##VIDEO ID:dFtg2mWvVI4## [Music] [Music] good evening everyone notice of this meeting stay in the day place and time has been disseminated as required under open public meetings app chapter 231 pl1 1975 copies of the agenda are also posted on the city's website and lyen TV for the public this meeting is now called to order Mr clerk can you please conduct a prayer in FLA ex salute god of the universe look thou with favor upon these here assemble and bestow thy guidance upon the members of the governing body in their deliberations this we ask in thy name amen I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liberty and justice for all in the event of an emergency the proper method of exiting the council chambers is through the three doors in the rear of the room occupant should proceed down the staircase out the front door and move away from the area the front steps any member of the public wishing to speak during the public comment session at the end of the meeting please sign in on the white sheets provided in the front of the room with your name and address please turn off all cell phones or place them on vibrate if you must take a call please leave the council chambers to do so Mr clerk can you please call the role Mrs oron here javic present Caldwell present Mohammed pres Rivas pres Roman pres Strano here Armstead here Rodriguez here Hudak here Mrs yakaitis here can we have approval of the public session minutes of September 17 20124 please council president i' like to make a motion to approve the public meeting minutes of September 17th 2024 and ask for a second please second Mrs zman yes javic yes Caldwell yes Mohammed yes yes Roman yes strad Armstead yes Rodriguez yes Hudak yes Mrs Yus yes okay at this time we'll have a presentation the first one is T Taja Elliot from Miss Grand New Jersey 2024 I'm going to ask mayor Armstead and councilwoman Coldwell to join her on the floor as well as County Commissioner Joseph vodc let B I'm I'm talk on the top of that how's that sound okay all right all right Monique I said I'm GNA talk off the top and let Mo'Nique do the presentation but that's okay I'll do both okay Miss tajah Elliot T Elliot I'm sorry I thought last month that this place would be overwhelmed with beauty because my daughter won a pageant and she was we we were presenting to her last month and I said boy we're going to have two of the most beautiful women in the city right here on one night I said this place we would to do it we' be besides ourselves you know but anyway not only is she beautiful she comes from a good family who instills some great values uh she volunteers her time and her energy to to other young people so that they uh can be successful like she is and I just want to tell you I am so proud of you I know your family all my life you know cuz we are all we're all true Lindon nightes around here but I've known your family since I was knigh to a gra and uh you come from good stuff good stock okay so congratulations and um Monique's gonna let me read the resolution make me strain my eyes huh okay so we have a resolution honoring tiaga Elliot as Miss Grand New Jersey 2024 and it reads whereas Miss Grand organization was established to provide a national inclusive Forum within which which women of all backgrounds can flourish gain self-confidence Crush stereotypes and transform into leaders of tomorrow and whereas tiag Elliot A Lyon Resident was selected as Miss Grand New Jersey 2024 on January 14th 20124 to represent the state of New Jersey in the M Grand USA contest in Miami Florida and whereas Tia has many accomplishments that contributed to her selected selection as Miss Grand New Jersey including her recent graduation from Keen University sumacum L that's impressive yeah receiving a Perry award nomination for outstanding lead actress for her performance of Sharpe in the Mystic Vision players version of High School Musical and whereas Tia is currently a model for Castle Couture prom and Bridal and is also an amazing actress motivational speaker and outstanding dancer and whereas Tia has a commitment to her community with her founding of the 501c nonprofit tiis dance Mission whose mission is to provide free dance classes to underprivileged and low-income communities so that all children have the opportunity to dance regardless of their family income levels and whereas her sense of community provided a drive for her to collaborate with pry event giveaway and an event that results in 75 teenage girls being able to attend and enjoy their prom without it being a financial burden and the on their family and whereas she has committed herself to ensuring that individuals who are living and underserved communities know that they have people who care for them and are fighting for them no matter what the cause and whereas the mayor and Council are proud you hear that extremely proud of the accomplishments and commitment that Tia Elliott to her life and goals and Community now therefore it be resolved that the governing body of The heartly Graduate I'm sorry now therefore be resolved that the governing body of the Hart Tilly graduate tiag Elliott somebody did something wrong here okay we got now there now therefore revolved at the the governing Bo of the city city of Lyndon congratulate tiag Elliott on her being chosen Miss Grand New Jersey 2024 and applaud her deep commitment to her community and those less fortunate by providing them New Opportunities and being further resolved that the mayor and Council wish her the best in all of her future endeavors and be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution be entered into the minutes of the Council of the city of London and that copy here will be presented to Chi Elliot and recognition of her prestigious honor and signed by myself mayor Derek Armstead Michelle yamus council president and attested to by Joseph C bodic our Clerk and we may have to give you another copy because somehow something got a little messed up at the end there but I straightened it out okay congratulations congratulations mayor we also have another resolution from the county oh wait a minute okay commissioner bodc I forgot about Joseph bodak here he's a he's a county commissioner I not only have the privilege of working here in the city of Lyon but representing the residents of Union County on the Union County Board of Commissioners and on behalf of myself chairwoman Kimberly moded and the other Commissioners we wanted to recognize the accomplishments of uh Tia she is an outstanding young lady she has done a lot in a short time and she is moving forward to do a lot more in her life and somebody that we should be looking for to to help lead us in the future whereas the Union County Board of County Commissioners would like to recognize and congratulate Taja Elliott of Lyon upon being crowned Miss Grand New Jersey 2024 on January 14 2024 and whereas Miss Grand New Jersey organizational mission is to provide a national inclusive Forum within which women of all backgrounds can flourish gain self-confidence Crush stereotypes and transform into the leaders of Tomorrow reigning title holders of Miss Grand New Jersey dedicate their year to work as the organization spokesperson and Taja represents New Jersey on a national level in August at the missg Grand USA 2024 and whereas Taja has been a resident of Lyon for the last 22 years she graduated suad from Kane University and has been a staple in the greater Lindon Community for decades and whereas Taja is the founder of taja's dance Mission a 501 SE nonprofit organization that exists to provide free dance classes to underprivileged and low incom lowincome communities its mission is to ensure that all children have the opportunity to dance regardless of the income levels of their families taj's overreaching goal is to ensure that the people living in underserved communities know that they have people who care and are fighting for them the organization has also expanded to take a stand against bullying in schools and facilitating mental health education and advocating for equal access to Opportunities and resources for all whereas the county of Union is proud to call Taja one of its own and looks forward to watching her continue to impress us all in her future endeavors and now therefore be it resolved that the Union County Board of Commissioners hereby recognizes and commends Tasha Elliott for