okay sorry okay Madam clerk take notice the adequate notice of this meeting has been provided in accordance with njsa 10 4-8 and njsa 10 4-10 as follows a notice of the meeting was prominently posted on the bulletin board at the municipal building located at 225 Main Street Little Falls New Jersey on January 4th 2024 copy of the notice was sent to the north Jersey Herald the news and the record on the same date additionally a copy of notice was filed in the also detention clerk on said date a link and a telephone number to join the meeting virtually can be accessed on the township website at www.j.com electronic Provisions have been established from the public to participate during the public comment portion of meeting thank you madam clerk at this time please call the rooll counc president council member Murphy member president counc member vaner president let the record show that Chief Pearl and Mr will Cox is in our presence mayor the floor is yours thank you council president uh this evening we have several proclamations to get to prior to the budget presentation that is scheduled for this evening and the first Proclamation that we'll start with this evening is a proclamation for National nutrition month in reads whereas the food food is the substance by which life is sustained and whereas the type quality and amount of food that individuals consume each day plays a vital role in their overall health and physical fitness and whereas the there is a need for continuing nutrition education and a widescale effort to enhance healthy eating practices now therefore I James bord Damiano mayor of the township of Little Falls hereby proclaim the month of March 2024 to be National nutrition month in the township of Little Falls and I encourage all citizens to join the campaign and become concerned about the nutrition and the nutrition of others in the hope of achieving optimum health for both today and tomorrow and the second Proclamation we have this evening council president is a national women's History Month Proclamation and it reads whereas women of every race class ethnicity sexual orientation gender identity and abilities have made historic contributions to the strength of our state and the nation in countless recorded and unrecorded ways and whereas an overcoming discrimination harassment and hardship women have bold and fearless women have been bold and fearless never giving up on the promise that with hard work and determination nothing is Out Of Reach and whereas in remembering the Trailblazers of the past and the heroins of present day we honor their legacies by carrying forward the valuable Lessons Learned From the powerful examples they've set whether teaching our children caring for our sick serving in our Wars starting businesses serving in elected positions or venturing into unknown Frontiers generations of women believe their gender was no obstacle to what they could achieve and whereas during women's history month we recognize the advances we have made in this state for women but acknowledge that more needs to be achieved so women can gain gender equality and access to the pros erity of this state now therefore I James bord Damiano mayor of the township of Little Falls hereby Proclaim March 2024 to be women's History Month in the township and encourage all residents of Little Falls to join in this observance the third Proclamation this evening is a proclamation recognizing Ramadan and whereas Ramadan is the Holi holiest month of the Islamic calendar and marks the first revelation of the Quran to the prophet Muhammad and whereas Ramadan lasts one month based upon upon the timing of the Crescent Moon and whereas Muslims around the world observe the month by fasting each day from sunrise to sunset whereas the daily breaking of fast called thear is often celebrated by family and Community Gatherings and whereas Ramadan is regarded as a time for Spiritual reflection increased awareness and giving to the global poor sick and hungry and a bridging of differences between people over a shared commitment to Faith and whereas Ramadan reminds us that Islam has always been a part of America and Muslims have made extraordinary contributions to our country and whereas the end of Ramadan is commemorated by the Eid Al F festivities of breaking the fast a joyous occasion marked by sharing sweets gifts and good tidings with family friends and neighbors and whereas the township of Little Falls joins with Muslims around the world celebrating Ramadan now therefore be it resolved that I mayor James beler Damiano on behalf of the Little Falls Township council do hereby Proclaim March 10th 2024 to April 9th 2024 as the month of Ramadan in the township of Little Falls and urge all residents to support our community members who are observing Ramadan and the final Proclamation we have this evening is a proclamation for World Down syndrome day and it reads whereas people with Down Syndrome make significant contributions to the fabric of Life they participate in the workplace run their own businesses take part in religious activities create art music and dance excel in sports and recreation and