##VIDEO ID:tpoZ30I6hz4## good evening everyone I call to order of the meeting of Little Falls planning board of December 5th 2024 uh Valerie I'm sorry please stand for the flag salute the United States of America and the stands na indivisible liberty and justice for all Valerie please read the statement of public notice Little Falls Township planning board meeting of Thursday December 5th 2024 is called to order please take notice that adequate notice of this meeting was provided in accordance with njsa 10 col 4-8 and njsa 10 col 4-10 as follows the notice of the meeting was prominently posted on the bulletin board at the municipal building located at 25 Main Street little FS New Jersey on January 4th 2024 copy of the notice was sent via email to the north Jersey heralded news on same date additionally a copy of the notice was filed in the office of the toship clerk please note that this meeting is being taped therefore we ask that you speak loud and clear into the microphones thank you please call the r Mr Barry here Mr carage Mr Luke demano here Miss Calo here Mr cber here Mr poses mayor demano here councilman SCA here Dr ABY here Mr W here Mr Dolan Mr rimma Mr Boro here Mr coar here Mr Kilpatrick here thank you uh council president there any comments from the council chairman I'm pleased to announc no one came before the uh governing body at our last council meeting concerning any issues of this planning board thank you just give me one moment all right just an announcement the originally scheduled meeting of the January planning board reorganization what Havey was originally scheduled for January 2nd that meeting is being moved to Thursday January 9th in order to uh have the uh Council have their reorganization meeting prior to us may have a motion for the approval of the minutes in November 7th 2024 meeting so moved second please call the RO Mr Barry yes Mr Luke Deano yes Miss catalo yes mayor Damiano yes Council Miss Goa yes Dy yes Mr ARA Mr Kilpatrick chairman votes yes the minutes are approved memorializing resolutions one resolution from the last meeting the S Volunteer Fire Company number 3517 Main Street may I have a motion to approve so moved second second please call the roll Mr Barry yes Mr Luke Dano yes Miss catalo yes mayor jamano yes Council Miss SCA yes Dr ABY yes Mr remma Mr Kilpatrick chairman votes yes the resolution is approved uh applications Mr V application to be heard first is 14 Lynn place thank you Mr chairman good evening uh members of the board John V entering my appearance on the applicant and owner of uh 14 in place fousy abdulghani you know I always like to take everyone through a very quick uh history as to how we got so a little research and I always thought this lot was subdivided along with the capalo subdivision that was once a farm that was not correct it was actually part of the 1959 subdivision called Stuart Heights so it was primarily Stuart Ln and ended with this lot and uh that was done actually by local builder at Stewart I believe the uh the same company that built the uh original acne and where the quick check is now and had store place so that's how the lot was created it's a a very oversized lot for the neighborhood most of the houses coming down uh compo or sit on um uh lots that are 50 foot of wi and we're going to discuss that with our planner um over the years we've seen this neighborhood these are lovely homes there's there mainly uh reverse split levels and split levels we have seen um a trend of a lot of ATA levels we've seen um a five Lin place where the noelis home is they built a beautiful home on that lot 10 Lin with another one I I'm not quite sure if that became before uh the board or not but um another luxury home was built there and then um recently nine capalo Place uh very nice uh thoughtful Edition and remodel of that home was done as well so we see this as a bit of a trend and again a continuation of the desirability of uh of the whole town um you know particularly the great notch section of the town this particular house has a a long history and many of the neighbors uh know this because I've spoken to many of them over the last couple months about this this home went through a forclosure was in foreclosure for a very long time there was a reverse mortgage on the property um the uh the original owner had passed away and it went into foreclosure and it fallen into dis repair even before that time anyone was passed it had uh had noticed that that the home had fallen into disrepair the application tonight is to turn that around there's an existing lovely home that's in the process of renovation So the plan tonight is to subdivide the property but then also a full renovation of that house both interior and exterior and you know when we looked at this and we met with the professionals there were you know a couple of uh a couple of ideas as to how to create this we wanted to do it in a way that had no setback variances to set the house in a way that has not a sidey guard variance on the west not a sidey guard variance on the East nothing in the rear nothing in the front uh nothing as it relates to coverage and then to also address some issues that you know we spoke to the neighbors about you know the original home home had a onecar garage and most new luxury homes now really require a two-car garage with parking for at least four cars so as you see on the plant we never submitted the old plans but on the updated plans we have a lovely uh you know Nantucket style home that the architect's going to speak to twocc car garage with um parking for two cars uh the lot does sit in somewhat it's at the end of the Hill sits in somewhat of a goalie so we ask as the uh engineer and the architect to take a look at that prepar drainage calculations currently there's no storm water management on the site at all there's no detention bases there's no dry Wells we've heard from the neighbors that water collects there that there have been mosquitoes and we're looking to correct them now as you know as part of um as part of the applicant's um you know good faith effort you know an effort was made to to meet with the neighbors that obviously we can't meet with everyone because we don't know all of them but we met with a good number of the neighbors you know and it particularly the neighbors that are adjacent to the property and one neighbor across the street and they had some concerns one of the concerns was to make sure that there was adequate drainage which we believe we satisfied and we will satisfy to the U satisfaction of the board engineer and the other request that they had was even though we have no sidey yards we going to submit no setback issues um they just made the request can you move the house down a little bit towards the existing house so if you're facing the lot on capalo shift it down so previously it was 22 feet on you're facing the house on the right 27 feet on the left they said can you reverse that so we get a little more green space and the neighbor across the street um who said she was not able to be here was going to the turtleback zoo light show I guess it's more fun than in the little fall planning board but U that's debatable uh and she had some uh interest in horiculture and trees and she sent us a detailed email with some uh trees on that side that she would like to see and the applicant was willing to do that um in addition don't know if here I don't see him here but Mike Delia is 10 capalo and we met with Mike he is you know theoretically the most impacted by this by this lot the house on the left is owned by the applicant and behind it we didn't have an issue um with the new house at ten Linn and we spoke with them as well but he has a failing retaining wall and as you see on the plans there's a need to put in new retaining wall and make some improvements there and the applicant has agreed to work with them to rebuild that wall at no charge to him um which would be another Improvement and I I detailed some of the back and forth with the neighbors and an email earlier today to Mr bodoro this way it's documented some people couldn't be here and I memorialized everything in that email and copied Mr brigle odoro on that we're going to talk a little bit more about that because in addition to the new proposed some of the neighbors had some concerns about the existing home while it's not finished yet so while the interior work's done you get into the winter it's not a time to landscape and put a new driveway in and put Belgium Block Curbing and all of these things um that this applicant has agreed to do so I wanted to give you you know the feedback that we got from the neighbors that you know this this applicant and I give them a lot of credit because um many applicants don't take the time and effort to talk to everyone I just think that's the best thing to do and we had that the ability to do that and I think the plan is much better as a result of that for the adjacent neighbors across the street and um what's planned is a lovely single family so our lineup tonight is um the architect who prepared the site plan and also prepared the architectural plans floor plans and elevations and we have the professional planner um from Stonefield engineering who's going to uh show the board that we believe the benefits this application substantially outweigh any potential detriment so with that said I'd like to call up the first witness our um architect who prepared the plans and the site plan on war Alti good evening everyone yes I do my name my name is anir Al last name is ALK ATI ATI yes um I'm a registered architect in state of New Jersey my license is in good stand I've been registered since 2012 I believe appear once in this um in this city but most of my meetings are like in B County Bergen County and I've been the profession for like 20 years now are your licenses all up the date yes thank you accepted thank you yeah uh is there a freestanding microphone all right he's going to do a Phil Donahue style any older people in the audience will know the reference anyone else will be like we have no idea who that is okay so um I also prepared uh a revised page which is uh drawing s- z-1 the one that's they the revision okay yes we start the revision yes that as an exhibit uh do you have a copy of that I have a hard copy full S I have 11 by 17 copies too the 11 by 17 Mr V you're aware we do not have this yes yeah this is something that uh as I said this came and the the change on this is the shifting of the home 5 feet to the west and the additional the additional Landscaping so that's the that's the plan so that's why we're going to mark it as an exhibit and U we'll mark it as A1 [Music] so A1 is the revision to drawing number Z1 which is the site plan showing the um the subdivision of 14 Lind ples so this sheet z-1 that's passing by is similar to the she that was submitted to the town but with the revisions dated on December 3rd 20124 and we bubbled