##VIDEO ID:s5b-aAn0x3s## the Tuesday October 8th meeting of the Park and Recreation Commission um start with commissioner updates all right I went to the so we're in October so the 7 September school committee meeting okay s you present so I met Stacy deis she are leison from the school committee and then I also sat in on one of their virtual meetings about the new school so they're they're still trying to figure it out and I've gotten myself onto the community outreach planning committee whatever that means Oran or or Shaker Lane try try let people know that it's coming and right yeah why we're doing it so it's not a surprise eventually how big the bill is yeah exactly that is all I have to share there uh nothing for me today and a few things I did uh stop in October Fest because lots of fun um somehow get roped into the mug hoist I saw that was not the first one out but whooo all it's hard yeah um so we as was just mentioned we're gonna have a CPC meeting on the 16th to talk about the tennis courts and the fields um did attend the select meeting Tim was presenting as hopefully that all goes smoothly um and then I guess the um there was some mentioned or at the uh one of the recent clean Lakes committee meetings select board member Morrison um floated the idea of of Park and wreck U providing some sort of funding to support clean Lakes for Long Lake activities so that's something that is in discussion and I we'll have lots more to talk about in the future but very very early days on that front we've got a little bit of discussion in the office about it lots of lots of questions about how it could work or those sort so that probably is for a future me um and then we'll talk about the be policy later on so more to come there um that's it had a couple sets of minutes go out he did send the other ones out he did yeah good job buddy two s I didn't know this anything I didn't NE I did not either um our five minute meeting oh okay was that one right yes yeah um do you have the dates of those minut one was September 10th Frid 27 that's when uh the September 20th that was one of the meetings y there are no comments to make a motion I'll make motion to approve the both the September 10th and the September 20th um minutes second moved in seconded all in favor Mees are approved um can we jump to the parking uh sure yeah let me it was raised at the last meeting that our parking signs uh don't have any date limitations on them um we uh in fact I think in our discussions and policy agreement when we set them in the spring or in the winter whenever we do that yeah um and this goes back apparently I think at least to 2017 that's the reference that I saw is we normally do just say it's data labor di which we all kind of missed um so Tim is working on getting some assuming we all agreed that still makes sense Tim is working on getting some stickers to be added to the signs that say Memorial data day any discussion or questions comments on take they would be something that's suitable to Bear all the elements yes yeah I mean it's funny because like the because these have become so popular the the sticker game has gone up um so a lot of things are like dishwasher things now um so yes we can absolutely get uh something yeah um I think and then the other piece I think we don't need to deal with it now because we won't be enforcing again until Memorial Day um but as we go through the policy and the whenever again winter early spring time uh I think it's worth just talking about the potentially separating out the spaces on Town Road and Lake Shore um so that those are not enforced after dark or in the evening after hours so the residents can use those spots if that makes sense oh fly enforce the Lifeguard is basically well no I think during the while the Park is open would be enforcable and then also the our lot would be as closed after dark but potentially those other spots could yeah make it clear I mean nobody's the reality is nobody's ticketing there after hours anyway right clarify that for everybody yeah um the the park itself so that includes the parking lot um has always had the from Don's old dusk um and I mean 300 King Street's the same way B the same way um so realistically you know after dusk there really shouldn't be anyone there right that's something we can we can wrap into next year's discussion but you were specifically talking about the street um I think just to we we were just talking about this before just to make sure that we have covered this if we can get a motion to say that parking permits are only enforced from Memorial Day to Labor Day and from Don no we just we'll do Memorial Day to Labor Day for now I'll make a motion that the Long Lake parking permits are only enforced Memorial Day till day I'll second that seconded all in favor I I awesome than and then why don't we we'll have it on the agenda for next time but if there's any public input yeah we'll do that now go for it thank you thank you very much I really appreciate another example of you just consistent with like the pathway Deon dor has brought it up next meeting you were already mobilized and doing it and I know it's genuinely appreciated from the feedback that we received in the community I expect a similar thing with this one so thank you all very much welcome thank you for bringing it to our attention get a preview of all the good stuff um all right so some project