##VIDEO ID:czxgqxmWYYE## welcome to pmbc meeting for September 25th uh 2024 we'll start start the meeting with a warrant we do don't have a warrant um approve the meeting minutes from 911 I sent those out with my edits are there any comments is there a motion to approve uh Steve I had a question yeah uh yeah yeah the the minutes were good I since I'm new uh you know everything was very helpful just to see what was going on and it looked like your uh your edits you were sort of uh deleting a lot of the details and you know just not being familiar with the projects the details were helpful to me at least and and I just wondered why uh you know it just seemed like some of that information was kind of good stuff uh you know a lot of it was maybe um you know just not relevant to the overall theme of the uh meeting um it gets a little bit wordy uh Marilyn is a stenographer and she takes down every single word so um it gets it's very wordy if you look at me meeting minutes from other um other groups they'll just say um reviewed um presentation period you know something like that so I'm I'm trying to make it as informative but uh somewhat brief um prise it gets a little sometimes it gets a little wordy and confusing and redundant okay that's why I do the edits okay so I mean you know I I send the edits out everyone can take a look at them if they um disagree with them feel free to uh you know challenge me so any other comments is there a motion to approve I'll make a motion to approve the minutes second okay we'll do a roll call vote Bartlett Bartlett yes Stacy Stacy yes uh Tim yes uh Mike Mike sko yes and Steve Mor yes they'll move over to Shaker Lane um Stacy uh want to give us an update uh yeah we had a meeting last week um on the 18th with Studio G and tth uh what we were working on was just the uh design progress on the PSR as well as I think probably the biggest takeaway was that we were um working on establishing a sub committee for community outreach program um which uh we voted that Kelly clenchy I believe Michelle Kane Ryan ferera um another school Committee Member we're going to be a part of that committee to focus on making sure that we have a a lot of community input and a lot of Community Education for this project um it's probably one of the biggest projects this town will have we're going to need a lot of community input on that and a lot of community involvement um so our next meeting is going to be let me just look my calendar real quick um it's going to be next Tuesday I believe I just had it up next Wednesday the second okay next Wednesday the second yep yeah um there we have yeah next Wednesday so we'll be um working on I think I looking at the agenda here we're voting a new chair and then we're still getting more updates on the PSR um and budgets so yeah I think next Tuesday or Wednesday's meeting is kind of a strategy meeting uh planning for the um joint meetings with the uh select board the planning not the planning uh select board school board and the finance committee right y all right um going down to the senior center Brian you want to give us an update yeah quick update and to uh to answer Tim nice to meet you um for as it pertains to a lot of the details um on the first meeting of the month that we have for pnbc we usually share our monthly reports for both of the projects that we're working on uh both Senior Center and King Street Renovations so we'll distribute those to the entire pmbc um hopefully that can kind of catch you up to where you are and feel free to ask any questions you've got about either of those projects um we can get into as much detail as you want you're also invited to our weekly meetings that we have those can sometimes be a little little boring but um you know we go through uh the real nitty-gritty on those on a weekly basis on Wednesdays so um hey Brian do you have uh Eric's uh email Eric Eric derba oh yeah yep yeah make sure you include him on that the distribution definitely okay thanks um so are those weekly meetings those are the construction meetings on correct yep we provide a we provide a hybrid link um Bartlett likes to join on those when he can and and so we have a large screen in the conference area that we can beam in people that aren't able to attend in person um so like I said we we don't have our monthly report and we don't have uh any change orders to to uh present to the committee tonight but from uh from the last time we spoke we're really we're moving right ahead we had a blower door test today to check the envelope and the tightness of the building we actually passed that with flying colors we were done the test before lunchtime so that's real encouraging news with that um we will have a final test once um doors and hardware and finishes are in the building uh in order to satisfy code but we were exceeding those results already uh now that our envelope is tied in uh our masonry uh is ongoing as well as our site contractor doing site infiltration uh between the uh Senior Center and the library in that area there's going to be the subsurface infiltration that's going in we're coordinating with our commissioning agent for the um hbac scope of the portion we had a meeting with him to go over some of the prefunctional checklists before the equipment gets on site security is being coordinated uh for our access control and camera systems that will be installed uh as drywall is going up we also had a visit uh I reached out to the committee a couple weeks ago last week we had a visit from the Inspector General uh they took a field trip out to our project uh just to kind of see how CM risk projects are going we provided them some feedback I think this is the first project that they actually went to too um all went well I think that they were really encouraged with uh how Littleton runs their business and and how this project has gone uh thus far so um we really didn't have any any bad feedback and and and they took all of our our feedback that they that we gave um and we're really encouraged by that so we'll let them find a a bad project somewhere else um but they they were happy