the areas with the revision on so the revisions basically was on shifting the house toward the west creating a largest sidey yard on the east side to 27 ft versus 22 ft before and the um West Side will be 22 feet versus 27 from before and the second change we have on this page is we added additional trees and some shops after we have some discussion with one of the neighbors and we revised the planting schedule on the sheet so these are the two changes on the sheet right now other than that everything is the same the um zoning schedule changed slightly because of the um setbacks changes and the lck coverage since the uh pario that we're proposing it was reduced from 14 ft to 12T to meet the uh requir setb so um can I startop yeah yeah so those are the changes run through the site correct so as um explained earlier there's an existing oversized lot it's about 14,288 square fet that has only one single family house facing LM place and the existing house is about 1,9 Square ft building area two and a half stories it has um no garage it has a small uh driveway on the front from ly place and the remaining uh East portion of the property is vacant right now I think it's all open green area um with the exception that they have they used to have an existing shed I think it was removed right now existing home does have an attached garage has an attached one garage is attached yeah okay and there is an existing shed that was removed from uh since we start this application by now we're not showing you in the in the plan but we're calling in our demolition sheet as a to be removed but it's already removed uh we proposing to do is we propos to subdivide this lot to have the existing house sitting on on um 5,813 Square ft versus the 9,000 ft as permitted so that's the first variance we're looking for which is the size variance for the existing house the depth of the property uh will be 7920 and that's um the second Valance we're looking for because the required is uh 120 ft um the proposed house or the proposed subdiv lot which we call a lot um 27.0 2 will have an area of 8,475 square F feet versus 9,000 square fet it's required so that's the first variance we're looking for for the proposed subdivided lot the second variance we have on the existing lot it's right now the lot width is in pre-existing condition 75 ft um but I think we have have 74.9 7 right now the lot width uh so that's a pre-existing condition on the existing lot the proposed law in width it has more than 75 ft because the um design of the house is facing it's more horizontally toward the length of the property so why that's why we have uh variance depth versus L width so the L width right now is 113 ft and the requires 75 ft so it's a longer wide lot but the depth right now is 74.9 7 versus the 120 ft depth that we have so the shape of the uh created lot created the this lot width un L the variances other than that uh we don't have any variances for the house itself in terms of setbacks or lock coverage or imp previous coverage so the front yard is required to have a 25 ft and we're proposing the house to be at 25 ft setback the side yards are required to have five and 15 we're proposing to have 22 on the on the west side and 27 on the east side the rear yard is required to be 25 ft we're keeping 25 ft R yard and lock coverage 25% maximum we have 19.34% we have about 35.75 uh we're proposing to have um two car here so we have a new curb cut uh at capalo capalo Avenue uh the C curb cut will about 20 ft wide so would be a space for two cars to enter and park in the driveway also we have a two-car garage so that will give us another two additional cars so we we will housing here about four cars for this uh new single family house we're also proposing to have um a small patio on the sidey yard since we don't have space on the backyard so you can say the uh West portion of the property will have a Paro is about 348 Square ft and uh would be paved with with pavers and the entry of the of the house will have some walkways which is just will be a pavers uh with some steps going leading us from the ground from the grade level to the first floor uh we're proposing here some landscape and as discussed earlier we have some reviews with some of the neighbors that you know have some specific uh vision on landscape uh so we created some trees uh as a buffer between the East portion of our created Property and the neighbors so we Prov four trees there we have a tree in the corner and also we're creating some um long trees on the West Side creating a buffer between the created lot and the existing lot that we have and on the Frontage of the of the property of capalo Avenue we're creating some shops to give some more opinion look on the house when enter it um do you want me to go through the variances also the planner will go through it one more time you did an adequate job going through the variant and the planner will speak to that I would like to um since we're kind of talking about the site plan before we turn to the elevations just I want to run through a couple of items uh of Mr kobar's gr I want to to speak the drainage first because that always becomes a concern for the board okay so the existing property right now has a slope a slope of property from cap Avenue going to the uh the north creating like some negative drainage to the uh to the neighbors there so we're proposing to proposing to have some small raining walls about 3 feet high trying to reduce the steep slope on the property to have more pos positive runoff from our property to our seage tanks and to toward the the street to capalo Avenue so there is an existing Inlet on capalo Avenue that uh is catching most of the street drainage that that will help us also having the our driveway with a 2% slow to drain from our property to the uh catch Basin we have some comments about the grading and retaining walls from the engineering we resolve these comments here because I think we got them like this week so and also we move when we move the house a little bit to the South to the to the West we need to read the U redesign some of the grading and some of the retaining balls but our retaining will not be more than 3T and um I have some comments from the engineer regarding like the creating some ponds in some locations so we're trying to create some swells to take all the drainage that we have away from the neighbors either to capalo Avenue or from the building itself through roof leaders to the uh cish tank they're proposing so we calculated um our uh detention system for the storm calculations based on the uh proposing pre-development conditions and the post-development conditions we created the difference and we prepared or created tanks that will hold the difference on the negative uh storm runoff because of the new construction the good thing that will happen even if we are creating more imperious coverage than before but controlling the runoff from capalo Avenue going to toward the North toward the neighbors and the existing routining wall will be reduced a lot by more by creating a more smooth um service by catching most of the drain in the building and the driveway and the directly to the seage tanks or directly to the existing Inlet on the street so from my from my perspective I think this approach will reduce the impact on the neighbors from the existing conditions and I was correct in my statement because you've done a site visit obviously that there is there's currently no storm order management for house that was built in 1969 that they wouldn't have that and opinion that that would be an improvement in terms of controlling water over the existing that that's correct it it will reduce a lot of the of the negative it's it's still we adding runoff but we're controlling it better because before it was not runoff because it's all grass but this the existing condition or the topography from capalo Avenue going back to the to the north was creating some kind of negative U drainage it was like limited but it was negative in heavy stones and this would be done in a way that would conf with the stormw regul correct yes we we're following the state regulation for the small developments like this and creating the pre-existing conditions and the post conditions develop conditions and create a or design a storm tank for the difference and as I said you know we will work with the Alo Engineers to get to the satisfaction of this kind of design know you do lots of work in pamis and Alo is in pamis yes you work to their satisfaction on the single family home yeah work with them a lot yeah yeah uh and with respect to the roof leaders so that will all be connected into yes that will be all connected to the to the to the dry Wells yes okay the driver will be pitching out to the street so it will most of the water coming from the driver will go to the existing uh Inlet in the street but the size of the cish tanks are designed to cover also the driveway so any it's an over scale overdesigned although most of the water will go to the uh existing un okay just look at Mr kobar's report um Mike you had a a question about any easements we did look at the title search and the only easement is just the typical psng easement but we can plot that on the plan it has yeah it has no impact on the um on the development and we have no obje is there a reason we don't have a survey uh survey should have been it is yeah the survey shown on the uh on the left side of the uh the submission the last submission I have a copy of the survey on my plan but this is now the a copy on so the copy of the survey was just for sake of ease was put on the site was put on the left side but we'll we could we could submit a Sign Sealed copy it's the same thing but we'll submit an individual I was love love to say I could read this but I can't I hear you Mr chairman in in the in the architect's uh description there a lot area change at all no so they both size lot at this point yes thank you okay uh we've gone through the letter and we have no objection to Mr kobar's uh comments we can comply with um with all of the um with all of the comments I would just like to add that little pause now has a tra sage tree commission is reactivated yes so any uh any approval would have to come from them for the you know some of the members are rather tough but uh we will work with them to uh to satisfy them and the neighbors definitely wanted a particular trees they wanted um you know the particular variety that they think grow well in JY and uh we got a very detailed email from the neighbor across the street and we're certainly willing to comply with that you should probably put that in as part of the record yes it was contained in the email but we'll put that in the record as well thank you thank you Mr chairman I have there's G to be an opportunity to ask questions right now theity will be at the end of all the professionals speaking then you can ask any