updates um so Tim has done some of this whilst I've been away um he was going to try to get on as soon as he could he had some conflix tonight so um I'll go through this um as best I can so the Middle School tennis courts um and wicom field Rehabilitation um so that's something that um we've had a conversation with uh fincom and select board um I presented at fincom Tim had uh um presented at the select board meeting um and they both have uh approved the amended town meeting article that would allow us to uh move forward with completing this project um I'll go forward um uh sorry just going to text from Kevin Kevin will be here so um we'll go over that later on uh this evening but um so that's happened uh we are on the agenda for the uh 16th uh of October for CPC uh to review that um we've already had some preliminary conversations uh with Carolyn the chair um and the activitas estimation um came in around just under a million dollars so um when uh I go through I'm going to show you how we've kind of broken out the funding how we're going to uh pay for it um but we'll get to that a little bit do we want to just point out that you also you and Tim also presented this to the school committee and that they for in favor as well I think I did last month um is that last month yeah I know it's gone by threat like real fast was that a that happen no we did it I think it was earlier September yeah um but yes that is also a true statement that is it is um has been voted on and uh approved by the the school committee so um General support across the board yeah it's been pretty good I mean you know uh going into the finance committee meeting um you know I definitely thought there was going to there was there was some really great questions that were asked um but I think we did a pretty good job explaining the benefits that we get out of um you know changing this project um from what it originally was um at the high school so um they seem very supportive of that um yeah so um CPC the last step um and then we'll see at town meeting it goes any other questions about that one what's the date for time meeting again it is October 29th oh sorry um just to prepare you select board last night George Sanders spoke during public comment and says he's going to bring up the 400k transfer switch feels it should have been returned to the town that's a different project it is a different project is it one of ours King Street 3 36 King Street oh yeah that's that's uh the building that was purchased oldan Hill yeah sorry so we can talk about that yeah okay it's a I mean it's I don't think it has a great impact on us it's question of the how they're keeping books okay he's been doing a good job um okay uh yeah any other questions with right um all right so speaking of 36 King Street so just a update um all of the Demolition and exploratory work um is completed so actually moved on to um the more permanent jobs if you will um the outside of the building they have fixed all of the rot um there was quite a few sections of that so um that was very important to make sure that you know we have a sound building so um I like the new color so that's an interesting one um so yes it is completely painted on the outside um there are two sections that are actually supposed to be alra they're not they're not um so we're working on that we'll we'll get that mixed um yeah so um there I mean the work that they've done the painting is just like the edging my God it's amazing I'm impressed whenever somebody can paint a straight line it's like and it's everywhere uh it's great um so right now they're also working on the the framing uh electrical and rerouting pipes um uh there's a lot of pipes especially in the basement that needed to be moved so they can actually have like somewhat of a usable ceiling height because of this relative it is pretty low um and then uh we had asked if there was possibility of uh creating a space for at least one bathroom um uh one toilet sink uh in the B basement and uh that was approved by pmbc so they are starting to uh work on that and figure out what system they're going to have to use because it's a um since it's on the bottom level they'll have to pump everything up um so yeah uh we've got the meeting um with all of the um the OPM all the contractors uh tomorrow at afternoon so um yeah I'll have a an update after that as well but so far I mean they're doing great seems like they're going to still be able to stay on time um yeah thanks so yeah to the the early appoints were um this is the I forget it's one of the early articles but it's the um the reallocation of the design the leftover design funds to construction okay which is we've done pretty typically on most of our building projects when we have yeah because there's usually like contingency and if there's stuff that's left over you know you get so and I think the the the question is you know when you do that are you increasing the budget of the overall project or just moving the thumbs from one to another George would like the thumbs to back to General time not increase the budget I think realistically that the you know the construction is going to cost what it's going to cost and we're not going to add yeah we're still trying to come in under budget with I know whatever and so I don't it's no building I mean as as much as it seems like new you know the there's a lot of really quirky things in that space and um you know they've been coming up with solutions for things and then doing a really good job but yeah they're doing the best they can with what they got at the pnbc meeting earlier in September they mentioned the hbac units being towards the end of their life did they decide to replace those or or did they just set this towards the end of the life I want to say yes but I'm not 100% sure so I will look into that and I will get back to you um I feel like I feel like that is a correct statement but I'm not 100 I don't want to like commit to that so let me that get back yeah I will let you know anything else what's the target movement date is it still was it February March March March yeah 2025 um so [Laughter] March um and has there been any further discussion around shat Street plans for no um it's interesting that you say that uh because there's definitely been a recent interest in our location um so I think that is something that we will um you know Tim and I are going to sit down and kind of look at what what could potentially work um because the reality is that you know we don't have any sort of Transportation um available to us at this moment um other than Vans which is not going to work to be able to pick up kids and move them where they need to go um because you can only fit 11 kids in a van and each van that we use takes one of us right so so um it's yeah we need to come up with a busing solution before we can really move that program out of there um and then the preschool program which has been doing really well uh we don't have space for that in this new building so um yeah there's there's things where we have to figure out what this balance is going to be um obviously the like the office that I'm in the office that Tim's in where the program coordinators um actually I think there was we had talked about usage of that space for the program but like the two offices where Tim and I are now that's something you know we could give that up to another uh Department uh that wanted to be there but they still would have kids you know running it's you know uh like I've talked to IT department and Nancy is you know she used she started off in parks and wreck and so you know for her that'd be like this is great I love it um but it's not everybody's cup of tea and I get that um because the kids are loud and will come in and distract you and so are there other departments that are out growing your spaces is that yeah um the definitely um land use is is an area where you know we now have a uh Board of Health or sorry a health director um we just got a new Building Commissioner um um and a all the folks that are down there don't have any offices they're in cubicles um so I think that is a concern um additionally HR is um they have two people in the office and the actual HR director is in like a uh like high cubicle but there's no privacy you know so it's one of those things where you know she truly does need a space of her own um so uh yeah there's definitely a need that but the schools are also moving out of their wings so that's they want to shut down all of 33 oh I see okay and like moop all it and not use all okay so that was part of the you know the thing that we're looking at is that something you know do we really want to do that you know you have all the space um over there um or is there some sort of I don't know so we got to come up with a plan and then we'll start having conversations and try to figure out what makes sense so is 33 where the offices used to be yes okay yeah so that was the um so we were on the bottom floor Elman Human Services is currently on the second floor and the school department is currently um or Central School office is currently on the third okay like the D Cory Etc are in the middle section that's 37 yeah so all these different numbers okay I know there's 33 37 and 41 so the building itself has three different address numbers okay yeah thank you on the first day we hire somebody I have to go through the whole like this is how building Works um it's bu one building okay Sor um all right going to move on so um special events I don't know if you want to talk about this because unfortunately it breaks my heart but I was not there I mean so I don't have any details other than I stopped by in the middle of Saturday afternoon it was very busy everybody seemed to be having a good time there were significant but not oppressive lines for food and drinks and yeah so everybody yeah the band was was good and seemed like a great time I think uh Tim had estimated that uh there was over 3,000 people there um throughout the course of the day um so yeah and it's I I know derable had done really well and that's you know that's that's one of the the reasons we love doing stuff like this to to be able to help you know smaller businesses yeah D yeah deral had a a good line going is it fat rooster yeah had a sign line K weenies was there yeah we did yeah a couple of different food which was good because there were lots of people getting through yeah yeah which is good we were there later in the day was still pretty busy we were there Bic yeah probably like four till close or something like that yeah still a good crowd and I got roped into doing the P toss not well this we'll just say the same individual who was really responsible for me joining this committee the one who was standing next to me telling me Mom