##VIDEO ID:pzWkzCVqQtc## welcome everyone to the township council meeting Monday October 21st 2024 this meeting is now called to order we all please rise for the salute to the flag ALG to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all Madam clerk please read the statement of public notice take notice that adequate notice of this meeting has been provided in accordance with njsa 10 4-8 and njsa 10 4-10 as follows notice of the meeting was prominently posted on the bulletin board at the municipal building located at 225 Main Street Little Falls New Jersey on January 4th 20124 a copy of the notice was sent to the north Jersey Herald and News and the record on the same date additionally a copy of the notice was filed in the office of the Township Clerk on said date a link and a telephone number to join the meeting virtually can be accessed on the township website at ww w. LF nj.com electronic Provisions have been established for the public to participate during the public comment portion of the meeting thank you madam clerk at this time please call the rooll council member Patel pres council member Murphy pres council member ha pres council member vaneri pres council president scova president have a motion to approve the minutes of September 23rd 2024 so move moved by councilman V Cherry second by councilwoman habets this is to approve the minutes of September 23 2024 please call the rooll council member Patel yes council member Murphy yes council member ha yes council member van Cherry yes council president scova yes have a motion to approve the minutes of the meeting of October 7 2024 so moved moved by Council Patel second by councilman vent Cherry please call the RO council member Patel yes council member Murphy abstain council member habblet yes council member van Sherry yes council president scova yes mayor Damiano thank you council president uh this evening I have one proclamation to report on and it is our national friends of libraries week Proclamation and I'm going to ask anybody associated with our library or any friends of the library to join me in the front of the room here as I read this Proclamation I remember growing up here in Little Falls spending quite a bit of time in our little Falls library and I can tell you that over these past handful of years it has only gotten exponentially better and I'm also now proud that after one little hiccup we have matching concrete on the outside of our library that is now uniform as you enter so that has been repaired as well which we're all very happy with and this evening for a proclamation for our national friends of libraries week acclamation it reads whereas start sh sh open that's e for spe spe guys friend what all right we'll pick up where we left off and the proclamation reads whereas libraries are essential to the educational social and cultural fabric of our communities providing free access to knowledge information and resources that Empower people of all ages and backgrounds and whereas the friends of the library groups Across the Nation including our own friends of the Little Falls Library play an indispensable role in supporting and Ing and advocating for the mission and services of all local libraries and whereas the friends of the library are instrumental in fundraising efforts that provide much needed Financial Resources enabling libraries to expand their programming services and collections beyond the limitations of Public Funding and whereas the contributions of the friends of the library not only provide material benefits but also Foster a culture of volunteerism engagement and Community spirit that strengthens the libraries role as is a welcoming space for all and whereas National friends of libraries week offers an opportunity for the township of little fall Falls Community to recognize the important work of the friends of the library and to encourage others to join them in supporting our libraries Mission and whereas the continued success of the Little Falls Public libr Library is directly tied to the commitment and passion of the friends of the library whose efforts make a lasting difference in the lives of our residents now therefore be it resolved that I mayor James beler Damiana on behalf of the township council do hereby proclaim the week of October 20th through 26th 2024 as National friends of libraries week in the township of littlefalls and encourage all residents to recognize and celebrate the contributions of the friends of the library and to actively support our local libraries in any way they can thank you all for everything that you do with our library unfortunately we didn't have a frame ready for today so we're going to keep this we're going to frame it and we're going to have it delivered to the library so be hung somewhere there on the wall all right so thank you all for coming we appreciate yeah you you for now Michel uh for those that you are watching um in the chat unfortunately we had a false alarm fire alarm so we had to uh pause the meeting for a bit uh that was the reason why you probably couldn't hear anything coming through uh the The Voice stream we'll continue with Council remarks Council vatel thank you council president just a few upcoming events for the public health committee um the flu vaccination clinic is St still being held Wednesday October 23rd from 9: to 11: is the next time it's going to be at Clifton City Hall they're also doing one on Wednesday October 30th from 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. then on October 24th they're doing a program here in Little Falls at the Civic Center it's going to be at 10:30 and it's essentially about learning um all the different element elements of wellness and what