##VIDEO ID:XJtLl2FXOHM## all right hi everyone welcome to the library Board of Trustees meeting tonight is Thursday October 10th 6:30 p.m. um let's start with correspondence let C comment would you talk about the girl sure um so for those who don't know me I'm Holly chion I am a leader for 73 Girl Scout group and this is my sixth year um as their leader um so some of you may know with Boy Scouts they have their um Eagle Scout award um and Girl Scouts has higher Awards as well um the gold being um an award that they Wen on in high school and then the silver award in middle school and bronze um in fourth and fifth grade uh before they can go forward with one of these projects they need to do what's called a journey and that consists of um a few badges in some sort of theme and then a Take Action project so we were hoping to do um a Take Action project for the library and then some of my girls may go ahead and um figure out a silver award um some of them did their bronze um when they uh were still in elementary school um so what differentiates Take Action Project from something like community service is that it's sustainable so the example we always give the girls is you know you can pick up trash in the park and that's more of a community service and a Take Action project is something is going to continue so uh they could uh talk to town about putting in trash receptacles and getting trash pickup and that would be something that's sustainable so um the girls are typically encouraged to think of places around the community that they could help about in especially places that they use a lot and we use the library a lot for our meetings um and some of my girls had actually done um some events to Katrina's troop when they were doing their silver award um talking about pollinators um and now we have the um the native flowers here and so their thought was um building and installing the watering stations um which they would take uh a FL pot turn it upside down and use um the the saucer as like the the bowl essentially um with some rocks in there for the bees to land on and then they would have bees and butterflies any pollinators um would have a drinking Source um they also asked about putting up a um a sign or or have a flyer that um they can make a QR code that leads to how to make a um native flower garden um and how to make um a rewatering station to help our palpators so we were looking for approval from the tests to um purchase items that we need we'll we'll fund this whole project um with our cookie sales um and then we're hoping to make two of them and install them um can't really see anym um but right off the balcony here there's a tree and there's some um cleared ground around it so that was one of the places that they were looking at because they wouldn't disturb any of the um the flowers and other plants that are around when they were trying to put it in um and then potentially putting a second one up towards the top um by the parking lot just depending on where there's space where we would do a very minimal damage to anything um I don't first we go with questions I'm not sure do we need to vote to approve anything or I'm not sure that may I'm not sure it's like a voting thing I think yeah I think it's fine yeah I think it's a it's fine um I just want you to you know show trustees um but yeah I think it's a great idea and a great opportunity for the truth that um the you are heard is a great idea for education do you rely on natural water or do the kids come and the fill the water I could ask them to come and water I yeah um definitely um and we can e even get the other girl scouts involved I think um the primary will be when it rains just because we tend except for this summer where we didn't really get a lot of rain um we usually do have enough where um they would stay have you done this before or have you seen this done in other no we we've seen it online um and that PE our interest um but we haven't actually seen it in action is the standing water an issue for mosquito or I think it's so minimal it's just of a flower pry flat and we also put rocks in there because the bees need somewhere to land in order to drink the water and if we don't have anything in there then they could potentially Dr so it's actually a very minimal amount of water it shouldn't breed mosquito I would I wouldn't think it would it would be less than like a one a pedal be and in terms of like I know the example that was in here letter with like the pretty little glass bulbs and everything you can see those being the kids walking the path picking up and like they're disappearing so our idea is more um black rocks like um the that kind of mimic like River Rocks um hopefully we won't that's why we kind of want to put it in places that um were a little bit more away from where where traffic would be so that hopefully you know people wouldn't be messing with them um we could potentially glue the stones down um and that would also ensure that they're not getting taken but also that they're there do it doesn't get TI or anything like that and the QR code so so I'm just trying to balance the like you want is that supposed to be on the watering stations because then you want them close enough yeah no we wouldn't or is it separate it would be separate okay yeah because exactly