good evening Littleton this is Kevin Davis the vice chair of the Board of Health it is July 24th it is 7 pm and we're going to start our Board of Health meeting our first thing up on the agenda is a 7M public hearing for 2331 Steven Street uh Brenda if you wouldn't mind promoting it looks like Kyle and attorney given and attorney cro sorry K you're going to have to help us out with the pronunciation I apologize Brenda are we promoting Kyle um it's not allowing me not sure why um Mr chair I Kyle Coto is he's not in a on a computer that has um video or audio but he is downstairs if we need him to come up oh okay that's fine thank you we' promoted him anyway all right thank you no problem no problem attorney Gibbons good evening attorney Gibbons uh why don't we go ahead and take a walk through what you have for 2331 Steven Street very good thank you uh my name is attorney Tom gibons I represent dump Tech realy trust who is the owner of what Adam Street uh we before you tonight for a title 5 waiver for the properties of 23 to 31 Steven Street and one Adam Street in Littleton Mass the board may remember that we worked uh together diligently over many months to come up with a an agreed upon form Title Five waiver uh we reached that agreement and then um the board had requested that I actually go through the formal process which which we've done I submitted that whole package on June 18th so the only difference to the title 5 waiver agreement uh from what was approved and finalized is the fact that I'll be retiring from the private practice on July 31st so my associate Kyle Coto is establishing his office here and the parties the the two owner parties and I have agreed that he will be the substitute escrow agent I can tell you that I have the $60,000 in my iot account right now that's uh called for in the agreement assuming the board does approve the agreement I can have someone pick it up I'll record it I'll return a recorded copy to the board my client will abide by all the terms including having the system inspected monthly having the system pumped every two months and if any monthly inspection the inspector determines that it needs to be pumped at that time it will be pumped at that time and they plan to use rmra company who I'm sure you guys are all familiar with they're a local company uh in addition the board will have a right to access to the property upon 72 hours written notice to my office and and after July 31st to attorney coto's office okay Francis and Jim do you want to bring us up to speed on where we where the board left off because I'm a little fuzzy on where the board left off so I can start I think we had gotten to the point as attorney Gibbon stated that um the board had agreed um with the conditions that he had listed um and what we wanted was the applications to come in so there was actually formal process um so we now have that the applications were attached to that pack and one of little wrinkle was the retirement so that's why the reasons I asked attorney gimons to bring the document back so that the board would feel comfortable understanding that nothing's really changed except that they're passing it to a different person in the practice so I don't think there's any other issues with it okay Francis um this was a little be po me so I don't think I should make any comments really um has a good handle y Kevin is there anything that you would like to question or comment on then Kevin Baker are there any questions or comments you have for this no thank you okay Gino are there any questions or comments that you have for this no I don't I don't have any thank you okay he's trying to do the best got it I need a motion bu's there there nobody's there I make a motion okay Gina what was the motion you're going to make make a motion to ask him if it's okay to have it now or or later do we do a Gino do you mean to say we're going to approve the waiver as written right motion on the table is to accept the application and waiver as written is that what you said Gino right okay do I have okay I have a second and a motion let's go around and do a Voice vote Kevin Baker Kevin Baker votes yes Gino fralone you yes and Kevin Davis the chair votes yes so we have a pass thank you very much I appreciate that and Mr chairman if I can just ask so um assuming Brenda would like me to record it I can pick it up record it and get a copy back um any idea when I should pick that up uh you can coordinate with Brenda and Francis on the ability to go pick that up um just give the office a call tomorrow and coordinate that with you how's that sound very good thank you all very much I appreciate all your help over the many months that we worked on this great thank you for your patience and your kind words you're welcome have a great night you too bye bye well that is awesome it's 7:07 our next public hearing is for 2628 and 30 Cricut Lane and if you wouldn't mind promoting Mr Brandon duch and again Brandon if that's incorrect please correct me because I have rough time with names sometimes sorry I lost you there for a second I was just joining as a panelist it's uh Brandon duchar David Ross yeah and I'm here on behalf of Peter mcanespie for 26 28 and 30 Cricut Lane okay um it looks like um we're here to take a look at some well location requirements and reduction of a separation distance from the well all those kinds of things um why don't we go ahead um Brandon are you willing to share your screen sure yep all right as as you may recall we actually were before you back in October of 20121 with this plan um and the plan was for the well right now it's it was three existing uh pre-existing non-conforming properties at the end of Cricut Lane right on spectacle Pond and the project was uh and is to demolish the three separate houses and construct a single uh new house and just given the size constraints of the property we proposed a holding tank um and then a well on the property um we were before you as I said in October of 21 and um the project was voted on we had a local upgrade approval for a setback reduction for the holding tank to a lot line and since then we've we've obviously been to con conservation we have an order of conditions and then the project kind of got um derailed a little bit there was um a property line dispute with on a butter that ended up going to court which has now been resolved and in the process of pulling the building permit uh it was discovered that there should have been a waiver for that was voted on when we were last before you for the well also so really what we're doing tonight is we're kind of coming back and um and asking for that waiver um for the well so Cricut Lane is kind of up at the top of the page that's it's a dead end