[Music] [Music] I call this Mee to order please stand and let's salute the flag I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liy and justice to today is June 20th and this is the last meeting for the school year 2023 we made it give her for cl we made it 23 24 yes pleas in accordance with the open public meeting app chapter 231 adequate notice of this meeting have been provided as follows on June 10 2024 notice was sent to the home News Tribune The Star Ledger tapa pin in Union County local source and the clerk of the municipality by state law there is no smoking permitted in this building at any time in addition to the listed items on this agenda this board of education may discuss and act upon other items not specifically referred to hearin as is allowed at a regularly scheduled monthly meeting under the sunshine low roll call Miss Armstead here miss gillo president Miss Centron present Mr Dela Cruz here miss Pino present M rosada quesada present Miss Thomas Dr buram president well tonight miss Malaysia is would not be in attendance tonight so I would like to invite a board member to quare with me tonight miss miss Amstead could you join me and quare tonight yes all right thank you our next agenda item would be approval of the minutes I need a motion I need a motion in a second motion to yes okay motion to approve the minutes of the special meeting held on May 17 2024 the work session meeting held on May 23rd 2024 and the regular meeting held on on May 25th 2024 any question does anybody have any questions can somebody make a second please second roll call Mr Armstead yes Miss cillo yes Miss Centron yes Mr Dela cruzain Miss Peno yes Miss rosada quesada yes and Dr burghammer yes I want to welcome all of you to for attending our last board meeting for the year 2023 2024 school year and I want to let all of you know that a lot of great things have been accomplished in this school district in the year 2024 but let in the month of June June is a very busy month month and a lot has already happened but we still have so much more to do in the month of June we graduated our babies from prek give them a h then we graduated our elementary school students R in our RC we also experienced the changes of the Gods for those of you who have never seen the changing of a god it's an amazing experience we also had the lynon high school award night we had the emap award ceremony one of the interesting events we had is a day called decision day where we where we determine how many of our students are going to college last year over 75% of our students went to college this year we are over 80% so Lyon is heading in the right direction because 80% of our students are going to college or entering the military let's give another plan for all that's going on another amazing achievement last year we awarded $12 million in scholarships to our students to attend college this year that number is up to how much Miss Perkins 17 million this is what our students got to go to college we also had a sports award night one of my special events we had Special Olympics award ceremony we had senior athletic signing ceremony the Seal of biliteracy award the senior's Banking and last but not least I was recognized by Lea I also received an award for it's called The Union County Education Association award give me a PL [Applause] and we have the two last events that we have to conduct for this month we have the Middle School graduation which is going to be held Monday morning and Monday afternoon and we have the high school graduation that will be held on Tuesday all these events are conducted at Tiger Stadium so all you parents please and family members come and let's celebrate our children thank you our next agenda item is comments from the public members for the public Desiring Desiring to make public comment may come forward at this time for those watching online if you wish to make a comment or ask a question please utilize the raise your hand feature on the online meeting platform please begin your comments by stating your name name address and address individuals are invited to speak on one Topic at a time and no individual will speak more than once until all individuals so Desiring have spoken once the public is reminded that to ensure the efficient and orderly operations of the meeting members of the public will be limited to speaking on one agenda on agenda items for three minutes only we also have a timer up so just be mindful at three minutes when the timer goes off you will be asked to stop speaking thank you CRA How 120 Donaldson Place uh both of my comments have to do with the finance report first on page 63 items 102 and 103 it's signature Public Funding 102 is for aase and 103 is for lease purchase financing are we financing something through uh item and my second item is on page 65 insurance is considered in E extraordinary UNP specific service I hope I got that right uh I wish somebody could explain to me why the insurance is not specifiable John you want to answer uh so I I'll have to get back to you on the signature Public Funding um it is most likely for a lease I just don't know which one it's for in regards to the extraordinary and unspecifiable service this is in regards to U purchasing laws uh the amount for the insurance is over the bid threshold um but it is not something that is Bid because it is what's called an unsp specifiable service because there's different uh as you know with insurance there's different um plans that are out there and it is um very difficult to write a bid for the spec spec specific to um a particular plan without excluding other plans so what this is basically stating is that the um uh District had gone out to receive quotes for something that normally would be bid um insurance is something that does not have to be bid because of like I said the the UN really the inability to write something very specific on a bit excuse me but it sounds like we don't know what it's going to cost we don't know what the bids are for the types of insurance we do we do know what the insurance cost unspecifiable doesn't mean that we don't know what the cost is it's simply speaks to the fact that we can't specify within a bid um all of the different variables that would be going into all of the specific plans um we actually do know what the the cost is um we have at the last board meeting I did do an approval for it with an estimated cost um and I believe it's not within this bid uh this resolution here we have done it with an estimated cost on what it would be um this is simply speaking to the fact that this would be something um you know it's over $20 million in cost that would normally need to be bided uh rather need to be bid however this is something that is um being is able to be exempt from the bidding uh simply because as I said as I said uh to write out a bid that tried to list all of the different plans um would exclude certain vendors from it as well as really be something that no uh insurance company would be able to do okay thank if I have any other questions I'll contact the administration building and uh talk to you about it and you'll get back to me on my first items on page 63 items 102 and 103 yep okay thank you okay is there anyone online I know there's certain people who have had stuffed information to share but they cannot wait um to the for the um superintendent report so if you would like to come up now and speak um you're welcome to come up now and speak to share with the board okay so um we're now moving on to the next agenda item the superintendent report good evening everyone um for my superintendence report I would like to pause and recognize um last month we had high school students who attended a professional learning Workshop in Disney World last year and we have a presentation that we'd like to share and I'm turning it over to you Miss Armstead because you were one of the chaperons who