you have to do it I love it I love it yes that was similar to how I got red into the Stein so yeah yeah and um yeah we got we got some stuff from the vendors the vendors were cute there was a cookie vendor there some very good cookies and some cute little there was a glass vendor St glass vender and there was a yeah and there was a um a local person who had done like wooden bowls and stuff and we got a really cute little wooden snowman so there were some good vendors awesome and the only feedback I heard in my mom role was people saying why is it the same day as the act in October Fest I wish it was a different day so we could enjoy both you can that's thing right you was earlier in the day I did say that and ours Run's till five and then people say why is it at five I'm like it's a parks and R but yeah what do you you know what are you talking about um going till midnight it's one of those things like uh Touch of truck was a great example that and um like Trump retreat they always just end up being on the same same day some time so um but it was a glorious day weather was phenomenal but I don't know if you have any contact maybe we you know try and coordinate next uh we can yeah yeah it's worth a shot yeah I think the are you talking about the West acting I think so it was so that actually is not through the rec department oh okay um it is I believe with uh like true West oh it's like a like a business thing so um but I think R might have been the same day too was it it is the festival yay it's the time um kudos to all yeah they did a good job yeah um I've attended lots of them I have two kids now I'm up to four granddaughters aren W staff Ark Rec commission it's awesome I mean it it's unparalleled I I I put what I since I've come here I put up the events that you folks put on up against anybody and feel like yep you guys are GNA take it's it's awesome um so the next one we have coming up uh is trunk Retreat um so we are we had lots of discussions about this we are going to go the day after Halloween um so November 1st um and uh we'll do it in alumni parking lot uh which is where we did it last year and uh we'll have food trucks we do the costume parade um and then we'll actually have the trunk retreating um from uh 6:30 to 7:30 think it was um yeah so um yeah if you guys want to show up in costume or you want to do a trunk yourself it's a lot of fun um yeah it's just amazing how creative people get on about things and um if you haven't been just the swarm of people will um make you dizzy it's crazy I know you been there a couple of times think lot of them it's pretty wild that's Friday night Friday night yeah there's no school dance that night is there hope not not that we're aware of and for our best listeners out there if someone in interested in doing a trunk how do they go about that uh great question so uh there is uh so you can call the office we can walk you through everything um but you can also go on to the website and um click on uh where you register for a program um and you can uh register a trunk um so uh I don't believe that there's a cost to it U because the expectation is you know you're putting in all that effort to uh you know decorate your trunk um buy candy all of that stuff so it's just more of a a special Community event rather than you know we're not making any money off of it just and for people it's ending Park in the middle school parking lot or sort of say that again Park in the middle school parking lot and yeah it'll be similar yeah similar to how we've done it in the past um so middle school parking lot um there I believe there was some parking up along um where you go into Russell Street but we'll close off you know that whole section um down where alumni is so or you could park at the library absolutely yeah uh or town hall any any of those things um absolutely uh because there is path that walks yeah down there to it so but that your calendars it's great event um okay and we did that so just review of Artic for special town meeting um so this goes back to we talked about the um tennis courts so I did print out for you all um it's article four um so with article four there's a lot of information here um so essentially what it's saying is that um we're requesting for a build of four new tennis courts adjacent to the Middle School um and to renovate with some baseball field um adjacent to Russell Street Elementary um so Shifting the baseball field permanently um from the high school to witcom um that will allow us to use all of the fields at uh the high school specifically for soccer only which um essentially is the answer to our space needs issues um so we'll do a a revamp of presentation that we've done in the past uh the one I did for uh bcom I feel like was too long so I need to be able to tighten that up for town meeting um so Tim and I are working on that um but essentially it goes through uh remember we said the um the estimation came in at just under a million dollars um so this is the breakdown of of the funding so um we would essentially take what we asked for um last year and just scrap it all so um you know we would resend that whole article and we would be starting from scratch again so the request would be from uh the CPC Recreation bucket that we would ask for $700,000 um lwd um had given CBC a gift um of 200,000 that was specifically supposed to go to a parking uh sorry a recreation