##VIDEO ID:Wo28hxPzBZE## [Music] [Music] good evening everyone notice of this meeting stated the date place and time has been disseminated as requ ired under the open public meetings app chapter 231 pl1 1975 copies of the agenda are also posted on the city's website and Lynden TV for the public this meeting is called to order Mr clerk can you please conduct a prayer and flag salute god of the universe look thou with favor upon these here assembled and bestow th guidance upon the members of the governing body in their deliberations this we ask in thy name amen I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all in the event of an emergency the proper method of exiting the council chambers is through the three doors in the rear of the room occupant should proceed down the staircase out the front door and move away from the area of the front steps any member of the public wishing to speak during the public comment session at the end of the meeting please sign in on the weight sheets provided at the front of the room with your name and address please turn off all cell phones or place them on vibrate if you must take a call please leave the council chambers to do so Mr clerk can you please call the rooll Mrs zorman here javic present calwell excused Mohammed excused Rivas pres Roman here Strano here Armstead here Rodriguez here Hudak here Mrs Yus here okay can we have approval of the public session minutes of October 15 2024 please I move for approval of the minutes of October 15 2024 and request a second I second Mrs oron yes javic yes Rivas yes Roman yes Strano yes Armstead yes Rodriguez yes pudak yes Mrs yias yes okay we'll now move on to ordinances on hearing beginning with ordinance 6849 please Bond ordinance providing an appropriation of 38,000 $500 for acquisition of a sports utility vehicle for the Board of Health Department and authorizing the issuance of $ 36,525 bonds or notes of the city for financing part of the appropriation okay has the ordinance been properly published and posted yes ma'am has any written communication been received no ma'am is there anyone from the public who wishes to be heard on this ordinance seeing none can we have a motion please council president I ask that the public caring uh be closed on ordinance 68-4 and passed and ask for a second second Mrs Orman yes javic yes Rivas yes Roman yes Strano yes Armstead yes Rodriguez yes Hudak yes Mrs yikas yes ordinance 6850 please Bond ordinance providing an appropriation of $737,000 for the lyen oel joint trunk sore Renovations for the division of engineering and authorizing the issuance of $7,150 bonds or notes of the city for financing part of the appropriation okay has the ordinance been properly published and posted yes ma'am has any written communication been received no ma'am is there anyone from the public who wishes to be heard on this ordinance seeing none can we have a motion please council president I'd like to um have the hearing closed on uh ordinance number 68-50 uh move for approval and request a second second Mrs oron yes javic yes Rivas yes Roman yes Strano yes Armstead yes Rodriguez yes Hudak yes Mrs arms Mrs yikas yes okay ordinance 6851 please a bond ordinance providing an appropriation of $275,000 for various capital improvements for the police department and authorizing the issuance of $261,250 bonds or notes of the city for financing part of the appropriation okay has the ordinance been properly published and posted yes ma'am has any written communication been receed no ma'am is there anyone from the public who wishes to be heard on this ordinance I seeing none can we have a motion [Music] please counc president I ask that we uh close the public hearing on ordinance 68-50 uh we move for approval and ask for a second is it 51 51 uh move for approval and ask for a second second Mrs Orman yes javic yes Revis yes Roman yes Strano yes Armstead yes Rodriguez yes Hudak yes Mrs Yus yes ordinance 6852 please Bond ordinance providing an appropriation of $226,000 for improvements to Memorial Park for the Department of Parks and Recreation and authorizing the issuance of $ 62,700 bonds or notes of the city for financing part of the appropriation has the ordinance been properly published and posted yes ma'am has any written communication been received no ma'am is there anyone from the public who wishes to be heard on this ordinance seeing none can we have a motion please I move to close the public hearing of ordinance 6852 move for approval and request second second Mrs Orman yes javic yes Rivas yes Roman yes Strano yes Armstead yes Rodriguez yes Hudak yes Mrs yamakas yes ordinance 6853 please an ordinance to amend and supplement chapter 7 traffic of an ordinance entitled an ordinance adopting and enacting the revised General ordinances of the city of Lindon 1999 passed November 23rd 1999 and approved November 24th 1999 and has amended and supplemented be it ordained by the Council of the city of Lyndon section one that chapter 7 traffic section 7- 22.1 four-way stop intersection shall be and the same is hereby amended as follows 7- 22.1 four-way stop intersections add Clinton Street and East East 11 Street um stop sign to be located on Clinton Street and East 11 Street and East 11 Street and Clinton Street okay has the ordinance been properly published and posted yes ma'am has any written communication been received no ma'am is there anyone from the public who wishes to be heard on this ordinance seeing none can we have a motion please council president I move to close the hearing on ordinance 6853 adopted and ask for a second please second Mrs Orman yes javic yes Rivas yes Roman yes Strano yes Armstead yes Rodriguez yes Hudak yes Mrs yamakas yes ORD 6854 please an ordinance to amend and supplement chapter 7 traffic of an ordinance entitled an ordinance adopting and enacting the revised General ordinances of the city of Lyon 1999 passed November 23rd 1999 and approved November 24th 1999 and has amended and supplemented be it ordained by the Council of the city of Lyon section one the tra chapter 7 traffic section 7- 22.2 three-way stop intersection shall be in the same is hereby amended as follows 7- 22.2 three-way stop intersections at Clinton Street and East moris Avenue stop signs to be located at Clinton Street at East Marist Avenue both directions East morest Avenue at Clinton Street hey has you the ordinance been properly published and posted yes ma'am has any written communication been received no ma'am is there anyone from the public who wishes to be heard on this ordinance seeing none can we have a motion please council president I move we close the hearing on ordinance 6854 adopted and ask for a second please second Mrs oron yes javic yes revas yes Roman thank you yes Strano yes Armstead yes Rodriguez yes yes Hudak yes Mrs yamus yes we'll now move on to consent agenda items we have items number one through four all items on the consent agenda listed with Asters are considered to be routine by the city council and will be enacted with one motion there will be no separate discussion on these items bless the council members so request okay