her remarkable achievements and her unwavering dedication to inspiring and mentoring our Union County community and be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution suitably prepared be presented to Taja Elliott as a token of this board's sincere congratulations and best wishes signed and sealed September 13 2024 congratulations [Applause] they they left one thing out of the resolution that they could have very easily put in see I watched her mother grow up I'm a little bit older than her mother but they should have put something whereas the Apple didn't fall far from the [Applause] tree let's go in front for [Applause] [Music] what oh no the people [Music] the for [Music] them [Applause] [Music] do see you later who no I didn't know he was one of a kind I know okay thank you I know okay all right congratulations again okay at this time I'm going to ask Mr Michael Gray to come up to speak on behalf of US senator Hemley regarding Federal services available to Residents good evening Mr Mayor member of the council uh department heads present hold on one second we're going turny okay okay thank you okay so once again uh mayor Amstead member of the uh Council uh head of Department present residents of linding uh ladies and gentlemen I'm here to represent US senator George homing and I'm here today to just provide information about some federal services that our office provide free services that can provide like cost savings for uh constituents that they don't know about so from the moment that Senator Helman became a member of the United States Congress his agenda guars toward was legislation that support Public Safety Homeland Security uh protecting veterans fighting for environmental justice youth mental health issues economic advancement for every Americans so IID like to start with one of the issue that one of the things that we do for the constituency veteran affairs if you if you know of someone as a veteran and they have issue with the uh veteran uh Administration our office can help to resolve issues issues like Health Care educational benefit for veterans disability and funeral benefits uh there is a I'll say the top secret there a military academy um that is very Advanced it's equivalent to like a Avy League education that many people don't know about uh so ID like you to please uh if you have children if you have have nephew and nieces that are in high school or just graduating from high school they can take advantage of the meditar academy to get into West Point the Niel Academy the US Air Force the coard merchant and Marine Academy these institution are very top institution like I stated equivalent to a league education and they have transferable skills prepare the next generation of leaders the youth for today's job and job for the future in fact uh Senator Helman is currently reviewing over 300 uh plus uh application uh to help students to enroll in one of these prestigious Academy you might have a family member or friend that have issue with Social Security our office helped to resolve those issues the office of senator home and help to resolve those issues uh it could be like for example retirement benefits it could be uh disability benefits it could be Survivor and family benefits or maybe you have issue with your Medicare so our office can help to like reduce some of the red tip when it comes through these uh various agency you might have issue with a Housing and Urban Development H maybe you might have something that deals with like uh housing discrimination uh you might have a bad uh land law sometimes people struggle a lot but they might for shut of some mortgage payment and these are all issues that our office can help um uh constituents uh to resolve maybe you might have family or friends or constituency or resident in your city that have IM immigration issues it could be family based petition it could be like student visa issu issue it could be like visiting Visa issue it could be like maybe a church trying to get like a clergy visa for like uh for like a church institution those are all issues that we can help um with moreover we all know sometimes you might do the best you can but you might fall short in terms of internal revenue issues our office can help you can and help your resident um to like communicate with the Internal Revenue Agency to to mitigate some of the issues that you may have uh the good thing about the office of Senator heling is like we deal with Federal L on so we have access to all of the executive agencies we have access to communicating with them so Internal Revenue is one of the issue you might have issue with your Postal System maybe you're missing your mail or some uh you want to like talk to a postmaster about some postal issue or you might have family or friend or resident in your city that is working for the Post Office that's facing some issue we can help to communicate with the Postal Service to help resolve uh some of those uh issues you might be traveling and maybe your passport is missing and you can call our agency we can help we can help you to get like a SE day passport appointment so I'm just theing few issues or you want to travel to the White House you want for students and uh statement from your area to go to the White House is something that we can help with it could be going to the Capitol Hill doing a Capital Tour or maybe there are small business in your area that have issue with like access to Capital uh the office of Senator homy can connect you with the small business administration or maybe with the Department of Commerce maybe you might have businesses in your area that does international trade so uh like I stated the office of Senator Hing is here to connect you with various executive agencies and uh we here for you don't do it all along and I just want to just add one more thing in terms of municipality sometime you might be applying for like federal grants don't do it by yourself reach out to the senator office and ask for assistance he can do a letter of support that you can add to your Grant application and that can and increase the chances of you getting grants so I'd like to give you the number so just in case if you have issues that deal with resolution and legislation you call the Washington DC office which is 202 224 4744 202 224 4744 or maybe you might have issues that deals with casework so on the casew work issue I just talk about casew workk issue like immigration Medicare Medicaid Postal Service I mean sorry Medicare not Medicare um Postal Service these are all issues that we can help you resolve so our Jersey City number is 9736 45303 9736 45303 and we have another office in barington uh the number is 856 757 5353 85657 sorry 757 5353 and if you want to like visit our website the website of Senator helming is helming hm. senate.gov H hm. senate.gov you can share your opinion you can make request to uh uh have a meeting with the senator and uh so these are all issues that we help people to accomplish in conclusion Senator hel is here for you his responsibility is to serve the constituent the best way ensuring that every day matters that uh he brings the government to the people so I'm open for any questions that you may have uh so thank you for listening okay all right thank you Mr Gray we appreciate this thank you Mr Gray yes may I Council is the senator in his limited time in office I think he's doing great by the way I've known George a long time um is he accepting any kind of applications for discretionary funding is there any kind of room for discretionary budget funding while he's while he's there yeah you know wrong I will I will leave you my information oh love that yeah so that something we can look into and I also have like prophecy waiver here that I'm going to leave with Miss catwell so if any consti have Federal issues and you can always you know completed privacy wither but I'll give I'll leave my fral information with you sir thank you very much appreciate it thank you yes sir okay thank you for listen all right thank you okay uh we'll now move on to ordinances on hearing beginning with ordinance 6847 please any ordinance amending chapter 6- 2.2 entitled classes and maximum numbers of licenses license fees be it ordained by the Council of the city of Lyon section one that chapter 6- 2.2 entitled classes and maximum number of licenses license fees shall be amended to read as