DPS I'll be here so let's give her AE well she over firm we're excited to have you had many many years of experience as school board attorney and I believe your presid immediate president of the school attorney Association the best students and the best we're glad to hear welcome glad um so so this next this next recognition is something very special to me uh being a school board member is a is a pretious not look at old J being a Schoolboard member is a very important job I remember uh running for school board in 2002 and I had a few people say well what's been what what's being a Schoolboard member what what what is a Schoolboard member and I had heard things you you know you kind of uh some people community to tell you what I one supposed to be and everything but I I I came in in 2002 and there was some of the finest gentlemen that were already Schoolboard members James Flowers is one of them and U he was here to welome I mean I want you to look at these pictures tonight F we've all gotten older um some of our hair has gotten brayer and then some of our hair has got some of it turn gray and some of it turn so I'd like you to look at all behind Chad and Eric all these Schoolboard uh pictures but there's some really good pictures James has been here for a long time he's been a fixure in Liberty County it's a school board member um it's one thing to be an elected official but then to leave and then to be able to come back and be reelected that happened in James's life and uh James a lot of yall know worked Department of Corrections he used to build houses when I first met James I was in high school and ate a lot of meals around the table Dex Barber him Glen O'Neal then buba Min Tim Davis we were high schoolers and he's he's a bulldog he always talked about football all talked about how we need to play harder and it wasn't that he was getting on and it was he was Bulldog he he knew what we could do and I always appreciated that with James uh Jam is always going to shoot you straight you don't have to worry about him lying to you ain't going lie to you he's going to tell you the truth sometimes the truth ain't very uh it don't don't feel good to hear but we need to hear the truth we need more people out that that talk Straight From the Heart you can get James is that kind of person um he has served the Liberty County School Board I believe for 16 years I got I got thing here does that sound right I got a look yeah 16 years um at this time before we so so all this stuff here um is for James so when we get through talking and we're not to talk long u we're going to have a little recess the chairman call recess we're goingon to have a little time of refreshment it's our culinary class at Liberty County High School Miss Sheila foror has class has done a phenomenal job so we want to do that and before we do that I'm going to get James to say something but don't you introduce your family get that point lot of times we don't get to see each other's kids and all and he's got his precious family here I know they're not all here but I want him to introduce his family so you get to put it name with a face and know who who the most important people in his life okay um so I'm just going to start down there Mr chair I'm gonna let you start if you don't mind y' all got microphon if you wouldn't mind saying a word or two this can be the RO of James by time get to Jason app [Music] long about this James for all Shar with me on board a lot um service to the county being a public servant is not easy but you've done it well so have a happy Happ out I appreciate [Music] you proba [Music] James James has been I would say he's he's had a special role within the school board for a number of years he's about the only one that goes up to that answer questions and get all the good bad people you hear about it at the restaurant James is always there and he's he's kind of insulated us from probably some of the some of the comments and stuff out in the community but I appreciate him being a people person I remember Jerry Johnson told me a long time ago being a politician about being a people person being able to talk to people and listen to people mainly but a lot of times it's just listen and James does that as good as anybody has done a fine job but I I think he leaves a big hole I'm excited about Mason coming on and filling filling those those shoes they're big ones to F but I know I know Mason's Char and ready to go and going to do a great job as well but James we love you here you always got a home here and anytime you want to come substitute uh and come we your sweet life to do anything or do anything out here we'll take it and your opinion always matters uh and I can't I can't stress that enough uh your wisdom and discernment that you've had over the years is still welcome in this place I I I know I speak for all the board members and everybody in this crowd here we love you appreciate you and you're going to be missed you always be a part of our so let's give my you come up here and if you'll uce your family give us a few words and then I'll give you your me we had that's great but my wife still my babies andley his wife Elizabeth grandaughter I appreciate uh but I I I appreciate my family but I appreciate teachers administrator praise