##VIDEO ID:wcs6B-RLjSk## 11 everyone gentl I like to read statement about if you like me the event of 911 20221 are forever edged to your memories it is a day that changes fall when the world Stood Still and watched Twin Towers from our hearts are Heaven the fear of uncertainty and a profound Sadness the weight of one of our nation's Darkest Days still lingers 23 years later on that day we lost 2,977 innocent lives many Ordinary People starting their day others First Responders ran towards the danger determined to save as many lives as possible each one of those deserve to be remembered not just for how they passed but for how they lived today reminds us that we must not never forget each of those 200 2,977 individuals we honor them by saying their names learning their stories and keeping their memories alive owe it to them all and to each other to sure their legacy endures forever thank you yes please just have a moment of silence thank youc here councilman Jackson here councilman lowski here councilman Mory here Council Patton here council president Rand Shar here mayor R here pay bills please make motion the bill have been properly audited and signed the approve the payment second second councilwoman H yes councilman lowski yes councilman jacksson yes councilman Mory yes Council Patton yes council president randar yes following reports have been filed and are available in their respective offes for review they'll be included in the minutes the tax report Engineers report and the public report4 second reading ordinance 20242 amend spe schedu for chapter 1535 changing additional solid waste containers and collection at this time I open the meeting to the public for any questions or comments regarding 20242 he ad on second reading andish la yes coun yes counc yes coun council president yes second reading 20422 276 time open meting to the questions or comments regarding coordinates 2024 22 none go me make a motion for ordinance 20422 adopted as second reading andish counc counc yes coun Jack yes counc yes counc yes president yes second meeting ordinance 2024 23 St order control this time open meeting public any questions or comments regarding 2024 23 nonee motion second 20423 be adopted as second reading andish Council counc lowski yes councilman Jackson yes councilman Mary yes Council Patton yes yes council president R Shar yes first read ordinance 2024 24 commend chapter 365 General registration and prohibited uses Mo the motion for first reading ordinance 2024 um as amended in chapter 365 be adopted as right on first reading published according to law posted in the B Hall the second reading being held in our next ready second please second councilwoman has yes councilman lowski yes councilman Jackson yes councilman Mary yes councilwoman Patton yes council president Rand yes first reading ordinance 20242 of call 25 amend chap 240 property maintenance code motion um motion for first reading ordinates 2024 25 amending chap 240 Property Maintenance St he adopted as read on first reading published according to law posted in the B Hall with the second reading our next second please second Council H yes councilman lowski yes councilman Jackson yes councilman Marcy yes councilwoman ton yes council president R yes first reading ordinance 2024 column 26 amend chap 150- 42 fee scheduled by title only a motion please make a motion for first to read the ordinance 20426 amending chapter 1 15-2 be scheduled title only be adopted as read the first reading published according to law posted the theall with the second reading being held our next regular second second councilwoman H yes councilman ly yes councilwoman Jack I'm sorry councilman Jackson yes councilman Mar yes Council P yes council president Rand Shar yes first reading ordinance 2024 column 27 amend chap 250 property inspection by first reading ordinance 20427 amending chapter rental property inspection title only he adopted his first reading published according to law posted in the B Hall the second reading being held our next ready sched meeting second please second counc H yes Council lowski yes councilman Jackson yes councilman Morris yes councilwoman Patton yes council president Rand sh yes cons agenda the items below are considered routin by the B of L wall be acted upon by one motion there will be no F the discussion of these items if discussion is desired this item will be removed from the percentage agenda and will be considered separately m a motion for resolution 2024 146 through 153 make a motion for resol resolution consent items 2024 146 through 2024 153 and a second pleas second Council yes counc lowski yes counc Jackson yes councilman marsy yes councilwoman Patton yes council president Rand Shar yes yes next resolution 20244 Council resolution authorizing Tyler tooted to title of housing spect the motion for res for resolution item 2024 154 the promotion of Tyler and second second question councilwoman head yes Council Kowski yes councilman Jackson yes councilman Mory yes councilwoman P yes council president yes thank you mayor the Fire Commission had a budget Workshop earlier this week and several things were discussed it's next it's the first step in figuring out next year's budget couple couple questions came up that they need to research uh can they allocate funds are allocated for one area can they move them to another and when they allowed to do that and got something else I want to talk about a lot of people have been commenting about their utility those specifically electric and the high bills that's some running into and there is a utility companies do follow a customer Board of right uh customer Bill of Rights which is listed on my page and among the things on the Bill of Rights is a couple of things first keep in mind that the electric utility has at 20% in rate increases and because of the hot weather about 20% more usage is is common to many people so your bill so you can expect to see your bill about 40% higher there are some people complaining about bills that are double triple quadruple what it should be and on that Bill of Rights that I mentioned you have it says you have the right to dispute a charge on your utility bill with the