##VIDEO ID:80_KOfg5FnA## this is the Board of Health October 9th meeting and it is 7 PM we have a quum so why don't we go ahead and get started our 7M first um item is a public hearing on the code of conduct and uh discuss and possible vote on adopting the board of health code of conduct um the code of conduct is in the packet and it's online there have been several modifications to this uh Francis do you want to walk us through this um sure so I put it on tonight with the red lines um just to see if there's any more um comments alterations edits that any board members would like to see I'd like to bring a final copy to the next meeting to vote on so um we've seen it a couple times but I just want to make sure before I make the final version I agree with that I think uh member Mr Kane there had some uh comments about it the last time and we can just review quickly um to make sure that your comments were addressed I'm reviewing again real quick I looked at it earlier today but um because I didn't see anything jump out at me and I reviewed it earlier as well and I didn't see anything uh out as well Gino lost Gino looks like we lost Gino we're below Quorum at this point so I'm gonna have to put a pause on the meeting so because we are below Quorum so everybody pause please hold um so even though we don't have Quorum we can still have informal discussion oh absolutely oh Gino has returned hello Gino I'm right here I I I just want to make sure the phone is getting charge got it I'm over here all right we got you um real quick Gino um did you have a chance to look at the board of health code of conduct that was in the package I I know this yeah but I know that we're gonna have another meeting at the library right so g i we can discuss it at the retreat but it's probably something that's better suited for a regular agenda item unless you feel strongly about it I think we don't need to necessarily discuss it at the retreat in my personal opinion but let's just um so Gina do you have any comments about it for this evening I don't have any no no everything is okay we we have three people here and eventually those two were were not able to come but nevertheless would be okay yeah uh this is a public hearing uh do we have any other comments or anybody in the audience that um would like to chat about it okay there's nobody in the audience at the moment okay well I need yes Dan um well I'm F it's kind of broken up funny uh section three line okay we still have that never publici never never publicly criticized an employee of the Town um I think that was one of my points from last time of of how we quantify that obviously it's at the discussion of the board to take action or not based on the code of conduct um but I think this is one of our discussion points that where is that line and we'll pick on Francis because he's here if we go hey Francis we asked you to do this for this meeting and you didn't do it that's that's a concern ER would that you didn't I'm just using you as an example um if would that be considered criticizing a town employee publicly if we simply had a concern with some action with department whether it's Brenda or Francis or anybody else I I guess that piece of obviously it's up to the board to decide where that line is but it's just seems kind of I don't know it's kind of it's kind of a vague one going where where is that line and I'm not sure if it's it's a true concern or not it just I don't know it seems kind of I'm assuming it's meaning as a member of the board that certainly as a citizen I should be able to have opinions about a town employee um I but I don't know if this applies to universally that I can't stand up in town meeting and go I have a problem with the Town Administrator I don't but that again that where does this fall is this for all all language is it only an official Board of Health language is it only during board meetings um and then if it is if it's any of those settings where is that line between publicly criticizing because that really could simply be you were late for this meeting and that's a problem that could be considered publicly criticizing and then I just I know I'm not I'm trying not to make a big deal of it but I am just trying to make sure that we're clear of what what we are agreeing to when we when we say that does this mean we can't stand up in town meeting as a resident and say I've got a problem so so I I think we had a a vibrant discussion about that a couple two or three meetings ago at least one that I was at uh unlike the last one um and I think we said that you know we were going to try to focus that a little bit more um or even strike it Francis do you remember um yeah I I bely remember it might be worth striking just because I don't think there is any good way to word it um and I think that's why it might be a little vague to begin with um because I mean Dan very well could stand up at um town meeting and say as a resident and that is fully within his right um so yeah that that's thank you for this that's the same look I'm having going I get it yeah we want to be responsible and we don't want to stir the pot as Town officials but on the other hand where is that whole First Amendment versus professional responsibility line fall on any given day or any any given situation let's I I'd say you know let's go ahead and put a strike through for that one and let's just have it a point of discussion for the uh for whenever we discuss this at our next meting when we have all of our members here um because I think I think that'll be a good thing to do what do you guys think I think I think you're right so a Redline it in the final version still yeah absolutely a notation on it so people will see it ahead of time yeah Dan what do you think does that sound like a good approach okay Y Cool Beans because I seem to recall that vibrant conversation around that the last time all right um any other Gob [Music] backs all righty so this is a public hearing so uh what does the board move to do so my suggestion would be um I will finalize the um version to discuss and potentially vote on at the next meeting um with the noted Redline item that Dan had so we should continue this then all right um Dan I'll make