to happy for their visit so I think Bob Bob rley was there as well right that's correct that's correct yep um for the next couple of weeks before we have our next meeting uh elevator should be mobilized on site uh the siding and the drywall will be delivered within this week so you guys will start to see some of the changes on the exterior of the building uh like we said site work has been mobilized and right now we're still tracking for a substantial completion date of the 11th of March uh and that does not count for any final Paving and striping uh as well as any Associated plantings as we see what the weather is going to be uh um we've also asked about a a stakeholder walkth through for some of the town and possibly the pmbc to do a walkth through of the building we are um commodor requested if we just wait until the interior stairs are installed those are scheduled to be done in the next couple weeks um so we'll be in touch about a possible walkth through probably towards the end of one of the working days uh when commodor is still on site but some of the trades are are offsite so that we can provide a uh a walk through to show some of the people uh the inside of the building as that's not been visible for quite some time so will the interior Treads be poured or will they just be in filed yeah they're they're a pan stair uh so that the plan is to be installed and then poured uh and then the temporary railings if the railings aren't part of the system then temporary railings be put up to provide as much safety as we can okay thanks yep um the two things I did want to bring to the committee tonight are two amendments uh not to Commodore side but to the design side side uh and I can explain them one of which and I can pull them up if you'd like I'll give a quick explanation the first is something we knew we were always going to have to do and that is at 31 shatak that we use our construction house right now we knew that this project was going to need to uh accommodate uh because of the project is taking out the the septic system out back uh as part of the new footprint of the building uh we coordinated with Littleton water that we would be doing a tie-in to the New Forest main that's out in shat Street um exploring down in the basement of the residence we had the old cast iron piping that's leaving the house in the rear we need to have the engineer to have a take a look at that uh repipe that to have it come out the front of the building to where our civil engineer is going to pick it up from there and do the tie into the new uh Force main on shadic the other portion of this is also uh due to the boundary of the senior center it encroached on the old existing driveway of 31 shat so the civil engineer is going to put a plan together for a small driveway uh for this residence um with the intention that when we're done with the project we hand this back over to the town uh and then it's up it's their purview what they'd like to do the town would be operating with with fully functioning Water and Sewer uh as well as a parking space um if the if the intention is to is to resell it at that point um that amendment is 8,200 50 I will say we have the soft cost contingency for this as well as an allowance within the uh guaranteed maximum price of commodore to perform the work um 2500 of that is for the plumbing engineer 2500 of that is for the Civil work out in the in the front yard as well as the tie-in and the other 2500 is for the uh drawing rings for uh the new proposed driveway um and then the uh the markup for administration uh from all three parties uh to actually come out and inspect as this work is going on so that's the first amendment second am will fix fix price that's correct proposals yep okay the and you're and you're recommending approval of that that's correct yes I actually met with both Engineers on site today and walked it with them um they both have a good understanding of the scope um a question I did have I wanted to make sure that the old cast iron piping if we can go to p BC as it's going to be a a residential um purposes at this point um and that will cut costs as well about the actual piping that needs to be done getting it out of the house so that was uh relayed to the engineer and and understood Ryan question is is this to plan and design the work or to actually execute the work this is to plan and design the work yep and so the actual execution of the work is something that we knew was going to need to happen and we worked with commodor knowing that we didn't have anything on paper yet but we held an allowance inside their guaranteed maximum price uh in order to perform this work if anything exceeds that amount um it would it would be coming out of the GMP contingencies that we have and if it's lower than that amount obviously the the town would be entitled to for for reimbursement on that money the uh Second Amendment is a small Amendment for $1,815 this is actually it's been a little delayed in getting to me been asking for uh but it is for the relocation of the elevator machine room um drawings went out bid on we got our guaranteed maximum price during the coordination period with the subs it was deemed that the elevator machine room needed to relocate on the basement floor from one area to the other um the engineers had put in an invoice to the designer um such that the the Mechanicals that needed to be relocated in order to put it on this part of the building building it was determined that it was for the best interest of the town to put it here um and for the small amount of fee that we have here with the with the size of the soft cost contingency we have we are recommending that as well and this one I can actually I will uh share my screen we can see that this is the amendment 11 for 1815 uh and not to move too fast I will skip quickly over to to our vendor invoice packet uh which we sent this is our previous one that was already approved but this is something that would be coming out of our owner's project contingency which we have yet to spend anything out of so hey Brian we can't see we can't see