makes a person healthier you know including their environment spiritualness uh financial responsibilities Etc and again that's going to be at the Civic Center on the 24th and then finally the Clifton Health Department um partnered with John thuro cancer center and they're doing a free Paint and Sip on Monday October 20th at the Boys and Girls Club in clipon and that's from 6: to at 8:30 p.m. and that's essentially just a program to raise breast cancer awareness and it should be a great time so anyone wanting to go can sign them for that and that is all council president thank you councilman Batel councilman Murphy thank you council president I'd first like to uh thank the mayor and my fellow council members and the members of the domestic violence prevention committee that came out uh on October 1 for our domestic violence Awareness Month flag raising I'd also like to thank uh councilman Venter for helping up town hall purple for the week we had a nice turnout that night it was a beautiful night and I just want to thank everybody for coming out I'd also like to thank a couple of the members uh uh individually who helped with the ribbons that you see on Main Street and LGH Hill Road and some of the other areas of town those ribbons were handcut and prepped uh so I just like to thank Marian holzach uh Cindy shenan and Dana picol picoli who all helped put those ribbons up and spent a couple what a couple C hours getting those uh through town so just want to thank them it's a big effort for them and uh very nice touch to uh drive through town and just spread awareness that way so all I have council president thank you thank you councilman Murphy councilman vent Cherry thanks council president I also too want to thank everybody for attending the Italian American flag raising uh earlier this month a big thanks too to sake Valley Unico for always being there and bringing desserts and more importantly bringing coffee before start of one of these meetings so it's always welcome by me um so thank you for that I did want to also say thank uh great job by the uh Little Falls fire department I know they had some calls over the weekend and they're best in the business so appreciate all the work they did to make sure all our residents are safe um couple other things that we're working on um with Mr contron is we are in a process of ordering three of the digital speed signs we're looking to add some more uh to town if you've seen the ones uh that are on patter ab and some other main roads where it'll say your speed is this and if you're going over you get a nice little slow down reminder when you're under the speed it says thank you so we're looking to get three more of those we're also working on getting some lighted pedestrian crosswalks uh looking to get three um as well two would go over by Patterson a by the rec center and then another would go by Wilmore Road by the par and then I did have a chance to ask our engineer because I think everybody knows how frustrated and annoyed I am with the traffic light that is still not here almost two years later apparently they are waiting on some additional brackets that need to um come in for the traffic light to be completely ready to go so as soon as those brackets come in hopefully we'll get a gate in terms of when this light can finally be installed because believe me every time there's an accident my phone goes off as a reminder where's a traffic light and we are working on it so hopefully Engineers will have some more updates for us uh in the future council president that's it for me thank you councilman V Cherry councilwoman HTS thank you council president uh so first I'd like to thank all of you for the proclamation uh for the national friends of libraries week uh our friends group is really hoping to do a lot this year including assisting with raising monies for a flexible seating for the children's area uh the library is very grateful for them as the library vais on um we're very happy to have them um this Sunday that just passed was a great Sunday here in Little Falls uh we had our little Falls spooky uh Sprint 5K and it was a great day there were amazing costumes great participation and it was a beautiful fall day um thank you to everyone who made this day happen the recreation department our Police Department our DPW our EMS our SE Department our volunteers T seber and our sponsors for an amazing day can't wait for next year uh this Sunday coming is our last Farmers Market of the season uh it will be our annual trick-or-treating with the vendors and a costume contest at 12:00 pm uh so make sure you stop up for the winter with all of your favorite vendors um our recreation department will be hosting our annual trucks and treats event at Wilmore Park on Halloween starting at 6 PM uh so while you're enjoying trick-or-treating stop by get something to eat um Also if anyone wants to bring their candy to the park I know a lot of people say everyone you know trick-or treats in the middle of town now don't get many trick or- treat ERS you are welcome to bring your candy set up a chair and hand out your candy there and then lastly the township is preparing for 2025 uh Recreation Grant season um and we will be sending out a survey to assist us with our grants for next year uh it will be Little Falls Township parks and recreation Improvement survey um it will be sent out via community pass and it will also be on our Township website for people to to that's all I have thank you thank you Council and HS uh this on October 15th we held our Harvest Moon dance it was well received uh the seniors had great fun and laughter actually they wanted me to continue the program I blamed it on the mayor that due to budget cuts