##VIDEO ID:plPnjUUN-H8## evening it's October 8th 2024 welcome to Litton conservation Zoom meeting um we have a proposed agenda starting at 7:30 does anyone have anything that they would like to add for administrative discussions we do not have minutes ready for tonight's discussion yeah I'd like to add something on um the community garden and the turtle site sorry Garden what was the second one uh the turtle s sidewalk okay and then I have one just as a reminder that there's a meeting tomorrow in room 103 from 4:30 to 5:30 for um a review of parcel inventories to be considered for conservation um anybody have anything else uh yeah I can bring up one potential site that I saw some folks doing work um on toah on drive on work I mentioned it that's in Amy but bring that great I'll add that on okay so we have four other things to add let's go ahead and start with continued discussion enforcement order on 30 waren Street unpermitted construction of a walkway within the buffer zone and work in the rear yard um is this this is just an update correct Yeah Tim do you want to do that real quick yeah I'm going to stop sharing my video because my internet's being a little spotty so hopefully that helps um yeah was just a quick update that Casey talked with Dan sturs of Litton Earthworks and uh they're going to be removing the FI this fall seating and then stabilizing that area with J netting until the spring okay does anybody have any comments or concerns or anything okay next continued discussion enforcement order 20 civa unpermitted Beach nourishment that's also just a quick update they have done the plantings they've done everything and the plantings were the last things they've got those in and we'll just give them till the spring to make sure they're still alive and then I think you're all set with that so we're going to do not a full growing season it it wasn't in the EO but I think approving it now is not something you want to do no I was thinking next year okay yeah yeah definitely next year but take a look at it and see what's going on in like you know May or June right okay um continue discussion enforcement order 15 Powers Road unpermitted grading and fill in the buter zone Tim I think you had mentioned um the owner and Matt might be here uh yeah I think we have John here I'm GNA promote him okay I'm on but I don't believe is Matt on yet I don't see him in the uh attendees he told me he's in a a Lancaster Zoom meeting that should wrap up around 7:30 so he might just be running a few minutes late okay do you want to just hang on for a bit John and we can go on to one other thing and come back yeah okay I appreciate that yeah okay so let's go ahead to the next which was discussion Foster Street reconstruction Mass D 204991 invasive species treatments so we have Brian here to speak to that I'm going to share my screen so we can all see the plan can you guys see it yep uh Brian you there Amy I can't see while I'm sharing my screen Brian in the attendees Brian you're you're muted and your video's off he is under panelist so Brian you're still muted uh yeah can you guys hear me now yeah we can so Brian if you could if you could introduce yourself that would be great uh yeah hi everybody how you doing my name is Brian blackaby I'm the uh project manager on the Foster Street reconstruction job for onx Corporation okay great tell us what you're looking at uh so yeah I'm sorry I'm on I've got some safe mode because I'm in my truck right now but um I think what Tim had shown was basically we came up with a uh a mapping system we have a consultant for us s swca they specialize in invasive invasive species treatment so we went on a a walk with mot and uh kcom was there as well so once we went on that walk it was discovered that b basically there's there's quite a few areas of invasive species um and there's some treatment areas I think the biggest concern is they fall within the Wetland buffers um but there's quite a bit of tree removal that needs to happen and until we kind of get approval on the uh treatment of these species we're kind of at a stand still on the job so Tim I don't know if you want to expand further on that or uh I'm showing the plans right now I mean you guys can see the the colored areas so the blue lines the Wetland line the the yellow highlighted lines are the 50 and the 100 and the uh the block colors are the areas where they've uh identified the invasives Brian are you guys going to be treating all those areas or is there I know you mentioned that not weat is more of a high priority um you mentioned you're going to be using glyphosate so the the not I think the majority of the KN weed was actually over on Taylor Street which I don't need that doesn't need to be treated so basically the area is shown um where the new shared youth path is going to go and and forgive me I'm I don't know the species name exactly but that was basically on the north side of Taylor Street that was the areas that we're most concerned with because those are the areas we need to clear grub and start the relocation of the uh of the poles power poles um so it's it's basically if you're looking at these drawings it's it's it's the top of the the top side of the drawings where um you know we expand Foster Street and that's where the shared youth path goes from Taylor all the way down past the commuter rail station all the way basically to Balsam now Brian I I don't have that in front me I'm going I'm going to pull it up here but do you know Tim you're breaking up again I was showing I was showing uh plans that had invasive work buffer is that is there invasiv and the buffers at that uh Junction of Taylor and Foster oh I I believe there is some but um we don't so I guess that's the west side of uh of Taylor Street is where the majority of the Knotwood not weed was was found we don't do much over there at all I mean basically starting at Taylor I think it's 305 Foster um on the north side of the road there's those big trees so that first section there's really nothing to do but once you get into uh moving East you just have that thick brush and again there was there was several different species found there was no knotweed found in those areas um so I think that the treatment of the knotweed that was referenced over on Taylor uh I don't I don't think that needs to be addressed I mean our primary focus is again that it's it's roughly a 15 foot to 18 foot swath on the North side um of the roadway of fer street that we need to clear out and start the relocation of the power poles Tim do you happen to have any images photos from who was ever out on site so the commission can see what we're looking at yeah so Tim was that a question for me yes yep you're breaking up too Tim I didn't know if there were any photos that can be shared of the particular area in question I didn't receive any photos just the plans I'm trying to pull up the plan here Amy can you pull up the plan when seems to be taking quite a bit Brian made reference that Commissioners had gone out recently so what we did we did a sidewalk and yeah Tim day of the site walk we we do have a report I thought that that was forwarded to you by mast doot um there is a report which shows not only the maps but there's also kind of a picture log which shows the various species in the areas that we're talking about um I don't have the ability to show that right now unfortunately but um there are photos we can send yeah I've got shown Tim you're breaking up so Brian can you remind us how many trees are coming down uh so that's kind of a convoluted question because um there's you know the the way that we have a unit of measurement there's several trees like big trees but then within the clearing and grubbing I mean there's probably I can't tell you how many smaller trees okay you what's your time frame uh I mean we were looking to start this work the tree clearing we were looking to start weeks ago basically what happened was um we the pay items we have with mass do we had an item to make this map but we never had an item to treat the species Okay so we thought one of two things number one there is none which would be great but the other was we have to address this and if we do uh you know we talked to mot and basically said we need a change order to move forward with this work um so this is really holding up work right now to start the tree removal the tree trimming the clearing and grubbing and then Littleton light we've been in touch with we want them right behind us starting to sink new poles in the areas that we clear um so I mean we're we're ready to start this work as soon as we get the okay um I think there's some contractual things between mot and the and the town I really can't speak further of that but um as far as when we're looking to do this we're looking to do this as soon as possible a Amy can you clarify for us the the state of the invasives right now is this an okay time to be doing this I think everybody's having technical problems you're muted still muted yeah it looks like it it's telling us you're muted anyway Amy was on two separate oh yeah s the fall typically around this year time of year is is a good time but I mean the deadline for that is approaching fairly quickly okay Commissioners what are our thoughts on this I'm not clear can you hear me yeah we can we can now Amy we were just discussing the time frame of this if if we can like really go forward with this right now in order to let Brian start yeah so it's it's a little bit late in the season but I think it's fine and my understanding from what I just heard is that they and correct me if I'm wrong Brian they they want to do this so that as they're clearing and grubbing and taking material out it is not