attended the uh the field trip professional learning and I'd also like to call up who I believe is the man of the hour because we are so grateful for his service um teacher Miss technology teacher Mr Chris paskowitz who led the students I'll be quick everybody because I know these meetings are particularly long don't want to hold everybody up but hi everybody I'm Bri arm said and last month I had the pleasure of going to Disney with 12 phenomenal students in two wonderful chacko and we fundraised really really hard we raised collectively also I would like to thank Dr burkhammer we also raised up to over $9,000 and we were met halfway with by the district so thank you to principal Co thank you to superintendent Perkins and our assistant superintendent for making this happen and to our Board of Education the students worked really hard I got to see their personalities I learned a lot of new lingo and I got to see the skill set and talents that these students possess so today they're going to do present ation we have our TNT news crew and we have the wonderful Chris Page they're going to talk give a few words about their experience show them what they put together the content that they created and you get to see how excellent our Lyon High School students are they also our um graphic designer teacher put together a wonderful poster that I had to come up and show you guys it's so awesome I'm going to frame it and hang it in my room somewhere it was just a wonderful experience and thank you guys for allowing me to be your shadone I'm really looking forward to seeing you guys put together and thank you for coming it's thday now you guys probably to be home with your friends hanging out but you had a Board of Education meeting so thank you guys for coming and I'll turn things over to Chris [Applause] passion welcome everyone I'm Chris C I'm the TV production teacher at the high school I have my students up up guys with me some of my crew here some of my TNT students my St going to say a few words in a few minutes but a lot of these guys are seniors with the exception of Rich he's the only Junior that went on this so I have to thank the seniors for the past three four years I do have one student who's been with me all four years unfortunately he couldn't make it this year actually we have two Juniors Jose to was a junior who accompanied us but these seniors have put their heart and soul in this program and this is why I really want to make this trip happen for them we met Mr keny few words in a few minutes who's a producer for Disney World we did a online workshop with him and one of the things one stud death was like hey can we come down to Disney and he was like we do do this professional development we do this Workshop which we do behind the scenes show you how Disney is produced how it's um laid out and he gave these students an assignment to do which we're going to show you in our special and then we'll talk a little bit more about that in a minute are we ready to go with the video all right so here is our when we came back from the trip these students put together our TNT news just little um little B background about our TNT new show every Friday these students put together a show which airs Friday morning at the high school and this special was about our trip to Disney which showcases the um challenge that was given to them so if we can let's play it [Music] I'm elij I'm rich and you're watching now welcome to T news we're here to tell you guys about a recent trip that we just went on at Disney um overall the trip was very fun it was hot though like it was very hot and a lot of walking but overall it was was your faite your I mean it was was a lot but the r definitely worth it the r definitely wor it what was your favorite I was just about to ask you my favorite was it was it was very fun very what about you I say you say the same about [Music] space was a lot was a lot of good rides there let's look at the pictures um that we took out for [Music] [Music] yeah it was a lot of fun we took some Go pictures but the real reason we went down there was the me up with Disney producers k l high school I'm K and I was really honored to have the opportunity to work with you all and work with students bu film development film session class Workshop en skills interested in I have had the hon of working in the industry Disney film and ex [Music] teach envir so for to get back to students where they can learn soil in industry but also [Music] together ability that they tell a story very different from I GRE St and being able [Music] us also and also told us that every single part like every building in Disney tells a story like every piece ofe he also G us two challenges he split us into us two challenges one another one travel doent where you see the point of view in mag and also show you what to do what to see like's what the attractions are hello guys a here what's we are [Music] at dreams so let's take a look at everything in Magic King we at okay so right here I have something that is not just a souvenir but it's also is a and put is all all that good stuff too bad I can't afford it expensive you know Disney come get this so one of my favores the stit and um now show EAS well we're here at our first stop froner man um I like it it's like looks very it's not as busy as over there the our show us one of his snack over here let's go find my okay you got a what a sugar cookie a sugar cookie of course that my right right look at it look at it go up and down my [Music] what's good every Florida where we going to you all parts of Mag our first was at right now to make to resemble bus Hometown here you can find par and beautiful sceny like the kingdom behind [Music] us good guys tomorrow we going to look at be looking at Space Team Amusement par know let's get into it hell C that [Music] this got built 202 just [Music] open now our next in the smallest area in the park that revolves around America and history and behind you can see about the very coming up at our next we have the for [Music] [Music] [Music] and that's of ourour on the most magic place any this was a great experience for me actually my first time here look your tiet man look your tiet well that's all for today guys thank you for um Coming on this journey with us of the the whole year and um this trip was actually one of the best trips that I ever took [Music] um hopefully Rich can do this again next year hopefully he's a junior but I think that's all [Applause] today all right guys so that was just a little bit what we did um there was a lot more of the challenge that we did Mr Ken Facey kind of broke him down in the morning of when we were at Magic Kingdom really went over camera shots with them and then the afternoon we spent doing the challenge so the students had about two hours to film both segments he broke them up into two groups um and they went around to film everything they needed and then we came back here they put it all together so they did a phenomenal job with this I thought um you know I just want to also say before we um have some Miss heon and we actually have Ken Facey who is going to speak in a minute last month I got honored with it was takes the village award this is the reason why I do what I do so last week last month they weren't here I didn't speak but I just want to thank my students for everything that they've done for me over the past few years and also I'd like to thank Mr Co for making this happen I'd like to thank superintendent Perkins and the board of ed for really making this trip happen for us as well all right we have we have Miss heeran who is on WebEx andfor she couldn't be here but she would like to say a few words if you could unmute her Miss Hein are you there sephon if you're there you're unmuted hi yes hello can you hear me yes hi yes uh I'm Miss Hein I teach graphic design at the high school I had the privilege of accompanying uh Mr