[Music] [Music] everyone flag United States America stand indivisible I just told you d49 coun motion Superior officers whereas the B of Lal has identified a need to fulfill the positions of lieutenant and sergeant of the Lal police department and whereas Civil Service gu and whereas procedure of the Bor lote Poli resolution and whereas mayor and Council accepted the recommendation to Sergeant Anthony pizo Jr to the position of police liutenant and patrolman Dustin dber to the position of police s therefore be resolved by the mayor and B counsel Bal with Sergeant Anthony pizo Jr be promoted to position of police Lieutenant patrolman Dustin doer be promoted to the possession of police Sergeant m a motion please yes counc yes counc yes coun yes council president yes name IO you Solly swear you Solly swear that I will support the Constitution I will support the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the Constitution and the constitution of the state of New Jersey of the state of New Jersey that I will be true Faith now bear true Faith allegiance to the Saint and allegiance to the Saint and to the government's established and to the government's established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people I do further Sol way I do further Sol swear and I will Faithfully I will faithfully and partially and partially justly perform justly perform all the duties all the duties of office of police liutenant office of police Lieutenant according to the best of my ability to the best of to help [Applause] [Applause] you name I Dustin to Sol swear to Solly SAR and I support the constition and I'll support the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the Constitution and the constitution of the state of New and the state of bear true faith and that I'll bear true faith and allegiance to the Saint allegiance to the Saint and to the governments established and to the governments established in the united states in the United States and in the state and in the state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and I def the and I defer the s that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties of the office all the duties of the office of police sergeant of police Sergeant according to the best of my Bel according to the best of my [Applause] every [Applause] okay thank you I appreciate the council support congratulations to Tony DUS commercials we've been here a lot lately lot of turn over Police Department that we to see some of our experienced officers go but this is a chance for new officers to step up and show their leadership and we appreciate mayor council support for helping us to those vacancies and to work with us to make sure our thank you appreciate [Applause] that h yeah first second [Music] grade [Music] 18 got proper h you know would somebody's got to yeah I ad play 365 how are you oh my God that's awesome I'm sure you're ready almost [Music] may call the police the police come out and check out the dogs they call the yes yes a and sign the approv payment yes yes following reports f are available in the respective offic for review will be included in minutes tax colle report report Tre report and Engineers report first reading ordinance 20245 amend fees schedule 1 15-31 parking Recreation motion pleas I make a motion for ordinance 2024 5 amending the Fe schedule to be adopted as r on first reading published according to law posted in the Ral Hall with the second reading being our next regular second second coun yes yes yes coun yes counc yes first [Music] read2 make a motion for ordinance 20246 police salar to be adopted as read on first reading published according to law posted in the girl Hall with the seconding yesion of this time i' like open anyone questions or comments regarding [Music] 21 for uh 20242 Cola ordinance to be adopted U to be adopted on second oh sewer I'm sorry Sor 20241 revision of sewer ORD he adopted on second reading and Publishing second pleas yes yes yes yes second reading ordinance 20242 ordinance at this time like open meeting to the public for questions of comment regarding ordinance 2024 for ordinance 20242 ordinance be adopted on second reading and published according to law yes yescom P yes president yes second reading ordinance 20243 am 150-34 compation offic wel anybody question coms about 202443 amending the compensation for off the Enforcement office officers aded on second yes second read 20244 amend Fe schule chter 15-29 charges Pur service at this time open the meeting to the public for coming to make a motion for ordinance 20244 amending the for service aded on second reading yes counc yes counc yes counc yes council president yes Thana the it by B of and will be enacted on by one motion if there's any formal discussion of this item this discuss this item will be motion if discussion is desired this it will removed from the consent agenda will be considered separately and it's in a motion for resolution 20248 through 20248 for resolution items 20248 through 20487 adopted as yes yes yes yes thank you mayor uh Fire Commission fire district election uh was held on February 17th certified results your 2024 budget was approved by 408 148 proposal to build a new fire station is approved by a vote of 331 to 2011 and commissioner election Frank Lua was elected by vot 3261 reorganization meeting was held on March 5th uh they appointed a new attorney selected officers committees