contaminated with invasive species yeah that that that's definitely one of the things I mean um there's language in the specs of the contract we we sign that you know it's it's a it's um it's it's a basically our responsibility not to remove anything from the site which would have an effect on any other area wherever we bring this stuff the other the other issue too is um you know spreading it within the site itself if we have a piece of equipment that's working in an area where there isn't Bas of species um there's certain protocols you have to take to wash equipment down do this and that very time consuming and then God forbid we went to another part of the job with that same machine and you know this stuff spreads and then you know the burdens on us so um the treatment is necessary I'm not sure I mean we've got five other Mast doot jobs going on right now throughout you know the district and there's always a if there's a map and there's an item for this uh initial step there's always one for the treatment of it um so that was the biggest hangup for us was that there was no item for the treatment but now um you know we certainly want to strike as soon as we can so we don't miss whatever Windows you guys are talking about because if we did have to wait to the Springer I don't know if this the work can be done when this is if it's considered dormant over the winter I don't know that I don't know if that's an accurate statement but definitely it's something where we want to get going as soon as possible okay so Commissioners we need to make a ision here I like the idea of getting rid of the invasives I don't like the idea that we're getting rid of trees also and we don't know how many are the magnitude of that the trees were already approved yeah that's already been approved so it's just that yeah we're just keeping the ball rolling it's just that now we have to deal with the invasive so um Brian with your assurances that this can get done quickly I would I would make a motion to approve this um um to go ahead and get to remove it and to get it um treated as soon as possible is this just something a minor mod I guess I want to be I want to be educated on how we're approving this yeah and that that's why it's here since it was not in the notice of intent um and we did not get to see the specs to know that this was going to happen right um so you would either need to approve this as a minor mod um or request um an amendment looking at this sorry I just looking at these plans it's it's it's a lot of work yeah and this isn't this isn't a minor amount of grubbing and removing B of species yeah I I don't I mean um I understand typically you vote during these meetings um I thought the there is a report and and again my apologies I'm not available to send that out right now but there is a report which kind of documents um with pictures you know certain certain areas so that report is uploaded on our site I'm looking at it right now okay all right so you see the pictures uh with the species names that s uh swca the consultant put together but but that doesn't say it it Maps everything it doesn't say how they're being if they're going to be treated or not right that's right so okay so I I'm I misunderstood them I thought that Brian had stated that how that they were going to get treated well this is kind of the conundrum we're in right now because there's discussions going on between uh Mast the town obviously we're kind of the the middleman here where we work technically for mot um but obviously this had a go through conservation committee um maybe there needs to be a side discussion with the town because we don't want to get direction from one and not the other we want we just want to make sure everybody's on the same page basically um the the treatment of this stuff is basically per the direction of someone um and whether that's mot or it's the town of Littleton that I really can't answer um but we do know that you know there's areas where this is known and we just we don't want to get in a situation further down the road where we go into one of these areas to work clear this stuff and all of a sudden you know three years from now uh it pops up on a map where there's invasive species in a location where there wasn't previously so I mean Brian it it sounds like we have the problem to find but the the solu U is application of some pesticide at some rate by someone at some time none of which I think has been defined right am I am I missing something here um yeah to a certain extent I mean there is some information as far as at the rate to which specific areas again that was something where as a contractor we kind of asked for Direction so you know basically what we were paid to do is make a map of where all this stuff is we submit it and then we're supposed to get direction so um maybe we're missing a step here with with mot or we're not sure if we get direction from do or Littleton but I'm gonna tell you that my inclination is to to not give you authorization to implement a plan that has no specifics to it in principle I'm not opposed to it I I get what you're trying to do but we don't take the application of herbicides and pesticides trivially and I I don't know in any scenario where we would say yeah just like go do sort of normal best practice stuff and I sounds like that's what we're being asked to approve here and I'm I'm not okay with that okay even if I'm in principle okay with applying herbicides to achieve a um invasive species control outcome yeah I don't know I'm happy to hear from other Commissioners that I'm way off base here but that's where I see it and I'm I'm not super comfy going forward yet and Kyle that's not outlined in the in what you're looking at online in that report correct corre none of that it's the same plans that Tim was showing us but that at the back end of that it's the photos and you're kind of giving the location no there's no no narrative for treatment no there's no narrative not say it sounds like they do they need direction that yeah I think we might step has been missed here where mot probably has their applicator that they use or or you know their standard practice of what needs what they would typically do we need I I again I'm not comfortable saying yes to this without having seen that first so typically typically there is another step in this process and again I think it's a discussion that I need to have with the dot people because um this was the first step and then typically what we would do if we had the this this pay item I keep referencing already in the contract we we have like a full we call it a full-blown IPM uh ipms plan you know invasive plant Management Systems which would give you I believe the everything you're talking about the criteria the the application rates the exact locations um I think part of this discussion which we're not sure of and again it's kind of a gray area with the part all parties involved is um who if you if it's something where you want our consultant to give recommendations to the treated areas and those the application rates obviously yes the treated areas is more something where it's it's something that really comes down to how much of this do you do you want treated and you know obviously that comes with a price tag so that's kind of where this whole thing comes into where we're waiting for some sort of direction we can come up with recommendations and maybe that's the next step we need to take yeah Brian I'm I'm gonna turn this around on you a little bit we're not dictating any invasive species yeah control here you your contract dictates that and and I we're not going to step in in the place of the town and tell you what needs to be done you need to tell us what needs to be removed and how you're going to do it yeah it sounds like there's two different conversations that need to be had right one with mad on you know the protocols and then back to our town highway to say well how much of this do you want us to take out and then coming to us and say hey here's what we're gonna here's what everybody wants us to take out right so from a procedural standpoint um Brian we meet on October 22 Commissioners it sounds like this would not be a minor modification let's just so they don't come in at the next meeting and then we say oh well we need to do XYZ is there any other guidance that we can give Onyx with this um I I think one piece of guidance that I would give is that I typically prefer to see maximum physical removal over herbicides and pesticides and understand that we can't achieve Optimum invasive species control without those but to the extent that manual labor can offset some of the chemical applications that that's essentially what I'm going to look for in the plan right we're not just going to spray willy-nilly because it's easier okay all right so Brian with your permission we will move you forward to the next meeting which is October 22nd and then perhaps you can confer with Amy and Tim whether that's what how that will be listed whether it's a discussion or a hearing item yeah that sounds good and then I I think also in the mean time maybe a and Tim I think we need to Circle back with maybe some of the mot folks and and um you know have a better plan of action before we get here but we will move forward uh again I have to get approval from mot because they're the ones to pay us but um to move forward with this plan and we'll and we'll submit that okay thank you have a good night all right thank you very much how does this affect when the connection start work they'll be I mean if if if we don't get some sort of direction to to remove this stuff this is really the first step in the job there's other work we're going to try to get going