##VIDEO ID:3I4joEAuZRY## good evening everyone welcome to the township Council Workshop Monday October 7 2024 this meeting is now called to order all rise to salute to the flag to the flag United States of America and to the Republic stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all madam please read the statement of public notice take notice the adequate notice of this meeting has been provided in accordance with njsa 10 4-8 and njsa 10 4-10 as follows notice of the meeting was promly promly posted on the bulletin board at the municipal building located at 225 Main Street Little Falls New Jersey on January 4th 2024 a copy of the notice was sent to the north Jersey Herald and News and the record on the same date additionally a copy of the notice was filed in the office of the Township Clerk on said date a link in telephone number to join the meeting virtually can be accessed on the township website at www. lfjc electronic provision Provisions have been established for the public to participate during the public comment portion of the meeting thank you Madame clerk at this time please call the RO council member Patel president council member Murphy council member haetz present council member van Cherry pres council president scova pres mayor Damiano thank you council president this evening we have a couple of proclamations that we would like to read uh the first of which I'm going to invite members from Unico National to join me up here in front for our Italian American Heritage Month Proclamation so gentlemen can join me up here all right in the proclamation reads whereas October is National Italian American Heritage and culture month and has been celebrated as such since 1989 and whereas from the early explorers to the 5.5 million workingclass immigrants who arrived in the United States around the beginning of the 20th century italian-americans have helped shape and develop our nation and whereas italian-americans have made significant economic and cultural contributions to our nation in areas of government Science and Technology arts and entertainment literature products and design and food and where Italian heritage month is a time to celebrate our Italian American community and to recognize their many contributions to the growth and prosperity of our nation now therefore I James bord Damiano mayor of the township of Little Falls on behalf of the Little Falls Township council do hereby proclaim the month of October 2024 as Italian-American Heritage and culture month in the township of Little Falls gentlemen thank you for joining us here this evening we appreciate everything you thank you next all right we have four more proclamations this evening the next is the breast cancer awareness month Proclamation and whereas breast cancer is the second most commonly diagnosed form of cancer for women in the United States and each year 255,000 women and 2,300 men are diagnosed each year and whereas mamography and x-ray of the breast is recognized as the single most effective method of detecting breast changes long before physical symptoms can even be felt early detection and improved treatment is believed to have significantly reduced the number of deaths caused by breast cancer and whereas researchers scientists and numerous nonprofit organizations are dedicated to discovering the cure for breast cancer during the month of October we acknowledge the extraordinary commitment and effort invested in this cause and whereas we recognize that over 3.8 million Americans are breast cancer survivors that give us hope for a better future now therefore with support of those who continue to cope with breast cancer I James bord Damiano mayor of the township of Little Falls on behalf of the township Council extend our deepest respect for survivors and those advocating for prevention and a cure and in doing so I Proclaim October 20 24 as breast cancer awareness month and the next Proclamation we have this evening is our Proclamation for domestic violence Awareness Month in reach whereas domestic violence is a serious crime that affects people of all Races ages gender and income levels and whereas domestic violence is widespread and affects over 10 million Americans each year and whereas one in three Americans have witnessed an incident of domestic violence and whereas children that grow up in violent homes s are believed to be abused and neglected at a rate higher than the national average and whereas only coordinated Community effort will put a stop to this heinous crime and whereas domestic violence Awareness Month provides an excellent opportunity for citizens to learn more about preventing domestic violence and to show support for the numerous organizations and individuals who provide critical advocacy services and assistance to victims and now therefore I James Belford Damiano mayor of the township of Little Falls hereby proclaim the month of October 2024 as domestic violence awareness month and urg the residents of Little Falls to work together to eliminate domestic violence from our community next we have the fire prevention month Proclamation is whereas fire prevention week this year Falls between October 6th and October 12th and the theme is smoke alarms make them work for you and whereas fir is a serious public safety issue and Resident homes are at Great risk for fires and whereas smoke alarms can alert you to the danger of an event of a fire in which you have as little as 2 minutes to escape safely and whereas First Responders are dedicated to the safety and well-being of our residents now therefore be it resolved that I mayor James bord Damiano on behalf of the Little Falls Township council do hereby Proclaim October 6th through October 12th 2024 as Fire Prevention Week in the township of littlefalls and last but not least we have the national First Responders day Proclamation it reach where National First Responders day is recognized on October 28th and is a time to honor the men and women who make it their mission to take action when to disaster strikes and whereas we celebrate those who are the first to run towards a crisis and