uh or Parks project um that they would support so they have supported this project and they'll be putting that money to that um and then May 7th 2024 there was a transfer that happened um from the town uh to go into that CPC wck bucket of um 118,000 so that's it is the same thing as the wck buck bucket but it's it was money that was specifically put in last year um so that money and then that leaves us with about $5,650 um and that's to be determined that's something they're still looking at of it's such a small amount do they really want to borrow for that um or are they going to figure out like are they going to offer you know uh pay for it out of town operating budget or free cash if there's some available so um internally the um uh Ryan who's the MC PTO which is procurement officer um is looking at what makes the most sense to do so um that little chunk is still up in the air um but that would get us to uh 1, 34,000 so um we that would give us a cushion of a contingency so that you know if there was any issues we'd be able to cover that but hopefully you know if if it all goes relatively well then we'll be able to get money back which we hope be able to do so um yeah so are they hoping to go to town meeting with suggested options for the 15,600 they'll have something solidified the town can it's not just a big right no it it won't be a like whatever decide to do like no they'll they'll have a um a final answer for what they're going to do um by Town yeah any questions on y okay um the other article that we were supposed to have on there was moving the schedule C um Club positions to schedule B um so in communicating with the HR department um those positions needed to uh have the approval of the Personnel advisory committee um which she and Tim um because that was while I was away went through that process and and uh they have approved that that change um it needs to still be approved by the select board um but legally it does not have to go to town meeting um so the um um so it uh it doesn't have to go to town meeting um but we are every um annual meeting we do um an article that relates to the class and compensation um grid so um HR kind of keeps track of all of those changes that happen through the year and they do one big article at annual town meeting so just for transparency that this is something that we've done um they will put it in annual town meeting but um if uh the select board approves um we would then be able to you know hire people on as that SK SCH B Ro rather than Schedule C which means they're eligible for benefits um because they're positions I mean if they work over 20 hours um because they're working in that position longer in six months so yeah questions comments concerns no okay um all right let's see how this one goes all okay looks I know so I went back and I think I found the one that you were looking for um so this is just talking about our ins and outs right now right so when it says uh 57 that's just because you know we don't collect the money um you'll see on the next slide actually 70% of our Revenue comes in for summer programs so um though it does look like we're operating in a negative we do have money from previous fiscal years in that uh revolving account so we are fine um but to date it shows you how much revenue we've taken in what we've expended um and what our yearly wages have been so far and it's stacked right because we start in July so all like the majority of all of our summer seasonal staff is in July and August AUST so that's why the wages are going to be higher and expenses also will be higher um but you that probably won't move much over the next couple months um and then usually in January once we open for Camp that's when you're going to see that that Revenue really change um so that's just kind of like Stark year to date um this is gross but I think this is what you wanted oh my goodness so so um on this you have this was from fiscal year 24 right I went back just to do the exercise to look at it so uh the yellow indicates uh what the actual net was um there also is um I think KT is a better one to look at just because you can see the the lines a bit more um so wages on there expenses on there revenues on there those all together are going to give you your net obviously um so when you look at uh each of the yellow um boxes that will tell you what the net was for those specific programs so the only ones that uh were in the negative uh were hadon explorations um and the beach and the beach we had already talked about because you know we had to do the walkway which was $30,000 and there were some other things too so um realistically it would have made money um that wasn't the walkway was in the end of this SC Point floor right yeah yep um so um and then I also put it in just to kind of look at you know our our you know C obviously we always say that's our bread and butter right so that's 47% um of uh the net revenue that we get um but looking at all of those and kind of adding it together you know that's that statistic that I said earlier about 70% of all of our Revenue comes from Summer programming um so yeah the other 30 is just throughout the school year um so I I don't know how long you want me to leave it up there um but if you do have questions feel free I see yeah Pete's like um ten tennis so those tennis lessons at the old tennis court we used to make 30,000 really oh so