on within the street but um obviously one of the biggest steps in the job is to clear that area on the north side of Foster Street and then the utility pole relocations is a huge activity because all the poles on the side of the road basically get moved about 15 fet to the north so until that area is cleared we can't start to remove the the poles um once the new poles are installed the the transfer of all the wires between Littleton light uh Verizon whoever else is on the poll I mean that it's like a six-month process for them to move everything no I was more referring to I thought iy had suggested that we were near the end of the ideal time for doing the removal oh yeah and that's something that s swca is going to have to help you out with I think is as your consultant for this um and I'm I I would like to ask the Commissioners if um the majority of these areas they're just going to remove physically within what would have been the grading limits anyway I assume that's kind of a non-issue it's if they want to start herbicide that we have to decide you have to decide whether or not it's a additional filing or minor m is that I agree with that Amy that physical removal is has already been permitted as far as I'm concerned yeah so if if it ends up they only have a patch or two of Japanese knotweed they want to treat that might be kind of one level if they actually want to treat all these blobs that's a whole different story or if Mass if do is making them do that treatment okay so alternatively just with due regards can you all have that discussion later we've got to keep going with other ones Brian okay let's go back John thank you for waiting continue continued uh discussion enforcement order 15 Powers Road unpermitted grading in Phill and buffer zone John I know I think you're here and I see Matt is in the waiting room he's on his way in yep I'm here okay good evening guys yep and Matt so we are joined by John and Matt so thank you for joining us John let us if there's any updates um feel free to share that with us and um Matt I'm not sure if you've had a chance to go out on the site as well I was actually just retained um to do this work I did look at the materials that were provided to me by the Commission office um so I'm familiar with what happened with the two s sidewalks terms of the enforcement order and the um plan that was provided to me from the 2019 RDA um from the looks of what I see the commission's concern concerns are the first things that I'm going to go do um this week is I'm going to go out there and I'm going to for the next meeting have the Wetland red delineated so that it can be examined and we can figure out exactly where the edge of wetland is if it's moved if if it's the Wetland has been altered by the work um based on what I saw the commission's concerns on the enforcement order and the um documentation from the sidewalks it looks like you guys were concerned that some of the work might have spilled over and actually might have um touched the edge of the Wetland area so I'm going to go out and I'm going to Red delineate that whole area see exactly where the Wetland line currently is now because it looks like the prior the lineation was over five years old so um that should be done uh I will examine the area to see where it looks like we're having potential issues for any type of erosion and work with my client to get um erosion protection in place right away um start the planning for doing remedial work or any other type of remedial or after theact noi commission might want um in the meantime I will keep in touch with the Commission office and keep Amy and Tima price as to what's going on um that's really all I have for now because I'm so new to the issue but I did notice right away that the two major things that need to be done based on your inputs is to get that Wetland red delineated right away um and to start getting enal protection in the spots where it needs to where it needs to be so and I will work with the office to make sure that that's done um quickly and in a satisfactory manner so we can get to work on the remaining documentation okay and Commissioners anyone have any questions for Matt or for John thank you for coming on on board to support John I don't have any questions appreciate you being here Matt thank you y agree with the plan uh what one thing to emphasize right Matt is that the the end objective is a remediation or restoration plan right that that's what we're driving at got it and so we meet again on the 22nd um not sure if you'll have a plan for them but we'll at least put you on for an update yeah I'll do my best to to do as much as possible but I will definitely have at a minimum I'll have that Wetland red delineated the office out to take a look at it so we can see exactly where the perimeters are so it'll eliminate a lot of the guest work um I think that will actually go a long way towards formulating a good remedial plan so okay thank you thank you for coming in John thanks John thanks Matt thanks guys have a good night it's o' start to 7:45 public hearing 161 to hadan um we do not have a mass D number uh U 32-70 bylaw waiver required installation of a septic system who's here to speak I am Jack Maloney from Dillis and Roy how are you good thanks go ahead Jack um let me just can I share my screen yes there we go okay can everybody see that yes okay uh 161 toah hadwan Road uh it's outlined in pink uh we do have a uh Wetland down at the bottom of the hill off property in Blue uh 50 foot in Orange 100 foot in Orange um Alexandra has bought the house she plans on renovating it first step was to uh do soil testing and a septic system design which we have here uh in yellow we have a new Presby system uh and then up above we have a reserve area uh the old tank will be removed uh new 1500g two compartment tank will be installed uh down to a distribution box connecting the new system and then we have filling grading uh for the uh breakout as shown um this hatch square is a possible uh future addition uh outside the bufer zone so we just just wanted to show that uh for tonight's meeting um the area will be wrapped in uh erosion control I believe I have straw Waddles that wrap around the the base of this um the current edge of tree line is right where my cursor is right now you can see that kind of a bubble line in there um so this is all basically uh open lawn area now uh and it will be lawn area by the time we get done putting the new system in and doing all the grading and that's that's the project in a nutshell I will uh there are some other plantings in here uh that was part of another um um I'm not going to say issue but uh with with the owner and if you want her to speak on that stuff right now I think Alex is in audience I think it it's um helpful because some time has passed for um whether it's the owner or um you jack to just go through why we're here at a later date regarding the trees the ones that were removed and possibly what's been proposed to be replanted in kind so I'm not sure who wants to speak to the commission on that sure I can cover that um since we I think I last joined in February just quickly last month for the update um but since then and cutting down trees I worked with a landscape architect to identify native species and locations to replant um the dark green bubbles represent trees there are 10 in Total 1 2 3 four 5 6 7 8 nine 10 uh replacing the 10 to or excuse me nine total that I took out uh eight were within the 100 foot buffer zone as well as four shrubs uh to also get to uh 14 total plantings to replant from what was taken out the light green represents things that were cut and the dark green are replanting I had sent also a list of what these are um which I can pull up but think I actually have them on the second page yep yep I'm not great with the terminologies but uh we had worked with Amy I believe to identify um size and species uh so most of these are red Maples which was mostly what was taken out in the back part uh so one for one replacing red Maples on the closest to the Wetland line uh and then three Birches and two black gums sort of in the middle section between that further back line and the septic slous and then for larger shrubs I think it's helpful for the commission if you can just um perhaps remind us what was taken and in terms of diameter and what's being replaced sure let me pull that up um I'm going to override your screen share J oh thank you yes so or it's it was there as well but this was what was taken can we see this okay yes can great uh so the the biggest ones there's a big quad maple on the we'll call it the top and one down at the bottom of Maple and a pine on the bottom and then there was a 24inch maple this is what I would consider the closest to the Wetland buffer the 10 11 5 in Maple and there was a 18inch ash it was only about 8 feet tall there was the remaining stump at the time but I did include that in the five that I was replacing one for one in that space with five more Maples and then the two gum were over here and three birches are over here I do plan to plant further up outside of the 100 foot buffer that's as Jack mentioned maybe as part of a potential renovation and getting the septic in in that space But happy to include that in a a plan if if we need to but this what's proposed today is focused on replacing within the 100 foot with the 14 plantings okay Commissioners questions comments I appreciate the effort at the one for one replacement on number my two sense is that we probably need to see more total replanting to achieve sort of the said that the ecological function that was lost we took out some pretty big trees there um I'm conceptually okay with this I just think we need