##VIDEO ID:KxMtSAPNSlE## all right good evening everyone call order for a 1424 meeting has aded in comp the open meeting La please be ADV that this meeting is being recorded possible way to playback everyone please flag States councilwoman H here councilman Jackson here Council here councilman Mary here Council Pon here council president Rand sharp excused absence mayor roach here motion pay bills please I make the motion that bills have been properly AED and signed be approved for payment and second please second questions Council woman yes councilman lowsky yes councilman Jackson yes councilman marsy yes councilwoman Patton yes the following reports have been filed are available in the respective offices for review the tax col report for June and July rep the treasures report and the engineers report first reading ordinance 20242 men fees schedule 150-35 charges for additional containment and colle I make a motion that ordinance 2024 21 adopted first according to law post with seconding being the next meeting second pleas second Council H yes Council L yes councilman Jackson yes Council Mary yes councilwoman P yes first reading ordinance 2024 column 22 amend chapter 276 of Sol Rec ordinance rision I make a motion that ordinance number 2024 22 be read is adopted on first reading published according to law posted in viral call the second reading being held at the next councilwoman H yes Council yes councils Council yes counc P yes first reading ordinance 2024 coln 23 motion I make a motion that ordinance number 2024 23 be adopted as read on first reading published according to law posted in theal hall with the second meeting being held at the next regular meeting second second councilwoman H yes councilman lowski yes councilman Jackson yes councilman Morrison yes Council P yes agenda consider routine ball been acted upon in one motion there we no follow discussions of these items if discussion is desired it will be removed from the consent agenda considered separately and obain a motion for resolution2 4 128 144 I make motion that consent agenda item resolution 2024 128 through 2024 144 be adopted as R and second please second councilwoman H yes Council ly yes councilman Jackson yes councilman Mar yes Council woman P yes okay I'm going to go reverse this week I'm going to start with cson you're wel thank you mayor uh I just wanted to talk about our launch yesterday for the senior congreg center uh it was awesome for that better words we had a great turnout about about 30 uh about 30 so bolks came out um uh we were running that starting that program Tuesdays and Thursdays for now uh we are attempting to get that program to every day but for now it's just two days uh but we encourage you guys uh to register and take part in the program it's very very beneficial to our sen a second part of that program is a uh program exercise program basically they call Bingo size uh where they basically Integra bingo with uh exercise and fall fall prevention techniques uh that's ran by uh Mike B you can also register with I have some for that for anyone interested I'll keep them up here if anyone's interested that's all I thank you Mr Mayor I just wanted to share um a couple things thank you to all that participated in last week's um Hockey Camp at wo Center that was a whole lot of fun um next a Central Family Services share with me of Stephan Stone to resiliency second annual family bu House Retreat um it's funded by the office of jenal justice and delinquency prevention and that'll be taking place Friday September 20th to Sunday September 22nd and that'll be held at the YMCA p in Medford and the family buk House Retreat is a weekend Camp week camping experience that brings together children and teams along with their families and camping and counties who have been impacted by sub abuse it's an opportunity for families to participate in recreational activities that promote Healthy Lifestyles as well as personal and family growth this weekend offers the safe and nurturing environment away from Life Stage stresses our register by 96 2024 um you would contact k l for director at uh Cent family services at 60959 3584 thank you m yeah thank you mayor um first I want to take time to talk about the community center um the senior center now you know for a long time I want to thank the mayor couns we're all our work getting the count over to make sure that's being used for a long time I was had many discussions about that and he promised me one day it would be used and now it is and I'm very happy about that okay um second is the uh our schools are changing the math structure of the program it's going to be based upon this new it's called The Thinking classroom now um uh school districts like field and some of your better school dists are are using this system and everybody's wondering what this thing is all about you know so you know I have some information about it um the thinking classroom is an approach to teaching that prioritizes development and standards of critical thinking and skills this is the type of classroom the teacher acts as a facilitator rather than a traditional lecture um students are encouraged to actively engage with the material and collaborate with your peers the key to the thinking classroom is to focus on the process of learning rather than simply acquisition of knowledge this means the teacher can create opportunities for students to think critically self problems and reflect on their learning now this whole program is based on uh these spor practices of thinking in this classroom and uh number one is the classroom culture um they they do different cultural things um number two is opport opportunities to thinking in groups they do a lot of group sessions in there um vertical and nonpermanent work spaces that move around the room layout is number four number five is answering questions that promote thinking um six is get test in the right order um seven