we couldn't extend the program so we uh had to cut it off at 9:30 but they really had a wonderful time um they really did uh it was great food and uh we're just complimented all throughout the night thanks to count uh to officer vanck councilman of V Cherry councilman havets and the mayor helping to serve the food it's always good chief that one of your own shows up in front of the seniors to make sure that they feel real safe um I also apologize unfortunately that night was the same night as Yan kapor as an oversight on my behalf we'll make sure that doesn't happen in the future as was alluded to councilman van Cherry talking about the fire department yes unfortunately there was a severe fire on a street I live on uh late at night and the first to arrive was uh the officers of our great Department uh under the pretense that I was not a fire call so they always go into a challenging situation um upon that them arriving uh there the um and finding out what was really going on the fire trucks came instant instantaneously practically almost every fire department except one I think showed up at that fire um it was quite a difficult situation with a lot of smoke and as you saw tonight I think the council saw it in some of the residents saw how volunteers respond instantly you know on on their time to come and check out a situation and this was a difficult situation due to the smoke and I was able to witness firsthand what fire personel have to go through in those in that type of situation so many thanks to their great work Chief anything for us this evening uh just a reminder that next week obviously we coming up uh we have Halloween so we're going to have increas presence in the center of town uh we're working to get the light towers motorcycle patrols uh some crossing guards maybe at the park kind of assistant residents to and from we do have the uh last um last day of our senior policey this week so we're going to graduate um that six week program it was well received we're contemplating um potentially another offering rather than wait a full year to do it again uh just by how you know well received it was from the residents uh good news um we just installed phase two of the MPS safety sticks so I'm sure some of the council saw more of the sticks um in the downtown area we put another one on Patterson ad so that was seven additional uh parking sticks they're still going through their test and evaluation before they go live so we should see increased enforcement from and that's all I have thank you Chief councel anything for us this evening thank you have a motion uh to open the meeting to the public for agenda items so moved moved by councilman Murphy second by Council councilman V Cherry all those in favor I all those opposed Madam clerk anyone wishing to address the township Council may do so through the council president it is preferred if you give your name and address for the record comments are to be limited to three minutes however if appropriate you may be granted additional time in the sole discretion of the council president members of the public who have join the meeting virtually and desire to provide comment she'll raise their virtual hand in the zoom application meeting moderator will cue the members of the public that wish to provide comment and the council president will recognize them in order members of the public who have joined the meeting by calling in must press star six to mute and unmute themselves in Star 9 to raise their hand members of a public who have joined the meeting via the zoom application must click the reactions icon and then the raise hand icon once the process is complete we will return to the regular order of business thank you madam clerk the floor is now open for anyone that wish to speak on agenda items Melissa any Mr Deo and anyone in the chat seeing no one come before for us in the council chambers have a motion to close the public move by councilman V Cherry oh um is this for uh agenda items or okay thank you ma'am we'll be right it won't take take just a few seconds uh I'm sorry can who made the motion to close the public councilman Venter second councilman pel all those in favor I all those opposed motion carries have a motion uh to adopt uh to approve the consent agenda move by Council mov and habits second second by Council Murphy This is a roll call to approve the consent agenda Madam clerk follow the rooll council member Patel yes council member Murphy yes council member habblet yes council member van Cherry yes council president scova yes c a motion to open the meeting to the public for General matters moved by councilman van Cherry second by councilman Murphy all those in favor I all those opposed motion carries Madam clerk anyone wishing to address the township Council may do with the council president it is preferred if you give your name and address for the record comments are to be limited to 3 minutes however if appropriate you may be granted additional time in the the so sole discretion of the council president members of the public who have joined the meeting virtually and desire to provide comment shall raise their virtual hand in the zoom application the meeting moderator will cue the members of the public that wish to provide comment and the council president will recognize V order members of the public who have joined the meeting by calling in must press star six to mute and unmute themselves and star N9 to raise their hand members of a public who have joined the meeting of the zoom application must click the reactions icon and then the raise hand icon once the process is complete we will return to the regular order of business thank you madam clerk hi thanks for listening I'm Debbie