more PL of either trees or shrubs to to try and replicate some of that function especially understanding that some of those trees that are being planted may not survive the other thing that I would want to see here and and I I want to be careful it's not obvious to me that this filing addresses the replanting I still have to understand that but let's come back to that in a second um I I would also want to see in the context of the replanting a plan for survivability and replacement of trees that don't survive um coming back to the the overall premise here I'm generally comfortable with what's been proposed as far as the septic system I think couple little details we would want to typically ask about stockpiling of material you know some expectations about clean fill free of invasives um you know some some little details like that but in principle good with that my biggest concern is making sure we get the replanting right so just to clarify Chase do is there a specific area that is of more concern for you um is it this one this is the overlay I know it's a little messy uh like having more where these five were taken out yeah I think you've my two cents and again I'm happy to be overruled by the commission but my two sens is you have some room back there to do some additional replants things and I think I think that's that's important to do I mean we we typically asking uh projects that are taking out trees to replant it you know a two to1 ratio kind of thing in terms of number we're we're still not going to replace the diameters that have been removed but I also think you've counted broadly here in the context of dead trees and stumps and so on so I don't want to my goal is is not to be punitive I just want to I got it more yeah I also just say this isn't cleared like there are trees that were here these were the ones that I cut so my two cense worth is there's still a forest there yeah and if we're putting more trees in there what what's the expectancy of those um to live be versus being overshadowed by the the overstory that's there would it make more sense to do uh low shrub growth plantings on that slope that we're installing for the septic system versus more trees within trees I I'm very open to that Jack I I think that could make a lot of good sense um I would certainly defer to Amy and Tim who have more expertise there but we looking to kind of renaturalization line I guess we call it that's that's pretty firm there's other trees that are along this as well so there's yeah I'm not pushing it back you you could create a nice and very interesting transitional habitat though by planting some shrubs along that slope so you've got a transition from shrubs and you know open lawn to shrubs to Forest and that creates a lot of ecological diversity okay um just I had asked Amy about potential apple trees and I know that was outside of the diameter for replacement but would those be appropriate for this scope of having more this is KL I almost almost I would almost try and put some pollinates on that slope to be honest with you because okay I can go okay probably gon get a lot I would imagine it's gonna get a lot of sun yeah it should the sun spot is certainly up there so for well mostly but I would I would like to see that especially what Chase was talking about on the edge of the transition area to the forest okay I can definitely work with that any other feedback or specifics I should take into account for my next uh iteration I know we're looking at a bylaw waiver has that been submitted and all good yes that was submitted okay thank you Jack you're welcome your leeching field it looks like is just inside the The 100 correct it it straddles it half in half out there's no opportunity to pull that all the way out uh unfortunately due to uh littleton's Board of Health uh regulations we need to maintain 10 feet between the primary and the reserve area all right um yeah so I mean obviously if I could have I would have so understood the the one thing I don't want to get Bost in my comments is that we will want to see some commitment to inspect these to ensure survivability a couple of years out and replant if we don't achieve minimum survivability expectations right and with that conversation I think we've bumped out to three years from the two years in the last few filings with the commission so that's something that I would I would ask for to go out for monitoring for three years okay just does anyone else have anything the slope you're putting behind the leeching field um what is that today um what kind of is it just grass it's grass it's all lawn from the back of the house all the way down to the the existing Tree Line okay thank you so we meet again on the 22nd is it the applicants wish to just carry on with your modifications for the next meeting yes please okay thank you um Jack do you have anything else no I I I think we had to continue anyway because we don't have a d number right okay thank you we'll see you in a few weeks thank you night okay it's 8:15 we'd like to open the 8:00 hearing continued public hearing notice of intent1 t Street um no D number bylaw waiver required installation of electric vehicle charging stations who's here to speak to that yeah hi this is Dea Lis are you guys able to hear me yes okay great um I should have Steve Fusco as well not yet in the audience yet in any case we can go ahead and get started um I'm going to go ahead and share my screen here let me know when you guys are able to see that yep okay great um I realize I'm a new face uh for the presentation the last time we appeared before the commission here um my partner Steve who's a landscape architect was presenting upon the application I unfortunately wasn't able to attend um I realized he didn't have a lot of the background information about the intention of the project the purpose of the project um so I would like to just reiterate that and perhaps fill in some of the um more pertinent details about the project that I think can help inform um the commission's awareness and overall uh reception to to what we're doing here and what we've uh revised the submission to show um for you guys uh this round so uh again this this project is part of a Nationwide effort that Amazon is putting into place at many of their distribution facilities across the country um they are transitioning their Fleet of delivery Last Mile vans from IC or internal combustion engine Vehicles into electric vans um and with that transition comes the need to install the charging infrastructure that's required to keep these vehicles charged up and on the road and delivering all of our packages um so with that uh they have been rolling out this uh this sort of EV program and they've been installing all the electrical infrastructure the Transformers the switch gears the Electrical uh vehicle charging infrastructure uh at the parking lots in order to actually serve those vehicles um so this project here at 151 Taylor in Littleton is is one of many of those projects where Amazon is intending to transition their entire fleet of Vans uh from like I said internal combustion engines over to uh electric uh Vans and so that's sort of sort of the the onset of the project here um the reason that we're in front of the commission is due to the fact that we need to bring in a certain high voltage power onto the site to Service uh a specific charger type uh that's known as DC fast charging um for the folks in the commission who are unfamiliar with that DC fast charging requires a 480 volt power um it's a little bit higher than your typical what we call in the IND level two power which runs on a 20820 volt service um so in order to bring power for that high level high powered charger um we've actually coordinated with the local utility to be able to to run an additional line onto the site um to service the Chargers and bring that appropriate power um I do also want to make a distinction that I that I don't excuse me I do want to make a distinction that I don't believe was ma made or mentioned in the last hearing that I think is very very important um to the overall scope of the project uh is the fact that there's a a well project that is going on on the the opposing side of this site um for a water line that's being run and and a power line from the little the the Littleton water uh an electric department is actually proposed to be ran from the same manhole that we're tying into um and the reason that they aren't doing that this work as a part of their project is because we actually need the power before they do and we want to get going with this project we want to be able to install this infrastructure and transition that Fleet over to electric and start charging those vans and so what you're seeing on the screen here is actually the entire route that the the water department the electric department is is proposing for their greater project um in order to bring power to the south of the site for that other project um and the reason we've kind of stepped in like I said is because the timing you know it just is isn't really fast enough for us um we'd like to transition The Fleets the fleet as soon as possible we'd like to get this infrastructure installed as soon as possible so um I'm just going to trace here with my my cursor so they are planning to grab power from this same manhole and run it in the same exact geometry that we are showing on our plan and really what our scope covers is what you're seeing in red here um and there's an entirely different project through them um that they are going to end up doing M as a part of this sort of grander uh electrical extension um and that's what this orange line here shows and so I just wanted to make that distinction that you