can we have a motion for approval of the consent agenda items please Madam president to make a motion to approve resolutions 430 to agenda consent agenda items one through four four four respectfully ask for a second second Mrs oron yes javic yes Rivas yes Roman yes Strano yes Armstead yes Rodriguez yes Hudak yes Mrs yamus yes okay we'll now move on to um reports from the governing body beginning with councilwoman Orman first word thank you council president yes number one's here um first of all I'd like to start off by congratulating Alfred Rodriguez on his election or re-election to city council um welcome officially um to the team again for your new term I'd also like to take this opportunity to thank the residents of the First Ward for electing me as their councilman for the fourth term um so many of you showed me just such great love and support on Election Day that it was overwhelming and I just want to say thank you for your support thank you for your faith and your belief in me that I'm going to do a good job as I embark on my next term I'll still do the best my best to be responsible to your needs and concerns my focus for the next um 3 years is going to be on quality of life issues including but not limiting to the excessive noise Express that happens during the summer um the curbside bulk that people throw on their curbs outside of the TR cycle um I will be asking our sanitation department to show no mercy knock on your doors tell you to drag it back in your backyard till the next cycle day or you call and have it picked up or you receive a citation because the first W has always been beautiful and I do not like driving through and just seeing mattresses tables chairs and everything else on the curb I'll also be addressing Public Safety I'm speeding um and also encouraging residents to use a sidewalk and stop walking in large groups in the middle of the street especially at night where cars have a difficult time seeing you it's not fair to us who are trying to drive and trying to be conscientious of the you know traffic and rules to have to worry about accidentally running someone over because you're hard to see um there's also still um water main Replacements going on all over the city um some of the sidewalks were filled with asphalt it looks horrible um some people are getting rocks put on their grass to compensate for the grass that was removed while some of the um equipment was being replaced um if you find that to be the case please call me I will alert the engineer um you deserve better than that the way you take care of your property no one should come and do any type of repair and leave it in any less shape than what it was already in so if you contact me I will follow with engineering I also want to sayate that there's a free lighting that's going to happen on December 6th please come out it's going to be an awesome Winter Wonderland the mayor city council and the Lyon culture and Heritage committee will be sponsoring it it'll be outside and once again it'll be an awesome awesome time as it has in the past um once again that's just the things that are going on in the ward I want to do I want to take the time to also wish everybody a very very happy and healthy Thanksgiving and as we embark on the fall just please feel free to reach out to me in the event that you have leaves or you need leaf bags now I'm also going to go over real quickly my um budget review and finance report approval is requested for the following Finance items the payment of bills totaling 3, 6874 75 bills have been signed by the mayor council president and finance chairwoman and a detailed check register and vouges are on the file in the clerk's office we are also in receipt of the Investments made by the city treasurer for the month of September at a rate of 4.03% I move and ask for a second please second just give me a blank one one second just go to the go to the end Mrs oron yes javic abstain Rivas yes Roman yes Strano yes Armstead yes Rodriguez yes Hudak yes Mrs yamus yes and then lastly the division of transportation and properties I hereby submit the monthly financial report from the division of transportation and parking for the month of October 2024 this report includes the collection of on and off street parking meters railroad parking lots railro parking permits and Merchant parking permits the Trent side collection 1 $677 New York site collections $1,156 Railroad Credit Card transactions $3,693 railroad permits zero railroad Mobile payment $1,628 online railroad permits $3,258 parking meter collections $1,413 45 and nothing for merchant permits for the grand total of 9,214 once again just take an Oort I want to take an opportunity to wish everyone a happy healthy and safe Thanksgiving and I can be reached at 98370 6482 or L oron that's l r m o n Linden nj.gov thank you thank you councilwoman Orman councilman javic thank you council president as chairman of the fire Comm comme the fire prevention Bureau collected the following monies during the month of October 2024 a total of $523 regarding the lyen fire department ambulance billing the amount of 97,2 155 for October 2024 have been added to the total deposits for 2024 totaling $924,000 $ 46.88 regarding construction code uh this department has issued 57 permits and processed two certificates and has issued 148 summonses for the month of October 2024 the monthly revenue is as follows building CCO permits and additional permit fees $172,500 zoning $2,650 Court settlements for the month $16,750 the reflective total being $1,968 regarding our Board of Health update uh from January 1st to November 7 2024 the CDC has been notified of 277 confirmed us cases of measles across 32 jurisdictions including 16 outbreaks many of the cases reported in 2024 are linked to international travel and are among children and individuals who had not received measles Ms rebella MMR vaccine measles is a very contagious respiratory disease caused by a virus 90% of unvaccinated people with close contact with an infected person will be infected with measles the measles virus can live on Infected surfaces and in the air for up to two hours symptoms can include range from mild to severe severe outcomes include including swelling of the brain uh miscarriage and death and for every 1,000 children who get measles one to two cases are fatal as of November as of November 12th 2024 a total of seven measel cases have been reported for New Jersey for 2024 one in January one in June and five in October on October 10th 2024 the New Jersey uh division of Health uh reported a laboratory confirmed case of me and a Monmouth County resident with recent international travel as of November 12th 2024 four additional confirmed measles cases have been identified in individuals with close contact with the original measles case all five cases were unvaccinated the New Jersey Department of Health is working in collaboration with local Health officials to identify and notify people who might who might have been exposed during the time the individuals were infectious the department urges all New Jersey residents who contact their health