pursue studies in schools community colleges and universities and whereas Down syndrome is not a disability nor is it an illness it is a distinct culture within all cultures with its own beliefs Customs language and common bonds people gifted with an extra chromosome transcend borders socioeconomics color and ethnicity bridging them with the richness that enhances the lives of those they touch and whereas World Down syndrome day is recognized worldwide as a day to raise awareness and to celebrate the many accomplishments contributions and talents that people with Down Syndrome bring to their communities now therefore be it resolved that I mayor James bord Damiano on behalf of the fle Falls Township council do hereby proclaimed March 21st 2024 as World Down syndrome day in the township of Little Falls coun that was all that I have for proclamations this evening uh and I'd be happy to do the budget presentation now or later on in my report mayor since you have the floor your B will continue to the budget presentation great I'm ask Mr coocha to share the screen in a second all right and this is the 2024 Municipal budget proposed for introduction by the council and tonight's agenda what you will see throughout uh this evening is the annual Municipal budget that provides the spending Authority I'm not seeing on no just click on the green SE there you go right to the middle perfect excuse me Mr Co is there someone waiting I I got some I let that person in and now I so we should be thank you great okay all right may you wantan to go back yep I'll start from the top here on the agenda and the annual M Municipal budget provides the spending Authority for all Township departments uh tonight's presentation provides an overview of the 2024 spending plan and estimates the and estimates the funding required to support that plan only public information is contained in this and confidential information has been specifically excluded from this presentation tonight we'll go through some highlights some Revenue Appropriations debt and the tax rate and we'll see here is some of the highlights in our budget this year uh 20124 compared to 2023 and the fund balance utilized is $2.8 million compared to 2.27 eight in 2023 the anticipated Revenue this year is 5,749 679 versus 2023 where it was 5,461,000 the library tax this year is up substantially up to $729,900 432 with receipts from delinquent taxes are at $780,000 as opposed to $400,000 in 2023 the amount this year to be raised by taxes is 14,288 732 down a bit from last year's 14,44 334 this year's total budget will be24 m347 120 as opposed to last year's budget of 23, 195,930 million for the 2024 budget uh has 1385 $268 remaining in Surplus as we indicated Library taxes are $729,900 of 2% to 2.75% uh depending on the various departments there are collective bargaining agreements that have been settled with the PBA the teamsters and the International Association of EMTs and we are under negotiations with the fmba for the public safety t telecommunicators uh remains ongoing some the other highlights are that Public Employee Retirement System costs are set to reflect a cost of $1,863 per employee the there is one change this year in the administrative positions in 2024 and it's going to be the addition of an assistant Recreation director the police department has fire and pension costs the pfrs costs per officer of $ 46,2 18280 and the vehicle acquisition program for our police will continue with the purchase of two new police cars in 2024 as we have seen year after year in our Budget Insurance costs are up $112,000 over last year our public retirement pension costs have increased $161,200 our Solid Waste and Recycling costs have increased by $125,000 Fuel costs are slightly up $5,000 and in 2023 debt I'm sorry in 2023 Debt Service cost are up 156 sorry 2024 Debt Service Closter up $156,500 3 assessed value was 1 Bill 547 m555 300 and the 2024 assest value is 1 b538 373,000 quick breakdown of Revenue by Source you will see that we receive about 12% of our uh annual revenue by way of fund balance about 23% from revenues about 5% of what we receive is from State AIDS leading the balance of 62% to be made up by taxes our 2024 Appropriations by Source uh as a chart here you'll see that the police are about five and a a little over five and a half or five and three4 million dollars our statutory and pension contributions are about $3.5 million our debt service is about $2.8 $2.9 million our insurance costs are at are about are at about $2.5 million our Public Works uh costs are at about two half half million dollar and it continues down the line there including Administration our fire and EMS our utilities Solid Waste landfill our sewer costs Library costs Park and Recreation construction code Municipal Court Health and Human Services Grants and our Emergency Management costs in late 2023 in the first few days of 2024 as everybody here knows uh the township experienced some severe flooding from the Pake River uh this the cost associated with those two storms was about10 $ 5,000 there is no emergency appropriation necessary in the following budget year as would