##VIDEO ID:bbJJVlR5PeE## for fun good evening welcome to the little fall school board meeting Independent School District 482 this is our first evening of having the school board meeting in the new community service building on Riverwood Drive for those that are watching maybe one other time you'll be able to stop in and check us out I'm calling the meeting to order and the first more item will be please stand and join me for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with libery and justice for all our district mission statement is the Little Falls Community Schools work together for each learning to each learner to achieve academic and personal growth in a collaborative safe and engaging environment um are do we have public comments no we do not okay thank you let get that page then um before I call for the approval of the agenda we do have one change everybody would please take note of item 13.1 it's listed as an action item and it will not be an action item this evening so we'll go into that a little bit later but that will not be an action item so otherwise with unless there's any other changes I'll call for a motion to the approve of the agenda as printed so move second I'll second thank you we have a motion and the second on the floor to approve the agenda any comments questions or concerns about the agenda hearing none all those in favor signify by saying I I opposed next I'll call for a motion for the consent agenda the consent agenda is the Personnel approval of the prior meeting minutes approval of the financial tra transactions that have happened since the last meeting a motion please so moved a second I'll second we have a motion and a second on the floor are there any comments questions or concerns about any of those three items hearing none all those in favor signify by saying I I opposed on alter the meeting over to Kelsey for the resolution for the acceptance of gifts whereas the following have generously offered to donate to the false Community School Lyle James donation of $3,000 to Li Falls Community Schools lanch and Avery James charitable scholarship fund Leana and Joshua Steiner donation of $250 to liil Falls Community Schools Esports program Little Falls soccer club donation of $375 to the Little Falls Community Schools Youth Soccer Little Falls Elementary PTA donation of $591 for book vending machine to liil Falls Community Schools Lincoln Elementary uh liil Falls Elementary PTA donation of $591 for a book vending machine to liil Falls Community School's Lindberg Elementary Wabash donation of $750 to liil Falls Community Schools Deca program Wabash donation of $250 to the liil Falls Community Schools robotics program Flyers athletic boosters gaming account donation of $8,000 for HL streaming service for Li Falls Community School sporting activities and Dian spillum donation of $400 to liil Falls Community Schools I will second okay and then a roll call vote Julie yes Sharon yes Mark yes Doug yes Dan yes myself yes thank you Kelsey at this time we're going to we this is only the second time we've had this honor um we're going to give the oath of office our two new student school board members so if you two would just stand and take your o right in front of you I'll just do it the simple way this way get my Bible just ready here okay raise your right hand and repeat after me the oath of OES um your names please Ellie LaRon Molly petrowitz do solemnly swear that I will Faithfully execute the duties of the office of student School Board member for Little Falls Community Schools solemly swear that I will Faithfully execute the duties of the office of student School Board member for Little Falls Community Schools and will to the best of my ability and will to the best of my ability preserve protect and defend the rights and interests of the students I represent preserve protect and defend the rights and interests of the students I represent I will support the Constitution of the United States and the state of Minnesota I will support the Constitution of the United States and the state of Minnesota I will work with dedication and integrity to support the goals and values of our new school Community I will work with dedication and integrity to support the goals and values of our school community and uphold the principles of fairness and respect for the students and the community and uphold the principles of fairness and respect for the students and the community welcome Ellie welcome Molly we're looking forward to working with you and thank you very much and congratulations thank you and because we want to make sure they know exactly what they got into the next thing on our our um agenda is the student rep updates so we'll turn it over to you okay perfect do we give it from up there what would you prefer Madam shair stand no no need to stand actually I think right here I think you're audence still see you okay otherwise you just see your back there we go okay perfect okay so this is the Schoolboard update from us yes all right of we've been best friends for forever since we met the school's Blended Lincoln and Lindberg in sixth grade we had the same first hour and then from then on we figured out we had the exact same schedule so we were with each other 247 she was in swimming I was in swimming so we knew each other based off of that we both decided to join Nordic skiing and then after that we both decided to join track so we just kind of started to do all the same activities from then on and we've been Inseparable since yeah I she covered it um this is my slide so this is just kind of all about me um those are all my activities my mom joke that it looked like a terms and conditions or like a disclaimer but if if you're really interested you can look at it but I pretty much do everything under the scent so if if you think about it I probably do it um some fun facts about me is that I love cats I have two um one is named Gizmo and one is named Olive and then I also have a dog but I I love cats more I guess so um I grew up in Wisconsin I moved here when I was eight in 2015 and um I've lived here for over half my life now so I'm I now proudly call myself Minnesota um I'm a barista at the kuu coffee in town so you guys might see me there pretty often I work there a lot during the summer but I also work as a lifeguard and a swimming lessons instructor with the school system at our pool as well um and my favorite food is soup I'm really really thankful that that the school has implemented like the um soup Tuesdays and Thursdays yeah it's it's it's a well-known fact about me that I just I really thoroughly enjoy the soup that they serve at the school so yeah my friends get excited and they go momy guess what soup it is and I go chili and I go yes I love chili I love chili and I love the grilled cheese and tomato and I love loaded baked potato and yeah that's me and Ellie the top right picture um we went to New Mexico this summer with student council um I think we're going come and talk about that at a separate meeting like with the student council um how we used our funds and things we learned at that at that retreat but that was that picture was taken there at the hot balloon or the hot air balloon um the picture next to it up there is my grandma and my mom we took a trip out to Oregon this summer to go look at some colleges and kind of spend some time out there on a little girl's trip so that was fun um that's my cat that's Gizmo not Olive she's the younger one but she is she's the most photogenic so I use that picture and then that picture on the bottom right is a picture of me at the Excel award ceremony um my brother took it not my mom you can kind of tell cuz I don't think my mom would have taken that picture but it is a fun experience me and Mason cheetah uh both received the award in March and it's a really fun experience it's a fun day and yeah thank you yeah okay so this is my slide my name is those are the activities I'm in um I just I love to be involved in different things I feel like the more you involve yourself in different activities the more opportunities you get and so like a reason why I'm here right now is because I involved myself in student council and then I applied to be here and I'm super thankful I got this position I'm really excited um so some fun facts about me I love biking and running and actually the picture where me and Molly are kind of in a lock room over there I made Molly do a triathlon with me but we did get first for our division we were the only people in our division I think we actually might have came in somewhere around dead last but I think we were the only two people under like 25 yeah but we got really cool cups that said first and second place so that was fun um I play guitar and trombone I really love music and the trombone I've been playing since fifth grade and I remember we tried like different band instruments and I picked the trombone not because I was good at it but because it was super big big and I wanted everyone to know like to know that I played the trombone and so I'd bring it on the bus and I'd be like yeah watch out guys I got this trom bone and then in middle school I was like oh this was terrible but I love it now and I love playing the guitar too I love learning about music and like different instruments and then my last fun fact is my favorite book series is Harry Potter which I feel like a lot of people say that but I read it in middle school and I hold that series very like near and dear to my heart so if any Harry po if there are any Harry Potter out there feel free to talk to me cuz I love Harry Potter so much and yeah that's my slide what do you expect out of the school board for you um I I expect that I like learn learn more about what you guys do I'm really interested and how like the school runs and from like Student Government we get to run different things but there's actually like a government within our school and you guys help run the school and I'm excited to see how you guys run it and I'm excited to learn about it because the stuff that you guys do impacts me and it it impacts other students in our school and so I think that's that it's like important and it's super exciting for me to see what you guys do because that stuff impacts me and my classmates and I'm just excited that I get to have like input on what happens within our student body what about you Molly I'm excited to same as Ellie learn how the Schoolboard operates um we had a a similar position over the summer we both attended the girl State program at B um that was a really fun experience I had the opportunity of being lieutenant governor with one of my friends and um it was it was really fun um we it was the same experience as this where we were both just kind of thrown into leadership positions um it was a learning process as we were we were all the same age we're all 1718 and um figuring out how a parliamentary procedure Works um learning alongside each other I think think that was really fun and as also the same Ellie just um having a having a voice as it um as a things that are happening in the school community and also providing some perspective for you guys as we are in the school every day and we are also involved in kind of everything so we're we're very well-rounded people we have a very good idea of what kind of goes on in the school and I think we can provide you guys