##VIDEO ID:hu8ghVmpynw## [Music] [Music] good evening everyone notice of this meeting stay that day place and time has been disseminated as required under the open public meetings app chapter 231 pl1 1975 copies of the agenda are also posted on the city's website and Lynden TV for the public this meeting is called to order Mr clerk can you please conduct a prayer and flag salute god of the universe look thou with favor upon these here assembled and bestow thy guidance upon the members of the governing body in their deliberations this we ask in thy name amen amen I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all I'm going to ask everyone to please remain standing for a moment of silence for Mark Raco our construction code official who passed away suddenly please be [Music] seated in the event of an emergency the proper method of exiting the council chambers is through the three doors in the rear of the room occupant should proceed down the staircase out the front door and move away from the area of the front steps any member of the public wishing to speak during the public comment session at the end of the meeting please sign in on the weight sheets provided at the front of the room with your name and address for those wishing to speak on the Green Acres Grant for milowski Park no no no I'm sorry all right oops was from last month just carried over okay please turn off all cell phones and place them on vibrate if you wish to take a call please leave the council chambers to do so Mr clerk can you please call the rle Mrs Orman here javic present Caldwell present Mohammed president Rivas president Roman here Strano here Armstead here Rodriguez here Hudak here Mrs yamus here okay can we have approval of the public session minutes of August 20th 2024 please council president I move for approval of the minutes uh and request a second second Mrs Orman yes javic yes Caldwell yes Mohammed yes RIS yes Roman yes Strano abin Armstead yes Rodriguez yes Hudak yes Mrs Yus yes okay we're going to start with our presentations this evening I'm going to ask mayor Armstead to please join me out on the floor um we're going to start with a resolution for Abigail Armstead recognizing her for winning the M New Jersey elk Beauty and talent pageant from practice who' ever thought that this little baby girl of mine would grew up to be a beautiful young lady I thought that they say she looked like her mother better let him read the resolution they say she look just like her mother but I'm first to admit she was my idea [Laughter] so um no I tell you but she has grown to be a beautiful young lady U I'm so proud of her as I am all my daughters but I I think there's a saying that says we saved the best for last you know what I mean and look what isn't she gorgeous what a beautiful girl I just can't get enough of looking at it sometimes okay but any we have a resolution congratulating Abigail Armstead for winning the Miss New Jersey elk Beauty and talent pageant now there's a lot of competition there CU Elks club is a very big organization and for you to come out on top is a testament of how beautiful you are and how smart you are okay I think she got a brains from her mother too so so looks under brains come from Mommy okay I take credit for everything else okay so the resolution with congratulating Abigail Armstead for winning the Miss New Jersey elk and beauty and talent pageant where's Abigail Armstead won the Miss New Jersey elk Beauty and talent pageant in New Jersey and also at the same contest won the coveted Award of Miss Congeniality due to her open and vibrant person ity it where Abigail's infectious enthusiasm for the Performing Arts including singing dancing acting began in an early age and were encouraged by her teachers Mr Whitmore and Mrs Brady through their unwavering support and guidance they helped to refine her skills and pushed her to always do her best and whereas Abigail's Journey has been greatly supported by her family her parents Danny orene Armstead and Derek Armstead her rocks her sister Brianna Brothers Ashton and Ryan her Aunt Sonia who introduced us to who introduced her to the beauty and talent world and whereas Abigail's story is a Testament of the to the power of passion perseverance and support in reaching the Once In a-lifetime Time experience to represent the entire state of New Jersey in a national competition on a national stage and where as a governing body wishes to extend its heartfelt congratulations to Abigail Armstead for her outstanding achievements and wish her continued success in the pursuit of her dream of gracing the stage of Broadway and television showcasing her talents as an African-American woman in the Performing Arts now therefore it be resolved by the governing body of the city of Lyndon that it hereby that we hereby congratulate Abigail Armstead upon winning the Miss New Jersey elk Beauty and talent pageant in Cherry Hill New Jersey May further resolve that a copy of this resolution suitably prepared be presented to Abigail Armstead and to be entered into the minutes of the council the city council meeting of Lyndon in recognition of this prestig prestigious honor with past August 20th approved August 21st supposed to do this last month and um signed by council president Michelle yamakas and myself congratulations kid hey I'd like to invite um Linda Carter our assembly woman to come up she has a presentation for you and if you guys could believe this I knew Linda Carter when she was about your age we go back a long ways right we absolutely we used to hang out when we were young people right did over there on ter on terot Road Scotch PLS I should ride my moped all the way out to Scotch planes all Scotch planes planfield you know hanging out we had good times back in the day that's right we had good times and we pared a lot and so she has a a resolution or Proclamation that she's going to read I believe mayor Armstead council president council member and all assembled here today good evening on behalf of Senate President Nick scari assemblyman Jim mckennedy and myself Abigail we are so elated on your accomplishments that you have been able to do in such a short time you know I'm sure you're gonna be showing your dad some moves and everything also in your no not not she laughed at that already no but we are truly truly so proud of you and we' like to present this joint um legislative resolution on behalf of the Senate and general assembly and whereas the Senate and general assembly of the state of New Jersey are pleased to salute Abigail Armstead an Admire resident of the Garden State upon your selection as Miss elk New Jersey and I'm going to tell you something that truly is an amazing accomplishment for such a young individual your talent your beauty your smarts your brains you can go anywhere and we know that you will you are going to truly soar the world talented vocalist dancer and performer from the city of Lyon Union County Abigail Armstead impressed the judges at the Miss elk New Jersey Beauty and talent pageant in Cherry Hill New Jersey and earned a chance to compete in the National level in Jacksonville Florida from choosing glamorous gowns with her devoted mother to dress rehearsals held here in Lyon High School you are truly a rising senior to countless hours of training and practice with your voice and dance teacher you have enjoyed the unwavering and constant support of your family your friends and community and you do you have a plethora of those that you can reach out your connections are truly strong they're like the tree you know the branches that will make sure that they continue to grow and we will always be here for you it is both proper and right right right sorry for the members of this legislature to pause in their deliberations to recognize Abigail Armstead as a young woman of strong character who through her dedication and determination has provided a glimpse of a bright future filled with hope and promise now therefore be it resolved by the Senate and general assembly of the state of New Jersey that this legislature hereby commends Abigail Armstead we pay tribute to your Meritus record of Excellence within all the Spheres of your life your short life and that long life you're about to really have CU you're going to be really making your own path and extend our sincere best wishes for your continued success in all your future endeavors congratulations again and continue to be the beacon of light that we have here in our world in our youth coming up behind us congratulations [Applause] [Music] look once again congratulations Abigail okay we're now going to call up bernardetta opar she's the 2024 Lynden Marshall for the general palosi uh Memorial parade this year well I can say we have sever several pretty women in the building tonight okay okay I don't know whose idea they were but they weren't mine so all right whereas bernardetta Oar has been elected to serve as a 2024 Grand Marshal of the 87th annual paly Day Parade in New York City on Sunday October 6 2024 and whereas berad daa was born in Poland and relocated to America in the early 1990s with her husband Adam and their children's Bata M magada and Sebastian establishing their roots in the state of New Jersey with Lyon becoming the place they would call home and whereas upon arriving in the United States Bera began a career working at Nork Airport and then in 2002 she joined the Polish Slavic Federal Credit Union lynen branch where she is still employed today and whereas vereda actively contributed to the life of the St Teresa of the Child Jesus Parish in Lyon she was involved in the creation of the Social Power support group and together with friends and family bernadetta continued support the Polish Community organizing various events and is a member of the c of choir and the fettis Bible group and whereas it is proper and fitting that the Grand Marshall Bernard that Oar be recognized for the honor bestowed upon her as the 87th Grand Marshal of the annual palosi Day Parade now there be resolved by the mayor and the Council of the city of Lyndon that they do hereby congratulate Beretta AAR on being elected the Grand Marshal of the 2024 paloski parade and thank her for her dedicated service to the Polish America community and be a further resolve that this resolution be entered in the minutes of the Council of the city of Lyon and a copy be presented to her a recognition of the foro and signed by me as council president and Derek Armstead mayor she's a great member of our business Community here in Lyon thank you so much do you want to say anything for that or just good evening everybody I just want to thank you so much I'm very proud to be uh the Marshall um um be representative the city of Lyon thank you so much [Applause] we have the Sonia can you please come up so our next resolution will be honoring Sonia matani did I say that right yeah as a Lyon con contingent Miss palonia to the 2024 palaska Day Parade in New York City and let me just say this I've I've been going to the palas day parade for several years now it's a great event um we