you off FL everything you need we got to come through our scho we need more in our Administration best anytime I call answer they may not sometimes agree with my train of thought but sitting there and talking I W say trying to come up what what the best answer is for everything so they are they are there uh one thing I would like to ER Ste R glad [Music] [Music] come even today just I I'm still still learning to this day in history I love reading but I prob [Music] SM wish never thank y for being here thank you for the job you I know we got four good Bo MERS and I know we got a good one coming on he'll do a good job but sometimes it takes a lot of training some and I'm proud of patient superintend and other board members I thank you our Bo here his honor 16 years of service present James 16e board member thank [Music] we got PL Miss Sheila need you to eat it otherwise she has to take home --------- ##VIDEO ID:Ask4SH5P9vM## quick number one welcome Heather I already said that she said she walked in she looked wow they do this every um but we we really do welcome here thank you for for being here we we're very flexible there time you need to zoom in we'll talk about all that talk about that work we really appreciate you being here tonight to meet you um our district advisory meeting that was originally scheduled during the time when we had the hurricane colen we rescheduled to October 9th which is tomorrow morning here in the boardroom U everybody's invited to attend love to have you uh number three very proud of the academic accomplishments of all of our kids our students uh really got some smart hardworking students this year is evidence by theight recognition and we we are in the education business and it's our number one Endeavor I'm very pleased what uh what happened in the classroom lot of lot of good stuff happened in our classrooms um um our district safety specialist there's some agenda items there Ricky s some he shared some things I think I saw pass him out did you pass some out already um it's it's a more information for you to kind of read and get with him obviously our safety plans and audits are private uh we don't share those with the public we're not trying to hide anything from the public but obviously some of those are of sensitive nature so we we if you have additional questions about that just just get up with gy he will meet you wherever you need to be met or call or whatever so just let let him know what you if you have any questions about any he'd love to answer those question I appreciate him he doesn't want the job for our district um next Monday October the 14th a holiday um we are connecting up here that's a 10mon holid if you a 10-mth contract that's a holiday for 12 months supposed to be working if it's okay with the board I'm gonna go ahead and knock everybody off everybody I'll tell you the reason why main thing we're Florida public lights cutting power here so we get the generator hooked up to the cooler if during Hurricane Helen we were getting we had to move a bunch of food around I appreciate Ricky Jeff all of our custodians uh we had already had that plan they're going to have to come shut off all the power and then do the hookups and so uh I'm just going it be easier just knock everybody off so I'm do that um Tuesday the very next day is a professional development day for her staff Mandy sent out schedule end of last week or maybe Monday um and kind of telling everybody where they're need where they need to be for professional development stuff um now Liberty Correction Institution they'll have inmate work Crews talk with wal Summers who's the LCI Ward they'll have some inmate work Crews at Host toer only of those two days now that's homecoming week next week so there'll be some kids probably out at high school out and about obviously we don't need to have them out there with correct inmates so we'll we'll make sure that we no student just some ground ground weed eating grass c those kind of things uh number six we're planning a veteran St program for our students we do this every year and I think it's really important that our kids understand um the importance of our veterans especially here in Liberty County and and Nationwide we have a zoom meeting plan with everybody who kind of plans that each year I'll meet with them tomorrow at 3:00 and so we'll plan that our tenative date right now is Friday November the 8th and then we'll do a meal in here of course we'll invite you to come there we talked to Sheila about doing the culinary doing a meal for the veterans she they did it last year so anyway we want to want to do that again um and then there'll be no school on Veterans Day the following Monday which is nov 11 which is Veterans uh lch is homecoming October 16th through the 18th which is next week parade on the 18th as usual in the homecoming game versus Jefferson seven number eight is some volleyball things moving forward we are at the end of our season last couple years yall know we have uh won a state championship and then made the final four we're expecting probably some of that again this year so I put you some dates down there just to kind of you can see all this up on the fxsa website but it has some dates here we play L down night District Tournament is going to be hosted