##VIDEO ID:I5hl0MilWSs## evening and welcome to the pmbc committee meeting for Wednesday a August 14th um I'm going to try to share my screen pull up the agenda can everyone see that yes okay call to order uh we just did that the warrant we're going to go through two warrants uh one for Shaker the Indian Hill property and one for a senior center so let me pull those up so the uh first warrant is for um what is which one is this Indian Hill Indian Hill Indian Hill so um I had sent this out to the team did you guys receive this because I got a uh a response from the uh mail that it was too big to uh send out did you guys get this I got it okay so um you know without going through the uh details the uh total for the uh Indian Hill is 157,158 94 Steve 894 I got 89429 yep that's it I need glasses I'm going I'm going to the optometrist on Saturday 157 8 89429 motion appr approve it I'll second that motion okay all in favor roll call vote uh Bob Bob Ry yes Bartlett Bartlett Harvey yes uh Steve yes any other uh that's it that's it okay and then we will go to uh the senior center can you guys see this yes okay so um the grand total of this one is 578 8592 any questions or comments looks good to me it was uh recommended by vertex so uh I've I've gone through it briefly and it looks good to me also so uh motion to approve motion to approve I'll make a motion to approve it I know Ryan isn't here but um we we discussed some of this so it all looks good to me missed that what was that I said I know Ryan's not here but I had reviewed some of this stuff so um it looks good to me okay thanks Eric uh motion to approve so okay I'll second it okay all in favor Bartlett Bartlett Harvey yes uh Bob Bob Romy yes Steve Mo yes okay motion carries go back to the agenda don't forget the minutes so I sent the uh I sent the uh edited minutes out only minutes ago as it turns out because I was having technical difficulties but um are there any uh comments or questions on the edited minutes um I have not seen them I haven't either if you could include me on the uh send list that'd be great it's e d RBA at little ma.org well uh you're not a voting member so uh oh okay yeah I Ryan probably should have sent to me or whatever but so we can uh we can defer this to the next meeting since uh I had trouble uploading these and um we'll move over to Shaker Lane and uh Stacy's not here but we do have a meeting next Wednesday with the full committee to review recommendations from the OPM on uh you know next steps and we need to uh submit our recommendation to to the msba by the end of the month so the uh meeting next month will be to discuss the uh recommendation and then we may need a meeting on the 31st that's a s Steve for the uh shakane School feasibility uh committee meeting and that might bump the um pmbc meeting because uh three of the pmbc meetings are on that committee so more to come on that Steve High School roof update I believe we have all the documentation in place I have a call out to uh Brian to uh confirm that he was supposed to put all the information on a thumb drive and give it to Steve uh Mark at the uh School uh dep department but I need to confirm that and then uh moving down the senior Senor Brian if you want to give us an update yeah sure and uh I'm sorry so if it would be possible to share my screen yeah Steve I got a question before you uh before we move on yeah the you said the meeting the 31st for this shake Lane building no yeah you're right it's not the 31st it would be the uh 28th right 28th yeah yeah okay sorry about that yeah and Steve if can I just pop into uh I just um I just wanted to introduce everybody I actually was on the call earlier but I wanted to introduce everybody to Eric derba our our new facilities manager Eric's gonna be uh participating uh regularly with pmbc um Eric's been with us this is week two Eric uh so um it comes to us uh from uh working with Beacon um uh which is a company that um manages multiple properties in the area Eric's was primarily working um at a out of an entity in um in havil uh and has worked for a long time actually out of pondside so um just um wanted to make that um official invitation uh uh there so um uh folks um U new new Eric and um uh just uh was wondering who this new face was in the group so thank you thanks Ryan yeah welcome aboard thank you and good luck yes I'm ready for it don't worry uh so Brian go ahead with senior center unless there are any other questions yeah unfortunately it still says I'm disabled from uh screen sharing I think the host needs to uh give me permissions and if not then I I can verbally talk through some things um so got to make you a host I think Brian what's up Sophie has to make you um a co-host correct there you go yes thank you uh so I know many of you are involved with the senior center project and are able to attend our meetings on a weekly basis but I will um give a quick uh synopsis of our monthly report are you able to see that on my screen y got it great so um here's a picture from the beginning of July we've already progressed in putting the sheeting on the roof and on the exterior walls we did have some concerns that with the open walls and the interior temp lighting that we were going to have some um some neighbor complaints however uh We've really been able to get these walls up quickly as well as the exterior sheathing which is scheduled to be done uh if not