##VIDEO ID:LBXIo_WExT4## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e this is to advise the General Public that in compliance with the open public meeting act the little Lake har Board of Education meeting was advertised in the Asbury Park Press Atlantic City Press and posted at the office of the Board of Education located at 307 frog Pon Road Little Lake Harbor New Jersey and posted at the office of the municipal perk of little Lake Harbor can I have a roll call vote Please Mr filella here M Mar here Mr Barry here M zes here M Berber here Miss Lawrence here Dr Steiner here can we please stand for pledge of allegiance of the United States of America for it stands indivisible and justice for all I have a motion to approve the agenda I have a second are there any questions all in favor I um any exensions or absent motion carries moving on to recommend a motion to the accept the following minutes can I have a motion can I have a second second are there any questions all in favor um any exensions the motion cares okay moving on to our first public comment session for agenda items only the Board of Education now welcomes the public to comment on the items which are on our agenda tonight community members should first try to resolve their concerns by speaking directly to school administrators before bringing those concerns to the board it may not always be possible or appropriate for the board to directly answer questions during the public comment period each speaker is allowed to maximum 3 minutes to make their statement No one may speak more than once on the same topic you required to give your name and address before speaking please keep your comments respectful and non- defamatory you maintain the level of decorum appropriate for a public meeting where minors may be in the audience would anyone like to speak I pause long enough okay seeing as there's no one um moving on to the following um items are being presented for informational items um correspondence for Mr Cole and correspondence for Miss maruchi uh moving on to committee reports in the board work section so I would just like to say a couple things first of all welcome back to everyone hopefully it's been a smooth transition I know there's been some changes in Genesis and things like that um first I would like to talk about um and I know that Dr is going to talk about it also just to refresh everyone again with the chain of command that um just for the public um and teachers Administration whoever that if you have a concern that you should follow the next um up in your chain of command and I don't um Dr would that chart be that you sorry spot that you gave out be a good indicator of the chain of command as to where to start that's a general yes organizational chart the organizational chart is a general General okay um and so just to go to those um if anyone I know for myself personally um has a question or concern I direct them to uh Dr nunz um from there um secondly we do have a transportation board committee meeting on Monday with Mr Barry um Miss Mar m morning um on Monday and Dr Antunez and the administrator we' like to see um what's going on with the transportation changes that have been made and I have heard that with us is we're dismissed quite well today which is a good sign um are there any other um and then I also wanted to discuss um everyone to put an eye out for policy number 146 is that my right number the um the board member policy is it's 164 164 I think I I could have messed up um and so that's the one that I would like to just would I will send out an email for the next board meeting just to consider us to redefine because I think that if we make that a little more specific as to what our roles are as a board member um and what expectations are as a board member I think that will help us and it will help the public as well and I know that we had received some information about a cell phone policy um did anyone get a chance to look at it I know um Alison you had given some feedback also so I don't know I was going to discuss J you want to go for me yep you can okay so I just wanted to thank the the members Alison and Howard of the policy committee we have several policies for revision on the agenda um mainly because we thought that it would be prudent for the students to have a little stronger language uh regarding uh inappropriate curriculum content communication images we just added some verbage to the already existing policies and was shared with the board prior to the meeting um and we feel it just protects the student po against inappropriate content um whether they be images or verbal communication also the electronic the acceptable use policy is on there kind of strengthen that a little bit I mean we just feel like in this day age we need to protect the students a little bit more inappropriate content um we did discuss and I passed around a sample uh policy from another district for you guys look at but I felt like we should talk to the admin and druna before we because I don't there's nothing in place right now so we want to know what's happening right now Wireless electronics that the students are or aren't allowed to have and I just want to being this is mental health month um I think it's very appropriate another another district and myself as a nurse I've done research on this that research shows that students use of Wireless communic ation devices in schools particularly cell phones has negative effects on academic performance focus and mental health these devices