always are well represented when we go from London and uh and I think we'll be well represented again okay all right so it reads whereas Sonia matani has been selected to serve as a 2024 Miss palonia to the 87th annual Pelosi Day Parade in New York City on Sunday October 6th 2024 by the general palas Memorial parade Committee of St Teresa's Lyndon Inc to represent thousands of Lyndon and Union County residents of Polish descent and where Sonia was six years old and then a resident of New York City when she enrolled into the CCD program at St Teresa's Church where she received her first communion and Confirmation she communed to St Teresa for the next few years before becoming a resident of London 10 years later she would graduate from the help me with that word c what cat C Cal C CLE Senator polish supplementary School of Carol W VCH okay and where Sonia realizing the importance of a Polish Heritage has been a member of the Girl Scouts participated in fundraising for the Polish School of Clark and has participated in in numerous competitions there she's also assisted with teachers with their younger students and represented The Young School during polish Catholic masses oftentimes holding the banner for a school and where Sonia speaks speaks reads and writes fluently in Polish and English and could probably hail a taxi in in Arabic she has lived all her life in diverse environments and loves being introduced to new languages and Foods now therefore it be resolved by the mayor and Council of the city of Lyndon that they do hereby congratulate Sonia on being selected to the 19 to 2024 Miss palonia to represent the city of Lyndon at the paloski parade in New York City and be further resolve that a copy of this resolution be entered into the minutes of the council and city of Lyndon and that a copy here off be presented to Sonia in recognition of this pretigious honor and signed by myself and and council president Michelle yamus congratulations son con say anything they're all shy they're they're all shy she'll take a picture though right thank you congrat [Applause] all right all right now I'd like to call up our um Junior Miss palonia um Adriana bki I'm saying it correctly right Adria okay all right where at Adriana buuski has been selected to serve as a 2024 Lindon Jr Miss palonia to the 87th annual paloski Day Parade in New York City on Sunday October 6th by the general paloski Memorial parade Committee of St Teresa's lynon to represent thousands of Lyndon and Union County residents of Polish descent and whereas Adriana it's 11 years old or you 12 now 11 okay 11 years old and Liv in Flemington New Jersey would her parents Tes Baza and younger brother Damian and is currently in sixth grade right now your six correct she is proud to be named 2024 Junior Miss as she gets to follow in the footsteps of her mother who serves as a 20012 2002 Junior Miss ponia is mom over here whereas Adriana participates in many school activities including choir and Orchestra where she plays the violin Adriana also attends the Polish supplementary School Julian yeah how do you say this Adriana jul okay in Playfield New Jersey where she learned how to read write and speak the Polish language and now therefore it be resolved by the mayor and the Council of the city of Lyndon that they do hereby congratulate Adriana botski are being selected the 2024 Junior Miss palonia to represent the city of Lyon and the palosi parade in New York City be a further resolve that a copy of this resolution be entered into the minutes of the Council of the city of Lyndon and that a Cathy hereby be presented to Adriana binsky in recognition of this prestigious honor and signed by council president Michelle yamus and mayor Derek Armstead okay congratulations you want to say anything or okay [Music] and now at this time I have the pleasure of introducing our little Miss palonia for the lynon contingent Sophie mes Sophie can you come on up yep stand right there with the mayor whereas Sophie mes has been selected to serve as a 2024 Little Miss palonia to the 87th annual paloski Day Parade in New York City on Sunday October 6th by the general paloski Memorial parade Committee of St Teresa's lynen to represent thousands of Lynden Union County residents of Polish descent and whereas Sophie is a second grade student at Lynden Deerfield School Number Nine and is also a student at the Carol voala supplementary School a member of the Scout Center in lynen rotski gritsky and attend CCD class classes at the Parish of St Teresa of the Child Jesus whereas Sophie loves participating in talent shows it has competed in international music competitions and recitation competitions she won first place in a 2023 International competition Christmas Carol walks in the world and second place multiple times for song is good for everything whereas in her free time Sophie loves playing sinuka spending times with her family and friends and playing with her little sister and now therefore being resolved by the mayor and the Council of the city of living that we do hereby congratulate son Fe mes on being selected to 2024 Little Miss palonia to represent the city of Lyndon at the palosi day parade in New York City be it therefore resolved that a copy of this resolution be entered into the minutes of the council and the City of Lyndon and that a copy here of be presented to Sophie m a recognition of this prestigious honor ins signed Michelle yam's council president and Derek armad mayor hey mayor Des thank you thank you you do yeah I'll do it I'll do it and I'll let you do the other one yes so we're going to ask darne price to come up a young lady who I've known for I can't even remember so long isn't it I remember I first knocked on the door when I when I was running for counsel long time ago she was just a little girl back then but uh we have a proclamation U for darene darene um is a cancer survivor and uh we know that cancer is a silent killer and it takes many people but the most important thing is that people fight back yeah and she's a Survivor you know she she has the she T I think she's taking the same approach with cancer as she takes in life general you know she's always been a fighter you know her mother is too she got she got it honest okay so said whereas Zing price a substitute teacher for lyen public schools is a remarkable individual who has faced and overcome the challenges of ovarian cancer with great strength and determination having been diagnosed in 2005 and bravely enduring seven months of chemotherapy and where as diing price is now a 25e survivor of ovarian cancer currently in remission and has become become an advocate for over vering cancer awareness helping to bring attention to a disease often referred to as a silent killer due to its difficulty of early detection and where his diing price is a graduate of Ruckers University in 2013 with a degree in journalism and Communications and has used her education skills to further amplify the advocacy for ovarian cancer and Inspire others in their fight against this illness and where his diene began volunteering with the American Cancer Society between 2005 and 2006 following Her diagnosis and treatment generously offering her time and energy at the Elizabeth location and participating in the making strides Against Breast Cancer Walk in New York demonstrating her unwavering commitment to the cause of cancer prevention and support and whereas darene daren's personal strength dedication and resilience serve as a Beacon of Hope and inspiration not only to cancer survivors but also to to those who who are fighting the battle against cancer today now therefore it be proclaimed that I Derek Armstead mayor of the city of Lyon in the state of New Jersey on this 17th day of September 2024 to hereby honor darene price for her strength and determination and bring aware bringing awareness to ovarian cancer and making the city very proud the city of Lyndon thanks you for your dedicated service and assigned by me Derek Armstead your mayor and your former counsel you dar's gonna say a few words before we take a picture good evening everyone I just want to thank mayor Armstead City Council of Lyndon City Hall staff for your support for this very important and personal cause and I hope this encourages everyone to do community service whenever and wherever you can thank you [Applause] thank you foran cancer okay to conclude our presentations for this evening I have a proclamation for our ovarian cancer month whereas ovarian cancer is one of the most serious cancers affecting women today with more than 200,000 women diagnosed anually worldwide and over 150,000 succumbing to the disease each year and whereas ovarian cancer often goes undetected until it has spread within the pelvis an abdomen Mak an early diagnosis difficult and treatment less effective resulting in lower survival rates and whereas increased awareness and education about the systems risk factors and the importance of early detection can significantly improve the chances of successful treatment and survival and whereas research and advancements in the prevention detection and treatment of the ovarian cancer are TR are crucial in reducing the impact of this devastating disease on women and their families and whereas support for women and their families who are affected by ovarian cancer is essential in helping them navigate their diagnosis treatment and survivorship journey and whereas during this month we recognize the strength and courage of those battling ovarian cancer honor the lives of those lost and renew our commitment of supporting research awareness and improved Health Care outcomes for all women now therefore it be resolved that Derek Armstead mayor of the city of lynon does hereby proclaim the month of September as ovarian cancer awareness month in the city of Lyon and encourage all citizens to learn more about ovarian cancer and support those affected by the disease and inside Derek Armstead mayor of Lyon for [Music] [Music] okay we're now going to move on to ordinances on hearing beginning with ordinance 6842 please bance providing a bond ordinance providing an appropriation of $ 209,000 for various Capital Improvements for the division of transportation and properties and authorizing the issuance of $198,500 bonds or notes of the city for financing part of the appropriation okay has the ordinance been properly published and posted yes ma'am has any written communication been received no ma'am is there anyone from the public who wishes to be heard on this ordinance I see none can we have a motion please council president I make a motion that we close the hearing on ordinance 6842 adopted and ask for a second please second Mrs zman yes javic yes calwell yes Mohammad yes revas yes Roman yes Strano yes Armstead yes Rodriguez yes Hudak yes Mrs Yus yes ordinance 6843 please an ordinance providing for residential overnight parking permits okay has the ordinance been properly published and posted yes ma'am has any written communication been no ma'am is there anyone from the public who wishes to be heard on