pasit and Miss Armstead and the students on this amazing trip I would also like to thank the board and administration and you know superintendent Perkins and uh Mr Co for making this possible I feel like this was such a Wonder F experience for our students and it was such a treat for me as a teacher to see them shine in this way because you know when you're teaching you get so caught up in the every day and um it's just nice to see the students that's also why I do the clubs that I do to see the students out of the element of the classroom and just functioning as you know the young adults that we trying to help them become and it was just really a privilege and an honor to share this time with the students and see them really shine and Thrive and take on those challenges that Mr Facey gave to them and um I know for a fact that my students every Friday wait to watch TNT news they really love it and I would be um so happy if we could also include graphic design in a future trip I'm just really grateful for the whole experience and I was so proud of all our students and how well they um worked together and really took took care of each other like looked after each other made sure everybody got what they wanted out of the trip you know it was just really an amazing including us like we were like we want to see the fireworks they were like Miss H you're gonna see those fireworks you know they they they really showed how much they care for us and each other which is really the main goal right of school just creating wonderful people so I just wanted to say thank you for that [Applause] all right thank you Miss heon we also have Mr Ken Facey who is the executive producer down at Disneyland who's going to say a few words as well is facy are you there yes I'm here can you hear me okay we could hear you excellent yeah uh thank you for having me um I you know just want to say thank you for giving me the opportunity to uh work with these students um um I although I live in uh Florida now and and often to California I I'm a jersey boy I grew up in a town next door in raway and we would go down to Disney World on band trips and I got to go twice during my time in high school but all it was um and don't get me wrong I'm a huge Disney fan so I loved going but all it was was just marching down Main Street USA there was no one there to really engulf me in the environment and why any this really existed but I knew that I kind of fell in love with it and for the past uh going on 18 years now of working at the Walt Disney Company um I've had these phenomenal opportunities including you know working in production and animation and all the other things so to and I didn't have anyone teach me any of that that was just a Disney company moving me along to the next thing it thought was appropriate so um for uh uh Chris and and everyone to come down and give me the opportunity to give the students um a firsthand look of how we tell stories um from a Walt Disney Company perspective truly meant a lot to me and truly shows me there are individuals that care about students and what they are going to do next and um really give them the platform to tell stories so you know I hope we could do this again and uh you know bring down more students and from the outskirts it may look like you know these students went down to Disney World and they filmed something but um I could tell you just watching that special uh I go to the Magic Kingdom I'm filming in the Magic Kingdom the next couple days and I immediately was just taken back into that day right and a good filmmaker could create a bridge and bring you into that world and that's exactly what the students did and that was only two hours so um hopefully we'll get to do it again with a longer time span but uh uh thank you all very much and um I I hope to see you all next year all right thank you Mr py and then we just have Erica one of my students who's gonna say a few words okay good evening everyone my name is Erica Hernandez I'm a senior uh before I start I just want to say thank you to Mr Coons um Briana um Miss berghammer Miss Perkins um everyone who made this trip possible um I'm speaking on behalf of the whole crew um we want to thank volani bus company um they actually donated a bus for us to get to the airport um and all the companies who helped donated and especially the teachers at LHS and around the community cuz it wouldn't have been possible without everybody so it started back um we did a zoom call with Kevin and um it was brought up if we can actually go down to Disney and we all thought it was a joke um and then 5 months later we were actually in Disney so it was pretty pretty cool so I was a student executive producer uh for group two so it definitely was a challenge and as easy as it looks I'm telling you it was not easy the amount of people that are in Disney walking past you as you're recording there must have been about five clips for every single scene if not more um and then you have to worry about audio because of how loud it is there's music playing so it definitely was a challenge for us but we definitely got it done um we also were on a time crunch so you're you have a huge Park open in your hands and where do you go where do you what is the most important parts so it definitely was a challenge but we really had a good time um anybody else want to say anything but I just want to say thank you again and and um hopefully in the future this can um happen again because it's definitely memories that I'm keeping forever um so yeah I just want to say one last thing we are planning ahead for next year so if anybody is interested in making a charitable donation you can email me at be Armstead be Armstead Linden ps.org because we are accepting donations and we do plan to send the students again next year so please reach out thank [Music] you but again I just want to say thank you to everyone and I turn it back over to miss Perkins that was phenomenal thank you may we give them another round of [Music] applause so I will continue with our agenda you'll take it go on Miss Dr burghammer please I will continue with the superintendence report we have two retirements this month we are extremely uh thankful for the serviceis of Francis green he started his teaching career as a teacher of physical education in 1999 he has taught physical education for 22 years at schools uh nine mcmanis and school number two until his retirement in July and then we also have Mary scosi she started her teaching career in 200000 she's worked as a school librarian at School's number 10 so middle school and lynon high school will she'll continue until her retirement in July so those are 21 years congratulations and thank you to both Educators for your passion and dedication to the students and families of Lyon Public Schools I wish you and on behalf of the Board of Education we wish you the best retirement has to offer with good health peace and many joyful life experiences [Applause] congratulations our staff attendance patterns for the month of June we had 59% of our absences needed a substitute and we are going to be closing out the school year very soon and we made it so thank you to all of our teachers uh for showing up as well as staff members and let's continue to end the year strong Dr burkhammer spoke to the graduations that are upcoming and again thank you to all of the students who participated in graduations last week it was phenomenal to see um the moving up ceremonies taking place and again to all of the teachers and staff who helped with carrying out those uh graduations now we're going to move into some presentations and I'll ask that um our assistant superintendent Miss Lewis she helps me um we will start with it takes a village and reminder our it takes the village awards are presented to three candidates a Community member a student as well as a staff member and we're excited for this year I'll I'll