lorence I live at 185 lower Notch Road good evening good evening 61 years of my life I've lived in Little Falls from lower Notch to overlook to Cedar Grove back to lower Notch again my husband and I love this town we ra our sun um currently on Lower Notch Road there is a lack of speed signs uh there's one at the base of lower Notch if you're coming off of long hill and you're making a left there's one in front of the first house at the bottom of the hill got this big so when you're making that turn you really can't see it coming down the hill they're on none zero um we understand in the neighborhood that Lor notro is a main artery since the construction um Notch Road has just become a service road which is fine I take it home myself however lower Notch Road is the main artery now the first coming West found um it's been Flawless Notch Road instead of lower Notch Road um there's 24hour speeding racing there's burned rubber marks tire marks on the road in front of my house my neighbor's homes uh it's disruptive it's 247 it doesn't matter the police have responded appropriately however there is no guidance if you're coming off the highway whether you're coming from the westbound side or the eastbound side down those ramps I seen it myself I took Service Road home tonight onto lower Notch from laana person came flying down the hill never made the stop sign never stopped came rushing down and intended to just keep going I need driveing um most of the people in the neighborhood are great don't have any problems take care of our property we love it here but we don't feel safe um there's also an issue is it a truck rout because browertown Road originally was the truck grad for many years now all of a sudden and I I'm not saying Vans box trucks it's tractor trailers and it's tractor trailers in the middle of the night and it's noise and is it necessary I don't know has that route changed um that's our question uh my neighbor's retaining wall was destroyed last year he had now has a five-month-old and three-year-old lovely PE never complain plane an out of control high school driver going to PV down L not Road lost control of his car crashed into the retaining wall and destroyed not only his car but the wall um my poor neighbor new to the neighborhood had had to deal with this so that's just one of many accidents which I'm sure the police department cont test to um and and we're we're concerned um you know we we like I said we we need speed monitoring deter and hopefully ticketing because when you hit someone's pocket they'll learn a good lesson um and I'm not saying let's make it like a town where everybody gets speeding ticket you have to have some kind of a leeway I work in Jersey City every day it is a nightmare but that's a city this is Little Falls this is a nice peaceful town so we'd like to see it remain that way and I understand not everybody coming off the highway going down andage is a problem but the majority yes um I even have people who walk their dogs and or ride their bikes that have to cut into my driveway and it's a pretty decent sized driveway to get out of the way of cars coming because there's no leeway for them and it's a safety issue so I'm hoping uh you know we all love our town support it I'm I'm hoping that something can be done in a study or uh who watchful eyes uh check out signage uh you just mentioned those those blinking signs I was hoping you were going to say that because I see them like you said Patterson at Wilmore road and it makes you think I mean coming along the highway it makes you think especially in front of school too whether school is open or not um I hesitate so I you know try to make sure and it's a good reminder to the people so I please uh to the council and to the mayor and police chief uh consider uh this these any options that you have whether speed bumps uh which may be a problem to I don't know but any signs would help us thank you for your time thank you for coming before us this evening and bringing this issue before the governing body I'm sure that uh locating areas where we could put up additional signage is a probably a pretty easy fix to do um uh and also I I'm sure the mayor will be talking to the chief to see if you can increase the police presence there uh and as well as possibly getting a blinking sign as we have uh on Wilmore Road uh to show that's quite quite a good one because it actually starts to Blink and um that sign is very nice it starts to Blink and all the lights go off as you start to go over 25 and it really alerts you in a in a in a in a great fashion the tractor trailer issue I am not sure if that road we could uh stop trucks from coming down I don't know if Chief if you know know the answer to that if that's a road that uh because we can't arbitrarily just stop tractor trailers it's against Interstate governing laws of how trucks have to get to destinations uh we could take a look at that through legal and see if that's a possibility uh but I I don't think we can answer that question this evening until we look into it uh there's been towns that have done that and have gotten into trouble by arbitrarily just saying no trucks uh to come down um so there are laws to protect truckers to get to their destinations but we will take a hard look at that does the governing body here have anything that they like to comment or have any questions mayor oun V Cherry go council member I was just gonna say because um I'm sure after this meeting if you want to connect with the chief because we do have the complaint portal but maybe take the information because typically what will happen too is the police department will gather the information then look to spend some time with you to get some