questions of anyone okay so um that's my brief description about the existing the the site plan which is drawing z- 01 with the the revice plan you guys have um move now to drawing z- 02 this drawing then it was not change on it but it's very technical so this drawing shows the storm calculation that we discussed you know we will you know again go over this one time with the Bor engineer we in the calculations we're proposing the pre-existing conditions pre-development conditions then we post-development conditions and we provide uh CP tanks and dry Wells to uh make a difference I have all the details that required here to have I know there's some couple of Notes From The Alarm engineer about some updates or revisions on these details we will work with him on it so I want to go over these details right now it's very technical thank everyone thanks you for that uh the third p-03 which is submitt to town is about the soil erosion that is required by the county since we have more you have disturbance more than 5,000 square fet one of the comments from the um from the Bor Engineers about the the entrance of the uh trucks that we have which is the blanket uh he was concerned about that entrance very close or it's above the proposed sewer line so you know simply we just move the interest more to to the to the west to leave the area or to the east above the proposed driveway also that can be resolved it's not um it's not an issue now we go to the architectural part of this application which is drawing- a-01 uh there's no revisions on this plan so the drawing that you guys have dated um November 20224 that's the latest drawings that we have on this the same plans that we're submitting that's the same plan that was submitted correct yes so the proposed house will be a two-story building we're not proposing any basements and the the building area of each floor would be 1590 1,59 Square F feet and it would be simply first floor we have a two-car garage facing the driveway on Capo we have uh you go to the house you have to your to your left a family room dining room and an open kitchen concept concept we have a powder room in the area mud area then we have a mechanical and closet very small not big big size of plan very uh you know easy easy to maneuver modern lock of open spaces and we have linear kitchen there also we have an access with the sliding door to the Pao on the west side of the of the property as shown on the side plan the second floor you go up to the stairs an open staircase to the second floor we have four bedrooms we have the master bedroom Master Suite uh 20 by 15 master bedroom with a walk closet and its own master bathroom that's all the way to the to the right of the plan we have a laundry room we have a one bathroom for the other three bedrooms then we have another three bedrooms with an average about 11 by 12 square 11 by 12 in dimensions for each bedroom and and open to below area and that's it then we have an AIC space which is you know un unfinished used only for mechanical maybe the mechanical unit will be located in that location um the look of the house the um front elevation have a traditional design we are proposing to have some stone veneer on the entrance we have some uh Hardy Board uh material uh different directions of the Hardy Board doing Hardy Board siding on the horizontal by the two of the windows in the center and on the two sides of the building we have a cement board um with vertical uh uh pattern and the colors will be selected by owner you know the owner usually like to have this like kind of colors more of the white cement board with some kind of light gry Stone the uh probably the roof material will be kind of black and the rest of the side of the house the other sides will be the same thing siding with with Roofing there's not too much going on this building very traditional design will fit into the neighborhood very small houses and very traditional look you will not see like a like an alienated house coming from like a mod City just be OB into the neighborhood and that's my presentation thank you I have no further questions do any members of the board have any questions or comments chairman I do the the uh Engineers report recommended that the uh concrete curbs be replaced along kapalo and it's my understanding this town's standard now is to use Belgian blocks is is that the case if it is the case does the uh yes app agree yeah came up with the neighbors as well actually may the neighbors had asked hey it's capalo or Lynn ready for uh a streetcape there I well I don't know about that but the applicant will do uh we'll do their part so yes that's fine I believe he's saying they do BL correct thank you yeah I believe the new houses that I pointed out at Belgium Block um do you have an engineer speak no I just say just the planner just the planner yes okay uh any other questions before we go to the planner very well thank you Mr chairman thank you next witness is going to testify the area of professional planning marchella Trina from uh Stonefield engineering raise your right you swear or affirm the testimony that you're about to get before this this true all please name my first name is marchella m a r c l l a last name t r a i n a I'm with Stonefield engineering and design at 92 Park Avenue in Rutherford New Jersey exp yes I'm a licensed professional planner in the state of New Jersey and my license is in good state Landing I have my Bachelor of Arts degree from the Ruckers blouson School of planning and public policy and I have testified before various other planning and zoning boards throughout the state of New Jersey accepted okay s thank you all right good evening uh so we're here this evening seeking variance relief with respect to the proposed subdivision uh in which we are division in lot area width and depth for proposed lot 27.1 and lot area and depth for proposed lot 27.0 two the subject property is located in the r1b district where single family homes are permitted and I'm now going to hand out a photo exhibit that I'd like to Mark as exhibit A1 A2 a2c yes yes correct and the photos were taken yesterday take photos I Che the photos yes photos spirit dep conditions as represented on yes thank you all right um so these photos were taken uh as you walk down kapalo Avenue from lower Notch Road photo one is 250 feet from the subject site photo two is 200 feet from the subject site and photo three is the subject site uh so as you can see when you're traveling down kabo Avenue this is a consistent suburb uh house after house after house ranging from 1 to 2 and a half stories with relatively similar uh setbacks um as you can see on the right side of photo one there are three single family homes neighboring one another these three homes sit on a 5,000 foot lot and then you get to the end of the block which is photo number three on the second page and you notice this large empty 14,288 square foot lot next to a building that is set back more than 138 ft from that neighboring property what we're proposing to do here is to fill in that Gap with a fully conforming single family I'd now like to another exhibit mark this as A3 uh yes so exhibit A3 is uh an aerial uh the exhibit was produced by Stonefield engineering and design uh the exhibit was prepared um today this morning uh and the aerial imagery is um sourced at the bottom of the photos all right so as you can see here the subject property is located on the corner of Calo Avenue and Lind place now I'd like to draw your attention to the neighboring Lots in this neighborhood according to historical historic aerial imagery uh these lots and homes were built pre-1966 and all vary in lot size exhibiting inconsistency with current zoning as many of these lots are significantly below the minimum requirement as it exists the subject lot is 14,288 square feet whereas the minimum lot area for this zone is 9,000 square feet that's more than 5,000 square feet above the minimum requirement and nearly three times the size of the three neighboring Lots along kabo Avenue which I showed in uh photo one of exhibit A2 uh so we're proposing to subdivide this 14,000 288 foot lot into two lots one at 5,813 Square ft and the other at 8,475 square feet the smaller 5,813 squ foot lot is bigger than those three neighboring lots that are 5,000 square feet and the larger 8,475 sqare foot lot is bigger than the average lot size along this area of block 186 which is about 8,000 square ft so keep in mind the existing building and the proposed site plan associated with proposed lap 27.0 two is 100% compliant in setbacks building coverage and impervious coverage as well as Building height so can I can I interrupt you a minute you're saying 5,000 feet is the accepted uh I'm saying the 9,000 square feet I confused right so the minimum required lot size for this zone is 9,000 square feet uh the three neighboring lots that you can see in uh photo one of the exhibit that I had shared um those are all 5,000 foot Lots those three homes that you can see there uh and I'm just drawing a comparison with uh one of the new lots that we're creating 27.0 to with regards to those existing lots and showing that um what we're creating is in line with the characteristics of the neighborhood very well thank you uh so as you can see the propos family home would fit in perfectly with the neighborhood as these lot sizes can accommodate these single family homes now we're also seeking variances for lot width and depth but as I mentioned both lots are fully conforming with setbacks and coverage uh so not so to ensure no substantial detriment to the neighboring properties and the neighborhood in general uh additionally we're proposing landscaping and trees that generally grow up to 20 feet in height along the property lines including some native Evergreens as well uh and the proposed dwelling will have adequate part working consistent with the existing neighborhood um after examining the 2024 master plan a land use goal is to maintain preserve and enhance the existing established residential character of Little Falls neighborhoods the proposed development and subdivision will enhance that residential character and provide an additional residence within this neighborhood aside from the deviations and lot size and dimensions the project is compliant no other variances are triggered and the proposed single family home aligns with all setbacks and coverage requirements despite the deviations from the lot size because this is a permitted use and proposed lots are generally similar to surroundings in the neighborhood no substantial detriment is anticipated so in some I believe the C2 benefits versus detriments criteria uh of the statute which means that the benefits of the entire project as a whole on the community substantially outweigh any potential detriments uh maintaining and constructing high quality and updated homes aligns with the master plan and Zone plan uh the proposed