continue it all right um we're excited for this award because for our staff member we have a student who recognized the staff member and uh we will call the student up and we'll meet you at the podium and as well as one of the teachers Miss Mary cish who is a librarian at the high school who works with the students and we are so excited that our students have a voice and have the courage and confidence to be able to speak up and speak out for our staff so I'll start with calling up the student who would like to recognize the staff member and that is Mr Jeffrey Wilkins [Applause] good evening everyone I'm Jeffrey Wilkins I'm a freshman at linen high school and I'm a part of the Kane Scholars Academy dual enrollment program where we take college courses in order to gain credits [Applause] so one of those courses that we're taking is a math course and being that it's a college course and we're high school students it was some stuff that we weren't totally um things we weren't we didn't know yet so there were times where the work did get a little bit difficult and during our 10th period in the library where my peers and I would study and try to understand what we were learning Mr grao would come in and he would give us his time to to teach us different ways that made it so much easier to things that we already knew and we started to learn everything super quick and thanks to him we all passed our class so we felt we felt that the dedication the time the work that Mr Gro gave to us that he deserved to be recognized with the it takes a village award [Applause] thank you okay so miss CIS you may come up as well and I'd also like to call up Mr Coon's principal of Lyndon high school because we think that it is important that when we are honoring recipients for it takes a village you see from the beginning where the village starts with so thank you for all the work that you do and Mr Grasso please come on up once again congratulations to Mr Grasso all of his services to the community to helping our youngsters and Mathematics mathematics as we all know is a very competitive it's very difficult subject matter and our kids had to be prepared in order to compete uh in the millennial uh with all of the advances and technology and Ai and YouTube and all of the resources that are available to uh everyone our students have to be able to compete and think critically in all areas especially in math and science in the stem world so I just want to congratulate Mr grao and all of his hard work and dedication to our community thank you if we can come over here we'll take a picture [Applause] again corre congratulations and thank you Mr grao so our next award would go to our student and um our student is unable to make it this evening but we wanted to recognize um Miss azori Rainey who is our student representative to the board as it takes a village recipient um Miss Rainey has is one of the students stud who received hundreds of thousands of dollars in scholarships she is the class president and she has been the voice of the students throughout high school and we are just thankful for the service and dedication she sat up here at our board meetings um and just really uh was part of the team and she let us know um areas of strengths and weaknesses of the high school but more importantly that it truly does take take a village to help run the district so we want to just acknowledge her and say thank you for the work that she's doing Mrs zri rainy now our last award I'd like to call up one of our um our directors to help me with presenting this award so Mr fireone director of Athletics and health please come on up and um we're very excited about this award because again when we talk about it takes a village it's those silent voices that are out there that really you know if you're the loudest one in the room then you're really not talking right you're the loudest one in the room but when you are moving through our district and you're able to help and prepare our students in many different Avenues we just want to take a moment and this is a special recognition this evening um and we're just so grateful so please yes thank you everyone would Mark manuta please come on [Applause] [Music] up what more can I say about Mark manota that the citizens of Lyndon do not already know Mark is a huge supporter of all of our athletic programs he is always there for our students whenever they may be in in need Mark has a huge heart and always has our students best interest in mind I would like to personally thank Mark for being a good friend and a supporter to all of our programs he has helped me Bridge the gap between School athletic programs and our community which has always been one of my goals I know that I cannot achieve my vision for our athletic programs without the help of people like mark thank you again Mark for everything that you do this is the first time that I think the board of education has given out a plaque but it's very well deserved Mark is one of my favorite people he goes above and beyond for our boys basketball team and for our athletic department and he doesn't have to and it means the world to us the type of encouragement and support that you give our kids is really just unmatched so thank you so much so I'm going to read this plaque the Lyndon Board of Education presents this award to Mark mana and recognition and with the deepest appreciation for your years of dedicated service and significant contributions to the lynon Public Schools Athletic Department in 2024 and also for all the years he's been doing this since I was in high school so this he he doesn't stop it's not a it's not a oneand done deal with him so thank you Mark for everything that you've done [Music] yes for a while we haven't given our two Awards to one person and not even a teacher so it says something right Mr um Mark I met you about eight years ago and um you called me because you were having problems with a student and he said doc if there's anybody could motivate a student for me you have the loudest mouth in the room and you're passionate so talk to this student and see what you could do for this student that was eight years ago every time I go into the basketball court and there is a game Mark is sitting right there in front um encouraging the students when we lose I look at him and like he want to get a heart attack but the thing that is also amazing about it every time I go in the back there is boxes and boxes of pizza I says where are we getting all this money to buy all these pizza for the students Mark is the one he he really does a lot for our students and if it's anybody who deserve these different wordss is my friend Mark manuta [Applause] take thank you [Applause] again I am proud to say that Lyndon public schools are Lyon High School has an inter international boret program where we have students who sign up to take rigorous courses IB courses International boret courses over their course of study that can qualify them to take an exam and then receive college credits it also is a prestigious recognition for colleges because not too many schools a have the program in New Jersey but more importantly that students have taken on this rigorous program we've had over 112 12th grade students who uh went through the IB program and they all um have to take an exam every May to qualify to be able to receive a diploma the diploma will also give them college credits towards their journey in the future and we are pleased that there were over 450 exams that had to be taken by these students in their cour all subjects and so we have five students who will qualify because we do believe that they will pass the exam um and receive the diploma for the inter blackette program so we wanted to just recognize those five students tonight um the exam results will not come back until close to July 5th but we do believe in putting it out there in advance so we do have an award for each