provider to ensure they are current on all routine vaccinations especially MMR vaccinations uh New Jersey Department of Health also urges all New Jersey residents planning to travel regardless of destination to ensure they are current on all routine and travel vaccinations especially MMR vaccinations if you are traveling internationally with an infant 6 to 11 months of age uh ask their pediatrician about MMR prior to travel good evening everybody so this past October uh the 29th we had a second ward meeting open to all residents at the JTG Center to discuss the parks open space and conservation master plan out of this came proposals of redesigning our Parks more efficiently for better use uh some of the items addressed were additional walking paths newer recreational items gazebos and more seating at Lexington dog park uh more seating was require was requested with an agility course also added uh we are reviewing the recommendations to improve the quality of life in our parks and if you have passed uh by School Number Eight in the second ward uh we now have a new playground for our children uh thank you to the Board of Education also as a reminder the fire fire department is collecting for Toys for Tots on wrap gifts can be dropped off at all the firehouses up to December 13th I'd like to wish everybody a happy healthy Thanksgiving day wishing you and your family continued prosperity and values I can be reached at 98494 4608 or email me at B javic Linden newjersey.gov on Facebook second W councilman bar e javic as always additional information can be found on our city of lynon website council president and Report thank you Council M javic councilman Rivas thank you Madame President to my neighbors in the fifth W to the citizens of Lind and then I'm going to have a short report today uh my biggest concern right now is to say thank you thank you to all the city officials thank you to all the city employees who keep moving this city forward uh this is the month where we are give thanks for everything that we do but I also want to give the opportunity to give thanks to all of you who are present here today this is the commitment that a citizen should have in order to keep everyone in this in this city council as honest and and check as possible because we're working for you and we work for the best things that we want for our city uh I had an opportunity to meet with uh many of my neighbors on the fifth work in the multi-purpose Center during the uh celebration of dance of Halloween it was an event uh where I have a lot of people from the city uh gather it was very nice to see all of them and the children who enjoy a lot of games and a lot of uh lots of activities that the department of recreation uh put together for them had an opportunity to also welcome them through the polls during the latest election and I have received a lot of the feedback on the things that we need to do and we need to continue to do to improve the quality of life in our city I would like to congratulate um councilman Orman on your re-election and and councilman Rodriguez and the I were also being elective on the seat and to all of you I want you to please know that uh we want the best for our city we continue to work hard committed in order to embrace everything that we can do to make our cities continue to move forward please enjoy uh the celebration of thanksgivings thanks to your family members remember that uh what we have is the treasures of life and we have to embrace it and enjoy it at the best as we can uh I can be reach at car c Ras Das Linden nj.org that's all I have for my report Madam president thank you councilman Rivas councilman Roman thank you council president uh good evening lynndon and lyndon's sixth award I would like to congratulate councilwoman Orman councilman Alfred Rodriguez on their winds and I wish them the best uh in their coming terms final restoration was done in Pleasant West Lindon Avenue uh from the Water Project early this year it's not perfect I don't think Pleasant is ever going to be perfect but uh given that it's from the 20s and it's about 12 Ines thick of concrete uh but it's way better down there um it's no longer like a springo board uh roller coaster uh it is level and flat it's it's a lot better um so thank you thank you to the engineering department community services for facilitating that process um just moments ago the city council of the city of Lynden passed two ordinances uh to add a four-way stop sign at East Morris Avenue um I'm sorry that would be all a threeway stop sign at East Morris Avenue considering East Morris is a oneway uh and a four-way stop sign at uh 11th Street both on Clinton uh these are very dire uh fourway stop signs that we have need it not only slow not only to slow traffic down but to uh to uh stop the horrific accidents that have been happening at these intersections I just want to thank the city council this is one of the last things uh I needed to do one and one of the first things I put on a piece of paper when I asked to run so thank you for your help and your support on this uh I will work with Tyrone given uh and our traffic department get these signs up ASAP prior to my final meeting next month um if you want a tree or a sidewalk last call 98494 5784 I have a few on the list already uh there was a tree taken out on 13th in Clinton that we are going to replace uh and Diane you are at the top of the list I promise um uh that's uh that is that's about it uh on December 17th the city council plans to give me a nice send off here in these Chambers at 7:00 p.m. I plan to go out uh dinner with my family and drinks um all invited and I will work on our location as we get closer to that date uh I'll speak more uh on my service on that date of December 17th at 7 p.m in these Chambers uh Happy Thanksgiving to all uh to you and your families thank you council president that concludes my final six board report thank you councilman Roman okay we wish you well we'll see you in December in the beginning of the meeting and i' just like to mention anybody you know in the inter term till we appoint someone for the six Ward if they need any assistance I'm also available my number is 908 49488 or my email is on the city website okay um thank you council president thank you council president okay councilman Strano thank you council president I feel like I just heard Harry Reaser iting off for the last time uh so I've that's well I'll say my comments later but um so I have the confidential personel report well this Personnel report so we have in the police department item number one approving the voluntary resignation and good standing of Jason Evans who is a public safety telecommunicator and it will be effective December 10th of 2024 and B is approving the posting for a public safety telecommunicator full-time at a salary range between 42,000 and $11,400 annually two is in a Board of Health a approving the appointment of David EML car a housing inspector full-time at the annual salary of $38,000 and that's effective December 9th of 20124 subject to a successful completion of the city's pre-employment requirements