subdivision does not create any new bulk variances on the existing property or the proposed proposed dwelling uh and the proposed single family home will F fill in that missing Gap uh in the suburb while maintaining nearly double the minimum required setbacks so to remain consistent with that neighborhood ultimately needing ml purpose I which is to promote a desirable visual environment through creative development techniques and good Civic design and arragement thank you now board has any questions good job any questions from the board member chairman I think this is our first applicant that comes with our new master plan is that correct yes is true I guess we have no further questions no further questions thank you um any anyone else no no may I have a motion to open up the meeting to the public so moved second second all those in favor I I all those oppos n meeting is now open to the public anyone wishing to come before the board and address the professionals name Virginia Ro I own raise right hand oh you swear from testimony that your sport is going be the truth whole Tru nothing yes spell spell your last name your address Virginia roier r o v is in victor e e I own the property at 15 capalo EV in the little pools anything else FL is yours okay can you just can you just tell me exactly where your home is located across the street from the directly across the street from where the new house will be built on cap just a little bit um that's fine south of it but more or less directly acoss um I've lived in the neighborhood for 58 years uh other than the Neighbors at 17 Capal Bev I believe on the second longest president on the street um everybody that was spoken to are newer neighbors there uh they don't know the history of this area and the property um my concerns are have the setback and rear yard setback rules changed I believe at one time it had to be 50 ft rear yard oh we're listening we're not commenting you can ask you can ask our attorney or John years ago okay well I'm going back 50 some years and it was 50 um properties 11 9 11 and 15 P web are all 50 by 200 my property ends at 206 ft I believe um 11 is the same and nine might just be 200 ft 17 capab web is 75 by 205 so those properties have been that place since we've been there um the original plan show a 10t side yard they have been changed okay the driveway will be closer to 14 Place Mr veteran yes the driveway will be down here drive will be sh original plan so previously we had a 22 foot setback on that side now we have a 27 the driver will be be mov over from the original original submit and how high off the property will the foundation of the house B speak to that show on the plans there is no not see I'm yeah when you no B there's no basement um be ground level sorry yeah the garage will be a ground level but the first L will be raised by um you can say about 3 feet from the grade the first Flor so the garage itself is leveled with the driveway driveway closer to BU in other words the driveway is going to be up here are you asking about this property here oh like in the middle that's a steep braid I know water collects in that lot yes that's why we trying to reduce the steeve grade to make it more flat and create some raining walls and create some positive drainage to have most of the water collected our detention system and some other water come coming to the driveway go to the existing Inlet on the street so we're trying to make it a little bit flatter than it is right now by impr by building about like 3 foot walls around the property um so they'll be drainage yes no is they um storm drains come like tanks underground and they will collect the water for a certain time and then SE it itself itself slowly down there time okay uh how high is that so um the house is about from the average grade you can say is about 20 um right now it's measur the ordinance is 276 but actual height about like 30 feet and the width no the ordinance give the average height of the house but the actual height is a little bit higher because the average height is taken from the highest point of the roof rage to the um you can say to the fascia so right now it's measured 276 we have probably additional 3 ft extra so about like 30 ft total if you want to measure it from the width we have um 64 ft at the longest width of kabo Avenue and the depth of it will be about 25 ft yeah it's wider than deeper because of the nature of the property yeah if if you do the proportion of the lot width you say most of the house is 75 ft in in dep in width yeah the end corner well right but the one on the corner lower Notch Val that's actually a lower Notch Road address he built a long house and and and had to base it to capalo to meet the requirements um it's going to create more traffic naturally if it can hold up to four cars two in the driveway and two in the garage and that power web right there as you turn off wind Place onto pal that is considered a Speedway at 2:30 in the afternoon and other times of the day where you can just about get out driveways with school being let out so I hope the people are aware that it's going to be difficult to get any out of their drive and whenever there's detours through Theo we can't get in and out of our driveways we have to have somebody standing out in the street to stop the track let us as residents of the strep Del living and I had asked years ago to kind of alleviate that but it didn't happen um how long will it take to construct this property and where are the um Vehicles involv construction is right yeah so as you the property by itself is about 113 ft long so uh usually when this kind of construction what we do we just staged the construction we put half of the property for you know the trucks to park there any kind of dirt and the other portion to construct the building itself so the the the house itself we have 22 ft sidey yard and 27 ft side on the other way so any trucks can easy park there and and Stage all the construction usually this kind of houses take about like six to eight months to construct it it has to be made of course you know with the local orary police to see how they can work it out recently someone had um repairs made on house construction workers dump their supplies and Par their char of course that's not right no because on the odd number side of street and they were parking on the even number side of the street that's another concern when time comes we will have to have a plan of construction we will review with the building department they will have some regulations they have to follow and you know my client he being a builder built a lot of houses so probably he he he would be very care care careful in this all right thank you raise your right hand s from yeah I do your name my name is John R Porter Jr I am probably the oldest bloodline taxpayer in this building as we speak since to mid 1800s so I'm not going to speak anything but from my heart Mr V wants to talk accolades and credentials well I think being the oldest taxpayer bloodline in this building that's an Accolade he painted a great picture I was born and raised on that street my grandfather started Sak fire department 1912 with the first motorized engine okay that's on the Dutch side the Italian side's been on the Palo ad and you see it's 196 5 there's a natural spring on that street Mr veter where's your EPA projections for the natural spring that's on that street that's why we have three manholes in front of Mr Doo's house because was it 14 15 years ago when they dug the road up and put in new gas lines along with the meters so they can check them without having to dig the road up we were promised a new road we don't have a new road we have three new homes we have destroyed Road destroyed curbs flooding the property you're talking about drains from a natural spring so I'd like to see a EPA results before any decisions are made now we're talking about trees that's all fine and Dy what about the wildlife what about the fox that burrowed over there and now live and built a den on that property what about all the deer that I see on that property and on my property what about all the birds that use that property for an estuary so if we're going to talk about Aesthetics mother nature and Karma is more important to me than a house the road is congested there's only parking on one side of the street every time something's done on that street it's a major show if you understand what I'm saying because they Park they block the buses they block the locals the taxpayers all the neighbors that Mr V spoke to have all been there less than a decade my family's been there since 65 that's the Italian side Dutch side started in Sak in 1843 with my great great grand bottle okay so need I say more we don't need to build up that Community anymore with housing we don't need to build on a postage stamp in littlefalls let's save some property because next to that property my mother's property 15 kabo will be the only lot size left on that street He also mentioned that it was Stewarts it started as deep ad doas deep adobas owned that property long before the capos when I was born I was born October 1st 1970 I went home to 63 lower Notch Road that was Theo bar okay so I'm speaking from experience I'm speaking from my heart I love that neighborhood we don't need to grow it the man's house that was foreclosed on was my best friend who had got struck by a vehicle Had a Brain Injury then fell in his garage and then was taken away I never saw him again okay there's no need to sublet on that property and before I'm asking this committee excuse me this committee before you make a decision I want to see an APA report when American Water came and I told them and they had to come with big big meters and earplugs like they were like a psychedelic doctor looking on the road and I said the spring is right there well there's a manhole now that big on our street along with two other manholes so I'd really like to know why we're building on a natural spring why we're talking about neighbors who've been there less than a decade liking trees when I like the wildlife and I've been there for Generations let alone decades let alone what my family has done for the veterans and this community Through the Fire Department I have multiple exempt firefighters in this community and I'm proud of this community and like I said 1711 while I've been here since the 1840s and that's all I have to say thank you I'd like to ask a question of our engineer is EPA uh part of this application because I don't think they are no they're not thank you Mr V yeah well first does anyone else from the public wish to come and address the board May have a motion to close the meeting to the public Mo second second all those in favor I all those opposed thank you go ahead thank you Mr chairman and U I do appreciate the service of the family and the neighbors and we really did make an effort to um to speak to everyone it's