of course is the good old homework number eight is to promote student autonomy number nine is giv uh students support so they can learn at their own pace this is one of the critical things that our teachers about about student learning at own pae um consolidate lessons give students eony over notes uh evaluate uh uh matters that that uh equate values that matter most on great students into a for assessment and then the final assessment needs to connect to a final outcome now they're going to start this program pretty soon and they all really excited about this program so we see how this turnes out maybe our M will go up in thank you mayor first LW public no LW Police Department total call service 1728 traffic accidents 31 community policing 95 traffic enforcement stops 96 crial complaints issued by officers 42 traffic summons issued by officers 16 criminal complaints issued by 16 by citizens 12 traffic summons issued by citizens zero protective hero investigations 56 submitted by J um also we all know that National Night Out was canel due to the storm as of right now there is not a new date I'm told that they are working on it but we don't have the new date yet um com with a cop with our officers on August 25th from 5 to8 acoss the street at scy loose and then I just want to say congratulations to our detective our Deputy chiefy on his acceptance into the FBI National Academy also um n our movie night that was canell from the storm was resched sorry um was resched for the six but it has been changed to the 13th it was previously mentioned for the sixth but it was changed to the 13 um for our library our summer reading program is still going on we have two weeks left of it Girl Scouts right now are not happening but they will start back up in September contact the library for any info if you'd like to join up Mrs Dixon's veteran support group now meets in the library every Wednesday also we had a good thing for the library Congressman nor cross nominated our library for the 2025 National medal for Museum and Library service um hopefully we can get something out of that um he nominated us we just have to get other things included in that to get it there's some paperwork that needs to be done by the library we sent in along with this nomination hopefully we can something money hopefully uh Lind Public Works tons of trash collected 834 res both items collected 225 metal picked up 106 concrete picked up three Suson lock picked up five Property Maintenance one number of accidents zero number of inj injuries one service calls 34 stoppages 14 main stoppages one emergency calls 9 workouts 19 Pump Station repairs 12 area trbl areas Jed two Pump Station vector foral spring service calls three stoes three emergency call Zer zero and I we still have our cfts going on in the library too I did forget that one that's on Thursdays at 4 um we have the 15th and the 22nd just two more weeks for the for the um C that's all that I have thank you I don't know why I have time thank you mayor fire department uh we have two public meetings scheduled for September one is a budget workshop on Monday September 9th the regular meeting is on Monday September 16th both meetings start at 7:30 p.m. at the firehouse of for Scott there were actually two Fire Commission meetings since our last council meeting um second meeting was supposed to be next week rescheduled uh which I was not aware of so I missed part of it uh however the information I've got uh in July they responded to 85 calls they were Scoopy lose doing a cone with a uh cone with fire cone with the fire department and fundraising for the animal adoption center on July 16th and while they were there they were called out a house fire on L Avenue that same night they also responded to two mutual Lake calls from Berlin bhe and they still had cre left in town uh there were 30 combined for the two periods there were 32 inspections completed 19 inspections as far as the vehicles go the squad is temporarily out of service because it needs to re break work on uh we expect to have that done later this week uh the ladder still needs minor repairs to and trailer were sold an auction as they uh approved at the previous meeting they also participated recently in training session joint training session with the roal spring fire department as far as how to improve water dely to a fire and hose placement as far as a fire housee goes the bonds fund or Bonds were issued and money is received These funds were placed in a high yield savings account so they actually need to be spent and dispersion smoke alarms still are available free to Residents uh they will come in if you're not sure if yours working properly they'll come in inspectors and in place it as needed you need only to call the office 856 346 0935 make an appointment and just so you're aware of the summer office is not open on Fridays so you have to Monday through Thursday uh another thing they participated in was the 20th anniversary memorial service for Anthony a Dixon day which was held at the Memorial Park on 1 uh they were ready to uh participate in the National app which as Council has mention was cancel and hopefully will Res schedu three of their members ipated in a fundraising bike ride uh Tre and Zack Smith and Fire Marshall Tim Shannon bike ride is sponsored by the family beond the badge Children's Foundation riding from Ben Franklin Bridge to the Jersey Shore that's all I have thank you Thom yes our 2023 audit exit Conference was held on Tuesday July 23rd and I proud to say that for the third year in a row we have no recordable so our audit will be uploaded to the website by the end of the month thank you I one thing um there was a post yesterday in love Lind wall about the senior house the senior program that went on to uh yesterday and I just want to thank Linda and Jermaine because they were the two people who made this possible not Sandy Simon Sandy Simon stop happening