dedicate their lives to saving others and whereas we pay tribute to the many hours around the clock these individuals give to our community now therefore be it resolved that I mayor James bord Damiano on behalf of the Little Falls Township council do hereby Proclaim October 28th 202 4 as National First Responders day in the township of Little Falls that's all I have this evening council president for proclamations until my report thank you mayor for presenting all those proclamations have a motion to open the meeting to the public for General matters and agenda items move by councilman V Cherry second by councilman habas as a Voice vote all those in favor all those opposed motion carries Madam clerk anyone wishing to address the township Council may do so through the council president it is preferred if you give your name and address for the record comments are to be limited to 3 minutes however if appropriate you may be granted additional time in the sole discretion of the council president members of the public who have joined the meeting virtually and desire to provide comment shall raise their virtual hand in the zoom application the meeting moderator will cue the members of the public that wish to provide comment and the council president will recognize them in order members of the public who have joined the meeting by calling in must press star six to mute and unmute themselves and star n to raise their hand members of the public who have joined the meeting via the zoom application must click the reactions icon and then the raiseed hand icon once the process is complete we will return to the regular order of business thank you madam clerk is there anyone in our chat I see no one raising their hand is that correct anyone coming for us in the council chambers no one have a motion to close the public comment move by councilman Venter second by councilwoman Batel all those in favor all those opposed the motion carries mayor Dam anel one through five please thank you council president some of these will be relatively quick because they are items that we see on our agenda on a somewhat regular basis one is a tax refund resolution for two properties located here in the mun in the municipality uh there are two separate uh overpayments that are being refunded to two separate taxpayers uh here for a total of about a little over $4,000 being refunded to these taxpayers any questions with respect to item number one all right on to item number two uh number two is the resolution authorizing the affordability assistance grant with rental of affordable housing unit uh I have spoken to our uh the company that runs our affordable housing here in Little Falls I've recently had some communication with them they are filling the last of the affordable units in our current building uh so we will be they will be at almost full capacity very soon with those particular units uh so we will see a lapse of time where we will before we begin seeing them again uh or until those units are turned over uh so that was the report that I have for you on those and again that's until some other units may come up but with this particular building this is is getting towards the end uh of this of this building being full any questions with item number two all right on item number three it's a resolution renewing the liquor license for 2023 2024 license term as is common every liquor license in town requires annual renewal and this is simply that uh for the company operating under Basque 2 any questions with respect to item number three all right item number four is a resolution authorizing the purchase of youth football helmet for the lfpa football program under the escnj co-op uh the lfpa is the Little Falls football parents Association we do commonly uh provide some uh monetary contributions to the L FBA on an annual basis this year the payment is looking to purchase football helmet helmets for uh for the teams moving forward uh as many of you know helmets have become increasingly expensive over the years with all of the new concussion protocols and concussion ratings that they have uh this year's uh financial payment will be funding helmets any questions on item number four all right and item number five this is the long awaited resolution authorizing the purchase of new equipment for sakori Park under the escnj co-op and I say long awaited because we there was a long period of time since the uh storm in saturated ground in the tree took out portions of our playground in Sikorski Park and a long period of time since the Insurance Fund was or the I should say the in insurance reimbursement uh was actually provided to the township now that it has been that along with some local open space dollars are going to be utilized to purchase equipment just over $50,000 Worth to install into sakori park um there will be no T tax impact to residents for this purchase this again is being funded with this uh insurance reimbursement as well well as with the local open space dollars which have already been set aside uh each year so there will be no direct impact to residents for this purchase any question on item number five all right council president that's all that I have this evening unless there's count well I have an update that this may be the appropriate time to provide uh there is an update with respect to our parking lot in our downtown uh there were a number of residents that were expressing concerns or questions with respect to pedestrian access on what is the north section of this lot the section closest to Steven's a this was something that I had been in contact and communication with our Engineers about since the original curbs were installed uh there of course is a bit of a time lapse between initial Communications and plans being re-engineered and then contractors getting on site to to make the corrections uh that along with the widening of the actual driveway apron uh all happened this past weekend uh there is as many of you know the lot is not yet really officially officially opened in the sense that the top coat of asphalt is not on it is open for for everyone