distract students from classroom instruction resulting in unnecessary challenges smaller learning gains and suboptimal test schools increased use of such devices contributes to higher levels of depression anxiety and other mental health disorders in students so with that in mind we do intend on developing our own District South and along with that I just our our students I if anybody can answer this allowed to use bring their own device instead of using the school Chromebooks or do money them no they're not allow to okay because of the Apple device I'm an apple probably Apple person here um you can text okay me too computer okay so those you can text on and do all of that with it I mean you know um the watches while you can receive text messages it's not like they can respond to anybody they're not going to be honest most kids don't use text messaging anyway that's show how old I am because I think it's all like Snapchat and all the other things what they communicate her but I was just wondering yeah well we have two Educators on the policy committee and their feedback was essential and very what Priceless and value and um especially Allison and being an active teacher you being a former teacher um it just I I think it's prudent to put a policy in place so that everybody understands including parents understands what the except you know except the whole use is of their devices I'm not surprised with the study that you just read with those find I'm not surprised at all those research St teachers already knew that before any study happened anyway that's right that's right I assume we have their support but I want to hear from them and the administration before we formulate it so that'll happen hopefully before the next meeting and we'll have it on the agenda thank you yeah and then um has there been any meetings of for the technology committee are we you're going to be meeting in the near future to discuss um two Factor authentication which I love second Factor AU uh if there's an update we should really try to get that track or even just to see where things are with everything a good thing we're just about there we we're we need to get some fobs for those people who don't want to use their cell phones for it but we don't think that there's going to be many so in the process of what those and then uh right now it's voluntary teachers can do it staff can do it they don't have to do it many are already doing it but we want to make it Nott just protects them I mean because when you get to the like if you students actually uh because now you from 8th grade on in the summer you can take classes through OC um you're required to use two- Factor authentication so it's not an option so it's a good thing that even if we can get it into practice and also too it you know eliminates the fact well someone else had my lab so someone else had my Chromebook they were doing that if you're if you have to do the Authentication and really will you know crack down a lot of things am I missing any committees I know that budget already met well I think that I'm sorry curriculum will meet again right now before October meeting with the director okay and there's just one more thing um we received I received an email that um superintendent met in August um adver of OC and it was interesting we receive demographics of various districts like Jackson brick s's River and the interesting thing and it goes back to a board goll that I had a few years ago that kind of didn't pan out has how I I expected was that Brick Township 30% of their students are in foster care either being raised by parent uh grandparents relatives or straight foster care and I thought that that was very interesting because several years ago I I am very interested in KN the demographics and I know we met and discussed what type and I and it's not necessarily for this school year but maybe something over the summer that's not too intensive I would love to know what our population looks like because I know a lot of grandparents are raising children um here um we have homeless population we have e is it ex or yellow okay um so I did notice that our ECC sign is in both languages in Spanish and English one on the each side um so I would like to see because I think if we're going to provide support services and help students I think we have to know what our population looks like and if it's if it's a greater percentage you know certain ones are smaller percentages but I you know I definitely um you know I can only speak for you know when my mom was alive and she was helping my kids with their homework she she knew some but I mean it's a struggle so um and also to what these F com from so I thought that was an interesting um study so how do you capture that information is it enrollment I I was enrollment as have a lot of that already yeah there's there's some enrollment figures and then there's just State demographic census that sort of thing so we have to capture it from a variety of places because I know we see some of it too right when we use the testing because the testing also looks at there on free and reduced lunch all those testing will look at economically dis so socioeconomic status they'll look at whether they're classified or not classified whether they're multilingual ESL or not ESL and then all the the racial subps as well and it goes back to part of the reason that that it's my interest in the board and this because I do see eof students and I think that if we can Target those students you know that you know