impossible to speak to everyone but uh I think Mrs Zina has been on that street for quite a long time the flonies have been on the street a long time and we've had the opportunity to speak with them and it's mainly people that contacted us like we didn't go door Todo which not something typical that we would do but we did speak to a lot of the neighbors that were there um probably at least half a dozen shared information with them and um you know had the neighbors that are here tonight been with us I'm not sure we would have been able to um allay their concerns but we believe that um this lot Works in this neighborhood um and if there is if there's an environmental concern we have a very good board engineer we have an njde there's a process that has to happen before you get building permits and this applicant just like any other applicant Builder would have to go through and will go through that process but you know when we listen to the um the application and we look at we look at the lot and we look at the available space to build a single family home that's really very fitting with the neighborhood there's a demand in the Township for that people that want to be part of this town and to have a stock of housing that works adequately within the town and we think that um this property works very well for that one of the things that um that we wanted to uh to do was make sure that we didn't have any type of setback Varian is on this house so if if there's a house that's able to work on this lot it better work with about the need for a front yard setback rear yard setback side yard setback and not only do we meet that but we greatly exceeded it so we have 27 feet whereas under the r1b Zone we could have five and 10 a total of 15 rear yard 25 ft front yard 25 ft the lot size of this lot is nearly 9,000 square feet the other lot is very much in keeping with the other homes on um both on capalo and also on on Lynn place so uh council president scova speaks about the master plan if we looked at the master plan and our planner spoke about in her planning testimony like how does the board this board justify the variances and you know we don't have to look too far but we look to the mlu of the municipal name you saw we looked at here we're talking about C2 variances and the benefits of this project have to outweigh any potential detri ments and the project benefits in this case you know I think one of the big ones is a desirable visual effect that's huge we have a house that was in um that was in foreclosure sounds like a set of very unfortunate circumstances that led to it and the neighbors have had the deal with the home that's been in disrepair for maybe close to 10 years we have um drainage issues on the lot that we're seeking to improve that's an Improvement as well and that this home will add to the value and quality of the neighborhood and it's in keeping with the master plan it's a single family home you know the master plan seeks to and this is from the master plan promote the efficient use of land with a retrofit and renovation or building of a developed site as opposed to just a wholesale demolition the home that is there is going to be maintained it's a perfectly fine home it's going to be completely updated all new Landscaping Belgium Block curbing with um a new home adjacent to it in keeping with the setback so I believe that this board's well within their right to Grant the relief without any substantial impairment to the Zone intent and that this is a very well-designed plan the home is well-design fits into the neighborhood no height variance we've spoken to the to the neighbors that we at least had an opportunity to review this with there'll be substantial landscaping and it's something that will add uh to this community of a very nice single family home much like five Lin much like 10 Lin and also like nine kapalo and for those reasons I hope the board sees fit to approve this application as always I thank our professionals and the board for all their uh good input and for their time hearing this application thank you Mr V you sent an email to the uh our building official myself our attorney and our engineer at 3:12 time stamp this afternoon yes um and everything in there is fine but would you like to read that into the record certainly Mr chairman I have it here if you want no I think I actually have us I had a feeling you might ask for me to do that okay so um this is U memorializing the um items that came out as a result of conversations with the board professionals as well as the neighbors so the applicant has agreed this is on the U on the new lot to shift the property towards Lind PL in the west Direction by five feet uh the neighbors have also asked for additional PLS in the sidey yard which are now shown on the planes additionally with respect to the current home the applicant will install a new driveway remove the Old Brick walkway and remove the the railroad ties and install a new walkway up to the home install front Lance new front landscaping and replace the dead tree in the front yard with two trees one on wind place and one on Capal the applicant will remove the old air conditioning unit on the capalo side of the home the applicant as discussed tonight will install New Belgium Block herbing on both along both properties not just the new home but also surrounding the property on Lin place and the applicant will replace the rear section of the retaining wall of the property located at 10 capalo owned by Michael del thank you thank you um I'd like to ask our engineer if you any comments or questions on testimony uh just in regards to the drainage I know it's a concern um the U take a look at the proposed retaining walls I think some of them can be eliminated maybe a combined grage um with the uh mother lot to uh tie into the existing storm system as well to try to improve the drainage we could discuss it more detail subject yeah we're fine with that thank you which was all part of the engineer report which you agree to yes in all aspects thank you um any questions or comments from the board sure ell Dr can you move the microphone closer thank I'm sorry can you hear me now I'm going to speak louder we can hear you now how long will it take to construct this building the contractor typically this kind of houses go to six to 8 months construction if the funds are there m of the thanks and when will you start if if it approves but the month or or the season um I believe if we got the U the approval we need some time to do construction document so I have go to Hudson Essence we have to go to the state County Planning um this would have to be memorialized I would expect by March beginning of Spring any further questions or comments to the board I do chairman I have a question with regard to the the natural spring Mr Co is this something that you could look into to confirm that it is not creating additional water runoff to this property that would require additional engineering sure we can look into that uh wasn't aware of it prior to this meeting but um follow up on that there be no further questions or comments may I have a motion please chairman I'll make a motion that uh the application be approved um with uh variances approved for the proposed lot 2701 for lot area lot width and lot depth and for the proposed lot 2702 for lot area and lot death Mr brle dero are we missing anything those are the variances that are required in connection with this development application app six minor subdivision approval there's no need requirement for site plan approval as this is a single family house minor subdivision and under the municipal Rus law that is exempt from cite approval the board wanted to consider some conditions Mr B outl the condition so all those should be approval addition to that the app indicated that they would provide survey to our engineer the the extension of time def sub subject to tax confirming the lot numbers the sh commission requirements they have storm water subject to engine connect dve system approval thank you do I already have a sec may I have a second pleas I'm sorry may I have a second please I'll second please pull the board Mr B yes Mr Luke de yo yes M catalo yes Mr seber yes Mayor de yo yes councilman SCA yes Dr ABI yes Mr Excuse me okay Mr Bill Patrick uh chairman votes yes the application is approved thank you thank you thank you very much and thank you for all your comments tonight they're very educational uh do we need a break or are we good we're good okay good we got than do you have uh the one we're doing tonight see it keep it no I have it [Music] is the board taking a break no no okay do you want a break Mr R you can have a break frame here so uh okay we'll have a are you expecting yes yes we time Li yeah just Larry framer please to the courtroom progress Mr ven long time no see everyone entering my appearance on behalf of the applicants uh Lawrence ker and Katherine Brown John bettery 3 University Plaza sweet 207 hackin sack New Jersey so well this has property has a very long history it's getting late I'm not even going to go through but it does have a very interesting history to it um for Chilton drive so this is a a what was about a 4 acre property when Mr Kramer brought the property in 2000 it came before um the board at that time as a contract purchaser and that was to subdivide the properties on in so the been down Inwood there was a home built uh shortly after uh Mr Kramer purch the property that home was built it's a lovely Colonial home on the right hand side of going down the CAC I believe it's Lot 23 on in and it left this lot in the back which um is certainly well oversized and over 40,000 square foot lot um whereas 15,000 square feet is required that lot was never developed uh it was perfected the subdivision was perfected we circulated a copy of the uh minor subdivision plan uh as well as the U deed of minor subdivision that created both lot the Lot 23 where the home was built not at issue at this point in time and lot 9.01 and that's the lot that is the subject of the hearing tonight um you may also see reference you see on the tax maps lot six so uh at the time that this was approved in um in 2000 and looking through the file Dennis Lindsay was the engineer and um as Larry can testify to uh Dennis created a drainage for the entire neighborhood at that time that as part of this subdivision for not just the properties it took into consideration many many acres of the entire neighborhood to s satisfy the drainage at that time and that work and located on lot six is the drainage infrastructure so lot six sits basically behind the playground of school number two so when you drive down the private road of Chilton drive right over to the right um it runs back there and even that lot is about an eight as Mr Cobar has pointed out that lot lot six and the master lot where the original Hall was built in the 20s is located those were merged so