good evening Litton oh Francis how you doing May 22nd 2024 Board of Health meeting it is now 7 o'clock um we have three members of the Board of Health here at the moment um for the board of health information I did hear from Dr Wason yesterday he is unavailable for tonight's meeting um but we do have so we're going to get started our first item for 7 o'cl is um discussion regard reorganization reorganization of the board um I obviously open up to discussion from the board I will share before we get started on it that with only three members of the board present I'm a little bit hesitant to reorganize the board without the full board present since obviously we can choose to reorganize anytime we'd like to if we reorganize tonight doesn't mean we can't do it at our next meeting as well if that's our choice um but obviously I would love to have the full full board here to be able to to make an informed decision and any anyone for a position of leadership within the board to be able to accept or decline based on their own uh availability and and interests um I'm not sure what the will of the board is on that I am more than happy to share the wealth and rotate positions I just want to make sure that we can do it as a full board and not just a couple of us so any thoughts from the board around rorg Mr chair Mr Baker uh I agree I made the point before in the past when we were reorganizing I think it's important for everybody to be here uh to have a second all right um pleas the board would you like me to continue for chair for this meeting ex officio I guess until uh formal reorg our next one yes all right I'm happy to continue so um we're going to wrap up our 7 o' discussion around reorganization of the board we're going to table out until our next regularly scheduled meeting which give me a moment I will tell you when that is I apologize I restarted my computer and I forgot to open up my calendar our next regularly scheduled meeting should be on June excuse me 12th June 12th 12th all right so that brings us to our what we are my clock says 7:03 we are two minutes early for public hearing so we will um hold off on our 705 public hearing for a moment although I see no one in the audience um I'm G to jump ahead with a little bit of correspond oh Mr Baker go ahead uh I just have a quick comment on administrative matters uh I was hoping that moving forward uh we might be able to get a calendar invite for these meetings uh sent to us uh with the zoom Link in the uh the meeting location as well as any uh meeting ID and meeting password uh in that calendar invite uh so that it automatically goes into the uh calendars of all the board members or anybody else uh do to attend the meeting yeah know that seemed like a great idea um I think from administrator side it would be probably Brenda or Francis or both of them as a team figuring out how to make an IAL or whatever the extension is for a calendar invite built into an email but that seems like it's probably something that's probably pretty doable um but we'll see what Brenda I did not hear from Brenda whether she's going to be here this evening or not um if she's goingon to be late she usually sends a message but I have not seen anything um she just told me she was going to be late okay thank you but um it shall be done you'll get signed tomorrow thank you perfect say we probably yeah I love the idea Kevin and we include that because we going have to notify anybody for any of our hearings anyway that you know here's the date and time of the meeting include that in their emails as well as just one more level of facilitation for any any of our participants whether it's board members or outside experts or petitioners just to have that on the counter I love the idea all right well thank you for that sir that brings us exactly to 705 awesome work to our 705 public hearing regarding the Board of Health um portable toilet regulation um I know Francis did a bunch of work on this putting it together Francis do you have it would you like to share would you like me to pull it up and share um yeah if you just want to pull it up just a reminder anything that's in red is stuff that's interchangeable if you want it to be the rest of is kind of boiler plate um they're just recommendations you can change anything you want um the other question would be is do you want to change the fee is right now $25 total you could make it more you could make it po uh per unit um or you could keep it the same all right should be sharing am I up portable toilet regulations is it showing yes yes awesome thank you just making sure all right so it looks like the kind of a standard piece that we've had so the first change was semi-public facility definition privately owned operated location which is open to the general public persons authorized be owner operated not including a single family residence so I'm I'm just going to pick some place at random my I would see like we'll pick Ed weenies an example that there's obviously no fixed toilet location but that's someplace it's going to be an extend that's extended levels of duration of operation if it was if they had a a portable toilet there that might fall into that semi-public where it's public use because it's a restaurant equivalent um but it's going to be for a longer term kind of piece without fixed facilities that kind of what with thinking for public just as an example off top of my head yep okay um I can start we have a bunch of pieces one of the first thing that popped out for me um was I know was kind of at the end was the penalty section $25 each day is a new offense um I'm not sure if that's in in line with our our other um findes for failure to comply because usually I thought it was an escalate it's been a long day I apologize everybody an escalating scale um and I forget what the scale is unfortunately on the top of my head but 25 50 100 and then 100 each day after that or something to