to utilize uh but the driveway apron will have been widened and there is now a much easier pedestrian accessway uh on the north side of this parking lot closest to Stevens AV there were some things that residents were raising concerns with they were in the process of being addressed for a quite some time now uh and they are now uh res so still please be very careful utilizing the lot I know the light poles have not been installed so if you're you may be unable to see the lower ones there're having been barrels placed around them so please use caution while using the lot but it is open for use uh so feel free to use it any other questions from the council thank you mayor Kev a motion um to approve resolutions a through f move by Council Matel second by councilman habet is a roll call for Resolutions a through F council member Patel yes council member habitz yes council member vaneri yes council president scova yes have a motion to approve the following applications so move move by councilman Vin Cherry second by councilman habetz uh this is a roll call please call the r for the applications council member Patel yes council member haet yes council member vaneri yes council president scova yes Madam clerk read to ordinance 1499 second reading and public hearing of ordinance number 1499 an ordinance entitled ordinance of the township of Little Falls in the count P state of New Jersey regulating Towing and sword services within the township the public heent of Origins 1499 is now open does anyone wish to speak on 1499 seeing no one come forward to speak the public hearing on ordinance 1499 is now closed can have a motion to adopt 1499 so move move by councilman Mattel second second by councilman Venter call the RO to adopt 1499 council member Patel yes council member habetz yes council member van Sherry yes council president scova yes madame clerk 1500 Second reading and public hearing of ordinance number 1500 an ordinance entitled ordinance of the township of Little Falls the county of P New Jersey regulating heavy Towing and storage services within the township the public he on on ordance 1500 is now open does anyone wish to speak on 1500 seeing no one to come forward on 1500 the public uh hearing on ordinance 15 00 is now closed have a motion to adopt 1500 so move move by councilwoman havitz second second by councilwoman Patel this is a roll call to adopt 1500 please call the role council member Patel yes council member havin yes council member vaneri yes council president scova yes Madam clerk 1501 second reading in public hearing of ordinance number 1501 an ordinance entitled an ordinance of the township of Little Falls in county of pay state of New Jersey to amend chapter 3 administration of government of the code of the township of Falls the public hearing on 1501 is now open does anyone wish to speak on 1501 seeing no one come forward to speak the public hearing on ordinance 1501 is now closed c a motion to adopt 1501 second moveed by councilwoman haets second by councilwoman Patel please call the role to adopt 1501 council member Patel yes council member havet yes council member vaneri yes council president scoa yes madame Clerk 1502 please second reading and public hearing of ordinance number 1502 an ordinance entitled an ordinance of the township Council of the township of Little Falls in the county P state of New Jersey to amend chapter 7 on street regulations of the code of the township of Little Falls thank you the public hearing on ordinance 1502 is now open does anyone wish to speak on 1502 see no one come before us to speak on 1502 the public hear and ordinance on 1502 is now closed have a motion to adopt 1502 moved by council member and Cherry second second by Council habetz call the RO to adopt 1502 council member Patel yes council member habet yes council member V Cherry yes council president scova yes madame clerk 1503 second reading and public hearing of ordinance number 1503 an ordinance entitled Capital ordinance of the township of Little Falls County paic New Jersey authorizing the Little Falls Township Main Street streetscape project from vanas Avenue to pekman bridge Improvement project 16 buying for the township appropriating therefore the sum of $644,000 and that such sum so appropriated shall be funded by a grant from the state of New Jersey Department of Transportation the public hearing on 153 is now open does anyone wish to speak on 1503 seeing no one come before us the public hearing on 1503 is now closed have a motion to adopt 1503 so moved moved by councilman Patel second by councilman V Cherry all the RO Madam clerk on 1503 council member Patel yes council member habblet council member vineri yes council president scova Madam clerk 1504 second reading and public hearing of ordinance number 1504 an ordinance entitled an ordinance of the township Council of the township of Little Falls in the county P state of New Jersey to release extinguish and vacate the rights of the public in a portion of paper streets Amity Street and cross street the public hearing on 1 154 is now open does anyone wish to speak on 1 154 see no one come before us the public hearing on 1504 is now closed have a motion to adopt 15 4 so moved moved by councilwoman habets second by councilman Ben Cherry call the rooll on 1504 council member Patel yes council member habet council member van Cherry council president scova yes uh this Friday on October 11th we're holding our Harvest Moon dinner dance um it's going to be from 6:00 to 9: at the Civic Center non-residents are $20 we're going to have some delicious food and uh music playing by DJ Angelo for those that want to attend you can reach out to me uh the numberers on the flyer or call the uh municipal building we also have two new Hometown Heroes one is an Angelo iveron special for US Army Infantry Vietnam Purple Heart recipient and Angelo M ver Veron a private US Army WW1 Council Patel thank you council president um I would like to start off by thanking the Clifton Health Department for participating in the pba's annual October Fest this weekend it was great to see so many