that is that's one lot and we're not touching anything with that lot that is not having anything to do with the application tonight so the question is why are we here we have a lot we were subdivided in 2000 it was perfected and it's a very big lot much bigger than any of these other lots and someone could build a very big home within the setbacks the this is the Kramer's back yard that they cherish there are magnificent trees back there I've had the opportunity to walk back there with George Anderson is our survey his daughter Lori here is tonight uh to testify and uh you know the idea was to keep it more in keeping still a very generous lot but more in keeping with the homes on Inwood and to reclaim that property um as part of the master lot so what we're seeking to do is to re reduced the lot from its current uh 48,000 Square ft you know 1 point something Acres down to 19,0 563 feet still well in excess thousands of square feet greater than the 15,000 that's required we have uh one variance which is a variance for lot width of 84.1 18 ft whereas 100t is required uh we are not seeking any other uh variances we're not seeking site plan approval it is very possible that another 25 years could go by and nothing is built on this site but we are here this evening to bring a lot more into Conformity uh certainly larger than any of the Lots um on Inwood and to maintain the uh Woods in the backyards of Jacobus and Oak Tree as well as um the applicant's property itself so we have one witness this evening who uh their firm George Anderson's firm prepared the map of minor subdivision and I'm going to call up uh Lori Anderson at this point in time just to clarify this is not a site plan is advertised is strictly a yeah that must have been I if it was on there that was that was in there it's a single family law so we wouldn't have a we wouldn't have a site plan here anyway but um the point is we're not showing a home because there's no intention at this time to build a home this is simply a lot line adjustment minor subdivision of the lot that was rightfully created back in 2000 you're not creating any additional the two Lots now we just open two lots good point of clarification right we had one lot from 2000 we're just changing the line keeping it one single factly lot we're not anticipating that if it were to be built on that there would be a need for any variances whatsoever but if that ever happen that either contract purchaser or applicant at the time whether it be Mr Kramer or anyone else we have to come back to the board and put on their case Okay Lori the testimony Lor Anderson l r i the office is at PO Box 1348 Fall New Jersey the actual location sorry it's in my house all right too much too much information uh I graduated NGIT with a bachelor's in surveying engineering and I've been licensed the state since 2013 and surveying since I was 16 and probably more surveys the town Little Falls that anyone might know so certainly are familiar with licenses are all active yes they are thank you accepted um so the existing lot currently is larger than what we're proposing we're hoping to keep some green area and uh limit the new lot space and building that would potentially be there if anybody ever bought the lot um the only variants that Mr V said is the width on the proposed lot um excuse my weird lot numbers obviously the check assessor of approved would have to provide new lot numbers and eventually a building Street number for any poen building um just one question what are we considering the front of isre that um there is a proposed this is on your plans that comes through a lot and we have this area here in the front where it's 86 approxim 86 ft and considering that that would be the front essentially the same way Inwood rcks so if you're going down Inwood and then you continue at the of the CAC through here that the frontage would be the same as it is on all of the homes on in with the appropriate setback the site would be on either s of this long length of 222 ft one side 242t on the North side and then the rear of the property with the rearing the backyard all right did you use those figures for uh because it looks like there's three variants is needed 8666 depth 150 required 149.34 Mr Anderson's survey says there are three variances requested no it's m say I can read that so n has to do this is what brings it down it's because it's an average is 294 of De I don't see your survey the front yard considered okay so your if you consider CH Drive sorry so children Drive is a private road so where where the estate home sits there is what I consider the sidey of this that because orientation come down and this is the front there's no question architect this is the front but there is a I consider the side yard next to bck Old property of 27 feet and 26 feet but if you consider that this house faces lill then yes that would be if the board wants to consider that I don't think that that is the that anyone would objectively look at it but if the board wants to look at that yes finded in the 2000 approval as consider but the boards that's Fort dep it was granted it was it was entally granted and ratified back in 2000 the home goes back to 1920s don't have but if the boards that well do we or don't we it's not how the board feels we're looking for accurate numbers Mike can you help us out I think it's just clarification of what we're going to consider front yard versus side yard and rear because then depending on if it's front yard coming off of Chilton versus what would be facing Sayan wood then it would be different and then the mean would of the depth would change uh our engineer is fting I believe but correct me if I'm wrong that the front yard is facing inward case Mr chairman I'm saying that the front yard B the considers that and they did if they consider that it's not that isn't a new variant so that that happened in the 20s way before zoning code and then fast forward to 2000 it was ratified in 2000 I don't believe that come before the board at thiso time we're not changing anything so that's might leave opinion on it but um the bo feels differently about would you object to us ratifying or re approving a previous Varian requirement thank you continue I'm sorry one two that's it just the and then once it's clarified what's the street the front right versus rear so then you would figure out the me no re the other house because that's another thing on the rear house the um minimum yard setback currently because we don't have a clear picture on what's rear versus front is currently listed as needing a variance but I think once it's cleared up what's front versus rear we can Rectify that right we're kind of in limbo because our if we approve this application we have we're overthinking this this is a home that was placed there in the late 1920s we're not proposing any change this application is just having to do with lot 9.01 we're not changing lot n at all I'm just looking at I'm just looking at 9.01 there's only one there only which is thank you 84 oh right so at the zoning setback it's I believe that's the only variant but I thinks uh I'm not sure I followed you in that last comment I think there's no substance to you we ask for that the house is we're not changing anything the house it's been there for 100 years we're not questioning that we're only questioning lot no new lot proposed lot 9.01 if the board is to approve this tonight they need an exact figure to pass a Varian on that's the only question correct correct any questions or comments of the board um Michael how do you feel well um lot indicate my report um since the access now from in with Drive is being incorporated into the existing other law that is now landlock par um I believe was a easement an access easement proposed to provide access to the new lot um only other point I'd like to bring up as part of the 2000 approval was I think the intent of um where the home was going to be proposed on that original lot it was intended to be as far away from the existing home as possible at the end of Inwood Drive so that would be the most southernly direction of that lck and and by creating the subdivision the manner that it is it's pushing that location of of a potential home more in a Northerly Direction toward the exis the councelor you have any thoughts on that so I do no I'm I'm asking our counselor I'm sorry Mr Bri over do you have any thoughts on it as relating to the 2000 resolution indicates that the app confer AG that development on propos lot 901 will be modified remon on that further south the purpose is to provide a great buff neighbor fur addor reloc SE connection should be mindful of that condition but there's no house proposed build thank you just just a couple of things to offer with respect to that I had the opportunity to go through the uh the original files and there was a home that was there was a home that was submitted at that time and for the record Mr chairman you were the only member that was still there back in thanks for the reminder so when that when that was done was shown and it shows just our typical r1a 12 foot7 um unfortunately the resolution doesn't give us any guidance it doesn't say we know the code says 12T but we would like you to move it a little bit over by 4T 5T 40 feet we have no guidance um so we have a a new application tonight and the applicant is um you know proposing to adhere to the uh current Zone you know the the 12 feet on that side uh the applicate is willing to maintain the U condition with respect to the trees and we had the opportunity to obtain the survey of the neighboring property um that was the subject of uh of this property this property a survey that was prepared by Rich hos which I can submit as exhibit A1 and there is um as much as 28 feet on the one side and uh 19.07 ft on that side so what I thought might be appropriate here so we could actually put a number on it would be you know to take the average maybe take um you know 25 ft that we know we can do 12 you know let's more than double that so we could at least quantify what we're talking about so I don't know if that satisfies your concerns but it's double what would be required in the area and it's the same that you have on your La I thought that was an evened submit that that's EX A1 can we address through the sheriff please thank you okay so uh Mr chairman the member of the public did want to get up and U ask a question okay so you you have uh no further uh professionals to present no we have no further no further professionals let me just uh one moment let me just add to that we had um you know reviewed the comments of um Mr calars um we don't have an objection the drainage work has long been done it's a very adequate system and um that was put in uh many years ago and the purpose of it at that time that Mr Lindsay wanted to have done was that it be done before Lot 23 was built and it anticipated the development of one home at lot 