yeah this year we just made under $600 because we don't have tenps will we be able to use the new ones oh yeah I'm not putting all this effort so yeah I think to clarify we'll be able to use the DU ones after outside of school after correct yeah and then we'll be able to use the high school Courts for pickle ball or well you could use them for T you could too yeah absolutely um during the day using parking at 36 King Street as the access point so you can kind of get onto the edge of school property without having to really yeah intrude you I think like if if the um like if the PE Gym classes are going to use it that's something we have to like you know work that out but yeah um but that I can I mean there's also you know there's a separation between two so if they wanted to use one or the other you know we can work all of those things out yeah they I'm sure they have at a tennis segment for a week or something oh absolutely right but it's not going to be the entire here yeah um yeah this was this was essentially what I was looking for so that's good um only took three CH well actually so yeah I mean just to be so this campt balance is expenses from Summer of 23 and revenue from so on this one because I only had two days um yeah I just did um everything from this last fiscal year yeah that's so yes you are absolutely correct that's what we should be looking at um and I can do those numbers for you I just wanted to like make like have something for you this is great yeah and hopefully we can you know I don't know how these I don't know how your system works hopefully we can eventually build queries and things that make this fairly straightforward but I figured out like a system but there's still there's still some quirks and things so um you know we just have to work that out work with Treasury and and finance and right we'll be good okay yeah and Beach includes sailing and those things what you just say includes sailing include sailing fishing snack Shacks um yeah I think sailing and fishing are really the only programs yeah yeah we're I'm curious because do we have a really rainy start of the summer it seems so long though it's is that last summer yeah not this summer The Summer before I mean we had a dismal year financially for the beach just because like why are you g to be at the beach if it rains 247 so um yeah that was a to Summer no the summer is pretty good oh actually speaking of the beach um and I I this is maybe not helpful at this point but um it was pointed out to me by Rob yeah that um because of the coordination between sort of Manan and Forge Pond between Littleton and and Westford uhuh um Littleton residents do get resident access to forch Pond Westford Beach interesting it's at Westford Beach yeah at the Westford Beach So So for anybody who that may be changing for next summer so dbd yes so there's a there's some coordination in the support of the lake over there and yeah because of that they made an agreement yeah that's um the access at Forge Village that you go down beach by the rail tracks yeah and there's a little playground over there yeah right so and it is it's free for residents and there is a B for non-residents but you're get included u i me we can reach out to Michelle the director and talk to her apparently was having some conversations with her recently and next yeah she's great we have a good relation there may be changes to that okay I think it last meeting and I can't remember I was looking for my notes but um there was discussion of doing a um yearly membership for rentals we did yeah I it was may have been outside of the meeting but yeah um it's something that's come up from time to time so uh that's something I think um maybe that's a policy to work off offline and then bring it to um yeah I mean I think I think that probably should be rolled into the whole sort of beach operation plan which we typically do I think December is the first meeting that we hold just to give the public you know an opportunity to to speak over the next couple of months if we need to work things out um yeah so that's usually like a winter project we about policies so yeah I think the I think a membership is what's up are you talking about kayaks yeah Kay sabs s of having a a membership a seasonal membership rather than per hour or in addition to the per hour rates yeah I think a review of the per hour rates is probably also more yeah there's not does not seem to be a lot of rental activity yeah might be one of those things people just aren't aware of maybe we do get people that call a lot um usually in the off seasons and they're like Can We R the boat it's like that was another um suggestion from the public to you know look at expanding Rental hours rental times so just something the hard I mean finding someone it that's the hard part y yeah I I think I mean I think finding someone or a couple some ones to stop it and and then also making sure that it's viable financially right yeah that you've got enough activity although I will say that there's been lots of activity at the beach certainly like a second summer right exactly yeah there's been L activity down there okay new business St um so I did apply for the United Way after school and Out of schoool Time grants um this is something um I had gone for after covid uh and we were awarded money then um last year they changed the eligibility and um Rec departments were not