had two parents that never went to college or might not have a high school diploma and if we give them skills early on they will take them with them but you still they still seem to struggle even though they're given the opportunity it's still a struggle and it's you know it's trying to overcome that in my in my dream part um and I was a first generation College St so um but it was very different many years um last thing how are we with the free and reduced lunch applications Robert and where are we on figuring out where um can we have information next month as to what we need in order to possibly reach the correct threshold that the district might receive free reduced lunch for all yes I can provide that abolutely um and are all parents aware that even if they filled out an application at cland will'll have to fill one out with us yes there will okay all right does anyone have anything else okay and then I do know that um maybe we can look to between now and next month because I know that you're serving on a lot of committees so maybe you're good okay what time is the transportation comme excuse me what time is the transportation 10:30 in morning we have three we would make sorry unless unless he tags out somebody do you want to tag me out sure I mean I have go to all three schools so I see the transort there maybe we could discuss that at next meeting while we approve the board gos that certain people sign up for certain commit well I'm guessing sorry should we resign up for committees like at New York you know I mean at least identify who's on what for now yes but when I was looking Howard was on put because he's on policy ccul curriculum Transportation on budget yeah he's trying to get the award thank you Howard all right okay uh if nothing else so yes we can um have that together so that um moving on to superintendent report I'd like to add that that we did have uh L went to every so far the two back to school nights and had a table for prece lunch there so there were some parents who signed up right then and there she's also on the phone calling people if they didn't sign their forms to come in and either sign them or she'd send them back try to get them in so that we can take care of that so she has her doing that as well and we'll be at least SE in this report so we met we had a board retreat in August and at the next board meeting we we will present the 2425 goals for the board to review and discuss and adjust and revise whatever you want to do with them because from that we'll then do our district goals and the administrators will have their goals as well so generally speaking opening went really really smoothly while there were some glitches as there are every year in every school across the country we appreciate people bringing them to our attention so that we can address them pretty swiftly and transportation is usually the thing that that causes glitches and I will tell you that we're still tweaking the process but every single day it's getting better and better and really that's due to the administration and the teacher vigilance in getting it done making sure students are safe uh tweaking things sometimes the teachers will see something and tell ad Ministry and administor say yeah that sounds great let's try that between that and Mr kofer who's who's working with Durham we're really getting things done pretty quickly and so we can continue to do that and today was a really good bus day so we'll continue to move forward there back to school nights both Mitchell and frog Pon welcomed parents for back to school night last week parents and Guardians had a chance to meet their child or children's teachers and learn about how the school year will unfold I was lucky to be able to join everyone and it was really a packed house both both both nights so I do thank the teachers that were all there the administrators and the parents who were able to join us I love that they came up if they saw me they talked to me they said hello which was which was really great teachers as well that was nice at the back to school night I found out that the police and the police have put out a 911 alert form for students for parents of children with disabilities usually are are non-verbal or autistic population and what it does is If the parents fill out the forms it allows the police department to put together a list they have this of different distinguishing characteristics for of their children how to speak with them what are their what are their uh best methods of communication what are some relevant conditions and contact information that we can find out so I encourage parents if you haven't filled that out to please do so it's fabulous there's not a lot of police departments that do that and I think it's really a it's it's a great it's it's a great tool for everybody FR a friendly reminder that Dr Steiner talked about this a little bit there is a chain of command working through an issue or a concern Parents Ought To always begin with the teacher they are with your children your child always start with the teacher give them a chance to respond to your concerns once once you talk to the teacher you work your way through the chain whether it's the the supervisor the principal the district office person until it gets up there so hopefully it doesn't have to get any further than that but remember always start with the teacher the teacher is the person who knows your child best and can probably fix the problem pretty quickly if he or she can't do that then that person