with a lot of good Insight um to some of your decisions that you'll make and I think it'll be really fun thank you any other Bo M have questions then welcome we'll be looking for your reports every year every every month I'm sorry thank you I think there's a couple more we have two more things that's okay sorry we're probably like spamming you guys and it's our first time yeah you just keep going okay so something that's new within our school is we have a student center so there was some construction this summer and in the high school that picture up there used to be our main office but it got turned into a student center and that's basically where an upper classman can take a class and become a tutor and so they'll be in there and if um a younger classman or basically anyone needs tutoring they can go into that Center and I've talked to a few students who are in there they say it works pretty well um I think that it's nice for younger classmen because if you have a teacher and they're teaching a class and you have a question it's hard for a kid to go interrupt that class and be like hey I need help with this so to go to a student who has taken that class and kind of knows like the and outs I think that's very helpful and if um an upper classman isn't tutoring they can use that time as like work time so it's really nice and it's also right next to the guidance office so it's like all the student resources you would need are just in that area it's it's also kind of like a homebased for students who are doing psco or kind of like college in the schools classes who are maybe doing like a hybrid some in person some not they have that space to work with they don't need to be in a like a direct classroom setting that's what I see a lot of it being used as um it's nice to see those kids just kind of in the school too it's sort of like a fishbowl but not in like a scary way it's like you get to watch you get to watch everybody pass by but you're still like you're working and you can come say hi and it's not like you're as secluded from your classmates as you might be if you were like just in a classroom separated from everybody so I think having that one communal area is really great for the student body um I tutor my seventh hour um I haven't had anybody utilize me yet but I'm there I'm ready um there's a bunch of kids in there um they if you need help the kids can come in there and I think it's also used for some fast periods as well which is like it's a study hul opportunity for kids who aren't a junior or senior and they can't technically aren't they aren't technically allowed to take a study hall yet so that as well the guidance offices you can kind of see the hallway in that picture they're just directly straight through Colby Grant is in there so it's Becky AB there's also some meeting rooms back there um on the other side we also have some student services student service options over there as well so it's really just a hub up for everything you would really need to know about like student affairs um another thing that was moved from there was just kind of like some of the activities things and Mr Borg's office and things like that moved down to the front area which I think has been really helpful because that is all just like in one space as well well is a little bit more spread out but I think it's having the student center and then a front office for everybody who you think oh like they would be in the front office like the principal um things like that it's it's been really nice passing through everybody the the front office sees everybody come through so I think that has been a great change as well is that open before and after school as well the student service centers yeah um I I don't think so the students don't stay after school I think um Kobe stays after for sure so her door is open but I don't think the stud any students are staying after as of now okay mhm and then we have a video for you so um we tried to get and I think we did we got all the fall activities going on right now so that includes Esports and fall play and then all the sports so we interviewed a bunch of kids and their perspectives on their um Sports and then we also interviewed our new assistant principal Mr GL we did call him the vice principal on accident yes if you hear that just yeah it's a little over 5 minutes so I apologize but we didn't mean to make it this lengthy but yeah did you you can press the full screen here we go okay perfect that's me I'm always [Music] so so I'm here with two of our senior captains for soccer and I'm just wondering how your season has been going um yes well okay so we were very nervous going into the season because 10 of our starting players basically graduated last year so um basically we were really nervous about the because we have a lot ofing freshman and stuff so very yeah so very young team but we're like we've been growing we've been working as a team and The Season's been going really well so far a lot of hard work okay awesome thank you [Music] here with our representative for the boy soccer team uh I'm Bren and how are you feeling about your senior soccer season uh we're feeling great uh we are working hard to try to beat uh our section uh currently we are two and four but we're hoping to get back and uh start working hard to get improve our standings in the ranking awesome thank you I'm here with our senior football representative DAV Anderson and I'm wondering what are you excited for for this football season uh I'm excited to play with all my you know best friends you know we're all seniors it's our last year together and I'm also excited for homecoming that's going to be a fun game to plan okay perfect thank you yeah thank [Music] you with our senior representative for the Esports team and so Esports is kind of new so I'm wondering what are improvements that have been made since last year uh since last year we have received $5,000 from TC CTC um we are going to spend that money to get some new gear on our team and also get some new games uh for us kids to play okay thank you I'm here with our senior representative for the cross country team I'm Elena and how are you feeling about the blending of the boys and girls cross country programs I'm feeling really good about it it's been really nice like getting to know like the guys team because in the past we' been very separate and it's just been good to get to know them and be able to one at awesome here with our stage manager for the fall play and they just did auditions so what is your play about this year yes so I'm Mason and our play this year is called still life with Iris and it's about It's a drama about a 10-year-old girl who loses her memory and we follow her imaginative Adventure as she tries to recover it hey thank [Music] you I'm here with the senior representative from the swim and D te hi I'm Claire and what is your favorite part of this so um I'm both swim and dive and my favorite part of the diving season so far is just getting back into the swimming and perfecting my four one and a half which is my favorite dive I'm really proud of the younger girls because they've been putting putting in so much effort and wi and learning pretty hard Dives and swimming is kind of just gaining strength for the end of the season and getting the goals that to awesome thank you we are here with Mr gloss and we would just like to know how your first week of being vice principal has been it's been awesome um like I I've been telling everybody the my favorite part of any school that I've ever been in whether I was a student or a teacher de a student principal um it's always school's are best when the kids are here and I have had a great first week and a half kind of um getting to know the students and trying to be all over the building and we have some amazing amazing people here in this building staff and students so really excited to be a part of the awesome and then our second question is if you had a walkup song When You Walked In walked into school what would it be all right um so I've I've actually talked about this with our staff we we did this activity um doing in this and I said I walking in I'm hoping that my walk up song I don't know who sings it but it's from the movie Dirty Dancing and it's I had the time of my life and I'm hoping that that will be my my walk up song when you ask me to say question in May I'm hoping that's the same answer but so far um that's how I feel I love coming here um being in here in the morning I love being able to see all the students and and support staff but um so far uh you know if think if you're in education and you really love it you're having the time of your life work is fun so yeah thank you so much awesome thank you good job good thank you and then that's it for us so thank you than you for listening for presentation now you get to listen to perfect conveniently all of those kids were in second hour comp so all out they're all in the same area which is really nice okay at this time we're going to move on to number 10 which is the flyer Pride cards and Dan would you start off with please first recipient is Jess jansky uh Behavior specialist coordinator Jess does an outstanding job of lead our committee through good through goal setting data analysis development of student recognition ideas programs and norms for running an efficient and smooth meeting I'm lucky to work with her Lyn gu recipient Lea rosi principal Leah has done an amazing job transitioning into her new role at Dr Knight she's been supportive to the new teachers in the building as well it's great seeing her interact and build relationships with theud students Lisa Brandon recipient Leah rosi Dr Knight principal it's very nice to have a full-time principal here she is great to all Lisa myam recipient Jess jansy middle school counselor Jess has done everything she can to help my trans transition from the high school go high school to the middle school go smoothly from helping with my room to making sure I understand the norms I know I can always reach out to her that's from Anna Ann gravy next recipient Gina Janine pansky secretary at Dr Knight thank you Janine for everything you do Dr Knight to keep Dr night running smoothly I don't know what I'd do without you you're a rock star from Glenda Davis and recipient is Early Childhood staff uh educ Early Childhood teachers and pars is the role thank you early childhood staff for your love dedication and kindness during the first few days of school as a parent dropping off to Littles at school was a lot however the cheers the smiles the have a good day comments to both of my kiddos was so reassuring you are all a rockstar team from Kayla guber and that's the last one I have recipient Ashley Zimmerman she's a student building per Ashley joined a Lincoln Elementary on the first day of school she has demonstrated a dedication to her new position her willingness to jump in has been appreciated Mr dolis recipient Lea rosi principle it's so wonderful to have someone here all day every day I love her involvement with the kids and the staff thank you krie McGee recipient Leah rosi principal do you want to come forward Leah I not ride anyone to handwriting looks all the same clearly more than they got a McDonald's card from Leah has made my transition to Dr Knight a fantastic experience she has been so friendly and inviting making