by the end of this week but early next week um we've poured our slab on Deck since we've met last uh and we're uh starting the interior um some of the rough MEPS whether it's some of the rough plumbing uh and now that the sheathings going up we're going to get some temp windows in the in the openings uh so that some of the rough electrical work can also be run uh from a project perspective we are 30% through the project right now from a financial standpoint uh we're committed to about 90 3% of our overall 18.6 million uh so we are tracking very well uh as it as it pertains to our budget stand Point uh and with our cash flow that we provided to the town accounting uh at the beginning of the project um Quality and testing has gone very well we've had our tester on site um at the required Milestones that we need whether it be for uh compaction or for concrete testing uh we're getting ready once the exterior walls go up our windows will be installed after and then we'll begin initial blower door tests to make sure that we can meet the current codes uh for the blower door that we need um commodor is uh engaging with a testing agency to do some preliminary tests so that when we come in with the final test we don't have any uh surprises um that need to satisfy the um The Architects code that's uh in the specification um from an FF and technology and security standpoint uh I am going to show a quote that we've received from the cha security the the same vendor that we've used for security uh proprietary to the town that is the same security system that is run into the town hall is the same vendor we used for the library as well as the um fire station uh that's MOBA security we budgeted $100,000 for the security and access control in the facility the quote has come in at $60,000 so we're recommending that we uh issue a purchase order so that we can get them on board and do some final coordination we've had multiple meetings with them and commodore and their Hardware consultant making sure that uh what's being bought is going to coordinate and integrate together uh so that we don't have any surprises or any uh redo work once once the security systems installed as of uh today we've also gone through the furniture quote from WB Mason we went pretty thorough thoroughly through that with Liz and her staff uh to determine if there was anything that was unnecessary if anything that could be held back uh for example we have a quite an extensive exterior furniture package and uh we we've decided almost to hold off on on ordering those as we don't want to have those delivered in the in the winter and we also want to see where we stand um once the building is almost finished whether or not Liz needs all of that furniture or whether she wanted something else uh for example we have some tables and some rocking chairs and she kind of wants to see the feel of the ex of the building before we pull the trigger on what that package is going to be on the outside so um but for the interior desks and office makeup uh we'll be putting that purchase order together uh to release that item so that it can be delivered uh as we get closer to substantial completion in March scrolling down a little bit uh what we have some of the progress that we had like we said we did the second floor slab uh we're laying out some of the interior and exterior walls that material is being delivered this week week so we can start roughing out the interior walls and start getting the the layout of the of the building itself um some of the hbac and plumbing uh roughing is being done so those trades are starting to mobilize and there's starting to be a lot more activity on site um we've also the site contractor is mobilized again we had Littleton light on site today dropping in a utility pole on on shadik Street uh as well as the um the risers for the secondary power uh as well as the communication duct bank that's going into the rear of the building we have the Transformer Pad delivered and inspected by Littleton light as well as confirmation from Littleton light that we will have a Transformer that will be uh ready to go and installed when we need it um to show a few pictures for those that haven't been able to uh visit the site lately this is from last month so uh this is this is dated a couple weeks old and there's been quite a bit of progress that's happened since then uh this is a good shot of the slabon deck on the second floor this is at a point where uh before the concrete is poured we have our thirdparty tester come out uh and inspect all of the rebar to make sure that it's per the structural engineers requirements um this is uh you can see the the chairs and the uh rebar mesh that was put down for this deck uh I believe it's a 4in slab up on the second floor um you can see the boxes in in the foreground as well which are the Electrical uh floor boxes that are are prepped and put in place uh so there doesn't need to be any coring through the second floor once the slab on Deck is poured some more pictures of the deck and you can see the columns were boxed out those will be filled in later as well and this is one of the electrician uh Journeymen who's uh rigging up some of the temporary lighting make sure we have adequate lighting once the trades mobilized before we get permanent power and permanent fixtures on the first and second floor some delivery of pipe here's the finishing of