know this this power line while it is serving our project it there is sort of a background more General large scale project that that this is going to be used for as well um and so it's not they're not necessarily too sort of segmented projects um but uh but we the timing just you know we wanted to get started on this sooner than than they would have liked to and so that's that's the reason um with with that being said I I wanted to get into a little bit more about the uh the application resubmission so we had fielded a number of comments from our last meeting so I appreciate your patience with us and I appreciate you guys making those notes on our application um we had resubmitted a set of plans that includes a uh a landscape plan um and you can find that in the submission materials so we included we noted your comment last time about the specific tree clearing um we're removing six total trees that are above 6 Ines dbh which totals to about excuse me 90 total inches of dbh and so we are proposing to replant UH 60 trees that all have a caliber size of 1 and a half in uh and that would total up to our 90 that we're removing um we had to find a place on the on the site for these trees that made the most sense um if you're unfamiliar that project that I was talking about previously with the well and and the and the water line extension actually noted a specific buffer area for plantings that was specific to that project which are actually on the property the subject property here that we're talking about and so there were already designated planting areas that we actually had to stay out of um that designated specifically for that project I'm seeing some nods from Chase so you guys might already be familiar with that um so we are proposing to replant in these two specific areas here which we found to be sufficient you know we're close to the wood line here we think an extension of that Foresta area would be um sufficient in terms of reestablishing um the environmental uh nature of anything that we would have ended up disturbing as a part of our project um I guess just get into like the numerical values I think we went over them the last time they haven't changed at all but we are clearing trees within the 50ft Wetland buffer as a part of this utility extension um about 2250 Square fet um within the 100 foot Wetland buffer about 255 square feet so about 255 more within the 100 foot buffer than what we're doing in the in the 50 Foot buffer as a part of that clearing we had done a site visit out um actually with the the utility department to actually flag that line that we're running we know that that was a request the commission had previously made so we had done that with the utility um so that line is out there and flagged and we were able to locate uh six specific trees that were above that 6inch dbh and um those species of those trees are listed here on the screen um again this is part of the application resubmission um and we are proposing to replant the 60 trees of 1 and A2 inch caliper size and we have on sheet I guess it's exhibit one rash sheet l1.1 um we have our tree planting schedule so it's a mixture of sugar maple sweet gum saour gum Pine Oak American Linden um we feel those were Native species that made the most sense for us um they're being planted about 12 feet apart on Center minimum um in both areas and uh obviously you can see there's a more heavily dense area planted to the north but you know we found this area to the South that could also support some trees for our purposes there too um and th th those were really the extent of the changes um that we had made to the plan I know there was a comment about specifically looking at some Alternatives I I do have some details on those uh with respect to why we perhaps couldn't run power from the building um or perhaps why we couldn't run power from from um on the opposing side of that that bridge there's a couple reasons for that um and they're outlined in detail in our comment response plan but I'll in our comment response memo but I'll briefly go over them um there's a couple things that are associated with long electrical runs um the number one that's most General that's applicable to all projects is voltage drop um and the longer that you have an electrical run the longer that a voltage drop is is caused over that run and you lose power actually over the course of that run and it's it it's not efficient um nor would it really make engineering sense for us to run you know a 900 foot run over a bridge and and disturb much more area than than it would be for us to do what we're proposing to now um so that alternative was looked at and those details are shown in our common response memo um and then the other fact is that we are proposing to bring a higher voltage of power that 480 volt power that I was talking about in the beginning of the conversation that that power just does not exist on the site currently um and so so we would be required to actually bring that in from the utility in order to do what we're trying to do here um so I think I think I've gone through all the details that I had on my list to go through I'd be happy to to open it up for discussion and help answer any of the the additional CL clarifying questions that the group might have um or I'm happy to show any other figures or or anything um but that that concludes I guess the the the initial presentation that I had for you guys so thank you okay thank you Dean commissioner's questions comments this is Carl so I'm I'm all in favor of uh electrifying in fact this is one of the this is one of the U discussion items when Amazon first proposed um building there was whether they're going to be electric vehicles or not so um in my mind it's I think it's a plus that you're coming around to this um are you sh are you planning on um sounds like you're going to be sharing that electrical RightWay with the town the town's water project and if that's the case is Amazon going to make since you need to have it sooner will you be basically funding the the cost for that to go in how how would that I mean I like the if both if I'm not sure have we have we permitted the water department yet for their yeah that's done that's that's been approved that's approved okay so um I was just looking up as far as I can tell on the Trumble well plans did not show this connection out to the manhole oh it didn't so this is it just showed it up to kind of visitor parking area so this would have to be an amendment to their plans if we wind up going this route well Dean it's the wood Department's not have to go back and reopen this easement right you you'll be putting in is it two conduits or just no yeah we we would be we would be running all the conduit from that manhole on the Northern portion of the site to a proposed electrical manhole um let me pull let me pull up the plan um Carl was trying to ask making sure we're doing this once and not going back through a second time yeah so um so essentially so essentially that manhole up in the the top area of the site that's in question this is an inset here so the match line is you know about yay on the plan um just so you can Orient yourself um so that that manhole that we're pulling from is located here sort of at the top of the site what we're proposing to do is as of course in our application clear these trees and run this line in a trench and when I say line I mean conduit and so this this conduit it would be I believe two conduits um I could pull up the electrical detail here um yeah be uh two conduits about 24 in minimum deep uh and those conduits would be there for the electrical company to pull to pull conductor through and so they would land it from the manhole that's up in the northern portion of the site and they would uh run it to this proposed uh Transformer here uh through actually an underground boring from this point where you're looking at B1 so we trench up to that point through the Green Space uh and then in order to to reduce you know reduce uh disturbance to the parking lot reduce you know asphalt soil removal things of that nature um we actually do a trenchless technology where we we bore the conduit run under the parking lot from this point B1 here to this point B2 here and that conduit lands and then the electric and light department would essentially pull from from this location here south wherever they plan to go in whatever geometry which you know would be sort of separate from the application that you have before you here um and so the reason I was mentioning that is is just to give sort of a context about the project and and that this essentially would would kind of be happening um even if our project didn't exist I guess with the exception of this section here um but there still would be a necessity to pull power from that manhole there it's really the only accessible location to be able to bring power through this portion um of the site so I hope I hope that answers your question I may I may have given a long a longwinded response to that so I apologize but I hope that helps give some context I have some questions um a little bit more from the ecological standpoint can you tell me how many charging stations are you putting in again yes just ballpark 151 yeah it's about 150 charging stations um or stalls we're calling them so each charging station actually has two ports on it so 151 stalls um so the reason for my question is that I'm trying to think of the habitat that's around there so is there going to be more night like illumination now that we're going to be charging obviously we'll have some form of noise or whatever but thinking of um is there going to be any change to Lighting in that parking lot how is this changing for the