that that range um I'm not sure if we want to have our violation findes be consistent across violations if this is different than other ones I'm not sure I mean certainly some things and some operators you know a $25 find is massive compared to cost of doing business vers others um I just want sure if you want to be in make them consistent across violations for Board violations I'm just not positive but one the pieces that kind of jumped at me I can just repeat the language that we use in others if you want to do that just a thought I don't know if the board has any thoughts about that Mr Baker I do like the escalation I do like a you know a DAT you know first there'll be a warning uh like we always do uh and then after that I I do like the escalation as it gets uh you know more more of a blatant uh sort of disregard for public health uh you know increasing it from you know 25 to 50 to 100 and then 100 for every day thereafter uh that that makes a lot of sense to me I think that is uh maybe maybe close to consistent with what we had listed for our trash hauler RS yep when they were in non-compliance okay go back to the top because that was that was one of the ones that I had looked at I mean the five days any month five consecutive days more than five days have an agreement that it's going to be maintained appropriately um that change from 5 days was so this is coming off was this model regulation or did you borrow this from somebody else Francis um so I took it from a couple different places um five days seems to be the more consistent okay that's kind of wonder what I was wondering is that more restrictive less restrictive or only because it's red so it was changed from from the wherever it came from so I was kind of curious of kind of where that fell on that so just usually when I do it I look at multiple towns see what they do and then so five was the most consistent number all right great no that was my question Mr Baker go ahead I I think and I might be wrong on this and Jim might have the answer uh that uh portable toilets are serviced weekly uh when there's an agreement with a contractor uh and maybe it might make sense to have it have our number be seven days instead of five so that it lines up with the maintenance schedule so that at you know at day seven that's when you know they're either picking it up or or they're maintaining it on the on the schedule yeah it's it's all based on volume at the end of the day though is it okay all right I didn't know if it was a timing uh thing or or or a volume thing which makes total sense so thank you I will say having had a portable toilet at a Cub Scout camp it's more than seven it's more than once in seven days that they need to okay be [Music] fixed Jim did you have any thoughts no like I said I would imagine most U rental agreements are based on what you're using it for and the pumping frequency would then follow as well all right so to start with this CH look at changes and then we can talk about anything else I think might be the easiest way so no closer than 10 feet from property line unless there's a waiver request for some special reason I'd say operation no more than five days in any one month except for public facilities where it's INF feasible so again my first one would be the castle on the trees and Fay Park where we usually have portable toilets you know all summer because there's such high use activ such high use locations seasonal semiu we talked about so I think I would guess that would mean either summer restaurant not without facilities um summer camps perhaps I'm not sure but I've never been to camp nooba but as just an example of someplace where they may need additional resources I'm just not sure what their fixed resources are for for their activities but cases of repair seems appropriate reinspection would that be after that 5ay piece is that kind of what we're thinking yes or is that y so if it's more than five days and a reinspection yep okay would that be for every more than five days so for example we'll I'll pick Fay Park um where it's there basically from this time of year till September would we be reinspected that and I know we wouldn't charge the municipality for reinspection but would that be a An approved use longer than five days would that require a five day every five day reinspection if that municipality or would that be I'm just kind of curious of how that would we say yeah that'd be a little different we'd start kind of I'd be going out and making sure that they're in compliance in general but not probably every five days probably every like two weeks can they extend it to 7even day and leave it at $25 that's up to you Gina Baker just mentioned that you know to extend it to seven days and that way they have time to get it clean it up and give them a break why raising if they don't they don't make any problem if they do make proba then you but don't do it like a $50 $100 penitence now that's not right especially now that everything is so expensive so would you rather do a 7 day uh maybe like P said seven days you know and leave it 25 that was on that was on the cleaning uh by you know with the they're right about the volume you know if it's used a lot um then it's better to be clean more often um yeah yeah I think we they want to just Define what that re we have a fee for reinspection but like what that either what the trigger is for a reinspection or what the timeline is for a reinspection or both if there's a complaint it's a reinspection if it's you know or at some timeline it's a reinspection or you know every 7 Days 10 days 14 days whatever that number is um we can certainly do randoms un uncharged random inspections outside of that timeline because we don't want to say oh I did a random inspection on Monday and Tuesday and Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday and now you owe us $100 that's obviously unreasonable but a random inspection just I