follows the classes of licenses to be issued by the city are hereby fixed as follows and the annual fees of licenses for the sale or distribution of alcoholic beverages in the city shall be as follows um class of license plary retail consumption license $1,600 plary retail distribution license $1,100 Club license $300 limited retail distribution license 100 Hotel license 2500 okay um has the ordance been properly published and posted yes ma'am has any written communication been receiv no ma'am is there anyone from the public who wishes to be heard on this ordinance seeing none can we have a motion please council president I'd like to make a motion to close the hearing on ordinance 68-47 adopted and ask for a second please second Mrs Orman yes javic yes calwell yes Mohammed yes Rivas yes Roman hi St Strano Armstead yes Rodriguez yes Hudak yes Mrs Yus yes ordinance 6848 please an ordinance to amend and supplement chapter 7 traffic of an ordinance entitled an ordinance adopting and enacting the revised General ordinances of the city of lynon 1999 passed November 23rd 1999 and approved November 24th 1999 and has amended and supplemented be it ordained by the Council of the city of Lyndon that section one chap that chapter 7 traffic shall be in the same is hereby amended as follows chapter 7 traffic 7 7-33 handicap parking regulations 7- 33.1 a handicap parking on street remove 48 East Henry Street one spot 110 West 16th Street one spot okay has the ordinance for properly published and posted yes ma'am has any written communication been received no ma'am is there anyone from the public who wishes to be heard on this ordinance seeing n can we have a motion please council president like to make a motion to close the hearing on ordinance 6848 adopted and ask for a second please second Mrs Orman yes javic yes calwell yes Mohammed yes Rivas yes Roman yes Strano yes Armstead yes Rodriguez yes Hudak yes Mrs yikes yes okay we'll now move on to consent agenda items all items listed with asteris are considered to be routine by the city council and will be enacted with one motion there will be no separate discussion on these items unless the council member so request we have items number one uh to three this evening okay uh can we have a motion please in addition to the tax items listed there is an additional item to item number one the property owner has been deemed a 100% disabled veteran by the VA as of February 7th 2023 and Mr Robinson is entitled to the 100% % disabled veteran status beginning August 23rd 2024 date of purchase going further this being a new construction no property taxes will build on the build on the new lot and an added assessment has been build from the date of the completion to the end of 2024 therefore no refund is required only a cancellation of property taxes in the amount of$ 4,664 N1 and I move for approval second items it's items one through four one through four okay um Mrs zon yes javic yes Caldwell yes Mohammed yes Rivas yes Roman yes Strano yes Armstead yes Rodriguez yes Hudak yes Mrs yamakas yes okay now we'll now move on to reports from the governing body councilwoman oron okay thank you um C thank you council president I'm going to start off with the budget review and finance committee report approval is requested for the following Finance items the payment of bills totally 1,921 623989 an chairwoman and a detailed check register and vouchers are on file in the clerk's office we are in receipt of the investment made by the city treasurer for the month of September at the rate of 4.18% in the Department of Finance the approval is granted for the CFO to submit the Best Practices worksheet to the vision of local government services by the October 25th 2024 deadline I move for approval and ask for a second second Mrs Orman yes javic yes calwell yes Mohammed yes Rivas yes Roman yes Strano yes Armstead yes Rodriguez yes Hudak yes Mrs yamus yes okay the division of transportation and properties I hereby submit the monthly financial report from the division of transportation and parking for the month of September 2024 this report includes the collection of on and off street parking meters railroad parking lots railroad parking permits and Merchant parking permits the Trenton side collection $1,960 New York site collections $1,500 89 Railroad Credit Card transactions $ 27,28 railroad permits $540 railroad Mobile payment 2320 parking 9,729 railroad permits $3,110 parking meter collections $1,231 60 Merchant permits $122.1 for grand total of $4,547.43 also next week on the 19th and 20th we're going to have our first Ward annual ball yard sale there's no fee for you to set up your yard sale we're just asking that you give me a call at 90837 6482 or L oron at Linden d.gov in order to go ahead and register your house for the actual yard sell once again no fee required just pop up up your tables bring out your wees and enjoy the beautiful weather with the fall coming we have lots of leaves that are falling if anyone needs Leaf Bags please give me a call I do have some available it's going to be on a first come first serve basis I don't know how many more I'm going to get so once they're gone they're gone so please call me if you do need them also on November 13th we have a tentative um date set for a park recommendation uh planning meeting this is going to be contingent on the board of education approving the location it's going to be held at the Lyndon high school and like I said based based on on board approval our director of recreation Keith pressy will be there to discuss upcoming proposals and plans for the parks that are in the fourth ward I'm hoping that we can have some really cool things we do have Wales Park which does have um special needs equipment and we're hoping that we can expand a little bit on that but please come out and express your ideas and your concerns and once again that is contingent on the board of education approving our use of their facility for that November 13th meeting at the lynon high school at 6 o'clock in the evening I'm also going to just um bring out uh bring up to you um the holiday craft fair that the Lynden cultural and Heritage committee is having we're looking for crafters and vendors our craft show is going to be Saturday November 23rd 2024 at 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. vend to checkin starts at 9: it's going to be located at the John deoro Center 3:30 Howen Street Lyon New Jersey and it's only $25 per 8ft table with chairs the admission is free there's going to be Refreshments available for purchase and a limited number of vendors per um I guess craft or category for for more information you can email Mary Beth at Linden cultural 26 yahoo.com that's l i nde n c l t a l26 yahoo.com or leave a message at 908 862 97 registration and payment for the table due November 7th so if you're crafty or you like to just come and set up a table of some of your awesome items please feel free to reach out to our committee at this point um like I said with the fall approaching like I said just please be mindful breaking your leaves out on the curb we will come and pick them up but once again if you do want bags we have plenty of bags that ends my report councilwoman council president thank you councilwoman Orman councilman javic yes council president as chairman of the fire committee uh the fire prevention Bureau collected the following monies during the month of September 2024 a total of 9,739 and3 regarding the Linden fire department ambulance spilling the amount of $1,539 45 for the month of September 2024 have been added to the total deposits for 2024 totaling $826,000 regarding construction code this department has issued 225 permits and processed 33 certificates and has issued 95 summonses for the month of September 2024 monthly revenue is as follows building CCO permits and additional permit fees $12,600 650 Court settlements for the month 20,000 the reflective total being $133,700 the Lyon Department of Community Services shopright Andy Cycle Center the Lyon police department and the lyen fire department for their efforts and donations that helped make the uh health and wellness Fair such a big success they had a great turnout and provided many valuable free resources and health services to our community 300 plus community members were in attendance 60 organizations numerous health services and giveaways prizes 