##VIDEO ID:7G-6yZ3xtzw## Valerie did you ask Rich I'm gonna fix some we're waiting for seven good evening welcome to this September 5th 2024 meeting of Little Falls planning board please ride for the flag salute which will be led by counc President Anthony SC United States of America stands naice all thank you Valerie please read not the statement of public notice little Falls Township planning board meeting of Thursday September 5th 2024 is called to order please take notice that adequate notice of this meeting was provided in accordance with njsa 10 col 4-8 and njsa 10 col 4-10 as follows a notice of the meeting was promptly posted on the bulletin board at the municipal building located at 225 Main Street Little Falls New Jersey on January 4th 2024 a copy of the notice was sent via email to the north Jersey Herald in news on same date additionally a copy of the notice was filed in the office of the Township Clerk please note that this meeting is being taped therefore we ask that you speak loud and clear into the microphones thank you please call the RO Mr Barry Mr carage here Mr Luke Damiano miss catalo here Mr Seer here Mr poses mayor Damiano here councilman SCA here Dr Abdi here Mr a Mr Dolan here Mr RMA here Mr B theodoro here Mr coars here miss Javon here Mr Kilpatrick here thank you very much uh council president scob any comments from the council for us chairman no one came before the governing body at our last council meeting thank you very much may I have a mo for the approval of the minutes of August 1st 2024 so moved second please call the RO Mr carage here Mr Luke Damiano Miss catalo yes Mr cber yes Mr Dolan yes Mr Rema yes minutes are approved memorializing resolution we have a resolution for DL develop man LLC 8284 YK pton ter pight may I have a motion please I'll make a motion I have a second what's your sir second uh please pull the V please PLL the board Mr Carz yes Miss catalo yes Mr Seer yes Mr Dolan yes and Mr Rema resolution is approved um welcome everyone tonight it's good to see a little crowd we have a presentation of a project that has been a year little year plus in preparation there a lot of hard work that went into it we're proud to uh display for you tonight for the first time this is a draft and maybe some adjustments um so our planner s sioban is here and she'll be making a presentation you have the floor thank you so much good evening everyone um do you mind sh the power please chairman maybe if I may make some com before sure so Ju Just for the information of the public s is going to present an overview of the proposed master plan this is not the public hearing on the master plan that will come I believe at October 3rd meeting when when we're ready for that there'll be notice published in a newspaper and we will provide notice as is required under the municipal anus law so this is not the official public hearing we're not going to be taking testimony on the RO this is just an informal presentation from our planner to the board but there will be a public hearing as I said on October 3rd and that'll be noticed appropriately in accordance with the municipal le la thank you so much um so um so as uh the chairman said that the dra master plan has been a yearlong process uh with a lot of inut lot of uh public uh engagement and a lot of research from our end um and of course given the fact that we've been providing planning services to the township for for many years uh we also have institutional knowledge so before I begin um I would like to give a brief overview of what is a master plan and as all of us all of us here know and it's more for the uh benefit of people uh late people who don't understand the municipal land use process um a master plan is a guiding document for multidisciplinary planning throughout this uh throughout the state and it by law which is the municipal land use law it must be updated every 10 years um the last time a comprehensive master plan was prepared for the township of Little Falls was in 2002 but it has been a reexamined in 2008 2013 2020 1 and last year in 2023 when I presented this before uh before you all in April where it was determined that there was a need for a comprehensive master plan um the elements prepared include the land use plan which is mandatory a land use planner housing plan is necessary to prepare uh ad uh prepare and adopt ordinances um the other plants that were prepared were circulation which ties in with land use um Economic Development sustainability um open space element um next slide please so as I mentioned that um there was a it's a yearlong process we've been meeting we've had regular meetings with the master plan subcommittee which um consisted of our Bo chair the mayor council president so we had representation from the plan Bo governing body we had Township staff with our prior administrator current administrator and James uh di marar construction official and uh throughout the process we also had legal representation with our uh with our board attorney uh providing advisory Services um we prepared a master plan website and a public input survey to get to reach to wide area uh residents and business owners so and then we did three Community Workshops the first Workshop was to get a familiarized people with the master planning process get their input then we had a second that was I think almost a year ago in end of September the second Workshop was to get everyone's uh to hone in more to refine the goals and objectives and recommendations and then the third Workshop was eight months ago end of just um just before the holidays um where we put forth pre preliminary goals and uh objectives as well as recommendations for public input on that um we also from our end conducted Township department heads and Consultants interviews and the next two steps now is first the draft plan review with you the planning hold and of course with the public meeting members of public and uh comment as well and then a dra plan review session with the governing body on Monday and then finally a public hearing as our attorney uh mentioned so uh just to remind everyone that by as for the ml it's it's a planning code document and you have the jurisdiction um I will quickly go through the community engagement and public participation we as I mentioned we conducted an online survey and these are I I don't know if it's very clear to all but just that the overarching theme based on the 400 people who responded um was that resiliency to Future Extreme weather was important quality of public education was important um understanding traffic and congestion was important um condition improving the conditions of parks and decreation facilities was important and then finally um the downtown was very important in terms of attracting new businesses or revitalizing so uh next slide please so as I mentioned earlier there were 420 participants um so out of that's about three little over 3% of the population and out of out of that 93% were residents um 3% owned a business business and uh the remaining po just categorize themselves in the others category now when we also wanted to find out what attracts me to Little Falls and uh most uh next slide please so it more 38% said they found a home they like they lived in the town for over 20 plus years they were close to family and friends they like the character of the community the quality of life um so that that that's it and in the actual master plan the community survey and summary report is provided um so feel free to read that if you're interested but we incorporated all of that information as we were drafting the master plan next slide please one of the most important things in any Master planning process is the demographic you need to see how the population has evolved over the years because all of that ties into your land uses ties into the needs of the community so on and so forth and um uh given the fact that we have a university within our uh within our boundaries we we studied the uh significant changes in the population and typical all as reflected all over the country there was that surge for second world war it tapered down and then again started uh growing uh from 2000 as you can see in these two slides and also it's all in the document and what was interesting and I included that slide was that um you know you want to study how many people what's the age group what's the poort and you see that there's a sudden dip um and that was during the P pandemic which kind of you know clarified some of the doubts we had about who all live in uh bu PA next slide please so you know you look at this um the this the RO to the left it's a reverse pyramid right so it's an aging population and but it's funny the pie chart next to it and it's all there in the plan it says 27% which is the highest percentage individually of the different Generations belong to gen Z which now then goes back to the fact that you know you have a University campus on on your um in your Township um but truly as reflected in in in the reverse pyramid um majority of people are gen xes so it's 44 until 59 Baby Boomers um and there's a small percentage of people that are um over 80 so um so next slide please so based on all that information we reviewed prior planning documents we reviewed Regional