utility company as long as you pay the amount not in dispute your utility service may not be turned off while they investigate the disputed charge you have the right to have your metor tested by your utility company free of charge once every 12 months if you think it's not working properly you may request a Board of Public Utilities employe be there while while the test is being conducted and the other thing another thing there's like 13 14 15 things but I'm just highlighting a couple if the amount of electricity gas water or waste water sh utility bill appears unexplainably high or suspicious you have the right to have utility company perform a diversion of service investigation on your behalf essentially that means somebody else is tapped into your line and using using your utility that's all I have for you I does on that sorry going out a couple gr Shores people that do that do need uh assistance with thank you Police Department for August service call service 1,965 traffic accidents 48 Community placing 99 traffic enforcement stops 85 criminal complaints issued by officers seven traffic summons issued by officers 42 criminal complaints issued by citizens 18 traffic summons issued by citizens Zer detective bureau investigations 55 also with our Police Department we will be having National nightout which is October 26 and at that time we're going to also do our Halloween parade so we're going to get a costume parade starting at 12:00 and then National nightout will follow at 1:00 we going to try and have all the you know trick-or-treaters we're going to do trunck or treat and body that wants to bring the vehicle decorated for Halloween we will have prizes for best decorated and so forth on that um lindall public works for August tons of trash collected 789 tons of sight collected 8.89 resident assistance both items picked up 290 St picked up 96 concrete picked up three Bs stop STS and two Property Maintenance zero number of accident zero number of injures zero service calls 32 stoppages 10 main stoppages one emergency calls 12 markouts 15 Pump Station repairs eight troubled areas jetted zero Pump Station Vector four for Laurel Springs we had two service calls two stoppages two emergency calls zero mark also with public events we have shy event which will be held on September 14th at l Middle School from 9 to 12 um Hazard hazardous household waste October 16 October 19th sorry will be at C County Public Works down lall at the complex from 8:30 to 3 ring or shine uh report for Lind library for August we have 3,7 44 patrons Library materials 14239 new members 19 our crafts on Saturdays at 12 October 19th will be a fall craft there will be one in November for Thanksgiving and one in December for Christmas then the world Girl Scout tro K through fourth grade will begin their meetings at on September 19th at the library and that is the second and fourth Thursdays at 5:30 that's all that I have thank you coun president okay so I have a few things Mr Mayor uh the first the report from the Cod Enforcement office um there were 87 Co inspections three smoke inspections 102 violations found 153 uh written VI ations 62 abatements 17 tickets written five yearly R inspections 66 reinspection and six foreclosures 28 uh resident Communications um September is also suicide awareness month it's a month that um the whole world really takes a look at suicide and how we can help those that are in need yesterday September 10th was suicide World Suicide Prevention de today is the 11th day of um suicide awareness camon County um um cam County Offices here have from a September 8th through the 14th is suicide prevention week it's a week that they try to really go out to the communities and let them know the services and the help that are available and also to support families that are going through a very difficult time 8988 is the crisis hotline you can use that you can either call it or text it it's available 247 and it's also in English and Spanish so if someone is experiencing crisis and um you're not quite sure what to do they're talking about harming themselves and you want to get help um of course 911 is also there for you too but you can also use the n a a crisis hotline October 5th um out of darkness is a program that the C county is holding in CER River Park at 10:00 a.m. you're asking everyone who has lost someone or if you just have compassion for those who have lost someone to wear teal or purple that day October the 5th 10 a.m. Cooper River par um we are working on our fall winter newsletter um I saw that Linda uh Brenda sent out the emails to all the Departments last week so that is forthcoming and you'll definitely have it before um the holidays October the 15th 2024 is voter registration deadline for the general election so if you're not registered or you know someone who is not registered or you going out to try to get people registered October 15th is the deadline for voter registration um anchor program the affordable New Jersey community and renters program at the state authors um the anchor checks will be going out October 1st um if you haven't received your information about anchor you can visit the state's website um it's anchor. nj.gov the deadline to apply is November 30th the checks issue are $1,500 for homeowners 1750 if you are over the age of 65 and I think renters are like 700 or something like that so it's also extended for rentals rentals as well so did everybody apply for the anchor program last was everybody in the anchor program last year okay so if you're not you don't have to change anything your address or how you want your money deposited into your account mailed out then you're F uh if you need to make changes then you need to reach out to that website and let them know um just a piggy back with um what councilman Ray was talking about um I met a young lady last week week and a half ago from the United web and she was talking to me about all the services that the United Way offers um simply by dialing 211 on your phone um it offers up services on helping you with your housing uh renters and and people that have fallen behind in mortgage payments caretakers mental health help with your help with