this ordinance okay seeing none can we have a motion please uh yes councilman I'd like to make a motion that we close 6843 and post it and can I get a second second Mrs zman yes javic yes calwell yes mohamet yes revas yes Roman yes Strano yes yes Armstead yes Rodriguez yes Hudak yes Mrs Yus yes ordinance 68 44 please an ordinance authorizing an amendment to chapter 27 of the city of Lyon special improvement district Banning outdoor smoking effective December 31st 2024 okay has the ordinance been properly published and posted yes ma'am has any written communication been received no ma'am is there anyone from the public who wishes to be heard on this ordinance president can I speak on this please state your name and address for the hello good evening John kaser 23 West W Avenue um so what is the actual amend what is the chapter 27 and what is the amendment to it I'm can tell me special improvement district is what Avenue you're gonna right that's a city district ban smoking on W Avenue is this what I'm saying it's basically what it is Miss Cosby that is uh essentially a smoking ban in the special improvement district essentially what it is so Wood Avenue the entire length of the an area of the special improvement district the law already provides that you have to smoke outside of the 20 foot 25 feet from a business but this now incorporates the totality for people who are eating or outside in that particular area especially cafes that's why it doesn't take effect until December 31st to give the businesses an opportunity to enjoy the summer business that's cool I'm an I'm an ex smoker so I don't mind I just don't know how you can how we can um enforce how's that going to be enforced like you're if you see somebody smoking on what avenue they're going to get a ticket is that it well I'm you know those are regulatory things that internally within the municipality will be able to work out with the police department and the health department I'm sure sure that they'll give warnings you know which is typically what they do with the Minimus matters um before they start to issue tickets okay thank you is there anyone else who wishes to be heard on this ordinance say see none can we have a motion please yes council president I move to close the public hearing of ordinance number 6844 move for approval and request a second second P discussion thank you council president thank you thank you I just want to Quant quantify my vote on this um I'm an ex smoker as well um certainly the amount of adults in this world that are smoking is is less and less thankfully as it is a huge Hazard to one's Health uh however I'm I'm a proponent of letting an American citizen do what they want within reason obviously our laws are always within reason I do know and I completely believe in a smoking band in front of the front doors of any indoor facility within 25 ft of that front door which basically probably takes out about 80% of the Sid District Sid District basically goes from like school one all the way down into my ward uh near Meridia and that's that's basically all wood that section of Wood Avenue which is the Sid special improvement district um I'm going to vote Yes for this because it's like 80% of the district anyway I don't even know if you're in the Sid District how you're going to be able to legally smoke as it is right now considering we'd be like you'd have to be in the middle of the street basically it'd be 25 ft away from any door uh to legally smoke anyway I do find it as an Enforcement issue health is not going to be able to enforce this and I pretty much can promise you that the police department is going to find it very difficult to Rite um smoking tickets um however because that it's already 80 or 90% illegal I'm just gonna I'm GNA vote Yes for this thank you coun coun okay we have a roll call please Mrs oron yes javic yes Caldwell yes Mohammed yes Rivas yes Roman yes Strano yes Armstead yes Rodriguez yes Hudak yes Mrs yamus yes ordinance 6845 please an ordinance to amend and supplement chapter 7 traffic of an ordinance entitled an ordinance adopting and enacting the revised General ordinances of the city of Linda in 1999 pass November 23rd 1999 and approved November 24th 1999 and has amended and supplemented be it ordained by the Council of the city of lynon section one that chapter 7 traffic shall be in the same is hereby amended as follows chapter 7 traffic 7-33 handicap parking regulations 7- 33.1 a handicap on uh parking on street this ordinance removes a number of handicapped parking spots that are no longer needed okay has the ordinance been properly published and posted yes ma'am has any written communication been received no ma'am is there anyone from the public who wishes to be heard on this ordinance see n can we have a motion please council president I make a motion to close the hearing on ordinance 68-45 adopted and ask for a second please second Mrs oron yes javic yes Caldwell yes Mohammad yes revas yes Roman yes Strano yes Armstead yes Rodriguez yes Hudak yes Mrs yikas yes ordinance 6846 please an ordinance to amend and supplement chapter 3 police regulations of an ordinance entitled an ordinance adopting and enacting the revised General ordinances of the city of Lind in 1999 passed November 23rd 1999 and approved November 24th 1999 and is amended and supplemented be it ordained by the Council of the city of lynon section one that chapter 3 police regulation section 2 3- 23.2 performance standards shall be in the same as hereby as amended as follows delete section 323.2 g in its entirety add new section 3- 23.2 G okay has the ordinance been properly published and posted yes ma'am has any written communication been received no ma'am is there anyone from the public who wishes to be heard on this ordinance he see now can we have a motion please council president I'd like to make a motion to close a hearing on ordinance 6846 adopted and ask for a second please second Mrs Armon yes havic yes Caldwell yes Mohammed yes Rivas Roman yes Strano yes Armstead yes Rodriguez yes Hudak yes Mrs yias yes okay we'll now move on to extend agenda items all items listed with asteris are considered to be routine by the city council and will be enacted with one motion there will be no separate discussion on these items unless a council member so request we have items number one and two this evening can we have a motion please council president I move for approval of item one and two I request a second second Mrs zman yes javic yes Caldwell yes Mohammed yes Rivas yes Roman yes Strano yes Armstead yes Rodriguez yes Hudak yes Mrs yamus yes okay next we'll have reports from the governing body beginning with first word council woman oron yes great thank you council president okay the first thing I'd like to go over is the division of transportation and properties report for the city of Lynden I hereby submit the monthly financial report from the division of transportation and parking for the month of August 2024 the report includes the collection of on and off street parking meters railroad parking lots railroad parking permits and Merchant parking permits the turn side collection $1,872 New York site collections $1,717 Railroad Credit Card transactions $3,485 186 Railroad permits zero railroad mobile payments 2320 parking 9,655 25 online railroad parking permits $498 parking meter collections $1,114 120 Merchant permits $395 for a total of $ 49,7 3825 submitted by Tyrone elg the traffic maintenance supervisor I also ask for approval for the following Finance actions the payment of bills totaling $2,250,000 1569 have been signed by the mayor council president and finance chairwoman and a detailed check register and vouchers on file in the clerk's office we are receipt of Investments made by the city treasurer for the month of August at the rate of 4.24% I move for approval and ask for a second second Mrs Orman yes javic yes Caldwell yes Mohammed yes Rivas yes Roman yes Strano yes Armstead yes Rodriguez yes Hudak yes Mrs Yus yes okay um to my first Ward residence I just want to once again remind everyone I'm sure you know that school is back in session so I'm begging please drive carefully but most important um I hold the title of transportation coordinator for the public school district and I see so many cars in this short few weeks that do not adhere to the red stop sign that comes out when a bus is stopping there is no reason to ever pass a bus when that sign is flashing so once again slow down pay attention we're dealing with our children their safety is is should be uh most important to us I'd also like to mention that a neighbor uh a couple weeks ago had somebody come onto their property and steal a bicycle right over their property I'm not sure if any of the neighbors had cameras or even whether or not that particular neighbor had a camera but I'm sure someone had a camera and I'm sure someone saw something so I have three messages here number one you have to get to know your neighbors living next to someone is more than just living in the house next to them it's building a bond it's building a friendship it's building the opportunity to have a second set of eyes not only on your property but on your children as well get cameras something as simple as a ring doorbell will pick up of a nice wide angle of anybody who's coming up on your property and third protect your assets I don't believe anybody should come up on your property I don't believe anybody should come into your car I don't believe anyone should you know take anything that doesn't belong to them but face it the world that we live in they don't feel the same way I do and they will do it a member of my family also woke up at middle of middle of the night 3:00 in the morning and looked at her window and found somebody rifling through her car she immediately called the police and the police came and there was actually a foot chase where they actually did apprehend the guy that was going through her car because he was well in his way to other cars and he did get caught so once again protect your assets lock them up it's it's it's critical also I as I drive around the First Ward I'm seeing people that are dragging their trash out to the curbside our trash day was two weeks ago please be mindful if you have a lot of bulk that needs to that needs to get picked up just give me a call 908 370 6482 we can make some arrangements um we don't like habitual um pickups or extra pickups but those that once in a while emergency we can try to accommodate you so please just give us a call we also noticed that there are a lot of people that are not curbing their dogs I'm having signs put up in certain areas please please clean up after your dog we don't deserve that in our grass in our community we love your pets we just don't like the fact that you don't clean up behind them and then finally I just want to mention that the First Ward is going to have their annual fall yard sale October 19th and October 20th for the full weekend no permits are necessary the only thing it's necessary if you would like to have your business increase