61 blood pressure pressure and 57 blood sugar readings taken by the lindan public uh Health nurses 41 flu and seven covid vaccination vaccinations for those uninsured admin administered by the uni county immunization clinic 12 flu three shingles and four covid vaccinations for those insured administers by Superfresh Pharmacy 21 cervical exams 17 breast exams and mamogram prescriptions one prostate screening and 17 colon cancer test kits for those uninsured were administered by uh Hoboken Family Planning 28 balance tests 31 hearing screenings and 40 Derm view sun damage screenings administered by Atlantic Health System 70 Dent 70 Dental screenings combined uh administered by Lindon Dental associations and Overlook hospital dental clinic 60 Vision screenings were administered by New Jersey Department of Health Services project better Eye Health Services and treatment good evening everybody well gas line work continues in the second ward and uh final connections are being done on Wood Avenue this will finish up by the end of this October I personally would like to uh congratulate Amy paluso as a director of Board of Health and her team for very successful health and wellness fair this past Saturday at school number one if you couldn't attend this year please do so next year for all the services and information available to you on October 29th we invite the second ward Community to come out and share your ideas on how the city can improve and conserve open space for the residents to enjoy for years to come discussion uh to include additional uses and needs at our second ward Parks this meeting will be held at the JTG Center 330 Helen Street 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. I look forward to seeing everyone there I can be reached at 98494 4608 or email me at BJ avoc london-new jersey.gov on Facebook second war councilman Barry javic as always additional information can be found on our city of Lyndon website council president end of report thank you councilman jav Council woman cwell thank you madam president hello neighbors I hope this message finds you well and in good spirits as the chair of Social Services I wanted to inform you of some important updates our social services department is no longer able to provide Emergency Services lyen residents are still eligible to use the food pantry they just have to show their identification you can also contact our social services to learn about what benefits you may qualify qualify for by calling 90847463675645364 going forward you can reach out to Union County division of Social Services at 3:42 Westminister AB Elizabeth New Jersey at 98-96 5270 I am excited to invite you to our next community meeting on November 6 2024 at the Lyndon Public Library 31 East Henry Street the third floor Columbia room at 6:30 p.m. I also want to invite you to our meeting with our Park director who will be who will be um facilitating a collaborative effort to re-evaluate our Park James doson Park on 10:30 at the palal on the corner of Maple and blankie at 6:30 p.m. I also want to say I am proud to congratulate my neighbor Isaiah Thomas on becoming a Marine he just graduated from um lynon high school and he just became a marine we are so proud of you and I know you'll keep on Aiming High I Isaiah is a close friend of my son's Trevor speaking of which I'd like to congratulate my son Trevor on receiving a CTA um award from Universal Technical Institute it's considered um its commitment to Excellence award and um I'm just proud of the these young men um I I just you know I'm just really proud of them and if you have any questions or concerns you can feel free to contact me at 98531 0676 or email me at mcwell Linden newjersey.gov and remember councilwoman Carwell always follows up and follows through and I look forward to seeing you on October 30th at the p to um talk about our Park um doson Park and on November 6th at our community meeting and I also want to offer my condolences to the fish family on the passing of Sandy fish she was a beautiful soul and she will truly be missed I conclude my report council president thank councilman Mohamad good evening council president and Council I want to congratulate a neighbor of mine Mr Kyle Edmonds also a summer worker at the health department can you speak to the microphone who is now is a first year nursing student at Temple University we certainly celebrate his uh acceptance and matriculation at a very fine and prestigious nursing school also want to commend the health department on the wonderful Services they're doing I I know I have an occasion person will remain confidential a neighbor that needed some Health Services the placing of a dexicon on on them which is something some people not able to do but Health Department came by and took care of it the business provided the services that was needed and I also want to comp compliment the department on the uh health screening that took place this past Saturday um just want to say also to the uh people in the lyen public schools are doing a wonderful job and uh we thank the senator who came here with information for veterans and other things I can be reached at 908 4634 843 Madame council president that concludes my report thank you councilman Mohamed councilman Ras thank you Madame President good evening citizens of Lyndon neighbors uh colleague council members uh in my duties as a lays on to the uh Linda Board of ucation I had an opportunity to met with uh superintendent ala Perkins to make sure that she uh gets the support that City U has for our lending children for the the education of all of them and also to request her that if at any time she would like to have anything for me to pass along in city council I would have no problem just to share with the uh citizens of neighbors and the constituents of the city um I'd like to recognize that we are doing October Breast Cancer Awareness Month um this is U cancer is out there is something that it affects a lot of people a lot of the communities please make sure we uh we have uh everyone um being aware of how can they scream themselves early how can detect any of these sicknesses early so they can uh protect themselves from from these particular Health situations um good things are happening in Lyndon good things continue to happen in lynon and sometimes uh as I Echo some of my counter counterparts council members said uh it takes some times and we like to uh thank you for the patient of our citizens uh Paving and resurfacing other the roads in the fif WS are happening and many of our utility work is almost completed similar like in the other wordss and um for all of all of you who were patient thank you um I'd like to also remind all of you that um we're going to have our war war yourl free no permit on 19 and the 20 of October uh please make sure that you have this opportunity to um clean out your garage and offer all those great things that you may have um as an over Overstock in your in your houses um The Treasure of yours can be The Treasure of somebody else so uh let's let's make sure that we uh we use this opportunity no permit for warrior cell um please make sure uh to look out for each other um cold weather is up here now summer is over thanks uh Thanksgiving is down the row but first there's a good celebration for kids uh regards to Thanksgiving please make sure we we look out on the kind of candy that they collect so many things are happening over there and we want to protect each other and we want to protect our families if you need to reach me don't hesitate to do so at 9008 718 7609 and as always I'd like to extend my gratitude to everyone in the city who keep this city moving forward thank you that's my end of the report Madam president thank you councilman revas councilman Roman thank you council president good evening uh just a quick report uh Smith Street repaving as previously reported has been completed uh there are some drains that were blocked that I was uh afraid that would get blocked again uh which happened the last time we repaved it uh however I'm working with I was working with Carmine but I think Carmine resigned tonight so I think I'm gonna have to go to directly to the source of Mr pantina um to get those unclogged and make sure that they're free flowing uh so that there's no backups on the street um six W uh six W Park assessment Mr pressy you said that was November 6th