details in terms of when this is occurring and then you said 247 but then what they'll do is a study how the Box placed on the street and it's usually around two weeks and then they'll get some good solid data that will tell them when it's a problem because they've done this throughout the town which is great about the traffic division is they'll identify it and then they'll sit there on those particular times that come up in a study and they're pulling people over because it it does happen so you can definitely do that um with the digital signs we're looking order three you know I had one marked for Wilmore another for browertown I think the third one could go on Lower Notch but uh mayor would also ask DBW to to look into adding some uh speed signs uh the 25 M hour ones on the road already we can do that easily because there's polls in place where they can just add them whether it's the ones that say no parking this side or whatever so we can definitely do that but when it comes to speed humps I mean that's down the road obviously with the data and what we've typically done because I've had the chance to do it on three streets in town is gather that data and then if it does warrant it based on the police department's assessment we'll set up a meeting with the residents of that particular Street and have a conversation because we'll bring in the engineers as well the police department and they'll go through how it works because what's usually happens and mayor and I just went through this uh last year everybody wants them until it's time to put them in front of your house and then it starts the Mad Dash of trying to figure out where you can place the speed humps in order to hit certain restrictions that are applied they have to be a certain amount of feet from each other so that's always something to keep in mind and if it does come to that point what I would do is connect with some of your neighbors because that's what the neighbors did on Houston they all kind of knocked on the door and talked to each other same thing with vanel and jacobas where people had hey I want it or I want it because the biggest issue is you're on the right side your neighbors's on the left you may want it here or she doesn't want it and then all of a sudden it changes the whole trajectory of things but that could be down the road obviously once we look into the study and see if it does qualify for that conversation mayor Damiano sure so uh I can tell you that there's council meeting from about four years ago where I stated complaints were going to begin coming in about increase speeds on Lower Notch and the reason that I stated that is because the residents came here in groves screaming and yelling that they wanted to eliminate two side of the street parking on Lower Notch uh and in response to that we had as the c or I should say the council had agreed to pass an ordinance eliminating parking on one side of the street on Lower Notch with the uh preface that it was very likely that speeding would increase because each direction of travel on Lower Notch and now has its own free and open Lane where people can pass at whatever speed it is where in the past and I know you'll recall from all the years on Lower Notch and and uh and Overlook that oftentimes heading down lower Notch you used to have to kind of pull into the side a little bit as a vehicle passed you then you made it a bunch and somebody else pulled over but speeds were much slower because people had to uh avoid and watch out because there was two side of the street parking and it was not nearly as wide so this is sort of one of those repercussions that I think we uh foresaw but are now really seeing primarily because Route 46 the reconfiguration of it has totally changed you're right the usage of lower Notch versus Notch Road exit because it's not just right there as it used to be so anybody heading to you know a lot of the Eastern sections of town will now use lower Notch versus Notch Road because it's just not as convenient um with that I know it sounds simple to put signs up on streets that say 25 miles per hour uh but you'll notice most streets in most municipalities do not have signs at all and that's because and this goes back to when you're 15 16 years old taking your your driving tests but the state law says that if there is no speed limit posted the speed limit is 25 miles per hour now that doesn't mean we can add signs but as easy as sounds in most people's heads I can tell you I ultimately end up receiving calls from every person that gets a new ugly pole in the middle of their front lawn that wasn't there five minutes ago and they didn't know was going to end up Landing in the middle of their front yard so you're right it sounds like a very simple solution let's just add some signs let's say 25 miles per hour unfortunately when a new ugly pole land lands in your front yard often times people are not as as happy about it as the people who want to see the 25 my upper hour signs put up um to the councilman's point this is sort of another one of those similar to speed humps everybody wants them there just don't want them in front of your house much like the speed humps and the most recent street that we completed Houston where we added four speed humps I can tell you two people in front of two separate speed humps have basically said I'll pay anything to have it removed now we had multiple meetings we you know with that street alone we've had multiple uh you know conf conf and meetings with everybody on the roadway those were decided after much back and forth with engineers and entire I should say Street meetings um but what people don't realize is for the people that right now say you know what