your utility bills they offer um homelessness there's a lot of resources that are available by dialing 211 and it's through the United Way also um with Ra was talking about the high bills um Li is a um home income energy program and if you are having if you're struggling B your utilities that program is available to you uh you will have to fill out an application to see if you qualify this income you know restricted there certain levels that of income um but if you are interested in contacting LI or you know someone that's interested in contacting Li the number is 1800 510 3102 1 800 510 3102 um two other things we were talking about 911 um we um month of July we took a group of children 25 kids up to New York and um we visited the 911 memorial and if you haven't gone you need to go I mean it was I grew up in New York and we used to go on class trips to the World Trade Center so rich you know I'm I'm talking about that is one of the things that you know we did I think we might have been like there the second or third year that n that the Trade Center was built so it was always like the skyline just does not look the same to me because grew up just seeing the Twin Towers there but what they've done to honor the people that lost their lives there um was done so beautifully and I was just touched by everything that they have here in the park there's an inst there's a building here called the Oculus which is I mean you can Google it going on it's just a musty building it's like a piece of art it really is and a lot of the kids that we took to New York they weren't born when 911 happened it's like it's like one of those things that they hear about so to actually go there and see where the building stood and just read all the names that were around the fountain I think it really had an impact so I would encourage anyone to have a day or weekend to go up to New York and check that out um today the service office visited the lyen wall Towers um one of I hope many stops in town to do a presentation about wills um the poas and the living wills the the county has open back up the service of providing Free Will services um you do need to contact them to make an appointment at the one stop and I have that information if some if someone's Avail if someone's interested one of the um two a couple of things were interesting about the presentation uh one is a lot of people have their wheels done already but you might want to look at them and see whether not you need to update information um but also there's something now that new that they're adding to Wills because apple is so um restrictive about people's passwords even police officers have a hard time getting information from Apple when you're looking for people or trying to find out what happened to them so what the um what the Sur office is recommending that you have in your will F it's called a technology clause and it's you I Cheryl Rand sharp give whoever my executive is or my administrator permission to access my phone passwords because we all know our phones like are like our little computers all our passwords are in there everything that we need you know it's in those phone so it is a new thing now to there adding to Wills called the technology claws um a lot of people think because they've given someone a POA that that gives the person you know the ability to carry out their wishes well the POA when you die the POA dies so that is when your will starts to kick in so it's really important to understand they have classes at the One Stop explaining all of this your medical um your living will is very important uh she couldn't say it enough that you need to have copies of it everywhere at your doctor's office um you know that needs to be in several different places where people can access it and she does not recommend you keeping your will and a safety deposit box because if you die they have to get an order from the judge and it takes 10 days for the box to be open so the will needs to be kept in a different area what they recommended was after you get your will completed they give you these yellow bags that you put all your important papers in the yellow bag and keep it in a fire safe box at your home whoever is your executive or administrator you just want them the look say look for the yellow bag everything is in there so if you're interested in getting your will uh looked at or updated or if you don't have one like I don't um I have the information for you here and Jermaine and I are going to talk about spreading it out to the community we're talking about bringing it to the library as well for our our residents but it is something I mean it's no no one wants to really talk about this but it's an important part of living okay thank you mayor so anyway school has started so everybody be careful school buses are out there um the kids are in the school uh by the way I want to thank the police department they did a great job uh our superintendent Chris DNE said they did such a great job helping the uh everything get ready for the school Police Department plays a big role in getting everything ready in the morning for the kids to go to school so we want to thank that um also uh you're going to get used to seeing this sing clar they're not going to be traditionally taking notes so they're going to boards where they erase they erase everything like you you do on the board and what that does it it promotes risk taking that is the whole concept behind it's where the kids take with that knowledge um also there's one other thing there's another scan going on now and this one has to do with your ATM card um someone sees you at the card and it's they they see they have a card that they have in their pocket they'll try and distract you and getting your card say you need help or something like say you didn't tap it or something like that switch your card you don't realize that they gave you a different card then you go to only takes a couple of minutes then for them to get thousands of dollars every C so let's be careful that also mayor I just want to thank you for your little Skittle 911 there um we all have to remember that I mean time has gone by and sometimes we forget things