hi everyone welcome to the library trustees meeting Monday June 17th 2024 at 6:30 pm. um starting with the agenda Sam is there any correspondence no any public comment I don't see anything okay um looking at the minutes from the prior meeting from May 23rd does anybody have have any feedback comments questions from that do we need to put my last name in uh in the what it is yeah yeah also in the I think the approval of minutes there's an April like comma I think I think that's updated too okay did where is that let me just double check think have cors you put out so well um okay so with the keep like I don't know what's happening hopefully nothing bad okay um okay so knowing that there's a couple of little typo Corrections um substan substance has not really changed would anybody like to make a motion I to appr meeting minutes from a second all in favor I okay Treasures report yes give me a second yep okay so the mmdt has $3,150 42 state aid has $ 24,1 12625 building gift has $27,000 $275 and the mlc gift has 68644 and I did not receive the last Barth from town um unfortunately emailed after they had gone on vacation so I will share that at the next meeting okay can you send that to me it was in the meeting packet information from CM I will send it to you right now I'm sorry you can do I can get it later I got it on the on the way okay um friends report so there was not there's not been a Friends Meeting since we last met and the friends do not meet in June and July however the one thing I have seen there was a request from Lauren to get she's repairing the little Free Library at Castle and trees and looking for books to stock it so the friends have agreed to books from the book room Supply that he does she app that yet I if she does I am unaware of it so okay so yes everybody who responded to that email was approval great that's wonderful Absolut yes okay that's all I all right thank you um building updates Sam sure so I heard from the architect about the lead um so out of so the lead they they assign points to the application and um you need 40 to become certified and we have 35 right now with seven pending so they had some questions that they want them to review so they went back so the architect is working on them right to okay yeah to add um to the to the um to the to the application um so yeah we're five points away from um but Phil's working um does he feel like we will get there he thinks so okay yeah he said seven of them are still pending so um they just had some questions um for the cascading metal gate I have Brian fors working on it um he said he's been trying to to talk to Commodore about addressing the issue um and he's also looking for other options so great thank you and from the building cost spreadsheet um the only thing that changed is the $800 for the the payment that we made of mmt for the cascading met gate that's about it any questions about the building yeah thanks for the updates too all right director report okay so um we had uh the staff Deport for years everybody's doing great um they uh they all really love their jobs and uh you know it's all doing going well um everybody everybody that could get a step increase got a step increase and things going well um I attended the mblc Innovation expo at Central site on June 4th um it was interesting it was the first one um they discussed using Tik Tok and libraries maker spaces Library things um a lot of it was honestly stuff we already do um but it was good did you pick up anything from that that you want to start doing or that honly a lot of was stuff we already do and then Tik Tok who knows what's gonna happen with Tik Tok yeah true um so yeah that was like the only other thing um there is a department head meeting on June 10th where we discuss uh upcoming goals with the select board I talked to them about um Our intention to increase marketing programming efforts professional development opportunities for staff and Dei efforts that sort of thing um and I spoke to act acting fire chief um coffee about working on a disaster plan and provid staff of CPR training so he put me in contact with um some of his CPR trainers and we are working on setting up a date in October but they're not sure when yet but we're working on it but um they said that they can definitely train the staff so that particular day they said will take about four hours to do so we might have to usually we would have delayed opening at 1 I might ask for delayed opening that's later in the day but I'll before you move on the programming up um with the department head meeting was there anything from any of the other department heads that might affect the library no no it was all basically everybody said the same thing it was they're all working on professional development need more staff that sort of thing is there any things that the library might be able support other departments in terms of materials or access to things we have here I don't think so um you know was mostly like we need new vehicles you can't do those those are not in the library of things it was that sort of thing it wasn't uh anything specific that um yeah so basically just waiting on dates um and I'm going to start working on a disaster plan um I found one when I was looking for that other information you asked for I found an old so I'll we work on that for the old building yeah for the old yeah um and the rest are programming updates for the summer readings coming up or we're in the midst of summer reading and um so we're doing that um budget wise we're at the end of the fiscal year so we're it's pretty close but we're fine um yeah so any questions you hit tomor yep no questions I don't have any questions any okay new to our agenda a mic update assistant director support he fun stuff um so I did a program on the eth for Medicare uh it was a plan on uh a program on different Medicare plans for people um worked with Filman from Cross shield on it um she's going to be back in November during Medicare enrollment um and assuming that she's still sort of in this position I sort of foresee this as like a annual thing considering Medicare has always changed and people are always turning 65 so um if she's willing to do it I think it's a good thing to have um and just on the sort of tech services side um Atco and I have been working on a project uh relabeling all of biography so we're taking them out of 92 which is biography and the do decimal system and just using a b because um it's at the end of the non-fiction so it's not actually