student who's here to say thank you for being part of the team we'd also like to recognize the teacher uh Mr Anthony fcet who runs the [Applause] program and all of the teachers and support staff who help assist our students I know you two Miss College play an active role in our IB program so thank you for those services so we'd like to call up um the students who are here this evening and they also have a a medal that just says we are proud of you keep it up this is an amazing achievement so we have uel rori he's not here this evening but we're recogn oh okay okay not here but we're recognizing um Patrick sabon Amanda [Music] Alonso Joseph Fitz and Mia Navaro who is here [Applause] this um I just wanted to say and give a word about my journey being a um a diploma candidate I've been a diploma candidate since my junior year and um obviously it is very difficult IB classes are I want to say a little more difficult than AP because they're two-year courses and they really go into depth with all the subjects and it was hard it was difficult there were times where I wanted to give up but I never did because of my teachers and my support um the teachers are really our big support system um every single one of them they're so understanding especially with being a diploma candidate you I not only have homework for their class but I also have homework for seven other classes that I'm taking and they're just so grateful and I'm really grateful for Mr fet too he's been with me for the past two years and just been a great support system and every time I needed to vent out or needed help with any of my assignments or any course or anything he was always there to help me so thank you Mr Fete I know you're watching um but yeah thank you to the teachers thank you to the staff and thank you for never letting me give up because I'm so grateful for this moment all right thank you thank you job well done if you can keep up the great work and the one thing I wanted you to just know that your internal clock is yours and every day that you chose to stay in the program and do it is because that's your choice so we're here to serve as support and any and everything that you do and thank you for representing Lyndon Public Schools we know you're going to get the diploma in advance so hold up your certificate high and keep on in all that you're plan to do thank you come over [Music] [Applause] here okay [Applause] another accomplishment that we are very excited to celebrate this evening is the continuation of our cane scholar AC Academy so uh we have six sophomores who are currently part of our cane Scholar Academy we have Four Freshmen that are currently part of our cane Scholar Academy and we are thrilled to be adding an additional four students to our Kan Scholar Academy and I must say that these students engaged in a very rigorous application process where they were competing not only against lynen high school students but they were competing against school districts throughout out the state of New Jersey that are Partnerships with C Scholar Academy so uh we are thrilled to recognize the additional students who are joining our cohort this evening we have Julissa illa if you are here this evening can you join us and so these students over the next four years are going to be engaged in a dual enrollment program where they are essentially taking courses at Lyndon High School while simultaneously taking courses at Kane University where they're earning college credit so by the time they're seniors they'll have an opportunity to graduate with 20 or 30 college credits which puts them at a really great Advantage our next student is Nehemiah matelis [Applause] our next student is Roy [Applause] Paris last but certainly not least we have Angie Pina or [Applause] [Applause] so again our students over the next four years are going to be taking College LEL courses where they're at cane on Saturdays they're at cane two days a week as well a special thank you to their advisor Miss colish who is a key part of the application process and I must add that our current uh 10 Cane Scholar Academy students have finished their spring semester with Straight A's and B's that is a tremendous accomplishment these are college level classes that they just finished with A's and B's [Applause] okay so our last award that is going to go out this evening um I'd like to call up my executive leadership team so we're a business administrator an assistant business administrator please come up Mr cilia as well as miss kaarel our leader executive uh leadership team um we're here to to serve you all and we we are extremely thankful that we made it through the first year um Mr sarila and myself we both started at the same time Miss caparell who serves as the silent assistant ba um we we we meet regularly to talk about our strengths and weaknesses of our district and where we want to go and tonight um we'd like to connect with where we're going as district and honor um an employee the Lynden board of education has come up with a new way to recognize employees and so they've started an employee of the year award for for an outstanding employee who they they've watched and observed but more importantly connected with to be able to help move our our district forward and we are pleased to announce that tonight's award is going to Mr John [Applause] [Music] sarila Mr John sarpila for your dedication your Visionary leadership and more importantly what we've all seen is your transparency you know Mr sarpila he comes to us he oversees our money our budget and this is our second year that we are able to keep the tax levy at where it is we're able to um establish so many new buildin level com uh uh beautification and changes your tenacity and decision making with helping us remain fiscally responsible is a key piece of not just saying the things that we're able to do today are are just temporary but for sustainability of where we're going from the Bea our playgrounds to lights in our gymnasium to even seeing how we now have the long range plan to include in uh increas in our agback systems and everything that you say that this is what our students need so Mr sahila we can't thank you enough for the job that you're doing keep it going congratulations oh I will say this um your wife wanted me to know that because his he has twin girls um they're having a sleepover this evening so she wasn't able to make it but we told her that we'll make sure we get the best shot this evening all right say smile and I'll turn it over Mr sarelia Mr sarelia as president of the Board of Education I when I think about the fact that Dr Tomas God Rest his whole selected you that was a good find you have done so much for our district we talked to you about um making our students safe by putting lights in our parking spaces and putting Gates it gets done we ask you to put up Marys in our schools in front of every school we get it done we ask you to improve our our bathrooms we got it done we said that every school every elementary school should have a playground we getting it done we said that every school should have Edge back we getting it done we have some ugly toilets in some of the schools that's even older than me we replacing them so we have we have roofs that are very old we are replacing them but you know what is the greatest thing he didn't raise [Laughter] taxes and as a resident and as a resident of Lyndon and a single mother if you not raising my ACC says I love you to death thank you again Mr sarap yeah um I was this is very much a surprise although I started when I started seeing a lot of the business office here I uh I thought something might be up um I just want to you know uh thank uh the Lyndon family for accepting me as as one of your own um um you know I want to uh you know I feel like I don't really deserve this um because I'm really just doing the things that you're asking me to do um and because of