documents um and um also we started with a rough tra gold land and other elements goals and objectives discussed it with the subcomittee uh extensively discussed it at a public uh meetings and we really have um six major goals and there are objectives under that it's all there in the plan I didn't want to go through um it but it's more of a common sense which you know you would look at it when you observe what's happening in your town and then you look at the data and um a lot of demographic data and it just is it all ties in and makes sense so basically you have a single family residential neighborhood so we the goal is to continue to maintain preserve and enhance the ex existing established residential character of the neighborhoods but at the same time there is a need to have ratables because predominantly it is a residential community so create an attractive bu environment that encourages positive rateable enhances the quality of the township um and then you're also fortunate to have a bus route you have uh a train station so building upon this existing efforts uh to promote Transit oriented development that has been happening for the past I think 12 years or more and to continue on that um there are opportunities um as you can as you know the board knows this um to expand opportunities for mixed use development along business um corridors to get rid of any Marvin uh buildings or what have you and another thing that you know to ensure that the zoning districts regulations and land use continue to align with the development uh goals and then to promote measures to allow the to town to be resident so we have that challenge with the pman and forsake uh to continue to build up on the efforts that the town has been taking next slide please so you know I I hate the word issues um it's so negative but I don't mean it in that way I mean these are the existing conditions and let's talk about them so the nework P Corridor given you know there revitalizing that Corridor is essential um there are certain sites and this was also um expressed through the survey at the community engagement that Redevelopment to promote Economic Development downtown revitalization that's important one of the um opinions expressed was downtown area there relatively limited types of commercial needes then um you know we had this development that we um heard just last month um El it's important to eliminate zoning boundaries to better reflect the existing uses and the Slit zoning that we've had um de last month but we've had others in the past and then most importantly protecting flood Hazard areas and um along the p and the Pegman so identifying that uh next like pleas so the ter is predominant itial ngdp data is not accurate but I'm quoting it because that's so only secondary data available to us but 54% of devel aage is residential but as for our parcel data it's 72.4% and then some of our recommendations again based on our experience here was about reson name some residential developments that are in the B1 or I Zone that would be better suited to a residential Zone to amending zoning boundaries to follow property lines and eliminate split Zone BLS so next slide please so this was again um you know it doesn't represent the entire Township obviously it's the 400 people but nevertheless that's the data we had and um you know they expressed their opinions about um 83% spoke about single family some said 43 said senior housing there was interest in 57 % uh but one thing I would like to also point out and I've written that in the master plan any of the multif family development even even has been a part of theing mandates that was thrust upon every town through the state so um but so that's something to always uh keep keep in the back of your mind um next slide please with commercial and business of have only 16% of aage as for the uh DP uh which is inaccurate in that Mont state which is a public uh which is classified as a public uh institution they classify that as commercial so that's why you know we try to rectify that um Commercial Business to continue uh uh today for any townships or municipalities economic health it's essential to have a thriving commercial District that Prov the ratables um so we've U recommended and I've summarized it here it's all in great detail in the master plan that review and Revise Code to allow for popular and modern uses to update zoning code to allow for uses that are not found like for example we still have telephone exchange as one of the permitted uses so it's important to your for your ordinance to reflect the current times and this master plan provides that framework and then the other thing was to review and review and Revise Code to revitalize Comm PS along Green Street and new comp turn next slide please um since 20 since February 9 2021 the governor has mandated that every master plan man element discusses the climate change vulnerability assessment and um we we did did just that and um we've relied heavily upon the 2020 for county has education plan it's typically there are the municipal Landing law have specific requirements which we follow and the main vulnerability issues and recommendations um which I just want to highlight here for us this evening is to continue to work with the county and neighboring municipalities to St stabilize the riv beds along the pment um to continue upgrading water distribution piping system work on mitigation measures to limit the chance of blood damage to fall recreation center and facility ensure that critical facilities have back up generators and de man plan so finally uh there were 47 uh necessi finally there were 47 recommendations and each of those recommendations were under different categories General land use residential uh so on and so forth and um what I tried to do um and then the last one was vulnerability assessment and what I tried to do is uh just um hit upon the he land's recommendations so one of it which was uh to review existing patterns and compatibility with the zoning map and need Zone boundry changes as required um there was a recommendation as I mentioned to update Zoning for to remove outdated uses and to create definitions for more popular contemporary commercial uses to amend and clarify sign regulations you've had numerous sign VAR applications here so that's that that's the need as well to evaluate the potential to permit mixu development along F turn P um you know when when any application when and we are we are a combined go and you have uh plora of uh use application it's really a time to re-evaluate if the loing is working or not um amend public requirements and fores to for growth and economic development in the downtown area um and then last but not the least um as everybody knows this said the state the in the flood room we have all these regulations but we also have to uh in our own way uh when it's econom economically feasible and cost effective consider M uh mitigating flood hazards and other National hazards by implementing uh infrastructure projects and of course there are funding opportunities available that the town is doing and has been doing for all these years um the next one is circulation goals um in that we have three main goals with a lot of um objectives as well and again that's all very clearly written in in the uh master plan but one is to provide a safe and efficient transportation system encourage Mobility by all Ms enhance connections to ke locations throughout the township circulation is important because it is very Rel to land use land uses trigger uh parking requirements trigger traffic and vice versa so um one thing that this master plan has um tried to achieve and lot of input from the subcommittee was have one cohesive document so that it's not prepared in a silo and it's basically you know what's what would be IDE for our town um in terms of trans next SL in terms of transportation we look at the trends and issues we examine how the town travels in terms of the different modes of transportation we examin the traffic circulation we tried we got for example flash data from the police department to analyze intersections and um you know that's the level of analysis we did the other thing too is transportation also since we're writing a sustainability plan economic development plan as well as uh open space all of these are interconnected for example Regional connections um there are different initiatives um like for example Greenway plans that are um that are um there Monclair has monair Township has their own uh own um sort of plans so we tried to analyze all of that to is come up with an idea for regional connection um and finally um any V when you try to revitalize a town or make it very attractive streetcap guidelines are important um and finally we also uh had a parking specialist DHA who did a parking analysis for the downtown area and um uh next slide please so in terms of circulation issues I I I I already described that but one was of because it was an important issue traffic congestion it's important because not all those streets are owned by the are within the jurisdiction of the municipality we have local we have County and state streets as well but you know this is something that I'm acknowledging that was of the answers we got and then the other one