and have people come and Shop your yard sale please give me a call 90837 6482 or text me with your name and your address and I will put you on a list that we will put out on social media so everybody can see the wonderful things that you are putting out in your yard sale um I just like to just take this opportunity to just wish everybody a wonderful end of summer and as the fall approaches to be safe and enjoy thank you thank you councilwoman [Music] okay um councilman javic please yes council president as chairman of the fire committee the fire prevention Bureau collected the following monies during the month of August 2024 uh a total of 9,149 regarding the lynen fire department's ambulance billing the amount of 83,5 688 for the month of August 2024 have been added to the total deposits for 2024 totaling $726,500 $428 zoning $2,350 Court settlements for the month $6,250 the reflective total being $161,600 in front of 314 Springfield Road and poll number 64064 near 27360 with terce I make a motion for approval and ask for a second second Mrs zman yes javic yes Caldwell yes Mohammed yes revas yes Roman yes Strano yes Armstead yes Rodriguez yes Hudak yes Mrs yamus yes continue councilman jav continuing uh from our Board of Health a reminder that the third annual lyen health fair will be held on Saturday October 12th 2024 from 10:00 a.m. to 1: p.m. in the gym of school one in addition to information on products and services from our local health and wellness organizations and businesses the following Health Services will also be available for everyone blood pressure test a blood pressure test blood sugar testing vision and hearing screenings flu covid and other uh immunizations sun damage skin analysis balance testing and dental health screenings for those who are uninsured there will also be free male and female cancer [Music] screenings good evening everyone uh well in the second ward just when we thought we were comple in the second ward there is a gas line project that's going to be scheduled uh from West blankie Street uh starting around the 23rd of SE September uh it's going to be going from actual style Street to West blanky Street and then into East blanky street it's going to finish up sometime in October some good knows uh some good news though on the horizon our recreation department has informed me that we will be resurfacing the basketball courts and additional upgrades at noski Park on North style Street this is going to come by way of a donation and as a quality of life issue please remember between your sidewalk and the curb Line This is the city right of way no signage is permitted advertising for rent signs real estate signs these signs will be removed by the DPW as they're scen uh please also mark your calendar for October 4th fire prevention night the uh theme this year is smoke alarms make them work for you this will be in front of City Hall uh between 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. also I hope to see everyone at the Polish Festival which is this Saturday the 21st from 12 p.m. to 8:00 P.M on Wood Avenue I can be reached at 98494 4608 or email me at bjv Linden dnew jersey.gov on Facebook second W councilman Barry javic as always additional information can be found on our city of Lyon website council president and the report thank you councilman javic councilwoman Caldwell thank you madam president dear Third Ward neighbors I hope this message finds you well as the chair of so Social Services I wanted to update you on the work first New Jersey program we currently provide general assistance and emergency assistance to clients daily our program off also offers information and referral services for various resources that benefit individuals and Families for those interested in applying you can contact social services at 908 47486 to0 or call 211 for further assistance in my role as the chair of it I am pleased to report that the IT department is making significant strides in maintaining and enhancing our City's technology infrastructure our key priorities for the upcoming quarter include strength our cyber security measures regard regarding our ongoing City projects the gas company is actively working on East Curtis Street East Henry Street Washington Avenue Maple Avenue East Elm Street with excavation expected to be completed by the end of October resurfacing of these streets will be postponed until spring Additionally the gas company's blanky Street project is set to commence the week of September 23rd with excavation planned to wrap up by mid November and resurfacing rescheduled scheduled for spring the water company has completed the inst installation of new Mains on Washington Walnut and other streets service connection work on Washington will be soon with excavation expected to be completed by mid November and final ashalt resurfacing plan for spring in other news we are waving the fees for the Third Ward garage sale which will be held on October 12th 20124 and the rain date will be October 13 2024 if you would like to participate please email me at mwell london-new jersey.gov with your name phone number and address I'm also in the process of confirming details for our community meeting in Lyndon at Lynden public Library I will have more news um by next month um but I'm planning to have it on November 6 at the library but I'm waiting for confirmation from them on a personal note I will be celebrating 21 years of marriage to my best friend Raymond Carwell this Thursday and I want to take a moment to wish him a happy anniversary and express my hope for many many more years of happiness together and by the way can you please I don't know who it is but please stop riding on the sidewalks of Elizabeth Avenue with a moped people are walking on the sidewalk and you can really hurt them so please please be considerate and ride your moped if you're going to ride your moped ride it in the street not on the sidewalks lastly please remember councilwoman Carwell always follows up and follows through if you encounter any issues with Street lining City treat touching power lines or you just need to reach out to me please feel free to call me at 98531 0676 I am committed to following through and addressing your concerns thank you for your attention and your cooperation and I hope you enjoy the rest of the end of the summer that concludes my report Madam president thank you Council woman call well councilman Mohammad good evening madam president and Council and P general public I'm honored I thank you all for your kindness upon my reciprocate receiving my masters from the University of Chicago and I just want to make another announcement at start as of Tuesday I have started the resident training program in psycho analysis so anyone may have issues with mental health or family issues can call 22725 785 and you will be serviced whether the well it's on a sliding scale and accept all insurance and I I emphasize this because there's a lot of people walking around unhinged there's nothing wrong with being unhinged but what's wrong is not get treatment so I encourage people to Avail themselves of mental health clinics need any other referral you can reach me at 98494 6362 and I am I think we should learn to just appreciate each other because you know I look over in the corner Mark Paka is no longer here and that's we we should value each other's lives and treat each other with respect and respect this chamber when we come in here with sacred respect that is with it proper regards uh need me further reach me at 908 463 4843 please text me as I say to people I get all kinds of calls some telling me they got I've been awarded $2 million another one wed be if I don't get send two million I'm going to be end up in I have to be a senior citizen so they think I'm a mark But peace be on you and good night thank you council president that concludes my thank you councilman Mohammed okay councilman Rivas thank you Madame President good evening fifth War neighbors and citizens of Lyndon I'd like to begin my report by congratulating everyone who participated in organization of the last weekend Latin Heritage Festival here in Lyon we celebrated and honor the history culture achievements and contributions of us Latino and Hispanic members of the cities and our community Nationwide we celebrate the influence of more than 65 million Hispanic and Latino root citizens in the United States which is almost 20% of the US population while in lynon will represent a growing 34 to 40% of population and we are tireless uh and without controversy we're going to keep supporting uh the efforts of the city government and the efforts of everyone in Lyon to keep the city moving forward among the announcements uh for my neighborhood as like we have previously informed our engineer department has continued to closely collaborate with the contracts to resurface and pay the streets that the public uh service companies have uh damaged uh still there are a few more roads to complete I had the opportunity to see a good job on this resurfacing in many of the of the SE of the roads of our neighbors um roads will will look lovely as they were before this construction and perhaps even better we as to uh keep patience we're almost there and believe me everyone is working hard to have all this completed similar like liking any other parts of our city I'd like to remind my neighbors that in October 19 and October 20th we will have have a word garage sell without a permit and I urge you to prepare for the event school is back and I see a lot of our children's walking to their homes please protect them let us always be polite with each other especially during those uh hours with traffic near our school could become a nightmare I am proud to say that we live in a very friendly neighborhood in town and we should always be looking for one another to maintain our calm and friendly Community oriented lifestyle I would like i' like to extend an invitation to my neighbors in the city in the senior citizen complex on D Avenue to participates in the events our city has planned for many of them these events include as an example the seniors arts and craft event at the JTG Center on September 24 the senior citizen beginner stren strength training class at the multi-purpose Center on September 25th the senior sumba go classes on September 27 also on JTG Center as well with num numerous other activities that you can find the details on the this of this events in your uh building Administration office or visiting the city website page I'd like to extend my usual recognition to all of city employees who make the city move forward in this includes the police department the fire departments the MTS our community service employees every one of our city hall offices who provide services to con our constituents thank you for everything that you do without you who will not have been as successful as we currently are moving the city forward lastly I need to uh I need to extend my condolence to the mara family for the loss is a it's a huge loss in our city uh he will be remembered if you need to