good evening for the finance committee meeting for Tuesday April 30th our agenda tonight is minutes the discussion of the town meeting warrant member update public input and scheduling our next meeting this should be a fairly quick meeting hopefully um with that let's begin we have minutes for it should 8 yep everybody I was okay with them have a motion make a motion we accept the April 8th minutes as presented a second move in second and all in favor I okay uh town meeting warrant town meeting is Tuesday May 7th anybody who hasn't caught that yet Tuesday May 7th um first I guess we should talk about some changes I just checked with Ryan to make sure that there was nothing else that changed and over this first of all articlein can you pass one more one more down please all eight is the purchase of the Webster prop property we have a price the Littleton conservation trust had paid for second appraisal of the property uhhuh that appraisal came back at $730,000 uh the Webers have agreed to that purchase price so the article will go forward to town meeting as a purchase through CPC CPC is meeting tomorrow to vote the uh purchase and that'll be that they are going to be asking for 760 um to cover um surve closing costs but yeah well well well that's different than 1.4 isn't it it is um we had said it at the November meeting that if we could purchase it with CPC funds we'd be fine with the purchase it so it's going to move forward so so what is the dollar value on a is it the 730 or is it it will be 730 plus whatever closing costs are yeah purchasing the land for 7:30 and then they're asking for 30,000 more from CPC just to cover the closing costs and the uh surveying that needs to be done okay so it's more like 7 it'll be 760 is what they're asking CPC for but okay Bet the Websters be the purchase price yeah okay and the closing costs are a proper use for CPC funds I guess that's up to CPC to figure out they haven't discussed it yet it'll be tomorrow but okay that was how the request came in okay so we really can't vote until we know what the right wouldn't vote until prior to town meeting that's when the select when going to get to together and vote also so all righty any discussion on article 8 anybody wants to the the only thing um I talked to you I think I sent you a note I forget whether I copied you or not but I my my concern is that um depending on how CPC chooses to pay for it um whether they'll draw down that bucket more than they should or you know they um because there's another $60,000 a year in a Debt Service that's already on the books so you know just as long as they're comfortable you know if they pay for it in cash they're going to have somewhere in the neighborhood of I don't know a half a million dollars left maybe so Ryan and Robin and Kim got together on Monday right Monday and um gave carollyn three options for the CPC to look at first option was to pay for the property in full uh this would leave a b they so they currently have $1.2 million after this town meeting prior to this purchase right in their open space bucket if they pay for the thing in full they'd still have $54,000 um addition to the fund in for the open space bucket in 22 was 106,000 and 23 was 231 24 is 230 so they they're throwing in $200,000 into that open space bucket each a year okay so they should be fine all right so that's option one option two would be to uh pay cash for half the purchase and bond the other half yep over 3 years so they' issue a ban short-term note for a year roll it over pay it down by a third another year roll it over so on FY 26 will be the first year that they'll have to make a payment um because we can't make this purchase until after July after the 1 and then that's in the following year year it's in the 26 bucket so that's 138,000 126 and 36,000 at the end for interest to pay it off in 29 and then option three would be to bond the entire purchase so they would do the whole 730 over a 3year period we could stretch that out to five years if if necessary it would be 279 267 255 for total of 803 um so that'll be close to 100,000 and interest yes 73,000 total okay um and talking with with Carolyn leading up to this um she was talking about a combination MH cash and debt so it's more than likely based on prior conversations they go for option to okay but it's totally their call how they want to do it right and just Robin and Ryan laid everything out for them so they well aware of the numbers but looking at these numbers even if they did the entire amount they'd still have a half a million dollars that if something else came up next year or the year after they might have to borrow for all of it but they could they aren't hamstringing themselves is what what I was concerned about and that seems to be okay and and I think doing half of it bonding half of it Banning half of it for only $6,000 makes a lot of sense with these numbers that I would absolutely y okay just so they have money left over yep no thanks foration okay so we should expect a 760 is, number at town meeting probably unless they can Whittle down with those closing costs that's just throwing a number at got board I think at this point does this need I'm guessing this will be updated but like the first sentence it says to raise an appropriate transfer from avail funds or borrow a sum of money including authorization to borrow under the CPA yeah they're going to come up with a new motion oh it's going to be a