in with the non-fiction and it's just sort of easier for everyone at least I think so we're about two-thirds of the way done with that um we'll probably catch up a little bit now that we're at the end of the fiscal year and we don't have new stuff coming in but it's about it the um Medicare programming is that something in the future if you continue to hold it did you reach out to EHS to see if uh I probably will they actually picked up on Facebook post we did last time and and shared it but um I probably will you know closer no not now but like if you're doing it that just seems like a natural partnership to help spread the word about it and yeah right target audience too that's my plan I love it all right any any questions for Sam Mike Sam too any other questions for Mike no all right um old business um I don't know where to do the policy committee I know that Sarah's not here but someone's going to give an update on that um do you want to do that here or do you want to do that under other business do it right now great um we are meeting July 9th and we are starting with four policies to review um the library of things internet policy borrowing Privileges and policies and nonprofit and so we're just starting great good and you have kind of a you have a set like these four then okay great um do you have a sense of how often you'll be meeting I don't this's question oh do you have a sense of how often you'll be meeting like how many are you okay yeah some of I think part of why we we don't have a sense yet is that some of them it says like per Sam this doesn't mean anything yeah so it it probably looks longer than it is but I think they um July 9th will figure great perfect F what what we feel we need to do yeah good looking forward to hearing updates and things like that this might be our shortest meeting ever is there any other old business care it's okay uh new business I this is Katrina and Sam trusty mmgt budget transfers s h it all right so um I sent you the budget request transfers from the bark to mmdt um so as per those meetings we had with the previous Finance director about how much we could take out I try to keep it down to 41,000 Katrina and I met and we talked about it um so included in here is the 15,000 annual um donation for uh books um so the new staff computer Replacements that's $112,000 so where that's coming from is um when the library is built we built during covid as most of you know and um getting a computer during that time was really hard um for it so they kind of got the best they could um but the computers we have are super slow um like I start my computer if I if I'm starting cold it takes me a half hour like I just kind of walk away I started I walk away and I because it just it didn't start um and the patron computers are also pretty bad um so we've been talking to it about that and it can replace all the solid state drives in the patron computers that's going to take about a year because he's going to have to take him out and do it slowly um but he already did on at least one computer and it was a huge difference he restarted the new the new started sols Drive computer within like seconds he he started them at the same time it was like holds apart so um he's he said it can pay for that out of their budget but they don't really have the funding to pay for new staff computers which amounts to about 10 to 12 I can't remember right now but um so and the other thing is with the staff computers um he would have to take our computers away so his idea is to uh buy brand new computers from his staff and that $122,000 will help cover the cost for that because that way he can just when the computers come in he can set them up for us in his office and then just bring them over and switch them out and it's much easier than taking one of our computers away so yeah so that's where that $12,000 is coming from um and it'll be much faster um um and so any questions about that where move on what happens to probably recycles them I'm not sure um what's the time frame for that uh pretty much as soon as he has to do it after July 1 okay well I guess because this is trust money you can start it whenever yeah once you transfer the money but um if you transfer money but um it would be within like as fast as he can get a in as fast as can work on them he has it's only two of them in it it's Nancy and Tom and Tom's the one working on it and Nancy and they're also working on the new Senior Center and million other department heads so uh but yeah as fast as they could be yeah and then the $6,000 is for the 2,000 for each Ray Grandy um recipient and then the workshops would be for um 5,000 for travel and Conference attendance should cover any travel um expenses any hotel expenses if any uh registration uh professional speakers most professional speakers are free um in the library world uh every once in a while there is one that requirs some sort of payment so that's an estimate of how much would be needed for that and then the meeting supplies usually at um uh staff meetings I get lunch and usually it adds up to about that amount per year for lunch for everybody per meeting um and then yeah and then uh Furniture that's sort of more miscellaneous I don't anticipate getting any furniture but just in case you know I don't know how much more there so but uh yeah so total is outside 41,000 um I'm not sure you said we might just cover the 12,000 or cover I think this is a I have a couple ways to think so one a during that retreat thing we had talked about maybe setting a like 2% two and a half 3% three and a half percent um of our Barth um so trust funds annually to put towards a budget that we handsand and certain buckets that we want him to focus on um and we never landed on what percentage what buckets we trustees would like to include in that I know we've talked multiple times about professional development scholarship remains on there books and materials so we need to do that bu those buckets I think definitely align with what we've talked about in the past but haven't taken action on yet um so just looking at our last bar um I did look at the what a 2% two and a half% 3% 3 and a half% the reason those are targeted is that taking that out of ending earning should still replenish the trust it shouldn't deplete TR funds over time it should be holding it steady Without Really uh running at too much of a running them down to zero that's not our goal the trust we wanted to per you know sustain over time so that's like a sustaining number