a motion that we continue the public hearing around the board of health code of conduct to our next regularly scheduled meeting which is sorry um October 23d [Music] 2024 I have a second he Kevin Baker do I have a second you know I couldn't hear you buddy you're talking about me h no I I just couldn't hear I need a second we have a motion on the floor to okay I'll make a second I second all right so the motion on the floor is to um continue the discussion on October 23rd for our board of health code of conduct so uh that way we can have every member present and go over that that's good so just so Kevin knows before we continue it so um we just talked about the code of conduct and um the one item that we want to keep on a red line is Section 3 k um which talks about public comments about staff essentially um public criticizing staff of of the town it might be worth striking that item because there's no good way to word it and it is a little vague in the way it's presented so and I think that's the problem is because there is no good way to word it um and Dan brought up a very good point about being a me a resident and when is his right uh basically he could stand up in town meeting and be able to make a comment as a resident of Littleton and that's a little different and where do you draw that line so we'll put that on and I'll note it for thought for the board to think of for the October 23rd meeting um otherwise I didn't hear any other alterations unless you had some Kevin no so I was just gonna say we have a motion in a second on that and we'll do a roll call vote if possible um Mr Baker Kevin Baker votes yes Mr Kane Dan Kane votes yes Mr alone youone yes and the chair Kevin Davis votes yes all right so that is our seven that's our s o'clock item our 705 item is a discussion to the Board of Health Retreat uh so this is just a discussion we're going to review possible agenda items and dates so Francis when is the date for our uh Retreat um so we have October 21st uh from 11: to 2 at the library yeah refreshments and light snacks to be provided okay yeah October 22 Yeah 21st you know so that's Monday thank you Monday Monday October 21st okay y all righty and let's see so our discussion would be um what kind of items do we want to put on that agenda um obviously we have many but Focus three hours yeah yeah yeah so um so do any of the members have any uh ideas that they would like to have on the agenda Mr Baker uh you know when I when I first ran for the Board of Health and you know started learning about uh everything we're responsible for it dawned on me that it would be a great goal for this board uh to have to be to become an accredited Board of Health uh and I know it's a very difficult thing to do uh to become accredited but I think that should be our ultimate goal and you know it might be part of a tenure plan but I think we have to put it out there and and start to you know work backwards on the things that we we need to do uh to get close to that goal and I'm sure we can all I'm sure Francis knows all about it and what and what needs to happen uh and can guide us in the steps that we can take to to get closer to that goal so so that that's my top priority okay that sounds great uh Dan yeah to kind of follow up on that um I know I have gone through it but it's been probably 15 years now I'm not sure about other members of the board um the mass Association of boards of health does a new member um orientation program and they do contining education every year around rights responsibilities and authority of boards of Health what that piece of what are we responsible for you know obviously every board can have different things and different responsibilities in their communities but there are some things that are relatively Global across the state and it's a great opportunity for new board members to really see both what the responsibilities are and also what the scope of authority Boards of Health have that they may not be otherwise aware of um which is a great opportunity I'm not sure who else has gone uh over the years I'll be honest at this point I'd love to go back again because it's been so long um and it was a great it was a one day kind of piece it was but it was a great crash course into things to think about as a new board member and as a board member in general um some other things I had really just kind some update kind of stuff so you talking about kind of a 10-year plan of kind of figure out where we are with a transition plan um you know at this point Francis has now been with us for three months six months six months yeah time time flies so six we're six months in now to this this new this new situation so I think it'd be really helpful to have a really solid understanding of okay what's the what is the state of the of the department where are we at what's things have been trans you know kind of transferred or Cross covered what things haven't what we still need to do to support this transition um I I'll be honest I'm not sure if we have a warrant on the to meeting I have not seen anything come from us as far as a warrant which a warrant article regarding the um leaving Thea so that means if it's not that on that then we really that pushed us out another six months until the next town meeting before we be able to have a warrant article because we can't leave until the town meeting votes that we can leave and then we have to not and then we have our clock so um trans plans they they did do the vote in the spring we did okay and they've been notified yep awesome all right um so kind of like what so certainly now if our clock is running what exact where where are we in our transition plan what things have been covered what things we still need to identify resources for what are Staffing plan needs to be to as we take over the responsibilities um you know how we're going to meet the nursing pieces you know certainly Francis in our small town will be a busy person but could handle we should be able to handle most of the requirements most of the expectations of the position with the exception of not having a nursing license nothing against you it's okay but there are pieces that we need a a physician of record for both nursing