B is approving the appointment of Hina phac a seasonal Health clerk won at the annual rate of $249 per hour that'ss effec of November 27th of 2024 three is a new Municipal Court approving the voluntary resignation and good standing of Shakira gray clerk one effective October 31st of 2024 B is approving the appointment of Jayla Harris clerk one full-time at the annual salary of $ 37,2 198 effective December 9th of 2024 subject to the success F completion of the city preemployment requirements four in the Department of Community Services in the division of the DPW a approving the voluntary resignation and good standing of Brian Jones mechanic effective November 29th of 2024 B is approving the voluntary resignation good standing of kayam Shaw a labor effective October 31st of 2024 C is approving the appointment of ran Richardson labor tier 2 full-time at the annual hourly rate of $19.32 effective December 9th 2024 subject to the successful completion of City's pre-employment requirements the is approving the appointment of Kier white a labor tier two full-time at the hourly annual annual hourly rate of $19.32 affected December 9th 2024 and it's also subject to a successful completion of the city's pre-employment requirements e is approving the recision of the resignation of Ky McIntyre and that's effective September 20 September 10th of 201 24 f is approving the seasonal list that's on file in the clerk's office five in the recreation department is the approval of the seasonal list that's un fil in the clerk's office and six is Personnel Department approving the FMLA and jfla leaves on filing the division of personnel I move for approval and request a second second Mrs oron yes javic yes revas yes Roman yes Strano yes Armstead yes Rodriguez yes Hudak yes Mrs yides yes okay at this time I'd like to also congratulate my colleagues from the first word and Ninth word Lisa armman and Alfred Rodriguez respectively on their reelection and election I look forward to working with both of you in the Cooperative effort to keep ly in a great place to live and work um before I wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving I'd also like to uh make a few comments about uh sitting next to John Roman when he first got elected I wanted to have my seat moved now I'm going to miss you but uh we've come a long way and uh it's uh one of those things when um I guess when we work together we grow together and I appreciate you know uh what we've managed to accomplish including these stop signs that I share with you on my on the border of our Ward all right thanks John and um again I want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and um a safe one and uh you know just remember those that don't have much to be thankful for at this time of year thank you thank you councilman Strano well said councilman Armstead yes uh thank you council president first I'd um like to uh thank um the DPW the guys that they out there they're doing a heck of a job out there keeping the streets clean and doing things in the community that they're being asked to do uh recently uh well last month I had my um my first community meeting and it was a great show and I wanted to thank uh the police chief Fire Chief and all the council people that showed up to help support me uh for that my first event also um we got a lot of questions asked on that day about things that needed to be done in the community and asked if we could get them done I first like to talk about chanler Avenue which has been a big complaint for the longest time getting the streets paved well we do have approval to have those streets paved they will be paved very soon so we're just asking you to be patience and also Baltimore Avenue as well also I was uh asked to get some signs up around the parks uh children at play Signs uh we had those signs put up at the park we also have a speed limit sign put up on um Greer Avenue it monitors your speed so we're trying to slow the traffic down in that area you know people are not mindful of that that there are children that live in that area and they're coming from Elizabeth and they're flying through so we did get that we did get that taken care of as well also um coming up um there are going to be some some areas in the eighth wood will will excuse me where there will be permit parking um all the areas are not really determined some of the areas are determined and we're going to do that that's going to happen after the new year and um we also have one more issue on um parking signs on Broadway we're also working on that as well some no parking signs and we're also looking into getting some signs that stop these trucks from coming down these side streets that they tearing down lines tree limbs so we're trying to get that stopped as well so I'm just asking everybody to be patient and if you do have any problems you can feel free to call me my number is 98463 8986 and like I say this um all the time if you call me I am going to answer my phone if I don't answer my phone you leave a message I will return your phone call nobody's calling and my ward will be put to the side everybody is just as important as the next person and that's all I have for you today and Happy Thanksgiving everybody thank thank you councilman Armstead councilman Rodriguez thank you C thank you president Council I'd like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to all of you for entrusting me with the honor of serving as your representative on the council your support not only reflects your trusting me to Advocate on your behalf but also underscores the significant responsibility I hold thank you for granting me the opportunity to serve as your ninth for councilman as we celebrate the season of gratitude I wish you and your loved ones a very Happy Thanksgiving additionally I would like to extend my congratulations to Lisa Armon for winning her reelection her dedication to our community is truly commendable please feel free to reach me at 908 583740 or by email at a Rodriguez Linden nj.gov thank you that concludes my award report thank you councilman councilwoman act thank you on Thursday November 14th Senate President Nicholas catari he presented at the city of Lyon with a 2.1 million grant-funded check to support the construction of a new multi-purpose field at Alcala Park this is a celebration of teamwork with our own Union County Commissioner bodc uh mayor Armstead and also you the community now through this partnership the future opportunities for lyndon's youth are promising keeping in the theme of The Parks everyone is attended everyone is invited to attend a Parks master plan community meeting on December 10th at school number 10 which is on Highland Avenue between the hours of 6:00 and 7 p.m. you're invited to share your ideas on how the city can improve and conserve our parks and open space for years to come November is also a month with numerous opportunities to thank our neighbors our veterans and and our families and as we approach Thanksgiving it's a reminder to check in with the elders the extended members of our family and also your family of neighbors a simple note or