9.01 the lot that was built and also the existing home because the existing home because it was built in the 20s had no storm water um management there at all and now it has um it has planned one additional thought this is an r1a zone so a uh home should it be built there would be a single family home correct yep yeah one single family home was proposed in 2000 and one single family home is proposed to see thank you before I open up the meeting to the public any comments or questions from board members can we add that as a stipulation that that's all that can be built on that lot I don't see why not it's you're talking about lot 9.01 yes the the newly configured 9.01 yeah we only we would I mean it's I suppose we could I don't think there would be a need to that's what the zone is so if any if if Mr CR decided to sell the lot to someone who said I want to build tow houses here they would have to get they would have to come before the board and be told no so it is a single family Zone we need to include that in there um because that's the underlying Zone it is that you can only build a single family home okay that confirms all the previous conversations I had on that so we'll just continue thank you um any additional questions comments may I have a motion to open up the meeting for the public so move second second all those in favor I all those oppos n the meeting is open up to the public anyone wishing to address the board and comment or ask questions um please do so now I do okay so have to apologize it's just that you call a worker and I'm more confused than the high school Kid's first day of calculus L to but I'm also the person who's gonna have a house I need to look at and right now I've got you know Larry's was a friend of mine my very very nice man uh beautiful Pro in the backyard all of his and he certainly has a right to do what he wants to do there and I understand that but I would like it also to conf in such a manner as will not be offensive to me and to the neighbors and that's what my hopes are here because I truly believe you own the land you get to do what you want but let's be kind to everyone so there are a couple of things I would like to uh question one that's totally got me confused is this landlock issue that that they the U that Michael started to explain to me and Richard started to explain to me but we we kind of had a sidebar we shouldn't have so I think this I just want to understand that a little better and tell me what the town stipulations are in regards to landlock properties and how that was affecting this entire operation well the lot that is newly uh proposed to be created uh does not have any access the way it's proposed to a public private um therefore that's considered a landlock parel uh there are means of get buy that through access easement which is um what is being proposed on the adjoining lot U it's just not your typical are you saying this this is technicality it's it's a technicality they are uh accommodating access through a proposed de new law all right one other question I just have I don't quite understand why a town would have a regulation and then have stipulations to a regulation that you have in place I mean why have that regulation in the first place if you're saying this regulation calls for x amount of footage but we're going to forget about that give you a little bit consideration and it is a small amount of consideration I understand that why have a regulations in the well if you're talking about not meeting a particular bul standard the law provides for that that's why we have this board if an applicant can't comply they have the right to come to a board and put their proofs on before the board to justify why they can't meet that standard but why they're proposing is reasonable if the board finds it meets the legal standard the board has the right to Grant so they they're flexible you're say they're quite flexible the regulations that you set for the town are quite flexible all right oh well fine the other thing I one other thing I do want to say is I take a little bit I guess I find a little bit offensive now the fine gentl would stand in front of all of us and tell us that there's no proposal to build a home he has every right to build a home now don't get me wrong but don't stand in front of everybody and say there is no plan to build a home and maybe we'll never build a home because that certain clear intention and if I understand this correct once the zoning is approved here the house can be built Without Really any approval because by then now you've met all the guw the only way you can't build a house there is if the variances aren't given to build that house but once the variances are there it's a done deal is that not correct right wrong well at this at this point the applicant is just proposing to create a building obviously but that's round about way in the let's say six months from now the applicant decides to put a house on right the applicant's going to have to prepare it's called a lot development plan go to the building department present the plan it'll be reviewed by the engineer by the building department make sure it conforms to the ordi and if it does then right once you've given the variance the only stipulation that I think they have well perhaps landlock issue is another issue I don't know but variance seems to be the one stumbling block once you approve that variance then there is no stopping the house from being built at any point because now you're within compliance as long as the applicant confs to allw the requirements of the ordinance right so the actually the only way to stop a house from being built there might maybe I'm wrong again I'm not as intelligent as all of you and I don't do this for living is to not approve the variance at this point and that stops the building of the house am I wrong in that assumption If This Were if the board were to deny this application tonight that doesn't mean that the applicant can't come back with a revised plan and present something different nice all right so we've made a couple of points here that I think you've been very helpful with one it's full intentions to fill the house because I've been told so unless obviously what's going to happen and I believe he have the right to do that don't uh but I sure hope that this is something that we take into consideration in terms of the effects it's going to have directly on me being the closest need Rec so again I don't think any of you want somebody to have put house right in your backyard 20 feet away from your property I don't know that you'd be too happy about that but it does what want the other things you will have to take into consideration like the other property are natural springs that are on there and the wetlands down below so if I understand correctly the natural springs and the RunWalk which is a tremendous amount of water on this prop are being buffered by this wet so this wet land down below actually like Inc sponge in Ence so the water comes down and spreads it out evaporates it and stops a tremendous amount of run water so I do think that we have to be very careful somehow to control run off so that not only runs down onto the road but goes down into a system perhaps in the town system and away from the L so it seems like a very complicated thing to do maybe we need to have the EPA here again to look at it I don't know but in order to control the amount of water that comes through it because that's a Riv part I don't know that you could simply put a dryw in and say well it's going to look like they did in the last problem this just going on the bottom I don't know that that's really going to be effective that's not my joke but I do want to say that whatever they when they build a house and I don't think everyone's going to stop glarry from building a house he have the right to do it and God bless him I do want to make sure that the water is under control that the environment is protected that we're not cutting down all these trees and we're going to be creating all this tremendous RunWalk so I do think in this particular situation that we have to be very care careful with the environment and what's going to go on there so I think a really involved study has has to be done at that time and thank you for your comments thank you thank you question of the the neighbor so with respect to um you know we're asking about um in marces and how to supp grant that there are mitigating factors one of the the op has an opportunity to respond so respon would be that the there are mitigating factors one of the mitigating factors this lot we have 240 ft of dep whereas 150 is required 220 on the other side and we have a lot area of almost 20,000 whereas only 15,000 and then to address one of your other comments um may not build on this lot we have experience from 2000 this sat for 25 years we don't know but I do want the record to be clear he has the right to build a house the lot now this board subdivision when saying that to stop the development of home he has the right to do that you know if the board will deny this application there's still the right inherent right from the property that is an acre of land 9.01 the application tonight is to seek to move the line lot line adjustment keeping a lot 4500 feet larger than permits and then with to Wetland we thank you thank you for your comments and listen Larry do want going to see backyard further over and yes he out his backyard into house so heal think that not regard of the VAR setbacks of the landlock whatever he's going to build his house but he doesn't want to see it that's why he wants to put that I want to see come thank you anyone else welcome ra youron yes I do my name is Richard Kesler ke s s l r I reside at 59 chob 7 I originally came to this meeting to question why why this minor subdivision application the applicant has spent a good deal of money preparing the plans doing the survey putting it all together and like most developers in my experience from 40 years as a professional engineer most developers don't want to spend money they don't have to but it's clear this is a lot that's buildable but there are other requirements now my neighbor just brought up a very important question about this lot and others in the area if you examine the agricultural saw surveys this area behind us that is undeveloped as listed as being in a Zone with a seasonal High groundwater now whether Mr Lindsay's storm waterer plan 25 years ago dealt with that or not I don't know but I really encourage this board to consider that furthermore my neighbor has a really good point asking for a variance now which is the applicant's right and I understand that but there are other issues about actually building on this property that require a variance and I understand why Mr Kramer would like to have the variance uh in in terms of protection of his own property but I'd like to suggest that this board consider