practice but also you know we have to have a physici record for anybody requests an exam we need to be a have a contracted provider to the best of my knowledge so there's some of these pieces that simply we need to figure out what we know and what we don't know and what we need to do to make it happen before we lose that connection um I'd love to talk about some kind of transparency of how we um improve it's great having Francis here because actually the board of health is putting out notifications like Triple E status has changed and those kind of things which is wonderful I love seeing it um other there other pieces around that kind of Outreach education injury prevention um and talk about just information transparency um that would be really a great way of seeing it I don't know how transparent we want to get with inspection reports and some of those kind of things you know you go to Boston and everybody has a grade on their door every restaurant has a grade on their door you go to Westford every restaurant does have a grade on the door but it says if you want to see the report ask for it or contact the Westford Board of Health every restaurant has that notice that it is public knowledge and if you want to see it you can see it um I don't know where that line is if there's a line for Littleton of what we want to do but I think it'd be a an interesting discussion of how much information we want to share easily have you know and have expectations to share without going a freedom information request um if I want to see a inspection report on a restaurant um and that's something that we can under our Authority could take care of but that might be that level how transparent do we want some of these things to be may be a great opportunity to discuss as we're all together a more informal setting um as well as for us I I know I've asked a couple times um since Francis has been here and I certainly asked since I joined the board of that piece of how are things going how many inspections have we done have we been any issues or results if we say hey we've done 12 inspections and they've all been 100% no issues no nothing not even like a dirty Fork I'm just as happy to hear that positive feedback that things are awesome as I'd want to hear going no we have a few places that has some issues and they're being addressed or we had to close someplace somebody for 48 hours while they fix their hot water all the that all that pieces it's kind of nice to know simply that the job is being done that we're responsible for overseeing um and I think that's another piece I'd love to see of how we can do we want that how do we want that to be handled shared with the group um and then maybe just some updates in general how we looking for opiate what do we need to do for the opiate funding um the air quality piece is new we got the sensors but you know once we have more information we probably won't have enough information for the retreat to talk about it but are there any other health goals in town we've been a bit of treading water and doing kind of the legally required stuff but we really haven't done much above and beyond we have to do Title Five we have to do restaurant inspections we haven't done a lot more as I'm watching other boards do Outreach and education injury prevention um public information public events are those kind of things that we may want to look at again in that three five 10 year plan as part of the board's and the Department's responsibilities so I think really back that kind of where do we see this board kind of like Kevin I'd love to see this accredited okay so what do we need to do to get there what do we want what do we want from this from the board and the department in the next three five 10 years do we want to be checking the boxes because the state says boxes need to be checked we want to do that of course but also we want to be a proactive health department and not merely an inspection agency I I don't know where that is I know where I'd like to see it but I'm not sure what the will of the board is but I think that'd be a meaningful discussion sounds great thank you for your input Gina I hav too much to say I'm just un to understand there's something wrong with a friend that is Chairman of our uh of the he is something wrong with the the gentleman that is guiding the the the the the Board of Health I mean I don't see any any problem I don't understand I have to find out more about it so I can't give you any any question or or an answer I only know that there five people in Border hton and we are very nice people we try to do the best we can for the town of Litton and we do have a gentleman that is guiding us so we were we were for over a year and a half I think we were fighting to to get our own gentleman to guiding us and all of a sudden now what's wrong with it is people making a comment or what is it no I think it's more about setting goals and how we want to grow and how we want to now that we have this um and we have dedicated service and manh hours where do you want Public Health to go so we are tackling the mandatary components and it's a question of how do we grow so what Dan is talking about is more like Community Health you know what kind of education what kind of initiatives what kind of awareness do we want to get out there um how do we grow the department in a responsible way about being fiscally responsible as well so um you know in five years where do you what do you want to see Staffing with what do you want to see is the focuses that we are mainly primarily working on what kind of projects overarching or smaller can we put in where do we cross-connect with elder Services versus the schools you know it's it's building an infrastructure that has been very isolated for a very long time and only focus on getting by now we're looking at building a construct that goes across the town and tackles public health issues that have never been discussed before um so it's kind of it's up to you where you think the priorities should go towards it in the future so we begin discussion now to be able to build it out into the budgets and be able to build out some kind of description and get narrowed down focus on where we could put