##VIDEO ID:ruh9MJoCSt8## welcome to the um Library Board of Trustees meeting today is September 12th um we'll start with Mor londes oh no over comment okay um did everyone have a chance to look at review the minutes PR meetings meeting any thoughts questions um would someone like to make a motion to approve I move to approve the minutes of July 29th second all in favor treasure forth all right in state a we have $2,718 in mmdt we have $1,283 62 and the gift fund we have $ 27,32 62 and the mdlc grant we still have $686,000 and4 $686,000 44 in the building gift we have $ 28,5 52 and the birth ending statement value is 1, 68,7 19487 does anyone have any questions or thoughts about the treasures report the bar did go up again yeah nice good okay um moving on to the Friends report which is me today um okay um they have a lot of notes but I don't think all them relevant um the trailer is full of um of the books but more than more working so like it's continuing to work so they going continue working with them the membership report there were four returning members since the previous meeting um the total number of of members this year is 10 is 96 last year at that time it was 120 so there was a long discussion about what's going on with that and especially looking at the percentages of the total um cards at the library is 6,300 and the total percent of those that's little Littleton are 5,5 100ish so that's like a% so there's a long conversation about how to get more people to be members well they like I know I don't get renewal reminders so like if they could process and I suggest that too but like I want to be a member I want to give them my money yeah but if you don't remind me I'm going to forget so appreciate the mar um yeah I think that that's yeah they're talking about it yep um they have 48,000 in their treasure in their account um there was some talk about updating the donor wall um I think s yeah we have one more first grade um they talked about jeans last week um and is next week it is the 23rd to the 27th l yeah um mini golf is going to be March 14th to the 15th yeah exciting um the next book sale is October 18th the 20th and um they would like to encourage teams to volunteer to bake cookies for the book sale that's the Highlight does anyone have any questions about those because I may have more information but it's just in my notes but I didn't mentioned okay that's you a lot yeah all right um building updates um I did speak to Earth Tech a couple days ago said there's no update um of that yet does he need anything else no it's just waiting on the the department that does it anything we can do wish a little bit I don't think so um the elevator failed inspection because um there was a a faulty unit at the top of it um so Eric the new facilities man manager is dealing with it I don't have to um so yeah so he said it's just like a $300 artfit you can get on Amazon um so he's just waiting for it um cover that yeah what is the new D Eric Dera uh the AC unit in the server room also um fail he also fixed that and today there was a another back up in the bathroom J we here again um so but the that as WR so yeah who fixed the building yeah facilities fix it he amazing I'm G to go walk over there with some sort of baked good say thank you and then I did update the building issues did you see there was an hpack thing yeah it was an H can you add that do this too when you yeah yeah I forgot to awesome um that's and the backup is this is a hasn't apparently it was wipes someone was wipes yeah even though I don't know what else to do I put up signs speaking of privacy in a library all right any questions about the building update I'm very thankful for the ches yay all right uh director's report right uh so the Galler committee and I met to just the state of artist um for next year which chose nine out of I think we had 10 aants or 11 adant so there was only one or two people that we turned out um and I contacted the school so every year we give the school three each of the schools three we choose nine so um yeah so they're all chosen um we also had a department heading meeting the town department heads that have credit cards we all met with the finance team at gym to discuss some new rules surounding credit cards um so I guess the the town gets audited every time they use credit cards and they don't want some of the things we've been doing with the cards such as buying gift cards because that's basically like paying your you could be misusing it and buying gift cards it's like getting taken out cash kind of so we're not allowed to buy gift cards anymore um if I'm buying any large amount of food like I would buy for staff meetings I have to get the permission of probably Brian even if it's through the trust yeah even useable credit card um yeah so there was just some little rules about that and also they came up with new rule that any travel outside of New England has to be approved by the Town Administrator so if I want to go to or want to go to professional development somewhere outside of new just have to talk to a gym um sub submitted both errors reports to nblc there's no issues with that so still waiting to hear back from them I don't think they made any kind of decisions on that um I met with Elizabeth steel and Christa mcmanis mcmanis um two of the history teachers from the high school so they'd like us to um to work with us on doing a community read um maybe next spring or in in winter spring time um they would want to do they got a gen gde education grant from the Department of Elementary and secondary education and so um that allowed them to buy a bunch of books and so they'd like to sort of work with us to work on programs and lending out the books to patrons so um we're discussing that so discuss um Kristen she's very excited about the possibilities of partnership here yeah so I met with August 28th I met with the Personnel advisory committee discuss um so with Jean leaving I decided to make that into a sort of assistant children's SL team librarian position so that doesn't really exist so I spoke with the personal advisory committee because they had to improve uh job prescription for that um so they decided to create a 10 um so senior so the way they approached it is um senior Librarians to head to grade 11 so children's Librarians you know the megans grade 11 um uh Julie B um so they figured if it's an assistant it would be a grade 10 because it's recoring that position so if someone comes in internally for the job can they stay on the same stock they were on before at level 10 instead of going back to Step