whole new thing just to say it's going to be the what's written there is the article but the motion be based on that so it's Caroline's working with transfer from an available funds or borrow that's what they're going to be but it's coming but it's CPC is going to pay for it it's not yeah and it was only wed that way to be a broad umbrella to let everyone in town know any of these things could potentially happen but in fact when people arrive they'll have the motion which will be either printed or really clearly be on one of those sheets yeah yeah great okay good okay good all right R just confirm there are no transfers to be done I think that was arle whatever good old article whatever whatever so so it'll just get pulled or that'll probably be pulled yes oh I article three you me oh look at this uh oh you got someone on top of things here article three D let us know is that the one we're talking about the whatever article that's the whatever that's the whatever article good job change article numb article three probably pull yes so there'll be no three shouldn't be but then it's not being renumbered because Brian's head would explode if Article 4 became article three right we've got to commit to leaving that as our budget number and okay finally there was a placeholder article if I can find it article 29 to fund collective bargaining agreements there was a possibility that three of the four unions may agree by town meeting okay so there could be something on article again on 29 okay but nothing's confirmed so I can haven't voted any through contracts or anything so this is a maybe article it's a maybe but it's chance that it's a maybe depends on factors okay what does that do to the whole budget though there was money set aside for that right for all four that point plus town hall and town halls increases already got factored into to the operating budget so we pulled it out of that amount that we had set aside so we'll have to vote on Art if they settle we'll have to vote on article 29 cor and article 8 before uh on the 7th before to meeting yes is there anything else that have hanging out there I think we cleared that's everything okay that we have so it's just those two articles that we'll have to vote okay um and otherwise everything as printed is moving forward as printed with the exception of the word Monday on page one well we'll be all done by time you show up otherwise I don't know of any other articles that we didn't have numbers for right it was put it this so Ryan is going to check with with Council whether article 10 would need to change because of article 8 so article8 is the purchase okay which depending on how much they Define it like specifically saying this is coming out of open space bucket for this amount the spending may have to happen article 10 okay but he's going to check with Town counsel okay I'm thinking because there's no interest costs extra interest costs in FY 25 article 10 may not need to change okay just 11 but you guys you're reading tomorrow hopefully Ryan will have that answer for you for tomorrow okay yep I was just looking at this map and I'm thinking to myself I can't really see a color difference between you know you would think by now humans would get it so that those of us stripes and circles stripes and dots and circles and wiggles or what have you well it is hard to tell right between Town conservation and other conservation other conservation dotted so sah doubl oh oh oh I see the boundary that's helpful that's helpful okay all right it's not just the shading it's the actual surround of the block glad I can help you thank you thank you no I appreciate that I'm sure we helped some people watching it home but there's a color one on the website that's really good two people yeah right okay so that's it the book so if Tom says we need to put the 700 whatever in here that'll be an an Adder to article 10 if he says we don't it'll he he feels it's covered in article 8 we're okay correct okay or if they push the closing cost to article 10 because it's not time of the purchase maybe they'll handle it that way okay I just don't know okay Ryan Ryan's working that with Tom or I just talked to him yes okay okay good devils in the details always y okay as far as speaking on article so I sent around the slides for the beginning of the meeting we can talk about that in a second but as far as articles Brian has volunteered to speak to Article 13 so last meeting that FR and I weren't there um B come voted to support Article 13 so Brian was in charge I passed the but to Brian and said we voted on a Zing yes you did which what were you doing doing that where were you Steve and Fred to keep us in control why were we voting at a different regulatory boards yeah there was a reason he explained it um well it's because the the grant money that we had right there was Financial yes right exactly there is implications go but it's the planing board's article I think the town knows the financial implications for now and what turned them against the article in my opinion the last time was kind of the threat that we're going to lose our money if we don't do this and it's I I explained to Brian not to to threaten that just say the facts this is what we got this is what we could lose Brian is going to speak on this one you said Brian was going to speak on that one does anybody want to speak on anything else would you like to speak on the web to purchase sure that' be