your screen oh you can't no no okay one second black I I can see it I can see I can see it really is it is the budget page up yes it is Steve it might be something specific to Steve okay no doubt well to to verbalize it Steve in our in our owner's project contingency which actually is outside of our construction contingency we're holding over 150 Grand right now which we haven't tapped into um and both of these uh amendments would be coming out of out of that kitty so for a total of um just under $1,000 um we would be uh recommending both of these amendments to to LLB for for the design work for this work the only other thing I had uh for the pmbc uh regarding Senior Center um the the director has also been giving us updates on any uh potential Friends of the of the COA that are providing any um the foundation and grants as that coming we're making sure that we're coordinating with that if there's going to be any recognition or signage that needs to be uh incorporated into the building so we're putting out our furniture package within the next month that'll be ordered to make sure that it's on on site um hitting the window when the contractor is done yet we don't want it uh waiting around for the furniture at the same at the right time so we'll have that on site uh in March and uh the signage package and recognition and donor packages will be uh will hopefully be wrapped up by that point as well so Brian do you need us to vote on those two um those two items that's correct so it would be a Amendment proposed amendment 10 and 11 uh for a total of um excuse me it would be $1,065 can you um put that in a motion format with the uh dollar amount for each one me yeah sure um yes we're looking for a uh motion to approve LLB amendment 10 and 11 for the total amount of $1,065 for Design Services for the senior center is there a motion to approve still moved second seconded okay roll call vote Tim uh Tim Harvey yes uh Bartlett Bartlett Harvey yes Stacy Stacy yes Mike Mike scudo yes H Steve more yes okay thanks Brian um anything else any questions on Senior Center yeah um I have a question for Brian um I I thought I understood this morning or this earlier this afternoon about the um blower door test that um it the the test actually exceeded the the passive house standard and I was wondering um if that's if I understood correctly and um if is there a CFM figure that associated with that yes uh I don't have those specific figures Bartlett um but when when a when a project is going for either passive house certification or lead certification there are specific thresholds that they need to hit um but there's also a standard code that needs to be hit now through the stretch code with that envelope testing um so it was exceeding not only the state's regulations but even the the higher thresholds that we have I'm waiting for the report of this so that I can actually get the cfms and I can uh I can have that provided to you great thank you yep Brian are the doors and windows in place uh that the windows are in place and sealed the exterior doors are not in place those were U blocked up and sealed artificially got it okay anything else on Senior Center yes uh Brian Kirby call asking here um one did Mark Cy reach out to you for blueprints yes good thank you got those this afternoon I'll get them over to Mark uh probably tonight thank you sir um second thing is the elevator reload is that anywhere near where our gear is going to be for broadcasting sir no thank you very much that's all I was looking for yeah thank you Steve okay anything else on Senior Center okay we'll move over to Indian Hill ran yeah I can I'll make this make this quick uh King Street's moving right along um like we said at our previous meeting a lot of the unknowns and unforeseen and sins from previous years have have hopefully been identified um we do have one one large ask that we want to have the pmbc uh aware of and and vote to on their on their approval for it and I think uh with Eric here as well he's been he's been instrumental in helping us with you know dealing with a building that has a lot of uh issues with knowing that we were going to find uh problems and helping us find solutions to it so um from a construction standpoint uh most of the demo is complete we've prepped the entire exterior um The Roof is is 99% complete with some installation of a skylight that still needs to go in and some solar tube uh the exterior siding has been cleaned and prepped and replaced any rot as well as all uh sealed around all of the uh joints and windows the paint will start uh installation next week so that we can make sure paint is being applied in weather that it needs to be um the electrical has been mobilized uh for down in the basement the framing has gone on down in the basement for the parks and wreck department um and so we're moving right along uh with this the flooring sub was on site today that was also uh a good sign so we can discuss some of the LBT and carpeting uh and new flooring refinishing that's going to be going in that area um as of last meeting we did do our large bulk of uh of the change orders that we voted on to approve uh I do have the the PCO log for for us to review and I have just kind of one item on there and uh I will pull that up but uh to to verbalize it um with help with Eric when we had the building uh the uh fire protection system had been drained down we knew that there was a compressor that was trying to help supplement some of the pressure throughout the building when it was pumped back up and Al and actually filled with water it was determined that a lot of the fire protection Mains that are in the floor um have a lot of uh defects in them a lot of the vitalic fittings are starting to rot out a lot of corrosion and we're seeing drips coming from the old sprinkler piping we did have the uh sprinkler contractor on site who has a very minimal scope of work for this original project they have some additional heads they need to add but their scope did not uh encroach upon the system as a whole we use their kind of expert opinion to see what they thought on