One um no uh so I would have they would make more money so are you saying um like if someone's been here five years yeah and they are eight but they move up to 10 can they keep their 5e 10 year instead of moving back to one I don't think so my understanding is advate yeah I can advocate for it it depends on where that falls in the budget yeah if it comes up yeah try yeah um you were saying Sam as you have the power to advocate for your oh yeah candid but I I don't think anyone's going to have a they're definitely going to get a raise because it's step is more the money than the the number of years theyve been that that's not like a 10 time um so um yeah so anyway I met with them then I met with the slug board on Monday and they agreed they approved it and today I um posted it uh it's only to be posted internal for a week um so yeah so I just posted this so it U is the intention that person did you say is supporting both children and and yeah so the intention is that uh it would be an assistant Youth Services Library that's the the type so down here yes down here um but they would also do some work at the surf desk from time to time if needed um but yeah it's meant to create a librarian position um you know with all the skills someone to support both Megan and Diane It's whole time in its whole time um I mean Jun was kind of the assistant J's librarian anyway just not with the title um yeah so that's been posted and um yeah so see what happens they'll just keep it open until yeah so I I definitely know two people that are applying um I don't don't look anybody else but yeah so Diane's on vacation this week but um I already spoke to Megan about being on the inry team you might think maybe no but he except um yeah so hopefully by next week we'll have somebody um you'll have somebody hired or you'll have some probably I mean if it's only two people but do you have to also offer it outside you don't have to okay I just have to wait until the um the week I can interview before the week is over they both send it to me by and by the time do you think there's value to seeing who's out there outside of the library as well um no I think the two people that are calling up pretty good okay yeah I mean if I get to go I could uh yeah so um and then you'll have to back it right side thing um on September 4th I met with high school student Sam Ludo about his NHS project he wants to do a um some sort of special Lego thing called U SP Spike spike kits um Lego spike kits so he um has his whole project planned for for a stem project uh he's already got the funding from the library the high school Tech team they said they would buy the actual devices and he get the volunteers from the midal schoolers I me from the high schoolers um and so yeah so we're working out he just sent me the the proposal this morning we did meet a couple of days ago but he sent me like the final proposal this morning I had a chance to look at I was gon to say I don't remember I think we did I think LEF funded sets of those for the high school last year yeah inter yeah so we're discussing that um I just I attended an emergency crisis management webinar on September 4th um that was put on by nblc so um I'm going to use some of the information I learned from that to put into the disaster plan that I'm working on and I also have a flood emergency webinar on Friday um today all day I exended an adult mental health first aid program at the Lester um Community Center it's not the Library community center um so Mental Health First Aid It's s CPR um it's just learning what to do if you have a mental health emergency yeah exhausted because it was exhausting it was just long there was only eight of us in the class and the teacher was very nice but it just yeah very long there deep deep stuff to talk about yeah um yeah uh 446 children signed up for this own reading program um and total attendees at programs was 1,799 wow uh 143 T signed up and 366 attended programs do you know how that compares to last year um it's about the same yeah it's pretty close well we're still on that is there anything have you talked to the to Megan or Diane about if there's anything that they thought really went well this year or that they didn't go well if they would change for next year no Diane's been on vacation Dian goes on vacation sh it down so I plan to have um Department a meeting next week so I'll I overheard Megan talking to my kids about the like some of the things that went fasting the 3D print something the 3D yeah was really um yep and Jan's last day will be September 27th and so we're planning to have P come in and just say goodbye I think Dian has some things playing to um yeah and then the rest is just the stats and the budget going track budget any questions yes I don't know why I raised my hand not long I have notes here um J field is coming on September 25th um can there be more than 50 people in the room yes can you could you open up the registration is it already close it's already I I already opened it more okay I can no we we managed to get the word out and it and there are people asking sneak in all right I'll do that I see this is further down the agenda so maybe this isn't the right time but when I was looking at the trusty contributions from the B I see the 6,000 still kind of sitting there and the hours for your students don't seem to be complete yeah we're waiting on um some of them to hey give us their w9s need their W9 forms before we can actually put them in check um I think most of them need yeah but um yeah the check thing was of W9 okay so it's just a delay for yeah paperwork any shall getting all the hours for this and then yeah no that's good you could all right well Sam's updating that does anyone have any other any other questions from the director part or for the director so what are what so you said patrons can come in week that Jean is retiring but is there anything you guys need for support to commission for materials or whatever getting the word out anything um no I don't think so I think I put in the newsletter um put on Facebook probably that weite put on browse or something put out some I did I think I did put it on browse did the last one I can again yeah if you put it out on Facebook you can help share definitely come see her that week all right Mike well mine for will probably be a little bit quicker than Sams um aside from the normal amount of catalog that we've been doing um we ask when I are still with me on finishing up the biography project uh and then next week I'm GNA be doing a cand making uh program what program candle making uh