and we could change that percent percentage any year that we wanted to so Sam on his own took did what we asked him to do which was to create a budget and this is what he's come up with and then when I do the um that's running his 41,000 runs right between our 2 and a half% which is about 40,000 and 3% which is 47,000 48,000 um so this is within the range that we had been talking about the question I have is are these the buckets that we want to look at or do we want to take time and maybe bring it back up at the next meeting to say in or anything we thought of that we Sam has not put onto this budget that we also would want to make sure that gets put into a budget so in my head um I do think we should allocate and I don't think we need to allocate the scholarships right now we don't we don't know if there'll be three for sure like that for the next do we need to do a scholarships for this this year or is if we I didn't see it in the minutes if we budgeted for the three that we have now that's what this $6,000 is for right so you're putting this 6,000 in the fiscal year because that's when it's paid out right okay usually we vote on it usually yeah usually when when we pay it like it's gonna come out of this amount out of this one yeah so the question is um we have a meeting on July 29th is that so I think they're all going to end by end of August at least okay so if we allocate scholarships at end of at that July meeting it shouldn't impact the students right but so in the past we've always voted on whether or not to even like you would have to vote at the the 29th meeting if you want to pay them because they won't have be done yet yeah so yeah so as long as it doesn't hurt the students Wai until July 29th means that if any of them decide actually they're not going to do it then we'll have a sense of that by then yeah yeah if we think no someone's not gonna finish it or hasn't started it right when all start it yeah they've all started oh good yeah they're all doing it Jasmine's here like every day she I'm not surprised I'm just saying that she's like a fulltime person there was one time when we ask for two one yeah and there was one time that one of the people just never showed up and she tried to do everything within the last few weeks yeah so I can see doing this two ways like one the 15,000 for trusty bucks of materials is something that we put in and is for the town like the budget that goes into the town so having that available for Sam when he needs it it's great although at the beginning of fiscal year you'll have fun so you probably won't touch it until end of the year y um the computers I think are the one thing if we're going to fund something now that would be the one to discuss because it seems like getting if we are to purchase them then getting them in order ordered so that you guys can have the computers up and running as soon as possible will be good especially before the senior center actually needs it support yeah so I'm not sure like definitely I think we should discuss the computers and whether we want to do that um and then the question is Sam If We Hold on everything else is there anything that would be problematic for you to wait a month no so I have two questions about the computers one a couple of things one I'm fine with these categories um because I I'm really thank thank you because we've been wanting to give you money want to give the library money so thank you for coming up with ways we can give the library money right use the trust funds um I've worked on slow computers before they're no fun I think it's great that you'll get new computers um what would happen and I'm fine with I think it it's a good use of our of our funds what would happen if we didn't pay for them how long would it be before you c new computers from like the Tad well not it's not gonna happen this year at least one fisal budget cycle because it's not in the right yeah so it at least be another so it' be at earliest still L right I don't I don't have a problem with that I think it's please get faster computers than is 12,000 the rate number yes um he said an estimate and he said Each one would be about $1,000 yeah yeah that includ software yeah licenses things like that okay so that's an alline cost not just the yeah everywhere anyone else do they want to hold on the trust I'm just thinking making motions now sorry I skipped ahead do we only want to move money for the computers at this time and discuss the rest of the budget later I think it looks good um happy to talk about it more is there an advantage or disadvantage to taking it out in pieces as opposed to all at once I mean I do like that you have Target this helps us when the Pieces come up to know how then you're spending it like this is your target we might move a bucket here or there right later it isense a budget it's not yeah um I am not prepared to do 41,000 right without especially without the new bar do statement that makes sense when is the next do you need the professional development money in the next I I don't need really any of it and so we should treat it like a budget which is to say this is our budget for the year and we'll take out the money when we when you need it that makes sense to me yeah yeah just these are your buckets and targets yeah well you have to ro oh so if we were going to do that which ones are we going to do the books and materials and technology so I think we could say we could approve this target okay budget for the year that go ahead Sam let's try it and see what happens yeah and then we can move I prepared today to move um make motions for the annual books and materials 15,000 and the new staff computer Replacements 12,000 okay out of our last bar statement that sounds good to me any other good okay so the first motion would be to accept this budget and to accept this budget favor okay next you you set up with the yeah so I move that we transfer $5,000 um from three different accounts I will send these to you after that would be great okay let me get them out $5,000 each from um the ending earnings of number 110 John hton star number 112 Edward Potter Sanderson and number 203 Natalie R Curran fund for a total of $155,000 transferred to mmdt for funds for Library materias someone needs to second I second okay oh did you already sorry all in favor hi hi okay so I move to transfer from the ending earnings of number 401 second century unspecified to mmdt $122,000 for the purchase of new staff computers I think that all in favor I great thank