sure I have what I need and checking in to see how it's going her enthusiasm is fantastic fastic JC britz Leah rasi this is as an administrator Leah is an outstanding Mentor for teachers who support them and encourages them to develop their leadership skills we are so lucky to have her Megan se minutes minute thank you recipient um yeah uh recipient Larry ederton Lindberg principal your willingness to work as a team is so help for all of the work that we do it is so nice to have meaningful conversations about what we can do to help our community and know what you will be um willing to help make those programs work thank you for your positive attitude Sarah rustad custom printing Chris and Jerry Handler Chris and Jeremy um have been amazing to work with as we get new materials rolling they are quick and efficient with high quality products I appreciate your top-of-the-line customer service thank you for ensuring the functional phonics materials were crafted with such high professionalism Lisa salber Glenn suver ground supervisor what a spectacular football field thank you Glenn for your hard work and dedication to Excellence in all you do Heidi BOS recipient Sabrina Handler uh she works at Lindberg I am appreciative of Sabrina's expertise and composure during the first week of school when dealing with Transportation concerns of our parents Larry ederton Miss rosi staff at Dr Knight would like to thank Miss Rosy for a fantastic Workshop week as well as a wonderful start to the school year Glenda Davis and Melanie Brown Lea Waltman a schoolage child care assistant recommended by Kayla grubert Lea Works in our before and after school age Child Care Program she makes great connections and builds strong relationships with all students she interacts with she takes charge and is willing to do whatever is needed to ensure success and safety for students thank you Leila Peter suska a special ed teacher is recommended by Cara Schilling Peter is such a great addition to Little Falls High School sped team he's hardworking smart kind and funny keep up the great work Peter recipient Brett chowski sped teacher um as recommended by Lisa Suber Brett strives to always support his students and grow in his understanding Brett is not afraid to reach out and ask for support when needed his students and our staff are lucky to have him at lfcs thank you Brett for all you do Glenda Davis Glenda Davis youth activity instructor and second grade teacher Glenda is always willing to offer great opportunities for the kids out in Randall after school she makes such a positive impact on their lives her commitment to Quality programming makes it easier to do my job I appreciate you Glenda that's from Sarah rustad let's see Danielle Machi pair professional thank you for your help this summer during a very stressful situation your ability to stay focused and calm was beyond helpful I appreciate you and that is Nurse Amanda I'm not sure where nurse Amanda at school she's at but um and then finally Leah rosi Miss Rosy has been a wonderful addition to our school her leadership style is appreciated by staff and students Miss rosi is amazing that's from Mark Fritz holy cow I've also got one for the principal of Dr Knight Rosy night positive present patient professional personable and that came from Whitney uh tuny h t t tuny and that one isn't different Inky least sh ederton social worker high school she has helped our entire staff at the high school learn and navigate the smart pass system and flex schedules we would have been lost without her thank you uh Stacy junk huh J not not junk JK I'm trying to get fired I think not yet Kelly Helton H H it looks like ha I'm sorry but custodian it's not the names it's the writing come on let's work on it oh I see somebody wrote out Tim Borg's one that's nice thank you for your help with cleaning up this up this summer your quick response was amazing and this was done by nurse Amanda Rusty gu assistant principal at the high school as a parent I am thankful that Rusty took an active role in supervising students at the football games your present was much appreciated Kelsey hog Tony Catherine special education teacher being a great leader and role model putting in extra time to make sure schedules are working and kids are well well as teachers are supported Lauren mattinson Martinson Addie McCoy special education teacher thank you for your help this summer during a very stressful incident your ability to maintain a calm atmosphere and the classroom was amazing nurse Amanda Eric leblock it teacher Little Falls Community High School has partnered with peers Royalton and upsot to provide the CPL course to 14 students from these neighboring schools Mr Leah is instructor and leading the way and that's by Mr borgi I have one a special education teacher Nikki Henry many thanks to you for your calm demeanor and quick thinking during an intense situation the Su this summer I am very grateful you were there to help nurse Amanda Lea Rosy hour again at Dr SG Knight the principal we love having a principal here all the time Leah is great with the kids and with the staff Cassandra Jensen Shan alol Lindberg Dena students Sean is a coordinator behind the daily announcements he was both fifth grade he has both fifth grade students and all the staff over the days and shares all the Daily News it's neat to discover these behind the scenes efforts I love learning all the awesome students that are engaged happening in our in our school from Chelsea Robinson Carol Potter our special director um sped director we are all and she's very special we are all so appreciative of your communication support and knowledge looking forward to a great year from Cara Schilling Rachel is it Kota a middle school teacher Rachel has been so helpful getting me set up to work in the middle school she's willingly sharing ideas and curriculum and is super supportive from an grvy surprise Miss rosi principal Leah plans plays a big role at Dr Knight she helps all over the school we love having a full-time principal Leah is so proud of her building Jackie Mages and Brandy flyshacker grounds and mailman Brandy always has a positive attitude and willing to help out whenever asked he is a valued asset to the school's team by Matthew bomb Angela hudek ECF teacher Ander Angela's passion for Early Childhood family education shines through in every interaction with her this summer Angela hosted daily ECFE classes around the community she put in a lot of hard work to make these classes happen thank you Angela for all you do Kayla grber Scott Orion's Tech coordinator with all the technology in our district it can be a lot to get everything working as it should Scott has worked tirelessly to troubleshoot and resolve issues all with a positive attitude and a smile on his face Scott is an Irreplaceable asset to the Little Falls Community Schools team thank you Scott Lisa sver Sarah under art teacher Sarah is an amazing colleague who checks in on and supports her fellow teachers she listens genuinely and goes above and beyond for students the high school is so lucky to have her Megan saniac Lea rosi principal thank you for being so flexible open and understanding thank you having you present and available in the building daily has been awesome I appreciate welcome and thank you for being at Dr Knight thank you Nurse staff high school special Ed Department I want to recognize and thank the special ed staff for their preparation and patience as we navigate the start of the school year our community is lucky to have you Mr bori and Leah rosi I really appreciate Leah's presence in our building she is in our classrooms and interacting with kids and staff Sarah Wester thank you for everybody who has um taken the time to fill out the flyer Prides where can people who want to do it find these cards any of our school district buildings in the main office okay make sure um board members that you've signed the ones that you were assigned to next we're going to go into the um presentation of the principal updates and we're going to do a little Shuffle from the list that's in here we're going to start with the high school for mror I think Le should do a give us some roller skates if I can Madam chair and board members just to summarize real quickly our principles are here and I thank you for being here to provide you with a quick update within their building areas of focus and then some measurable goals as they look ahead to start the school year thanks for being here Mr bori my pleasure my pleasure first of all I want to just start off and say um you saw firsthand what wonderful additions our new school board student reps are um I've worked with both of those two young Lees the last couple years in our principal and advisory committee and they have wonderful ideas and they really look out for the best interest of all kids so couldn't think of two better student reps so looking forward to hearing a even longer presentation next month just teasing so we're off to a great start I think like the district is uh we have a number of new staff that are making great impacts uh to our buildings and I just like to recognize all of them um we have a number of new special education teachers Cooper grass horn Kristen Huck Amy Roode Jolene churny and Peter Susa and they all have uh great mentors and are off to a wonderful start I just uh just so pleased about how well all five of those new special ed teachers doing uh we have uh two new additions to social studies Autumn fosterson and David Ross Autumn comes to us from sartel where she taught last year and David worked with Rusty at limberg and they're both just doing a bang up job kids really like them uh they're full of energy and uh great additions to our social studies Department um obviously everybody is aware of that we uh added a new math teacher and one of the things that I was really surprised about last spring when we were U interviewing teachers is that the number of quality candidates were available which really is an indication I think about a number of schools in the area were were doing going through budget cuts and so there were more quality candidates available last spring than probably I've seen in The Last 5 Years and two of them were Math teachers uh and joy was one of the the Math teachers that we hired to work specifically in special ed and so he went into the uh math department um when we when we had that opening and then the other new teacher that's at the CC is Sarah Salo just another wonderful high quality math teacher that's working at the CC and it's not listed um you know on the on the overhead and then our new Spanish teacher and ESL teacher is Joey simek um I'm really optimistic that Joey is going to build our our world language program back up to our was prior to co when we had two full-time Spanish teachers and then Co really unfortunately kind of destroyed that program um just by how we were able to offer or not offer programming and then of course I'm um thrilled to have Rusty in the building he's done a really nice job of being really visible and connecting with kids supporting staff and so he's off to a great start so that's our new staff our area of focus uh we talk about this in Workshop uh I call them our big rocks it's a Steven Cy term uh our our first big rock is teaching and learning and supporting the first priority in the Strategic plan