was pedestrian and Bicycle St was something that people expressed and U again based on our research as well so finally we came up with these peace circulation uh recommendations and as I just mentioned that not all the streets um are under the Township's jurisdiction so we're recommending and the township has been working um with the county and state but to continue partnering on Transportation measures that can alleviate congestion in and around the township and then um we spoke about Regional connections having Street scap guidelines so um we recommending including guidelines and re weapon plans that can improve walking and biking conditions between key areas um and Township uh destination uh we spoke about improving pedestrian safety on Main Street through infrastructure improvements um you know we wrote this a few months ago and I've noticed that there there are projects that have been undertaken at this time so but nevertheless it's a worthy recommendation to keep in the master plan uh to ensure that the township has adequate infrastructure for existing and projected growth in evv this goes back to the Statewide initiative started by our governor since 2019 and to implement safety enhancements in St design again go back to that point of pedestrian safety and then finally some recommendations regarding parking and parking management uh next slide please so again transportation is also connected to Economic Development so all these initiatives are to make continue to make the town economically vibrant so um in that we uh recognize again multiple goals three goals multiple objectives but one of which was to continue to enhance the downtown area as the Civic and economic part of the toship to continue to seek stable high quality ratables that also reflect favor upon the image and identity of the township and to create a mutually beneficial relationship between Little Falls and Monclair State because again it's right in our town um some of the economic development issues is of which was based on our research based on the input we got based on the interviews we conducted was lack of commercial acreage compared to the residential use which is what would balance out um a Township's uh um you know uh a healthy economic um viable uh municipality underutilized properties in commercial corridors and traditional downtowns to create uh attractive downtowns with vable amenities and again Little Falls has the framework has the BS is working in that direction this just continues to recommend augmenting so in terms of when we ask people um what little FS could use more of um variety of restaurants um a variety of retail stores um Community Gathering spaces cultural facilities public artwork because that goes back into what you will see in the master I talk about plac making plac making is a way of identifying and creating an identity for your downtown area uh next slide please so with key economic developments um again it goes back to create uh developing a creative placemaking strategy that highlights the unique character of Li Falls um to continue to review the regulations for root 46 cdor to ensure that it meets the modern demands of the highly commercial Corridor and again um one you know it's it's good to continue monitoring macroeconomic Trends particularly as uh um Trends and retail office spaces continue to change um and it's it's it's interesting because I was reading a case law from 40 years ago where they actually did spoke everything against mix use development but now we are talking about mix use being ID to revite you know land use planning or any kind of Master playing processes Dynamic um encourage public Improvement where fees well um and uh also again going back to what s mentioned in the land use law uh land use sorry land use plan about encouraging mixus commercial opportunities in appropriate areas of the township um and then another last but not the least to utilize pedestrian safety movements along the mainstream which is again an economic development tool because more people want to walk and utilize your downtown which then adds more or uh put traffic to your businesses um next slide please the sustainability goal this by itself is a a guiding document in terms of your ordinances are not reli you don't rely upon sustainability uh plan to give you that uh feat for your uh ordinance framework it's the land SC however it's important in terms of um for the different initiatives to uh apply for funding Etc so um there again three goals uh multiple um multiple objectives but one of which is um to implement policies um towards achieving local and state level climate change go again that's so important not all over the world but especially so with in New Jersey to improve the Township's resiliency and sustainability and to encourage the utilization of renewable energy resources um so in terms of sustainab T we spoke about um you know described and suggested looking for of there's a potential for reducing green gas emissions by promoting Energy Efficiency alternative energy use adoption of smart growth principles and uh addressing um in increasing frequency and intensity of flooding through you know better and greater stor Water Management uh effort next slide please so the key recommendations were again to consider opportunities to implement greenstorm water infrastructure and streets in capital Improvement projects when cost effective because we recognize the cost of it too it's a recommendation if it's cost effective it's an ideal thing to look into um consider energy further Energy Efficiency Improvement at Municipal facilities there already multiple initiatives been taken and this is just us a recommending augmented that continuing that flow um to identify opportunities to install additional EV charging stations um and then incentivizing the use of LED building practices for new development again that's more about when Ben people to work with utility company to replace existing street lights and to upgrade the townships stor of management plan uh next slide please finally open space and Recreation goals um in that we um of course uh visited all your uh Parks um had a conversation with your Recreation director um discussed internally with uh the township staff as well as uh the subcommittee and uh came up with these goals and objectives which is to enhance existing Park and open space properties creating connections to for between the different parts to form open space Network that again goes back to the prior uh plans that I described about creating Regional connections etc etc so our goal was to have these um plans intertwined with each other and it's becomes one cohesive document um and then another last but not the least goal was to utilize strategic open space acquisition in environmentally sensitive areas so that goes back to the sustainability goals that goes back to the goals of um basically preserving um land and addressing the climate change vulnerability aspect um in terms of open space and Recreation issues based on our conversations um it's you know limited restrooms parking spaces and Lighting in some Township parks improving walking biking connections to existing Township parks and Open Spaces improving facilities uh to have Ada accessibility University design Etc and then um you know utilizing buyout property inak has potential future open space um So based on all of that we these are the key open space and Recreation recommendations so um we identified a few places where you can Implement facility and open space improvements some Sometimes some of the parks are too too small to even think of having a restroom or a parking area and there're more neighborhood pocket cards but we feasible the township is doing that but we also Al identify uh potential um potential sites um signage is very important signage we finding signage also goes back to the point I made about Place making creating that connectivity so um and also it's The Pedestrian safety uh aspect as as well and then um one of our recommendations was to explore potential options but implementing the S of SP enhancement plan we um had prepared H had prepared that three more than three years ago or or maybe last year I don't remember but we had discussed that got input from the members of the public which is what um has um evolved into this recommendation um and then again going back to working cooperatively with Hy agencies to implement PL mitigation measures uh finally of Center um to uh make it really compliant and then as I mentioned earlier upgrades to all the different facili so finally so what are the next steps so as I mentioned we presenting this draft plan here the next step would be to present the same plan to the governing body on September 9th and then we'll incorporate the board's comments if any governing bodies and public comments if any into uh and have revisions to be made based upon the feedback receive and finally if Bing any major changes to the plan um as our attorney mentioned we intend to adopt the plan which is next month and this is it from me thank you all thank you very much very well done any comments or questions from the members of the planning board I know this is not a public hearing but I'm going to ask for a motion to open up a meeting to the public in