for Professional Services and so forth um they approved their scheduled public meeting for 2024 the next public meeting will be March 18 7:30 p.m. at 801 Scott Avenue which is the firehouse located for Scott if anybody is interested I have a full schedule I show you at the end of the meeting here I also have other things as well uh cam County Veterans Affairs office is holding an annual medal ceremony this year in L the at the cron gr Veteran Center on Thursday April 11th at 11: a.m. a number of different uh veterans from different service services and um service periods be receiving the medals um hom wordbound animal shelter which is the shelter we used uh contract with to pick up our sprays we have problems with the house or house our sprays town uh they're having a pet food pant so if anybody needs some additional food to for their pets uh Saturday March 16th from 11 to1 and the same day Saturday March 16th from 2: to 4 the Animal Welfare Association Boulevard also right now homor B is running an adoption special for dogs through Sunday March 17th $1 dog adoptions so contemplating adding a family M now would be a good time to do it uh they also have a anal ad option is also having a Spring Fling on Saturday March 23rd 12 5 uh be vendors including food trucks ra baskets 50/50s get an opportunity to meet uh their new directors and staff and as well as dogs and cats available for adoption that's at the adoption center on March 23rd 12 that's all I have for you mayor thank you thank you mayor Public Work trash tons of trash collected 695 F items collected 263 strap metal picked up 42 concrete picked up five stumps and logs pick up three Property Maintenance nothing sewer calls service calls 38 stoppages 14 main stoppages one emergency calls 13 markouts 15 Pump Station repairs n trouble areas jetted one pump stations VOR two for Springs we have three service calls three stoppages three emergency calls zero markouts for our Police Department we have total call service 1,754 traffic accidents 30 community policing 107 traffic enforcement stops 136 criminal complaints issued by officers 37 traffic summons issued by officers 30 criminal complaints issued by citizens 48 traffic summons issued by citizens 3 techic bureau investigations 55 also with our LOL police and in conjunction with LOL high school they are doing an open thre which means recognize educate and change on March 14th 2024 at L World High School it will be held in the gym from 6:00 to 9: come meet and greet with your police officers and Cy prosecutor's office that's what it is it's the K County prosecutor's office and L police not the high school but it's going to be held at the high school activities games snacks and refreshments will be served uh Lind World Library our report we have 3,637 patrons new members 21 Easter Easter crank will be held on March 21st at 4 p.m. Reg is required Friends of the library will be having their book sale from April 10th to April 13th during Library hours the library is having a spring clean up and planning which will be on April 13th 13th or the 20th I don't have a time for that yet Earth Day these are for April that's why there's no time set yet Earth Day Harbor Day craft April 18th and lyen World Girl Scout tro kindergarten fourth grade meets at the library the and up Thursdays at 5:30 in the library that is all that I have thank you okay good evening everyone uh report from The Code Enforcement office for the month of February 120 Co inspections six smoke inspections 95 violations SP 134 violations written 94 baits 10 tickets written 3 uh yearly rental registration inspections 25 yearly rental registration reinspection seven forclosures and 74 resident uh Communications um I have a couple things uh today um our newsletter we're looking at our spring summer newsletter will'll probably be going out the week before Memorial Day I know that um um BR is going to start collecting some of the information and getting it out to the uh department head so they can submitting your your information for the newset um the Commissioner's Office asked me to share this with everyone at our meeting tonight uh if you are someone that's interested in becoming a volunteer literacy tutor uh you would be a tutor it's volunteers so there's no money involved um but you would be a tutor uh tutoring English as a Second Language basic literacy tutoring and math and reading and topical workshops in financial literacy family literacy digital lit and citizenship prep if you're interested in that I do have a prounce from there there's a link um where you can go and sign up for that uh also out of the same office I brought the Camy County veterans discount guide if you're a veteran um there are certain businesses that offer discounts to Veterans pretty much on an everyday basis so if you know a veteran or are a veteran please stop by and pick up one of these gr shorts um damn March is women's History Month come on March is women's history MTH it's a celebration of women's contribution to history culture and Society Congress voted and pass women's History Month in March of 1987 the month reflects on the often overlooked contributions of women in US history each year has a theme this year's theme is women who advocate for for Equity diversity and in two early important laws women fought for was for pregnancy discri the pregnancy Discrimination Act and the fair pay restoration act both permitted