uh which is what we're doing across the district and each building is implementing a PLC structure at the high school that's um happens once a once a month in the morning and then once a month during our Flex time uh developing and implementing our instructional framework which is the U Sarah Marshall model that we will be uh working I know Greg has already worked with the um teacher teacher leadership and implementing that instructional framework work uh the continuation of our disciplinary literacy that we uh we meaning the middle school and the high school started last year in conjunction with sourcewell uh and then Avid continued to be a main point of emphasis at the high school as we strive to become Avid schoolwide and one of the uh one of the new duties that Leah has of course is supporting Avid um District wide so appreciate the support she's able to continue to provide with with Avid one of the big things that we are looking at continuing to expand and again working with our partnership and sourcewell is developing acmy Pathways and Partnerships um where every student that graduates from Little Falls really has a plan after graduation we hope that each of those fourmies that we're going to have they will provide opportunities for college credit they'll provide articulation agreements with our local uh technical colleges they'll provide an opportunity for certification like we have CNA certification in our health um partnership right now or pathway right now that's really one of our most successful ones um I think uh Mark read the you know the CDL Class we've expanded now to include the county schools and Mr blah is working with there's 14 kids from UPS Piers Royalton that's part of our transportation pathway um it's really going well so we'll continue to expand and develop that with a program that the girls are familiar with School links everything schoolwide at the high school is going to be run through that program all of our registration information all of their College and Career Readiness plans all of their Community Services hours it's going to be the One-Stop shop and that's that's part of what we call flyer flight path I think this is year 14 for those of you who've been around a while for flyer I think it started 14 years ago we can continue to emphasize that as the building blocks of the culture and of our school and then flyer care is uh an acronym that we implemented a couple years ago when we became more trauma informed that emphasizes Community communication awareness uh relationships and empathy when we deal with our students and then a big change at the high school again the girls all lightting on their on their PowerPoint was um number of changes in the high school which includes creating a student center where the old main office is moving the main office to near door one welcoming our cc to the high school which has been just seamless um a number of Staff members said you don't even know they're there that was the intention year one is to make it as self-contained as possible that's really going well uh and then just you know managing all of those changes through student management those are the big rocks at the high school are measurables these are very similar to the 203 24 school year uh we want 100% of our ninth graders to achieve what we call adequate yearly progress uh be on track to graduate and so you need 50 credits to graduate from the high school which averages out to be 12.5 credits a year so we want to make sure that every one of our kids can have at least 12 and a half credits which mean they'll all be on track after 9th grade to graduate and then of course we want all of our seniors to uh to graduate with with 50 uh credits Andor meet their personal requirements for graduation and then 100% of our 12th grade students will have a a postgraduate post high school graduate plan where again roughly in Little Falls from year to year it's about 50% of our kids will go onto a four or twoyear school and the other 50% will go into the world of work so those 50% that are going into the world to work we want to make sure that they have skills to offer the workforce whether that's a real solid foundation in the the soft skills of punctuation and being able to follow directions working collaboratively with people and be able to communicate effectively and then you know have our of our students that are going off to college and universities the skills to be successful in a college environment so those are our goals for the year any questions or comment for Mr bori thank you for the update on especially on the CC yes thank you hear that yeah it's been a great it's been great next we will move into the middle school and if I can note on the CC side of things they will be here in October for an update great thank you I just need to preface it was um our dress up today day today was I woke up this way so it's pajama day today I don't normally dress this way this is not my normal attire so um but yes excited to be here so um I'll start with some new up new staff we have two new staff to the district we have a new vocal music teacher or choir teacher Melissa Carl and then we also have Steph patod a school social worker Steph uh lives in our community and has been commuting for a while so now she's kind of coming home her kids attend the Little Falls district so we're very happy to have her um also Heather wnac a student support specialist that helps us out with just building supervision and things like that so we also brought over Tony coocher and Lori Larsson from uh Lincoln Elementary uh Aaron gastei we are splitting with the High School uh to provide some agriculture classes for our middle school students um and then also Ann gravy um as mentioned in some of her nominations she is transitioning from high school science teacher to middle school science teacher so um we're very happy to have them with us in our building areas of focus very similar to what uh Mr bori had mentioned we are partnering with sourcewell for I believe this is the second year we're providing disciplinary literacy professional development so right now we have six professional development days in our calendar and then we also I offer a staff meeting every month uh for our staff and we're using both of those Avenues to not only partner with um some trainings from sourcewell but also we have a lot of our teachers in our Middle School are very skilled in some of this so they're actually sharing some of their own resources uh to share with staff during that time um so we're also working on Avid strategies same goal as the high school we're in we offer Avid electives at the middle school but with um learning about the different instructional strategies and we're trying to become a schoolwide Avid school so again with the support of Lea rasi um our school has um some goals that are related to developing and becoming more of an avid schoolwide program PLC implementation the goal this year districtwide is to have our teams meet in smaller teams more frequent meetings and focus on areas of curricular alignment student achievement data and uh coming up with common assessments so that our teams are working much more closely together again with that goal in our strategic Vision about aligning highlevel content and curriculum so that's all a part of what we're doing um new to us this year but we're I think that's going to really improve some of our teaching and learning strategies as well as mtss we're really looking at different ideas on strengthening our multi-tiered systems of support uh mde is really kind of pushing these multi- tiered systems in schools to help best not only identify kids who are struggling right away but also delivering a tiered system of support so that it's just a part of what they get when they're starting to struggle so that um so we're implementing that and and trying to kind of uh create that system um here we're also in year two of character strong this is social emotional learning curriculum this actually helps fit with our mtss because it develops um so on the academic side of things tier one is all about the core learning that students get that's uh identified by state standards on the behavior or social emotional side of things character strong is teaching students all about how those pieces how we kind of interact with others social situations we talk a lot about just getting along with others bullying different topics and so that education really helps kind of fit that system uh as well and then of course also as Mr Bor had mentioned we are in I can't believe we're in year 14 of PBIS flyer Pride but positive behavior interventions and supports is what that stands for and that has been a program it's been tried and true we've had it for 14 years um essentially what that is it's a common set of expectations that students follow so um positive attitude safety respect and responsibility and everything that we talk about ties back to that set of common expectations um so those are kind of the big things that we're working on this year so and then measurable action items we also have a 100% of students will achieve at least one year of a reading growth uh in our school that's a goal of ours and then our Avid site team has just established three goals as well and our site team is going to continue to share those Avid strategies during the days of professional development along with our disciplinary literacy we have sort of like a toolbox for teachers like a slideshow that we're using so we're adding to that tools toolbox throughout the year as well and then another another goal that we have is that all staff will use a disciplinary literacy strategy at least once a month by the end of the 2425 school year um and then we also have all staff will have 100% of their advisees participate in the College and Career Digital notebook once per week in the month of January and all staff will offer some sort of a College and Career speaker in the month of January again kind of really U making sure that our students are prepped for whether that's college career the workforce Avid is really a program that helps instill those skills in kids the whole child more than just the academic piece more than just the College and Career piece it's really that whole well-rounded child so yeah any questions about that sounds like a very busy very busy thank you than you thanks D and now our star of the night Leah Dr KN so I had on pamas too this morning they had puppy dogs all over them but see I live in town I don't live in backs here so I I could go home and um yeah Dr Bo should have joined in on the part you should have yeah uh Dr SG Knight um new face is not new to the district we have uh Jackie Fritz as our kindergarten teacher Sarah West's first grade third grade is Whitney Toney um we have Michelle bring in the afternoon um doing fed Christine mson is coming out once a week and doing art all day in the kitchen we added a new assistant Lisa student worker who's been a big help this summer has been Ben Huer and he's actually getting some after school hours too so that's very nice um preschool perah we hired um jod Lawson was just a point2 Lun trim last year and now she's point6 in the preschool and it's fun seeing her transition to that role um and then myself um our current enrollment there are the numbers sure they've grown a little bit since the summer