typically be required because what we have decided to do is incorporate the entire costs into this year's taxes uh to avoid a major potential increase next year uh and with all of that as I've indicated last month we are able to keep taxes stable even while incorporating uh these additional costs that the township had to incur that were obviously not anticipated as far as Municipal debt here is a chart and a breakdown of our debt limit versus what we have utilized from the municipal and school perspective there's still clearly a substantial Gap in ability uh between the limit and the municipal uh amount that is permitted to be utilized expanding on the Municipal debt our allowable debt limit is 59 m114 3769 with authorized debt as of the end of year at 35,3 35,9 2833 which leaves us with an available borrowing limit of 23 m7781 12836 and the percentage of debt is at a 1.79 you'll see here our total tax rate uh fortunately you will see that 2024 as compared to 2023 actually has a slight decrease in the amount uh of our tax rate and but once that is combined with what we are estimating to be uh the remaining portions uh of our County our regional school and our local school increases uh we are anticipating a slight overall tax increase with but the local portion going down when you ask how much do I pay here is a breakdown of how that works uh and in 2024 you'll see the local portion again had a slight decrease this year as opposed to the prior year but the total amount we are expecting a slight increase in our total tax rate getting to the question of how much did the average taxpayer in town pay and on the average assessed value of a home being $310,000 in 2022 $395,500 in 2024 uh you will see that the taxes over these years uh would actually have gone slightly down uh between this year and last year's total budget there is a slight decrease in the total amount of taxes that would be paid on the local portion uh overall again we are anticipating after receiving the schools as well as the County's taxes a slight increase but this year there will be a decrease in the local portion uh and you see here that the total percent of real estate taxes remains at about 28% of the total taxes that you pay here's another chart breaking down the municipal tax rate and as we have discussed in the past about a quarter of the taxes that you pay are attributable to the local municipality about 50% of the taxes you pay are attributable to these schools uh I think there's a slight error in the last couple years here on this chart about 25% of the taxes that you pay are to the county with very small portions going to open space uh and the the library as we continue through the capital budget a capital budget's required as part of the annual budget for All municipalities in the state of New Jersey it provides that the statutes provide that the budget is a plan for the expenditure of public funds for Capital purposes the authorization to make expenditure still requires a capital ordinance adopted by the township Council for each specific project and the capital budget addresses the needs of all the Township's infrastructure and Equipment requirements and if authorized by the council will ref an increase this year of $3,870 an analysis of the capital budget for 2024 you'll see under police for various equipment is $150,000 adding several additional Vehicles this year to the police is $175,000 and phase one of the alpr system is $75,000 for our DPW we're anticipating $150,000 on sanitary sewer improvements our road resurfacing program continuing at500 ,000 the acquisition of vehicles and equipment at $200,000 and for the first time beginning some of our own local pekman River Bank stabilization we've allocated $100,000 we are also anticipating various Fire Equipment at $175,000 in 2024 as we continue through the capital budget uh we are as far as Municipal facilities go uh expecting improvements to buildings to be about $200,000 our Civic Center improvements at $80,000 our DOT streets continuing at $1.5 million and our OEM acquisition of a vehicle enclosure for $85,000 uh this under as far as the parks the Mars Canal Bridge the Pake River needs substantial repairs we're anticipating $60,000 Wilmore Park bathroom facility of about $250,000 in the duva bathroom Renovations of about $300,000 as this gets broken down you'll see here that the total Capital requests are $4 million we do have funded by grants $750,000 down payments of $163,000 with total debt authorized of $3,870 our debt service in 2024 is $1,846 67 with 2024 debt authorizations of $3,877 th000 for net increase in debt $1,282 333 and finally the budget hearing and adoption will take place on April 8th 2024 right here at 7 p.m. and that's all that I have council president council members have questions comments regarding the intro to the budget thank you mayor for that extensive presentation you know that takes a lot tomorrow night um myself and councilman Murphy will be meeting to go over the budget and then meeting with chak cushio to go over the results of that budget uh conversations keev a motion to open the meeting to the public for General