the second floor slab on deck that was a big day that we had that uh as well as we had some watering on that to make sure we have a continuous uh moisture on that on that slab to prevent any cracking uh as it cares some more pictures as it as a begins to cure the following day you can see the whirly birds in the background as they give the uh the burn finish that we had up on that's called for on the second floor some of the prep of the exterior walls with the um the metal studs that are going in those were shot in uh We've progressed quite a bit and this wall that you see here is actually already sheathed with the dens glass that we need we are making good use also of the uh mockup that that the committee approved uh that is on site and we're going kind of incrementally uh with subcontractors putting in the materials having it inspected uh and then proceeding with the work uh the next the next phase will be the window installation um in which we will uh inspect the install of the window we'll release the install of all of the windows but then we will also come back and and pick a selective few of these windows and perform a water test in addition to the blower door test to make sure we're not getting any infiltration some of the templating a lot of pictures this this month so um and here's a a a good shot of uh the kitchen on the side on the what I believe is the east side of the building uh with the associated parit wall that goes around the kitchen which will hide some of the mechanical equipment that's going to be on top of the kitchen including of the hbac exhaust fan um couple other updates we held a commissioning meeting today our commissioning agent uh is fully engaged now he's been reviewing our hbac uh mechanical and Electrical uh submitt um we have targeting towards the end of the year to be doing mechanical startup so they'll be fully engaged making sure that all the mechanical equipment is running uh is running appropriately and also running to the sequence of operations that the mechanical engineer uh has set forth in the specs so things are going very well right now uh we have a few uh coordination items that we're going to be coming in the next few months that will be with some of the um the sewer tie-in we had a a successful conversation with um Littleton water and thank you to Ryan and and uh for helping kind of uh get this conversation going that we uh we shouldn't have any issues tying into the existing system uh and opening on time uh based upon switching flows from one building to the next we'll also have water infiltration for drainage that'll be tied into the infiltration Basin that's in between the um the library and the senior center uh but when talking with Al he understands that we want to keep the disruption down to a minimum we're going to try to stay off the parking lot as much as we can and take only only what we need in order to tie into that system that said I believe that's our our update for today with the with the senior center I think we're we're in a really good position right now I do want to bring up for this project a couple um potential change orders that decisions need to be made um so if I can just show that quickly uh to the committee we have uh two to bring to you today um that we're recommending for approval uh actually one we're recommending for approval one we're asking the committee what they want to do and the first is metalclad wood Door and Hardware changes uh as part of the coordination with our security vendor some of the doors need to be prepped uh differently than how they were speced uh this is mainly for the wood doors that we have they need to have uh integral drilling interior of the doors in order to have vertical bars uh to meet the hardware that needs to go into the into the doors so um if we want those uh hidden inside the wooden doors to uh coordinate with our access control system this was the change order that was given uh from the door hardware consultant I'm sorry the door hardware subcontractor uh raising their their contract ultimately from around $55,000 to to 60,800 uh so that change in Delta uh is going to be $583 55 the one that we're looking for an opinion on uh from the committee uh is a change order we're calling the alternate Foundation cover this was brought up by our Architects that they are recommending that we do this work uh during the value engineering portion of this project we took out um we had to take out some items in order to make sure we were comfortable with the cost of this project one of which was removing some of the stone on the exterior of the building and as if you've seen our mockup or if you've seen uh some of the drawings the the water table around the building there's about 3T above grade that's going to be kind of a decorative masonry stone that goes around the perimeter of the building we removed that on some of the areas of the building uh primarily on the step down portions where we lose grade from the second floor down to the first floor instead of rock we have a fiber um fiber cement board that's backed up by CMU very similar to what we have at the library if you remember that type of uh cement board that's face drilled into the foundation wall that has some sort of a texture to it that is what that is the condition that we have at these Corners um we asked for a uh a price in order to continue the stone veneer around these