we wouldn't want people coming into the garden yeah where are you envisioning putting those um I'm not sure um I don't know if it be something to actually put outside or if we should have it on display like somewhere you first walk in display board right yeah if you guys made a flyer it could go on the display board as one place or even like the when they're installed you could talk to Sam and decide if there's another spot in the library that it could be yeah we could even put it on a like a poster board like I don't know when you came in if you saw the poster board of the new uh senior so I have another stand with that so if I I could get a poster board can make like a poster make like around here are we getting late in B season are you thinking about doing this in the spring or or or now we were hoping to do it sooner than later only so that they can then start thinking about silver so I don't know how much it will get utilized this fall um since we are starting to approach when when our first Frost will be does it survive is it okay in the winter like what so we're planning to paint um the the terracotta pots and then put um a seal coating over it so it should be okay and then that was will you guys check on it periodically just in case there's breakage to that okay so I know you talked about the QR code are you going to have a sign near it to to say what it is and maybe they like please don't disturb it or something like that just so people don't see this you know some kids might find this painted yeah FL pot and like be like hey what you know if you just had a little side there like you know whatever you want to call it like please you know enjoy with your eyes girl yes yeah yeah that's good idea just to discourage kids from look at this cool thing I found yeah and then the only other thing is I know Aaron in conservation has been working on like the very edge of the garden up there by the driveway where I think is one of your proposed locations when I looked at it so just being aware to make sure you're not disturbing whatever is there um because I want to disrupt whatever she's been cultivating we Jo add to the process not subtract somehow because she's definitely been trying to put Plants there that will support native pollinators anything else no okay thank you for all support can't wait to hear see what they do thank you for coming maybe maybe once it's completed I can actually try to get some of the girls to come and I would encourage them to come and present great and then I do think if you have to wait till spring just so fusibility you can still get them to think about silver before yeah then so yeah just there's a way we can look work yeah having been there so thank you H I appreciate your time sure good luck are you yes every I none of us didn't know good um okay we have three sets of of minutes to um review and approve um has everyone had a chance to read through the minutes of uh September 12th we know Sarah has thank you very much for noticing that um has anyone everyone else had a chance any questions okay um we'll let's do these as a as a bunch um we have the August 14th 2024 policy committee minutes does anyone have any questions about those and the October 7th policy committee okay um let's have a motion to approve all three sites of lur from September 12th August 14th and October 7th 22 I move to approve the minutes of Prior meetings September 12th August 14th and October 7th 2024 a second call in favor okay um treasure report okay I emailed these out just this evening but so you should have it Mir um the gift fund has $30,988 65 state aid has $ 20, $2,224 mmdt has1 18,000 $ 69665 building gift has $ 28,5 52 and mblc Grant has the 68644 um and the B month ending statement value is 1,728 183 continues to go up great good all right friends report okay the friends made um almost $1,400 say last month so that would have been August I think from the book sale room sales which is an increase and they think maybe the summer reading brought more people into to buy books if they got their free coupon then maybe they bought more than just their free books um their annual meeting is next week they are working on their slate of officers trying to figure out will be I think there might have been a few open they haven't finalized that yet but that will be next week and they have been publicizing the friends are looking for new members board members um mini golf again is March 14th and 15 they were trying to send out a newsletter before mini golf and then I did bring up your um reminders about membership and they said they're working on that so they will try to use reminders in December to remind people to renew for the coming year and those were the main the book the book book so that's the main thing is that next week next week yeah so book drop off day is Wednesday and then set up Thursday and then starts Friday did they get volunteers NHS I think is and they sent out a signup changes oh yeah I haven't that is I got compared to my calendar yet if you want like feel like I'm doing you might keep C right thank you are there any questions about the friends update thank you building update Sam okay so um for Leed I spoke to Phil on Monday he's the architect for the project the one person as well uh so he said he got the last two