there really isn't a turnaround or anything and then there's there's access off of the end of cricket and then the proposed house is going to be uh just off um what would be the frontage of the lot and we we tuck the holding tank up between the house and the road obviously for the ease of pumping and then we needed to get a portable water source so we set the well kind of out behind the house in order to get both a 50 foot setback from the proposed holding tank as well as a 50ft setb from the holding tank on the abing property um and in that location well basically there isn't anywhere on the lot that we can meet the 50ft set back from either a property line or the the uh water surface The Edge the pond um so in this location here dictated to get that 50 foot setback from the holding tank we're asking for the setback um reduction for 23 feet from the Wetland and um 22.9 feet from the property line okay let's start with uh Jim or Francis any comments on this so I think I'm probably more appropriate from it because was so long ago um so this was um again to replace three three small camps that were on this um who all had if they had Wells we didn't know about them they may have had Lake lines um so they're going to put one structure in there they do need a pable water supply before they can build a a pull a building permit I have received an application to drill the well it'll be according to the well driller drilled well they'll use bent Knight to seal the casing to the Bedrock so we can minimize any kind of influence from the pond um it really is the only spot on that lot that they can really get that um to kind of maximize the offsets and it certainly would be better than what was there before we'll have a a well that we can then test and and provide pable water for the house okay that sounds great why don't we go around the room and ask questions I'll start with Gino this time Gino I don't see any problem because uh Jim explained it the question is they like to have some water and I guess they can get the the water from the from the well and the distance is I think is a little bit too close but let's see what JY says okay Jim do you have any followup for that no like I said I think they've made the best attempt again keeping the 50 feet from the tanks and you can see there's a tank up above for that house um that came in probably five or six years ago number 24 um and and they're going to propose a tight tank so no leeching will happen between these two lots okay that would be okay that's it Kevin Baker what is the uh what is the existing regulation State as far as setbacks go is it 50 feet and we're trying to get to 23 I think it's 50 from the property line I think a 100 from the wetlands and we're asking for 23 from the property line and how how many feet from the wetlands I believe it's 50 foot requirement from Wetland to gym is it okay and um what basically both would be around 23 feet yeah and again it's small pre-existing Lots I mean as as you do look to the ab to the north you can see in order to you know get their well and tight tank in there their well is probably looks like it's about three feet off the lot line yeah I mean this looks like it's the best you could possibly do yeah we've replaced the systems at 24 um with the tight tank and the house next door I believe got a leeching I got a a new system again probably now maybe 10 years ago so the Flannery property 22 Cricket yeah it might be 2 I'm not sure but it's the property it's Mark fling yeah I'd love to see where their septic system is on this on this document so the flry lot I believe leave is in right up top where Cricut Lane the lot line meets Cricut Lane it's in the driveway way up top correct yeah so outside outside of 100 foot uh certainly of this well Brandon right they I think they had to get a variance for the well that's for 20 the one at 24 right and they got that variance uh that was a while back I'd have to pull the file but I believe so okay thank you and uh the chair um has no other questions that weren't already asked and answered so the chair is going to entertain any motions I'll make a motion to approve the variance on the setbacks for the placement of the law a second I have a motion in a second I second it I heard J know I have a motion in a second no worries let's take a roll call vote Gina fralone G frone yes thank you Kevin Baker Kevin Baker votes yes and the chair Kevin Davis votes yes thank you so much have a great evening all right thank you very much good luck thank you all right it is now 7:15 uh let's start our 710 public hearing for 30 George Street Dillis and Roy civil design let's promote Jack Maloney I think he was in a he is already being promoted Brenda you're amazing looks like what we have is a behalf of our client respectfully request the following local variances in local operated approval for the design and construction of proposed sewage Disposal system looking for a local variance regulation number 27 no portion of a fill requirement for a SAS shall be within 10 feet of the property line um then Title 5 variants there are none required and then the title 5 local upgrades we're looking for a reduction of the required 4 foot separation between the estimated Seas on a high groundwater table to the bottom of the leech area uh to a twoot separation between the estimated seasonal High ground water table on the bottom of the leech field as proposed and then a Civ analysis may be performed in percolation test since the perk test cannot be performed all right so I think that is all that we have uh why don't we have our engineer to a quick all set yeah uh Jack Maloney from Dillis and Roy and um basically did half my job for me tonight Mr chairman uh as you can see this is the this is the lot in pink we have an existing three-bedroom house big wooden deck uh fenced in part partially fenced in backyard we have a gas line and a water line that come in the front and then we have the uh the existing septic tank right now is right where my hand cursor is uh it's underneath this stairway uh to the upper deck area and then it flows across to uh an area in this lighter red bubbled area uh which is in Failure uh there was a Title 5 that was done earlier this spring uh and it's in Failure so we plan on replacing uh the septic tank uh with a new 1500 gallon two compartment tank 1,000-gallon pump chamber and then a Presby system that's in yellow here um one of the uh variances that we're looking for is the reduction from the 4ot down to a 2 foot given the size of a lot we do have Town water uh and we're trying to minimize the grading without um having to build walls or or anything like that uh I got the system to fit in here pretty decent there is uh section