corners and I can show you um a quick a quick elevation to show you where these uh locations are um and I'll do the best I can to describe to you where where this is this is the um this is the East elevation of the building here and this would be if you're standing in the house on 31 shat and looking at the building where the grade steps down uh you can see what they're what they're proposing is to change these steps from fiber cement into the um decorative masonry that would come down and so that would be consistent for the East Side the south side which which is the front of the building on shadik street so you could see the returns here at the top of the um at the top of the grade where it would tie in currently what we own is just that fiber cement board and then the stone would be only up at the very top of the grade uh and across same would go for this corner as you can see the stepping down uh changing from fiber cement to the stone so that would go for the all four cor all four uh sides of the building mainly at the corners and at the step down on either side the change order for that uh came in at around uh $25,000 we then asked for a credit back for all of the fiber cement board uh work that needed to be done that credit came in at around $111,000 for a net ad of just under 15,000 14 4,968 uh 09 so uh it's been reviewed um it seems as though that this price is pretty fair and reasonable based upon what what we're paying for the overall scope of the Decorative Stone we understand that the stepping of this Stone does cause a little bit more labor as well because of the flashing um but we'd leave it up to the committee as whether or not they'd want to pursue this uh but I want to give you all the facts and where we stand here currently um we have approved $2,000 out of 68,000 in our contingency uh and right now in our pending without everything shaking out looks as though we have an additional around $133,000 right now in the queue that's still being vetted out from the project team so it's something from the contingency we obviously can afford um it's more it's more whether or not the committee would like to see uh us putting the stone back in now that we feel as though that the project can can accommodated so Brian let me ask you this have you uh reviewed this with Liz and with Ryan uh so we have our change order meetings I I don't believe that we got an opinion from Liz whether or not she wanted to go forward with this one um so so this committee implements policy we don't make policy so I would like to have I'd like to defer this to get an opinion from the uh stakeholders okay sure and if if the opinion is that they would they would much prefer the stone is that something that we're okay to proceed with at that time or would you like me to bring it back well are you asking us to tentatively approve it based on uh the um opinion of the stakeholders we we can we can that would be that would be great I mean us as the OPM can be the Arbiter once we get the opinion of the of the stakeholders at that point to make sure that we're not proceeding with and spending money that maybe the end user doesn't want so I'm gonna ask Bob and Bartlett if they're okay with that Steve I I sat in on the meeting while we discussed this it was one of our construction meetings and I think by um putting the the stone there is going to make it look a lot better and the um that fiber board um I think after a while with the weather beating on it uh rain and stuff like that it might deteriorate I think the stone is a better shot I I totally agree I'm I'm I'm in favor of it but we don't make the policy so I I would like to have uh the decision made by the policy makers if it helps at all I mean I think it makes sense as well if it helps um um this conversation I do think um you know um I do think that the the change um is more in the spirit of where we originally were so um uh so I I'm I'm good with it as well Eric is seconding Ryan on that okay so I think uh we can we can make uh a motion to approve that then the only the only other change here that is green I just want to bring attention to it is a we had a conflict with our light poles and the drainage that's going to be accommodated by an allowance that we have within the GMP so it's not going to be coming out of the town's contingency it's something that we work with Commodore and that's something that they're going to be paying out of their out of their um allowances that's built into their contract um as something that was a hold that they had so um that's nothing we had we are going to work on on our end of on our side of the of the contingency so the the ask that we have for tonight is 20771 64 C so that includes the uh modifications to the doors right so if we do not do the modifications to the doors does the hardware go on the outside correct is there a big deal with that uh because of the decorative doors that we have here with the metal clad wood doors that we have um the entry and and vestibule doors would have either exposed or exterior Hardware on them and it also may change um some of our security that we have at that point what their their integration into it I'm uh what I assume What's the total for that change 5,000 uh 5800 I don't know I've got I've got mixed feelings on it but I'll leave it up to the committee I mean I I don't I don't have an objection to the uh Hardware being surface