questions they answered them um and they they're B them and hopefully that's it so we should know something in a few weeks good thank you thank you fingers forward um and then of course we get a facility structor nothing happens so nothing nothing nothing no building issues you call can it okay that's good that's good we'll take that let's Bo them let's Bo the issues off thanks Sam uh director's report all right um so we um interviewed Jennifer and James for the assistant Services librarian position um we decided on Jennifer um due to her experience in the children's room and um yeah so um gonna and then I'm gonna backfill Jennifer's 19 Hour Week Library Tech position with James and so um technically it doesn't end until tomorrow the the open period for it so I'll submit the paperwork to HR tomorrow and then hopefully by uh next week week after it'll be for short and then I'm also going to submit the paperwork to backfield James's library assistant position so because he's um primarily Works down here we're going to ask him to kind of spread his time but he'll actually spend more time down here and his library assistant position that was down here will move upstairs you V tell D I was worried about that yeah but he went the room as much so multiple hands in like they need hit like he's yeah yeah so um that's the plan so um hopefully next week I'll post the 6our library assistant job and that will be a branding person um on October 1st Tyson David with the world fire department and a few other firefighters they came by and they um trained the staff and CPR how to use an a deep thank you um yeah so pretty much all the staff have been trained in certified except for one person who couldn't make it because she had to work her other job but everybody else is trained um excellent Y and uh we're also working on getting new aeds because the one we have um is over 10 years old and doesn't work so it is time yeah so um youon get one for yeah George is working on getting one he's uh I think um the fire chief is sick so when the fire chief is back get sick J to talk them and try to get them because you have to get a prescription to actually get them you know doctors and so a fire chief to do it so um yeah so they're they're working out in two two one for each one for you one publicly available down here or where will it be done yeah so I think it actually gets installed in a wall I think so the new one and it's um connect it would have to be connected to the to the fire one so that's these are good things uh yeah so um that's done um on September 18th I met with um representatives of the office of the Inspector General um they wanted to talk to everybody in town who's done the C at risk um work so since the library is the main project that was done CM at risk and now the senior center so we uh I went there Liz went there um town ministrator assist Town Administrator all people from commodor we all met with them over at the the house is smaller than I thought I never been in there what house the house where they're um with the purple door behind the scenes yeah that's where they're that's the it's the house that they took go yeah yeah so um I talked with Tim about the process what we went through uh how it worked for us um I told me was pretty pretty good process because it it pretty much said sets the price um ahead of time and um yeah so he was very impressed um and then I gave him a tour of the library thought the library were great and um um I attended an mvlc membership meeting in Burlington on September 24th um mvlc offices are probably to be moving soon they have a few different spots still looking for um their current spot is pretty small and has no parking so they're also because of the pandemic they learned to a lot people like work them from home so they might be looking for scholar SP um we also approved the new policy to allow patrons to renew their Library accounts online so now if you get your library card notice that's you can go online you yourself already like that's been a Mon's too late um so I've been talking back and forth with Sam Sam is going through his own college application process so so um but um we've decided that it's going to start in January his stem project and um it's going to be after school Tuesdays and Thursdays I've already booked the space kind on the room so um that's all we really know right now because he's been working on his college applications just left him alone and uh Megan and James are also working on offering patr 3D M Services um so basically we open to anyone not just teens and they can um give them the the the cies to for what they want and pay for whatever amount of filament they're using so of like printers but full so they're hoping to S at it as well on um I'm also in discussions I met with them today and I sent out the doo to um to Megan and James and Diane and Jennifer for Comics plus and an online um comic book service um so there are thousands of comic books you can use it at the same time as anyone else it's free um it gets new comic books get added every week and um it's only like a thousand books so I met with them today and um prob gave the demos to Mike and everybody and just wait on their feedback and benefit everybody agrees wellas and um I sent the draft of the library mgen management