I'd be happy to have one in front of my house what they don't realize is that every car does dramatically slow down right in front of your house otherwise you're going to lose a bumper but as soon as they get over that speed hump those cars that are looking to make good time up and down the street hit the gas really hard now you're dealing with these cars and the noise and volume that comes with these cars speeding between speed humps now they're not able to hit the same high speeds that they might have had they not been there but the noise associated with it is another factor that comes up that people oftentimes just don't consider when a speed hump is being installed not saying it's not a possibility just saying it's one of those things that are sort of not talked about until it's a problem in front of your house um we've also found as easy as speed humps seem to be to have them installed just a little bit of asphalt we have found that between engineering costs various meetings and the actual installation of speed humps they end up costing about 15 to $20,000 per speed hump there is a pretty tremendous cost associated with installing speed HPS and it seems like it shouldn't be and I would absolutely agree with that as well by the time you crunch all the numbers and all the time that's put into the location of speed humps the plans that have to officially be drawn by an engineer and provided to a contractor and going out out to bid it ends up adding up pretty quickly uh and lower Notch is not a very short road where I'm sure four five or six speed humps would likely be warranted based upon the distance and the dot standards for for adding speed humps so it could be a $100,000 investment by the municipality to based on our B past batting average uh only be batting 500 on people actually wanting them in in the locations that they ultimately go so just again another consideration that would have to be taken uh into uh effect but as far as uh the complaint portal that you heard the councilman reference I I actually just recently sent you the link a little while before you showed up tonight um but we'd ask is for you to fill that out and the reason we want you to fill it out is because it goes to the police department then the police department has your email and phone number and contact so that they can talk to you about where do you think the biggest issue on Lower Notch is where should we perform our speed study reason being we've gotten complaints on other streets in town where people say there's a speeding issue here so our police department and this was before we had our complaint portal as we do now the police department would go to that street they'd set up a speed study it's a little discreet box that you will not even know is there over the course of a week and it'll capture data 247 for the course of that entire week the problem is we then meet with an individual after we find out uh you know after we think we have an answer for them and they will come to say oh no no no they're not speeding in this section of the roadway they're speeding in this section of the roadway so it was it was again a waste of week of capturing data and we then have to redo it so figuring out the best location to do that is also very helpful because we can do it one time we could have the information sooner we can try to find Solutions sooner uh and try to address it and there are several steps that we typically go through in doing that often times if we know that speeding is occurring between the hours of 4 to 5: PM that would ultimately be a good time to have a police car sit there and do radar versus it if it's not happening at 1: to 2 p.m. any day and as we know most people are creatures of habit they drive very similar times very similar routes most days but if there's never a problem between 1 and 2m it wouldn't make sense to have a police officer sit there during that period of time where we know the probability of them catching someone going in egregious speed is unlikely so having that data in advance helps us target enforcement and do all of that so if you fill up that form we'll be able to touch base with you and and get that done um that's the majority of what I wanted to say in response but certainly looking into this is something we can do we can figure out you know if and where the problem is and where it may be the worst and then they can try some targeted enforcement first and take other steps from there before we get into the more costly things like speed humps uh signs are certainly possible and to the councilman's point if there's already a sign somewhere that's usually a really good spot to add another sign to that poll that's already existing because nobody's then surprised at having a new decoration or ornament on the front lawn uh so certainly something that we can look into I don't know how many signs we have readily available at our DPW Yard or if more would need to be ordered but certainly something we can we can look into address closing it's okay I would like to thank mayor Police Department fire department we had a horrible fire last December due to a tenant uh lack of responsibility and I almost lost my husband and we lost third of our home it's almost done so I'm very pleased the response was tremendous I appreciate the support that we had in town well thank you see no else come before us have a motion I'm sorry hi my name is Peter owski I live at 30 Crestmont Road actually when I heard that where you lived I thought oh here's somebody that's G to me up on this and and perhaps um she still can't um Mr meru and and the mayor I guess you can guess why I'm here uh my property backs basically on Route 46 and when they put the sound