mounted and I can pull I can show what that change is um here's this what we're looking at right here um we need to have a vertical Raceway prep uh we'll need to have the Von duper con sealed Rod um and and I believe that's what the changes were so that's what reflected the uh the 8,832 which then there was a credit for the prep for the original metal clad wood doors so how many doors are we talking about uh good question so two of them are the ones uh that are being uh changed from a different finish and then all of the doors except 202 and 203 will have uh the electric hinge with the Raceway prep on it so that's it's roughly I believe it's f it could be over 15 doors Steve and actually it's not it's not as many because these are the ones that are prepped for for security so it's uh probably around 10 you know I I I I don't think it's money well spent personally but I'll leave it up to the committee $5,500 in the cost of a what 1718 million job I don't think is going to kill us well Bartlett any comments um not anything substantive no um I find doors with it hidden Hardware sometimes confusing as to which side has the hinges and which side has the latch so you know exit doors that don't don't have visible Hardware are sometimes confusing but um I don't think that's a significant amount of money in the overall um and I will say just to help as well uh we are tracking and and preparing within the next few months we'll be providing some of the credit change orders that we've worked through um as you can see the ones that are in the parentheses we are expecting uh some credits upwards of around 110 to $120,000 that um that we have found by removing some scope with our sprinkler system um with some of the finishes on the first floor uh as well as some of the exterior bench which was a um double covered by by owner supplied scope all right take carean could you could you refresh my memory about the the function of electric hinges uh yes so with our access control and with any type of um with the access control that will be prepped by our electrical contractor that will bring power and low voltage to above these doors and that will run through the hinge and either through the door to the strike side of the door okay which then corresponds to a card reader uh and that card reader gets programmed by the end user uh and can also be programmed to be opened and closed on certain times if meetings are going to be used in the building well since the committee seems uh disposed to uh accepting this you know I'll uh ask for a vote all those in favor of this uh change order you want a motion on Steve Steve are you talking about just the doors or or both of I think we voted on the other one didn't we or not I think it's a package St of $2,771 64 okay then let's uh vote on the package for the uh doors and the um and the wraparound block right I make a motion that we spend $2,771 64 on that change order second I'll second I'll second that okay all in favor Bob Bob rley yes Bartlett Bartlett yes and Steve yes motion carries next thank you and just lastly I wanted to show the quote uh this is from the cha security this is what we were talking about this includes our access control system as well as the security cameras we've had the police chief review the security camera layout as well as the access control which he confirmed he was he was good with the layout with this this is uh within our budget that we have for security and access control uh so I'm not sure if you is if the committee wants to vote or needs to vote on this as it was something that was included as part of our budget and is within our budget um but we've reviewed this and we're going to be working with the town to ISS issue a purchase order similar to the library where on our um once a purchase order is issued we will track that within our invoice packet and we would bring any invoices that came from here after we reviewed them it's part of the packet and then broken down by purchase order and then our overall budget so I I don't have a problem with it being under budget since this is proprietary have we done the paperwork required by the state so it's a good question and Ryan had the same question um what I have done in the past with the library is that I solicited three quotes and then realized that nishoba was the system that we had at Town Hall and I called the attorney general's office who told me that I was good to go with the uh existing vendor that we use in town uh so I was going to provide the um the old communication that I had from uh the library uh in order to engage with them for this purchase order so all we need to do is a mem to file right basically right St because what it is is This falls under the soul Source exemption corre so and we'd say okay why is it Soul sources because we need a system that corresponds uh with our existing system in town we'll be making the same argument on 36 King Street as well for um the Indian Hill project long as we're in compliance great thank you Brian one more thing on the um Senior Center um we were talking about um the driveway being um putting down a temporary coat of of a pavement a binder coat for the winter yeah so we're yeah we're GNA put down just binder um Commodore asked us if we'd like to put our top coat down before the winter we think it's going to be the best uh the best product for the town if we wait until the spring and we're