plan to the police chief and the fire chief and just weai on their thanks for doing those than sir y um then the res stats we're doing pretty well financially doing well um the FY 26 budget is going to be due soon so um I know that the last on Monday they were supposed to talk with the finance committee about what exactly we're looking for and then we're expecting either this week or next week for ran to send us the requirements so that I can just create a proposal to send out for once I do that I'll to you guys to cool um I had a question about the circulation yeah I was curious that exp fous that we had 600 more people than last year but 1500 fewer things checked out and I'm wondering is that this is I'm not asking it's a bad thing just like J is circulation more at that 11.6 range because I don't see it onceth a month in 2024 so I can't tell and if so are people coming more to like go to meetings hang out stuff like that like what's the what's the we're getting more people going to meetings programs spaces i g to say all the kids coming in after school too increasing yeah it kind of goes up and down it's I mean it there was a flood here the other day I was here at Smith time oh yeah it's amazing how many people are coming I'm just I'm like it's like we are a community like building and not just there for circulation so I'm just I was just curious about whether that's kind of a trend that you're seeing is more people few they Ste out you know it's just a does the circulation include things that are check no at the end of the year I in eror I they all the end of the year right yeah so you just so I'm part of that I come fairly often but I don't get physical things but I do always have something electronic on my phone so I'm not getting counted in that right yeah yeah and I always take a book out every time I go course yeah I like last year the numbers were different like we were open and there was no Co and stuff so I was just curious about if is that a b thing is there a trend you're seeing anything like that interesting sure yeah um all right does anyone have any questions for Sam that is rep push no Sam that was a lot good yeah good Lu reti oh yeah how was the party I didn't didn't get to go I to go very nice it was I heard it was great and very appreciative my neighbor St she was going in the for a little bit she's 90 something and she stayed and had a great time so iire her she just she used to be a librarian she was just blessing every yeah I was here the last day just to say just check in with Jean and it was like everyone was everyone from the past of R hor library was coming out of the wood see it was great there's so many fall deliveries that was the flest ni little flat off yet that's ni except that because it's Jean she boled it out for any of the other staff could uh get out get out clap Fork but we got there all right thank you Sam um Mike how about your report oh man I feel I should go first because right not Tak agendas um this is gonna be a lot shorter because aside from the uh normal catalog and stuff that we've been doing um the only other thing I've noticed I attended a tech services User Group yesterday grlc uh over Zoom so that was interesting to see all the other catalogers havec and basically just talk about there's like some administrative stuff that sometimes people Pi some issues that uh we try to help with I guess uh but that's about it for me anyone have any questions for m right but you're going up first all right going moving on to Old business so clearly we have we'll start with uh the internet policy before I forget um so the last time we met we reviewed the internet policy and we all kind of agreed it was ready to go but then we didn't vote on it so um let's do that someone would someone like to make a motion um do we want to pull it up so every can see state is just to remind ourselves yeah just to make sure we're ready to vote makes sense like voting again thank you right let if you scroll down that was the par move we approve the internet poliy as second all in favor four of us someone else got to do these right right right I moveed you moved and I so do I change the approved date to today so Sam you have to re okay so was today 10 yeah you go beautiful all right um any other old make sure we'll do that yeah not when we do them all yeah all right what is the next um any other old we're still in old bus yes any other old business I don't uh new business policies um starting with Library usage um Sarah I know um Step not here and Chris isn't here um so you are the spokesperson for policy um when you were reviewing this were there any conversations about the substance of it no it was more just like SM like or changes which we are tracking y um and there was a question about service animals um so there's a sentence under personal conduct it said train service animals assisting the handicapped or taking that out are not considered pets and always welcome to the library we just wanted to make sure service animals was the correct word okay yeah the other changes are all just small like word choices have we reviewed these against like other libraries in our area their policies any of these not just this one specifically we we did the first time around yeah um I did do do people still send fact Sam is that still