a phone call it will just fill their hearts with joy I would also like to take a moment to express my profound gratitude to our veterans for their service and sacrifice and also for those who are serving our country that cannot be with their families during this time of thanks giving your dedication courage and commitment to preserving the freedoms we hold dear are the foundation of our nation's strength thank you so much for shouting out 07036 that concludes my report thank you councilwoman hak okay I have a report this evening first I'd like to start off um with wishing mayor Armstead and his wife Dany a happy anniversary 29 years that's why the mayor is not here here this evening he wishes everyone a Happy Thanksgiving uh yesterday he was working um giving out turkeys and uh other food for Thanksgiving I believe it was like 230 turkeys were given out to people in the Linden community so he deserves a night out for his anniversary tonight so again happy anniversary I'd like to also congratulate Lisa Orman and Alfred Rodriguez on their election victories um I'd like to extend my condolences on behalf of myself and the council the councilwoman cwell she's excused this evening uh there death in her family her aunt and uncle passed away okay um also um many people mentioned our veterans this month we had our Hometown Heroes program um it was held in conjunction with Veterans Day it was an absolute beautiful event in my opinion and it's one of the best programs in the city I want to give a shout out to Sandy Jackson and all that were involved for their efforts in this event as well as our uh students from Lindon rooc for all their assistance they play a big part in it they present uh the veterans or their families with the awards it is really one of the mo from feedback I'm hearing from people in the community that were there it's one of the most beautiful events in the city so we'll continue you'll see our banners on Wood Avenue of some of the veterans so thank you to everyone involved with that okay I have a few other um dates I'd like people to pay attention to this Saturday November 30th we have shops small lynon uh C is having this if you spend $100 uh this Saturday and bring a receipt to SIDS which is located at 403 Northwood Avenue by December 4th you would see Sandy or Mickey you'll be entered in a chance to win a $500 gift card and the winner will be drawn on December 4th so again it's this Saturday shop small lynon our many of our colleagues mentioned uh the tree lining uh Friday December 6 it starts at 5:00 pm we'll have our traditional horse and carriage refreshments and pictures with Santa but in addition this year we're going to have a trackless train um that people can ride on all right so something new to see this year the breakfast with Santa will be Saturday December 21st at the Gregorio Center 3:30 Helen Street registration will begin next on next week December 4th you can find the information on our City website at Linden nj.gov children 12 and under can eat for free 13 or older would be $5 a person this year also the mayor is having a mayor's party with a purpose toy drive which will be December 18th from 6:00 to 900 p.m. at the ugly dumpling restaurant and Aviation Plaza Hot 97 Dj druski will be there you'll see more information within the next upcoming week on this again as I mentioned um if anybody needs to reach out to me for any concerns they have in the city I Citywide you can reach out my number is 98494 880 I want to thank Mr howerin he gave me a list of some issues going that he's heard going on throughout the city so we'll follow up on that okay thank you everyone okay we'll now move on to resolutions beginning with resolution 202 2024 430 through 2024 455 we have a motion please council president I move for approval of resolutions 2024 430 through 2024 465 and request second second Mrs Orman yes javic yes revas yes Roman yes Strano yes Armstead yes Rodriguez yes Hudak yes Mrs Yus yes okay um just a reminder we have some new faces if anyone from the public we should SU speak there's a sign in sheet in front of the Das here so please sign in if you wish to speak during a public comment portion okay we'll now move on to ordinances on first reading beginning with ordinance 6855 [Music] please in ordinance amending chapter 16- 2.5 in two entitled collection of garbage and refuges be it ordained by the Council of the city of lyen section one the chapter 16- 2.5 entitled collection of garbage and refuge shall be amended to add the following each single family or residential property owner shall be entitled to four scheduled trash pickups per calendar year one additional special trash pickup is permitted at no charge to the single family or residential property owner each additional special trash pickup after five shall require a fee of $150 to be paid by the single family or residential property owner this fee must be paid prior to the special trash pickup okay can we have a motion for introduction of ordinance 6855 please council president I move uh ordinance number 6855 for introduction and I request a second second Mrs Orman yes javic yes revas yes Roman yes stranana yes Armstead yes Rodriguez yes Hudak yes yes yes okay ordinance 6856 please Bond ordinance providing an appropriation of $1,375,000 for various Capital Improvements for the division of transportation and properties for and by the city of Lyon and authorizing the issuance of 1, 36,2 1550 bonds or notes of the city for financing part of the appropriation can we have a motion for introduction of ordinance 6856 please yes council president I'd like to introduce 68 ordinance number 6856 for introduction and request a second second Mrs Orman yes javic yes Mohammed I'm sorry Rus yes Roman yes Strano yes Armstead yes Rodriguez yes Hudak yes Mrs yamus yes ordinance 6857 please a and ordinance to amend an an ordinance entitled an ordinance establishing a schedule of titles salary ranges and regulations for maintaining the classification and salary standardization plan of all employees of the city of lynon passed August 15 1995 and approved August 16th 1995 be it ordained by the Council of the city of lynon that is adopting salary schedule 4- ss-1 can we have a motion for introduction of ordinance 685 7 please yes council president I'd like to introduce ordinance number 6857 and request a second second Mrs armman yes javic yes Rivas Roman yes Strano yes Armstead yes Rodriguez yes Hudak yes Yus yes ordance 6858 please an ordinance to amend and supplement chapter 2 Administration enacting the revised General ordinances of the city of Lyon 1999 passed November 23rd 1999 and approved November 24th 1999 and has amended and supplemented be it ordained by the Council of the city of lynon section one that chapter 2 Administration Article 4 departments establish section 2-2. n auxiliary PR police shall be in the same is hereby amended as follows delete section 2-1 12.9 in its entirety can we have a motion for introduction of ordinance 6858 please council president I'd like to introduce uh ordinance 68-58 and I ask for a second second Mrs Orman yes javic yes revas yes Roman