but just remember Eternal vigilance is the price of Freedom that's all thank you m May the food bank of South Jersey ask me to just relate that they are still having their just say yes the fruit vegetables um it's a Better Health Online interactive class their um health and wellness team offers just say yes which is a course designed to promote healthy eating and reduce the risk of chronic diseases plus attendees of receive a free gift and what you will learn is budgeting to buy more fruits and vegetables meal planning and por sizes reading and understanding label so you can sign up today using your email phone um if you really um you like to join you on their Facebook page and you can see a link there um just don't miss out on this opportunity for free cooking and nutrition classes and a free giveaway for all who attend and I just wanted to um just make a remark I know there's a lot going on with our with bills and inability to pay and forms and whatnot that need to be filled out if anybody needs assistance with any um forms that need to be filled out any any questions that they may have about any state forms whether it be Medicaid um housing food stamps and the like um please get in contact with me um um my husband and I would um be more than happy to assist you with any um any type of light case management work you may have that's all thank you coun thank you mayor uh just a couple of reminders for public events uh for this month we have Movie in the Park Friday September 13th 7:30 uh we also will be having the community yard C that's October 12th from 8:00 a.m. to 3 p.m. with a rain day of October 13th registration cut off is Friday October 11th at 1 p.m. a map and address will be provided on F website on Friday October 11th after 1 p.m. uh it's a little early but we will be having the light up L wall Christmas house decorating contest this year uh that date will be determined later um the Candon County Board of Commissioners are doing a lot of nice programs uh activities for seniors including the senior dance a prize Bingo pickle ball golf lessons taining parties and Tide CH all of these activities require a registration I have buers up here I don't have copies so if anyone's interested you can just come maybe take a photo with your phone but you do have to register for that's all thank you can I just I just one wait um I hope jine put out all the signs for our yard sale and I just want to say that two of them are missing two somebody stole two signs like they cost us money and it takes away from our budget his budget and I just if anybody took them or you know who took them please bring them back no different um just I forgot and when um Walter was speaking about the school I forgot to mention this I wanted to go on the record thanking Pastor Mike Jones and Commitment Community Church they have taken upon themselves to feed our football team lall High School's football team before every game um this is something that the church the the um the members of the church they prepare the meal they serve the kids they pray with them before they go out on the field so this is just so something that they do as a blessing to our community and when I found it I found it out just through common conversation but I wanted to go on the record uh just to thank them for doing that that's a lot and then today at the uh the towers they all the seniors spoke very highly about the program that's going on at our senior citizens think they love it they seem to be attending it um so I wanted to say that as well thank you yeah it's been been really good Haven been the last couple on and I know the gets the B to bring to bring them over transportation out us we'll get you transp all right with that being said open me to the public questions or comments anyone from the public wishing to speak please come to the microphon get your name and address of the record and please don't for mayor you think for next year you can try to move these meetings up a little later it's really hard sometimes people work time you can there's never anybody here at time every other Township 7:00 so that more people can show off the other thing is I don't know what l b but there's constantly animals running loose dogs getting out I just had two weeks ago a pimp sitting on my step I had to go out and hold it until a cop came to take it so I don't understand what's going on like is anybody talking about that or anybody feel anything about it then the other thing was two weeks ago I got a call from someone on 9th Avenue that there was there was a dead deer live there's a lock between two houses that is so overgrown but code enforcement does nothing about it and when they called they they call the not emergency line they tell them they're closed they don't take calls like that so they call me to come I what's I going to do with a deer but I want to call 911 the count and then they came out but nobody would answer Public Work said they can handle it nobody would people they they called the not emergency they said they were closed so they call police departmentemergency goes to's located 600 or 500 BL but you're coming off of La Road on the left hand side between two houses the guy owns the house and and the lock his father it it is so overgrown I I was walking through because of the deer there was a baby deer that was concern baby the mom and I wanted to see make sure somebody didn't intentionally kill it so I had to look at it I see any shs or anything for I don't know if got hit somewhere else and die over there but the grass is like this H add into the tree it's like walking through a jungle but they said they called code enforcement many times and no one goes out take care of that you what I call code enforcement no I call I'm saying the neighbor call I I would have to know the was it called tet okay saying they called several times prior to this for that lot just ignore I don't know whoever owns the house could not it could possibly not be guys the guy who lives here it's his he said it's his his father owns vot because over what I'm say I I pictures over you have the address I'm the address all right anyone else to public with you this speak see none that