was driving by I stopped a check on it that's different um but we may just want to clarify what frequency of reinspection by either timeline or complaint or both just so we know what that means and because it's not clear from line seven and I'm not sure if it's if like section one okay um so we can Define it as after the 5-day period or as complaints are received um unless extended use is approved by the Board of Health and then and you know with that one as part of the waiver process we can put in whatever that either you have to demonstrate you have a maintenance agreement kind of like any other you know septic system that you have a maintenance agreement and then subject to complaint or random just reinspection if there's an issue kind of thing so yeah no I think that seems reasonable uh we talked about enforcement was there any other pieces 10 day request 10 day I say 10 days is consistent with our other request for a hearing for a complaint right it should be consistent with our other language do anyone else have any thoughts about the totality of the proposed regulation or about any of the other non- red areas Mr Baker uh just I I think this is I think it's good I think we can include all of the uh all the the red items that we went through as well and thanks Francis for putting this together and uh finally get this on the books for us it's been it's been a while I'll make the changes so the packet has been it's proposed regulation I'm trying to just double check our process because regulation is different than you know like a waiver or a variance um regulation was posted I'm not sure if this was for regulation hearing did it need to be posted prev Vote or does it need to be posted after the vote to newspaper of record and that kind of stuff I simply am not positive I apologize I should know this um um yep so in terms of posting we did post in the paper um but we got postpone because of town meeting when it was posted for um it's not required to be posted but it's a good practice obviously um only title five uh regulations are required to be posted and they have specific procedure um so it it's up to whatever the board would like to do I can read advertise ize it for the next meeting or we can vote on it it it's entirely up to you um let's start with that piece um do we think there's been adequate public notice regarding Port toilet regulation to the community for us to take action U I believe even if we were to vote on it tonight it would need to be posted that it's been enacted and I think we have a 30-day for feedback responses and stuff say that one more time Mr chair if if we if we vote on it tonight I think that I think it's a 30-day before it's enacted unless it's an emergency regulation but I'm not positive about that one um I said we haven't done RS in a while so I can't remember the last rig I think was trash haulers and the big piece of that was a very long time ago so I mean it was it was on the agenda uh it did get posted and it was in our packet and that's all online and everywhere and you know everybody knows we meet the second and fourth Wednesday of every month so I think it's adequate notice and uh I'm okay to vote on it tonight I don't feel unless unless you guys don't want to it's it's up to you but I think we we're fine doing it if if you're comfortable with it Gino any thoughts you talking to me yes any any thoughts about how you'd like to proceed with this whether we want to table it for I concur with with Baker all right well then uh we had a few edits that we made to section four paragraph one take it back section four part seven um and section five part two other than those two changes were there any other changes that I missed okay well then what's the pleasure of the board Mr Baker I will make a motion to uh approve the uh proposed regulation for Littleton Board of Health portable toilet regulation uh with the adjustment to section five uh number seven uh as as discussed uh as well as I'm sorry section four was it section four number seven and uh and the other section remind me it was uh section five number two yes as discussed all right Motion in second roll call vote Mr Baker Kevin Baker votes yes Mr fralone voted yes chair votes yes motion passes for the proposed portable toilet regulations for the town of Littleton um so we will need to have those final edits in place and you'll need to go to the town clerk and work from there and I'm sure miss Cy will let us know if there's anything else from the Tom clerk implementation side that we need to be aware of and um the Tom clerk's office should give it the appropriate U bylaw number in those pieces for the town code all right thank you everybody thank you Francis for all your work on that we appreciate it nice job all right so a few minutes late for our 710 discussion around regulation for private Wells um D can I just cut in one second of course sir um so I'm just looking at the packet now and this isn't what I sent for the well regulation it does look like the it does look like the very old original propos like model regulation from D rather than the one that we've been working on for a while yeah so there's a lot of track changes that didn't go through in this version um I know Matt isn't here and he wanted to discuss it as well should we table it to the next meeting it is in the shared folder um with the edits if anybody wants to look at it otherwise um but I can get the cleaner version uh to Brenda I'll make a motion to continue okay we have motion to continue and a second uh roll call vote Kevin Baker Kevin Baker votes yes G Fone G Fone yes and chair votes yes we're going to uh continue the regulation for private well um public hearing and excuse me discussion um until our next regularly scheduled meeting which will be June 12th we did have a member of the audience who left after that I'd say they were here for our well discussion but very very sorry if you're still