on the 21st uh you're running it well I'm not going to run it but I'll be here and help set up the person uh and what's the project we're just Rel Rel all the batteries uh we're down to pretty much I think the last section uh it's like one more cart and then yesterday I just went through and uh you know look for any Miss ones not necessarily we missed that were probably checked out and have been returned in free shell so know just odd ones and it's kind of confus me now because they don't have a little sticker around them so any upcoming projects you want to share oh let's see um then we'll probably relabel the biographies and the uh large print uh I plan on taking the 920s which are um biographies of groups of people uh and putting them in the normal biography with the single biographies uh the audio books need to be relabeled at some point um it's probably about it so B who's all time and audio books and a okay uh any questions for bik no okay moving on to Old business Sam Patrina truste mmdt budget transfer um yeah can you sent you an email yeah so the email you somebody said um you're requesting funding the remaining I think this is it for the budget yes so um professional development for 5,841 67 and then Furniture miscellaneous that bucket of miscellaneous building things um for 1,500 and I just want to confirm when in June when we talked about this we said professional development had three buckets 5,000 for Workshop conference attendance travel um 750 for professional speakers and 750 for meeting supplies things like that so this number is above that I'm not total like is this what are you planning for professional development so I can figure out what bucket those kind of effect activities or have you planned what to do with this money yet uh not yet um so mostly so professional speakers I don't always have to pay them like comment I I kind of just put that in as a placeholder for now um but I mean the numbers seem very specific I was trying to get the $40,000 okay great job the 41,000 is really we that yeah I understand very F yeah okay uh meeting supplies food that does usually come out to a couple hundred each time we do it and then then there's usually one that's the friends so that number is roughly okay um so in total that's $734 one67 to hit the 41,000 that we agreed upon in June is everyone any questions about s's plan for the remainder of our trust fund budget for the year and transferring it now just makes it easier for you to access when you need it takes them takes them a long time to do it so it has been taking longer I for you I'd rather just have it there and you know have it you know I mean there's the balance of like keeping in our in our count as long as possible especially as it's growing versus like making sure you have it so that was by the way the spreadsheet I was talking about a book yeah I found it it took me a while and if that could be in like like we have for the building one somewhere shared so we could look at it and where it is where we're at with it yeah so yeah for each bucket you put it in the direct is that the end of the director's report too oh it is okay so it is he created a so I then just had to figure out what we said so um so back to J's meeting minutes so okay in that case if everyone is content with that oh I see it I think that's exactly what I was talking about that's great thank you you hit me in the middle of I had no idea what this was doing okay I'm gonna just round this up to $ 7,345 for ease there's your number press um I move that the trustees transfer $734 from 313 Unice Morrison funds ending earnings in t DT for the payment of professional development and furniture or miscellaneous purchases for the building second all in favor great thank you you can send me those email I just looked I didn't it's in the same email if we potential motion but it said you do need to add the number sorry I've already copied the numbers from the budget and I didn't think it yeah well I didn't know if we would I you got it okay 7,345 um is there any other old business anyone would like to share okay moving on to new business wondering if we can because I think it'll be a shorter conversation go to do R Grand scholarship first and then do policies is that okay with everyone all right Sam do you have an update on bre Grande scholarship no other than what I just said that we're just Wai de and um you had asked me I given them the check Haven yet we don't know the W okay um and have you been in touch with Judy about possibly being there um no because I don't know I'm gonna get the check Senor is already off oh yeah um but invite them and then the junior be yeah there's always breaks I guess to back I just want to make sure we get the students the money totally they it and they need it yeah all right uh all right thank you Library policies I just want to say because I added to list today I acknowledge that I was on the committee and some of the things that are in there that I suggested maybe changing or from would be I was on video also so this is so um but I just add a just a few notes today so I just wanted to say that I know those some of those are probably before but yeah all right should we go through them one by one library of things can you bring it up um so I did not compare it to the prior one has anything changed on this um well the the 12 and older I think we had changed page so that was one of the big content changes um right here I don't know how it looks for you but we had a link where it said the um replacement values for a thing will be listed and I think the three of us have decided to phae it will be listed because the values aren't there now um which is okay I this just covers us but we had put Dro a link I just noticed it so I grade it out if it's okay with every going to delete that because I don't know if we should put you know like here the link and put the actual link but that was just Logistics you guys I added the link that Patrina gave me earlier so that is underneath I so that's the one I deleted because it redirects you to a different one so I I drop the the more direct one there and then it says I include it as a link I guess I guess one of the questions that we were talking before is we'll be viewing these electronically or in print because it's it's good to have the link to what we want them to check out if it's going to be in print or it should be typed out should just be the great so this link here is one that goes to the library things page yes and the link here goes the link that's right underneath it as well I didn't know we need includ both I think I would do it as parentheses include the I think you're right having it spelled out is probably a good idea and so the replacement vales like when I click on it I don't say see so we put will be with that's how we had left it I think M were you going to work on they are listed they are I think I was on The Hot Spot one that didn't have it put all speaking of hotspot Katrina had added um it says things mayed for up to 14 days and then Katrina said except for hot boox your seven days added that because that dur vacation so yeah as to why it's only seven for that only because the only time we borrowed a hot spot it was for vacation and we need it like 10 days 14 is that this specific to the the most popular yeah thing did you go through the nblc program I thought it was an NC thing there might be it might be left over from that it might be I know but yeah we we used to have our own then we went through the MBC program but then that ended it's now we have our own again um so I can't remember if that was an mblc requirement or if it's just because it's popular um but do you want to look at it res yeah can look at it um they're still popular they're still popular summer um I feel like on on a sort of macro level we decided that um it's okay you know if it ends up being 10 days we'd rather policy be stricter rather than you know if we have to gear in wrong direction we'd rather default to stricter and then I don't think content lives be changed much beyond that I can't what the original yeah I around the MV like where the valid mplc Library carding standing at their fired one of them and I think it was this one was like here's how you can get that you know there was just too much so we took out some of that but but content one w't B Be Chang getting the card from the it just didn't belong there even though it need so I think MC card you're referring to is in the borrowing pillages we made cute one when I looked at it earlier you could link to the bar policy in this one it's part of no I'm second guessing the whole link thing you had mentioned uh you had earlier it said should we link The Collection development policy and if we're going to link things then we have to do like then we have to like spell them out everywhere so El well we could spell them out everywhere or that's not the best thing I don't know I mean it's it's kind of redundant the way you have it now because if the here is a hyperlink then the question was if it's printed out then the people over there but the printed out one is also hyperlink so click on both of them so you don't really need I didn't mean to like this just came up as a hyperlink we could change the format but if anybody's going to type it it you know yeah I mean I think that's a good thing if you have the hyperlink with it all spelled out so it's spelled out and you can just click on it right so you don't need you can hyperlink the big out here is what you're saying rightline long just a TR to do make the no you're fine is that serial it's hard to tell right so is it in shape be a or do it need to be I think it's pretty good did you want to try to just because I was on there earlier did you want to link to the library collection developable policy in the second paragraph after donations or just people can find it I think people can find it also we haven't we haven't re reviewed that one yet so if it changes then Sam would have to you know I think it's fine if we don't if if they really want to know they can go and find it I'm good with this as it is as as as fixed from last times awesome thank you do you want to take this on single they do basis yeah um does it any does anyone else have any they want to add to this or any questions about it okay would someone like to make a motion to approve it I move to approve the library of things policy all in favor perfect now do we just change the data about and we have now a appr it so as of today internet policy I think from our discussion it was very possible to go down multiple rabbit Pooles and there's a lot more that we need to address maybe in the future but not from a policy perspective think we thought the language was kind of vague and inclusive enough to to protect the policy but that there were still questions that we had um I know like I wrote an accidental dissertation and sent it to Sam in the middle of the night and I was like looking at all the libraries all around here to see what they do but I think that what we came up with is that no matter what changes are made in the future or whatever it was correct to take out the unfiltered that was the big thing that had was unfiltered and um K I saw that you down here had the question about what con constitutes misuse but I think the paragraph above it yeah does I mean again it could be very vague and it could it could expand more than this but just from a a basic perspective they must not use Computing resources to G authorized access to local okay y y but we didn't I don't think it was meant in like a big pearl clutching kind of way like all that's inappropriate it's specific to the higher paragraph okay I think that was my concern was like like what happened last month like was that misuse or was it okay right like that's where I yeah right and and then on the flick side having it be a little vague does allow some discretion of the Librarians to say just I know it in my gut that this is inappropriate whatever is happening but I know that that's a concern too so it can refer back to the prior paragraph I don't know if it can also refer to discretion of a librarian I mean even the word respectful is is too but I mean I think I think some of that was intentional because it this protects kind of the basic concepts that we agree to but doesn't get into the specifics of how we filter or whether we filter or whether it's filtered at a town level or whether it's there's a block on hint or anything like that I was just saying like based on Welling know this is what you're allowed to do question with sorry yeah so since the last meeting I spoke to it um so when we moved the new building they installed the new Wi-Fi and all that stuff so I I assumed it just carried over but it didn't so there was a lot of filters actually um on things that I didn't realize like I tried to go to planed parthood um the WiFi and I couldn't so um you could on the computers but you couldn't go cuz there was a block on abortion so um I we took all that off done um so the only filter that does exist right now is porn you can't get porn in the library pretty much anything else but um reason people try and