reach me I will always happy to help and assist you could call me at 908 7187692157 uh enjoy the rest of the warm weather be safe at all times and God bless you all Madame President that concludes my report thank you councilman revas councilman [Music] Roman thank you council president uh good evening Lyndon um I'm a little under the weather tonight uh but I wanted to make sure I was here uh to vote and give my report I wanted to start with just uh a remembrance of Mark Raco Mark was our Constructor official and um he was a good man uh and that was very evident uh at his wake uh that he was loved by so many uh Mark was a guy who always fixed our problems and often enough when I talk to Mark he always picked up the phone and he knew that we were calling with a problem that we needed fixed as Council people um and he always executed that and was able to call us back pretty quickly uh with a remedy uh and the city of Lyndon is at a loss without him uh so I just wanted to pray ask you to pray for his soul and uh and keep his family in mind school is back in session and I just wanted to thank Tyron given and his crew for going out painting uh all the curbs re painting them yellow uh it looks great the school 6 PTA uh who are just a great collection of parents of the parents of our skids kids at school 6 are having their annual Fall Festival this Saturday um Saturday October 5th uh from 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. tickets are on sale uh and if you're looking for tickets please look on the school 6 PTA Facebook site for more information or you can purchase them at the gate this fall festival is awesome it's been revitalized by by the Ladies by mostly the moms uh the PTA it will include music bounce houses obstacle course slides games uh pumpkin patch food trucks and more there will also be a vendor village with dozens of local vendors selling knickknacks clothes candles and more um the event was really awesome last year and the moms do a great job uh and the dads who participate uh and your kids will have a great time in this event so please put it on your calendars October 5th Saturday at school 6 Smith Street uh after seemingly endless water Replacements unpleasant West Linden uh Rebecca and Smith Smith and Rebecca have finally been repaid by the water company looks great doesn't appear that there's any block drains as we had a problem with that when we originally paved it last year uh the Lord does indeed finally bless us with some rain tomorrow uh we'll make sure that the water doesn't get stuck on the corner of Smith and Rebecca like it had previously when we paved it last year uh and we'll make sure that the water is is moving down the street as need be final restoration by the water company company for pleasant and West Lindon are ongoing and they're looking like they're going to be completed by the onset of the winter woodl East munsel and East Stimson were paved earlier this year and honestly they're in really good shape uh all our residential roads for the most part are in good shape uh before I leave this office I plan to ensure that West msel Avenue and parts of West Morris are on repaving for the next round uh after that this the six the residential roads of the six Ward are going to be in really good shape uh so I thank our our engineering department for all the help that they've given to us uh in the Sixth Ward on that guard wheeler park there have been some issues in Wheeler Park that have been brought uh to me by residents thankfully we have a literal goat right behind us in our County Commissioner and clerk Joe bodak uh and just about the moments that I report these issues to him uh he fixes them instantly so Joe thank you for that uh and if there are any issues in Wheeler Park just feel free to to reach out to me and and I know the county parks department and Joe will have them taken care of immediately our sixth W free garage sale was this past weekend we had over 10 garage sales in this neighborhood uh please be advised that bulk trash day in the Sixth Ward uh on the wheeler park side of the Sixth Ward is tomorrow so anything you didn't sell or anything that you want to throw out should be on the curb tonight for pickup tomorrow we are currently going out for concrete and sidew work walk work so please call me if you think we missed some sidewalks uh and concrete issues my cell phone number is 98494 5784 as I begin my last few months in office I'm working on tidying things up uh I've always pride of myself on making sure the trees are trimmed the sidewalks are walkable and our roads are paved and I want to thank all the people who have assisted me in the Six Word Community and in our various departments City departments uh and our city employees that have helped me keep the sixth W clean and safe over the years my traffic uh the the lyen traffic department the traffic department and Lynden Police Department are reviewing the new rules of the manual of uniform traffic control devices and in turn are reviewing any of our intersections just just just to finish um and in turn are reviewing intersections that may uh deserve four-way stop signs uh mainly just Clinton Street um the 11th Street we have one now in 1th Street it is working uh horrific accidents at 45 mph hopefully will be a thing of the past uh we're looking at 11th Street and we're looking at the stret stretch of Clinton between Morris and Union which is very narrow and has had some bad accidents over the years uh to see if these new rules um for Traffic Control devices would fit if our roads would fit the criteria of the new um rules we're also looking at Jefferson and West Mel uh as it is tight and it's a cut through Street and also has had some bad accidents uh I would like to see these intersections made as safe as possible uh and the horrific accidents that have occurred on these streets a thing of the past and uh just one last thing council president on our Personnel report that councilman Strano is about to read uh we have a lot on there uh but one thing I do see is uh the provisional appointment of Keith pressy to director of Parks and Recreation uh which is an official Civil Service title that he'll now be holding uh if approved by this Council in a moment I just want to say that you've done a great job over your last two years that you've been here uh and you deserve this appointment uh and I look forward to working with you you've served the residents well and you continue to so thanks Keith Council president concludes my report thank you councilman councilman Strano uh thank you council president I may need a little extra time if you would please um but starting with the um Personnel report uh number one in the treasury is approving the appointment of Isabella Gonzalez clerk one part-time at the annual rate of $20.49 per hour not to exceed 25 hours per week effective September 18th of 2024 two in the community services division of transportation and property is approving the appointment appointment of Denzel Bryant labor tier 2 full time at the annual rate of $19.32 per hour effective September 30th 2024 and that's subject to the successful completion of the city's pre-employment requirements uh moving on division of Public Works a is approving the separation from employment with the city of my ferson Joseph labor effective September 13 2024 following the completion of his work um yeah following the completion of his work test period I don't understand that can somebody explain that one to me Alan Alan Alan I just this is a might be a typo his period discuss I'm just reading it and it sounds to me like somebody is being separated following completion of his working test period and if that's the way it is that's the way it is that's the way it is okay B is approving the appointment of James Chisum labor one tier2 full-time at the annual rate of $19.32 per hour effective September 30th 2024 subject to the successful completion of the city's pre-employment requirements C's approving the acceptance of the resignation in good stand standing of Clemy McIntyre motor Brom operator effective September 10th 2024 the is the approval of the seasonal list on file in the clerk's office my apologies on that misunderstanding three uh fire department a approving the resignation of good standing of Gregory Blaine firefighter effect of August 22nd of 2024 four is in the office of construction code approving the appointment of inal weeks clerk one full-time at salary of $37,900 effective September 30th of 2024 B is approving the appointment of Thomas gastler as zoning officer parttime in addition to his duties as the code enforcement officer at a combine a combined annual rate of $48.50 per hour not to exceed 30 hours per week and that will be effective September 18th of 2024 five is in the police department a is approving the resignation and good standing of Elina winki police recruit effective August 26th of 2024 B is approving the appointment of Melanie RIS safner as clerk one full-time effective September 30 of 2024 at the annual salary of $ 37,2 198 pending the successful completion of all pre-employment requirements six in the office of the mayor I is approving the posting for a position of a public information officer full-time at the salary range of 70,000 to $12,900 and that posting will be open to Union County and contiguous counties B is approving the provisional appointment of Keith presy director of Parks and Recreation effective September 18 2024 at the salary annual salary of $134,500 C is approving the appointment of sea Gil clerk one part-time constituent services at the annual rate of $20.49 per hour not to exceed 20 hours a week effective September 30th of 2024 and add subject to the successful completion of the city's pre-employment requirements these approving the recreational seasonal list that's on file in the clerk's office seven in the Municipal Court approving the separation from employment with the city of Dana principado clerk one effective September 6th of 2024 following the completion of the working test period B is approving the appointment of a jalon hall clerk 1 temporary fulltime at the annual rate of $20 49 C an hour at 35 hours a week effective October 1st of 202 4 eight and the Personnel is approving the hourly stien for our office of emergency management Volunteers in the amount of $18 per hour B is approving the FMLA njfla leaves that are on file in the division of personnel I moov for approval and as second second Mrs Aran yes jaav yes Caldwell yes Mohammed yes revas yes Roman yes Strano yes Armstead yes Rodriguez yes Hudak yes Mrs yamakas yes okay uh little bit of a ward updates for Seventh Ward uh some good news on October 5th at 1 pm at the new Lyon skate park there's going to be a skate Jam uh that's on the skate park if you don't know already it's on Southwood Avenue right next door to Firehouse number four if you were a skater you know a skat uh come on down uh more info will be available from our Recreation Department I hope we'll have it posted on our website as well this is our first sanction event there and I'm