over in this area that's about 5.2 feet uh to the property line um Jim and I spoke about this a couple weeks back in the field during testing on another lot we talked about putting in uh maybe a uh subdrain or a surface Stone sale um but in this case where it's so close to the bush line uh it may be kind of difficult to remove those bushes take away that privacy between the two neighbors just to install that that trench uh to capture any possible runoff that would come off of that system again this is going to be a uh LOM and seed and grass area again compared to what it is uh so I tried to tweak this in as as best as possible without changing the whole landscape area for that for that site okay Francis or Jim any comments sure so again all small Lots in this neighborhood all high water tables the houses are all kind of built really low to the ground so anything time you're raising up a yard the concerned about surface runoff onto properties not only the property the systems being Ser installed for but ating properties um to Jack's point about trying to do some infiltration of the surface water um we had talked and and if you look at the property to the direct south of the property there uh five Arc place the ground seems to go up just a little bit so I don't think there's a big issue there um but the property um to the east um the concern is I think their yard becomes the low spot now um and so even if something was done in that corner of that property to avoid the um the brush and the trees and whatnot then that might it might be helpful um just for service what what we get what we are concerned about is you know February and the ground is frozen and get we get one of those 2-in rainstorms um and the water just moves across the lot um so I I don't have an issue with the uh other requests um again it's trying to do the best you can it is Town water the system is better uh it's higher above the groundwater opposite than it was before it's going to have new tanks and a filter so it should do well for the property um the only thing that really concerns me is that the surface went off Francis yeah I would agree with the runoff but it's a tough site I don't really see any other way to do it so are we just talking about vegetation that would have to be removed to put the soil in I'm just asking a question a clarifying question in that back corner yeah I'm I I've on my other screen I'm looking at that back corner there there's a landscape area that we noted on the plan that ties into the uh Bush line um that we have shown so I mean you be taking out some Landscaping to install this um you know recharge trench in the back again I mean everything right now goes that way uh in a rainstorm uh it sheet flows into that Southeast corner like Jim said we're not changing anything we're not putting in pavement the the discharge so to speak if you will is still going to be the same it may be directionally different in some cases but it still ends up down in that corner um and again it's not pavement it's going to be grass when we're done so you're still going to have the same infiltration rate on that grass as you would now as you know once it's built and established I I do get the idea we have done that with Jim on other occasions the one that we just did um on Birch Road we had to put that along the the bottom um and that being a little different case because it was a much steeper drop off to the neighbor yard um this is a more gentle slope coming into that that corner so um I I I just don't want to be taking privacy away and Shrubbery away to you know accommodate you know a small flow of potential water that could come in there Mr Baker any questions or comments no it looks like they did the best they could to fit all this in on a small lot and the um you know the water surface water coming off this uh it seems like if it already went in this general direction uh to begin with uh adding this mound in there uh shouldn't have a an adverse effect I appreciate Jim's comment about putting the Swale in but I don't know that the value of the sale uh is I I think keeping the bushes uh is probably is is more valuable than and taking them out that in the sale so uh no other other questions or comments excellent Gino any question like everybody understand that the lot is small and, 1500 septic system it's it's um I'm very proud of them they put a so big one just remind them that they clean their once every two years and then what are you going to do you know mean I'm glad they they go from 4T to 2 feet and the water is going to come as long it doesn't make any problem I don't think I have any problem okay and to the chair um I'm looking at the original the elevation lines that seem to be there it looks like in that bottom right corner it's at 196 and looks like the as belt or the as proposed will be 196 right there and it looks like you know it goes up a foot by foot and it looks like it's about it's a nice gentle slope the house seems to be is the house ele oh the house elevation is 203 is that what it is uh well that that's a a u it's a split level and there's a garage is a there's a garage on the uh system side of it so it's it's uh there's a basically a frost wall that comes out a few feet from the ground okay so if you can see the the elevation of 20308 in that that leftand corner of the house it's actually about a 2001 there so it's a couple feet out of the ground got it all right so it seems to be pretty gentle because the top of the proposed looks like the top of the mound is going to be about at 200 feet or so correct so at its highest point uh to the right of the dbox where test hole 5241 is it'll be about 3 foot height uh at its Max oh from the existing what it was from the existing what it was to what it's going to be proposed so that'll be that that corner there will be that the okay most the most fill on the property okay okay yeah I hear the concern but again I I agree with Mr Baker it seems that this is the best design that we can have for this keeping the rest of the yard pretty much intact um okay I don't see any other attendees in the um for comments or anything like that so there's nobody over there um I guess at this point I'll entertain a motion I make a motion okay gin what's your motion the motion is to give me the permit so what you're looking for is a a fill requirement from the SAS to be 10 ft from the property line that that we have a 4 foot uh looking for a two- foot separation from the seasonal High groundwater and that a Civ analysis be performed instead of a perk test is that what you're asking for din correct yeah okay I think that's the most wish a lot of luck because they put in A500 sep this system can you imagine that they usually have