you can't go to like sites that would like be you know spam or like you know intention but um the but um H the the library internet but uh pretty much anything else is unfilter now in terms of misuse I just I'm coming back to it just a little bit because if someone if a librarian was like you're misusing the computer and then is that does that open us up to any liability misusing the internet or the computer it says either I me it would depend on what it was they're you know violating our Behavior policy say if it overlaps with a behavior policy if no one else is worried about this I'm fine with letting it go I just also this misuse and we could we could be liable if we don't St too right but they're using our system to Judgment of what is misuse or not misuse I think that's fine it's F the only other thing I had was um last in the I saw that we mentioned the uh children like linking to the children's room policy I see that in here we we had a read to do with the freedom to view statements that we linked to in of the children's because there used to be when it had unfiltered it said except for the children's and so we took that language out and so we no longer needed to okay we did have that was one of my it related to my question because in our current version it there is a statement of parents or designated Guardians who wish to limit or restrict access to their own children personally oversee their use of the internet and other forms of electronic information and minors who visit the Library without a parent or Guardian are responsible for their own decisions and behaviors so that has been removed from this version yes I like that I like that so yeah I guess that to me I'm like does this cover us for the parents should be doing their job if they're concern have that I guess do we have that in the 12 and under shouldn't be here alone anyway right in terms of specifically like parents and Guardians are responsible for what their children are are looking at um also the 12 plus goes in a different policy than this one did this get take did this get taken out for a specific C I feel like that sentence at begin with Library sta we were sort of like Library sta will not like we're not controlling we're not limiting we're not like under access I correctly that Library will not monitor anyone's accessment so I had a question this is where I had a question too I yes Library Patron oh sorry but Library patrons are not are the children also patrons are they in our discussion they were so if you disagree we and then we were bringing it back are the children responsible foral decision choices are the parents and designated Guardians responsible me their parents and designated Guardians won't be here if they're 12 they under that and I think we thought that would stand alone in the children's Behavior right policy but we can certainly add it it was just but also like the policy is that an a 12-year-old can supervise an eight-year-old so the 8-year-old is a patron they're not here with parent or Guardian they can be here with the 12-year-old so at one point at some point you have to say each person is respons responsible for themselves especially if we're allowing children to be here without a parent so I think yes I think patrons is fine unless we say anyone 1200 Earth not can't use a computer no we don't want to do yeah as long as it's in the children's policy what I don't think it's in the children there's a whole thing about your local Apprentice so I had conversation so we just did that to take all that out the local foress is still in there some it today maybe it's in the children's borrowing actually oh yeah it's in borrowing this of all of them this was the most difficult it touches on Freedom of Information access to information so it should be the more no I think we were this one is the one that we most thought like policy might not be the same as where we land philosophically and it might not be where we land procedurally but the the language was such that it would protect or be clear so that's we we don't necessarily think we have achieved the perfect balance but we were trying to balance between those okay because there was a lot that wasn't true necessarily I mean but yes I I mean I'd be happy to put the line of the children's should be I don't know we just when we get to Children talk about all right let's not can we hold off on this one until children policy just to make sure that we are happy with how we yes all right then what since we've been talking about let's move let's go skip to children in the library for the next one um okay I I think I had a question cannot oh well there's just a technical thing which parent or supervising person may leave the children's room but cannot leave the library during the program but the program might not be in the children's room I think that's okay because if it is in the children's room you can leave the children's you might want to go to the children's room to escape your you're in the SKS I think you're trying to say or in room if you're an immediate immed it's really the location of PR but may not leave the library yeah so if we could change it yeah the program what program location or event location or event event space even just this is too much space the program is being help yeah and then take out during the program at the end what take out um the line about a parent will be notified If the child is unattended or made supervision that could be a parent or designated guardian and I think we were going to put May for a too inste of will or design what is it designate a guardian than you same with the police like we didn't think that was a likely event but keeping it in there and saying May well yeah I mean just in like what if that K got abandoned it would be a safe place to abandon a child but what just never happens um and then I do think where was your where was the line about the the parent about the that they are responsible for their children's so I'm looking at the freedom to statement right now just to see if it covers Miners And it or not I mean it's just general pions but it doesn't specify that it also applies to minors so when we say liary staff members are not responsible for unattended children under the age of 12 should we say including you know for related to library activities or internet or anything or do we not I guess for me if I was a patron looking up seeing something that I didn't like on someone else's computer and I was like what's the policy here I'd be expecting to find it in the internet use policy not in the children's library but