case anyone wants to comment or ask a question at this point may have a motion Some Mo second all those in favor I all those oppos meeting is open to the public anyone want to come up and comment don't be shy all right no one coming forward I close the meeting to the public thank you very much for that report St um Mr Mayor is this uh master plan uh on our website for review it is it has been I think it's going to be re-updated again and all of the information is contained in a very short I believe it's almost 400 page document that anyone can review at their leisures uh there's a lot in that document 164 164 pag of AC and then the rest are appendices just providing or compounding that this data is supported by all those that is true some of those have a lot of information and is a part of our plans again thank you very much that concludes the draft presentation uh of the master plan our first application is Big Shine energy um chairman the mayor and myself can't sit on this I'll be excused thank you yes uh the remaining applications require use variances and members of the council and the mayor cannot sit in thank you may do you have the keys and lights or James do you have the key to turn off voice the microphone welcome thank you thank you for having us uh good evening uh Mr chairman members of the board my name is Rafael coralon I'm from kinian we can barely hear you oh I have to push this no can you hear me now better okay Rafael coralon from ker Jan and Gian tamasi on behalf of uh Big Shine worldwide incorporate uh doing business as Big Shine energy and uh tonight we're presenting on a development over at 1400 Route 46 West which is a designated lot 1.01 and block 2011 um the applicant tonight seeking a site plan in variance uh approval to install five solar panels on a existing billboard on Route 46 which will be used to uh provide power to the lights on the billboard um so just as a recap I guess of uh the town's code solar panels are conditionally permitted in all districts uh first to section 280-4117 um but in this case we have to request the D3 variance with respect to the location um because under Section 280-4117 is a solar panel uh expert um and a professional planner um so uh unless the board has any questions i' like to proceed with the first witness Council can you just spell your last name for the sure uh corlon Co the and boy aan for the record Mr chairman I have had an opportunity to re review the Affidavit of mailing and the proofs that were submitted by council's firm and they are compliant with requirements of the municipal lus well so the board has jurisdiction to proceed with the application thank you um so if there any there aren't any questions I'll proceed with the uh the first witness Mr David CIO um a solar energy expert uh for on behalf of the applicant if you just give us a minute we're GNA put up a site plan on that's fine probably over here mcneils may have to move you want it further over this way I would like it further over here yeah yeah just oh closer to that door so the members yeah put it by the door then we can all you don't have to good that's good we just want it oriented so the board can see it and the public can see it we also have copies um circulate someone wants seat up close without getting up I have turn a little bit uh you turn a little B all right turn turn it towards thank you perfect there you go perfect now we got the technical aspects out of the way all right so let's get started let swearing your witness yes please please raise your right hand you swear or affirm that the testimony that you're about to give before this board is going to be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth okay please tell us your name and spell your last name for the record can you step up to the microphone good evening can you hear me yes my name is David Carillo can you spell your last name please c a r r i l l o and I'm a professional engineer um my title of Big Chain energy is on design engineer my educational background um um graduated in NC State with a bachelor's in aerospace engineering and a masters in proportional engineering and I've been working in big for about four years now since 2020 uh as a solar engineer yeah so I have the nap certification which is the standard for solar um it's the nap PB Professional installation professional and also the PB inspector professional have both certifications under the Naps set so the certifications is the standard for solar industry as you know um you you're probably well aware that the nap has taken as the standard to be certified through them to be compliant with it many different things including like uh not only applications with the township but also applications with a utility as well as any incentives they require to be naps of certified yeah they both current are you a licensed engineer no I'm not I'm not a PE signing here I'm not professional engineer so you're signing as I'm not sure if you said Napa NASA is napep certified and I'm just overseeing the documents we have a professional engineering firm that will stamp these documents and I haven't stamped these documents I'm just overseeing it okay the engineer is not present tonight no the the one who stamps here is not present at the moment thank you that's fine okay yes I'm familiar with the side and the proposed solar project that microphone working he's on his way green light oh now well done you can take you can take this microphone so did you prepare uh or did you review the cite plan with respect to the development um for the presentation today yes it has been reviewed okay so uh if you just please just uh briefly uh just explain what the plans are that are on the easel for the board okay so the first page is pretty much over overshadows the entire scope of the project including the project information sheets to come as well as the location of the billboard and the area that we will be working on putting solar on that's just general notes to follow for anyc doing the work this is the site plan correct yeah okay um just quickly uh is this a site plan that was dated uh August 208th 2024 that there was revisions made to it yeah there's a revision made to it I believe they wanted to add more distance is to where the B is located to um describe the property area yes otherwise the other than these minor changes essentially the same plans no significant changes have been made since uh the first plan was submitted with the application is exactly the same as the first plan that was submitted just with more distances added as requested okay so i' just like to mark this as an exhibit I I was just going to ask you so the board has not seen that version correct right and now you know we'll we'll provide it uh you know as part of the conditional approval if we can get it um this something to revie so let's mark that A1 okay the set the set will be A1 how many sheets in that set believe it's four 12 sheets I believe is it I think it's 14 but I could be wrong let me see the last yeah 14 sheets I'm sorry okay so um if you just walk through the proposed development with respect to the solar panels and what we're proposing to uh put on this billboard could you just walk us through the solar panels that we're proposing to develop on the uh build the existing billboard it's got to go the green light's got to turn on we we we can pretty much hear you you speak loudly yeah just just uh all right good L um there's five solar panels they're all red here you can see and they basically only facing one side of the the other side are they on top or on the bottom no they're not on top um we doit actually show exactly how it's we have a rendering so they hang down they're hanging theying down all right I'm just interested in the visual impact we we can put if uh Mr chairman you want to see the rendering we could put that up now yeah all right we'll work okay so with respect to the solar panels what's the the goal I guess of putting the solar panels there what uh what exactly upset the lights there's eight lights um that are pointing toward the billboard about 200 wats each um and by are sufficient government their usage of the lights and uh how exact you just discuss the materials that are used and how the solar panels uh get mounted exactly so we have a structural engineer that has completely overseen the structure of the the build know the solar mod that will be premade and then mounted in place um on on the bottom frame of the of the the will have some reinfor by thefor and then the solar mod okay so uh as the board engineer and the planner requested the visuals I think now is a good time we just put the the rendering up briefly and just take a look at it people have a visual idea here you can see the modes and then you have the structure that will be and then it will be just m under with reinforcements of reinforcements to existing structure of the right are the were you storing all that power have battery packs no basically the solar mod back so you're sending the power back on the grid yeah so it's it's an agreement with them that will the power during the day back to only to be us again night are there any more renderings you'd like to show you want to show us any more renderings or ofed you how look apologize not exactly real