environment for the critters that surround that area yeah good question um so there wouldn't be any changes to lighting um there wouldn't there wouldn't be any uh additional I guess like visual nuisances or visual disturbances that I think your question is trying to get out with respect to the environment there um I don't think there there would not be any visual visually visual changes that we're proposing aside from the electrical equipment and the EV charging stations um and then of course the trees that we're that we're planting so that's my question is how much do those stations illuminate from from from a Darkness standpoint uh the Stations don't don't illuminate anything again they're they're specifically for these vehicles um they're not open to the public so it's not like you know you've probably seen a charging station once before where it's got a big screen on it and you know it's got maybe like an LED sort of a frame going on it and it's and it's a bit of a you know kind of a cartoonish looking device um these are these are not meant for the public um they're not meant to be eye-catching these are specifically mentioned specifically installed for this private use for Amazon specifically yeah and and that's not where I'm going I'm going more from migratory standpoint if we're now adding more uh more light into that area where we know we have a lot of migratory animals in that area okay yeah there's no lighting there's no additional lighting proposed and from from what I understand the charging stations that we're proposing to place here do not have light that would be cast in such a way that would disturb any sort of uh you know environmental uh migratory patterns okay if you could just confirm that at a later date that would be great and then I did have a question for the area that's Disturbed is that an area that was or had anything for proposed snow storage at any time I'm trying to think of where we had there was salt storage that I know there was a challenge on the site trash was an issue that we need to talk about on that site and then also Snow push not not that I'm am aware of um we had coordinated heavily with Amazon and we had used the asilt plans here and so we typically do avoid all of those locations we do a number of these throughout the Northeast um I actually just got finished with one up in New Hampshire and someone had exactly the same question um it's something that we look to avoid specifically are those snow storage areas so to answer your question we're not disturbing any of that which for Amazon's at the far left end on this plan view okay Dean can you can you go to sheet three uh maybe it's on sheet three it's PDF page three uh this key plan yep can you zoom in on the that area you're proposing to replant in sure uh I just want to make sure it matches up properly with the landscape plan here because they have two different orientations what's that infrastructure right there that you propos planting on top of SS sanitary uh that would look to be some form of sanitary looks like a septic system to me yeah connected to this out building here the restroom building yep so you're not planting there or you're moving that um let me double check here because we had looked at this pretty thoroughly no not fairly enough no yeah guess they overlap with each other let let me lay on my points here um your feasibility study doesn't make any sense to me um the idea listen just a dirt engineer but the idea that 900 ft a line is infeasible because of voltage drop but 400 is feasible I don't I don't get that that doesn't I just don't buy that um second the argument that there's additional disturbance yes there is additional disturbance but not to Resource areas so I understand it would be difficult to bring the line down the road um I I understand you may have to bring it all the way around that that's an issue of poor planning and and that's this was something that's been on as you said has been on uh Amazon's radar for a very long time um so why there isn't conduit there just sort of boggles my mind um so I frankly I look at the feasibility study here and just don't I don't buy the distinction it looks a lot to me like it's inconvenient and expensive not infeasible um and so there's that point the repl on top of what appears to be a septic system there doesn't make any sense to me you got to rethink that the replanting um down below look like they could be in Conflict where the town is coming through we need to rethink about that uh the argument that the town sounds like just sort of like forgot to get authorization to permit these things to provide Power to their well don't totally understand that also not sure the sequencing doesn't make any sense to me it it feels like something's off here so I I need to understand from the town and and maybe this is a separate conversation with the town do you really need this and why wasn't this in your filing and the last piece is um when we met last time we pointed out that there appears to be conflict between the utilities that you're installing and the infiltration system within the parking lot we said you need to look at that and respond to that your response in in the response letter was we don't need a storm water plan that's not what we were asking for we were saying how is this going to change the storm water on the site particularly given the conflict with the infiltration maybe it doesn't but you need to think through that can't just say we don't need a storm water plan so with all of that I think you need to go back to the drawing board and I think we should reconvene in a couple weeks okay um I I would just like to answer a couple couple of the points or at least provide comment to a couple of the points um so with respect to the last point about the infil infiltration structure so we do we have we had looked at that um that was something that was actually on our plan initially um we're we're showing that there is plenty of clearance with respect to the to the utilities that we're installing there that top of stone is about 232 the the the finished elevation about 236 so we've got about 4 feet from that top of stone to to the to the existing surface and our our conduit is you know about two feet underground so we would have some separation there okay um with respect to I mean the I guess what you're referring to as a feasibility analysis is what we what we responded to in terms of that comment in number three here on the comment response memo yep is that what you're referring to as feasibility analysis what we specifically requested and what the Wetland protection act specifically gives us the authority to request is a feasibility study this was a pretty thin feasibility study but yes that's what we requested and that's what I understood this to to hold itself out to be okay and and what what about these options that we laid out were not sufficient for for what the information that you were looking for was uh broad generalizations about uh unacceptable voltage drop again I don't just a dirt engineer but I don't understand how 900 feet INF feasible 400 to 500 feet from the um from the the existing utility totally feasible um the arguments when we get down to um when we look at Option One in the first paragraph This would be very extensive with consideration to additional impacts to the wetlands trees and and operation of the business we're going to set aside operation of the business and just think about wetlands and trees I don't understand how installing a conduit through an existing roadway creates any Wetland or tree impacts that haven't already been impacted I I understand it's expensive and disruptive those are not the relevant questions I understand that I understand that I think what I think what we're trying to get at in in laying this information out is that what we're proposing to disturb in a manner to essentially create let's say 150 new uh I uh nonic Vehicles vans that are you know driving around the town um in terms of the disturbance that we're that we're proposing here to uh the trees into a to a wetland adjacent to a wetland area that does have a lot of disturbance already right next to it um is is not very significant and when you compare that to what what you're asking us to to to look into and study the feasibility on which is a a very a very long conduit run over a bridge that has many conduits in it this bridge is heated I'm sure you you know that um and and to look into all of all of what would be required to do that um in comparison to what we're proposing to do which is a relatively di Minimus um uh disturbance to to an area here I think it is is is something that is not very comparable and so the the items that we reference in our common response memo about voltage drop and some of the generalizations that we make with respect to uh disturbance to the business operation um and then disturbance to additional areas at the site you know the the comparability between the two from from our standpoint is is you know I completely understand from your standpoint from a a business operation and profit one piece motive I I completely understand that but that that's not what we're tasked with looking at okay if I may interject um Carl I'm going to pull you back into this conversation um because there are Commissioners Dean that um have been on this commission long enough and remember when this particular project which was significant and we made a lot of alterations to the land and the wetlands at that point it was very much brought up at that point and call call reiterated that that was part of the discussion are we not setting aside what you would call stall areas so this was not a lovely easy project to start with and so now