there's also the books that people don't like seeing I know is that the collection development policy I'm trying to figure out what other policy there and so that I can see what we've said before it's not in the so what we did I guess in the internet policy was just use Patron as umbrella that we should subdivide and put children I don't think the children have a separate I don't think it's separate for them I think they can choose and decide but the parents and Guardians should know that they have the right to restrict their child only their child and only their child and that's the right I can't say that one of your children can't see yeah I can say my children can't see it and I will take it off internet here but we could Co cover it if we just put it in the children's LA and is putting so my guess my concern is the inconsistency of saying that children can borrow anything in a different policy than the children's one are should I be overlap asteris this says in here this is as per the internet policy blah blah blah blah blah as per the borrowing policy blah BL as my only concern doing that is then we have to make sure they're always cons well that's absolutely so if we put it in one thing and somebody has a question about internet or borrowing or collection development then pointing to the right section which yeah is it collection development that it's in so really it's two there's two things it's stab are not responsible for what your children are seeing or reading and parents and parents are it's to me it's hard to put I know it belongs on the policy but it's hard to like it's like a double negative right like it's hard to say our policy is well I guess it is that's I'm thinking this is like one of those hard yeah you have to do this for like it's not it's not our policy to do this for your child you need to do this for your child and only but only your child you can't decide what you what someone else's child does we do have it in the collection development um policy where we the reading viewing and hearing activity of children is ultimately the responsibility of parents Guardians who guide and oversee their own children's development so could we copy that same statement and put it in the internet you policy as the second place that that's a viewing activities does make sense just for parents you still have control over what your kids see yeah collection development doesn't feel like a policy that I would necessarily think of automatically to go to to look for and there's no similar things in the children's policy so to like put only the internet and the children's doesn't make sense to me so I I added this as a suggestion but we can f it out a parent has the right to limit access to leg rate and internet services for their child only but like you said language in the other one might be perfect or it might not belong here in children in a library I think it does belong in the children I would maybe say for their like for their child and their child only I'm not sure that's like the one that we have in the collection development policy which says the reading viewing and hearing activity of children is ultimately the responsibility of parents/guardians who guide and oversee their own children's development so thank you I like that um and the reason I like that is the reading the viewing and hearing like if they find their kid watching somebody else's kid doing stuff they still have the responsibility to guide their own children away from that screen and they so choose I'm sending that to you in an email Stephanie right now su su suay suay Sunday The Collection development no we haven't reviewed that collection development I think we that was one of the on WE BL February 10th 2023 little new it's newer it's newer and that was inappropriate see so we added the reading doing activity of children's ultimately responsibility of parents Guardians who gu and oversee their own children's go at the end of children in the library the responsibity of their parents and Guardians maybe mhm yes they I don't think we said that no fix it yes I'm good with that yeah I feel better about having that statement in there just to make it clear that you can parent the way you want to parent do we think that also belongs to the internet policy or we not back sorry nuh I can copy it and drop it into the boring as well it's the same at least it's consist I think you can put it in the internet and then let's look at the borrowing and I bet there's a place for it there too you could put it right after the patron L I think that's never going to go that's never going to not be true right that's the fact that we're putting that several different policies it's never not going to be I think it's covering you me all the people that coming saying if they can't see this St should and see this done it in multiple places absolutely that's kind that's kind well you have the freedom to view and the freedom to read and like um intellectual Freedom links to those policies in multiple places too so I think it's just the consistency of saying we value these things and this is what our policies are based on consistently and I think if we're also going to commit to having sort of an ongoing review policies we're all going to be kind of a yeah think they repetive so can you just Chang one more thing in the last par paragraph which is par uh children parents Guardians yes okay I don't know if you have to say designated on the paragraph above we had it in the previous thing but we can proba just say Guardian here take it out take it out there and then in the next paragraph do parent/guardian in the first word yeah Sam or M do you guys see any problems with us putting this in multiple places in the does it support the Librarians to do so all right um how do we feel about voting on internet with that ad and children as is nown okay s right yeah where did it get Ser yeah yeah there for [Music] that I'm comfortable with internet and children okay are we okay okay we internet also yeah so let's uh someone vote on let's vote on those two together or separate yes together all right I move to improve the library internet policy and the children in the library policy second all in favor great uh let's go to borrowing who that me I'll I can clean this up after it or actually can I not one of them was like you don't have access to make this change that was definely start I added two things today I don't think that the line Li got served in loal paren necessarily fits here I'm not sure if the F purpose there oh where in the highlighted section in the second I think it