jobs in place but you will guide us am I correct Francis that's right but like that's the that's the retreat is to discuss like okay where do we want to go yeah franchis I think it would be a like you mentioned we should have a meeting on our own without even give what the information to everybody I mean we I like to have something like that yes we can talk something like that it's very important but you are you guide you have to guiding us so we should have another meeting just five of us and you includeed yeah I think that's the intent of the retreat you know in the 21st is to actually yeah absolutely so um I think one of the other things that I'd like to discuss here is also is is I Know Dan touched on it I'm gon to Pile in a little bit with that as did Kevin um is is definitely more strategic thinking versus tactical thinking uh definitely want to focus more on that if it's a fivey year a 10 year a 15 a a one 125 you know whatever sort of kind of plan we want to put in place that lays out kind of what lays out some um measurement points to say hey look we've made it here this is where it is here's the things that we wanted to tackle and show all that stuff I'm getting back to the transparency side of things definitely the inspections and stuff like that I really would like to see us try to incorporate uh some of the inspections maybe into uh how we present that information for all the inspections how do we present the information um to you know from all the other things that we do like you know what about the list of food trucks that are approved in town you know all those kinds of things we should have an easy way of getting out that information and presenting it to the towns I know uh one of the cool things that I saw when I was in um I was on my travel sumwhere I forget where I was on one of my travels but they had a QR code on the door of the restaurant it's a it said um Health score or something like that and it had a big QR code that you could scan and I did just for grins and it took uh you two where the it showed uh their license uh their latest inspection all that kind of good stuff and it was right from that municipality that that you were in that the information came from I thought that was a really unique way of presenting the information quickly to to the citizens and the people the using that establishment so I mean again transparency is kind of the things where I'm at so that's kind of my two top goals um um is making sure that we have all that information and how we present data to our citizens so those are the things that I've got that's good does anybody else have anything else they'd like to discuss Francis um so just to quickly touch on what Danny Kevin had mentioned so what they're talking about is the public health accreditation board um which coincidentally I actually did mention this to Jim Dugan on Friday um our fiveyear goal is to reach that accreditation um it just it's going to take time year three is probably when we're going to have the most motion on that um it is about a yearl long process um very few health departments in Massachusetts have it it's probably a handful um Westford is currently going through it right now actually um but it is on my list and I think we can reach it within five years realistically okay that sounds great yes Kevin uh are we also able to take a look at the community health assessment data to start to formulate a plan around what we can do to help residents there's another yes um I think that's a good agenda item I have the questions all flushed out um so I think a good topic would be opiate funds would probably be a good topic to kind of flush out a little further now we have some data the responses have not been a great quantity of responses but um we do have some data we actually do have some people who would like to be part of more focused groups too which is good and we have so received some um responses of people who work in that profession and are willing to kind of help guide maybe some discussions or some kind of listening Group which is good um so and we also just recently got notified that there is a grant that just popped up where the state will provide matching funds for any initiative that we might want to choose to do with it um so it might be looking into further seeing if there's any smaller programs we can match funds for a minig grant basically um so that's something I'm going to Turf to fire police and Elder services in the schools to see if there's any programs right now that they already have in place that might need a boost or might need a one-time thing that would help their program kind of further its reach um but it would be good to discuss how we want go forward now that we have some data with the opiate fund money um listening groups I think would be a good concept to talk about how we want to do that um and how we want to roll out the task force and what the primary objectives would be in the beginning and how we grow that as well because it won't just extend to opiate funds it also extend to maybe Community initiatives and um early warning signs with certain properties so it might become a larger task force than just focusing on opiate funds um and then with the health assessment if we already have the questions in hand since the opiate responses were not great I think it'd be good to have a bigger conversation on how can we roll out the health assessment bigger um to get greater responses um and I think in terms of what we're talking about too I think the budget would be a good discussion um to have at the retreat because it's going to talk about how we're going to grow and how we're going to reach all this so um I've already started to work on it so if we could have a working draft and kind of discuss how to implement it and working on a three-year goal kind of I think that'd be a good discussion as well okay it sounds great so really quick summary I'm just going to go back I took some notes I want to make sure um people understand um and if I left something off um and it's going to be a high level summary it's not exact details um Mr Baker goal of the accreditation of the Board of Health and have a 10-year plan I think think is something that you