between 1,750 okay so but then make sure make sure they they clean every two years because it's a big one what that perfect thank you Mr Baker so I have a motion and a second on the table uh we'll go to Mr Baker for his Voice vote Kevin Baker votes yes Mr Fred alone mrone say yes and the chair Mr Davis votes yes and I think I just forgot to talk to to Jim and Francis whoopsies okay moving on all right thank you have a good day thank you you too Jack all right moving on to our 7:15 discussion the Board of Health conduct woohoo all right let's go get into our packet where that is and we can see in the packet we have bunch of information that is in there um so this is a discussion and uh why don't we start with uh Francis um yep so this is based off of the select board obviously from the redlining um not many changes there's a couple things I've seen in other towns that I put in for consideration if we want to go that route um but it's pretty boiler plate to what already exists for select board um I know that um Mr Kaine had concerns about uh one section about removing members um so that might be worth considering tabling to the next meeting but otherwise um I'll take any feedback and I can readjust anything you want for the next meeting well I'll definitely follow that suggestion um we can certainly discuss it but definitely table uh discussing that until Mr Kane is present to talk about his uh concerns for that the removal uh so I guess let's start at the top um I'm not seeing anything major you know board you know the board of health code of conduct obviously will put in the appropriate date um the first couple of paragraphs seem pretty General as far as what's being replaced Community responsibility remember that there are one team must abide by all the Board of Health discussions once they decisions once they are made uh looks like E and F are new ads uh is this something Francis that you had from another town uh yeah so typically when I research I'll see what other towns have on the books because everything is approved by different legal departments so if there's consensus where I see it in more than one location I'll add it for consideration um so these are things that I've seen in other towns perfect does anybody have any comments about uh E and F particularly no no comment Kevin is wagging his head side to side so I'm going to take that as a no so we can move on from that uh section two responsibility the town Administration all direct reports to the Board of Health EG director of Health okay um seems a little confusing to me but um just tighten it to director of Health yeah that's what I would do okay because the Board of Health is this board for policy you I see as person for the administration so you got it dude sounds good um all right so we've got director of Health Board of Health request assistance uh okay so e is a new thing limit request for staff support and that all requests go through the director of Health uh it seems to be new uh does anybody have any questions or comments on the board on that one no question no and I and Kevin is saying no I I think so yes okay so I don't seem to have a I and I don't have a problem as the chair for this uh that seems reasonable um you kind of are in control of all of that so U that seems very reasonable uh relationship to the Board of Health members and other persons um there is a large space between A and B I'm sure that's just an editing thing we'll take care of that um yes administratively uh treat all members concentrate conduct the recognize that board action That official meetings is binding cannot B and and that they alone cannot bind the Board of Health outside such meetings right open meeting Board of Health um definitely want to do a Global search and replace I know you probably have already done it but definitely do another Global search and replace for the word select just make sure that we have all of those taken care of oh yeah I see okay uh number I please clarify and another thing is recognize that the board action at official meetings I'm assuming the Board of Health action we want to be uh specific this is up at letter e same thing down at letter I I would suggest being specific about which board so that way it tightens up that language so do a definite Global search and replace for board and look if it makes sense to put Board of Health if it reads appropriate would be a suggestion okay P it looks new um not to speak on behalf of the Board of Health Andor Health Department staff at other public meetings unless approved by the board I'm assuming Board of Health so um that is uh if that's new can you give me a little logic behind that one as well um so sometimes and I have seen it before board members might go to a commission meeting for another board or board meeting and I guess it gets a little confusing on whether you're speaking on Board of Health or speaking as a resident so it's something to be kind of mindful for because any comments you make could be tied back to the board and the board might not necessarily agree so it's just kind of a reminder got it I don't seem to I don't have a problem with that anybody have a problem with that of course we'll review this again when we have a larger quum and things like that but definitely okay enforcement of the code of conduct the select board Board of Health Board again we already made that comment from above to make sure that we can do this this is where um um uh member Mr Kane is going to want to speak on here's another page that's blank so during a meeting or after initial warning a member who acts in an improv manner or unruly or disly may be removed from the meeting by a majority vote the remaining members okay so it sounds like this is the section that uh Mr Kane wants to comment on I would definitely agree with that let's listen and figure that out um does anybody have any comments though on a b and c no comments no comments k Mr Baker is shaking his head no so we're good to go okay um let's check and see if we have any attendees I see no other attendees um does anybody else here in the meeting have any other comments since I we kind of went through that uh quickly but efficiently yes Mr Baker I just want to thank Francis Francis for going through and making the edits and redlining it I think that'll be helpful uh for uh Dr won and and Mr when they're back too uh so I feel like if we can put this on our next agenda as a public hearing uh we would be able to take a vote on it I I would uh I would agree with that sentiment that we can put it as a hearing although without them here to have their talks having do we think we want to have another discussion just to make like some edits by Mr Kane and Mr Wason to make sure that those