residents stop by their table and engage with them um just a few events that are coming up the first one is on October 19 it's the health and wellness Fair it's going to be held at the Boys and Girls Club in Clifton it's from 10 a.m. through 1 p.m. um everyone is invited all Little Falls residents they're going to have free yoga classes chair massages free blood pressure screenings and giveaways so everyone can make make that um a priority it's going to be a great day then there's the fall rabies clinic for dogs that's being held at the Clifton DPW on 307 East 7th Street um there's two dates one's going to be on Saturday November 16th that's from 2 to 4 and then again on Wednesday November 20th from 5 to 7 uh there's also the 2024 flu vac vaccination clinic they have two dates in October which are going to take place at Clifton City Hall that's Wednesday October 23rd and Wednesday October 30th but the Clifton health department will be at Town Hall here in Little Falls on the second floor on Monday October 2th 1st between 3 and 5:00 p.m. and again just a reminder all weekly updates on Vector born surveillance reports and covid-19 and respiratory illness um activity reports are being uploaded to the health department web page um on the township website so anyone can check those out that's all I have council president thank you councilman Patel Council habz thank you council president uh so I'll start with some Library updates um on Thursday October 17th at 6:30 uh Richard Stillman will uh have an Italian music show uh you can register at the website of the library um there also will be coming up this month um 108 which is tomorrow a Medicare uh Education meeting at 6:30 uh telling you how Medicare works and some different Medicare plans and also there will be an upcoming classic movie night on October the 10th at 6 PM uh whatever happened to Baby Jane and it will be hosted by the grandson um of Joan Crawford uh Casey laly uh the library also has a new YouTube channel uh so check that out that will be uh at Little Falls Public Library um NJ I'm also happy to report that the township has been awarded another city green dig into grant uh we will be receiving 3,000 more daffodils and 10 more trees uh so that will add on to the daffodils that we uh received last year through the Grand and the trees uh the shade tree commission will be helping us uh finding places to plant the trees along with our DPW uh if anyone is interested in helping plants um along with our DPW and our Garden Club uh please reach out to me at seabs at LF nj.com um we're also in the final weeks of the farmers market and kicking off our farmer wean as we do every single October uh this Sunday there will be a doggy Halloween costume contest uh registration will start at 10:30 uh followed by a pumpkin painting events the following Sunday and then ending our Market on the 27th with trick-or-treating at the market uh finally I'd like to say uh our run Club is going strong um we've been getting about 10 12 people every single week so that's a good start um it meets every Sunday at 8:30 A.M at the market so come and join and prepare for our spooky Sprint which will be uh Sunday October 20th uh where you can register at runsignup.com that's all have thank you thank you councilman havitz councilman vent Cherry thanks council president just wanted to say thank you to the S Valley unito Chapter as well as members from their National Organization that were here with us earlier this evening we raised the Italian flag for Italian American heritage month so grateful for the support that we always get from our local Unico chapter and all their members and thank you for the coffee as well for out there in a cold night so that's all I have council president thank you counselor nothing Chief Pearl uh no report sir have a motion to open the meeting to the public for agenda items move by councilman V Cherry second by councilwoman habz all those in favor I all those opposed motion carries Madame clerk anyone wishing to address the township Council may do so through the council president it is preferred if you give your name and address for the records for the record however I'm sorry comments are to be limited to 3 minutes however if appropriate you may be granted additional time in the sole discretion of the council president members of the public who have joined the meeting virtually and desire to provide comment shall raise their virtual hand in the zoom application the meeting moderator will cue the members of the public that wish to provide comment and the council president will recognize them in order members of the public who have joined the meeting by calling in must press star six to mute and unmute themselves and star N9 to raise their hand members of the public who have joined a meeting via the zoom application must click the reactions icon and then the raise hand icon once the process is complete we will return to the regular order of business thank you madam clerk the floor is now open anyone in our chat I don't see no one wanting to speak is that correct I don't see no one wan to speak in our council chambers have a motion to close the public comments move by councilman vent Cherry second by councilman habitz all those in favor all those oppos all those opposed motion carries we're going to be going into executive session uh to discuss uh contract negotiations there'll be no action I anticipate maybe 15 minutes or so thank you U I'm sorry have a motion go into executive mooved by councilman vent Cherry second by Council Batel all those in favor all those oppos we'll go into executive okay good e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e should nice in here it's a little a little chill are we on have a motion to return to exus from executive session move by councilman Venter second by councilman Vel all those in favor all those opposed want to thank Mr contron Mrs diero and Mrs Krauss for helping me set this meeting up have a motion to adjourn this meeting move by councilman Venter second by Council Mattel all those in favor all those opposed this meeting is now closed