kind of said straight out um Mr Kane talked about an orientation program from the mass associations uh Boards of Health uh like maybe going and going and doing a presentation uh he also talked about a 10-year plan and transition into growth uh he also has mentioned um having uh if we are moving away from the showa health which was voted on in the the um last town meeting uh that we need to start to think about having a doctor you know a record and nursing staff um looking at transparency um opiate funding and air quality piece he talked about and inspections like how do you get out all the inspections and he also talked about moving from the status quo that we were at into uh a more leader board Gino talked about making sure that we were having a meeting to go talk about all the stuff he thought that was really good idea um I talked about transparency um and getting the accreditation um those are the two items that I talked about and then uh Francis talked about a public Board of Health um accreditation uh fewe process um and then there's a Community Health Data that we're going to walk through opiate funds listening groups and also talking about the budget itself for like a threee fiveyear sort of kind of look at that think I summarized all of that is that did I capture most of everything did I leave anything off I think it did a good job okay he does anybody have any saved rounds hearing none this is just a discussion I think is it okay to move on to our next item unless anybody wants to have a quick go back no I'm seeing nodding at heads and positiveness and smiles okay so we're going to go on to our next item our 710 ID discussion support Tool uh Mr Dr Wason is currently not with us he's the one that does the ID support decision deal I know we are coming into the season of other diseases that we like to track to come on board I don't know where he's at with that I know we just um uh finished up with our Triple E um motions that we had and I thought we handled that quite well um does anybody have any discussion points on this before I move that we go to the next item um go to the next time yes Dan uh I can I can share a little bit from a quick peek at the State website um currently the severity for influenza in mous uset is at the low we're actually down a little bit um since the previous week this week this data ends um September 28th so we're a week and a half out I believe it comes out on Thursday it's just like the covid numbers but uh flu numbers are in fact down which is good um the covid numbers for that same week there were 1687 new cases and 22 deaths for that week of 22 to September 22 to 28 so it is up air um and it's about 2% of all hospitalizations were still around covid so certainly nowhere near the front of anyone's Minds these days but is I'll repeat my my parrot here of it is still out there if you're willing and please go get your updated covid shots because for anybody at at high risk um you know elderly kids imuno compromised chronic diseases that it is still out there and again unfortunately 22 massachusett residents died now the last week of September from covid so it is still out there it is still a real thing just be thoughtful be aware get vaccinated I reiterate that message sounds great any other discussion around the ID support tool hearing none let's go to some administrative matters and specifically let's talk about the meeting minute approval we got uh three meeting minutes in our packet to take a look at we got July 10th the 24th and August 28th and our packet is the first one around July the 10th uh we actually have a quorum to vote on it uh so this is good because I wasn't at the July 10th when I was on vacation so um does anybody have o Mr Baker I'd like to make a motion to approve the July 10th minutes uh as presented well you have a motion in a second Mr K you had your hand raised was that for to possibly get a second just a second yep got it um hearing that I'd like to take a roll call vote uh Mr Baker Baker votes yes Mr Kane Kane votes yes Mr Fred aloney yes and um the chair abstains because I wasn't there so hearing that I think we have a pass let's go into the July 24th meeting minutes I was there Mr Baker was there and Mr Fred alone were there all of us were present and Mr Wason and Mr Kane were absent uh Mr Baker I'd like to make a motion to approve the July 24th 2024 minutes as presented I have a motion on the floor or do I have a second second any discussion no hearing no discussion uh let's go for a roll call vote Mr Baker Kevin Baker votes yes Mr Kane Dane Mr fralone yes and Mr Davis votes yes all right our last set of meeting minutes we have is from uh August 28th Mr way Mr Davis and Mr Kane were present uh unfortunately um because of that I don't think we have enough people here with quorum to go ahead and vote unless there's a mistake that other someone else was present in that meeting no okay so we're going to have to move that these minutes get tabled until our next meeting when we hopefully have a quarum to vote onum Yes Mr Kane um agreed with continuing it until the till the next just a quick note um we have board members present we don't have board members absent obviously we can do and most of us can do the math pretty easily but just to be consistent with other minutes it probably should be added yeah absolutely and we should also take a look at the health department staff present um oh there it is okay I'm sorry okay and we'll make a note that it shouldn't be co-chair for Minister Davis should be vice vice okay uh I think that is all that we have for minutes does anybody else we don't have any other okay correspondence um Francis do you want to walk us through correspondence that we received so uh as We Know the Triple E is down to moderate um notice went out people are pleased we have our Clinic coming up on the 22nd so far right now we have 36 covid vaccination appointments registered um and they're just kind of slowly rowing in at this point so that's awesome did anybody else receive any correspondence oh well Gino dropped off okay we still have Quorum hopefully gin will come back and return come back gin okay we'll proceed on did anybody else receive any other correspondents