at 6:30 at school 6 uh Mr pressie you've been six o'clock you've been doing a great job uh as our Parks director but I know you only had the title for the last month but all all the previous work that you've done for us as well um I appreciate you we appreciate you uh there will be an overview of plaski Park and possible upgrades an assessment on November 6th at school 6 at 6 PM um plasy Park is the only sixth award Municipal Park we are blessed to have a beautiful County Park in our neighborhood however um this plasy park is in desperate need of upgrades and I hope that this Council um heeds the uh report that was issued by Mr prey's office showing the poor conditions at plasy Park and the need for upgrades in the future so I hope to see you there uh four-way stop signs all way stop signs there are two ordinances on for introduction tonight to add two four-way or if you want to call it an Allway stop sign in the sixth award uh with the changes to the mutcd which is the manual of uniform traffic control devices we have found two more intersections that are worthy of these always stop signs the intersection of 11th and Clinton and the intersection at East Morris Avenue and Clinton um I want to express my deep gratitude to Lyon Police Department the traffic um Department Lieutenant conch Monica Sergeant ala uh and the traffic committee headed by Lisa Orman for the work that they put in on these uh this is one of the the first things I suggested to do in the sixth award when I first ran for office eight years ago and I have like this little checklist that I've I've things I've accomplished and this is literally the only one that's not um done on it and I really can't wait for these to go up and the car accidents to stop on the Clinton Corridor um both on on both sides of one in N uh with that that concludes my report thank you council president thank you councilman Roman councilman Strano thank you thank you council president so in our Personnel report for this month we have number one in the police department a is approving the recision of the appointment of Melanie rollis safner clerk one effective September 30th 2024 and in the Department of Community Services or in the division of engineering a is approving the accept acceptance of the resignation and good standing of Carmen de Cosmo senior engineer that'll be effective October 18th 2024 u b is approving the posting for two openings of assistant engineer full-time at the annual salary range of between 54,000 and $92,400 annually in a division of Public Works say he is approving the posting for a mechanic full-time tier two at the annual salary rate of between $18 49 9 per hour B is approving the posting for a truck driver full-time tier 2 in the DPW with the hourly rate of between $22 $36.39 per hour C is approving the posting for two laborers full-time tier 2 DPW at the hour annual hourly rate of $18 to $34.39 per hour D is approving the seasonal list that's not file in a Clerk's Office three in the office of the construction code is a approving the state W posting of a construction code official full-time at the annual salary of between $5 54,1 37 to $12,383 six of the municipal court is a approving the transfer J jasine steel clerk 2 at no change in salary to the office of the clerk effective October 15th of 2024 seven in Personnel is approving a the FMLA and njfla leaves that are on file in the division of personnel I uh move for approval and ask for a second Mrs oron yes javic yes Caldwell yes Mohammed yes Rivas yes all St Roman yes Strano yes Armstead yes Rodriguez yes Hudak yes Mrs yices yes on all I abstain on 7A okay um real quick some updates for uh our community uh as might have been mentioned earlier I think from one of my colleagues um we're doing a uh um an inventory and assessment of the conditions of all of our Parks throughout the city um uh thanks to our uh director Keith Presley for bringing this along uh this is something that was brought to the table um jeez must probably a year ago to hire a consultant to do this work and um have to give credit where it's due was uh Jerry Bishop's idea it was a great idea I mean I had had my concerns and this is what he came up with and we ran with it but here's the deal every Park in the city is going to be um scrutinized to see what it needs um we'd really like to have some Conformity we'd really like to have some um ey popping appeal to our Parks as you see in other towns when you drive through them and this is an attempt to accomplish that it's going to take quite a while of course we couldn't do all the parks at one time so it's going to be uh as we go kind of a deal obviously the ones that need the attention the most will get it first but here's where um we come in as a community each each um Ward will have a date that their repres their uh Community can come out and put have their input and their ideas as to what they think the park should have um what they like what they don't like and obviously the improvements that you know to give us some you know Community input on these uh but anyway so in in in our Ward our date is October 28th it's a Monday the hour is from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. and the meeting will be held in the 7eventh W Rec Center which is at the corner of tremle Point Road in Main Street uh please come out and give us your input uh we had a uh an event at our skate park on October 5th um I was really impressed it's it's a a uh a unique uh culture it's a very um pleasing to meet people that are uh into that sport uh uh very um um the people there were were very cordial um very friendly um and I could best describe it as organized chaos but it was really cool and uh hopefully um next year in the springtime we'll we'll have a bigger event this event was actually sponsored by tattooville uh and I'd like to you know just say publicly thank you to them and um hopefully we'll see them again in the springtime when we really put something together um that's all I have for this for this week for this month thanks council president thank you councilman Strat councilman Armstead thank you council president uh first I just wanted to start off and I wanted to offer condolences to the fish family sandre fish uh was not only a good friend of ours but she was also a committee person for the 8th ward so our prayers go out to her and I'd also like to offer my condolences to the verer family also on the eighth wood on St Mark Street uh Mr Bill verer died on Thursday at the age of 82 on his birthday he's somebody in the neighborhood that'll never be forgotten he mentioned everybody and if you you needed good advice he was the one that you went to you know how when your kids sometimes you don't want to go to your mother and father because they don't know anything so we will go to Mr verer and this is everybody in the neighborhood and Mr verer would always guide us with some good advice and um I just want to um give my condolences to that family okay um along to um City business I do want to thank the DPW uh for doing an excellent job this past month in the community of of getting cleanups done and it is just so simple if somebody calls you with a problem you get on the phone and you call DPW and you ask DPW to help um that's what they do and DPW has been on point anytime I have called and asked them to do anything in the community um they get it done so you have to give those guys kudos for the hard work that they do I mean they really work hard um on the 19th and the 20th of this month October the eth W is having its annual yard sale uh no charge uh for permits or anything like that anybody can set stuff out it's still not too late to register forward you can call me at 98463 8986 or you can email me at Mr Armstead at Linden nj.gov um also my last and final thing that I have here for this week is um on the 22nd of October I am having uh meet and greet at Jersey Lanes that's 30 Park Avenue in Lyon I'd like the as many people from the eighth world to come out so we can get to know each other a little bit better and find out what we can do to make the community better and that's all I have for my report for this week thank you Council m norstead councilman Rodriguez thank you counil president good evening fellow residents I stand before you today with a sense of excitement and commitment to our beloved City I'm thrilled to announce that Lyndon is