matters and agenda items so moved moved by councilman Murphy second by Council councilman V Cherry all those in favor I all those opposed Madam clerk anyone wishing to address the township Council may do so through the council president it is preferred if you give your name and address for the record comments are to be limited to three minutes however if appropriate you may be granted additional time and the sole discretion of the council president members of the public who have join the meeting virtually and desire to provide comment shall raise their virtual hand and zoom application the meeting moderator will cue the members of the public that which to provide comment and the council president will recognize in the order members of the public who have join the meeting by calling in must press star six to mute and unmute themselves and star N9 to raise their hand members of the public who have joined the meeting via the zoom application must click the reactions icon and then the reamp icon once the process is complete we return to the regular order of buiness thank you madam clerk the floor is now open for anyone who wish to come before us Mr Kusha anyone in the chat that like no one in the chat thank you have a motion to close the public comment so moved move by Council councilwoman H second by councilman V Cherry all those in favor I all those opposed that motion carries mayor items one through eight thank you council president uh this evening we have the resolution authorizing the increase in deferred school taxes for local school and Regional High School taxes as is customary as we are introducing a budget uh this is an annual resolution that is asked of this Council to pass simply as the resolution states to defer the school taxes for local and Regional High School taxes any questions on that moving on item number two is a resolution providing for an increase in reserve for uncollected tax percentages uh again as is common uh at the introduction of a budget the resolution uh for this increase in reserve for uncollected taxes uh is something that we look at annually and we determine what we anticipate uncollected taxes to be and I'm asking that the council adopt the resolution providing for that increase this year next item is item number three resolution introduced the 2024 Municipal budget uh as was just presented in the budget presentation I'm asking that the council adopt the resolution to introduced the 2024 Municipal budget at which time it will be disseminated for Budget review and discussion amongst the council members next is the tax refund resolution due to State Tax Court judgments as is customary throughout the year there are occasional times when the tax courts declare that a refund should be owed to a taxpayer and this is a resolution permitting those tax refunds to be issued next item is item number five a resolution authorizing the affordability assistance grants with renters of affordable housing units as we have seen throughout the past handful of months this is part of the COA affordable obligation uh that is here in in mun in the municipality are there any questions on that next is a resolution awarding contract to DLS Contracting for Stanley Street parking lot improvements uh we have gone out the bid DLS contractor is the selected contractor we are looking as we have discussed to award well I'm asking if the council award this resolution and as we have discussed we are hoping and anticipating that the start time for all of that work will take place over the course of the summer when school is out because uh we there's going to be some commotion in that area and we're hoping to minimize the impact to our residents and our parents who are dropping kids off at school any questions with item number six mayor just the the difference there a little bit was the fact of uh what was anticipated was that any reasoning for that yeah absolutely did so as everybody is aware we go out to bid with estimates assume and we are the engineers do the best they can to anticipate what a cost of a project will be uh fortunately some of the other recent projects in town have come in under the anticipated am amounts uh such as our Park such as some of the improvements of some of our streets in town uh unfortunately Stanley Street came back a little bit higher than we originally anticipated uh so this is again the resolution awarding that contract cont ract the DLS they were the lowest responsible bidder that we received the response from ccil president just um Flor councilwoman Patel thank you mayor just for clarification the contract amount for the 760,000 that does or does not include the amount we SP on the demolition that was a separate uh payment made to the contractor who bid on that project okay so this is an addition to that correct okay thank you next is a resolution approving a change order for downtown streetscape improvements it's an amount of $ 37,1 se3 as we've seen a couple of times throughout the downtown streetscape there have been a number of change orders some for increased numbers in their contract and some for actual decreases in their contract this is a