will speak to the building Administration and move forward from there when it's an issue that the community would like to bring up with the board that is a okay you can talk to each individual board member about anything individually they are not board members a board as a whole however absolutely bring it to their attention but remember that one board member is not permitted to make any decisions on behalf of the board so the board member will inquire whether the parent or whoever is speaking to the board member has gone through the chain of commands and you want to follow that same chain of command and encourage the parent to do so I believe that the board may be discussing an adjustment to the meeting dates for remainder for board meeting dates for the remainder of the calendar year and then you'll let us know through December through December calendar year uh if you're going to vote to change that then we'll adjust the meetings from Tuesdays to Thursdays or whatever night the board decides if you decide to do that so that's something that that will happen tonight I believe the other thing I found out at back to school night was that the Ocean County Library offers quality time for siblings with students of special needs where they can go and they can they can work just meet together and and talk and play and the next meeting happens to be tomorrow evening at 5:30 so I know it's on their website so you can check that out School boards is taking place from October 21st through October 24th I'm not sure which board members are attending but I did have a chance to look at some of the workshops that are taking place and some of them look quite frankly quite interesting but informative so hopefully some of you will be joining us there during this is a very important reminder that during this week we will be conducting our annual walkway to everybody should have received uh correspondence about that to so what it is is a walkway drove is to an alternate location for students and staff this is only a drill we like to let people know so that people don't panic when they see a group of students walking down the road during a walkway drill students and staff assemble in a safe off-site location in this case it's either Freedom fields or calary Baptist Church once there after everyone is assembled safely students and staff proceed to walk back to the building to complete the drill the drill will be conducted the assistance of the police department and they're there to ensure safe passage to all of the locations we did have a meeting with them last week last speak it was and uh we're ready to go it will be changed and adjusted if there's a storm I believe but other than that and and if that's the case building administrator will let everybody know but as of right now if you see that sometime this week Don't Panic that's what it's about thank you did your District ever have a walkway drill we did yes yeah I was going to say you the history of ours cuz we George Mitchell had a gas leak back in its day and that's how this began because we had an evacuate walk see I remember one other things if you also spark my with the 911 um I know little EG I'm pretty sure and Stafford um they have blue cards for um individuals with autism that might be nonverbal um that when they learn to drive and if they were to get pulled over and a stop something that might you know agitate them and they hand the card and that indicates how um so that's available also question on um chain of command if parent has an issue with the bus who should they talk to about that teacher still or Transportation with the bus I would you would certainly ask the teacher always but I would go to the building Administration first and then Mr CER after that okay moving on to there are no presentations at this time moving on to action items recommend a motion to approve Finance items 8 through F can I have a motion may may I interject I just wanted to say on the uh informational items that thank you to Mr Cole and m g reports we do read them I do and there there Lots been happening they've been taking care of a lot of tickets I see with the technology a lot of request and then also the water filter water B were full which I don't know so that's great I'm going to check that out that's all thank you recommend a motion to approve Finance items a through F I have a motion I have a second second are there any questions if not have Mr filella yes M Martin yes Mr bar yes M zesn yes M urber yes M Lawrence yes Dr Snider yes the motion carries recommend a motion to approve facilities item a do I have a motion do I have a second are there any questions this is the color R yes can you sound fun you more details well it's the PTO I think pretty much you run a white T-shirt spr powder yeah just going to be out here in the fields it's R by P so don't I don't have this you got a run so I wouldn't bother I believe walk you have a golf okay uh I will tell you a story later please don't okay um have Mr phell yes M Mar yes Mr Barett yes MN yes M Herber yes M Lawrence yes Dr SN yes motion J recommend a motion to approve School business administrators non-personnel items a through e can I have a motion now a second second are there any questions the donation from the Philadelphia Eagles yeah I think that she was nominated and that was an award that she got um which is a great amount of money to to the school so congratulations to for winning that that was awesome I I do have a question about we um the travel and related expense