embarking on an ambitious journey to develop a park master plan this plan will serve as our guiding blueprint for the next 10 year helping us to identify conserve and develop the parks and Open Spaces that are so vital to our community well-being we're in the process of setting day for the nin4 residents together and meet with our expert team this will be a wonderful opportunity for you to voice your ideas and discuss potential Improvement for our Parks as Halloween approaches I urge every residents to be vigilant and help us protect our children while they enjoy the festivities with the sun setting early it's crucial to be extra cautious when driving and watch out for the young trick treaters additionally heartfelt thank you to all the residents who participated in the the ninth and 10th Ford garage sale your involvement and your involvement and Community spirit makes lynon a wonderful place to live please remember if you have any questions or concerns don't hesitate to reach out you could reach me at 908 583 7482 or via email at AR Rodriguez Linden DNE nj.gov that concludes my report thank you councilman councilwoman Hudak thank you so o oober is known as breast cancer awareness month and Gretchen Brook hickey who is a 10th Ward resident she will always be a 10th Ward resident she is now 10 years cancer free and I have to say double digits never look so good so I want to congratulate all of the 10th Ward residents the thousands of women and men who have won the fight because of a mamogram not only is it breast cancer awareness month but it's also First Responders month and our lyen First Responders they make a vital contribution to our city with their willingness to make our community stronger and safer and frequently they are called upon to put their own lives in Jeopardy as theyve responded to de de devastating incidents and disasters and tragically too many have paid the ultimate price carrying out their Devotion to service of others others who have paid the ultimate price are our veterans so to honor our veterans here in lynon the American Legion which is located on Elizabeth Avenue will be honoring our veterans at the 17 monuments across our city the public is not only welcomed but encouraged to gather at 8:00 in the morning on November 11th at the American Legion which is across the street from the train station and travel with our heroes who serve to keep us free if you have an infringement on the quality of your life please contact me because I am here to assist and that concludes my report thank you councilwoman Hudak he um as many of my colleagues have mentioned here this evening it is Breast Cancer Awareness Month I'd like to uh give a shout out to nany Nancy vessie in our dispatch she donated the wreath that's in front of the Das here um we were at a Tricky Tray and she won it and she thought what better way than to honor all the breast cancer survivors at our council meeting so thank you Nancy again please get your mammograms very important both men and women okay I too would like to also extend my condolences to the family of Sandra fish and Mr verer in the eighth Ward as well as the family of aric debinski in the Sixth Ward um his wake is actually this evening um again my deepest condolences to these families uh the lynon library this Saturday October 19th from 10: to 300 pm. there's going to be an arts and crafts market fundraiser so please go out they're going to have uh all kinds of goodies um crafts a available for purchase so again that's this Saturday from 10:00 to 3: at the Lynden Public Library I attended um last Thursday a prek fall festival for our school district and I have to say I was totally impressed with what we are doing with our youngest Learners in the district uh they're using the curriculum the tools of the mind and I the work that is being done with that level is exceptional every learner has an opportunity uh what I was really impressed with was OT is being provided to every class at least once a week There's a big gap between um prek and kindergarten prek uh standards say they may be able to write where're kindergarten they want them coming in writing so again not everybody special needs so it Services everyone so keep up the great work work uh in our school district um look forward to seeing more opportunities um for the council to come and see what they offer and just one more reminder the Halloween parade uh believe somebody on the DI here mentioned it is October 27th at 2m a lot of hard work and effort goes into that so please come out and see the Lyon Halloween parade okay mayor you're up yes thank you council president um not to be redundant but I too would like to extend my condolences to the uh fish family uh the fish family and the armad family go back for years in fact uh we share family um my uncle Big Boy comes out of the fish family he married my aunt Harriet so we share cousins my my cousins are related to the fishes and the fishes are related to my cousins we've known each other since uh I mean since I can remember uh also the Vier family Mr Vier uh was a dear friend of ours uh in fact um our backyards almost touched each other if you walked out of our backyard and went through the Sharp's backyard that one yard over You' be the at the verde's home uh at their backyard so we go back a long way uh uh my brother and and William verer with best friends Mr verer I us to delivered papers to his house uh in fact there's a story uh I was very small young guy I was 12 years old and I was out collecting for my papers uh you know back then daily Journey you had to collect your money and I was out late one evening and I kept finding this car kept showing up everywhere I was at and what it was there was there was an old guy when older gentleman was following me I don't know what his intentions were uh but I told Mr verer and Mr verer used to breed German Shepherds and um I I remember on Christmas morning he came over and he bought me a German Shepherd puppy it was uh and that they said he taught me how to train the dog uh to attack and everything else and had you so Mr V was a big he was big on breeding German Shepherds so gave me a a dog when I was 12 years old so uh and again uh he was like like my brother mentioned he was a he was a worth of knowledge uh you could talk to him um you know he was like a father figure there's certain things you can't go to your father with but you can go to Mr Vier with you know so uh these two people Mrs uh fish and Mr verer will be will be missed um in other news um we had a ribbon cutting at Blue Sunday down at the um the old General motives plant which we call Legacy Square now uh and it seems that that particular development is shaping up just nice uh it's almost completely full uh when you look I think there may one or two more vacancies there but uh again you know if you build it they'll come um I'd like to also acknowledge the fact that we had a ribbon cutting at our city Village on St George Avenue Uncle Lou ice cream um great brand of ice cream uh we were all there at the ribbon cutting Saturday and um again you know people questioned um when we started that development on St George Avenue they talked about gentrification they talked about it wasn't going to be a successful development but it has turned out to be just the opposite it's a it's a very successful development uh and a very good mix of people in the buildings um and and it looks as though that Rosel is finally starting to get their act together and hopefully um within the next year or so uh they'll have their development up on the other side which is going to mirror uh the city uh development so uh you which was once a blighted area uh that people often would tell me they would lock their doors when they came to a light uh has is is growing into a very nice community and I continue I hope it we continue to do so so um and that concludes my report thank you mayor okay we'll now move on to uh resolutions okay um I'm going to ask for a motion to remove 2024 417 from consideration council president I request to remove uh 2024 417 and request a second second Mrs zman yes javic yes Caldwell yes Mohammed yes Rivas Roman yes Strano yes Armstead yes Rodriguez yes hudek yes Mrs Yus yes okay um then we have a a motion for Resolutions 2024 400 through 2024 429 please council president I move for approval of resolutions 2024 400 to 2024 429 um and and