2024 uh Sarah will not be joining us tonight so I'm gonna chair the meeting tonight um going through our agenda we're gonna open up first with do we have minutes sorry everything just crashed we do not have minutes didn't think we did so Tim you want to take us through the administrative agenda sure so up up first we have the land use permit for uh the emergency response training we have uh Mike here for that yes hi Mike Hilton good evening Mike hello so Mike do you want to give us a quick rundown just a couple minutes of what you guys are looking for here so we can make a decision on how to proceed absolutely um first thing how much do you folks know about the Littleton uh volunteer Corp a Littleton volunteer what Littleton volunteer Corps we are that answered my question yeah I'll just give you a one or two minute background on on who we are uh and what we do and that'll kind of help uh flow into uh our request for use of uh of uh the land coming up so basically um Littleton volunteer Corps uh is really a group of Littleton citizens um a wide range of uh folks with varying skills we've got nurses um retired firefighters um I'm a sales salesman myself I I used to be a firefighter years ago um basically what we do is we support the town and specifically the um the fire department uh we report up to Alex mcer and he in turn reports to uh the fire chief uh as the emergency director um what our uh efforts really are uh and and Andrew knows a little bit about us of course but uh um what we do is really uh support the fire department with anything that they need uh any of their operations um specifically this particular training would be for firefighter rehab um and what we've done in the past is search and rescue operations disaster support warming and cooling shelters very appropriate today um we also do uh support of large scale outdoor public events um basically the flow of people making sure you know folks uh know where to go how to go uh you know safely across roads and such I.E with the uh the Apple and and the U Littleton 5K but we've also run over 40 covid clinics and flu clinics over the last number of years um we're a team of roughly about 30 volunteers and as I said most of us are made up of folks here in Littleton um what we're looking to do is um last summer we conducted a drill uh in coordination with Mima uh a number of their folks to do actually what we call a seot which is a community distribution um a point of distribution for water um it was a um a very well-run very well attended event basically it's if we had uh some reason why we couldn't use the the town water uh we' bring in pallets and pallets of of water from various sources we'd uh basically see the distribution out of those pallets of water to the citizens in this case here what we're looking to do is we're looking to uh on August 17th uh between 9 and noon uh use Oak Hill as the scene of a uh mock disaster uh basically a small plane has crashed in the wooded area at the top of the hill and um we've basically the fire department has responded um there's a large rescue operation and a simulated not real of course fire that uh that takes uh takes hold of the um uh the land up there and starts to spread as Mutual Aid is brought in um we're going to simulate roughly 70 First Responders and other authorities that would be on the scene um our job would then be to basically support them through evasive operations and Logistics uh we would have a remote rehab uh location at the top of the hill potentially as well as a main one at the bottom of the hill and we'd be simulating firefighter rehab basically as these folks are working uh the fire scene uh we need to make sure they're they're not overheating themselves we need to make sure they're safe they're not having uh heat stroke and any other related uh types of things so our job is to basically run this simulation as we are supporting their efforts making Mak sure they're hydrated uh you know uh cooled fed all those different types of things um and again we're doing this actually in conjunction as we did last year with the c pod of uh bringing in additional towns in this case here we've invited uh air Harvard um boxboro and Peril who are some of the other c teams that we work with so it's really a truly a mutual Aid um type of environment much the same way that the fire department does uh a lot with surrounding towns for fires and and ambulance coverage and such we're doing that with our c teams by the way C uh stands for Community Emergency Response Team um and we all work really under the IC uh the incident command system so that we can take these teams much the same way the fire department does take these teams from other towns and mesh in really really easily and understand how to work with each other and again this is just reinforcing that questions for you so if you're going to be over kill and it sounds like a lot of people where you going to park we uh we've actually spoken with um uh Chief penard and he is going to uh assist us with putting up uh no parking signs uh for that day he's also pledged an officer to assist us um we're going to be working with the um the water department to use the um uh the I guess it's the whitcom AV site uh for uh parking for all of our teams so our teams would be uh housed over there and we've been working with the Alex has been speaking with the Council on Aging um to see if they can help us with uh movement of people from that location to the Oak uh oakill location Mike a couple comments here it sounds worthwhile to do um my concerns are around making sure that we don't unnecessarily worry anybody else so I I'd like to make sure it looks like the the land use permit requires you to post this 48 