got it's not for our location not helpful continue um so did you review the reports issued by the the board engineer uh dated uh August 15 2024 by Elmo group um there there any issues with complying with the the request made in that report no and uh with respect to the report issued by the uh board planner uh dated also dated August 15 2024 there any issues complying with those uh those requests okay so I don't have any further questions uh for this witness um is the applicant agreeing to all the requirements from the engineer and from the planner he's not an engineer sorry I'm sorry he's not an engineer I need you to answer is the applicant complying with all the requests and reports you receive from our engineer and our plan yes so they've objected to nothing in terms of what the requests are no you've objected to nothing are you agreeing to comply yes we will comply thank no problem Mr chair I'm sorry go ahead S I have a question go ask boy um so in my review I mentioned that that um you you know it the applications application states that the power will be provided to the diner but you testify that the that it will also help in lighting the billboard it must have been it's only for the bill lights nothing to okay the application clearly states that it's going to provide electricity for the principal use the principal use uses the diner are you with throwing that um but I was understand the principal uses the billboard I know there's all we found through the Oprah is a resolution Rich can you uh you are not the owner of the property Billboards are treated as as a separate use a principal use because it's not connected to the it's although it's on the same property as the parwest diner it's not it's not customary incidental to the diner use it's not an accessory structure so it's it's its own principal structure okay so I think I think what they were saying was it's going to serve the principal structure not meaning the diner but meaning building it makes a lot more sense thank you um Mike do you have our engineer do you have any questions just a question uh the application is for a conceptual site plan do that suffice or is do they need also preliminary in finus like plan they notice the notice doesn't say conceptu the notice says they're here for a site so so the application right the application isn't accurate but the notice covers okay so so all the um I believe I referenced in my for solar energy systems to You'll submit revised plans that address everything that the board Jer yes indates and is okay thank you is our planner satisfied yes because we did I did write that the documents were not sufficient so that's fine very well any other questions of our professional members of the board yeah I have a question um aside from what you have displayed there on the mockup with the solar panels and the structure that's holding them up is there any other equipment that will be um be required in order to support those solar panels such as Transformers or uh or or anything no Rees they're basically static they simply Supply power from the panels to the building yes it's basically the P will generate DC power it will go down um with M change to DC power right and then it will go down the same way that the lights are going down and very well uh yes I'm sorry I have another question yes um so in my letter on page five and um six I had um asked about um you know how how the design of the solar energy system um should blend in so it's not visible then i' um asked about the sight lines and visual and I'm not and then one other thing i' also asked about the signage to secure because um from what the information you provided it wasn't clear so I made an assumption that it was 6' 7 um 6' 7 inches high so I was wondering if you're the person who will be testifying or is an architect or planner testify that let's move for the board not me oh sorry so the sign is standard s solar that will be on display and these are the labels that you will see um the the distance that you mention 6 fet from the ground is the minimum is the maximum distance soce uh so that's where our dis will be not to exceed the six feet so that the person reach for the and then this is existing already there the leader and so be on the right side so how would it be secure that you know some that nobody vandalizes it or something like that right now uh C has a lot place I don't pictures of the actual the meter we can provide this wed un wed into the hole the 42 in hole um and then the is there and as well as their connection boed there and you just be mounted right on the right side is it easily accessible by people can they a person not connected to this can easily approach it right now person that's the way the way is a person can approach yes is definitely you men was 6 feet six feet up that's the maximum butting there but lo lo so you have to break the L we could provide pictures uh for the board if they'd like to see that um I don't know if we have them with us today could check my file but uh okay okay Sam what is your concern somebody tapping in my concern more is vandalism you know typically like when we have you know like Telecom any kind of there's always a Fen in area or something to secure it so that's why I raised that question in the review letter how is it secured and is it is there a way that you know nobody ters with it or vandalizes it that's all or even even the same concern too yeah okay any other questions the board are these panels going to provide cause a glare coming down the highway so the glare um there's like different doc that have published about that but the modes are intended to abor the soent 2% not at all that's why you see some of these M even in the near airports as a ground M system because they pass any further questions call your next witness please thank you um so our next file witness is uh planner you swear affirm the testimony that you're about to get before this board is going to be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes please tell us your name and SP last name for the record first name Thomas last name Richi R ICI business address is 92 Park F brother Jersey I am a licensed professional planner in the state of New Jersey nationally certified by the American Institute of certified planners I am a senior project manager at Stonefield engineering design I have a bachelor's degree and a master's degree in city and Regional planning both from Ruckers University I have been accepted as an expert witness to fi of professional planning well over 100 times throughout the first time Little P stff but every other municipality well welcome thank you are all your licenses in effect yes it is thank you you're accepted um so we just uh just walk through uh you know your familiarity with the the site and the proposed development yeah absolutely um I'm sure the board is aware of where the site is located um um to the gr 46 commercial Corridor more specifically it's a buillard into blot of the Park West D um that's governed by the B2 Sony District standards um you've heard the proposal today it's simply to put five solar modules on the existing billboard now the code permits solar installations as a additional use actually all all zones throughout the township um as long as they are not a virtu solar facility so the the power that's harnessed has to be used or consumed as the mentioned back on site which is exactly what we're doing today those solar panels are capture sunlight and just power the solar panel itself now the zoning organ separates the conditional use Departments of solar into residential and non uses and then in each of those H categories they break it down there's requirements for ground mounted and then there different requirements for root mounted now we kind of fall into this unique category where we're not on the roof of the building but technically not a ground solar installation either so that's the Crux of the D3 trigger that's why we're here seeking the the conditional requirement um because it's it doesn't fit neatly into one of those two padic Works um now I'm sure as the board is aware the the equ standard that squ what that basically requires to do is show that the site can continue to accommodate this conditional use solar panels um despite not being that condition and I think we can particularly because even though we're not on a we're not ground mounted and we're not a roof mounted we meet every other condition of um with regards to solar panels those are things like as I mentioned power must be consumed on site we are um it wherever it's mounted can impact um just can building utilities Plumbing can't extend be on the roots line not applicable um it can't and I'll show you in a bit um visibility of other signs in the area don't and talks about blending it in surrounding Community or the surrounding environment as much as possible um the colors of the sports of solar pan are going to match on theard ton blend in the Bott support of that billboard so I re all of these conditional use requirements and as I mentioned we meet all of them with the exception that we're technically not on the roof technically noted and I think the intent of that was really when they were uh creating ordinates probably SE separate regulations we're have ground