so that's it's nice to see that um students are getting to know the routines each other there's a lot of new faces in the building um for teachers and staff myself um the feel of having a person full-time there obviously you read on the cards they really appreciate that I I just show up and I don't know um the Kaa is uh KN Education Association is the PTA out at Dr Knight um we've had a little bit of movement in president and whatnot um and they're very excited and very involved um and pumped to get the school year started with um a few things we started a fundraiser chair USA they want to raise $10,000 so the kids got all their info for that um that's done on October 4th um they're also giving funds for new GaGa ball mats and we're going to be moving them and people in the Community are super excited to help volunteer to put the gravel down and move the M move the Gaga pits so I really appreciate and like their involvement in the school um a reading and math Assessments in the elementary are currently taking place they're kind of wrapping up um we've adopted the new Fast Bridge assessment um and our wind teachers or interventionist teachers have been highly trained on how to um Implement these assessments with fidelity um we have kind of like a they call it the power team they they went around to every Elementary building um so like all the wi teachers from each Elementary teamed up and just is a nice process because it gets done quicker and I think they're done with that now so now our intervention our wi teachers are kind of going through the data to figure out you know which kids need support um classroom teachers are digging into the I ready math curriculum um Big Ideas and then the functional phonics is our new reading um curriculum um so they had training for that on Workshop um it's nice seeing every classroom teacher have the same consistent what they're supposed to be doing to help our kids and I know that was something that we really wanted across the district um our it's been a big conversation homecoming week I'm sure the other principles can attest to that um it's very early this year so um plans are already being made even in August as far as everything that goes into organizing homecoming um our fifth grade group is excited to have a float in the prade this year they're super excited to throw candy and whatnot you know Dr KN is its own special entity out in Randall so anytime that we get the opportunity to feel kind of connected or a part of the district is always awesome um teacher plcs have been student and data Focus while working on consistent and aligning goals I was very impressed with my staff last Thursday we met for the first time and just their collaborative conversations that they had around um what we wanted for our classroom goals or PLC goals um and moving forward with that hopefully seeing growth and progress are is a focus um with a lot of new people in the building um I think building that climate culture and camarad within within the staff is important um Greg said to me when um I got the opportunity to go to docton night I just want you to be present invisible I mean that's just my nature anyways but in the classrooms making sure people are supported and taken care of um was a number one for me um increased Community connections family engagement involvement in the Kaa um I've been to the Lions meeting last week I didn't ask for money I just went to introduce myself and this Thursday I'm going to the VFW meeting of course Gary gon's been cooking us up with Community people so I just feel like the the buzz and the energy is pretty positive in the community and I just want to continue that feel um provide meaningful professional development um hats off to Lisa salber for all the organization that she's put into helping our teachers get what they need for the school year um obviously Chris you know the last year had a lot to do with that but letters training organization of those and all the phases for the teachers fast f training fun functional phonics um and just really helping our teachers feel confident having that teacher efficacy to go into rooms and be like I know what I'm doing I'm going to support my kids so continue to strive for a strong connection with LOL and lber I called Larry today we touched Bas quite a bit Larry Chris and I so it's nice um and then ensure that Safety and Security is a top priority and we've been kind of rocking the lockdowns and the fire drills and the crisis go roster events and all that trying to figure out the glitches I feel there's just more focus on that this year now that we're in a second year with crisis go measurable action items for us um teachers in every Elementary building for plc's meet two times a month um and it's within their contracted day so that that's nice um conversation topics are curriculum alignment common assessments planning student data and using that data to make sure our students are supported um and then obviously student concerns and I mean it can get a little tricky when you look at like the special ed staff how do you put them in plc's and the specialist teachers and um you know just getting to be creative and helping them build their goals for ples um 100% of our students will show growth in reading and math um and this will be measured by comparing fall the spring data uh with MCA data and fast bridge data and then it's Kim Marshall not Sarah Marshall temps with Sarah Marshall and I laugh that's a movie but Kim Marshall's teacher evaluation model is a model that we decided to go with as an admin team um to observe our teachers to make sure that they are um highly effective in the classroom um we picked some components that we thought were um special and important to us what we what we want to see our teachers improve on and then as administrators um we get to be in the classrooms and give them um constructive feedback on um how to be the best they can be and also we learn a lot by going into other people's classrooms too pretty some see some pretty cool ideas so and then informal walkthroughs will take place um I have a few resources that I kind of want to share out with staff there's a Avid walkthrough form that is pretty easy for administrators to fill out and give the um staff like immediate feedback on something they see in their classroom so those are my items any questions sounds like it made a great impact thank you yeah I also you know the mentorship stuff new teachers I oversee them so I don't want to get into it too much but we had a really positive um two days of Workshop before Workshop week um last week I had the opportunity to be in the middle school and the high school and I went around to every room and had conversations and connected with them so I'm not at Dr Knight 100% of the time maybe like 95% of the time so um and then the Avid stuff too so thank you thank you thanks Le next we'll go into Lindberg School Larry good evening lar uh so just a few updates I did not list all the new staff uh new to Lindberg for the fact that we only had one slide to be able to put it all in there um so it's just new staff to our district uh we have Jennifer Peter Shand in special education and then Matthew cell as well another special education teacher um we still currently have a posting out there for a fourth grade position but um it still has not been filled and we also have a posting out uh for head custodian and still in the process of doing those interviews as well um right now we're just bit wrapping up our assessments just like you've heard with the students and then now the real work will start to begin where we take a look at that data and um then we come up with um a plan that will align with our with the district strategic plan of how are we going to get um our students from point A to point B in reaching the goals that I'll share with you here in a little bit um my opinion we're off to a fantastic start it's busy um no day is ever the same but um um it the transition has gone far smoother than I would have ever anticipated and that's just a thank a thanks to um the great staff that we've assembled at Lindberg and then um our families being um gracious and uh allowing us a little Grace period of to get acclimated and and kind of set into to some of our structures and routines so um uh one big thing that's um been really nice is um the ptas at the elementary schools for uh Lincoln and Lindberg and also their Early Childhood now joined to be one PTA um they'll kick off a fundraiser starting next week um some of those um fundraisers items are going to um for like at Lindberg we'll put in um a GaGa ball pit and you already saw that earlier the board minutes that they purchased a book vending machine at the schools it's just awesome we had our first uh first tokens handed out uh on Friday uh last week uh to those kids to go down to the book vending machine so creates a lot of excitement so um some areas of focus that uh align with our strategic plan that I have in place for myself these are my my own goals for the staff uh the one is providing that instructional leadership and and getting our kids to to grow and um obviously again that 100% be reading at a great level proficiency it's a lofty goal but um we do have set benchmarks throughout the year so each month there's something each quarter uh each semester so there's benchmarks along the way of how we're going to get to to that goal um goal two I think is probably one of my bigger ones it sounds simple but it's my one of my bigger goals is building that Community when you blend a new staff like we have um new families to the school um it's a pretty big task and we want them to feel welcome and a part of that new Lindberg family and so that one um is is a big one this year trying to build build that community so we have things planned um of how we'll get there um and these are some of the measurable items that uh of how we'll get to some of those goals um taking a look at our fast bridge data that I already talked about and setting goals the staff will set goals for themselves but they'll also meet with kids and um set goals the kids will set individual goals um for themselves along along the way um we've already mentioned about plc's each grade level teams is meeting and having that conversation all centered around um reaching these goals of that academic achievement um and then we're looking for that one-year growth or better um based off of our fastbridge data and um R ready data so again we're just getting those Assessments in place and estab establishing those benchmarks and then uh we grow from there um and again how we get there is you know those those um observations and getting around and and having scheduled walkthroughs uh getting around the building and I will tell you this this is my first time in 13 years here in Little Falls and then first time prior to that was in distri uh for seven years so in 20 years I've never been assigned to one school and so I'm still learning of how to be a principal when you only have one building you don't have to go off to two um so I'm still still struggling with that and and and finding not that I have hard time filling time um but it's it's it's been an interesting adjustment to just one building and I'm excited Mr would you just briefly the vending machine the book with the books yes is that for students to take books home for