easy this time we've already been called disingenuous way but now you can go and say how thrilled we are no I won't that we are going to use money specifically set aside as intended and we have come to an agreement with the sellers to preserve this wonderful piece of land easy way easier than what Steve had to say that's that's basically all you need to say yeah facts are the facts yeah um okay is there anything else that people feel they would like to speak to not that I'm trying to pass the B I'm just trying to give equal opportunity to all i' be more than happy to speak to anything that comes up no my suspicion is that you're going to give your presentation and people are going to feel this is really quite comprehensive you know I as far as questions go I don't think there are going to be too too many well you never know what article somebody's going to you know yell hold and and ask some kind of question on even because we went through a lot of detail in our report no so than in previous years I can remember when our first go around we had our own separate booklet one year okay those are the funniest um but I think because we went through such detail there things questions should be answered I think hopefully mhm um if not we'll go through go through the presentation everybody get copies of the slides y I know brind did with his LG I I thought it was large Town meting and I thought you know what maybe it's not that I thought it was let's go town meeting but I I did the same thing as you as I Googled it I Googled it just to see what it was I was like oh okay so you also learned something from Bri In Absentia he's our he's our teacher see I cheated cuz I saw your email before I looked at Bri me too me too oh well next and I saw Brian and he says oh I know what that me you were just wared okay okay so the presentation um I figured I'd start off with the bond rating for the town we just got reaffirmed uh make that point 10 years since we were a doublea community that's that's a big deal so I'm going to make those points the budget pressures and at the top of the next few slides I talked about now starting on page four of the booklet read the finance committee report for more detail hopefully people have if you're watching at home please read starting on page four of your 10 meeting booklet finance committee report answers a lot of the questions that you may have um talk about the budget pressures that we faced the $3.3 million deficit and how we solved it or how Ryan and his team actually solved it um and then getting into what we're going to see in Opa before just some of the high level highlights that we had three police officers I mean three firefighters one police officer school budget increase so on so on debt service pressure um Slide Five the highlights just talk about those percentage increases that we have on the side more importantly just look at those um graphs on the side see that they do go up every year and there's a trend of the increase other other major Financial article updates that's things that have changed from our report basically um I still have the key in whatever CPC votes tomorrow night and how they're going to fund the Webster land um so that's all set to go there and then our report didn't have was written before we did um the numbers for the King Street rehab so I put that on the slide even though it's in the article it's in the report I just put it out there because it's not in our report it's $2.9 million we have bids in hand we're ready to go soon as town meeting approves um and then com in the fund slides the budget pressures for the following years I didn't know really how to start this you know finance committee in years past identified 25 and 26 actually 24 25 and 26 as as tough years when we were going through this process 27 kind of popped to the top because of the sore but now looking at these numbers uh that we got out of the financial uh model that we use 28 is really coming like it's the tough year so we have three years of compounded increases Plus service that's rolling in for the Indian Hill purchase Senior Center and the sore system The Source system really Pops in in 27 and 28 big time and us being the only user maybe it's lessened a little by the time we get to 28 as users come on but I don't see not much not much that not until the big buildings at 550 exactly um so that's and and 550 is not going to pay a big chunk of their betterment up front they're going to go over the 30 years and pay what they need to pay until they get to a point where they have some cash and you may realize there's so much interest involved and paying a big chunk in the point I wanted to make on on slide eight those Revenue gains down there is again for 550 King that we don't know when those revenues are going to hit right we don't know how much that's it's going to hit what what that number is going to be it's so far out in the future it could take 10 years some of the early stuff could help 28 but it's it's still an un unknown he hasn't even Broken Ground on anything just yet the important piece I wanted to do that was that bottom bullet that whatever we do get in it's not extra money for the town to spend it has to solve those operational differences first so it's not hey look at all this cash the town has we need to put it towards our deficits first of all it's hardly going to cover those deficit in 28 so that's the point I'm trying to make on those