reimbursement I'm just asking just because I saw and it just triggered it um that I I'm assuming people are receiving reimbursements for attending I guess travel to the New Jersey school board's convention does that apply to board members as well yes it does okay CU I doubt that anyone applied for anything last year that's why I'm letting everyone know that's what I thought the answer was so you're entitled to that if you attend it I guess to Transportation reimbursements based on the policy so we have one more board meeting before boards so get your information for us we'll approve it at the October meeting we can get reimbursed for tolls uh parking and and when we put it on the agenda it would be put individually so that you can vote for all and around D are we already in budget are we starting budget yeah basically I want started right now but I can't believe principles right the opening school but um Mid mid October budget season starts for administrat this is the preliminary that we were freed on at the last meting yes yes oh actually no our budget our budget already started when we our committee meeting our first committee meeting but uh it'll really be go into action in October and it does every year okay any other questions okay not can I have a roll call vote Mr philipello yes M Martin yes Mr Barry yes M zna yes Miss Herber yes Miss Lawrence yes Dr sneer yes motion carries recommend a motion to approve Personnel items answered L can I have a motion Mo can I have second second are there any questions just want to recognize m w for 41 years of service that is incredible yeah I just wanted to the board was very sad I speak up I don't us do that um M shine sorry going to go by um we wish you a lot of success in your future and make sure that we'll hear great things about you than uh Mr phell yes M Mar yes Mr Barry yes Miss zeso yes Miss Herber yes Miss Lawrence yes Dr steer yes motion Carri and I just wanted to go and I think this is where there's too many pages so I missed it um Melissa L Le yeah um for clarification just for everyone I know Laura had the question about it as well as um Pam um so that's completely done outside of their schedule her schedule yes may work with the administrators before school after school on her lunchtime she may not work on that outside work during her school day dur constructional time you could also do projects after after work could you do it during her prep time she no not during prep time okay wait so what's the point of shadowing I'm sorry I just wondering are you supposed to see what they're doing and they can before school after school lunchtime and then project things administrators are doing a lot of work not during the school day in theory could she take a personal day if she wanted it a whole day to see a day in the life was like um recommend a motion to approve superintendent of school's non-personnel items a through e can I have a motion motion can I have a second are there any questions I I'm just going to comment and say I really like the district organizational chart I thought that that was very clear um and explained it very well so there hasn't been one attached to this well there was yeah and I have to I'd like to take credit but I can't I put it together but Lind in my office put I just like no I just wanted to comment on the uh professional development plan I don't remember seeing one from the last superintendent but um it it's really nice to help us to keep the district accountable you accountable staff know what's going on yeah the the discussion work the thought was if the board wanted to we can adjust the days from Tuesdays to Thursdays but the times would remain the same that's I can do them as as later okay thank you anything else on oh um so the student transportation was that the aen Lou I'm sure I I thought you said that doesn't seem like it's a first read all the policies are a first read well they were just a revision so we didn't put them on on the first read okay so even though they're revised Board gets the first read then a second read and Sor so does it doesn't like that yes so we could that right I I can update the so I guess I would just like February and June um for reimbursement just because in and are they and equal dispersements just because in most cases if students are receiving reimbursements they're out of school they finish their schooling long before we meet June you agree the idea to have it closed down by the end of the fal Year yes Robert can speak to that because he was at the meeting okay um no often times we have the board meeting with the last day school so transportation is still taking place we have a board meeting and we don't close out the uh final bills list there's a there's a second bills list it's uh it's a June 30th bills list for bills that come after the regular June bills list they get approved in July and they can be approved July so list logistically it's not a problem for to pay well I know but previously up to this year we've always had them done theun meeting and we got and this was the first year that it changed and the equal payments as much it's better I I accept that um but can we do February June like we used to do possibility you can't I can't disperse the checks until after the transportation ends so it have to be after the last day of school but are that most uh private schools are Ending by June 10th long before but if they are but the idea was if it's not on our bills list and it's not approved by the board per the other policy 167 I