their home library or is it yeah it's a free book um and they they get the coins so we tied it with um our flyer Pride so when they get a flyer Pride ticket um uh the students come to the office and we have five or six baskets in the office with different pictures where they can turn that ticket into one of those baskets and it's each basket is a different prize and one of those prize is a token for the book vending machine and so we hand out um three each week and so those kids get that token they can go down and put it in the vending machine and select the book of their choice and that book is for them to keep and how is that budgeted in for you so right now the initial um filling of the vending machine was done by our PTA and moving forward it'll be a part of um what's the the Toma fund so we're working with our media center uh putting together lists of high interest books for that age level um and then um Neil's going to kind of doing a little experiment of books that you he thinks that might be good and they'll be paperback in our vending machine and if they're a hot seller a hot item then he'll purchase hard copies for our media center so uh we're working with our media center to continue to supply thank you you're welcome any other questions I just any hiccups with the grade level banding I mean um the the only the only Hiccup and that's on me is um when we the the pickup um after school pickup did not go very well the first day we had all kinds of glitches and we modified it adjusted so the first day pickup we we took uh we're dismissed at 3:10 and we were uh having kids getting picked up until 3:30 it was that slow process we now have it down where all our kids last kids are picked up um at 320 at the latest our early has been uh 318 318 so we have it down to 8 minutes but as far as in the school and anything during the school day and stuff it's it's been a great transition I I can't say anything but good is Lindberg and Lincoln doing here pick up the same do you guys have the same process or are they different similar similar I know Chris made some adjustments um and I think we' all made some kind of adjustments um but um we just kept tweaking like at Lindberg we just kept tweaking um the existing plan modifying it trying to improve um a few things and plus sometimes you have to allow for the system to work itself out because it is so new and um so I I think we're getting there I I mean we're we're getting done with pickup before the buses are leaving the parking lot so I think right now from where we started to where we are now we're in a pretty good place good excellent thank you thank you thanks lar and Lincoln School Chris here do you mind Jan Chris is unable to be ear you got Lincoln I will do both and early childhood GA is spread thin between both programs so J take it away thank you you bet all right so um I have been spending a lot of time at Lincoln Elementary with my early learning coordinator position so I'll do my best to speak to um updates and um things like that at Lincoln Elementary so new hires that we have this year Elizabeth Hansen was uh late in the game hire for a kindergarten teacher so that added a six section of kindergarten which has been wonderful to have um Ashley Zimmerman um had a flyer Pride card but she is our new um student building PA professional she has done a wonderful job supporting that role and um running around all day um supporting students as well Patricia shuid is a new kitchen assistant as is my anemi so super happy to have them both enrollment as you can see um kindergarten we have 125 students grade 1 120 and grade two 119 um programming and professional development focuses for this year um these are terms that if you walk around you'll hear a lot um teachers are getting comfortable a lot of the glitches are getting worked out and this is for both I already math functional phonics and letters um we haven't delved into letters too much quite yet um but the teachers are getting getting really comfortable with both of those other new assessment and curriculum things um Aries the focus for this school year is um we want to see growth from 100% of our students meeting them where they are those Young Learners um and so um looks like Chris kind of um measured these out focused to the Strategic plan so the first one being teaching and learning um just being consistent and aligned and um being in the building being in kindergarten first second grade um as I mentioned I'm hearing these terms I math and functional phonics which I think is really important that the students even are exposed to that so they have an understanding of the curriculum that's being used um wi time is something that the students are experiencing um and really meeting students where they at where they're at with language arts and math and so giving them more of a personalized learning approach whether they need more support or need to be pushed a little bit further and then as the other leaders have spoke to just so Stadium style plcs and so really getting everybody in the same location so we can have more of a collaborative approach um no matter what the great is St Safety and Security one thing that has been tremendously helpful is backpack tages for all students and this is really helpful that if a student is walking down the hallway at the end of the day and we're maybe unsure of where they need to be um it's looking at their backpack T and having an understanding of where where we can be to support them um the staff on walkie-talkies making sure that students are um handed off in a safe manner um so the backpack takes have been wonderful um to have being really mindful of making sure that our staff even substitutes are wearing ID badges when they're in the building just to make sure that people who are present in the building are allowed to be there securing doors and then um like other leaders have spoke to just doing our required drills with crisis go um with wellness and mental health making sure that we are centered on flyer Pride it's been really fun to see how quickly the kindergarten students have caught on to flyer pride and how much accountability they have with trying to earn flyer pride tickets that's been really fun to see and then with um supporting Communications with our families teachers have been sending a s'more newsletter so their first update went out last week and so that again is a very helpful consistent way that parents can expect that classroom letter from teachers on a consistent basis and then principles doing their more update on a monthly basis highlight what's going on in the building and then measurable action items again linked to all of the curriculum pieces so just hoping that um and striving for 100% growth with all students in each of those um areas for IR math and fast Bridge thank you thank you very much yeah and then I'll cover Early Childhood as well double duty double duty yep so early childhood we also had a couple new hires so we have a small team um we were able to hire a new speech language pathologist this year which they are hard to come by so it was wonderful that we were able to secure one Grace Sagel she's a fresh grad from UMD so it's been wonderful to have her join our team and then we also hired an early childhood special education teacher tresa gesell um and she has been a wonderful addition to our team as well um it's also wonderful we have a couple of students who are doing um on the job training um an intern from CLC who's getting some hour so it's been nice to have some other faces in our building that um just have an interest in early childhood um and just looking you know hoping that we can support them hopefully to um selecting a career in that path down the road um our enrollment so we have 33 year olds in our building so they attend preschool half days a couple days a week and then we also have 97 four and 5y- olds in our building so we have a a big bunch of little ones and it's been really amazing to see how quickly they've caught on to our daily routines for those who attend full day school going down to the lunchroom at l in and and doing all the things that the bigger kids do so it's been very fun to see them catch on to those routines um another exciting update is voluntary prek um this is a means of funding that we were able to get from the state and so this was a way that we were able to offer 60 um spots of preschool that were at no cost to family so typically preschool isn't funded by the state and so families do need to pay tuition um but this was a way to offer 60 seats for families to not have to pay so it was nice to be able to increase access to preschool for some families um it is only eligible for um four-year-old students are the only ones eligible for that so three-year-old families and those who are five and still elect to come to preschool do pay tuition but um that was a huge relief for a lot of families to to be offered that um we also have scholarships that we're able to offer to families another big undertaking for our teachers this year is undergoing TS gold training and so this is an assessment tool that we have to use that the state requires they give us four options to choose from TS gold is the most widely used option in the state and so we elected to go with it for that reason because it is one of the most popular but it's um more of a dynamic way to collect um data on students through videos pictures um things like that and so um it's just a way again that um doing this assessment just opens up doors for us to be able to offer scholarships and things like that to our students and then we're also in our second year of pyramid which is another state funded thing um a way that we're able to offer a tiered approach to supporting that social emotional development with our early Learners areas of focus for us this school year is now that we have all of the kindergarten students in Lincoln Elementary is just focusing on that supportive transitions for students and so it's been I'm helpful in my role to see those students who are in preschool last year and have moved to kindergarten that there if there are any questions that maybe staff have that if we can we have people on site that can answer those questions and support that transition so that has been very helpful um as I mentioned just working on that data collection with TS gold it's brand new for our teachers but that will be a big Focus for us this school year um because it's going to help Drive how we meet students and how we can tailor learning to to meet their unique needs um with pyramid and again that social emotional learning we're going to continue to work on parent engagement and and communication so finding ways to get parents to see all the great things that are going on in preschool finding ways that they can get involved and then also just working on our um Behavior incident reporting so we can support students social emotional skills and then as Larry mentioned Early Childhood was gracious graciously welcomed into the PTA group um which has been very helpful as soon as we would kind of get rolling with some PTA things in early childhood when we only have students for a couple years we would get started and then those students would transition off to Elementary so it'll be very nice to have more of a more continuity with parents getting involved very young and hopefully