excited to see it and I'm excited to see that our Recreation Department uh head Keith prey is promoting this new facility and want to personally thank him for all the help that he's given us with that project and with that program um also we have another little gem the seventh word that people may not be aware of if they are that's fine but our uh haulk rry Sanctuary which is in the area where near uh Range Road where the animal shelter is um it also incorporates part of the uh area around the London landfill is under stewardship from the New Jersey autobond uh society and what that means is they run programs there they're educational and they're um uh very um um I guess you know part of the uh Outdoors programs that we have so they had one on last Saturday September 7th that was binocular Basics this Thursday between 9 and 11:00 a.m. they're going to have a fall birding at the haulk rry sanctuary so the New Jersey uh program director Scott Barnes and Associated associate naturalist uh take a leisurely walk through the sanctuary to look for wood woodpeckers thrushes warblers in the woods and Wetland birds like her igit and Ospreys along the Ry River bring binoculars and addess for the weather easy walking along flat gravel path ERS a ported John on site and the cost is free um they publish a u booklet of all the birds that they identify there on an annual basis and and I'm totally impressed it's like over hund and something different species of birds that are actually identified there then on October 13th there'll be a Fall Foliage walk through there and then there's one on October 24th which is another burning outing and then in November there' be an Autumn nature stroll at Hawk rry Sanctuary I believe you can get any of this information that you would like from the ww. NJ autobond toor again that's www.nj autobond dorg if anybody's interested in these outdoor activities I think that'll wrap up my uh report for this month council president I thank you for your time okay thank you councilman Strat councilman Armstead yes thank you council president I'm not too much of a report um uh this month um first of I do want to thank um DPW for cleaning uh that entire side of Baltimore Avenue and the eth ward it it was really a mess all the stuff has been cut down and cleaned and I've also had some quite a few potholes in the area uh filled where I we getting plenty of complaints um last but not least on my list for today I am going to talk about our um yard sale that we're having on October the 19th and October the 20th it's free uh for the residents there's no permit needed and if you have your stuff please sit it on out and if you would like like to be put on our list you can uh email me at mrmad london-new jersey.gov or you can call me which I prefer phone calls my number is 98463 8986 I do answer every call that comes my way if I don't answer it I will return it and that's all for me that's all that I have uh for this evening thank you councilman Armstead councilman Rodriguez thank you council president residents of the ninth board I'm excited to share with you that road work will be commencing Monday September 16 2024 weather and circumstances permitted I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to Jerry and his team at the engineering department for their diligence effort in making this project possible the work is scheduled to be completed on all streets by the end of September 2024 the streets will the streets will undergo pavings are murder terrorist from Marton road to the end Hill Crest Terrace from Mariton road to the end Ferber a from meriton road to Livingston Road during this time please adhere to the emergency no parking signs and ensure all vehicles are off the streets by specified time on street parking on street parking within work zones will be prohibited between 700 a.m. 5:00 p.m. for as long as the signs are posted while we make while I'm sorry while we will make every effort to avoid to Vehicles any cars left in the active work Zone during designated hours will be subject to Towing at owner's expense I sincerely appreciate your anticipated cooperation and understanding as we strive to enhance our community's infrastructure let's work together to make this road project of sucx if you have any questions or concerns you can reach me at 908-583-0227 thank you councilman Rodriguez councilwoman Hudak thank you the Lyon recreation department has added over 25 new fall programs in addition to the regular scheduled uh programs and the 10th Ward will also be having a yard sale so look at your sanitation collection calendar for your dates and uh you could drive around the city of Lyndon because everyone will be having a yard sale um lots of treasures out there and if you want you could team up with other res residents and have double the fun and the 10th Ward will also have streets uh being paved uh Springfield workers sham Verona Rosewood morst toown Bradberry and uh vehicles that are left on the street during the Post-it hours are subject to being towed at your expense uh thank you for your cooperation with everything and we hope to see everyone at the lyen fire prevention night on October 4th that concludes my report thank you councilwoman Hudak okay I have a short report this evening um our fifth annual Polish Festival will be held this Saturday September 21st on Wood Avenue with the rain day being Sunday if necessary we invite everyone to join us for a day of some great food music and dance um the Union County Polish flag raising ceremony will be held on September 26 at 5:00 p.m. in front of the Union County courthouse on Broad Street please please join our Lindon contingent all are invited and once again um the paloski parade contingent invites everyone to come march with the Lindon contingent on fth Avenue in New York City on October 6th uh please if you want tickets Please contact St Teresa's Parish the tickets are $25 round trip okay um Fus is having their full yard sale on Saturday October 5th from 9 to 4: and Sunday October 6th from 9 to 2 please come out and support um our furry friends all uh proceeds benefits the animal shelter uh the Lyon Public Library will be starting their computer basic uh classes in October there will be classes in beginners Advanced beginners and open question classes please call the Linda library at 908 298 3830 or visit their website ww Linden pl.org if you're interested in signing up for these classes they did these prior to co so they're getting back um into doing some of these classes again because they were a lot of people found them very helpful okay um the friends of Lyon library book sale will be from uh from September 18th to the 21st September 18th is reserved for friends members preview September 19th and 20th from 10: to 400 p.m. and September 21st is bag day you can come fill a bag for a price the friends will also host a full Market on October 19th from 10:00 to 3: where you can purchase crafts and other goodies the friends are selling 25% off bosov shop for a CLA for $5 the shopping day will be October 22nd and you can shop in person or online all proceeds from these events go to the Friends of Lyon Library if anyone has any questions or concerns you can reach me at 98494 880 or my email address is on our City website okay thank you and mayor Armstead we'll move on to you for your report this evening yes thank you council president um I'd like to report on resolution 20 24391 uh the property in this resolution that is referring to U in the agreement is owned by Philip 66 Philip 66 is uh considering selling this property in trimley point which currently is an outdated tank farm with about 20 U tanks on it uh to a company called blue water blue water would then like to build two warehouses that are projected to be about 1 million square fet of warehousing uh which will bring in a significant uh increase in tax ratables for the city when we start comparing warehousing to just tanks uh the the dollar amount is is is significantly different um I'd like toh congratulate the uh staff uh from Sid and and my staff um uh who worked and coordinated the uh the Latin Fest this past Sunday it was a complete and total success um I just couldn't there were so many people there it was unbelievable and uh everyone who I spoke with said they had a great time and they looking forward to uh attending next year's now ironically this wasn't the first time we had a Latin Festival but I'm going to say this this was the um the best one that we've ever had um and I think it had a lot to do with the fact that we all collaborated before in past uh festivals we kind of like everybody just wasn't on the same page but during this Festival everybody was on the same page and it was a tremendous success um so U as Michelle council president Michelle yam makas mentioned uh this Saturday we're going to have our Polish Fest um which which we we've had some this this is the fifth one right the fifth one yeah and they've been complete total and complete success also so uh we're looking to seeing all our good good people from Lyon show up to that as well um I'd like to comment on a on a property uh which we refer to as the Clark property um we had a groundbreaking ceremony last week in August uh and it's going to be 334 luxury apartment units um and what many people didn't know when we started this project is that 13,000 sare ft of U floor of 13,000 ft of ground floor retail space uh there going to be an amenity Deck with a INR pool and not to mention it's the most expensive residential project in the history of the city uh with estimates of $120 million to to construct um and again like I mentioned it's 13,000 Square ft of ground floor retail space and unfortunately when we took this project on uh there was a lot of commentary about the the fact that we're getting rid of uh the local establishments uh uh the retail space on the bottom retail space that existed there but we um have been approached by uh at least three of the people who were there the establishments that were there who want to come back uh and the developer is more than glad to have them back so that's a good thing and we're looking forward the completion date for that project should be spring of 20126 so uh uh that concludes my report to council president thank you thank you mayor Armstead we'll now move on to resolutions this evening we have resolution 2024 373 through 2024 30 uh 399 okay can we have a motion please council president I'd like to Mo make a motion that we pass resolutions 20 24-37 3 2394 and ask for a second please second Mrs zman yes javic yes Caldwell yes Mohammad revas yes Roman yes Strano yes Armstead yes Rodriguez yes Hudak yes Mrs yiis yes [Music] okay we'll now move on to ordinances on first reading uh beginning with ordinance 6847 please an ordinance amending chapter 62.2 entitled classes and maximum number of licenses and license fees be it ordained by the Council of the city of London section one that chapter 6- 2.2 entitled classes and maximum number number of licenses and license fees shall be amended to read as follows the classes