ready to turn over and we put a fresh top coat down probably in March or April when the plants open up uh to give you that finished product so uh one less winter of plowing and shoveling that would need to happen on your on your finished product agreed yeah okay anything else on the senior center no move on to Indian Hill and I'm going to kick this to Matt who's going to provide an update on this uh I I do have to step out for one second and so Steve if if I may just kind of skip over for the police station I've I've spoken with uh the Waterproofing Company who's going to provide us a date and time when they can perform uh uh some moisture testing and then as well as provide a proposal for some destructive testing above those Sills that we looked at last Friday uh to to do some investigative work as to exactly what's going on above the windows uh in question so I hope you get something in the next day or two I'll send that to uh the committee as well as Ryan um you know with our uh understanding about what they're actually going to do and then coordinate I think uh bringing Tim into the conversation at this point it'd be good to understand if the dehumidification system within the police station is functioning properly if there's any way to determine that because when uh Jeff went into his office I think it was on Monday it was extremely humid in there he mentioned that as well yeah yeah so I think maybe also with with the the Waterproofing Company doing some some testing on that exterior band is is to maybe get Eric caught up to speed on some of the existing systems we have yeah um and and the DX the dehumidification that we have in those areas yeah I plan on heading over to the police station probably tomorrow um the last two days were really busy and I had to get to the fire station too so the fire station is out of the way the police station is hopefully going to be tomorrow talk to Matt in the morning thanks okay great thanks Eric okay thank you I plan to be back on but thank you very much right well Brian steps out I'll see if I can share screen here um put up the uh the monthly report for uh for King Street can folks uh folks see the screen here y yes excellent uh so a lot of progress uh this month on uh on King Street uh beginning with the formal receipt of the uh the building permit uh which we which we got from the town um so that was was good to get that so that construction activity could formally commence uh so with the receipt of that uh we really forged ahead with um interior selective and bulk demo so classic was able to make considerable amount of progress as we'll see in some of the uh the pictures that are attached to the to this report uh but um so along with that uh classic continued some exploratory work their focus at this time is on exterior items they want to try to get that um squared away before uh the um the season changes and and winter sets in uh but they've Contin to identify areas where there was unforeseen um rot in some of the sheathing assessing the siding getting that taken care of one key Milestone uh from this past month was that the roof was fully replaced uh by Cape Cod Builders who's the the subc consultant to to Classic uh doing the roofing uh so that was a big step uh there uh along with some of the the physical progress classic has also been working with uh with all parties um particularly the design team and their structural engineer uh on uh admin items the submittal the rfis uh and getting sort of approval on some of their items so they can release uh materials uh and and keep um keep on their schedule which they are on schedule they're um they're tracking um to I want to say it it's um October is is when they're planning to be uh to be fully done with uh with exterior stuff including painting uh so if you were to drive by today you would see it would look slightly different than this we did um have the assistance of the Town DPW to pull some of this vegetation away from the building uh a little bit to support classic having access to um assess some of the siding in there and that ultimate to perform the uh the siding repair and replacement uh scope that is part of the project uh so you'll see some green items here uh we're proceeding uh currently on budget we're committed to 79% of our total project budget with uh contracts and um and soft cost that's to Classic and to the design team uh and to vertex uh and we're about 133% complete uh in terms of our overall invoicing against the the project which is commentate we feel with the physical progress on the construction project um so let's see here what else did I want to say um so yes the um the let's see what else did I want to say I think that was uh largely it I will scroll ahead a little bit to show some pictures you can see here the uh the carpet under layen uh was uh removed and and we've done some you know removal of things opening of uh different areas uh this is you know Classics demo crew uh in here taking material out Matt were they able to get those natural light tubes in uh so they're we're we're coordinating that right now uh and I say that because they encountered a um an unforeseen condition where the Attic uh is not quite uh in the configuration that they thought it was and it may be challenging to Route those solar tubes down through the attic into the spaces uh so we're working on that uh classic and LLB uh are working