out there and can hear us we apologize for for that change all right our next discussion point is the ID decision support tool um Dr Wason didn't share any of our of his updated tools with us um it is summertime obviously RSV numbers are down covid numbers are are down um last set numbers I saw from the state uh were pretty consistent with the last few weeks which is a couple of hundred cases and a couple deaths um certain not minimizing those numbers but we seem like we've had a we've plateaued On The Low End um the last few weeks from the Statewide data I've not seen Wastewater data so we're in a from an infectious disease point from the the biggies that we've been talking about for a while uh looks like in a much better place I'm not sure if uh Jim or Francis have any any other Insight of anything else we may have been seeing now where get into the summertime it's obviously it's New England so lime and all those great tick born and mosquito born illnesses the mosquito ones aren't quite there yet um The Tick ones have been there all along but the activity isn't quite gotten bad enough that we're seeing those cases yet but I'm not sure if you guys either of you have any insight of anything you've seen otherwise for any of our other infectious disease or nothing to report um I will add though that we um actually on our new health department page um we were able to make a web page for the ID tool so it is available in real time for the public and if they ever want to look at it awesome thank you sir Bounce Around multiple screens at once um all right our next discussion is 720 discussion around uh proposed board of health code of conduct uh as I'm pulling up for the screen a little bit of background uh last year after much discussion the select board um developed a code of conduct code of conduct for the select board around what is expected what is acceptable behavior both with the board and within the board's interactions with um community and town officials Etc basically what is expected from a a Civility and operational perspective they have made the request that all boards and committees in Littleton um use theirs as a template basically to start the discussion does not need to match theirs exactly if a border committee chooses not to but really looking at how we can be consistent across all elected and appointed uh members of the community of of the town of of how we um compose ourselves and and behave within the community in our in our leadership roles uh here in Littleton so I'm going to share there I should be in your packet so I think most folks have probably already seen this I do know we I believe we talked about this briefly last year as well I apologize for the rapid scroll here everybody again sorry hope nobody's getting nauseous all right go I apologize so we'll start with this opening up to the board for any comments or discussions in general has anyone had opportunity to see this either as it worked its way through the select board process or from our packet uh any thoughts or anything as far as a board of health or how we operate or in general about a code of conduct Mr Baker uh yeah in in general I think it it reads well I mean it's tailored to the select board uh but I think we could we could craft this uh for the Board of Health as well just with a just with you know insert insert Board of Health here uh the only thing I'd really like to take a look at I guess are the you know the enforcement and what are the consequences uh you know if someone you know really just latly disregards the code of conduct and um you know since we are actually yeah no I saw that but maybe we want to look at some other um just thinking out loud maybe maybe we can come up with some other things too NOP that's okay we love discussion that's that's what this is about so you know obviously the select is a composed for the select board obviously language would change slightly but basically it's a a self-governing a self- policing body that is enforceable by the members on the members of the body so in our case it would be the the board members um enforcing the code of conduct upon each other um select board members will Viola may be subject to public censure by the select board um which basically is a board vote saying that someone that that an opinion of the board that the behavior was not acceptable whatever that behavior was as defined above um I'll be for me I'm a little bit I I understand the spirit and the Heart of um number four part C during a meeting after initial warning a member who acts in the inappropriate manner is unruly or disorderly may be removed from a meeting by a majority vote of the remaining members um in heart and spirit I get that because I think we've all been in those meetings whether it's members of the public members of the of the board or somebody else someplace else or some meeting we we've been into where it is no longer productive useful and it's actually moved Beyond a disagreement of ideas and philosophies to something more than that um I will say certainly in my time here in the Board of Health we've never had anything even anywhere in the neighborhood which has been wonderful um intellectually I guess have a little bit of a barrier with that because as a member of the board we were elected members that I guess I'm torn a little bit between complete understanding the rationale for part C intellectually I'm having a little bit concerned with having the rest of the board basically removing a an elected member from a meeting because inappropriate unruly disorderly I think unruly and disorderly I think we could probably all be in the same neighborhood of defining what that means inappropriate that's a little bit more subjective and obviously as a board if four of us or three of us agree that something is inappropriate we're probably going to be in the page but I still have a little bit of a concern I think with removing an elected