okay and oh and then this last paragraph the area in front of Library entrance is intended for loading and unloading of passengers that's no longer relevant because the front of library is all parking spaces right yeah so check that out yeah okay so does anyone have any questions or can I approve these changes um we there's access to our materials with everybody with the Massachusetts library card right not just that PLC one yeah so that Top Line M what should that read did you mean to like this accept what is it anyone with a B Library masss what it is well technically you could be on another state too you can check out stuff from our library with a library car from like Maine no no but there are some people who work in Massachusetts but live right New Hampshire yeah because we're so close to New Hampshire so wait anyone with a Massachusetts library card I thought it had to be within our network no there's a there's a thing in Massachusetts where it used where you can get something from any mblc I forget the word like not regulated but Affiliated library with they broadened the access to okay libraries okay recently okay so would it be mblc something how would you say valid Library okay and the library extends access to materials to everyone with a valid Library C I'm someone comes in on vacation from Nevada they're like can I check out a book you're probably not going to it's probably a valid Library heard that our system accepts is really what it is right so should you say Massachusetts residence I mean that's really what it is but you don't have to be a resident exuses still what have we said on borrowing privileg yeah where's the where's the borrowing privileg something like this before I know we have this we just talked about it where can I can't ever find the said valid Library C again because if you're like Arkansas and you come here you have a valid Library C you can't check in our books but it's not a valid this is a resident of a town sered right so this is wrong too then a resident of a town sered by mblc who has obtained a library card in accordance may use the card in Littleton but if it's changed then we need to change this too when did we update this we just updated the borrowing privileges in September the thing below it say yeah the only Network I know that doesn't so I mean valid is in our system accepts it it's really what we're trying to get like underneath that it says the library extends reciprocal borrowing privileges to residents of the Commonwealth who reside in communities that offer State Certified Library service that's what borrowing that's how it can we copy those in so many sentences to say one little [Music] thing me 36 under what's that 3 libraries are I didn't mean that I meant like just trying to say can you go just probably not say Das 2022 either on the on the policies on the on our website but so it's those two paragraphs here need to like incorporate somehow to the servic I that down there I don't know are be able to see that because I think you have to have a work email to access the NC CH Point yeah we did have that problem we did have that I thought we fixed it though you know so we're stilling the problem yeah yeah the SharePoint is not going to open unless shalid for other people so it looks like maybe we need to fix this one I think didn't you put it on the website yeah I was looking at it on the website that's that's anyway back to the usage yep y y um should we add the borrowing privileges residents Commonwealth residing Community like should we add that into this one so it's consistent or something like an mvlc library card or a or a community that offers reciprocal service via because of the mblc or could we just extend with a valid library card as outlined in our borrowing privileges peopley yeah that would that would so so instead of NLC a valid library card as outlined in our haryy it's a lot of wor on the other hand we still have a few are so access to materials to everyone with the Val library card as as described in our borrowing privileges policy it's called trip as far as with the borrowing privileges policy I think if we take off in 2022 we take but in the it's already published yeah s have to yeah okay and maybe just take away the SharePoint ring take away the what the SharePoint link that's in the like sixth paragraph It's about reg okay so delete this you just delete the whole L yeah okay yeah thank you all right so back to library usage okay I'm I think I'm good um I just see the question um um Step under personal conduct uh questioning the word determines Sam a FL word leav feels too I think deter works I think deter is better determin keep it establish it to a law here I don't have any more questions so are we okay with the changes like in the event that any property instead of the property in May yeah okay service we're good with that any other changes that's this Dash or is that a space I'm Dash my long it's just long Dash no space that's feel I don't know it looks like an edit that's all I never know when there's supposed to be spaces with Dash including okay right and I'm want to change the name all right I move unless there's further discussion to approve the library usage policy I second all in favor thank you thank you um half hours of operation um Library will be closed