the staff that I have and I don't want to name them all right now because it might take a little while but I want you guys to know that it's because of you that I'm getting this award um so just thank you guys so much and you know I want I appreciate it and like I said Thank you thank Mrs Perkins um Pam Annabelle just like I said the entire Board of Education and the and the staff that I work with every day so thank you guys and I really appreciate this come take your photo we' like to also call up the department that's here to take a photo take the photo with if you would like yes to take the picture with your department come take a picture yes we have members from purchasing payroll his support staff secretary maintenance Transportation [Music] benefits the entire business department thank you all for being [Applause] here John I'm told that this staff they come to work because of you so thank you for the job that you do [Applause] [Applause] we done yes well I'd like for you all to stay here so the last last um person that I'd like to call up to the table is our student representative for the 2425 school year student representative to the board and that is Miss I want to pronounce it Shayla Cal please come on up Shayla you'll be working with us if you can hear is your board supporting us so thank you for your service in advance we are here to work with you we appreciate the partnership of working with students so your voice is heard thank you here's your board [Applause] a [Music] [Music] [Applause] that's her where is Malaysia that's it is this Malaysia this is Malaysia here to our faculty staff and students everyone part of the Lyon Public Schools as we begin to close out our school year I'd like to just say thank you again and wish you well wishes for the summer the student student's last day of school will be on Monday the 24th we made it through an amazing school year and as I close out my superintendence report I'd like to also just give a big thank you to the um Ela president who's going to be closing out this school year Mr Rob mangel thank you for your service and representing the Lyon Education Association we are thankful for this part parip as well and ensuring that we have one voice with meeting the needs of our students so thank you Mr Ro mangel and we will be um the board uh president-elect Miss Tanya Martin Cooper will be starting July 1st so to all faculty staff students everyone in the Lyon Public Schools we want you to have an amazing summer we made it this far and that will conclude my superintendent report Mrs Perkins before you complete this superintendent report I would like to to give a shout out to someone I think is the executive director of our virtual yearbook is Erica Hernandez and her team isn't she doing it this year mhm yeah because guys we have an amazing virtual yearbook that will be coming on is it out already it's it's almost ready it's almost ready and these these young people in the high school have been the one who put everything together for a virtual yearbook and I really want to give a shout out to Erica Hernandez and her team for publishing our 2023 24 yearbook high school yearbook virtual yearbook too a and see it yes they will be showcased after graduation oh yes have to fix a I hope they had a nice of me yes and now I turn it back over to Madam president our next agenda item is the attorney's report which we do not have unless Joe you have anything to add uh we will have to go into close briefly but we can do that at the end of the meeting okay yes okay our next agenda item is the education report I will now turn the over to the education committee good evening the education committee part recommendation of superintendent of schools and the assistant superintendent present the following motions of the Lyon board of education for approval I approve items one through 24 I respectfully ask for a second second roll call any questions roll call please Miss Armstead I would like to say yes to agenda items but I would also like to recuse myself from item 11 number one but yes to all other agenda items uh Miss carello yes C Tron yes Mr Dela Cruz yes Miss Pino yes M rosada quesada yes M jul yes Dr berghammer yes we're moving on to our next agenda item the Personnel report I'm now going to ask the Personnel committee take the Personnel committee upon the recommendation of the superintendent of schools presents the following motions to the Lynden board of education for approval all appointments and reappointments are contingent upon and may be modified based on student participation and the district's receipt of sufficient state school aid and other Revenue funding I approve items 1 through 47 and I respectfully ask for a second second does anybody have any questions roll call please miss Armstead yes Miss cillo yes Miss Centron yes s Cruz yes Miss Peno yes Miss rosada Casada yes El yes and Dr bur yes moving on to the next agenda item the finance report I'm going to turn things over to the finance committee isn't it you who's the finance committee the finance committee upon recommendation of the superintendent of schools and the business administrator board secretary present the following motions to the lynen board of education for approval I approve items number 1 through 51 I respectfully ask for a second second second does anybody have any questions roll call please Mr Armstead yes Miss cillo yes Miss Centron yes Mr Del Cruz yes Miss Peno yes M rosada quesada yes Miss ulis yes Dr b h yes our next agenda item is buildings grounds and security report I will turn things over to the buildings grounds and security committee the buildings grounds and security committee upon upon recommendation of the superintendent of school and the business administrator board secretary present the following motions so L board of education for approval items 1 through six look for second second does anybody have any questions roll call please miss Armstead yes Miss cillo I would like to recuse myself from items three five and six yes to all other items Miss Inon yes Mr Del Cruz Miss Pino yes Miss rosada quesada yes m please yes Dr Burham yes our next agenda item is the planning and policy report the planning and policy committee upon the recommendation of the superintendent of schools presents the following motions to the Lyon board of education for approval item one second reading to approve the updated board policy manual from st's smme Associates Lop effective July 1st 2024 policies number th000 to 9,000 the Lyon Board of Education policies and policy number 1,00 to 9,000 Lyon Board of Education regulations I respectfully ask for a second second does anybody have any questions roll call please miss Armstead yes Miss Carillo yes Miss Centron yes Mr Dela Cruz yes yes Miss Pino yes M rosada kada yes Miss uliss yes and Dr bur Hammer yes at this time if there's anyone in the audience from Personnel who would like to come up to the podium to speak about your new appointment or introduce yourself to the board you may do so at this time [Applause] good evening everyone uh superintendent Perkins assistant superintendent Lewis Dr Berg Hammer Board of Ed members not really new uh my name is Bill mastriano I've been in this district for 19 years uh something that really res I will not be long I promise but something that resonated with me last uh month when Mr hle said he's not from Lyndon but he's from Lyndon and what that means to me I've had an opportunity to see our students our amazing town and our school district district from so many angles 19 years ago I was hired as a part-time Aid at this very school by Mrs Perkins from then on I went to be a school teacher a classroom teacher School two School 5 was a title one teacher I did some federal programs now my favorite budgeting not always my thing but um yeah I had a chance to see just how much our community cares about our students and how much that aligns