comments are adjudicated and put in so that way we have a final look before we do the public hearing would that make sense Mr Baker or do you think we should just press uh I think we can press I think we can listen as a public hearing and if folks still have adjustments and and and changes we could always continue it and table it okay yeah we can always or we can make them on the spot and you know approve as amended all right fair enough Francis do you feel comfortable with that yep I'll make the changes and we'll have it available Perfect all right then uh Brenda if you wouldn't mind putting that on our next meeting um as a a public hearing for our board of health code of conduct all right no attendees in the meeting area we're going to go to our 7:37 we're going to go to our 720 discussion for the room count policy yeah here we go all right you know the person that really wants this is Mr wayon and he's not here so I definitely think we need have make sure we have his comments on this as well all right yes Mr Baker I think that's a great point and I think Mr Kane would like to review this as well uh I think it reads really really well uh thank you for putting this together it's a long time coming and uh I think we should uh continue this until our next uh meeting when we have full board I would agree with that statement uh Mr fatalone do would you agree with that or would you like to have a discussion no it's a I understand what he means I think we should have the full the full bard of Health meeting all right uh then let's go ahead and push this discussion to our next meeting where we can have a full board with Mr Kaine and Mr Wason present and uh we'll move forward on that is everybody in concurrence with that yes yes yes Francis you good with that yeah uh just uh one thing to look at is um you had mentioned that you wanted to look at new construction as well as part of that policy yes um so for the next meeting um just whatever you have if you could send that to me I can kind of type something up or yeah my so I'll give you a little feedback on that now since we're in a meeting it's an appropriate time to do that from my perspective new construction we keep running into new construction that takes us right up to that minimal line and then when someone goes to try to finish their basement we're like well you can't finish your basement we have to go through hoops we have to have you know 10 rooms when it was nine or you know all of those kinds of things in a standard bedroom sort of kind of thing I really think uh we should go back to what what something was around in the 2000 time frame where you sized the house plus a percentage or something above that so we could actually get a finished basement if the Ben basement is unfinished um because we keep running into this all the time everybody wants to be able to finish their basement and then we've sized it to be you know a four bedroom so that means you can only go up to what help me out Jim how many nine rooms yeah you can go up to nine rooms at that point so that means the basement's one big honking room and you know you want a a place for the kids to scream and play while Mom or Dad um are in an office space so that's two rooms in the basement so you can't even do it so yeah we need to figure that out because I know my house is a four-bedroom house but we have our system is sized for six bedrooms so I can have 13 rooms in my house and no problems so um yeah there's needs to be we need to think about that because the tighter the smaller requirements are causing issues when people come back to you know to do their the basement finishing yeah so I'll put the notes in from the next meeting just to start the discussion on it okay so let's go ahead and have that U meeting oh Mr Kane has joined the club we haven't quite finished Let's see we haven't moved yet so we can actually have Mr Kane take a look at uh the Board of Health policy on additions and finishing basements that's the current one we're on um I know Mr Wason has a very big voice on this we were looking at tabling this to when we had the full board but since we here to have a discussion we had a little light discussion and I invite your comments if you had a chance to read this if not we were tabling it to our next meeting where we had more people your choice sir comments or we can move to the next item um I have not seen the most recent version of it so I'm I'm okay holding off and thank you everyone for your patience I apologize for being late it is quite all right we appreciate your presence page page 71 in your your packet Mr Kan for your reading and join me okay Mr Kane are you at uh yes Mr Baker I just wanted make a note uh that to Mr Kane that uh the chair had made a note about new construction and there's there's a blank section uh on the bottom of the uh the document uh where we should uh brainstorm uh about different ways we can handle new construction uh when uh a new house is basically already at its maximum capacity for square footage uh and and their septic system and and you know we we know that three years from now someone's going to come and want to finish the basement uh so how can we pre-plan for that uh with with this regulation and knowing that's that's going to happen and just something to think about between now and our next thank you Mr Baker that's a great summary of that blank space one of the comments I made uh Mr Kane was that uh as an example my house uh even though it's a four-bedroom house they have a six-bedroom septic sized system so that means I can have 13 rooms in my house before we start to have to come in to get a variance and all that other kind of good stuff so it's just one of those things that we're thinking of new construction because if your basement isn't finished adding in those extra space becomes near impossible and we have to start doing handstands to make things happen or tell our residents I'm so sorry so any other comments there Mr Kane um definitely like trying to as we are going over plans for new construction having that discussion early we certainly seen that a number of times even during construction before construction's finished we've had folks come back before us with the septics in the ground and oh by the way the owners who for this construction we haven't finished yet would like to finish their basement can we get a waiver so I I mean I can't imagine that construction's not finished and you didn't anticipate that that thousand square foot basement wasn't going to be finished during that design process um which always feels a little bit disingenuous to me it's one thing okay you know what I've had the house 20 years we'd like to finish it's something else when construction is