facilities and then maybe we should do separate regulations for root mounted probably wasn't contemplated that solar was going to get attached somewhere else billboard I see that on site utility po you do have these unique circumstances the important thing conditions that are regul regulating the impact of solar uh we do need all of those requirements um so I prepared this exhibit um um this is the record by engineering design dated September 5th 2024 it's a photo exhibit of the existing fill board from Route 46 going in both directions um we like to do this when we have both solar applications Ando applications if you can see um what it's going to look like I think the important thing about talk about signage impact this bubo is set 9t from the curve line so it doesn't it's not actually in that line of signs along 46 it's set back into sight so what you have isard I think the molecule itself is about 7t but it's angle you see even less of that basically going to go small distance right under the existing billboard as I mentioned because it's set farther into the site it doesn't obstruct this line of site the existing signs along for that's it's important that exting signs don't see the future that go behind it because so far um yeah so there's a lot of stuff there's a lot of planning documents that going to the use of solar 2001 um the sdrp state development R development plan um actually mention goal of promoting solar um for heating power and then in 2010 La actually added solar as an beneficial use which is aware of we consider an elevated status use something that's favored by unit did recognize uh the importance of solar um and actually in their list of goals the list of 17 purposes of that act um purpose n is to promote utilization renewable energy resources which is exactly what solar does so the state definitely has a preference for this uh the master plan actually e La adding solar beneficial use with those STS um and then tying up town Sol they conditionally permit these um every Zone in town they try to accommodate both Brown mounted and blop mounted so the way I see it is there's there's a strong from state level down to the local level for solar like I said we kind of don't fit into one of those unique categories of versus ground but I think the conditions um have been all other conditions have been met not signs just quickly I want to make sure that we I don't remember if we did this before uh that the renderings and the pictures were Mark as exhibits um okay we did these were not marked okay so we Mark these as well that should be A2 I believe the Rings were separate from the site plan um I don't think they're 14 I I wasn't sure if they were part of it no they're separ yeah so those could be I guess 83 yeah they should be Mark Mark them individually five sheets let's mark the whole thing A3 five five sheets thank you I have no further questions so for Mr G did you say you had smaller versions of the plans or or you were talking about they were going to put up you were going to put up the renderings um ear we do we have copies of the um we we can provide smaller versions um oh no I just thought for the hearing tonight okay they're all going to stay with the board anyway so okay S I have a question our planner has a question for you um no to the planner so you mentioned it's inherently beneficial I agree with you 100% positive criteria gets satisfied however the negative criteria we have to do a seup orpr balancing you already um covered very thoroughly about the public benefit of it but um in my review letter I'd mentioned something about the visual impact any kind of perceived or otherwise uh negative impacts and any and what you could do to ameliorate any perceived uh impacts uh negative impacts if You' like to provide some additional testimony regarding that sure yeah um like I mentioned I think we would agree that these ports and solar panel structure itself would match the existing color of the billboard to help it essentially blend these supports here um this is 14 by 48 siard I think for solar pan about and going be really relatively small to thank you Mike do you have any questions just one other question you these will be visible driving in a westbound direction right yes because the other side of the buillard essentially is blocked front angle like this it's not like they're seeing really drivers really looking into it they're almost seeing Asos that's it thank you thank you uh any further questions or comments from the board members may I have a motion this is your last uh professional uh yes um may I have a motion to open up the meeting for the public so move second second all those in favor I I all those opposed meeting is open up is open to the public anyone wishing to address the board or ask questions of our applicants please come forward you're very quiet or is no one coming forward I close the meeting to the public thank you uh just briefly uh again thanks for your time and consideration tonight um so we're just going to conclude with believe the testimony presented today uh supports the application meets all the criteria for the DP variants um and we expect the request that the application be approved U thanks so Council you heard our discussion earlier with a board engineer so although the application said conception site plan you're applying for preliminary and final site plan Improvement for this correct uh yes okay so I assume you're requesting to informally amend the application for that and your notice does provide for yes so the word conceptual no longer applies yes yes thank you I like to so it's preliminary and final site plan in a D3 variant because the solar panels are not are not they're not ground mounted and they're not roof mounted but rather they're all right so the D3 variance is the only variant correct yes that's correct that's the only very well thank you for your presentation thank you um may I have a motion we've been here before I'll make a motion to approve the application for the site plan in the D3 variant thank you may I have a second second please pull the board Mr Kash yes Miss calto yes Mr Seer yes Dr ABY yes Mr Dolan yes Mr Rima yes Mr K chairman votes yes the application is approved thank you very much thank you have a good night I'm going to clear a five minute recess e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e we seem to be here by ourselves would you thank you our next applicant is coric LLC for one 98 NK Pompton turn good evening chairman members of the board entering my appearance on behalf of coric LLC the owner of 198 nor pton Turnpike John VY 3 University Plaza sweet 207 hacken sack New Jersey um I feel like we've done quite a bit of these where it's deja vu all over again but we were here um back on February 6 2020 when we said oh there might be a little thing called Co but it's only supposed to be two weeks so it's not going to be an issue we'll see everyone back live in uh in March or in April and I think we actually were here live it's the last meeting of this board March 5th um 2020 where the resolution for this building was memorialized so um you know what we what we have this evening is a um as I've said on the last application I think it's it's a continuation of you know the significant improvements that are being seen uh new pump and turnp I think it echoes a lot of what I heard and read I'm only at page 60 I think on your master plan but but I did see some recommendations um that would support an application like uh what we have coming forward at 194 for um you know for reasonable mixed use within that area and an acknowledgement that the current zoning in B1 having offices on the second floor are difficult at best so but the application this evening is an amended site plan and request for an affirmation of the former approvals as well as an extension to the extent the board thinks that we need an extension of those approvals work has commenced at the site the home that was there was demolished there's been some site work already done on this site however the applicant Mr shidosha who was here this evening and his partner had the opportunity to buy the two family house um to the north at 194 um does look like a single family but it is in fact I looked it up on the tax records it is illegal to family home so that's a separate application and uh I'm going to speak to what we're doing here this evening and we have our engineer who was the engineer on this initially back in 2020 David fantina essentially it's um if you recall the 198 application and we have the old plans and we have the new plans it was a horseshoe around the building it's a 100 foot lot we had 12 feet on one side 12 feet on the other and it made a loop I think the in was on the right and the out was on the left and it works and it's what we see at 178 the building that is also owned by the applicant and um it does work but it's not ideal it's ideal to have 24 feet as Mr Kars wanted us to have on 8284 and many others and um so by combining that the two we have now one 24 foot curb cut as opposed to having four individual curb Cuts going up and down down with 23 which I think everyone will acknowledge is problematic so um that's an overview of what we're asking on the amended site plan we're not seeking any