change order for just an excess of $37,000 and last but not least is the capital budget amendment resolution that we are asking be adopted this evening any questions uh mayor just real quick on that I know I got some questions on this um this is for a appropriation correct not a tax levy not for a tax levy no two and half supplement this is supplemental funding for the amendment to the ordinance for the parking mon right oh I'm sorry I thought you I'm sorry thought you were referring to an ordinance I'm sorry right back so this was a prior Capital ordinance that being amended right got you okay I'm on the 1461 whatever that one that was all good yeah good I'll come back thank you have a motion to approve resolutions a through J at this time mooved by councilman V Cherry second I'm sorry second second by councilwoman Patel I want to make sure I have it correct Madam clerk call the roll for a through J yesc counc yesc yes yes Madam clerk please read ordinance 1477 second reading and public hearing of ordinance number 1477 an ordinance entitled ordinance of the township Council the township of Little Falls in the county state of New Jersey amending the township poach after 71s the public hearing on ordinance 1477 is now open does anyone one wish to come forward Mr kushia no one in our chat I see no one in our council chambers see Noone come forward to speak the public hearing on ordinance 1477 is now closed have a motion to adopt ordinance 1477 sub move by councilman Patel second by councilman V Cherry please call a rooll to adopt 1477 council member Patel yes council member Murphy yes council member H yes vaner yes council president scov yes madame clerk read ordinance 1478 adoption of ordinance number 1478 an ordinance entitled Bond ordinance to appropriate an additional sum of $320,000 for the construction of a municipal parking lot in bu and for the township of Little Falls in the county B New Jersey to make a down payment to authorize the issuance of bonds to finance such additional appropriation and to provide for the issuance of bond anticipation notes and anticipation of the issuance of such bonds with the second reading of public hearing scheduled for April 8 2024 this is to um have a motion to introduce ordinance 1478 so move moveed by Council habits second by councilman Ben Cherry this is to introduce 1478 call the RO yes council member Murphy yes council member hav yes council member P yes council president SC yes Madam clerk at this time read ordinance 1479 introduction of number 1479 an ordinance entitled calendar year 2024 ordinance to exceed the municipal budget cost of living allowance and to establish a c bank with a second reading and public hearing scheduled for April 8th 2024 have a motion to deduce ordinance 1479 so moved moved by councilman vent Cherry who was the second please councilman Patel call the rooll to introduce 1479 council member pel yes council member Murphy yes council member H yes council member V Cherry yes council president yes we'll move on to council memory reports before I do that I want to give the floor to Chief Pearl chief yours do you have anything you want to bring forward to us uh just something I had for the last meeting you uh shared with me some um legislation enhancing the penalties for some stolen vehicles and everything so I had some statistics to share with the council so yes year-over year Statewide they saw a five 5% increase in stolen motor vehicles um I'm happy to report that in Little Falls we actually trended downwards Although our sample size is a little bit smaller uh 12 stolen motor vehicles and 22 we went down to eight stolen Motor Vehicles last year and then the same thing with burglaries to Autos 12 and 2022 we went down to five in uh 2023 so I'd like to thank the council for you know obviously your support um increased patrols you know going after a couple additional grants that we haven't done in the past uh we're having that increased visibility within the community so I think that's that's paying dividends um I did put out on social media last year about the you know the partnership with crime prevention it's just not a law enforcement initiative uh we really need support from the the community at large so locking their vehicles and I think our residents are just getting smarter about things so taking your vehicles out locking your cars uh it's having a reduction here in Little Falls on you know some of the crime metrics that we're seeing Statewide OB you know unfortunately going up but in our community we seem to be holding on so wanted to share that with the council it's great here we appreciate your hard work and that endeavor it's never a good day when someone comes out of their house and their car is not there so appreciate that we'll go move on to council reports Council Murphy the floor is yours thank you council president just a few things to report on on the uh Little Falls domestic prevention uh domestic violence prevention committee um I want to thank everybody who came out last week uh for Bell and note for our first time to donate an event uh including all the members of the council I believe everyone