slides and I'll talk to them it may not look pretty and stuff but I can certainly talk to it the next couple of slides there's a lot of numbers on them the most important thing is the graphs and the piece that I put in in yellow highlighted in yellow that we have Revenue forecasts that over the next 3 years increases at 1.6 million per year or 2.4% and our expenses on the next increase at what's that 2.8 million or 4 4% and that doesn't work and can't form a budget when two things are so Divergent like that so something has to give um either more budget cuts or realizing some Revenue increases I know as far as FY 25 if I can remember when we put together the the models for 25 for New Growth it was less than last year but it was still something it was still to a level where Kathy was I'm not certain mhm I think was a little over 600,000 that she has in there for New Growth um she thinks we can make it she wasn't 100% comfortable with it the numbers that we have in 26 I mean in 27 and 28 right now are more in lines of 3 to 500,000 so it's a lot less there's really nothing else we once this development comes online here there's not much else there single family homeless being built but that doesn't really a big impact on on what's going on and maybe once you know Northern Bank starts doing their development we'll get something else there a little bit there yeah you know but the big thing is waiting for a 550 King to to come along and we have to be I think we as a committee need to be prudent in how we look at spending over the next couple of years because we simply don't know when that's stuff is coming how many times we're going to be saying that over the next couple of years on slide eight though the the last bullet point I realized reading it that it says what you want it to say but I think it kind of implies like whatever Revenue increases we do realize are going to affect these budget variances where they where they will it it's just not going to be we don't know whether they will because when they're coming in right but whatever Revenue increases we do realize will affect these just don't know at what you know at how much where this kind of sounds like it's not extra money to spend like it's almost implying like there's going to be additional costs to offset that Revenue so it's not going to affect these numbers when in fact it will them little I see what you're saying okay so it's not extra money to spend but covering yeah whatever Revenue increases we do realize from this common area will um you know reduce these variances but you know we can't predict okay softens it a little bit I'll re work that um what was it slide 11 so we talked revenues expenses the third um piece is capital so this is what we make the point that you know we have 10-year Capital plan that we ask department heads to do the next next three years is $199 million over the 10 years is 29 but1 19 million over the next three years is a big chunk and the closer you get the more Reliance you can put into those numbers like 10 years out who knows three years you could probably look at and say hey yeah so it's something that again we need to look at excuse me we're ending with starting FY 26 if everything goes through this town meeting to Capital stabilization with a balance of $4.6 million to fund $19 million worth of purchases over the next three years 4.6 for 19 4.6 million starting in 26 we have $19 million in purchases over the 26 27 and 28 and we generally spend a million and a halfish on Capital unless is something really unusual so you have the four basically the four in the bank and another is we get you through it but the school roofs are out there and those are big ticket items yeah so it's it's either pushing things out so we can still pay for our using our normal Capital plan or statu to borrow again for this stuff which is something I checked I think I I me Fred and I taped a uh lctv speci on on this I thought it would good do you guys coordinate your outfits no no no no were you coordinated though nevertheless here's Steve I'm Fred we're the fincom bo [Laughter] so we did that and and I mentioned on that show that uh a check the last time we borrowed for Capital was fy4 W well it sounds like it's time to start borrowing we've done it in so long we should try it again that's also the time where Financial policies went in place took us 10 years from ' 04 to ramp up to 14 to go from a a single a rating which is where we were to a AAA rating in 14 so was a long ramp up period to change the culture basically and how we operated does this 19 million in the capital include the high school roof yes yeah okay because all three schools okay but I think there was some talk about based on the timing if they can hold it out a certain then there's more funding available so I guess to me I'm not sure why you wouldn't 20 I've I've put that bug in the school Department's years two or three times already that we need to start the process with msba to do the roofs through them to get reimbursement but takes 20 years y the RO has be 20 years Russell Street should be no problem because when we did the renovation to Russell Street we didn't touch the roofs they we didn't do it well it seems we want to go after that money before we spent our own the school department need take the lead in going after this this These funds well High School must be what 20 close high school is close high school is like is a buil I