this and in working with Eric as well the the opinion was is to replace the main that we have on the first floor make sure that that is uh replaced and functioning properly being able to pump the system back up to pressure we still have the compressor in case we have any minor leaks that would be in these Branch systems but it's going to be something for the benefit of the building and it's not going to allow any drips or residual water to drip down onto finish ceilings or anything that we're doing new uh in the building so to and Eric is there anything that you wanted to share um your meeting Ju Just for the benefit of the rest of the uh committee here the uh it's a it's a dry system but there is some moisture in the piping right correct correct so um like Steve was saying since it is a dry system but when you compress the air there's some moisture that goes into there and because the system is dry with a little bit of moisture in there it actually corrodes a lot more than if it was completely full of water so in this case the main which is the lowest point or the the place where the condensation would collect the most is is pretty substantially rotted so the contractor advised that we replace a significant part of that and um hopefully by doing that we would you know minimize most of the leaks and then the air compressor would just supplement the branch leaks that and we would you know go on from there and the system should operate as normal but there's no guarantee thank you so in meeting with the the foreman of uh Excel fire protection what they are recommending and this would be over the supervision of us vertex as well as the general contractor is $40,000 which is about 2 to 3 weeks of work and what that would allow them to do is to replace the main on that first floor uh and replace it in kind uh with new piping however the the response that I got from the contractor is the Hope is that that it would not cost anywhere near this but this is to make sure that they're able to get all of it done on this on a not to exceed basis we would be tracking their Manpower as well as the time that they're on site as well as all the materials that would be going into this um into this area that has the old piping in it I also requested from the general contractor that we have uh if not daily every other day uh updates on the amount of Labor that has been spent and the amount of progress that's being made so that in the event that we feel as though this isn't this isn't going well or if we need to pull the plug quicker on this and take a timeout so that we can evaluate this system as a whole that we're not spending this entire amount of money on this so this was the um this was the number set by the sprinkler contractor with his estimate on the amount of time it would take to replace the mains uh and and we are recommending it after uh speaking through it with with Ryan the assistant Town Administrator as well as Eric uh out in the field um we do have our site manager who is overseeing the senior center as well as King Street he goes down on a daily visit every day day uh and one of his orders of business would be checking in with this contractor every day to get a list of materials as well as the time spent on this specific task I do want to take will the uh will the new piping be viic or will it be cast iron so it's I believe Eric that it would be being replaced in kind yeah would be being replaced in kind um if it would going to be fully replaced as a whole new system I think we disc discussed a new system would be um galvanized but in this case we don't really want to mix metal and we're just replacing it for uh what it is so to give a a quick uh cliff notes on where we were last uh last pmbc meeting we approved uh 70 just over $772,000 worth of of change orders um out of our original $218,000 construction contingency um with the approval of this $40,000 it would still have $105,000 remaining in our contingency to which I want to make sure that the pmbc is aware of things that we're tracking um we we do have an hbac unit up in the attic that uh is existing to remain uh and is currently working however we did have a third party mechanical contractor to take a look at at it understanding towards its end of use and end of life and we're going to at least get some quotes to see what that would take to replace it this is an air handler that serves the lobby on the first floor uh and through the analysis of all the units in the building this was the one that was identified that probably would need to be replaced first so we're going to we're going to at least track this down and something to bring to the committee after that the other variable is going to be our security and low voltage these are numbers that we do have carried in our budget uh working with Nancy glencross and the IT department um but we don't know what these numbers are going to be fully yet because the the scope has changed for good and bad on certain areas where we found some wire that is not the correct wire uh Nancy would like it to see it as a cat six cabling rather than a cad five um so we'll be doing some Replacements there as well as some upgrades to a security system which would include some minimal access control for both staffs to get into the first and second floors uh in their appropriate Department uh areas the last uh variable that we are tracking right now was a request regarding uh the downstairs children's area for parks and wreck and the possibility of including a bathroom down there there is framing that's going to be in an area for a future bathroom uh we have requested that um a design be put together so that we could get a price for what it would cost to have a dedicated bathroom down in the children's area area uh down on the basement floor um so that they're they're the children aren't having to come up to the first floor meeting room area in order to access the bathrooms there um we did do some exploratory work to see where the septic uh sewer piping exits the building and how it would be how a bathroom would work in the basement um there would need