hours in advance i' I'd like to ask you to post it at least the weekend before so folks know what's coming to the extent that they're there um you know on both weekends and of course there isn't always overlap but at least give folks a chance to know so post it at the oakill trail head I I'd also really like to make sure and this isn't in the land use permit that we're posting it on the Harvard Road entrance so folks coming in from that side understand what's going on understand that it isn't a real emergency but rather a drill um and I'd also like to ask you and and one of us can certainly help you to make sure that this goes out through social media channels uh including potentially the towns so that uh or the newsletter or whatever so that again I I I'm sure we will get concerns either coming into conservation or coming into the police department or fire department about you know is this a real thing but i' I'd like to head that off if we can by making sure the public is as aware as aware as possible um absolutely those those all sound like things you guys can do post it a week ahead of time both both main entrances and social media newsletter channels absolutely yep I can do that not a problem does this mean the public won't have access to kill during this so the main uh the main entrance uh to answer that no they will what we'll do is the main entrance um and and forgive me I can't think of the name of the uh uh the parking area there the one kind of up to the uh if you come across the railroad tracks and go straight and then slightly to the right that parking area will be closed uh just for those three hours um they will have access to the hill uh we just probably request that they not go up and down uh the main uh walkway uh at that entrance um during that time as we will have uh the fire department will be using uh their UTV um basically an ATV it's a a a special unit for the uh for the Littleton uh a and boxboro may also bring their uh UTV units um just FYI those will only be driven Littleton for instance will only be driven by a Littleton firefighter it will not be driven by um a citizen volunteer but that does mean that the entrance on the Harvard side will still be open right so people could go around them yep correct um just and this is sort of outside of our jurisdiction here Mike but um your plan should absolutely I live on oakill your plan should absolutely include traffic management for cyclists Saturday mornings are there probably more bikes on the road than there are cars and I would hate to see someone get hurt in the interest of trying to help people not get hurt absolutely absolutely um and just to confirm um so the the concern is with the cyclists mainly on Harvard Road or uh oakill road that where that sort of um where that parking area is that you mentioned there's probably hundreds of cyclists that go up that road and that's a an Avenue to to try and reach that Community a little bit would be the bike shop at the corner of um oh yes at the stop sign there yeah what used to be fallons years ago yeah years ago yeah absolutely um I can put a uh I'll work with Alex on putting a notice up there then absolutely and I'm assuming uh if we posted that one week ahead that would be what you're looking for I think that would be reasonable I think think you post it too far ahead and no one pays attention true I sort of monopolize that any other Commissioners have comments or or concerns here sounds like a great a training exercise and I think with the additional posting and notification I think it'll be a great uh exercise excellent so you want to give us a suppose we might need a motion here sure I'll make a motion that the uh Conservation Commission issu the land use permit to the Littleton volunteer Corps um for the training exercise at oill second yeah motion's been made in seconded Andrew roll call vote uh Ed Ed FKS ey Kyle Kyle Max Chase Chase g i Carl Carl melber I myself I it's unanimous thank you Mike thank you Mike thank you very much um and please uh you know you're welcome to come join uh take a look uh you know at how we operate um it should be quite an interesting event so please um uh you know if you get down there and you have uh if you want to park at the uh the water site and and use our uh our transportation over you're welcome to do so just let them know that you're with the uh um with the commission and uh they'll be glad to uh to let you join sounds good thank you for the I may uh I may just go mute here and and continue to listen if that's okay I'm interested in some other things you guys are talking about sure thank you okay Tim you want to take us through status of some of these uh enforcement orders yeah so uh 10 Ivy Road we did hear back from Highway they said catch base and looks good um I stopped by there today um all the work's been completed uh they've got straw down they actually were able to put put up the uh or plant the blueberry um bushes so we once the Grass Grows we'll be getting a a request for a certificate of compliance from them um but it's in good shape at this point Tim do we need to lift the enforcement order or should we just do that when we issue the certific I think it would be best to probably lift it beforehand so now would be would be yeah that would be good okay then I um I'll move to um to end the enforcement order on 10 Ivy Mass the EP file number 204 982 second roll call votes Carl car M guy Kyle you're muted Kyle sorry guys Kyle Max back Ed Ed f i Chase Chase g i myself I it's unanimous all right uh 30 Warren uh we don't really have much of an update uh Casey is still in contact with Chuck Karen um but Chuck's been busy so uh that is gonna be continued to the next meeting Tim and in that