to understand how they can route those and really make the most of the um the solar tubes that we own as part of the base contract scope there are four of them in the design now and we're um we're going to be working with classic to understand what we can uh do to get the best possible result for the areas that need the natural light and I know Eric's been a part of those coordination um conversations as well yeah so just so you guys can understand the original the original thought was that the solar tubes were only going to come through one attic space and down into the second floor but as we or as the contract ctors got involved they realized there was a second and a third attic space above that so in order to bring the tubes through into the second floor they're going to have to add 16 ft to each one of the tubes and we also discussed that would have to penetrate the brand new roof and the added cost of the extension and all that stuff was probably not going to be something that the town would want to assume for this so we're trying to come up with some sort of alternative solution with maybe LED lighting or something like that I think that's something that building committee might want to discuss too yeah so I mean I mean you know I I'm not sure how 16 feet of attic space got missed in the design uh process yeah it it I can see how it was missed since I've been on site and actually looked at the space and from when you're standing there looking and and the way the roof appears to pitch up at a peak and then you know kind of Gamel Gamel truss across it actually goes up another level and there's a a crawl space up inside the attic up there that adds an additional 16 ft to that well I would assume that the uh anyway we'll talk about that yeah it's kind of hard to explain but uh I'll I'll do a better job I I'll try to get some photographs of the I have some pictures but I'll try to get some better photographs of the space to maybe describe it to the the board but so the roof hasn't been penetrated for these yet not yet but the roof has been replaced already yeah that's uh I'm I'm not in favor of uh penetrating the roof for three uh for I agree 100% so if it was up to me I would eliminate them and use the money to convert some of the fluorescence to LED but um I've been talking with Diane and we're we're working on a a plan to kind of mitigate that but I don't think we're going to proceed with those at this point we have not made the penetrations yeah I I would avoid that I think you also lose the value of the I don't know yeah it becomes a roof drain at some point that we're going to have to deal with and the maintenance of it and all that I just I don't see the return on return on the investment ever and I I don't know why we have fluoresence in the design anyway we should have all LEDs so the yeah the fluorescents are existing so my compromise was to try and work with something like Mass Save or or maybe we could you know just do do something to continue on the Green Path but also get rid of the holes in the roof yeah absolutely agree 100 per. I would just if if I could just add to this um we did talk a little bit about this today in the coordination meeting and Eric I know you weren't there so I think we're w recognizing the difficulty of like the of trying to cover the 16t um span and and and that you know that's problematic but I think they were looking at some other options so I would Echo Matt sentiment that we are still trying to find some sort of solution um you know as an alternative uh to provide some light up there um a more natural light up there so but I think in general the 16 foot span I think we we all kind of agree that that's not a good move for us that's a deal killer y but it does represent scope the the four solar tubes do represent scope that is owned in the contract and so there's a value there that may be part of of some um horse trading that we do with classic if you will to uh to try to realize that value elsewhere in the project if we don't end up installing them yeah there was discussion of maybe modifying a window on one of the ends and you possibly doing some other type of you know Green conversions and also considering trying to bring natural light to the space next sure so we're just working through here um have photos of the uh the DPW in progress of of clearing the um some of the brush around the building um building permit um mounted and in place uh and then an action shot of uh the uh the roof um in progress here uh this was where they started was in the back of the building uh ripping doing the membrane and then putting the new roof on so at this point they were already well into putting the uh the roof back on um so really they they had a whole Army of of of flavorers and they worked very uh very quickly to to get that roof replaced let's see anything else that I wanted to talk about no don't think so um any questions I guess yeah I have a question I don't know I don't quite understand where this 16 foot dis discrepancy came from and my question is um does that have any influence on on the design of the thermal envelope I don't know quite where the thermal envelope is in this you know whether it's on the roof or you know through the attic um but it's just you know I don't understand um I'm asking if it makes any difference to to the plan to insulate the building that's a good question I don't believe