all Town holidays uh we were just talking about the Friday of Thanksgiving is that considered a town holiday if they approve it in which case what this is saying is that we don't have to do anything because it just will be closed I don't think it's okay and it's not the day after yeah it's policy yeah I don't think it's okay yeah all right okay sorry what was it so that it's okay it's okay to say Town Hall yeah okay and those are the meaning there being it's pointing to the it Human Resources policies where they' allign what they are heard I can't tell whether that and every what that's going to look like after the changes because it just space after me yes okay great I don't know why they Dash it there okay that's by but we just wanted to it it it was a weird wording for cool so we good with that y should that be black May close as emergencies so dictate yeah that's better emergeny yeah so dictate singular so dictate we authoriz soci and you can authorize that without no you have to you must consult with a trustee those two lines I I feel like they maybe are conflict each other tell me about it yeah the the director does this and the director also talks to us they may authorize it but but but only if they consult with us is what those two sentences kind of say should they be combined in the same paragraph to um is it typical I me I'm just wondering is it typical that a director has to consult with the trustees in order to close the library is that a typ difficult thing libraries yeah um um it kind of varies usually it depends on the type of government so usually the director um consults with um the the Town Administrator and then brings it up with the trust right okay that's how I've always done it it's usually I communicate Town Administrator and that yeah I say the town's closing I just don't want to handcuff you here um but if it was like you wouldn't want someone who's not you to be like willy-nilly oh we're going to close the library I got to go to town or something like that right so that's where the yeah this like I think in the past I think other previous directs before me just decided to close and that angered people at the Town yeah well and should we specify that you should be speaking to the town administrator's office Consulting like Consulting with us but also them yeah I think the way I mean you've always done it yeah I think I'm thinking the next thing yeah not that I want you to leave I'm not I know what you mean um yeah I think um that seems like a town that seems like a town down balls right like I don't I don't think it needs to be in here I think that's something like the Town Administrator advises okay goes the other the only time that Sam has to make it unilaterally with the town administrators if we have Saturday opening and the town so like happens Sam does need to have ability to make it with consultation of the board who's governing him then yeah good so I think it's fine as is I'm okay with also just saying there inad of his her there but it's fine here's her would it should it say like should try to consult like what you guys aren't available during the situation it does say must yeah it doesn't say shall does say shall am I taking on disc s yeah let just there okay so now what should we to make it must shf well shall means they have to consult oh it's the opposite of what it the must is a we're strongly telling Sam needs to call us first f a sh means it's a have to do what a weird legal thing right yeah it sounds it's not a shell however Sam has always been good about okay doing so before closing at least in my experience as chair is called yeah um okay and you know how to get in touch with all of us you have our phone yeah okay if not we should fix that you know I'm suddenly worry that none of the six of us are available to be like yeah s that's fine true in the in the life of a cell phone users I feel like it would be weird for none of us to pick up is there unless it's an emergency that's really like bad you make clothes in like the ones just experienced and St go ahead is there list you're ABS absent for yeah is management plan just like you're next in life you have our might have some of them all right you need to fix it needs to be an emergency plan of where to find the trust univers okay have all your emails so yeah that's all FAS not what you need though for us old people that I just check it once in a while it doesn't on the weekend in the hor get off my do not ask sweet okay that is all f for the how GNA say after we do that well correct and can you can you accept those just accept it and then we'll we'll all the ands and stuff okay so few more commas and a few fewer ads okay to yeah there's a lot of ANS in the leave a notification on voicemail and a say that implication and a notification the Li's website maybe there could be a coma after website um moving down to the next question I believe we updated the number of stat minimum was lower than three lower than four and is now four so I think this is already the updated number since we moved to this library is that still the number that it should be Sam yeah are there other times withs fewer than four here so four is still correct yes okay all right good we good any other questions on this no okay I move to approve the hours of operation policy by