you thank you Katrina thank you Sam thank you thank you everybody I'm excited to be able to help the library in really directed ways that are planned and advance and I do think the other things we can maybe do after meeting we need them when you have real solid numbers on them but knowing this is you could always compare back to the this is my budget and this is what I'm spend right sure this is what I meaning yeah because even the meeting supplies food if you're doing that four times we could do them for each one for example like that's what budgets do right so or you could say this is my budget for that yeah tell us when you need them we could do it as early as July just let me know ahead of time so I can prepare the uh so either Katrina or Sam could you make a spreadsheet that has this and then show what we've paid for somebody so that we can have that to look at whenever we need to who wants to do that sir I can do it thank you you can share me if you want Feb yeah okay terrific good all right next new business closure on July 5th um yeah so apparently the town select board decided to close on July 5th um because I don't know why but uh so to keep in in line with um the town closing uh like permission to close a library on like as well the day after um Independence Day can be open on the 6 did yeah um with the juneth closing is there any and you might have done it and I might have Mis it is there any information about why it's closed or like the history of juneth or anything like that or it just says like the library will be closed in messing um the messaging just says Library will be Clos on juneth um we haven't put out any reasoning behind the holiday um we do have a book display about Jun other than that I was only asking because um I don't it's little moms today had this very big push about um being Equitable with fourth July and juneth and it seems important I mean understandably important but uh there were there were lots of logistics about why would you have Camp open on juneth and not 4th of July and people were talking about child care and so that's separate but just the other um piece of it was more about education and enrichment and making sure the messaging about we honor all of this was similar to whatever we say for Fourth of July and now Fourth of July so I don't know thank you for bringing that up that's a good point yeah straight from M yeah but I think it's do you you have you said there's a book display for Jun right now that's amazing yeah herth could you could could someone do that like say we're GNA be closed on Wednesday and if you if you'd like to know more about this holiday we've got a book display it probably have to be tomorrow good chance good thank you if the book display can remain up oh yeah okay um July 5th my company's closed on July 5th I think it's a way I think what people are thinking is hey it's just it's like when Christmas happens like on a Thursday and or whatever it is and then instead of having people go back I know the library is a little bit different because we're going to be back on Saturday anyway it's not like it's just a long weekend um but I do like being in line with the town with this sort of thing and so um you think our policies state that we try to um on these kind of a things as much as we can so given that the SBO has made that holiday for the town hall staff is yep seems reasonable to close the library as well I can't think of why your to remain open it's just a Cay so it's just a six hour day it's a long day yeah yeah would your would the Librarians like to have that day off yeah and does that imp any staff um right wages or anything no they get paid um they would be paid because it's also something that they didn't ask for and something time decid CH plus it's good it's good I agree good good so I move the library closes on July 5th all in favor great thank you all right um any other business nope I don't have any either okay um trusty updates does anyone have anything they'd like to share about their experience with the library in the past um couple weeks how are you doing first month yeah my my biggest challenge has been the acronyms but I'm getting I'm figuring it out and it's you access to all of the things you need access to yes and if I don't wait for the policies I can just H request access so there might be some things I don't know I need ACC to but okay thanks for asking you might want to look at who has access to his one you might still be H all right take I can do that too summer reading started the kids very exced shout out to Megan for helping my difficult daughter find some books you mindful to Megan they're not age appropriate yet whoever they just want to be she has the smarts in the chair the fers look good too so that one daughter was lamenting but the kids can't do the kids program I know you're too old I had that conversation too although I'm old and I still can't do the scavenger hug like they come to me for help and I'm like I don't see anything so I my children's room was packed today that oh wow it was full on Friday too it was raining it was still full it was like downpouring just bustling it wasn't I do appreciate the um the shelves set up for Littleton Public School reading and I'm hoping other schools who might share their list with us those are on there too but I appreciate the summer reading and the target with the photos too because my kids like I can't pick a book if I can't see the cover yeah was really useful parent things and plus it aligns so the school because my kids are going into fifth grade and we haven't had some reading before I had recommendations but I was able to ask like is this what the school said or is this just optional and um dam was very clear about like what what we could choose and this kind of is age appropriate and what we should do and then sixth grade is required so like it's a good information Source too should be engaging Diane actually pulls in many parents that their's are C here yeah yeah especially that Rising sixth grade so you don't necessarily hear about it yeah year now I'm wondering if there's a little high school that I haven't heard about there probably is no okay there will be potentially for like AP classes or whatever they'll have set some of us but not they have a book list of recommended reading but they have't required okay okay they used to but good uh anything else all right um our next meeting is on July 29th 2024 6:30 um would someone like to make a motion to aour I toour I second all favor