think that was um look it up if you can not prove it and we cannot dis we couldn't that was based my understanding was that was based on our policy and that's the reason to revise the policy so that it can be dispersed February and June versus February and July because we're we didn't receive payments until we all talked about middle of July and and I spoke with the transportation there and there was no reason they gave me that you couldn't do February and June and equal dispers but if our board meeting was prior to the last day of school we would not have had that on our bills list yeah so would if you doct for 5 days like I mean literally it's a matter of days we we submit these forms in many right the parents do right but the board policy says we can't pay it out unless it's approved by the board that's why I'm saying to change the policy the other policy claims policy you're saying that's that's a different policy I if you want to change the payment claims policy you can't change it to pay in advance of services being rent that's a state for I I just don't understand it's probably happened for the past I don't know how many years no no no I SP to on like our like the SCH you can start ear I think so there would I just that's the end of the school year we should have payment for the transportation and not have to wait another month and a half almost to get payment for that school year then we're going into July and then we're getting ready to Gear Up Like This schol start in August so then it just backs right into that so I just prer to be February and June would would you like to have the policy State uh pay pay in June when possible but no later than July I yeah I mean I don't think it should be before past July 1st I I think yes exactly to end the end of the school year for the new bu Cal that would be my thought or we could simply say twice per year as improves you know uh after paper has been approved on the bills list we don't have to specify but it can be but then it could be like March a nonr well you're trying to keep the dispers equal and not have you know see I've received communication from the doe and they've said that there's no reason that it couldn't be January and June withal payments but it didn't have be based on month you're this is being treated like a a normal bill or claim and it's not it's Aid in L it's different well the district is providing the aid in L it's not the district the state is providing it the state provides These funds it's not it's not the district but it's coming out of our budget no you're giving that money from the state any check that goes on the bills list is a payment of plan any check any payment that goes out ofday is a payment of claim and that is subject to the state laws and no payment can be made in advance of service de I did check that out with policy 6470 I went to that and I read it it does say that board has to approve before yeah I just I know what I spoke with in transportation so so point I mean I understand that the public school might not be out by the but the private school in the area we could change the wording what what would you recommend and change the wording for that so that's remember it's a first reading so you can still make changes because all you're voting on is a first you're not you're not voting to have it to adopt it so you can make the changes now okay so would you like to make it so that it reads payment to be made in June when possible but no later than July earlier than July you have to have youd have to have a board meeting on June 30th you have board meeting between have to have a board meeting to approve the bills list because I can't I won't send out bills until the board approves no and I I totally respect that and understand that it's just and we have to think of it from our perspective to because our our new school year technically starts July 1 so we should have payment before the start of the new school year so that's why you but I can't have any payments until you approve them I know and that's why I'd like to see we get so whether we make it a policy that our June board meeting is later yeah but I think it's unfair to parents and I don't even my kids are not even funded through this District anymore um parents rely on this check as far as there that's they rely on it and in nowhere near covers their transportation whatsoever um then that's part of it as well and so I do agree that if the budget fiscal year is ending June 30th because the same thing um at other state institutions everything has to be in that's going to be paid by like May that you're requesting and then checks are written out for June before the end of year you have to allow for mail time and if we approve it you know even 4 days before it may not get to you by July 1st I used to receive these payments too private school and as long as I got paid I was happy I mean twice a year some districts I agree with you they do it in June but somehow they worked it out we're just trying to follow the law so so you it can be worked out we can say payment to be made in June possible but no later than July I well you could say you can make the payment by June 30th but you have to meet like on June 29th we we have a separate bills list in July for the previous year why would we have to meet on July June 29th well if you if you because by June 30th but what if you back June 20th I can't pay a bill until I'm not paying bill until the board so if we had a meeting on June 20th if we made sure that our meeting was