[Music] good evening everyone I like to call business meeting order for February 14th 2024 Happy Valentine's Day to everyone notice of this meeting has been duly advertised compliance with the open compliance with the provision of the C public meeting law please be advised that this meeting is being a everyone please FL flag United States Amica stand indivisible andice Council Council here councilman here councilman morsy here councilwoman Patton here council president Rand Shar excuse absence mayor Ro motion payment of bills please make a motion I'll make a motion that I'll second um please Council woman has yes councilman Jackson yes yes councilman ly yes councilman yes councilwoman P yes following reports have been filed and are available in the respected offic and will be included in the minutes tax collector report report treasur report and the engineers report first reading ordinance 20241 rision of Sue ordinance section I'll make a motion that ordinance 20241 has been be adopted as read on first reading published according to law posted in bar Hall with second reading being held at the next regular meeting second please second any questions councilwoman H yes councilman Jackson yes councilman lowski yes councilman Morris yes councilwoman P yes first reading ordinance 20242 call ordinance I make motion that ordinance number 20242 be adopted as read on first reading published according to law posted in viral call with the second reading being held at the next regular meeting and a second please second any question call councilwoman H yes councilman Jackson yes councilman lowski yes councilman Marcy yes yes yes first reading ordinance 20243 first reading by title amending chapter uh 150-34 fee ordinances to increase the fees charged for police off duty uh compensation which will increase the rate and administrative Fe charge motion please I motion4 20243 adopted as read published according to law posted in viral call with the second reading being held at the next regular meeting Council H yes councilman Jackson yes Council lowy yes councilman marsy yes Council woman Patton yes next coordinates first reading 20244 councelor 20244 first reading by title amending ordinance chapter 150 to increase the sewer utility fee I'll make motion that 20404 be adopt this R first reading published according to law posted in viral H second reading being held at the next regular meeting and second second questions councilwoman H yes councilman Jackson yes councilman lowski yes councilman Mary yes Council Patt yes next up consent agenda The Item B below consider routine by the ball beaed in one motion if discussion is required this item be removed from the consent agenda considered separately and a motion for resolution 20246 [Music] through 75 I make the motion that consent agenda agenda items resolution 2024 65 to 202 2475 be adopted as spr and second please second councilwoman H yes councilman Jackson yes councilman lowy yes councilman Mary yes councilwoman p yes two on resolutions 2024 76 Council a resolution authorizing the hiring of Ryan lein as a full-time driver mechanics helper effective March 4th to be March 4th 2024 motion please second second questions councilwoman H yes councilman Jackson yes councilman lowy yes councilman Mar yes councilwoman Patton yes resolution 2024 77 coun authorizing the sale of the borrow cell phone cell phone number used by George Turner to George Turner Mo questions councilwoman yes councilman Jackson yes councilman lowy yes councilman Mory yes Council Patton yes all right this time we'll open to me to council for uh comments um Council Mor thank you mayor um Fire Commission report o equipment was in service air masks out ordered previous in the year have arrived in December they had 70 calls 13 inspections 13 re inspections last year they finished the year with 875 calls all uh smoke detectors are still available for uh resident homeowners um they will be installed for your charge just need to call the office at 856 346 0935 next Fire Commission public meeting is February 20th 7:30 p.m. at the firehouse at Fort and Scott um also coming up uh this weekend fire district election is on Sat this Saturday the February 17th uh if you go Ma you should have receiv received your vote by mail Val already make sure you uh complete it and send it back and no later than 17 either by putting in a drop box such as the one outside the bur hall or dropping in a mailbox in person voting will be done on Saturday from 2:00 to 9:00 p.m. at the fire station at 801 Scott Avenue which is work in Scott three items again to recap three items that are being voted on is next year is this year's budget for the Fire Commission uh which would the average home would increase your taxes by about $5 U a fire commissioner needs to be elected uh and 're actually two candidates in come and one additional candidate for that position and an authorization to borrow money and build a new Firehouse this would be at the site of fire station they would uh demolish or raise the fire existing fire station and build from scratch a new station uh this would be a at a cost of $10.65 million payable over a 30-year bond this would increase your fire district taxes about 100 to1 120 to $125 a year for the average assessed house in the district and um so about the fire department uh at a recent uh council meeting some of my colleagues talked about uh how they assisted some individuals that need food and i' like to mention that an organization I belong to was partnered with four wwas and one Pizza Hut we pick up unused food which would otherwise would be disposed of we deliver these this unus food to all three senior centers in town c v Veteran Center in town we delivered to several