it it would because I I believe that space that we're talking about where that 16 ft has to go is all sprayed foam insulation in there um okay but I'm not 100% correct but the reason it's 16 ft is is because if you look at the pitch of that roof it has to come through the double attic and then down into the second floor where those skinny windows are on the the kind of second level of that picture there right so it it has to come in at an angle through a double attic basically and and then down again MH um I do have some pictures I can probably send out um tomorrow so is is there any plant is there any let me let me rephrase this is there any um is is the attic usable for any kind of storage I would say no it's uh there's ceilings too low and it's too hard to get up to it's just basically a dead crawl space up there in the peak accessing it would be a challenge yes okay just just ask him you asking for a friend Steve what's that are you asking for a friend no I was I you know if I were PM or the uh Park and wreck and if I had a 16 foot attic I'd say you know what could I store up there so but apparently we don't yeah it's kind of deceiving it it's a pretty steep pitch low ceiling crawl space there and there's some duct work and other got it okay any uh any other comments or questions on Indian Hill so Steve we G to uh put a hold on these natural light tubes yeah I think I think we have to do that we we need to look at another option I think uh we're in agreement Ryan I don't yeah I don't think we're going to take any action on it and we'll bring something back to you because I think we we we need to come up with a different solution and some of that might be um you know just uh as as U Matt had mentioned you know looking at uh you know some sort of potential credit on some of it and then you know maybe revising ways in which um Eric had talked about bringing more light to that area because I think that's really the focus of what the employees want out of this which is light um and you know no one wants to be in a dark space it would seem that you'd lose the value of the natural light if you're going to extend it that far out I think you're right there's a little bit of that and I think there's also the you could arguably put more um you know some of I think as I understand you can reflect the light things that nature but it's a point taken Bob but I think what we'll say to you and and the whole committee tonight is that we're going to hold off on the action and come back with something to you in terms of um you know what we're looking for for a plan that sound good mat yeah that's I think the idea is that we want to gather more information uh work with classic a little bit to understand how where we could realize this value perhaps better and then come back with a with a a proposal on on what we actually recommend what we do yeah that sounds good Sor SS like a plan sure any uh any other uh comments questions on Indian Hill no go ahead I'm all set Steve um Brian provided information on the police station move on to member input uh Bob anything all set Barlett no I'm all set and I think I'm all set I just wanted to remind people that Tim Bartlett's going to be uh one of the members of the uh committee hopefully as soon as he gets sworn in t Tim Harvey what did I say you said Tim Bartlett so anyway um is there a motion to adjourn so moved seconded okay uh all in favor Bob Bob R yes Bartlett Bartlett Harvey yes and Steve yes next meeting participation we'll see you oh you know what um is Ryan still on the meeting oh yeah yep I am are we still having a um uh School Board uh meeting right so on the 2 Wednesday the 21st which is next week we're doing a virtual meeting um that will be uh it is basically of the Shaker Lane School building committee meeting that we're doing as a joint meeting with the um school committee select board finance committee and and any of the other members of the pmbc uh so that we're we're going to post for the pnbc such that if other members do choose to attend uh we'll we'll have that officially posted so and I think um Steve you had mentioned earlier give a nice outline of what we're going to be talking about that meeting which is looking at um what the recommendations uh will be to um uh to the um msba in terms of the options we're looking at as well as having a sort of a preliminary look at what some of the cost estimates would be as well but don't we have to have a follow-up meeting on the 28th uh to vote on what we uh present to the msba I think um and that you're saying that for the Shaker Lane school committee yeah yeah we may have to I I uh I'd have to check on that Steve um uh but um that is a possibility to Pro because I think what we look I think that I would say that's probably right with the Shaker Langan group not with the pmbc uh because we would then have to affirm whatever was discussed uh and guidance we received uh from the meeting on the 21st yeah I I talked to Mark last week about that so as far as the pmbc meeting on the 28th we may have to um cancel that because three of the uh pmbc members are on the Shaker Lane School building committee which need to be in that meeting on the 28th that' be point point taken yes Bob myself and uh is it Mike Mike Mike yeah yeah so um next meeting to be determined all right well thanks for your participation and uh we'll see you at the next meeting thanks all