wall in I'm you know I'm all in favor of it until now because it has virtually done nothing my concern as I spoken with mayor and Mr rury uh is the noise coming from the new bridge uh I've I've been out there different hours trying to figure out what the problem is uh if you drive over the bridge in a car you really can't uh feel much of a of a dip uh you know because cars are just made differently than than trucks when trucks especially um these rollof container trucks that may be empty when they hit the dip basically what the problem is is that the asphalt is a little bit higher than the bridge decking so when these trucks hit the dip an outrageously loud noise emanates throughout the neighborhood I mean I can hear the noise from my daughter's house on Villa Road uh and I'm sure you've heard it and it and it happens 30 40 times a day mostly when truck traffic is the H uh heaviest maybe nine to three weekday um like I said I talked to the mayor about this and I've talked to people in the do and the mayor can attested this too um you know nice people um in the complaint department you know listen to me uh tried to forward me to the project coordinator for County uh Chris yanelli I think his name is um left messages for him for four five six times never got a call back uh mayor's contacted Senator Cado trying to get some um action on this uh issue and I've never heard anything back and I guessing that the mayor has never heard anything and and I'm not here to put anybody on the spot uh I'm here to ask for your help uh the last person I spoke with in the do indicated to me that they weren't going to do anything anything based on my complaint that any complaint that might get addressed would have to come from the township uh formally um now mayor I'm not sure whether the Town Council would have to do that or I I don't know what the mechanism would be to try to bring a more formal complaint to the do but th this is not going away it's a quality of of life is isue that's going to be there for decades I would guess and I'm sure this woman can back me up um it it's just the noise is horrendous I can't use my backyard anymore uh and I'm amazed that more people haven't complained about this thank you for coming before us and whether one or 10 come before us we take every every issue seriously um so Council movement chair you have any insight on this and you know I was in your backyard the mayor I heard it and I was by your daughter's house and we talked about it as well you know who we can try is uh commissioner John Bartlett from SE County because he's on the national Transportation safety board and he was involved in a lot of the work that was done on that route 46 uh route three construction so I'll Circle back with you and we can reach out to commissioner Bartlett maybe him have him come out and see what he can do to look into this because you're getting to run around backyard yeah no if you're getting to run around and you're being told talk to this person talk to that person it'll be six months it goes back to last October I've been speaking to them off and on for a year yeah because we've gone to commissioner Bartlett in the past because ironically with all the construction last couple years we got some complaints about um the exits you know having the signage properly placed especially you slow down to like 15 20 miles per hour and he was instrumental in helping that he's helped with some of the State uh where Four Corners is the traffic light getting it increased because we ran to into roadblocks on our end as well asking the state to help out so he's someone that we can definitely connect with um that I know he'll take this on and want to help you any way he can so I would appreciate council members have any comments mayor any insight on this yeah I can attest that Mr owski has uh raised this issue actually initially as was October 17th of 2023 and we have a number of communications going back and forth until the do I think eventually told you that our request that had come from the municipality through the Senator's office to them and that happened on December 8th of 2023 that I made the request that day the Senator's office uh and Aid sent it over to do that same day uh indicating that they were contacted by my office that there's an issue uh see the complaint below and we were unable to to rectify it as of that date unfortunately the do has essentially been silent also in response to my inquiries the Senator's inquiries uh and and and we are at a point now where I don't know maybe commissioner Bartlett will be able to find us some solution because so far um even through the Senator's office who has the closest relationship with DOT at the state level she has not had success um there were a couple of other follow-ups indicating you know we still haven't heard back we're sorry to the difficulties but unfortunately it has fallen on on DEA ears there uh so certainly unfortunate I know it's something that we've tried to do we've taken every bit of action that we could on our end um but at this point maybe going to someone else might be the the Avenue I would appreciate anything you folks could do thank you for coming before us is there anyone else that like come like would like to come before this governing body is De or anyone in the chat to come before us have a motion to close the public comment moov by Council haet second second by councilman Vin Cherry all those in favor I all those oppos the motion carries I'd like to thank the staff for assisting me to put on this meeting come a motion to adjourn this meeting so move moved by councilman Murphy second by councilman V Cherry all those in favor I all those opposed this meeting is now closed