to me we do anything by any means necessary we send kids to Disney World I was the head baseball coach here at Lyndon high school for four years and we took a group to Disney World this community will do whatever needs to get the job done and I love that and I'm so looking forward to continue my career at mcmanis Middle School yes wow this is hard for me because we say every day at school number six we're not only a school we're the best school we also say we're not just a school we're a family so for me that's eight years of success uh you know celebrations relationships uh Board of Ed members who had their students come through our school you trust us to teach your children and really just make them the best they could be not just the Reading Writing and math but what is their passion what's their Drive technology Ai and seeing how that comes to fruition at the elementary level is just amazing uh that school is simply the best I love the staff and the teachers there I love the PT everything about that school um I am looking forward to my next adventure at mcmanis I'm excited to see what the future will hold I'm graduating I'm going on to Middle School right so yes yes sir yes so I'm graduating yeah so I cannot wait to see what that looks like on the next level when they really start to hone their skills and really focus in on what they love and their passion they take that to the next level so I'm just there to support that staff and continue the great things that uh been going on there already and I hope to work with Miss Long from Soul middle school and uh just continue the Great things that are going on and another fun fact I I was a vice principal there for three months acting vice principal do maternity leave so I have some familiarity so that's a little bit about me all right Mr Mr mrio you forgot somebody yes oh my goodness yeah sorry so no but no but yeah Brianna Amstead you were her teacher right unfortunately I was not her teacher I did uh I had the boys they were at my baseball camps when I yes ma'am yes no but I do I do have to thank though and this might sound a little corny I'm sorry my beautiful wife who is Ben mcis she is starting a new adventure herself she's spent 21 plus years at mcmanis middle school and is now be will be continuing her career at Soul Middle School all [Applause] right well hello and good evening everyone even got it out okay I'm Fran syic um for those of you who don't know me um I've grown up in Lyndon I went to school six a few years ago uh then here actually school one so and then the high school however I'm a school 10 teacher so I don't know about that we're like the best school ever um so basically I just want to take this chance to thank um the board Mrs Perkins Miss Lewis for this opportunity I'm now the I um Angelo's old job I'm the um before and after Care supervisor and by the way Angelo I told them he was my little six-year-old I taught him uh just you know a few years ago um anyway um having worked for and after care myself as head teacher for eight years I feel like I'm ready for this challenge [Music] um I don't know it's bittersweet because I have been a classroom teacher for 35 plus years so it's a little you know different but um I have great plans I would love to move this program to new heights um so all I need to say is stay tuned because you're going to see some great things absolutely so thank [Applause] [Music] you okay that's a tough act to follow Billy School 10 everyone represent I'm Anthony Cella and I just had actually I found out a little bit earlier tonight I got a text message from a very near and dear friend saying are you prepared to talk tonight and I was like what are you talking about he was like well lately people have been talking I was like oh okay let me make sure I know something I started jotting down a couple things and then I took it away so I'm just going to speak for myself from the heart and like I normally do which I've done the last 25 years now going into year 26 in education uh most of that time has been at soul my concerts talking the cow getting everyone talking everyone like we're all friends here and everyone talking so thank you very much Miss Perkins Miss Lewis the entire Board of Education little bit to just talk about myself for a second okay back in 1990 actually 1989 I decided not to go to Lyndon high school I went to union Catholic I had this idea when I was that old it's like oh this is going to be a better education I can't wait to go there I heard they have an amazing music program I went there their music program was just a keyboarding class I was like this stinks this is not going to work so needless say next year 1990 went to Lyndon high school I had my band director there Jerry Lauren edti worked here a long time by my junior year I knew where I want to be and that was an education and to be a music educator he had all the band kids all the theater kids around the clock all year long in all his activities he had an office none of the other teachers had offices he had a computer before anyone had a computer he had a coffee maker hit a fridge I knew this is what I want to do rewind a little bit I had Miss Harris at school nine if anyone remember sir um I had her in fourth grade at school nine my mother was the PTA president my parents still live in Lyon right down the street from mcmanis where I went Miss Harris when I had her she said carella she was like why aren't you doing this stuff and I was like I don't like music I saw her years later fast forward 15 years later at a music conference standing there with Jerry laen zetti with Esther Harris sorry I forgot her first name um at this conference and turned around and said to me ah Cella you told me you didn't like music and then here I was at a music conference fast forward I'm here today and I'm honored to work Mr Co at at Lyndon High School where my love of Education started my junior year and I put a stake in the ground and said I don't want to do this I don't want to do that I want to be a teacher and I want to be the best teacher I can be and that's where I am so starting officially after tonight moving forward I'll be the dean of student academics and discipline Lyon High School all right and I'm excited for this challenge it's a brand new position I just want to say thank you I'm really ready for this I'm excited for this I want to see nothing more than lynon Thrive and grow as much as everyone in this room and being homegrown here my wife grew up here her family grew up here my family grew up here there's a pattern right want to see it Thrive and grow and Excel and be you want people to look up lynon and see nothing but amazing things and we're on the right path and I really feel the Miss Perkins I've known you a long time we talk about seat in Hall Diana braad we have a lot of things we can relate to I like seeing where things are going and I'm here to support you guys support everyone in this room these kids these families miss long since I got the mic I got to say thank you so much because she changed my mind this year I started this year thinking hey you know what I'm going to be a music teacher another seven years I'm going to retire and be a boat captain I'm going to take people out and we're going to go hunt tuna that's what we're going to do and then October 23rd October 23rd 2023 she said to me she was like I'm gon to get you coverage today I'm G to show you some stuff you're G to help me I was like okay did that all this year I learned so much from that woman thank you so much she changed my mindset and opened up a whole new door to me that I would come home from work excited again about not just teaching but the growth of education and seeing where everything could go so this is not this is not going to be the last time you're going to see me up here I can assure you it will always be for positive things and thank you so much thank [Applause] you