came out it was a fantastic first event um we really had a great turnout um I want want to thank all the members of the committee they really did a great job in advertising the event and uh it really was an awesome turnout and I want to thank B note for hosting it they even gave an additional donation as well so really really nice by the owner of uh bellan note um this is something that we're going to be looking to do probably every month or every other month uh moving forward um the proceeds go towards the pay County women shelter for items that they may need so our next one that we're looking to do is going to be Wednesday March 27th at Maggie toown Tavern from 400 P.M to uh 7 p.m. so hopefully everyone can come out for that one as well um tomorrow night we have our monthly domestic violence prary committee meeting where we will be having a guest speaker from the pay County prosecutor's office um so this is going to be a really good meeting so anybody that's interested in joining the committee um or wants to attend the meeting feel free to come out this is definitely one to come uh to come out for so the meeting will be at Town Hall on the upstairs room tomorrow night at 7 o'clock pm um then just real quick council president want the clarify because I know I got some questions on this on 1479 um that 2 and a half% um that just Appropriations that we can increase to 3 and a half% um on Appropriations it's not a tax levy just want because I know some people reached out so I just want to clarify exactly what that is Council to make sure the record's straight that is correct right Mr Kush correct it's it's on the appropriation not on the letter good good just want people reached out and ask what they thought it was a tax levy I just want to say we're not using that we may not use it so so for the record thank you that's all I have council president thank you okay we'll move on councilman V cherry thanks council president um just a couple updates I just want to thank everybody for joining us this weekend for the first ever Ramadan uh lighting ceremony and event that we had at the Civic Center um if you weren't there we had well over 200 people it was a an event that was well received we had some uh local dignitaries also I'm grateful to Senator Kar commissioner lazara councilman Shain from Wen Park and also mayor Koro from Prospect Park for joining us us as well it means a lot when our other elected officials can take time out of their busy schedules to come and support what we're doing in Little Falls but just want to thank everyone uh especially the Little Falls Muslim committee that I worked with to put this event together um everything came together nice everybody was really happy and if you don't know there is the lighted Crescent Moon that's on Wilmore Road Park that will be lit every night up until the end of Ramadan from 5: to 10: p.m. and then if you step outside right here in town hall it is also lit up for Ramadan so again it was a great event thank you everyone for being there and you know looking forward to future events and like I said on Saturday you know we do a lot of different things in this town uh for our residents and we're going to continue to do so speaking of which uh you know shift gears with more awareness um working on right now pulling together for Autism Awareness Month which starts on April 1st um just working out the date May not do April 1 um just because of a couple schedules but um work working to do something that first week of April so more details to come on that as well and then just lastly just meeting with our Transportation uh committee this week to go over a few things always looking forward to the dialogue that I have with the committee members as well as the members of the police department that's it for me thank you councilwoman um Council hav councilwoman pav thank you council president uh so just a few uh Library updates um the library in conjunction with the Little Falls Biz is bringing back family fund night uh that will be Friday March 22nd from 6:00 to 8:00 pm um they will have movies crafts refreshments and local businesses will be there um they did it a few years ago before covid and it was always a great night uh so I'm sure it'll be another great night to attend um I along with the council members and the mayor um attended the Ramadan book reading this year at the library uh there was a craft a book reading and a signing and it was just a great turnout I think we had about 75 children there resident children um and their parents it was a packed house it was great um also as councilman van Cherry said um Saturday was a great night thank you to Mayor Damiano and councilman van cherry and the Little Falls Muslim committee for putting that together it was outstanding with an amazing amount of residents um a new something new that we're bring to the library um as a library designate I'm always trying to work closely with the library Jeffrey uh who was the liaison for the adult programming and community outreach I had a great idea of how to keep the community informed of upcoming um events that are going on in town uh so we are starting