of licenses to be issued by the city are hereby fixed as follows and the annual fees for licenses for the sale or distribution of alcoholic beverages in the city of lynon shall be as follows class a planner retail consumption license $1,600 planner retail distribution license $1,100 Club license $300 limited retail distribution license $100 and hotel license $2500 okay can we have a motion for introduction please council president I'd like to motion I'd like to make a motion to introduce ordinance 6847 and ask for a second please second oron yes javic yes Caldwell yes Rivas yes Roman yes Strano yes Armstead yes Rodriguez yes Hudak yes Mrs Yus yes ordinance 6848 please and Ord to amend and supplement chapter 7 traffic of an ordinance entitled an ordinance adopting and enacting the revised General ordinances of the city of Lyon 1999 pass November 23rd 1999 and approved November 24th 1999 and as amended and supplemented be it ordained by the Council of the city of Lyon Section 1 chapter 7 traffic shall be in the same as hereby amended as follows 7-33 handicap parking regulations 7- 33.1 a handicap parking on street remove 48 East Henry Street one space and 110 West 16 Street one space okay can we have a motion for introduction please council president like to make a motion to introduce ordinance 68- 48 and ask for a second please second Forman yes javic yes Caldwell Rivas Roman yes Strano yes Armstead yes Rodriguez yes Pak yes Mrs yames yes okay okay we'll now move on to comments for members of the public in attendance on City business only no personal political or derogatory comments not to exceed three minutes please we'll begin with Mr Craig howerin Craig hen 120 Donaldson place first of all I'd like to say happy Constitution Day to everybody and the only other thing I have is I'd like to thank the police department for their fine work with the problems around the high school in the past month with uh people from out of town with machetes or whatever else they were caught with so I'd just like to say thank you have a good day thank you [Music] okay uh next will be Chris RI I know hi can you just State your David address for the record please I'm not used to this my name is Chris marigi I live um 324 Hillside Road in Sunnyside and I have a lot of concerns a lot of people in The Sunny Side have concerns about what's happening there I'm sure everybody is aware of the new residents moving in um and buying up homes they're also using them as rentals um Miss Hudak I know for a fact there's one in your ward on Beachwood uh that's being used as a garage and it's been reported to Tom and they have had summons but they continue to work through the night and keep people awake with their revving of engines Etc uh we're having that problem over by my house as well and um there's also illegal use of different things I'm supposed to be having a meeting with the mayor on that but there there's the concern about all the the buildings that are being being done that one on Elmwood and um Summit that's hug I mean it looks like a church it's there it's going to be a synagogue and a mikah and they don't have permits for it as far as I know it's zoned as a residential I don't get how they're able to just walk in and do all this thing I don't think we have representation in Sunnyside um so I I don't know what to do about this we're we're we're being pushed out and you know as as a 20year resident of the town I don't feel I've been uh represented at all and I'm being pushed out of Lyndon and a lot of residents feel that way we don't know our Council people um and I don't I just don't think that lyndon's moving in the right direction and I guess that's all I have to say okay thank you um if you I'm sure uh councilwoman Hudak will give you uh her information and also please you see anything please report it to the council I'm Citywide you can call me also we have to follow a legal process so can reach out to us please with these addresses and stuff and we will follow through on it thank you Diane wilverding good evening Diane wling six Ward I wanted to ask about the tree commission I remember when that was kind of dissolv and then I had asked if we were still going to have funding for that what became of that are we planting trees who's working on that project do you have anything else this even uh yes if I want a pineapple and a and a banana tree in front of my house Dian before I I'm going to get you that tree I know you want that tree you're going to get that tree but it are trees being planted okay councilman Javis would you be able to answer that about the plantings well yeah there's supposed to be a full planting coming up uh it's being run out of the engineering department right now engineering is doing it now okay right there's woman in charge with the nursery she's getting all the trees and so forth but from what I hear fall planting okay so engineering is doing it now right there is an Advisory board but it um I'm actually Lia into it but we don't have enough members yet we're in the process right we're in the process okay so you got my requests right banana tree and pineapple okay okay thank you thank you we'll see you after the meeting okay okay okay please see me after the meeting or Council Hudak okay Aisha Johnson evening um Aisha Johnson 103 West Price Street I want to talk about the issue the parking issue on West Price Street I've spoken to councilman Javid months back I've gone to the mayor's office it's terrible did you just speak into the bike oh so sorry um the parking issue on West Price Street is terrible after the two buildings went went up the residents who lived there prior to the buildings going up have nowhere to park I find myself having to park over here sometimes when I come home late at night to walk to my apartment um second the second part of that issue is some of the parkings parking spaces that were there prior to the buildings going up have been um I guess zoned out with the yellow so with the yellow um paint so those parking spaces have been removed I was told that the people in those buildings are supposed to be parking inside of the buildings they're not they're not parking in the buildings their guests aren't parking in the buildings and I know this because I live across the street from one of the buildings and my window faces so I see who goes in and out of the buildings all the time they're parking on the street we have nowhere to park second part of that issue um track parking enforcement there's an officer Lindy he is very problematic he we are getting two different sets of direction as far as parking is concerned we were told to that well at one point I was told I couldn't even park my car on my street after like a couple hours or three hours or something like that I work from home I'm not coming outside moving my car okay so I was told to then get the commuter sticker which I got and I was told with that commuter sticker we can park by the meters I was ticketed my son was ticketed um so we went back to the police department and was told that oh no with the stickers you can't park there so we need clear Direction on that furthermore I feel that I'm being targeted by Officer Lindsay there have been times that I've had tickets on my car my son has had tickets on on his car and no one else has tickets on their cars just a few weeks ago officer Lindsay left gave my son a ticket with no offense on it he had there was no offense on the ticket he was parked on the proper side of the street and he had the the the sticker on at this point this isn't something that's going on like every so often I've had problems with him for years and at this point I feel like I'm going to start filing complaints because I feel like I'm being harassed by him something needs to be done with this parking I should not have to park over here and walk to Price Street this is ridiculous and I know people from the citizen building park over there and then the two the two buildings by me so and the meters like why are there meters that far down I understand we have business businesses and you know up to the alley amster and Alley but we shouldn't have meters there something needs to be done can can someone help me do something about this parking okay I'm going to ask our traffic uh committee to review this CC nor okay all right thank you can I after the meeting can I get your information thank you so much okay UMO scado please State your dut address for good evening Council uh Mr Mayor president so I'm here again for the second time the same issue that we had a few months ago I had a petition from all the residents on my street oan street which uh in the other side of alen street is Elizabeth and we're on the living side of course the problem is that we still have the same issue and it's gotten worse actually people from the Elizabeth side come and park on our street which leaves uh no parking for us and the same problem that we having is uh they come they they dump the garbage on the ground uh two other things that I don't want to get into but what we need is uh as the chief is here today that's great because I want to say Chief please we need somebody to come by a patrol because uh the residents noticed that there's not patrols that come around and at least once in a while we need a patrol to come around down the street it's a dead end Street I understand that but even if they come down Street uh be be a great thing you know just to see a patrol call around but the parking is is the the main issue because that's what we have the the problems with the parking from Elizabeth side they come to our side take all the parking and and then the 2hour parking they they come they leave their cars there they go to work and and uh I want to thank the traffic Bureau because they are giving tickets they all coming around giving tickets and that's a great thing but the problem is they they know how to get around it so after the 5:00 of course they go park the overnight parking is the problem that we have and over the weekend that takes the whole parking they just take the whole we got four four family homes on the other side we got a one one family home and they all come and park on our side so situation is gotten worse I see we have a new consumer been armstr armstar Armstead Armstead uh I haven't met you yet but I talked to the other Council before and I just want to see if we could uh work something out maybe uh I could call you and we have a little meeting you know a black meeting or anything but we we have to have this issu solve because it's just getting worse and also the street cleaning I've been calling uh department works because they haven't been coming around cleaning the street for almost four weeks I mean they keep telling me they're on vacation you know we had this issue at the same time last time our Street's not being clean Allen Street's not being clean I I don't understand it you know street cleaning it's got to be the street got to be clean and we we we we pay taxes for the street to be clean so I don't I don't understand why they're I stream clean given this