second all in favor I do the hours or current hours of operations seem to work for patrons other than they want Sundays other than they want Sundays does is that like a person that talks about Sun a lot or is it I've heard people I know how much it influence that one person it'd be great but I'm just wondering whether there's like a you know I have her from families who are wishing it was also people just kind of like with the yoga people that come on Wednesdays we've had people showing up down here that aren't supposed to come in wait on Wednesday like pre 10 a.m. yeah so people or like when I had the the staff meeting somehow one one of the tring people came in and like three other people follow them in people just always find their way in if the doors open just a little bit people will find their way in so I think just Library yeah they just want guys are so warm and cozy here did you invite them in for first a training okay confidential confidentiality of Records policy um have we just double checked the code of ethics the Ala article 3 still does it still exist say what we think it does and then Sam that the question that St has here I think no wait say the question she has access inform I mean I think if they have their login information they do yeah I mean technically they but they ask but they can't ask the library circulation stff for it yeah so the first line stance yeah so it's only a yes if the parent has retained login yeah information which is their own decision but the staff does not hand out this information I'm pretty sure that's also covered in the children and privacy yeah that's ala which case I think I'm that's right children do remain retain the right of to of their information to remain private they're borrowing history yeah it's very explicit actually yeah that's good um Sarah you look that thing up find I mean I'm on the website I just can't find that statement yeah I don't know how old that is you just search this thing and see if it's still oh is that that's where that's that's right line did you just Google that yeah yeah I see it yeah that's that is what it is it's still right okay we're good um does anyone else have any questions about the confidentiality of eff policies can we resolve Stephan's question yes yes and then add I think Dash is yeah okay what's on oh right sorry I moveed to approve the confidentiality of Records policy I second all in favor all right thank you very much policy committee Thank You pluging Away really appreciate it do get three more for next soon um the big one that we're going to do next time which we haven't set a date for is Code of Conduct because you asked that we have that by the end of and we we don't have anything yet so that we'll do one that will be that we do for next time that's fine um okay but next we have early closing for special town meeting yeah yeah uh so special town meeting is taking place on October 29th was at 8 that night Town eating before that so like permission it cles at 4: that night so that staff at seven I it go to four or five previously can't remember okay feel like we should be consistently picking the same time yeah I think it may have been five but um four seems early yeah what time is still meeting oh can we put this in our banks for next time this spr because now that they're not Mondays we're constantly going to end up with this question so make sure we're consistent at that timing um and the people that go to yeah most of them live in Littleton so they can get home and have some dinner or whatever and if they don't live in Littleton they a town eting right yes except for and Mike hisence you're in town go in town all right I don't blame you I'm just kidding okay see you okay so someone do we need make a motion for this yes I move that the library closes at 5:00 pm on October 29th 2024 for town meeting special town meeting all in favor great okay um is there any other business should we the same vein we need to discuss Thanksgiving yeah yeah so um I did mentioned to the Town Administrator our department head meeting the other day that um whether I asked whether or not if he knows town close the day after so I'd like um to suggest that maybe we say we close the day after Friday um November 29th if if the town decides to offer Town employees that day all its Ro and also we've always close at 4M on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving if we could close at 4 can't should you take them separate uh sure unless I I don't date so give me a second yeah so Wednesday the 27th November 27th is 4 okay so I move that we close the library at 4 pm. on Wednesday November 27th I second sorry all in favor okay and then this the 29th is this is if right dependent on the town the select board doing the same for all Town employees right yeah okay so I move that the library close on um November 29th 20124 dependent dependent the FL I'm looking for if if the select board votes to close Town um for the same date for Thanksgiving that is a very poorly worded feel free that that was good closing Town only if town does yeah select word has the controls still here I second all in favor hi okay there you go um any others did we decide just looking ahead are we going to talk about Christmas yeah when you might want to like poke the Town Administrator I guess