by Fort St Joe uh October 14th to the 17th which is next week and then U Championship be on the 17th and then regionals reg quarterfinals semi-finals region final and then the state series I have those dates listed down there if you have any questions just call the high school call me make sure any of those chain will let you know number nine you know our last for Mee we talked about something things OST School James and I talked and so one of the things he had asked as he was uh getting ready to to come off the board was just that possibly some addressing some things there o school I know we talked about it at board Mak as well so the hospital historical committee I talked to all those members we'll be we've got a meeting scheduled for Monday October 21st at 5: PM in the old hos School auditorium we will discuss application for historical monies which would a legislative appropriation to supplement insurance proceeds to fix the old admin building roof and chimies Kevin mentioned we I think we got 108,000 something like that ball park for the it's around 108 I think we got some insurance money for that the problem is is is you got to get the chimneys are a problem they're leaking they've always leaked they continue to leak we have a fall which is what what spurred the insurance CLA uh look at and then you know we got a Poss of fixing the T and then it might be just you know one side one color the other side things we talked Kevin about is possibly maybe getting a little historic money and be able to do it right do it right and then possibly getting some facades for the fireplaces take fireplaces out that way you have no leak but somehow if there's a way to attach it without going through maybe you can use raise part of the S to clamp on to to have some kind of Chimney look I don't know that's going to be some research we've got to do but those chimneys are 100 years old now and so the mor old the bricks are old and they're just leaking and then obviously all the stuff on they're just you really see it Danielle's office it's really really bad Daniel Stephan's office so we're going to meet we're also going to talk about Jim floor that was requested and I'm want to honor your request on that members of the committee this is the same committee that we had from years ago uh Jill Davis James Thor uh Ken Hoster Sundy McMillan uh I was on there as a board member so I've asked Jason if he would replace me as the OST School Board member Joseph Schuler I asked him would he replace his dad this who passed away and and Joseph said I will be honored to fill that role uh Stephanie Davis will replace the principal there Jessie was principal at time Stephanie I've asked her toil do that and then myself as superintendent Mr Summers with the superintendent all that committee before so we've kind of kept that that group intact except with new people so anyway we'll do that on the 21st 5:00 pm uh softball field update I sent you an email that actually talks about everything on 10 and 11 with the softball field football field uh Kyle Rogers sent an email and I forwarded it on to y'all this afternoon I know some of y'all opened it uh half the lockers they got today the other half come tomorrow they're waiting for pricing pepper on the bleacher upgrade and they do have the design from CRA so they have the design build concept and we're just waiting on pricing uh football field house uh and again this is from Kyle waiting on FL public light on the direction three phas versus one phase I know James and I talked about that there are some issues for that they're still considering is cheaper to do this versus this I I can see it either way I know that they want to move the Transformer closer as we talked about last time that would save us probably 40 to $50,000 at the most which would be a phenomenal savings once they'll done they'll be ready once they know which phase they're used they'll know which how to move forward with high and Le so they they're ready everybody's on ready for that I know with the storms and all that I talked to Bradley a little while ago he said it kind of goes on the bottom of the list Shane Magnus who's pulling the trigger on all this forid is not leaving town so U appreciate Bradley and I know he's helped us a lot trying to nudge that long appreciate James talking as well with Kevin and kindy of keeping this on want to see this done time I the same page I me I reached out to y'all today about the organizational meeting um it is scheduled by by Statute for Tuesday November 19th at 9 o' uh Jody and Mason be sworn in as school board members and I'll get sworn in for new term superintendent want you to invite your family and friends we talk we talked about doing at 9:00 a.m. I got all pretty unanimous feedback that I'll get Renee to let make that change on our board docs and our website and all the places that we send those notifications to we we we can do it any time of the day uh but I know we have a few folks that are trying to get out of town for some other things so if we do it at 9:00 we'll do it at 9:00 a.m. uh with the permission of the chair of board um 9:00 a.m. would be a good time to do it so we'll do the square net and then we'll do our organizational remember that's when we choose a chair Vice chair time