thought it was over 20 cuz we paid the debt off already I think on the front of the building it says 2001 like in the brick school department says was still not there on the roof okay that's great that's a great that's great news [Music] not us that's true Middle School I can see Middle School is less than 20 but put that through last unless it's really really bad get on get on the list anyway yeah right get on the list I I think the process of msba is for roofs is a expedited process I don't know for sure but I will find out okay and so need to talk about Capital last slide is the shakeer lane um this to get this out there basically that we're just starting the feasibility study right now we just hired Studio G as the architectural firm the OPM is in place um T meting has already put a million dollars towards those costs we still don't know because we're just starting the process whether it's a renovation new construction or renovation and new construction so like an addition or something we just don't know so we don't know what the costs are going to be we've said in the past that this is going to be a Deb exclusion of way still of of that mindset everybody we good either that are we shut down the town exactly but I I think even if it's even if it's just a renovation it's going to be millions of dollars so it's something that given those numbers something that we need to do an exclusion on funding if we stay with the msba schedule they're going to require us to get an appropriation in the fall of 25 so that's 18 months away that's not very long to to to move this thing on um how and the price tag could be big but how can we do that without even knowing what the price is going to be I mean when's that number going to come in we have 18 months to figure to get this feasibility study but at the end of the feasibility study they'll have drawings okay they'll have schematics in place and we'll have an estimate we won't have bids but we'll have an estimate what that is the thing is with msba is once you give them a number that's it that's it anything else that's added on top of it oh we forgot this it's oddy so this 18 months is critical we've already talked with the Architects there going to be plenty of meetings with the town to get public input as far as what the town wants to see whether they really want new construction whether they really want of just a renovation what do they want to see in the building because that building is very tired I I've toured that building a couple of times now and I haven't been in there in years it is a tired building reminds me of what the old high school used to look like it's past its time I thought we didn't really have a choice though in order to get the state funding they going to determine which needs to be done The Architects put fourth plans for each mhm the town can say we want to see this it goes to the MSP msba board and they say no it's going to be okay this okay so they have final say okay because they're putting in 48% of the money or possibly up to 52% but right now it's at 48 and we have to go by their rules and their rules say then have choice but they'll listen to what the town has to say and the process is a little bit crazy because they require the town to authorize the entire spending say it's a $30 million project they require the town to agree to pay the whole 30 million to authorize the entire right but then they will offset up to 40 % was 48% I don't still it depends what we do I think the minimum is 48 if we do new construction it could go up to 52 so so authorize we build it we front the money we get the bills we send it to msba for reimbursement and we just turn over that money over and over again um I don't know if I I want to put out numbers at this point it's a crapshoot what the numbers are um for new construction this definitely will be the most expensive project that the town has done it's easy easy I think you can remind them what the library cost what the senior Center's costing in this you know so this new construction for the school could dwarf those projects yes yes it's a much bigger building it's a bigger building plus it's what's needed for Education today is not what is needed for Education 20 years ago because a senior center was what 20 million mhm 185 yeah so you figure school it's going to be at least 20 million yeah yeah numbers are not a great idea it's so speculative we'll have 18 month it's huge bigger than anything you seeing I guess what I will say is is before we come to town meeting in the fall of 25 there'll be plenty of opportunities for finance committee to get the word out what the impacts of the tax bills would be what the cost is going to be what the borrowing is so it will be a big impact to people's tax books and you're right that's not a way good way to end but I don't know know how else to do it me and that's a knock knock joke KN who the tax okay so does a sound okay sounds great yeah I guess I could end by saying that that our tougher years are coming where a lot of towns around us are having their tougher years already you know I was going to have like a slide on on you know West for voting for this override Bron turned theirs down and dun turn them down and but I only have 10 minutes so that's what I I was going to ask can you get through that reasonably in 10 minutes I mean that's that's a lot yeah I'm not going to spend a lot of time on on some of these slides I mean I'm just