eligible um but they changed them again um and I applied so uh we were awarded uh 27,000 uh $295 um for the club specifically so that will help us cover costs for staff equion special programming supplies um so that's something I did want to get a vote from you just to accept that so um we can move forward and sign the the documents uh with them when they get those those papers to us good job Co thing yeah great I'll make a motion to accept the award from United Way ASO grant funding for the club M of $7,295 for the club 2024 to 2025 year second moov in second all in favor hi I awesome thanks excellent um yeah we're it's a it's massively helpful um so it's just means we can do a little bit extra you know for the kids and that's great um you wanted to put the discussion of the weekly packet signer rule yeah so I mean I I will say that I loved this for quite some time when it was my role Kevin I think has been very busy he was we we assigned it to him and I don't think he's managed it either so no yeah um I don't know do we need one person can it be multiple people um I think it should be one person just for the the sake of you know realistically you know you should be looking at the documents and and you know saying yeah I checked things that good go um so just for that I think it should be but um I don't know I think I'd have to ask for clarification if we could do more than one um is anybody able anybody else able to do it or so it's coming into the office once a week or once a week essentially once a week um there so there's the AP packet which is um all of our bills um we have the credit card statements um which is expenditures um payroll um I don't I mean I guess you could do the turnover if you wanted to that's fine um so then it's like looking at all the finances and just saying like yeah who's been have you been doing it Stu no I was I was assigned for the previous couple of years and was not very good about doing it currently it's Kevin yeah okay and it is it is an important thing um to just have that that back up and you know um I think I've said Sean Sullivan was the last person that was like always there on a weekly weekly um yeah visit but um yeah so it is something we really do need to do that um we have been very waxed on it so see I mean I I can probably do it so I will I will attempt to I mean I'm also local I just my pel work days and work days kind of flip-flop all around so yeah wouldn't have like a be able to do it on a set day I don't think that matters um yeah because you can you know you can set it up so that you review like the the week before and you know whenever you can it's just as as long as somebody's doing it at like a regular interval interval um and yeah give it a shot so yeah so it's up to you when do I start well so then you have to do the you know nomination all that do we need do we need to do that at Agenda meeting or can we do that here um is Kevin still doing it now Kevin hasn't yet I love him but he's a busy busy it like the pile of him now uh um I we just file stuff yeah we'll start from start from whenever you start yeah ahead we'll give you a backlog of stuff so yeah the main question is does it have to be posted on our agenda for us to then make a motion on this again I don't know I I mean I don't I don't think it's going to be ch I'm going to go ahead and say let's nominate Peter to take over the P My Life Away second that I'll second it all in favor I hi better to have what time uh the office open every day uh we're open from 9 to 4: on Monday through Thursday and then 9 to two on Fridays but I mean I live in town whenever you want I'll make time for [Music] it all right um old business so John started his first day as the Recreation supervisor on September 30th um So within that that's uh we're uh having conversations of you know how all of those changes will be implemented so um U Tim and John have been doing a lot of work in um just trying to figure out how we reshuffle some of that stuff around so um yeah so that's been going really good um and is off the which is go go um old business kind of new business um so the Board of Health uh did meet and they have downgraded the Triple E threat to moderate um so essentially that means that all outdoor restrictions have been lifted however they are recommending that the the public um follow the same guidance lines that we talked about before uh to protect themselves so that's putting on bug spray wearing long pants long sleeves socks all those things repair any torn screens um if you have your windows open remove standing water around the house um and just knowing that Dust Till Dawn is that peak time um for biting for mosquitoes that carry those diseases so uh yeah but they still do Friday Night Football games well they will be now not yeah gotcha it I think had become Saturday afternoon games yeah yeah um so yes it will go back to Friday night games but where you bug spray put on a hoodie Frost is coming Frost please Frost come um has there's no football game on Friday November 1st I don't know that's a really great question Tri or treat Tru or treat see you go away for two weeks and all these things um hopefully we thought that I feel like Tim's really good about that stuff so hope he did um got right I'll make a motion to journ all second mov in second to adjourn all in favor I I I we are adjourned thank you everybody have a good night