following that through all the way through elementary school and then our measurable action items um with our early Learners we're getting um we're hoping for 100% growth with recognizing and naming letters that is really linked to those ear early literacy skills and getting those kids to um read by the time they're in elementary school so um we're going to strive towards um measuring that data through what the state sets as Early Childhood indicators of progress and then also with our TS gold gives us another means to measure that and collect data in some unique ways and then ways that we will work towards that 100% growth is again through plc's our teachers meeting two times a month and that Stadium style we're going to be alongside kindergarten first and second grade so we can also collaborate with them which will be really great um I I'll be doing weekly walkthroughs to support teachers along with any questions they have with our new data collection system and then also working towards um bi-weekly student assistant team meetings that's a way that we can really capture students who might be struggling and find ways to support them really early on um whether it be through just more um more support in the setting um or maybe thinking about the special education route if it needs to go that way comments questions and in your spare time not much of that nowadays but we'll get there thank you thank you homecoming corination hopefully I'll be over there in a little while okay well hopefully we'll see you in a little bit than you yeah thank you guys so much we'll look forward to seeing you next month yeah see you guys have a good rest of your meeting you can watch it online I will I [Music] will okay number 12 we're going to move into our superintendent's report please I'll keep it short I I did note that the flyer Pride card started at 5:22 and it's 618 a fabulous job absorbing all that information so thank you board members um I do want to just highlight Leah shared this as she was walking out out the door right here I thought you left can't get away with anything no I I do want to not and and even Larry Larry edgerton's comment about the importance of having a principle in a building and even though it was stated numerous times in the flyer Pride s Leah is at Dr KN all the time but she does have additional duties and she touched on those she's a she's supporting our new teachers through our mentorship program she is our assessment coordinator so when we start taking the assessments MCA Assessments in January and February she'll be quarterbacking that and then she is our five4 coordinator and five we sometimes have 504 plans with students and it's important important to have a consistent person in charge of that coordination so thank you Leah for all the work you're doing in multiple areas and Abit passionate about Abit yes you are keep it up and we're exploring a little bit as time goes on too there's an elementary component to have it that we might dig into what a great connection fourth and fifth grade teacher start it up cool our enrollment is pretty steady when you look at our student count we're at 2,433 students today that includes preschool and CC students last year at this time we had did I I did not jot that down about 15 more students but I want to note that we don't have as many preschool students this year as we did last year because of some programming changes at Dr Knight if you remember we have as many numbers out there as we've had in the past so if you factor that in it's pretty equal and so when you hear us talk about slow steady declining enrollment for us to have enrollment that actually is the same as last year is a pretty good thing I do want to touch on Transportation just really quickly it wouldn't be I it wouldn't be a normal start to a school year to not have to work through some challenges with Transportation with that said I don't want to diminish some of the challenges that we've had this year as we've started the school year and there's really three major changes that have taken place within Transportation the first change you folks heard about in August with the changes to make sure that we've created a safe and secure system so that when we transport students between our buildings they're not walking all place they either go to the bus on the right or the left or stay on the bus that they're on I've observed that numerous times and it's working extremely well parent pickup again you go to any school where there's parent pickup across the state and nation and you will see long lines and a slow process but usually things work out I know that at at Lincoln we've worked really hard with our youngest children to have a safe and secure plan we don't want any students to disappear even if it's for five minutes or 10 minutes on the wrong bus or in the wrong car and unfortunately our little ones tend to do that more than our older ones so that hence the little bit tighter procedures that we have in place and really the biggest hiccup has been our registration process for transportation this year the last day of school last spring we pushed out an online registration system to our families we had had a surge of families completed and then we did not do a real effective job throughout the course of the summer reminding parents who didn't fill it out to fill it out and then we discovered that the middle of August pushed out information to families and you can imagine how we were flooded with registrations and it was almost an impossible task to get folks scheduled and communicate with those families and that's why we that's where the breakdown took place place that's where you heard feedback that's where I heard feedback and I feel like we've made steady progress and that's improved and we certainly will not have that happen again next year so really appreciate your patients board members and especially our families patience as we work through that with that I think you've listened enough tonight that's all I have Madam chair okay um the next one was uh 131 the property tax levy that was an action item and that is being um hold and then the special session will be called before September 30th to review with that um the next I need a motion to approve a set the truth and Taxation meeting date as of for December 16th and it would be at 6: p.m. and have a motion please this is what we do every year I'll make motion okay motion and a second second any questions comments concerns hearing none all of those in favor of December 16th being our truth and Taxation meeting signify by saying I I opposed next action item is the agreement for advertising banners activity fundrais and who has all the information I can speak to that um this year as we've looked to who as we've reduced some budgets and the activities department has made reductions within their budgets they've also come forward with a means of raising revenue to support their programming and so a really I think clever idea not anything unique to Little Falls you see it in other districts where there's advertising on baseball field softball field football field fences and so we're asking your support board members to be able to move ahead with um asking our business partners who are interested to sign on for a two-year agreement to have a banner made to be displayed at any one of our three fields that have fences and again it would be a two-year agreement the businesses would work with Froggies they would pay for the banner and we would provide the location for them to advertise I need a motion for this before discussion a motion please and is second second may we have a motion in a second does anybody have any comments questions or concerns about this I do okay um so in reading through it they get a location so if they want multiple locations they need to pay for multiple correct signs correct okay that was the one thing I assumed but it wasn't clarify spelled out we talked a little bit had the policy and student functions meeting and that was one of the questions that came up and Kevin was pretty clear that they would pay for both I sent you an email earlier today I'm wondering if we really want the contracts to end on July 1st or I think that's what it said July 1st just because you're right in the middle of like heavy summertime on those athletic fields Ronnie maybe a calendar year well maybe but you're not going to want to go out in December and take them down wondering if you want to do like August 31st I don't know it was just a thought and is and is this something that will be everybody does it at the same time or will they be staggered it could be some staggering I'm assuming as people sign up at different times yeah I'm assuming it'll end up being because one business might not start until February another one might start in May so it's going to be whatever date they have their Banner ready to up and I would assume Kevin Jord would follow that what's that I would assume then Kevin Jordan would correct might need to be a spreadsheet with the tracker with the formula that says is it pro rated until the end of that year or is it my understanding they start yes up front and we can be flexible if someone is concerned about that transition time we can push it back and M no this is an action item this evening so we'll be calling for a vote does anybody have any concerns about that hearing none then all in favor of accepting um an agreement for them to move forward with this advertisement banners signify by saying I I opposed and next I'm going to say kudos to the policy committee there's seven more policies on the agenda tonight for us all to review but they're short yeah they're short they're short so put me to sleep too quick you GNA read all those to us Kelsey okay but for those that are listening at home the policies they're going to be reviewing staff development standards assessment of student achievement graduation requirements annual audit establish and Adoption of School District budget modification of School District budget and internet technology and cell phone acceptable use and safety policies and this is the first time it's brought to us so committee thank you and going forward with that hey number 14 old and unfinished business we um had discussion at last month's meeting on the solar project um I need a motion in a second before discussion on that a motion so moved and a second second okay we have a motion in a second any comments questions concerns or thoughts that you've had since last month's meeting um last month's meeting I think we were we just did the vote to move forward with the actual Grant process Grant process I was under the understanding we were going to have two or three months before we went forward with the actual approval um so I was kind of surprised to see it on on this agenda but did we ever get any actual information from other schools programs in regards to how their systems are performing as far as what they're producing and what they're saving compared to what they were projected I spoke to four school districts in the last few days and I don't have actual numbers and I I agree with you you Dan if and i' I've emailed the person from ideal energy but I do think we have a cushion of time where we if the board chooses to approve it tonight they certainly can if we if we want to wait a month we can do that as well I've talked to Proctor