still ongoing but you've already capped the septic system and now you want to say oh well can we get a waiver um so I I think addressing it early during the planning you know during the plan review stage is going to be very very helpful and making those things clear um again I know we'll talk about it um looking at that 300 SQ foot number open space um I'm not sure we may want to see what that number looks like I'm trying to think well that's 30 by 10 that's uh what 18 by 18 or something I'm trying to do a square root of my brain but again it's 18 by 18ish take which is a relatively small space um you know I I'll be I'll think of my basement which is uh 800 900 square feet probably it's one big open space but it's finished but I can't imagine going okay if I want to finish my basement that theoretically is going to add three or if it's 901 Square ft you know it's going to be four rooms or okay I have to make that closet a little bit bigger and get rid of that last square foot to make the numbers work I guess that that piece of it for me is like oh I'm not sure what the right number is 300 might seem a little bit snug for an open floor plan to say it's you know I'm just thinking of think of the house um so I'm not sure what that number should be but I think that obviously can maybe open up to other discussion and as we move forward of what makes sense and is reasonable because I'd hate to say yet you got a big open space and but it's three extra rooms when you know when it's it is but it's not it's it's that we try to make it not arbitrary but by picking a number we're kind of saying it's arbitrary we're saying 300 is 300 which means 31 that's two rooms so yeah the other thing that we could probably do something that maybe Francis can do with the building department is the houses that were built within the last 5 to seven years what's the what's the average size of the foundation if that's something that's in the building permits or something like that I have no idea this is spitballing like brainstorming right and say oh okay this is the average size of the basement in Littleton with that 300 SQ foot number Dan we could start to get an idea as if 300's the right or is 5 the right number or you know what I mean come up with some sort of number based off of real actual data I'll reach out to open go see if we can run a report somehow oh that'd be awesome yeah 300 isn't research based um it was just a recommendation from one of the members at a previous meeting so yeah I don't really have any backing to it yeah let's let's get a little bit of let's get a little bit of something behind that number so that way we can at least stand on something that we did a little research um but yeah but I'm together yeah the square foot at 300's right around 18ish yeah I did the math it's 17.3 by 17.3 feet squared yeah so the board did have did have previous regulations that uh I think probably your house Mr Davis was designed under where they actually listed the number of rooms and assigned a bedroom count to it and the number of room were pretty small so the bedroom counts far exceeded what the capacity of the house was so people in that situation have benefited from being able to finish basements that regulation also had they had a room size they talked about I think it was 250 any room that was more than 250 square feet was considered two rooms so let's see if we can find those old RS you can at least see what the basis of some of that was that would be nice to know as well you have that gym that would be great to take a look and see I I they I think they got repealed about the time I came to warant town but let me see if I can find them there was a spreadsheet that we had that had that in there somewhere yes I think Mr Baker got a hold of that a little while ago I think you actually created it Kevin didn't you the spret yeah not me no no Mr Baker yeah I think so I think we might have that around somewhere okay uh taking a quick poll of people in the meeting I don't see anybody in attendance and we'll take a quick poll again does anybody have any further discussion on this before we table it for our next meeting where Mr Wason and everybody will be present so we can have a lively discussion all right hearing none okay am I doing this process right I don't need to take a vote to move on am I doing this right it's just a discussion we don't need a formal vote got it okay good thank you keeping me honest doing great all right getting serious again serious Kevin okay uh so that is the room count so now we're up to it is now 7:48 we are up to our 7:25 public hearing private well regulations I am sure we've had lots of discussions I have been out the last couple of times so there is an email that was kind of sent around um Francis do you have that to share with everybody so that way we can look through that and understand where we left off from our if it's a public hear means we're ready to accept this and move on um I think it would be important to have Dr wayon here um okay especially for the section we're going to look at um so we stopped at Section 8 which is water quality um we we were finally able to get a hold of someone from the agricultural committee and um we met with them and um it sounds like they're agreeable on the process they were able to connect us with someone at mdar who I reached out to and asked if they could meet um they were receptive to having a meeting but when I threw out proposed times and days I still haven't heard back and it's been a while oh boy time to reach out Reach Out And Touch someone yeah so I was hoping to have um definitions and setback questions kind of more formed and answered and fleshed out for the board tonight um and that kind of impacts the whole regulation as a whole okay um and it might change some of the sections in general um so I don't know if we want to review it tonight um without the new information and any potential changes or if you do want to look at Section 8 which would be quality testing um I'll leave it to the board I was going to say then let's uh what is the will of the board what do we want to do Mr Baker I think we need to wait for Dr won uh he's very uh he's very vocal on this one and also you know we did meet with as Francis pointed out uh Brad Mitchell uh who was on the Adcom but is very very uh knowledgeable about the regulations for agricultural Wells so I think we straightened out the uh you know the issue we were having identifying irrigation versus Agricultural and one of in the definition so I feel really comfortable with that and Mr Mitchell is a great resource also a very nice guy and pointed Us in the direction of a couple different uh Mass General law regs that we should refer back to uh so