churches Youth and local in area food banks including neighbors who care and it doesn't sound like much but last year throughout the course of the year we picked up and delivered 2,517 sandwiches pieces sides and pastries that's all I've got for you counc thank you mayor World Police Department total call service 1,7 7 traffic accidents 48 community policing 94 traffic enforcement stops 118 criminal complaints issued by officers 40 traffic summons issued by officers 45 criminal complaints issued by citizens 19 traffic summons issued by citizens zero detective Bureau of Investigations 50th grade submitted by the chief L Lind Public Works we have 87 tons of trash collected excuse me 98.35 tons of recycling collected bulk items picked up 158 scrap metal picked up 43 concrete one logs and stumps one property maintenance none accidents and injuries none sewer calls 31 service calls 17 stoppages one main stop 10 emergency calls 22 markouts 10 Pump Station repairs troubl areas jetted zero pump stations factored one for Laurel Springs we had four service calls four stoppages two emergency calls and zero markouts uh Forin World Library um old business we had the Christmas parade which was very well attended despite the rain San and Grinch sted the library to visit with the children and gave each child stuffed animal and candy cookies hot chocolate gloves and hats were distributed um the elf project which was brought for the bar burrow employees and donations help in the world families that were in Need for the holiday as well as many seniors Mr Johnson's class came to the library for a tour they learned what the library has and what it has to offer they did a scavenger hunt they also made a crab for new businesses we have two children's events there was actually there was one already in for Valentine's Day and then this Saturday they're having a pink party which they're going to show the Barbie and then it's mainly for the girls but there also there's going to be stuff with the for the boys also and then in March there's two projects for um leprechaun Day St ch's day and then Easter crab there's also 1040 and 1040 Sr income tax instruction books and tax forms available at the library in English and Spanish and the patrons are also utilizing computers to complete their taxes we have a new Girl Scout Troop that is formed in Lind for ages kindergarten and fourth grade and they meet at the library twice a month and that is all that I have sir thank you yeah thank you mayor um I'm not going to comment on the incident that happened iol but we have to explain to everybody that we are two separate forms of government the school board is separate from mayor and counsel now we do everything we can to support them such as um get BSIS money that we received um the mayor and the administrator will apply for the grant and then we will go to them and tell them what it can be used for and then they decide that we can't even tell them what they're going to use it for um most of the time the only time that anything will come back to council is if the school budget fails then it will come back to council and we'll work with the school board to so do help but if there's any question questions about anything the school boards you have to go to a school board meeting which is the second Monday and the fourth Monday um you know and we the mayor and counsil and the police department we really Supply uh support the school system I mean I mean uh the police department and the County prosecutor's office are actually having a bull a bullet a bully program I think chief M you're actually involved with that right right yep you're going to be playing a part in that yeah so I mean we we support the school system but we we cannot tell them what to do they're totally separate form of government our job is to support them we support them the best that we can that's all I have I just want to clear that thank you thank you Mr Mayor um I have no business to report um God bless Lind wall I do want to say to Mr Jackson councilman Jackson um welcome um Lind wall is very grateful to have you and um happy Valentine's Day everybody especially Eric P film Jackson thank you mayor uh I do not have any official buiness to report I just wanted to introduce myself uh let you guys know who I am and what I'll be doing um I will be running the uh Park and wreck uh health department and seniors so if anyone has questions concerns involving that you can reach out to me directly I'll be available if uh you want to exchange numbers or anything I'm always that's it thank you forgot to say I really don't have much anything so you all right this time I'm going to open the meeting to the public anyone from the public wishing to speak please get your name and address for the record please try to keep it to 5 minutes and you talk about giving out food to all the seniors vs or whatever you ever consider going behind the packo there's a ton of people living homeless to help them to feed those back there I go out there every week before I go to Camden and there's a lot that need food so we I mean it's something you should consider my other thing is um I'm trying to find a study for the firehouse I know they're saying it's from 2007 that's 15 years old and then we're going to build off of that but no one seems to have a copy of this study so how can we vote for something we don't know what the study they're going on and mayor is your main being sworn in or you sworn in without anybody being around you but we we don't get to see it like you got to see everybody else he had to be done within that week soon as he came back here this morning anyone else in the public wishing to speak see none cl to public Mo forour it's people complain