yes Strano yes Armstead yes Rodriguez yes Hudak yes Mrs yides yes ordinance 6859 please an ordinance to amend and supplement chapter 7 traffic enacting the general revised ordinances of the city of Lindon 1999 passed November 23rd 1999 and approved November 24th 1999 and has amended and supplemented be it ordained by the Council of the city of Lyon section one the chapter 7 traffic 7 section 7-10 parking prohibited at all times on certain seats shall be and the same is hereby amended as follows chapter 7 traffic 7-10 parking prohibited at all times on certain streets add East Lindon Avenue North Direction beginning at a point 1,580 ft Southwest of Park Avenue to a 235 ft Southwest L there from okay can we have a motion for introduction of ordinance 6859 please council president I'd like to introduce ordinance number 6859 and ask for a second please second Mrs oron yes javic yes Rivas yes Roman yes Strano yes Armstead yes Rodriguez yes Hudak yes Mrs yides yes ordinance 6860 please an ordinance to amend and supplement chapter 7 traffic enabling enacting the Revis General ordinances of the city of Lyon 1999 passed November 23rd 1999 and approved November 24th 1999 and as amended and supplemented be it ordained by the Council of the city of Lyndon section one of chapter 7 traffic section 7-1 15.1 parking deta shall be and the same is hereby amended as follows chapter uh 7 traffic 7-15 parking by permit only in designated residential areas 7-1 15.1 parking details 7-1 15.1 K the following streets are affected from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 pm on Monday through Friday not including weekends and legal holidays add audo Street wests side from St George's Avenue to location West Gibbon Street okay can we have a motion for introduction of ordinance 6860 please council president I'd like to make a motion to introduce ordinance 6860 and ask for a second please second Mrs Orman yes javic yes Rivas Roman yes Strano yes Armstead yes Rodriguez yes Hudak yes Mrs yiis yes ordinance 5861 please an ordinance to amend and supplement chapter 7 traffic enacting the revised General ordinances of the city of lynon 1999 passed November 23rd 1999 and approved November 24th 1999 and has amended and supplemented be it ordained by the Council of the city of Lyndon section one that chapter 7 traffic shall be in the same is hereby amended as follows chapter 7 traffic 7-33 handicap parking regulations 7-33 uh 11a handicap parking on street delete 42 East Mars Avenue one spot add 119 East Henry Street one spot 1524 winens Avenue one spot 40 West 12th Street one spot 12 East Gib Simpson Avenue one spot 933 Baldwin Avenue one spot 1515 winens Avenue one spot 1210 mcandless Street one spot 412 Lorita Street one spot okay can we have a motion for introduction of ordinance 6861 please council president I'd like to make a motion to introduce ordinance 5861 and ask for a second please second Mrs Orman yes javic yes Rivas yes Roman yes Strano yes Armstead yes Rodriguez yes buak yes Mrs yamus yes ordinance 6862 please an ordinance of the city of Lindon authorizing the termination and release of a sore easement over and across certain properties located on tremle Point Road okay can we have a motion for introduction of ordinance 6862 please yes council president I'd like to move ordinance number 6862 for introduction and request a second second Mrs Armon yes javic yes Rivas Roman yes Strano yes arms stead yes Rodriguez yes Hudak yes Mrs Yus yes okay we'll now move on to comments from members of the public in attendance on City business only no personal political or derogatory comments not to exceed three minutes okay um thank you Diane all right we'll start with Mr Craig howerin Craig howerin 120 Donal in place first of all I wish everybody in the city including everybody here in the building tonight a happy and healthy Thanksgiving and I wish to extend congratulations to all the people that ran the election and were elected congratulations uh couple of things I'd like to thank the council president for taking uh my comments from a couple of residents in town and saying that stuff gets done I do thank her for that and the last thing or are we overdeveloping I don't know I mean I'm not the engineer I'm not a city planner or anything like that but I look at these buildings going up with all these parking so I ask the council to seriously think about what is going on with Redevelopment I don't have a problem with Redevelopment if you have an abandoned piece of property you know what redevelop it but think about what you're putting in there I'm not saying that we need massive huge buildings Lyon is not New York lynon is not newk New Jersey we're lynon that means we're something different okay so all I ask is when you do address or discuss these issues of Redevelopment think about it and think about it very seriously okay and along that line and I know this may be the wrong place to do it but one of the things that I see coming up is that the school system is going to need a new school building we have a large increase of students in the school system where are they going to put it I know it's not up to the council to decide where it's going to go it's the combination of between the council and the Board of Ed so please these are things that are very serious these affect not only us the taxpayers but it affects everybody who comes through the city of lynon you know I don't know whether it's the and you know along with the development the county roads that we have in town some of them may be County some of them may not be I ran across this issue in Rosel where parts of rton Road were not County Roads even though a lot of people thought that it was so thank you again and happy holidays to all thank you okay diing Diane wolting uh six Ward I have one question about one of the resolutions where it says it's consolidating the city of lyen welfare case load into Union County uh dep Department of Human Resources Division of Social Services that mean we're getting rid of our social services department because they didn't they build a new office for them on St George Avenue yes they did we still will be offering some services in Lyndon okay uh John from the welfare division is here Mr John Watkins we're just going to change some of we will offer some Services okay but um the count that was one of the recommendations from the state that we consolidate into the county di oh so there's still there'll still be a social worker ailable to help okay good I have a prepared speech for change I just want to thank my councilman John Roman for all he did for the Sixth Ward it disturbs me greatly that lies and other untrue nonsense were put into the social media about you one day a photo of your truck is posted and the next day it's keyed things were taken from your backyard six sword never behaved like like that until recently it's disgusting just want you to know not all of us are like that you did a lot for us and you always told the truth about what you didn't agree with when it came to the ordinances and the um resolutions you were not always a Yes Man and had a strong