request a second second Mrs oron yes javic yes calwell yes Mohammed yes Rivas Roman yes Strano yes Armstead yes Rodriguez yes Hudak yes Mrs yias yes okay we'll now move on to ordinances on first reading beginning with ordinance 6849 please Bond ordinance providing an appropriation of $38,500 for the acquisition of a sports utility vehicle for the borta health department and authorizing the issuance of $ 36,525 and bonds or notes for financing part of the appropriation okay can we have a motion for introduction of ordinance 6849 please council president I make a motion to introduce 68- 49 and ask for a second second Orman yes javic yes Caldwell Mohamed Rivas Roman yes stran yes Armstead yes Rodriguez yes Hudak yes Mrs yames yes ordinance 6850 please bonds ordinance providing an appropriation of $737,000 for the Lynden Rosel joint trunk sewer Renovations for the division of engineering and authorizing the issuance of $7,150 in bonds or notes for financing part of the appropriation okay can we have a motion for introduction of ordinance 6850 please yes council president a moov ordinance number 6850 for introduction and request a second second oron yes javic yes Caldwell Mohammad Rivas Roman yes stran Armstead yes Rodriguez yes Hudak yes Mrs yamus yes ordinance 6851 please Bond ordinance Prov writing an appropriation of $275,000 for various Capital Improvements for the police department and authorizing the issuance of $261,250 in bonds or notes of the city for financing part of the appropriation okay can we have a motion for introduction of ordinance 6851 please yes thank you council president I move that we introduce ordinance 68- 51 and ask for a second please second Orman yes javic yes Caldwell yes Mohammad yes Rivas Roman yes Strano yes Armstead yes Rodriguez yes Hudak yes Mrs Yus yes ordinance 6852 please Bond ordinance providing an appropriation of $126,000 for improvements to Memorial Park for the Department of Parks and Recreation and authorizing the issuance of $62,500 in bonds or notes for financing the part of the appropriation could we have a motion for introduction of order 68 52 please I move for introduction of ordinance 68- 52 and request a second second Orman yes javic yes Caldwell yes Mohammad yes Rivas yes Roman yes Strano yes Armstead yes Rodriguez yes Hudak yes Mrs yakes yes ordance 6853 please an ordinance to amend and supplement chapter 7 traffic of an ordinance entitled an ordinance adopted and enacting the revised General ordinances of the city of Lyon 1999 pass November 23rd 1999 and approved November 24th 1999 and as amended and supplemented be it ordained by the Council of the city of London section one chapter 7 traffic section 7- 22.1 four-way stop intersections shall be and the same is hereby amended as follows add Clinton Street and East 11th Street okay can we have a motion for introduction of ordin 6853 please council president I'm move ordinance 6853 for introduction and ask for a second please second foron yes javic yes Caldwell Mohamad yes Rivas Roman yes Strano yes Armstead yes Rodriguez yes Hudak yes Mrs yakes yes ordinance 6854 please an ordinance to amend and supplement chapter 7 traffic of an ordinance entitled an ordinance adopting and enacting the revised General ordinances of the city of in 1999 pass November 23rd 1999 and approved November 24th 1999 and as amended and supplemented be it ordained by the Council of the city of Lindon section one that chapter 7 traffic section 7- 22.2 three-way stop intersections shall be in the same as hereby amended as follows Ed Clinton Street and East moris Avenue okay can we have a motion for introduction of ordinance 6854 please council president I move we introduce ordinance 6854 and ask for a second please second Orman yes javic yes Caldwell yes Mohammad yes Rivas yes Roman yes Strano yes Armstead yes Rodriguez yes Hudak yes Mrs Yus yes okay we'll now move on to comments for members of the um of the public in attendance on City business own only no personal political or derogatory comments not to exceed three minutes okay uh we'll start with Dian [Music] wding hi Diane wolting six Ward um I know I mentioned this at least a year ago and I was wondering if council president amadis you can move this along or do something remember when I asked that the um prominade the stage there be named or dedicated to Mr Luciano and also the recreation small Recreation Center in Wilson Park be named after Nancy braaton who is a two time breast cancer survivor so I'm just hoping that something will be done about that because I know I asked about it about a year ago second thing this is to the residents of the city our City's sidewalks are well mained ained please use them I am so tired of driving down the street and seeing people walking in the street when there's a sidewalk there yes there are some areas that have no sidewalks like wood lawn in my ward and then at night it gets worse and I'm talking all Wards all ages and if you're wearing dark colors it's hard to be seen please use our sidewalks that's why the taxpayer money is being used to fix them and they're in good shape um I am a uh 5-year breast cancer survivor and it was caught in stage one so it's important to get the girls photographed and also if you have dense tissue ask for an ultrasound that's how it was found and it was the size of a pee and even my breast surgeon was surprised that it was found ultrasounds as you get older I didn't have to get chemo I just had to have radiation I am very very lucky and last I wanted to ask about um 422 it says here a list below the properties that'll be designated in an area in need of Redevelopment but there was never a list of what's going to be redeveloped you could get it from the clerk's office correct can you tell me is it all over the city and certain areas a little more because that's so vague it's better if you get a list of them so you'll see is it that big of a list oh my goodness all right I was just hoping you know it would go out to the G just real quick thank you council president it's it's uh it includes I don't know a couple dozen Lots it's a large list includes a couple dozen Lots uh it's all in St George Avenue Corridor uh and it's not like a normal designation of redevelopments designation of Redevelopment for low-income housing like we discussed previous in previous Council meetings okay and not one of those big monstrosities at the end of my street they're looking at it to see yeah that's not that's not what this resolution does it's just a okay it's just a Redevelopment dedication it doesn't describe what it's going to be that comes later proc buildings are annoying okay um Mr howerin Craig Hower 120 Donaldson Place uh I have a I don't know whether it's a traffic safety concern or concern for the kids up in Sunny Side when they're being picked up by school buses I know the buses turn sideways to protect the kids that's fine but there's cars backing up Behind These buses and these buses are stopping I don't know every other house or whatever is there a way to get these kids picked up at a designated bus stop in the area rather than as frequently and another problem is that car are now getting off the main theough fairs through town style street Wood Avenue and maybe thewit or something like that and they're cutting through the side streets because you have people that get up in the morning they have to get the kids out to school so they have a limited time to get to work I mean you know I'm fortunate I don't work I'm retired but I know people up here they work you know and they do have to get the kids to school so there's a lot lot of traffic going on I know we've all experienced it so what can be done one about these buses up there and can they you know these kids be picked up you know for their own safety and the safety of the people in the drivers and all of that what can the city do thank you Mr how I our traffic committee has looked at this extensively coun oron are you I'll be more than glad to talk to you not only am I in charge of the AR committee but I'm also the transportation coordinator for the public school district so I can let you know the different state laws that are being followed and what we have no control over in terms of bus stops I'll let you know we'll talk thank you thank you okay John Ker John ker 23 West monel Avenue um hello what's up Lyon let's wake this place up a little