women to file complaints for unfair unemployment practices on March 11th 2009 President Obama marked women's History Month by signing an executive order creating the White House counil on women and girls to quote Elanor Roosevelt women are like teabags we don't know how strong we are until we're placed in high water or we can go with roads of pars you must never be fearful about what you're doing when you're doing the right thing and lastly Ruth Bader gainsburg one of my personal cheering women belong in all practices where decisions are being made it shouldn't be that women are the exception this month we honor all the women for their important roles and contributions in history whether they're Trailblazers or hakers CEOs or PTA members all are equally important and all all are equally important roles so thank you and happy weding [Applause] month yeah thank you Mary report on our schools um at school number five the HVAC is still being worked on by FAS mechanical uh there was an increase in the bid by 41,000 5 that's probably due to R and engine like that also to replace the generator at that school and that project is 2150 which is very reasonable um I don't know if anybody knows but the steel erection has stored at the ear Learning Center that'll probably be going on for like four uh 6 to8 weeks the major part of it and it will downside it through there um the nowo the general contractor is really doing a nice job keeping our community clean they have a very clean job site so there won't be much more or anything like that coming out to the streets um also for their grants they receiving a local food for school's Grant and amount of $1,126 94 this is awarded to assist with the supply chain distribution and it be used to purchase local produce so that's going to be local produce in our area around local stuff like that okay uh everybody keeps hearing this this Essa what that stands for we'll read about new gr every student succeeds at and these are grants and this is just an instance the dssa application uh was carried over $699 uh total one was 59735 total S1 a is 15473 title 2 a was 8,874 totle 3 was 2,797 total three immigrant was 47952 total four uh was in the amount that's the uh is11 ,400 that goes to the high school the middle school gets $132,500 our school board is really active in applying for these r it keeps our taxes down good and as far as they told us they're looking at a flat tax this year what their interpretation of the flat tax we have to wait for their budget come out so um also real good news we got a new football coach his name is going to be Scott n and he's he's from the Pence off area from the era of we call mckin MTI was a very famous coach at and this is one of his students so we we're really looking forward to that um also you can't forget the School spring play 95 um it's April 11th at 700 p.m. that's a Thursday April 12th at 7 p.m. that's a Friday April 13th at 1 p.m. on Saturday April 13th at 700 p.m. on Saturday thank you thank you Mr Mayor um God Lindell today I find myself compelled to share the deeply impactful story of Lieutenant Michael Murphy a figure whose influence on our cherish Bor transcend words it was during a stroll through Emerson Park in 2021 when my friend Barbara told me the tale of murf as we studyed his seemingly grief stricken trick making the beginning of my connection with Lieutenant Mur born on July 27th 1942 and the party on March 1st 2021 m co dedicated over 25 years to the lieutenant Liv wall Police Department retiring as a lieutenant his impact extended Beyond professional Milestones he was a dedicated Community member a proud Presence at the lindal fire department and an active member of the lindal new Lun the love and support of his family only added to his richness of his life and Legacy moreover Beyond his professional and Community contributions Michael Murphy was recognized for his commitment to mentoring whether guiding a recruit in the police department offering support to a fellow firefighter or sharing a valuable life lessons during community events Michael's mentorship touch countless lives today we celebrate not just the legacy of a devoted public servant but the enduring impact of a mentor who shaped the character of L for generations to come regrettably me personally I must offer my sincere apology for fell to secure the tribute that the family however I hope the follow recognition from my Congress by honorable Don noros will Express the Gratitude this region and this country has for lieutenant Murphy our sincere gratitude to Michael Murphy and heartfelt thanks to his family may his legacy and of inspiration and compassion continue to resonate in the hearts of us all God bless counc the fire department present to the [Applause] another uh this is from a proclamation from the United States House of Representative office of Congressman Donald norros and um I'm not going to read the whole thing because a lot of it's repetitive of what council Council P just said but uh whereas we're Gathering to commemorate The Life and Legacy of Lieutenant Michael Murphy and recognize the commitment made to his country andion family and U dedicated his life public safety and outside of his roles emergency response law enforc law enforcement he helped to instruct others in CPR and first a throughout the tri straight region and whereas Lieutenant Michael Murphy has made an impact that will rate for