member from a voting position on a board even if it's just for one meeting on that one I'm I'll be honest I'm I get it I completely understand I'm just intellectually I'm a little bit wary of of how that actually would operationalize I expect the best from everybody always that it would never come up and never be an issue and if it did come up that I would expect the best from the remaining members to use your best judgment and you know really be thoughtful and and circumspect before taking that level of an action um I just always am nervous whenever anything goes into black and white as a rule of you know the kind of the whatif and how do we make sure that we are consistent and safe and trally accepting of even if there strongly worded disagreements among members that we're still accepting of even strongly worded disagreements among members as long as it's not you know fist to cuffs I'm just not sure where that line is sometimes and that can be a little bit hard but I'm not saying it should come out or not I'm just that I think was one of the ones for me that was kind of a little bit I'm just not quite sure how do we operationalize that and make sure that we are thoughtful about it Mr Baker I mean since the Board of Health doesn't have those issues does it uh does it make sense to eliminate that I feel like you know public censure uh is probably the worst thing uh that could happen to someone on a board and I don't know that I don't know that you even need letter C in there um but I guess if if there's something that is totally uncontrollable there needs to be a back stop no I'm I mean kind of this is kind of an open discussion so I'm kind of not going to make this too formal but I I kind of agree with you that at some point you know if someone is having a emotional medical or just a really strong opinion that's over the top and has become Beyond disruptive physical whatever that that you know at some point we are we are zoomed so it's easy it's a button click but when we're back in person if there is an issue with something being able to say okay Officer I need you to remove this elected member from this room right now that's a hard that's a hard ask without having something in writing to say that that's something that we feel is appropriate Mr Baker just hypothetically uh let's say uh someone on the board uh harasses a resident or a business owner or another board member and and gets warned uh and then it happens again just because it's it's a habit or it's it's how that person maybe they're not PC you know as as they should be [Music] um you know that that's something that according to this document could have a board member removed if the other members of the board agree on that and um and it would only be for me it wouldn't be from the board altogether that's beyond the that's beyond our Authority that we can't make our own rules to expel a elected member from their membership but from an individual meeting that's may be required at some point again one of those those nuclear options kind of thing that we hope we never have have ever ever have to use and we don't expect to ever have to use but if it's not there and and it something happens it's it's a hard one um C I certainly like the opportunity to discuss this with the full board yeah no no I would agree I wouldn't I wouldn't you know obviously if the board makes a motion um but I wouldn't I wouldn't ask for a motion to to move on this tonight anyway again I think this is we're a relatively small group and I think it would be nice to have everyone's say an opinion on this one um again having gone through the others most of the pieces seem relatively reasonable we obviously have some some language stuff move it from select board to excuse me from select board to Board of Health um the reporting pieces some of those pieces of how they differ and how we operate from the select board but I mean most of the stuff is be thoughtful be kind be a good scout basically and uh work through channels hey I'm a Board of Health member and I'm going to walk into the town clerk's office and say I need you to do this for me like that's obviously not appropriate and the town clerk is wonderful but probably not going to feel much pressure for me this came really from the cboard where short of you know a few elected boards everyone in town they fall under under the select board so but maintaining that piece of we work the channel so at this point if we have something that we need from from town hall whatever part of town hall it is you know really we have a couple Roots we can either make the request from Francis as our paid professional to work with Town Hall to accomplish something or to the Town Administrator as a board to the administrative officer of the town you know through the select board to for something you know I really kind of see us as those are our two kind of chains of command pieces as opposed to you know so they the here on number two they're talking about tomr Police Chief Fire Chief as he three direct reports to the select board obviously those would come out um and I know we've looked at I believe Francis officially is a direct report to the Board of Health with the dotted to T administrator from the administrative side of things I believe um you know by I think most the rest of this is pretty straightforward and reasonable work through channels don't don't go around other people and uh be nice thoughtful about what you say and how you say it be nice um if if we're going to table this I'm happy to work on this and try to do some some wordsmithing to make it not select board and make it Board of Health um and see if anything else jumps out at me um I'm happy to work on that put it on the share drive or circulate it out for um for comments for when we come back um and I can happy to you we can talk about people's comments and we'll I hate do doing you know CH track changes as a group but obviously