was there and we were not sure if we need to keep it or okay I think now we kind of addressed it we need to link no I I think it's okay and then this MVC policy is not accessible without sending in to or S yeah yeah just one yeah this so that one also can't that's on the SharePoint oh I it and if you're allowed to share it then you could download it and put them on the right it's a they must have it's an mblc thing so advice they have like a website open to the public yeah and this way be I just send it to everybody can you guys open apparently my sound's on yes should it be public and it's so like public like in the policy and if it's okay can you put it on the library site somewhere some somewhere on the Littleton site so we can link to it from there because so that's so that we can so other people can click on it not exist NC there isn't an NC try go to overdrive it well it seems to me that does anyone else have any other feedback about this about the borrowing policy one thing we did towards the I mean everything says may again because we know that when it is not over to you know it might not be sent by certified mail or whatever but may just give room for that yeah um I see why this is the thing I'm Haring on today but parents/guardians car and under registration the second par feel like this is the his her SPS of today so then what happing here parental permission is that still okay as a term with parental permission parent or should we change it to with parent or permission to be consistent the next sensus have a b consistent yeah agre search for the parent par yeah we're good that's the last one on the page okay so put it in so that's uh uh Stephanie the policy is now here I'll send you got that too the book I just turned in F into be like nine weeks or more overd did you get whatever you supposed to get I got all the emails up to that point yes reminding me my son had returned it sop I just sent you the well it could be but the L that should go there it will also confirm that they do shut down your library card if you have too many things over again can can you please take the May sh yeah it used to be will and it did my kid really know how to just in the it can be there in the link but maybe not in the title in the name and then this link also change that's the same link if you're talking about the one that's spelled out there that is the same link as what I just sent you okay great yeah do you make a motion or miss one and move to approve second all in favor know the they he almost there guys okay uh hold historical room is there I think everyone has permission now right were there any changes on this or updates that it was like to the VA oh right I think this one was no I still can't see it we actually we cleaned up the language a little a little a little um Ry with like must sign the key right clean up some of them come back yeah a fog right it was like you have to go to the table and then get this from the table and then get that and it could all be kind of addressed under one sentence so this one seemed I don't think we did anything meaningful with content but we okay so if anything doesn't look right Sam and we might have taged Sam in a question but like a library has a microphone machine available before it was like you're going to be washed all the time if you use it right I'm okay with this as this um anyone else where Katrina it says somewhere that there's no food and drink aloud let me to okay now okay and this works for libraries yeah M it's true like you have to sign out the key at the main library desk and all all well usually we just go down a long if now um yes do we have keys that we would down yeah I don't think that's what you want to do once it had its own lock yeah so is Li to actually is a librarian will open it for you yeah okay do you want us to say that I mean do if you always go we should have that well sometimes we it's kind of like a two second thing we if we do give out the key it's just go down and unlock in and BR okay setting key you're basically allowing yeah if if you let them in lockwise do they still to come sign out when they're done or they can just leave so what so line two what actually happens in real in like in just what happens either a staff member goes down and unlocks it or we give them a a key to go unlock in and they bring it back like immediately yeah okay so librarian you go to the start desk to have a librarian give you access to why don't we just say patrons must check in with the librar to access the H yeah yeah let's not worry about a key forget about how like the main thing is you're speaking to a library and this and should we say the Sur desk at the circul at the circulation desk because you don't want them going relate children yeah good Sni you have a patrons wishing to use or wanting to use them start because they're not currently using them to be granted access to the space or it's high to be Grant I just that's the very should be room instead of space inced access to the room good are the materials locked too or trans access I think trans trans access yeah it does say that on eight well I don't know if that's that's it or not but the archives are in storage researchers must request the items they wish to use does that cover that that's anyway that's yeah I'll figure it out I think we're over 10 yeah yeah right uh good does anyone else have any more thoughts or questions or suggestions the hisorical policy favor great AR last one oh yeah so this one we had a few questions I think ex if it should be suitable for viewing by all ages that just opens up lots of questions and the one right back we were back and forth right I think about taking out theing for Library Board of Trustees and his Representatives reserve the right to prohibit the display of art we didn't like the spirit of that but if it says that in the policy at least there is that option in case we were we were actually the example used more like less is it inappropriate and more is it timely like did something happen in the last couple weeks that now this could be unsuitable and they needed to have some feedback about that or something it was less go more like could there be some sort of fail if something becomes inappropriate or not time pay like New York City before 911 and this bism right I a terrible but like that day it was um Jared Duran from the Red Sox had just been overheard using a homophobic slur and it was my's birthday and I just bought him a Jared Duran Jersey so like I would have probably given it to him the day before and then it changed so that was I know that's not