of the day meetings times depository all those usual things that we do every year for organizational meeting we'll do that and then we'll just go ahead and combine our monthly meeting for the month of November instead of doing on the 12th and then the 19th we just we typically just done all in one meeting uh let your family and friends know uh judge bufano our new judge will be here to swear everybody in called his office today um in doing that the district office lunch we're looking at Monday November the 18th which will be the day before the 19th organizational meet at noon here in the boardroom of course the lunch room now being used by preap their lunch so we want to give that to them so we talking about doing that in here and even having our culinary class again of service for that I think that' be a real blessing that' be James's official last school board members that give him one more day of fellowship with us we said he'd be there so uh we we we fellowship with him on that last day of his his service um and lastly I just said we love James James you were loved and as the scripture says be Lov by by the fol here so we we just wish you the best everything that's been said is not nearly enough of what you deserve he so thank you item motion to add items 10 through have a second any discussion all favor say I motion Carri next b a motion to addition 8 B and have a motion FL any discussion all fav say I moot Carri next item c a motion to add addition itot next it C approve agenda and a motion to approve the agenda for October 8th 2024 motion FL second second J any discussion all in favor say I oppos motion carries next item seven approve men and a motion to approve September 10th 2024 regular meeting minut have a motion second second s any discussion all fa say iose motion Carri B and motion to approve September 18th 2024 final budget here me a motion Mo second any discussion all motion car next item item item a motion to approve September 2024 transaction have a motion second discussion car next Item B need a motion to approve October 2024 person table with addition correction a motion moot second any discussion Mr chair welcome back thank say I any motion Carri item three a motion approve October 2024 field teaching motion any discussion car b a motion approve October 20 24 sub with addition to correction have a motion second any discussion fav say iOS motion Carri next item n item a motion to approve 2024 25 area educational consor c82 professional learning Cog have a motion any discussion all anyos motion car next Item B a motion to approve youth mental health awareness and training F project award notification for program period 71 24 through the 63 202 discuss cartion 714 discussion all fa say I car next Item B pro ride strengthening Career and Technical education the 21st century act per career and technolog education secondary program section 131 FD project award notification the program period of 71 20 24 through 6 30 2025 have a motion motion second second second Mr any discussion all say car next item me need a motion to approve hbac prev maintenance agreement between FSM controls and delber County School Board from 9 10th 24 to the 9 of 10th to 25 for the following locations district office Liberty County High School offer high at to have motion second any discussion on the fav side noose motion Carri next item 10 Emergen item item eight a motion to approve TR expenditures P gun Finance director in the amount of $926 to attend to 20 24 fasbo and Fs joint off and Jacksonville Florida through have a motion second Mr any discussion next a motion to approve salar elected County Constitution off School District Physical year 2024 25 motion second any discussion C motion 22 through 24 education opportunity update motion Mo second any discussion all fa say I motion car next Item B a motion approve 2024 through 2025 contract Educational Services Li County school board at development Youth Camp motion second second Mr sing any allos next me motion to approve presentation the 24 25 security assessment update by rcky Samson Li County Sheriff's Department Safety and Security special have a motion s second Mr any discussion Mr chair you want to discuss any of this I earlier yall well know we do uh inspection what call SSR for each School each year this is a report of what I found dur SSR for all the schools I got them broke down B School uh like I said before Mr Petty's already mentioned a lot of this stuff we don't put out as public record but under hp1 1473 not lot of the new rulings took effect this year we have to make a report to y'all for that and for our inspection year uh far as our inspections go for this year we've already had the offic of safe schools come through and inspect all our schools were 100% inspected we had no findings at LLC no findings at uh wer no findings at lchs and two small findings at hord those findings have already been followups completed we're looking forward to a revisit to make sure that we've completed them they actually were completed and corrected on the day of the inspection so everything should be up to part we should be 100% across the board fors our saf comption approve count discussion car next ity item motion to approve second read policy revision volume 25 Number