so I just want to make let everybody know that I want to thank them for their part this issue so thank you with that I'll will open the meeting to the public for questions or comments anyone for the public wishing to speak please stand up and state your name and address for the record and anyone star is my favorite house in the neighborhood we about a year now the only real Improvement is between neighbors and put up have L issues do place still looks like a disaster instead of just two junk cars they now have three JS the dog stilling the day night and now there someone that's been living in the basement wand around the neighborhood in the ring in one hand andone in the other just up and down the streets been trying to be patient for the last year my patience are getting well right now in process of being evicted um the state who's come in is the County Board of Social Services there's an elderly Division I think they came in they took the gentleman that owns the house out of the property if I'm not mistaken placed him someplace right and so he's no longer in the house so the only people that are in there are people that he allowed to move in that was supposed to be his caretaker and Ma sheine the county is also in the process of the I believe already filed eviction paperwor get those folks out of um I don't know what the status of that is uh but they're on their last what's that the work yeah they're they're on their last legs right now to be in that property um to her credit that our sergeant from the police department um did did she did a good job with that she got the county involved with it um she should be committed for the efforts that she went through and the lengths that she went through get thaty the old man's not there anymore know him some un could he us to walk down my street to piz shop walk back to the swich that's the only time um other thing is I buy that high school and that new building kind ofs like little I don't know what your thoughts are I no matter what my thoughts are you know as long as I do matter students in the and I just figure where this many kids keep coming from every year I I've been hearing this I mean I was on the board for 13 years myself and it's probably been another 13 years and it's always new in the last years where are all these well you can only help so many people in the apartment it just keeps increasing and increasing and increasing every year we have that address we have to educate and and know is this where what from other towns you know um they're taking them from the other schools taking them out of two schools and the preschool putting them all in there your preschool your kindergarten your first grade right we won't beting the from the church won building from the church I understand I understand there's a lot of kids in three buildings that there was need for something that just seems like well if you want the way the building was designed the same part design building the only difference is in of square box added a couple features to it that make it look make it look glass and Ste that's all it is it's just a smok Mir type thing I just don't get it I don't get it she stay on the scoreboard I left out of frustration and I don't go back there out of frustration officer the uh you tell me was the detective who was on that case which which case was that one the one with the dogs over on Stone Road there uh I definitely have to look that one up I don't have okay to I just to make amandaa yes ma'am evening everyone my I have questions number one I was informed that with reference to rental increases who determines how much and who is increasing I act Stu July 22 I was informed that it's a local issue so first of all would it be to you mayor are you the one who would in budget allocate how much or are they taxed within our district the state and local government have nothing to do with only if you have rank control we haven't had rank control in years so I don't it's would our jurisdiction so okay there there's no government oversight here in all with respect to the rentals it's depending on whatever the private landlord wants to charge we don't have rent so I so in other words there was one and that was REM REM from or remov from another area it was removed completely from town of all rental proper uh the rental Control Ordinance was repealed 2012 maybe 2011 something like that it's been well over almost 15 years okay but the bottom line try understand go back that who is it that appeals that like who you go to to address when these rents are not C I guess I got to go back to the president because I think theying there's the repeal was was I said over 15 about 15 years sir I understand that my point is I want to address because I see a need for that I'm being affected by it maybe my second question would answer this and maybe I'm at the wrong place if they're hug housing or facility within a rental development and the rental are getting H sub you know income what increase affects H people for everybody I'm trying to understand how this work if I understand your question if you have certain people who were eligible for H entitlement within a complex right my understanding and I'm no expert on this but they do have to work with HUD in terms of what they can charge so increases may be some sort of negotiation where they have to go with the Hut and negotiate the increase some restri that has absolutely no impact on all the other residents that are not H okay so point question point we understand take there 20 units H take 200 not H so the H people cannot be increased but a certain amount but the sky the limit for the other am I to understand that I think that's the case I can't swear to it I understand just you know I don't do that kind of WR with HUD but I think they to negotiate what they charge with respect to HUD HUD pays part of it the tenant pays part of it I think but the sky would be the limit that