seriously withholding ruling on this application for a varians until such point when someone comes in with an actual use and an actual sighting of a house in accordance with his zoning on the map on the on the property I think that would be the most appropriate uh consideration of any variants the board chooses to approve thank you thank you Mr V any comments on that no we're here on a application just for a minor subdivision you know without we don't we don't have a home plan like I said we don't have any Home Plans designed don't know if a home will be um designed but um you know the application tonight is for a lot line adjustment minor subdivision thank you anyone else want to come up and address the board you'll be next Karen Bennett oh testimony I do Karen Bennett BN six in with Drive little false um you know we all got the letter about the variance proposal um I don't believe for one second that a home is not being planned to be built so I understand what you're saying but um as uh my neighbor Tom said he knows there a home that's being planned um we have a petition from everybody on inward drive not to pass this variance and some folks on Hill Crest as well and basically you know we can leave a copy here and it's saying getting the variant okay the board is not what we can do is if you have a PE yeah you can turn it in Just Go board's file but the board members can't look that okay that anybody you have to be here in person able to address the water okay we did not know that we'll make sure when the house goes up we'll uh figure it out but anyway addressing the water issue that's my biggest issue I'm at six Inwood Drive I am the lowest point on Inwood Drive when I bought the house 25 years ago I had Woods outside this huge window bed to the ceiling I was told no building could go on there because it was landlocked within a couple of years um approval came in and my backyard became a swamp I've had to spend money to put French trains in every time it rains my pool liner floats because of the high water table the runoff is directly from the house that was built right outside my window and you know Mr Lindsley I understand you know there's been a lot of conversation about that that issue was addressed it never was because I never had water in my backyard until that house was built the house is above me and all the runoff if you now build another house house or I understand this is only for the variance I get that but I agree with what um the neighbor on Jacobus said is that you know before we even approve a variance I think we should really look at the land and see if there's anything that can be built and have it on the record because there is a huge water issue on Inwood Drive thank goodness we have a great DPW because I now have a full grade that's pretty much of an ey sort right at the top of my driveway to stop any water coming down one time we had to have the Town come in and actually come with a heavy machinery because ice was about this thick that the mailman was getting caught on inward drive because of the runoff of water that never happened before so we do have a water table issue we have Wetlands issue we have issue with all the wildlife that's out there and we really don't want another house or more debr and construction going on under the dve thank you I do sure my name is Daniel thler last name is f like Frank a TZ R addresses 55 jaob so y I guess you I'm also in the camp of trying to understand why on this and I didn't get a chance to look at the plan so maybe that will be an answer to my question but it just trying to understand the logic of if you have a property that's really large why do you need a variance 10084 and exactly how are you trying to shrink that property good on this so I just spoke to Mr Kramer and we feel that it is um di Minimus the variance but um he's willing to make the lot of full 100 feet so we will have no variance on very well than that's I guess that ended that comment okay anyone else wishing to address the board please come forward so chairman at this point there're not there's not going to be no variances concerning this application that is correct but I need to close the meeting to the public may I have a motion to close the meeting to the public wait can I yes are we still asking for a minor lot line sure yeah adjustment yeah okay that's it there is no other you're only here for lot line adjustments so we're seeking now that we're changing the lot um you know what we're seeking is a minor subdivision uh of the property uh with 100 feet of lot width as opposed to the 84 but that U we would not have any restrictions with regard to moving the house as per the 2000 U resolution because now we're creating a fully performing lot we have a lot that's 100 by 200 and something um as opposed to having an 84t by 200 so now we're taking that lot up by um by quite a bit of size there's more than enough room and our our own code satisfies all of the setbacks and if any applicant wants to come before the board and deviate from the setbacks that are in our zoning code um and that have not as much my knowledge r1a has not been recommended by our planner and the master plan to be changed that um we will comply with the setbacks but nothing more than that your summary yes thank you any questions or comments from board members may I have a motion please yes I'll make the motion for minor um minor subdivision lot line adjustment of um 100 ft uh for the proposed lot 9.01 D2 and that is in compliance with the zoning ordinance may I have a second second please pull the board Mr Barry yes Mr Luke Deano yes Mr talo yes Mr cber yes mayor Damiano yes councilman scova yes Dr Abdi yes Mr ARA Mr Kel pton chairman votes yes the application is approved thank you Mr thank you thanks everyone for your cooperation thank you Mr brle adoro you have any comments on the resolution for compliance for wait anybody wants to take a one minute break here welcome e go everyone here know Mr Ronald yo how are you in the audience he lives on the morning side in the back of his house backs up to what used to be form in 200 six of this application but this gentleman has come and defended us to the railroad when they came through and they very loud whistles and what have you and how long were you president of the lfac St forever I just want to thank you for your contributions to you may also not he's the only one here no no no we encourage you to St we are open to the public you're up uh just move the microphone closer so we have an item on our agenda in regard to property at 215e 23 uh 2011 Route 23 and 115 Main Street so I'm sure as the board is aware uh the board approved development projects on each of those three properties over the last few years and in each uh project there was a condition in the resolution regarding affordable housing and the affordable housing was uh the condition that was put in their new resolution indicated that the applicant had a meet with the court appointed special master who is now referred to as a special adjudicator and resolved the affordable housing issues uh the applicant has met with the special master I know the Township attorney Mr wiel has also participated in that process I've had conversations with both Mr wiel and the applicant's attorney in regard to this uh they've kept me in the loop in terms of the status of the matter uh this special adjudicator issued a report to the to the court dated November 14 and as part of that recommendation U there was a recommendation that there be 10 affordable hous housing units which would be constructed in 115 Main Street and that was in view of its location in the downtown area with walkable access to shops restaurants train station Etc and the special adjudicator found that U the other properties on Route 23 2011 and 2115 were remote locations and lacked walkable access so that's why the special adjudicator recommended that the 10 affordable housing units go into 15 Main Street the uh fare housing center was part of this because fare housing center is part of the overall settlement between Township of little fall Falls and uh they're in agreement with it special adjudicator has made that recommendation to the court but as part of that the special adjudicator has recommended that the planning Board review it and also approve it and before it goes to the court I've spoken to the board plan the board planner has been provided with the special adjudicators report and she endorses the board's approval of this as well so basically what we're being asked to do is approve what the approve the recommendation of the special adjudicator very good any questions on that any comments so to summarize we're removing the uh required fair housing units all into the building is it 115 Main or top my head yep 11 15 okay and the reason for that is they'll have much more access to everything in the middle of town whereas the other two places you kind of take a risk to cross Route 23 and not quite make it to 71 um in addition there's a contribution yes there is a contribution to the C affordable housing Trust of wow which all right the applicant has agreed to P the conditions that special adjudicated any any anything any questions any comments chairman I have a question are there any other projects that this board has approved that have to go through this process yet or have we met the fair housing with all the other pre projects that have been approved I fight the I may you may so the most recent report from the state says that in our most recent most recent round of affordable housing we have fully met and complied with Our obligation uh and there are no there's no current need for additional units in littlefalls uh that's what the most recent round said of course we are objecting to the proposed prospective round of affordable housing that they are attempting to implement here in Little Falls but Little Falls has has met a current need of afford all thank you anything else I have a question I'm sorry how many units they proposing for 115 Main Street 10 affordable okay so they're building 10 affordable or they're building more but 10 there there are more units in the building but right but 10 but the court has well the court is going to make a decision on it but the special adjudicator and fare housing center are rep amending 10 units in that building may I have a motion I'll make the motion that we approve the resolution and for compliance for projects at5 Main Street 215 Route 23 and 2011 Route 23 regarding affordable housing set aside I'll second the motion please P the board m Mr Barry yes Mr Luke demano yes M catalo yes Mr seber yes mayor demo yes councilman SC yes yes Mr Mr R favor votes yes the resolution is approved uh is there any old business any new business let me take a moment to wish everybody an incredibly happy and safe holiday season God bless you all we'll see you on January 9th may I have a German same to you chairman