we do have a November 14th meeting so we can okay great um is there I feel like there's a conflict but 14 there is it's sweets and sweet oh gosh so that's me or does that affect you no but it affects half a board right I also have another meeting that night choose between so uh we could poten look at changeing that date I think we should because yeah I okay um that is a good thing to break up for other business do we look at our cies yes it is do we want to keep it that week we can also or P yeah yeah that I know where I am the that'll be the 21st yeah I can do the 21st Mir can you do the 21st yep okay well that's four of us it is the day before the high school play You're gonna be okay with that parents of high school playing people I may not be but if yeah am has like this but this has a part so yeah Lauren has a part it's more the other volunteer rules that get ready for that for me but um I will I will intend to be here on the 21st we'll put it that way and do my 14 21st is there another day that's better no we could move it up a we the the seven can put up to you because then we can't get the bar what then we don't really get the bar in time oh yeah yeah yeah okay um so why don't we put it on the 14 putting it one week later might mean the select board makes a decision the um end of December holidays y closures so 21st uh we have to vote on it I think oh yes but how does it work for you Sam does that work for you we forgot a very important person okay um I mov to reschedule our November trustee meeting to November 21st at 6:30 I second sorry Hi um who else so stuff and um I'll make sure we're send out actual an email just about that tomorrow let just hold on I think it's the seventh did we just back why do I have it on the 14th I don't have it on the 14th I was like I don't have it on the 14th but I assumed I didn't put it in but Lauren has it in her own calendar on the sth it's on 7th so we're fine on 14th let's retroactively scratch that I redact with ti motion I have another meeting on the 14th oh you have it I have another meeting that I was going to have to choose okay so then that's they're fine just do it to the 24 the 21 okay with everybody yeah okay great then I can do both of them it may not be her me but we'll get Chris or um get Chris or stuff here and you'll still have a COR I was gonna say you could be you could be chair on on the 14th if I if I if read did on the 14th is that because I'm Treasurer you whatever yes somebody could share the 14th someone else you need to check with Chris and Sam why don't you check we made it so we can open it to either date you guys but I feel like it's not fair to change it and then have them both say that they're not available yeah so okay I'll check tomorrow and we just have to post the meeting whatever the days are in advance right so we're okay with either data no if we so we need to like vote to say it's going to be one of those two dates and then no okay we'll be all right we have both open yeah we never took the seventh off the count just kind of delete this whole conv minut all right we redact our fire statement okay um I was always saying you be chair because you have been chaired but that's yeah I'm happy to be chair if you just joking anyone else wants to practice being chair or try it out this is a great opportunity uh okay is there any other business okay um any trusty updates um the Janet applefeld program that was lovely it was so and the book is so good yeah I've never heard a story from a child's perspective like being that young living through it it was fascinating she was just such a delightful presenter so thankful that that came to libr um I'm going to the annual trustee meeting is it this weekend weend yeah okay I'll see you guys there or car too oh that's a good idea um I think they they typically have a new trustee orientation I haven't heard about that but I didn't I don't know I haven't heard that it's actually happening what is the meeting con annual it Massachusetts TR annual conference and will start ex here why just okay thing um I am also going to and um that's funny even when you do nlta annual conference you both come up with the Massachusetts library trustees Association and Minnesota Land Title association yes they both have annual conferences intriguing yeah um I we are not going to that one I watched the um the webinar the Ala webinar ban books 101 the library boards and trustees need to know and as much as we have kind of been through the process and we we we know a lot of these we know a lot of these things um it was really a helpful as a review it also mentioned that they have something go ala Academy which is open to everybody where if you want to learn about a specific topic um you can just go watch kind of a short a short video about that um it's and it's very organized and awesome and they also are very open to just talking to individuals if you ever need if you ever have questions right there that so those are definitely good ones to attend when you can yeah and like even even having done them it's a good reminder cuz it's not something we deal with all the time so yeah it's like getting it ingrained in you yeah that's all I have all right um anything it's fine okay cool um we we like to have a thank you everyone motion to a j motion to a a second