we want everybody's comments thoughtfully integrated not just have me for example take everybody's comments and just if no one has any op difference of opinion on an area then that's easy if we have three different opinion on on one line I'm not going to make that call of what it should be and that would be a discussion Point um but I'm happy to if it's the pledge of the board to to kind of go through and clean up some of the language so it's Board of Health as opposed to select board if you would like Mr Baker uh Mr chair that that would be great if you wouldn't mind just tailoring it to the Board of Health and teeing it up for our next meeting uh when Mr won Dr Wason and Mr Davis are back and we can hopefully uh approve it after some discussion my pleasure Chino frone any questions thoughts concerns around one a code of conduct in general and two about the specific version that the select board is has put into place for themselves and shared with other boards and committees for evaluation as a starting point for their own codes of conduct any thought Gino are you talking to me I am any thoughts about a code of conduct in general or about the specific one that the select board has implemented for their use and shared with us for starting points for our board I I don't understand why people they go out of their conduct code conduct you know what I mean sometime they they say something they should apologize but of course they have to you know talk to the board I mean you have to be diplomatic you can't just say anything you want it to say you know don't offend anybody I I think they all the the me should be do for the the rest of the members to more enforcement of code of conduct you know this is very simple express your your whatever you think of it there is something right sometime accidentally come something it doesn't right you had to apologize but just don't don't dismiss the individual because accidentally he said something he wasn't supposed to say everybody should follow the conduct code of conduct everybody in so many years where we are being a me a member we never had a problem but enforcement of cod of contact that is good that let people know all right thank you sir so um this is just a discussion so I'm going to say we're going to continue the discussion to our January 12th January sorry June 12th we're gonna really continue this one we're gonna continue this to our June 12th um meeting I will u in the meantime do some word smithing to adjust it to our needs and circulate to the group for their review prior to our next scheduled meeting if that is acceptable all right that gets us down to uh administrative matters we have two sets of minutes to look at I do a quick scan to see if we have all right so for March 27 2024 we do have Quorum for members present at that meeting present this evening um did anyone have a chance to did everyone have a chance to review the March 27 2024 meeting minutes and were there any notes comments questions suggestions or edits required for March 27 talk about Jennifer Street the tobacco sale um they did not request a hearing so the fine was p and the fine was paid continue discussion around model Wells the ID to support tools department goals discussion around packets and when mapor need to get to the office so that it was timely for our review other complaints in conjunction with uh Vice chair of planning and administrative pieces Mr Baker uh I'll make a motion to approve the minutes for uh both March 27 2024 and the uh April 24th 2024 Board of Health meetings as presented I second I have a motion in second roll call vote Kevin Baker Kevin Baker votes yes UNIF Jon yes J vote Yes minutes for 32724 and 42424 are approved as presented thank you all on that thank you Brenda for your excellent work on our minutes we appreciate it thank you thank you for all of you that gets us to correspondence uh okay with the board I will start for correspondence uh we did receive a piece from the town accountant yesterday so I don't think it's gone out to the whole board although it's nothing that we haven't seen before it's regarding signature authorizations for accounts payable um with the new election they request that each um Town border committee vote of how we will process or approve signatures or signature the signatory process for any outstanding um invoices U regarding the board so I'm going to I might as well share it uh yes Mr Baker as I'm doing my share I was going to uh nominate Mr uh Francis dagel to uh sign on our behalf quick scan again I looked at yesterday but not look at yet again this morning just making sure uh okay must vote to designate number of signatures or specific required to sign off or approve bills only required if the board of committee is seeking less than a majority to authorize payments please force a copy of the approved meeting minutes to show this vote so I so we have a motion on the floor we did not have a second so um if we can discuss that motion real quick before we get a second I would say we have very few invoices at the moment who knows what will come up in the future that um do we feel com will having invoices come before the board for approval majority of the board and then we can authorize Frances to sign on our behalf once the vote is while the board is taken yes I think this I think this language is basically saying the chair if the board chooses the chair can independently and without a vote of the board sign off on invoices um and if you if you want to do something like that where the the board is not voting for invoices or signing off on invoices a majority of the board's signing off on it then you need to basically take an action saying the board can sign on their own without any or some other person without any other board action um I think we want to do we want to keep it inhouse in that the board votes on any invoices and then just authorizes Francis as our professional to