backbone I hope you have a very happy life with your wife and cute baby and if you have a second daughter I would suggest Diane as a nice name to name her I am going to miss you so much thank you John for all you did for [Applause] us okay uh Ed Kaminsky good evening everybody and happy holidays to you and your family Ames please your name and address for the oh I'm sorry Ed Kaminsky Maple Avenue Third Ward um like to always start out with something positive so those traffic ticket sticks whatever you want to call them I think they're awesome it's a great idea I don't know what kind of impact it's having I think at least it'll open people's eyes up but I think we need more of them um I mean I've seen people even just recently literally parked across the entire corner it's it's it's just mindboggling what I see in this Town sometimes so any effort uh effective effort to to uh work on that is definitely applauded um Quality of Life issues as you know it's always uh something that that bleeds orange and black quality of life has always been a big issue for my for me myself so these parties on Wood Avenue these festivals got to stop so many of them and I feel so bad for the business owners because literally you're killing them I mean we're talking about going to the Sid and having small business appreciation you're killing them with these things have one I remember when I was younger we have a fall and a spring uh uh sale W Avenue sale and you saw people filled shopping that's what we want and then you know that one dance party there was a couple of them the one literally there was so many people on Price Street both sides actually but uh on the east side I saw at least half a dozen going up uh the wrong way down to oneway street so it's a hazard it's just it's crazy and then you know in I don't know what w w it's now uh it was maybe first maybe ninth I don't know but right on Morning Star in Academy you have it looks like Baghdad you have like a a divider that was just plopped in there please remove that I think enforcement is the only effective thing you put these things up and one of the Nic you know some nice Wards you know or used to be a nice Ward you have like this big concrete barrier in there it's just horrible um I think I'm going to skip over a couple well also quality of life I've I've been talking about you know trees coming up plant trees please like I've been talking for years and right in front of the Sid right in front of the post office you have they we're filling it with asphalt we're not repaint we're not uh doing uh redoing trees um replanting trees and also at again I haven't been here in in a couple months but at the train station this uh coming down to Wood Avenue the metal thing is still um loose it's corroding the whole the the the walkway the the stairwell that has to be redone I heard with $60,000 this month and we need to fix that it it before somebody gets hurt then the last thing I say only have 25 seconds but folks you need to talk and tell us what's going on there was this lead thing that people are still confused about that's hundreds and hundreds of dollars as well as and I haven't gotten a letter but I heard something new is passed register your houses for everybody it starts at $100 um you know per uh so I don't know what's going on there folks I heard it was pasted I didn't get anything yet but maybe you can get some clarity to where this money is going um because it's it's abominal and of course these bigger uh apartment buildings they're being Exempted from all this so any color any guidance and say something to your constituents about this stuff would be very appreciated thank you thank you hey Virginia Malik good evening Virginia Malik Len Road 10th Ward the question I wanted to address to everyone on the dis here and to our attorney if there's a lynon resident or someone from outside of Lyon buys a house in lynon and decides that they're not going to live in there and they are going to rent it out the question that I have is who has responsibility for maintaining the property that can be trees lawn I mean whatever is it the um owner of the house that does not live in the house or if they that person turns over the responsibility to a property manager so can someone just tell me who I can direct this to and have a conversation with you have any other questions yeah yes okay um the other thing is I was just as I was coming to the meeting I'm dropping down dwit Terrace and on maybe four cars from the uh Corner maybe it was like Academy some Corner uh Road and there was a two cars coming towards me on dwit and there was a school bus so this is 7 o'clock it's it's dark one car passed me on dwit and the other car was like right behind it a huge yellow school bus just zoomed in made a right hand turn up uh dwit I see this so often where people the school bus drivers are not waiting for the cars to pass maybe they're in a hurry to drop the kids off to have dinner whatever I see this I can't say habitually but quite a bit and the other comment is I have information about the lead so I did get a lot of letters I was away for a while but I did read through everything I copi I called the Montana company I finally got someone to actually speak to and they're telling me well we can come in and inspect inside your house y y y yada I asked them well why don't you determine from the city from the street to the main that's on my lawn my water um my water line on my lawn is that portion of the pipe LED and if it is you should be a addressing that they said well we prefer to go you know into your house to determine if that's it so you can if um Mr K kazinski got the letter you can call someone it takes a while but I actually had to send an email for someone to address this and um well I'll just leave it to those if I can get some answers okay um councilwoman oron again with the buses would you address that in the traffic committee this month regarding is terrible and also just to say about you uh people walking 3 four five AB breast and this is not just during the day at night okay all right and Mr anelli regarding the property manag sure sure thank you council president uh good evening Miss Malik so with regard to the obligations or responsibilities it always falls upon a property owner the property owner is is the one that's responsible for the maintenance of of their property uh and a and landlord tenant situation um presumably if there's a written lease uh govering the transaction uh in that lease generally there's language that the tenants going to comply with all ordinances and all rules and regulations so in that scenario I know our inspectors uh would issue uh a summons uh perhaps to both the property owner and the Tenant uh for example failing to maintain the property with regard to grass you know not being cut so cuz cuz really what ultimately the goal in in those situations is uh contrary to to perhaps what what some people believe it's not to collect money it's to Abate the problem whether it's a cutting grass uh you know or some maintenance on on property it's to get the property owner to to Abate that violation