to be some sort of an emulsifying pump uh that would come out of the um toilet and and sink fixtures and pumped up the 7 ft to get to the lowest point that we have in that area in order to discharge it out of the building so as I see it those are pretty much the four large drivers that we have right now for the project and we're keeping a Keen Eye on here on the contingency um about making those decisions and recommending them to the pmbc what we do have uh and I can try to stop my share to do the same exercise that I had done uh for the senior center I have the uh King Street vendor invoice packet that we have here here's our contingency of the 218 we've just spent the 72,000 we also have some owner project contingency that we'd be able to use for some of these funds with a recommendation to from pmbc uh and this shows just about 700 Grand that we have total that has not been appropriated to anybody yet but there there are placeholders for things like Furniture um computers and technology that we're going to need for for servers and and racks and switches um so these are some of the numbers that we're we're we have in place but we don't have anything um actually committed to it yet um so for just tonight we're we're making a recommendation to proceed with the with the fire protection uh contractor uh to be with full review uh from vertex I don't anticipate them being complete by the next pnbc meeting but we would be at least give you an update on where we are with that not to exed number and what we foresee them being any underage or overage from that number well there won't be an overage because it's not to exceed right correct if I meant by overage I mean if they complete the work and we determine that um the branch piping is not is not in great shape but can still be um still be used based on the compressor that we have down in the in the mechanical room yeah there there would not be any overages on the not to exceed number no right uh can you stop sharing so I can't see anything on my screen um any other discussions or com comments on the uh proposal Yeah question Brian um so are you saying that you you know the branch and distribution piping on the fire protection has some leaks but you'll just run the air compressor to keep the system pressurized I mean it was wondering if that's you like how much air how much compressor running is you so to to be clear I don't think we really know the extent of on whether there's a lot of leaking in these Branch piping we do know that all the branch piping is back pitched to the mains where all of the moisture would be fed into and where it sits in and where when the testing was done the majority of leaks I believe and Eric correct me if I'm wrong we found around 10 or 12 leaks that were based directly in this main here and I believe the concern was well if we fix the main leaks and we Pump It Up and that's not going to leak anymore is it going to push the the pressure out to these branches and therefore create more leaks in these Branch piping The Hope in the hope is with the smaller branches that the leaks if there are any are minimal and can be accommodated by this compressor that's existing on here on the system okay yeah but we won't know until we do the branch yeah so is there a motion to to approve the uh not to exceed $40,000 to replace the uh Branch piping as identified by vertex it should be a motion to to replace the the main pipe isn't it instead of the branches correct okay I'll make a motion to approve the 40,000 not to exceed to replace the main second in the fire protection second okay roll call vote Bartlett Bartlett yes Stacy yes Mike sco yes Tim Tim Harvey yes and Steve Mo yes thank you okay any other comments or uh updates on the Indian Hill I have a question um the it sounds like there's going to be a lot of extra work monitoring this this Fire Protection work um extra work for vertex and I was wondering if that's going to change um the vertex billing great no that's uh that's going to be part of our our our activities that we have here we one of the benefits of having us down the street fulltime um you know we've worked out an agreement where you know Doug goes was down there for you know I I have him scheduled for about eight hours a week down on King Street um okay all right but he's been he's been doing a good job on checking in with the senior center in the morning while people are getting mobilized going down to uh King Street you know uh checking in on the activity that's going on there um and actually we'll be working with him too to make sure that we get the process going of check in with the contractor we're not standing over them watching them do it but at the same time we're getting there in the morning we're checking in at lunch we're coming in towards the end we're taking pictures and seeing the amount that's being done and documenting it yeah I will um this this is Eric by the way facilities manager I'm also checking in with Doug daily uh almost daily at King Street also and uh we're monitoring the work as well so we're kind of working together with vertex on all these great thank you okay now we'll move mov down to the police station I I inaccurately put Brian down here but I'll give the update uh the um ran Ferrara sent a uh contract out to the Waterproofing Company last Friday to do some uh testing of the uh masonry and the envelope of the building uh for moisture infiltration um I haven't seen anything com back so I don't know when the um work is scheduled to start but it would probably be in the next couple of weeks so the next uh item is member input uh Bartlett anything no I'm all set thanks Tim no sorry I'm just just getting up to speed yeah welcome aboard thanks uh Stacy all set uh Mike all set I'm all set also um the next meeting is scheduled for the 9th um appreciate your participation and uh see you next uh next month have a good evening motion to adjourn bye motion second oh yeah sorry um all in favor Bartlett yes uh Mike yes uh Tim yes and Steve I see Stacy is left uh Steve yes so that's a quum thanks thanks guys see you later thank you bye