Generations a cherished family member and friend loving husband of Maryann Murphy Brother of Terrence Murphy brother-in-law late Helen MCN Uncle to David MCN John and Jackie as he survived by great nieces and nephews such as Kelly Porter dougas weer as well as great great nieces and nephews like Armani Riley and Pen therefore be it known by to all that the UND signed hereby owners liutenant Michael Murphy reported this day Wednesday March 13th uh signed by Congressman Donald Norcross AB C Jack thank you mayor uh just want to announce a couple of dates for the summer we planning a community yard C uh for June 8th with the rain date of 9th uh also the second community yard will be October 5 with the rain data October 6 uh we also are planning two movies two concerts and parti show the summer uh we should have schedu next next at this time I Mee to the public for anyone public wishing to speak please come microphone state your name and address for the record and please not forget to sign columia Avenue out my favorite neighborhood house trying to be patient with the whole process but it has not improve to getse really need to know what be we have dogs yiking all hours of the day and night left out in the cold running loose around the neighborhood chasing my neighbor walking her dog tracing the three the two jump they pushed me down the driveway and now they have a trail full jump behind all the cars just getting wor there violations on this on this property police have been out to the property is standardss unfortunately the Lord hand how fast we can move on getting I I were you and the dogs are out I call you see on unless phally andt the do and take a chance getting everybody gave up because by the get there the dogs are gone and nothing gets done we have to listen to these dogs Yik and Yik and Yik and Y and Y hourss freezing cold it doesn't matter is it after 10:00 at night yes sometimes truly trying to be patient but I'm really starting to lose my it seems like do wrong have all the rights and people to do right have no rights and a lot of times me tomorrow to look into it I don't know I up I but I know he's been C cited I know they've been there I've know je is there anything other we did bring complaints from some of the previous incidents so it's that's referred to the court so I I don't know where they stand right now look into that but they're having complaints brought against the I missed that part nobody's seen Ed for weeks there been furnit been put out in the front yard the neighbor ofth just ask us we [Music] [Music] report all right [Music] well neighb walking by and still all right thank [Music] [Music] for I [Music] told 49 years and never [Music] [Music] got [Music] my on my dress anywhere you want to come to my apartment and look you'll find ni and nice I had a PIR got [Music] $2500 because the so bad I I and I'm six i p him $2500 the best he did the living [Music] room and they back I care I've been up for 49 years they increase my rent $125 I'm pay $1200 I'm paying more than some people that and I'm you head up going to get exter to bring okay came what nothing put they in my kitchen every time came the Trap was empty dead M I have dead M I have a in in my I can't I tried with and I don't have to lie1 I'm there if I'm not there what y do about the they really need to shut that Stu down it is ridiculous I'm in here tonight because I'm fed up I just came at the hospital the other day okay I got it on my arm right I'm tired I don't even sit in my bed because M all in my bedroom my poor dog he have food on the floor to eat the m get the food she okay she she eat food I I'm tired of it it's m all over 6601 we don't have no grounder we don't have no landscape we have nothing it's tree breast been there for the last 3 or four months and nobody was pick them up we qual st came out and they they St about two weeks and they left why did they leave because they said so bad they want to pay they so you know who call they got C in the ground all back look I really want to walk my dog got out today because she want to walk R and run she want it all in the back I had call the street she can't play because so much J we got stun we got mice I can prove to you I don't have to lie I'm tired said Jam I told my he said he or but he said he I'm I can't i$2 I 50 years never seen it like but you got pay yourent and you can ask anybody out there um W came today understand he said you make the 31st apartment I've been in and everybody say the same thing everybody the same I know what you said never nobody told me said M was underneath her bed M was in her bed EA her baby food got the baby food and took it got bed ate come on to I guess man I mean you can ask anybody stop me about we'll send somebody up there tomorrow take a are you going to be home tomorrow I'll play behind where I live at it's nothing are you going to be home tomorrow are you going to be home tomorrow I'll be home tomorrow till 2:30 I have to go to so the morning till 2 to 2:30 I been up I power okay all right thank you you're welcome anyone else in the public wish speak IUN at school and theat Mom we are willing to work the start but our soccer team has gone so far to the playoffs the championship every year and I attended two community outreach programs and all the parents are saying that their kids are outside in the park everywhere wall in the home that they have and beogram into the high