hard yeah so that that's theine after it but the exhibit should be suitable for Vi by you didn't know I feel like just being able to say maybe not give any example of like I think we Crossing out that second line just saying that you know reserve the right to take down to to change or what to to change the decision or something it actually be positive like that to change the dis maybe to say like to um uh reverse the committee decision or something like that right because it says above it's like the Comm it's like the art committee right well aren't they our representes they are so I mean there's two questions one is how do we phrase that there might be a situation in which the the artist or the art becomes not what we want to be showing yeah and the other part is who makes that decision right if it's if is it the committee is it you is it the Board of Trustees who is it just don't get us into this situation life I think SE example is good one that that would be like oh yeah just didn't well well and I'm okay like there being ability to change yeah decision in in this to give us the Le way to do so yeah well Deion was mentioned so long ago no it's not it's too far I Ling I think we I changed the exhibit well but like not yeah well I like that I like it too Chang the exhibit just in my mind I went all Jackson po like you whatever I wanted to start don't recommend that that's a lot of clean up for director okay so that that solves that sentence that part of the sentence who who would be making that decision the suitable part no the uh the part that says the Ruben horror Library Board of Trustees and its Representatives I don't know who our representatives are just us I guess but um who would who would reserve the right to change the exhibit is that us is that Sam is that the committee if the committee consists of samon two probably me yeah you might we might say something like hey Sam we think but it would still be you that would decide you and the yeah it could like we have an emergency maybe in consultation with or something like that or you know I think it's okay to say the committee I think the on who have the right this when they're the ones making the decision of what's coming here so they should be part of the decision if something has to be yeah um amended so I think I would change the whole line of the Ruben Library Board of Trustees and it representatives to be the what do we call it the gallery committee the gallery committee and it's Representatives or no no reserves the right to change and we don't as Library Board of Trustees disagree with the committee we don't want to be able to have an ultimate vote and said if you disagree with committee M we do we do okay I think ultimately we're the ones elected here so should we say the gallery then we should we say Gallery committee and the Board of Trustees are in consultation with the Board of Trustees in consultation or and or or the library Board of Trustees in consultation with the gallery committee I mean what which one is I think we need the sentence okay and the Gathering committee comes next the question is what are the words in between yeah yeah we can definitely consult with them oh hi coming in it's an open meeting you're welcome to join hi Andy I bet he great stories yeah okay maybe um did we say like a length of time like what's the the length of time that the specify right each everything's up for a month yeah but could say maybe that's the way the end of set is to change the exhibit before for the conclusion of the okay agreement or something or before I know that just feels like gosh what if they change my unto you know concern for somebody that's not a problem we're not going to touch the or so we going take it out the wall we could say if we said exhibition we could say before it's end yeah there you go oh I like that before I schedu then or yes that's good okay yeah good and are we comfortable exib I feel like that's maybe should that be it does say that here and then do we have it under the list that the like the um in the all the the the what are those words for Dots thank you the first bullet right on bullet one so I think we don't have to yeah and the gallery committee is is the group that's deciding that those things right yeah perect Gallery committee helped inform those the choices of what selected if someone's doing nudes is probably not the right place to just in the children's area of our just just suggesting for the gallery committee you don't do something about how the gallery commit cre I know it's always been Cheryl and more procedure that's a procedure that's not a policy you you that procedure that sounds like a you that it consists of you and two volunteers um although I do like your current volunteers who are your volunteers right now uh it's Cheryl always been Cheryl and I can't gern really cool yeah um okay I like this now thank you I think that there's that my concerns to me honey T at the end just because I was read over Soul work only suay exited there's work to exhibit did to display that sounds better and I think this is the one that I can't clean up like if I say approve that you don't have no to do that that things I'm accepted okay cool um all right we should vote on it before you change the date I move to approve exhibit and display policy second all favor poliy Comm thank you thank you so much that's amazing how much you got done thank you sounds I saw um were there minutes for their meeting it's the first and thought I saw their meting minutes so to approve them there actually two sets in here so I I'll put in the next okay next yeah we'll do both the next okay let's move on to is there any other business truste updates um I only have that Sarah Katrina and I are going to go to the conference the um which one is it mlc mlc conference um in October looking forward to car out that'll be good they usually get a um trustee orientation after it but details yet they are I think B okay yeah um that's one of those opportunities to get access oration did everyone get the email about it okay um that's my only update I did two Bingo cards and I won the chocolate basket from Sarah sharing I sh I shared with work I'm looking forward to the Janet uh so am my yes program Apple field sorry Apple men was what I just volunteered for Apple field yes yeah about time yeah I start it with my kids and then I pivot it to yeah um no need to say anything if anyone else has anything to share feel free okay moving on uh we do we have our next meeting is on October um at 6:30 do we have a motion to adour all in favor thank you everybody