other changes the building stays exactly the same everything else stays exactly the same um I think the planner did call out another variant either either we missed it or it was never called out it was we're not changing anything but I think it was the proximity of the parking to the back the 5T so maybe never made its way into the resolution from 2020 other than that everything is staying the same so with that said i' like to call my first and only witness on this application David fantino is going to testify in the area of civil engineering D good evening P you swear or affirm that testimony you're about to get before the sport is going to be the truth the whole truth nothing but the truth I do obviously we know you are but just tell us your name your last name for the record uh David fantina F as Frank a n t n a business address 15 Sunset Drive Bernardsville New Jersey and I am a licensed professional engineer pred before the board many many times Li still good yes accepted welcome Dave how you been thank you very much as Mr B said I my that's fine you're good so Mr said build improve Chang we're simply sliding to the north so that we have room when we come in for 194 in and outway willall that there was previous and then around Exit paring spk CH buildest back not Chang really Dave we're we're going to address some um enhancements and improvements to drainage but if it pleases the board we'd like to do that as part of the 194 that's fine application thank you chairman I have no further questions Mr fantin any questions of the board members for Mr fantini planner engineer I have a question um does the does the change in the curb cuts uh affect any accessibility by emergency service vehicles to access the site I was never like that 12T one so I like the 24 um are there any further questions to the board chair so Mr better obviously you're going to come back for one 94 so by placing the driveway in the location that you're showing tonight are you going to Pro provide cross easement we are yep we have a draft easement even though it's the same same ownership so it's distinct from 82 84 86 North Compton but people sell properties and it's just Good Housekeeping to do that so yes we will do it and so that would be a condition if the board word to approve this that'll be a condition of approval that you provide that cross me and in addition to that this board were to grant that it's going to be subject to naturally a subsequent approval yes it would have to be subject to the board see fit to approve 194 um because they are linked together at this uh Mr in my review letter I had mentioned about providing a vinyl fence along the uh entire rear yard um would that also do you think we should include that as well because that's part of 194 we're talking about fing for 198 yes so part of the original John you if it's not can't imagine always anticipated that there we brand new fencing there so that's fine well no no we're talking about plantings plantings yes uh plantings are provided we just we just recommended having fencing um and obviously the thrash and closes part of 194 excellent thank you yes we're going to speak about that I I think there's a recommendation to move the trash and V currently where the trash and is for 194 it's like right in the middle and it's the first thing you see so we're going it's one of the things that we're going to we'll talk about that in the it's a much better one of the buildings I don't know if it was 90 198 or 194 doesn't have Windows on the side of s the building is that fa that was 194 the proposed bill you can to repr propose yeah yeah if like to maybe spend five minutes speaking about 194 as little Preamble for October okay let's finish up 19 let's wrap up 198 let's wrap up one uh what do we require for 198 so 198 is an amended amended preliminary and final site plan and the uh variance for this setback for the parking Park correct encroaches within the 5 foot setb and we have requested that the board since we're here tonight affirm and extend the approvals as per the uh resolution from March well if we reaffirm all the variances that were granted in effect this is the new have you complied with all the requests that we asked of you believe we have than engineer we're not sure we review that don't know at this point okay just one other point it's just since they're asking for us to affirm I would like them to affirm we affirm uh the storm water management system for the uh proposed shared property project is is going to be a shared detention it's going to serve both uh SES just as far as maintenance if in the future there is a subdivision where the properties are separated that may be needed to be worked out sometime that yeah I think that will be part of the uh part of the EAS okay I am required to open up the meeting to the public may I have a motion to open up the meeting to the public so move second second all those in favor I I all those opposed meeting is open up to the public anyone wishing to come forward Interest come on up this is only regarding 198 yes I do have questions about both of them do you need my name first 198 only only 198 yes okay please raise your right hand you swear from the testimony you're about to give before the sport is going to be the truth the whole truth or nothing but the truth yes please tell us your name by your last name give us your address Julie j j i e Julie Davis da s and your address 23 Strickland Avenue I live diagonally behind 198 exactly behind 194 okay okay so my main concerns are the height of the buildings apparently they are the owners of 178 as well and that building has been going on for well over two years how long is it going to take to build these properties is it one building is it two buildings I'm a little confused tonight um by that better yeah so propos two build 19 okay she's asking about what the anticipated lens of construction will be because it's taking a long time for the other one 178 Europe that's a very long time so it's the near completion the expectation be that 194 198 will be built at the same time Comm shortly after the approval okay building has also been going on seven days a week they were working on Labor Day I'm sorry I building has been going on seven days a week they work on they were working on Labor Day inside the property I don't know if that's allowed um not not our department okay um I'm worried honest about drainage um my backyard has been flooding for the past are you just 198 should impact me John you want to respond to here speak that were two multi there for many many years one of them is still there um you know we looked at the property we've done tests on the property there there's currently no storm water management there at right now everything drains out and it doesn't obligated by this board and by the state regulations stor manag regulations which greatly enforced greatly enhanced now andot this is one of these lot would not be major development major devel be defined as quarter so each of these individually are under we pi conserv and said let's look at together together it's about2 together it is cons so that I'm not going to will improve situation very very large Sy okay um may I have a question just to maybe further clarify what Julie Davis is asking um once it is gathered and captured in that in that waste man in in the storm water management system system how does it release it out into we've got a small out run out Sy Street we're going to make change for that be discuss that but essentially be overflow somewhere in this system that lar storms the opposite direction of her problem uh my neighbors and I are also concerned about trash pickup where will the dumpsters be located you said they were being moved um will trucks be pulling into the back of the property to pick up the dump you knowum show where the dumpster is on well the dumpster there're going further it was a recommendation of the engineer perhaps a planner that we close it something attrac open be professional service there I'm also concerned about rodents because we have been getting them from the 7-Eleven that's at the corner since the property was sold I don't think that the upkeep there is as good as it was so that's yeah so we've seen rodents yeah um I'm also concerned about uh the noise level from the various residents and business people that would be coming will there be po hours for the businesses how many there was this board put a mandate on prior application that that the businesses to the extent they vehicles that were associated with their business they would not be overnight number two that the business the additional plan just have they put a restriction on it and I going to presume that that restriction will come out govern that the bus um and obviously we don't know what types of business there something comp with what zone allows otherwise that particular tenant would have to come toward this board and make their case something that we imagine What's Happening Now service related service related industry you have a studio that's interested that no more pizza Ray I don't no I think okay um I'm also concerned about lighting at the back of the property [Music] um prove not if I can just add for a moment all these questions were answered in the public