school to help make them suceed go there any way to put a word out like it may be a news F that's going out to say we're look for Coes start just leave the contact information and we'll get it we'll get it we can put it on 192 too we can get it out and then um was also just put out from the theater Department today um March 23rd um lhs's drama club is having Easter Bunny lunch and a hunt uh Saturday March 23r c33 andg all all ages and all the proceeds from the Mone colle any scholarship ouri who graduating this is there a on email to we'll get it we'll get it on2 and the website and the director from high school said that she she's willing to work with anything with does with bringing more Sports into the tower she's yes um Sam do you have a flyer for the coach or you just or you just going to give me your contact information put like information out there like trying to recruit coaches and somebody help run the program and what's the age group of the of the that sounds like a [Music] couple all right so text me you know I was of old we thought we had some we thought we actually had someone through commitment church that was interested in coaching but that kind of fell through so that was a couple years ago but I then I didn't hear anything more about it problem nobody wants nobody wants to go through working with children you got to do it yeah if you you going work with my kid you have a background you're so kind I KN that wheel the that my d one I just wanted to say thank you from the botom of my heart for everything that the community has done for our family after my uncle passing I knew that mar mar not feeling well but it's not in every Community you see such a so much support and everything that they did continue to do and I don't know you know how many more times I'll back at but I just wanted Tok you from the bot of my my aunt I know she really wanted to be here for everything that she years they sign every year to the to um he's not Lieutenant anymore been promoted C I think but I'm just from the bottom of my heart this is p i I just don't know that you see people like this everywhere you go and then hearing so much negative I just I just wanted to let you know you're something right in your because it's not everywhere and it's something to be flooded and I think that the work ethic that Mrs P to help our family with my office Proclamation after we push for it for 3 years is just something that's being live and I just wanted to say thank you thank you so much I hope you have a good night thank you thank you anyone else Sor for the record joe5 we have Road there's three citations in the court pending right now Joe um we've gotten some new information that there may be some more violations out there so we're probably going to be dispatching code enforcement again um I haven't really been following the case what I heard was that it's I think the Judge gave them 60 days to remove all that stuff from the lot I don't know if that's happening or not but 60 days it was a 60-day postponement part of which was I guess to help give him time to get that stuff off the property my understanding is that has not been happening you I don't know we're going to be fing up with that probably in like first or second week of April so it's it's already in court right now he can be sanctioned on that if he's found guilty um it's a stiff fine be up to $1,000 a day each day that that property is out there like that but it's system right just to let you know Joe yes there is more to this story um he is trying to purchase a a property in Cherry Hill and he wants to move everything there he's trying to stuff he has the 60 days to do so and if he doesn't he will be getting ,000 a day he said came came from he came from there we are pursuing him he seem to stop at a certain spot on his property it got he coming towards our house if any stopped it's been at that one spot for over a year now and but I mean it's like Lo with a lot of stuff there but is there a way of knowing where his property stops they've got it all down on the paperwork and everything that's in there he's it's and one of our people here sent us some nice aerial pictures of it so it helped out a lot too [Music] so D to junk all right thank you not forgotten anyone else dep of that property Sewer Department every few months and clean out the line your line through our property I kind of noticed the last year that has stopped I know there was a change in procedure just neglecting it but um I just wanted to put it in your ear I'm just curious why that stopped find out did you call I [Music] hav that's the best way to find out ask all right we'll do it's a lot you do oh that's the last word when the property and they had one employee what you guys wow to do thank you why are all the officers just have a little anyone else this it looks horrible yeah about is 10 it looks like it came out of a cracker jackpot we made them bigger they used to be smaller know he on video get something [Music] nicer sorry um 101 ums you havee and I saw 6:3 but when I came here actually teally we start at 5 but we don't come out to the public until 6 so second Wednesday second Wednesday of every month does this job usually job we have in the past but we haven't had any re last not least entrepreneurs investors um you in a Township is there any place typically congregate or is that investors cryptocurrency stocks any anyone else thank you