you're coming back in asking for more when I feel like this land has already given up a significant amount already so Carl I would ask you a you I can I can talk about the um the electrical vehicle uh discussion because that I know that was in fact I had brought that up specifically um during the initial permitting process because I it was well known at that point that Amazon was heading the direction of electrifying all their vehicles so I just assume that to building a new facility uh that that's the direction they would go but the answer was they weren't going that direction and they weren't prepared um I think game Chase had asked that question at the time why didn't you think about this at the initial time of application so that wasn't I mean this how long's this facility been there hasn't been there that long um yes I'm um I'm a little a Miss with that um not Forward Thinking um but like Sarah said um we kind of put this we put this facility on this you know kind of um kind of squeeze this facility on this land and um there was a lot going on at the time and I would argue we're we're still squeezing it on we're trying to plant 60 trees on top of what what appears to be a septic system and I think if nothing else we need to ask the applicant to agree to continue this so that they can investigate whether or not that even makes sense cuz right now it's not obvious to me that we have a plan in front of us that could even be constructed even if the rest of the commission thinks I'm I'm being a c here you're not we don't have a d number at at the present time so it would be up to the applicant I don't know support of if they want to extend or not if there are any other Commissioners that would like to um offer any insight to the applicant feel free to do so we definitely need to keep going yeah I I do I mean depending on if it were go to go the route that I'm seeing all these trucks we're electrifying them we're going to be good for the environment so you should give us this instead and and as far as I'm concerned and we mentioned we talked about this back the last time that there's already a a path where electrical comes into the building and that there why can't you run this additional electrical through something you've already chewed up instead of destroying an entire however many feet of you know because you're GNA have to dig down and basically destroy it so your your mention of it was well we can't do that because it's going to be disruptive to the business well again that's that's just one point of why why we couldn't be able to do that I I do want to remind the commission also of the of the the nature of the power availability that's there on site that that manhole that we are tying into was placed there for a reason um it's there in order to to pull power from um and unfortunately it's placed in a spot that's not so conducive to the adjacent wetlands and that you would need to disturb some resource areas to be able to get to that and pull power from um it is an unfortunate placement of that manhole um in order to Electrify this large Fleet of Vans we would need this level of power and we would need to bring it from that manhole because it it is it is the place that's there for us to be able to do that from um in order for us to pull power from the an entire separate side of the site uh it it just is in incomparable in terms of what it would take to do that um and and the signif the insignificance of the disturbance that we're proposing here is again far from what the disturbance would be for for running that line from from a different place um which you know it's not even able to be pulled from the building um I guess is really what I'm trying to get at uh and and I think to the gentleman who was just speaking the point about business operations and and and chase you had mentioned business operations as well that's just one of of a few reasons um and and so I think we need to look at this in a little bit more of a broader a broader sense in terms of why we we can't be doing something different here and and and so we're GNA keep moving but one thing I would encourage you to do Dean with your team is to go back to the original filing so that you can look at the historic piece of this site to see the compromises that were made for on on many levels on that so I would encourage you take a history listen on that um if there's no other comments I'd like to this moving yeah sorry I thought I was trying to talk I jumped in but just if this is where we were goingon to go I I missed the first hearing but if we're piping or doing trenchless pipe installation under this parking area I I don't see any I didn't see any details on how that's working you know that's going to be you're going to be digging a pit um inside or right next to a resource area I I need to see your plan for that your contingency plans and all that there it was the first I had heard of that this was going underground so um I know that's very quick and rush I know we want to keep moving but I I need a lot more information on entrance exit Machinery everything that's going to be inside of our resource area that's great thank you for adding that y thank you for that any other additions we meet again on October 22nd would you like to be heard at that time yes okay thanks Ste thank you okay thank you thank you okay it's now 850 I would like to so our 8:15 has been postponed I'd like to entertain opening to 8:30 which is an update enforcement order on Z IP switch who would like to speak to that Mr Gallagher I see that you're on and I can't get the other mark on for some reason good evening I'm sorry I had it on mute I apologize can you hear me yes go ahead okay good evening uh Mark Yager from seel Harbor development how was everyone this evening good thanks and so Amy I just tried to move Mark Jr over and he declined so yeah I can't get I can't it failed when I tried okay well it was declined so okay Mr Gallagher go ahead we look forward to your update good evening um well my update is fairly quick and simple um we received uh an email uh in the last day or so from Amy indicating that we had uh we were I guess that you had discussed the Commissioners had discussed the property uh two weeks ago unfortunately neither Sue Carter or myself received that email um so until we corresponded with Amy today Mark Jr did um we were unaware that you were asking us to bring a planting plan um to the triangle area that's out or maybe within the resource area or outside it it doesn't really matter about 3,300 square ft um I would suggest because of obviously seasonal timing would the commission be comfortable if we worked over the next week uh Su Carter worked with Amy and maybe one of the Commissioners to come up with an acceptable plan within that area so that we could um get plants allocated before the season ends from uh one of our nurse and um then effectuate it as quickly as we can uh between now and the next uh meeting I think that's fine is there Commissioners have thoughts on that obviously we've got a short short season but to see if there are some some things that we could get done y now yep I would assume that we're going to model it after the um similar to what we did on the adjacent property I I know that we talked about the new growth that's uh down um closer to the to the uh Wetland itself um but I would assume we're going to model it after the same types of trees and shrubs that we used at at uh f um which seemed to do really well uh there and have created nice habitat and and I think that's where the commission can if there's a commission member that wants to look at that to look at what has been removed and it does have it that site definitely has a different footprint yep so I think we just have to be careful with that is there a commissioner that would like to work with Sue and Mr Gallagher just um hopefully in the next week or so so that we can um put this forward to October 22 and come up with something concrete to allow you to move forward at that time that would be wonderful thank you yeah I think I was already on Taps for that right so perfect okay so um Mark with your permission we would ask Kyle to get together with Sue on site at their early convenience absolutely can I just make sure I understand something are we Mark are you asking for a commissioner to essentially sign off on a restoration plan so that you all could implement it in the next week or two or you just looking for a commissioner to help make sure you get close to something that we will all agree on whichever way you would like to proceed I am comfortable with if there's a commissioner that can work with Sue and then come back to the board um you know and we can get started that's wonderful if it's a commissioner that can work with Sue and we're bring the plan back to the entire board uh on the 22nd I'm fine with that also I'd just like to hone in on the plants because of the seasonality of this I don't want to lose the opportunity to get some of them uh if not all of them in the ground this year I mean my take is I'm comfortable with either one but I think the commission should Express an opinion on whether or not we we are empowering Kyle to essentially give you the green light to do things or if we want it all to to come back before we give you the whatever you're comfortable with I will go along with I I would think to come back Kyle for the 22nd for I would think that you and Sue Carter together could formulate having been out on site to then collaboratively present with Mark's blessing at the 22nd to then kind roll roll right from there no problems I will that was just my my two cents I don't know what the other Commissioners feel about that okay Mak sense to me yeah