going to bring up like the point and the yellow there those things would it benefit the presentation to take words off of your slides I I I generally don't read slides I mean they're there for people to see I'm just going to talk to them yeah yeah yeah is will there be enough time for people to see do you think listen to you hear what you're saying which is different than I mean thematically the same but different words and be able to read because there are some people who that if the words are displayed they want to be able to read them in order to feel like they're getting all the information at the meeting like what if there engrossed on what I'm saying right yeah someone is so hypnotized by what you're saying they are distracted away from reading but they really want to read the text on the slides is their time you know what I'm saying on on the important ones I mean the with the bullet points especially the shake a lane I will go through the bullet points yeah I'm not going to read every word I will yeah yeah say the gist of that is Shake that's probably most important thing that's out there right I think to take away it's a little less than a minute of slide that's all yeah I mean that's so it's got to really it's got to move yeah that's that's the only thing okay I was just going to say the takeaway at the end of this is there's a lot of information here that we know some of it's unknown but we are planning ahead so when we get to the next town meeting and the next town meeting we're going to have more information and we making progress towards addressing this stuff so I think just so the town knows is we're not we're not just throwing us out there is I think there's stuff going on behind the scenes to start working on this now before it turns into a problem it it doesn't look great some of those um last slides but we're working on it m good the school started working on this one almost two years ago oh yeah the applications have in with msba for quite a while now right I mean that's I mean that's that it's not high in the sky at this point you we're two years down the road Y in a very long process and I think that the school department may have a presentation ready for town meeting they were working on something that talked a lot about the process with msba I'm not certain they're going to be done by to meeting okay but I think their intention is to have something being shown before the meeting up on the screen okay once you have the um the estimates back on Shaker Lane what kind of a timetable like are you required to start the process because I'm just wondering if it's something that couldn't be I mean I know you said the building is in in horrible shape I needs to be done but if it got pushed off a year or a year and a half to start then you know the the debt isn't gonna so if we don't make if we don't make msba deadlines so Longo okay everything has everything just gets pushed okay like the entire process to to pick the OPM and to pick the Architects and that was months okay and we put out the RFP we got the responses back we couldn't pick them we couldn't talk to them we had to um go to the msba have a meeting with them they select who they are we recommend they actually do the selection okay so everything is really on their time everything's on with them and when the aboard meets their board meets once a month basically if you don't want them to pay for half of the school yeah do what you want right exactly if you want them to pay for half of your school you wait you do what they want do what they want and that's that's really the they have that's right I mean we went through this way back we did the high school yeah and you know the the middle school it's just it's a torture it's it's worse now is it it's a lot worse now I mean going back into those three projects that I was involved with we at least could choose and had a say in a lot of things no we don't even have a say in it now everything's on to them okay all right so so will you touch base with the schools and see what they're going to be presenting so whatever you're presenting is and then I don't see where that would be in Conflict so Friday morning there's the moderators okay meeting we'll talk to them then okay good good okay nothing to it okay it's only money have public yay we have public yeah s have been referred to as the public public [Music] audience so um I'm glad to hear you've solved all the financial problems so I and yeah I I see what meetings are coming up and you know if there were a select board meeting I'd be there so I was just curious about ngog Hill orchin wor an article and I realized things have been done sort of last minute um and I was sort of surprised hearing about the meeting where got approved by nag Hill origin group because it hadn't been on the agenda that there's going to be a vote no one had seen any printed copy of the vote I think even verbally at the meeting it wasn't even mentioned what was approved so yeah it doesn't really look like the poster child for open meeting um so yeah I realized people doing things last minute and I realiz there was interest to get it before you and the slackman the next business day and get Pro and get on the uh warrant article so you know there I could have file complaint with Attorney General's office but I don't think that really help anyone my my main concern is making sure the public has some say and things so you know I I assume the