bit it's dead in here man wow I i' I've definitely am a little more crazy than you guys think I am for being here when the Yankees are playing they're up three n right now if anybody's wondering um let's hope for a Subway Series right that would be pretty awesome um John Roman thanks man thanks for coming good to see you I know it has to be frustrating and a major inconvenience once a month traveling all the way up the parkway to be with us get a haircut Mr Rodriguez uh I I heard what your your announcement your tone didn't ma match your words man you said uh you were excited but you didn't really sound too excited I know uh I know you have a a I'm surprised you didn't mention North ninth W Community Day coming up um I know there I I don't know how much you want to do this man I know they're holding your hand getting you through this but uh a community day it's it's two days before the election I know they're definitely a little worried uh he has some stiff competition but you'll probably be okay um you know I was probably the most stiff competition JN could had and I and and I had uh and I lost because you know you you got a built-in advantage over there but uh ninth W residence there is three choices so uh make the one that you feel uh is best I feel you on the cars man I almost got T-Bone today uh a car ran the stop sign I was going through Prince uh I was on Princeton and and Summit and a guy ran the stop sign on Summit almost smashed into me and old John came out I followed this guy all the way down through side streets to Lyndon Avenue and I'm like what am I doing I'm being no better than this guy right now um menacing him now uh the mayor mentioned the ribbon cutting ceremony for blue blue Sunday I see caps finally open man we got we got them going are you goingon to have a ribbon cuton over there too you don't know I don't know they're suing the city so maybe not um uh we hired a public information officer uh as like I like to say arm set propaganda Wing um let me tell you something I'm the I'm lyndon's public information officer um I post stuff all the time on Facebook and uh my my videos I'm not I don't try to go viral like millions of views and all that but I get a lot of views on my videos this man right here Mr cloney my most viewed uh video he was he came in May and he came in August and said what he had to say I posted his comments recently they almost have uh it has 9,500 views um I post stuff that people people want to want to hear about in the city um and you know I I I counted like over a 100,000 views and uh you know I just like keeping people uh AB breast of what's going on uh I saw uh our mayor at the Port strike I thought it was uh I don't know I guess he was there to support the lyen workers which is cool but I heard him talking about uh the the main issue that they were there which is uh automation uh that he doesn't want the the the workers losing jobs for automation when he literally got garbage trucks here with the arm to get rid of workers so that that was just funny to me I find it uh said that the social services is closing that that building they were by me forever in the basement over there and now they moved to the city Village and now it's closing and I'm just curious maybe somebody can explain what happened there because uh Lyndon needs Lyndon really needs that um yeah we'll have Mr Watkins he's here in he he can give you an explanation of what happened there okay cool awesome um your time is up I'm not done thank you thank you Mr Wat would you good evening Council um unfortunately the state made a decision uh we were the last Social Service Agency uh Municipal welfare agency actually to function uh independently and they uh made a decision financially was unable to proceed with some of the uh things they wanted to do uh technology wise and also um Financial wise it made more sense for them to um succeed or uh acques the services that we offer to the county uh being that they already offer the Serv same Services uh for Summit Rosel and all the other uh municipalities in Union County so I wish it wasn't so but um we were the last ones to go so thank you very much thank you but by by no means are we not going to have our own version of Social Services here in lynon so John will continue to be operating what we will consider the city's version of social services along with his counterpart there uh certain aspects of social services will be transferred to the county but that does not preclude us from doing what we think is right for the citizens of Lyndon and that's being responsive and trying to make sure uh that their needs are met met uh when they're in in some sort of Crisis or if they need uh help uh financially or food or whatever services that we can provide that that have a social aspect to them we're going to continue to do that uh and I always have maintained that uh we should have our own Social Services because I always felt that people get lost in the in the sauce up there when they go to Union County and believe me I worked at the county and I'll tell you I I saw it firsthand uh that people would come looking for help and they got some got help some got you know treated unfairly and uh and that was really one of the underlying reasons why we decided to keep our social services here uh and unfortunately the state has the final say um but they don't really have the final say because we here in lynon can still continue to have social services and continue to provide what we feel is necessary to other than what this the state will offer to our residents thank you mayor okay can we have a motion to close the public comment portion of the meeting please council president I make a motion to close the public portion and ask for a second please second Mormon yes javic yes Caldwell Mohammad yes Rivas Roman yes Strano yes Armstead yes Rodriguez yes Hudak yes Mrs Yus yes okay uh comments for members of the governing body councilman Roman go ahead my old man was a big Dodger fan and uh I kind of joke he was in a coma the last time uh when he when he woke up and I was like Brian you going to tell him or should I to my brother he found out the Astros cheated them cheated the Yankees out of a World Series birth and then Che the the Dodgers out of a World Series uh basically in game seven and uh 2 days later after he passed Mookie Betts got Trad to the Dodgers and they finally won the World Series uh since the year I was born in 1988 anyway let's go Yankees sorry Mets fans I I I'll play either of you but let's go and have a good Halloween everyone thank you okay C it's D yep well we've G have Halloween before uh the next meeting I just want to wish everybody Happy Halloween and make sure everybody's safe and just watch out for those little ones thank you hey councilman Muhammad yes uh I was Nick leful council president and announcing of Monday November 25th at school five there will be a review of the parks in the fourth ward and thank commissioner Presley for his outstanding work thank you again good to see you coming all the way from Baltimore to Lyon I knew him when I was a minister in Baltimore thank you Mr President okay councilwoman cwell um I just want want to recognize breast cancer it's is something dear to me I lost my grandmother breast cancer my mother's sister had breast cancer twice a couple of my first cousins had breast cancer I just want everyone to get checked out and to take it seriously and because of my family history I have to get uh as Diane said um those girls uh photographed twice a year so just to be preventive so I just wanted to say um people who are suffering with it um because I like I said my aunt had breast cancer twice be strong um be vill uh you know stay on top of it make sure you take care of yourself and that's that I conclude um okay thank you councilwoman all right uh the next Council meetings will be as follows Council conference meeting Monday November 25th at 6 p.m in the council conference room Council conference meeting before the council meeting Tuesday November 26th at 6 p.m. in the council conference room council meeting Tuesday November 26 at 7 pm in the council meeting room uh City Hall these meetings will be held in person can we have a motion to adjourn please so moved second Mormon yes javic yes Caldwell Mohammad Rivas Roman yes Strano Armstead yes Rodriguez yes Hudak yes Mrs yames yes [Music] [Music]