this we can just like you know reference that and and then sort of take it off our take it off our plate for those issues which would be good excellent and I also see there's a section 10 for geothermal well con uh construction there's a pretty big section that's been added that's near endear to something that I was talking about there's the irrigation well and then agricultural Wells yep okay so U sorry Mr Baker go ahead motion to continue do I have a motion on the table to continue do I have a second uh Kane seconds let's do a roll call vote Mr Kane Mr Kane yes Mr frone yeah Mr Baker Kevin Baker votes yes and the chair Kevin Davis votes yes to table it so let's go ahead and put this in for another public hearing and again there are no attendees in the meeting rate a moment so that I think uh we'll put it in for our next meeting as a public hearing and we can kind of move on from there uh okay all right it is 752 and we are to our 7:30 ID just so try this again Kevin ID decision support tool does anybody have Mr was or Dr wason's ID support tool to pull up I don't have what I no no well I can tell you from what I've been reading and looking at wastewater treatment numbers and all kinds of things like that around the country uh Things Are to do our summer uh summer covid-19 Spike so um and we also have the variants that are out there that are having fun and wreaking havoc um something else that I saw was that there is a new eua approved vaccine that might be coming out in the very near future um Mr Kane could back me up on this but it is a combination uh flu and covid-19 at the same time so not two separate shots but a single shot from madna so that was exciting for me because that might help with some of our resistance and to getting two when you can just get one jab instead so um does anybody else have any other comments they would like to talk about and around the decision support tool I don't like those shots that but you never know when you need them you have to have it I will share the state has uh paused their um viral respiratory illness reporting dashboard until uh I believe August 1st it sounds like they're doing a revamp of their data acquisition and Reporting model so their state data is on pause for the moment so we don't know cases and and deaths in those pieces right now but hopefully as soon as that's back up we'll have a a better view alrighty and then any other comments for that we move on to our administrative matters Francis Arbor virus report um is in full swing now um there are mosquitoes that are testing positive there are no human cases at this point in the season um most of the tested mosquitoes are more Southshore based we haven't had any in this area yet have we heard anything about Triple E yet um same thing okay so um there was nine samples last week I think three of them were Triple E from mosquitoes I tested positive and um six West Nile okay all right and uh we always of course have our Massachusetts Central Mass mosquito control people that's still around is that not y yep still active um so residents definitely Reach Out And Touch some give them a call go online set up they out if you go to our website we have a page for uh Central mosquito and contact they're very responsive and also willing to come out and look at your property if you have an issue perfect um other things that we're thinking of uh soccer fields I should say sorry athletic fields um having a child that uh seems to be a mosquito magnet um she seems to be able to attract mosquitoes from 10 miles away that come in she becomes the mosquito pin cushion um has the town started to think about uh any spray in any of the athletic fields cuz I know we're getting close to the time where fall soccer is going to start to to ramp up here I have not heard anything but I can raise the question awesome yep all right yeah okay unless anybody has anything else anything going once going twice all right so we are there with the illness ventions thank you so much for everybody's comments um administrative manners U meeting minute approval we have July I'm sorry June 12th and then also July 10th um I think I was gone for both of those meetings so if somebody wants to did we receive those because they're not in the packet that's online we'll make it a motion next time when we have the meeting because I didn't have it either did anybody get a chance to review them no yeah I think I think the uh the first the first ones have some some typos uh I think you're correct Kevin Davis you were not there but it says that I was absent um but it actually says we're all present and then it actually says that I was absent so I was present and absent maybe that was the one I had to leave a little bit early um but I was definitely not at the June 12th one because uh there was um a bunch of family and my daughters were graduating in at that time so that one I definitely was not at and then the July 10th one I was U on a business trip so I know for a fact I was not I was on a plane trying to make it back to Massachusetts as there were thunderstorms in Atlanta and on the Florida coast so yay me so um at this point I'm going to send these minutes out separately to the board okay um and yeah that sounds great uh yes Mr Baker uh Francis if you wouldn't mind just putting them in the one drive and letting us know when they're there that's where that's where uh can they are in the one drive but I'll just send them just because there's members not here too so okay thank you so much I of course will look at them for edits but I will not be able to vote on either one of those and well yep we might have a quorum but that's fine okay um we will continue that then at our next meeting Brenda if you wouldn't mind putting those on for the next meeting and any other minutes that we could have uh for that that would be wonderful um correspondence did anybody receive any correspondence no I got nothing um I don't have any correspondents but I can give some brief updates that would be great Francis um so yesterday afternoon they did post for the new land use coordinator position for the office um originally it was the expectation that this would be the administrative staff support for the Board of Health um reading through the job description that did not appear to be the case um the issue has been raised to HR um so we're waiting for resolution and response so I'll get back to the board once we have more information on that that would be good anything else Francis um we're also working with HR on office space right now um facilities manager has been hired and will be starting in August um along with the coordinator obviously in the month that follow so space is getting a little tight my office space hasn't