case is the property owner at least maintaining lines of communication here oh yeah yep he's been in communication with me and Amy okay um 15 Powers uh Amy was able to make contact with the property owner yesterday um talked with him in person issued the EO um he said that they'll be coming in on uh for the next meeting on July 9th um so if you guys could vote to ratify Tim can you remind the commission the context to the enforcement order so I I believe they did I haven't seen it myself um Amy saw this I think when she was going around but I believe they did some uh grading um and there's bare soil down I think might be even into the Wetland over there uh if not it's very close this was for a pool that had been installed or something right they stockpile material that's now washing down no that was um that was the other one on Douglas uh was it I believe yeah no this one um they kind of cre created a path down there and and didn't they kind of extend their driveway out a little bit too I believe yeah I believe that was the other aspect of of the unper or the the violation but at this point we've been able to get in contact with the property owner directly we have we have yeah Amy went uh and and met with the property owner uh on site so she talked with them so what are we asking to do here uh just to ratify he'll be in uh at the next meeting to to speak to it so Amy has issued it and we have to well we have to ratify or not ratify and if we choose not to ratify then the enforcement orders withdrawn exactly okay thank you uh well then I move that we ratify the enforcement order on 31 Street second uh hang on uh 15 Powers is what Ed said right uh yeah correct uh ratify the there's a lot of enforcement orders on here yeah I move that we ratify the the what a minute that that just says potential violation of 15 Powers it doesn't say anything about enforcement order what are we ratifying we weren't able to uh make contact with them um until yesterday so Amy was trying to to issue it but it never got issued there is order that we're ratifying then all right just want to make sure I get it right um I move that we ratify the enforcement order at 15 Powers Road all right roll call votes uh Chase Chase K guy Ed Ed F Kyle carlberg I myself I it's unanimous all right uh tree protection do you have anything is that chase or Kyle that's me that's 100% me it's been me for weeks and weeks all right we'll push that to the next meeting I have a I have two things to add um well first of all I guess uh for spec Pond they did request to uh continue in the next meeting um I I believe they got the third party reviews uh and they're they were in the process of of commenting back um but they didn't have it finished yet so they requested a continuance okay um other than that uh I think Amy sent around the benic mat report for Lake metan to you guys um kind of wondering if he wanted Dave to come in Dave bar to come in next meeting to speak to it or if you didn't feel that it was necessary I I'll be perfectly honest I I haven't looked at it yet but my expectation is that um I'm just going to want to review the report I don't think I anticipate a lot of value out of a discussion but happy to be overruled if anyone wants a discussion we should go I was gonna say the same thing chase their reports are usually pretty thorough I recall the last one so I think whatever we need other all right um and the only other thing I had was uh we got a forestry a forestry uh plan that came in from nef they're going to be doing some harvesting over at proudy [Music] um but other than that that's what's the timing on that harvesting Tim honestly I haven't even looked at it uh it just came across our desk I mean at least desk today like an hour before left for the meeting in two weeks could you just summarize that in a couple bullet points for us so we can make sure that we're aware of it and communicate it externally I it wouldn't shock me if some people get pretty worked up about uh the implementation of a forestry program I'm not sure everyone understands that that's the purpose of that land they are going to have uh and we did confirm that me and Amy uh I looked at into the and confirm they're allowed uh that's an allowed use right um they are going to have some stream Crossings um so we're gon to look uh further into that do our eyes cross our teas in terms of that stuff and from what I understand it's not going to be starting until the fall um and it's going to be very widely publicized and all the stakeholders involved will be notified well in advance just so no like what is going on over there it'll happen somebody will calling it DIY but we'll we'll manage um if you're done Tim I only had one other minor update which is the purchase and sale agreement between the town and the Websters was signed at the select board meeting I think the week last week excellent eight days ago so we did look into uh some different ways to extend the duration on that but none of them really panned out so okay we're going forward with the acquisition and they weren't any uh grants available because of the short notes yeah because of the timing if if there was a way to find Shake loose another 40 Grand in carrying costs then then we'd have availability but there just doesn't so anyone else have any other updates we have to remind Sarah that when she's not here we have a 23 minute meeting good good reminder yeah you do that she might not come back she has to come yeah that's not a choice uh can we get a motion to adjourn then motion to adjourn second all right roll call votes uh Ed Carl car melber I Kyle kle Chase Chase K gu myself I it's unanimous we're adjourned have a good night thanks Tim thanks Tim thanks guys