our next agenda item will be comments from the public members of the public Desiring to make a public comment may come forward at this time for those watching online if you wish to make a comment or ask a question please utilize the raise your hand feature on the online meeting platform please begin your comments by stating your name and address individuals are invited to speak on one Topic at a time and no individual will speak more than once until all individuals so Desiring have spoken once the public reminded that to ensure that the efficient and orderly operations of this meeting members of the public will be limited to speaking on items for 3 minutes and 3 minutes only again we do have have a clock up and it will give you a countdown so just be mindful thank you it's really cold today hey again Craig how 120 Donaldson place I guess say Miss Lewis you can also just send me a snail mail letter with the information I requested whatever is easier for you okay thank you thank you I'll follow up with you have a good summer everybody you too you too good evening good evening so everybody knows my daughter's graduating so this is technically my last meeting oh Lord but I'll come visit so with my daughter graduating it is my last meeting um I will be back it has been said that we come up here to cause chaos but that is not why we're here we're here because we care what's going on in our district thank you for listening to us parents our lynon community members and most importantly the students on their concerns and ideas please keep doing that board members you have seen me I'm almost at every meeting I've been here while you're on the board and I've been here years before um I know that there is um mandated training please continue doing your training um help you know ask questions um if you know the any board members I know there's some positions coming up anybody you know please have them come to the board meetings let them sit in not come when they're appointed not come for one meeting before they're going to get voted in have them start coming now um I could tell you in the past many of the board members have not been to one meeting until they sat in those chairs so please have them come up let them look you know how the board meeting is ran what they're looking to get themselves into um have them read the agenda what they're you know voting on also I know you all don't agree on everything that's fine but you speak your mind you have you can tell people what you feel you have an opinion don't do it because someone's telling you to do it do it for the right reasons um also I'm so happy to see that the weather is going to be great for graduation Tuesday so we can have it Outdoors so excited um I know in the past and it's going to be 89 degrees I know in the past they've had the water coolers and Roc students you know going around you know if anybody needs any water do we know what are they going to have that again because it is going to be hot yes all right perfect thank you and I will be back to come visit thank you all right you Mrs Hernandez thank you very much you were you are an amazing friend of the board thank you very very much and she's the well was the PTA president for the high school and she's amazing things over there so thank you for all your service thank [Applause] you is there anybody online no at this time I would like to make a motion to go into executive session may I have a second second roll call please miss Armstead yes M cillo yes Miss Shon yes Mr Del Cruz yeso yes Mr Rada quada yes m j yes and Dr bur yes I also want to note that we may be back there for a while um so if anybody's interested in going home feel free to do so I'm happy to see you guys when we come back out I love looking at your faces but don't feel don't don't feel obligated to hang out to public second I didn't know you guys were the vice president tonight a motion to come back to the public can I I respectfully ask for a second second real call Miss Armstead yes Miss cillo yes Miss Centron yes Mr Del Cruz yes Miss Peno yes Miss rosada kada yes we need to she's not here anymore right she she r she just said Thomas Thom Miss UL yes Dr Berg yes do we do andin bus our next agenda item is new and unfinished business yes I have something real quick this is quick and easy for John we've replaced well we've gotten all the new our new um screens in the schools the mares the Mars yes the high school their Lyon High School lettering on top of the Marquee is really faded out can we replace that yes you mean the old Mar in the high school yeah if you look at the sign where it says London High School London it's faded yeah it's it's old oh let's replace it anent yes would you um Mr Mr um Mr Garcia do we have you have to talk about a resolution for voting first yes John there's a there is a new business resolution that John has and he can read into the record and ask for a motion in a second uh the motion is to renew employee 9067 for the 20024 2025 school year I would like to make a motion to re to renew employee 9067 I respectfully respectfully ask for a second second second roll call Miss Armstead yes Miss cillo yes Miss Centron stain Mr Del La Cruz yes Miss Peno yes Miss rosada quesada yes Miss ulis yes Dr burkhammer abstain no not no no I do again voting no all right any more new business no no no are there any other comments from other board members yeah let's end this meeting thank you good night good night have a nice summer enjoy good night I would forward to graduation sorry me too looking forward to graduation guys remember graduation for the middle school is Monday 9:00 and 12:30 and for the high school is Tuesday at 9:00 10:00 got it got it all right Tuesday going to be hot so bring your sun visors okay send an email no I'm just telling you it's going to be very very hot on Tuesday so I guess you could end I I I mean before we close out we have to decide who's going going where I agree they've been having graduation prac um Monday nobody shows up Tuesday everybody shows up you know I think one of a bunch of us should go in the morning session maybe another one should go to the afternoon session and then we all can go to the high school cuz um I've been attending a lot and I can't keep attending cuz you know I don't drive so therefore who I go we got to pick me up and take me I'm planning to go to both I took off work so I'm going to both I'm going yeah I'm going to both I also I also think we need to figure out the high school graduation because at the last High School graduation there wasn't really like a ro or a space for the board members and then we kind of got like wedged into a corner I think that there should be a line for them to come and Shake all of our hands and it should just kind of already be plead like they should have something set up for us so that we know where to go parents were like yelling at us we were indoors we were no we were we were indoors but out this is out okay so if okay okay okay good all right all right Shake All Hands yeah I agree with that you know that's a lot of hands give fist I think a fist fist B yeah I do think they should know that who the board members I just think the board me yes yes I think the board members normally should wear a different color if this if the board if the if the students are wearing black we possibly wear red or purple or whatever color no the reason why I'm say identifies that you're different you mean for the middle school we don't wear the regalia that's why huh can that be for next session can I'm hungry yeah I regalia my regalia yeah would you end the meeting motion to adjourn this meeting second uh roll call Miss Armstead yes Miss Caro yes Miss Inon Mr Del Cruz yes Miss Peno yes m rosada quesada M yes Dr bammer yes thank you you did a great great meeting good night everyone good night and John again congratulations okay go home you can't stay here [Music] [Music]