##VIDEO ID:ZefYtMHDxnQ## e e e e e e 53 live we're going live all right can everybody please stand for the plag salute in accordance with the open public meetings act adquate notification of this meeting has been provided by advertising in the record and posting notice of this meeting in Carl H and the superintendent's office I hearby quot to order the public meeting of the littlefair Board of Education Thursday September 12 2024 at 7:01 PM can I have a l call please M RI here Mrs fatel here Mr fos here Mrs scotle yes Mr mey here Mr bzo here Mr bisac here Mr Benelli here Mrs Bradley here and we do not have a student representative yet all right we have a forum be resolved that the Little Ferry Board of Education approves the minutes of the regular public meeting held on August 15 2024 do I have a motion motion second second hey Mrs RI he Mel Mr fos Mr mey yes Mr Luso yes Mr vorac yes Mr bernelli yes Mr Ry yes thank you we now open it up to Mr carado to provide a superintendent report uh just a brief report tonight uh opening of the school went very well I want to give a thank you to Mr dun for putting together a great new opening day for the staff um and my entire Administration for their attention and detail uring the smooth opening uh for faculty and students uh last night Washington school had their back to school night were very well attended very informative uh we had the PTA table set up uh overall I think the sentiment leaving here was pretty successful night um tonight as we conduct this our Middle School back to school night is also being um held uh we do have our date for the next family engagement night which is October 10th uh and we're really hoping for the school Community to come out like they did in August because that was really well attended um fact School reminder about the newsletters they come out twice a month that is a main focus of our communication for the school so please uh you know open those up read those pay attention to the information that's in those um and I guess most importantly here um for anybody that's you know watching our home and for the board um October 17th board meeting we're going to be doing a presentation for the public about uh where we currently are uh where we're going and what the next steps are uh for the new Middle School across the street so we're going to hold a Public Presentation um at that time and then will also begin our uh students in the month as well so it'll be a pretty exciting meeting that meeting will be held in the gym on October 17th at 7M and that concludes my report great thank you Mr Pata I'll Now open up to Mr Gomez for the board secretary report okay with all the summer projects most of them were completed building was ready to go beginning of the school year Chromebook refresh everything got done carts are out there that's all complete for food service we starting to track the three and reduce but it's it's a little bit too early but we'll be tracking as we go along so just so you know last year's eligibility status carries over and is in effect until October 9th we're starting a process apps I'm trying to encourage everybody to do it through a schools it's all ready to go so yeah the games have begun I started signing already so yeah yeah so we're good there uh the finance we closed even though September was an early morning Clos in on time so the young lady streak even though she's not here tonight so yeah we're doing um in terms of the finance so we got the $32.8 million we're waiting for the $5 million so the letter from from the state said mid-september so we're keeping an eye out for that I am starting to set up the accounting for that and we ordered checks so we can start cutting checks so any of the expenses that we incurred and you know we withdrew from uh the capital reserve just to get it going by the end of next week I will have that all you know like reassigned over the fun30 so I will ask you in October to return the 2 and5 million to the capital reserve so yeah we're we're progressing really well with that all right so that concludes my report we didn't have many committee meetings but will um allow Miss P to provide any personel rep there's no pleas Mrs baso for Education yes uh opening days of school went well with a eot speaker me Miller from ichon front and professional development on our district foot block uh teacher Clarity Clarity Playbook mro Hill social studies evil bridge to to writing twiig signs hearttech Plus 3K presenter CPI training Ela and math plan great thank you Mr Benelli for finance I didn't meet but pretty much h on all that Mr Millie for policy M for transportation we did not have for expansion Mr parado provided the update that we fighing as comprehensive um overview that we've been progressing on um for the new school um but other than that I don't have any other update uh Mr vorc for Thor [Music] ason Mr fos for Rich Park um don't have anything to report um specifically by any means I think there was some other things that should discuss great we'll now open it up for public comment on agenda items only pleas one at a time all right we'll now take a block vote on f36 to f38 do 143 to do 153 p96 to P1 106 C10 to C11 fa10 do I have a motion motion second all right Mr broli yes Mr pel yes Mr vro yes gole is absent Mr mey yes M vzo yes Mr vac yes Mr belli yes Mrs Bradley yes all motions passed we will now open up for public comment on non-agenda items who anything no all right so there's no one finished their new business um do I have a motion to adjourn motion second second do you for that