warrant article came from the Town Council and was provided Upstream um but my concern is there's no provision for the public on the final disposition of the conclusions of doing RFP and the disposition of the uh public lands funded by state grants um you know certainly it starts off the part where you know it doesn't me opening lot and public really didn't get a chance to see what's there and then at the tail end the public isn't involved at all so yeah this sounds very much like the Cooper Farm situation which I don't think many people like to relive um so I and and that there's Financial assets involved you know um so done the the finance committee did not vote this article it's from the neog orchard group and the select board it it's it's really there we haven't really been involved in any of of that conversation ourselves but but you just happen to have a meeting so yeah there are financial implications you know of disposing of public lands and Public Funding so I'm here mostly just to share some thoughts because someone may ask you at town meeting what your thoughts are about that and you know my my take is when bad things happen or things don't get done well it's costly uh I can suggest example of the uh the septic system at at the high school I was in the for health there and that got pushed through boy it was that costly so you know bad government has costly mistakes so yeah isn't that I'm against the town saying they get manal land but the public should have some final say about what the results are um and yeah essentially buying a pig in a poke bag and not knowing what's there because the public gets all thrown aside they may have a chance to say stuff S window dressing uh as they go through but the public never gets to have a final uh say on what the results are yeah like if the town wants to do it it' be nice if they would come up with the results and everyone knows the terms they know what they're getting into and they say yes or no so that that that's my take and yeah I wasn't sure where you were on you know voicing opinion on article but uh I was there when we as a community voted to acquire the land and I've worked for like a dozen lands acquiring a line a corridor just sort of surprises me the public has no say about how it gets disposed and even 30 B and stuff there are all sorts of Provisions that don't seem to be there so it's mostly sharing those thoughts cuz you youire influential group and the financial implications I I know that the working group has had a number of meetings um and I think they actually did they meet with the select board the last meeting or or no I I was at that and that was a very constructive meeting and they actually put together a process which sort of a rational process for doing Source selection in RFP but I that that was very constructive so I've gone to most of's meetings you know my heart goes out to earns you know stars in heaven or whatever you know a lot of work is going into it but it does need to be a public process then that's why it's a town meeting warrant that's what meting before so just trying to make things more simple before we hit town meeting I've heard people suggesting doing mou or putting a provision the Warren article and if we're shared ahead of time maybe that could have been done but trying to find a constructive collaborative approach which is why I didn't go to the's office to complain about violation the over meeting but nonetheless public does need to be involved so anyway that that that's my story okay but it's nice to see you work I haven't been to many of the meetings that you've had so you sold out sold room yeah back room ear maybe it's the coverge that we have but it'll be interesting how this goes down at town meeting I know they you know I don't know whether they're revising the motion that's presented or not I have I really have no idea done yeah but you just happened to have the meeting so that that was nice GL we can appro all right anything else I don't so we'll meet I think our next meeting would be Town meetings at 7 I think we'll be posted for 6 M Tuesday somewhere in the building I don't know where they're talking about it it's probably still the library I don't know well they usually do it I don't know what they'll do this year but it for us it's probably pretty much the two articles M yeah I think SEL has to vot on those same two and maybe three if the other one has to change the CPC and and maybe neog is going to be on one of those pink sheets I don't know we'll say I don't know all right all right any else anybody but at this point there's no money involved from our standpoint with the neog article as we understand it that's right no there's no money anywhere nothing's happening yeah the article need know the article is for the Perth s board letting the select board choose basically like Don was saying select board is choosing who to sell it to right giving them that advice yeah okay whether that's the right way to do it tell meting will what interesting is a complete flip from what everyone had talked about beforehand before for the late uh Friday afternoon meeting you know when the town office was closed and like where did this come from in fact even the chair was surprised it wasn't going to be a two-step process so someone knew but you not us all righty hey time for my favorite motion motion to adjourn have a second second well second and all in favor see you all Tuesday May 7th