meeting 2000 you know they they've all been addressed your concern is primarily with 194 correct and that application will take place October 3rd okay so you have your opportunity okay but the questions you're asking they've already been covered I apologize oh no repetitive it wasn't available back in 2020 um but now that this is being the property was bought directly behind my house it is much more of a concern to me now um question so it's your yes it's your backyard exactly we get it we're trying to make it as nice as we can you can just ask John okay okay thank you very much thank you so much anyone else want to come forward come on please raise your right hand you swear from the testimony you're about to before this court is going to be the truth the whole truth nothing but the truth I do please tell us your name SP last name we give us your address Janina poik p a 191 nework p and little okay so my concern is also drainage and the driveway because I'm across the street and I think it's going to be too much chaos going on there with the cars coming in and out and the traffic on 23 so you're across the street from 194 198 yes so you're on the middle southbound side of pton yes okay you're not heading towards bu Brook you're heading away yes so my concern is with the cars coming in and out trucks whatever um that's an important concern John you want to address that or Dave so that by uh one of the comments I made earlier by having one cut as opposed to door that that could so instead of having this horseshoe that we learned the like instead of having a horseshoe in and out and then another Horseshoe in and out with the opportunity for activity to be happening at all of those four points at any given informing that previously approved which was like I said and that's also subject to the approval of [Music] you're my any shows you haven't seen on Netflix you're interested I don't agree with that we're going from 12 feet to 24 feet I understand makes it safer okay but the traffic coming this way and this way and cars coming out of both places it's GNA it's impossible you go there around 3 o'clock four o'clock people drive like nuts so you live you know the proper I think your house was built probably around the same time Ranch one 94 to2 family and I know because we had addiction for attendants that were previously there that had multiple Char part and they P back on they were work it was built at a very different time when it was Avenue it was just a small country road but they were Grand bot in and currently there's no ter they backed on to a terrible condition this is remedy there were previously you know multiple CS four units that were there this is four units that previously approved at 19 and you're going to put in that stipulation where they can only make a left hand turn instead of right the do do us what happen to the when are you going to know that not sure so how does this work it gets approved and then subject toal and how long is it going to take for this place to be built because there's so much mess going on with Kenny's building next door the mess people complaining they passed me up because well the the black fencing that's around there so okay complain this is a much different four units that's I think 50 and 20 unit over there that's this a very different a major application I know but it's affecting me it's a mess they close down the road they don't tell us anything so they have a building started now that's not finished and now they're going to start another building when and how long is it going to take 178 be done before the end of the year and 198 19 at the same time all right thank you any other members of the public wish to come forward no one coming forward I close the meetings to the public want to summarize so um as our engineer has testified to this evening we think that this is um an optimal plan for circulation we think that there's uh lots of benefits um to having just one curve cut not creating any new variances we're not changing anything else having to do with the building and um as we'll see in um in October you know we have uh some improvements and enhancements that are planned together with both buildings you know from a um access standpoint from a drainage standpoint and um I hope that we've answered all of your questions and that you seek that to approve the amended site plan application for 198 rep one last round of questions any questions from the board any question from our professionals no one U there a set of architectural plan we can pass with that for8 yes y they're the same as 178 but we'll yes we'll s thank you may I have a motion I'd like some assistant from the I'm sorry from the the attorney so I'm it's amended amended preliminary site plan approval final site plan approval reaffirmed the variances granted as part of the 2020 approval and Grant a new variance for the uh setback parking stalls encroach into the setback 5 setback they encroach into that I would say that all terms and conditions that the board previously inserted into the 199 the the 2020 approval to 198 remain in effect unless unless they're modified as a result of a so we're going to be accepting in the the previously accepted um from the 2020 meeting in addition to that we're doing the modified setback yes and we are approving the drive the widen driveway yes and there'll be a requirement for cross seasment and that'll be obviously what we're doing right it's going to be contingent on natur second application being approved corre I'm GNA get a shot you could just say that's the motion why don't why don't we wait for 194 um as the township attorney has has stated um I'd like to make a motion to approve the application um as stated by the township that's good uh may I have a second second please pull the board Mr car yes Miss calto yes Mr cber yes Dr ABY yes Mr Dolan yes Mr Rema yes Mr Kilpatrick chairman votes yes the application is approved thank you very much thank you want to roll right into your uh yeah I will roll right into I want get the file I'll roll right into 194 so hey everyone 194 Nork pton turnpike so we have we have a brick house that was built in the uh I don't know probably late 40s I would say uh those really look like a single family and I know that was referenced in some of the professional but I I did speak to the uh tax assessor about it is actually a legal two family um I don't know how long it has been that way presumably its whole life um and the The Proposal is to uh tear the building down and to improve the site with this um new driveway that the board just partially approved and uh you know there's lots of enhancements by doing that um one of the things things that we saw that was a recurring comment in the letter is what what can this applicant do to try to mitigate the parking because there's not there's not a lot of there is off street parking in the neighborhoods but we try to avoid that and frankly the only way to do that would be to reduce the density or to reduce the size of the retail stores and there were some benefits from uh reducing that so even though Dave stole my thunder I'm here to announce that uh the app is going to revise the plans for 194 the architectural plans so that it is four units uh similar to 178 similar to 198 um may keep the footprint of the building the same and just have more luxurious larger units there um we have changed Architects you'll remember Adam lto who was here for a very short period of time who is the architect on 8284 great architect and we're happy to see what he comes up with that we will then present to the board um to the board office 10 days before the October 3rd meeting so essentially that's um that's what we're planning the retail stores on the bottom I think it's in keeping with what the master plan is saying for this District we've been through this on many applications on ppin uh it still is a B1 Zone still requires us to uh come in for a uh D1 use variant um one of the other um benefits potentially from the applicants standpoint at least is that by reducing it down from six even five um there would be no inclusionary affordable housing unit that would be required so if you if there's four or under no inclusionary unit if it's five or more so even if I think our parking would be greatly enhanced if we lost one unit that one unit would wind up being an affordable housing unit um so the decision was made by the applicant come back with a plan for four units and like I said we'll work on those plans quickly and try to integrate some of the other comments that we had from an engineering standpoint as Dave mentioned to make some further enhancements to the drainage as well so that's what we have coming in October thank you very much Mr veter you have an announcement that there won't be a notice yes thank so for any members of the public the application for one94 newk prompton Turnpike is going to be carried to the board's October 3rd meeting at 7 o'clock right here in the municipal building so if anybody's interested you should return at that time there will be no further notice required by the thank you thank you thank you Mr V thank you everyone have a good evening any old business a new business I have a motion forment make a motion second second all those in favor