not necessarily generate a fine so based upon the inspector uh here or the inspectors in the city they will determine uh in the first instance to issue a summons to both the landlord or the tenant or just the tenant uh you know you have some of your industrial properties that are corporations uh that are tenants you know in that scenario it probably just makes sense to summons the the tenant but you know maybe in a residential setting it may not so it's really up to the inspector to determine But ultimately and I'm sorry for my long-winded answer uh it's the property owner that's responsible for maintenance all right but just to clarify if the property owner refuses to do take any responsibility and they turn it over to a property manager all right and one has a hard time trying to find out where the property manager is um do you have any comment about that so it's still the property owner I'd have to look at the ordinance but there may be some language that allows uh our inspectors to issue a summons to the property management company or the person that's supervising uh uh maintenance of the property but like I said ultimately we can get to the property owner can you get back to me on that absolutely thank you very much you're welcome thank you okay uh Larry con please state your name and address for the record hi my name is Larry Cohen I live in Fanwood uh 24 mclenon Place uh a few years back Lyndon took a real leadership role in Union County by passing an ordinance that recognized that pet stores would be welcome in this town but that they shouldn't sell puppies because of the obvious information we have now that these puppies come from puppy mills out in the Midwest and your efforts since then have been copied by 150 New Jersey towns have now pass that same ordinance in fact it has gone National there are eight states that have passed Statewide bans on pet stores selling puppies because of the same problem and I'm back here tonight because New Jersey has now taken up this issue there is a bill in Trenton it was introduced by Brian stack it's got dozens of co-sponsors in both the Senate and the assembly and they want to hear from their constituents and so I am going back to Union County towns I was the main driver of the ordinances in the first place I'm going back to Union County towns and asking you to make a much much lighter lift by simply passing a resolution to support this effort in Trenton the state bill is uh s211 a451 I believe um I sent an email out uh yesterday I hope you all got it it has a copy of a sample resolution in it it's something that West wood up in northern New Jersey did on their own um and we thought it was a terrific idea I can tell you that since I've been going around in the last three weeks or so Fanwood and Rosell Park have already passed resolutions in support of this bill I have verbal agreements from the mayors of uh Garwood and Scotch Plains those will be passed very soon and I'm very confident about several other towns to pass that as well believe it or not it would make a huge difference if the towns in Union County uh came forward and said that yeah not only is this good enough for our town because we passed an ordinance about it but we think it's a good idea for New Jersey to continue to encourage and support pet stores but to try and put an end to this this awful puppy mill industry and not allow the sale of puppies in these stores so I urge you to I Really urge you to take this up and pass it as soon as you possibly can thank you so so much thank you I'm sure the council will review it okay appreciate that thank you okay can we have a motion to close the public comment portion of the meeting council president I make a motion to close the public comment portion of this meeting and I ask for a second second Mrs yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes okay comments for members of the governing body does anyone on the Das wish should speak at this time okay Council mvic thank you council president I just want to congratulate Alfred Rodriguez and Lisa hormon in their re-election uh it was a hard campaign but you came through thank you okay thank you councilwoman oron I'm going to do something that I typically don't do but there's a very very special woman who I would like to wish a happy birthday my mom just celebrated her 90th birthday and we just had a huge party for her with oh probably close to 170 people it is just truly a blessing to have her it is truly a blessing that she's been in Lindon for all these years and there's so many people that know her and love her so I just want to say once again mom the best mom the best grandma the best aunt seal the best peanut butter and jelly sandwich maker in the whole entire world Happy 90th birthday your children we call you blessed we love you and we just don't know what this world would have ever been without you we love you Mom Happy Birthday again thank you Council woman I was just going to say that as well to happy birthday to your mom wonderful lady 90 years old um it was so nice to see so many of people the children she took care of she was a child care provider and a lot of them came for her 90th birthday that's how much they loved her so very nice to see we wish her all the best I'd like to also at this time um of Thanksgiving um wish all our families and neighbors a happy Happy Thanksgiving um as elected officials we have many people who depend on our assistance to help them throughout the year issues or questions they may have I'm sure all my colleagues on the council would agree with me on this but I feel it's appropriate to tell our department heads our police fire Public Works and all our employees that we appreciate you and are grateful for all your assistance and willingness to help this Council in whatever Endeavor we ask Linda's work Forest is second to none thank you all for all that you do and Happy Thanksgiving to everyone hey councilman Roman thank you uh Ed the safety sticks on what avenue give out like 25 to 30 um violations a day um probably has a 60% success rate because like 40% are given back because they're like kind of there for a little while but there there's a grace period and whatnot we can talk to the chief more about that they're extremely successful and I do believe the city is working towards expanding those and if you have need any more information about that ordinance uh for the rental units you know you can talk to me or you talk to uh Dan as well after the meeting thank you council president thank you okay the next council meeting will be as follows cerence conference meeting Monday December 16th at 6 PM in the council conference room City Hall Council conference meeting before the council meeting Tuesday December 17th at 6 p.m in the council conference room City Hall council meeting Tuesday December 17th 2024 at 700 p.m. in the council chamber City Hall these meetings will be held in person can we have a motion to adjourn please council president I'd like to make a motion to adjourn this meeting and I respectfully ask for a second second Mrs yes yes yes Roman yes yes yes yes yes [Music] [Music]