makes sense okay great we'll see you again on the 20 second Kyle do you have um SU uh contact information so you can contact her directly I'll drop her an email right now I I can connect everybody perfect okay yeah Ian if you have availability at the same time it wouldn't hurt to have you up there as well so yeah that would be awesome okay thank you everyone have a great evening Mark what I'd like to do now is to jump back into administrative discussions we had four that were um added can we do community garden first please uh the community garden you can hear me okay yes it's been a little weird um uh we're getting a little low on budget which is the water um and there are some issues with folks out there not taking care of their Gardens uh which I've been pretty lenient with if someone wants to spend $15 on and just plant one tomato well you know that's what they want to do um so I'm not sure if anybody really wanted to look closer at how the Community Gardens are run I was almost thinking of asking um the water department the uh Electric Light and Water Department for one of their Community grants to cover the cost of water next year so we can basically refill the coffers if you will uh the other option is also to potentially expand the community garden at Yap um because it's the new town hill one which is on a hill which is in the worst shape um it might not been end up being the best place and get it's getting hard to reclaim it so I I think Bas I just want to throw it out there and see if anybody had any bright ideas or we'll take a closer look at the um at the budget tomorrow I I couldn't get into the system today would it make sense to I'm never one to really want to raise fees but would it make sense to raise the fee up by $5 would that make much of an impact I think would it would make a difference um it's been a while since they've been raised um especially because initially the water department was just you know giving the water for free so it wasn't an issue um so I I did raise them boy five six seven years ago something like that it would it so it has been a while uh someone who wants to get into one of the garden plots but can't because you know they're all taken um seashed suggested we charge a lot more because then it becomes more valuable to the person who is leasing the lot and so they might take better care of it ument what's the current rate $15 okay and and it comes and goes you know up up until last year there have been empty plots because nobody wanted it um but now suddenly we have a three person weight list Andrew what was your suggestion an increase of $5 so yeah so perhaps we could raise it from $15 to $20 and bump it up a little bit help with the uh the Water costs and yeah maybe go there okay not opposed to reaching out for a grant if we can get option why don't we do it try so I think what I'm hearing is that we'll try both Avenues Andrew with your suggestion if we have someone wants that wants to Second your thought of raising five and then we still try and if someone has time to work on a grant I'll second Andrews okay all right roll call votes uh Sarah I Ed Ed f i Michael Michael Livingston I Carl carlberg I Kyle Max die Chase Chase kerig gu myself I unanimous perfect I have one update tomorrow we're meeting in room 103 from 4:30 to 5:30 which is the parcel identification um I know I'm going Andrew you're going I'll be there too yep I wants to join us come on in I can't make that time unfortunately okay um Turtle Salk uh so it's pretty clear this is set for October 15 17 there's no way you're going to be able to do both sites on the same day it just gets dark and both of them take you know a little bit of walking to get into um so I think right now Kyle you could only make the 15th and Sarah you could only make the 17th um I think I think there were other people on that right but and and Ed Carl and Michael could make either one of them um so maybe if if you guys can sort yourselves into two groups and one group can go see the wellsite one group can go see the uh um Smith property site or you're certainly welcome to go to both of them that's fine just I think just throw in times of each day and where the first one is and where the second one is whoever can show up would be great okay yeah I just want to make sure that at least one person shows up so well I definitely can't do the 15th but I'll give it a whirl for the 17th okay okay if you could just send along a couple reminders that that would be great Kyle to have one uh I mentioned to Tim and Amy this morning actually they might be finished up now I think I saw it early last week um well I think it's 145 it's the the first property as you pass Brown Woods coming from Town Center first property on the right um it's a pretty sure there's resource area right there their yard is always wet and they limit their mowing but they appeared to do something extensive patio wall building work I didn't stop to see it but there was definitely equipment out there in stone so yeah that that's actually um Stan Shay's property he is the guy who uh gave us a permission to do the frag M's control on his property as well as Brown's woods so he get the whole patch um so he should know what what he's got out there you or Tim both of you go out yeah Tim was able to stop by today um but nobody was actually out there working so when I I'll drive by tomorrow and see if there's anybody there okay great um so we had tree policy no meaningful updates on it and noodling with language haven't made a lot of progress okay and then 8:45 it's now 9 out to neog Hill Orchard lot 107-a transfer to Litton Conservation Commission for select board discuss language and presentation for town meeting warrant article for transfer of approximately 7.9 acres of land so hopefully you all have been following this um I told chase that I'll do the presentation as long as you all show up and that someone does I do not have time to do the slide deck um what I'd love to do is to just if I can throw out what I think might work but I'm very much uh appreciative of other people's comments I think maybe three or four slides at maximum the first would open up with the picture of the actual water site and the land and then one that might have a very brief timeline of when the property was purchased to uh 1999 and then this one does not have a CR this one has no restrictions it's unrestricted and then in 2015 we did have a vote the town's people approved it we never did the work for that so and then the next slide would basically be the lot that shows the 20 acres and where the line is that pulls leaves the uh buildings to the top and we acquire the um 7.9 and then I think also to have this is where I would love feedback of benefits to the town's people um that were preserving that Vista it's a historic Scenic Road um we're then able to try and navigate the best we can with the invasives and then potentially have a pathway forward to allow a walking trail there um in the future and then utilize Sarah dublet parking lot so you're asking for help to make the pictures yes I can do that with you I was say unless Chase is about to volunteer we could ALS Tim and I could also do it and you might want a the first slide to be sort of a locust map yeah perfect come on gang you're all supporting this someone should have some feedback yes dud too good a job Sarah yeah I think what you said so far Sarah is in your narrative is perfect I mean and Chas is so good at putting the slides together since he's got that experience a lot of practice oh yeah for sure that that was an amazing presentation you did I guess I struggle with like the disclaimer because everyone's gonna freak out they think it's the Orchard and it's like hey we're just here for what everyone has already thought since 2000 that it's in the care custody control everyone thought it was but it never got signed over so I struggle with trying to do that I like the timeline I think that's a that's a perfect way of capturing that sentiment right we' we've already done this but Town Council is being a stick in the mud and says we need another formal authorization blame Tom throw Tom under the bus uh 100% what's his firm what town meeting's all for it listen if you can't throw Town Council and the town's lawyer under the bus who can throw under the bus all right does no one have any other uh real quick yes just to uh clarify I did send Mark and Sue uh what you guys requested Kyle you got copied on that did you get that email I got the email from you I believe yeah okay yeah just making sure yeah just just double check it what wasn't posted but yeah okay or it was posted so no yeah it it went to them okay the next day coming coming back to neog stay focused does anyone else have any other questions know I know the warrant has been set I don't know where it is what number it is I think it goes to the printer or goes mailing tomorrow the 10 end like I don't know how many warrant articles there are this year uh 12 yeah 12 total Sarah one thing might yeah we got a Inside Man on this now do you do Sarah if one of your concerns is the inaccurate understanding that this has something to do with the orchard as an agricultural property perhaps once you once we you and I get the presentation put together you could put a paragraph around that and we can share it with those folks who are both the presentation and that paragraph with the folks who are most interested in this the Littleton Trails group things like that to really try and get those questions out ahead of time okay I would like and I don't know I don't think I having not seen what's going into the uh booklet so LCT formally voted and I have to ask Will picker they were supposed to meet so that