anybody who doesn't have a restriction and if they don't have a restriction so they're not C hard can be C but others cannot be C I understand no I the gentleman back there deal with this when a HUD tenant applies for a complex to get an apartment I'm I'm a maintenance manager as far as I understand it as a if you come in and you're on HUD you're pre-qualified for HUD we State what we want for the rent to HUD and then HUD makes you pay the difference of what they don't want to pay so there there is no cap you pay the St any in in the interim you pay the same as everybody else it's just H helps you with a portion of it I understand that but when it comes to increase there is no there is no cap there's no cap at all there was a sevene there was at one time a 3% then it went to 7% now there's no cap anymore so I'm talking about non HUD residents anybody HUD or non HUD there's no cap at all anymore so if you're a Hut person and so you're going to be say seven 8% so you're going to be raised 8% and everybody's ra everybody ra raise the same thank that's the only legal thing everybody has to rais the same percentage they can't okay well then I still have a question my rent went up $276 last year so all the Hut people went up $276 they went have the same percentage yes yes answer my question sorry that's okay sorry I next thank you um yeah I would also go online in the state on the state websites where they have the r r uh information anything to do with apartment complexes you can go on the State website there is a site there that will help you with apartments and home and things like so it's a state yeah Bas back to the h that's called passing the it's called passing the all over in the metime our rents are going up and I'm just trying to understand they are when I don't I don't want you I don't want you to feel like you're the only one because it's every apartment complex in lall plus it's every apartment complex close the township everybody around all going understand the bottom line is when do they hear the people who cannot do this anymore put you in the street I mean I I don't understand it's like so you go all over the place you cannot get to the bottom line what can be done to help C or stop this and I totally agree with you that's the same thing with like price of eggs today price of eggs you now there four bucks and but some of that of even gas is going down gas is going down because price of oil is droing some of the stuff is still going down the RS are not I got problem I just don't understand this if they address please to the microphone and name add of been when I went into her apartment they remod the whole apartment and our going up when she got there it was already so what they're doing now is remodeling the new people I mean St still everywhere Mar fireplace and arm is going there we use that money for and make more money and another year when I went into the apartment I was in total shock because everything in our apartment are falling and down and it Tak forever to and youment same and brand new look like the same then we have H in the street the big sink holes are in our part It's been a s for about 4 years now up when inspection comes and clean it back up again dogs we got dogs as tall as this out here all over the place they W even put bags in the the thing for people to pick their stuff upday a lot of things that need to be done we put in request it won't get fix for 6 months they P my bath my bathroom wall out the shower grab the out wall two holes in my wall that okay no problem made my request it's not finished yet like four months they you up after I had to call back they would he to finish the job we'll have back then when you go and make a request they don't even have it written down it's like what do you do what can we do you want they're saying they cannot control the rent but why would people that just moving in have better things than people been near 10 11 12 years I don't understand it so if you ever have to go and ins the apartments go to the old ones first then go to the new and see what work have they done my apartment is 3 in the whole building so that you have CS in the wall so anybody live on conf I don't know but we're paying people that are lawyers and doctors complex we have a beautiful tennis court and we have nice two pools I had come here and complain that that baby pool for 2 years or a year and a half was staging no to on at all with d uh and was from the WEA and the animal we have no police got police but we need moreas more lights we need ceras we call have no no doesn't have cameras only individual I had a friend that was I had a friend was coming in late like 2:00 in the morning and they saw two out taking pictures of the D license you like that it is the SL over there the money that we're pay people pay we're paying money to update new people coming in the hell people and that needs to be invest I don't what we P we should get what we and good all I don't think it's I don't know who to talk to about that I can you can holes in the street so we can help I know there's an investigation I know there's there's an investigation going on with that 3 in dip or drop parking lot no the oh yeah there something going with that I because walking around thinking what is wrong with me in my truck or whatever I always they put on my floor about 2 years ago for the hallway in the kitchen that has LS and bumps already because they didn't put it out notor before 3 months just to put the damn back then when they did they never came mys nobody came work your home and you you and Main all I going to continue this conversation with you or you don't anyone else public micophone yeah the the you the state there you we don't go there so um yeah did you say something to them we'll talk rest also here I came here I I not believe anyone else in the public wish to speak see none me to the public motion for second all favor thank you every