a new monthly Facebook live called noon in the no uh the first Monday of uh the month we'll let residents uh have a Facebook live and let them know great things that are going on within the township and uh lastly library is going to have an AAR P smart driver course for seniors uh this is hot off the presses today so this is for council president scoa and his senior advisory for sure it will be on May 20th uh from 10: to 4: at the Civic Center um it will be $20 for ARP members and $25 for non-members uh this course will help seniors uh save some money on their car insurance uh so also thank you to resident Renee Shapiro for uh getting us to the information and working with Jennifer and I that's all I have thank you Council thank you council president just a few quick updates on the public health committee um moving forward the monthly Health Report from the clipton Board of Health initially it was just going to council and the mayor is going to now be a part of the consent agenda so residents can go back online and see it themselves Just Want to Thank You council president for making that happen um the Infectious Disease team will be at the St Patty's luncheon this Friday um they're going going to have a table with handouts on all of the upcoming events information on covid the flu um tickborne diseases and have giveaways so that's going to be exciting um they started the social services team started their mindfulness program in littlefalls today with the third grade students and then we continue to the fourth grade students these are essentially classes that consist of open conversations teaching on different breathing techniques that help reduce anxiety and stress there's worksheets coloring activities um I know the school's really excited to have these um sessions and then finally the rabies clinic for dogs and cats and Little Falls will be held on Wednesday April 17th from 5: to 7: pm at the Little Falls DPW that is all I have council president thank you councilman Patel as you heard councilman Patel we kind of piggy back off one another when we do events even though it's going to be St Pat Day events it's we are facilitators of information and uh councilman Patel's committee which is just her herself uh is to make sure that the health department is there to give out some necessary information to the seniors I'm happy to announce we have another Banner going up Alfonso J G P hm3 Hospital courtsan United States Navy um when I was looking at this individual's uh profile and his picture I was quite moved uh I would gather uh then that he was probably 17 years old when the picture was taken and you saw the look on his face one of excitement but yet one of concern and of course the picture I think is in black and white was taking place some so we're really happy to see that his family is going to be placing a banner in his honor come uh this March 15th as was just mentioned before we're having our St Patrick's Day party with the seniors please announce we have over Post 100 individuals coming G have some nice corn beef we also will have some pasta and music and on the and I that's program is open to uh the council members and staff if they like to come by and on the 27th we're having uh pain sufferers with knee um this is going to take place at 12 o'clock free pizza is going to be supplied by Dr jck Zuckerman has a the owner of Total Recovery Physical Therapy he'll be going over on how to to help your knees out have a motion to open the meeting to the public for agenda items so moved by councilman V Cherry second by councilman Patel all those in favor I all those opposed the uh Madame clerk anyone wishing to address the township Council may do so leave the council president it is preferred if you give your name and address for the record comments are to be limited to 3 minutes however if appropriate you may be gred the additional time and the sole discretion of the council president members of the public who have join a meeting virtually and desire to provide comment shall raise their virtual hand in the zoom application the meeting moderator will Cee the members of the public that wish to provide comment and the council president will recognize recognize them in order members of the public who have joined the meeting by Falling in must press star six to meute and unmute themselves and star N9 to raise their hand members of the public who join the meeting VI the zoom application must cck reaction icon and then the raise hand icon once the process is complete we will return to the regular order of business thank you the floor is now open Mr crucia no one in the chat seeing no one else come before us here in the council chambers have a motion to close to public comment move bless you sorry that move was by councilman Murphy second by councilman htz all those in favor of closing the uh to public comment do so by saying I I all those opposed that motion carries want to thank the staff for working with me to put agenda together have a motion to adjourn this meeting so move move by Council Murphy second by Council Matel all those in favor I all those opposed this meeting is now closed