sign off on our behalf yes sir so moved make sense all right so we have a motion do we have a second you have a motion and a second Motion in a second roll call vote Kevin Baker Kevin Baker votes yes UNIF alone UNIF yes and the chair votes yes so um this will be in the minutes and then um an extra piece of work for Brenda that once our minutes are written and approved not only a copy to town clerk's office but we can if we include a copy of the minutes from this meeting to uh Michelle Reynolds the town accountant for their records for our our process for invoice and accounts payable process all right I don't think we had a very good interception with it Al together I don't think I had any other pieces of Correspondence I'm not sure does anybody else have any other pieces of Correspondence either that I missed and did not bring forward or that they would like to bring forward that they have Mr Baker the link to the opioid survey uh went through the town news email today so hopefully we'll be seeing a lot of uh feedback on that and people filling that out and letting us know uh what they think about it now as a good little researcher of course I never want to look at my data until my data is completely put together and compiled but I'm going to put Francis on the spot going have we gotten any responses yet have you seen anything you never look till it's all compiled but if you happen to open one have we gotten anything yet not strong enough to give data yet not strong but we have gotten responses we've gotten a few um there'll be a lot of newsletters that's going to be in this month so at the end of June meeting we should be able to kind of give you a better idea of what we're looking at for data so far all right no that's great I mean it's obviously we want thousands of responses but it's at least out there we're starting to get a say that if we had a 10 resp a 10 10% response rate on a survey we could publish that just that number never mind any data we came out of it because 10% response for a municipal survey would be amazing yes short of making it a mandatory requirement like in part of the census or something but we're never going to get that cash prizes cash prizes okay um any other correspondence that anybody have I'm I just double check my list I don't think I have anything else out standing for correspondence or um ongoing things the oper discussion we just talked about and we'll look as we get some data and closer to um summer start pulling together some Focus Group grp in those pieces and and work with our peers across town and all the disciplines that are involved which is basically every discipline um here in town uh of how best to utilize this resource to best meet Public Health needs of our community because it's it's everywhere does anyone else have any issues comments concerns to share okay we're making great time Francis how are things going you're of fun what eight weeks in now give or take yeah nine yeah okay is there anything that the board can do to help support you as you get your feet under your now a little bit and are there any items that you're seeing that we can assist you with to help make you the department the town more successful um the board has been great very supportive um Kevin's been awesome um it's been a really good experience and we're just growing so it's moving in all directions and the board's been very responsive to any questions I have so it's been a very easy transition great no thank you sir you Jim what can we do for you sir as I told Francis I'm here to help Mo in the transition make sure things go smoothly and uh other than that let me know if there's anything else you need Jim has been great as well by the way we love Jim we really do yeah all right um anyone else have any other issues anything you want to share I will say it is uh EMS week so again I admit I'll acknowledge my bias but happy EMS week to all of our Emergency Medical Services providers out there kind of the third service of of Public Safety that always often forgotten that everybody remembers firefighters and police officers em M you only think of when you need them so um you know recognize hard job doing part Public Safety part rescue part Public Health part medical all at once you know in people's living rooms and people's highways so so thank you to all the EMS professionals who are still out there doing it every single day so I appreciate my peers and my friends who are still out there doing it and everybody else who who makes it safe for us to be out there when we do silly things thank you Mr chair yes BR go ahead good evening everyone I just want to let you know um June 26th I will not be at the meeting I will be out of the country okay I'm hoping that's for pleasure um wait yeah I'm going on a mission trip to Brazil okay that's pleasure though yep no that's awesome thank you for your work out there making the world a slightly better place even you know what whatever scale you can make the world a better place it matters it makes a difference so thank you for that all right I think we have covered our agenda if no one else has any correspondence discussion or member comments what's the I'll make a make member comment I wanted to say thank you to Jim and Francis were here and Kevin and Dan thank you so much for being here and also I'm not forgetting Brenda she's such a nice lady we are very lucky to have her okay Zach did thank you J and God bless you be safe all of you be safe all right Mr Baker motion to adjourn I motion to adjourn and a second roll call vote Kevin Baker Kevin Baker votes yes Chino Falone G want to thank you for for your assistance and and for your time that you were kind enough to be at the meeting God bless you guys and be safe okay I'm going to take that as yes and the chair votes yes the May 22nd 2024 Littleton board Health meeting stands adjourned thank you everyone thanks Dave thanks Brenda Francis Jim everybody