Maple Lake Bloomington and Lakeville Lakeville thank you former School Board Little Fall Schoolboard memb is the business manager of Lakeville but they all spoke positively about the partnership with ideal they were easy to work with they really managed the project well from the stand point where it didn't take District staff time to be able to to have to watch that they all feel that it's a win-win for them from the revenue side of it as well as the curriculum and educational piece of it um the initial about the closest thing to I received from one District was initially the the revenue is for them what ini was break even with their lease payments okay and he attested that to lack of sunshine over the course of the one of the years that they had but the rest I think it was Lakeville said they made $50,000 last year on their largest school most of these schools have projects that are on their roofs and in multiple buildings in their district and I I could pass this around this is the list of the districts in Minnesota and the number of projects that they have in their schools but I I don't have specific comparisons to what they were projected from revenue Dan okay Dan do you feel would you be more comfortable if we table this till next month if Greg doesn't feel that this that that we're up against a timeline I think it'd be wise to take another month to to actually try and get more solid data on what on what we're looking at as far as the other districts cuz like some of them it sounds like they're quite a bit larger than what ours ours are so that's going to have a big fluctuation in the in the revenue also so if you get a chance go to Maple lak's website and they have a link at the top of their main page um I can't remember what it's under but it's it's solar project and you can go to their website and I believe they have four different projects in their district and they have YouTube videos that show the projects and show how they're performing you said Lakeville Maple Lake Maple Lake how long have they had it oh it's been a it's been a little while yeah did any of these schools have concerns or anything no what Maple Lake said was they had a really a positive thing was they had this past Spring and Summer with the amount of sun that we've had they've been able to build credits for the winter ahead was one thing that they know notice within their system all of them made reference to the curriculum connection the only thing that did say one District did say the project took a little bit longer to complete than what they thought I think one advantage for us is that it's a ground mount versus a a building Mount which which we need to do because of the age of our hor y it's good to see there's a lot of small schools vote tonight were we accepted for the grant to help pay for this or is this just to continue in the grant process continuing the grant process okay I so we're away from a final decision correct yeah I mean we still have one more vote to take Dan did you catch what Mark just said oh no I was just this is we we haven't been approved for the grant yet this is still a a process to get see if we get approval going with it right so we're not voting tonight this isn't the final vote anything it's just okay yeah no problems what's the next step what are we approving then in the end so we'll hear back from ideal as they put together all the information that were approved by the state of Minnesota and the Commerce Department to move forward once that's official we have you have to at some point say we're all in we are committing to this lease agreement to install Sol panels we haven't officially done that like Dan said at the very beginning we've agreed to move move ahead with the grant process I think another step of the grant process so is this an actual another step then or no this is just we're still waiting okay so this really is nothing then no so then this would be tabled essentially until next month or whenever we approved right once you're approved then you're going to get these documents are going to have to be approved by the board and you're going to get um if if we get the full funding that being requested then you know all of the actual numbers can get firmed up thanks Mark we want to change the motion to be tabled till next month or tabled until we get the approval like he was saying the actual because we already voted and approved to move forward with it so now we're just waiting for the numbers so I'd amend the motion to wait until we hear from my deal okay on the status of our grant I will second that okay we have a motion and a second on the floor anybody have questions about the revised motion hearing none all those in favor with postponing a final vote on this signify by saying I I I opposed thank you Dan did you second that one Madam chair can I yes chime in out of order probably um we talked about you talked about the leby report and we've we've tabled that because the levy reports have been not ready not ready they've been changed multiple times by the state information's been left off this is really a unique year for school districts it's not just impacting Little Falls it's all around the state we had hoped to have a levy report run by 3:00 today and it didn't happen but I just received an email at 552 that updated Levy reports have been posted to the website so Chris if he isn't Chris muic our business manager if he isn't looking at it already he'll look at it first thing in the morning and I'm under the assumption that this report will will have up to-date data for Little Fall schools and our Levy report that you can approve we should probably set a date to for that special meeting to be able to approve the levy the initial Levy in fact before folks disperse here tonight okay you thinking another week or well I know that we have a board member that will be out of town next week yeah you know you have my support if uh I'm gone to approve the initial um if it doesn't work the schedule something this week well can we go at it when as soon as this comes in this information comes in you do a message and we and give us a couple dates and because I think this uh policy-wise we need to give since it's going to be a special meeting we need what 72 hours correct so we need to find out from Chris tomorrow morning if we were going to do it and then Friday and you leave what 23rd I leave next Monday yeah I'll be gone at 6:30 in the morning so and you come back when 4th of October which is after the 30th and this is got to be done before the 30th okay understood so if we're going to do it we got to do it this week they have if it requires does it just require a majority or is it or does it require just majority okay so we'll I'll have Chris look at it and I'll message you folks we'll try shoot for a special meeting Friday if he's not comfortable with Friday we look at early next week maybe wrap it around the homecoming parade I've got the hospice sale going on at the same that's maybe you're on a float I'll be floa thank you for that Madam chair okay okay so at this time we will just wait until we receive message from district office and go forward with that at this time we're going to call for reports from board members and Dan would you start all right um I was able to meet with Mr ederton last week over at limberg and uh he kind of stole my thunder with this whole update here earlier and then Doug and Kelsey with your two questions is kind of took everything I really had but he did leave he didn't get one thing and uh he said he was very pleased to get an actual evaluation himself for his personal professional development for Mr John he has not had one in over 13 years so he was very happy about that and then when go back 13 years and then when I asked him about the whole intermixing with the kids from both schools and everything he said he couldn't have pictured it going any better he said it's just been absolutely amazing I mean you could walk out on that playground any given point in time and you would not have any idea which kids were from which school beforehand there it's it's going very well so that's all I got thank you I met with Mr dois last week um and a lot of the things that jna talked about tonight on behalf of um Chris he talked about as well um he too struggled with Transportation the first week of school and parents were getting calls Sunday night to we're changing things and it seems like it's going quite a bit better right now um he did talk about a couple challenges he's having with Staffing um some building uh facility type things that they're they're getting challenged with but um staff have really come together quite nicely and um yeah the grade level banding teachers don't talk about it but they're they're all one team at this point so he's really excited about that um I also met with Miss Tomas and I met with Jan last week as well and um they have a lot going on with those little kids but they um I think all parents and the staff are very excited that the pavement has the parking lot for parents has been paved and the fence is down so we can um get our little ones to where they need to be quite quite a bit safer so that that was good um the book vending machines are really exciting at Lincoln got to see those um the the grant that Jana applied for I think a lot of parents were super excited they found out about it at um registration night where they got to go register their kid and by the way you get free preschool this year not all parents were able you know not all the kids were eligible for that but it was super super great news to hear at a registration event so that was super exciting and that's thank you for sharing that that's kudos to Jana who took the initiative to apply for that on behalf of the district that's those are dollars that are sitting there from the state she did say that they have applied for it your you know previous years and we just hav't got it but for whatever reason this year we got it so we were really excited about that that's that's huge so good good for all the families involved awesome Doug nothing to report Mark nothing to report um the only thing I'm going to mention is on when you came today thank you Mr Johnson for making sure everybody got your recognition for Schoolboard month for September I really appreciate this team that we're working with I think we' really meshed and worked especially with all the Committees have worked very good um very well together um Julie I do have just one quick thing about Dr knight uh the open house they had almost uh they would have had all families except for one family didn't make it because they were having babies all thees to open house working on admission 134 families made it to their open house so great parental involvement and that's just fantastic okay then I'm going to go back to um for myself and at this time we will be closing the meeting um we're going to be having a closed session this evening uh for reviewing the evaluation of Johnson so we'll give everybody a couple meetings a minutes and then the only thing that will happen after that that is the board will um do an official adjournment of the meeting so we need everybody to leave the room except the board I'll make sure across the Kelly can I come in Wednesday and go through these I'm just keep watching that yeah I don't know work everybody want to pull your e