issues that you know excuses they're not they're on vacation or what is I mean job's got to done job's got to be done Mr that's all I have thank you okay Mr Sado tonight we passed the ordinance uh 6843 an overnight parking ordinance just for your for your area from Allen Street to Bachelor Avenue so you be notified when to go in to get permits right Chief yes okay and unfortunately uh if you were listening to our Personnel report we had a motor broom operator which is a sweep uh street sweeper uh resigned this evening so we're g to we have to hire um or promote from within a new uh sweeper operator but they need to be trained you we just can't pick anybody um a laborer to just they have to be have trading and certification for that correct Jerry that is correct okay so we'll be working on making sure we get the street swept as soon as possible okay but please be patient okay John kazer John kaser 23 West Mel Avenue um I want to give my condolences first to the Raco family I really like Mark he helped me out a lot whenever I went to his office um he's a nice guy and the city is definitely going to miss him um I I missed last week's meeting the early part of it I like what I hear with the uh the parks Mr pressy what you're doing out milosi I'm really good friends at a little uh special needs girl in in the city and I know it's going to be um the eighth W park for for that um and Nasi I love what you're doing man but back in my day the balling in the city went the ward the pond and then nski they had some run at the N at nski Park um and I'm really excited for that it's just crazy you pass the parks though there's they're empty it's just a sign of times they used to it used to be packed um you brought up the scooters the mopeds the ebikes I don't even know which ones are are legal or not anymore I actually get jealous sometimes sitting in traffic and watching them go faster down Wood Avenue than me um uh there's a rumor that the garbage might be privatized in in in the lynon no mayor's not in know I don't know what a city worker said this to me that text me just now I you know how that go with rumors and stuff I don't know if that's a a uh I don't know the pros or the cons that but that's just going around um the parking Miss I I I feel I feel you uh my street is getting Dreadful and and it's going to get even worse they they're bisecting my my street and they're putting up those eight town homes there's my Square block which is not even a square if you know Mel and Stimson it comes to a Peak at the um fire department it's uh it has 15 houses on on my block and now they're right in the middle they're putting eight more than half and uh they said they're going to force them to St to park in their Drive in their parking lot I mean and excuse me in their garages not one person uses their Garage on my block not one everybody us it for storage we know that that um so that's definitely going to be an issue uh the one woman brought up the uh work being done in in Sunnyside and residence and stuff if if I've noticed something if you go on Google Maps and you and you look around and you you zoom in some there's some business names on some of the houses I don't know if that's like if you register in LLC one of them says like autog glass or something I don't know if you register on LLC it it says it there another thing that's a little concerning um if you go on Google Maps right here I go in Sunny Side okay you look I I go I zoom in a little bit on Harvard Road I see poopa Sho I don't I don't know if I say it correct or not I'm sorry so it's a the Star of David you click on it it says uh Orthodox synagogue and it's a picture of a house on Harvard okay it's a picture of a house then you go down a little further on a I think this is Thelma congregation rock mria you click on that it's also a house and it says Orthodox synagogue I don't know well you know there's all issues going on people are talking about uh taxes and all you know if if you do a a quick search on them you know they they are paying right now but I don't know about down the road and it is something that Mr uh Raco spoke about before his sad sad passing um so yeah just take a look take a look one day go go on there and I think you find it interesting okay thank you okay can we have a motion to close a public comment portion of the meeting please council president i' like to make a motion to close the public portion and ask for a second please second oron yes javic yes Caldwell Mohammed Rivas Roman yes Strano yes Armstead yes Rodriguez yes mudak yes Mrs yides yes okay comments from members of the governing body does anyone wish to speak okay all right councilman Roman thank you uh a minute it's hard to jam-pack everything in um ebikes I was privy to a conversation between two state legislators the other day and they are preparing ing a bill to register and ask for insurance on these ebikes there are too many horrific accidents happening Lyndon and Elizabeth and this is necessary and the state legislator is working on this uh tax exempt St for houses uh any house in the city of Lyndon that wants tax exempt s would have to be on our consent agenda since I've been here I don't think I've really voted on any if not one or two um and and if you if if there's going to be tax exempt status it's going to have to come on to this agenda uh parking permits I can't park in front of my house it's dangerous um I've I've cautioned with all the building that this Council needs to look at permanent parking permits for our residents and not offer them to the apartments because developers they don't want to build parking because it's more expensive than the rest of the building and that's why they're un always within law but underserved on parking and it's necessary and it's going to be necessary going forward so thank you Council thank you council president Council M Strano thanks council president uh real quick uh this like slipped my mind I'm not real big fan of yard sales but 7eventh word we'll be holding a yard sale September 28th with a rain date of the 29th um I don't know where you get the information on this I don't my wife you might want to contact my wife at my phone number 908 86250 N7 leave a message um so they try to coordinate it with the maps but I don't know if that's going to be occurring or not I'm not privy to it but anyway that's that a little bit information on um the skate park real quick um it's a um let me see if I got this yeah so this is sponsored by the New Jersey domestics uh their flyer is uh by tattooville all right and here's a little bit more information Saturday October 5th 1 to3 is the skate Jam in at the Lyon skate park and then from 3 to four is the best trick contest and there's questions about you know after 4 barbecue in a Flash event I don't know if that's cool but uh you can contact people at tattoo Ville and um I'm not a tattoo person so you'd have to look into that okay that's it thank you thank you Council M councilwoman calwell thank you madam president I just want to say condolences to the Raco family I am truly going to miss Mark I served as the chair of cod and construction for three years and we had a great relationship anytime I had an issue he would help me he would get back to me and I'm just saddened by his passing um I also want to say to um Keith pressy congratulations welld deserved you do an excellent job um it's the best I've seen since I've been here so thank you and keep on doing a great job councilman Mohammad thank you council president I was neglect speaking of the yard shell and the for Ward which will be on October 12th October 1 and also uh the S out by too and the pass of his brother that God his soul and you know this chamber has been tou a lot lot of death so we should be very proudful and thankful 13th 12th and the 13 have to repeat it's thank thank you C woman oron uh yes i' just like to express my condolences to the patina and to the Raco family as well thumbs up Keith um very proud of the things that you're doing it's amazing but I forgot to mention one thing in my report and this goes back to the cameras last week also we had a young a little girl that was um I'm not going to say assaulted but someone tried to pick her up on the corner and luckily we had cameras and the police department came to our house and asked my husband to download the footage which he did with a clear shot of the guy who was I'm going to say harassing the young girl he was also found to bother some other child near the park or whatever so it is critical and it's important that you do have cameras you know and they're not always very expensive but we do have this wonderful program that you can sign up with the police department and let them know that your video footage is available in the event that something happens we have to get back to this unity in our community and just realize that regardless of what our differences are we love all of our children and we should look out and protect one another that's it thank you councilwoman yes mayor Armstead I just uh received a text uh from one of our employees um that we're having a wine and cheese art expo fundraiser and that will be Friday uh September 20th and it's going to be the raymen wood bow prominade that's at 400 Northwood Avenue that's actually right across the street from City Hall um the event will kick off um at approximately 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. uh followed by a jazz and blues performance and tickets are $35 a person uh and this wine and cheese fundraiser uh is uh geared to raise money for our scholarships that we give out every year uh under the mayor's youth commission so um if you can make we would appreciate it uh this is a very worthwhile fundraiser and um again anytime we can do anything to help our youth um it's it's it's a great thing so uh once again that's Friday September 20th um Raymond wood Bower prominade at 400 Northwood Avenue and looking forward to uh seeing many of you there thank you thank you thank you mayor again Keith congratulations a welld deserved okay you do a great job with our Recreation Department okay also I forgot to mention to purchase tickets you can contact Sandra Jackson at 98494 9138 or Danny orene at 9843 3880 or rosn Pearson at 98816 7801 um so council president also I was told to mention we're excited to be able to offer non-alcoholic beverages as well I'd be remiss if we didn't mentioned Tom gastler in in presence who also was on our Personnel agenda and um the whole department has pick shoes to fill over there so appreciate you as well sir thank you okay the next meetings will be as follows due to the Columbus Day holiday on Monday October 14th there will be no coun council conference meeting on that date Council conference meeting before the council meeting Tuesday October 15th at 5:00 pm in the council conference room City Hall council meeting Tuesday October 15th at 7 pm in the council meeting room City Hall these meetings will be held in person can we have a motion to adjourn please second yes [Music] yes yes yes yes yes [Music] [Music]