June 20th which all parochial schools are or private schools are out by June by June they're out before Father's Day um that would fall within your privy and then it would also allow individuals to receive their checks before June 30 yeah if you have the board meeting after all SCH you have absolutely but what are you're saying that it has to be after little is dismissed well I said after the schools so list verify thees for you they ver private schools verify invoices I know that has to go go in in May right the verification of trans we have to do that with gold pet school and then out their usually de we get one and then again so we have to it up three times a then you have to receive it from private school that's correct we we always they're never late for the private school private school there's never been a problem all right we'll see what we can do to revise that language thank you thanks thank you um any other questions on any of the other policies okay fa call Mr phelo yes M Mar yes Mr bar yes Mrs Al yes M her yes M lawence yes Dr Snider yes motion passes um is there any new business at this time if not moving on to public comment are we good yeah uh the floor is now open to members of the public the Board of Education recognize the value of public comment on educational issues the board requests that each statement made by a participant is limited to 3 minutes aside policy number 0167 there's a signning sheet located on the podium please sign in before you speak would anyone like to speak good evening my name is Katie L and I live at 418 jce Street for River I'm here tonight in reference to doing to the view the GL mon sparde 2 years ago I stood here as a District's ESL teacher clarifying the necessity of hiring the second ESL teacher to support the program's growth that continued to occur during my eight years of being a part of this District I work diligently in preparation for the future of this program with this ever expanding enrollment which is where you're at now I voice my concerns of title three funding usage as well as on behalf of the ESL program requiring additional certified staff to meet the guidelines from the MJ doe bilingual code due to the rising numbers of our ESL students a week prior to the start of the 2023 2024 school year when the district was at its highest number of ESL students enrolled abruptly my career path was shattered when I was involuntarily transferred from teaching ESL fulltime to another position all while the district's ESL enrollment Contin to increase one year ago after determining that I couldn't remain in the district under the direction some Administration was taking the ESL program I handed in my resignation letter superintendent and tance I admire you for taking on this role and I hope to see the district rise up not to where it once was but to an even better Level under your guidance at this time I would like to distribute some information that may serve useful in regards to Future decision making related to title 3 funds and ESL Services which support both students and staff I have included my contact information should you like to discuss any of the items for thank you thank you would anyone else like to speak okay seeing as there's no one my ends public comments moving on to board Forum would anyone like to speak I just wish everyone having a great year and uh after in two days you have fun absolutely every day is a better better than the next better than the one before yes very happy I'm glad to be back summer was quick but you know guys have a great year kids my kids are glad to be back they are they're super excited yeah so welcome back everyone it's going to be a good year uh I've got a sixth grader and a fourth grader this year so all in crond and I was at back to school night it was excellent positive energy really great so excited to be back time to get back on routine I think like the summer slide happens you know mine don't want to read at night so it's good to get the routine going so you I'd just like to say that I Ed the school leader New Jersey school boards as part of my summer reading there were so many pertinent topics I really learned a lot and I am encourage you to look at it I'm not sure if weent this I received physical copies also right yeah so I mean everything from SRO school security um staffing issues in fact board members write in their questions uh school threat assessment teams a lot of information I just encourage us to look one of it uh topics is demystifying school rankings and ratings so it's helpful to see all that information uh yes welcome back but I would like to speak uh somewhat briefly here on something that's near to me and passion B which is history um this I'm kind of want to uh uh ask teachers to consider this uh tomorrow is uh is September uh 17th right well under uh 36 us code 106 it was that was made Constitution Day and uh Mr do we receive any federal monies at all uh the district yes we do we receive title funds and ID funds okay so and I don't not putting us by I don't know how much it did I don't care if it's 100 bucks uh the way that New Jersey has butchered our budget we need every time we we get and uh the law says that you are supposed to educate students on Constitution Day uh you're supposed to carve out and teach them about the Constitution and when I see what's going on in society now I think more than ever that we need that we're we're getting to a point now we the second third generation's really getting away from uh understanding what America