One June 24 J motion discussion B motion to approve second reading policy 552 rision second any discussion say um question when we talk about waiting on um Pepper for the bleacher upgrade so are they going to be doing the actual building of them is be building their Fleet okay they have a welding a welding guy but we'll get a price from them that's what waai for is the price how long have you been waiting for them to get up the price they got the um not long Okay C just completed the the architecture yeah so not okay we got a local guy be able to show and the actual lockers so we're gonna get the rest of them are they the picture you sent they were not finished pictures just had what they were they've been like okay okay and let's not forget to get something on the books for ribbon cutting um the bleachers before we do that be a b and I think and I mentioned this to um Mason is getting a 2025 sign out in front of the field house because I think it's very important that public seat we're going to be we're moving forward and we're still on track I mean it looks like we're gonna make it you know now with the storms and things like we got I don't know what gonna how that's going to affect the part of public but you said that they'll stay here we got a few that's still working the main decision maker U is here okay good good good good so we're still on crack for 2025 fo fi house so if that's maybe Mason I with you to try to get us a sign umer's doing it they usually do signs like that so information so we we could get what I'm sure it be wor about whatever you're looking for I can't speak for the board I mean maybe that discuss saying do that like put it down there near it yes and then a big Spotlight so Friday night have one football G be we got baseball coming up you know we've got softball coming up at least see move okay thank you Mr chair we got alni up that's exactly right so the alumni games going to be the homecoming game this year so over something that for we have culinary that's going to be doing cakes I know that they're going to be having a cake op or a cake sale I think coming up for the holidays and that was that's going to serve as like a sample let everybody know what they're going to miss out if they buy a cake so culinary is going to help us out with that so it should be a good turnout you know just be coming out eat coming so we look we're looking forward to it the boys have been begging us have some extinguish or you know on the field accomodate that request so we'll have the best announcers in in the Box on radio station ready to go so we're we're looking forward to it we'll see how it works all got thanks Miss Sheila and all your help she's going Miss thanks to the teachers for making our kids so smart that we recognize tonight and and all the other kids that didn't have a perfect store I know we had some real high school because I know Liberty County kids very bright Mr James we're going to miss you budy Miss y but I can come up here on my time and see and boys in construction she I appreciate yall at I appreciate she the work they did that's beautiful my grandaughter love it a little par lemon cupcakes I say they got a whole sh I don't need that many my daughter asked she said D what kind of cupcakes you got you know I really don't ain't no what kind of cake I ain't no cake what about good cake I said no what flavors do you right how about Rasberry come she let me know today you don't have some wom cupcakes I said okay I be good but no I do appreciate everybody uh making my time on the board I mean is pretty pleasurable to me like K said I'm a people person I talk and if he knows good anybody got parents sometimes and people think they you tell sometimes they are Norm works out in end because they understand if you explain to them and that's one reason I run for a board member when I run is because I had called a couple of board members and expecting to answer back and they never called me back and when I run I said people deserve an answer whether they like it or not and and they did one thing K yall said on board with Tommy and he you know every board meting it was about that session St now it turned into bigger than concession but before he died he said follow he said I wish you do one thing just P the con stay in part of that building TD concessions Tommy concessions I want y'all to keep that in mind I didn't get a chance to do it but uh y'all have that opportunity and I'd like to see it done CU he worked hard he worked hard every meeting so I would like to Y to do that Bulldog you didn't never go to that game without see me that's just no I appreciate if I do anything to help y y'all feel free to uh call me I don't think I'm going change my phone number but I I'll be around I'll come see y'all up here and I but that that's that's it I appreciate Mr B keeping me all these years we've had some good folks good folks here and I expect y'all to keep keep the record going you know what I mean and I know yall Qui you introduce yourself I I think we it' be nice reintroduce her year she from and she excent job she is one of my students that I have to I need and she to said said she took the day off today and has been with me pretty much all home SK one of her other glasses today and it's that's right