that they'd like to talk about um oh I did receive a correspondence about the soccer fields um in their port parties um this will be the first violation notice that we've written up um giving a warning about maintenance okay that's good and it was for I think R okay and uh I received a couple of emails uh surrounding the triple as well uh it was very uh inform ative to receive those emails um and so I wanted to just bring that to the attention that that's there as well I received no other correspondents um yes danan you're muted I was just going to bring up the um some ones that we have seen in our our emails but just to share out that um covid test. goov has reopened at as of the end of SE of September so anyone who may um desire covid tests you can go online and order I believe it's up to 4 and they'll deliver them right to your house so that is a great opportunity since I know for many of us our tests we may have had on our shelves are coming up to the end of their useful life um certainly you can go online and double check expiration dates because they are sometimes extended beyond the dates on the boxes but um it's a great opportunity if if you do need it as we going into the indoor months um to just double if you'd like to to go online and be able to get those uh the other one I know Francis had shared that um we have no new information really about um the nooba hospital closure there's no short-term foreseeable action um or options available to to change the show the status of being closed um but dph has made um grants available to um the municip EMS and the municipalities around we okay we CL the video eight community around devans so we've got Devin around excuse me around air so air devans Shirley Grotton Tings uh um towns and excuse me I think us uh Groton peil I think I've got them all but communities around the who has primary respon primary transport to nooba um I believe it was $250,000 to um support um EMS infrastructure so I don't believe it's designed for Staffing but it's designed for equipment material things to help as transports are longer U and and resources stretch a little bit more thin among the rest of the EMS World um with that with longer transport time so a little outside of the Board of Health piece but certainly around the show is closing in some of the impacts that dph is at least making some efforts to try to mitigate the best they can um without taking over the hospital and trying to reopen it at this time so yeah and I know I put a draft of a letter together and it was up on the SharePoint s it uh for the board uh I don't remember or recall that letter I don't know if it made any further forward progress um um so there's a rewrite in there um when you get a chance Kevin oh okay great I'll go take a look at that put it on the to-do okay um yeah back to the mention uh Dan about the covid tests uh the covid test uh site did open up I actually did order four to check it out um my four came and uh also came with a card that said even though they're expired please go check to make sure they're good you know please go to this website to make to let you know that they're you know the vendor has extended the life blah blah blah blah blah so yeah everybody when you get them please make sure you go and check them and all that kind of good stuff so you can also visit your local Friendly Health Department as well um we just I just ordered another shipment that we got this afternoon of covid test um and they expire in June so come visit us we're passing them out like crazy excellent awesome glad to hear that um have we placed them in any other places in town not that I want to have sick people necessarily go to say the library but um are there other places that we have given them to dish out um the only other place that we've given to them in bulk is the um Elder Services okay all right um but we can bring some over to the library of course and not that I'm suggesting people who are sick go to the library to go get a covid test so they're there we're friendly though you can come visit us I I understand I'm not saying not awesome does anybody else have any other correspondents that they'd like to talk about uh the only other item that I would say is we're currently in interviews for the new Administrative Assistant um for the Board of Health um so we had interviews today we have Friday as well and potentially one day next week um and hopefully we'll have a clear idea of who the candidate will be by the end of the week with some form of offer letter so um it's moving we're getting closer to the end and the person I just promoted was G know um so uh he came back so sorry about that Gina I just noticed that you were there so yeah my phone was uh discharged that's what happened no worries no worries at all Gino okay um so I think we've kind of naturally morphed into the next item which was board member updates comments for discussion um does anybody else have any other board member updates Gino do you have any other board member updates that you would like to chat about no at the moment not I think when we get together we'll talk about it okay uh Mr Baker anything oh good excellent uh H Mr Kane anything else I have nothing new thank you sir you're why are you welcome Mr dangle anything else no Francis says no did a good job thank you sir um okay uh I'm looking at the list of participants in our meeting right now for a public input I see no members in attendance and we'll wait of just a couple of seconds to make sure somebody else um has not come in we are well past our 710 item for discussion so I've we've waited the 10 or 15 seconds now about another five seconds or [Music] so 4ish fiveish there we go hearing nothing else uh I don't have any other items on our agenda chair you did a good job Baker may I make a motion to adjourn please I have a mo before to adjourn I have a second I did points of discussion hearing none Mr Baker Uh Kevin Baker votes yes Mr Kane Mr Kane votes yes Mr fr alone thank you uh you did a good job my friend Mr Fone how do you vote on the journey I voted yes thank you and the chair votes yes this concludes our October 9th Board of Health meeting in the town of Littleton Massachusetts thank you so much