is about um there's an old joke that U somebody walked into a library and ask the uh nothing I very nous oh well he can't uh walked into a library and asked the librarian for the they wanted to see the uh Constitution uh for the for France and the librarian said that well we don't have periodical here uh the point being that they have uh had quite a few constitutions in history in fact the average Constitution uh all the what there was like 190 some recognized uh countries in the world is 17 years United States is on its 237 years since it's approval um so we what we have here is something truly spectacular uh if you wanted to look at some of that work U by the age of of 50 of the Constitution there's only 19% of them left um George Washington said in his farewell address that in order to interpret the Constitution without its value systems and morality it is impossible so you know and Alexis is hopeful uh uh who was a u came here in 1835 to study the uh what made America great he is the one who quoted uh first quoted the the phrase americ American exceptionalism so when you hear people say the Amer well it was Alexis the to to that said that in 1835 and he went on and on about if you were to stop the average American back then and there was probably only a few million people in the in the country back then but if you were to ask them they would be able to tell you their rights and their Privileges and their responsibilities uh and that is one of the things that made this country great um noways according to uh Thomas keing 57% of Americans have never read the Constitution so what I'm asking is uh that we put a a a high value on on teaching that uh to our kids we put so much emphasis on the math and we put so much emphasis on the the English right we so but we're doing it at a sacrifice almost to uh to this and if we don't teach this stuff we're not going to have a country um so if a nation expects to be ignorant and free and a state of civilization expects what never was and never will be from Thomas Jefferson so uh sorry to be a bit long but this is something that is really important to me I think that schools obviously delay it might but all schools everywhere in this country need to do a much better job what we're doing thank you may I ask you that what that us code Howard said it is uh uh 106 subsection 36 I'll send it to it was pass in 2005 I think um before that it was known as was ation it was so that's what it was pass anybody better money most of our Al we certainly pick out the the ones that pret sends down for us we're afraid they're going to cut our money off if we don't teach that gra but uh we don't worry about this stuff so thank you for sharing I'm pretty sure stocking we had Constitution that's good it's but I mean I see on our calendar all right I just have two things one I'm just going to this might sing a little because probably fres Genesis and I know it's a a lot of change for a lot of people and I'm going to say that's what I tell my students and it's it's something that if I had learned early on in life my life some things would have been easier is don't fight it just to try to do to change it like try I know it's a different way of putting in your lesson plans right from what I'm gathering and things like that and when I um used when I would did research and I would go to publish a paper and I would have to publish my um my experiment I don't know how to say it other than a gel that I would have to photograph of it and then I would have to cut it with an exacto knife and line it up and line it up with the numbers and put the figure LGE to all myself and I'd have to glue it and everything and needless to say I had multiple copies and have to print it out multiple times well the first time that we actually just used scanning and just scanned it and did it all on the computer I didn't want to do it I was like no I want to cut it out who who the heck would ever say that I want to cut it out and line it up um once I finally did it I was like and got the hang of it I was like it's okay and it's the same thing I tell my students like with Excel I was like don't fight it it you embrace it and it'll become much easier my second thing that I learned this summer is that in fourth grade and I don't know if he teaches curriculum but I'm happy to send the like I didn't want to over that but um if we teach a certain series of curriculum the teachers can um request and issued free passes to all the students in fourth grade for the entire year to all national parks so like you could go visit the Grand Canyon um there's some great ones in Hawaii and California but ja is not that great to know the ones in the other states um but you can get those passes and you can go visit them with your family for the entire year so I thought that was a great thing um it's something that we've tried to do with our kids throughout the years and um I just would like to say welcome back back um hopefully everyone's getting into a good group and um and has a wonderful school year thank you all for everything that you do I know that a lot of this all started before the students even walked back in the building but hopefully um everyone remembered why they're here and why they do it once they all walk through that door and all smile on faces so thank you and our next meeting will be Thursday is it October 15th or October 17th 17th 6 p.m. executive 7:00 p.m. public can I have a um motion to adjourn uh can I have a second second um all in favor any objections exensions