um happened yet so um that was also raised by the HR where's the Board of Health going to be how is that going to work when will this be done we're coming on five months now so it's sooner rather than later needs something needs to happen uh is this something oh sorry Mr Baker go ahead I was wondering if uh the chair and the vice chair uh would be able to speak with uh the administrator uh or the ATA about um Expediting uh an office space for the director of Health uh so that we can function to our highest efficiency level possi I will be more than happy to go fight that fight if that's something you would like me to do Francis please just let me know and I'll be more than happy to reach out coordinate a meeting and start to figure stuff out that that's great um I can connect with either tomorrow or next week whenever you want um is the because it's the summertime Fridays they're still closed uh it's half day okay I'm out about so yeah yeah so if we needed to do something in the morning Friday morning with the Town Administrator and the assistant Town Administrator and yourself is that something possible or would you prefer another day I'd prefer another day but also the assistant Town Administrator is out on vacation this week got it and I think he's kind of the main contact for Office Space type of inquiries perfect so we'll have to schedule something for the week that the assistant Town Administrator gets back coordinate that so it's probably two weeks out is your my guess um maybe I'll connect you with you I think we could probably do sooner or whenever is good for you all right that sounds great yeah I'm more than happy to figure that out let's connect uh tomorrow sometime I'll give you a call and we'll figure that out like process wise where we want AG go sounds good thank you Kevin yeah no worries anything else excitement of Summer it's getting busy Jim is there anything that you would like to speak to the board about so just to let you know that the beach is being tested and so far so good have any ISS man no I mean we've seen in in some of our beaches in the district some very high numbers that we can't quite figure out because a the the next day testing in at least in one case it went from a thousand down to 13 yeah so we can't quite figure that out but uh fortunately the state recognizes that that can happen so for beaches that have a history a good history they allow it to remain open if you can grab a sample within 24 hours and that sample tests okay so um there is a dashboard so if people want to see the the it's you can go up to the State website and and actually see the dashboard of the beaches that are closed and results so well would that be something that we might want to add to our own Board of Health web page that sounds like a very good candidate to add yeah that's not a bad about that at all the state actually had an they they created and launched an online portal very right before Beach season and unlike most things that get launched that quick it actually worked well um and so uh you put the information in and it populates a nice chart including calculating things like the geoman so um it's it's actually a nice nice it's it's worked out well we were a little hesitant but it worked out well so that's excellent yeah so that's the reason why the news folks are always are now like every week telling people what the beaches are open and close because now they easier yeah Absolut there's a nice D Beach page so yeah that sounds perfect we should definitely promote that maybe what do you got what does everybody think sounds good all right let's do it make a page more information the better sounds great I had two other updates I just remembered um oh okay uh so in terms of opiate settlement funds um we connected with the state recently to open online accounts and start discussion on reporting because they're going to know what we spend the money on um and they need to account for it make sure it's done appropriately um so we're in the process of that right now um in terms of the survey itself um it's still out I think we'll make one more public push to get some more responses um but within a couple weeks I think it's probably time to close it out um I would say we could I could make a presentation for the board to review for what the results are and kind of analyze and look at and discuss further yeah that sounds great I would really enjoy that kind of out brief on that that would be really helpful I know Mr Kane is also was leading the charge there for a while on the op settlement funds and things like that so I know closing having a closing of the loop session on that I think would be wonderful Mr Kane any comment no obviously we want to get input from the community and really address this as you know a team since this is not a single Department issue this is a basically every almost every Department in town and every resident has to have some input and is affected or know someone who is so um and also recognizing other ways so we can share resources and get the most bang for our buck um coordinating with Thea Westford chumford other our neighbors you know to see how we can best utilize it for the for the most impact but no definitely I'd love to see what we got for survey results and how we work with our EHS fire police ta's office Partners to see how best to move forward perfect so that was the other thing I wanted to ask about is um so at this point when we're closing down the survey and we have all the information in hand um I sent the board um a suggestion for a task force earlier in the year um of different departments the Board of Health and possibly some members of the public um to coordinate kind of program efforts and where to go and take input and be part of the process for public forums perhaps um so I want to at the next meeting uh present that list again and have the board approve the list um and then start reaching out to the Departments if that's okay so I guess we'll have a public hearing on that then so that way we can you know get a vote on how we want to perform moving forward setting some policy okay anybody have any comments or discussion on that I think it sounds like wonderful idea nothing heard all right uh since we seem to be in the board member updates comments for discussion and public input again I don't see any attendees currently in the meeting does anybody else on the board have any other item that they would like to bring up or discuss no no no yes Kevin I would like to make a motion to adour and now I need a second second awesome I hear a second let's do a roll call vote Mr Kane Mr K V yes Mr Fred alone yes Mr Baker K Baker votes yes and the chair Kevin Davis votes yes we are hereby adjourned at 808